Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 14, 1868, Image 2

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Zlltt 4eraltl,
_ ..p/u3,415;1:41 - 4:
..pA . ..- . .: - _ .-' '
ili,iii . .o, - '-i*iiiirirltir*'l4. ICs,
• ' ` 'ron, PRESIDDST.
or .
O. 27 Park - .Rolv._'N'ewillork—and . :(3
sofo Sy, flo;tpn, aro our Agoot.sSrifio:ll6Ab ,
nuthorizodito tnhn Advvitine
1114MA and substriptlouolor, us at spur lowest ratt.s.
JIM. 24._ 1868
STATE. CONTENTION will' meet in Vie
On Wednesday, INlaioli 11, 1668.
0.0.p0c i iii.; 1,, 'mike nom' lintivits tor
Auditor Gettoral itoil.Surveytit Generiiloulit
to form ,nil -Tit!ftet, Hod to
ehtioso tour dyke:lite:cut , lortto to refire-rot
the Suite in a Ict'ittitito.l Cotivt!ntititi to lit ,
:for the munimitioti 3 Or
11+r-Pri•bi(kut, it Lring malor.
ELI ud, t Niel) Coligri!ssi.lail will
twiftlelegaited to goil•
v••lition, • -
. .
. . . . .
As heretofore, the 9lnte Convention will
be emnposed of .13.4,resentative and St.llllio
Hal deleget k .s, - .ehoseo in the ninth! wO.. ?loci
eyed ill foonh , r_ to iho wliolokor the soma
tors and Representlitiveiiii'tbi3G.,io,•fhl'As
. . .
semblv. '
, , .
Bs order of tho Union. Itiqniblican Stntc
Coin in it tee:
GEO. NV. EANIEttia.Y. Serre{ariea.
J dtoßt tr .Du1.:431.150N,
County Convention
At It ineetinv; E kOCII - -
CVO Colll . llllLLOO ' hold OH the Btll lOSIntIL it wys
re,"l ved that. a Clataty Convention bOealled
to meet in ..itheein's in the Borlawk of
__Carli:•lo,.on _Monday, -MarelL.2;_ 1868, at
11u'eloi:k A.
The buAlper..s of this' Convention will be
- to elect Delegate; and op.
li!te 0-inkre , s from York county, for the
purpoi:e of soh.ettnt; a -Senatorial
to LII.. i 4 tOtO 6,IIIVOIItiON to ILO held in
Wed Trercle . t, the- 11 Of ' of
3111r,hm . xt, Anelt . other
rr , A as miry La lyrouttlit•ht,forti it.
..Delegate el,. , etimis will he held nt :the
usual 'plueh , , betweir . n the hour's -of 3
OA 7 in tle - tontlkipsT-nntl77-nnd.9l'. M.,
the 291 h of Feh. inst., for the purpose of
eleetipg two de egaiec to represent than h)
the Ccunty Coh.lreotion.
A full 'Convelaiiin is eiti'nestlyAesired
is hoped utir . .fr.ends will lISO everk-I
i n.thy UUntity
, 3 \
_G. _
I . c.
i7 ..:1 S peck collets the English
, . j .
. 11 . has fairliearned A. J 's
.. - i . ' 3 , ,is pen as a writer,-and by his
u , a prt,pater of test cases on re
Alabama Itecopatructed
Congress lui ‘ p admitted Zig t kitDlA to'
her'eld plea ., in the Union. Thus has
practical reconstruction begun, and be
fore long every-one of the Babel States
will be reinstAmtin :pits oftJte opposi-
Cotter Andrew.. JolimonAtd
cratic alie 'O❑ this subject more next
The SirpPente Court,.
Our advises from Washington an i
nounee that the Supreme Court of the
United State: has itself deeideti.that it
ias n jtirisdietion at:'er mita'
dl Cottgi est; a fleeting the • reconstrceliqu;
of the •!,,i'authertt Sta . ttes;-ntolhas' disiuis
sod the!..sippi and 'Alabama 'eases
brought :to test the constitutionality of
• these . acts. 11'o-rejaieUat- this indica.
tion that the• Supreme COurt is disposed
to confide itselltO its prtiper sphere, and
re-poet the political and•legislativefunc
• tioas of a co.orditiatebraneht,nl tho ov,
' • ei:ount.': -. This is in accords:nee' . tkith
the viells or ail the leading statesmen of.
the Ilepahlie, and, 1 ultilCtlie aceePted
tenetsOf ot t rigutoeiqtle — pirty. - =:-
: --- ''JuiLte - Taliey's tteeisiim in • the:_llre_d
• Scott case eMbrtieeci twa points. The
one ftill of dangel•'• was 'not, that " the
'negro dnid nu idghts whieh . a White mutt
'watt) bound hi trespeett! -hut that the
pre - tiM . 'C . is.; he ,hiii,hev•palitical and
legiAtt4 branch of the. government'.
ir, t c,a.i#t, 1 4is; knj*lift!OYPV.
pressed' this hitter hereity 7 :then-its Vr•
;.....utitiehasheetme ttdideSs.• As ii jud ifiid
tribimal it avid enjoy , a respect. whims
-:00t4 . 9 . 1:11Y he over throwetMurPing
. .
.political powers.' • •. •
, . .Sp UT 1.1 ,CA RO 1:1,N A .--, ii; X - GOV: °pit, of
: '49o, , threiil'OliMl,lll it recent public speech
to,, the' people - pr : 6lmileitop ' and the,
", nigger Conyeniion" of Unit §tate, told .
, •
them ;"; i‘ I say
,to, ii;l l i frankly iiitit Ire.
•gard this body as InvcstedLwith the.sov :
~ -- eieign;pnwer..Of tliO:§tate, aria., that the
..- Constitution - it may,Micipt ismot only one
-' .Wit - 10'W will - lie aneopf.4 . and 'ratified .by
.. ,' (Dongresa, - but eau unil'er ir 144311:all classes
iff'soutli Cal!Oliiiii 'Will' live ruk• .mii
•-: years; to come." : Vor these- spiLlilde, re
teeoe4o,(h iletton ' Mere,/ ry Anne u lines
lii n i, t ind 'twin t4iY, rantindk bite OfThis
...--.sustum , . o mi. n and pilautipating id'
the Philadelphia ,Convatition - 01”:18(16..
l'• ,
Vie trusel.he .F.4r.--Gforernor will se'rii.i;
"the' attack.' `lac ltieke . warmly' in'fifyoi,
2 .. , 42tf ' the homestead cams tion; general,
qineatlon, abolitian • I of: imprisoitinent
:.,.-. or detitTotill - the - daw - m - hat:State4the
'ii; 4 # ifcrl Lii;i6,4 •ydn:i;Bo:slg6, aper - :lB . 7(l'af'
't N- I; 'any', wlitto.or,lllaek,Who;eantiptr,ml Or
iroto, and meanwhile -the' enfranchise.
~ ,,,-2 , „ ;mint 9 rat_ y 7 1 ,16 two 0,111F, 9 0 , 44 t)lp'Siatf•
'-'llo744,,f. l ciimiv e ntrast .with- , those Ot
• the • inteliSilagiiit .01Cii;e 3' iiildAt'itii de.
- mcniacy orthe co titril ' , •
nip and- VOlttittOr . .."
'The - Volunteer of this Week -makes. a
„characteristie attack upon our artielf; in
f re nce to Co n . :the §tt ionic
Court.: With its usual fairness it Place.,
ithe following"thigempltiudinia upon one.
;'of our 'sentences " The Ilerald charges
:against the Democracy that.' they.alleged
'Caere was no autheritytlpriVed - l'retu she
OenStitution to coerce a State, meaning.
thereby to-sutipiess':the unit' ly rebellion
of their.-allies.!' is '4 , ,soureesof
flieatior, to.have.the..neralitainqt-tat
the' DemOerat ie partyi pursued' a certain
polfdy, '"inettning 'therebyt o suppress - the
can :be .ti'vlsted -out of our sentence,a_mysteryjo eyery ; man r eieept
Cle-ingenionsivriter the,Ve/unteer,
'W,hatrwe said, and what we meant
and what the-Voittnteet-writer knows is
pressed by vs, is tbat the Democraey .
alleged that' there was: no authority in
the' . Constifition Of The 'United State's, to
sypress 1 the etniioly rebetliwz of their ,'al
L'es. Paige it`fr, - .m .us even for ait
s ant to admit or to imagine that the lk:-
tiseetacy ever pursued a' certain policy
!• meitsiing 'the:Thy:to. suppresS. the 'un 7 -
h.43l:;rebellititi !"• On the contrary we
assert - wit hunt -fear of ruils tut - ctin
diction, that the Pemocratic party, as
such, never pursued any' policytti sup
press The rebellion,-but -that- everY line
of policy adopted by thetn,• as a party,
me; lit to encourage and strengthen 'it
[a Viineas whereof, We. had the &alt.
the deds - iration 0: - their -- t - hicagn
Convention, right . 'at the 'mont critical pc
, riod of the struggle, that:" The war. fur
Ithe Union is a failure," and the uniform
opposition, in of
(their Representatives to every measure
proposed' for. the furtherance of the
Union' cause...
now, but a few 'words upon:the
sithject of Conp,reSsiorial legislation in
'ref.:rence to) he-,.supretne Court. We
ttavo T siMply to reiterate our-statement
that' this- legislation la based upon that
clause of, the Constitution.-quoted in our
previous article . , which reads diloltows :
‘• In all other before mentioned,
9„, k , . .... 01. ti rho vC 11.1)Pe11e
: jurisdiction, both as to law and fret
suell exceptions curl umiqr such- ,P l u rw :
Cow; as thi2 . (*Ongrem shall VW •
er 41111 y
'der this blauso,-Congress nil h
has the 94.14 e, to legbd• ,very
- 114E7 TliC
,manner which • they
necessity f ation we'are glad .
or ibis,/ .
...etron,g today us it was
to say is not
t-: art ider:F.,--Th
action Court,in dismisSing the two
tes - es p utup and : prepared by Jere-
S.Black, Gov. Slity.keY, and others
u the . iiitcre.stof the Dentocraey and the
Teh — ers; has carried disappointment and
.i.oto the ranks of out opponents.
21: he- Court-here-Telettrly-affirtu-tbat-tbey
have no jurisdiction in political matters.
is j ust what we luivo corfende - dlotc
and .what tjte waidieal editor "dl the Vol
unteer has pretended to dispose of with
a derisive smile.
Our• County "Convention.
It' will be seen from the publiaud
earil:lliet our County Convention is to
assemble On Monday, liarch 2d, for the
ph pot,e of Met:LIM; delegates to.nir State
Convention to be held in Philadelphia,
March 11th. This is the initial step in
the great Campaign upon which we are
now entering. And having entered upon
try 1.) erho_o_v_eser_y=llitioa:mnia_in._the_
nation . to .1).: . " up and doing. Here in
Cumerland county, where-Democracy
is strong acid Jill of assurance; should
we especially exert Ourselves. .Although
we may not be able to carry the tounty
fur the soldier-patriot ecn.--Ga.ANT, we
must not for, et that by giviag , hiin a full
vote we will add to the . triumphant 1111:11
by, which he ia. sure to, be elect 4 -
Should the Democracy some
true-bthe like Pendleton, SeymourrGen.
Lee, or Jeff.'Davis, We have no doubt
.party--1 ncs - will be very tightly drawn,
end a -full Democi•atic . ,,vote. pack but,
should they' select- as their candidate
some gliasi or Ina hearted, mpathizer
With the - rebellion, we think, indifference
on the pert of our opponents may enable
us to carry-tile 'At all eretite,
We ,must, enter. the :campaignill; earn
ettneis etertirmincd that
tbepartyol trem-on,and`traitorsotlthough
it may at flume Succeed- hi lOcal elecE .
tiehs, shall cover' again had . swey in our . ,
national affairs Every qmjlisliii) in the
county should ".have its local .. organiza
tion ; and no lime or p not) . is hater to
commence than our delegate elections.
As we haVe often suid, the teasel] tthat
Deniocracy'haVe so great 're prepotider
nnce inthis county tiet.hey have,luid for
the last leav years; is to n) feund in the
,apathy-and-indifference of the masses of
. our platy.' few men, however enthst
siaStic, of however full of the spirit which
should inspire every men who lovei his,
Country . cher institution's, cannot
niedy this fault. Republican people
Of the
,contity.elene yeti provide the 're
medy.- Let ;them- commence ; the' good.
',Work af.the' beginning of the .campaign'
and' keep it itp during its contintiane`e;
F und; our word for
reasostite . rejoice,' r The 'r.reyk, 'trot
holcft fe, a few nion,.,but,each and . nvr:y .
ono eitonld dertake7h is dis
charge it faitlifully.....Earneit and un;
tiring effort will-bring its sitre roward.
We, 'tau:it - not fkirgeil results in
counties the'bases 4,in"gOneriil re
out; •"Oie, nation, 'That Con., Grant
willibo (looted no. ono, 911,0p.m:tong our
op'ponentsi for , an instant_onfortaitss an
himeit dtiubt: ',Then liit'irA•iti
ty iloteimine,to 'do . our ,whole duty, end
;114 — Emir datertninO-so-to - --(ioOln _t carry
out, oar ; determination to its; I'66in:tate
TuiqNew York ftrWii i 'ip a iTry811411)
.and pitictroo4 itorial,,roads Yallmndighata
4Yabc;f-thrt-Deuiooraiio,puvy,•in•l4 l, icliie
ho,,liaa been tolerated too long. •
The. impeachment Oderition.
• 'A° Washington correspondent
.New York' Tribune ., Writ in Wnn/the. 5
s t. Ipuldimeion of the Grant and
- Johnson - neriespoluferinni einites.,U deUl
circles. The PreSitint's - friends thinks
that he has Used np Grant badly,-while
'Grant's p pot tors hol c abs belt.:
plotely routed Johnson, Randall &,Co. ;
bat _outside of, Clio question of veracity
.inVolmediin;tle. % ;.lispufeiand on which
rho publio. ill ]orm their own judgment,
.the .rioi.esporidenee sissumes.aretheeas
pe'et -more importatit- in its consequences
to.OneiiithelPrifiCiPals - Cnd to the houn; , .
try at Tho . li*corstruetion Coin
mute° was In-session -to-day •a nd among
the subjectei, . disc \lsm! was.- this cones
midence, Which was referred -to - Odra
yesterday.. was then debated at great
length, and in a Cool and- - dispassionate,
manner. The Cominifted,; were alinest•
unauirriously ,of the - opinion that the
President, in ordering General Grar*to
disobey.the Secretary of War, anted ip
clear - violation of
. the luir i and that - it
i•lieWed a determination oh his part to
defeat the laws of Cor?gress. This phase ..
