'-CARLISLE-HERALD. Carlisle, 'Dec. 28, 1866. Great Indileement ! On--account-of My health, I am com• wad to retire from burtneas, I now offer toy More for rate and will giro possrvolon at any Limo to snit the purcharor. Carlislo,, Dee. 20,1860 ORPHAN'S COURT SAL". On Thursday, January 17,• 1867. HE undersigned - soli Sale, on,the abcve day. on the promises, at 11 c ock,- A. 61., - thit ELEGANT STONE 'HOUSE, Situate - on North Hanover St.,"'- near the Public Square, in the Borough et Carlisle, bounded by Mrs. Alexan. . • der, -the house In which Mr. Ceinitan. • '1 ~irnidee, by' finnoier Strr - ii and au alley, and in at pre sent meupled by Ilanry Pholy. -It ja - PoilaPit the poet advantageous PLACE OP BUSINESS in Carlinie. The back-building In vary extensive and ,-ouvortient. ' TERMS : Ton percent. of the purchase money to be rdd on the day of Sale, the residue of one-half in: Aprll, 1867, when nessesidon will be given, and the balance-on Sat of-April, -1868,-with Interest; to be se cured by bond and mortgage. SIMON BOTIISMELD, Guardian. SIMON ARNOLD, Agent for the licks of so. f Da-28.1566=U NOTICE- lb the heirs and legal representatives of George Smith, Jute of the Borough . V ShippAsburg,eurtiberland dec'd. In the Matter of the Writ o f Partition and Volum lion of the Real Estate of ..ad deed., in the Orphan's Cotirt of CuPilierland Co., the following proceedince were had to Writ : loth December. MAL Rule on the bars and legal Representatives of said Geormamith, deed., to appear me -the 14th day of January; 1867, at the eatd•Court and accept or refuse-to.-t4to-the-real estate of the said deceit/tea, the valuation, or . show eause why the tounashould not ho sold.' JOHN JACOBS, Sheriff. Sheriffs °taco, Carlisle, Dec. NOTICE TS hereby given that the following named persons have filed applications for hotel and liq uor licence, under the several acts of agsembly ro lath; thereto, — ln.the ollice of The Clerk of tbe.Court of Quarter Seealond of Cumberland County, which Fold applications will be-presented to se id Court of Mon lay the 14th da,y_ofiauunry, 1807, vie: HOTELS. - Lewis Meer, Went Ward, Carlisle. Wm. Bell. New Cumberland. 4. T. ltlppey, East Ward, Carlisle. Eli Good, Lower Allen. Lewle Faber, East Ward, Carlisle. Thompaon & McCulloch, Middlesex. RETAILERS. Edward Showers, West Ward, Carlisle. Edwin Arts, Shlppensburg Borough. _. William Lewlt, Newton Twp. SAMUEL BIXLER,. Clerk of Courts • N 0.21, 1866—St. iAICENE NOTIOD, Notice lo hereby gI.VOII that I Intend to-apply to ho Court of Quarter Bosalons.of Cumberland County tape bold on the 14th day of January 1867, thr Ileetoa, 211o•keep a Beer and Eating Home, in the East Ward et the Borough of Carlisle, Deo. 28, 1808, ICENSE - NOTICII7 -- --.--- ------ _ id Notice to hereby given that I intend to apply e Court of Quarter Sweden a-Cumberland County 11* be held on the 14th day otJanuary, 1867, for Manse to keep a Boor Reuss and Restaurant In tho Bast Ward of the Borough of Carlisle. _ . PBILIP MATCH. I Pem.0.;18680 WRITE and black Curled.Hairi.eis tarn Pumps, Turn Table and Ughladig Apple Pease's', at SAXTON'S. et. 13, VW. ._ . , NOTICE is hereby given that we in tend to make application for License to beep an Rating and Beer house and Restaurant in the hewn I non occupy n such on Main Street in the Borough of Mechanicsburg to the January Court of Quarter Sessions 1807. A.W. BENTZ Dee. 17, 18(311.i ICENSE NOTICE.