RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ono tiquare. ono insertion; •• _Fornachuddltienel insertion, For Mercantile Advertisements, Levi Notices, • ' • Professional cards witliout or, Obituary Notloos and Communica tions rob, ting to matins of pi sato interests alone, 10 cents per • , JO3pRINTING.=Our Job printing Office 1$ the nuitaii•and moat complete ostablishmont in the .a uni -Hour good Prassee, and a general variety of material suited for. plain and. Fancy. work of every. and, enables di to do Job ,Printlngnt tOo shortest ' and on rho' most 'reasonable terms. Parsons n want of Mlle, Blsitlie; or tinythlng In the, Jobbing too, will find It to their interest to give us n gall: av r.PROFE' , SSION.A;L CARDS US..- PATENT- AGENCY. -C. L. Lecbman, 21.1ilaltStrect, Carlisle, Pa.,:executts drawings, specifiestin ,to., and prooures patontt for inventors, - . . • • A DAM :KELLER, - Attorney.at-140y A . Carlista, 011ico with W. M. Ponrono Esq. Rlloo,lll'B eara27 117.0 m. • J. M. WOAI(LY. W. F. SADLI6I6o WEAKLEY & SA - PLEI,t. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - Office No. 10 South linnover drool , Corllolo Pa. novl6 67. O. P. iniNinion. 101, 13. PARKER. HU:AMICK' & PARKER. TORNEYS AT LAW. Office on nen St, lu Marlon 31411. Corhole,Pn. G. A. .1701iNEY "At LAW, 'and Real Itstate Agent, Shut,llerilstown, West Virginia pre-Prompt attention given to all buslnoes In J offer son County and.tho Counties adjoining It. January 10, 1866, - ='.l y. - F - L_E.—.IIFILTZFLOOVER-,—Attorney .at Law °Mee in South Handiier street, opposite Itents's dry good store Carlisle, Pa. Septembar 0,150 d. TAMESS' - A:' DUNBAR, Attorney at lej_Lare,_Carlisle t -P-n—Offica in No. 7, Rheem , s-1101- •July. 1, 1864L-1y . T. 13; .ZEIGLER Attorney at Law, tp Hato: Mint 311nnesota. Communications from e East pr . operly responded to. slap-3m e. T D. ADAIR, Attorney At ! . Law, Pa. Wee lath A. B: Sharpe, Eaj., No. Jim - lover Street. • • TTNER, Jr., 'Attorney nt r, Mlleebnntesburg . , Pn. Mee on , ors north of the Bank. "ttended to. \ ttorney Law. ding imarkodialely op .JRGE S. SEA - i-, Donttst, from the Bahl. logo of Dental Burgory. eenidonco of his mother, East doorr• helm,. Bedford. - or. D. D. S. Dijhjoifit rata; of )partitive I)e . nikfi;• the inovitt • y ) , o •lt t lnne ~C ?l. l ego n emr.iw 0;1'14 . 'll;li'fir'etillielllC, pposi to Alarlon MI I, Vea Naln Aront, Cal - TAIL 11.21.RTZELL, Allopathic Physi xf. eiltuAtud_Accouchoue, haslng...pormauently In.. caged In Leesburg', Cumberland' county, At., respect• fully ofrerp his profossionel services to the public.- - Spncial ettontlon given to iliseap.n of women And t•hil• dren. a REFERENCES. ,OLIN G. °LICK, M. D. Wayneaboro, Dr. SA3IUEI, G. LANE, Cbarobersburg• Ran, ED, MOIL ERSON, Gettysburg, ISAAC SNIVELY. Waynesboro. S. D. FROUTZ, Waynesboro. N. D. Always found in his office when not oeherwis? kluuo 21—ti. pruna-sionally engaged. .S7'o VES AND TETIVA HaU,SEKEEPIOS ATTENTION ! All vorom, Sntelf ding to on to llouftelteebln;g nrolo. shell to call at WALKER 81, CLAUDIUS MEI .dNI) STOVE STORI , No, - IS, West Main Street, and examine their immetT, steak of STOVES, Til IVAItE, and averythitry, ju our line. Ilavlig greatly enlarged our 1i for tight; bust ness by scouring the splendid Store Bann, No.lB,lVest Main t trod; and having just received largo inVolee or We West and, best devices in the 'Teeter, Stoves Tinware and Japanned *are line, wo fool Tully just' tied In tblt statement that we can accommodate All Classes of 01002110'S niore satisfactorily than.any similar establishment in , this country. In the stove Apo we offer thefollow Lug IcEauLATOR.,'; - ExclEtpAr PENN, • NIAGARA, • • I c6.diiiNATION, • • NOBLE COOK, QUAKER CITY. • These are nil first-class Stoves, whltia trlt 'GM Vat-. rant to do what they ore reennimentletlM4but sea loiVe only apses to speak partieulnrly of 0110 or two whose morlts deserve especial vonntioti: TIIE REGULATOR COOK Vlstch possesses advautsges which should - recommend -it th all. It has a Revolving Top, by, which_ arrange: meat the cook can reverse (to cooking utensils to any, pos!tinn doolred wltimat Urn /kiting Of Plat. and Tassels which other storciirequire. It is decidedly the host cook stow, lie the market.- Wo have also of hand a large stunk of • • 0F.P10,.„ I'AR,LOR AND DINING ROOM STOVES callous uhlch may be found the celebrated base burU lug. • MORNINGT GLORY! The• most i)cauto(l Office awl . faclo iS'tove everAffered to thc—itblic-. Too much caultiit,bo onld in praise of the MORNING OLOItY, wh!ch'oofor has tahin tho leod'of fat other ttovoo to tho nitnicot. It It A GA S 00 N S 1.1 ER; burns It min clndor;iiiid 'raqnlius gory lltllo ittton Ulan allay the Op la rando,:ft balnd so nrrangial tbat.:l •'. . , FEED:ITS.OWN COAL • , . • Io liable to no oxploolono of . goe s and lo.poiltivoly (ho goly otovil In thO Joarket which La6lha.oootrotti M - 111-1 . 1.1 . all °Omni aro cootivtevioliituttattatie, ' ; Tn thnIIN_WARII , otta,JAPAPINIID no, mat keep ronatanlys ou 'Mud oh oux own„ add foraktn manufacture, tlm.t . ory latest lintt beta patterns, and made of tbo vary beat - . material by daraful world:nap Al kin t ils:- of R.DOFING and general Jobbing promptly atteuiled DoWt-fmot:'Nci::fB. NO4 Xn.llo3treot, • NmarEß , .4 , OhAl) DX .IfolklB 8111 8r1,405 Pulmortiol Warersg.... A'L' ItALFITON'O Dea.11,18013 26 00 4 00 7 00 _VOL-68, ItILEEM'& UNBAR, Editors and P . rop tois L. SPOATSLER'S COLum.N. A . L,,spoNsTAR, Estate Agent; Scdvenor, conreynneeN also') 'und Claim A gent.-' Office -Main Street .Nona Centre S pare. - • Y --;-$l,OOO for one year on Y ROA Estato.sefurity. ItO SALE tract of valuablo Timber Land containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, lying on the South Mnuntoln 3 miles above Idt, Polly, known ns the slew...salt; propertg. The tract le most favorably located, easy of °farms and the timber of the.best quality. • • For tame he., apply to F OR RENT. - . . . • A destradle' tulattrbatt net.hlnuce ou - v :t i,..,.. West Louther streot, Carlisle; eon- all, .. i talolug two aeres'of ground, having , o;•.