I RATES OF-ADVERTISING:.' Enure one insertion; di subsequent insertion; , • oreuntila Advertisements, ,Notices, !along Cardi without paper, nary NOtiees and poramunka .one reletiWg' to matte's of pri =-: veto interests nione,'lOnents per . . . JO3 PRINTING,—Our Job .Printing .o i ftite ie the neatest and: most . eon:o9W establishment in - the Joutf:y: Four goodiresses,ntl a gonoral varlottef ,naterialsfilted for plain and. Fancy work.of ovory tlnd,enablos ttto.dd Job Prlnting . nt dho •sbortesk aotise,and on the mat reasonable terms. Pomona In want °flight, Blanks, or anythliw in the Jobbing i inn, will find it to theiiiatarest to give no a mill. 11 - 00FLAN_D'S Bn PE BOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS i ,_., AND Hoofland's German Tonle. _ yrepared by: Dr. _C. R. JACKSON,_ PIIILADPLPIIIA, PA.. The Great Remedies for all Diseases Or VIE -- - _ LIVER, STOMACH,-OR-.. • • DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Hoofland's German Bitters Is composed of the pure juices (or, ns they rue medial• sally termed, Ex ,-- r -- tracts) of . fleets, He rb (Land 13nrks, ik j(1 molting n preparn ties, highly concon , t;li tented, and entirely fres/rata Alcoholic , ... t^te.. , .admiettire..of -any hind. . . HOOFLAND'S. GERMAN TONIC, Is o combination of alt theingredicnta of the Bitters, with the purest quality of Santa Can Rota, Orange, etc., malting one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Thom preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic ad mixture, will use Hoofland's-Germaii -Bitters. In elms of nertous depreesion,' when come stimulus is necessary, • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC = The Bitters or the Tonic are both equally good; nod contain the same medicinal virtues. The stomach, from.nynrlety of causes, such as indi gestion, Dyspepsia,' : Nervous Debility, etc., is very apt to (0. have its functions deranged. The result of which is, that the patient suffers from several. or more of the following.diSenses Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour • Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of Breathing, Fluttering Fluttering at the Heart, • Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture,Diraness of Vision, Dots or Webs'before the Sight, • Dull Pain in the' Head, Dod oienoy of Perspiration, Yet= lowness , of the Skin and • I y e s, Pain in the Side, Baok,Chest, e •S dd . - F L u m hes t Of H uatßurn i Ln g in the Flesh; Constant Ijnaitinings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. Theca remedies will effectually cure' Liver Complaint, 4 Jaundlec, Dyspepsia,-Chronic or Nenmus Debllity ()Imola Diarrhcca, Mucosa of the Kidneys; and ad Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, titomach, or Intestines. 3D - E33I3LI'TIL, Resulting. front any Cfauge- whiitovor; ,RftOSTRATIOX_ induced by .Severe Labor, Hard ships, Exposure, Foyers, oto. There - is no medicine extant equal to these remedies in such eaves. A tone and vigor le imparted to the whole System, the --. Appetite is Strength ened,tood is enjoyed, jr r cum= ingests promptly, the blood 4 . • Is purified the com plexion becomes sound and healthy, The yellow tinge Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom Is given to the cheeks, and the - weak mid nervous hi. Valid becomes a strong and healthy being. - Persops Advanced in, Life, And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon thein,with all its attendant ills, will find in the use of this BITTRS, - or the„..TONIO, en elixir that will , Instil new life Into thee vakik, restore in a measure the energy, and ardor of more youthful days, build up -- their ehiunken forms; and' giro health and happiness to their remaining years, N9TICE: It Is a well.establishecciact that folly onc.liiirof tho female portion of our ,---. population are eel - dom in the enjoymentj I of good health; or, to two their own ex Vk pret,sion, "newts feel well." They are Inn gold, devoid of all energy, cation:loy nervous, and halo Ito appalls!, To this class of persona the BITTERS, orJ tho TONIO, is especially moat-amended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN __Are_mado_atrongpy_thauso.of elthecettlecc_rerneclies. — They - 1011 cure every cued — of TrAITASMIIKThAttioIit falL • • Thousands of certificates have accumulated in the bands. of tho - proprictor, but spsce will allow - of - the publleatlon of but a few, Those, It will ho observed, acumen of note and of such standintillat they must be biglove,l, TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Cleo. W. Woodward. Chief Justice of the Supreine-Ccuvf of Pa., writer; Ph tirdelphia, tfarch.lo, 1867. . "I End 011oolland'u Gorman Bitters' a good tonic, useful A . , In diseases of the digestive organs, and 2 4 %, of great benefit 10 mews of de - Willy, and • I, '" - want of nervous ac• lion In the Nyotem. , Yours truly, GEO. W. WOODWARD:" Hon. James Thompson. :wipe of the Suprenie - Court ~Qf'Pen`nayTv4ni4: Phi/adelphin, April 28, 1860. "Iconilder - iFfoofland'S German Bitters , n. valuable medicine in case of attacire of Indigestion orflyapopsio. /can certify title from my experience of .It. Yours, will, respect, From Rev. Joseph'H. Kermard, D, D:i Pastqr of the reilth Baptist Chrtrch t PhiladeZphla. 'Dr. Jackson—Dear Sir :'I have been !re:plenty re quested to connect my name with recommends ons of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the prac tice se out of my ap proprlate sphere, have in all cans chned L but :with_ a lenr proof .111* wart . sus instances grid —particularly—in—my- ' usefulness of Br. llooflanv German Bitters, I depart for ones from my usual .course, to express my full conviction that, for general debility of the system, and especially for Liner Complaint, it is a safe and valiiabls preparation. In some cases It may fall; but nsnally,l doubt not, it mill txe y ery beneficial to those who suffer . from: the above causes. - - . Tours, very resliectfully, illghtb below Coates pt. • `From noir,' Attestant Editor Chrittiari c7ol2nklci Phflale/phia . . , . I have delived - le eldedhohelltircan the unto( Upot• , land's German Bitteta, end. feel It My privilege l tort. commend them as a moat valuable Oulo, fp all.who are Bulletin - Et from geeeml' debility prlana &deems arising from dertlngiaLent of thajlvor. Ircara truly, _ • • • - ' .E. D. TENDISJA6,..:. 'Cmir;riow. . lloolland'adermpn lieniedlesain counterfeited: 'Hee , that thashroature of 0. M. JAVIESON to on the wrapperl of each bott 1 All others ore cone I trefoil. , „.,. • Principal_ Onlco .and Manufactory at the GerrnanModlclne Store, ' , l?. 031 AR9ld liltroo4 s•, • ilinA,XtLgß mikiaiiity . • • • ,•• German Druggia_taroirlate4 ' gorniqly 0. Al. Jsrucedla FOY splii bsrAll'Artigitie.ts and 70etderti : — .Zoavid'iaterman Ettore, par bettlo o'oo ° boll dozen 6 00 linlidend'el*np*Tonln4l4,lll;ilnAtuvrOntilde;l.ag • . -- " - 100, • rgr Da , , ii6stAtiVta iitmmmo 14eII Rip 4 410 sitP thmAiii*A94101.01..04W....1. . . ' 01 00 i 60 26 00 4 00 - 70 VOL:, 68i I RHEETit& DUNBAli;•Ediidt's Eirld • ‘ i PROFESSIdIiI4'9.4IOX', A DAM' KELLPA; Aitorney.6l;La'sv A Carllia, Pit: • Moo renrorto '164; Ilhaom's vial, sept 27 67-Om* - M.•IVIIKKLY WEAKLEY &_SADLER. A TTORNEYAT LAW, Office No 18 Moth - rstroqt Catilelo ' ndvl,s 67. C. P. 111114.1111C1L WM, B. HUIVIRICH*& PARKER..' A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on lg Main St., in Marlon Hall, Carlisle, Pa. • • G. M. BELTZHOOVER ATTOINEY AT LAW, and Real ..I.:stato Agonl, Shopherdstown, IVeht 41y-Prompt attention given to all busincOd in .lelTor. eon County and the Counties adjoining It. .BELTZHOOVER,. Attorney ,at Idnv 011Ico In South Hanover etrbet,opiOslto .730nt 4 V0 drysood storoCorlleio, - • '. „ TAMES A. 'DUNBAR, Attorney nt TAW, dirllPle, Po. Wilco In No. 7,,Rbennes YulY 1, 1841--ly. T. B. ZEIGLER Attorney at L6.3i, J Paint Paul Ifinnerota. Communications from East-prope'rly reapondellto. . :.Ttj an-3m , • - ID. ADAIR, .Attorney •At Law, c v Carnal°, Pa. bffica with A. B. Sharpe, Esq., No, 17, South Hanover Street. May 17-Iy. - : - JOSEPII RITNER; Jr., Attorney at Law and Snrroyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on Bail Bona Street, two doors north of the Bank. rep... Business promptly-attended to. July 1. MA. • TNO. C. GRAHAM, Attor n ey at Law, of Carlisle, ra. Office formerly occupied ,by Judgo Graham, South Hanover street. _ • • • September-3;lga. r MILLER Attorney at Law. I t y a Office in riannon's building immediately op posite the Court llouPe% 29nov 67-ly AW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA ILIOLAUGIII:IN, Attorney at haw, Pince In the mum formerly occuplud by Judgo Graham July 1, 1864-Iy. ' C HERMAN, Attorney at taw Onrlisle, Pa., No. 9 Itheern'ti 1100. IMM=9 Q . A:11U1 4 31, •11 BU RN, Jr,, K) at i.maa 0111. co with Ilon. Sismu,i) [rept St. ellyjisl o _Pjx,. 3 uly 1, 1804. WILLIAIII KENNEDY, .Attonley ilt, Law, N 0.7 South Market Scluake, Panne: - April 19, 1867-Iy. • viT M. B. BITTM — , Attorney at ttov -v - and United States Claim/ . Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pa. Peosionn, Bounties, Dank Pay promptly collect ad. Applications -by niidLttill receivo humedlato-at, ten tion. end tho proper blanks fortvarted. -- - No fee, requireduntil the claim is Settlitd. Feb. 14115, rB67—tf.l efA, DR. GEORGE. S.: SEA _ILYRIGIIT, Dentist, from the Balti• Moro Collage of Dontal Sni.gery. ,MOMco at the residence of his mother, East author sirset, three doors below Dodford. • July 3, 1.864. NV: NEIDICII, D. D. S.- ' Leto Demonstrator or Operative Dentistry of VI, 1 1 3 . 41 n tl t r i o t e ir College o eu 1117r Y e ;1 en e • ,p3o u s i l y t te7Vitlr I lel l, West Mein street, Carlisle, Pa. nit. HARTZELL, Allopathic Physi cian 31111 Acumen.... having permanently to noted in Leesburg, Cumberland -county. Pu., respect fully offers his professional services to the public. Special attention given to diseases of women and chit dren. It EI:MiII:NOES. .10TM th OLICIi, N. D. Waytesbong Dr. SA)I UEI, (1..1,AN Chambersburg. Ilan. NI). trePlTEllSON,Oettytburg, I.: 4 AAC SNIVEI.V. NI. D. WayiSoboro. S: D. FROUTZ, Waynt:shico. N. D. Always found . In Ills olll7e7ntheit not el herwls. prf,f.tionally engaged. Juno 21—tf. •••. HAS AND Cr • m ft HATS AN" CArS, Do you ltMlit ft /Lief, Hut or. Cap If so, don't fail to call on -.J. G. CA.LLIO,, Ito.. .20 , IV a.t a Stroo t-,' Whew) cn n HATS AND CAPS, over brought te - Carlitle. - lie ialtargreat - pleasure in Inviting hie old friends and Oustomora, and• all new ones, to his splendid stock.just rocolved .tront Noir York and Philadelphia, consisting do part aline . -SILK_AND_CLABSIMERE HATS,..,. Besides an cordless variety of flats Add Caps of the latest style, all of which , will sell 'let' the Lowest Cash Prices. Also. his owes manufactuire of lists al ways on harm], inset, • . Hats' Ifamtfachtrott.to•Oreer. Ha leas 'the -best arraugemenefor coloring fiats and all kinds of Woolen Goods, Overcoatil,,, shOrtest notice (ns he-colors eyory lypillr) and o he most reasorialfic terms.. Also, a dno lot •of ehoio orands of • . •• TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on hand. Ile •desifes to call the 'attentlon of persooswlio have • , COUNTRY FURS •• - • ' . • • To sell, nn he pays the highest • rash prices- for . the Give him S airovoisurnlM - r, - hie old stand, as lie-feels confident of giving entire satisfaction"' • -july1•1 ,67 • - -, • - "MESH. ARRIVAL . . . Ofairthe,Neio AND' of 0 • ,1 1. .. . , , ---, • ''' ''''ELL'l'S Alit) . CAPS.'.. , ' • ' .... 1 • Thu' Sixbserlbor ban 3 iird oisitied, at •170. 15 , • liortli Ilaugsp,§t, a few, doOrti North of tato Corliolo Deposit Dank._ ono of tho larpoitt 'and bast 'Audi: Of ICUS' dr, CAM's - rm . offered In Dartislo., t • ",;••••1 •,,,, •,,,t...2,. • 'JAMES TIIMIPSON..- . . . . . . Shit Hots, eassliiiiiira:-Of all , styles and Stiff Srlmit'differeht colon., and 'every delatrlptlon of I Soft flats now tondo. The llunkard and old fashioned , brush, kept constantly on hand and condo to order; I all warranted to gtvo HAM:Lotion. ANS a.oflfoollt of STRAWITIATS,-31otabtitioy'standshildrohhi.faney 2 I 11a319-464_addlliUnly_sRolc,flotlarie.of_dIfferont_ I coilidatirig Of ' Ladles and:lf/61Si Stockings, NoCkAlas, gloros,,Sonolls. Throftd, florins Silks, Sus-. penders,Nmbrollite, /M., • Primo: Sags and TobaC66, - oh ms ore. band.' .". :u : o it: .. • Olye me a call and mumble my stock, go feel con fident Of pleasing; Moildds saving you rildnef.: l' " ; • •!, t.. . I: ,;:,JOIIN A. ILELLES, 31.myG7 „ • No. 1.6 'Korth Ilanover'St.' 0 AID*ELL 1a,0.;M =le • infisortatiori '•' 4,' Nbr! ithAlby • - , - "OHRI:STMAS F9lt TTIE PEE SENT' SNOBE, to whioh ttiey~ most' rostaatfully invite Oa ottontlon of thosh visit Ink -Pbllatiolphls, suggesting an darly Nell, ,bofore the chola/it artiolog aro soluctea,-end • the hurry '_of ollday business provoke that- catofill - aiontln • tiny i '4oBlre eat/mast' tt/' all ILOIr viatorsto 'MO stool' . or .; , ivAireugu. p.14,1+101)13, JEWELRY. SILVERWARE 'ELNYEWVISOOS; CLOCKS:BRONZES' '";.' cvdr,k glared. Ole: seasop 'House, tweeds l A rlcheess, variety and beauty, the tilforts - Of any.previoutyear. An oaan t inattohaif odr. 'pods .cannot but prove ,Intoreall to parties, I r ate, 'the pou'iitty, - 4hd.aro•mest cordially Atilt our itatalliebteedo respecting g oods and prices, will receive careful awl' l'Oompt'attention. Goode carefully paelea•andiToic -e w er aoth---vnieFa—onwetuKitimucitn -- 1•' 0 713 . 11/7. • T 1719 TIMES EMBE 'aVlEsti , t, CA.I.DWBLL ISt: 604 % -, ,:" . Isto 822 011etitigl3frei*"PtiilhdelPh'iti: 11 -:180ot•pm;3. ME • 1 ;!• I= 1111SORT)LAINEOUS. ,),, ) ,1 • NE ,~aa . r: vnu ri,A K , vov Lc~ii;s, ;; ; ~ ~., MIMI " Itktzfi?, _ ; 5111rf MERE `,PrOtzrOA::tj ,:THE ,faOLDEN ' • • • „ . ; '; • ••-;;. , nr ar..4...sh??)tre. i , !•:• • • • '" There "In'ninnY'et:re'st In the rend or 11fo, ' = . . r, If mfe•irould'oidy 'etop' to ; ; . 1, , • • ; I.And FtulttY N Mho from tllollattorltakti; , lf the Ingrnleue hoar! would inaledtl ;• 10 tho stingy non', that ie fulfor . h . ripe;, • trneLneerTetletb", ; • Tho g>;us4le gioeti rind theiloworn tiro brigltt,' • ; • ' ; •.* Though' the Winton storm prow Lila'', • ;; , • , . lintter'te'hopii thonsh 'cloudG henglew, And to keep the Oyes still lifted; • ' For the myna blue: elcy will Goon peep through, • 11 on;tll949lnois clouds are rifted, • ThereArnsneyer . eight without' - Cir- ne-erenlng withonr amorning; ' And the darkest lions; int the proStorb gees, • the iidur•before the downing, Mara is lanai rtgent 1n tho prith of , aro Pass In our Idle plemure, • " That iiriehorfat-than•thejetvelod crown . •'• treasure; Or a mother's prityor,to beat;on, :Or only a beggar's grateful thanks!, , ' For n cup of water Batter to weave in tbo web of 11113 • • A bright and golden And to do God's will with a reedy heirt; And bands Motor° swift arid - Than to melt the, delicate, minutelhicade Of our curious • iife sounder, the • n blanio heaven far the tangled ends, • • And sit and grieve and wonder. SELECT TALE. THE STROKE OF A PEN. CHAPTER I A. father and son stood together in the boW-window-nfrit=l.s - dgiiigFhoiiiiiit'llythe. - Tle tall, soldierly figure of th'e fatiter leaned against the sloping panels, and 41:0 waslook ing out over the sea with an expressiO.n that seemed partly grief, partly embarrassment. An old Indian veteran, Captain Seton's face was bronzed by exposure to climate, but his blue eyes were still both bright and soft, and his hair, thougligiay, was thick and glossy. HAS son closely resembled him, but his ox rassion was perhaps n thought less pleasant t - father's, and the mouth a trifle veal:or, while his face lacked the dignity onfek_red_by-Capt-Seton!g_thiclegray-beard rho son was speaking. . MEM ". - You saw -Dr.-Malcolm this morning, father ? 1 \ What didto say , was afraid to commit himself, of course.\' Ilancy the truth is it may la . st for days yet, I wish L could stay, but -it is quits impossible. 'Not that,[ suppose he will be conscious agiiii; - Mit one would have liked to bo with hitn,t,tthe. ()ed.—Toon/el , Idwl" and tears stood'in tho bright blue eyes; There waSsilonco'for a minute or two, rind then Captain Soton Helen is I' How she has nursed him ! I beliMm she has hardly had an -hour's slemisineerhe svastalcen ill Mary ought, to have come to her, the son "I think so," rojoii_Od Captain. Soton " but since her, mother's death I have never understood Mary. I sometimes think she is so strong herself that she has lost all um': pnthp-vzith weakness, and I do believe' she thinks all grief is \Lonkness. However, she is prepared to receive Helen, ancryou must do the bestyou can for her when ho is gone.. I'M afraid all the business matters will come upon you, lop, till I can get' back." " The whole M I the 'property comes to you, does it not ?" inquired the son. " Yes, the whole; and from the way in• which my poor brother Should doubt his having saved Much... But; of course, I. Shisuld provide for Helen." Came It all to be Settled upon,you?"- " Why, it WaS a queer will. • You see, my tinclewas-fontt - ous - both;'lmd:its - W - O - Nverri twins and-so ori, he ,nover thought, of either as the'elder,• and yet he:could , not make up bis.mindi to divide the ‘property.- He-was- old f .when -he-dieclEand' - crotchety. - That's the only way i can account for the will.' The -property' was! to- go first to my brother; and then tome, and afterwards to the survivor. Henry P.' . father.!'-- don 't,mind tolling. you now something which ought, .perhaps, to :have' told you iioOttei';:,"l'lsis property 1011040 URI frchn p weight of aniietyyou littlo.drilam of. The 'bank of Shanrogah, in Bengal, has 'broken, is` you know-; but I had mord 'money in': ve'sted _Mit than I .ovor. told you ; in fact, almost my whole fortune. But. for—for what ,is going to happen, believe I. should havee ` ,been a ruined man..- Heavonlorgive'moi .1 can't, help feeling the 'relief, though am' sorry;onciugh.for my poor brothth" — leahot, - fOr my owp. , but it would , have'been hard to have fat that I had ruined 'Yoil arid - ' • Henry. k Soton , iwas silent; • he had , grovin' voTy grave. was startling :to beim:been •imponsoloualyab near the brink of 'lho idea .crossed,, his . mind , • suppose V his 'uncle should yet . recovei ! Such things had been. thatthought pussedid: , ,He knew tlio hale. was'entirety hopeless'--or, -for and 'that it. w.as merely; a . question of time* -I too,, hi -a, 'communication Which ho -longed , tinkyet:' .dreaded Ltnakete. his Ifather4 a.nd the'eon yofsatinn lind:remierodEit castor to speak:. Captain t,fleton turned, again , to the t window, and, was. gazing! absently from qt, and his son.baddtist summoned up.cidurage tq f ntiku!a:dean breast +to father' . of this. lovp .for tho,fair.,young.eousin - sp soon lords uift fatheiless,,whemitho.ddor 'of the ,room ?penal:land sho , Vamo.m. I:vasmlkesse4 - in .Quaker:liken , uniust 4 ' ling..dashmere, , that , :fell: ill...soft . colds , roiind ve'ryislight! drodping )now , -.fropi the ex haustion• and abxiety- of .tho; last ttllffEl.Sconle4 no, !81-1°10:1,3°E05`099,41e1.1.4..1491.?4, pule Epee, or. braided, hair ;,'but. to those twho know hoc wo 1 l. , .M?; 11 44 10 , 0, l141114 1 q /inertal ilX,t. llo , - IrtfdtklifeV l ,3V -6 ii4ilWO4 —l4 : the Oyetr l v i ary,ieg 9rj,49,919uth,. .11414 ,40e. Op, thrynt,;,,„4",qry, eeton Anklong, f°44.,94t44.1gict.15TR1F1. and c911feP. 0 4;t0, ) 041-, r tkilt.:4 o : l 9YPdf 41%i / 7 1 , t.M.Y,P..t)#' 1 °P 4A4 i111P1.,; 3 ?9„,9 1 1q 0 141%en)9P.t> J4l.,dj rg4or, 996m9d. to . shrink, from it look, or tows o t 9949 r ,, than t oousinly.,, e xpt; . ; 9 9 t,. -481 , 4Tr1TA9:40 -4 19rgRqat, 0 P*IYT,1 3 404 - wna, f';';AW, l l4 . o l . o _ aP-OAk:Mikll99.t?.4l tilioktillollairPELV94rit 3 l: 11 .4:444fiitiffiptc, aliaihe would wait and win her.t.flil4,tittl44. 41-the turn which of niro - had now taken' MI =al T " • : ME OM i f. .t. EMI " said 1111111 MEE NES til I ..,.;,,,, ..,.!;,,,,t..„.,,:i ''''' .: t . .. : L . ~r : . ,:::,, ,!., I. ` , :.;`:. 1:!: :, •:: A • ~! .