Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 31, 1868, Image 1

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9 3.0 .
Z 6 00
„.. .
• Onuiquaro ono ingortio - n,
For onoh subsoquunt insurtion,
roc nlorcantilo Advortinornonts,
Lol3lllNoticos ,
Protssitional Otitis Withoui:Tapiar;
Üblbunry.Notlue sus= Communion
timarels Cog a tom atte , of pri.
vatolutikoots Montt, 10 coots por
• JO t 1 PRINTING..—Ohr Joh ,Plintlng Officals the
' anatost and. moat corriblOto establishment in the
Jenniy. Fouri'good Promos, and-a. genoTalviirloty 'of
material anited for plalnand Vancy work of every to do 'Job Diluting at • the shoile ne
A oth6e,atidlpt r acci l ii i. )l9
I awant of Bills, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing
I it;to.tholi• intcrest-to glve us a call, —
- P_R_
. •
ipAM. - -IMJLE,R; :Attar] 3r...tit-Law,
' fhtiAlillo, Pi, Woo :with W. M. 2 Poulos° liSq.
'Bloom a Hall.
- sopt27 07-om' •
A TToIiNgYS AT LAW, Office No
_LA_ 16 Sou* llnnovor street CArllolo Po.
novls 67. '
- u m
Ll_ Main St., In Marlon Unit, Carlisle, Pa.
Estato agent, Sin pbordstown, West Virginin-
PromPt attontion Rlvan to all business In Jeer-.
son County andtbo,Countins adjoining it.
•3.inuark IS, 1666.-1 y .
E. I3ELTZEiOOVER, Attorney
o ut Val , ' Office In South Hanover street, opposite
Bents's dry good store Csrllelc, Pat
September 9, taLid_
TAMES A. 7 DTJNBAR, Attorney et
LAW, CrtrliFle,-,Pa..,, Mee to Nu, 7, Itheep,'s
B. - Z - EIG LER---Attorney_at
Saint Paul 'Minnesota. Communications from
e East properly responded to. • '
T D. A.DA.Ift, Attorney At
(arilslo, Pa.. face with A. 11:1311nrse, Esq., No.
.17,-Southlfonover Street.
TOSEPEI RITNER, Jr., Attorney at
Law aud Surveyor, Mcsbantcsburg, Pa. Office on
Ratll Road Street, two doors worth of the Bank.
M-Business promptly attended to.
July 1.16d4.
- ENO. C. GRAII.A.I, Attorney - at Lath . ;
Cr Carllslg. Pa. lit - rico formorly occilpled by Jude°
Graham, Stkuth Ilftilovor etroct. _ - -
So tombor 80,13115.
T R. MILLER Attorney at Law.
• Office In !Lannon's building Innedin'ely op
posits the Court House.
.2.9n0v 67.1 y
.A_JULAUC/111.1N, Attorney et teen, Oflicc Su the
room formerly occupied lip Judgo Graham.
July 1, 1861-Iy.
• • - •
0 HERMAN, Attorney at Law,
e &ln. Po., No. 0 Rhomo'i:
July 1, 1804-Iy.
- •
Jr., Ati.orney
Law_ 001 cc )vith llnu. Fain Maio
St. C „ h:ll . ±,ila Pa,
SouthNarßot Squnre. Par
April 19,4811T -1y
WM. B. 13LTTLER/Attorney at Law
and•Unlted. States Cl3illl. Agent, Carlisle,
Cumberland County, Pa. • ,
Pensions, llountles,pack Pay &e., promptly euilect•
ed. Applications by mail trill receive immediattiat•
‘tention, and the proper blanks forwar ed.
No fee rrlnuired until the claim is settled; -
Feb. 1.411, 1867—tf.
Dontist, from thu_ilaltl
more Colla g e of:14,1101 Suf:69.rY•
triiyofileo at the residence of his. mother, East
Louthor street, three doors below Bedford
July 1, 1864. , .
11 NX). NEIDICII, D. I). S.-
il Doatonstrator of Operative Dentistry orHie
C:01 I oge of
" * "l:kr,A"
Marion unit, \Vast Main atreot • ColliSle.) . n.
pot. HARTZELL, Allopathic Physi- .
y elan and A e col our. having pornotnenl ly
catud In Lertiburg. Contliei hind musty. rerpert•
fully odors bln professional sorvicss to the indilic.—
Spnidat attention given In disposes of woinon and Phil.
yQnN ONCE., M. D. Waynesboro,
Dr. SA 3IUE L D. LAN]], ehum bersbu rg
Ilan. ED. 1i rY II ERSON, G,tlyNburg,
ISAAC/ SNI ELY. M. D. Wuynfo.boro.
B. U. EROUTZ. Wayne,born. •
N. IL Always found In his olllee 1, lien not of ben, (so
professionally engaged. • J Juno
Do you want a nice Hat or Cap? •
If so, don't fall to roll ou
No. 20, West illaiii,Street,`
Where can be seen the finest assortment of
ever brought to Carlisle. He takes great pleasure in
Inviting his old friends and Customers, and all new
ones, to his splendid' stock just remiveit irons New
York and Philadelphia, consisting In par of fine
Besides an endless variety of Hats and Caps of the
latest styli, ail of which he evillmell at the Lowest
Cosh Prices. Also, his own manufitcture of tints al..
ways on hand, and •
Hats Manufactured to &do , .
He has the best arrangement for coloring Hats and
all Kinds of Woolen Goods, Overcoats, Sm., at the
shortest notice (as be colors every week) and on the
most reasonable terms. Also, a fine lot of choice
oranda of
Always en hind. He desires to call the attention of
persons who have
To sell, as he pays the highest cash prices for the
eve him a call, at the above number, his old Atone',
as he feels confident of giving entire satisfaction.
Julyl.l 67, • •
• Of all Ii Nete'Sprinry.Siyles of
The Subscribor Ints . .just opened, at No. 15 Neigh
Unocal- St., a few doors North of the Carlisle Deposit
Bask, ono of the largest and boot stock of RATS iv .
• CAca ever offered •In - • • • •
8111 t lints, Cassimeres of all styles and qualities,
Stiff Brims different colors, and every dosctiption of
Soft Unto now made. The Dunkerd nod old fashioned
brush, kept constantly on hand and made to order;
all warranted to alio satisfaction. A full assortment
of STItAIVALATB, Non's boy's and chlldron's fancy.
I havenlso added to my stock, Nbtlonse different
kinds, consisting of Ledila and Gent's Stocking
Neck-Tlos, Gloves, Poncils. Thread, Bowing 8111ev, auk.
ponders, Umbrellas, &c., Primo Fagot's and Tobacco,'
alwtys onihand. ,
°WOMB neall'ane examine my steels, so 1 tool con
fident of pleasing,, besides saving you money. '
•j , • JOIIN A. KELLER, Agt.
31uiy0/ • ' • No. lb. North Hanover St.
Entiro .I.niliortation
. . •
.rOlt - TELEPBESENT!nAOISN, to'which they moat;
respectfUlty: labile' the attention . of those visit log
Philedelptda;Amitioistling on early call, before the
choicest articled Aro Imitated, and the hurry of
Rollday buSiness prove etc that curate' ottootlon
they:aslie eittended 'to all their yititore,—The atter
. and „EURO IyEAN Noyu!,,rxEs,:
Of • evety'.doscriptjorr, attired this season' by.'tbis
Mime, natarichi In richness. varloty and ',minty, tho
efforts of any lirevious year. An oxeminatlon of our
goods cannot but prove intermit' ng to wilco from
the miuntry,yrho loci most cordially Invited to visit
out establishment. All ordorahy letter, or Inquiries
respecting goods:and prices, Will recolve oiiroftil and
prompt attention. Goods carofsily .pittked and for.
JAMES :E, azt.Lnwntr, & CO.,
7 ,-,lTEValera - and - f3ilveremithei
ail 822 Olieotaa ;street ) Pbiladelphing
10(10F114; , , [Boot.Vin4
VOL: 68.
ItiEEMST & DUNBAR, Editors and Proprietors.
floofland's German Tonle,
Prepand , l4 Dr. C. M. jAoi§ox;
The Great Remedies for all Diseases
t . H4Sofland's _German_Bitters_
le composed of file pure juices (or, ne-they are medial
mill}, termedr.-Ex ,--- ,--- tracts) of Roots,
If erbs and Barks, ,),, making a prepara
tion, higlilkiconeen Jr IW . Ma t ed, and entirely
free from — Alcoholic- r'' . - rtdmixture — of —any
kind. .
IS a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters,
with the purest quality of Santa Cruz Bum, Orange,
etc., making ono of the most-pleasant and - agreeablo
remedies ever Oared to the public.
Those preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic ad
mixture,;tvill use
Hoofland's German Bitters.
In cases of nervous depression, when some alcohol°
allmulus Is necessary,
TheDittess orthe Tonie are both egually-goodi and
contain the same medicinal virtues.
The stomach, from a variety of canoes, such as Indi
gestion,. Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility,
etc., is very apt to 4 1.0 have its functions
deranged. The result ,i 0) of which Is, that the
patient suffers from . several or more of
the following diseases:
Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles,
Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity
of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness
or Weight in the Stomach,_
Sour- Eructations,
ing,or Fluttering at I.ho Pit -
- of . the Stomach, Swimming of
the Head, - Hurried or Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when
in a Lying Pasture, Dimness of Vision,
Dote or Webs before the Sight,
Dull Pain 'in • the Head, Deft
oiency of Perspiration, •Yel
lownoss ef tne Skin and
y e s, Pain in -
the Side, , Back,Chest,
Lu sh mbs, etc., S udden •
Flushes of Heat, Burning
in the Flesh; Constant Imaginings_of Evil,
a nd Great Depression of Spirits..
These remedies will effectuall,t cure Liver Comalnt,
Jaundice, Dyspepsia , Chronic or .Nervous Debility,
Chronic , Iharrlnin, 1)1 0 e* of the Kidneys , and all
Diseases arising from a-llikirdered Liver, Htomach, or
Resulting - from any 'Cause whatever;
induced by Severe Labor, Hard-_.
ships, Exposure, Fevers, etc,
There is nolnedlelne extant equal to these remedies
in such -cases. A tone nrid - cigurialmpartad tba
whole St'etem, they — Appetite Is Strength.
ened,food is enjoyed,
r aj. the stomach digests
promptly, the blood la purified, the com
plexion It °comes • sound and healthy,
the yellow tinge Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom
ls a tl 4 le b n ec t o o m t e l s te a
strongel andeolvs,t healthytl 1
being.veakd nervous In.
J'ersons Advanced in Life,
And feeling the band of time weighing heavily upon
them, with all Its attendant ills, Will find in the ueo of
this .B.ITTERS, or the TONIC, an elixir that will
instil new life lob their veins, reatoro in a measure
the energy and ardor of more youthful days, 'build up
their shrunken . Nuns, and give health and happiness
to their remaining years.
It le a well•estnbllehed foot that fully one•half of the
female portion - of our • population are eel•
dom intim enjoyment r of good health; or,
to use their own ex pression, "never feel
They are lan, guld,„ devoid, of ..flil
nnergYilistiviivalylSCialnitgiiinthave nciappetlteT —,
To this class of persona the BITTERS, or the
TONIC,Is especially neconithended.-
Are mode strong by the use of dither of three remedies._
They will cure every ease of MARAtiIIITIS, without
'Thousands of certilicates have accumulated in the
hands of the proprietor, but space wilt allow of the
publication of but a few. Those, it will be observed.
are men of note add of such standing that they multi
Hon. Geo. W. Woodisrard.
Met Justice of the Sammie Court of Pa., writes:
l'hitaticlphia, tgnooh 16, 1887.
"I ilnd 'Brinflnnd'n German Bitters' 11
a good tonic, useful A in diseases of ' th e
digestive organs, nod , of great 'benefit in
cones of debility, and , want of nervtant ac ,
lion in the system. Yours truly, ,
0160. NI 7 . WOODWARD." -
Hon: James Thompson:-
Judge of the Supreme Courkpf Poinsylvanfa,-
Philadelphia, April 28,4860.
"I consider...Hoeft:lmPa German Miter; valuable
meth:rine in case of attacks of T ndigedion or Dyspepsia.
I rho certify this friim niy expprianco of It.
;Tours, mit2i respect,
. .
From Rgv. - loseph , EL Kennard, D. D.,
. Dr. Jaekson—Denr‘Bir r - I•lutve been-frequently-xm
quested to connect my nninoffltb recommendations
of dlllerent kinds of medielnearbut regarding tbo prac
tice on oui,of my np preprint(' opium°, I
have In nil canon de !
~v ; elined ; but with a
clogr_proaf.- in - vnrl \-%! one instances and
-part • in my • own family of the
usefulfiesu of Di. lloolland's German Dillon:4J depart
for once from my usual course, to express my full
,conviction that, for general debilitief ,
,the system, and
especially for Liver Complaint, if is a safe and valuable,
preparal:on. In some caeca It may fall; but'usually, I
- doubt not, it will ho very beneficial to those who. sufferer
from the above mem -
• • . Yours, very respectfully,
- •
'• . Eighth, below ()entail:ft. -
. _
From Rev. R. D. FeMlall,
Assistant Rdifor Christian Chronicte,Thaielphia.
I have derived deolded benefit from the Mei of IIoof•
land's Germsn Bute e, and feel It my privilege to re.
commend them as a meet valuable tonic, Mall adman)
suffering from general debility or frontdiseases arising
from derangement of the liver. Yours truly,
• ' E. D: IntliDAW`
, 'lloollandie'Cloinian Rom'edleii are counterfeited._ Bee
Mud thesignature of- ,—......... --4 - 1-11.-J81.111130N
le" on the - mapper' i• w • • of - each bott 1 e .'
. All othcre• AV coon ' I t. forfeit. ' ' '
it i t ' io
r , inotpal Gillen , and Manufactory
Medicine Kere t No. 031 AROM Street.
Pliiladelpliia, ' ' ' '
, , ' . ... arum Fa M. EvAiqs,- '
Oeininn Druggist, Proprlotor. ' ,
• - • ' Formerly 0. IL J.Comiton & CO..
For sale bypt Druggists and Dealers 1q Alcdfolneo.
Doottpna 7 e POI'MO.II Bitters, paillottle' $1 00
. half, " 6 00_
lio'ottand'e german - To . ntc,i) . of tip In quart bottles,l 50',
por i bottleier adialf-dozen-fOr
liar Do not forget, to L exititlne Well the yon.
~PYf~pO]d@it9t3otllCA~4lll :'
! -
61.'ills t
: k\
V, ii;- - '
~._ • . _ r
sbould be used
1i4a144 imworai
1 \,.:,,,,,::_-:::'''':P,11.:':(::-:(Arl-c:::;:::,.....:'‘T.:,„,:•--Ii.'-':.---\"r.:
:•--.• ... •:;.. • ~.,r• ..-.: .--•-- ----: ---
. . . .. ,
JO, air/ con. you speak so suss; eljarloy
It Isn't kind norylati,
You wouldn't bare talked it year ago
As you havedono
:You-wonder to ecumo aitand cry
Lika n babrroxod you aay, , •
•Whon you didn't knotii wanted a gtft,
Nor think ablaut the day I • '
But I'm not like akaby, Charloy,
Crying for something fine;
Only a loving woman, pained,
Muhl shod ouch tons as mine. -
Fo• every Christmas time till now,
. And that is aby I griove,
It war. you that wanted to giva r rtharlay, _
Moro than I to receive.
And all I over had from you •
° I hare carefully laid aside;
From therirst Juno moo you pulled for me
__To the vail I-wore no-a bride.
And I wouldn't have cared to night, Charley, ,
JIOw poor tho gift; or email,
ITyou only had brought mo something to show
Thiit you thenglitsiLme
The merest trifle of any kind
That I could keep or wear;
A flimsy blt of lace for my neck,
Or a ribbon for my hair.
kyretty story of loyors
Or a book of pleasant -rbymo;
A flower or a holy-branch, to mark
Tho blessed Cbrlstmait tlmo.
Sint to be forgotten, Charley I
'Tie that that brings the tear;
Apdlust,to think that Iliac° boon
Your wife tint a 'Anglo }roar!
_ Tnrati is nothiriglike goingaway. from a
place—quite out of sight—for getting the
true view of it. •
Now that I have lived away from Ded
dington a few years,—and twenty years are
but a few to look back upon,—l must con:
fess,•l see it to_bo a'plaee of- no - importance
whatever, commercially, arelneologically,
historically, or in any other way. •
- tied tb feel somewhat-aggrieved when
my letters came addressed to "Dcddington,
near ShiretoWn," or "Deddington, North-
)ire;" for I never doubted - that every poet-
office clerk in the three kingdonis knew
were Detichngto - q was, just„ as well MS he
knew where . Shiretown was,—or, for that
matter, where Northshire itself was. - I
could admit that; for correspondentsty.ritirig.
from'Ameriem or the Continent, or any
where beycifid setts, it was excusable to idd
PEorthshire," or “England;" but for cor
respondents dating from 'England, Ireland,
Scotland, or BurWick-upon-Tweed, I -.saw
no excuse wlnitever for any addition at all;
Since then, however, I have lived in many
places considerably larger 'even then Shi're'-:
town; and it has happened so often within
the last twenty years that I have mdt with
iesEc'etablo peonle,_l3tho could. havu no pos
sible inducement to insult me, and who yet
professed themselves entirely ignorant of
the existence of IYeddington, that, as I said
at first, 1 have now been I.rought to' confess
my-native place to ben place of no impor
tance whatever.
Per contra, I remember a time when I
bought no other place could- be of impor-
LUICO compared with if:
Lot mu try to describe it as it itppenred to
me then
It was a place of incredible cleanliness,
ivelintss,_und architectural wealth.
Its eleanlinqss was patent to every- one;
or were there not4wo old men whose whole
itod solo duty it was t'
J h o. c tood,tp...
LW aides of lii'OSlieet
bad- weather? after ev er y 'day of
Its liveliness would have been sufficiently
guaranteed by the simple fact of its havij g
a market once a week, when the carriers'
carts - came in from' all the neighboring vil
lages. But beyond this, the omnibus went
to Shiretown no less than threetays a weak,
returning always the same night. W hlle,
to'crowirall,tkore - wertino less than fora
fairs in the year, Zne - of-which lasted two
Its public buildings were the pride of
intelligent people. Tho_,chureh bad( the
loftiest tower, and Om:biggest windows, and
‘the . ygliest faces MI its corhels-rand was the
oldest, probably, of any-church-in England.
Thom could hardly-1)S a doubt that at some
time (about SM rintreductioa of Christianity
into this J.sland) it bad been a mltyster.AThe,
monunfent in She chancel )ras probably % •
one of the earlybishops,—as would have
been easily prored if its head. had not been
4:necked 'olr and lost
The Odd Fellows' Hall was a ver'Sr largo
and. well-proportioned building, which
would-hold ittlltti thousand;
peopie,--or perhaps with a little muaezing
a million. It was in this magnificent hal
that wo used to have our i lecturesjor it was .
the ball of the Meelianics'_Jiisiituto as well
the:Odd-Follows; - -0 wlng. - to - its - viilt - slie,
there was always found some difficulty An
lighting it, es well as in filling it. The au
(lichee used to gather close to the lecturer
and his candles; and leave a groat dark void
behind.. And I used to think that if ever
should achieve greatiiess like that .of the
lecturer, and stand on a little platform
hindn little - table, and havo two' candles
and a-glass of: water to myself, and a• long
iitiek to point out the figures on the diagrams
and a vast assemblanof peok-liko thot4
used to soo) to listen to ino as long ng - iicie - k 1
like to talk,—then indeed I should not havo
lived in vain, and could die happy.
But the noble, linensiono of, the Odd
Follows' Ilall, word, herbaria never so, ap-
parent as on magic-lantern nights.
Tho 'philosophic entertainment. of the
magic lantern was ono of
,which wo, were
varycond,at Deddington:)4invo not, of late
YOars, seen any..-instrument of. that _hind
_p_ e itrly_pq4Cto_tho_QnerwsLused.tO have r -nor
any figures nearly so curious and interesting.
'P . m 'figure of the man's head, with a nose
, that kept on growing as lougaa the curtain:
would, allow, and:then .was continued on the'
nearest wall, was' aiwa,ys • iCgreatJaViiiiitn.
and so was the Ogia's,head with the yoiling.
eyes,when , the eyes ; happened , to arrive
about the seine time, as the bead., The nod
ding mandarim,was hardly' , jiked so well;
perhaps owing to some defect in the
Oil in'ery, which always prevented his bead
7 from-getting - Ivithirrtvrp - tor - tttreo - Sentrlthi
,body, and thus produca4. a, soRlow) . 10, un
!real effect, Bukthei 4Lagplog
v. vi9yra .ovqo
=January 31, 1868.- --
always a great suceessr and ilia in — which
ono of the'pyratinitisofEgYpewasdistinCtly
seen lingering on the terrace of Windsor
Castle,lwhilh-her-Majestiand all the royal
family. glimiriered through. it, Was , justly"
yegarded,as a triumph .of optical art, As
for the 'ehromatropes, they never 'failed, to
throw us into raptures, and :I -hardly re
accident then :ttatt.oEtho breaking of-tho.
tape which hold up the, sheaf, on which our
ehromatrope Was ,then projected: It- was
not,morely tat theahiorhatrope itself was
thus lost .(fo i r wwcould-not admit it tolie at
all the real thing as prcijeated.on the end:Of
tho ball behind us), but the schoolmaster
and his assistants being thus - suddenly re-'
vealed behind the curtain; tv,ere so - Ilurricd
and put out that they went away without
tha vote of thanks to which they were so
It Os only Onco a year, when the Odd
Fellows - walked in procession__witb_m_band_
of music; and banners, and gay. rosettes and
sashes, that you would have .known. them
i.fur_w_halithey—were--At-other-times- th ey
counted merely as publicans, butchers, tai
tortOoiheri, shoemakers and what not.
They appeared, however, to bo not mere ly odd, but good-natured fellows too, and lent
oir noble hall for nll sorts of purposes
, Not only were the Mechanics'. Institute
tenants in permanermo, so many • nights a
'week, not only did the magic-lantern peo
ple, the mesmerists, the ventriloquists, have
each their turn in it; it 'was also the place
for speeches atelecqoni.lnritl the Tory in
terest (ifelangton teing
for the Riding), while the Rads, as they
were called there, held out at the Temper
ance Hall.
Thep, -too, the-missionaries-used to conic
And - have-their turn - sometimes - in - the Odd
Fellows' HAIL But the only occasions on
which it was over rieit . rly full were thoso of
the grand tee-parties, for ,which at that
time the Deddingtonians were_ famous
these the thirsty villagers from round about
iloeked numherle;s, and thus, swelling th 6
population of Deddingtsm itself, ()Veil dial
monster hall was now and then filled to
The Temperance Hall, our other chief
assembly roam, was smaller, but still a
room of great magnitude. Speaking ap
proximately,_l shOuld say the Agricutural
Hall at Islington appears to ins now about
as large as the Temperance appeared
to moo then. I don't know any building .
which appears to me quite so_ large as the
Odd Fellows' Hall used to appear.
It was in the Temperance Hall that I
made my first appearance as a public char
acter in "The Trial of , John Barleycorn,"
a very exciting dra - ma, which Was enacted
by sundry youths of tender years and great
proniise,---youths of great, -promise being
plentiful. at that time in Deddhgton,l,hough
most of, them have since turned out ,men of
way modernte-performance. --
-- JOlfti-13 - arleyeorn was tried — for divers
high crimes and misdemeanors, and, I hav
ing been called-to the Bar a few days pre
viously, told promoted with unexampled
rapidity to the honorable oftlec of her Ma
jesty's Attorney-General, it' , was to In o that
thOdaty of prosecution. Sell.
I was fortunate enough to secure a cob vie
tion. Indeed, Juhn Barleycorn was put
lown to be 'found guilty in the little' books
from which we nli learnt.our parts. _
The speeches which I delivered on the
part of . the Crown gained ens so_ much ap
plause, both on the occasion of the public
trial and at various subsequent times, when
I repented them at my father's - instance
'frotivltqabledrr , ourpik3ui.;=an
business, in short, was so . pleasant to Me,
that I had for &onto years aiterwardsic ;
design of applying in earnest, for tymitost
of Attorney-General. Tito dutie(of that
-Mlle° 1 had already_proyed_to tre - quite light,
and I understood it to be a position of con
siderable emolument. Omitting, however,
go in for the appointment at once, and to
idd_ofan rtor tune nt-thellood_Tuir:
committee (on ‘ , ..tose- testimonials had
ehigily relied) was broken up, and I have
never since seen niy way to, apply for_ the
next vacancy with any chance of success.
This, however, is a digression,, fur tvh eh
I beg pardon. 'lt was of Deddjugton
wished 4.0 speak.
Of tho Church, the -Odd Fellows'
the Teniperanco Hall, I have already spoken.
What more could any one wish? Well,'
dbesides these, there were the chapels, ; --
dilbene'zer,tothodist: and Rante'rs, for ire
Were great chapel people nt Deddington.
And is if these were not enough, you had
only to walk two miles out of Deddington
.before yoil came .to.the Captain's mansion,-
which was generally admitted to bo the
finest structure anywhere outside the Ara
bian Nights; as, indeed the Captain, himself
.was.tho ihniskand the,must imperious gen-.
such _to
me whonl,livaa:there twenty, years ago:
and its pcopfirwero a high, superior Caco,
suited to their place of abode. •
• 'I was.told by Ted Tyler tilat the Captain
c;nce got a boy Coven- years'ltransportation
formoVaking his hat': off, quick , onough
When ho met him, or fbr putting , it on again
before the, Captain was out of sight, I for
get which. And though no one also was'
quite sohigh as the Captain, I reniember
-one-ortWo-rotired-drapers-and_grocerd, who
lived outsige_tlio town, 'to' whom' I Moked
up with an OM •whichlm oiih olso, however
exalted, hits .ever since succeeded in, inspir
ing within mo. •
Ttvo houses in the, town wore conspicuous
above - the reSt.• .On of ,tho:n: was ,called•
i.Myrtle Licitiso!! (not that,• there ~ were
myrtles ,near 4,, which , indeed, were, as rare
as turtles in.thitt,part of the country), and
was thic,"residarico of Miss Bellamy,
~ • .
Myrtle Hoithe wt9 l the. largest:i:Mee. in
thmtown, sgtuire, steno building;'
witlya front nearly all windows, and.n porch
with line polished marble.
:Miss Bellamy n iticly'of
great wealtb: , .Her father had : been,. many
years,priviously,,a successful iittrister, and
alto,. his only,chilkhad ,succeeded
fortune, while yet young. An earli,disap-'
pointment, some said, inability in the male
Sex:ip llnd courage to propose to
an4 suiglo. thoro was 4vory. prosiect
Of,keirlATOPlPg..: • • -
For, indeed, whenahe Walked out on fine
days with her footman bohind her, and beg
lapdog beside hor, or when;' on wet days,
she brought . out her big carriage, (fo; she
'kept a' earrings, and oven visited at ttie
tain's at long intervals,) ho would have been
a bold man who, seeing her, could havo Con
calved the notion of making an offer of mar ,
riagoto Miss ,Bellamy.
--The other house-of the two was the house:
of my uncle. It was'not nearly so grand as
Myrtle llduse, and it had no special naiiie of
its own , being merely known as "Lawyer
Diboll's, in Broad street;"...but it was n good,
Mbstantlitl house, mach bigger than most Of
the other hetiges in the'town. • .
Externally tho most remarkable .thitm•
about it was- that the front door• was ap,
preached byim'series of steps,—quite along
flight it seemed to me,—with a band-rail
beside them for safety. *)1.d .. 0 my uncle
Ilkinself_happened-to-be_:—=dc sem - tied-to-be,-
which-was-the samo thing •the tallest man
Whom I had ever, up to, that time, seen go
ing about loose, I imagined the steps had
been-put-thero - tomssistilie - iin ;ages wl
nature had given him in getting a good view.
of the surrounding country.' He was my
father's younger brother,—Ohristiun name.
Thomas,—mrfatber's being William. And
while I 'am naming names I might as wdl,
on the chance of the reader's caring to hear
it, name my own.' It, also IS, as my futhe.'s
was, 'William Enoch ; At that time I add
ed."lttn." to it; but.that, alas! is no - mngor
necessary, my deur old 'senior having' been
gone thes'emanY years to the dear Wife who
had gone before him, and whomi hardly
over knew, and to the dear lads and- girls
(all gone too„ except me) wino were, I hope,
better children to him than over I have
been-. - - • -
Thomas -- Etioch, - my - unele; -- ores - be - was .
more con - intonly called, "Lawyer Enoch,! .
was a prosperous man; and if honesty and
goodness of heart,"(iiid strict integrity de
weed prosperity, he had only his just wages.
His practice had been a large had_ lucrative.
one (chiefly conveyancing) for ninny years..
and abyot did time Ileft_lleddington_he,had
ac mated my cousin Tom his son ; to a share
of the businds, which ho hoped soon - to hand
deer to him entirely.
Btit What is our life? Is it not even a va
por Toung:Tom (so' healthy and strong ho
always looked) died years ago. Cousin Jam
died within a yea of him, and Charlie-with
almost asi short an. interval,
It has happened that almost every . visit•l
avo paid to my native town since rill:A left
it had bcdn on an death." Mound
after mound in the little churchyard, and a
long row of tombstones, first our own branch
of the family, then of my uncle's gives the
dates of my journeyings:
When I went three months ago, though I
wenton a very pahiful errand, it was a posi
tive relief to Ism to think I was not going to
is funeral. • •
It was, midday when-. 1 arrived, and - mae
sorted as compared with the old boyish days.
There were the old ciirriers' tart; there were
stalls (butchers' stalls and the like) scattered
here and therein_thostreet,..aLwhich their
owners waited patiently for the customers
Who stayed aWity as - patiently. I thOught I
noticed hero and there in It stranger's face
some traces of an old school- fellowts features;
end I tow and then, but not often, the stran
gers looked hard at'me as if they, too, had
some suspiCion of old acquaintance.
The church, though still a goad one, did
not larik so palpalAylt cathedral as I used to
think; nor indeel I was ashamed to admit.
was its
/ architecture without suspicion of
The Temperance Hall wasc.though I could
hardly. believe it, converte,..4 into an iron
founder's . casting-shed.
The Qtl4.lelloival_fiall.whe - ther the ad
jacent houses had been raised or It had been
lowered and Shortened—looked externally
only like one of a row of houses of very mod,
orate- tretension,
'Bioad Street belied its nakne, and looked,
in fact quite narrow. ,
I met the Admiral's eaari:nge (ho was pro
moted.from Captain long tinjhago.) - I kept
on rny - hat;tind though thiee months have
elapsed no proceedings have vet been 'taken
against mo. -
Passing Myrtle _House, I happened to
strike my stick against one of the fine pol
ished marble pillars._ The ring was un
mistakably wooden,—and indeed „the paint
sadly wanted renewing, •
--I,Vhen7 reached my uncle's house it was
no longer a surpr'se to me to find bnly four
steps at the door instead of the old ffight . of
ferty'or .fifty, and to find in him, instead of
the very tallest man, a man who hod never
been ver . l.tnuch,ahove the average t licight,
and - who now, nt severity-two ) , stopped a lit
tle with years, 'arid mormvith the weight
of trouble's that had beef_ aid Upon - Min.
said the occasion of this visit of mine to.
DeddregTon, though not a funeral, was a sad
one. -on shall judge. • . .
My uncle, in the long practice of his pro
lessien," muds a good .deal of money; and in
the early-. port of his career, when he hod a ,
famil y about loin, he°wOs Very careful to in
ereaSo his - %"vings. Of latter Years, when
successive bereavements had left-him only
eas•daughtor; -- Ada, to eare-for, ho thonght
less and less M . ' money.- Ho gay.o Very gob., not only throOgh
lie institutions, but by many assCU - rot charity,'
Wbur'er,, his right .hand not of his loft
ba - nWs; hoUnty.. • Many n .Christmas
r hoard
'Hooked oppbtizlngly; ivhiph,, but for hie open
eiljtacl', would have boon bare. 'Many o grate
in..nian'Y a cottage, onfilanya•wintor's
bUrnt With; a';rndily : glare,--which; but for
him. would hav•e•hOen black'toid cold. And;
beyond this, ho 'spent liberally :'upon his
- housennd claughtor.—Uie liorie - ,Was noted
fur away for. the perfect histO and elegafieO of
its•egalptuunte.' From-attic to •cellar•it was
',bis pride to haveeVorything lso coniplete . ancl
as-good n's money' 'could' nudes) H.. ' • •
" 4 . - You AOII have quito onouglii
whoa havo . apent all Leap tn.this'
bo.tvOulA say, :"to auttko the "risoinalt,n,'Uftor
o reel f, Ilia trouble was' that
I\tronoy. woo not able to -Inii.anyt)ling, quite
gpad enough. for bor. liar littlepbmton end
nn Aiding;, but it : wild not nearly-good
~Opougb. Bo" itoikkotstiavbor„
• : . •.- - ~. .„ ..._...
v• ••• i-.. \ --i . ,
.... -...
'Piano, her harp, ber love -birds in their gild
ed cage, her wonderful Pomeranian; "IreIly"
(which took the , first prize at the dog show
year by-year, as a. matter of course 7`all
thtiso {9ero good; were, indeed, of tiiii . very
best, but were not good enough; he said,—
..not half, good enough.
For Ada was the light of his life, in whom
and for whom alone he any longer eared to
live. _
She herself declared she-had given up all
sops of the men overrunning after her, 'find
already regarded herself as the legitimate
sticcessorid-Miss Bellamy in the honors of
'old 'niaidenhood at Deddington....TiVe'-and
twenty, already, papa, and not yet engaged,"
she used to say; "Pin afraid I'm a bad lot.
I shall go and ask Miss Bellamy whistle the
best thing for rheumatism at my time
of life, and see if she can exchange my Islelly
for a respectable, well-conducted
-if--Miss--Bellamy happened - to - ‘ - driveTatge - at .
such a time, she would make a great pre
tense of beckoning to her and asking. these
questions,, but al ways took.,good_cUra.not_to-
let that lady see her Motions.
In these demonstratiOnS against, Miss Bel
lamy her papa, she noticed; never pined,
but, indeed, always deprecated them, and
seemed to have a singulartrespeet.and defer
ence for that lady, which was unaccountable„
seeing that they never, under any circum
"stances, visited each other, and, to Ada's
knowledge; had not oven spoken .to each
other for many years.
"Old maid, indeed," be would answer her,
"I never feel sere, until you come into
breakfast, that you have not eloped in the
And of course Ada, though not engaged,
had not reached five-and-twenty without
having the chance to be so. The simple fact
that she would not leave her father,
mid was cold to all advAnces, and that, as he
seemed to find all his happiness in her, she
was content to devote herself wholly to him.
It must be now about five years since my
uncle gave up to his two chief clerks the
business which, if I had bad the good luck
-to be-a-lawyer instead cif ri ci 'Ol engineerhe
would have given up to me. And- frau that
time-ho and Ada became more and more to
each other. lie took to travelling with her a
great deal from place to place. lie typed
all his investments into the simplest chan
nels, 'so that his income might dome to him,
whether from rents, or stocks,, or mortgages,
with as little trouble or anxiety to himself
its possible. In fact he sethis house imoider
that he might wait in peace for the day 'of
his departure.
The only exception that lie made in his
determination to be rid of business was, that.
for two years or upwards ha yielded to solici
.CoUnty Bank. It is now about two years
and a Half since he carried out, however, his
long-announced intention, and rysighed his
seat. He was persuaded tit the same' time,
neverthbless, to keep his shares, lest his bale
of them should danprgarfreebneern, in Which
he still had every confidence. ~
-,_ Up to that time I had myself had a few
shares in' the bank. 'But, on resigning, he
wrote me that so long as he had been on the
board he had considered himself in some sort
the responsible guardian of my interest, but
now he could no longer advisamie what to
do with my money. lie would merely say
that up to that time he knew the concern to
be thoroughly sound, and to be. earning
year by year the good / dividends it paid,
Now that he was leaving,-there was-to be new
blood infused into the board, and a new man
ager was to take the helm who was ambitious
to ex ten &Hi pir bus i oess..arni..und e.Etalte trans.,_
notions of much greater magnitude than they
had formerly taken in. hand. I must use
my own judgment, he said, and continue a•
shareholdur or not, as./-tbetigt best. •
Well, it happened just at th t time that a
favorable chance presented itself for me to
enter into partnership with my present part
ners, so I sold out my shares in the bank
and found employ_rnentio.r_ney_mone.y_in_
- b - o - iing so I confess, not without
many regrets at withdrawing from so flour
ishing a concern, and many migivings as
to whether I should ever again have from
my savings so coinfortable an addition to my
income is I had had till then."
These regrets ceased, and were exchang
ed for a profound thankfulness, when a year
ago, the new manager absconded; and it
'was found, that he had con:03140 1.1,:n; bank
to liabilities which rendered' it perfectly in
solvent, and involved the ruin of nearly
every shareholder in it.
• But my delight at my own escape was sad
ly tempered by regret that my good old un
cle was fatally involved in the great catax
truphe. ' •
The bank being on the
,principle of un
limited liability, of course those sharehold
ers who'had money had to make good the
dellcieneies of the poorer proprietors, and ,
Thomas ,Enoch's wealth was liirt a_.drof
in: the bucket of the ovewhiiiming - commit
rnents.cif the bank.
For a while it was hoped—as it always is
hoped on such occasions—that the concern
would be wound,mii without calling on the
shareholders Jp, , contribute Inure • than the
capital they had already:paid up.'
But a few montlii , proved the groundless
ness of such a Nape, and such of the 11 bura: ,
holders as were more abundantly endowed .
with prudence thanhonesty, enticipated the
calls Of the official ligiiidators by 'eventing,
and leaving those to 'bear the: buiden of
debt'Whosn.sense of honor refused to allovi
them•ttrfollow such examples. " •
Dly unclo stood: it out to - last,', aux..;
rendOred everything. ho. possessed - tbo
eieditors, andsaiv himself utterly bankurpt,
in all but his'iniegrity. '
Thisvisit of noise) to Deddington; in fact,
was 'enable mo i t:o be present atthis!anlO,Of
all his household / etre*, and to buYiniiiain
at - -the auction; for hie use and Ada 4 6 -,
thlthp as . 'beould i3co - taken - 11'04.0MA'
ee'adn . g,:a it Was in poer'powei 'to pro
, , ,
vent It.- But, nliapptiy, it' was lint . 11ttlo
'could do, my means being inueit limn)
limited than
.• .
It wa§ Ada who.opened the door for me
SIM was obeeiful, and .iesiinea' to her 'al
to - red lot; thinhiOg Indeed enlyof tier fathei
ne l e etiOrned to think-only-Of hOr. '
She had plans Of 'her
Was that= plan' of all \vol-educateid,' needy
la - diticro - itilartlfo7SlCtiatialibt a -- governess.,
As for liar father, slid Ainow not, and' , hg
knew not, What W to bo done; but. liey
TRlziwn.--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 wititin the year.
did not doubt that some friendly door would
open to bim, and
"Ile that doth the moss food,
Yea s provideatlalti caters forthe sparrow,
Be - comfort to his ago."
'Nor need I.saY that a . friendly door" was
set opento him that night, and that he very
frankly, accepted the shelter of my town
lodgings until happier Alays -should •ebme.
Ada meanwhile, badaccepted .the invi
tation of a - friend - a - few - miles away "to'stay
a few weeki with her; Wand thus the two
*ere to be parted for almostothe first time
in her life.
I think the prospect of this separation,
pained them more that night than the loss
of all their pesseisions. They sat all the
evening clltsped in each other's arms. And
she pilloived hit head upon her breast, as
be bad sopften pillowed hers.
,%ts took me through tho .rooms, and e
very dreary round it was. The stair carpets
_were up„and_so were the bedroom-carpetsr
- The boards were marked by the print of
dirty feet, , for the elegant • and, superio , -
-household furniture and effects had been on
-- . -
Townsfolk who had never
crossed the threshold. before had been
*through every room in the house save ono.
Brokeits from ShiretoWu had sounded all
the chairs and tables and bedsteads. Every
thing was 'ticketed and numbered for the
sale, on the morrow.- Lot 842 was the gild
ed cage With Ada's love-birds, and Lot 870
was '‘'Nelly.", L 4 420 was her - harp, and•
Lot 421 hor piano. These things I marked
for my own.; - Lots 590 to 674 inclusive wore
my uncle's bookP, done up in bundles of
about half-a-dozen, irrespectiVe of subject.
I looked through these, and. noted it tew
parcels which contained his fat authors.
I noted the number of Some few choice piec
es of furniture, and then we returned to . the
- little roorn - where - my.uneld sat looking in
to the fire. He and Ada had sat there all
day, keeping the door locked,' while the
_tramp of footsteps` went on outside.
We did not sit long, however, before my
uncle went off in low spirits enough to his
bed. But Ada and I sat later side by sido
(on a favorite little couch),and_there--cve
had a conversation we are not likely to for
gets- Indeed we sat. and talked so long that
ii'''ivas morning before I went off to my rest
ing place, which she told me I should find
in Lot 127.
And-I wish I may never have a worse
lot than I found it. It was a good bed,in
which I had slept mania time before, and
I jotted it down as oho of the things I must
try to buy,-aloniwith-the little couch:----Bur
aman does hot find-.sleep-in-the- downiest
pillowunlesa,he takes it with him, and I
did not sleep ihat night.
Indeed,ae:;llreaklast-iime, -we none of us
looked much refreshed. And when the
_to.irosiolk_began-to-Come-in -again - for-their
vieW, it cost us some little effort to
rouse ourselves into decent spirits. Ada
went off- to a neighbor's to be out of the
sound of _the - auctioneer's-hansmer._ My.
uncle, however, Put on a cheerful counte-.
nancei -- stayed - at - harne, - and -- went stick-in
band, from room to room, and told the real
value of this piece of furniture and that to
friends whii wished to' purchase, and won
good-will and sympathy' in his misfortune
as he-had von respect and esteem in his
Amongst others remain old Miss Bellamy.
My uncle saw her coming up the stairs, and
draw-Pieback into a bedroom till she passed
and so kept of her sight till she had gone
from room to room, slowly, through all the
house, and loft it again.
After her came, in a little while, two re
spectable looking men, strangers to the town
brokers, it-was whispe'red;Troin London,—
round of the
house,-note•book - in hand, - chose for them
selves seats in front,-near the auctioneer's
desk, and the hour of sale being close at
.. hand, made it very,clear that they had conic
-with decided intentions of doing business.
Strange how elastic,is the spirit under
trouble. As the Bale went on, and my un
ele saw first Ono piece of furniture and tiv.i
ide . F -- tibi -
ie-hammer;—his spirits
rose, and he became very cheerful and live
ly, He chuckled and rubbed his hand.
when things went for more than he had giv
on for them, although it put no penny in
his pocket, he Lock it as a high personal corn•
pirmentthat the two London brokers should
have come to Deddirigton. “There is 001
another liousi3 irfthetown. they would have
come to," be said. And when ho found
that nearly everything was being knocked
down either to them or, to other .strangers
whom no one knew, be began to think the
fame of his good taste must have spread
very widely..
In fact the townfolks got hardly anything.
It soon became apparent that the stranger.
meant to hate it all their own way, and.
when once or twice &townsman, baring set
his mind on some particular article was.
allowed to got it after it had been rup up to
about double its value, townspee&.becantc.
very shy •of bidding, and had it not been
that there were two or three sets of these
foreign brokers, the front-seat couple would:
have.,had .all at their own price. Indeed
as it was the prices-of the early part of the
sale were not maintained. Sr.the strangers
played into oath other's bands after awhile
and spared each other's purses.
... It was'somet little surprise to MO that
`none of them bid against Inc for the few hits
I lied marked, and that they all fell to me
, at less than- half their value. • '
HOpkiris, - iho butler, who' baillived with
My uncle forty yeanqhaving Como slable
boy).„ made two.or thtoo bids at ono lot and
got it,. that lotiDoing thebtass' door plate,
With my tinewnume - on it.• Ho did not bid
tit anything else, but wrapped this up
carofully and Wont'off with it..
44 You'll - 'Myer make . money of thnt ' bar:
gain, Hepkini,P , said mymnoio; but no ono
oleo joked :the old , toanoopOn.i his riurebase.
was a two days':salin and when all Nvas
Oyer, it,wat actually inand that nine.tenths
of the gooda.Whieb'bad been sold; had
come the property 'l4 home • hall dOnon ; :
etrongersond that thnia half dozon had all.
boon acting in concercib ? real: porohasoia,
of the' , whole being . qatnes: arid• Patchett,
themniinerit brokers in 0 - xfoid Street:.
Thoy,sald . thOy wouid need' . orders -
Lprion oid 'tnro
tbnii..purobaccs, whicli in themoan Mime
ih4 - 4ould - lin . end - 1r could';
r.Perhnii - woul4 tio willln
rn(tp: \bo
thorn at hit!erVio
'until troy,
BOA , •
2b friantliared in our nal r •
truths aro .'ten 'said in the fewest'
words. „.... — . _
for tyi, bostond provide against the
worst. • ,
TEMBERT C4rzrei fo'begin life'with fa 1k
capital wife. .
HAPPINESS Is something to hope for, and
something to love. .
Eysair man is occasionally-what-he ought
to be-perpetually.
Won't doe's not wear either men or women
go much as worry.. ,
.orwant to be hotter dressed than. that
when I go to-heaven."
THE person who is good for making exp.
ees is seldom - . good'for anittliug
HOW TO Tays.—Live tvltliiu your means, if
you Would have means within which to:live.
LITTLE THINGEL—IL is a great point of wis
dom to know how to intim=ate little things.
PRAYS/R.—Let bo the key of' the
warning and the b01t... oC the evening.—Mae--
. thew Henry. ..
Why is a married man like a candid—Be.'
cause he sometimes goes out at night whoa
he ough&not to,
WII'Y can not a gentlonian legally possese
a short - IyAlking-stiekr .Becanee it can never
. .
he-long to him.
WHY does a minister. have there Rives than
any one else? 'Because he often . marries a
couple at a time.
Stupid people mayeat, but shouldn't talk__
Their, mouths would 'do well as baßks of de
posit, but not notes of Issue.
how do you arrise at the hei
steepleMTa hoi'day7 Per4pire':
What comes after cheese 7—Mouse.
. •
We know a feed mother who is so exercised
between love and duty that she givel herboy
el.loroform before spanking him.
/WHAT 'stile difference between a chimney
bird, whipped by its mate, and Jonah? One
is whaled by . a SWellow, and - the other swal
lowed by a whale.
WIIEN wo picture—Abe hundred or more
.trunks that ladies trarel.wit!•, we cannot
help reflecting how happy, is, the elating'
whose wjfe when on a journey has only one
A LADY found °eta - Sion to call upon a den
tist to have her teeth filled. Among those
filled were tw.o.fnnt ones and when—in.
pleasant mood faUti shone with
smiles, while polished gold glittered from the
upper incisors. These wereobserved with
admiration by her little niece, who by and
by seriously remarked: "Allot Mary, I wish
' had copper-toed teeth like yours."
Whis — n - iill - T - Wenting at some pictures
in which sonic little nuked angels were
quite Conspicuous. She called the Utter'.
ion of our woe (Niigata.r -to them;
"Lizzie . , dear, ilyou are a good girl, and
go to heaven, you will be like these angels."
Lizzie looked up, with a lip that
_told at
once slie appeciate the promise, and
:---tA.IIIIYING - GArtes - . , --Stntlipy says iu One of
his letters: "I have told - you o the Spaniards
who always put on • his sydctaoles when he
oats Mierries, that-they might look the larger
and more tempting. :In like manner, I make
- , the-moat - of - my — enjoymentsd Tli - Oti r gh I
can not cast my_eares away, yet I pack them
,in as little. compass
. ns possible, and carry
them as conveniently as I can for myself, and
never let them-annoy -others. "-
•AN OUNCE.-A Scotch Highlander, a very
heavy Whisky drinker, took the pledge, and
wilted day by day thereafter. His physician
ordered him an ounce of whisky per day.—
Ho* much an ounce was Donald did not
know, but his boy consulted the arithmetic,'
qod found it was sixteen drams. "Hurrah."
shouted Donald; "go for Ivan Aiohl,John Roy
and Dougal Grant, and 'have a nigkt
it before I die."
AN A.-111:No-umir1--"Betsy, my dear," said
Stubbs, giving his wife a damaged pair of un
mention,abtus, "have the goodness, to mend
these, it will be Ile good as going to the
play to-marrow night." Mrs. Stubbs, tuott
her needle, confessing she could not see the
point, nrid Itsliecli"liow so? "Any, my dear,
you will see the Wonderful Itayets in the
pant - []-mine." Mrs. S. finished the job. ban.
de d back the unmentionable's, and said to
her' husband: "That is darned good."
THE following riaragraph will.betir reading
often. It is article ty Horace drerely:
Hunger, cold. rags, bard work, contempt,,,
liiffrdilifiedotinitely worse than them nil.—
And if it pleased God to spare either or all
of'my tions,to be the support and soloce.of my
declining years, the lesson which I should
have most earnestly nought tit — infrireitsC'
upon theni is: "Never run into debt! Avoid •
pecuniary obligation as you would pestilence'
and famine. If you have but fifty beuts,
and cat - get no more fer a weelc. buy a Peck
of corn, parch it and live on it, rather than
owe any man a dollar,
Guam: the "Black Hawk war" the inita" -
ltatA of the: little town of L— wore °tie'
morning alarmed by a motisettger.en
back, in hot haste, bringing,the intelligence
that the great chief was:encamped' on the
ICankakoe, some thirty miles distant. Tbitki
"millingtary", - Arere ordered under arnnyi. r
end due preparation made to receivo him or
rather to arrest his progress..
feeling himself not asectiy p_ostedrespeti4L
thc - onemyrcoughtlnformation of one,of Isle
brother officer:sin this wise: "Cap'on,
of the,lnjens are the mostEinvage, the hostile - ,
ones, or them that go on foot?" ThmCup'ea
imparted the requisite information, and CT.._
pressed the hopo that the Major might not klis';
caught and kept as a hostage by-tho mtMV,
deprecated .'Hawk" bolbrementloned.
Oen, limes titioutri BEAUTIFUL.;.;
Not only should we cultivate Such terni r ei l
as Serves to render the intercourse_of hotaiii 4
amiable-and , -affectionate, but we 'atteuid
strive to adorn it with those ahem's which
good sense and rdArienient, en easily impart,
to it. -Wo . say 7 easily, for, there are parser's,
- whii-think that_ a home cannot be bciefitted
Without a considerable ontlay of atoney . .--
ana l people are. in error." little in.
bare a neat'lloWeriar'den; and toeurrotuid'.
yolifilwelling..: with those :simple 'beauties :
which delight the eye far more than exiett. :
sive objelite'.. - Ifyou. Will let, the aunehltm , ,
and the dew adorEk your yard, they
.1741: . „410 !
More for you than any artist. Natitre delights
id beauty: ' She !Oro to r hrighten the hind'.
Scapa and make It agreeable' to the 'eye. -4,'
She , hitngd ivraround the ruin, and over thie '
Stump of a iiithered tree:twines the gradefUl
' 'Moe. A. iltblisand.. arts , sh . e . , practices, to
animate theisonse and please.. the.„mind.—
paltrier her examble, an d'do for yeturself what
digits afwt . tyo labeling to do for you. Beauty .
IS one:'of God's clime forms' of Power. We
never see cratiVe enOrgrwithout sordeil4ne
'beyond, Marc existence, Dickhence_tho
'universe ie a teitcher,andlneptror of beauty;
,Every man *as horn bean,artist,:ll4 ftlr
ttte apiavolsktiou of beatity II coacoyned.