Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 14, 1868, Image 1

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0120 Square ono ingertion„
-- For each subsequent Insertion, • ',
For Mere/Intlle 'Advertisements,
Legal Notices,
Professional gamin without papa?, :‘
Obitbary Notions andi.Oommunida
dons eDi ting• to matters of pri
vate Interests alone, 10 cants per
. •
JOB PIIINTING.—Oui Job Printing Office le the
fleetest and' most, complete ..ettabllshment in the .
un'y. Fqur good Pressos, and a general variety of
meterlal tutted for plain and Fancy . nosh of ivory
'dud, enables us to do Job Printing at the ahortest
lotl.nt, and on the most seasonal& terms. -Persons
tenant of Milt, Blanks, Cr anything In the- Jobbing
Ilno, will find It to their intomit to sive us a call.
, Hoofland's German Tonic.
Prepared by Dr. C. 11 JACKSON,
The Great Remedies for all Diseases
Hooftand's German Bitters
Is composed of the Tatra juices (or, as they are medic!.
nnliy termed,__,Ez tracts) of _ Roots,
libr Eis and Barks, ___l - making a preparn •
Lion,. highly outman —trated, and entirely
free from Alcoholic adniixture of . any,
kind, • .-
Is a cornbinnlion of all the ingredientsof the 13itters,
. -with the purest quality of - Santa Crueßum, Orange,
ere., making one of the most pleasant and agreeable
remedies•ever °tiered to the public.
- • -,—Those•preferring a - Medleine - freo -front—
mixture, will use
Hoel:land's German, Bitters.
In eases of nervous depression, when some alcOlioilo
stimulus is necessary,
should bo used
The bitters or the Tonic are both equally good) and
contain the same rnedicinarvirtues.
The stomach, from n variety of canoes, such as Indi
gestion,y, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility,
etc., is very.apt to .i(V ), lino It s functions
deranged: The result ik of v.'-'
pnticni euirers from
Constipation, Flatulence InWard Piles,
'Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity
of the — Stomach, Nausea. Heart
burn,Disgust for Food, Fulness
or Weight in the Etordach,
. Sour Eructations,—Sink
. is g or Fluttering at the Pit
of the Stomach, Swimming of -
the Head, Hurried or Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at. the Heart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when
in a Lying Posture,"Dininess of Vision,
Dots or Webs • before the Sight,
Dull - Pain in the Head, Deli
' ciency of 'Perspiration, Yel
lowness of the Skin and
2 y e a, Pain in
the Side,_Back,Chest, - •
.. - bs r _eto" 1 8u d e n
Fl us he s. eat, urning'
In the Flesh, Constant - Imaginings of Evil,
and Groat Depression of Spirits.-
--Thom remodleawillairectually cure I, lyerComplairi
Jaundice, Dysperisln, Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Chronic Diarrhtea, Disease of the lildneys, and all
Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, Idtornach, or
Resulting. from any Cause whatever;
induced by Severe' Labor, Hard
ships, Exposure, Fevers, etc.
, There is no medicine extant eqUal to these refuedies
In such caeca. A tone and vigor is imparted to the
whole System, tire ,-- Appetite Is Strength
ened, food Is enjoyed, _ the stomach digests
promptly, llzu blood. is purified, the corn.
plexion be com on sound and healthy,
the yellow tinge Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom
Is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous he
valid becomes, a strong bud healthy being.
=l ,- 6.86H - 0 - Advanced in Life,
-And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon
them, with all Its attendant Ills, will find In the use of
this BITTERS, er the TONIC, an elixir that will
instil new life In 6 their veins, restore In a measere',
the energy and artier of more youthful days, bill dup
their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness
to their remaining years., -
. ' It le a well.estnblielled feet that fully one.linif of the
- _female portion of ourpopulation ere reit_
... dom inthe enjoyment'
—to - use - their own - n,i — . in , e.ion, "never feel
Well." They ere Inn gold, devoid of nil
energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite.
To this close of parsons the BITTERS, or the
TONIC, Is especially recommended.
Are mode strong by the use of either of these remedies.
They will cure every case of MARAIRdI/0, without
. • . `-- •
Tam/sande of certiticates have accumulated In fits
. bonds of the proprietor, but space will allow of the
• publication of but a few.- will be observed,
are men of nolo ondJ of such standlng that they must
be believed.
Hon. Geo. W. Woodward
Mkt .T!istele of the Supreme Court of Fo., Nviiteo
- , -Philadelphia, March 10, 7807. ,
"I CIO Mfoo4andis n Ge;rnian Bitters'. la
4 14 1tii
a good tonic, useful . ln ,dhicruics• of the
41gestIvaorganeould of greaMlicncflt In
noses of debility, and . want of:nervous ;te
flon in file system. Yours truly, • .
GEO.,W.'WOO.IjIV . ARD: ,,
Hon. Sames Thompori
— "".litslyreirthrSiSPi'•it r e 'Court of Pennsylvania.
• Philadelphia. April 28, 1808.
"I consider 'HoeSand's °ennui Bitten' a valuate.
"medicine in cnoo of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia.
I can certify tills from my experience of it.
Yours, with respect,
From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D.,
• Pastor of the' Tenth. Baptist Church, Philadelphta.
. , .
Dr. Jackson— , Deni' Slr have been frequently—re
quested to connect my name .with mcommendatibmit
of diflorcnt kinds of medicinen; but regarding the prac
tice as - out - of my rip ptopriato sphere, I
have In all cases do j clined ; but with a
clear proof In earl • O. Instances oust
particularly in my Men' family, of the
usefulness of Dr. Ifoolland's German Bitters, I depart
for. own from my initial course-, to express my full
conviction that, for general debility of the sytteni, and
especially for /aro, Compiaint, it is a safe and valuable
prepahrlion. In some cases it may fall; but usually, I
doubt not, It will be very.benoticial to those who suffer
from tho above causes. ,
Yours, very respectfully,
ClO6 below Creates St.
From Rev. E. D. Pepdall,
Assistant Editor Chtistiatkh . rtinic7c, Philadelphia
I have derived decided benellt from tho me of Roof.
land'a German Bitten, and feel It my vrivilege to re.
commend them as a moat valuabki tonloo,,tq all who are
scathing from general debility or from (BURSA Mang
from derangement of,tho liver.' ;Tours truly,
. B. D.
. ,
-Hoofland'eGerinan Remedies are'counterfolted. bee
that the signature of .0. M. JA(.IIO3ON
la-on—the-wrapper— of 'each 'by t.t I o. -
All'otbera era coon terfoit:
Principal . .0111 co
,_. r 'odd , Manufactory ..
at the Gamin - in Medicine' More, No. 631 AROM - Stmet,
,Philadelphia. . . . _
' Germ - an Drugaist,Proprietor, '
Formerly C. .L AMMON &
For sale by all Druggists end Dealers In
Scotland's itierman Bitters, pOr bottle . $1 00
' bait dozen . ' • 600
Sootland's GeAnon Tonlcint up In . (juartbottlea, 1 60
per bottle, or tilialf dozen for ' ' 7,60
..: Nalr' Do not fgrgot to exandno well the allay you
AlPhilHlll44 to got tho goagifilik. --, --,-, , ' -. *
25 00
4 00
7 CO
AND. '
10 South Hanover etroot.CaillalO PA,
O. P. nurdßitin
11 ,➢leia St., In Markin Hall, Carlisle, Pa.
, Hniato Agent, Shcpbeidstown. West Virginia.
,41.13-Proniot attention glveri to all business in Jeffer
son County and the Counties adjoining it.,
_J3nuary 10, 1800.-Iy;'
E. .BEL ItHOOVER, Attorney
eat Law Office In SOutit Hanoiror street; oppoelte
Bootee dry good atore Carliele, pa.
September ,
jAMES A. DUNBAR; Attorney a
--Inar,- enable r , P. Olflco In-No. 7, neon,' a Rat
" July 1.15U4-1y:
JB. ZEIGLER Attorpoy at Law,
' Saint Paul Minnesota. Communications from
o East properly responded to..
- D. -ADAIR, • Attorney' -At Law
•,Carlislo, Ps. Office with A, D. Sharpe., Esq., No
17, South Hanover Street.
May 11.-Iy.,
TOSEPH RITNER;.Jr., Attorney at
ty Law aid Siirveyoi, Mechanicsburg, Pt. Office on
WI Road Strout, two doors north of the Bank.
ell..Buslnese promptly attended. to. •
July 1•. 1804.
Jo. 0. GRAHAM, Attbriky at Law,
Carlisle, Pa. Offlee formerly oeciipled by Judge
Graham, South Hanover street..
Soptembor 8, 1866. -
T R. MILLER Attorney at Law.
ti • Office in Elanhon's building immedffitely. op
pordte the Court -House.
29uov 67.1 y . . .
Atterney"tit Law, Office in the
room forderly occupied by Judge Graham.
July 1, 1864-Iy.
cif *Moll le, that the
Several or more of
ivr C. HERM'A'N,- Attoiney at Law,
AIL Carlisle, Pp., No. 0 Itheem's Hall.
3uly 1;1804-1y.
S AMUEL lIEPB.UAN, Jr., Attorneyat Law. Wee with Hon. Samuel Hepburn, Main
St. Carlisle Pa,
July 1. 1804.
Penna.,at, Law, N 0.7 South Market Square, Carlisle,
- April 10, 15137-Iyl- - *
WM. R BUTLER, Attorney at'Lair'
and llnitnA „States Illeim-.Agent,-Carliele,-
mUersgljCounty,4ll -'
• gensions,Ptuntien, Beck Pay &c., promptly collect
.ed. Applications by Until will recolvecimmediatn at
tention, and the proper blankti forivarded. • •
No fee required until the claim la settled.
-144,-4144,4! Pat.
Dentist, from the lialtl.
more Collage of Dental Surgery:
.e. "•oll...Oftlee at' ihe reeldepee of hie mother, East
-Lowboy etreet,-three ddore below-Bedford. 3.
July 1, 1864.
^ Late Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry Mlle
trl ogo uc e:,.:l . egeof
firlr.V 7 ' ° Mee at his residence
,pansito Elation flail, West Mair, street, Carlisle,Pa.
duly t, 1854.
DR. HARTZELL, Allopathic. Physi
ciao and A ecoueb our, bating perniaisontly lo
sated in Leesburg, Cumberland county, Pe.., respect,
fully. offeraldwinufeSibliiiiirelififeis--to-tho
Special attention given 'to diseases of women and coil.
JOHN O. °LICK. N. D. Wayhosboro,
Dr. SAMUEL O. LANE, Chambersburg.
I.IJn. ED. hiePillillSON;Oottyaborg,
ISAAC) UNIVELY, M. D. Waynesboro. ,
S. D. FROM, Waynesboro.
N. IL Always found In his office when not otherwise
professionally engaged. . Juno g7-tr.
:Lk you want a nice Hat or Cap _
f 60, don't fall to call on
No. 20, West Main
Where can bo soon the finest assortment, of '
over He trams great pleasure In
inviting his old frlondil and Customers. and all new
ones, to his splendid stock just received from Now
York and Philadelphia; consisting In part of Ant'
Besides an endless variety of Hata and Caps of the
,latest style, all of which he will soil at the Lowest -
Cash Prices. Also, his own manufacture of liata al•
ways on hatuVand
' Hats Hanufactur r ed to Order.
He has the boot arrangement for coloring Hats and
all kinds of Woolen Goods, Overcoats, Au at the
eilictirit — notietilas - hirVolet,FWery Week) arid on GO
most rLasona blo
s terms. Also, a fine lot •of choice
prands of - f
Alvcays on band. He desires to dill the attention of
portions who hap
To yOli, as be PUS tho Idgliont_eash_pricsa _foriSe
Give him a call, at the above numbor, his old stand,
as he feels confidont of giving entlro satisfaction.
Julyl.4 67.
Of all the Nei° Spriitg Styles' of • ,
The Subscriber has just opened, at No. 15 North
Hanover St., a few doors North of the Carlisle Deposit
Bank, onoof the largest and beet stock of HATS •It
CAPS ever offered in Carlisle.. •
Silk Hats, Comintern of all styles and' qualities,
Stiff Brims different colors, nod every - description of
_Soft lints now made. The Dunkard and old fashioned
.kopt constantly on band a 7 made to order;
all warranted to give satisfaction. full aseortalent
of STRAW HATS, Men's boy's and children's fancy.
have also added to my. stook, Notions of different
kinds, consisting of Ladles and Gent's Stockings,
Nock-Tios. Glover, Pencils Thread, Sowing Silks,,Buto,
ponders, Umbrellas, Sc., Primo.Segaro and Tobacco;
niways on hand.
Give Ina a call and examine my efoolc, as 1 fool con
fident of pleasing ; .besides saving you money. • •
..5f0...15 0 .N0tt1i Hanover St..
4 , 1 ,45, • WITH-THEIR
EripriOr r nportation_
. ..... . .
. .
• • .
-.: - I\9 . r .