„ •.,, 4,, -,-,,,., ~::., ' - '7i . :.._., i . '•" ''' PEl4,4 l riday; Janutiry24, 1fi368 :had iil t niolit oliunged tho l hopolnto certain= "ty; not; in.jesticti. to him, it must be said, from any consciOus , thought of this fokuno Which would belong. , to, his father and to. him, while Helen 'woulebe left penniless, but because, when Captain Beton should be elon's nearest, protector, Henry . . thought that she would naturally turn in her grief tb the arms' that:Wire. ready to weleofed her, and the rove . that was Waiting-te;shelter her from trbuble. 'Henry Beton was not• patient, but he thought that it would be. well toiive her_serne hint of Ins affection, whio ,Ahaiih•she might not be ready to fte-' Copt it, would prepare her mind to recolVO 'theidea When, in the natural course of events, she would be installed under . hisfatherVreof. Ho bad, not yet foditd an opportunity: of do ing so: Meantime she came in. Very light her stop was as she. advanced towards her, unclo ; very sorrowful and gentle her look. • Dear uncle,, thought,you,would bozo- ing soon. ' , learn° down `tosay good-bye." Indeed, yes- I must. start nt once," aid Captain Seton, pulling, out Mb watch. "1 suppose there is..rio`changol", .No, :none." Helen's voice huii , erod little 'as she gavo,the answer,; Good-bye, my child ; I'm grieved to 'have to leave you. I shall be back the mo ment - teen get 13.111thi at Vienna - settled.-- God 'Ness you!" Capt. Seton kissed Helen .affectionately, shook hands with.his son, and was gone. .When the sound of wheels had died away; Henry Soton turned to his cousin ; she was preparing to leave the„room. a Don't, go, Helen„" he' pleaded ; " you spare me ono minute 1 I have some thing to say to you, a - a - you are notwanted up, stairs." Yes, I must go ; don't keep mee' said Helen, nervously ; but when her cousin quietly detained her 'and placed her on the sofa, she was too gentle, or perhaps too subdued by grief, to resist. Henry took his place beside her, and spoke in a low, tondo. voice. - I only wanted to ask you to lot me help. you as much' as I can, now my father is gono, Nothing in this world could give me such plaasuro as to'be of use to you," "abank you," began Ili)Fe - n, feebly, 'there isnothing"—'butle interrupted her. Helen,l cannot bear that , you should treat me as a stranger ; ,you must not. This is not the time to tell jyou how I love you, and yet-no, Holes," detaining h6r- as sho Would haviirisen i ci , don't be afraid ; will not go oh. .Don't - lry to aniwor me. I only said it that you, might know what happiA - esS - it - is - to lie allowed - tirdo anything for nu." But •Helmvdrew , her hand away and stood before tiro, the drooping' figtire creel, the clear -eyes looking steadily, into his. ' " Henry," she said, and her voice did not tremble now, "you must never speak to mo agaitras you have just spoken. I was: afraid' you were thinking of---of something of the sort, and- it has made me semi, ungrateful for all your kindt4ss. But now you" will let me treat you as a dear cousin and brothor,j and remember that I ,have asked you with a.IJ , my heart 'to foi• r got what you have said, and never, never to think 'of such a thing again." . ' 'ILVW earnestly she spoke, and with what gentle kindness she hold out her hand to him at thmonclusion of her speech ; ! And yet Honk fanCied it Was Only Maidenly coyness that prompted her words. • ; • " Dear Helen, (dearest cousin," he said, holding her hand in his, "I have been too i rss, abrupt; but I hav not asked you for any answer yet, and I ill not take one. Lot mobs to you nowt a brother's place; but," and lie attempted to fl \l7 het...nearer, 'Moth _int, but theicrio'wledge hat you cared for stunddn'a elemo,Vould mak -me give up the hope ofteing some day nearer to you . than 'a brother." Peor - Holen - l - The _alluaion-sw_ept away-' her hardly maintained composure, and her head wont down in a burst of tears. There I was 130M0 one whoni she did love, and who 'dearly - loved he;, a n d he vas far away. That 'was_. et , all.. Helen had long known_that tier father was living up to the very ;verge of his income; but then she had suppesed that- the . bullc Of 'property was settled upon herself, and itWas only within the last le* days that she had become aware that her father's .self-indulgence would Jove his daughter ,without prov,ision for this future. She 190', it new,.;.: , and with. it came the nowledge that weary years of waiting were before her, •and before that other porson,,if Indeed',' poverty did not separate them for, ever, rt.waStertnring to have her grief fun. -her father embittered by such it prospect-- ierturing.to bo unable to help reproaching him in .her thoughts oven h dying iiours• is And 'nevi Aenry had sharpened the pain. Rehm - would'faite ha y° hidden - her love from all; the , ' World, but his last words' forlido' it. care:for 'same 'one else." • " The, .words.oamo, ont, with , effort, and. a , burning, painful blush.: Henry slowlY and unwilling released : ger hand; and Sho_drow bOrself away; 'and silently qujtted the room. , 411;mi:he:Was . leftalono .lionryrose---and 'Wa kca _up and: &rim 'with ''haSty, strides. \rhat a fool, he had becin to' lifis}s premature :Why, had 'he not' ase'ertain'e4 beforehand, the. ,eiisteace of this rival?.Yet, in spito of ' his words,. he ,did 'not .relinquiSh.hcipe: • Froba .l4, after all; there' was 'Only:SOine 14501iiir tr*ri l fandY 1 11 - ttr4MimAid; # l 4, nust.,fado,.beforo his own.earnest He felt •couhi: mot' •• No, he Would.::Wiii liar yet; 4iiWoUld'i • • I Aotwithstanding: whatr .had, , passed,.. 'Heim& Setrin.Went. 4)14 , , that night if not a eatialiei, t - least d titernii nod' and by m °{T s .' 4 .f a. 9 o ll ° #4 ili g P l 4 l . ). Iv irl , . 