Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 14, 1866, Image 1
S OF ADVERTISING One Square ono Insertion, • - al 00 For each subsequent insertion, For Mot cantlle Advertisements, •• Legal Notices Professional Cards without paper, Obituary Notices an : Communion Mons :misting to mattoi sof pri vate interests alone, 10 cents per line k 3 JOB PRINTING.—Our Job Printing Office le tho nrgest and most complete establishMent in tho lllouri.y. Four good Presses, and a generalvorloti of material suited for plain end Fancy work of every kind, enables us to do Job Printillie the shortest naccolend on the most - itinsonaliirlerms. Persons In want of 11111 s, Blanks, or anything in the Jobbing line, will ilml it to their interest to a Cr. P. nonxitiofro HURL - RICH 86 PARKER.' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main Bt., in Marion Hall, Carllalo, Pa. ' G. M. BELTZHOOVER, it-TTORNEY , AT -LAW,---and- Rea „CA; Estate.Agont, She'phordstowu, West Virgloin IlePrompt attoution given to all buolnoss In Jogor eon County and the Countlasadjoining It. January 19, 1866.-1 y. Air -F. SADLER, Attorney a Law, • Carlisle Pa. omeo in Volunteer Building, South Hanover Street. - ATC HERMAN, Attorney at Law tiarllslo, Pa., No. 9 Ithoom's Hall. July 1, 1864-Iy. TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at Lan , Car Hello, Pa. 0111 co In No. 7, Rboonea July 1, 1864-Iy. OSEPH RITNER, Jr.; Attorney at J Law awl Survoyor, Mechanicaburg, Pa. Office on Rail Road Street, two doors north of the Bank. atS„llualtess promptiLattended to. July 1, 1801. JO. C. GRAHAM, Attorney at Law Carlisle, Pm Unice lormorly occupeed by Judg, Graham, South Hanover street. September 8,1805. .E. 13ELTZHO_OVER, _Attorney at Law Moo In South Hanover otroot, opposite ':ponts's ilx„g_gosd store Carlisle, Pa. _ Soptomborll 1864. r- M. I AT A.K.LEY, Attorney at - Law, ty • fillice on south Hanover street, adjoining the office ofJudgo Ogtham. All professional business on. 'trusted Whim will be promptly attended to. July 1, 1864. SAMUEL lIEPBURN, Jr., Attorney nt Law. Mee with Hon. Samuel Hepburn, Hain St, Carlisle Pa, July . l, 1864. . LAwli,D.-CHARLES E. MA ()LAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, Office In tbs room formerly occupied by Judge Graham. July 1, 1864-Iy. TAR. GEORGE •S. SEA- Rlsi o u g T o , o lp iL t u is t t ,:l fr s o u m rg t o h r o y lOU . MOffico at tho rosidonco of hfa mother, East Louthor stroot, throb doors holm Bodford. - July 1, 1894: - ' GEO. W. _NEIDICIT, D. Late Demonstrator of Operative Den . tisiry of the _ tl n tlt a ilop:,Collegi of 11 31eir \ • Office a t n igi r r Y o ' sidenee opposite Marion Hall, West Main street, Carlisle, Pa. July t, 1864. Dr. I. C. LOWSIIS Tram. _ Pomfret Street few doors ,' - below South Hanover at July 1, 1804. M.RS: R. A. SMITH'S PHOTO graphic Gallery Sonth-east 'Garner llanover Strout, and Market Square, whom may ho had all the different styles of "Photographs, from card to life size, IVORYTYPES, AMBROTYPES, AND' MELAINOTYPES also Pictures on Porcelain, (something new) both_Plain and Colored,. and yvbich are beautiful productions of the_Photegraphiaart. -Call and see them. Part icular.attention given to copying from Daguerrm types bc. She invites the patronngo of the public. Feb,16,1860. New Variety Store THE subscriber bas,roniiived his Store to tho room recently occupied by J. NouwalA, - bot Ween Drs. KiaTer 'Gator. llosldes his former stock of Notions, ho Las also on band a find assort mont of DOMESTIC_ DRY. GOODS, such as , - -- CALICOES, MUSLINS, DELA INES, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, SH AWLS, HOOP-SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES Ac., which ho Is dotermined,to sell at the loweit cash paces, Paper Collars, all stylos; sizes and kinds. Umbrellas, in great variety, very cheap. All the latest Shect,lllusic kopt constantly on hand. The usual redaction made to music teachers. Ono splendid Plano, Accordouns, Flutes,' Violins, ke. The Old Motto 'Quick Salsa and Small Profits." Como and busatinfled. No trouble for us to show odr goods lIALDERT,7 .Nov. 2,1868 MILLER & BOWERS, Successors ,to LEWIS F. LYIVE. TDEALERS in Foreign and . Domeatio j_./Ilardivaro of all kinds, . PAINTS, OILS, MASS, VAItNISIILS &c. North Hanovor St, nearly opposite tho CarlislO Bank. July 7,1805. Dry Goods 1 Dry Goods! A. _11". Bentz, Soulli_Uanover _Car lisle, Pa. I have just made my second Fall addi tion to my aiready great and _extonsivastock of Dry Goode. I have selected tho most doelrable goods that could be obtained in the Eastern Markets ' paid most special attention to variety and taste, and am fully assured that , after a thorough inveetlgation is made, my haumerous patrons, (the Ladies' of course) will have all their wishes gratified. . I have a variety of Ladies Dress Goods,- such' no 'and Plain Poplins. Lupine, French Alorinoes of ovary spade and quality, Cloliurga, Moue do Lainos, and Alpaccas all colors. A full linoof •' MOURNING GOODS. Mouriilng Silks, Bombzinikps, Bopp.]:Muble and Sid gle,width, all IVool DeLalnes, AlpaccasrEnglisli crape. Crape Voile and Dollars, London Mourning Briny, &c, MUSLIN'S, IitSLINS 7 - vary - ehoap - and - gobtl7 - 4: largo Invoke Cloths and Cassimere • -. w Jeans, Volvot Cord,_. . ' qq F vr 'LBallordvalci, Shaker a • heavy twilled lalin a ol i s et bl:dk Solforino Blue ;' gr ' own, Groan arlak Scarlet daque Flannels. Whim and , ColoKed Homcmadc, blaunols, 'good -OarV ton Flannols,'. Prints very best branda,Gloves,Hoslery and Buttons of every kind, Shirts and Drawers, floods, NubVs andlirnalifnerSheWTFVßlniik - etti at lowest pri , coo, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts,_la_spr_antlßtair_oll 'I am prepared and Will soli at tho lowest prices. , W:BENTZ . . 0ct.12,1866 AGENTS WANTED FOR FRANK MOORE'S NEW WORK "WOMEN OF THE .