DRY, GOODS. Mi‘ n 5. cp . roe. • Pcri - - I=l '"";.„ • IN" COD vr . cp 5- I= l CO Or* ••••- P'" - C =.4 on tin CO) oc • .41 = r • 5. g o; 1 , A. br> 53 = ="" = ‘4.0 - 1,17 (I c , t imr c TI 0 4. et "= • Cit: "l ) "'Z Ct o=l r,:z ct CD t - 410 I=l .• _ct z cr ..... c ego. c. e-. 101 cr = = Ha; cr, ewo• 0-- = c E CD c **lt 7 1-1 c r- t i ct; . fiSM . 3 roo ' t= arg f.:e" = - z (T. • b.+ , • , ...I C A D nr c • A . . C el> E m• - CD , -rtV • - •car 0-• ' 4 (),;- -P om.i • IP . , e'r÷- (!: 67-„j en.l— . C . dap c'• ct, • PC fr / r4 gi 2 L 7' tV , = P -s *-4 CL; 1. 2 e•+- 1 """ Cri = = Crq •-09= U 2 o Cl) fp * . = of o • 11 =l.l - r) CO • - ; in O,NSLEI~',S CC? JUM.iYr I , - - , _Real Estate Agent, Scrivener, conveyances Insuts anco and Claim Agout. .Ottico Main Etycot • 14E41 Centre 9 tuaro. -,, IXT.ANITD Or, $BOO, ,fpi,one forrhieh thei beat yo Outilrivill givenduid 1! llttlo robrO atoll-06..16gal ruto of Interest allowed if furnishod immediately. Apply to A. L. SPONSLIiIt, Beal Estato Agent. fil,pt27 67 FOR RENT—A divollink house and storo , room on Routh Pitt stroot. . . , . .t A..V.SVOIMER Erq., or, WEOKLEYA SADLER lnov 07-tc. LIOR SALE.—A desirable town prop , A ' orty situ North East Street bolon ging to the heirs of, J , lnj....lolln , llleCartnoy.flord: . . The lot con tains abo'nt 10 feet In - front and 340 In depth. The Improvements are a largo double 2 story stone DWELLING HOUSE, • Nis.py , B,L and other convenient out buildings with abundance of fruit and shrtibberv. This property - Will ha dip,- posed of - upon-the moat-reaannablo-terma.—Apply to A. L. SPONS LEW, Beal Estate Alt.-at. _ Attorney In fact for-the heirs. 'VALUABLE TOWN•BESIDENCE • Ay yiiivATE SALL?, Situated on *est Mantra street, near West street, In tho Bor o ugh 01 Carlisle. The let etn.lains 30 feet in front and - 640 foot In depth to all alloy. The IMprOVOIP.nts are a roan muninno two.siory BRICK IIOUSB, containinh, Douhlo hail, Ploing-ronin and 'Mellen. on the Orst floor, and five Chambers on tho second story. Balcony to back ',Wilding: a Frame Wash Halloo at. tarbed,Smolte 1101110, Ballo liven and other con venient. opt, buildin• a. A large new Flahle. nod Cwriago Muse, llo{4.ans, and Corn Crib, at the foot of ho lot. Thera .11va considerable amount oh fruit sdeh as AWN., Crepes, fir, a cellar under the whole honer. and a One Brick Cistern, and Vamp. no sell no a Hydrant In the yard. For t ones ice., apply to A. L. SPONSLEIt, heal Estato Agent. onpt . 27 . 07. FOR SALE. . _ ACT OF LAND, lying in A_ tartnx ilooptv, 51d., shout '25 nlies below IV.ititi-gtiin City and 2,3, aboveGlyntant the l'atonatc river; lit the mouth or Poinonliey creek. cot - tatsing between fair and tire hundred acres Th, __improvements consist of_ s. coulterto.PP: Tit 1/WELLING . Imo •. and the needs,try outiboures It wooded slid scare ed, clsd is s fair elate of culticn tins. /Waived to the gra. th at wheat, earn 111,i tabs, co. iiThere is a shipping paint on the 1,1111 pre.ltleo eau be shippcd- to Itsitimore. Alex_su 'Aria ur IKaiihitigtotr mith iionvenitineg and IliFriteb (I . o,lrtms of...orating iu Ihls section of the coun• lry ate P.3lled torsi! and essmino the Twist - 04i, Ther can orri coot t 1 men t oily 1103 trams3'nehhicto , itsanilsial. In 1,12: hours, soil whil: to Thu tend in half n 11011 r. it will be lOW alltillp011IteCOMIIIMLItio) terms For particulate apply to A. 1.. SpONhl.lllll, Colpnle, Pa., or - May 10, 1867. A VLUABLE SLATE . FARM AT PRIVATE SAL} tqtuate on-thn North side, and mull,. boOldoti 'by the'Cognodcgulnct eruct. chow. 4 miles West 04 Carlisle adJoilang. it )3 tly pro tof the properly kumru as "Z UR'S 1/1.1,ql!, Cull ininicg about 25p Ault 00, 25 of which are excellent meadow, no erevllt bottom land, nod n bout 50 ACR Nil of which am cid et or! with pod tiusha. 'rbe - linprovun,eut ulpn Loge (Seath• rhou dad DwJlhr g 110050. ma?) leg tight rooms and o kitchen. A larce Boni: Wagon ?hot, Corn Crib. llot; l'en. "Carriage %%nob Muse and other elnverdent onclichi. Ail excellent lvell el water near the . 0 1 sour e apple orchard, laa,leca ether ,145. and tho Pear, Poaches, Cherrlcs, elopes 0 , ..„11 the raring the most productive farms iu theca belug 1, , ,,t•h0l 01 , , moot desirable nii,l,4Trd. and post and or 1-tech. The lences are In ebeoutly tinned over beta..,,, Odd and 700 punt new In the highes , The land has ally , Il be disposed or num pa, t of it t srconda. state of c ultlvatiuuet parrldulars enquire of , reiw4dable temp , " A. L CNSLEIt, - Pot termatip , Heal P itt ttc Agent, MEM 1 . .. - tract - or land lying in Morgan county, West ir,j_ula. al,opt B miles from Hancock Station, on the half imora k: iilifo 11.11 ]lord nazi — 4:4= mfliw fi.., ltni.rmy -spyrugg, contzdnlng - 410 - nrillo of-n-hiela are cleared, and the balance covered with Minh, of the befit quality. The Improvinnonts are a huge two. story' MANSION 110117 E, 60 feet in Iron t, Two !louses. blacksmith Shop, cud othqg out.hpildlngfi. }he barn has been 'destroyed. - The land Is date sell withihnestoue sub en 11, is easily farmed and very productive. The cleated [tuition of the land re under tolerably trued fences_ mud Isvidapted toAhe: pod.: of all Minis 01 grain -50 tons 01 hay can enmity ho prod ucrd during the yeav, besides the clover seed that could . hu made. Three uevei'. failing Finings or water run through the place. Tho House neatly unclhsed nod ,is surrounded witlf' - trces of varinus kinds of fro/4 such as gitiples, peaches, cherries and pimps, besi :es ttrawbei rtes raspberries in abundance. Then. inn Saw Atilt a ithfp two miles 01 the larni an abundance nt.tlnlber on t itt place of all binds 'lO any additional bulldings the might be required There elle at ode time a Tan • rdon the premises and the location for such I_o3 , llloPa IS very eligible Thie property post.oatos r.,re adt MI tagca .to purchaser. end to ilt be dispcsud of at 812 per acre. . For terms and particulara engem , of A. !,. SlaiNSLlill, ifeal lietate Agent. • notyld 07. . MffigM OJENNULV'ANIA HOTEL (1?