•-: •- 'CHRISTMAS 900.1)8', i ' •
, . .„
FOR THIS PRESRHT BEAPON, t 6 which' . they Anode',
reapectfully Invite, the attention of those visiting
Philadelphia auggeatlug an early call; before the
choicest articles are: aelected, and the hurry "of
Holiday bailout' prevents that careful attention
of they desire extended;extended;td all their slitters. The stock
Of every. deecription, offered this : - season by - this
Rouse, exceeds in rich nose, variety and beauty, t4o
efforts of any Feticide year. An examination of our
goods cannot but prove interestl ng to parties hem
-the-contitry7whom-rirmoschomliall rititited—tervisir
our establishment.. All Orders by latter, or Inquiries"
respecting goods and prices, will-receive 'careful and.l
prompt attention., Goods carefully pecked and Aar
Jewelers Old Bilieramithe, '
No 822.0he4inut Street, Philadelphia.
dociolBo7. lb it
VOL. 68.
A DAM KELLER, AttOrnepat-Law
Cai PA. Office with W. M..PourosoYsq.
Rhoom's Halt.. • . .
sept 27 07-6m* . _ _
....' j / 1 .. '..
n,, b
- , -
Greenfield/a, No. 4 .East Matti St.,
. ,
All the best. makee of prints 12y 2 :cent&
Choice etylenprinto, 8, 1.0 and 12'oen.
A beautiful' (bleached,) yard Wide 1.234ct5.
Beet Domestic Ginghame in town at 12 1 4 acid 16 - cts,
T.1.111,1•2)./.16,111.1 UP 0611, .0 cu...
Red, Yellow and Gray Flannels, lhom the
late forced cafes, at atly rodoced prices,
Good Brown blankets at .12 60 per pale; White (all
wool).BlankorsAl per pale; tho,laegest 1 ).;1 Blankets
.011 wool) only-$4 00- per pair; all the finer grades
Wo have a splendid square Shawl, Ladles' Elze,
only $3. Good Double Shawls $5 -and $O, sold alx
wPo, ko 8 09 at $B.
A full assortment of
At - prices that defy competition
Alltbelost — gtadns-iirFrennli Merino at Wk. $1 00
and 1 20.
Beautiful Reps, very (-beep.
Elegant Alpacas, in Blacks, Browns, Bistriark. Wine,
Green .and Blue 60 cents.
- - All Wool,'Plalcis reduced to 60 cents.
A large assortment very cheap
arrangement with -ono of the- largest
ninnyWcrrnini'jnYillaloo.n and
lower t°hua
In fancy etylcs very low
• The best Black Beaver, all woolv,very One only
$4 80. A fulratook of Jeans, Satirical's. Olvtlicciarid
- Cla stamens just received at astwashingly low prim.,
I am the exclusive agent of the ahoy l eor
MUM, LACE COLLARS,'NETS, In fact everythlfig
connected with n. • , -
9stabliFibmeitt, et pricos that eannotilall to plena.
I moan what I say when I assert that itisyil I no
store In the county that . clin odor gooOli of loTriUlc:eo,
or ofTerNiltioltor stock., Remember tiro fart-, that 6111
the above goods have booa — anottamed within the last'
week, at the late forced, salea,.Vrtdch enables
,oe to
O'er those Ifiducomonin to .pflioltomoni
. '..4,.'._•1
9n hand, verY cheap;
lthho IYI
~ ~ 0 , 4 /
• I
• • e
' 1
I N - . PR I-0 E
,of the Season
.. , ~1
''l‘ - l'er Sight softly clo ses round fie,
. < 4 .,..
~ ~ .
,'N D .l 7 4. lt n y o s u h:d o d b re jo s cta fill i t u bl i f b it O o r m m e • ,
- - .•
. • Lilp in the Whoring gloom; .'-•, „
'il'!-Y.'ojl I'm wath , hi 9g ''', • -
' s'o ur ia tu , light dlseppear.,
, " •
.. .. ughts pro weaving .
• • Ehat , -. l build, '1 " , • Int end 'queer. •
Whore I ' retain Yt..., — .,7 - • -,, ----'-
u ksv„,
• •
Docked wltitorientallti - i -:•-•-. ••• ''
MI iny•furicy cou'd Crit/k ts ''
' Crlinson.ettiirins AMIE; the f t '
Softly letting in thO light ;• `•,„,' • ~/
- I.llertienly slnilns'ef sweetest munfOi!'
""' , 'Sill the senses with delight.:. ' l a,
- A ' .'-•
• Chandeliers of gold and diver,
... ‘,,,,,..
~.i. -, • linnginerom the freaceed coil; ' -
Marble dolma of olden sculptors ' . .
. .. ,llalf disclose and half ruveal; " .. . •
' Tiny iota of Armed ;Cater
-- -Full-Din 'antique 'rues'rere,' ' ' '' ' ----- ' 7
' Plllitni carvel 00000 Ewnt. mn.rbla. - '
Dear their otutely columns there. . .
i'lle4;ho ' eunsetaltlec aro brightest
- glow of dylngdaY,
There the sea-winds murmur softly. •,
Thole the gentle zephyrs - play.
By the ecaside I have.reared it,
4nditaitattle in clately
On the cliffs that frown d fiance • r •
--- At the Inward rolling tide.
All that art - iffid - illittire offer,
thit.boundless-woulth could-bun-T
-s To itdorn my se'es:d. palace,
I have brodght from far nnettlgh.
BvieOtSst mini-birds warble round - It,
Softest sunshine llogore where
Proudly rise the to* turrets
Of my castle IntlMtdr., _
. .
I'm not a romantic mail, and, if I had had
any leaning in that direction, a few gonday
morning visits and.spvere reprimands from
the board of directors would soon have cured
me - tif the fitiling ; tfut somehow or 'another
of the
.same stuff as other men, and have
hearts under their uniform coats. . •
It was no business of mine, if, while I
was at the london terminus of the,Great
D'ividend , and Longshare Railway, I exam
ined the tickets and unlocked the carriages
: on the 'departure platformit was no busi
ness of mine if m.tall, far girl, in deep
mourning, came twine • a "nieek regularly,
and showedmo her ticket_for_WestgateiycH
lirriciecond:Olass:-- But somehow it seemed
to be my business, :when I had mato - eked an
emptyearriage'and-handed,lier - in - as - well as'
I could, that I slibuld.lock that door. again
Vithoul banging it, and then take care that
no ono else went in but lady-like females.
Of noursa - I "could - not help it, but from the'
very frst,day cold, winterly day—when,
- thinly dressed; she came - shivering along - the
platform, I seemed .to have some strange
interest in -her; and, us the weeks slipped by,
I found myself looking out for hot regular,
ly. It was easy to see, from the - music-roll
she carried and the return ticket, that she
}vent down the.line to give lessons,- -
I called Myself a fool, and thought afiny
salary as a guard, and my position in life as
compared with the graceful lady-like girl
who used to come floating along towards me
_every MOnday and Wednesday morning,
looking so pale and end and careworn that
1. first began by pityilig her, and then—well,
never mind now.
Ono cold December day I was shifted for
a week on 'to, the arrival platform, and so
missed- fieeini-Aer_leaveut-T-I—cac:ohilly
watched every train thui came in tillj saw
her get out. Without seeing me, she her
ried.away. Well, there was nothing to sigh
for, there,-Ydull - say ; but did sigh all the
sante, and was turning away; when I-saw .
the _searching.. portei with- p music-roll in
his hand, which some one bad left in a car
„ Efel;o! I know who.tbat belongs' to,” I
said r snatching it fromtim-; and* then; see
ing that' he was going to make a bother, I
slipped a iiiicrrtice into his hand, and ran
out of the station. -
Just in time! could see her at UM bot
tom of tlie'street, 'and, catching hold of ono
',erne boys banglng4bout for n j0b, , 1 point,
ed.tho tall figure out, Mid told him to follow
her to where_sholived, arid comeback .and.
tell me
And not send tho' music roll ?, No; I
'meant to tako that. 1 did not know why,
but therwscomed something pleasant. in the
idea of being servant to her, and , waiting_on
her; and I kept tellingmyself ata_walked.,
- liifek - to attend to - my duty. ',
Next morning I was in a (pia; shabby.
lodging-lotting place leading out of •Gnwor
street north; with the music-roll in-my hand,
• looking out for No. 21. • It was easy.onough
to iind, but something seemed•to muko me
walk past-tWo or throo times .beforo I Could
summon courago,lo go -up and ring. : But
at last I did, thinking how foolish it was,
when I only had to deliver the lost
and comenWay.. _ ' •
09 I. rang gently, and waited: rang again,.
and -waited ; and then- a red-faced • woman
came to the door. .
"You. have a young ladS7 who toabhes
musfe r —„ , L
"Second-floor front," she said,-snappish
-4,;Nyhy don'..t you knock twice ? Boll's
Tor the groundzflemr. There, gt up I".
I took off my cap, wiped my shoes, and,
fholi'ng ashamed of my - uniform for the first
time in' my life, webr slowly up ; to the so
• child floor,' and' then: stoppod ; for ll' could
hear a 'piano; and the sweetest voice I over
'heard- welt 'singing to it in a low tone:lT
Stopped, listening and drinking In the sweet
i "sounds' with my heart beating heavily, for
lorig'wa3r_up ; and' I:should have
'stopped 'longer, had I 'not heard some' ono
• Corning ql5 thbstairs. ' Thrin knocked, and
a 'vac° criOd,-Coindin If , : :•; ,
turned the'handle ' two or three times,
frit.. it wris old : and Worn, and then; entering;
stbod bliiAiniliko a greni girl, arnitiernh,
link before tho tall, pale lady' and some one
lying upon' a ..softi in 'front of 'a very
able lire.
Sudh a bnto chilly room,' and ad cold and
Dale both the inmates lbolted,',as . I stood
'!Oh; mutillint, the: rn usiel''' cried the Palql'
. -
girl, rasing from her, seat by the piano. and
running towards me .;• and then, us I alum
'ailibeld it out, I•saw that 3 was recognized,
as GEM thanked nio forbringing it; Imelda°
i'dr. what :she- palled , roy - kindness at On
„ V
il..,ii':', ,, ,l"ii:;";'
~~~. '
4 ! Ask hiui tOtako a glasvif wine, Lou
said the lady on tho sofa, and I saW the
.color flush in - her daughter's cheek, as she
said hastily ; . . • .
,! I think, mamma, we lintie tione hi' the
hortse." . •
_ .-••
I clumsily ptotested-thiit I W_ould, rathernoftake any wino, ancrwas backing toward
the door, when a sudden pain abet through
Me, for_l.had'detected a motion on the'riart.
of-the-pale gii-1, and eaught--sight of-a-shil4-
ling-in her band. ' I suppose I showed yr , Mat .
Lfelt,fOrshe paused and colored deepty,and,
as r atood outside, she ttnee,more thanked
me, and 'Passed the shilling hastily into her
left hand, and hold out the right to me.
I have some recollection of having taken
.it and pressed ft to My quiveringlifisiand
': cn•l•was blundering along the streets in a
I(Viirwifd dream', Seeing nothing, hearing
7 77-14. klifiti• - a - riparciritly - Inst: -'^ --
'had WiTik.lvent on till. Christmas Eve. 'I
station, arr4or her imrit -coming
_to the -
in tyJich slitrmitial, en-to' the carriage
nothirig - to'britd!..„..„ )(new that I hair
servant, an she al' ing only ir railway
seemed my dut
_to. wrlut, for-all-that,-'-it
-_sines-the day - when -- I - retifier her, iliiiiigh 7
bows had been a little-more efilie folio her
had hurried into the carriage. ' , arid she
' -But it was Christmlis Eye, and all 4_,L, .
that week I hacrnot seen her: “Ilolidirjr,
_ I said- to myself, and then tried.-to be as bus )
as poSa l ible, to- keel') myself from thinking
that -it would bo perhaps •11 month ei• -six
weeks before I saw her again. - But there
was no fertr.of My: not being lisy, fur roust
people know what sort of a Christmas rail;
way servants keep=4.arl burry,drive, bustle,
worry and rush.. Drill, heavy weather it
was, yellow fog and driving snow. The
trains Came in covered with white, which
slowly thawed and_ dripped off, so that the
termiaus was wet" and cold - and miserably
' dirty. Peopledidn't seem te mind it,though;
.for the station was thronged with corners
from the country, and as many corning, to
see others off. "By yer leave," it-was all
day lung, as the bariows full of parcels arid
luggage were run•here and there along the
platform. The place scorned alive with fish
baskets, oyster barrels and poultry ; while
somehow or' another, from the poorest and
shabbiest third-class people up to the gran•
lees of the first-class, every ono looked happy
_and_comfOrtabler--,--7- - -- ' 7 ' - - - 77-,-- - -- ------' -,-
SO the Teas I,zhelping to get train
after train off—all lA°, of course; fpr, do
what you 'wefilrl, ther47was no finding coons
enough for nil the people, and so ingot to
be past four, with the gas all alight and the
fog and snow thicker than ever. A train
was just 'starting, When tliere was, a bit....ef
confusion at the door. Some one shouts,
bird l'-Fanff-then from-where -I-was
—some distanCe up the platforid_F saw a
gentleman hurry up to at:tut-class carriage,
almost diagging a lady with him,m lady in
black. Before any one could stop him, he
had opened the door, puShed her in, and
then followed, just as the Arian _ began glid
ing off.
This happened to ~b e a carriage just put
on, and the compartment the gent eman
entered was locked ; bathe had,onp of film
pocket railway keys, for before the carriage
reached where I stood, with my heart some-.
how heating very strangely, I saw his hand
-out of-the window, locking the door again.
In the moniTitarx glance I caught as the
lamps of the station Hasped into the err
:_riage, I estuld_ls.etiAliiii---there,wasT;ffo:4l-gli.
-inside,-while two little gloved - hands fit.6.4iioa
down the window the man triad to draw up;
arid there, her pale and horror-strieken eyes
starting, and lips open ps if shin were crying
!" I saw thejface-of the young go •
The time did dot appear long enough to
'tee so much, but I saw' all that, and nay
mid.seerned to keep up wig] . my eyes and
explain it ill; and "I knew. that there wan;
sonic itaferoul pieco.Of. villainy am, the way. ,
." What,49 sh, 1" seemed.rushing titrougli
my ininciins in the agony:I'll:It, I turned iill
of dareinble. Telegraph to. the statioii in
frorft, stop the train, which was the
press, witk.frfty miles - to 'run before pullfug
up,? send tilsPecial engine and tkuuler—after
lem4.—llow - uolfld - I — &either on my own
r sponsibility,•and only upon siispieliM ?,--
ittould Ido and report-it? I should havo
..halt an hour . ,wasted in questioning, and then
perhaps be told that iViii'Stime enough to ad- ,
whon . it was pfoVeg4h,at theVe was, ground
to. act I.ipop. AnOrtini,J)oTA9 Adynn co ?_
appealing look for aid from
ithr I loved.
"Her I loved !" Yes, I knew it now; and
I knew, too, that to. be of servieo, I Must
act—act at tho risk of life or limb. I
thought all this, running' after the train,
fast gliding along past the platform.
I bad lost too much time already fie I
darted along, ti few nioro seconds it
would have bocce impossible to overtake the
fast-receding carriages.. Thoro was:a-shout
ing behind-me as I ran; ono porter stood
right way looking after the red lights',
and, in passing,-I knocked him over. The
platform passed,. and, bounding along tho
incline at tho end, I was out in the snOW,y,
- night, when I-tripped Over one oflho:point
handles, and' foil heavily, uttering a'--cry of
doipair; but I Was up again, di'rectlY,, and
running along the rough : line. amidst 'Moss!.
ing.mottils and rods that throatonad to throw
Ziovery instant...
It seemed the act of a madman to: run
now, for' the red were.sonie distance
ahead, and gradually growing `dini: and
blurry amid the, fog; but though :the thick
snow I ran panting on,' with .my prefab
coming ' , shorter And heavier, and : a hot
burning sensatiortat-=my 'chest, while ;it
:Boomed that I could taste blood, thongh my.
month was dry and hot,„ „
'All at Once ,my heart .deaned . f ina every
nerve tingled:. Froid , tliti fast 'Vanishing
'train name' n iongAlirill whistle,. which
meat red Signals in frOnt,:Whilo,
,to my unutterable joy, the end lamps of to
guard'il van'showod plainer andldajnor
-Another stumble, and tall over the ji6int•
•rode-L-find I was uji ngain , ; beedlees that_iniy
liadds and forebohd wore' bleeding' and that,
I bad last my cap.; Thor° :iv,eeo:the lamps
pluiriarsand plainer, for tho train hid hpdulmoet
stopped;' but now, hundred Stards , ahead,
.equlcl S ovirtulco it inefordit started:'again ?
Tlitl anyone°, { 11.13 .9,h0rrib1e. ,, .I,l(fie my ,hoad
, 1:1:4132 .W 3 ' , Panted On; . • :. •
. .
. :.::,...._
" I 'l -;-. ..---
Fifty . yards passed, and :the red lamps
still,roceding, but,bigger . Ml less dun. - On
still, gasping and choking; and : drawiag . my
breath with difficulty . ; Not twenty yards
off, and,' if I enuld liavj run,. dntither fow
eeconds would huge soon molididingOn• by
a carriage handle; t'ut.l . coal& only go at a
”Bang Bang!". wenta'eouple ,of. fog
signals., and hope, rose agai,ri - as Abe engine
Slackened . pnee:oneti,tinore,land,.alnipst at a
walk, I ptnietimi - -n - eiwoi,'•.hearer, -ritaror
is, red lightsiroWing-brigh-ter-andplainor,
and nt last, Just ne the angina gave n final
shriek and dashed on nil clear, I • laid my
hand on the rad bull's eye, 'and the next
liniment was sitbsigr clinging „to the 'foot
-board-of guard's, van.
••• The fog Tad been .my friend; In pi l iether
few!se:nonds I nail have dropped; :While, ln
all ordinary way, the train would have beet_
toiles,.down the line by this time. • •
ii. Bang 1. .l!' went tee fog-signak
again, as I sat helplessly there, wit'it my;
legs drawn . up, and again w'n slacknetk for
a few seemals; but.all clear once-mitire, • nd ,
we - werediisliing un, and %bit
full swing tisl rosu'up, and, opening the
dour, stood with the guard of the
"fault l nonesense I"- 'rho said. ••You're
-mad.- I IMan't - stop the train.'! •
'Then I aliall,""lf shouted, 'making
'ds-the-wheel connected: with the gong
the engine. .
"stoopi/f ... 1 know it, you won't" be said,
I u-us 0. - - • -• • •
with him. .tic and done up to scuffle...
"'Will you con,
casino, then.? ; ' 'Ol me to the next
He only shook his -
"Will you lend me you, „ 4
for I had dropped my own tv'll.?" . said
Ho shooli - his Thead again, arm °ll '
struck me that perhaps he might sal/ it
seeing how rough--and Wild - lind excit4
facing hi" ' H the time: Ile told'nio after
wards; if helm no elt-nfraid, ho would
havexinnedlie while I turned ,my buck.
- But - I did'nt turn my back, and the next
moment I was out side on the long stop
clinging to the door haridle, and With the
guard leaning out and watching me. -
"Come bit& l" - he eluted, as We dashed
along - at. full speed now, -rushing throtigh .
-the _ darl ineSs - ahead,and - giviirgra - wirdTslifle - k.
as tvo passeda station; the -lights looking
like one streak.. Therewere the carriages
shaking ari d the wind teasing at mons if to
beat me off; but I was recovering myself
fast and in a few moments I was itt the end"
of the guards. van, loaning -towards - the
carriage I wanted to reach.
So far my task Lad been basy, though, of
- course; very - dangerous, the train
dashing along itt, fifty miles an hour; but now
there was a gap to passhetween the van and
the carriagei for the buffers keep- the-car
riages at some distance apart.. For a few
`moments I s t toppcd in dread, lair as I got
_my breath more and more, courage and the
recollection of her Wild - appealing face came
to me, and, clinging to the buffers, I con_
trived -to get ono foot on to the stop of the
carriage, and, still holding_on by the' iron,'
tried to got the other there.
Just then the-trifin gave a jerk, arid I
bought it was all over; but the, neat rno
lent I was on the step, and had hold ofahe
I "At last," I natte red, as ..I„drewinyself
• Tipturtirtfirrn ex t- Stoy,•_. -- itt - reife-Tri - e door;
which was, us I expected, fast. Then•- 1
looked Wick, There wits the guard, with
half his body out, and his haled screening.
his eyes, trying to follow my motions; but,_
Whir the darknowall - rounkthel snow cut
ting-by like knives and.- points, and • the
denseGaglouds-wo kept: entering, I felt
.mre: Ire could not see me, • though I could
make him out from the light in his compart
ment.' Theo I listened, and my.„ heart stand still; fur I fancied. I 'could
near the_suund or a struggle going on
side,. though I was not sure, 'from the rat..
tling ;nude by'the- train. I was not wast
ing time, fors had tried s to lout in at the
window;•and, after opening my k fu with
- ary - Vah, Was trying to open. the duo .
the interior. of , tho.earringe was dark as_
pitch, and my knife was useless, while now
H I was sure there was u struggle
. going 'on
inside. Directly arter,oneof the little side
panes of; glass warbroken, and hea•rd
faint-cry: L, •
thedooY:WirdoWin an instant,
cutting my hands with the thick gltiss, anti
then, beating out the loose .pieces, sulfide a
place for entrance, and bad half, My body,
in befoio I felt myself seized by some one
who tried to force me back. •
Two hands held me by, the throat, while
I,,graSped the door With 4 ono, hand, half in
half out of
,the' carrlago. My. 'blood '.was
Up. I had bold of my unseen- enemy, - -by
tho'collar,,and I dug my .knuckles 'into his
neck as I held•on.for lifo . A bull-dog.
I had tho advantage of hiin there, • for,
While I bad a stiff collar and buttoned::
up imiforpl coat,' he had only a thin - dress
. and ono of theso black wisps
of ties.. It mri9• F ,
.stfug g lo for life - and
deatti-With me, but I . got further and further
At last, I Suppose, fooling half choked,'
IMiitarted back nod tires." tne with 'Mtn, so
lhatl fall heavily on-the floor.. ,
Ilereilhough,,l'lost my ioldi , and ho had
ngnin pt .a ;disadvantage. For , whist
seamed a god five minutes it .. ., was an up ,
.and down strugglo, while more than . once I
felt myself dashed against soinobodt.Who
was crouching inn corner .of 'the carriage.
pometimes•l , got tho botttr and semetimes
Abe - worst•off. After the strugglo . Lind been
going on' soma time it seemed that, the far
door, and that there was no, one
also,inthoonrriage,hut uS two, hanging on,
to ono another like a , pair beasts.
Then came Such a horrible reaction that my
strength-seamed-to-leave me, for felt that
in hor, fear and -dread. the poor girl % had'
leaped mst,
ilut she had not, . for she ' was, outsido,
clinging for lifo;,to, the handles, .as in one
briefighureo_Lsarvhydha , ..end_light—of—th
train filishingruponlier.., Ih, a last fierce
siregglo, my foot tripped, and:l and Oho matt'
' II wits etruggling ivitls foil ,imadlong, out , of
the . door.. r . There was a flash of the
Sound-uf rushing Wind, and then .I seemed ,
to bo dashed with fessrful•yiolenee upon th'o
Tho noxt thiii;/X tocolloot 1 . 4 tlio sound LE
TPRMS:--$2,00 in Advance. or $2,50 within the year.
When women vote our, stump . sperikers
will have. change in style.. -,What is to'be
the salutntiMt ? ". Fellow citizens" is too
cold ; citizen had acquired a masculine
limitation, so much so that, prominent 0.8
women-Were in the French revolution, the
distinction of citoyenne -was never lost.
-we Suggest "fellow-ereat ores," the sex being
already used to creature as'a term of endear
ment. The closer the stamp-orator can bring
himself to his audience the better; the format
"ladies and gentlemen" for a beginning
attire era lecture.. It will be very necessary
to learn, before attempting. a political cam
paign, bow 'woman like to talked to:
Mgrried men, especially, those — Wlio hay,:
- kerit well the:respect and affection of tbeit
wives, will have the advantage, in fact tht
inla who has never m de love will be good
fur nothing on' the - stump.` . To become
master in the art of stump-Teak' lig will ucee
more of an 'appventice;hip than passing
through the lecture room of a professor of
rho, Teachers of eleCution twill' Lacs
to revise their :rubs. Denidisthenes• and
Cicero and Burk and Webster 'will cease - tc
bc models for what_ is recorded 'of thei.
was uttered to inflife - etitiMsed f if - we
Could get at hoW, these great lights shine in
ear private homes, & what they 'said wimp'
.seeking wives or when soothing wives, that
might 'be . of some use to us. Cold logic
must be banished:from the stump ; we shall
'have to impress that unnamed fitculty, higher
thtin the reasoning powers,, prups_to con.
toliliC"..spread:Migle -and
to.themeMories of our revdlutlonary grand
sires' will no lodger serve as staple . , material:
one. ash inut apeech,of love tor little children word? "more.. than any quantity o
veneration for great men, dead - or alive,
Tun Washington correspo'ndeut of the.Lewz
Istonple.)Journid, in a reeentsletter, (Jaya:
"In West Viiginiai;.ohio and Indiana, the
Democratic 'Conventions all unanimously
recommended George FL Pendleton for the
presidency "Ofthe"UalteirOtates. A glance,
at Peridelton's antecedents, therefore,. May
tint biunlnte'restinglust at this time. Many
years agoorhe'ntlncinnatl was buts
ng village, one Nathaniel . Hunt °tined a
tannery, near there, on 'Deer Creek, 'abont
sixteen, miles fronylincther tannery, ownip ...
by one Jess'e,A.,Crant, whose name has since
become widely-Jo:7n as the father of Gen
eral' Grata, 'Nathan Hihat's • tanneiy Pros
tnled, end he' becatual 'itch- maul and his
daughter; , tvho married ` Nathaniel Pert•
dleton, was the mother of theigresent Dem
ocratic favorite,,George H. Pendleton.' Thus
It would seem, from present . , appearaneeSi
that the two.stoat opposing flititiett-tif. the
United statea will run, as theinchosen ena
-Ididates for the first office in 'the - gift of the
ttie, +tes of a:thrinett, and, the • grand
sone!' a tanner." • '
CSNTESSION./ recently
. a woman.of the world, !mid a friend.of care;
who has bee o n . inarried thirty years, and whl,
told'ine she'Wns scimaell of a born flirt tbat
'if wife with dittifuly OEI6 resisted•thiitemptit-'
Aim); to.coquette even new.with men ~ reuth
older iban; herself.:
the first opperiiinify. .Tier doing'so fin fits
yerabla Sign. 46; den't'ilhe ono of our
'sOi:When they thin& eloy'wociA
'them yir g intut, or Harriet, or DOpa je
d'espeiaiii - ; ei."iiiiienTii,iind they want to Make'
bOrs Ociniil tenco * A
once,_ Tlioytoro
prejedieed in her and , she has a de
ildecliclytrAtageffonatiotgorAttgon.,"; ,
v.oieekand the hissing-'of the' steam .of nn
engine.elose by me, while some two or,thre(
people were moving about with lanterns. I
found some one . supporting,my head; and
then_l ewe a shudder, for,there--were-hor-,
Bible red patches, and. marks - the - White
ground. As the men spoke. in Whispers I
could see they were collecting togetirr
something horrible that steamed in the cola
air; - ri.A_Eniat came over Me, and .I ..fainted_
dead away.
Whin I could think again II found-. that
I bad been some dine in a London boSpital
and was lying.there in a wtird, looking . a . t
pair of Soft white,. hands that didn't seen
tobelpng to
,Me, 'while - Illy ,head felt coo, heir being cut off,
13ut I got stronger every day, and soon
had visitors to see me; and
~one fair fait
-thut-cume and , used:toeleurt over TY pew
bare pallet was,ats,it were, the filet, of ai
angel—so sweat, so loving, and so tender if
itt, - compuSsionute loolckttnd_uneei while,tm
ledx stood buck, two tiny' soft - bane,
etnoothed my pillow, end a tour full on rn;
cheek; 41/3 a %mit* whispered _
- 7." tad bless you my - broni , piaserver,''
!'shut my eyes then, and? trembled, fn,
there ivus .a bitter-feeling of sorrow can)
over mu, and in spite
Iseemed to bo stapling on the - brink of,
grout gulf, far away froth her.
As 1 greet_ strenp:r I !culled froth .hi
mother how they bad been. deceived: I
uus through' ansivering to en advertiseinen
for a governess that the peer
_girl had me
with insult. She bad been deluded into ao
conipanying the gentluman, under the pre'
tense of his taking her to..his homon few mile,
down.tho line. 'lle hud paid t
On crime be had meditated with Willie..
An up train tore him-to pieces—an up twit,.
which mtisihave passed within a few-inch
es of my head. .
Tho train from which wO had-bgi.
'armed by the guard a few m i lleS furtiurq
wan Lou pour girl was Quad citng
we : e i the carriage.
, AnOngine mut tender.
elre „ l l : lmck in search of us to find us as
I onlivs? told. ..
me t h ii _ a iiter once again, when h she gm - -
She spoke to moo puree just us you See. ,
they wore words of iy and tenderly, and
saw. her only throas°' I.think; but IL
dit the
09ugkt that it was_fc;r_th% mist ' -
Co - fill - my tnind_so, that I ccii:. t4 M 9-se " d '
huskily : I kissed one of her iniir speak
saiii "Good Bye;".and then I was al:Le
-;.. -
alonealorie in the world, Without M'i. ng
.hope. You Will please to remember th r a
sheyraso lady and that I antonly a rail
way servant:
. .
WIfEW WOMEN VOTE.—An 11.1311.1811:1g writer
anticipates the time when - women alkali note,
as follows : •
Fled Douglaes_in Detroit.
. .
Adeording to the Detroit Post, a Public—,
lehturer assembled inithe.YOung 11.1. era
_of 7 that city, on the evening of Thursday, - - -
January 80, 'to hear Fred:l/engines. The
Post says: .
Re is now.yast his et year,. as a well
'formed Agure, a tawny'complexion. and fee. -
tures expressive of ' the conscious 'possession
of genius. His bait is Oa grayiab hue, and
base busby or woolly appearance. In height • ,
be i,s fully six feet, and is , rather Inclined to
corpulency. While, speaking, he gestured
elmoSt entirely with the right hand,, keeping
the Other - hi the pocket of his 'pantaloons..
When he stepped from the desk end spoke
oxteinporaneot sly; he was most eloquent ;
but at. no - lime, save .in this peroration did
he exhibit that—ferveney or speech which
has madeliim celebrated the world over.'o,'
The subject of lir:Dotigiass' lecture Was.
•ISelf-made Men,'! which theme the lecturer
-spoke alt.' upon.- -- Ho - .considered the fdlw
- .• •
owing points :,
First, who are self-made men ; second,
what is the 'trim theory of their culture;
tniril, what" Is the 'advantage they. , derive
bum the institutions of the country 1, and,
- Murti - eritielem. '
Wo havp_only eipace
• Examples of sueeeisful self•enlture. are
.bundant. Hugh Miller, Edhu Berritt an 4 •
Louis Kossuth .were- montioned by the, leo
.urer, with Baiijamin Henniker. tyre black, '
.Olf-made man - c.f Maryland.' who lived in
ho last con.ury, and .obtaifiud niredmiation
iy the help of little boys and girls andby
he ligni tit it torchllulfuraun oorrosporided
'him: - and addrussed-him ln it kind
Mr. Doltglassslso rrferred to - Wirt. Deecles,
. a bony, who - in a tinged:a testate valued
.$ - - 11 u is Moult - quite b aok, n it
1: highs negro, its they DO
inuontudahe-plair of the bridge
clitult spans tho liu.l on, tit Aibany, and
two a plan to obviate , dti.t.un I-noise-in the
running of ears dewii - 13r;md way,
such u rolid - bonsiruetiC fault; the
.s..turer ,- ktidi - the Mane ..uinld hot , be - plaued
Capitol until u black 'mut 'shOwudiho
vov. :
. .
In no other'entintry-on ,- - - the.glotin is lOber
sO re-pemable as in Am Tien: Elsewere it is
ssuclidut and sststitdi' uncovered head, _
stp iii hsin • l.: IL litatterd nut what fathers: -
ye may have had. The 811,1 A tOr Henry Clay.
siiisey Asian 8, and Das ioi ‘Vcb t-r. in .it
d cove themselves Clap& Aslatinses, and Wel -
4-er.-; 'that is,thoy 11144, osherirtheir fathers'
ore' merits. This spirit of fair play ; which
rives every man a chansui, is the glory of
America. We are-the licit -educated society
tom the fitce
.of theglohe. "fluke these ad
vantages universal: Biing into this
-•mt spirit all elassef. Bring the negro In.
WOul-1 you have,lriiir vote? ••Testity_mun,"
-aye the Democratic orator -.• Wants the
swgzo to rule, let him speak." Nu theory
vas ever more__sibsußi. - -Who are we?
Pour Millions. Who lire y.iti Thirty—
oillions. There is now power .n the face
dile continent fon the Teutonic • race.
All that is asked for the negro is that no
onduennwer shut be exerted over him by
'this AnghoSaixon ram paring the wur
see-learned righteousness.
The reeturer.elouldwith.a grand perora
tion which contained the grandest sentence
in..the address, inferring to the struggle for .
nutionarexisience..- There was - then room,
ho saidrunderthe flag for all•our, defenders
Meek . or :white.—And - ifr. our - ministers."
!eared-wisdoin they NVUI!!d plant the
&Malt from _which it -would be-impessi
hie- to shakint. • •
Mr Doughty; WWI throughout listened to
with attention and was frequently applaud
ed. •
'9le - Constitutional-(P) DemoordOsr.
u n Taten South Carolina seceded from_•ttle___
was un - &Democratic President declared' it,;
.11; : 11:13 _ e f u s a ctu li tienul-tu-cooree the -adhesion-
State fn the Union. .
of 'United AStutes
garrisoning . one '
Charleston harbor
the forts whir
enod with unnihiltlerestarvi
South Carolina, a De"
r' ti Y
tle th Pre.;
stated it was. unconstitu to' revs;
er_provision The buleitguerect. kru , r , ''B.. ‘"
When the first call of troops, „ q
for three months' service, Detnoceit.
area pronounced eat_act_ unconstithdpr ---
When, - to preserve thu credit of the Co,a
try, paper money was issued, the Demo.
crude leaders denounced the act as uncon
Whbn bounties,were paid for volmnleors,
it was opposed as unconstitutional by Dem
ocratic legielators.
When a draft was unavoidable and • re
,orted to, - the Democratic leaders unused .
Has and bloodshed throu , liout the North, ,
lin-finni.nting resistartecjiticOn - ,.eription: -
When tko States offered to aid lho com
missions laooring to relieve sick and wound ,
M'soldiers, with apps priations to that el . ! .
tea, they }wen+ e rilete dud by D mineral&
kiu rinds as pilfering and unconi , titu don d.
When our armies had crush, d rebellion
Democrlitic party. declared it iineonsti
•utional to -treat rebels urn conquered
. ,
Will somebrdy bo kind enough to tell us
what measure was ever undertaken for the
maintenance of the GoVi'l'nmeitt that wee
not pronounced by the Democracy "uncon
4tituliolmi," "tyrannous" and—ousurping ?"
.rimy thu s . stigniatized the first call for
troops, tile emancipation proclion Ition,.the
abolition amendment, the law tor,the en•
0-tinent of ne4ro.soluiers, the freedmen's
hill,, the first retainstruction act.
Everything tending to enforce loyalty and
rbedientarexcites their opposition; it is on'y
respecting. the designs of traitors they have
lie curripluints to-111111M . ,
B*lNDLlsra.—The report. or C9nzressman
Van %Vyek, un.tbe c'huruetvr of the "Get-
tysbt: rg - - Asylu in fur Invalid Sold era
shows tha_timjectetLallaiLteamveleonmiie-----
iT ,...
gigantic.swindles ever-gotten up -----
in the name of chttri.ty or-law. And yet,
that' wicked. and unprinelpied scheme was
nu moraso than the lato . `
, Washington Li
hr ry" which toulCplace only a :ow weeks
back in P , Aludelphim •
Mr. ,Van Wycicdesurveatbe thanks of all
bonest,mun for his expose of the Gettysburg,
utid .other gift Stvidles. We giVu the Con
clusion of his well written report:
“All lotteries are swindles. Yeti by far
themost dung - M.oas lotteries, are these n here
vice l's made attfactive,' where a sense - all-a
crime is deadened-end consciousness of the
guiit removed, by the pleasing, delusion that
honorable names , endorie, and a pretended
good end justifies violations of Iho law,;,, yet
_there is nut a tithe of the excuse therel4
a -- man bankrupted by misfurtifn - e, seeking
his last dollar upon a throw of tho dice or a -
Shuffle of theseards. Thom has oeen mor
demoralisation in - this country from gift ea- •71
terprises than any other single came. Nr.t ,
only all Classes, but each sex, - and all ages
are drawn into the giddy-whirl, and many,
from buying their ticket hero, will
Sperultheir laSt-dollar at tho gaming table.
"Already the harvest has been prolillo-in
outgrowth of villainous schemes, each' •
with different .doviee,- such as Elmore SC •
Co.; Clark Webster' '& Co. - Vjewelry distr.'.
button ;'Toilet Mech. COmptiliy,; Pomand.
Pencil ; and .IKelley'tc.Pii•torial„,atid others,
each with its owo• 010 to-victimize the ig- •
nOritritand credulous. - • • - •
• .•
. 1 11:.eoolety of distingnienedzeritleman, for
the prevention of gambling, maybe organ. •
'(ied to hunt uPthe dens concealed &Om view, •
atudiottely-ay.oicling-piiblic'uttentiOn, •tvbere.2
only now and 'then Al victim is lured; bull
not guilty of the meanness of c,overing their
crime under the disguise of charity and iho_-
mantle of religion; - Yet handbills
- end, adorn the press,telli where's). large •
gambling - AMU/to is in operation,. ? and dia.-
monde . .are,in.blicly exposed to allure and _
entrap, What an' lly to aid charity to be •
used sometimes as a handmaid 'to religion!
Would-it .be any more p ernicious tc_ L Atinty
pfesaed amblers to slide - iv - ICM the vestry
mien'', the seitilon'"rooln"or the bOdy of the
,church, nd - there with diet) and Cara, and
-rother,paraphernalin Of, the gaining table no
naprattriintnal than the 'wheel,, if' they du. '
'nate a. o,irtien 'of theit:tinholy• gainc_to. the • .
, t)prAl L rilul'Otirph,T. •Yet - in
dohs, moral :men, :prefeSsorttrofleiglim,
milli aters
,gospil; •interet.ted
.to palatial ittatid* :vice by isei:k.
ing , ol4 Ibropg4 Its inOuimee." ."*•. ' • • •