- Notleo to hereby given that 1 intend to apply En iltaXnurt otQuartar Seseions of Ciinibarland County, to ho boll on the 14th day ofJanuary, 11167, for license to keep an Alo and Boer-House and Restaurant In tb. West Ward of the Borough of Carlisle. ller. 21, 1 Rfiq LICE:NS& NOTICE. Notice to hereby ghon that I intend to apply to the Court of Quarter Segsionh of Cumberland County to be held on the 11th day of.lanuary IS11;. for Henna* to keep an .1b• and Beer (IrdiFo and Itertaurant, In the Tarp., of New ton Dee. 21,1966' - E . !CENSE NOTICE.— rcntieo Sa hereby yiven that I iptentl.to appix GO the Court of ttmut ~ ,r:Sessions of Cumberland Coun ty to be hold on the 11th day ofJanuary, 15117, for 11. cense to iirep nn Ale and Boer Vous . ° and Restaurant in the Borough of Nerrrille Dec. 21, 1866.* - . IGENSE NOTICE.- I. 4 Notice is bu.',ohy cjvon that L'in:entl to :tvply to tho - Coltrt of Omit ter S( sttoos r f Cumberlaqd Coun t ty to be hold on the 14th day of .Innuary, IStrg, for 11- cetwo to hoop n boor and Hating lionso, : in'tho Earl Wood-of-tho-Borougtof C3rlhile. - - -„” - JOIDT. (3., g I,lltill. Del:. 21, 186t1,7 , IT lell . " NISE. NOTICE.÷- . I _l_4 Notice to hereby given 01/4 I intOnd to apply Ito the Court of Quarter Session el Cumberland County to be held on the 11th day of January. A. D., 1867. !for license to fci. , ,op a Doer House anti Restaurant In Silver Spring Townsh pee. 21, 1866-4. ICEN3E Notice is horchy given that I intend to apply to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, to ho held on the 1411, day of January. A I)., 1867, for 'license to keep a Beer Urine and ltegaurant in the Borough of Mechanicsburg, Dec. 14, 1866. r ICENSE NOTICE,- 'I Nutlet, le hereby eiTan that I Intend to apply to the Court of Quarter Sessione.of Cumberland County to-be held 09 the 14th day al .laaurtry, A.15., , 18t17, for REense to keep a Beer Ilona° and Restaurant In the East Ward of the Borough of Carlisle. Dec. 21, 1866 WHEREAS, the Hon. JAMES H. GBAIIAII, President Judge ot the several Courts of Corneille Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Per ryond Juniata, and Justlce.of the several Courts /of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said sounties,anCilloh tel Coolilln and Hugh Etuart,Judges of Oh o cone. of Oyer and 'feinting:. and Jell Delivery for' he total of all capitol and. other Offenders, In the slid county o„f .Ctinaberland, hy their precept to me Charted, dated the I:rth day of N rveurber A. D., 1806 havo ordered the Court of Ogre and Terre leer and non urAf Jarl Delivery to ho holden at Carlisle on the' 2 .d. ll onday_of—Lattuary,..:lll67-41t_belng-th.el.46h-day,-)• ar 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE is hereby given to tlw Coroner, J usr ices of the Pores; and Cousin - bibs of fta said outlay of 'Cum• borland that they aro by the sold precept commanded to ho thou and there In their .propor , persons, with their rolls, records, and 1 untrieltions examinations, and all othdr remembrances, to, do those things which to their offices appertain to Do cone, and all those that are bound by rocognisances, to prosecute against the prlsonors that are or then shallho In the Jail of said - county, are to be there to prosecute them as Mall bst just. JOHN JACOBS, Shasta. fiREh'K. lIABNER SeTt. 20,1800. NOTICE MARKWARD & MORRETT, MS A=! 'l3. A. ISE.ti F.T.E.It(iEI W. S:DUNLA Cl= .1011 N ORRIS PROCLAMATION 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers