NOTICE. ''' . . . , . ISEALEri Proposals will, be -received 'id tide Office until 3 o'clock P.: liii, Batiltdoh armory bth 'lBOO, - for furnishing thp Tioopa at Gar nish, Barracks; Pa., with good , . F EB. 13:1-B tbr ono year, train end after the Bret day of February, 1867, or such less 'Shoo an the Commissary-Bon. of Subst. U.B. Army may direct: • Proposale must ho ly ,duplicate and endorsed "Pr. — poeals - for frosh-Beef;.-and-must oontain the names of responetblo .110ra011e 19116 NM - sigh the bond and • bosom° responsiblo for the faithful performance of the — Contract. ' -. • Persons who bid aro requested td bo present at the opening of the proposals. l'ho',,Qovortimont reams I tho right to reject any or all biditlthich they may con sider unreasonable or for any other suMehint causo. JOHN A. IRWIN. ' Brovt. Capt. let. Llout. Gth 11.8. Cay., A. 0. 8. Office:of Asst. Com. of Bub:U. S. A., Carlisle Barracks, Pa.,'Doc. 12,•!66. ' . , Doc. 1860—1 t.. . f t.I6?,CUTOR NOTICE, '' Notleo is hereby given,that Lettere Tosten -ar!' on the Lad Will and run Testament of -Margaret Noble, late of the Borough of Carlisle, dee'd., have thin day been Issued to the undersigned, by the Register .of Cumberland County. All persona having clalrna a gainst the estate will please present them for settle nient,-find those Indebted-are milled upon for-payinent. ROBERT A. NOBLE, • Executor. Doe, 14, 18136-6 t.. PUBLIC SALE. WILL BE SOLD 'AT PUBLIC Sala, at' the troll known-drain Rake and Agricultural Implomont ithfifufactory of the Into firm of Q.W.Brandt k Co., In Comniorce, near Walnut. Bt., Columbia, Penn'a., On 'Thuradty awl Friday, December 27th and . 281 h, 18G6, The follpwing described personal property, to wit , 7$ of the Celebrated Pratt Patent Eiteej Tooth 1 - 1/I3 and Prate Rehee, made of the:best Inattalal; and -fin- , , ishad In a superior manner. 7,1 Bate Stool Rake Tooth, bent and t onvered. On Koller's Patent Crain Drill, N Gale's Patent IFeel Outten. 67 Morriyogyratont Corn Planters, t don. Slaw Caters, 0 Washing Machines, About 00 *des cosi, No. 3 and 5, - About 10,000 ibid'Ash, Oak and Ilickory Lun, bor. Mao, at the Ann) time and plate, ' Good Horses, 1 Colt, Lot Harness, I. two- Liorso Wagons,.l oar-'Torso Wagon, L .- irOVOred String Waghrl; in•good ordor, for one or two -horses, 1 Falling Top, Buggy, Two. Horse Sleigh, now Cart, - . • and Cart Uoaro. 1500 Carringe Bolts, 3% 3' and WM, by-10 Inch. 100 CArriage Bolts 4 by 53,'. 130 lbs. Rivets, 2y,, 3 —7-- end 3y, IneL. 25 lbs. Chrome, Yellow, In Oil, 1, 2 and - 3 round Bones. - One Eight-day Oftleo Clock, 2 Coal Stoves and MO, Dosk, Case of Drawers, 3 doz. 4 !Itch Strap Muses, • • 1. pale iron 13uggy Axles, Bolts, • various lengths and sizes, two Tons Cast Scrap Iron, Steel Wagon Springs, abodt 2 tons Bar Iron, 4.lby 1 4, half ton Round Iron assorted sizes, lot of Pelting Loather, lot of Wood Screws from % to 33 Inch, 5,000 Sawed and Split Spoh es, 400 sots Fofoos, 8,000 -Turned Spokes, 50 gallons Whale oil, 2,000 Poll. Bridles, 1,- 500 Seat drons, 2,000 Guido Steeples, 2,000 Lineh Pins, 1(00 Auto lilacs, 1000 Steeples, assorted sizes, Swill .glo Trees. Forked. Chain nod Spreads, 1 Corn Sholler, lot of Copper Wire, lot of Leather, 1000 foot 34inch Weather Boards, lot Cast Iron Pußeys; different sizes, 250 lbs Lead Pipe, doe. 3-bushel Baskets, 3 Log Chains Also ,plot of Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Brush so, Files, ke., Sc., too numerous to mention. Alto, Ono.I3I.ICIIIIYE .101WElt, and ono Ouo•IToreo Carriage. Salo to commence et t o'clock on Thursday, the Tali . , and continue from day to day until the whole is di— , posed 'of. Attendance winos given, end terms mein known by ESTHER R. BRANDT, EZRA SMEDLEY, Administrators of tho Estate of flonry • 'Brandt. deed, surviving Partner of the Into firm of 6. W. Brandt & Co. Dec. 14,1880-2 E. • STEPHEN F. WHITMAN'S INIMITABLE AND CHOICE GONFECTIONS Now Bondy For tlio Holiday 1.,2,,,02;50n, Togotbor with a largo iarloty of FANCY BOXES, Of his 0,-Kn DIRECT-EROM PARIS AND VIENNA, ALSCt,,, NEW 'AND RA RE CONFECTIONS. j 'AiND _EON _noNs, ONLY KNOWN TO TIM MIME Forming at onco a rich .6ind superb asaortmont from which to choso —. For Select Presents, STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, N 0.1210 Mcir!rot St root, Doo.H. Phlladolphla BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS!! GOODS AT PANIC PRICES O.GILBY'S •-- - .12 k' AP 0 . 4 ll 'Elrogarni rndTi n ua l 3o n s t h:ti inniT L assortmont of , NETITTORKaiii7 RILILADELTHIA, at the reducod and cash prim]. A full lino of , Ladies Elcgant Dress Goods, Secti se French 74erinoes, Repps, Poplins, Silks, Wool De Lanes, Cashmeres, Coburge, Alpaccas, Plaid, ',op ting, &c. — IIIOI7EINING GOODS, liombazind, Repps, Cashmeres, Thibbott Cloth, Al pieces, Craig, Yells, Crape Collars, Ac., DOMESTIC GOODS, Canton Flannels, Shootings, Tlchings,Diapers. alughams, Calicoes, ltc., far holow usual prices. ;WARE, We aro selling tho choepost Cloths, Cassimeres, and Sattinetts hr Carlisle, and will have them mado up 1; That Class Style if desired.. • FLANNELS, B,LANKETS, Dalmmids, Nublas, Sontags, Mann el,Shlrts and Draw ers, (novas, Hosiery, Wool Hoods, lh endless variety, --and at prices truly astontshing. Como ono and all look at the goods, and you will be iota to Faso money by buying at the cheap cash store.. No. 47, West Main Strout. • CRADLES OGILDY. • CAR.P;E"T.S, 0.21.1?P.ET5, An entlyo Now Stock of Carpets yust rogolved, and soil ing at greatly fedi - lead prices.' N6;47, West Main St. Dec.l4, 1866. CHAS. OGILDY. '71,. TATS. AND .CAPS, Do