(:cottly ke'pl by a—Wetzel) CORNER OP NORTH HANOVER AND LOUTOEI. STREnS, CARLISLE, PA. boon become the proprietor of this well kroart lintel, and by Wirt attenlion to business. hope t. receive and de. roe a liberal of the public pm, rohage. Having rag exiuteacocial In the bust., s, I Lope to be able to gn o general satislielion to nlPwh, wi - 11 patronize Irm: olaiTfiaruilS — aud acqualo Muses are cordially Invited—and as many new Ulm no are desirous of u hospitable reception. Charges rra.unablo, awl accommodations fop man aud hors's. aprlll9 67.1 y :f 'TT IBEIIIAND V 41,13.117 11OTEI 1.01V.E1l Of MAIN A BEDFORD sS OARLT:,"Le.. Thn thidertlanod desires to ilif,rnt his ft lends dad the Ern, linj pull: that ho Inns tilkllll chargi• of 1111 P k 110W11 Ft:11111, and is prepared to accauanlato hors with boarding and lo.hrins, nn rrltSl , lirtllc Errors. I.k,,talao Is supplied with the bout tihinfarltet Birds . Ills, lair von tams Lisa ch !cyst of ' lainors. i is drpa'rt manta aro •contmr.dions and Airy•: his xdt 6lo; la 1u ,•hargv oft rarolhi nod expsrlutired notion , zind'har onprs to 'm able Engine aw fro Nati:43lllos tc Si! his gri , sts. - JOIIN li FLOYD. ,111:r. 3,1 , 71 y ,- UTC'H Sp'N''S .. • Late Brady House, polo OR OF STATE & THIRD STIED/D, Inanedialell/ in front of /c Capitol,' • D. U. DUTCLILSON, Prop . r. ❑nnhburg, I'a. Jnn 4 F 7 f. • Visitors tD Chambersbierg' will find the AMERICAN HOUSE IrEPT.by McGrath , & Sterling, the N. very bust stopphie place' in the. town. no table Is supplied with everything the market Words, and tbn hay is turnished with the choicest Num,. The house ..tands on linrcornor. unecend end ,Queen streets. . • •Augn'st 2..1867-0m TIiIa,.HARRIS BAY ELEVATOB ' Tilld ELEVATOR stands unrivaled no a great labor saving Machine, and Is now attracting, the attention .), ;ono every interested In the storing of "hay. Thu late impiovenients on . the Harris R.i k bps eons. bitted with Its forniainecellence a causpiertincos that ovorsintow4 any other invention of the hind new In .use. l°br neatness, convenience, and Ft, ength, thin .tors stands open for ehallenge. Aißinfornuitlon res• pecting these forint can huolitained _of_.MlLl,l4ll WAVERS, No. 26 North Hanover street, Calliale. The locks are on band and Tarsal°. junat 674 f. ..... , 'FIRST , CLASS LIVERY STABLE A.B. ZEIGLER./ North Bedford Street,' Carlisle, Pa.- . TAVING retitted my stable with NEW Holman BOOfiliSA , ND OARRIAGEIi:riIin 'now pm parad to,toandrpartl.a and I'lllollcm wllh, Caillages and nugdloo nt.sho .;, l‘lny 3, 1807—t • EEINt -IS . BELIEVING - At 704..AitpEr ealtpr. NEW' PRICES I— " .- NE* hoops! Rich. Silver and Silver-Plated Wares, A_ .... 57 .. - e . t 0,,, tnaildirig adding -alto Asia loth. t al#lo,F , - description, made exProssly 1 ^ ~ l!iiiii 4 for the 'Winter trirdi, which i ,.....= t dirt,for niatnese end durability ‘Oc' sZii , sup t b surpaneoll at ~. J. ..) .4, f.i.4 r ?..;),-..r. ,r i.t.i...35ar,--; JOHN DOVirilAN'a Wliol enalo andlptsitninilft,OPrilo4tAYPlin64 No. 104 dltdH STREET, . PIadDELPIIIA. im.ita•platlns At Abort notice. 00307 ly . FURNITURE,-: -3: — I: : .. 2 '- d , Yhrhlturo'ok and Mahogany to tholownstPrlced mnplo , and pine 'Parlor, Chamber, __Dlntng-room, Klteben and Office • —Embraclngovery-articin.used_by-flauseoandAlotel keepers. of toe most approved and fashionable design and finish._ Including also Cottage furniture in Betts, reception and . Camp Chairs: Mattrassos, - Gilt framer, pictures, Sr., oe. rtieular atlanticce given as usual to funerals; &tiers firm tour. atid - c l untry, attented to promptly and Os moiffratiriFems. , • SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE SELECTION OF 'WALLPAPER.. • . . innrch2l. G 4 •• or Belo ml look m of woll 001. eted wo 4 ),froot Carlhilo• low tot .-ash notttrosst , s ' D. SIPE. .hosev ttt N 0.16 North IlaPe D 26 S{rye Ala ery I Inv rl 9 r 1 YOUR GOODS 10 A ga, sildfocic & co., NV II OD TALE GROCERS General. Commission Merchants, SHIPPERS, AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OS _ ProvigiOns, Western---& Southern Produce. • TEAS,. COP-EE, suGni,s MOLASSES, SPICES, FICI , I.OIIICCO, Messrs. Black, Slierrock Sz. ,Ifaving the most cu v tenn.'.ve efunneetions In European anup3outli American 11 , 11 . 1k,,n1 110 it prepUtTl to 111111; Must Liberal Advances - AND IMMEDIATE RETURNS Kinds of Produce, nod ,lurrliants, Planter., Fa ruiVIT goil;Wly through out the eount6., will hod it gently to Muir nilvan . itge to rhip their goods — ter M essrs. .1314,,,Shoytocia.,Co a . 50 VESEY ST.. NEW ;kORK.• ILrrdog inutioupt orders unfilled, from out enrre: "pendents in Liverpool, _Havana, St, Thomas, Ft. llt soystal South Amer:eon ports,:wo ore It mmedinte wool of Lilo ahoy° metttionod ortleles •o produced, WO Can ui. n 11:111d10 to advantage for - our TEE ( El= Messrs.. Black, Sherlock & Co, =EI ALSO 156U . :1 A CURViE.MT, Which thoy iInITY to fin tahll Free of Charge to their Friends and Customers. MEE GRopEittEs & PROYISIOINIS T. , n hand and iirrlvlng of CANtitIV:N BIIOTHERN Now .corn, No. 40.4..1,5t I.4.talier .9tleel, (A. None smith's old-stand) n Tory st!pei - tor Cl well ~golerted lot ot FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds, which will be mid o tLv very 'owes , rush pr lees. :bur stuck, COLIFISL in part of Orem k Brown Coffee,' ' Syrups of nil grades. Wholn rind Ground Spiro. - 81:tallatirBei - inTISTSIISIITDERS AND BIDE ST . Wooden. Cedar and (firmr. Ware of all kinds, such ea Dui kale, Bothi, Keelors, Blooms, Thicken; and Brooms. • NV° will also keep constantly r;iiband the celebrated SHAFFNER FLOUR, which couipotent inspectors say" is tho best in the ....._... . - . . . . . . . „ Feud of ill yinds tosuit tho waute Of all the people. We intend to sell the above artlclex at .very short profile for cash. We I ospeetfully invite the public to give.ue a call, oveu if they Janet waut,to buy. .. .. Don't forgot the plac4No.4o, E. toutbor, St. oArilliltoll ~& Duo: ~ a prlll2 67-1 Y... . CITEA.P ., GRQPERY STORE „ . 'On South-vast corner of Pitt and, Pomfret Streets. subscriber (successor to John P. Steep, having' just returned loco:utile klasterunities,.respactfully an nounces that he is now pre - paieTdie.sell ht-ille lowest rash pricen r alargo-yariety , of-Groceries- and Provis ions, consisting of ' • ” Sugar, • . Queeneware, . • • Coiroo, • • . Glassware, 'Teas, ' : ' Cedar Ware, SPleae, Weed b Willow ware, Molasses, Conl.oll, • . • Choate, 7 . Lubrleating:oll, Tobacco, Segrirs, ' , Flour, • Balt_ and all the artielse kept- fie n first clam 0110CElltySTORE._ Cash paid for country produce. • Crackers, . Oanned Fruit, Pickles ' & Banco, I roapectfolly ask a : sham of iho publicpatronage toayl7 67' ly .• • DAN'L BLIONMAKER. GOOD .N.P7S A. largo assortment ,of tho beet quality. orgrocariee, Proylrlen Splees, Frulte„ Selling oft at the -3TrY lowest prices ruling In Um ltitate or Tonneylianla, OASII. Lumrse.tlifi yomelVii 'am trutti'of thn ne WAI. BENTZ. 1111:@ DIitJEIS I • r. iD. Cornman baying to relinquish an extensive practidee , enr well as Ids Drug Iluelneseln the'city' of , auroral soars ago an iconarant 111 'health: ,Pittsburg',has now opened at No: 110 North ~ .lianovntatrant, be. twobn offictr's ot• Drs, philter and Zitzer, .a" DitUG BTOItE t , ovhoro Lo Las and is reraiiinghrtelsyn_ - n7ionre - stnalc - cd - DrUWClreql c ah t . bye, SfulTA and °eery thing gauerarly kept • ifi a iron-regulated City Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully couvnundad and family receipts nlirreceive t paella cam Dy. can ha, eontulted atarny hatiri hie: Oleo, bask , at' his . atnEg, oral hie daellipgt N0..113 Ne , rtirittaucrer stritet, attar atom hetri; • itetnember tbe - piaci, No.3BNorth itanover Strcet, Oprlisit , - • - • P,'CIIORNIIIO. Ailsopto7.34 , - '+; ;;" i7rYL EEMEEMM! IKE FLOUR, BETTER, CITEESE, LARD,. PORE, - BEEF, EGOS, I, AU ITS, -01 a) MEI= ON ALL -- MEE MOM ~ in,atv, ❑'eas Chocolato, Ilaisfus, Oranges, Lemony,. ' • limn lay, Meal . . Uornstarrh; Beano, rear) otareh, ... • Cheese, &e. &c. .Fe, . . --INSUBA-NCE CaMPANIE&- E -en-A-ATER-O'AM' . INSU.II,ANCE COMPANY 111.TVOR D >iiciortitcYd , Chaiter. Per - • •r., CAISH ASStTS, .$4,000,0,00:. • -„ , 'JATtIEB 0. wimmint, President. toiei Elssued on on,Popular Plans. .1-mamas-why,. people' insure In the Charter -All banking privileges :are prohibited, "'the sit being confined bscluilgely to the induranco , Its Risks are'stilected 'with great care, tuns hi: lbsinia, and Pansegurri - y largo diseldonila to the Policy holders.—See klase. Insurance Re test az Years.__ _ —lts Ratio of Expendliures, Including Death ;and Working Expenses, to ReCuipte, are Ain.. lantedly low: Finn° RepOrts. .' .—..k11 the ; profits' are. ills/hied among Policy ra, the orignal capital being limited by Charter .h tper• cent dividends, no morn than it earns fee tiro Company at Interest: • oth.—lt declares and pays Its Dividends annually in. CASH, thus asaistlng . the insured in the payment of premiums. Is prompt in the payment of losses, having - pillirterWitlawsrand'Orpbapormerirly-TW(I--011, DOLLARS; and has never htigaled a clabii. , • • ith.—'Flio man of - wealth Insures asari-Inveitment. Crignard Ilium against wont. • : oth—The -siren of • brisiness Instires to prorfile against pOssible loss In trade, a llib Polici, being re basis for capital. ." • lOsh —Perkons In debt Insure that their .earnings _fur_yaira of_talLmity_not be-sacritlectl-at-drath Iron, want of ready"cash to cancel liabilities. insure. as money thus laid away by llttles Is sure to Come bark largely increased to their families, death being cerium to occur. . ' Di.. S. D. KIEFFER, ki, lb,- kiddlcal Examiner. .1. C. STOCK, Agent -Carlisle, Pa. . L•'. It. BLAIR, General Agent, for Kaoline Pa. - • " Office, No. 37 West - Third St., Williamsport, Pa. 2000007 . .. FIRE INSURANCE. .. .„ • • TILE Allerratid Eastpo'nuaboio 9 Mutuol Fir .. se anyone° Company: of Cumberland county, iyfht "AO by an act:of Atsembly, in Cm- yeariatioy having recently' had its charter ety.4 oo ed 0 ye tr 1.88:.% la now In active and. vigor ... 'udei•tho - strott-Intondened oft - the - 2 .. 9 _,- -7th—faz - node'rttle - superl - orrt :'.;;lnatrers, viz: Coover, .101. • 'William It. Clonms, Christian Saml . Eb er ly. orly, D..llally, Alex. CathcarhfacOly hoover, and J. Elcheibern t r, Joseph, W/ Nloses Rrielfer; Ru dolphins low and favorable ae 0 . CoulAlL.d lb° State. Persona The rates of Jc - a r 4 are.luvlted-tn_mak_ap• ' . " .o mirt ,, Y-=u sof the Alompqny,who are.wlll.• w ishing - to - ho;thourat - nuy7tlme. Pih.atic ' n t ,aeiCERS olf THE COMPANY. Ing to AVM .1 - 0110 AS, Presldent(Eberly'p Mulls, Cum . ounty. • ,Vt. CATHCART, Vico Preßldent.,CritHiles,CuM. ih - nd county? J uIIN DUN.LAP, 'Sect'y, Mechanicsburg . , hum', ,b(M11111a. Collllt.‘--_, DANIEL DAILY, Treasuror, Dlllsburg, York Co-. EBMEEM tt'llllam R, Germ, Alex. Cathcart, J. C. Dunlap Daniel Dailey', (Juinlan Stay man, Jacob • if. Coover Joseph tA Ickersham„l. Elcbelbei.ger, Moses Bricker Jacob Coover, Jotob Eberly., Jamus Anderson, John li. Cuever.• . lEMEMEi3EM! Cumberland county—John SberricT, AllanMsniry Zear ug Shiremanstown; La .Fayetioo Vetter, 'Arkin son; 11.0.ry Bowman, thurehtown; Mode tiritllth, South Middleton; Samuel Uraham, {Vest P 011136 berough; :navel °cover, iklechanicsburg; J W. Cock. lln, Shepherd:4E6lmi; .1. Sincton, Silver Spring; J. W Eby, Carlisle, Vitlenl Inc roman, how •Cumberland; {VII - , 11. %V oodhu ru. Norville. York Conntv.