LATE - RUBLICATIONS.' AUENTS IY.ANIE6'7FOR T LIU COAT S -7 • And how they Lived and 'Fought- and died of the, riniox„ With.-Sceites andlnoideists the - Great Compriak4Actriiitives:of Personal,-3.d -ventures, Thrilling Ineidenls,. :Daring. ExploitsdieroieDeeds, _Wonderful Es -capes, Idle in - tlze- bantp, FiCtil and Ilespital; _Adventures of Spies' and Scouts,. Tayether lath-171d Sougs, lads, s'ineedotes and .Thohnreats Inch __dents ,pf the'lTrar. Splendidly One hundred Wine Pertrialts rind Rental: fat - - • . . ' There is a certain portion of tlio war that will nor or go Into the regular histories, - mr• bo embodied in ro mance or poetry, which inn Tory real part of It, and will, preserved, convoy to succeeding •goneratione butter idea rot the'spirit of Ihu conillokthan many dr) reports naratives of. events, and this part, may ho called the gorstp; the fun, the pathos of t he war. illustrates the character of tho loaders, the humor of thd uulthers, the devotion of wpm' ii,•the bra very el mem, aud the pi uca, of u dr heron, the romance and harorbipr uf the servieri. •- • Thu Valiant and Blare lleartod,sthe Picturesque and Dramatic,, the W • itty,itud Marvelous, the Tender aud.Pattletic,audiditi wheal Panorama of,the War ore hare, tail hulls puktrayud to a mestet ly manner, at Oncu tale egad and romantic, rendering it the most uulnut , , hnllbtne and Katinblo book that the War ban creed turth.' Amtineuwetne well as Instruction may bo found in ev,ry .paga, aa graphic, detail, bnittdnt wit, and au theurielannory,ruce nkfllioii I uterwerunin this work of iherauy err. baud t. cJirculara And 800 our terms,' and a full do scr.ption of tau work. ddresp, JONES BROTHERS k. CO, dijan4 l l 2t, J . 1 ull n d e l p hla ,Pa. • • The Popultir Edition - of Dickens D. APPLETON SL : COMPANY, , _ WILL PV,D1,1511 laiiirohtirtv A CU AD EDITION OP TOE • WORKS' OF CHARLES; DICKENS,. -=-1? 0 R' -T- - 11:Ik • M.-I-L-1 , 1..0 N • • - - ClenTypollan gamely Prl a Of Convenient raze Comprising the followitig VOlumes, at the anuCited Irrices, varying_ Priee• according to the nunber or Pnow. -25r.ts. • 15 36 35'• 35 " 25'" 25 " 35 " 35 36 35 Oliver Ti , fist (now rea,llo ' 172 - pagee-- American Notes .- 104 Lbrebey it :tin, 243 :Martin Clnu:limit 330 " • Our .111. Val Friend 3::0 " _. OttrMinas rtarles (now ritly)• JO' 4 . ° % Tale of Two cities • 144 Marti Times_ _. • . 180 8 /label. Nlekleity (now Lady) 340 ."' Bleak House 310 '' Little betty. 330 -' '''' - 220 " Pickwick -Palters-- , , ~ _ 330 'David Coppehleld ~ ssu- - Bs rugby fudge • 247 '• Old Curiosiy ellop 220 30 •• Grant bapectations 184 ~" 23 " Sketches and PICI,IIrO9 from Italy 170 " 23 l• On receipt of $1.50 we will mall to any address, as Rubltiland, post-paid/I/the untieo works ol Charlef Molt en!. ...-- , hither of the above sent yarn Br 11011 on recept of. the price. ' , • Extraordinary Opportunity For the Millions to Secure a Library. ' CLIII3:IIAPI , S. , A discount of 25 per cont. will hbc, made for-30 copies of ono voluble or 80 complole sets, sent to nue acuiro* a discouut - of 20 par cent. on 20 copies,' 15 per. cent. on4o copies. CAN VAnSERS nave the oppoi trinity of procuring 'more subscribers fur this series than any other„, or every apprdlitico, mechanics, and Journeyman Is lil cer tainly luy Dickens at tills bur prim—Send to the Publish , is for special rates. , "NEARLY • RE.ADY. --- - _ THE, \k AVERLI . --NOVELS ln Tile same cheep 2 Jan 681 to Louisa Mnhlbacl►'s Historica D. APPLETON& CO., 443 artd , 44s Broadway. New. York, - - _ _ .rtivxausT_ VS'Bt:lslrED • ... , The Empress 'Josetoliine. An, His, - torical Shona. , t the boys 01 Napoleon. 1 vol. 80. 'Paper covers, 0110; Cloth. $2 Napoleon and the Queen of Frits - -' 1•141: I vet'. five - Paper c 0 ers; sl.tte Cisch• $200." _ The Daughter of an Eutpres• 4 s L,50; - cloth, vol., Bvo. lbut4,rateil. Paper covers , $2., - • ..11U/1: Antalletta and_ Fel' Solt. 1 vol, Bvo. Paper coVers,"sl,,to; pion,: $2. . Joseph 11. and Ili/ Court." Translated from the G 3 /Adelaldo Ile V. Chnudron. 1 erman vol., Bvo. Cloth, f'-'• Frederidc PIC_ Great and Ills Court. - 1 ranslated, from trie_oerman by Mrs. Chapman role ' 'fete„ „„p our Daughter , 1 vol., 12mo. Cloth, 0-03. ' ' Berlir.-and Sans &Bei ; ou.FREDERRK „,,,a - GnEkT AND Ills FM0514. 1 vol., l2mo. 434 pages. . ,111et.14- $2OO. /The Merchant of Berlin. - Translated I y'r , from too German by AsJory COM, S. C. 1 vel , 1200,, Cloth. $2. Fi•Rlerich the Great. and Ilia, Family., 1. vol., 81.0. Illustrated. Cloth. $2. Louisa of Prussia . am,; Her Times.: 1, ,a.:03-vo—llluqrat. 0. Cloth. $2,00, Henry I'lll. and Catharine Parr. An Illsterlenl Novel.. Bt, L. Itlubltach. 1 vol., 'Cie , la, $2OO. . PROMINtNT CHARACTERISTICS. - ---I:=:=T,liey. afs-instructive. "As purely literary worsts, thSE4, I listbrlcal romances pecans a high do,t re , f merit. They read like gents Ins histories.'—Cathol ic Werhl "They are comet u:aesi, pi no of tbn countries and the people droop ihed."— Ileraid. - - ll.—They-,are EntertsiMeg,- - .."We rugofd these books i s among. the nest and 01051 enfettynfog novola of the day.” Spring - field Reptddi “The render loot ones fascinated and spell-bound until the ow owe is oittpluted"--Pres Press..' "There Is no dullutthpter in It "- • Utica Herald. • 111. —They are Mirrors ofthe Times. ...,,,, ..0',,h,. are ITlGUcot,CUlling the nuthor'igreon Skill In granplug and, d011oO:ItItig the choroc•cro a Mat fignre conspicuously lit them. ' bihtt study which unatnes tho author to delineate so tteruratitly •tllO 0110E101.8 'Mal ineentiVeg to action which moved 0.00 and women of a post'agu mutt be clogs and untiring. and Louisa >I obitatch shows In all. of hsr works is periection which carries the made, Into -the They presence of charade, s represented."— Syracuse Journal. . , IV.