•A GENTS WILL FIND' VMS A book of real merit and intrinsic value—BUß- Ate. NEW—lntensely Interesting and - exciting. No work over attracted and engaged the public mind like this, Everybody wants it, and thousands will far chase it ea soon as an opportunity is afforded. them. Bond what - Agents say of It Ono experienced Agents writes—lt hi the eitslait and pleasantest Book to sell he over canvaSsed - for, and says people are delighted with It, the Ladies imperially. Another says,—"Women of then Var" is the book of the - season. Anothorl37 Ordors in four days. • Ono reports 17 orders the first day of canvassing, Intelligent, activo melon or females will find the sales of this works ploanant and lucrative employ. moot. This Book has no competition—lt comes ,f resh and new to •thb people. The, territory is clean and clear. Agents understand tbe advantages in this pat ticular. For full parthailars• send for, Circular. Ad - dross L. IILEM6I.O.IIt 104 Wool Baltimore street, Baltimore. Nov. 2,1E1607407 CON.IitOTIcINARY) . REAM WORK, Stara, 'Tulipa, Ron bons A-lamodo, Cho'colatoo, Hands, Cocoanut and. Dc0,15,1805.. - 4 ' OAVER8TIO118: ' lID m IES COMPANIONS,' " • all scats ahapos and el. • • - 00.164.865- . .- AT ITAVIDIATIOKB 'polo NVEL.-Plank, Zeigler; York;'Ea j_ _ g i g eqad Purry Plo i Wg, for gale cho3gra:oli';B,. eat. ia,lBqo MD ;CAGES of every description at . • _ SAXI'OII.O :opt; 13, 1330. pnYeallANß end it to Lheir t' wintazo ,64 :ma pvdtliarn tiolr .11P-Wqnqa 26 00 4 00 9.00 VOL. 65. A. K. TtHEEM, Publisher I= The Little_Maid and , the_Lawyer..:.. They say, little maid, quoth lawyer Brown, I'm the cleverest non in all the town. lialgh-ho I nays she, What's that to met But they say, HUlo maid,. quoth lawyer Brown, You'ro the prettiest girl In all tho town. Says eho, Ifthoy do, - . Wllat's that' to you They ray, llttlo maid, quoth lawyer Drown, the richest man in all the town. Heigh-110 I rays rho, • What's that to um? But thoy soy, little tuald, quoth lawyer Drown, You ought to ho dressed Inn gown. Says oho, If they do, What's that to you ? They gay, littlo maid, quoth lawyer Brown, That Johnny Hodgo to an awkward clown. Ilnigb-ho I Hays alio, irtmol b.-. 4as ma, But they say, little maid, tiro lawyer said, i i i That yrafnerl nroleg_tadre Soya alto If they do, What's that to yon? ~~~ ic~~~~~~~~~~~e OUR CHRISTMAS STORY How Goldsworthy Brothers Spent their Christmas .Day. IN TWO CHAPTERS - , CHAPTER I. It was 'Christmas Eve. The newly-- glited gas jets flung a ruddy gleam upon the snow which carpeted the- streets of the great city. The flakes wore falling still, but little chance had they to whiten on the flagstondi; - for the church towers had just proclaimed that it was flvo o'clock. -and -itn over-incrensing throng of IVOrliOrn wail pour ing forth from the_dusty city oftices,.and hurrying honieward, eager with the antici pation of their coming holiday. Few seem ed inclined to loiter; friendly greetings were exchanged, but the way-farers passed on without; lingering,to gossip, ono and all wearing the same expression of cheery haste, the expression which is, or should be, on Cho face that is sot toward home. Not quite all, however. From 'the - foot of a narrow 'staircase, in onoof the darkest_ end, gloom iest of the city lanes, a man came forth, and paced, with a listless trend,, towards tho more open thoroughfare, where a handsome carrifige was waiting him. Tho whole equipage denoted wealth and position, and the appearance of the owner was in strict accordance with it. Grave, erect, dignified ; clad in garments perhaps slightly behind the time as to fashion, but of the finest and most costly material ; with snow-white neck cloth anti bhirt front, and od-fashioned up right collar—Robert Goldsworthy looked the very incarnation of commercial rosnec: I tability. - Igor di.Lhis_appearaten_belie-him-;- 11 as the senior and only surviving partner in the long-established firm of GoTdswortliy Brothers, his credit was unimpeachable ; and the - balance at his banker's was. almost equal to tho whole Capital of many a flour ishing concern. Of mature ago, but, with still enough of youthful vigor to hold his head erect, and to sign his name to a cheque without ono wavering stroke in the large, bold signature, which was good for so many thousands - , surely Robert Goldsworthy was a man to - bo - envied --- A - nd - yet - d — cl CFS(3* - 0 hSZT;. - vorTstudying - tho - richmechant's face;-would- have seen that a dark shadow rested there— a shadow which did not yield even to the cheering influence of Christmas associations; nil - tlie:listless - way - in - whichT-as-ho - seatott himself in his carriago to-night, ho said to thO coachman home l' showed that to him the word brought no joyhil anticipations. Far different was Lhe * effect of the coming holiday upon one occupant of the office which Mr. Goldsworthy had just loft. Mr. Matthew Kniblis,_the cashier-of the house-of Golds worthy .13 , rothors, at presont bueily'employed in locicingup-the books of the .11 , 9 n, by no - arcane - shared his omployoriNitn£ preciaiion. of the festive season. Christmas, with a jovial determination to make it a right down. merry one, was .reflected in every feattfro: Even -the books, .the'eriered books, .harited en tenderly by Mr. Knlbbs the rest of the year, were slammed and 'bagged about to-night with a recklessness to which they, were 'wholly Unaccustomed. Knibbs was fn n huiry to bo hoine, and,ho didn't care who know it: 'As soon ,as ti) books were safely deposited in their iron . cupboard,- Mr. Knibbs had a 'frightful struggle with a rah& tight ' overcoat, and _ _ . thong linviisg squeezecflii into a pair of brown Ringwood gloves, put on- his hat" with a"positive hang, and exchanging Ger- Christmas,' in the heartiest of tones, with the few elerkri'Who stililingored: in the office, sallied forth, and commenced a rapid march, homoward.---Manfully,-under'-his 'stormily jOStling a passer-by, but whenever he didrso, apffiogizing so heartily; and: smil ing so genially, that pardon was instantly Tim shops of various prOvisions dealers displayed their wares in tempting profus,. ion. - Huge sides of prize beef, radiant with rich,_ Ilrm, goldon fat, and carcases of might ty AC - op—very Monarchs of mutton—deco rated with garlands of paper flowers, and rosettes rows in front of the shops of the meat salesmen, while Post-butchers, clean blue -blouses, sharpened their knives, and vociforOted,Duy.-1- buy I buy l' with Christ-. max energy. Succulent porkers, recalling delightful memories of Elia and sago and. onions, lay reeembent,.with oranges in their, months, and with their innocent oyes closed for ever on this wicked porkivorous world. And hero and.there, whore the baby porkers wore most numerous, a pen might, by a 'close observer, bo seen within, where a big brother .pig lay, like kr...Jefferson's last novel;.' Not dead yet,' but sleeping -.that profound. and Alreamless 'slumber which is proverbially- the portion, of-poor wretches doemedto.speedy execution,. while _outside. Might bo Seen (alas for greatness !) a placard -setting 'forth - the - age, 'Eveight, and Other amiable qYalities of tho dooffied one.: Geese and turkeis, pigeons and, wild ducks, hares 'bud pheasants, hung in admired confusion, Eosy-cheeked apples, golden oranges, pur ple grapes, lay in.rieh heaps; that Lance or,, Duffield would have longed to paint, and 'Meaner mor,tals—b.o-no Twitter I Grocery', conizqmlago fol; At. . I~lE~lt~'~l~~.- mainder of the, year, on this night roso to the -dignity of 'it lino art. Undeveloped pudding, in tho shape of currants of Zanto, raisins of _Malaga, __intevspersed with citron and - candied - peel of somew - horo oleo, would be all.times, one would think, suffici ently tempting, .b'ut to-night they„ s shono with a glory beyond their own. Sprigs of holly, with bright-red - berries, lent a con trast to tho expanse of rich, dark color, with an effect which must have been.soon to be believed. Even the tallow-chandler was groat to-night. Elegant devices formed of candles, evdlos of wax, candles of tallow, and candles of paraffin, gorgeously tinted, and tastefully arranged, formed cones, and pyramids, and, temples in tho windows, while wreathe of holly ivy, roses and haw l , thorns, hung in festoons from pane to pano. Our friend Knibbs made a few purchases, but - his investments-seemed-to-lie--rather-in the direction of toys and trinkets than in the entente line ; - untal he'reaeu 1111.1. U. ve )osito a .uiet, old-fashioned' grocery utak).- lishment,_ less . go.Fgeous y - decorate. t an many of the others, but bearing the stamp - of - equality upon the appearance of its wares; Hero Knibbs entered, and mada- various purchases tending towards pudding, but in small quantities rale° a goodly supply of tea and sugar. Then stowing his various parcels away \in hi's - capacious'pockets, .he hurried on, merrily as ever; till he came to a street corner, where an old crone, bent nearly double with ago and infirmity, was sweeping, or attempting to sweep, a vary muddy crossing. The ancient dame looked up, and her dull eye brightened as she rec ognized Kbibbs, for ho was a steady and constant patron.' To-night, however he did not at once produce the accustomed cop per, and pass on, but stopped to pnrley. _'Well, Mrs. Brown, bow's-tra&T6:night,- and how do we get on with the pudding to morrow ?' "Thank you kindly, sir,' the old woman replied, can ' t complain ; I've takena good ish many coppers,-and ono silver threepenny to-day; but ai to pudding; it ain't mucli'Z' that the, likes of us gets.' now do youithinl you could make A pudding if yi)u came across the materials?' 'Lot bless 'eo, sir,' the old woman replied, don't know nothitent 'terials ; but I reckon if I had a quarters o' flour, and a trifle o' raisins and sugar, that me and thy neighbor, Mrs. Duffy, 'ud make out a pud ding somehow.' 'Well, then, at any rate you shall try.— • Hold up your -apron.' r' - • SO . 'saying, Knibbs disencumb2red himself of his parcels, on after another, and adding brght florin, to buy a bit of meat and the flour for the pudding, hurried on faster than over, to escape the thank and blessings which the-old -3vom . an—gratefully:-sholverod upon him. =9 p,,,vuutlua evwwhii — n — MTiridividual ib ho w h 6 iCl watched the whole transsetion, tapped him on tho shoulder. 'You go the right way to earn a merry Christmas, Mat linibbs.' Knibbs started, seeming as much ashamed of his good act, as if ho had been detected in the commission of a petty larceny. Re covering himself however, he turned to look at the person who addressed him, but the familiarity of the greeting seemed to beto ken that ho was an old acquaintance. Mat 'the_w!s_eyes_wandered.over-hisfigure-without- iiny_sign_of_rocognition.__Tho_stranger_np, pearod to be perhap., forty or forty-five years of age: stronvlimbed, of the middle height and with pleasant features, much tanned by oxposura tcl_witisl and weather,-and---some-- what hidden by a profusion'of grayish beard.' their expression was frank and open, with a look of quiet - resolution and self-reliance that seemed to bespeak one who had faced the world, and was not afraid of it. Knibbs face wore a puzzled expression, as if seine - look or lone or the stranger touched a chord in his memory, faintly that, tho dim re;nembianco had—not strength to ehapo itselfloto actual recollection. Tho strE4ir rdsumed 'You don't ieraember oldfriond . l Well, perhaps it's no wonder; a good many years have pupa, since you and I met; but I should have thought Mat-. thew: Knibbs, Of ail men, would have hOd a better memory. As he spoke, ho turned half roun‘so that the glare of thrgeslight - fell - full — upon — hie Saco, fit the.samo time raisias hie hat, and affording Knibbs a fuller view than ho had yet - had of his features. Knibbs started ; the' light of, a sudden recognition shone in his eyes; and a strange excitement made his voice quiver. , • 'lf the dead should come back to life again, I should say it was Mr. John I' 'dad it is Air. John himself, Mut Knibbe, and right glad he is to stand on E f oglish soil, 'arid grasp an old friend's han4. once more. _Dead,.yOu_thought me, oh 7 Then yon never had - myietters - I — l - havo - often - viondered - how it was that no one over wrote.' 'Never a lino, Mr. John. Mail after mail eamoin after you loft, but wo,did not give. up hopd till we heard of tho loss of the ship you sailed in. It was a bitter day, sir, when the news came ; you wore a kind-friend-to all , Of us ; and thorn was manya grown man in the firm had tears in his Aires that day, and wasn't ashamed.of it either. • It'stiven my old heart- a turn, I can •toll yoti, sir, to son you safe home again.' , The news was true enough,' said the stranger, 'The "Atlanta" was • wracked, .but I eseliped,iat "tho cost of spending. two years of iny life among half-nakectsaVages. The story of my adventures id too long to toll now ; however, I got away to aniiilized land at last, and my flrei thought was to write for'news from.home. And I did write, ,again, and again, and again; lilt I lost all hope, and wrote no repro; concluding thai, „my brothor must.ave died, or failed, and that thefirat of Goldsworthy Brothers had ceased to exist.' your ah I see it all,' said Knibbs. 4 About a year-after_you-left,-your brother ceased to'resido At the business bonne: Ho purclrased a rinuision at Kensington, and at the same time transferred the business to larger tho . city. Wo sent circu lars round . to all our corresponderits,,appris- . ing them of the change. For the first month or tw9. a 'cleirk, used to go down occasionally to the old plhco, to see if there' were anylet tors' Moro; but that soon coased,tong before Your first letter 'oeuld have redehed-England: The' p 1 d liaa,upvor bcon oc-cupiediiiieeirex- is -' ~_ - CUT - \\ ' Ct _ 1 j C ._ _ 0 1 1 / 4 t 4) („ 11 _ ) , , eopt 'l3y an•old deaf woman, who takes care Of it, and I 11,aven't tho least doubt that yoU'r letters are lying there now., . -- ALikely-i3nough t !-6tkid4ohn-Cloldswertliy, 'So much, for - the 'past, now a word of the 'present. My little girl I She lives ?' 'Yes, -Mr. John, and a dearer little lady never gladdened a fatliert. It'll b'e ,happy day for her when she hears -that you have come home alive and safe.' .'Will it llnibbs ? Well, we shall soo. A girl who - has been roared by,a rich uncle, with every luxury, may hardly care to be, claimed by a vagabond father, with all his fortune on hie back.' 'Shame on you for the thought, Mr. John! But I forgot, .you can't know Miss Welly, of course, and I beg your pardon. All the gold she needs is in her heart, bless her ! and if .you were a boggar=-__Lbeg_your pardon again sir, but I can't pick my words to-nigla---if ono hadn't a penny, you'd be as welcome as if you wore a king. • I ought to know her --well:sir : - I beld-her-in-my-arms--when-sha was a baby; and'for the last s-Cven—ino-ntbs the„,has lived in my. house, and.beenliko ono of my own.' 'ln your house, Knibbe! What has_hap: -paned to my-brother 1' • 'Dear; dear - ,11r: John ; that's my unlucky tonguo again. However, you must knoW all aboht it sooner or later, and perhaps it's just as well as it is. Well, sir, I'll toll you. Since you went - away, and left.tho dear child in yoffi brotherficare, times have changed a good bit with him. He always Was alit tle-bit-stiff and stately, you know„Mr-John ; and now he is some ton times . richer than when you loft, and he is prouder and sterner than_over. I believe he loved Miss Nelly a good bit, after his own fashion, and intended to make her his heiress, -for ho has never married, and ho_had set his heart upon her Making a good marriage, and all that ; and I believe hu bed fixed upon some grand gon- Vernon - , with mountains -of money, but old enough to be her lather,, would have it, though, Miss Nelly, had al ready .made a choke for herself, and a, good worthy young man too, but not ,ov_oecvell off, for he 'it only a-cleric : at' present. His Walter Arden :-you remember old Nicholas Arden, who was cashier in tho firm before me -for I'm the cashier 'now, Mr. John. Well, sir, the young man is his nephew; and a worthier, more upright young. follow never stepped, and quite a gentleman, -though ho was only a clerk in the office. Ho was a bit of a favorite with your brother, and he used to invite him to= his house MOM_ and then ; and perhaps that made the young peofila think ho wouldn't be so much against it. However, when Mr. Goldsworthy.want ed Mi4s Nelly to marry this rich gentleman, of course it till came out, and he was fool- , fully angry, almost out of his wits with pas sion ; and the end of it Was, he said Bliss etirmustoither - givemp - vv ameron MAW slant, or leave his house, and consider her self cast off for ever. The poor child has a spirit ofi-her own, notwithstanding her gen tlen'ass ; and it wasn't likely that, so true hearted as she is, she would give up her lover; so Mr: Robert told her tci,_ Q uit his house, and never let him see her again.' John Goldsworthy's face had grown stern er and sterner during Knibbs' recital. Tho tightly-shut lips, and flashing eyes, showed how deeply ho was moved, and almost, -hoarse-With-emotion f lo gasped;--4Go on-man F -go-onl', • - •Thero isn't Much loft to tell, sir. The poor doar'cliild was almost, brokenhearted, as you may imagine. Fancy, only ein, -and-reared-in-every - luxtirT - und to burn= ed out in the - streets to find her way in the world, by horSelf. Oh, it-was an awful-thing, Mr. John 1 The eln must have lain heavy 'on your brother'S heart; and I believe it has, for ho has' not bean tho seine man since that night.' _ . Olnibbs, you are maddening me; for heaven's sake let me hear the ' Wall, sir, the worst is told, thank God I Providence put it into her poor bewildered littlo hoad,.to' come to us, knowing we wore sincere friends, though in a humble way.— Dear, dear; I never _shall forget when I came home that night, and found tho • door child sobbing in my little woman's awns: My little woman, thoes Mrs. Knibbs, .sir, and al!otter wife, or a kinder, more tan- - derAearted - souli - nover - breathed; - though I say it that shouldn't;.and I don't see why I shouldn't, either, God bless her l The poor child .was almost in despair at first; and what she would have done I don't say, for she hadn't come to us intending tootay, but iiiilf - juarartlfelitat'plactrati of in her trouble, and she Wanted to turn goverviess, or, abamtrees, - ,or aothothing or. other to get her own living. Well,,wei ,ed to her, and comforted her, and myll little woman-2womon have each a soothing way, you' Bee, air, when any One's in .troublei - she - coaxed - her, and kiasellicii:7tilftliii-p-00-r -'dear child got a littlo quieter; and we, per- Beaded her to stay with us till, she got some- ,thingebetter; so 'she has boon with us over since..f3he was. terribly afraid of being a burden to us, and made herself qnitc mis erable about it at-first, till Dorothy-hit upon the idea that she should- do some Water, color drawings;and I should take them and sell them. So. I take them, and bring, her home a little money now' and thee', as if,-I had disposed of them 'to the' dealers; and, the . trutivia, I did try once or twice at first, .but there isn't much ofa market for such things, and I•hadn't the heart to lot them go at the prices. they offorod; so they were all Trap pedup in tisane paper in my desk at the of fice. It pricked my , conscience a little to doceive -her, dear child; but it made , har. 'so. happy to think that sho was doing some thing for herself, tlint raouldn't make up zny. mind toundcooLve - ker2 - : _,• • John Goldsworthy dashed his hands - across hie:eyes. iffnibbs, old friend; I can't say' all I feel juat'now; but God will reward you and your ,need wifo . frit' 'your' kindnOsito- My '. 'You cannot toll! yo, I had 'a, motherless-oh ild. 4 ------ ' ‘-- . ' . .: .- Robert laoldsworthy I ~'_and -pure and __.Poor. Iruibbs„ebutlied,.and.colonred_Up to, of „tho_pest, ii.wone'ltni4Y . thiliitter thiYoots of his hair s 'as if he was thoroughly wife. You kilgraeth . ly, 00 /. 0 0494 . 1' ashamed of hiroself. Nor was . his . .ember- beautiful slisd that was p . ' uliti In the rasinnoue lessened when John Clohlswertby than all; .". vms bourtd - Ati hot. You seised hie hand and %hook It as' If ho in tendod to Shako it off altogether.- . ;' . 'wor t y - ezevo me Mylaug . 4 took 'away Mr. John I Mr.Ooldsworthy I don't pray.:;''' l ' re. I ti oug ii, i Would ha /Yen ,tWenty 'You're,. iiiirtlng mop, you 'are indeed A.ii my ''''' ~,; .. 1 hoSie 'saved ' li .',, YOU inor, Jovittwi'''shol yds Oaken f' me. Tko thw pqueesq 7 muat thivo ,th:too.tror,t:har4 l 4, ,bOW': - 1 ) 6,, a 1v, thy uthit , ' /0 'griof, my .deed f9i, theta , Wererfearg thtbo 1131 , ' u l s' - 4 . 1 .' e ''; ' Carlisle, Pa. , - Fridety;• Deooll39r-1-4:;-1866 'Bless my heart I he exclaimed, ad soon as ho had goi:his - hand free from his' compan ion's grasp. !What a head I have got, to be auti- kooping-you- taik ing-eut, in the street, while you are longing to see your daughter. I know what a father's feelings* 'o aro, Mr. John. I would'nt havene of my little ones away, from me for a week, no, not for twenty pounds, that I would'nL--And yet I'm keeping you from your daughter after being parted near upon, twenty-years. !join° along with me, sir. It isn't a yerrsplendid home, ours,' but we keep happy hearts and plenty of love in it; and suchits you r ellen_ be a welcomeguest; not less for old , friendship's sake (you'll excuse an old man's freedom, Mr. John), not less for old friend ship,t ban for the,eako of the dear child, and whom yourreturn will make so hippy.' I'll come you may be intro_ old friend,' said John Golgotvertbv : `but nn t. to-ninht.. . imere is a temper; of wratn within %me I dare not bring into her gentle presence. Before-I-see my dear child's face Eyre nn accoun _ o clam—a reokonm settle with the man who did his duty so_ to his brother's ciphtn child.' linibbe ' face fell.. Then you won't como bli'Mo„With me to-night ?' 1 No, old friend, not to-night. :You will have to boar with mo, for I have knocked about so long-alone in the'world that I dare say I have got somewhat strangitand cranky in myimays, and don't do things quite as other people — dm - My business to-night is with my brother. To-morrow, if you will lot min I:will claitn your hospitality. And ono word more. I wish you, if you will, to keep my secret for a little:time longer. 'Let mo come to you to-morrow merely' as an old friend of yours, and See my little "girl in her daily life among you ; and let me, in my own good time,- reveal- the- secret - myself: I should like to see with my own eyes that she is not spolled by wealth, before. I tell her how poor ,her father is._ You-will -humour trlef will you not r • course Twill, if you wisli7t: I dare say the good news won't spoil by, keephig tell her soon, Won't you _Sir? It seems hard to keep such happiness from her.' ' To-morrow, Knibbs, I promise you. You may be suro,,that I should never- part from my darling without telling her she is mine,. Just a word more, Mr. John,' said Knibbi, qi" it isn't too much to ask, might I give DorciMsy just a hint? I'm so happy .myself, she'd be sure to notice it, an - d we both love Nally so dearly' 'lf you'll answer for her discretion, you -may.-tell her as much as you like. 'And now give ma my :brother's addrtris, and good-bye, till to-morrow. And rdmember, I come as an old friend your own:' I won't forgot,' said Kuibbs., And after _noting_dow-n:—the—required---addresses, Knibbu shook hands warmly with his _friontl-InsuL-th n-t PA John Goldsworthy paced along With rap id' strides till ho reached his brother's house, which was in a fashionable west-end square. The peal which ho gave at the bell so disconcerted the arristooratic foot man, whose duty it was to answer it, that he lost his presence of mind, and compro mised his dignity by opening the door al most instantly. Is Air , Goldsworthy at home ?' ' Mr. Goldsworthy is Ain ,' said tholacquey who was uotdmpressod by tho appearattoo of - the - NisitomiA - persoirw without-an-umbrella through-pouring-sleet and snow, could.bardly be of much conso 7 queues. and Thomas returned to his dignity accordingly. 'But he is particklar angagod, and-aan't-sooyou—To•nlitit.'. - , 'He will soo me, and to-night,' said John Goldsworthy, striding into the hall, and khaking hiniself to get rid of the kIIOW which clung to his garments. . ' . The footman stood aghastattho asrfurance of his visitor, and was about to return an• impertinent answer, but something in the eye of John Goldsworthy restrained him, and he said meekly, 'What name shall I say eir 1' 'None whatever. I will announce myself. In which room shall I find your ;nester /' The overawed footman indicated afioor, which. John Goldsworthy opened without knocking, and entered the room, while Thomas _retreated to -the servantql. hall- to give a miraculous account of the daring..vis itor•-------- ------- The room which John Goldsworthy en tered so unceremoniously - Was a handsome ly furnished library, and at a table near the eat the city merchant, reading. The only _liiht,proceefied.from. a shaded lamp, hich-brightly-illurni4uted,..theaable,-and all below a certain level, but left the remain der of the room In darknoes; The merchant raised li'-e'nead as the door opened,- but ow ing tor,lie partial light could not.distinguish the features : of his visitor. JOhn Goldcwor; thy sWode up to tht`table, and seated him self,: zililbid - rt word, in a . cliiii - directly fa; clog that of - his brother. As' he did .So; Robert .doldsworthy, amazed at the -singu lar conduckuf his visitor, raised the / shade of thalamplu,light of which streamed fill upon ,John _Goldsworthy's stern felituras. His brother's face changed to a.lotdr of striok - :- on terror. His features grew ashen white,' and his teeth- chattered, while his hands convulsively : clasped the arms of his chair 'as though he would have fallen without their aupport.. ; Golci, I' ho gasPed,, 'hits the gray/ givett,.up:.itl-V ' • , - • lIsTo, Robert _Goldsworthy,' .caid n, sternly. • Put aside your fears. I tided but yesterday in England, and . y first thought was to embrace my brothsand tho dear child I had loft in his Oa 0. Since thartinui, strange roperts have ached me; and before I danstrotth ant.ta ou the right band of- - brotherly allbotion/I :,'dust' know how yOtt have-discharged:DV tru - st,\_ 'Whoa is is my child?' . ~ / . . ." Forgivo in 0,, forgive mo, : Joh7 - ien.. help me, , I , cannot toll!' .. And ~,yoa , t - _-_- %, delirious 'moaning, day and nightpicir my lost love. 'You know that you yourself, fear ul for my reason, and -in the hope of -distr cting - 'my -- thou - ghts; "irsisted"that — l ould go out to India on the business of the firm. -I went; I left-my baby with, you, con fident in your promise that you would care -for and chorish her as ,your own. I was shipwrecked ;";but•l'escaped, as you see with lifo.,Y I haVe but just now discovered lion , it was that lay letters never reached you, 'nor any cargo from you to me. I have made fortunes, 'and lost them. Iroweyer, what my life Imis boonrntitters little. Since have -been away, time and change have Worn a way my grief. I can speak of my lost wife noty 'without a-- tear ; but of the dear love that once was hers; not ono heart-beaV isdost. As I loved my wife once, I love my'daugh; ter now.-- The holy memory- of the — dead - M, h eMtVie + d h r. " ,‘4l,ra l gfri every walun moment of rnore i than eighteen years ; my one thought, my one wish, to bo able to claim my child on earth, before I should be called to moot her mother-in heaven— Robert, I loft my child in your care. - I ask you for her now.' Robert Goldsworthy hid .his face in his hands. There was silenCefor some moments, and then John Goldsworthy spoke again, in that grave, solemn tone, which seemed to strike cold uplin the heart of his brother.— Robert, I have corns to claim my child. I ask you to givo me my child.' By a great effort Robert Goldsworthy raised himself upright in his chMi. 'Broth er_John,_ until six months ago, God knows I faithfully kept your • trust. ' Until six months ago, Nelly was iii this house as much mistress as if she had been my own child. No care,_ no expense Was spared to make her all that you could wish her. All that gold could purchase was 'lavished upon her, and I 10 ,. .red her, God knows how dearly I loved hdr. All that I, had-was hers. In an un happy moment an offer was made to mo foi her 'Band: — Tho suitor was an old friend of . my own, an upright, honorable man, hav ing all that could be 'desired in wealth and position tO offer her and I approved his suit. However, Nelly had already, without my knowledge, .fo'rmnd an attachment to acl rk in my_own counting-house. I had noth Mg to say against the young man's charnel k but I considered it presumption in one in his2position to aspire to the hand of my a doptb daughter, and - I insisted that aho should give him up. She refused, and ono night, no miserable night, provoked by what I considered:ler obstinacy, I spoke in anger words that I should not have spoken at a calmer moment, 'and commanded her either to give up her lover or to leave my house - for - over - .' She Came_and_knelt _dowil to me, sobbing, but 'I turned my back upon_ linr, s iind ines. ,..pod-help-m - I - hicvn nnvm. coart I Iler The fixed. stern look upon John , worthy's face had never changed. 'And so Robert Goldsworthy, you turned your broth er's child out at night into the streets I' , Stop, John, Ido not defend myself, but one word more,. before you . condemn mo quite. Until tho'breakfast hOur the ,noxt morning I had no idea she was gono ; and frbm that hour I have been a miserable man.' 'With a shaking hand Robert Golds , worthy reached from a side table a pile Of -newspapers,-and-seizing-ono,, ran'his - finger down the page. '"June 6th,"—that-wao tho day after she left—"lf will re r turn home, all will bo forgiven." From that day to this I have never ceased to ad ' - vortislyto entreat tin . -- pray hor to Como home. This is the E. G. is entreated to return to her distraety un cle, who prays her forOvenqss, and will do _ .. his best to promote her happiness." But all This handful' of ft,tbklnewise and gatba- num that, David put upon the censer long in vain—day after day has passed, and no ago smoked up to Heaven. The_table .of tidings, no tidings. - From the day - whon•lhe banqueting mentioned-in the text has been loft me I have not known ono happy mo- bro . k i e e n ri d n 7 i and ranchth e o g i r e an is et lo e, ft e n r o t t ne sci leet wont; and I have tad to go about my daily id as garland. But P 9ad spreads out, to-day, a business, to speak to,my clerks and servants ttble that puts Ibio nothingness the carnival with a quiet face, while a worm was gnaw- of Israelitish aid Babylonian palaces. The ing at my heart. Brother John, will you table reaches i,cross the - two great ranges of not forgive me Tmountains , tint cross tiro continent, and touches the wench of tbo Atlantic and Pa= John Goldsworthy, was silent for a few Mlle seas. It-is the - thanksgiving table of moments, and when ho spoke it was in the the natio , / They come from the North .s and same quiet, icy..tono. ' No, Robert; you South aid East and West to sit at it.' pon it .smoke the products of every zone; birds must seek _forgiveness _from -whom -whom -you f rom -Awry aviary, cattle from - ovaryy pas have so deeply wrditged. L cannot_ forgive ture r dsh from--every-lake; - feathered - spoils you— - every farm. Its fruit-baskets bend ... left-my child in your core, and from urfer fr the wealth plucked ,from the peach-- the day I did so, no thought I;as over cross- fslds of Now Jersey, the apple orchards of ed my mind that you could botray my trust. tYestern New York, the orange-groves of ; FL ow . t rgiand woods. • Tho Had Such' thumb - E .- arisen, I should havo ? _Florida, theyin s oyarkof Ohio, and the nuts spurned it, as an insult and a disloyalty tr t hr esh9a , I??.- 1 , broad is white irom 0.w.t...-dokicroe-a you. .I come home), -- I cometo domandlY souri and Michigan. The b - anquettors are d; .To me. -that --I-come-to man I. trusted:re"' adorned .withlN" California silver, and the feast -60 gold, the table is , on earth, my own brother, has turithi my agleam d ' with child into the streets, for the dire 1 -- do ,Pf -;.. arr s -with fire grate 'leaped high with coal. hall is sread with,. having.given her affection - 0e an holorahle zarpetnnsyl from vania Lowell Th mie p lls, and the lights young manilin preference to a midSle-aged flash. from bronzed brackets of Philaderphia f„, f,- manufacture. The fingers of MassaChusetts. rhilTiOnaire. And -for such weauo, , • . 1,- A s h girls have,hung tho place with beautiful era lowing the natural . impulse .of her; 4 ,„.,. broidery. .The Music is the drum of ten young''heart,' you turned her out / Y" — • thbushnd mills, accompanied' by the shout of house. Heavens tithe thought ,o"`e3 my children lot loops for play : the aiadnnas.of blood 'boil. You wore' kind.; • four million - bondnion, her, after, -harvesters.-c)-fhomaWarn tne ioact Or .ypUr .fq.shion, for eighteen furs. . But' for h boating, tirrie with an'appenhackels, and the that One remembraneo pool as if I. could . 1 5.4liarper - of H - doxology. of a redeemed nation, r t'l d ia w tf' n lies en us . .:1. where yob. stand.' v ..tre 4 crowded g With strike you .totho'groi , - ' Johti, , LJohit I`.. ' - with anthems thitt . llf,ltes. , on '' spread. eavell ere is nn hosann aol'and thaqtfo terrestrial wing,till tho'colostut .., nonce, a n d,,baiir me out! Th c onds, pr thoire was such i ‘ table' beins anthem sonnet toll wthyta song a ry devil- 'l4 my i Heart would' almost '' 11 _ ompenie to the guilt of a second Caih, and Never.i, a yo people I ' Sons and daurrl" to' escape the l'empter I must fly. - Half an Bing./ God, clap the cymbals! Th”Jugli hour ago, you did not know you had - a brotht•nodreg pipes- let -there come sown the . r of national rejoicino. - - There must or. Forgot it again, lit you can. Hews • be - feasting to-day I Join ' hands I Lift up - J forth, if We meet, we meet as strann-dritil • the palm-branches I - ..- , • -- ob,. that man would_; for one;.idiall not Seek your bier. 4o u ha ve praise the Lord -foi-his goodnekt and - for his • -own wonderful, works to the ohildre f • " how my v I have' forgiven you the -.' -.--.•_., ar .• n o -MOIL,. w 0 oin a statg of Ponca. The Now Or . .... done my ohild, and tlic h ., 44 _ o _leans Massacre'is past, and the oloild -that heart,' will be ile i v o - o d ke • d ‘, his To inhis hung over Baltimore is. withdrawn., The ).abort GP' :. up again, ho was monitors sleep with _shut- port-holes. - -The ... ~ , . ._ .. , , r - Monadnock - goes, on. a pleasure excursion hands., - . , . - across the son. Antiot . am is yellow with a,l3r (concluaioti next week.) ' corn -shooks, While statisticians and linen; - elan have been planning, and every brick in' DA pavement of Third street has had its self-appointed prophet, God has been putt= ing a bit in the mouth of our war-debt, and guiding it in the right direction. - With ono billion of dollars less of national - debt than England, we have a revenue exceeding hers by p ono hundred and. seventy:nt 11ions ofilol-,- .lars.—Mr.