—James Grlfilth,, Warrington, J..F Dgxdorfr; 1110kburp; limit.' Rutter, rairYlow. Job. illitnnk. Carroll; Adam Sterena, Gold:thorough; J. B Dierdorff, - Ninlberry 0, Douphin county.—Jacob Homer, Ilarrinburg,". • CLOTHING.. 0 C 10-1 L &'IVILSON, CLOTHING HO 1 ISE, 603, and 605 Chest nut Street, • READY-MADE CLOTHING! Tull and 'Winter- Clothing ! EST-STYLES I NEWEST STYLES WELL MADE! . - - ' WELL TRIMMED PRICES VERY REASONABLE! BOYS' CLOTHING !•- - BOYS' CLOTHING =I I •gl ,• , 1: . -, •-s *- sa r i '‘ •.•-.. • - ez. •if,'; ~' 'if i 0 E..!',,•'::Ellfr.' Ai----,,Lifi, El 2.Efi,lsig. 4, 5 e,,;...h ~,-, 6-" F---. rl ,-n-.2,.; " •E ----------? :: L '-, ..,....- ~,. ~ 1 . , ... .- 1 • • t -1 - -. .f..-1 ..! ):-., 0...„ .4- •.!.,-..-,..1 2...z.,...,•:-; , . NM Gentlemen livingin the country preferring Clothing made to-orde for themselves and boys, by send ng measure ; as per diagram, wil have their orders filled promptly A'good fit guaranteed. Samples of goods sent by mail to any.par of the United States ROOKIIILL 8 WILSON, 603 and 605 Chestnny • ' PHILADELPHIA EMI= CLOTHING Samuel Arnold Ipforpe his friends' and , contomera thaxhis stock - of - Winter comihite, i Sat ho Is reedy to soli at Philadelphia ' W holesale pekes. Before buying elsewhere examine uur stock and boa will find that you can save • TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT; All (tondo warranted to ho as represented, The lumeneo stock of 01 7 1 E, R Co 'AT s, from $3 00 upwrirde. Call early. , • • r -SAMUEL ArtNOLIS,, North West Corder of linnover and Louthor atroot 8 nov 67: - ri 11 0 THE `PUBLIC The undoalgned having dotormlned on cbanglisg 111w..business, will 6ell—illllB entire stock ofi READY MAD di CLOTHING Noce:floods : and 0 ontloniOn's Fur. ulsbing Goods In Oeneral,all and 'MOW cost: In ord to close his business as osrly as possible, p All persona knowing themselven indeb Lod to me will please call andiottlo.inunedlptely.• • ' 18A.A0 LIVINGSTON, No. 22, North Miniver Strout, Carlisle, Pa.. . 20Ju107. PHOTOGRAPHS. OCIJMAN, Bi AGAIN TRIEMPNANT THE MET PREMlTH.L'halingain boon aWardod to C. L. Locbtunn.for IRO boot Photographs. . Ills long experiouca In Olio business and lOC inti mate knosvledgo of all that rolales4o. tho ' production of a PIN FACT PICTURE, in' chute latryfart and. man ; I pulat on able .him to ;malto - Photographit ~u Mg. roaebablo In moat All work guaranteed to glee sattsfoction, _ Flue large Mob/graphs Colored and Plain. Card Picturhit for Albums, old and now else:. • • .! Porcelain pictilres Of 'exquisite' PRIM. ' •„ Andirotypeit to every:SW° of canon. • _ Coital from old pictures takon in the moat perfect' manner. • it largo lot onFriiines and Albums for sale . Cheap. Negatives aro nil registered—copies can be bad at any time. Tho public is cordially' in;lted to , rixaceirielpecl .EiOnlloil, at the-old plods No. 2 eot Afaln St., op. posits lat.NatitMal - /B!wice r, 7de BO A,: SMITH'S PHOTO: LTA_ grapbta . Gallery Bona:reset Corner Ilenover Street, and•Alarket Equere, raters play bolted alttbe dl rerenfotylio et , Pluitogreigniitittti card to ilre . slg6;.. I.VO.I3,YTYPEp,. AMBROTYPEEIi, AND ',":',I!SELAINOTYP'ES: 116 Pictures ob Poreetaln.(sOmOthlng now) both Plain ido6lOrod, and. which nro beantlr ,, l•produoilpna , or to Photographldnrt. , Call and ion thaw: F. 4Pegi '•• Mho Invite - 8 t4op4tronago of thoTutllo. given to copying ttomDssitorro- Pori leulorpttoutton 18 Olk , r 'r ' - 7 " ) ,Tr 7 ) j;) S :VE'S'• D••_TIN`-WARE. 1y:20 - SEE THE moo i perfect Parlor Stove over .olioird , to the . stop:lntot WM.. FRIDLEY'S.... Btove Firer° 'Bait Louther otreei, In' the 'roar of Ilalborthi Grocery Btoro and Roo tho • GREAT AMERICAN BASE BURNER ip operstion: It •Is s-perpetual Burner • and pot , feet Radiator, as well' as a' perfect ' Ventilator , of • the , room,, and •is varanted -to consume less coal than any other Rteijof the same dm over offered to the public, ,requiting: oho - Odin ty3i: of .stnall coal once • in, t,srenty-olght • hours, being peffectly stipple in all its working, having .st simple elide to regulate the tire for keeping at • night, one' kindling of fire being all that is required, during'thd Arlntdr. No dust, no 'gss, no. sing or, cinder.' • ' FATNESS IN DESIGN! COMPACZWES'S IN SIZE! PERFECTION IN OPERATION 'HE LATTER QUALITY IS PRODUCED BY THE. I.—An atnolot Magnaloo. 'or DeserVoir, for Coll. having a free di•clinign-mouth, thW - magazitlo hoing adjustable to different heights of six to nine Inches from the - grate, so ns to nerommodato the supply of Coal as to nud quantity;'thue pertalttlog the -- ;wmintenanco of rr - certsln depth of coal ibr:notivo combustion within the fire.pot (whether_il ba.p.( nut st or evollab). whittii a „ liti Is the way to _rn .AM. threclta coal to,advnotage. -Different sines of- coal require more or lesa depth for perfeetcombustion. ' A runnel. or Hopper. for the passage of the coal to tlin magoolo oissn of otfierus to - permlttthe - Introduction -.of fresh -coal, without allowing any. - escape °flumes and g., - s into the room; and 'further. when the Stove is loft with Ito top uncovered, com• polling airy fumes that may itscapa from the supply thoreservoir. upwards .to-its,top,to pass-over tho -cdp-of the - rdalw.VOlr , into the surrounding flt, and to tolhe Lme and ottlet. Fire-i'nt with a conlinunus Flue, over Iti3 entire upper edge,and "down . Its:whole body to the batman d outlet flues by • which means the beat is transmitted, not - in acparato flats several inehea apart, as is usual in downward draft Stovba, but br continuous sheet of flame In contact - with the entire cireffinferelleitoft,m_outur_eaallaz_oL.the. - Stove,from thump of the Fire-Pot downwards, giving a .far more extended surfaco of radiation of the heat that any downward draft Stove extant. . . . 4.—An ample Orate liurf.ca and Air Passages,and, n complutearranged rate: fur shalting'und dumping, with ngoed_size Ash Pau Cu receive the ashes and cinder.' .e . - - St -We oleo-w lsl? it to bo Ooted, that, there Is on absolute. SECURITY FROM EXPLOSIONS OF GAS upcn_the removal of the cover from the Stove, which so cotternonly o. cars upon :he removal of the covers with other Alagazlno. , ,tovesrfor such Is. the effect of the Funnel, as constructed and arranged In reference to t it. Vag:l7,llle and its surrounding Flue, that NO OAS GAN' ACCU U I M:ATKN 'tilt UPPER PART OF Tilt MAGA ZI N trilll_tal'l.OD E. i'or ca.) it currept of Mr, or draft,. ho. created upwards thlohgh the Magailne 16 Inllantelts i•Ortentsothiclf happens with other Stores Injudo. , nod destroying- the Maga z ine Itself. ;livery. feature of this .Stove is eakulaled to &Tee ECONORY! Gtr IN Tfll UM_ OF FUEL,_DURABILITY IN ITS CONSTRUCTION AND SYMMETRY, IN ITS PROPORTIONS., „In It ddillnn to tly , .nbave Stove, Fridley koopm of Land II full supply-of tliu_bog (look, and Stau,s. - Tin and F. il!!IIMI!!! Pc - dorre -- at short notice, and of tho'best rnaterlal, Fruitg:ans, and Jars of the most approvedpatents, and lu eon • clubt on the Best Portable and Bildt Fett • • 3ifulti. - zzlcsvoes... ever offered to the public. For reforenco call on T Conlyn; F. C.• Fleming; — Dr. Noldlgh I. SPonslir J. Roster; and others. 290nv.,671y THE IMPROVEDFOIENTAL 111 . . Base' Burning Coal Stoves, • and Parlor Furnaces, ' - nave received Four First (Vass Premiums at the Nem York State awl other - Fairs. Also, the greatS.lL TrEle - MEDAL nt the:'Fair of ..thc :American Institute held - in the Citi,ol New York. 1865. THEY ARE PERPETUAL - BURNERS; . ONLY ONE FIRE BEING • • REQUIRED TO BE MADE DURING THE SEASON. THEY ARE, PERFECT VENTI LATORS • OF THE APARTMENT. THERE CAN BE NO.ESCAPE OF,GAS ,• :FROM THEM. • THERE' 'CAN.RE NO CLINKER OR SLAG TO OBSTRUCT: THE FIRE WILL REMAINEOR'DAYS - WITHOUT ATTENTION.- THE ILLUMINATION IS EQUAL TO ' **OPEN ' :- THEY ARE POWERFUL 'HEATERS AND YET PERFECTLY ADAPTED, TO. MILD , NEATHER. THEY ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL STOVES AND FURNACES EVER MADE. THE FURNACE W ILL HEAT SATIS 7 FAC'PORIL BOTH---AN—UPZER . . AND A LOWERROOM, WITH - , OUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. Fight Sizes of the Stove's, and Three 'Sizes • 'of the l'arlor Furnaces. , • • • ; !PERRY ,& CO ORIENTAL STOVE ,lORJES. Ng:;-USHudsoii_St„ , For Snlo by : • RHINEB4ITIi7Si - RUFF, No. 08 Istorthilarai'ver 4, Carlisle.. august3o.2m: . • • • .• . ~'1ITI~ENS",0 ~' . ~Q.AdtL l~'!!Lr ; ! :AN.p the ' ,undersigiLicl ail 'your ntEahtlob fittLelir complßte ae69rtmont of p - • • •• - • I ' 7 : ',• PARLOR AND COOK STOVES,' - TIN , Nib BIIEETdRON WARE of all kinds and they Willirarrant In ovary paetfeular. . , 'Tboy etill especial' attention - to ihele : 'Clook 'Stove's, (latest lintanyedvitterne) coediting to 'par( of the Illikrtfat 131114/sYl":4ND,l'lpiljtAD, • .sebloh theyvelllvearrauf.„to , give ganoral satlaraatken In ivory mascot: • -=They rail-the-;attention-of all and. partioularli. those contemplating tionso•keoplng to their slimplata 'assortment of .210 and Short-iron Ware manufactured. .ilf.thif beat material and by tho, host workmen, Which' they will sell et . prleas to snit all who hnvo qn Aye rtsi, JODDIO - ton= at abort ;notice', and on 'We . unnablo 04ent4ron wortt of all lOndeßn on.lnfitie to Oldatovoilikonln no?nhango. ; • ; - • . Thankful for - peat' favOrm, thojr 'yon to'olal and 'slstimitle thnh. stoalc, an they fed con*lnend . ol,37 eon please all • •• innoomber. the old,.establishment,_ stand, No. 08 North 11 . ,oner Ntreo,Cortle ii .. rasmiTii am?. intr;2 1374.7.. • . OBLITANEOUS: I ,IVO--DtiBT-1 1 -N43-0§ l' NO -: . Ili PLit SI Estiblished istn. J. Reynolds &: Son N: cor... 13th and Filbert SP ; I • 'Solo maiinfaciureiA oit; 'I7E , I I 1 . 41 „.Et PATENT DUST SCREEN. For cano of mannanent without nny ampere, Du lability, Simplicity, Ecoupmy, this Mentor has no nu parlor In thin country. They aro all gunrantod to gleo satistliction. listimates'imulo free of charge. COORING RANGES,' -- LATROBE IIEATERB,• - • . SI2,ThijIAN_RL . • • - ... LOW DOWN_ GRATES,— HEATERS, R EATTR*T - E - il - S, Send for ono of our Illuetratod Samphiots. opb 12-]p • . The o . nly vhdr 7 lNlg i rab ir tillny between Cat __ 'AIMICHANTS LOOK TO YOUR IN- TERE'SR'S IMPORTANT ANNOTI:CCi:MtNT TO MF.RCUANTS St•FREAMTERS , That on and alter tho Ist day I„X ' December 1467, this Moo-'will trpnoport iloods of all descrlptlons, from Philadelphia 'to CHOW, at prerlsifly O.ompnny _ . /thlt9. iii ntaltint this very Important ; announcement to the Merchants and Shippers the.ottutersigned, fool secured that It wlll.meet with the hearty appCoval and eueouragemene . of their. patrons: . Past experi elide has fully demonstrated that It Is highly impor tant to patronis t and encourage 'individual-Juterest and energy, thereby securing fair competition and protection against ratirearl monopoly. 'flue map and very important Advantages of a DAILY FREIGHT LINE, are too well known and arpreclattql by this comm. pity 'to ho overlooked and tbrotten. .We rely with confidence upon the Active cooperation of our nn aner,ous patrons and friendv, in advancing the Inter ests of thls line - Experienced conductors ;lecernpany each twin to sec-to the sale. deli-very -.Ai. all - . goon enerusted to the Line. The Philadelphia and' Reading Freight Depot , ho used by ihis Line, for tho reception of all Goods;.tho-incro...e‘t vintago.offored....the_namo,. In the- Way of Light nod lipare: will 1,0 largely bene ficial. Draymmi will fllid this Depot easy of. en trance, being level with the Street. .. Be careful In louse your tootla marked and ordered to .PII4:IDELPHLA and BEADING Depot. Goods delivered at' this Depot unpAote toeforc -- 6!vdtkv - r. "zr m dl br loaded thc-trram Ilhn 06 H A LL'S PATENT CENTRAL AND 'OUTWARD DISCIIAROE WATER WHEEL Bearing (hit,: April 30, 18137 JACOB ABRAIIIMS & CO., N c uon be rla-mt anti Proprieto, sof the :boat flamed rAtltuf_for__Lhe„ Ceuntics - et - tunntro;Atit) e;ift FitA'S I{ 1;t11 - • - r2 ; - and WASIIhNtiTON C UNIT MU . . We tle,lre I. 