Of the correspondence Wit's digeaysed at
leng!li, and; it N . 49 finallingreed the:Ca
sub:committee composed of liepreseuta:-
'fives Bingham and •Bontwell should - be
appointed to the- filets
bearing:m - oi, and if, as Coinmittoe
believe, the President has violated and
of the laws; said - sub-committee ,are out
powered to draW. up articles of imP l each
went arid- present-them-at thenest meet
ing of .the,Conuitten....._The conduct of
ce'r'tain CribinetoffiCcis_is_a!soto - be 'in-_
- vestigoted by the. Committee, and if,
there is t iensoh Tor supposing; - -a-car
racy to defeat the. laws exists =I ,
couitnittee is e!llP°Welle't ( „ ?.i - eachiment'l
officers in the articl/fes
0 vClllQCratie
1-May -add that.. )1 tree—ilrooks and
members ' et the C' - eSillit ; toldliy rind.; list
Beck—were .• ,
the nub cR,,
• ;e l 18 - 111 SC.IOII to ni ght .
• •,‘ dellll
the ehahes • n.* st the
investh t
.P 1 .
- -
4,101,; prqiit aeul the Prrsitipai.
Those who ',have heretofore doubted
the pitied' sentiniemi of Gan. tirani
Must have all those' doubts - removed by
the eorre4undeneelaiely; envied on be
tween hiw and the President. When
the Saute reinstataiMr. Stanturi,'An
drew Johnson - -was - anxious to have the
Tenure-4 Office Law resisted,' but had
notihe Know-
ing that . Gen. Orantwas 'possessed of
greatpopulayity with the party in' power,
he undertook Ito -use him as his instru,
.In' this enterprise be has been
most.gloriously delbated by.the General.
The correspondence- bet Ween the ye two
ica t es—thk-d iffe -
once hetweeit their purposes: Aiultew
Johnson, although sworn to li:tee the
laws properly executed,-h,iS a most de.
Oided_ desire to either' entirely, disobey
thoSO which do not pease him or to en
deavor to so obstruct their execution as,
to impair their efficacy. On the other
-hand—Grant-evinees a- determination. to
carryout the laws of Congress in their
spirit and purpose. , The question 0
veracity raised between tbetivois already
ddelded in--favor of our hero by the peo--
ple ; and Mr. Johnson is again placed
upon the 'record as a man who,,has no
regard.fortrui h. --Instead of:destroytn
Gen. Grant's. prospects as a candidate
,foi the Yresideney on the Republici'm
ticket, he.has only added strength to the
a'ready made de:ermination - of the loyal
men.Of the nation to make liftii-th—e—sTue
ebsEo: of tbe..q,leat Apo,date.
• A
•'•TnE.: Campaign in New Hampshire is
already being:pressed with vigor,.and
the Republicans are 'fully alive to the
importance of the contest. The• party
is sending its best-speakers to-aid the
Granite State. Among ;Item Are Gens.
Logan and *Hurlbut, of Illinois, Barnum
and Sickles; pf ' New York, Representa- ‘ ,
I•3itighant, of Ohio, and other prom
inent 'and representative men. If we
succeed in New Hampshire and Gennep..
tient, we secure a . harbinger of victory
which will go Jar towards our triumph
-in November. •-„ ,- • . - .
-Impeachment—At Lastl
• There ii'yet a elinnee
. 6a the_nechlentill
Pr,sident will be hal - watched. CongresS,
men have dlsenvered that he -has violated
the livws of Congress end r.:solveil tOobstruet
tii r eirexeCiutloil; they, think that u Conspiracy
o)a:its best interests of the cop ill rY,
mandfils reinO • cliC nre not Inelitied tip,'
Coiunietit:Cni i tfie lateneis of the clisimvery
:we shall sati , lled if it IS net:d, upon: .
The hill to regulate prne t esiv &
Are in linpel -
,eusq. odueed g•DNI Mpg,
provides that whenever the House Shull
itg! - eo upcin urtielei of itnPenehment, ,they
el rill -choose' five maitageri to conduct the
end 'ehnll notify the Senate. The Ben-,
ate withiri OM:AH . 3; r'esolCO itself intact .
High Court of linnelichinent.' • A "quorum ;1'
the Benutealiall i be a Cplorum of the,Couri:
By a vote lok,two-thirdS of the :mellebero
present ancicvoling, 7 the High Court of Im•
penchmenti rnay•issure,rin'ot . der suspending
, the:Peesident f thn performance of the
duties of fiis It. May enforce all: its
orders by proceodings.ns for Contempt.
'A'ssevisutarr is on foot in the Obio'Leg,,
istatureligai% to rest t ore the ald law 'organ
izing ten' per 'cent. interest as not illegal.
.wirpli ri !nutter of special contract. Business
1111!iii generally approve this propositicn, and
:in' cities 'go -fiqther- , --.the ',:rnost espejoned :
diallers in money, fii'vbringirrne 'trade in it;
:upo'h the theory that the lavrist' supply and
demand will regulate its'value. ; Arsiinilar
prapOsltiop:baS Just been broached in". the
Pennsylvania Legislathre,,by the Commis
sionera,te roviso.'llaseiviLeode.
' -IN Lpnenst(T co4yty. - S — rietil — ortfrsitli - oir
loillie current ye'dris•tiro,nnd•n half •nt.,lls
on the 'dollaf; In Ylo k• county
. it•i's -seven
ridlls; lujidrkp.c uliq •no fly ten: ''Llnoai ,
'ttillii a Republ Lan' ajoifli 4:if abn4 Six
thousand. York it Demoi.ratio.LrnsjOrttiof
likbOtit t l three tlisnsuridi and Berks•iit ai?oul,
apron thousin4, • .- - „ . • ,
' ' iinportant aoriispo"iv4enoey,-
the 'kJ:. S; Holm of-RO - p - r - Ffikirfilila's last
' . Ttiesday, the eci rres pun de not: but.Wecoi:o4n.
;Grentlend President:Julinson in - rtiference
thW 6"ecrotary of,.yar, which hail been
called' furrt,day oftwo before,_wa . s received
and :Mad.' It is very impOrtunt and goes
to show.that, Jot:Ws:in is playingAuturrtt
on a pretty exiensi'veacale.-' lie ignores the'
S.yretury of.Wrir, and orders
ignore -.104,. also: lb o lord's, it over every
member of MI Cabinet, and tries to make a
t ,oi and o,:sioi:d'idgeiM Of, ben:_driii.t:
—hilt in this lie Most signally fails. The
1 Great Soldier is tiler() than for the
Great' -Dein agogue; ~Jolinsori is held up
, before this euun i try in • a veri'imerivlrible
The correspondence is long a nd aro
unable to - give it entire.',"We pres Ont only
, tl4. sidient. points. `The first loiter,. irpni
Gen. Grant to ~the- President, in `paintof
date, roads as follows :
Gen. Grant to the President.
s '.iilr,/9/QUART6U.S, AWAIT: CV THE UN' 'ED
His 4ils . cellency, A. Johnson., Prosidentof
the 'United Sautes—Sir:'l have the honor
very respectfully to i!eqneSt, to have in writ
ing the order Which the President gave me
verbally on Sunday, the 19th utst,
the orders Ol the M. Stanton
as Scerentry of :War, until 1 knew from 1.1
President himself that they were his or d/
I have thelnitior to lie; very respecV
your owdient servant, •
• H. S. GRA.NT,-00 been
To this note no answer seenetc, General
nude: - Feur:dkys - latu, tit,le=to the Pre
Grunt again writes a 1 , 94 1 the follewing
ident, from whlell
extra tots: he President.
GlTE'ts: OF- TILE -U. „S. AItNIY
D.., 0., Jun. 28.
Yefleitcy,A. JOhAson. Prestdent of
t4e(A: —On the '2 kill inst., I requested you
mu in writing_ t h e instractions
whichLyou had previously given:ine verb•
ally; not to obey- any order-Of Ilon.
St union. Secretary oC NVar, unless 1- kneW
that it pankeicrom your-elf., To thiS written
ropiest ree•ived n wessygo tlnv, hag left
doubt on MY Wind or your intention. Ti,
prevent tiny misunderstanding. 1
11.4.21 . 011 re renew the Tegiert that you will
givq we written instraetions. and till they
_are received, will kuspend—action on •,) our
Verbal emus.
1 sin compelled to ask these- instructions
in writing lit I.lllll,eqwoice 91.thp many gross
misrepresentations, MY iwrsonal
honor, circulated through the pre-ti the hist
fortnight purporting to come tlii
rresiticot..4 ctsil Vvrrittll/11:1
smith the l'resident private y.hisothce or
in cabinet ineetifig.— \V hat is writtim.ed
nuts "flu) misiiiiderstanaing. •
Tho General's of fca lime is plainly seen..
• 11;,' is tun • cuutidrnry in- the President—
!mows him to he a falsifier and thoroughly
unserumilous. Gen.. G mint is-determined to
gliard himself 'as - far, as possible aGuinst
Joli»son's tit iempt to p tt
y hiiii, in
_u false pe
sitionbeforti` the conntr,y,dience - ii demand
oshitetruiNnrildr - g 4 MMllittlififiltettbriifFitil g
I in their future intercourse.
.Gem Grant goes on in his letter of the
28t1c to refute thg assertion made. by John ,
sun and telegraphed over die country that
in vacating the Wnr office to give place to
Si.Tretal•y Ste ti if he acted - in - bad - faith.
this point Gen: Grictitays:
' , Lear ni ng-ort-Set u rd my—th
that the Senate had taiten up. the subject of
--- 111r.Stanton's suspension, utter sOnic'. eon
_versittion' with rieut. 'Gencffil - S‘luirman,
and'.some 1111111bers of icy stall' in
stilted that the law lelt me Mi . dkeretion
as to my adieu should Mr. Stanton be rein
stated, and that 1 intended to so inform the -
President. 1 went to the President for the
sole purpose of making this decision known.
anti did so make it known. In doing this I
rtilfilled We promise made in our last pre
On the 29th 01 January, one day after the
President's reception of Gen. Grant's second
letter, his note of 24th was returned
_with the following_ithdorsetnent therecm____
"As requested in this. coturntudenaori
Use. Grant is . instructed in writite4'nut to:
°Lev any order from the tVar.'lleparttnent
'Presid rss - xu - cr - ender -- i - s - km; vitrr - -hr
the General Commanding of the Armies or
thc UllileOillt.V3 to have been authorized
b;,,f the E,xcentive.•
(S:gneol.) - A:eI:Mk:SY jORNSON.
. "January 29;1838."
-- And - on - thesatne day - Gen. - Grunt again*
wrote to the President us follow:
W./trout:ol'3N, - Jun. 29, -1898. •••
His Excellency, Andrew Johnson, Presi
dent of the- Untied Slates.
SIR-1. have the ..lionor to acknowledg e
the-return ortny note of the 24th inst.,
with your endorsement thereort , that I UM
not to OilVy any order' from the War...lle.
assumed - to be issued by direction
of the President unless such order
larown by taeto 'nave biter) authorized by
Alm Executive; and,ln reply thereto say that
1 OM • infartned by 'the. Secretary -Of tVar
that 110 has nut rewired from the Executi vV
any order or iintr'uctions limiting or int
. faitring his authaity *to issue (tillers to the
army, as has heretofore been his practice,
under the law and the custom (f the di , '
psrtmapt. AV Oh) (hid authority to th..
War Deintrtail.t is 'not. countermanded, if
wilt, bl, satitsfactory evidence to me that any
i•ders issued from the War . Department, by
liematin of the_ President are authtirized bj•
he Executive. -
I have - the honor tobe,, ery__resprteifully
'our obedient servant.
U. E. 'Gluon% General: ,
This manly note seems to have. roused,
the ire et the President, who;two days later
(Jan 31,4), sends a ion), _letter to Gen:-
Grant, in Which he repeats the charge that
Grant prMnised . not to give up the War
"trieix to i. 4.0 rotary *tililtlM. To thie , letter
Gen: Grant under date of Feb. '3d returns a
'very caustic reply . from' which we take
these extractit ' ' •
11 ItAHQUA , I It& Or TUN TY. 8: AIItIY
WASHINGTON; 1). U., Feb. 8, 18138.
To his Excellency. .Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States.
Sim—l have the, honor to tielinowledge'
the receipt
: of your comintinication of.' the.
81st tilt., hi apiwer to mines or the 28th tilt.
After it direful. reading and imintierison-of
it with the aitiele in the National Iptelli
geocer of the 15th ult.'. 'and •the article over
the initials.. of 'in tliV New YOrlt,
World of the 27th Mt., purporting-`to
.based 'upon your ~statement and that of the Cabinet, therein named. I
find it to' be, it reiteration, Only Kontewittit
more in detail, of the thank and grass HOS..
•renre.sentutions contained: in :tlitse • articles
and -which my statement of , the. facts sot
forth in' my : letter Of the gaol ult.:, w,A91,:.:.
wham 'to correct: And here I reassert the
correctness of my Statement in •that lettor, ,
anything in your reply toddtpyhe -.contrary
The resume you would Inive it nndersteod
,l'ogreed,to Puri•tie was in :v.inhitio'n of. law
and the Milers from : you. while the course 7
did pursue,.and wbieh 1 never doubted you
'fully understood, w it s ip acenrdapee,.witti.
lIIW, and not tledieSphediCllllO to spy. Orders
of my superior And new, Kr: President,
. when my honor as 11'64141er und.inteitrity as
hi Orlon-have been', su violent
.v. assailed, rir-
Aillyllllo for sayi otti hat 1 ran but regard this
whole matter„froin begzertli — Cto end; as on
attempt tO involve ine in the ieskunim:of
low, for wldelt•yeti hesitated: to 'assutne the,
trespOnsi bi I ty in and One te .destycoi.,
tvq i einquetoy before the reentry r
, r -'
I sins in a ntieisiiree.Miliiin , il inithhi,con 7
Mdeia.cllrectiiitz the
to Oise:bey ordet's fnointhetzlikrolory °Mut'.
toy suporiokuud your suboidinitte, without
having coonternianded thu authority I .am.
to (10 - ob,.y.
With 7,- . .Pregident, that
nothing Ins; than ti !indication: of my , .p!e--
1101111.1 honor and character - .iinitt! have :n-•
&teed' tide eorreenundenna - on: - :nty. -- pirl.
havtrthe honor to: ,he,'' t'ery, ;4 ,.reepeetfel)y,'
your ohetlientV
earl en
phis itter'e- 90 . rreiponthitic6 • ne
far as published. It is said that the Pros(-
dent:haswritten it bitter .replf .to -:Gen.
Girgijt . .'s" 'Os t 001 i thyowsh sei fon
his and will not
submit to Such hifrom
note. 'lt is also announced from Washing
ton thot.the.Congressional .Committce 7 . on
Impeachment arc with •a. Very: ,
sharp s stick. . - _
The bold; straight-fikWaid;'.iiian lSr tion token by Gen. Grunt jpthese , letters
. .
placrs him more firmly than Byer befoie-tr
peoplc; - and shwa that he id juat the., '`l
tti take the place that johMson.hasd.V
--Bez:ks and Schuylkill .JOicriiO/,;(K
TUE Pi1:W011/hitt
_respondent, writing nn tbi.gexposure
says thatGeneraLGOirit attempts, which
of the President'Sfsb of Representatives
Was read In tA4o;,.creided . thegreblest
on, Monday us event of this session.
pnsatioptcan membeis received it with
Thoyiokens of 9 . xultant
. gratification,
copperheads and rebels wore car
lioriangly despondent. Thp President
fbai courted and deserved 'this terrible and
chastisement-He - has -'pursued
,Grunt fur month., ibrou i .ih, tiro rebel and
copperhead papers, and" has hirnislied
food for editorial articles fur the latter.
This .wiiiile correspolidenee the 'must
clumagi 4v. prod deed' agiilnit, Andrew John
son. It reveals Geileral,,Grant's.sensitlik,
horror-of the slanders under which
,he his
suffered, not only now, - blit throughput he
whole military career. his instincilve_
hatred of treason and fidelity to , law are
- fully proved hi every sentence ef• his letters.:
TiniVesident has Oa the power'to remove
or even to suspend General Grant under
-the lute legislation, but he will try hiS
worst. _ •
- .130 - JNTYI CASE DECIDEDT he &Tien •
Court, :on lint'. edity, dalivered iheir opinion
in the case of the city of Lancaster vs.
Smith.- was ti test- cuisi, tit deeide_ tho
constitutionality of the net of May.1,,1866.
ruquiritig . ...townships„tv . arilB, laTrleughs -
cities and counties to pay $360 bounty to
nil veteran soldiers who had re-enlisted;
audited been credited to tidy such localities
without receiving bounty- -Peter Smith
wnu tout re-en tetra In Deeem her, ,1130.
three months before the city had- oifered-or
was aulhorzed to pay bounties, brought
suit ay:Hill:A. the city, f Lancaster to re
cover 5301 under this . low, nod obtained a
verdict - for—that amount. The Supreme
Court,-op Thursday, AgneVv . , Judge, -de
livering the opinion, reversed the dedision
of the'Court below•and directed judgment
to-be entered for the eiy,"- • -
WARMING , RAILE , O.II3 C3116:4-:—A bill is
before theTennsylvaniti LegiSititure malting
t o ti 111 W ful for ainy-roilroad-coMpany in-thii
Suite to warm- its cars with s oyes helifed2
with coal, Wood or:any intlamthable matter, '
but , tolZefititlfein - ivip•iirby some lilC6ll4i Witt
willnot oCeasiori ft reJ n case of accident. I f
:any -3tuve-hentell - with'conl'or-wuiid shallui
h,tid thirty days after the passage of thi4 act;
i:etttry of the clitiipany shall, on coni/ietion •
in any county through which the curs run t
be tined not exceeding $1,009. If any pas
sengers shall be burned' to deatlyir killed in
c•intcquence of u cur tiding warmed In viola,
tion of this act, the conductor shall be pros
ecuted for manslaughter,, end if convicted
ho shalt be imprisoned not exceeding ten
yours. No petroleum or oil shall be used .to
light cars:—
TLi.E'AnsdrEs ortimortc.—The mania for
arming is extending itself in all directups
in Europe, and n statistical statement jula
_pablisbed-professes-to . ,glve . us_the.aggregate
AirtnifisTniTglitaiied oir fuot - yylfreeen
powers in time of peace, which places these the appalling amount, of
seven, and a _half millions,of man under
arias. - Supposing encluoldier-to-Cost,:on an
average, 1,000 -franca a year, the'ciliele ex
p slim is equal to very nearly . twenty millians
- a day, or Six , hundred, 'Militias, a montls,_or
more than (even thousand millions a year.
And this, of conxie, represents only the pos
itive expenditure incurred, without reference
. to the negative lozs smtained by throwing
out of work andrendering unproductive an
amount of population equal to that of
CUlld•rl:Q powpr.
• ._--
Mu. JETTErtsox DAVIS, onaor dote of,
Joiniary 8, 1868, wrote fun
" or etiffei {age and tome have been to a a ever
pr..eutit t liroughall the trials to which you no fo 11 14IY
ruler. Ohio a Nell everywhere hr. sent, Ito If
i. that ones proeperotia eutiotry tl VI every heart with
Borrow: hut j. hope and riot Is better time wlll.suoit
colon total. Th patent fortitude t, o elie.rfitt etiorgy.
i,llll stir ly virtue which our to lit di play In Oath:4lth
of their ILlnfoitit,e, cannot. fait. to bring Situ . ,luu re
It is evident. says .the Pittsbnrgb gazette,-
lie begins to . comprehend'from 'what: deur
- - • - • •
.paLsitc; :degree of prospertty. Into
_what a
depth of- wretchedness he and his assoclmes
plunged the - Southern - States: . 'lt 'is 'most
unfortunate that his remorse &Mies too late
to be beneficial;
We !corn from the Hanover ( Po.) Spectakr
that: a strangiti and fatal distal:43'MM made its
appearance uwiang the cattle in thd country
adjacent to that' tow ii;"'arid:'thitt: nuttionms
tartner3 haiM' lost told° of their Most
blecows. One farmer lost six enws, and two
others three etch, tuarsome twenty cows a,re
suffering with. the disease, for ;which the;ye
appeal's, to be no remedy. Considerable al emit'
prevails among the farming Mmnunijy,r,
garding , this disease,.aerl fears are expre4s94
that it .will spread to an alarming tottent,rts,
'it isliaid to be:eguttlfziew,
-'l'll,F.Conseryative and: Deiitocriaje:Jour
nals have been puzling thely heads : for some
time ever : the, brilliant Xtepoblican:triunt'ph
at the 4=1)9 . 00 elecj.ion fer,congresstnan : in
the.,Eighth.District.of: Ohio, ...poi. Profess
to understand:wb6t4lie:apparent reaction in
that State, a rid ; ix) : th'at'Ancr la r distriet, [net
Qctober neeept but : this grand advancocon
founds their caleultions..
,They hoped, the
lit;puhlicen . party, P.res, itttodecity, and
%this : display fn., be 4164 them.. ,_,NV all ;
;they will .have many shocks of this pert nest
fall. when all.along, , Oc.itepublican lipq the
Advance blotil; be sounded and, made:. • '
RettatoAO: from:Hanover JunciiOn, on
the Northero centrel,RitilVirey,to resch,bot
toof Ferry; is in ,conteruplition. The' total
.b_ofilte_ond , will thus be abouttwenty-
five injleii nn L the
End Peachbc4tom . 121.thie'voute will be sumo
thirty.three :miles. The eephtty.,throitgb
RLioitil;}vouldlines;is rich,' poiluteuth, and
produative7. l atee no vettacui? whi-en
economically teeuaged railroad .wdyld het
P a r' •
QTeliiiil,',',;.4rik:..(sOttrltii-- .. .lll#ttiic,
PU.I;tILIO ; ;SAIGES.—BiIIs'ibr tlie folio)
-- ing l - Publia - Sithreitave - hilen, or iirtrodered
'be printed Ut this office :
Frankfurd township, 2 miles eak.'iff : 74 .
Ole,' will still.real estate_and: wn
per,.o- -
de t
pert'. • /will sell
Same day—Michael Firosel'i„nerte.
.ship, on . Capt. 31•G0wer , !,,,' ~,„,'
horses, cattle, and other?'" West
. , :ir :will
Friday, Februariv s d be,
Pennseoro' tone Devilinev
sell horses, cue: 7 ° '; -•
ploment.e-ril •••.
ebrunry 0,-,,Dityid Fry
~..township. Sale of .1 - fresh
Fi 'and ffousehold furniture. Jacob
• v ometioneer:
Aonday,February 24.—John F. Lindsey,
4est reinisbolo' township, 3 in silos west of
Carlisle. will • sell llurses s Cattile r tind_farrn , ,
lug implements. C. Porter, auctioneer.
Tuesday, February 25.—Geo. W. 'Lens,
liWst Perinsboro'. township, will sell stock,
farming implements and-furniture. John
Thomas, auctioneer. -- •
W,odncsdny,.Fuh,, . ; 26-Thomas Grenson,
will-Sell his entire tittieledSad
dlery and harness and many other articles.
Commodore Femur, Auctioneer.
Saturday: Feb: 29—David'Kutz Expeu
tor of John - Eber.iolb, will sell a valuable
farm in West ronnsboro' township.
Wednesday, February
Shelly, AdinYof Benj. B. Knr.tfta n, in S.
niddloton township. near Boiling Springs.
sale of horses,cattle, farming implements,
furniturean Rotatou.i. ..Isl-. B. Moore,
- '
Friciay, Feb. 28.—Thos. and Henry Leo
Dickinson township 4 miles west. of Car
lisle, sale I,f l horses,' cattle, —devon hull
chester_ logs, farming. implements &C. N
B. Moore, auctioneer:
, - • Sumday.—Ebas Comp. Carroll town-
I ship. Perry county. sale of _horses, cattle,
sheep, reaper; farming implements and
larniture. Jos. theian. auctioneer.
Saturday February 20—Jeremiah Gi vier,
Clittpul all.eytin - rottr of -Lida & gT)'s. evurv•-
12UPuo Unr islei Side ol• horse, 'wagon, senles
700 bags, Ul &e.
Monday, March 2.—Dayitr Baker. Penn
townelili. at 1110 iiroFBill4 of Alio Pine and
State roads . , ii rses, cattle, thre,hing
imichine, farming implenaMitti, hue, Fodder.
tiiimiturn and
_5 acres of valuable mountain
land, Jno,. Miller, auctioneer.
'Monday, March 2.—llenj. Albright, Mid
lowiiliip,rim •Zeiglorl6
near New liiutston. Sulu perzmnal
perty. %Vim Devinney,
'ue9dily, March . 3.—Andrew I'. Agllew,
will • sell sine!,, fmmiing
ments, graun'in the. gimund,
Win. Deeinney, Alietinneer. -
Tuepday, .11.1;rell 111k1:1
dle,ex township. near 10.. N. lt, R. :,do of
of lorses, Cnttte, 11trInkng implements and
N.l l ...
Thuredny;:Marelr bran' and . Jacob
Zeigler; Exceotors of Abram Z dee'd
Middlesex township, sale•of - liorresi - cattle;
farming utensels and furniture. ;John
Kijch, auctioneer... ••• •• - •
ThurA4y, March s.—James Morrison,
on Adam l'effer's farm, will tell stuck, and.
faro ing implernerits.-
Thtrethiy, March. s:—.Adam Cnover,
Penn township. 1 mil e9utti -:*of Carlisle,
sale - of horges. rattle, two fat 'stt..tirs,;:rcaper
agrieultufil hoplenatrils and
furniture. N. B. Moore, auctioneer.
7rislay, 'gureh Shiunneugh;
Ph infield, enie) - of itallintn - cow,
sleigh, furniture, &e.. 'Commodure Porter, -
Saturday„ March 7.—Jacoh Bretz,' Car
lisle, offers a pfnlierVlit Orr
rate sale mail March. 7. when(il not Gold)
It — will — htotfered at ,Publie - sale . , at the
Court house. '
:1 Monday. March 9.—Jos. Miller, in Dick=
ns on-tow p,- wi 1 l,GuUe,sheep,-
and farming imrilernetits.
Tuesday, March 10:—Sanfl
inson township, near Barnitz's Salo
of horses. cattle, sheep threshing machins,
farming implements and furniture. N. 13.
.M.oore, auct'r.
Tuesday, March 17.—Con's. W. ,Sheaf er
_Paradise S. Middleton township.
Sale of stock ierriettlturai implenientt, tor
niturg. W.rn' Devinnoy, Auctioneer.
.. . ..
Sumo time and idatio.—Niim Keller, will
sell stock and ferniing.implements,&e: Win
Devinney,,,Atwtioneer. '
Tuesday, Marph 17.—C. W. ShWafer, 8.
Middleton township. Sale of lauriies Cat
tle, farming Implements and all his will
t-riddy.-2ALtu'eh_l3...donailutn., l i.aFtletx
-Plainfield, sale of horse, cattle, hott.,
fin ui
ture, &c. iUtanniodore Porter, auctioneer.
For 11,1-Tumid), l'as a first
Class storeroom ror !Tiff,. See tidvertisetnent.
WANTED.—SS,OOO on tuertgage-on-n
-io6d limestone furin in this pounty 4 Apply
- DON'T forget the Old tulles" Con'.
ePrt,.to be . held in Rticem's gall; on this
(Friday) evening. rich treat may be ox-
— Jos. Millet, Auctioneer, will sell for
John r , -on-Fob. 291.11. pri. Adam Pvlit;r's
place, loree3 and farming utenAls, and: fur
Ja'cob lliimmu, near Baraitz's
cattle and fanning imphlnunts.
S. VALENTI N DAY.—•Tltis'.(Fri
day 14th,) t. Valentine's day. In our
borough thb day was ut,one time eelobrated
in it . CMIFC a good deal it merriomt,
but now *o believe is r• more honored in
the'braell min tho.obsi•rvaneu." .
Rev - . lintvMM i,iH preach in th'i3
First: Presbyterian Church next, Saidttli_
morning, in the evening, Dr. J on NSOI4:, will
deliVer in. the salon Viinr,cll iv di,courso in
review Of the legal decision of Judge REED
On'tito Sublmtir law's of Peimsylvania,
,SU DD EN Ttesiay - tilarn
tined lady, residing.on East Pomfret street,
died suddenly'. as is of -apoplexy.,
Although not in 4 the best of health,.sbe had
been going. about uo to the moment of her
death. She was the; mother of Prof. Frank
Gil Men and J. Gillolen.'.,i4qp, and
a most ,
. - .
The Garrison" DllO - strels *klh.giVe en
eitteriftlnurnrt-ht the Ga).risnit Mt Friday
evening'Febivary 21st hist ' We bespeak a
full attendunee.forthem; well knowing. they
deserve it. After the Good W ill Fair is over
they will give .a similar entertainnaint
INcini4Al4 4 6 .. "CelObratod 2 stdmpionation
Intervention ryill be delivered on that occa`-'
YOUNG 31EN'k , q•Intp3yrAN . Assoct2i,-,
Tiox.—this'orgiiiiikiiaiithis been effeetinF
a vast deal of good in this borough and
einity. Ever since the t. week of preyei,"
tneetingi fdelprey.drOlidluquiry have been
hold in differ:mit partw'ofthe town, and grecit .
interestismai.ifested by all who-attend. In
some of tho'cliurches meetingsuro also held )
abd 4 ,nuinbei litain4 hopeful Ix
converted. The Association have established
.a Reading,ltoool on ,the south-west cornet,
with religiousbooks,'Periodienls'and'piipers:
This room is open every evening, and as it
is free to till the youth of the borettith would
do well to avail themselves of the
nity thus, prelmted of • reeeiVing religious
' instruction , atiCinformakon. • '
- _
vv,,, ,m 0.,,4as been la. ier se-
KE - 1 ,,, , ,,r_50me weeks, is. now consul:
/expects in 'a short.tiple to resume
. 'ry est Ural duties. • •
lxvintE.—tliiTiida'y evening nost.
i•Trof.t.T.'lliims, P. 11. D., will deriver a
leeture in Rheent's-Ilit'l, on, a t.lhemiCal gdb
ject. The_ proceed's- aro to be iliiioted te
eharitablerpurposes. 'We hope our citizens
will l audnize him literally. N.Vo promise
those who attend a rich treat.- -7. •
pnblican.paper lately,started ut Ilarrisborg
cOtitinuois to tneet tlko mo!kt•satig,aine exp cc
those ,o ~ our' citixens. who desire a daily,
which promptly reaches' tai in., the morning,
to subscribe for this most excellent sheet.
Win. Plper,.of:the well Stiktionery
• store of 'imr l l3iirOugh;,is the agent, and will
promptly attend to altordersgiiren hini.
. .
people of Illecliallth'sburgrarC much delighted.
with the introductioninf gas into thcir•thriv
ing borough.. It waigreatlY , , , needed, and its
introduction is due to Mr. GEORGE lirrsiik, -
Superlntendent Ortbo Mechanicsburg Gas
and Water Company, a prominent_and use-
MI citizen. The citizens of Mechanicsburg
aro widil awake to 'their- - own interests, and
their bcatitifutborough • boars witness to the
result of their enterprise. ,
Tait TINTON PACIFIC RA11110.0.—.-As
will be seen by their advertisemonria thi: 4
issue, the UnionPacifie Railriptid Comptiny
haVOngitilladyan,%cd,tho Priceof their honds
to par: Even at the .advanee, these' bonds
aril undoubtedly as saraind profitable an
iestment, ns can anywhere be. folthil, 'as
they yield. eiw pet:-cent,,-Anterest;n_giO,
.payable semi-annually, while ,Government
bonds which pay the same interest canxr
be bought for less than eight to tea, p.
cont. premium.
The nexf, -A-nntra)-
:Pik of the Siete Agricultural Society will .
be held on Vedt"esdey,
end Friday, Septiiinlier•2oth:!3nd 30th, and
October let, :find ga. The President -and
Secretary inritopropcsa4 for' - the plitee,of
the noxt. exhibition, such proposiits to be l a id
_before thi3 Consinittki. twits ne.qtnecting;
- 111nreli M 111,1868. tti' •
We hope the M nnegersof oufSoille6 . will
take tnensur,s to sA . eure the Stoic Fair Reins
held itt Csr ]ti being held here would
have s 110110freini flirt upon the sgricultui•til
interests of Cult berbind county.
STANPING ll,Eta)::.—The,llevenue
flyers of our State, says the Chamber-bur: ,
nwpw.i/tirp, urn ins rusted from Wa.l. •
ington to appoint special officers to exateim:
the county ofFn.e, , as to in hether deeds:. mor '
gages and official papers have been properly ,
stamped, The penalty for omitting to stamp
or Tor not staMid ig'properly, is lilti).forj.aell
deed. In Bucks county 'the examiner,
going over the first six dockets, out of twen
ty, fotind tilietit 'tine hundred deeds-Wtrieli
had either •been improperly_stamped or 'the
:tamps entirety omitted, making-an aggre:
gate of Ave thtinsand dollars in penalties.
The Good Will Fair us will - bei seen on'
ra ferenee to-the- .adve . rlisetuent,,:in: another
hegiriSbn 'Friderev en leg yebruu
yx.2lst. just and otweelc.. This:
enterprisitig company have• involved : them
selves in quite a_ heavy debt in the parchnse
of their Steamer, and it would be, but an
'equivalent for the additional protection
-thus afforded theLtuten_fer_the - citizeesio
. give this fair a Most liberal patronage.
We believe we Lade the Very hest Bre de
] art men t-of any etnintrY town in the State,
and in that department the Good Will
Company occupies is most conspicuous posi
• _ • .
sleighing during the whole of last week,and
part of this was most excellent, and every
one vhe could ruiss ri " sleigh," "
"jumper," or 4 . cutterr took - occasion to
indulge in flii?delightlul wither sp6rt. The
jingling of the bells, the quick plater of tho.
hisses'-feet, the crisping and of tho_shig
e •
revellers could be:lie:nal anywhere in or
out - of town. - Via - nights wCre just what
tthey should have been to indulge in this
-exhilerattng recreation- bright, cold, end
--- frosty7 - a - mr - the - iterry-musle-01-tho-bell
proved a fit accompaniment to the witching
laugh - of the happy maidens, while speeding
over hilL - and dale.
the death of John S. Sterrett, of Diekin
township, Wo hove, ldst ono of °lir *eat ,
tilhest, and Most enterprising farmers.
Steriett-dted r 6n--tho appears-1
that he wWs in town on Sunday, of the ,
week preeceding, and that on hii wee home
ho took a very sever at ;
tack of pneunioniii, Which- in del nco of
the nioAtiskiliful treatment. f : hia,physioi - ffm,
proved fatal.. S was. fur 'some bans
_Presidont . oy die Ban iting Com pilot.) , of Ker; ,
Dunlap'' & and a RN- that 'institti -
tion_ was eiinverted into h blatiotal
hu was iiitvetal, times chosen Director - nod
iwthat podtioa ci s oitriiiiitkl materially to
the usaftit-and- prosperous stand tub ut;Tiltot
institution. ' ." • . ;
Wu wan ill afford. to la SO a citizeh of
Lis worth and
A ; Sinte Con'vention of thefrien4s of the
To9)pert!noo , eausti,WW be' begin:dm Court"
nt liiirfisynlrg, on Tii6 , idny next;' the
18th imAnnt.
.The can wive r
••: ,, A.ll ChureheS, Colleges . and A..eadenlies,
all Tempeinnee SUeletilss, - Divisidr6 of Sons'
of Tqmperunee,'Templos: *of ifonnr 'and
Ternperanee 'Lodges 'OE Good;Templar=,
Cotinty, Suet 6tio: I.ll.lxillitry'. to tho State
TeMeraneeKnion, and ell other . friendly -,
200.1000 i, WllOll/(1111Creill named or not, are
14144ested. to huVe themselves represented
'by - such d numl;Or-of :delegates as they niny
choose„ 'Ajlppvserts, (iv lip th !•I.' delegates
not, who - desire sarilestly - : , 'm combat the
,Vic:doititnieh tpc7 , c' lici,l6!(l , that , ' Temperance
and Virtne shall previal 'On the Compion
lyildtli, are pordiallx - invited to be, present,
to,''.uons.tdt togetinr, and deviso .ways - arid'
-isienna for tits , abcir of another j•nar,' The
1 (
' CoiiVention,' iv deft' Mot in February, '1867,
did much good, ' “-
__ • .
.I?ielt 'parkin :attending. the - Convention
who .hats purchased. a ticket at, any - station
,Cumbeiltind Valley 'Railroad, .will
i.eceive a return ticket free of akai;g•
nuinber ortheni; 'end the alsfenee:-01such
only pro Yes. t he' 'merit of enni e
learn the cebibritted 4 .l3nrley Sheet," Cook
ing Stoye IS being lmiteted,at the hands of
:thisertipillotts linym; will en
desYer • no,t, to In; Yietiinizeil, ,As yet this
BtOY4 is 'without an 'equal; its. sterling Os'.
I les, tire riprotrOut ut a Ounce,
ire ut,d we trust
t Frridtzrur — regiotr - will — biloi - eeett—
Rion tei—iiiiretldee it to • their patrons et -. an'
early day. 'rho "Barley Sheet ie designed
.or, 7!.etsla., Sr U=
ART, V:ZTERSON aSS CO, of Yhiladolphia, tire'
-the '
SotOibi: Riluntoirrix CQr
—l\'.o-notice that_ our exchanges.
throughout the Stam lire coinfilidning of the-; -t
frequency with. whicicjuides render
and -reehinimaid that the cipinlY. pay 9 1 °'.
costs..-Such suitirarOgemerulliproctiked by
partieSCiolitting laws fur the proiOrvittiemtif
peace and geed order, by-meddlers in . other •
people's-hustnessi -gossips,_hitekbiters,
temperate men and loose women i,iitn3 when --
tip:o.HO is - ended; settle 'stich marauding
Mistidten tenderness
or' mercy put the costs tipoii the county,;,
thinking that by. doing so they are merciful ,
to tfonders. Thii is nil a-miltake?_and th.e.
peoplerof-Cumberlandflike ;trim of otheil..._
counties ? haimbuffcred their , share from such
mistakes, and it would be welFifjMies would
decide• to plane. the costs upon• some Of 'the
-parties interested in .suchsetts: is •cer-
Minty not fair, or just to compel the people -
to defrey such expenses. ; •
nual, Financial StateMent, pubiishedlin to;
o . .irn that Rev. Wm
but ing will
day'sEllin), it will be F.Cep thitt.fur the . ,
year 1867, Cumberland qounty paid_the
stun. er $1703 58 cents as costs in CoOman-
. . .
wealth cases. • .This is MA a part of the ex
pense entailed, brim the tax-payers of the
county by the costs of suits of the nature of
those alluded to abbye. It is a serious, and
growing iiiiil, and'a reform is much needed.
. 1 ' TUE SUFFERING POOR.—From every
part of the nduntry we .learn that there are
a Great ninny poor who free& assistance.
This is.true of Carlisle as %yell as elsewhere.
'Businessis-more , ar-lcss-depres:
but 'a
; slight demand for labor . ; 'provisions
and wearing aftparcfare held at such prices
- as to drain the pockets of those more able . ;
rents, too, and taxes'ard-viiry:lteavy, -- andmlt
!teems to tend as . a barrier to these peer un
fortunates. Something;huwe - vor, should be
speedily do no. to relieve the, entrering at
present existing in the-borough.. "The poor
-yo=lniVe - ariVays—with_yOm ;!!_. nd s the
duty of those having the means to relieve
the neCeSsities of the . poor.
_The Female
Benevolent Society of Cerliale has limn the
inenns'or doing a vast nmount of good:lint
Its fonds- are nearly ealiatted, and it ran
do lint little more. Thi Society iscamposed
of aTotim bar of,„hoMano ladies, attached to'
the dilieren't denoinirnitions, 'and in times.
past ns Itt preseat is they havepi • ved Otan
i selves ministering angnlS_inilisld, relic ing
s of the deserving poor in a
itnid joiheioin; Manlier.
Ti,e oI our eitizvo:i who htlve the fl o wn
awl teeto n•lieve tllc ro•cossitie , ,
tif th1,414,310r. bet I.imy not, where thcr digteTS3
t•X4SIt., Allotlidlnk... the Indivs or this Society
nvq, Wtll,l fir
It, tic loud. , ontroslod - to r 4..1.14'w0u1tf 1,
lippropri:ityti lir a w,,y to rellGra the greniest
Stiks to be efied by I,Villinui Pc:twiny
February 15111.—John Hostler, S. Mid'n
T. Sheibly Silver Spring
" Trostie,.Admtis. co..
" 214.1Vm. Wker, 11/: Phnsh.
22d.—John ll vers. S.. Al Teton.
24th-,-Jaeoh Peitz, Monroe.
" 25th.-.M. Beltzhoover,'Sil'r, Sp'g,
26th.--IV.. F. Sherban, Hampden.
" -
" , Brandt 31onroo.
March 2a.—Betij. Albright, Middlesex.
• " ad.—Andrew Agnew, W. PeTirisb
4ill.—Pettir Trostle, Upper Arlen'
, Goodyear, Monroe.
" oth.—.John Senseman Silver Sp'g
_u_—tin in Baker, S S µring.
'" . Mb.—John hall, Miadleacx.
11th H. Ewalt. Silver Splg.
" 12th.—John Mout, 'Munroe,
E. Polling U, Allen;
" 14th.—S. Keitioportz. Splg
'W. Ebonite:, Pitradi6e
" \V. Lindsny. N. Midt.'n
Snlkniwrgor, .11 - nnroe.
Staumbaugn, onroo.
2lst Kintz. N,w Kington.
27th.—Elizabeth 13Dlinger,
28L1).—D. Stonesift.r,Vrindlo
' Spring 'Cavern.
errp+tions on fan'
Hair Restorative,.'.! which e:llcliez.,.tes their in`' —
dou,l . )le-qtaick time.
A. B. & N. Shenk are now'manurac
turir ho rm , .st,its'sortment Bud the hest .
_ .
styles of BuggieVC,iffinh
onspvpr offered in Carlisle.,-- ;
Sales that Mrs. .S.e A. Allen's Itorooved
,rll. - uiqyle) • D.estorer or DreFiilg (10
one bottle) is. iireforred..l)3! .every One. 'Ev 7
cry Druggist sells it. Pries $l.
Lirrr,Et3Cutron AL, for February,
is n ['aphid number . .- The Publi,her ()Ears
most beautiful premiums, end unusual in
clueepents to raise Clubs.. Terms,•Dol-
Inc a year. A sant ple eppy will be sent free
to any Avi.; applies for it during Febril
toy. Addr.,:,4sALFIIED L. SEWELL, if,ub
li,lier, Chicago; 111
,inotonoroblo number of
, •
prepirattiiir.: in_ the neteliet for re.qt7irelTir7 — ,
gyliy heir to Its ortgliell color; we know
none whielt gives ;tititti verse' satiFfnetion es •
l'egeta.hkA,Wiros'a. IYc hove tried
it end 1.. , e1°1 it to in(04.01 . e the c01t,,. in 0 truly
WOlOlOOlOl 111:1111100-02i \(.' , ; , 1 in , to rennove'
dnudrup • . nna..nll (Hon g 13..u. , 4
of thu scalp." Try' it aud
feb, w. •
Wc• ihe. follutri,i j • f , orA.
•toriul. the -"DEA DER,"
ote,j,:iced, )7 , 11` , 1
er4itittlimixr.•.: of the -Wcsi. •
. .
In calling thu atlontiou.of our rumclora to this'', t"
able propration, rn tin en vAthm roll conviction that.
it Is a 11 1 glily seiantafie:rotomly for Dyspepsia, cud sit .
d'soases arfaliglrom d diserdided f•tato orthe laVvr .
or stomach. in snaking this SPISOTpO,9% we aro 6111,
tained - hJho leatirpony of ninny of the el:Morita pro
fessla.nal men of 'the SOuntry; -, LaWyera, physicians,
and clergyman, all. bear witness to Its grab. usoful•
nem, It contains no filcohollo stimulant, but Is pure
ly, tnedlmnal, being - oopipriunAl from the pressilp.
lila *A' Cdoitat,9, .o.ymdahi of his.
, day, and Is widiLknoitin and used, by the faculty onto
.ptusrt bee boon bolero the Public' in Its •
Pretient shops' 11w enty years. mid timing that'
time ball become ' , lint:qui all over the world."
those in.neml otti remedy of thft character, we Would'
ray procure it itenou r a n dAn not wee o youi
and mossy ori compoun de that
now Soutlthumarketi_itpd tlese who at is in Im
mediate witottif It, ice wouldiadViest,o Pie - parid to '
betUe wlth'ilishasnby)ideP - nktetilwais In the house
. .
.combines:' nit the ingrodhinta'nf the - iltterti—
%yip,: pi* ,Simita . Ovus Ititrug. orange, antral, P.c.
It is mod for the same ditarnM its the Illttsrs,• in costs
'10106111,011161A1i , 04. 11, 3 Silmulont Is required. It Is a
prbparaltou otriird'irtilwU, and in Nit nr,reouble` to the"
pal ite. • ••
Prancipalggic . c, G3l. 4rc4 Ste, Pliilad'a,
. ...
. • ,__....... ‘
„ .
: ..._ ~.
• lireteinaklng.:and ttrllltior7 ridabllshitocttrNo AO.
North El itt.over ;60906' -,: ... ;.. —• , 7.1-... - .'r!. , :..,',.!„.1' . .
. .
_ _
thero is