you wane a nice llata-qapT no don't fall to ca on ___._____. .1- G . bALLICI, WootAgain Stroot, *here onn to seen the finest assortment of ' , 1111-lIPS . ever brought. to Carlislo. Ile Oros'. groat pleatinre ht Inviting ids old friomirrand: Cuateiners, and all now onoti, to hls - splendid 'gook Just rocolved from Now York andPhlindolphia, eonaisting in part of fine , • SILK ANBIBSINEHE HATS, Asides nn ondlosa variety of lints and Caps of tho latest styli), all of which ho will' soli at tho Lowest Cash Priem. Also, his' own inanufersturo of lints al ways on hand nad' Hats NanufactliQ Order. , Lie has the boot arrangement for coloripg hate and all kinds of Woolen Goode, Ovorconte &Li at tho dant. oat notice (as he adore every week) on the most reasonable terms.. Also, a fine lot of aholco branch; of ' • • TOBACCO AND' CIGARS Always on band. Ito desirom to call tho attention of persons who , I •-- COUIITLY FURS • , To soll p as ho pays the highest cash prices for the samo. Glvo,-him a call, at the alum number, hie old stand, es ho fools confident of giving ontliro satiefaCtion. D0e.14,1800. Order' of Court E ninny -suits hAva -leen V 7-11 1 E nZut!4ild,, u - nifto d an d whir the parties thorote lave ovinread .no purpose over to try :.tho - Court therofor'e order, • That P In 'all oases which rotoaln undetermined in tho Court of Common Pleas` of Oumboriand.CountY, and in Which there has boon no proceeding or notion by either party for the period of two years, It shall bo the duty of the Prothonotary to•onter,a Judgment of non. prok,4•Pro oldSd.that MIS rulo shall .bo publishod in 'the two wow:pore of (While, , for throo wears boforo the • aultl than alto' effect. By the' Court, igesto;fl.DOltd, Dep'y, Frothy.' l ittNgt,lot BIT Jamas Ohuip's oed,kridid - 'AM" c e lr i l i at fa Jo blue ccue for that . _ it AA - OR :IF , • • OF TILE, • • - -*--Enzpird , Roole & -Ladder Cokipanli. - ArEIREA' HILL -• . • TO 00,111111:ENOE ON SATURDAY; DEC. 22d, 1800., AND :CONTINUE DURING THE HOLIDAY?. 'HE company Appeals , . to the public spirit and generosity of their fellow-citizens of or Isle, to aid them in this ontorlirlso. Tim profits of the Fairmro. to bo aDprepriated to the erection of a sultablo Baum for thenrescrvation of Blom apparatus, and they.confidentlyhdpo that their servicos Boretoforo have entitled them to a Shure of t4Patron ago so liberally bestowed on tho Tiro Department of the borough. Contributions of ovary description • nra ro, spectrally friolicited, and maYdn, delivered to any of the committoo or left at tho Telegraph Offleo. : ' Carlisle, Nov. 130,1800 , —tf... By tho Ceramlttoo; PROCLAMATION TfUtl.E . the Hon/ , J . AIiSES H.. OILATIAM, Premident Judgoot the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Oumborland, Per ry; and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and and and General .lallDelivery In said counties, !diehard Cockl in and Hugh Elnan, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery for the trial of all dapital and other °trodden, In the said county of °unitarian drby - theiv'preeept — to , vno directed, dated the 12th day of November A. D., 1866 ban ordered the Court' of Oyer and Torranor and (Mincer Jail Delivery to be holden at Carlisle on the 2d Monday of January,_ 1867 (it being the 14th day,) at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE is hereby given to the Corbnor, :Instinct: of the Ponce, and Constablos of ties said county of thine. borirtnd that they are by the said precept commanded to be thon_and there in their-proper persons, With - their rolls, rocords,. end inquisitions exantinationo, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done, and all those that aro bound by rocognizances, to prosecute against the prisonorn that aro or then shall be in tho Jail of sold county, aro there to priivecu to them hs shall be just. JOHN JACOI3S, Shatitrj, Sept. 20, 1860 AGENTS WANTEEI TN all parts of . rhe United States to sell " TUE LIVES OP THE PRESIDENTS," a now _work,-by J.:ma S. 0. Avner; the great 'historian. The work is finely illustrated, complete in ono volume, and ready for subscribers. The anther, We theme and tho elojont stylo in which-it-is Issued, combined-to render It ono of the bust books for Agents ever'.)pul, Milted In this country. Exclusive territorrinay ha secured by addresf tug B. B. RUSSELL A 00., /I:iblieh- Orl4, Boston, Mars. • • Den. 7,1816—1 t. ' ' OTieE: .° l , , Thu regular Annual meeting of the stoethiold. rastif the' First National Bank Carlisle - Pa. - foe — the elettion of 'directors, will to hold aCthe Banking 'louse onttho second Thesdny of January next Bth pros.) between the hours of ton o'clock A.M. and four o'clock I'. ' J. 0. 11OFFElt, Dec. 4. 18136. Cashier. BARGAINS I - BARGAINS I 1 SELLLNG OFF AT COST ', AND NO MISTAKE. I am selling off my entire stock of' Dry Goods AT COST, consisting of French,Plaid and Plain Poplins, all evool Dope., French an English alosinoss of tho most beautiffil colcirs, All erool and American Delaifics Cashmeres, Black and Colored Alpae'eas . LADIES' CLOAKING AND SHAWLS, shirting and other Flannels, Canton Flannels, Cheeks Olnghams, Tieltings; Table Linen, Ladles' Vests and Under Wear of every description, with a largo assort ment - 01:11 loses and Infants Merino under Vests of every size, Calicoes, Muslins, Balmoral Hoop Skirts, be., tie. Also a largo asertchout of Getitletnen's'wear, Cloths, Casslmercs, Satinetta,_ Jeans, Shirting, Flannels, • Ac„ Ao. AM of which. mast ho sold accost until the oath's stock is sold. My goods halo ell boon bought—some nt the lowest auction' prier's, the remainder at tho - lowest wholesale pikes at the Now York a d Philadelphia markets. WM. A, MILES, North Hanover Sheet, next door to Miller and llow era(formerly John P. Lyinile) hardware Store, Romero ber the number-32 North Ilanover,Plgu of the Yol low Flannel. , Nov. 22,1660. LOCEIMAN, AGAIN TRIUMPHANT I THE FIRST PREMIUM, . has again been awarded to 0. L. Lachman fur the Lost ograph, Ills long experience in the business d i ud,jils intl. mato-knowledge of nil that relates to the production of a PERFECT PICTURE,In chemistryiert- and man ipulation, enable him to make Photographs unap proachable In most generic. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Fine lergo Photographs colored and Plain. Card Pictures for Albums, old and now size. - Porcelain pictures of exquisite Finish. Arnbrutypes in every style of rases. Copies from old plctureA taken lu the most perfect to A. largo lob Of rsautan tss.ol3 cncitp.• Negatives are all registerad—copier can be had at any time, piddle to cordially Wilted to examine speed mono. Gallery at the old place No. 21. West Alain St., op posite Ist National Bard:. . _ Dec 7, 18110 GREAT EXCITEMENT at Boiling Springs, Since SAWYER S• 1117413 have opened up am. new Stock of Fall and , NITINTER GOODS. Sawyer & Hurd are now prepared to present to the public a magrilficant — ussortment — Of "fier - GetraG — fitnelitlig7 Quomsware, Hard {faro t Slats, Cape, Boots and Shoes. Sawyer & Hurd, respectfully invite tho especial at. tentfbn of the Ladles' to their - elegant assortment of DRESS GOODS;. containing the latest Styles and kinds orgoode selling in-the New York and Philadelphia markets. _Dress Silks in vanities of colors and Stylos,—Woolon Press Goods ' of ovary kind. Poplins of all colors, BarrodT - Strlpod and Plain. Medium priced goods, Domestic Dulalnes. Figured .and .Plain - hops, and other cheap goods. Sawyer k Hurd invite the attention of the, Ladies' to their beautiful Stook of DRESS SIIAW . LS,, iri every color and Stylo. We also livito • the special attontion of the Oen)lemon to our Select Stock of - French English -and - American' clothe, - Lassimeres, Orar Coatings, cheap Casshnores, Satinets, Jeans, kc. A first class Tailor who. reputation Is widespread will make up at short natice In tho best Stylo any of tho above goods. All kinds of notions, lindorshiets, Drawers, Cloves, Hanover Buck Gloves;Tiosollose &c. Saityer 5,; lined ask• liouselceopors"to.examilno their well selected Stock of Oil Cloths, Shades, Blankots tm. All the various - kinds of Domestic Goods.lcopt in modso supplies. Flannels; Ticks, Calicoes, Shirtlngs, Shootings, Table Dlapors, and all klndi; of WHITE GOOFS,.. .Balmoral and Hoop piclrts, Bost kid cheapost in tho County. In fact ovorything to induce purchasors to giro us a call. . • . Highest 'market prices paid for all kinds of produce; Do not forgot the place, and well known stand formerly kept by A. M. Leklich Esq., of. Bolling Springs. s Dec. 7, 11366—.1m _ _ _ -ANTED 1 . Thirty hands on Coats, Pants and Vests; by .HREWSTER, S DOUGHERTY, Morchant Tailors, Nov, PO, 1666--3 r, , Nowville, Pa. Fialt SALE.—A Wlieol'o>; &'. Wilson Sowing Mad tine, in good oider and supplied with 1101 the appurtenances. Apply tog this 01 _ Nov. 30,1800-3 t. Bargains Bargains ! • AT NO. 18. • Great Reduction in Prices— . WHAT BVRRY BODY WANTS. -A T S. O. BROWN'S Now Dry Goode Btoro, Goode pro reduCed front 10 to 20 par coot.' Vconsideration of 'the great decline, ,tho under - signed is offering the greatest Inducomo_ntaitifforod in - the _ 110 Is selling Beet Prints, 20 centi, - 1 yard wide Best Brown'Muslins, 26 cants, Bost Table Diaper, 02 contc, 1 yard wide . 116 pt Ticks, 00 cents. , PRESS GOODS,. Best American Delalnoa,2o canto, Armuree, Lusters; AlpaCae all colors, all wool. . Coburge all colora ,Irom %, to ly,„ Wool Balaton . % to live-feurthe wide, from Oh conta tol.oo. ' 88 llnch French Ifforlooes, Bost Slakes $1.06.. , fall lino Mo'p's Waro; . • Broad Cothe very cheap, Casiiimorosall Wool from 1.00 up, Satinots, Jorins, ', A full lino of Notions, flonisrl,' Gloves,' Zopbyr, 'Moths Shawls, lie at tho aboviitatos. •- • • and seivfor yoursolvort Remember tho place s. 9. ricsy,n, Wont lfltln St: ) ,=..:.::: -A., 1 4:41t i .. . ...Arr .'' , tairlOiry Oven. (n moth. Par terms. Illos. ' , ....4 ...... Wh stamp, elthor 0 n'l Agent.% 0 MEM=EI ► tG .111A.C1 • - s. 9'200 . . ddr.... • . r 8.16„ Polly Ltocrike'dv.„. „ r tr Y nte t rOl " ratis to rrr^l' ' .. °Moo. p4 ) -- - ~ROTIIEn6,b. 4 gleg,;=lXe':llT,;,ti, • Acauxpre Nov.3o,lB6o—am. " rkIHE subsoribors have .hand and •- for liato at, thole establishment 'on lltt $t ar le lo) a lot of noiv.Topßagglos, ,Trotting Buggies, Carrlagos, and socouti loud Top Bugglea and, Carriagos, which thoy offor at,yaooonnblo,yeitea. suERK, , 114 Os N. August 10, .1680—tf. ItOOK-0.4 - NDYi- Boorota Ti ronah.givi Common. , so. lk , lBBo AT ruiminsimoi. UTS," ., Coafeotionary - • and Fruits, at litiveratlek's. - - • 0 ATOtIES and Jowalfy ropaired at _ ix _.,tbAinew Jorl.* Otero READI - 11311:11 - READ - 1 -- • -- e • dvertisements in newspnp,ers, polders, or hand bills, have become so vary common bat people do not pay any attention to them, much less road thorn ; codeoquently they deprival themselves of the great benefit for which they aro designed. It Is not only the Interest of tire merchant to advertise his business, but in such times Of high prices it is Of the greatest Importance' to t h e consumer to know whore ho can purchaso the best article for the least sum of money. -Nance you will sea the groat Importance of reading nalvertlsomonts, and availing yoursolvos of , the great benefit which they present. Carlisle has numerous and flourishing Dry Goods Stores, Groceries, afe.;all of width ore first class business houses. There aro also about twenty or,twenty.iiVe Venders of Boots: Share, he., all of which aro -sollin.r . cheaper thati.tho cheapest. how thin mu be dons we will leave tdathe mathematician to cypher out: But your especial- at- tontion is invited t 6 Plank's Bootand Shoe Ware Room, No. 78, North Nana:aver Strout , Cornorof Locust Alley, whore you will find an immense Stock of Boots, Shoes, Mate, Caps, Men's and Boys Wintor Gloves, Under shirts, Drawers, do., and all selling -at such prison as ro astonishing to the natives.. Partieulat attention is requested to Wales' Arctic Gaiter, for men.and ladies wear, This celebrated gaiter overshoe is made with a fins sheet of rubber botwoon tho linings and outside cloth, so that the cloth part of thoarticio is as thor- oughly. water proof as the rubbor part. The univorsal tostimany in releionae to this superior winter over shot le, that it lass no equal fbr keeping the feat wann and dry. Try ono pair anal you will never bo with out them, if it is a possible thing to get thorn. After oxernining_tho_immonfle amount of.lloots and,. Shoos offered for in Carlislo, purchasers aro - requestod to call at Plan it's before - purchasing, and maks a careful examination of his stock of goods, and he fools assured that you will fool grateful that - youltrivo found the plate wirers you con purchase tho :best article for .tho ,least sum of money. Additions to his already large stock will ho mad as the season naiveness. Tim subscriber would also e. turn thanks to his numerous customers for, their very liboral patronage during thcrpast and hopes by study ing the Interests' f his ratrons will merit a continu. I mace of the same. Tory Roslieetfully Yours de. " • .11, PLANK. Ilemember the Stand No , North rtanovor Streot, Corner of Locust Alloy. . `,. Nov. 10, 1800 , ._ . _' , J* E. CALDWELL & JEWELERS Si SILVERSMITHS, 822 'CHESTNUT STREET.' PHIp.DELPHIA, - Kro opening a very full llet of tbdprothlatlaMief FOR; fuucr urt u runoZouu European Capitals, Including a groat variety of arti• cies of USE and ORNAMENT, in BRONZE, BRONZE AND GILT, GILT AND CUT GLASS, DECORATED _ ' LEATHER' AND - PORCELAIN. - BRIDAL, OPERA AND PARTY FANS, Of every variety ;and price. • FRENCH, MANTEL CLOCKS, - VASES, FIGURES and OA NDELABRAS. WATCHES. - =ln groat variety, and all_Nvarranted. _ DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. A largo and very choice selection. ILVER-WARE: • Au inereas! line of Rich Articles fbr BRIDAL GIFTS and Table usu. - - - - PLATED-WARES. from the BEST ENGLISH and AMERfOAN MANII• EACTURERS, comprising altogether a collection at tractive in beauty, complete In detail, and moderato In price. 'obiov. 10, 186G.—.2m HENRY- HARPER, No. 020 AR 0 ELS. ro o , PHILADELPHIA, ‘ 17,.. V'r4 n lnigo Stock of FINE WATCRES,. - ' ;JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, and SILVER PLATED WARE, Suitable for _Holiday and Bridal .PRESENTS Nov. ii, 18C.0-9m., YOUR ATTENTION IS REQUESTED 14111 TO THE FACT.TTIAT RICHMOND & FOREPAUGH, No. 40 S. Second St., Iniiladelpina. Hayti on hand, and aro nolling at REDUCED PRI-OES. • A Tory largo stock of every description of.Furnlture, Including-parlor Butts; Chamber Suits; Dining - Room, Library end Hell Furniture, finished In Our prices are the lowest, our stocic ne large need varied ns any, and OUR WORE.' GUARANTIED. November 10.1500-1 y LADIES' FANCY FURSI I= I am enabled to disposeof my goods at very roasona ble prices, and I would theoeforo solicit a call from my friends of Cumberland county and vicinity. - Remember the Nemo, Number and Street JOHN FAREIRA, N0._718 ARCH. St.; abovo 7th, south shlo, PHILAD . I. CONNEOTIONATITII. ANY MIEN STORE IN PIIIIAD'A. — ' - Nov. 8,1808.-4 m: .1,,,i STATE NOTICE.- Letters of Administration on.the ost;Lte of John B. exandor, doe'd., late of the Borough of Carlisle, Comb. Co., have boon Issued by the Register to the undersigned residing In the Borough of Carlislo Cum. berland Connly, Pa. All persons having claims will present them, and thooo lndebtod wilt-mako payment to Nov. 10, 1800-43 t. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE..—That valuable property eltuato on South Pitt Street, on th — e — West slde, bo. twoon South and Pomfret Streets. Tho lot contains 40 foot front by 110 foot deep, and has erected on it a Brio 2% story BRICK HOUSE with a large two story BACK BUILDING, It „Al*. has also a largo BRICK STORE ROOIII 16411 n .4 attached to the house. It is a fir oxcollont property and sultablii Pic a rosidonco Lad plata of business. For terms apply to e, ...T. M. WEAKLISY. RESTORE YOUR SIQEIT I DR. H R. J. STEPENS & COAS PATENT CORNEA RESTORERS, Or, RESTORERS OP THE EYESIGHT. They will Restora- Impaired Sight, and Preteratt U to' the Latest Period of We, SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS. ,41trgr Tho most eminent Playsto. - taus, Oculists,; Diarineo,a_Mtd ) tho moot prominent men of our country, recommend tho use of tho CORNEA marrow- L , FRS for Prestiyopia, or Tar or ,Si who or ovary aora..etho wears speciaclea am old ago ; Dimness of Vb. 1, dr Illurrisig Overworked-- as ; 4 Asthonopla, or Weak as; Eplphora, or Watery as,a-Pais in' tho Eyeball ; taurosis, or Obscurity of ton ; PhOtOPhobia, or la- ammo of Light; Weakness • ' the-Retina and Optic Nervbf -7 " rodesopia, . or Spooks or: wing - bodies - boforo the 39 ; Ophthalmia, or Main,. idea tho_Eyo and Eyo._ is ; Cataract Eyes ; Honda ;• is, or Partial Blindness; linking of tho Eyeball, and mperfect ,Vision from the , 'eats of 'lnflammation, &A, ,y any ono With a certainty , leant fearatinjuryto the oyo. Moro than 6,000 coral:Mateo of Gana are exhibited at, our taco., Cure guaranteed ha ovary case when 'applied according to the direction Inclosed in each box, or the money will be ro. Lando/ Wrilefor a Circular—tent gratis. ' - Addrosa, Dr. 4. STEPIEIENS & CO., °collate . , IP. Boit 926.11,T0wY0rk For Bab at Itnenton'a Family Drug gtoro, No. 10 Astor Hones, corner of Barclay Strout, pad " Broadway, Now Fork. • ' gar Dn. d. STEPHENS & Co. havo havonfoft find• pntontod a =OM 00 CORNEA FLAB. TENLI' t, for tho cure of iir.ut.axeraTircetuatzt which Law ifrovod a groat suoodus• 119 it Novombor 23,1000—1 y I doeio through this medium to ro _tura tnyou my sincorethanks for the-- liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon me and to request a eontinuance" of the same, I ask your‘, particular attention to my stock of goods:now ar riving which I pledge—s a general thing—to furnish at lower ' rices than - can bo had elsewhere in Carlisle. I have. Just returned from . phis, whorl • I purchased a stock of goods as Well selected as any ever of , fared In , this pirem. , -Parsons calling's can rest tutsurtst of being milted . both inprice and quality. , • . ••North Mum* Street, nett door to Miller . Bowers'. • Hardware'', Btoro, Dr. Eleffer's and Dt. Zltsues: -; Ott:10, 16136..rtt. " ..‘ • • OIL, iVAX OR j'ARN Ten JOHN OBEIRA'S Id Established FUR fanufactory No. 718 ARCH atroot, bove 7th., PHILADEL 'IIIA. Ilavo now in toro of my own Impos ition and Manufacture le of the largest and lost 'benuttful soloe• lons of FANCY FURS, w Ladles' and Chit. ron's Wear in thif Oily, Ise, a fine assortment Gent's Fur Gloves JOHN HAYS. _Administrator MILES' CARD - - - E OUTTII Aitury AL 1"..' GOOD -- -)11EWS:: G.R4T - RgD,UCTION IN PRICES • „ DRY GOODS LEIDI011.& Raying pug open 4 arfothor largo Snick° of all kinds ofllry Goodifpurcheaad,elnee the groat D E 0L I N E IN'PBIOES;_ Nio InvlEe tho publto to call anal get the GREATEST BARGAINS that they have gem etnee 1800. BT£OIIVOP aO - OD S, DR - E -S-S , Real Froneb Mariam at $l.OO per yard, All Wool Plaid ropllne at $l.OO per yard, and all other klnda-of Drees Goods as cheap In:propor tion:—Do not fidllo"OALD AT-- LEIDICH & MILLER'S to pnrcbaee all doscrlptions Of WOOLEN GOODS, ae they will fell you all grades of FlanniiTO)liitha, %takings. ()animates, Battlnett, barfei&e., AT LEAST BB PER OENT:LEBB tluinyrlcee two woke ago BAR,GAINS, BARGAINS, n all descriptions of DOMESTIC . GOODS. MUSLIN& AT 12% CENTS, • CALICOES AT 12% CENTS, and everything also as cheap in proportion NEW CLOTH CLOAKS, A full lino of OLOAKING CIFO.TIIB, MRS I FIIRE4.I FURS I of every variety, quality and style, for Ladlad, Mena and Chlldron. GREAT .BARGAINS In an Undo of 'Wootbn !footle, iili=l;M Hostory, Oloyee, and all othor dosorlptions of Woolona for tho sown, much u odor tho usual prlcom LIOLIDAY GOODS! Bud' p Embroldereel 'llendkarehloli, liandsomo Dace Den;Placable*, yace Oo Linen end latho Seas. Cuhmere Bearte,{lllk Tice, 104 Gloves. Olaf& Gloves, a4:6 A tuauno offal 6109901AloallPf MOURNING GOODS. Vory etrlet attontlott gluon to fototelllpri, yndo of FUNERAL GOODS. Pleaao remember that at I:1•;IDICIZ 8c MILLER'S, iho only In town that you can purolkasO BALMOI?4L 3- HOOPED SHIRTS at tho lato.aollno of 'pilaw.' MEN AND, BOYS WEAR?f A now oupply of all kinds of Over, Cloat!nge, oaealmeref, Sattinots; • .. . ' jearti3, • ' at greatly roducocl pricey. • • - EIAAWLB 811A.W1 4 S1, ,• CARPETS -'CARPETS,!! . . ow Cloths, ' ' • .•••• ' • - : - •Druggotai ' ' • . , . . Looking.Glassas, • W.induw Shades,. &0... .) • --The Aceieragrattliwlll tgeare - tioartn - min4the -jack that m itlAln ton ;We s there Las' beep a groat deogno to the,prloes of Dry goodie, inphatgAlwro eines that thne,,ltychang_a. lent. ),:atootar ,Voodi,'sna are new itx*3 , Vegan,. m metal tetra*, that Trosau,,gtue you tit greatest Bargalna to bo had Oho ccinkty., : • come ono anaall and got a ohare,g the bar. galas at the Meal) EmporlUM of, • - . Do net ibigkt the 'Lice toll known stand" op the Oorner;e4m,dtthe CarpOt „ • L.h Bargains Bargains - , W; C. SAWYER; & do's DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, or the latest Importations of GE#IIL4.IrAND EN- DRY' GOODS: W. 0: SAWYER, & CO Naveiust returned from Now York, with the largest and moot Boloct Stook of winter goods over displayed In Carlisle. Q. T. Stow k Co'n., N. Y., fmkortations of elegant In every color qtutlity and atylo. Finer goods infichno, ed than over offered in this market, SELLING CHEAP AND PAS2I. 11. 11. 010t11n,,6 CO., N. Y., Importations of beaoilfu FHB tho hanaeomoot Plaids In town, MERINOBS,- ALPACAS, medium and dump MlT'oalsM 4G-00C:iciM W. C. SAWYER, & CO Ask the - LedieS to examine Sholr ;Omplote stock - or MOURNING GOODS DREESS . ,a GODS, SIIAWLS, GEAPE VEILS. GLOVES, .4e. purehasid from the well knmentonso of Arnold, Co. etablo, k Co., N. Y. FUNERAL 'OOODS, of all k WA. Brodlee Elegant Styles, (latest PI11:is Sanctions) of Cloaks, Satiiios, CLOAKING CLOTHS, ornaments, !M. Dagmar, Brach°, Square and long Shawl, of every color and style. Scarfs, Bontags, W. C. SAWYER, & CO Is dooldedly the .1 7 11 R SPORE OP on.nusi.E. • Wo havo the largest selection of Furs.ovor offarmlin this market, bought from another, Neer York... SL It LI • Eugenia Collars, German Fitch, rioirent Siberian Squirrel Capes, Virtorinos, Muffs, and all the . various grades known in 'the markot,• Chlldrons Furb, Fur Triminings, Hoods, ho., wo earnestly desire an inspec tion of those Goode. W. C. SA.W - YER; — ac CO,_7, daillira an examination of their Lazne made CASSIBIERES, SATINETS, • 1 JEANS, Allen, & importations of . ➢ranch and ➢ngllnh Clothe, Caseiineree, Over Coatings, In very biro supply:. Wo haTo' made At short notice in tho latrt styles any of the abovo goods:, 4 C.J3L.3EI.3P3U7C I MEi, we "have mado largo addition trfoOsroots, Olkelaths, and all kinds of house furnishing goods, a largo stock of hewn ma "e' , • • . RA'GPETS ,w. SAWYERA Co. nava racolvod an Inunonao a,ack of .OALICOES • - AltS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY, D.r wo.rE!, Un•dorshirts, and:IICiQP,EdIRTS DREM livery-thing kept fa' a whololield and first dare Retail. livery body afro ire n call and got bergiilev,wo h , ave ? h m l e s titr in tTe ti adl t i o an d Wu li n n :o i :lap ol p d ieg;'flotel, Bast Melt, ; , • .- • - ONBTANT ADDITIONB-01i!1:11W-9crops:up_invxxo --- • Third arrival at - GLISLI DRESS SILKS, Cp 8, WM FEE FLANNELS, YARNS, dm, &c BLANKETS, TIOKINGS, ME \ t - . EpOb . i'D GRAND S• OPENING OE-: 11,E39 GOODS FROM NEW YORK L. 11.‘GRF.ENFIELD'S wit' give you an hloa of the astonishing bargains now offering. ELEGANT ALPAOAS, Doublo Width, at 40 °onto, 'w'orth 00 canto - i -p-turt-E at GO cents, vOll4OO (mitts. DRES,S GOODS, EMI Poplins,_ Plaids, Morirtoes, Coburgs, In great varieties at ` GREATLY REDUCED i'RICIES Splendid flack and Whito 13AL ' NIORA.L ONLY $2,00 BRUNER'S- CELEBRATED BALMORAL SKIRTS, ONLY $2.50 CALICOES; at 1234 canto and upwards. A Beautiful lot of good CALICOES Just rocolvod at 10% mule. MUSLLNS, from 12A cents and upwards. HEAVY TIOKI.NGS, 1 yard wide, only 00 coots lIRAYY CANTON .FLANNELS, 26 Cents II NAVY DOMESTIC GINGIIILMS. ohly 25 canto, • fWior MO,URSING GOO DS, WHITE GOODS, 11Q81E 11Y, E IS IPIVO IDER I I E S , I= NOTIONS A full lino of • Drama, • CIABSIDIERES, • bATTOIETTS, JEANS, - - CORDS,- - • ia, &a, I doer° to mention particularly my atock of 1103114 lieDli ss - rm E E , OAST NETTS, JEANS, OEII FLANNELS, which aro .without doubt Iho boilt Llomo Nadu good, aver offorod In this town.. , WOOLEN HOODS, 7, • • . . direct from the Mamplhaturar, at k rieei that de* oompatltion. „ F 4', 4FRSI FURS!. •. • • Niloale'iomombor that my Apra aro s tiop w t o bt horn ant harldts and can b0:'84,:4,d,,a r k 1 STACKS OP &Dm N. Y. AuotlQz Balm, AT OLD . PRIORS EMI . A hundred •othar bargains noilla bonnumoratod If Ivo had the space. Call and eaanduo for yoursalioa at N 0.4 Eset Main 13traot. 'l, - 41 , 11.1tamsmlior the) pinao and you will And ally tho tbniO bargains at - . 11 • • •‘• CIIMUNITILDV, No:4 East blahs Street. Nov. lb, 2800 - NEW STORE I NEW GOODS,I '4 MI ME NEW INV.GOODS STORE Oppoeito tho Mnnelon Houg' o Next door to thO PifierOffleo ;Havingronted tho Store fbrnoirly occupied by Sir. Wilburn Mice, tho - undorslgned . Invites the attention of tho hullos of. Oarlislo and its vicinity to his WELL BELEOT — ED STOOK of. - , Dry Goods, Dress -Trimmings mad No• Just received from the Eastern Cities. By strict attention to bnairtoss, and a, careful study of the wanisend tastes of his customers, ho hopes to .obtain a chars of the public patronago. . ocled attontion- 0 . , REASONS WHY-THE AMERICAN' WATCRE,, Made at WALTHAM, MASS _. -. IS .TUE BEST. It to madeon the best principle; -- Iteframo le com posed of SOLID PLATES. NO jar can interfere with the harmony of Ito working and no ouddon shock can damage Ito machinery. - - Every piece is mode and fin ished by machinery (itself famous for its novelty, as - well ue forita of:Naiveness) uud Is therefore properly .made. The watch Is what all mechanism should he— ACCURATE, SIMPLE, STRONG AND ROONOMIbAL. Except some high grades, too costly for general use, foreign watches are chiefly made by woman and .boys, Such matchesiat o composed of several hundred Ogres; screwed and rilvetedlogether, and regillre constant re paire to keep t,'hom in any kind of order. All persons who have carried "ancros" "lopines" and "English Patent Deyers," are perfectly well aware of tho truth of this statement. MEI At tho beginning of our enterprise 'more than ton yoara ago, it was our first abject to make a thoroughly good low 'prima ♦etch for tho million, to take tho pluck, of those foreign impositions ; the refuso of for eign factories, whlch.Wero entirely unsaleable at home and perfectly worthless everywhere. How Well we have accomplished this, may bo under ...od public trial, - we now mako MORE THAN HALF OP - ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES, and that no others have ever given such - universal satisfaction. While this department of our business is continued with incrotised facilities for perfect work, we are at proiont engaged in the manufacture of watches of the very ILICHIEBT GRADE 'KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, unequaled by anything hitherto made by oursolyes, and unsurpassed by anything made dn the world. For this purpose wo have the amplest facilities We have erected an addition to our main building ex pressly for this branch of our business; and have tilled it with the best workmen in our service. Now ma chines and appliances have boon conatructott which perforixi theldwork with re - roman:Ma delicacy and ox setnens„ The choicest and most approved materials only aro used, and we challenge comparison between this grade of our work and the finest imported .chro nometors. We do - Uot pretend to sell our watches for Moe MONIY than foreign watches, but wo do assert without fear of contradiction that for the 1301110 510000 Our product is incomparably superior. All our watch es, of whatever- grade, aro fully warranted, and this warrantee i;good stall times against us or our agents in all parts oftho world, am-1..1M AM cnulausl.,,v-uuy-onlyw. rospoctablw dealers. All porsone Bolling countortolts will bo prooocutod. ROBBINS ik APPLETON, Agents for the American Watch Company, 182 Broadway, N. Y. Nor. 23 j 18613 THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE OF PHILADELPHIA. - FINY -- CLOTHINGT ROCICHILL AND WILSON, BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ready-blade Clothing Department READY-MADE CLOTUING, FOR Idia - WiNTEr WEI% Evor of topnrclasors, comprising all the NEWEST. AND MOST APPROVED ST.XLE. Custom Department Our newly Ilttod,up Custom Department for Gerais. men, Youths and Boys, now - contains a carefully se. lectod stock of •_Foreign and Dotoestio Goods, which wd aro prepare - to - make to, order, In the host manner, and at reasonable prices. We — have - On' hand" the largest and best stock of Reedy Made Boys' Clothing hi the city. Particular attention paid to the making of Boye' Clothing to order. l'icVl fl*H.lsl •gti ,, n'a F, • 21:11 a-ss .:41 1- 1 11ri 8k.p,1 4 P „ A.°.ggE Gentlemen, 'youths And Boys Melting clothing .mado to order,.hy sondlitg their mexeure,.sum per, diagram, will have their orders prompt lrutteroitito. I RATMVACTION AND A GOOD FIT., GIIANANTEED Samples .6 ... anCto.any part of t11:9 United Sato. ROCKFILLL WILSON, • BTOWNI Avtal . to OZatri,fag Hall; 603" and 605' • Ckestnut Streel, Oct. 6. ista—ath. . . . . . ri FOR. , R.ENIN . , .- ' • yilE larga and cominodiotis:atorozooin ' - on the cornor .of South- LlanoTer and -Pomfret. unite. Apply at tho Varloty'and Yanoy atoro of R. It. Ilalbert, North Ilanovor Streak between Pre.X.leffer and Sitter.. .. Nov. 2, 1808—Um.. . . - • . , . , IRE two dwelling HOUSES and-lot in Wont two. Street, adjoining W. Falallor, o Eastand Joseph Spites, on tho Wool is offered for sale. If not sold at an early day they will then be for mot' • On application, J. W. Eby, will make known all fur - therportleulars awl toms, , _ , OarllolO,Nov. 2,1866. HEDONMESSIONS- AND EXP.D: 'III.BNOE OF AN INVALID. lublishod lire .bonolft and 'Ol3 a CAUTION TO YOUNG. =Wand others; who'saffor from Norsono Do- Fromaturo Daray of Manhood, Ac„ aupplying at tho same time alia =um os rists amis. By ono who has cared Ittinsolf attar undorgoing considerable quack ,cry. B 7 nuolaing a Poitlinidayroesad onVeloOS, muds: trop of charge, may ho had of the author: xvilteNzabmati,M*lll , oll?okisql iuno UPS T: Jan 20 1800.414:- ' ' • . . . MAIN STREET, lions, Ivan to TRESS TRIMS! t BARGAINS IN Tho choicest stock of Boys' Depirtment - Vid:4. !fa FOR SALII OR ittlier JACOB lEBNDBL otlo Eat TDIVS dLai harilby...gtven to all persona- Interentoil that ' _tho_follawing , accounts-havir bean , lfileq by the accountants therein named for examination, • and will be pi l estinted to-the Orphan's - Court - of groin berland county, for confirmation and allowance. On •t Tuesday;Decomber 18th, A. D., 18130,•via 1. The aacount of James Dunlap; Adminiotrator of. George Res, late of Penn townshlwdeceased. • 2. First and final account ofJacitson Free and John Froo,.Ailtainlstratorvof Ellahaol Iteo, late of Bast - Pennaboro townehip - ,Aleceased.. \ 3. First and final account of nervy Gulehall,' tiltrotor of George Gees°, into of Sliver Spring toliwaship deceased. - • • 4. The first and final account of John J. CirawfOrti, - Adminlntrator of William Crawford ,late of tho Borough of Mayville - , deceased: 5. Tho first and final account of Jacob - 'ministrator of the estate ofJacob Fink,late °Simiam town, deceased. , • • 0. Firat and final account Of Amos UM hill, ab minlstrator of Moses Hemphill, late of SontlnaQArJ.• • township, damned. 7..Th0 first and final Adrritnistritionasebtmeef Sao. W. livilhock, Adminhitrator of the asiktb of •Ibbition Evilhock, Into of Southampton towiaship, I:locomen. • 8. Tho trot and final account of Mary S;;Swiltk, - Alh -------- ' mhilstratrix of the notate of Jane° Z. what, iota If -- Mifflin township, docensed. • . Tho first and final account. of John Sas ta, Ministrator of Josoph ChLisingston,late olEa h nt rondo boro township, decennial. --- 10. Account of Goorgo Hunts, - Guarillan of Mali - Erford now Mary Wolf, a minor child of Jacob 'Rip ford. de-cowed. 11. The first and final account of Loft E. Dentria, Executor of the last will and testament of McCiiimel, lath pf.4hO lioiough of Shipponaburg, dap 12. First and final account ofJ,Hnston lifeCulicluht - and William B. McCullough, Executors of the last Alit- I and testament of John 111cOnliough,Ato of Honk,* township, deceased. 13. The first and final account of ifehry Myers af t Samuel Myers, Executors of the last nill and test*. moot of Samuel Myers, lato of Southampton township, ileceasod. 14—First and final account of iiirs,Mati.7. Smith, Administratrix of Siunuel I. Smith, late. of SIOWtOn township, deceits - ed. 11. First and final aCCOULIVOf David Wherry, Admits istrator of the ostato of the Itov. Amon - Charlton, tats of Hopewell townehip. deceased. 10. The - first and final - administration. account or Wm. Melton, Adminintratdr of Mr's. Mary J. McKee, late of West Pannaborough township Aseensed.. - , 17. First and final account of George Miller. rxem for of William Furguson, iota of West Ponnaborough township, deceased, '''''" 18. The account of R.M. liondorson and WM. Q. Alexander, Eiocutors of Wm. Aloxander, late of the 13 .1 . 2-NMSITUTIPASemiI— L • tor de tonic non con testament() annczo oVamison Hanc non ile - ceasod. - - 20. First ami final amount of Goorge Landis, Admin istrator of Catharine Whistlor, late of Mifflin town. - ship, deceased. . 21. Tho account of lira. Catharine Brown, Admiral" trator of John Brown, late of Mifflin torsi:whip, do. ceased. • 22. The account of Margaret Moguslt, Admlalstro- trio of Louie Itingwalt, late of Middlesaz township, do. ceased. Nov. 17, 1800..-• A. L." SPONSLER, ZEAL ESTATE AGENT, ScriNi \ o ‘ nei; conveyances Insurance - and Claim Agent:‘ Of fice Main Street Near Centro Square. Large and Elegant_ . Private] Resin donee at Private Bale. - Situate on tho South 'West corner "rad and Pomfret streets In tho ..borough of Carlisle. The lot \ contains 60 foot In frontnn d 129 feet in donth. Tb 9 .• iinprovoutontsaro a largo 9 story - 4: BRICK HOUSt, ' . BRICK BACK BUILDING SMOKE HOUSE, OUT ITITOTTEN, ' and other convenient out Buildings. The 110.0 con; tains a hall, largo parlor, sitting room, dining room, and kitehon on the first floor feroonis and bath room on - lanivrtoryrand - h - robmigiullici'M - stoiy,""niMirie nil the modern hopeoverifonts, and the yard le boautitlilly Ilorx.rainfl with ollsnahl,ey sod 01500...0ne0 of fruit Of all kinds. Tho buildings are 'all nearly hew, and the ontiro premises aro In the beet pbsrlblo order. Sor terms and particulars Inquire of- Valuable From at-Private Sale Pltuato near 11ERtown Cumb. Co., aboul 134 miles from the Storm Tavern. Containing about 00 acres of land, all cleared and in alllgh state of cultivatimr The Improvements aro a nett two story • BRICK HOURE, . •FRAME lIARN34WAR oR ORE% • and other convenient out Ilttlldings. Two fine applO orchards, with an abundance of p%Cchoe, Cherries and other Fruit. An excellent well of water Sod a brick cistern. For terns Ac., apply to •A.L.EiPORELHIS, A Valuable',Lot of Grouml. lIESIRABLE-lor gartleeing or build ing purposes situate on Fforth Ftteei, az ift'aded and adjoining the Fair (Ismail& la the Poo. ough of Carl isio, containing 4 soma hi the, som• more or leas, will be sold at Private ealooA tessorisall• 'arms. ___,...,403rag, • . Highly Improved Farm at FrlVat°, Sale. SITITATE near the villtge osi' Lisburn, Cumberland County, 0 milts ftom Iderlesadce• burg, and 7 miles from Harrisburg, miultiline 108 acme ' all cleared but about 5 which tee coveroe pith good timber. The improvements 31e SU IGO WM very Mario: consisting of a largo ‘,/ tacr4; Brick -Mansion lons% tdpilk , Brick Banteliarb, f' • , :74,,,5.-oi:V11,1% BRICK rktosia nom% 7--- ' - . Bake House and Spring owe, Largo Wagon Shed, and other convenient ont-bnlig lugs, a stream of running water near (no natant:aid abundance of Fruit uf-allkinne cimahnilug re. A,n gles, Peaches, Soars, Grapoe, Le. Thu farm la leo otifally sltuatod on the bank of the "Yellow Bre* Are Oreek,• the soil in the highest possible state at contiveAkm, consisting of a rulicturo of Ltmeatone - anl3 ereez tnrotom laud, and nearly all under post anCt rail tenet, WI an abundant supply of locuettreee granter/ - - t. L. PPQn!ittit, Real Vetetio Meat. Aug. 31, 1866 Two Valuable_Traeta of Timbal* • Land at Private Bale. • ,QITUAT,II on the South MErantain ki near Mount Molly Springs. Contistthg Tract - containin g 75 — AOtoe, adjoining die property of tho Mt. Holly 'Paper Co. Well covered with young chestnut. Another tract containing 90 Actor/ adjoin ing tho above. Apply to A. L. 640R13L7R, Real Estato Agent. July 27, 1800 Hotel Property in ChurQhtown at Private Sale. QITUATE on t Main Street containing 1,..) 170 foot In front and 150 fbet In - depth•lmprove• month a largo Daublo two-story • •• '• • • • .FRAME HOUSE, • Exton sir° Stabling and Illhode,linah norm, and Ob. or convonlorit out•buildlnga, an excellent 11 CI of Wa. tor at tiro door, and a Cistern in the lard. TOP terms and further particulars enquire of the oveniie Sarah A. Llgg,ot,rosidlng in Ohurchtown, eP of A. L. SPOSSLER, Roil Estate Agent. • May 8, 1866 , BOWMAN & LEONARD, . irsAii - orAgruiimiii WHOLESALE! AND RETAIL DEALitts X. IN Ifloc' STT,VER . - C ( 1 .,.. :44 \ AND • , ' Iv,* 4. Silver illatod Goode. A. \ •,.-.-.....A I i'~ 704 Arch StreCt, Philadelphia Thoso In want' or SILVER or :SILVER .PLATED WARE nlll find IL much to tholr advantage by vlelt lag our STORE boforo making their purchases. Our long -experience In the manuniciu re of the above kind of goods enables us to defy compotlt on. . Wo keep no - goods but those which are of the FIRST CLASS, all of ourown mako,. and ',Falba sold at so , I duced Intcos: Nov. 30,1860-Iy. _ , , - "OPPOSITE TILE ivrroNwooD - TREE.w 31i -11:" 5 BARTZLER .8c 011101,• r - • - • Successors to JNO . . /TEltrnEß, Importers & Dealers In w_ Y , INT 33111 tes • AND• - - - - S NO. 821 MARKET STREET:' P.lll L D .PH.I" . lIABItY.IIERTZLEIL -'OEO. A, GUION. :MI.EILDWS HERR BITTERS FORSALIIL • N0v..2; 180- 1 4 m. , Pauzglylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa. , ' ' EFoprietor. ANITE'S.O'XURtRSof Standard - Airle . ulturall'mplelnente. . .• POLISHED • STEDL Polisltect,Steet Cu4Ovatar":2*(h, 027 its, ita. ,--P 3101132;0w.ER5; - A.X.Dr'4AO4t3:. --- ,Thrashing and iionaiatinC.faoldnea f;f Gelear'ort. ant. Plow and Cultivator ndlea: , Duckeyo golf (lathering . Steel-tooth , . ,Iraraa .(Bherman'a patent..) , -ITay“..or-totton4rOok other AgricultUral • l'ilintitreA, Agitat for CoinberlAnd Co',', IThaen brad:dans. and Iniplamellta tblll.D, dallVared at Culled°, Machanicalutrg, rfirlVlKingelovi or any Oh,: along the pioptiaieti applioathi n 170ir:i;1 86 '' • • G. W. NORTII, —Fecist•i A. L. SPONDLEN, Itord Estate Agent