'ill the atteiltien of Millwrights, 31111 Owners, Mei tell le. to tile inert isof the above Inver, - -Lion, o Molt for- Wrablilty, Ef fi ciency slid Cheapness, they ere oolti4 r.1•,..11w.t he survag•ed• • Whet ever It has beeu introduced. ,tweess has in. variably fellowe.l, even under the nient nu fa vora ble cireunldnlif es. ll,r• Ilach Ilid, Otto/. Lone I had mid cononticto t- on - qf - titnti77,lllP - TrlirTltis mrflmul 0 rival! A - } - yrlOng.-Alottel-of-the It beet can be exam teed at the Estaldishment of :he -Manularturers In NEW - - VILLE - itA, Wile. o all 'l.lb:illation unity -be ebeerfidly given. MI We append the li , llowitiq mfereneos: . _ ! . .1. &-1,-11. 41U12: , •11: . 1 0111i,DROM111.11 . , ail - —'l3l5N - .1, MrS - 17A MILS', - . Millwright. SA M U EL LAN olliA. O. & A. NV: DA VIDiON J.S. LINDSEY, . Mlllwrichtfi J. F. lius , mt... LEWIS BOW M AN. SAMUEL PIPER . SOLOMON STROHM. , - ADAM RAMP ' Millwright, JACOB 1001 t'. —eept2o tS;----- - .----- -- . __ _ I t• 0 • ALA TOE FIRST PREMIUNr 4V Of n filive7F-11Icelpt— lTAII•AiVAO.1, TO ofce BARRETT'S HAIR - RESTORATIVE k i a By thO N. H. Rote Agricultural Society. ot lU Volt holden la Nashua, Sept.:ooBA IC Alt E fr S . Vegetable Hair Restorative Restores Gray Ilalr to Its natural eoltr.. Pro. ' Wafts tho growth of the Ilalr. Change. tho mots to their original argent,: notion. Eradi cates rth. Dandruff and.lllon ors. Prevents It !I tl' lolling out. Is a Superior Drcsaingq It moms no 111jOiltelIS Ingredients, . - ---SIMI IS the most popular and tell ' . • * adoarticle throughout the .4k,„to East. Woof. North and SIV. .., . South.- . ' - .• J,' R. •BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, amicitEsTtif N. H. SOLD BY -ALL DRUGGISTS 22nov cAS FITTING AND PLUMBING. l he aubscrlbors Imiring permanently located in Carlisle, respectfully solicit a share of the public pat tronago. Their shop IS situated on the. publintbware In the roar of the Ist Presbyterian Church, whore they.can always he found, • Being experionced.mcchanics, they kit - Prepared to execifte all orders that they may be entrusted ivlth In a superior manner, and at ..very, moderato prices., HYDRAULIC ItABIS,•:• • WATER WHEELS, ' '•• • , - HYDRANTS,. • 'LIFT & FORCE PUMPS,: • • BATTU:NG TUBS; WASH BASINS and•all other arti cles In the trade. -• • • PLUMBING AND GAS, • AND STEAM FITTING promptly attended to !tithe meat approved style. :)&ii.Country work promptly attended to. •• . ' 're:K*llEl7oHr guaranteed. 'Don'tforgot taw place—ltntoodlatoly In_the roar b; thelyirst PrtoiLyterlan Churel. _ .CAMPBELL I IIIiNWOOD. july27 60.1 y NEW LINE 1. CORNELIII9. 4iwin 110911. • • Io)ESPEO,TIittLY informs the) oiti k gone of Carlisle'atl Hurroupdlor Satiiitry that y have established a now lino botwepti Carlisle and Philadelphia,_ nod have mode arra ligaments with the old esiabllohed Ware Homo of • Howard Hitieliman, 810 Market Street, *,; 1 1 ,• • . and•have also leased part attic, Depot, ropier OrWert 'High Etreet, Carlisle, whorwthoy can bo giund at all Ham, mid be plealied to deliver and mayoral freight. entOustod to their care. -Tito PERSONAL'AITENTION of tho Llrm,.telll at all times be given, and iron thoir long nxiiiorlonco In Om buolnoss can promloa their patmns a faithful portornt. once of all buidness'ontriistoll to thorn. ' All goods should bu murked niNc*rmArtls wAiln .DOUSE, 810, Ilfai•leei pare s of Cornelius 4 . Busk; Cuilisio,, Pa. . . 2 'This Ware ileuse'belng In the central and bush:lona 'igart of the city, drayage will or 'Conrso ha ORIt-ti.ALE LlCtikltban to outside depute., , We Impti by strict otieutien to overcome much of heretofore unnecessary. .delay, experienced by merchants &e. t.ri„ 04 -Packages cats pd fttr 36 c9ntet: • 22pov 0743 m 16 • , , DR y GOOD NEWS I- . - - - • ••• UI PRICES G 1 AND CHEAP CASH STORE, 4 T-T gi; ITANy'''NIIII.4ID POMFRET STEELS. Prindoserlber wOnld roapectfully Inform tho pub that ho la 3aciiitlug alniost dolly" from the Eastern Rica, a largo Inaolco of l'iow.ind °hoop Goods, such ,A.DIES' DRESS G - P,01:4 2 ' roach AlCrldouo, 21 . . 1r • • Puling.. • Black and' PanOy • Pronch Ropps, • . PJaln and ' Fancy Do Lalnos, • • Plaldand'Pancy • 'Alpaca, ' • • • • .Popllns. L S S! ) S SI::: ~„ • - . BROOHA LONG AND SQUARE, • LONG AND SQUARE WOODENS BREAKFAST SHAWLS-in' great variety and very - cheap: - — ' - 'OI;OTHS AND CASSIMERES I , . French, . . German and American Cloths, . ... Black and --- ____L...rancy_Cassimeres,...______. ..______ - Doeskins, . ' - ' Black and - Tancy / .• Over Coatings, Rattlnetts, _ ' Kentucky Jeans, Undershirts and . . , •, Drawers. . ao m .ES TICS! . Bleached and 'Mocha, " Table - Diapers, ... Counterpanes, .. . ' and Quilts, - - ... Cotton glarnicls ' Bleached nod -v- , . Unbleached Muslin% . Ticking% Checks, . Towels. . f . Napkins,4c • REMEMBER THE PLACE; • - - ON - 7111: coitlcEp. OF oy ER-AND-POMFRM' e StItEETS, Bnov 07- f G REAT REDUCTION IN PRIDES, 111rOGILBY'S CEIBA;BCASEI - BTORkI. New opening a large lot of the cheapest Dry Goods brought to Carlisle for six years, bought at the . large • AUCTION . SALES, InNow York and — PliTladclphia, during the last Week, at greet sacrlfico. Belainesat 1234 . , choice styles 20®22 cents. , Calicoes. 8, itVal I, Best makes 1234 cents. • . S IIA lirb'S !`" ""SHAWLS! Wchledly the cheapest and haudson est Long and Square Shawls In Cumberland county. • - DRESS GOODS. 011 Ch Merlnoes ' 75, 07, 1 0054 20' -Elegant Reps, all colors, hr under price, all Wool Piable - red aced to 45 conic. Our Black Alpaems are acknowledged -- by-alt thellkt and.Cheapeat In Carlisle. Also a good assortment of Colored Alapaelom and Paramuttas. BL AN - K E-Cf S , Good White Blankets very low., 'Best Colored Blankets under pride . Bleached anti unbleached Muslims, 5, 106 . )!II cents. Good 44 311, , 1ins 441214 Tickings-1t1,,',5, 18,22 , 022 - White, Urey, lied .n7l Yellow Flannels, Cloths foi Ladles Cloaks of all colors and prices, GLOTTIS and CASSIMERS forgentsmt low pricus HOOP SKIRTS OF ALV' KINDS i am agent for the celebrated Odessa Collapsinz Skirt. also the Washington Skirt... These are decidedly the hest Skirts in the market, and warranted fur six 1111,h ' Cors,ta, Scarfs, ' • y I hien Ilmulkerchiefs, . Lace Hamikerch's, - Gloves, '••- • asset trnent Is now largo and will be closed out atTrieN that" will ho :.atisfactory to all who will favor us with a call. Don't forgot the place • 4 4. • No, 47 West Main street cornet apposite-the Post •011 ice, - 0011113Y - ; -- , P. S.—cloalug out at lot of Ingrain and Rag Carpet ing,: less than ct.t. Also Floor 011 Clotitsi all widths 20doc-67.;,:: LEI a BRO. NOTICE', We have now received a new and groat supply of GOODS," - ------- -- ( sattinetts, . . • Jenne, Whit« and Colored Elaunels, also Yarns &r. These 'we consider n 'great acquisition to our immense 'stock of • •- G001)S. Ladles Makings in great variety, suchs:, - WHITNEY BEAVERS tliffPrent colors, Chinchillas ,tc. .enr Carpet-department- inta—lltorriTroplorAshOsif_ - atesirable — Cartrotlittft; -- Oil — Criiiiiii . in a tariaty of design. - N0:27, - SOUTII - 11.ANOVElt, St.-A EIZEI 1867. SPRING, -- •7 - RA it,:a frsT . _ NoiV QPENING IN ' DOMESTIC GOODS, DRESS 000 Ds,. OASSIAIEI!ES; SATINETS,- ' JEANS, WHITE .GOODS; , ZEL.IIYRS,e. ' NOTIONS, ke, • AT '• • RING'S NE W STORE, No. 55 Wli4T MAIN PrREPT. OppoAto lAto Mnuslou Malmo; noxt to Post 0111 co, Carlklo. • t' -• • (If ENrg PI HMS:RING • AND VARiET-Y , STORE.- • The subscriber bogs leave to Inform gentlemen and' housekeepers and the public genorallt, that ha' has now'and will keep conetantly on hands, a large and elegant assofttnent of, GENTS' IMItIkirISLIING GOODS, such as tletton - klerina and Woolen' Shirts and Dfa-w -ere, llosierlesn all kinds, Black and White liid Gloves, Thread and other Gloves, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Ilaudkorchlefe, Gente"rravellog Bags, Lluen and Paper Collars, Oufre 'Au' Also, 0011511 INU GOODS, consisting to Part of Cedar and Willow NVare, all hinds, Chamber rots, lirushea and Combs, all kinds Hugs. lluekels, Foot Tuba, loops, Pertuns Penlyihatlonaiy, he. Don't forget the stand, No. la South Hanover Street,, two doors, South of Washulood'e Grocery Store, Carlisle. _ may 24 - j„LOOK OUT DRY • Goops lEN . k u • TO TIIETUBLIO:' flitivo just returned from tho East with my ,Spring 'Stock, and as usual, I am'selling geode' a little cheap er than any othor Dry Goode House; in,town. I do -not think it neemisary to occupy column of -news• iaper to endeavor to keep Up my reputation for soil ng cheap floods nor do t wish to resort any clap trait, to gull the public. All I ask, of them to call and examthefor themselvoe, and if not satisfied 'tvith the prices; not 'to *buy. atemember the stand No. 'B2, North Hanover street, neat door to Dr,Rielfor'spuld' littler & Dolma' Hardware store. NEVV DEPQT WM. A:3IILES. P. S. I will say nothing about my third and fourth grapa oponings. • 67 TOYS & FANOY,OOODS:'I 1 J 0 I-I 111 D ( . 1 - 1 602. litar . ket street - Philadel),Ma. , --- Tei . pretefofof Garin/in Mid Frointrioys and Penal Articles. Just rocolvod a very largq-assortmont' of .allitintis. of Toys, China Ware, Owes,- Pip oar liarrainticano, Mar-. bias, Writes, Poneliti,thleshodiaskotd, - .also a va riety of Games Am., •1, • ,Pountfy Merchants will' please !examine my eirkiro oct4-Bm. IS A NO, K TA TJ.II`'ER Traichi;yrker 'trod No. 148 NORTH , 2t) BT. , Cat. 0,5` :.• aapOrtdient of Watches, aotiolry,' Bllyec and " • Plated Wore conotantly on hand.' .flurreptx, FOIL 1.16L14Y PRESENTS I Va. Ifepatrlsig of - Wft . tChas ind()Joirolii prompEly attopdeclto.., .; tloyOom,formerly „occupied by Jenrmora Co. TITO 3. A. IiAItPIUE A NEW ATTRACTION BENTZ'S STORE 0. INUORY BEIN prnLADELi'DIS. :j 4IROADs CUMBERLAND ROAD COMPANY. , . - - ... . . .. , . .. , .SREIGILT, IMPOT,, , CARLIBLA . ~_ . . /rho Cumberland Valley, Ponneylvanta and North. orn Cootral hall Mad Compableo pal!? made an arrangomenta to , do.'it '• :" ' - • - Joixl .Preig4t altir.Foriciarding Business . • between the Mien of Philtielphia, Baltimore And how York. TheDunitiorland, Valley Rail Bond Dom pony. opined their; Freight -Depot at Oarliole on the ••'' let of January 18061 or the inelpt and: shipment of all goods entrusted.. to thorn. , • •• , Freight to bo forwarded byy this arrangoonant must bedeft at Pennylvanis hail 'Road Company Depot corner of 16th and Market Bt., Philadelphia. North. ern-Central Bali Rued, Company's Depot Baltimore, and Cumberland Volley Ball Itotid Company's Depot at °Athol°.- , ' • . • Tho•pubile.WlN Lind It: to. theio 'intermit to ship through the Ball Bead: Company's_ yrelpht - Itouseo • and by Company Cart.' " 0. N. DULL, Sup. J. &D. RHOADS,• r Freight Agerito C.. V. R. _R.' On and nfterMONDAY,,.ida'y z2tet, nod, Passenger . Tilden 1111Xun daily as lollowe, (Sunday excepted) WESTWARD ACCOMMODATION 'MAIN leaves IDirrieburg 8.4 p -41,11,-,- Mechanicsburg o.l.BlCarlialis9.s7; N0wv111,10,34 Bhlpponahurg 11.07,.Dhambershurg 1.10 P. 11 , Green castle 1.43, arriving et Ilegeratown 210 P. 21. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Ilarrisburli . 2:00 P. M., Mechaiirshurg 2.23, Crirllsle 8.00, Nowillle 890, Ship pansburg,4.lo, Uhwoboreburg 4 60, Grioncastle 5.26, arrivingat Hagerstown 6.65 P. N. EXPRIES TRAIN leaves Ilarrlshmig _4,15 I'. M,, lifechanlesburg 4.51, HOW 6 - .21; Niiivvillo 6.68, Ship pensburg 6.21, arriving abeharabereburg at 8.20 A. M. A MIXED TRAIN itiftVo - 13 Chambersburg 8.20 A. M., Greencastle 9.30, arriving at Hagerstown 10.16 A. M. EASTWARD. - ACCOMMODATION TirklN leaves 'Chatabersburg 6.00 A. M. Ebipponabdrg 6.30, Nowvirio 6.01, Oarlislo 0.35, Meautuicsburg 7.04 arriving % at Harrisburg 7,35 A. M. . . MAIL. .TRAIN leaves - Hagerstown 8.10 A. M., Greencastle 8.4.3, Charobersburg 11.25, ,Shipponsburg 065, Norville 1020,,, Carlisle 11.03, Mecbaulsburg IE3I, arriving at IDuriebuig 1210 i. M. - -- EXPRESS Tit /11N leaves "IragerstOw.n 12 00 M., Orkincastle 12.30:C0sambersburg 1.10, Shippenebarg 1.43, Newsslllu 2 15.0arlisle 2.58, Mechanicsburg 3.20, rivinga t_liarrisburg-3.66-P-31 A MIXED THAL , leaves Hagerstown 306 P. 111., 4.00, a rilv leg at Chambersburg 4.50 P. 01. os'6lxl lug dose conneolt nn at Harrisburg with - Trains to.antl - from Philadslphia, New York, Pitts burg, lialtimoio end 'AVashingtan. . • - NAtll.l4 Supt. RAIL BOAD OFTICS, 1 • • Ciambersburg,May:l7,lBoo. f _ ItFIADING: RAILROAD. _ • . . On and after Nov. -25, 1867, iFciins wild Tun as follows:_ • GREAT TRUNK LINE FllO5l THE North and North Wort for Philadolphn, New .York, Rending, PottsvlllO,.Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon. Allentown, Norman, Ephrata, Eitis, Lancaster, Columbia, dc; - &e." Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York as At 3.t0, 6.25, and 8.10. A: N., and 2 05, and 9.35 I'. 11. connecting with similar Trains on the Perm.ylvanla Rail Road, and arriving at Now York at 5.10. and 10. 15, A. N.. and 4.40, 620, and 10 25, I'. 01. Sleeping- I.kcc s mp 3 tring - theo3Uo: -- A7' - iii - ,lnid^ froths without change. LLIAVO Harrisburg li r licadlng,-Pottsvillo Tamaqua , Minersv lie, Ashland, Ph,o Grove: Alloolown and philadolphia, at 8.10, A. al., and 2.05, and 4.10, P. IL stepping, at Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; the M 10, P. M. making connections for Philadelphia and, Columbia only. For Pottsvlllo, Schuylkill haven via Schuylkill, and Susquohauna IGttl Itmtd , leave Harris. burg Ituturniug: Lento Now York at 9,00,A, ,24;12.00,, NOoo . and 5.00 000 0.00 5. 21.; Philadelpl fa 0.15, A. M . and 3.:10, P. M. Way -Passongor--1 rain leaves Philadelphia 7 30, P. M., retorning from Ithadirig_Lit 0.::0, 5.31., stopping at all Statham, Potts3Wo at 8.45, A. 7!. and 2.45. P. 31 , Ashland 6.00, a. as. and 12.19,m. and 100. P. 31. i lanniqua at 8.30, A. M. nod 1.00, and 14.45, P. M. • Limy° Pothyille for Ilarrisburg, via Schuylkill and SusquobanTaa Rail Road at 7.10 A - .. 31. au d - 12.00 noon. Heading Accommod.itlen Train: Leaven lteadinlf. at 7.30, A. M., rott.rning from Philadelphia at, 4:00 - P. 31. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Loom S Pale. town at 6.15. A. M. returning lea yes Philadelphia 5.061 P. . Columbia Rail liond Trains leave Reading 7.00,4..„._ 71., Aid G.ll, C. 71. for Ephrata, Litiz, _ On Sundays: Leave Now York at 8.00, P. M., Philadelphia 8.00, A. 31. and 3.15, P. 71., tho 8,00 A. .1.. Train running only to lleading;' Pottsrile en, A. 5;11 A. M. and 4.10 and 0.3• P. M., and Redding at I.ou, nod 7.15 A. 31. for Mu risburg, 'and 7.00 A. 31'.'and 11juy0,Lier.Nout_yo,1,,,,,,d-tao., - . -- CommatatiOn.„ 3l l l eage,_Scason,.Schooland' Excur- Sion Tivltots, to and from all points, at,ro - duediLriites.- 13aggngo thecked through; 80 pounds allowed ..each Passenger, 0. A. N LULLS, Gun. Supt: Heading, Co., Noy. 25, 1867 8E; WYLY - 0 AtACLIISIES:_ GRO VIR i AND ELASTIC STITCH FAMiLY SEWING IVIIAPHINES, Ara the best in Use,' FOR TILE FULLOWLNG REASONS. They - a - Winore - simphrifini - dnraliin ea - slur kepi In order maim a stronger and mi reelhstla stitch, a lirnihmore beautiful seam than any other. Thuy stAr all faludes from two commit spools, ret, quire na re-winding of threati,Tasten both nude of the semiLliytbelenvatoperation, and- thringh - orifrylif tit stitch In out the seam will not rip. 1807 The Per)! ,Highest' Prize, :the Cruss of the Legion of, lionoi, was conferred o¢ the representative • of the GROVER. & BAKER SEWING-MACHINES at the -Ex yosilipo Univer ' selle, Paris;' 1867; thus at testing their great superiority °var . nll. the owing-machines. GROVER BAKER'S EMZEIZEIM SHUTTLE gor Manufacturing, Clonablno the most modern - and. essontlaf Hairope. meets. s.: ' • ImAttrultiomis..sequestedt_of-Tallorsofdanufaetn. rem of Boots and Shists, Carrlago'Trlintrilng, Clothing , and all others roguiring this use of tho moat tiffeetivs - Lock Stitch Machines, To threw Now. Stylus, which possess umnlstaltsblo ad vantages over all others. • , • . Office 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia For . salohy, , Mrs. E. - - .A.. -, OOE.ER, • 68 Wont Routh etreat....f 0,100 . 1 a Pa, 0ei11,61-Cal'i , '' 5 Ckifl . „. e.s _;,:,....___ , Jo 1 0, . , 4i,rr_...t"....-:•". . 113 //VIT.:WA 7_•::.,• : 1 k ~.„,,..,.6 1, ti , , „. 2 - • • •., e. 4 . f 1 'ag,W, - F*: ) 4 •; V l 4 °G- .;, - ,‘ -it t*,;o,"• -:n: ;• .iii . .".- '''',;,..;l S4VZ--- I , - • - Ei , Wheeler & Wilson and Elliptic LOCK STITCH tEWENG 1 61ACHINES: .Tha Best Simpk'st 6,30 Cheapest, rPHESE maohinots • are adapted •to a' [ kinds df family sewing, world:be equally uoli upon 811 k. Linen and Cotton goods; with Silk. Cotton t and Lineti threads, limiting a beautiftil And portent. Stitch alike on both aides of the article sowed. rAll machines Bold are darranted: Call and examine at nen Roatipiegreph oince, dir • JOWL CAMPBELL; sittrino 'IVIARBLii !d , • -mcNtrlitENTS: TO tll.§; Dnon eine, on bend and made to oror,l3oio , tlkllanovon:' Broot. Carlisle, Pa, • • ' • mnrch1667:17:. , • •! QIIANOE OF HOURS BAKER'S EMI EIS =I Mil