• g g g .:: thgreOn grectod a two-story ko, , , p - FRAME . HOUSE,. -avAosa,. gtable, and other riuthuildiugs ; -in good condition with abutolt nee of fruit. ' - .ltont - s2ooittilia - Well secured, priyablo quarterly. Auply to A. L. SPONSLER. U 'mon Pacific Rail.:Road Cciaivally, FIRST—moRTGAG-E----Bo'NDs, Intiel , cht Payntile Sinut.A. tttttttttttt in Gold, .Bubseriptlons received :by SPONSIER, 11.1 . e Compan.l's ilnanclal agent at l'arllnle. - These bends having been recently sold for Ninety cents on the dollar, wren an the :lint orJanoary, ad• vaneed to 95, and on the sth of Fehtnary Were again Itavaucod friiin 93 to 100 (per.) nt Ithleh latter figure they are new hold and reprded an the belt invest ment In the ertnntry. . - FOR SALE.—A desirable town prop erty tit ode on Notth'lingt Rt i.not belonging to tin . ) heirs .Nlaj, John 111,Cartrioy third. Tho lot eon ,- tains about 103 foot in Eclat and 340 in depth. Tho improvements are n largo doublo 2 Wiry mono r tl4 DWE:bLINct Di I' S-TABLE, nd other-eonvooknt not hnliolings with -nlmndanee tt fruit rod shrubbery, This property will be die mend of upon thflnoFt I eAsonnhle tnrum Apply to • , . Al,, SPON: , LEIt, Real E‘tnte Agent, , Attorney in fort for the In•lre. LF A •tic, .001 co in the XrALU AB . TOWN RESIDENCE y AT PRIVATE SALE. Situated on West PonliFet street, bear street, - In the Borough of CaliTsle. The lot contains 80 feet In Dont and 210 foot In depth to an_ alley, __The Ito puiv eleca to HI a Com modious two-story BRICIC BOLTS E, containing _Double Pallor, Dell, -Dining-teem- and Kitchen, •on the first tloor,and live Chambers ontl -secondltory. Baleenylo.bludc building, a Frame ‘ll4sh house at teehed ,Stnelte , Ilmiso, Bake Oven :Ind -t.ther con venient out buildluso. A large beer Stable, and Cacrloge noose, flog Pmts, and Corn Crib, at-the foot of the lot. There is a considerable amount of fruit, .ney. at Law, 1;01. - Attorbey pburn, Main Attorney ,t,t re, Carlisle, • . . . such as Applo.,'Cliapcs, &c., a collar under the whole house: and. fine Brick Cistern, and Pinup; as wall as n Hydrant In the yard. , Fatorms &r.. apply to A. L. SPONSI•RIC, Real Estarc Agora. _ sopt27 b - ry at-Law ttrlisle, .aptly collect ,ttnt,etllntk-at OM VALUABLE SLATE FARM AT PRIVATIII - : 4 A1,11. Situate on the North side, and partly r bolinded by the Cognodogninet ereolt, about 4 nines West o Carlisle. adjoining, and lately part of the property known an "ZICILER'S MILLS" containing about 250 ACRES, IS of which ate eKcellent - nutadoW, 6r creel: bottom land, and about SO ACRES of which err covered with good timber. The Improvements am a largo Weatherboarded Dwelling House. contain- Dv eight - rooms-and a kitchen. • A - large"llank Ihnn, IV , agon Shed, CStin Crib, flog Pen, Carriage House, Wash House and other convenient out-buildings. "An excellent well of scaler near the door, a fine young apple orchard, besides other firuit, such as Pearq,.Peaeltes, Clmrrios, 0 rapes Sr. This is one of t.. of steela. The fencys are In toed 'older, there being between COO and TOO ['annuls of hoard, and post and The land has nit beeu , - ;Teetritly • lifee - d 'over, part of It a second lime.'aud is now In the highest state of' cultivation. And wilt be disposed of upon reasonable terms. - terms and further partteulars enquire SLER of • A. L. , Real Estate Agent, - • AILS CEL LA NEO US. The EIROVarAI RESTORER *lig& CM imEsS ) 4(evi ,A* one • will quickly re'store' Gray Hair, ' to its.natural"color - and beauty, l and produce lupiriant growth'. It is perfectly .harmless, and is preferred over, every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to 'restore it, Th 4 beautiful gloss and perfume -imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. For Salo' by nil •Di i.O hth, DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. rikIaiONEDISLYAI , Ilfa OS ly GI?E4T AS'ALE, •OF D - Rr c i . p-oops,' AT AUCTION. I hereby atinouuco to thu public who desire bar:. Rains, that I will commence on Wednesday afterdoon March 4, at 2 o'clack to • sell my very largo stock o DRY 0001)4 at filbile auction. • In this largo assortment of goods everything need• ed by Lou:mite:3pda and, heads of families can be found. • . Bale to commenco at 2 o'clock I'.. 61. - , of March 4. and .1011 be continuod each hitornoon and, evening until :ill Is disposed of. " Tho terms will be liberal, as follows: On ell bills under $l6 cosh on delivery.of the geode; oaf all bills of $l2 used - upwards notes NVP/ be taken payable in bank, with approved security pt six months, but •to accommodate my patrons 11 will deduct 0 per cent.- per annum from tho bills that exceed $l6 to those persons that desire to pay. cash. • As my store is large sad oi:in:odious I will have 000,5 prepared to specially rostrve for the ladles. • A. IV. BENTZ. 21 fqb•Ga. fzi-zp. 227 1868 . 227 . German Se,ed 'Store: , ca:RMAN and OTillin Field Op . den & - Flower Seeds Fruit, Shnde and Ornamental ..Trees:' VaPrantetUrerit 'and Of bat quality at touri prices by LOUIS TOURNY &TO, 227 North Second Str:, Bot:'Race'& Vine . ruILADELpinA PA fiti7dAmcaatogug ,* • , .71;01,ESSING "O ASES, 'arid' oontiolnows. • • • • • , 0b460,8,qt, ! , t IT rtnyEnowlowi3 , • GOOD NEWS 1 GOOD NEWS 1 . - _ (4.I24 ; T;TECLINE IN FAXES AT THE NEW AND CHEIAP GASP. STORE, CORNER OP NANOVER AND POMFRET STBRTS = The subserlbW would respoctfUlly Inform the ppnli• Ile that ho la Jecolvlng almost dolly from the Eastern Ottles, a largo invoice of Now and Chimp Goods, such RP • i LADIES' i DRESS iGOODS ) French Dlerlnoce, ' - Nahalra, , ' -Poplins. • . • . . ~ Black and Fancy -. . - French Iteppe, Plain and ... -- ~- Vancy,Do4alnpe, _ • ' Plalmand'Fancy •. -. - . Alpaca, . ' . - • 'Poplin& • - ' A. L. SPONSLER SHAWLS! ,SHAWLS! H BROCHA LONG AND SQUARE, . • —LONG - AND - SQITARE WOOLENS BREAK AST SHAWLS in great vaiietir and very clicap..:¢; ) CLOTIIS-AND-OASSIMERESI tonal, . . • Gorman and ' • • • American Cloths; Black and • . . . Fancy Cassimeres, • Doeskins, -' ' . i -Black and Fancy , . . . Over Coatings, Sattlnetts, • " Kentucky Jeans, Undershirts and .• C Drawers. Dleacbed and Drocba, ' TALL, 'Diapers, Counterpanes, • and (late, • • cotton' , • • Bleached and +' 'Muslims Ilkith.gs, Oblides, Towels.. Nitplekno, Sze ON THE COR'Elt OP HANOVER AND POMFRET STREETS, Cho room formerly occupied by B. 8...1&mm0u & Co. MEE C _ •_..._ ASI4-1 CASH !I - - 1 .. ... ... _ Lave Glis day commoncod nulling of my entire stock of Winter floods nt greatly reducod.prlces for raf.ll, FRENCH . :‘I iIItINOES„ - - REPPS, • ALPACAS, PARMETAS, _ - = Shavls,limkels, Flannels, Lindseys; ke., at very great bargains.' CLOTHS,* CASSIMERES, - —CAISSMETTS,. &e., very - • DALMORALS, Lower than nver . sohl In Carlisle. SlinS, -C, i'nghrtins, Canton Flannels, at the very loweat price. All the best make CAtICIOES, at -121 et 9, As -my stock has 'been' bought since tho great de cline In prices, meat bargains may be expe'ct ed. Some tees than cost to reduce. my stock assootr as • - .. CIIAS. 00ILBY, No. 47, Welt Main Street. ROOTS AND SHOES! LADIES' MISSES and CHILDREN'S Roots and Shoes, of the very best inahng_ut,, ,,,, !..+ 1867. • SPRING. - .‘c $t NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC Gooop, DRESS - GOODS, . CAF.S InEItES, - ' 'WHITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMSIINGS,. 'ZEPHYRS, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, &c No. 55 WEST MAIN STREET. • Cippoalto, the Mansion House, nod to Pont Office G OENT'S r(JlllskfiN9 AND• V A 111 E T'Y T It ill Tho subscriber bogs leave to inform ientlenaen and housekeepers and thu public generally, that ho has now and will keep constantly on hands, a large and -elegant RSFOt lnmatof-CI:\Td~ ' UIL ''U S II J NQ GOODS, such as Cotton Merino nod Woolen Shirts and Draw ers, lloslerless all kinds, Black and White Hid Gloves, Thread and other gloves, Neck This, SuSpenders, Handkerchiefs, Gents' Traveling Bags, Linen and Paper Cellars, Culfe, &e. Also, HOUSE FUIINISII• ING GOODS, consisting In part of Cedar and Willow Wain, all kinds, Chamber Sets, Brushes and Combs, all kinds Huge. Buckets, Font Tubs, Soaps, -Perfurri driek, tens, Stationary, Don't forget the stand, N 0.13 South 11 - allover Strout, two doors, South of Washinood's Grocery Store, . , , --- LOOK OUT DRY GOODS 'NEN TO TUE PODLIO. bavo just returned from the }lastlylth my Spring Stock., nod as usual, I nap selling Bonds d little cheap. or thou any. other Dry floods House In town, 1 do not think it nerecsary to occupy a column of .nows naper to endeavor to Poop up my reputation for sell ing cheap Bowls,nor do I wish to resort any clap trap' t 6 gull the public. All I ask' of them -to- suit. nod examloo for theniselven, and if not sutisfled with the prices, not' to .buy. Remember the- Mond No. 32, North Ilunover of root, next door to Dr. Kieffer's, and Miller Ii Bowan' Hardware store. WM. LAMES. P. S. I will any nothing about my third and fourth groom openings. • • ' nprillU 67 • .pENNSYINANIA ROTEL. •• • ,0011 1I OP NORSII HANOVER AND LOUTIII STREETS, CARLISLE, PA. I bay° become, the propriotor of this well known notuirand by stile, attention to business hopu to recd. rind deserve a liberal share of tire public ph i• Having long oiperlonced in the busluoss, hops to ho able to give gemiral satisfaction to all who will patron'. 1110. All my old friends arid Amman invited—and-as many now ones, as are dealinuonfn; bOripltttble reception:.••_"•'•'"ll. , - tfr) - - Charges reasoriablo,* rind , accomtrioghttone - for men and 4011I013; •• ",•••• apr1119.97-ly • . r - - ' . . ITIMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL, 'CORNER OF. MAIN k BEDFORD BTS., OAItLIBLE. Tito undorolaued &Oros to inferth his friends and the traveling public that ho has taken charge of this well known stand, and is.preparod to teocomotlato vis itors with boarding and lodging on reasonable. torme, Zile table Is supplied with the boot thatonrket af fords.. Ills bar contains the choicest rot' liquors. the. departments are commodious and airy; 'his stable loin charge of a careful and esporioncod ostler, and ho hopes to bo obit logivo antiro satisfaction to all, his guests. - ' JOHN B. FLOYD. inaya,o7ly. I{UTC . H.I . S . ON' , S . IIOTtI;, =I •,dORNIM o 1 14TATII.I TIII:IID . STRAUTS, Inizaliritel,ll in front Of Ili Capitol, . . ... 1:),y. iivrolusox, .I'ron'y. r . . ~. . . • - • . . . • Ilnrrlsburg,To. jnn.4 67-tf. . :, ' If' 4.. ' _ ... - I S'AA*O •.K.. STAUFFER ..,. . . .. , . An .nescrtment 'or .Wat,cboa,, Jawolry, 033v0r and ' ' , '.AatoeVfaio constantly on band: • 81.1IT.A.'3iLdlvon!tiotiDAr Pli.Bl:3l.fl'B 3 , WitChoo and TowOlrq' noniptly iittendod to, Odor ...,,,... i ..,, -i... c.. 16 .', , ~,._.. -'_ ..!'• ',.( • .., if , . .i.:',.. ;,,...4. ....' . 1 . ... .......... . .. ~., ... .4,, \... ,.. : .: . . . _ ... .. . , ... .., .' . MEM DRY CitOODS. D 0 M.. 111 S TIC SI REMEMBER THE PLACE, UMI.PER WOOL PLAIDS, MEM Tick in Js, Cheeks, 123 MME MEM AT RING'S NEW,STGRE, _ No. 13 South -Hanover Street HOTELS. (itccpntly Iccpt by G. I{7o^el) La te.Bryd Houqe, IRetehma7c6v aril • Jo6ete.ry, Ito. 148' NOD,TII . 2D ST., COD. OF ,QUADAY, • ` rIIaLAUELP4 4. , Pa:, - Friday;ll,llarch 20, .1868 DRY GOODS READ. READ. W. O. SA:WYER co., EAST MAiN STREET, Unel6r the Corman House Learning frorrithe mercantile agency of New York, _that alargiqadvance 0 rprree in Dry . f,loodawairgoirirtis take place froralifie-intensein snlie)if cotton and the stopping of many Ihstern 101110tring the depression of trade„ - • ' ' W. C. SAWYER &.,CO 'bought just before the late odvanco, an liniments etrock of DOMESTIC, COTTON and WOOLLEN GOODS, HOUSEIqjitNi§'HING GOODS, CARPRIT, W.' 0: SAWYER;' & 00 are (prepared for silty days to give barsgalus la 19-4 04 54 4-4 and 14'whlto and unbleached mncllna and Sheatingn, 4-4 7-8 and 3-4 TICKINGS and CHECKS 5000 yards of Dark, Malt, and Morning prints. 1000 yards of Domestic. and &atoll GINGILAMS, Hand loom and Irish Table Linens, BLEACHED and ;UNBLEACHED Linen Table Cloths in patterns, Wool Table colors, Napkins, Crash and Towels, Damask for curtains, and lounges, Curtain Muslins, French and English • •. 00UNTEUPAN.ES, BLANK P ETS, FEATHERS, &c., &v., NE W. C. SAWYI , IIt, t 91, make earpete a special Qom partapent in theii large trede. BEST ENGLISH BRUSSELS, Lowell antll Itertfold three-ply and Ingrain Carrots; Philadelphia melte of Ingrain, Dutch ttud,Ltrien Car pets, Engtish and American plain and twilled Venitian S-T.RIPED .CAI?PET6 Hall and IStastialr, ONE THOUSAND 17 ARDSOF AOMR•MADE C_A_l24l"Fa'S RUGS,. 31 A: T TS, c: 8-1 CA and 44. OIL :19LOT14S, popular nuklces, BLadnx nov.htyloo, 1,00k01 2 6 — G . — ASSE,S, &a, 1V .p 11. 0 A I,P .k !"' 6 Selling for • less than , l4A cost of Carpets. bought before tho first of the year. NEW DRESS poops for thi, early spring, • • , . . . . . R . • . . . . . •-:.''' 8..1, 4. (',K . SLL .11'.',,5.' , ALL COLO . 4S of •1M NO SILKS AT ?ACAS,. . . • POPUNti, • . . -- --- - 11101IAIRS, and - --- .DRIAINIIB, - . . .. ~VUXTE Q~LILH:RIC6, SWISS MARS.EEGLEtS, , Una otUor . WJQTI•I 6001)S.. A forgo lot of FOTi biqs HOUSEKE'EPERS and all poißona'aro toppoctfolly Invited to call 1 17 CSAWYER - & .00. buy t4r O4l6l["nd'edii rit tiia 1519fiEj'imit ; r1iiillapil' 2.861.08 . . i:.l _ READ, tt - o - fland's German -Bitters le composed of the pure julcce (or, no they are medic!• E....... rally termed. - - .Ex - ' tracts) of Root a, If orbs and Berke, __,,j , . malting • a propel's-. Von,. hlgNys_t_mcca__ ___,,,... _ iretcd,_and-ontirely — ff . erffilm dicoitolm 1- = ,- - - -I admixture of any I .. Matt OEM --o FLE FOR A All klndo of • • IMI 1100FLA1VD' 11,00PLANDT GERMAN BITTERS; Hoofland's German Tonto. Prepared by Dr. d M. JAOKSON, TRIL4DELPHIA,--PA. T The. Great Remedies for all .Diseases LIVER; STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE ORGANS --o---_-_.__ _._~ . HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, la a combination pf all the Ingredlents of the Bitters, .With the purest quality of Santa Crur Pam, Orange, etc., making one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever ,ollered to the public. Thom preferring n Medicine free from Alcoholic ad mixture, will Use - Hoofland's German Bitters. In cages of nen•oue dopreggion, when gone nlcohollo pUmulue is necessary, . , HOOPLAND'S -GERMAN TONIC should be .use;l. Throl3lttera or the Tonic are both equally goad, .ind contain the same medicine' virtues. The stomach, from a variety of enusee, much as l indh Witch, Dyspepsia, • I:ervotte etc., in very apt to ripi have — ittr functions ra denged. The resat of which is, that the patient sutlers from. 0 •• • several or -more- of .. the following diseanest— Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, - P'UliiSE - frof 'Bleed to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea Heart. burn, Disgust for F ood,Fulness or" Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming. of the Head, Hurried or Difficult.. Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when . in a -Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, ,Dots or Webs 'before the Sight, Dull Pain in' the Head. Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin • and 2 y e s, Pain in the Side, Back,Chest, F_Limbs, etc., S udd en 1 u s.hesr of - Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. These remedl'Oe vvtil effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, ChroniO Dlarrica, Disease of -the -Kidneyo,_ and call, Miami arising from Disordered Liver, Ellothach, or Intestines. 3D1U131 - larrlC, Beau Uln a .. from any , Cause whatever; ships, le:xposure; zmversl—oter- - - Them Is no medicine vxtrint equal to rneenremethen — in each cares. A tone' and vigor to Inflamed to the ~..,,,,, whole Systeni,. the Appetite Is Strength mod, food is enloyed, ~ _ the stomach agoras promptly, promptly, the 'blood ; la purified, the com plexion `b ee ci men r sound and healthy; the yellow tinge is emdlcated from the eyes,a.broom to given to the cheeks, and the weak and aerrean, to. va id becomes a strong end Leah lty being. Persons Advanced i n , Lif e , Afta feeling - the hand of/ time weighing heavily upon thera,.with ante attendant ills, will find in the nee of this DITTIiaIS, or thoOTON.IO, an elixir that will limitl new life Imo their reins, restore in a Incisors the energy and ardor of more youthful dare build pp their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE: IL ii, a wetestabllahed fact - that filly Om-half of the female portion of our ~- population are eel. dom In the enjoyment r i• of good health; or, to use their own ex preselon," never feel well." • They.nro fan - gold, devoid of !all energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. To this elan of,peitions the BITT2IIB, or the TONIO,Ia espeelallY recommended: WEAK AND. DELICATE. CH,ILDREN • Are made strong by the as° or either of these roihedies. -Thorwill-ouro- every ease_ofiLdillAShiiiii 3 , without fah Thousands off nertiliehles have aceutnulaled 01 the bands of nail proprietor, but spare will allw observed .publleation ofluAt a. few. Those, it will be are awn of unto cud of such standing that they roust be ladlevad. PlM:llWww:ii AA ICOli. Geo. W. Woodward. . . .. 07dif:Piitice of Me Supreme Court Of Pa., write]) : • • ' ' "" Ph ant/et:Ma, I,lgrch 10, 1807. A tli 4 .1. and' flocifland'a - German Bittern' it Y good tonic, useful . In g rout of the digeetive organs, nod _ , tof grout benefit in cases of debility, and i want of nerVotte no. .tioh in the ey neut. Yours truly, • , 1 0100. W. WOODW4RD." Hon, James' Thompson. load of .11ie, Supreme Court of Poineglvania., Philadelphiti, - Alil 25,1820. . . "I consider' /toolland's 'Gorman Bitters' a cii/unbis medicine to case of attacks of Indigentlon or Dyspopela, I can certify this from my•experionco of it, . • yours, with respect, • • • JAII/ES TIIOIEPSON!" . . • Front Rev, Joseph K. Kennard, D. D., ,Pastor f lh2 Penile Baptist Ohnreh, Philadelphia. ' Jr. Tack:on—Dear etc : flare` been frequently re• quested to connect. my name with recommbildatione of different ktudent medicines, but regarding the-pram lice ns out of thy appropriate sphere, j, have. In all Jenaco r i' dined ; but. with a clear proof to i•arl oue ,Instoticee and pailleularly to my own.' family of Hui usefulness of Dr. Iloothind's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual comae, to °mime my fall 'Ponvietlou that, for general' debility of tlic system, and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a see an{4vatuable prepare/On. In sumo cases It may fail ;Ault usually,l doubt not, It will be very beneficial to those who sutler from the above causes. Yours, vary respectfully, • .J. H. ICICNN4RD, - '. • . • Elea, below Coates at. . , Frotti Rey.:, D. Fen.do4l tssistant Editor , C7otittian Chronicle r .rlpladel aig, I have derived deckled benefit, from the use of Mot. Bead's (lemon Bitters, and feel It-my privilege to its vomMend thorn no a mostialuablelonle, to all whonve snaring from general debility or from diseases arising from dortmgeinent of the Jiver.. Yours thilY, ,E. to.*FIDTDAT44. • flooden ' dYaCiorroan Ronledlea are COUntertoite4. See that the signature of I cl o 0. g. JAURBON• la ,on the wrapper . of each :bp t, 10. Alt others aro court ' :forfeit: - Principal °lnca and Manufaatory at the German Idediclna Store, rzo..ap!. ARCH Otreet, rldiadolphta ' - . • • ' - ' . - • ~ '• - . ... - ' t • •' , I . '• - Orantme 351:, , EVANS, - ' pen n on Drugght,rropnotor, "" ' rormorly C. M. Jabieom 64 Co. For #4lO by all•Drugglati And Dealers In Atedlolnex. ,V.Tt XOES. . Elotinandis Germ ed 1311.63na4r bottl4 ' tl 00 clialt dime!' . 03 ."°v".44lll#62°ll,T°4lNrtkPP quart:twines, 1 00 per bailey 00 01ia1f ddian fiir T itd ' se i iir Do not forget to pzaratuo, SYcU.WO, art4ol o y9ll Itt oraits t 9 int tli9 5t99411:—, L. (4 The Devil and the'Lawyers \ . ~___ • The devil eatrioup to the earth ono day, And into Sho ccUirt-houso hiwooded hlo u;ay; Duet as the attornoi, , telth vory'graye fere; Wao,procoedlng to nrguo the polite In the race Now a lawyer his majesty never had elm, For in his dominions none over had been, . , And ho felt very curious the reason to hags', Why noun had been Bent to the regions below Phros - tlio - fnult-of his agents; his - maJoaty thought; Why nono of these lawyers bad over Leon Caught, And ter Ids own'plsaeure ho had n dealt.° To remote the-earth and - the reason inquire. Well the lawyer who roes with visage so grave, Made out his op7rat a consummate knave, And the devil en really greatly amused, To hear the attorgey so roundly abused.' AB soon as thenpeaket had cotno_tolaoloser-7 ---- The befinsel:o'ppostrigethen fiercely arose, Ana heaped finch ohne& on the head of tho first, And mode him villein of all men the worst. • BY lIMM Tpus they quarreled, contended and argued so long, 'Twit hard to determino theono that area wrong, And concluding ho'd heard quite enough of the fins, Old Nigh throe(' okay nod soliloquized thus Ii all-they-have Bald of - ed.-....eiler he The' Dell] has sitielY been robbed aids dile ; Pm satisfied now 'tie all very well, • For the lawyers would ruin the morals of hell. They Lave puzzled the enure with their villainous cavil, And, 1.111 iree.tocontesq, they puzzled 6,110111; Dly agents nro right to lot lawyers Bloat., Tf I had them they'd:swindle !no out of mytbrope., MISCELLANEOUS: The Corners_ Rebel-Ripudiation - of Joh7eBo2Z by -the Slouchy Dewocracy of that „Democratic Locality. Post Oifls, Confedrit X. Roads (which le in the State uv Kentucky), January 25th, 1858. The Corners meet last night to con sider-the situashen uv the country, and in view; uv the inipendin crisis, it ,lvtiz voted that I be instructedjo - pen n, address to A. Johnson, setting forth the troubles to wich he.hez brat, us, and sejestin remedies. - The Corners rneiks frekcntly. In fact, when cash runs - low, and BaScom'refoozes to trust we hold a. politiklo• ?Weetih. It acts cz a stirnnlent and takes the place of our nftteral sustenance. Very comfortable. Thus em pawed, 1 wrot ez follows, \lnch I doubt not, wake a sensashen when it reaches Washington. ... • To A. JOIENSON, PIVEST.-U. . The Democracy uv Confedrit X Roads, wish is, in..the .Stato •nv - Kentucky, repre senting the'Densocracy uv .the rest -uv the State, and uv the country oz . : well, cannot hold their peitee no• longer. They - must spook or - bust. They ,herd. the .news, and there _hoz bin notbin but weepin at• the Corners sines. Bascom, that storlin patriot. is sheddin pearls by the buelcet fall, Deekin- Pograns weeps not in drops, bat in streams, and ez for taw, ,yoo wooden't beleeve the amount of pockit handkerebers , l hey con- Smiled: ' Never la.:ther bin sich a moist time - iFthe Corners, never hey we lived in sich an atmosphere siv )larispnis. ___T__slact_speek-plainly. rant not afeerd to speck. - You can't reinoove me. The ten- The Corners feels itself outraged.- When Ora CO - risers took stock in you, the Corners Sfposed yoo had nerve enuff to run the Ad nunistreShon yonrself.• The Corners. felt that her interest wuz safe in yoor hands. We to wunst commenct operation from that stand-pint. DeeJcin Pogrom got in-sniggers together, sich Ils' em oz hedn't bin sacritist at different times, and comments wallupin uv ens ez uv your, and the ;others in this visinity give therein the opsben no quietly submitting to their inevitable fate, or beta shot. 'Wat woe the .result? The• Friied inen's Burow cents in, and them niggers, 1 instid of being made servants unto their bretherp_hey bin permitted to accumulate property and live in.all respects ij - i4,,ez tho they woe white men uv the dominant race. :Against-this-injustice-we hold up our hands, - and yoo lfev , thuds .many passes towards rectifying it but, to what - avail? Sich wealinis never Leifer disgraced the histry.uv Amerikin polttiks. - Yoo hop Stanton in plebe ontil the voice UN an indignant De mocrisy demanded .his rerhoval. Then wuz opportunity. The woe Dimokrais. who wood her took it. Ginril Steedman or Ginral Rosso-wood either nv em hov bin glad to servo the country in .that caparsity,. - but blindly you-rushed upon faio-by--puttin in that place Grant. Grant, whose hands , is stained with 'Southern blood, which ho Idia. washed off. ;,Grant the-Ablishin can; didate for the Presidency ! Grant, -Who by economisin at tho rate uv about 525,000,000 ' per . annum, demonstrated, to the country the stealin—that wuz goin on in the other departments. Grant, who i's ez much worse than Stanton cc, a head-lite to a locomotive is 'superior• tot a, teller candle) Oh, svot. weakness! , • . Thou again. Tho people. uv the Third Dgetrichigtottned under the oppressimns of Pope; that 19;•the white people did. He wuz carryin out with yuthlis, severity the laws uv n usurpin Congris, - Ho wuz , a porsehootin the -Saints—he wuz it7gtuirclin" and perteetin the life-bald one 'which is wrestin from us one uv our best States. Alabama cried out in agony, and yoo heord her. HoW P Yoo removed Pope anti put in his place Meade. Wo felt re lieved; . not but that Meado's antecedents Avers) agin ,us, but we did 'epee that you wood Snot agin' fall into - tho same old trap. Bfit you did. The AySt act us" the cursed Meade wuz to removiathe -Gtuvpof and Transurer, who woodcut pay the Ozquitises to/ the , unconstitooshunel Couvonshon,' and to-day the itoonlo who tremble at the name- Iry Popo shiver at the monshpn tiv,Meado. But your disgrace, does not odd hero;— with a. uliesainetoofflinel Sonit, 'from which ton States aro mielooded, turns in and replaces Stanton, giving him ogirt the posishon -ay wich yoo attempted to deprive him, and yoo take it mild ek milk - : and "ciz ez , a . - Then ngin. You hest instrucicted yoor orgies to spred the *port that Gen. Grant: 3V1.12 in the constant habit s bein intoXi catod 1 Miserabliserror I. Mistaken policy! _Y00.. - may .possible make somM-Ablishnists bleciVe it And detach om from him, but yoo also attach the entire Detnocrisy to him usi steel,' Fasten that. charge mpon.him—mako Kentucky bleovo it, and Kentucky woad to-piorrow givo -him hor , elactorial Note. • Don't yoo. remember that. the Deniocrisy took no stock in yoo till tor. the Z2d of Febrooaryspoeoh ? an 4 didn't they support yob corjelly*from• that time out 4 . • . • I hey no pashonee to add - more. Indig- ‘ • 4htlyl close thieeplatlo.. I hey"stood by yoo throo, tilelciind thin. I wuz -at your .side on the two toors North; and the ono South; I. apologized for your short - commas glossed byer your faulta;and explained away yeor wealcnis. At Cloyeland, for instance, I.fold am, atter yoo bed made yoor speech, that yoo..were.drunk Ayben.yoo yasnt, and hundreds' ny' other t ' imes I lieY explained Amity exContrissities sitnilarly. • • AndTurther, it wuz.nao-Who'prokodred on year first, trip, tho. only :'endorsomont .yoo aver got. from Grant. '. - .411 along tho, road 'West yoo•ttyld Seward 'hod bin endow/grin in vain t'O'git exprOiaiOn fiat' Grant, .) 7 171Mt-yoo did-not care,. butlinkaodont He, stood. u p Immov(1410 eza a atua,ex pressin poithor by WOrds ,or,coutatmanco 'flotilla. At' Battle . Creole, is' the Sato uv Secretary Sawara in his aptiool4 in r6ponse to the calls tor,"Grant". ".remarked .ccroo can't Gen. , Grant 'frcim the President-lie' is' with' us 1" . T4RMS:--s2,oo_in Advance, or $2,50 withirithti year. POETICAL. • Eroni tho Toledo Blodo N.ASBY. - NO. 12. the words left the Secretary's lips, ez ef by inordrasdemi pulled a pin from my. coat and filunged, it tutu the General jist, about two inches below the buttons on his coat behind. try course he bowed, not graCefully, but Zt, wdz a how. . Ho hoz, cost me more laboi--__l more flnanshel ability-to : ltee'p you — agoin Chan wood hey sufficed 'to hey hot .n small Ger Man Kingdom and run It. But I shel do it no' more, r withdraw miself from your, support. lily tielf-respeck will not longer permit me to : rank Myself With yoor endorsers. 'The Corners is out-_ raged, Deekin Pogrom is outraged and Bascom is outraged. Yoo mite hey made for yourself a naMe and, plabi! in hietory; ' but its too late. We allel nominate for President someone whO will' be trop to his friends and terrible to his enemies; who Wilq if °Wahl, 'at least carry out ez -- rnubh uy,. J/iinocraticAirtnciple--ez that happens--to7 — bolaff'at thAt time. - Ye . or short stay in the ranks of Ablishnistif ruined ypO. __Yoo, lost yoor distinktiie chiracterieties; -and are now a poor, bole, combinin in your person .eyerythiug - thatis bad in - both organizations, with nothii, that is good. Tile Corners ropoodlates yob. PBT . ROLEUM V. NA.sI3Y P. M. • - - (Wich is Postmaster.) Heat it Hots Stim.• Colonel McHatten went from Virginia to Tllinois in thd early settlement of the coun try; when-rbadside taverns ivere uhknOWn, and every dwellor,in the wilderness kept o port of traveller's home. The Oaloned,hy hfehriavestnient in wild land, became in time a rich. man', but he kept_ up his bithits of hospillility r and if the guest was well-to: do in the world, did-not object to turning an honest penny in. that way. One cold; blustering winter eveninO, horseman drew up to the house and asked accommodation for the night. A half-grown lad answered in the affirmative, and ushered him into the sitting'room.- After supper the landlord made his appearance fur the first time. He was hearty, hale and rosy, as any hlonifice should be but he was bent and crip pled ,in his gait. He explained by saying that be had taken cold - which bad settled its liis back. . 44 I don't mind the pain 'so much," be con tinucd-," but it's - edineonVenient. I ha v e been recommended so try a_poor, man's plaster„ and-11 you mill - exense - ind I ivillluivelt - pul On. Sam! Samuel I.Sainuel Mellatten - - Here, father I" aid the lad before men, ioned; hnstily swalloWing - n huge piece o nince pie, which he hed been gnietly enjoy ."Elere, Bain, my boy, heat this plaster fur mo-and put it on my back., float it hot,-Saud' _ Saying which, he handed the plaster to his son, a tubscating himself astride his chair, - with his back to the fire, threw his suspen- (leis beck and,his shirt over hisborid. - "Now, Sam," said - lie, "if r thepciOr man's plaster is' hot, you may put it on ; but you may wait .a littlo ; afraid it is. not hot enough. Heat it hot; Sam, limit it hot.— Can you tell," (he continued, turning to the traveler,.-who was seated in the corner,) "cah you•teli why this is' called `the Poor Man's Plaster,' and sonletinideihre poor mat's Micarl 7 oh? give it up 7"—laughing to hirp self—"becauso it sticketh ett*r . , than a . . Poor Sam, who bad been watching his ohaiiie to speak without interrUptitig• his Tather,_now_y_entureil—to—say-:-"f-gues.- hot enough now, fathdr." “,:.7114,t, ilp you. knowAhrint. it c?" Sabi ; whose face - was at a red heat, had held the plaster .to the fire until it ran and dripped down on the hearth, hat made no re- PLY. "Well,"' said the , old man, looking around, "may-be it will do now, Sam, Clap it on I,‘. S.tm, armed with the plaster, apprignebed his father, andlny word for it, be did clap it on, The old man gave it yell like a wild Indian, and jawed clear over the back of his chair, kicking his old-fashioned breeches off his feet, a'nd dancing e:ietititi with pain. The traveller laughed until be cried, and the more mine host roared ; the more-be laughed. Whett.theftßt agony was over, the,Colonel bean to swear, and the traveller thought it would be prudent for him to - revive, lest be should share his wrath with Sam, whom he observed making good his distance.-- ;The next morning, wheivleaving, he handed the, Colonel:give dollar , sat;in, - with a twinkle in his eye: "I don't want change. ft if' cheap at that." . •- When he was seated upon his horse and out, of range, ho. celled : "Heat it bog, Sam, heat it hot 111 sticiceth closer than a brother Ch I". SATASiIINO GLASS Ilouss.-.Glasshouses arc nut-regardid-as- very-formidable defen ses by women' especially - Wass 1,2.1,4 Lir -thqir own sox. The other day we were ad miringn lady's dress . in the. .peOsonce cif a nother lady. and we marveled much at its , 'beautiful color. "You silly goose;" Said our fair TH4O, "can't you see that tho silk has been dyed and turned.? It wot.ld serve men 'nlniost right if women ceased the at tempt-to--dresS well." We wore silenced, -but could not help thinkinq that posSibly. some men would' have no objection at all to be "served - quite right:" • Nothing; can ex eecd'a woman's dexterity in smashing her neighbor's glass-house, and the whole pro ceeding is a marvelous exhibition of inge nuity. Providect,with the'smallest pebble, I hut of the highest polish, she will poorsister, and , after much fond palavor and kissirig of cheeks, she will retire to a short distance.. Then, watching her-,op, portunity, crash She sends the little missile with theilorce and whizz of a bullet. A while she watches the agony of bar .prostrafn enemy, and then approaches with the sweet estazmiles to oiler her pity andtears. Is it peis'sjblo that such loveliness and tender ness'eaif at times be allied to a cruelty in the refintiiitent of which - mil - wild animal can. surpass the mortal angel? Of all,the keen •ponetrators into individual - glass houses, children nro• by • far the most sagacious. You may attempt-to,',deceive them by bon , boas or toys, but they see-through you et once, and though - Ahoy . take tho presents; they. will naively toll you that - they "don't, like you." They can't say why, but they don't, WO. - You why. It is in stinct, 'Children are, Said_._to_.he_ easily._ .pleased, but they arose onsily,disgusted; nor do - we beliovothat their want of reason is fig,. al to the cerreetneSsof their decl;lone. Their likes and Alelikiis aro as the - inztinct of a dog which oneimmediately, dis,cover the friend ahis-speelos; and 'the child decides 'more truly by the, heart than the- than judges by the head; a all which - goes far to - prove that -as We become, what 'we are - pleased toaall, more roasonablo, woln . .truth beentne_tho greater - dupei. - " ,GinLe. 7 .-There .are two, kinds, qt girls., One li'the kind that appears best abroad, the — girls . that tire, good' .for peak's; ridesi: visits, balls,' theatres, operas,. promenades,. &c., and whose 'delight, is in' e9cli 0160.. Such , is Laura Ilfatfida.:Oletne'ntin - M 2 : The other is the,ltind that appears beat . atlhorac„ . the girls that are useful and'clieerfui,in the: dining moat. Sick 'rhea), and all' the'precinetS ; heron... They dilfer:yidely in olidriiiotej The former is often a tormeetltt hem,e, tho other a blessing; ono is a .Motlii 'fiver ythink uhout her,; the Other beam,, inspiring, light riDd gladness..pround her pathiviiy; And this is Sulky Anrii ' A eourrrny editor, iirintintr , the a' elebrat • , `"zfaiktiPilo surs iiic,o u Voman it sonie:viliat' Malting'ii Cond. - -u• thig h.ith no fury like ii ionlan•efrnectt7,— , 'thie gas tharloity ie,eaTylid 1,144 tkoilpark,,^who,p,utti, t!, it)uterfi - ;r. , ) ~.), ~; WS. _ I • • - ' Arifitin 45.1101. T. rat "”,',,,,111)) . port of New York for tboyear 180 r '!'.'llmv ed to. 242,371 poets; 117,89 k siene from Germany, 135,134 fiiiiii- , Treland, 'and 88;712 from England: - 1. Is any wondiir NO:iv'fri)ricolty;.goes so. , 1 12eitylly Democrntial ", Some• years ivopted that' ' $85,000 in -GoVernment - bonds bad - beerf lest— in-an ocean steamer{ and evidence bereof was presented'to Congress, xvheretipen nem'. bonds 'wore:issued. leuppearg..: now ,fremli statement made in Congress,.-that since that time a - 11iratTliiirtron of the,niiiiiiiilbOn-dii— l•haVe - been presented•at the Treasury De pertinent ninlanii& •(41, 9 4.isment requires 'indemnity bonds to bd . given Py' all persons to whom new securities aro is suod for those loSt or destroyed. . . —N . early. ail the shoo. manufacturing .towns in Mohaelnisetto', fot, 'business just now, though the wttges paid-to workman aro lower than' usual:. Theship• ments of boots'and shoes from 13ostolt, ohm° January l, have. been over 46;000- cases, r against 22,924 in thd same period of 1867. A good many Western buyero havorbeen in -the manufacturing towns within a few days. —Henry Clay Dean closed a flowery seu ...tonci3, the otter night, in a' New Hemp ehir-d ',town, by asking any Republican:- in the audience to get up and say how he felt. A venerable farmer announced himsbleas a member of that party, and to Dean's ques t ' tine replied tnus; "1 don't exactly know, but it 'pears as If I foltlikemound-egg-in bushel of.rotten ones:" -- • Tho gas from the burning well on the Alleghany river, about th'ree miles north of Scrub 'Grass Station, is sti r flmes,__Tite— tivell witS struck about two years-ago and has been burning - ever o Within the past six m e.tats there has been a perceptible ." decrease in the volume or gas nee Mtmeana it now-rises but four or fivu feet -übo've the surface of tho ground H= 7- 7tiez•and. - 733,ivision of the Soria cf Tem- peranc6, in °hid, has issurid it circular , set ting apart Sunday, the 16th, as Rday of fasting and prayer, to' God that the cause of inteMperaime may he ilen&arvarin the fund.. The ministers of. the State are requested to preach at Unit; time, earnest pointed serm ons upon the runty of Christians in view of this great evil.. 4. 4 ,n. Bishop Stevens, who was recently injured by a railrriad accident and detained at Willreshatre, is fast recovering. Efti howevOr be disabled•for active service for a considerable ,length time. At 'hie re quest, the Standing Cointoittee will procure' tempordry assistance of some of the other Bishops. Most likely 'Bishops Randall of Colorado, and Lee of Delaware, will_per form Episcopal duties during . the present month. John Render of Now - York, baytonetted his wifo to death end then wont alter a physkinn, tolrireg hini - aho liud tukon denly . outside- delegates -to the -.recent 'Ti - e - moct•atic Convention nt ilarrisburz, are charged - with rifling ••AuveFal poclfots ut the market places. - A proposition is pending An Congress. to-- call in ell the tractions! notes under twenty live cents, Ilnd to issue a new ten-cent piece of the same material and relative weight es the present live cent nickel coin, A lady dropped six. hundred dollen on the' streets in Brooklyn. A rligged . little girl picked irtninnd rest‘Medif to the own •er. ,AV.lth a gush of liberality_ntid benevo lence- Um lady iewarded the honest child with a cent... • - Near Hopewell station, on Li fuesdav„the baggage ears of a train from Elmira, New. York, jumped the track and overturned all the passengers into one end -of 'life . (TA-in dicting a3rious injuries on twelve of them. TIM cur stoVe Wit.) broken and witi its.masst of "ecalsoffire, of , was thrown with great force upon the already suffering passengers, burnirig several in a mem, shocking mummer. --ffionnwre. - Ottrf;:Carrat — COnirnisiliffiCr of — N York, has been charged with. high ,"uj;ed7iitiiTt ts=o ricet-M t e; the singular coincidence of a State trying ono of its chief. officers, on impeachment, may also be presented in New York. • • The work on 'et pa National Cemotiy near Nasliyille is about half completed. The number of interments is, 15,927.. It 110 W, holds the remains of the Federal soldiers buried elonerthe line of the railroads that centre at Nashville and Chatanoega. It is located close by the track of the Louisville and - Nashville'Railroad and can be seen froM the cars. Captain .11cTap-sart superintendent of construction. Congress is evidently taking alarm at the manner in which the public lands are falling into the blinds of monopolists, and.hence a law is to ye passed, withdrawing all land from sale eizifeirt for hOmestend uses.---This - action is timely, as, unless morc•eare is tn. ken'of the public dcmain, it will some day be owned by tin aristocracy as tirrogant as that which once gloried dn the ownership of men, women r and children. .The Pope recently gave audience to 0 two hundred Catholic ladies who came to give iu adhesion to the recently promulga-' ted brief relative to I'w:hes' toilets This.iti- _ . decent costumes of the fair sex were made the teat of - n sdrmon on the °cession, - In tips respcm wonder" now Ml... Home will zo'volutionize the - lushionnble world'? • . . . In• St. Louis there aro •28 public schools, 9 public academies,_ls Catholic ilthools, lipiseepal, 1 Hebrew, 5 - Lutheran 3 Metho dist, 2 Presbyterian; 2 industrial schools, 8 orphan ,asylhms, 2 institutes for the 6 universities, 3 medical colleges, a first- - class law school, connected with the Pol ytechnic, 0 hospitals and 9sonvents. Impeachment is the order of the day. Congress impeaches Johnson; .Massiichu settsthreatens her Gaverte for vetoing the Constabulary, West Virginia brings Jedge; liindinan.to trial for adteitting• free of the trots clad with, rebel attorneys to practiew law, and iho board of ;Aldermen of Now_ York want•Geiv. Fenton arraigned forriot anToreing n law regulating Nevi York 'City affairs. . A belligerent Calfornian maned Dow, in fulfillment Of a boyish vow of vengeance, re cently came nil the way to Illassachnsetts to re tulle to , iffiturb - otif Schoolmaster, the Bey: Geo. Graven, for a t..liclting.,P 'which tbe latter, .had given-him ab - obt twenty years. ago. „flaying, thrashed• °revisit , 'to his heart's content, Dow.' at once started for home, feeling much better. Thnvote on impeachment in thelablnenf - Representatives was -printed London on _Monday, and the effect was bard percept iblo upon the national securities. Let An drew - Johns - oh be removed, and in ten days gold, will decline , - and business of all binds will recuperate.. An exhibition Of. winterhutter was hell under the auspices "the ArieulturalSecV , ely in "West (Theater, Ae - c a week or "wage. The samples Wire all 'so good that tbo com mittee had great difficid,y in deciding, but their awards -wCre finally :flbased.tipon the proportion of salt used. We 'notice that an article- called 'butter powder" is used -by-,soniii'hfthe dairy, people' of Chester 'county, bat.we do not know exactly what it The only butler powder' that should be toleratcl , 'istlint fed to the' cows in the ;tillape.".of 'cork* chop, or something of tbat. . .. , . . 'The Into tire at: Barnum's. museum:N.3W Yin'it s fella) third tirno-the 'groat showman haeonfihrEd..frotit. such t..alunlities. Vri.oo bile -kotablioh.raptit, typo ,dootroyed• in: New "Yorl'F; and mice he kat 'it' museum by fire in • Trphi. the ebinitry, on J, Tootnioil 4in . ,Oxficinsi'voltinoral noy thb . ,ltxtto 4 'ePlNa • "Do yolibunY4.° l Y - n Lton • . r , ‘ PVO9, ' ..tiliVlOn.the patient:, , lay,hilo got in o,room over. night hy, • hign. , : salt ;oeir., the .dOor, throw. open the flash - 41nd ici tib'lnorninglko is entirely off,r. tho .guaginiunnt, '4 l whikt.,.bnOinno3:6l', ?'' •' . li-..,liTli33; , ttiliti.Wis , ciinnot toll, ;All kti`o'cO 19,1,1)0r0's otrong ome;l.9g.)ipigiptFiniirig 1•11,,• 4 robin the n9xt morning.'! • MI El