1 I ' • . Henry, Soon eat alone , lrt tho little . , room ,at -- py - th - e - Whiali7lia - 41 - COir - giVeririiii to hie . uao: Nyaril%or,y grave; not'aad: o:tabhi by hie: side 1 - 4, a f c ,.v bupineB4. ,papers;. lit4,lmoviie not reading them.: lie ipns reiltinvloaningt back in' hia . thair, •and of :theffatiirei; Helen was orphan ; ger' father44'died four days, prOn' yipuelii,and with. hiadeatik, the necessity for .oelf-comniandl on .hei , part had. departed. - The - .'exertion had beeri prolonged; and. the reaCtion wee 'severe.. •kialen visaed her days oriveepingrand though,elle did ,Re t reruan!to see litiebov,l4i; ahnnited all; Wohte . td'hi - .IF - 04i ; 0,4 'v 3 ii9l4l - Ono pho htd"peairfor `him ICE . =I =I r00m,, : and given, : him a pleit'istatement. of her father's affairs so-far as she knew them; but she had asked no questions in return. Ho was glad of= this silence, for ho shrank. from tolling her th'at she was dependerit on ids father; . but ho would have liked to be al; levied to comfort her with tender 'words. He. could not venture to make the attempt; there was 'a certain dignity About' the 'quiet, delicate ,girl, oven in.her grief, which hold hind in a kind of awe: He thought of-her and. of,her 'forlorn position very tenderly as he leaned • back in "-He thought: how her piesence,would - brighten the house that would be his father'sL-Holen's .old home; boW it might be her Mime in a truer sonse,some &CT,.l7linfy aticwcitild — ar. - law it, On the, whole, his reflections were not unhappy. A pestmart!s knock interrupt ed them. Henry Seton had heard once from. his father since he left England. He had, written frOM.Xlennn,_,whither_urgent_legal. business, undertaken for_ a friend in India, had taken him. Matters had been arranged, and he had promised to *rite again to fix the' exact day of hiS - return.' But the. letter thatwas broUght in,4eugh it bore the post mark of a German fiGiwn, which was not; in 'Captain Seton'Cliand, • nor in any writing which Hon*. know. \ It was directed in- an irregular foreign scrawl; And on. breaking' thatal two letters dropped from the cover,. ono in Etiglish, the other in German. Hop ry took up the English letter first. It was dated from -On obscure village in Germany, rand ran as follows.: . . "SIR; Pgriove to have very bad tidings to communicate to you"- Last Monday, when the di,ligenco In „which I was traveling stop -pod at-this place to changilltorscs,_Lwasitp, pealed to by the prieit, who entreated mo to receive the last words of an Englishman un able to make himself understood in German, who was lying dangerously ill of a fever in the inn. On alighting, I found the gentle mans name ;vas Captain Soton; he was con T scious'iihen I saw him, and seemed relieved at liiiarlo en English voice; but he was in thh 11M - Stageofexlitinstion, and sunk rapid ly. V lie gave ins your address, and sent his love to Mary and llolon. I am sure you will fergive me for using these familiar - iwinfes - E - ns - I-do - not now-to -whom-Captain- Soton referred. lie gave mo no other direc tions,, and, indeed, was scarcely able to ar trculate. appdaiad to me to have bout suffering from acute fever. The Priest tells _me thatWhon the diligence arrived the day before' Captain Seton was unable to stand, :and had to be lifted out. I. presume ho in tended to havo'gone to Of course I remained hero. Unfortunately, this village is se remote that no really good medical ad, vice codid be obtained till ninny hours tog late. Captain Seton expired on Tuesday, the 16th October, at 2 o'clock A. M.' Al low, mil to express my sineero sympathy on this melarfpholly occasion. T-iave directed that all Captain Soton's effects should be picked upi and if you will-be good enough to communicate with the prielt.(hore fol lowed- his name- and address) ho Will take care that your instructions areattended to. It was advisible that the funeral should take place immediately. ',I. am your obedient servant, °EDWARD WILSON." The letter / `vas read, and - Henry Seton.. mechanically stretched out his hand for the otluir. He felt dizzy and sick; le it the blow was not realized as yet. The second letter was from the priest, a half educated Ger man Catholic.. He wrote; however, with sincere feeling, and with deep contrition for having, when driven to extremity, pressed Mr. Wilson.to visit Captain Seton's dying bed.- The:Englishmen had not knlsn the extent to which fever, of an acute typhoid kind, was raging in the villages around. Immediately after.flnialiiiig his letter ho had boon-seized with •siulden faintness; he. 'hattbeen-carried to - bed, =and ,- . in_c_twenty— four hours morello had paid for his act of_ charity w4th - liis life: The priest entreated Henry Solon UM:ironic the news to Mr. Wil' -son's ielatiy,es, who- lamented' again • a -agaim,oveMlie-two deatha r tholast-Of-which ho laid at his own door. , • ' These were the For full five minutes -after_ he '-had laid donti the last, Henry Soton sat like a man stunned by a blow. Then a Sudden impulse' came upon him; be seized his hat, passed quickly through the passage,. and lot him- self ouL at fife' front' - door. Once, fairly upon the beach, he stood still; tho glaie 'of .light seamed to dazed] .hiM:TIt -was the first time he bad loft ,the house since his uncle's-death,-and within,„the elosed blinds hao.made a kind of shadowy twilight; with.' mit,',the outman. sunbeams rdaneed.morrily ,upon the blue waters, and the' waves' came rippling-to 09shortl• with delicious mar* mur. The bench was almost &sorted' but upon the terrace were one , ' or two officer's - fiuM,the Sehopl_of.,.ll.usketry conning •their• books.. -Henry Soton turned • away" and walked'rapidly and unsteadlly,np the 'aye'. nue that loath( frorn••the HyihO proper.: Ho never raised his. , eyes towards' 'the soft - greenThillsr.trer -- the''gray' 'ckhinlf I.ennd which the louses 'Olustered. On,' past the withered stems of the traeS;.whMb the sea 4 0 destroyed—past - thcisasOn which the changing `autumn tints glowed—through '4lO high' Ands, where'one or •two Person's' . .. 'tarried round to.loOk after hins:,' lie , ' 11 . ver knew or thought werplio wont till hti.fer'ad: hi self opposite the barracks; ' Then *sod, gaaod rbund 'him for'atf instrint;'and` turned , again 'inwards the ihore: He walked Ili+ !fah "n,‘ still quiekerstop,'.lillO that .. of a' than who.has' a &AMR° objecfiniiiniv; Soon hp turnedinto the dreary nand' that leads ~ :torrdo rr Roniey Marsh. • 'Past the turgetSi, at which groups of soldiers ivero. raining-4 pitAt!the king: range'ofbelich" need as n d iWit rill: ing grohnd-4iiet -the Sara:tared cottages t 14, here — rind. thorn Along the' 'shore; , ensi.iiti' iiii4.liiiittifliii4tattifd;llFelioil'slifflithtiVq devn upon hie' bond; and glaring' up — fii4., the stones under his feet, • the' prespiratibri' stnudini invent drops upon his' forelli.4, until lie reached a solitary pont 'soniciqUiliii i frous itythe. No human, being. Ninoitt Sigl#;; nothiglisiing, except' ono 'or two, carrion, 'orCivAllOViirifig_O\ioi tlio riO'ginfiiii:ppOl;',On4' a'f 4 .4'aii96...fitli.e.'..diStance;.:untirge , t:O = be 'Opp btit it strotoli o dug cOlirSek g . , p., wisl of efiingier4 , ,ol , up,ing out,, the goriL,Od ,alcy Opvi, yul„the , nuilaneholy. t blnek poot :IleHll.elFjr. S i tp,ll:(agur34.:ll - 4 ' '„)i r ipAoli)s i'OrpbOr i th; WrovihnEhif full long& on ilio . ;g l' iitsffby - tho - brlnici . cov9rod - WACO" oa"---4ifh . . . , I ~.;\ ...-c om ,: ,--7- •,._.: f ._, - 0.12. his;bnnd, and tried'et .last to look, his post tionin the face like a man., , . • If,gywas ruined. Evon grief for his father's loss was swallowed up In that thought. The imprudetttitkvostment,-oasily . forgivea when another foitunelneined ready to replace that which habeen lost, how' stoOd like a wall of, ice between him and his: father's memory.,„Not yet could-ho tuournjor him as a son, and the consciousness , mflthis ad : - deribitterness to his ringhisth And in los- : ink his'fortune he' lost—what?, lie' lost • his position in life, his home, his ohnhee of rising in the world, his love. 'Y.O4 ,Helen would never-be -his She -would •ho -. an. hiM'c,ss, independent' Of, hitn. -Doubtless s6 - Woitltt scorn hlin ,IT _pnniless arid: friendless, should presume:agaiti to' addrbst her. Yet who•could love her as ..he loved liar 7 Ho twisted upon the ground as if in bodily .pain.. 'Brtisently he took up,thc _fatal-letterhitd-readaL.-onee-moreH"Two ) Holuid.no need to - look .again.at the hour.. And his uncle had,died at eleverron the same morning. What a difforenee it would have Made could • his father have lived only twelve hoiirs longer Two o'clock P. lit.—how the' changyn that ono letter would - have altered the color of his son's life! The change of a letter clutched the paper conyuleivoly -in his ,grasp, mid buried his face in the. grass to Overcome thetaight that had flashed into hie mind. But it would' not be subdued; it came again .and again t ;even- -- thriugh . he loathed himself for it. How easily that one letter could bo altered! The stroke of a , penknife, the stroke of - a pen, and it-would be done, arid detectioh would be impossibfr. No Englishman bad been, near his fethet's deathbed, save the ono Who had so, speedily followed him to the grave; no one but him self would visit that obscure Gel' 4 lnan village to inquire particulars; the -priest Would soon forget:the exact hour - itt which the stranger died. Yes, it might be, done; only, if it were, he, Henry Seton, who-had always looked down from his pinnacle of self-esteem with condemnation for the erring and contempt for the weak, he would know himself to be a villain. Yet who would be the loser? Not Helen; for; he believed that but_fozher_possaslioa-of-this-aceursed-for tuhe becould win her love. His devotion would secure her happiness, and the riches would'all be hers.' And if not Helch—who ? There was 'no one also; no other relations, near_or. mina°, would-suffer; but Again and again he wreltied ,With the sug gestion that had come to bins, tearing up tufts of grass and biting them in the bitter struggle. Again and again ho rose, as if to return home, and end the temptation; again and again he sank down beside, the pool gaze once more at the fatal "A. M." After each struggle the temptation- seemed to grow stronger, the power of resistance..wak -eiT Alas !The was yielding—yielding I - The sun had long set when there crept into the house at Hythe a man with-hair damp and heavy with the autiunn dews, with slouching gait and weary step—a different being, indeed, from the Henry Seton who that Morning had sat musing so calmly his arm chair; Ho entered noiselessly and passed into his room. When the lawyer, , a personal friend of .11r..Seton's, who had teen summoned from London, told 'Helen the next morning of her uncle's death, her first impulse was to try and comfort her cousin. "Where-ls Henry ?" she asked, rising; "I go. c to ' ‘,'You had better not, my olear," intor posed the old lawyer; gently detaining her; "ho is in no state 'to mover saw a man so broken down by grief. Ho seems Completely overwhelmed; I am : afraid I ought to.toll,you bar) I gO," tic added, after me little hesitation, "that; this will make no, difference in your,prospects. Your' poor undo died on Tuc3clay,'at 2 P. at., just three - hours lator:than . your father." Some - time ha passed; the long winter .... moutha_had_come_antLgond,_anct_the_hirds. .were begiliming.to bestir themselves. in tho• buSinesse nest-making, when Helen Seten, took refuge in her own room . one •morning from'tbe companionship of hoe .couSin. It was a pleasant,, sunny room, looking out• over an extensiye,and trimly-ltept garden' (Ind shi:tilborry.• Helen hod altered in these months. .her figure always slight, . seemed, -to lurid aoquiredn weary droop; her brow s' eyes - Were indekor and more often shaded by tireir long lashes, , and herfacewas paler, .Unless, perhaps, it appeared so from its cen tres!, with the deep mourning dress she Wore. She carried in her hand a ...littlef.'hasket, 'fill'ed with Jbite 'priinroses and early lilies 'of .\ o \\l •, , / the Valley,.Minfuaedlyntessed toget or, ns if jastgathered. After lecking tit \ oer, she sat dbic i n to, arrange the.n.' Het 1 et A fingers •trorribledi arid the tear's ' , gathered and fell, One by one' upon the 'fit?iierri, Tiiii,: list Lilo, task was given np, the . basket was puthcd. aside, arid Helen snrikn'TiOn 1,13 tree Ville bedside and wept Vttorly: . Life had .not 006 v , on - Witii - liiTi aiiee7iiiiriiiw7iih: ;last; sbt tried: to findo4'whothOrtlie ftitVi, lay . o.4l,li'lier ' iter,'ecniin Henry, waS,,entirely eliandelll'•': Before fer.; . .frither's 'death: \ 'ho had: been - kind and fenderno oomi4Oratb s ; oven aftbr she hntirofused'itislave he had ' s cared lieu like a brOthar. *hat could \ha'v;43 iiftoied'ij6 ?'' fee lind' growls dlOppriy \n)id 61;146'c:41W; ,Tio . i'v persecuting her, ivifl,l4 \ rel . :, 4lssibrikof 'l g duto, nOireeeiling, from horMS with diefilid;' 'tlOnieilinea.,,,OiirWlielining. I.ler wltlf'gifts•' and 'attentions, - sometimes 'fencing her to the inerey"of his 'harsh sister, ' . Wiie niade , bek'britelly feei.hei"deOnd9k pelittOn.''lnier' Aleldn't' her ''liiii.lrt - iehed • icirely" is ' , 'iihe,'. thought , lifl the' 'Yokis:tlitt ii4lit'have:tOindsrbetr . a..eheai) - eßnid 'tie 'fchind for lier'froiniill Hite. ' - 'lliefi iliatOne ' tinid at HYtitill'fili:e' hal ( iiaier dared ''p l hint to her cousinlitiFlVV6=4,'llltei'etg , 46,i, .iiiicat,-,-to, ?no w i ttO,was' per.. and Oscar°. si4 111111i,94riipd te. fear Hoary. : Silo "Infest . . 'iiilw-thet,hli,49ld.etei.nly.o-ort his rights 'a trnisterpf thehopse, andll,:ofusitte,admit WialMetanWitillii it,.Besides- Poi: 'she . ..)yef.3.iint yet twohtY, and rienry.Seton .',was; - iicii; guardian, and watched suspiejtously tlio . ' . A - 41t ---- ti -- -vory i; letters•sho—, T eeelvc ...,, , ego ler, life ) 164.eiipry, dark, and : Helor,wept, i if •not , iitiii`bee heart grew Mglit,';ipt, least, - till , it. :et- war ,eased of some of .the, .burden :of grief . L ~. _.... "?it°ll was / l e c w yr il i 4 4: OPP.fg, A 6 , ol l.'ent' red 4 iQ;o'l;, -- -: t - ~. ru ,... .I, , , t rt iF , 0 t., 1::til !WV Jo;• 7; ..., , ,....1,...,,,., aMr. baton would bo glad to apoak 'to , TERAZ6:--MOO in Advance, or p 1,60 within ,t4o real. CHAPTER 111 =I MOM .. . Miss Ilslen. ln .Ihe .- garden." . Helen rose, Caliled herself, and prepared to obey, These interviews woro frequent, and were , 'Most distasteful t 2 her; yet if: . .ll"enry chOse to ro ll\ . quire them, n • ahad no ehOica but to sub init,,for:was.s i -nut- a ,pensioner'on. his bounty? It was xith a.' very - grave' face' that she .'dined her 'cousin; he came'to meet her and.drow herinto a lonely walk fringe/ with wild flowers, and partly shaded by the budding loaves of early spring ; Henry had changed as much in appearance as in manner; his face had grown worn and hag gard, like that of a man preyed': upon, by some constant, wearying_ansioty; and no expression of-suspicion had become hnbitn alTo turn. ID walked silently by his cou sin's side for Some time, - end she was be ginning to wonder why he had sent for her, ,-.- 'when at last he , spoke. , ,,. "Helen," he said, and his voice waslow -and - Uusliyr , t4 - is — tiiiiii — th7fitfrWriiiirt should come to an understanding." .' , Helen was silent. • "I havo'nsked you to be my wife often," he continued, irritably; “and I would have loved you and,cared for you; God lcitpws. But you chose to refuse, and now I lave sent for you to hear my decision,. My wife you shall be! There are reasons why no reluctance of mine, no suffering of yours, shall turn me from my purpose. It is the only way to.atona," ho muLtr.red, be tween his set teeth. Holoweaught tho words. "I do not understood you," sho said, gently, "what have - 1. to atodo .for 1" . , nothing," ho answered, witll-41 , - gesture of impatience; "or, at least, only the suspense . you hays kept mo_in.'l.._Ete. flung - iiway from her, and walked up the patlNy himself a minute - ho turned, and _came rapidly back to where she stood. "Listen, Helen," ho said; "you told me once that you-,loved another: That- may still be; I ask no questions; but yon belong to me, if .not_by fair means -then by foul. Helen I llelen I yob are mine I . Why will you rebel against fate V '313 spolco almost likd a man deranged; his look was excited and wild, and Helen Ahrank from him, horrified by a nevi idea. 'comp home, and Ave_will.talk of it another turned upon her angrily. - "'We will...not talk of it _another time. We will settle it now—this _another - I 'Mil you you are mine—miue," and lie stretched out his arms as if to Seize her. In mortal torroy, Helen ovadad . his grasp, l and looking round for the . hast way of escape, she saw tho-figure of a !ruin approaclung under the trees With infinite relief she waited. fuoment; . it must'be one of the laborers Ce turnini-from.77dinner, 'she thought, and 'surelyAmyeeultL_help—hor. The.-stranger camo rapidly forward. Henry -bad qcen him, too, and lost his eidited . manner, s hut still Helen did not- feel safe; nearer and nearer the nuln came, treading with alight, elastic step, and they could see now that ho was not a laborer, but a gentleman in a light. shooting coat and a straw hat. Slid-, clortly, as he approached, Helen's face light ed with a vivid flush; as he came on, the color mounted—Mounted until her cheeks glowed with a tender rod. A moment more and he had reached them. i, A n!" came with ai soi) from Helen's leis. , ully own Helen!" and in [moper second she was clasped. in the stranger's. embrace. CHAPTER TV. "Pardon_ me Mr. Solon. Really, it is quite impossible that you should refuse to givedhls gentleman a hearing.'.' The speaker was Mr. Gardner, the ell.‘ lawyer • and frierid already mentioned, and Rs alluded toAlan,4l.brionrwho ions sit- C • tinein;Henry - Seton's ing till ho should be listened to,*ial'a,iPok of quiet resolution' on his. hand9iime Helen was in the room, too, Stan' tear fully in the deal; aleoe of the l 4:adii; . 41- itnest - ladden by - tht gtfrin:ins. Sottin will, I think, liardly fool Jus tified in continuing to refuse his consent to my •marriage with his ward," urged Man, addressing himself ix; the lawyer, ..when I 'mention that I'had•h ' rr father's consent to the engagement. Nothing but the clang& ous of• a: sister whb Tesides,abroad would have kept ine from hastening to .En gland- on bearing of Miss Baton's bereave.; Mont." • „ Circuinstrinces are changed,:! put in Henry; with considerahlp irritiition of man= rir; refuse'myr . 9onsent.” i• hnsh, my dohr sin," interposed the Jaivyer, trying .to' keep the_ pence; "let us lear.what 11fr. Morton's proposals are. . We . liiwyMs, yen krioiV," turning Lo 4.larr, with an i4ttenapp at :a joke, "are Obliged tb havii an : pounds,' "shillings. arid pence. }ltalie you any objection to give irie,'as*r. Satoh's friend,.some idea of sour moans?" "They are little enough,. I oivn,;: replied Alen, — franblyrT•hilt — it — SO - eins - to - rim - thatT , ' under the"circumstances, ,it only, for , Miss Sqtbii and use ti:P'decidti Whether' they are s:Utflcion c t y .lf i'il'Ad . not been 'obliged, to, leave England Mr: isten 'would have nlloWfid me. • to marry his dnughtor at once, yet at - that ‘. • • ~ . ~. timo It WilS thought, I thatknow,Silo was likely' , to baire a conniderahle fortune.:! 'Alan Morton, as ho ,said the leak, wOrds, \ appened. te,E,'; . lanco,to - iir'ar:ds;..ll . o r nay Seto . \a d noticed with surprise the bloodanoUnt to) Id forehead ' . - ' I\ lA' ' yos, yes,:i ) 'answered the laivyar,• thinki. 4 , ; ‘ Unit 'by talking thO:Matter 'Ov.er be li\ e,tl4 - 'give Itenry time to recover Ids',:teni-: ~,pp wiiick had seemed to he-on 04_ pelnt '6Alatilig; ~ .it wise 'thought that ]Hiss seton \ libitid lie rmh, but Aiiforttinai6l3' , lieslatlier 'Cited Ny thout nialc,ing•6ll7 . trovisfozA for ho'r." — 4 - .0.' .‘ '46)' 41 - 6ii:•661 - e - F6310. .liiii73l6l:f6ii'ali6id tho y alb i: SotOp was concealing from him .time true . t to of 4 olon''s affairs,. which Mr. gaidiiet , n iglit, , not•knOW,, In order, to in=.'. ..t . uod hint' t resign her before she slieulA, be of, 1.,.i0 to al . ' fer'' lierSolf. :'l'llerefore :116 \ _._.\ 1166(10:9 6 siibje6t: •••• , •: - ~,..... •.-; • 11 undo ' ood,',__'' h0,....6_,aid ~ t Urp it(gii• 91a* t.=,: TAlTAFtitioc pvy)F, yqt koßpipg an', oy6A lElefiry . ,, , !qicq,t,lier6 ; wati,e6ttip Tpney, lik6ly : to dol . ? t i o,..yigti,A9k6r; : by ,p6t4or.pcmt,- :gin . YP'l ill} ra.9 ‘ k i),°st 1 6 1 M:S i iirfiß,risqP?4 ,o AdPo,!!`. 'l lt i 'PP a !p> ',POR:r4 ideotl ) : Ftliiliei*r. , •SaidF, ll lri. , 'l ll l°4 i . bfliaY 6 04'145.! Boleti almost shnrod inVliTnisalf, foiho ilwayai , • -• , - , , - • -had- - -a-fancy thatlie:should survive' his hiother. I can'explain the circumstance to you in a moment Mr._ Seton_l_am-sure-you— will have no objection to my doing so?" He,..iookedtowarde Renry,,wha nauttered very surlily, “Say what you:,please7 and began nervously to pap*togoth er:on the writtng-tabie.- . _ - “Well,” resumed the lawyer, "I need' not make a- long story of it. The, simple fact is; that Miss :Seton,would have ' been not only. Well off but. wealthy. hadher' ,. father lived a few hours longer. Ile and his brother, Captain Seton, ; died •the same day, but hlisi Seton's father died ateievein 'in •the morning, and Captain Seton not till two in the. afternoon; perefore - 4 , sing; ular provision of the Will under which they inherited, his son,. as- beir to the survivor,, succeeded tollicTproperty." NO. - 4. , ' What ailed' Alan Merton? The color Ildshad into his face; he rosé and stood, still , addieSsinghis lawyei, but with his face turned Sk towards4onry:•, "ay_l inquire,'2„. lie asked, - “on day Captain andltr. Seton died?". Henry turried , upon hltu'in n franziof ungovernable passion: "Leave the room, sir, 'instantly, if you do not wish to be kicked out of it Gad heavens! do ydu think I am going to sub- - mit to the insolence of a confounded-med dling seoundreL like youVL, -- . ";Stays, sir, stay,"interposed the lawyer, laying his hand on Henry's arm, and per - foal.) , aghast at this uncalled-for outburst; "thero is no insolence in the case. Under the eirourostances-there-is-no--won-der-thift— Mr. Morton should 'wish to hear the par ticulars: Mr. Solon died, sir, at eleven o'clock in the morning of .theltith of Oc tober, and . . • "AMI I saw Captain Seton lying den d. al six o'clock in the morning of 'that same 11th." • . _There was dead silence-in - the room. The" lawyer fixed his keen efts on Henry, whose face had turned a yellowish livid white. Helen had stolen from her retreat' at the sound of her cousin's angry voice, and now stood by the chair freni which her lever had just risen. :Henry turned upon her fierce ly: - - • How dared you not to tell me tiller: Tell you what?" said lielen'S. gentle -"There-was 'nothing to-. toll, for Alitirdid not see my uncle alive; besides; I could not speak to you about his letters." ' contiumCd steadily: "I arrived at ll— on the inorning':of the 16th October, in the - course of a walking trip of two or three days. , I was jul b passii! , g the inn, when I heard my name:Milled, and saw' my old school and college iriend, Edward - Widion, at a window. He was in a room on the ground floor; .and in the "same rooin, on a bed was Captain Sefou's body., Wilson told me he hind died at two o'clock in the °rain and I saw him lyint there with my own eyes at six, I wanted to remain with Wilson but he would not It'nar - of lie perstiadeq mo that h 6 wanted no help, And reproached himself for having allowed me to risk the Oa no;E fgetionlV coming in. left the way I had entered with Out seehig.any one but him._ I saw his death afterwards in the,pa per, and regretted bitterly that I had-not stayed With him; but - RS' to the 'time of Captain 'Satan's death there is not the slightest doubt about it.'' Another dtiad siletico, Helen's soft - tones broke "There must be' some, mistake b " . _ slip said, approw:hing her cousin with her old gentle manner, all linger having given way td pity at the sight of . his ghastly fade. '''''FlF - tify-z - 6 - 11, - Ilen . ry I are you ill ?" "Alias Seton, you had bettor leave us for the present," said the old lawyer sternly. "I fear there is room, for some painful sus picious regarding Mr. Seton's conduct. At any rate, the matter must be 'investigated. shall start for Myself to-morrow to make tlfe necessary inquiries." A kind of gurgle startled 'them. Henry was standing with Isis two hands"pressed against his brow as if to keep . hie senses. Ile strove to speitk, but something seemed to choke him and his words were hardly articulate; yet he forced them out and they stood still to listen, -, "Therelsms need; it is truol. I [Gioia the letter. Not for the fortune; it was to will Helen, but—oh my God I What Is this? He staggered nud his eyes closed. Helen turned wtite; the lawyer and Alan Morton sprang-torwardf tilt before theywpro able to ieachisiin, Henry Seton had fallen to the - ground stricken with. pa ralysis, __ . . _ - • r. • - ii .* The sequel is soon told. Helen Is happy. She and Alan Morton have sold the. old family place, Where the change of ownership must have been known and _commented np ou, and- have settled<tin 'a distant part'of. England, within_easy reach but out of sight of the sea. Two tiny Children play around • their fireside; besides these their 'home. hut another occupant. Whose easy-chair ie that drawn up in winter to the warmest nook by the hearth?. Who 15 thO a young man still, but with wasted': linths end drawn features, who on sutumer .days can just, crawl down the terrace steps: and' sit basking in sunny 'spots ? brings a book sometimes, but his mind is weak - , and ,he lil?es best to play _With the,ebildren, and tell them . long and rambling' stories, whirl lire there' chief delight.. But, _ when. .thnY . _ read.him stories' in return; they •noti‘, that at the mention of, a lonely pool or-•pond their, playfellow's lace:,changes; .it 'seems to strike a Painful chord ,in, liis-,rnemory;,•be grows ghionly ,'and sends them _away. TheY'havelenrnid to pass over such passa ges, id their little books* ' • . Secilheraeoroesillelen_anklier-husband;-- bew - liandsontete is I aed - how lovingly - she. .ie s itne , on ills arm, ondAotikrifjPitt her. soft, trusting eyes. They join:the loan on him; and, lee'wo:lkiiin the other Elide.' Ho hrlfht; 'ens a little ' end Visalia I tlioni,itud they, spec cheerily to him, hot he sciMitylaiises into ~inehmeholy., Theo it ;hits heit‘.for yen:rfif . then it will be„tb the ond . otitito #l6 of thiswreck.of •whnt,:cince'.was‘lho cleor 7 sighted tionri,etott. : .„, Tait' AN . 7 .Josh pill!nlitElsays.Ple: Atciciel 11fnn tiover disturbs 4' hen 'l)6 : Betting; never peaks Cross to a lbet'deig;: elwai.iits- , a 'five cent' , ahinplaiitei!la Pia pocket late Satudray. _ ~warning fol. , the ehnVeh, platter; sixes .mheaever. a lady ee l tens the' street yArai.,rememheva, 7 poor i eni4e plaidly; and asks-after ,awl tUe fiirnilv r ~IC he step ' s on n hate toll he is 'tiara to do it liglit;• . iitta immediately'. tittlcti' "Eardenf :hooks drose hese' with the children: :..11ever meddles with , the'. e,rchni in the raillt,pene; goet ,ea ß uy : ,o er ,,l r4n i ds I ,4 1 0;9 0, x!Pq , ,k , Fic : 0 1 , ,Beasoll; atteildkr I ..4lyenhkrly'e-lihnneFalt, katt-rtiwuzystelklyhtiti tlip;m99,-chatigesi‘Ahipit!ijelet..ne yott , . or the other. wa.ls .Y.. ‘ teNtl .Imye . cverybody'a advice hut Ida ortter/praol.,l tices : most of the :yirtevotvitheitt leadh the, Aire of aphorn,la9hf- glue 01ch • r 4q alvllliPi,94 taco *king efiny ferthertrfibble, what
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers