Sales to be &led by William Dovonny, _• „ Auctioneer. Februaryptb.—M. G. Brandt Monroe.-- - „, • . , ;2 .--'Benj. Albright,, Middlesex. .3,:l... e Andrew Agnew, W. Pennsb , g --M.—Peter Trostle;l3ppe - f Allen Goodyear, Monroe. ' s'. • "Gtli."—John sensenlati, Silver Monroe._ 7th.—Stim'l_Baker, Silver Spring. oth.--John Hall, Middlesex. .10th. Daniel -Hoffer, Middlesex.; ” Ewalt, Silver.Sp'g. 12th.—aolin Mold, Monroe, • - 13th.-7; E. Pollingor, T_T/ 14th.—S.'Keinsportz, Silver'Sp'g 17th Q: ti 4: Sheatret:,_ Paradise ' Mills. - Nit. Lindsay, N. .Midt'n 191.11.J.•Sollenberger, Monroe. , 4• 20th.—J. Stiiumbaugh, , Monroo.. " 214 —J. Lintz, Now Kingston. 27th.-Blizttbeth Bolinger, . • • Hoguestown. ' " Stonesifel•; Trindlo-.. Spring 'Tavern. PROFESSORS OF TELE "BLACK ART , ." Are. Messrs. STUART RET:t119011 & CV, Or Philadelphia, nod very' aecompli4lied once too—they impart a .certain polish to. their manipuletions Unit please the eye,,..appeals . to tfle judgment,-and,-reduces one to stamp them* "Idasteis ,of the situation I " Now plainly, S. & co. - aro not peranibulatfag jugglers,. or anythltig,of th•O sort, but good, solid, mitter , of-fact Philadelphia Stove Pounders, whose manners aro' as well .pol- ished us their )vares, and whose business in tegrity is rally as giipA. This firm is now offering to tiCe trade the yßarloy Sheaf"! cook that combines every desired quaiity, Sei;Pfor a doseriptiVe circular and beware of boglis'affidis ! For'Sale by ItninEs'myrix S auri , car lisle, -Pa. • We call the attention of our readers to -the advertisement in another column of the :lliiipptived Star Shelac Sewing 11Itebine." This machipb'is sold at about ono-half the pyino oLpther first-class machines. It has a beautiful, noiseless uloverpent, and does to perfection all kinds of plitiri and fine sow- ing. The sales are - cl there is nn in- 'dressing demand - rdethe - mathine's Wherever they are introduced. Agents will find in • the sale of this machiMe„,an opportunity_ surely offered to make mouey - , -, 77: - AYE JUDGE - FROM TUE IMMIINSI,I - Sales that. Mrs. S. A. Allen's Dup„,,vecl.• (new style) 'Hair Reitorer or Dreefing (in •one bottle) is preferred by :eve - ry - einer.L.Ev.- ery Druggist sells it. Price Si. 14feb-lm. s -Jos. _Miller, Auctioneer, will sell for ) John Lesher, on 70. 29ihnn Adam Pefrer's • plata), horses and farming aionsils, and for ;Lamb -Mummn,,near Barpita's mill, ihorses cattle and farming imploinonts. Jacob Mumma, near Barnitz's mill, on - .Match ad„ s t ell.tio_Ese; cattle,. nntLfurni— ing Joseph 'Miller, 'Auction . --- "preparations. ta - ttd - ritttplitt - fur - restorintr .... g ray hair tilovi none which gives so universal satisfactiiin Fts IthEyS Ve l ictaie-Aiithroqith - 1 7 .13T-TitTFOTria n it and found it to restore the calm• in a truly . wonderful . - in anner-Lns -- Wi.cLThrto — feniciv o r -dandruff and all itching wiped by - humors of flit scalp. Try it andlia satisfied. =, , feb. 7-4 w. • . . DELIGHTFUL SENSATION.—And lug to the head, is "Baxret'sZair Restora— tive," which took tlf6 V tidal, Tribute of - Respedt. - February 2,1868 Wifearas, An all wire Providonce in bin inflotte wisdom hnn taken away from our midst our into teacher, Miss Sarah J. Lomb, who:o litterary attaite moots, and obristaln character et. &axed Iter dear to t h e ptiplla of the While hall t 4. o.. , chnoi, Therefore bo It Resolved, 'Phut too humbly submit to Abe will -of Him , who cloth all things well. in thus removing from emong u 4 in the prime of life, ono whose sphere of usefulness In the' cause of educalion had been marked by the most gratifying results. Resolved, That by this,dispensation our school, has lost a valued friend, and nne,t worthy christian teacher, whose generous feelings were over inclined to the Soldiers Orphans: Resedved, That we tender dur heartfelt sync Lathy to tin bereaved mother and relatives of the deceased. /ersoierd, Tint these resolutions be published in the Cumberland manly papers at Carlisle, ainttbat a copy-he sent to the bereaved -mother- - resitling - at Decatur,lll By the pupils of the White hell S. 0. Schro l Cmoberland county Pa BUSYNESS NOTICES TRUSSES; StIOULIjER BRACER dm., of superior 'nukes together with a largo invoice of fresh drug: and medicines, just received at Common k Worthing 'ton's drug sterol-N0.7, Yost Man Street. PARTICULARS OF HARRISBURG OAL OIL B.ATLOSION a'ro nut Important.. It Ic far moro Important to know that Writ. BLAIR & SON' sell coat oil Mot cannot be exploded.- Mace call and coo it tried. • Empty Boxes add Barrelaof ovary Mud In largo 'quantities' for We cheap, all the time at the store of '_quantities' Blair sr SOP, "South End," Carlisle, Pa. P. B. COD . FISEL et MACKEREL of best quality for sale ebtap at all times.; - • . TO TILE PUBLIC ' Encourage individual eniciprho and you will so curd compotlon^apd os'ertin ow 'monopoly. AU hinds of coal from the supilest humility to tlfty or a - hundrad tons, to bu bad at :se low—pricei as furnished b,,]iYlnOtyldottl or roMpany. at the rL t enp yard of ' -• 1,60ct-67 '5 NIARRIED. , §TiIIVIOK—IJETTF.B. —tin the 20 ht the residence of the bride's parents near Owlish', by it ev. L. IL Beaman, Mr. W. 11. Stevick, - - of Newburg, to • NIES amnia Getter. BROUNAVELI- T LDNO.—On Vie 26th lost. by Roy. S. P. Sprechor, illlmonlL - Bronneuellf to Susanna Long, 'both of Perry co. BADOLAY—LIGIIRNBIL—On the fume day by tba same, Samuel Barclay to - Susan Ligktrier, both of . Perry co. KELL—SIIULD.—On tbo 40th. lost., in Carlisle., by llov. B. F. Bock. Mr. David Iteli, Miss 011ro• Shull, both of Perry co. ' - MY.I3IIS-3NYDEB.—In Carlisle, Feb., Ito -by ltsy. W. 0. Lovorott, Mr. Jacob, A. Myers, to Miss ', • . MARKETS. CA.RI.ISI.IC PRODUCT 0141610 i February "7.7,1808 11 00 , 000 ..7 60 ..2 40 ..200 30 1 00 Cam 1y 1 10ur...:, Superfine d 0..... i do RYI , I-WITITEW/IlinT • AED d 0... (tYll 001114 OATS,(now), OLOV.Sitstm6 EMISIMM LeX. I.EI/ BARLEY--- Mll=M=tl GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET' Carlit4,..Fobinnry 27 130 . 8. ' "Corrected Weclaii 1 ? .. 9 Wm. ,Bent z:— .! BUTTER .. • , • 30 BACON SHOULDERS 42 EOGB, ' 26 BACON BIDES, -10 LARD, 1.1. WRITE BEANS ,2 00 TALLOW, " 10- PARED PEACILES, • 25 SOAP, - . 8 UNPARED PEACHES 11 BEESWAX, ' 40 DRIED APTS,, 201 BACON HAWS 16 RAGS, • • ' • 4 *N . ONCE .1-21 Notice is hereby given that lettere testamentary. have been issued to tbo•undc reigned executors of the last will and testament of Jobir S: Sterrett, lato•ol Dickinson township, deceased.. All persona indebted to thc;•estato will make pay snout, and those having claims present *theca for set tiemenktp S.D. BTE1111:ETP, • • • J. T. STERRETT, W. L. CRAIGHEAD, ' • Executors. Noi 1 .`,A.T.,ta.--A - delightful toilet ;artielel—superioi to Cologne and at lialfthe 7fokr2t, , . - --- ITr dilt.t/t4 folithbing, from the Edi torial eoluMps of the' .'LEADER," ("fez:chord, one of thii:most.:iitillt ential papers of Are Mst. TIOOFLAItD 2 S GERMAN' BTT TERS. - -- 7n calling the attention of .oull'imdcfs-to unble preparation, we do so with a full conviction that it is a highly acientemappfor..b.spepsla, and all diseases arising 1).om n disorderastate of the Liver or stomach. rh 'ranting this assertion, we are sus tained by tho testimony of many of the eminent pro fessional men at the kttotry._. Lanyers, physicians, 'and V iirgymen,all bear witness to its great- userniz ness. It contains ho alcoholle stinlulont, but to pure ly medldnal , beingcienpoiinded from the---pveaerlp lion of ono of the most eelebratedThyslelans of his' .day, and is.woll known and used by the faculty of the progent time. h has been before the public in Its present shape for over.twonty years, and during that time hoe become "known all ever the world." To those in need of a remedy of this character, wo would say procure it' at once, and do not waste, your - time and money on, the many worthless Compounds that, now flood the markot; 'andlhoso who era notta im ruodiate'wn nt of It; we'would advise to be prepared to battle with dlseaso by keeping it al ways:'in the house 13.00FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Combines ail the ingiedionts or tho Bitters -with pure-Santa Crux Itum, 7 1i is used for the some I.lle.ons the Bitters, in cues 'whert. soma ';liroholl&Stimulant in required. It is. a: ' preparation - Of rare sniuo, and most agreeable-to the dalate. Proicipat - ggicp93l Arch Se.; ° Philarl'a, Pa r Sold everywhere. MEE OTICAT, 1N 13' ANKRUI?TCY:,...; , _ • This Is' trighio notice, that on thoilfogidni of Fel; miry; A. D.; 1808 a warrant In - Bankruptcy Wan is sued against the estate' f John Bents, f Carlisle in the county of „Cumberland and state of Pennsylvania,. who lone boon adjudged a-Bankrupt on bin own pet'. Con. That tho payment of any'dobts, and the dolly dry of any property belonging to siochllankrolpt to Itim.or. fot_hitt use, and_the_transfer.of, by him are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the drodotors of the. said Bankrupt to proro .their debts nod choose•one or more assignees of his estate will be held at n Court of Bartkrupocy" to be holden at Isle of fice in the Court House in Carlisle in Carlisle, before Chas.-A. Barnett,. Register on-the -eighteenth day. of• March-.A. D. 1008 at.lo o'clock; A. M. . P.C. ELLMAKER, U. S. 'Marshal asst. Messenger. Per. S. 11. GALMIAITII, Deputy. 28feb-O8 2t. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCr. This is to give notice, that on the - Mill day ofFeb.. iiieri; A. D., 1860, a warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against , the estate of Elias ,Whisler, of East Donegal township, 'in the county of Lancaster, and State of Pennsylvania. who has boon adjudged n Bankrupt on his - own - petition; that the plkysnout of _nay debts mud delivery of any property belonging to inch Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any properly hy him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting at the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to peso their debts autl-to.chonso_ono or more assignees of his ostate..will ho hold at a Court of Bankruptcy ,to be holden at the office:Of 'ibe.liegister in Bankruptcy, at No. G South finceli'St., in tile city Of bancanrter, Pa , beforo Amos. blnymBker, erg., liegisior, oil the sth day of 51AliC11, A. D. 1808, 10 o'eleck, A. Al. JOSEPH GAINTIIII, 231Lb-C - 8 2r.- HREAS, the on.. JAilEs H. oV-'E H ITRAHIM, Presidect 3 urh - Ze ot the several Courts of Common Pleas of the courtlies of Otunberlited, Pe, ry, and Juniata, and Justice of tile several Courts O. Oyer and 'Terminer and General Jo I rDellvery in said noun tick, and Thom. P. Blair and Dug). Stuart, J udges of the Courts of Oyer and, Tertniner and Jell Delivery for the trial of all eapital and otyler offenders, in the mid County of Uumberiand, - -by their-precept to - me directed, dated the 13th day of January A. D. 1868, have ordered the Court. of, Oyer mud Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be holden at Carlisle on the 3.d Monday of April, 1868,- (It being the • 13th day), at 10 o'clock in the foronnon, to continue two weeds. NOThlras_herchY-gixnn_to,.the Coroner,Justicesot the Peitee,}ll.l Constables of-the said coun t y f Cum- Gelliiiffirlitt they are by the said . precept commanded e-he.the.r-strd-Harre-fo-their proper persons, with their rolls, records, and inquisitionsexaminations.and all other renn.minances, to do those things vThich to theirofficesameertainjo_ be donN and-all,these4bat are bnundby recoginizances, to prosecute against the prhouers that sre or then shall bd in the Jail of said county, are to be there U. , prosecute then, as shall_bo just. - JOS. C.- TLIOMPSON Sheriff. 28feb 16 , 38. • VERGOE'S IMPROVED A chemical preparation 01 Lard - 011, noutrallaing Its attraction for OVOEN—the rouser of-guns, k e., - and impartft* to it (by nhanireal affinity) a property of , ATTRACTION FOR -METALS, whereby it le rot:Lined, in lubrication, •CONTINWEISLY PIJRN from at bast 25 to 50 per cent. laugor than rporm 13y bble. $1 85: Cask, or 200 Gallonv, $1 80 per Gallon. • 5 galle., Nu e, c: u, 0111 03—Caro, 212 Doz., $22 00 3 e , ~6 " 2-12 13'16 1 " 2 " 60.12" 14 7n 13,4 1 32 .• 1 '" 15 64 Clans credited on return to order. Discount by cairtTdo retail dealers. The 011 in also put up an a SEWING DIAOITINII ,u 1 ARMOR OIL, la 3 to 4 oz.,(Nrblto Uinta 25 cents—packed in 1 doz., nod 3 , 6 grOgli CIISOS, in Soz., 50 cents—parked - 1, 4 - andti 'oz. capes; and In 24 oz., sl,oo—parkedl and 2 doz, easns; sold by Boiling Machine A:rents, First Class Drogeists, Grocers and C nintry Merchants Orders received thrpu2h the trade. Thu Mater Stantlnal of tht, fit is 35 ° to d 0 ° Fah% • 011,1 n casks nhd bldg. suldeet to return and credit withirt - lbrdayFsarople - lotsM thiysTiffliirAtirof de: UNTO', If not satisfactory,. Orders by libl„ &n., ont through Messrs, SMITH & CO., Man uliteturers' I Supplies. Market Street, 11 BULLOCK'S SONS, Wool 42 South t'ront Street, WM. SELLERS & 00., Machinists, and the PIUIhADFL• PlllO MACHINE AtiINCY, Oth nod Minor Streets, . C. B. Di, L.ti VERGNE, MeT, Branch Manufactory, 106 CalloNlihill St., ME! IMMII! VEGETA,BrE AMBROSIA Gray-Trended Peciplo have their locks restored by it to ltie dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy! Yourfg'People,with light, faded orredllair, have these - unfashionable colors changed to _a beautiful auburn, - end rejoice! - -- People whose heads .are covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps! Bald-Beaded Veterans have their remaining loam tightened, and- the hare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of llair, slid dunce for joy! Young Gentle Men use it 'because it is richly perfunied! 90 to.. Young Ladies use it liceaise it keeps • theklluir in place! . 725 . 2 "5 , Everybody must and will use it, because it •is the' cleanest and test article in the mariteti • _ i•' Tor Sale by Druggist6' generally. 7 0110&1y IVLeTV ADVEI?TISEIII.EN7S. FQR: RENT; • • . TljO''dwellna boutide, Noe. 'O, 0, cud 7, In tb a Brick 110)7 o 3 tho-rublio Munro , Apply to NO,l, End Main fit. , 28113b49 2t TTSSOLUTION .. ,OR PARTNER . SHIP.] Notice Is hernby - gl n that the partnership hereto. lora existing betweaq W. 11. Smith, and Joseph &I. el, hen this day beet dissolved by mutant consent, and their business will hereafter ho conducted at-the old stand by Joseph Zoigler All.persona Indebted-to the trio aro notified to comobp d spate their-accounts' . W. IL - SMITH, JOHOPII•ZIIiGLEIt. 28fetv138 Et. Fobrunry 20,1808 RESSING CASES, 'Ladies' and Gentleman's op /08136.' iSliii!o'l".4.l,„ IVO 71 Lgs. Dq Marthati, oth District 01 I'o o'o. nsst Messenger PROOLAMATION ==! =I FLITC3t.',S IS THE' fiIIHAGLFOF THE AGEYI AT ILAWBOTTOKT NE IV .A._QVERTISEMEIYYS. READ., MI READ. ! - READ, W.. OLSA.W_Y_ER_& _CO., EAST - MAIN STREET Under the ...Cormun _FL-Ouse -. -Learning from the mercantile ageniy of Naw•Ycirk, hat u largo advanco'of pricoln Drfa ooda was going to take place from the increase in• the value of cotton and • the stopping' of many Eastern Mils during tho. depression. of trade. W. C. SA.WYER St co bought jug. Word tho late advance, an 'almanac, stock of DOMESTIC, COTTON and.WOOLNN GOODS, - - 110U3EVURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS, \\F-. O.,TSAWYER; &ICC) aro prepared for sixty days to give bargains in 10-4 0-4 5-4 41 and 3.4 white and unbleached muslin:: and :Meetings, 4-0 7-8• and '3.4 TICKINGS and CHECKS 5090 ,yards of Dark, Light, and Morning. prints. 1000 yards of Domestic and Scotch GINGHAM, Hand loom and Irish Tahlo Linens, BLEACHED7athI UNBLEACHED MI Linen Table Clothe In patterns, Wool Table covers, Napkins, Crash and Towels, Damask for curtains, and Icrunges, - CurtairMlielins, French and English - , COUNTEItPANES, '—BLANkETS,'NEATIIERS, 4,G; d‘c., CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS D_ W. C. SAWYER, & CO, make elippta a apeelal (le. partment 1n their largo trade. - - - - BEST ENGLISH BRUSSELS, Ldwell andj Harlinid three.-ply and Ingrain Carpets. Philadelphia make of Ingri(ld, Dutch and Linen Car pets, English and Ainerlcati plain and twilled Venitian STRIPED CARPETS IEM and ..,te7ll3r, ONE TIIOI.I.SAND YARDS OF lIO\IE•MADE RAG~`•~ARPE'I"S RUGS, MATT S„,, &c 8-4 6-4 and 4-4 OIL CLOTHS, C. • iopulaFroakee, Shades now styles, LOOKING GLASSES, 413 E itr GIA ET S A Selling" for less than first cost of - Carpets . bought before the first of the year. NEW, DRESS GOODS for tho early eprlE4, BLACK S.I.IfICS, ALL COLORS of FANCY SILKS, ALPACAS, - POPLINS, MONAIRS, and . DILAINES, P - All kinds of WHITE .EADIBRICS, SWISS MARSEILLES, 191 1011114 to and Othei winiu GOODS : Alarge lot of 119 1,1310 E. • ' .:. . .- i.rino atom Room. and Collar, on the corner of North Hanover and Louthor - streets; now in the oo• etipaney of Samuel Arnold. This le one, of the best and moot, desirable business locations In the borough of Carlisle. Possession will be given bn the first day of April, A. D. 1868, • For terms and further particulars ...Inquire of ~. . ; , .70I1N A 11U1511tICII. . . ~ and all persons s ells respectfully Wilted to coll. .. I 7f b-11131t. • ' . NOTIONS IS HOUSEKEEPERS w. o. SAWYER & CO buy for OASh afid sell at tbo LOWPBT market rates . . NEW AD VEIT ISEMEN TS. .„. $25-, W $25 • Wo want :flirt.class Aipinls to introilirco our rm. PROVBD STAR- SIIUTTLEI SEWING !MAGIIINE. The cheapest and boat Machine la the whole country. Extraordinary indueomonta to kood.ncti ref salesmeli. Particulars'ond . sample 'work lurnishod on applica tion. A."3 . ,1 1 1b1GNT,, Agora.' • • " ' Arbil , Strait Plilladolpbla.... • NOT.I.OE IN 'BANKRUPTCY.-- - ..," S. blot. Court 11- In the matter or Andrew 7. flute it. Dist. Penn! fof NeWfitif township, In the chanty of Cumberland In oho said District a:Bankrupt. - - of bank rupthaileg tinder the net of Congress of 211 of March 18P7,.fi1ed.his_. petition for a -discharge from all his debts provable under the said act and tor a certificate thereof alleging that no„ debts bare been proved and that no atatotehavo come Into the' hands or the assignee, it la tinkled that emitting of creditors be held too tho eighteenth day of March .18013;.at two o'clock, P. 71., before the Itettlitor, ends A. 13AtriXxx, Bed, at" his office In tho Court. Bonen in, -Carfii•lo, Cumbild county, Pa., to be continued by adji „piurn etit rosary, when and where the examinations o. the 'Bankrupt will to finished; and any •busi noes of the second and third' meetinge of creditors re. ,quired' by the 27th and 28th sections of the said act may be transacted. - • , Iris further eider. d that a hearing be had upon the said petition for diechargo and certificate on Wednes day the tint day of April 1808, Iniforo the said coure, at Philadelphia, at ten o'clock, A. hi., when and where elf creditors who bavirproved their debut and other , Peremit In interest may appear and show cause, if any they hare, why the prayers of the said petition shoititt no, bo granted:. • • . 0; ELLMAKDR, - 11, 8. Maiehalf,asst. eteasetiger_fer.E...Dist—Penna__ OALDBAITII, Deputy. 28figi-68 fit. ESE 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 WM, T. I.IOPRINS "Q%VN mmilip "KEYSTONE, are the best - and CILEAPthr Low Pigeon Hoop Skirts in . the market. Troll skirts, 25 sprlngb, $1.00; 80 springs; .81.20; and 40 . springs, $1 45. Plain Skirts, 0 tapes; So - springs, 80 Cents; 25 siirlogs, 05 Coots; BO spougs, $1.15; and 35 springs. 01.25. Warranted in every sped. "Our OWN,. make" of UNION SKIRTS," Eleven Tape Trails, from - 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2.60,, Six Tapes, 20 ;to b 0 springs, frout 95 Cents to Theso - Ssirticaro - botter thatvt hose - sold - by otlo. - or establishrrionts as first class goods, and at rubch. lower prices. OWN make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS" are in ovory way superior to all other Hoop Skirts helot e the public. and only have to he exgmlood -or work to con -I -Inca miry One - of the fact.. 3LO:tufa:tuna - Of the beat liroindlnished English-Stool Springs, very superior tapes, - and.the. style of the tuetalte fastenings' and Manner of securing them surpass for durabilty and excullenco any other-Skirt iu, this country, and are lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, glyo moro.sat let-action, and are really • cheaper thtn - I All othore. Leery • lady sl9uld try them. They aro being sold ex tensively by merchants throughout- this cud the' ad.i joining states at - rely mo ;orate prices. If - you:011V. tho beet, ask tor "Ilopkin's Champion Skirt." Ifyou do not find_them, got tho merchant with whoin you deal to order them for you, or. come or vend diryct to us. Illeiebants will Sod our diffinent grades of Skirts ex actly what they need, and W. especially invite them 'to - call and examlno our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. . To bo lafi4at Retail at Manufludory, and of thu Trodo gonerallyomd_wt Whalesalo of tho Manu facturer only, to whom all orders should he addressed. lANUFAGTORY. and SALEShOONI, 626 AROLI ST., Botwoon 6th and 7th Ste, Philadelphia. T HOPICINS. 2Bfob•OS 10m. APPLETONS' • EDITION WAVERLEY NOVELS, NOW PUBLISHING, From new Stereotype Plates, uniform with the INorw Edition of IllogEr7s, contain ing all the Noto,of, the. Author, end 7. ------ prinled - from the latest edition` „ _ of _the Authorized , Toxt, To be.: Completeq in Twenty-rive • Trols• PRICE 25 CENTS PiACH. Printoti on fino.white paper, clear type; and conven ient size. PRONOUNCED A "11111+cm:or clic.trares." ORDER 1. Waverley: 2—l-v-anhoe 3. Konilwofth 4. Guy Mannering G. Antiquary._ G. Rob Roy. 7. Old Morality. 8. The BliMlc dwarf , .. and 'Legend. of Montrose. 8. Bride ot Lam . mermoor. : 10. - lienit of Mid Lothian. _ 11. The MOnastery -12..:The - Abbo,. - Thd Pirdtd. 14. Fortune of Nigel On receipt of SIX DOLLARS NVO will send the en tire set of Waverly Novels, as published, and n ropy of a now Steer-Plato Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, from a painting by Fir Thomas Lawrence, suitable f,,r framing. the 138oks ana Engraving to 'be sent free of postage to any part of the linked States. 13Ither of the above rent-to any address on receipt of the price. 25 rents prr volume. On receipt of TON DOLLARS a oomph+ set of Drex rye tin uniform style). 17 volumes, nod Warns - LET, 25 volumee, will be sent poet paid. The chEapest Ten Dollars' worth to be found In the whole Thug° of Lit erature. Forty two volumes for $lO Extraordinary - Opportunity for the Mil lion to PurChase a set of Sir Walter Scott's World renowned. Wsver °vela. CLUB RATES. _One Complete_ ant, SO.OO Three Complete Sots, ^+ vela., 010 00. FIVe Sots, $2O. Ten Sets, Molted tit our oxpenso Any person obtaining Four subscribers for the WA {TULEY-NOVELS, mid remitting us $2l, will be entitled to a.t of Dien ENS 17 vols., 0110118. All mailed at our Any person obtaining?' eight subscribers, and re mitting-$lB,OO, will receive a espy of the "Waverley Gallery," containing 20 Nteol 'Engravings of the Pe male Characters In the Waverley Novels,. bound In elegant Inorrocce, price $15,00 Canvassers wanted In every town in the United States. &great opportunity is afrorded to Indus trious Dien madwomen to.make money, as every Irian, woman, and cbliftWill.p w rchaso tho WAVERLEY Nornfli lore this ri price. - FOr special rates, apply-to the-P-übllshers,- • • D. APPLETON.A . OO3IQANY. ' • 443 &.445 Broadway; NW. 28feb-G8 4t. undersigned, Navin NO ra T u lO ri. l l 4l. , —The armor hupinepo. hi,o 3' nn- tlll2 all pt , r,ott4 Indebted to bin, to mak:c linnamliat6 payment. • All areounta remaining mmettled within 30 d[liVl robin thin notice will lmleft with n mag&trate for collection. .' • , 0. L. lIALIIERT.T 1.11e1).31 w. 114 EAFNESS, BLINDNESS, 'and CA- T Al • ts U r utmost success, by D. Omillet and Aurfst. (fermerly of toy don, Itolimid.)-No. 605 Arch Street, ['Wind's,. menials front the most reliable sources inlhis city and country can bo soon at his office. r TI n medical for ultY aro In*It&I to accompany thelPpationts, as lib hat no secrets in his practice.. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examinition. Nlay,lo,lB67'—'ly. F°R,S . A.LE OR RENT. . , . Tho lingo three story house on the corner of High and - Bedford Pts:allOntl as the Thnrn property, oleo soyeral brick houses on Pitt et. Bliquiro of -- N. F. SIJAPLEY. ... cor. North and Pitt Bt. -21f0b.68 tf. TIHP Cumberland Connty-,Agrieultn ral Bliclnty will bold lts•rognler nientlno In Mo . Arbitration llooln at 11 A. M. on Tuesday, DI arch 12th next. 11y order of tbe•soelety W. 1 , . SADLER, 21.feb.88. • SELLtRP & FOLVVJ4LD 2 - WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS .AND PRUITERERS, NO - 161 NORTH THIRD STREET, ItgORDEREI prompilY fitto . ndod to 21fab-138 3m. . • ._ OTE%. ~ . . •• ..• . , ..„ .. . . Wunnsss, I am °tient to leave town, netts° 14 hereby given to ell persona indebted to Ms and all immune bon ing claims against nm, to.malcu settlement with mu et ones, Alter the 10th lust, my books will be put In other hands for settlement. • , - • , . . . lEREMIAIII imam. - ,VVIDAB4t , , . . , ?A . 11. • SMILEW . . . -. , , rosemaklug and Millinery Establlehroiat, No 00, North Ihroover Otroot. . " . . . .§R1'.9 7 , 3 7,,.. - ' q•-', 7 7. ~ '., ~ PROOFS OF SUPERIORITy . , OF • The trUe value . of Machinery - applied to-Watch making Janet that - by Ito use 'Watches two ,made , rapidly, but that they are made correctly. • Very few .people know why a•Waltham {Vetch should be super- - for to oily other. In the blot place, at Waltham the• . Watch it-regarded as ordy-a machitio,,toAm - construct• ad like any other niachine,hin mechanical principles., If the watehes aro good, it Is because 'the machinery Is good. - „Of course theroonint 'be •no defect, in the principle or -plan of the•movement.-, no' mistake In the sizes Or shapes of Ilse pieces of Which it _ls. corni posed—nothing wanting In their •pdlapertles, end no .orror In - their positions. These points once therough iy settledrit rests wholly will the machitiery: con structed with infinite divers* of form rind function use rmely for!..tho purpose, to produce the' finished plac e s. Ity means ofmultiplylng guages and micros- I tiopcs, teals and inspection, fur -the decoction of wear In the cutting tools, and for faults end . pawn in steel or stone are made to acCompany the. work In every stage from beginlng• toorid. Atta:nereseisry result. - the watch goes together a' pOrfect madam.. Every = part is found to fit properly in Its place, Every pin may be pushed till it.phiches, and, every screw turn ed home. Instead of a sluggish and feeble action, the balance,leven under the pressure 'Mille -lightest. _misiuspring-,'vlbrattis with a wide and free motion, and the boot-boa- the-riear--rlnging_eound_alrvays _ebaracterletemi_tho-itelthisin-Wateb,,lhe-machine- is sethaeisioper 00111 the start. ', • , This eyeless of watchmaking is unknown in foreign 'coUntries,and ix entirely original with the Waltham Company. The Company claim that by it they pro- duce a Welles that• cannot bo equalled for every quality which makes a watch 'valuable Simple in ' plan and correct in principle the movement is, not only boautstully finished, eulstahtial, accurate and cheap, but is uniform lathe minutest di toils, dot easily damaged, and When repaired aliveys ne geed as new. There are different gradesof finish In the differ- I - ent - varietion of watch - es - übade by the Waltham _ceinpanyos-there are-Offenat SIZOW and - shailes• to: suit all tastes and means;-but every Watch that boars the genuine trade-mark of •iiNamstett'i is guarantied to boa fluid ono, and noh,idy need ho -afraid to buy For Salo by all First-Class Dealers in the "UniteO States and British ,Erovinees. NEW FIRIJ, NEW BUSINESS, NEW 'FURNITURE; subscribers baring iissoigalon themselves in partnership for the transaction of the • BUSI-N-ESS ECM have located themselves In tho well-known and pop ular stand at bay occupied by the junior partner as' a grocery store, on tho south-east corner of Hanover at., They &afro to announzo to the pubil. , that they' z.hava - now'on hand and are constantly inatinfieturing. and purelosing from the Last eastern the latest and Teat styles and pattc?nr, of of all qualities.' . Their sput; of refute-wale work, consists In par of _33.A.11013.4.N.Y WALNUT :1111 it,. QIIESTNU f.SUIT.9 . FLORA IT. It STANDS, EA 1..0i.13„ .DR_LISAINCL ItUII.E4U/S. of till ...0 - yles and prices. Tutu :V Tyres, SWIM; Lounges, Cot tag,. Trundles, Cot tage, Panel, Japanese, and ./ently Lind Bedsteads, C [Ago parent., Illnrldo Top Irabl.q; rod Stands, Wrtsbstands:of all variettcs,CloArs of all tl tolled Furniture -111-K II 119-01' lo—ploges cnuslnu tly Do hand. 31Irro'rx of all st 3 les atdd prices. F 15. Peveril of -the Peek,- - 15. Quentin Dur ward.• 17. St. Rornan's well 18: Reclgaimtlet. 10.- Tho Betrothed,. and-Highland-wi . dow. 20. The Talisman. 21. - Woodstock. 22. Fair Maid of - - Perth. 25. Anne .of Gier • . stein. - 24-:=Clumt dlobert of - .Taris . 25. Tho Surgeon's Daughter. ILO ,1)1-111_111 n D Such as Sid 6 Boards, Irurearrs, Beds:earls Safes. Secrets rles. Chairs In Setts, llnelrers„or all descriptions. Ce made by enniperent workmen from the very bent ur terra] and at reasetrAblo prices SHAPLEY A It AirtlEßT. - -_ SHEET 311.1511% censthntly-on.haud— .• • ' A.DVER.IIS'EMENTS. THE .iMERICAN IVALTHABI WATCHES • EVERY WATCH FULLY WARRANTED For further 104, elation ethlroes .tho Agents,__ ROBBINS & API. ) LETON: 182 llBaoaa~way rir. Y. 7feb•ltn. • - • tiitt ct 6. ' , Lo .ef 6, 1 la' k tit I'4' I The Last ( ) ,. I ' - t:,3 1 ,)‘`,6: t i . j iti,- CCS,S. Ai I I V r I t . . • , ....,,,,i ii r ry ps 4 , l ngwri - 7 - lii i :co. awl REST, Oinß AM oßrissolo • ille4tYla .hi oßeStili / , , .‘ will quiCkly restore Gray Hall o its natural eolor and beauty, and pioduce luxuriant growth.,, petlictly harmless,. mid is preferre over every other. preparation "b: those who have a finahead of hail as well as those who With to restor it. The beautiful gloss and perfuni imparted to the Hair makibit desirabl for old and young.' Par Salo Ly nll Dragglstef. GREENIVICIt ST., :~{~~C~~ool~~~~, I feb 08 ly T SALE OF DRYGOODS; AT AUCTION. -I hereby_ announce to the pubilc:_wholesirbar gains, that X Win commence on Wednesday , afternoon , March 4, at 2 o'clock to soli my very largo stock of DRY GOOD 3 at public a action. _ ID this largo assortment of g0,41 . 11a everything need ed by honsekeepers and beatli of families can be 'found. dale to commence at 2 o'clock .P. M., of March 4. ho "continued each ulterior:lon and evening until all is dlnpesed of. The toms will bo Mend, aw follows: On all bills under $l5 cash OW delivery of tho grnds; on all bills of $l5 and upwards notes will bo taken payable in bank, with approved security at six tnouhs, but to acconimedato lay patrons 1 will deduct 0 per cent. per'annum front the hills that exceed $l5, to these persons that desire to pays rash. P' As my store In large and commodious I will have seats prepared to specially reserve for the ladles A. W. IlittiTZ.. - 21f01,613: 227 .. 108 ' 227 7 ; :c . • • :11_ -Germiff Seed . Store. .71t1,1411, i3EUIIA-11 mid OTTIEII7 Field Gorden (Ci'Flower Seeds Frnit; gbado niedOrituniental . Trees. • , Warranted frerh and qf best , • ' prices by.. • LOUIS.A'CURNt& CO, . • 227. North Second i Str., het. ilikei; ' CUILADEI.PCIA PA Catalogue sent gratin. - 14feb 08-3 m. ..'• - BRICKS .••• ~....•••• 'BRICKS!. ''‘. - BRICKS! ~• ••• The aubscribar, having •,purehasod tho aitionslfo prick Yards at P. Fahuastock, antipodean to the public that ha has an hand • . A 'WILLI-ON.• of erosellont brick, boatieommou and presrad, ivhieli ho will 801 l at Vary ropieniablo ratan.. Apply to , • . ' ' idt..HollY.Sprinde. or to P. H. PAIINI lITOCI{; , Harrisburg, Pop .• . . 21fa1009 tf. Brgapdi Pulritonic.l,Atafeis, AT RALBTONI3 De 0.11,1862 HA B.DWAi?.E. MILLER & = BOWERS' ITAPDIVA.RE STORE, 26 NORTH HOOVER STREET,, , CARLISLE,__PA. , • . . 'Nu" 1,440,p l y a g f4 g i4 o rp. ..4,f,f4 it :-• • _ • • 7E -would respectfully., ealLthe than of the public to our recently rsplenishod STOCK. Wo hove carefully avelded.purchasing dur lug the recent decline, and now that the market has become settled we have filled np our shelves and are Prepared to offer special Inducements to all who will favor us with a call, --Wo,bave caustantly on hand-u FULL STOCK OF .7?efi'ned,..and .Nbr: • Iva!) IRON; Bendan's Home and lllale Shoes; . Horn* 'Rods . • •-.Horse'Ealls BlacVand _ together with n - „ _ B A - _ __. TOOL S , . audios Drills, °slid. Doi. Ticdri blows, hasps, Fllos • BIIILBINGI ~, 4 4, - 0 1 :. 0 -- •. ' • Ci O V, ... ~, \- 8 . .1 -,„:„.:( )- . . Wo•InvIto all poisons inteniling to build, to come and lake - a look thiuogh our stock. Mo !MVO our liolts, %lc 11, Olass,'. Paints, Oils, and all, ter'sl in till Ih lino m ) Irked down st• .tho losrest.O.thl = l PRICES, a nd fool a. used that wo can over special 'lnducetoonts In this branch. HARRISBURG NAILS, always on ham] A.= ----, - ' - CARPENTER'S • . . , Can Ito had o' thn hest quality - : We talc° - special Cara in selecting all took , and aro hound to keep upthe reputation-of the-old stand in .this particular. ... . , - . *tt t4io - TABLE AND 0 ERR= UTLE of. all Itnmaginablo patterns. Wo keep on hand a fall lino of these goofs and aro always akin to suit tho taste, of oven the mostfaathlls;us. - • - • - - _„77:41 i z sAD„.L,y-,„ERY3 „ - - of every variet7, embracing in part self adjusting and Ole Trees, Plated Japanned and Woolf Hanna, - Bridle ilitte, Brow Bands, Olrthing, Horse Blanketc, itc., also SA.DDLER, TOOLS, of every Aescriptii•n. - SHOE FINDINGS, consi ting of MOROCCOES, - . LININGS," • BINDINGS, • THREAD, • • , . . - ~..- PEGS, • ~_.....!". - • -24 St... AND ZINGS. Our friends will always find - uswell supplied with tho , best branda of these arikles nod ready to sell them at the lowest prteos. Wo aro constantly in re ceipt of Paints,-thee enablio4.ourselves to supply our costotners,with frosts potato, colors of all descriptions tontantly ow hnud. Also pore LINSEED OIL, COACH. FURNITUOI, • ormnit LEATInnt. -nod IItON,YAILNISITE . d : ... r PUTTY, GLUE, LITIMAGE,.tc. • • _ -Cabinet Makers and Undertiikers . , win always find us; having a full iupply of goods IA this line, • PUMPS,of all description and of tide best manufac turers, Wood, Iron and cad piptit to suit. • .., FARM' AN D lIOUSL.I3II, 1d1I10:frons-aut - ntid Circalar Powders. Itosonilato; Ilnnsock nod Seotland'4oernent, -ClIMoe Plantar, Crow Ilarn,dledges, ' - FARMERS, .44 - will do well to call and oxamitto our stook of llamas, Traces, liroant Chains, Tongan latt_Stay Chains. Jock oy Chains, Spr e ads, Baiter Chtitts. Coo/Tics, Shovels, Epodes, Forlts, IGdcns,.o rain ]lags, Ike ,1e fora buying oloutrhero.Wo aro ready to offor•spocialcinducomonts to this ling . . , , Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. IT I, ES - T ' SMOOTH. AND TWISTED, , , Double and single-barrol SHOT-gUNS, - REVOLITERS, CARTRIDGES, WIPERS nnOkusTrlminingo or ovary C EDARWA Tinner, , Solderin g IRONS, Bar4"..carl Block-Tin, Babbit-Metal, Sheet . • Brass, &C., • We us solo ago . nts for the . • ' BIWFALO SALE 'WORK'S, t . . .... / . and ti.ady to supply duke warranted. and fur nish at lower }irises than any other Fcalts in the matte ' . We aro constantly, in receipt of.goods direit from Ihe manufacturers mud mg able to lurnirh Country . MorchanttOtt Philadelphia and -Now .York prices. • ' . . . . ••,, , • " ' 0Q A C q.. - .,; - v-, '•- , . -' AND 4 • . . . . . .II; - ' , f_.*llipA • (WM Pr. FIXTURES: '-- W . ' N.. 4 always on hand a n d :nt the fowoit tuarltot • ratan, Dubs, Spoken, Homes, Axton, Skulls, Durk, Dttlitug, r , Goot,p dolivoicino all parts , of_ the town free of charge.. , , . . , ~.'.• :. , • ~ MILLER Sp BOWERS. , ..' ' ' ' '' N0.,20 liorthllanovor St.: ' . ' Carlisle, Pa. . . LEGAL 'NOTIC.4I§ NO PICE. .. . . •• . - ..... n . -Ponce is hereby given that Sarah An my, wti a has 'tat ii 4 house nut home. without any just cause In, load her own conduct, I therefore giro notice that 1 wtll pay no debts that,sho may Fontract -- , • , JOLIN 110Yli1t. . 21fet.68 3t,.. XECUTOWS NOTlC.E.—:.Letter.3 don , : / i. :f l o u s t t o t Tl e l t,ta . r t y r o o n nn thze ro st t l n t ‘ e v. o . f hi J p o . h u n a lb L e . r; 3 o e l o c ,l granted :to the, subscriber residing In 1111thlsesex tow nshlpolotice is hereby given to all persons hav•-• lug claims agni net said estate to present -them, and to those Indebted to make priyltiont to • • • • —DAVID—RETV— . Executor. fobl•Gt: -. • . • , NM A A DMINISTRATOit'S . Lotterp of Admiulstration olt the osCato of Catharine Calllo, doc'd.; late of, tho &rough of .Car WM, having beim !mood' to tho subscribor rerldlog In tho same placo, notice is hereby gluon to all_ por sons indebted to said - rotate to make PoYmolll and those having claims to present them to ' -• CI.E.IIIIpITS E. CA LLIO, ' • Admin Istmtrix. 14fehOt. .IV9TIOE:—,Notico is - 7 11orebi-giveti I_l that nu apialeatlon ban boori think to the Court •0; Conttaon - rhatanf - Cumbarlandi - Count' 'to—gra atm - - charter of loco, poration' to tho Cumberland Valloy florae Insurance and to. tcctivo Company, nod Paid Court has appointed ,tho lith day of March, next, for bearing raid' application 22fc1}GO ROOLAMATION.—the Him. Jas. .11. ,Graham, Prosident'Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the Counties of Onmborland, Perry and Juniata, and tbo floes. Hugh Stuart . and T. P. Blair,-Associate-Judgea -- of the -- Court of Comnion Pleas of Cumborland County, by a precept, to 111,i-di rected, dated the 13th day of January, 1808, have ordored an _adjournod Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Carliolo on the First Monday of March,. being the second day of the month, to continua one Welt: -.--- "'— ' JOS. C. THOMPSON, .57ter0; SlimTr'e OFEICR. . ' • fob. 3, 3868 . fel, 7, 1868-tc. __ _ . . • NOTICE. . . 6otice is horoby Wen that application will bn made for the incorporathu - of a Sink of - discount; "deposit and circulation, under too auth.irity of the Act of Assembly npprovod May lot. 1861, to bo located in Carlisle, Cumberland county Pit, and to bo callod,the "Farmers pank," with a capital of Any thousand dol lars, with the privilege of increasing - the soma to ono hundred thousand Iloukar GIVEN, • Mimeo, • • Jos, C. 'Wreck,. THOMAS I'AXTON, JACOB NarSINGER, 11jan-66 STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES . OF MBEH,L AND ;COUNTY, • Prom t71671 - ifri7ify Of Jr:Unary to the . 3lst day of .Dcccmbcr, 1867; . LEVI ZEIGLER, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the County of Cumberland. To balanee due at last settlement, 4 $ 541 68 To outstanding taxes ta last settlement. 3.137 10 To . County and 6t3to taxes lovied-Sor the year 1867, To proceeds 61 notes discounted In Dank, o.ttm”unt received from D. Letuvre, for use 01 ..rt-room, 'to Ones one verdict fees received, To huckster ((tonnes, under net of 1860; 'to hat:rent rocrlvcd Ytem talc coMetors, To exonerated tax, paid, To four per cont. of Tpatsurer's fees for col. dectintt, State tan, To amount received for old lumber, Tot - al Dobai,. TOOLS nmOunt Olti-Boraukh and •Towrisblp. ' Assessom - - , -$862 45 Bridges and Roads. -By amount flaid fin- building , now Bridge?, By amount paid lin. rops.Nng old Bridges, 1,663 78. By amount paid for Road • dotoog..oo, - By . amount._ paid :for lyo_d Courts. By amounf paid for Ivilnesses? fees in Commonw l th c.t uo, $ 875 93 By-aunount paa for Grand Juz rurs. - 508 57 By amount paid for Travers° • Jur0r5,3,3 24 88 By amount paid for boarding J arms, 283 50 By amount :paid for District Attorney fees, 423 00 1.1 -- Y - nnent paid fur Court Crier, 01 50 By amount paid for fees and costs in Common Plots. 80 00 $5,612 33 Con7lt4sionars' ggice. By smount.palil for stationary, $129 71 By amount paid John ,51oCoy, Laq services, • - -18'20 11y anwunt:palitlleury_THerßss Esq., for services, 00 00 -- By amount paid A. .V. Ilea; Esq., for services, . 024.00 By amount pal(' 51. G. Hale, Eng., for sery loos ' 252 00 ; y_tuno_u_n_t_pas.ll,A, , lpffivenr • salary, • ,_750 - 00 , By amount paid, Esq., salary, 150 00 By amount paid George Zinn; • Esq., postage, - - 17-08 ' 22,407 00 WHITE LEADS... , - - • " Colinty Offices. - By amount leakl for dockets, ' $lBl 17 - -•- By amount op` for costs in • - --CommonWealthreasepq• , 474-68 By amount paid - fur.Audltpr, '. 25 00 ' _ ~.e, -- , -- . $BB3 78 Constables' Fees. . - By amount pald for foes In ... . Commonwealth cane, 1,220 lah By amount paW fsr quarterly - • • returns, . 7 84 82 ~.... " _ . . . —4404.88 By amount paid for General. • ' Township attil 6pocial, $1,493 10 • liiquests ilead Boilies. • . . . By amount paid fur inquests , • . on dead.bodios, • .. - • -,,, 7•133 12 ••. - • Jail and Eastern Pen itentialv: , By amount palti'John lambs, • . - Ilkoi., for support, up-to lot • JulyrlB67, '0,860 115 - - - , By amount paid for fuel, 1,v20 45 ..... 'By amount paid for kepAll 14' . 'fixtures, tle,t- - -!. - . ... Al 8 fis 11,V -. amount .fald. foe .r..l6 . thinff, " - 1, _ , blanittti, LA . 145 64 - , • • By amount paid for salary of ' physician, ' ••60 00 By amount paid .1. C.. 1 nomp. • son, for support, inou 234 - • . s Nov. to Stet nee, . - 1,440 27 .11'y amount paid for.srater,.. 02 60 By amount paid 11. roniteutia..' - ry, for support. . 1,933 32 . . By am'nt. paid A.% 'Bowman, - Ke or, - , 530 75 .. ° -----' $16,431 SO ' .Iystices fee..s.' . . By- moo ut paid for Justices' foes 1 Boolmou'arth wore', . $1.32 42 ^ • .. Loans 'and lido:est. By amount o 'lnterest Paid on • . County Bonds, , , •—,, .- - $248 28 By am't of County Bonds paid, -- 175 OD By ous't tfuotes paid Irrßank . ,,, 10,00000 -By amount of discount paid on . , -- rowie al ofnoto, - - - 48 60 - ' • • •---- $10,471.78 By amountpaid Jacob ,Oquicr, Directors estimate, . ..06,0 0 0.00 • By nmonot,pald birectots' sal. . 150 -0,0 pp By' amount i paid isitcrs' - arias, • , • • --- $15,170 CO • • • .Buildings. By amount paid fur painting • • nod oilier repairs at ,_ 0 . 0nrt. 53,471 _ _ ' Byamount Paid tor, repair! , a -335 80 Jail, - By amount paid for ICeepor of 100 00 Public Buildloga• • •••-• • By amount paid for labor, 'cleaning, 0c.c.., • • By amount paid for ICooppr or . Town Clock, A 20 00 03,983 80 , . • ' . Public Printirfg.:. , • 1, By nmt. pad Iltntloin dr .' • - • , ~. ~. Honnedy, ... I. ' $5211 00 ' . • By ntnt.'ralll A• It Mont; 103 50 By atilt ! paid It. .0. Colony, _.' ~. -. VI 60 , • • ----,—.' r , $OBO 14 .„ Illiscellnyzeoris Pqinienis, .... . By. amt. pall Agridultural . Foelety (2 years), ;•••• $220.00 By not. paid Fira Compa- • • taus of car Halo, iiago By mut. pal County Audi. • tors ' • ' 135 00. 'By amt .. paid for labor,'.. 85 21 By amt. paid fergas and Water for Court Ilbuso . ODU Street Intirpmi • 67 87 .T. P. BRINDLB. ____ Prothy;— NOTia] _is hereby_ het Letters of Administration on the I Ilium Green, Into of Penn township, minty;_dee'd.. Intro „been granted. by., said county, - to the sub4,rlber residing . 1 1t persons indebted to sold estate imitate settlement, and those' having wont them duly nuthentientaddo ..1011 ; 1`..-0 It 13 kiN,_ ' — Adminfatrutol 'of Field dee'd... 11..111ILLEit, MARY W. AIIL, IONE!). W. DENTZ, ABRAM WITMER, DAVID BECKET. , DR. TO II F,IPTS 71.656 93 16,760 24 282 48 7300 CR. , BY PAYMENTS Assessors' IMEZ3 OE 121 30 • $12,281 72 Elect imil PsOr Roust By 't• nit. paid einO. Swartz, Toacharal, Institut., By'rnt. paid 'car faro aud traveling expommo • fly amt,poiti foraundiyar. • :Wien for Jail and Court By mat. paid Air fuel -foi • Court House, • ' "' • 183 Dq amt, paid for ropairink ' chairs, • 133 , amt:prild for tretayirid • - P1,1111111,4, : - 'l3y amt. paid for BorOugh AP, : fly 'um paid Jury Commis: , stoners zind'Clorki Total aunt: of Comisslonors' orders,. By . arot-. of Treasurer's Corn. mission at Ip4, per cont., $1,E43 32 By mot of Treasurer's Com. - mission for collecting $80,002, for 'County, at ,3 per coot., Dy sent. of State taxes paid - State 'Ere:thump c—• 3,697 18 Dy amt. of Treastireils'o6m• mission on ouruelit Spur cent., - 428 68 • By amt. Commission paid • Collectors, . • 010 07 By knit. of Exon orations. 1,400 01 By Mot. of Outstand'g Maas,_ 3,431 08 $15.931 _ _ By amt. of Balauco fn handa - Of. 'Fromm; er; • ' • • • Tot:ii Dubitg, $.1.10,3•7 ST.NTRAEN'i' OF OUTUANDING. , TAXII7 °N.V.'S Ist DAY UP J E INU IRX,IBOB 0.71k.C141rd. . Year. .2bionsktpu' . , . __ . . . . John Emingor, 1862. Sliver Spring, gl7B 48 -.0,-A.Sinith, 0861. IL W. Carlible, 218 .0) .....lphii Zinn, - " — Dickinson, 2i . ..0 .„ Levi Wore, " Fronliford, - 2. ..: , • 01. Oltoeser, -.--: --- ''' -- - Mourn°. . ' • 26 - ' l'i J. Tilieein, Dop:,' 1866 W. W. Carlliile, II :, 1 . ..., .1. O. V,iimmliile. " 11. Poll n, -- ~ 81 . .... 6 Vrtor CSekllo, ' " 11. Allan, . -.21r D, P. Vankiric, 0 W. Penn, 141 .6 . ._..l.4. l Soggener,_lBll6.__W.M%Cartlßlo, 2.37 ''''' fn. P. Simmer, "......" L. Allen, . 2i='+ 0 P. Sonno, - , 1867. -11 W. Corllftle, 181 .9 -1.1. WlOn,or, " . IV. W , Carltele, 179 00 .1 'Load iiviir,_ 0 I/ Manson; 160 .ill John W.ll, • . " . 11:Penn, •. 1M ..iu - iJi IS. N, . 7 • " Ikoewell, .. 19.1 .....) , i , lneob Ifoover," " . Newburg', 21 17 .A. Ileekman, .. " Nowvlllo,.. 2o—i: D. S.l3llller, . 0 Penn, . 90 52-- Clio.. Smith, . 0 Silver Spring, - 120 1.72 TI. W. Sibbet, - " .Southampton, 816 .I.i John 51111ei, "` Went Pony, 161:4 . - Thom° marked, thud v hava sine° paid in full. not thase marked thus 1 , hava sindh paid In part. - We; the Commissioners of Cumberland County, du certify and submit the-foregoing-as a correet..staty. ment of the receipts and or pondi turns of said Count. from the Ist ,lay of January, to llie 31st day of be comber, 1867. - inaluslye; as also o Schedule of Out stand-Ins 'tune In the • lloreualis end Township therein stated, made by the pllanco with the requisitions contalood,in the Ac! Assembly, approved the 10th April, 1814. } ~..5...,.., . Witness our hand nod seal of Ofiley ~ a• ,,. L. . Carlisle, the 26th day of January 1 , -- s — , . 1008. ",1111:‘ , ItY KARNS, A . : F. MEOK, M. O. lIA bbl. Commissioners of Cumberland County. ATTEST,. J. Alt M STIP Poll, Clerk We, the Auditors of Cumberland County, met accord leg to lair, and having been sworn, procebded to ex • mine the accounts and vouchers of Lori Zeigler, E.n., Treasurer of said Conn ty,frout the 16t day of January. to the .31st dayof December, 18G7, Inclusiva . do ct)rtyy that we find tho sum of seven thousand six h'undred nod thirteen dollar, and fogy cents duo by gold Thar, orer to the County aforcslthi„no trill appear by tin foregoing exhibit of said account. In witness whereof we have hereunto 'cot our hang, at Carlislo, the 20th - tiny of J6nuarv, A:D. INS. CHRISTI tN DIETZ, P. la. 11cCOY, ELIAS MOtINTZ, • . Auditor, 71c1.68 Hi? EGlS'llia'S - NOTICE.= Notice _.l_llthereby given to all persona in Col listed. that tin. 101 owing acyounlii boat., been filed In thli the acn bliints Cherub, named, for examlliation..a.µ.l will 1,0 prosenon to the arphalea Com t Uumter -land County, far umfirmatlon unit U4oWNIICO, el Tuesday, Sla, oh lith. A. 11.. lAN, via: 1. Gun idlanall in account or Samuel Graham, Giri, dlan Willilllll Shellabarger. 2. First and . II sal ammo; 01 Abraham Mordent, A i ininstrator of Conrad Mordorf, deed. first and final account of Jesse Iletrlcif, r.xecut , of Abraham Hetrick, deed. - 4. Sleet and final account of Solomon Boyer, Exec. for ot Sophia !foyer, deed._ — L: AllmlTGntto~p ticroilpt - o r f David X. Whinier, A.• minist ataryf Sarah. A, Widders. 6 First add final account of Samuel IT. ' Administrator of Juno Carothers, late' of Dickini,r, township, dee'd. ;360 360 80 367 50 161 24 73 24 .7..Guar'alans . hlp account tY Thos. 11. Chamber Guatdian of A lbert IS. Law. - Mist and thud account of lE , lfoluol ocuior of Win. M. Kfrkfaitrlck, fatwof Newton tow. , 9, FI st and partial account of Sarah Ann Inlhn, ENecutrix of 'Leonard D fur lots of Monroo township &ed. _ •• . _ tU The first and final account of Levi Cloy. Etier for of Mies Cabal.lno . Cloy, We of West P.L191101 , township; deed. - Its Flrt.t sod Ilnal.aromfiC - of Sanwel_Alloll, AdnalL ctrator or Ulm. Wt- decd. 12. Guardianship account of Martin Shenk, Gore , •f—Vathal ho t moor - child - of — Ger llidlinger,kfte of P-on township, deed. 13 The account of Peres Coward, Guardian of Ell. , Korht, minor child 01 UtO. Koala, dee'd as sottl•• • ;by Peres 11. Quloloy. Ex`r of P. ros Howard, .doc'd. ' 14. The account of Peres Coward, Guardian of Sinn Melte, minor child, or Oro., set Cod by Sc, IV. Quigley, Exoeutor of Pores ituo.rd. deed. - 16.'1 he account of Peres lloward,.Adruluistraior bonis non, C. T A. of Goo. Eckert, decd , as Fettled Peres IV. Quigley, Es'r. of Peres Coward, doe'd. fel. Account of 1.01 , 1 Merkel. OURRaill of Alex. Crain. ot.nor son of Pr. Joseph Crain, of Sliver eprlu. townslalp, .and gr.usch.rn of Alexander \I tills, - late of Loiter Allen top, &moored. 17. First and anal account of John Williams - or . doer h lirrodt, Patentors, tot James Williams, Into • M3oroc township, deed. 18. Plist and - final aCcount of Whiams A. McCu, lough, A,-ininhtr.ttor of Anna Mary uceollough, of Nuwtou township. 19. iluardianship account of Win. IL.Gorgno, d hin of A Mill Dale. • . kit st and final account of John llobb, O anvil .n If•aae Elgbelb'erger. • 21. Firnt and Ihost coconut of John Dobi., On, dlan,uf-EltnlraStulai, (fortnOffySheots 21. kluardianship account of B. Au,,ustltn. Porn, Guardian of Charles P. Culver, Minor son of d0.9.1 , t, Culver, tutu of the borough of-Carlisle. deceased. • 21. Account of Withentlnti Zeigler, Adrnifasirat .1 .1 of Henry Zetgler, Tutu or Nourville, Patdeceaked. lratutnalloal aciup n t of lsaa c alll ler, and Dan, Ex'ecutora of Rudolph Miller,' deceased. 25. Tica first account of .'..:t.unuel :pan. ler and Dow. info 'toyer, Executors of Philip Spangler, deceased 20, lho account of 0c0. , 5. Clark, Executor of All Cluck, Into 01 Middlesex to , nshlu, doo'd In.t and final accou. t of !whoa Mcf{oelfan; I outlet - of :tun Daylesou, deed. s. tluardtauship account of Samuel Triylt jitt t Wan of A1)111111114, David C., Vtam anti Lrmrs Boughmatt, mmor el3lidFirtri)f ColluTWßougliemu,l7d , of gout llama ton to .1, nslt fp, deceased. 20: Phu first and 11l avant& ot Jacob Cloelmale. t, LiniftlMmtor do bens nOn,vithttte will annexed, . . George StMns, late if Southampton township, doe' 30. Nirst and float- account, of David.Leshor, Into • Ilopowoll township, aced. 31 'rho Admlnistratlou accouot of C. y. mintstrator or alesandur FlcKlontry, deed. ' 12, no account of John llays;Admiulstlafor of John B: Alexander, hits Of biirlielo, need. 33. The tinard anShtßaeCrinut of tlalnuol Trltt, o also of Dania — .A., — Enium ,t.. Joanna Trltt. minor-children ot-ttoo. Trltt, of Nest ton twp. 31. Fir s t and final account , of JUnu of Jana Dysart, doe,d. • • 31, First 1041 final'account of Joseph la, Esq., a•t unnlstrator of Henry 'Lease, Into of, the hroingh--- , 3lechnokst urg,.n,•coased. ' • The.Aibt t floral ft'CCOI.Mt.Of Joss,. 3 oche r I Isaac Ii LitldininiatratOra of the eO3 3, f '.. L. llucLer, Into of 3liddlesok. township U. First nod final accoawt of Samuel oa 1,3 - ; inlnistrator of Susan (lather, Into of Net, Ca• ti• wush ,s acc'd, MEM .540 MILES • • or VIE PINION PACIFIC RAIL ItAIAZ ) Running Wok fron . Oluabi, ACross the Continent, -3 ARE NOW COMPLETED.. The track ' - being •MN and: trains rtitinutq ; MILES OF TILL SIiJI11I1• •• of the Titochk 41oUntains. Tho prospect thatjlie whole, GRA:IND LINE TO. TilE 'PACIFIC; Will be Completed in 1870, wok; fairer better ' The means se ha—provided for con' struction have • proved ample, and there Is no 'ls. k of funds Kir the most vicorou , iptosocation of tho torprise. The Coinpark3's I , 3.I.9,RTGAGE BONDS aro SIOW offored at per. They pay. Six DER; 'CENT, 13014 D, and have thirty pins. to run Wort, maturity: Put, scriktiona wlit. bu remlivutt In Carlisle, by -A, 'SPONSLER • oodin Now .fork nt Mix CompanY'R. Mao,. N,: ?b Nnesau !ma, nod by • e(•ITISiSTAL NATIONAL MANS, N 0.7 Noesno Bt., ' , . • • Ctsttg,,Denne k UtY,, - 13s.Fur.sns, el Wall St., GOON J. etive ts Sots, ,UaNgths, th St•t . t r • , , end by the•Conipiiny's advertised A entit litioughnut the United States.' lientitteinres should. be made bt . draft% er'other funds per iu Now York, a utttliebot.o.s.- -ho root ht.° of charge by return express., iltartbom subscribing t hropgit 14001 aguntitrrill look to tilt , •,l for their delery, ' - - • , • . A NOW PAMPIII,NT AND MAP, shoeing the Pie; at ore of the Work,: hesoureea • fur ConetTuetlen,, Value of Bonds, way be obtained At. Übe Compact% t ~.oineett or Oleo edeortised Agents, or will be to• free otiappileatton, JUIN .1. CISCO, Treaserfr. . . • . • , New York. IT. . P:412 - ENt.A.GENCY. C. L. 411tdati'21 Maki BireOCCerllsle, Pi.,:etteoutet. drawings; ipeelneatlOne Mitt procures patents for inventors, 11107 08.1 y. , 200 00 EEC! 69 BO ELI $1,2) 2.34 $77,0 1 ,I 1,680 00 1,61. $3,481u. JACOB • DORSI LEI Ell, Register