—They are Historically Correct. ' itlllstorlcally correct, and as snit,' Mining as many of the volunus of ElrWalter Scott.",--Providtuce Her- at ' "Lc;ulsa isicilbaeh mu t have carefully and diligent ly studied the secrot Motorise of the times and cone trios of which she writes. and her task is done , well and effectlvely:'—Worcester Spy. , llistorical • lsoveliet bits inhered so faithfully and successfully to reproduce a convict° picture of -pact timest and asonteo-Olfeajleralci. _ past times'andionts. , V.—They are Original. "It has agreeably surprised readers to find a now _ writer with such constructive genius auil.knowleden of ch-cuoter-as-localcasalutilbecli "iustch - epiceeding novel adds to Mrs., undt's rope , Cation its a writer of historic fictlon."—N. Y. Times. Vl.—They are Full of Imagination. "She Is not only the skilful joiner, but a neat-hand. ed artizan."—Christian "Chore in seldom any strnining after-effect; but it ''lrs really wonderful how modem° Mundt manages to suniain and increase the Interest to the enii."—City Rm. . . -she wrird.painting of the authoress is much more - street've than the best efforts of the engraver."—/lii. note Slate Register. • Vll.—They,,, pontain Anecdotes of , . Courts. "Scottish history offered no fresher and more rco ' mantic' material to the um la working hood of Sir Walter Scott thou she finds id the urinate of the Ser mon rourta"—Evening Gazette. me not to to tonna unywhore in human an nals, unused, ouch magtuticont, such superabundant materials, ler romance, AN clog the chronicles of the Winston and Austrian courts of the 18th century. " - By their drew', thiir manners, their modes of thought, their language, they aro almost as much separated from us no if they had lived one thoustinctypars ago." —Observer. „ • . VIII.- - They tell about 'Emperors, • 4ingt3. and Queens , filVe learn from hers only bow Frederick sdir • 11am and Frederick the Groat, Joseph the'Second, Vol talre, Itonsseau Baron Trenck, the limpresa Catharine, • walked and talitedlin their grand robes, hut how they powdered their hair, flirted end took tote—Register, • "The choice of: bar subjects exhibits her genial. She Yokes the time of Frederick 'the Great, Joseph the Second, for exatuple, and upon thb bnekground of facts which the •chronicles of the periods afford, she anibreidors the bright and sombre colois the light ' and shade of her fiction, with the MU consnm - . Rude aitist."-ISC .Ecteei ' " ' " Ttle Sty:e Is Interesting. "Th.; style of,thlestriibr,for purity, perspicuity, and. elegnoce, in something greatly turbo commended. It is. nee frrm, inittuticimi, mannerisms, and tricks of every Mile—Vie ho troutilin,lond de justleetOibg vivid, style of the original; the story is full of move , moist and crowded with instructive, and entertaining ' Chicago • , . "oho interest Of tuu book does not depend upon.its Charcielere perils incidentn, nor yot on Ito charming sty le l but in ire generic' harmony of composition."-- - 2r..—EVerSbOil3l, is Beading Them. uout ,- 1.1,10.01. to, hada stopped rending Freud; novels, nuts Englieh works are 000115 Maud of se dull. Mee treeleely tiuppties this public want, • -*I heolovelauf UlarA ainnint el e,being read by every nocela have niverld.aide venni nth o. :Melds luutt Midi lotialtv. up. titht se nomad Funk the . pre 05,"7 PprisrpftskYliepaticon. 5 .1 hey xre w!olibist brloo and deserved popularity; In tilku cotiUry4'—'State Journal. , ' Atha . of the Novels zrnt frci 0/ mai/ la any adorers on qfprnag. , :'DRY 009.7)5; m's OW n 0-- - P.w qt 0P; CD " • dr- CAP wow- 0 © 4 ep •-• ).1?, Fz '57 1 en • ,rs.. ci) pp, 5-+-- 0 • cc ‘-.1 GI) • 1-tr- • , 0 0 1 4; I'S 0.4 "4 h MM • r" 4- it— en.. - 19 Z L7 l, A: • . F 1 CD PI {::s ot, ct, oz• • Q hr •• :67 e ' .4- ® ct ) • rd- Cp .0•1 -1-1 • - OD, .• _ l4 ®Li? t—r- • • ct. • 5 "CP• .0-(1, CaD r-'=l. 6 tr „tt, • Cic3 e=t- •C,5 cD , . "v. . . cig t.el • • E . tif • cso Eb• cliq _ P' 4 7) • 4:74 •-•- Ct Cfri "-"" ' et • . 2: • - -- „„, _ (". 1 - 4 0 ct , • r 5 oF . • pwnd *a . ; P=4- ' ct, C u c l Cn si.d• EP ;I , © __",?) s o. md are A y_ =.• I li t ci) 11:6 d`P 7 tV CO CD 4 11° P 0 CD ;Z . ' O o s7 Crj CO S Gy 51; E $ l, al p p:tw , . _ __cgJ ' -.a CD at.d CD ..,<• (7: • © sw. MEMO - :€: OD_ CG GI 7 1 1.--1 P Furniture-of all :varieties - aud_Btylos _ of Foreign and Domestic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest 'priced maple and pine Parlor, - - • , 'Dlping-roOm;• • Kitchen and Offico•., . Embracing every article used by nous° and Rotel . keepers, of tbeinestifpproved and fashionable dollar, and finish. Including also Cottage turn it Info in setts; rech - pt 'MI and Catrip Chairs, Mattrasses.-011t frames, pictures, itc., en. &If-PartioularAttentiorrsiven as usual' to fungisls; orders from tons and country, attested to promptly and oirmoderate terms. • ffif BCIAI. ATTENTER4t4D TO TIIR SELO:MON OF WALL PAPER. ' A. B. E.' marcb2l. C 4. • „ Alan a quality of Avoll'aelectiarwall papur . for - sala wry lour for cashniattrassoba of all kinds (vett look ing.glassos at No. llPNorth—llanove-STStrooi:Carllalo nptll2l3 674 y. D. SIPE. BLACK, : SORLOCK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS General 'Commission 116rchaiits, - SHIPEYRS-, - Provisions, Western & Southern Produce. • ' . TEAS, _. :"- ' • PLOUR„.,7 , COFFEE, BUTTER, ' • SUOARS, ' - (MEESE, ~, MOLASSES,. : LARD, _ SPICES, PORE, - - - - RICE, - SEEP, TOBACCO,., , • ' EGGS„, '. 115114E5. . .._ -FRIfrITB, !LOPS,' - -, , ' CfRATN, ''-- Messrs. Black, Sherlock & loving thumUst:extendve connections in European and South _ American ports, nre_now prepared to make Kinds of Pr P duce luid . 'lllerchants,Plrters, Farmers generally through out the country, will Sod It greatly to Molt advan age to ship their goods to Messrs: Black, Sherlock & Co., 50.1TESEY ST., NEW YORK. Having imlnenso ordors unftliod, from—ourlcorros .pondents in Liverpool, liavana, St. Thomas, St. Do mingo and acveral South American ports,. wo aro in inmediato Want oftho above mentioned prtlelos of produco.- • 'We 'ran also handle td advfintag ' e Southern Mends Messrs. Black, Sherlock & Co. PRICE CURRENT., i Pree of Charge to Alibir Friends and , Customers.. • doec 9m GROCIMIES & PROVISIONS. . on bnna and asavoli m t" NOW Store, No. 40.1.:n0t• Loutlier Street, (A. Mona smith's old stand) a very" ouporlor and yell golectcd lot of • . •GROOt RIES of all kinds, which nvill , bn sold nt the very Imes , cosh, prices. Our stock consist In port of Orson fr, Iffoivn Coffee, Syrups of All gradea - , - :'' '' . Sitgarsp.Tens. • . . • Chocolate, ' Whole and Ground Spices, • . ' • 'Daisies, Orange's, Lemons, ci • ' Dom lny, nice, " Cornstarch, Beans, .. -- - --_ _._ ' Pearl Blotch,' • , _ - Cheese, ad._keritc._. -.., _-- _-_, ,_. - •-_-• _77. - - DUCA CUBED HAMB;BIIOIILVEDS - AND - BIDEBT_ -- 'Woo& . Cedar and Willow Warn of all kinds, anal as Du ets, Bowls, Healers, Spoons, Baskets and Broome ... , We , 11 also•kpep constantly on hand the celebrated SHAFFNER FLOUR, trhich competent Inspectors say, is the best In the market. • . . Peed of all lads tomtit tho wants'of all the people. Wo Interid to sell the above articles at very short profits for cash. We respectfully Invite the public to give us a call, oven If they do not want to buy. Don't forget the Louthor St. CAMERON & 11110. - aprlll2 • CHEAP GRAGERY STORE . On South-west corner of Pitt and :Pomfret streets. Tho subscriber (successor to John I'. Steel), having just returned from the Eastern cities, respectfully an nounces that he is now prepared to sell at the lowest cash prices, a large variety of OrnCerhis and Provis lone, consisting of "•turar, Coffee, Teas Spices, Molasses, Cheese, Tobacco, 1 Segers, . Flour, Salt and all the • rtlelen kopt In a pat class GROCERY STORE. Cash paid' for country pro,AucO. - 1 reiiiectrully ask a share Of the public 'iddronago mayl7 67 DAN'L 8110EMAKEIL - 00 b —NEWS: . . Crackers, • " . Canned • Pickles & Sauce, A large assortment of the best • quality 'of_Oroarlos, Provirlous, Spices, Frnite, dm, selling ofr at the very lowest 'Olsen ruling in the Mate of - Pennsylvania - , YOU ClAf111;', - : •' • • • , • Coll arid outfory .YOOrisolves of tho truth of Um no sortfoo. ; • •-• ..... • . • Whl. BENTZ.• :nR 'OS I DRUGS !. . , . . &li. 0 ninon having fo r r elinquish, an extonsive Pprac •co an well no his Drug Nosiness In the city of Pitts . • rg, auroral years ago on account of IH health, has now opened at No. 98 North Hanover atredt, be;; two= oflicide itf Drs. Molter and X.ltzer, 'a DUCH' BTOHIC, whore ho.haa hod Is receiving-ovary few days a - purd stock• of Drugs, Chernirels, - Dye-Stuffs' and eV. rything ganerarly kept in a wall-roculeted City. Drug tittp., Preacriptiona oarefully oPnletunded and fondly:receipts will receive t pools! taro, The Dr. can ho conrultod at nay :tour, ut hie Wilco, bads of hie stow), or at hind. oiling, No. I lit North dia7v , ridrooc, after store hours. ltotoombor tho place N .38 North" llano Tor Btreot, Oordlote , ,; t , , • .........._ 'DII,D, 'OpItNMAN. . - . . ..i~... .10sept01.17 PURIdTURE. ccxr~—.:~~~.rt y` GROCERIES. CONSIGNS-YOUR GOODS To AND DEALERS, TN ALL KINDS OF Most Libeial' AdvatiO'ci3 LND IMMEDIATE RETURNS • ON ALL TOBACCO SUGARS, COTTON, ,llier, :IkIOIASSES, ke AL - .4 . 0 ISSUE A ll'Llell.thoy will ho ham to Inutah queensware, • , glassware, • Cedar Ware, • Wood, Willow ware, Goal 011, Lubricating 011, lIi7SURAN - CE ,00111P4NMS. THE CHARTER OAK i olt, .LIFE tisISURA OP, COMPANY, . OF HART ORD CONN. Incorporated 1.t3 - Charter Pert - pets l i --- -' 'CASH ASSETS, - $1;000,009 - : — JAMES O. WALICLEY, Pre Idont.~ Policies greened on all Popular Plaria . A - (err reasons. why people insifro in the Mentor Oak, - . r, ist. , :-All 'banking privileges n o"prohlbited, the business being confined exclusively to the Insurance of lives. - • - 2d.—lts Blake are selected ;with great care, thus sn out ring small lassos, and consequent ly largo dividends accrue to the Policy holders.—Soo Mass. Insurance Re: 'ports last s'x years.- • • . Ard;c=ltstllittio ofExpertditureS k including Death : Llaims and Working Expenses; to itecolptsT-nioliM 7 precedentedly low. F,amo Reports. 4th.—All, the profits aro divided among Policy r holders, the ;Niguel capital being. limited_ by ,Charts r_ to eight per cent dividonds,• no more thou it earns forlbe,Company at interest. fith.—lt declares and pays its Dividends annually Cisa, thus assisting the insured In the paymo t- of promiums.• • • - 6th.—it Is prompt in the pAymept of lo hiving paid to - Whinwe and Orphans nearly TW MILLION DOLLATtS,Und has neverlitigatai - 7th.—Tho man of wealth insures clean innstmout., 6th.—lien of sin:dime:ins insure ,to guard Choir fam•t illeXagainst want. —The man-, of business fimUros to provide, against possible loss In - trade, a lik.rolioy, being a basis for-cepa : SE - ;' 10th —,Persens hi debt insure that their-earnings fur years o , toil may not be sacrificed at death from want of ready each to cancel 11th.—All Insure, as money_ thus laid away by Ifttleels sure lo come backlargery•inersased to their tam Dies, death boles ,cerlaln• to occur. Dr. S. B. 14117.FFElt, M. IL, Medical Examiner. .1. C. STOCK, AgenttCarli•te, Pa. B. 11. BLAIR, Goner:ll Agent, for Rasters Pa. " Office, No. 37 West third St., .Wialamsportaa. ' 250ct67 c.• - • FIRE - INSURANCE. TUE Allan end .Eastponnsbofo , Mtitual Fire 1n• sombre Company of (lumberland county, inentrao atell-by — an - nct'of - Assumblyi — ln — the - year - 1 813 vund having recently had its charter untended , to the ye-tr 1883, Is`nowdrt active and vigorous operatic u. under the superintendence of 1,110 following board e Managers, viz: Intn-lireorgazitlzilatiltit-Stnymin,-Jacoh_Elv arty, It: Bally,. Alex. Cdtheart. J. 11. -Coover,- John- Elcheiberg,-r, Joseph; .15 Ict.orchatn, bowl. Eberly 3hicos lb-triter, Rudolph Marlin, Jacob Coover ; and J. Thin roles of Ins o ranee are as-low-had. favorable- ne :My ~ o mpany of - the Mud" In tbo State. 'Forgone wishing to heroine members are invited to make op pll.-atlon to the agenls of the Company, who are to.walt upon them at !toy OFFIOBIIB OF TIIE COMPANY GORGAS, Proattlen Eberly's Milts, Cilia bct lond county. A I.BX. CATHCART, Pico Pt esition t Caritas, Cum borland,county. 3011N4 O. DUNLAP, Sect'y, Mechanicsburg, Cum borland county. Treasuror, Dillsburg, York co =1 AV 11Min 11. Gergas, Alex. -Cathcart, J. C..Dunlip, Daniel Bailey, Christian Stayman, Jacob 11. Canver, ,lakoph-W 'alters/lam, J. Mahetherm,- Moses Briekor, Jacob Conner, Jarob Eberly, James Andersen, John IL Caner., METE! Cumberland count'—John Sherriel . :, Allnni Henry Zeartng Shittemanstown; I.a Fayette° Mar, Diekin' son; Henry Bowman, Churchtown; Motto Griffith, South Middloton; Samuel Ornhnin, West -Penns borough; Samuel Cenror, MeelianiltsPurffi J W. Conk lin, Shopherdstown; J. :taxi.., Sllvrr Spring; . 3. W. Eby, einlisle, Valenti. _Veen:tan, Noes thitnberlandi Wm. 11. Woodburn. . • Yak County.—Janos Griffith, Warringtdri, 3. F. lfeArdorff, Dillsburg; Daniel • ButHr; Fairyiew. John Carroili Adatu Stevens, tioldsl,rongll; .1. S. Dierdorli, Btulberry P. 0. Dauphin cotinty.—Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. .CLO R.OO Kilt L 81,01 V I L S ON, _CLOTHING TIO SE,: — 603, aml 665- Chestnut Street, PIIIL.4.bICLI'IIIA READY-MADE CLOTHING! Fall and Winter ClgtlifigJ, NEWEST STX_T,X.S I NEWEST STYLES. WELL MADE I WELL TRIMMED PRICES VERY REASONABLE BOYS' CLOTHING BOYS' CLOTHING FOR ALL AGES AND SIZES IEI 4..11 Pt; EVE. d sa 14J174 _ Pao7 I i I • W.E7A 12.13,^.1 • , I C J: '4:14 gg. 'A'i'gt;:;:z[P:-- • I ti ya.a E I ~C- Gentlemen liviegin the country preferring Clothing made io.orde for themselves aod boys, by send: iug measure, as per diagram, Wi have their. orders promptly. A good fit. gunrant Samples of goods sent , by mail'\to'an'y part of the United. States: "..°'• . ROCKHILL & IsTILSON., . GO3 and 605 ,Cltc,tnuf • PHILADELPHIA limy am CLOTHING HALL Fatima Arnold informs his friends And customers - fAiirrlikTfdrieh - df - Wriler - F — Cloililitg Is now complete, palces.'lleforwbuylng elsewhere examine our stock and you will And that yon can save PER CENT. All goods warranted to bo po ropreeontod, The immeneo stock of OVERCOATS., from $3 00 upwards. Calb early at • SAMUEL ARNOLD, North West Corner of Hanover and Louther street. - Urllo P BLIO r 1.1.1a Undosigned having dotarmined,.on changing his husinass, will soil °ibis ontird, stock of READY MADE OLOTIIIND Piece Goods and Gentlemen's Fur. fibbing Goods In General, all and beloiv cost I In ordg to cloao his business soberly as possible.. persons knowing themselves indebted to' me will rime call and aside itnmedintoly. • • 18440 ' No.-22 s North i'a -- 26Ju167, PHOTOGRAPHS. C. L. LOCEIMAINT, . TRIUMPH/ all' . - THE FJItBT PREMIUM, has again boom4iwardell C. L. Loa:ilium for,the beet Phatographc : His logg es,yerioneo In Um business and -hie Intl; mato linowleagir alit that relates to OM produdt on 'corn PERFECT PICTURE, Imehomletry, art Mad Mau- Ipulatlon email° -hint to' mate Photographs lump!. roachable ' In most galleries. All ivork guaranteed to give tttlhiludlan. -- Pin&largo Photographs colored andr-Plehr.-. Cap Picture,' for Albums, old else. Porcelain pictures of exquisite ?Teich: . A mbrotypen In every etylo of canoe. - Copley from old pictures taltoriln .tho poet' porfoc - manner; ' . A large let of Frames Mid Albums for sale ebony Negatives are all I eglstpred—copiespn be had A • any time. The publlo is cordially invited 'to examine spec' mane. Gallery at tho old place No. '2l Weal Mal n St op paelte let National Punic, C. L. LOCUM-IN. Tdecga • IV. RS. It. A... - SMITH'S- 'PHOTO _a_ graphic, Onllery. South•eant Corner Denover itreet, and Market Pquarn, whore may he had nit the intermit sejwcr Phutograptfil, from card in lit; sine, 1V0.13,Y i' Y ,I,,ES, ..A. M B ROT:Y.I'ES, . AZI p Af BEATKOTYROST -- ' - ---- ,iliO Motives on Pnroalatn,(ecin ailing now) both Plain 'nut Onlorod,' and IV hie 4 ate beautiful productions of :he Photographic art. Cnil nud see them.. Particular attention given to copying "InDaglierro. bite Invitee the zintronnso•of the palter. . v web, 16,1800. , •'• • , - ST4 . 9'VES AND TIN WARE. • .1 - 1? YOU WANT. •ITO SEE ••TET.E .nst perfect ,Partoi _Stimi • ever offored to_ tho public, stop Ipt9 ' ' . . FRIDLEY'S Stovo .Storo..East, Louttior street; in, tho,.. roar of Ilalbert!npromery ; !Roraima moo tho ' kiItRATAM-EMOANBASE - TM:MN - ER in operation... It Is is..porpet.nal Burner and per- f et a l‘ n g d .w is ell wa ns ratct a ed p t e i r l fe .c c o t ga l uVe ll ' a l th os r of s coal than'iiny other Stove of the same size, evenolTertal to the. public 'requiring but one ordinary scuttle, of smell , cosi( once' in • twenty-eight kours, Wog perfectly simple In all its working, having a simple slide to regulato the fire for Booming at 'night, ono kindling of fire being oil that to required during the minter. No dust, no good no rang or cinder. TB ISIPOrAtti'CIIARACITERISTICS ARE LttESE NEATNESS IN DESIGN! COMPACTNESS IN SIZE I • TIIE LATTER QUALITY ISPRODUCEU BY TIIE FOLLOWiNG IMPROVEMENTS aiTePle — lilagailno. or, lieservoir, for Ets . having a - free di . Charga mouth, iho mapledo being adjustahle to different heights of six to nine Inches from 'the grate. so as-to. mwerrimodam thesuoply-of Coal as. to Its ff. and quantity. thou permitting tin.. maintenance of a c.tain "depth of coal active combustion within the fire-pot (whether It ho of nut or stevoidzo). which IA the only nay to, burn An thrarito coal to advantage. Different steer of Coal require more or less depth fob perfect combustion. 2 llnaper,_for the pesangooftho coal to the magazine is so arranged nn to permit the introduction -of fresh- allowing - any escape of fumes and gee into the roe. and further, when the Stove is left with its top uncovered, com• polling any fumes that may esCapo from the supply .n the reservoir, upwards to Its top, to puss over the iop of the reservoir into the surrounding Spo t ,nnd so to the nnd outlet. 3.—A Fire-i'ot with a continudus Flue, over its entire upper edge and-down -its whole body'. to the. base and outlet flues by which . means the heat Is transmitted, not - :in separate — fl Ar a —several lush,* apart, as is usual. to downward draft Stoves, but 1 / 3 a continuous sheet of flatne , in contact' 'kith the entire elreumforencoof the outer easing of the Stove, from the top of the Fire-Pot downwards, giving ti—far more extended aurllme of„ radiation of the heat that any downward draft Stove extant, 4.—An ample °ride 8 urf, co and Air Paisagee, and complete arrartged - Gmtn, foi.sbakimg and dumping, ith a good size AMA Pan to receive. Lim ashen and. nder.- - • 4IEE-WE: alEo w 1,4 It to by noted. that - 4. there to a alvolute. „, SECURITY FROM EXPLOSIONS OF GAS upon' the removal of the rev, from the Stove, which ~,so commonly o.cura. Upon the removal of the cover's wltl.Vother Magazine btliVOs, fer,sitch — lir thn'effect . of the. Funnel, as ehustructed' end arranged In reference to Om Magazine and Its •nurrounding Flue, — thot. Nb OAS CAN ACCIJ 111.11,ATit 1 y Titlt UPPER PART OF TIIE• MAGAZINE TO EXPLODE. Nor coa it current of air, or draft„ be Created uptiards through the Magazine to Inflame its contents, which happens with Other Stoyea Injuring and destroying the ;Magazine Itself. l'Ziveryt: featiiro - of lhla Stave 10 calculated to etTec WV: ECON-0 171 IN TElki -USE OF FUEL, DURABILITY. ITS . COSSTRUOTION AND SYMMETRY IN ITS -- In addition to the above-Stove, -Prfaley keepe on hand a full supply of tho best Cook, Parlor And Often Stoves. - Tin and Sheet Iron work of all kinds -on hand, ,flYa - Sfioutiogiltooftng - and - Jobblng - of all - kluar,`dono nt'short nutleo;. and of the best,materlal, Itruit Cans, and darn of tho most approved patents, and In eon. eArsi on tho Best Portable and Brick Bett over offered offered to the _public. For reference call on T. Cooly'); F. G. Fleming; IS, Goo. Noldigh ; A. L filioneles; 11. Sakton;.l'_rof., _IIIllmon; D. .1. LelrDglii J. Aoelen; and others. -•- - *29nov-671y • • THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL ME! Base, Burning Coal Stoves, and Parlor Furnaces, HavereeVved Foiu• First Clas:i Premiums at the New York State and other Fairs. Also,.the great SILT.'"EK MEDAL _._ at the Fair_of-the AMerican Institute held in the City-of • New York, 1865. THEY ARE PERPETUAL BURNERS ,ONLY ONE 'FIRE -BEING REQUIRED TO BE MADE DURING TU•E SEASON. THEY ARE PERFECT VENTILATORS QF THE APARTMENT. THERE CAN BE NO ESCAPE OFA S . , -THERE CAN BE NO . Cr.W.KEI3, OR SL.A.G.TO OBSTRUCT. THE FIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITHOUT 'ATTENTION. . THE ILLUAIINATION IS EQUAL TO ' AN-I , OPEN- -PIEE., THEY ARE POWERFUL HEATERS AND YET PERFECTLYADAPTED _ , -TO MILD WEATHER.. - THEY ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL STOVES AND FURNACES HVER THE FURNACE WILL -HEAT SATIS FAOTORILY, BOTH AN UPPER AND A LOWERROOM, WITH- • . OUT ADDITIONAL FUEL• Eight Sizes .of the Stoves, end Three Sizes of tile Varlor purl - awes. . PERRY'4, CO., ORIENTAL STOVE WORKS • N0.'115 Hudson St.,.Albany. For Sale by ' EIIINESMIT.II & .RUPF, , ,. • No. 68 North Ht nciver St., Carlisle. d, august3o 2m. . • CITIZE N . § , QIP,O . A RLiS ANti BUITUOUNPIIICI.covrpry the undersigni4 tall your tato:LUC:l'6 their complete , I r o r.S4l4Pt 9f, • , PARLOR-A 10) COOK STOVES, ITh AND-611E1111•IRON wnux• of all kinds and,gualities which they will wkrrant, In ovary' particular. - Calrespealal:attontlon to .thelf Cook 'Staves, (latest itnprovect patterns) consisting in part of:tho celebrated' Which they will warrant to give general • satlllfaation • • In ()eel .rospeet. Theycall the attention or all amiaparticularly 4hoso contemplating Immo keeping to. their complete assortment of Trn on&Sheet-frna Wore •manufacturett of the beat'mateilal ang II the boat eldiltmoh, which they will sell nt pricoo, to knit all who have an eye to - economy. • • ROOFING!, SPOUTINGAND JonwWet don, at short notico and on' tha, moat feitsonaßlll terms. • i . , . eliont4ron Work of all klkda on band, of 1 110 9 i 9 ardor. , '. • • 'Old atom taknri In oxahango. -,. - - . '•• Thankful for pilot, favoro, - - they to call and oxanilno Utak Klock, an Choy fold Couvlsick ( boy 'eau ploaso.all. • , , Itomombor tho old ostabllnhntont "Mind, No. CO Nortlo Ilanotco3 treat, Willow.'. ..•.., pafti.22 OT-ly. -1 .. ••,' • - - RllitillatillTaik UNIT. • • I= - 1 - trc r Ag.W.OLIIPKI ' . FROM THEM MADE BARLEY BISEAr AND NINIROI4 MISCEZLAN:E'DITS; IVO DUST NO GAS! NO DAM r.nrtsi Established ISSI J. Reynolds-8e Son. W. por, 13th .and Filbert Sts Philadelphia Pa., I Splo mr!niqlletyrors o THE CELEBRATED WROUGHT IRON o.A.s-ooNsuliaxivel- HE.:..A. I 1,--:A,-;; WITH PATENT -Dust SCREEN: For coo of management-without nay dainnerii, Du ,litilitty, - StitivlleltyrEconAmythtv - Mtuctinllng - noisti., PeriOr 1n this country. They aro all guainotpil to giro satiation.. Estimates made free of charge. COOKING RANGES, - LATITOBt lIEAZE'RS. _ . SLATE 'MANTLES, • V LOWDOWN ORATES, • • PORTADhE ITEATEII2, -- .Sari for ono of our Illustrated Pamphlets. apll2-ly T . LINE: • • • Oa- ff Tho Only'lndividual D'ally Freight Lino between Oar lisle, and Philadelphia. MERCLIAXTS LOOK TO YOUR IN TERESTS I IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT To MERCHANTS & FREIGHTERS I That on and after the Ist day' of December, 1867; this Line will transport Coeds of all descriptilms, from Philadelphia to-Carlisle, at precisely Company "none. In making thin vep important arinouneetnent to . the - Merchants and ippors the undersigned, feel assltredtbut-it-will-moot—eilth,-tho—hearty--approval , and encouragement of their patrons. - Past elEpuri oif&flini3 rully demn&triftiWthat it Is 'highly Imp°, !ant? patroniz• and encourage individual .interest and energy, thereby damning fair competition and protection against railroad monopoly. Tho man and nor Impertaut advantages of a -1. DAILY FREIGHT -LINE,: • ore too well known and appreciated by this commu, lay to be overlooked and forgotten. We rely, with confidence upon., the actiVo co-operation of our II porous patrons and - friends; advanetrrg --- the inter osts'of this Eno - - Experlenced - conductors - !manually each train to seo to the. sato dellfery of all goods entrusted tho Line. • • The rhiladeipiii6k.. and Reading Freight •-• &pet • will be used by this Lino, fo , the reception of all floods; the increased advanhog Offared in — the mom; in the Way of Light and Spat -REM° -largely. hone, Draymen wil Sl'el'hie Depot easy -of on - trance, ng level with the street. Be - careful hare your Goods 'narked and ordered to DIEILAG 'LDIHA and READING Depot. Goods delivered a this Depot any time_ before o'clock P. M. --will-be low cd-the,sanitt day. - lljan 00. II 'A L L ' S PATENT CENTRAL AND OUTWARD DISCHARGE WATER WHEEL, Rearing slate April 30, 1867. JACOB ApRAIIIMS & co., Neloville, Cumberland County, Pa., Proprietors Of tiile above named Patent for the Counties of CUM lIERLAND /old PRANICLIN, PA., and WASIIINOTON C LINTY MD. n Wo s tiesire'to call the Attention of Millwrights, MIII Owners, and others, to the merits of the above inven• [ion, which for Durability. Efficiency And Cheapness, Choy-are confident cannot he summed. • Wherev, is has been irarodue,d. success hos in• variably followed. evon under the most no lavora lie ciremnstancbs.' lie Back lU,tct' and Lou !lead and economical use of Wokr. {his Wheel is luitlique a rival/ ,A Workilt Model of the 11 heel can be us:mil:tea ,—NLw. vine Its. , wheroi all information may 110 - 01100rfnlly given. We Append tho following references: .I'A I. It. JOIIN DRORBAUOII, BEN 3 s MIN -LANDES, Mill wriaht. - SAMUEI, LAN uES.- GI. tt A. W. DA D 4 .0 N, .1. 5. LIND6EY, Millwrights J. F. it USzELL. LEWIS 110 WM AN. • - SAMUEL Pi PER. - SOLOMON STROHM, ADAM RAMP, JACOB RAMP. .. ,1v . % , ,i; COATP.6,2, ~ ~v.,.,. 4. - , •/,X <7', i ;., ? . ...' 4V DAniIET.T S ,1 4 , ' 406-. Y Crs _Vegq.blo--- - : • ~ lIAIR ,RESTORATIVE Wm - death:Ll by thn X, 11. SIM° l'Alr : i t •0 stud In now cr,..c, t ,allt , t , l,oattn o lo h b o _§ 0 ; • t rtr ‘ 4 ‘,* r,7l l ,l ' .. i . v,Ll l Llni ' r n linti utiplurd color) - .. 3 Inlnnuting Its Crow!!,, cynd o i r end ro ngy n u g - ,_,,,,_- _ . i. '' " nt7rt ' LliNgll r glu ' ll i x i ti r r. I l L ' fr ' ro Z . i . 4 :. 1 flout Mlstnioun drugn, .ors HUI A1114,11b ~ : • ' nlal. tho finrst , f , d , lrid, .cl .S. , \e. ' I' W) ' l ' lPg4 r ilr ' k' . P An \5 „ ... , ? ,... ' *`'..• 4.IZE lltt',. '''''' ...4 , ... , • .....°°ooo-..........:...:•:41.--- _J., R. BARRETT & CO., Proprlatore, MANCNESTER, SOLD - BY ALL — DRTIGGISTSi 22n0v614y,. FITTING AND PLUMBING; VfLo,..subforlhors having ,Pormanontly located in Carlisle, respectfully-solicit a share of the public pate tronago. 'Their shop is situated on tho public Solaro *in the rear of OW Ist Presbyterian Ohur9hj where they can always be found. Doing exporiencod mechanics, they aro prepared to execute all orders that they. may be e-ntrusted with inn superior manner, and at yary — modor HYDRAULIC RAMS, " WATER, WHEELS, HYDRANTS, ' • ' Fonciuturs, RATIIINCI TUBS, WASH BASINS and 11 other arti cles in the trade. , ULU:WHIN° AND OAS •AND STEAM. FITTING promptly attended to inlbo most aPprovecl e stylei Any-Coulitry work promptly attended to. • work guaranteed. , • ' • Don't forgot the pined--irumbdiately in the roar of the First Presbyterian Church. .• • ' OAHII3IILL S IIIiNWOOD. ~ .,july2l 66.1 y. , NEW DEPOT. 4.111{18130.911. " itt 'NEW DINE ctiaNEtaus. P oy ESPECTFULLy. infoims •tho ciii . zoos of Caritas, and su;rouoillpg . countiy that' i havo ootablishod a now'llno .botlveon eailiste mid hava made airaugoaollts. with the old ostabllehed Ware - no-use of • • : • Ilowdrd and bate also lonsod. part of tho itupot, corner of West Etreet, 011.1181 e whom they can be found at all limen, nod be pleaseteto deliyor nod 'reeelvenltlteight entrusted to their care. - - • • . . . . • • Tho Itlilltq:lNAL ATTENTION of the firm, will at al times ho given, ant irom their long oxporionce In th tunilnoiat ram Mamie° their patrons n faithful poi form lllles of all bush:nom ontruettal tdithem. • • • All goods should ha trorlted . • . LIANIPEDIRAPS. .W., 4 1.1a10 HOUSE, • .BlO ; ? yarlece ,St,, Philadeletia Clarof Corpolltia . 4 Bosh, Carlisle, Pa, ,'.i Tble Worit Musa being In tho control and buoincox port of tho c:ty, drayego will or coma bo ONE,LIA.hy .11,thi8 than' to ono Ade We bop° by atria ot.ont inn to freighting bust nen; to overcoino much of hurutolbro unnoceßsory, dolay, expilriunutek - by niorchon ter , ~ , rae-Packogea cArrlotlyor 24 'coots. .22n0y • • DRY GOODS. °OD:NEWS I GOOD NEWS 1' • GREAT: DECLINE IN PRICES AT THE NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE, = ECE/1114 Tho subscriber would respbetfully infprta the pub -11c-thae-be4atenolving shoat dally_fromilaanstern Cities, a' largo irLTOICO of Not. and Cheap Goode, such -- LADIES'DgEss-- GOODS _ • . . •Vronch Iderinoce,, , , Mohair,, . . Poplins. Black and Fancy •; French Rappe,.' Plain-and • . • Fancy, Do Latries, Plain and Fancy ' - alpaca, Poplins, a. S H W 5! -SHAWLS! R.ROCHA LONG AND SQUARE, LONGAND.SQUARE WOOLENS DREAKF AST SHAWLS in great variety ' and very,eheap. CLOTHS. AND CASSDIERES. I French, ' •• ' • ,• ernian and a A Vl l iern2l et"' ' ' • Fancy-Cu-rime es, _ - •• c•Doeskinn, s ide& a a F.4y.. • • Over &itlnge, Sattinetth ntucky Jeans, • Unaershirta and ' Drawers.- , llOMESTIOS! Blanched and Brecht', Tabld'ldupera, Coutderpinesi, _ •• and Quilts, Cotton Hannah, . • Unblencbcd,Musline, 'llckings, Cheeks, !rowels. Napkins, &c, REMEMBER THE PLACE, ON - THE CORNER OF HANOVEIi AND PODIFRET STETS, the room formerly occupied by 11. It. J/CIF.SON fr. CO. Bnov 87-tf. BA.RUAINS NOW OP EN INp- ____ DOMESTIC GOODS, DRESS GOODS, , QAESIMEILEtISATINETS, JEANS, 1867 • WIIITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, &c. • , AT RING'S NEW STORE; - No. 65 *EST, MAIN STREET. Opposite thelflansion "Rouse, next to Post OSlo Carlisle. V T'S rUItNISHING VARI.TY'STbRE No. 13 South Hanover Street Tho subscrlbor begs leave to Inform gentlemen and housekeepers and the public generally, that, ho boo now andovlll_keep constantly on hands, a. large . and elegant assot Intent of HUNTS? FURNISHING GOODS, Huth as Cotton Merino and Woolen Shirts and Draw-. Cr§ 116slericos all kinds, Black and White Rid Gloves,. Thread and ether 'aloves,___Neck * Ties; Suspenders,. Handkerchiefs ; -.Gents' Traveling-Dogs, Linen and Paper Collars,: Cuff, be. AID),I HOUSP;• FURNISII ING GOODS, consisting in part of Cedar and -Willow Ware,allkinds, Chamber sets, Brushes and Combs, ell, kinds Rugs. 13ucluds, Foot • Tuba, Soops ' Part ' um cries Pens, Stationary, be. Don't forgot the stood, No. Id South Hanover Street, two doors, South of Washmood's Grocery Storo, Carlisle. r - -•—• •P—uttior.r4 t01y?.4 07.-t f. _ OOK OUT DRY GOODS MEN TO TUE PUBLIC. I havojust returned from tho East with my Spring Stock, and as usual. I am selling Goode a little cheap- Wilda any other Dry Goods House In town. I do not-think-it-necessary-to occupy-a -columrr-of- news, paper to endeavor to. keep up my reputation for soil ing cheap Goods, nor do I wish to resort any clap trap to gull the public. All I ask of them to call and oxatuino for themselvos, and if not s...itisfled with Lilo prices, not to buy., Romember the, stand No. 32. North Hanover street, next door to Dr. Kieffer's, and Miller & Bowers' Hardware store. MIZE= .. . . .. VV. A. MILES. / P. S. I will sv notlinug about mxthireLatul. fourth grata oponiuks. . . . . . aprill9 67 _ , . • TOYS & FANCY GOODS. , JOHN DOLL, • 502 Market street Importeis of German and French Toys and Fancy Articles. Just received a: verllarge assortment Of all kinds ofiroys, Chi nit-Wr.i a,t mes,llpes,liarmonleans, Mar bles, Slates, Pencils, sks,, lihnikots, and also - a ' va riety of Games as., Country Merchants will please examine my stock riet4.iint PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL (Recently kept by G. lirOzet) couNgg OP NORTH HANUVER- AND LOUTHE STREETS, CARLISLE, en -- 1 boon become thu proprieln? of this wall know Hotel, and by strict attention to business, hope t. receive and desC"rvO a liberal share of the public pat tonago. tinning long esperieuced In the busluers, I hope to be able to givo geoorui satboaction to all wh will putronizo me. All my old friends add acqunlo taboos are cordially Invited—awl us many new one. as are desirous of a hospitable nieeption. ° • , Alai-Charges rmummihlo o and accommodations fo man and horses. ' . . . aprlllo C7-1y CUMBERLND VALLEY HOTEL CORNEit OF MAIN & BEDFORD,STS., CARLISLE. The unilerlignetl desirall i to Inform his friends and the traveling ?public flint o has talcou charge of thin well known stand, and is prepared to accitmedate vis itors with boarding and lodging on reasouble terms. tile tablols supplied with the boot the Market t.f ibrds. -Ills .bar contains the choicest of..liquors. Ms, departments aro . commodious gild airy: his stable is in"charge of a careful andsxperionced ostler, and be hopes tu,,,tle able togive , ontire satisfaction to all his guests. ' JOHN• B. FLOYD'. maytl,67ly.' HU , T.O . HISO-N'S-110TEL Late BimrZy House, - CORNER OS-EITATE-d. -TRIRD-STREETS,,, Immediately ill fl:etzt Of the Capitol, - .D. 11. IIUTOIIISON, Proprr. _Harrisburg, Pa. Jan .4 67.t.f. CHAMBERSBURG: - _ : , : risitors to Ohambersbure will ling thco I thfERrCAN HOUSE IrEPT . by - McGrath 'Sr, ?Sterling, the N. very' best stopping- "pieceln th% ,town. The table Is supplied with everything—tharitet afforde, and tho bar ll:furnished with the choicest liquors. The house stands en the corner of Second and Qucon streets. .iugust 2. 1867-oin. • FIRST CLASS) , LIVERY STAPLE Z LEE. North:l3etWard Street, Carlisle) Pa.rf I. - LAVING refitte4 my stablo with &ENV L HORirtl BUGGIES AND OARRIMIEII, rim now pro• tared to furnish parties and families with Carriages and Bunten at abort meat) .. - . . May 3, 1807—M. ' , ' - . ~ T RE , LIARRISHAy ELEVATOR' , THIS Ew raAl'on stands unrivaled as a greatclaboi: U khfcbino,nd la now'uttriteting, - the attention of every "ono Interested In 'the storing rof hay. Thu late Improvements oh .tlio Harris Fork line com.,. blued with its former excellonco a completeness that 'orofthitdowd any Mbar Invention 'of - thelliod now In' use. For noatooss,ronvoulence, and strength, this torts amide open for ehollenge. AlPinformation res.' pectins( these'forks can he obtained of MILLER L BOWERS, No. '26 North • Hanover &cot, Cm Hale. The larks aro on baud and • for sato. • . -.• • noon 67-if. • s. A. A - K T ., A U 147 F E j Titiitchnlaker ftiza tretuefrry, • No. 148 NORTH , 2D 52., 001 t: OF QUARRY, PIII LAD ELPIIII4. Au assortment-of NVutobou, Jewelry,- £ , llver and • , ,Platod WWI° crAdautly qu baud. • iii4ITAIII.I2I FOR lIOLIDAYI.R.ESENT3I '• W. Repairing of Wittchee anti jolrplry iron:4)4 qttondod tq. .‘ .1 • oSoo'ol4lv, • - -THO37 - A - . - 11A - RPER. M .ZI 0 TELS: - --- EIDIEMEEI EMI RAILROADS. UMBEALAND .;VALLEY ROAD COMaNY. - FIIEIGIV:r s- DEPOT.__ . C4RLISLE •Tlio pumli6rland VaHoy, Pennsylvania ;Ind North ern Control Rail Road Companies triado nn arrangemepts to do . • - _s • Joint Freight and Forwarding Businees between :tho Philadldphia, Baltimore New York.. - Tlio Cumberland, Valley:Rail Road Cont. imp opened thole -Freight Depot at Carlisle ou the lot rif January 1806 for the receipt and shipment of all goods entrusted to them. • Freight to be fdrwarded by thli ow/Momeno mist bo loft at Pennsylvania Rail Road Company Depot corner of 15th and IllarkkEt., Philadelphia. North. ern Central Rail' Road Company's -Depot Biltiniore, and Cumberland Malloy Rail Road Company's Depot at Carlislo. ‘;i The public will find It to there Interest to ship through thultall Bead Company's itre!ght Houses and byCompauf Cats. . J. .C.:;13. RHOADS, ffeight Agents Carlisle' dee.22-05. - V. R. R CIIATIOE OF MUM . On and after MONDAY, lllay'2llst, 1866, Passenger Trains will ran daily as fallout, (Sunday excepted) WESTWARD. " ACCOMMODATION M H MAIN" leaves arrisburg 9.40 A. N., Mechanicsburg 0.18, Carlisle 0.57, H0we111.10,34 81lipriensburg 11.07, Chanibersburg 1.10 P. N., Green castle 1.43, arriving ut 'Hagerstown 210 P. N. _ - • MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg '2OO P. N., Slecbanisburg 2.23, Carlisle 3.00; Nowvillii 3 40,814. ponsburg 4.10, Chambersburg, 4 60, Greencastle 5.25,, arriving at Hagerstown 5.55 P. M. • EXPIU,SB TlLAlN_leives-Liarrlsburg--4.15 - Mechanicsburg 4,01. Ctiiyele.s.2l;Newellle 5.53, Ship. pausburg 0 . 21 , - arrivi4aoliarnbereburg at 8.20 A. N. A MINED TRAIN leWca Chimberiburg 8.20 A. N., Greencastle 0.110, arriving at Hagerstown 10.15 A. M. EASTWARD. ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN 'leaves .Chamberabirg 5.00 A. 51. B.lllppensbdrg 6.60, NeNville 0.01, Carlisle 0 35, Mechanicsburg.7:o4 arriving at Ilarrßburg 7,35 A. M. • MAIL TRAIN leaves IHmerstown 8.10 A. M., Greencastle 8.46, Chambersbmg 9.26, Shippensburg 055, New villa 19:29, Carlisle 11.93,• Mechanisburg 11 . 37 _,arrIrlug_at-Harrisburg-1240-Al. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12 00 DI., Greencastle 12 , 39.-Chambersburg 1.10, Bbippensburg 1.43, Nowvllle 2 15, Carlislo 2.68, Mechanicabuzg 3.2 d, arriving. nt Harrisburg 3.55 P. M. - A DI IX ED TRAI reenca.tle 4.00, arriving at Cluinibersbnrg 4.60 P. M. grab — Malting Orme cennectimie at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia; Now York, Pitts. burg, BnitiMorn and Wabhltigtorr RAIL ROAD OFFICE, 1 C. ambersburg, May 17, 1800. I RRADINGFI AIL-M 0 Ou ancl'afte. Nov. 25 , 17867, - trains will , izni as foll(poS - .' . _GREAT TRUNK_ -I . ,INE..PRktII- THE -North and - • North West for Philadelph a, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon. Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, &c,,kc. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York an follows: At, 3.10, 5.25, and 8,10. and 2,05, and .9.86 P. M. • connecting with itimiler. Trains on the Pennsylvania Bail Road, and arriving at Now. York at 5.10. abd 10. 15, A. M.. and 4.10; 5.2 U, and 10 25, P. M.' Sleeping r Cars accompaning,ghe 3.00. A. M. and. 9.35 P. 31. Trams without change. Leave lianrisbarg far Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Ph.e Grove. Allentown. and Philadelphia, at 8.10, A. M„ and 295, and 4.10,. P. M. stepping at Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; the .410, P. 51. making connsetions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven via Schuylkill, and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harris- '- burg 8.55 P. 21. -Returning.: - relive New York at 0.00, A. M., 12.00, Noon and 5.00 -and 8.00 P. 31.. Philadelphia 8.15, A. M. and 3.30, P..-31. Way iassongey,:.lTrain -leaves Philadelphia 7 30, at., yetocoins rcen, heading I. 0.30, P. M., stopping at all Stations, Pottsville at 8.45, -A,--31.-and-2.45,--P.,--.31-Ashland 8.00, rr. -- m. - and and 2 09, P. M.; Tamaqua at. 8,39, A ..3.1..and_1.00, and 8.45;P: M. ..Leave_Pottsville forilarrlsbuig; via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.10 A. 11. and 12.00 noon. Reading Accomniodation Train, Leaves Reading. at 7.30, A. 51., Katurninufrom Philadelphia at, 4.00 P.M. Pottstown Atcommodation Train: - Leaves potts town at p:45. A. M. returning leaves Philadelphia 5.00,.P. 51, Columbia Ran Road Trains leave Reading 100, 'A , 2 . 1 .,.aniC 0 . 15 ,_P...51—f0r-liphrata,--Litis,-Lancastor. 'Columbia, &e. On Sundays: Leavo Now York at 8.00, P. M., Philadelphia 8:00, A. 21., and 3.10, P. M., tho 8.00 A. 31. Train running only to Reading; Pottevile 8.00, A. 51.. Harrisburg 5,25 A,_sl. and 4:10 and 0.30,1'. 01. and Reading at 1,00, and 7.15 A. 51. for lieurisburg, and 7.06 A. M. and 11.40, I'. 31. for New York and 4.25, • I'. 51. for Philadelphia. " • .___Oinntuutatien,.stileage, Season, School_ and__Excur, Wry Tickets, to and from.all points, at rednOod_ratee. Baggage chocked through; 80 pounds- allowed - ouch Passenger. G. 5. NIC,OLLS, Gen. Sup't. Reading, Pa., Nay. 25, 1867 SE WING ; MACHINES. GRO VER AND ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Are the best in Use, rou-Tlit - TurL - myrs.o — n - E - A - Ba-R - a They are more simple and durable easier kept in order,.malto a stramer anti na, re elastic stitch, a armor and wore beautiful scam- than any other. Choy sevrall fabrics from two common spuole , re• Quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends. of the - scant bye their own operation, and though every fifth stitth is out the seam will not rip. The Very Highest Prize, the Cross of the Legion of flonor,-*as conferred on the ,Fepresentative of the GROVER. & BAKER SEWING-MACHINES'at the Fa positionlluiver4elle, Paris, 1867; thus - at- testing their great superiority over • all the sewing 7 mm;hines 'GROVER A; RAKER'S NEW STILES SHUTTLE MACHINES For lilanufacturhig, Combleo"tlia most modern nod. essential Improve moots. • • Tho attention is requested of Tatiore, Manufaet,ll rue of Boots and Shod, garringo and.alluthors requiring the use of tho _most offeetife — GochStitch Machines; To these Now Styles, which Possess unmistakable ail vantages over all others. 1 Oaks 7 31:1_ohelitnut Street, Phtladel,phla • . ' , E. OCKER, 6?Nest south etroot. - . OrliHalo Pa. 0ct1.1,67:13m ..---- ei . 7;',,, - , • tiq't . ' • til,WW.Vrln s--- -%-. "V , 'At42,.C.,/.1'..7g4 ,-, 4:,*. T 1 ..;,,,,' SIM Wheelei & Wilson and. Elliptic, - - • ' • LOCK STITCH if/NS;MACHINES • •• The 'Best: . Sim plest mart .01wapest. • • • •-.. • . , 11HESE -machines are • adapted "to a kfilda oe family 'sow/agi — socob lair equally itpon SilkTanan — itud Cotton goodsi• - •whh11111r. and Llama threads. making a:beautiful and perfect Fait& alike on both shlbs of the %Meta sowed, All machines - sold nra ararrantad. . • • • Call ands:amino atitallßaad . Telograph Ofillee;car. JOUN CAMPBELL" • . , • racy na, MAP L E - YARD MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, Mant Donr rills, on band and inado to older Soutb Hanover Street;CorHslo Pa." • ' Into.dl6 . ' ' - - 0: N. -LllLL,"ffup.: 0. N. LIILL,- Bup't BAKER'S MI •