- Glodatone, - entitles tho 'British Parliament-witli-th e - proplitieythirotiithibi:' dyed years will exhaust liinglaiad's coal bods; while we It avojust - beg un excavation. ThOrio ! who first foretold -repudiation will hot now he initisfledvith anythingliut ii sovon-thir tie4." The gritin fields luitm. passed their harvests ahoy() the Veto of drought hnd del: ago. The bat bin -of . the natiOn is' full: 'Hark to tho' Wild - ifush Oftho-wheat through 'the Chicago grain 'lifters I , 'Clear the track for tho freight trains transpottinA' ' the West , t - . ' .. . . • "Do yOu liko n vela ?" risked Xiss Fitz geruld of,her backs oods 'pier.' " I can't BaY," ho t.9Pli e d,"•I over ate any; but I'm death All pormurq." - • 00.14,runr.e.r. t1NG0.9.7411/110;,..!±011fai05/ dear, pow thatwo aro married, you know, -wernnst-haVti no ' Seerots:T6hdo,lik o a dovo hand 'inn that bottliiof hair-dye; you will iliadikin m"Y drossing-easO."- '. ': . L ' - 'An Irishman, on hearing of a friend hnv ing.aatono cattln MAO for himself, exolaiin ed: gi 8y' . 14 aoWl ,and that's a, good idoo .SUO and A stone doilln 'ud laat it. plan it life . • time." ' • TERMS:- a 2 00 in-' mirtnee, or $2,50-ivithin the year ' A Frenchman bfought two mugs to tho milkman 101 place of ono' as usual, and be ing asked tho meaning of it, replied, "Dis vor to an' dis for to voter ; an' I vill miz tom as to soot myself.",. "Why are so few convicts in the Michi gan ponitentinry'this year ?" asked Sam's friend, a day or two since. "; 4 V -11 3;'said - Sarn - , - " -- thoylotid - tlien — f - bi t4o. Pon tine Railroad, and their_timo expires A Bingliampton revivalist looking for re cruits, found a large-sized African and asked him: "Have you found the Lord?" Golly, massa, is tho Lord lost ?" " What kind of ship -has two mates and no captain ? A courtship. What is the relation of a door-mat to the saraper? Xt is a stop-farther. Appropos' of Thanksgiving day, we - givo the fell2wing touching—oloquent-sermon -on that occasion in tho Reformed Dutch Church of Philadelphia,. by Rev. DE WITT TAL. MADGE : THE LARGE TABLE. TEXT: " Thou proparest a table before me in the presence of mine opoMieg."—Psalm XXXIII : 5. - • VARIETIES ""'few years since, near — tile city-of N—,, ! 11 9'! , necticut,liveLand preached old_ Par-_ en/3 '''- who was a-bit excitable and near sighted: , \e t\ oday ho had been to the city with his M 5 a barrel of fkin„ th e _h oa d and among his purchases was of which was partially Mit. \ On ibo way hotne, *a-old maii•Was over taken and passed by a 'hat young man, driv ing a fast horse i And putting on "much" airs: Now, the parson's horse was usually a (laid, steady going animal enough, but he couldn't stap that sort of thing ;so bo started after lini of he fast order in_good earnest. The jolting of the-wagon at length jarred the bead completely (but of the barrel, and the strong wind which was blowing directly after the parson, blow this flour all over him and ;the horso. At last the fast young man rp n ell e a* Wane . l i th - oi7cie - eit ' ddf . - . " In driving_throagh a street to reach his hoino, ho came jn contact. with - Taro - . cirhis deacons, who was naturally surprised to see hie Master driving at such - apiice, and sig nalled him to stop. "Why, Parson B—," said he, "what on earth is the matter? You seem greatly. excited." "Excited I" yelled - the old man ; "excited! Who wouldn't be excited—snow storm in July. Get up, Dobbin I" , The deacon smiled; but was silent.. - "What's the matter, Uncle Jerry 1" mid lug .by, growling most ferociously. J;11/41at ter 7,' stopping short: "Why, here I 'have been_higging water all the morning for Dr. wife to wash with, and what do you suppose I got for it ?" "Why I sup pose about ten cents." "Ten cents I=She told me the . doctor would pull a tooth for / mh sometime." .. . - A countryman, not long since ; 911 his first sight of a locomotive, declared that bo' thought it was the devil on whepls. "Faith an' ye're worse than myself," said en Irislr bystander, I tho't it was a stheam boat hunt ing for wather.' "Have the jury agreed ?" asked4tjudge of a court attachee,. whom . he .inet ) upon the stairs _with a bucket in his hand. "Yis," replied Patrick, "they have agreed to Bend out for a half gallon I" THANKSGIVING ern harvests to the seabolird The fisher mien Gloucester have this year cast theii net, on the right side . of the ship. The "Tars" that lie in their rough-jackets stark among the coral' reefs are, feW compared with those .who haie successfully flung the harpoons and plunged the_pike. Our coun * try stands in the first - rank of riatitirouit'S --- .cannon shook tho Of Madrid and Vienna; a Turkish Pacha comes to' study our institutions. The . British - press -tolls mightily to prove that-it 'always was friendly. The love of - British ministry and Washington Cabinet bids fair to be - like - that - of David and Jonathan. We Worship God in our own' way. A. few months ago, in this church; whole families crowded into tho -kingdom, and old mon wept, and said: "We never saw it on this wise." no sunlight fell upon the waters of: Baptism, that from ilngere tremulous with a pastor's joy fell upon the smooth brow of childhood and the . wrinkled temples of old age, typical of the coming time when Christ will set upon their foreheads „the__crystals_of__Zeaven._ close ti:Fir - do of our greatest spiritual and temporal prosperity. Gather your families to-day and bid theni prides the Lord for sunshine and flowers', for .. day and night, for eyesight and hearing, for food and sleep, for pure water coo fresh air and the m - orry laughter of - children. If •P sweeping through the glowing hours of thanksgiving reunion there- smiles a Chill draft from tho open door of, a sepulchre, think of the richer banquet in more-brilliant halls. Good cheer to-day I yhavonot the heart .to keep you longer froin yOur horns group I Set the chairs to -the table—the. easiest for grandfather and grandsvither, if they bo still alive; a high chair for the youngestand the least. All seated round, for a moment let laughter hush. And when you have bovied for the blessing. 44 Oh ! 'give thanks unto tho Lord,. for ho is good', for his mercy • endured' forever." ' ' NO. po. asiy 1.11 U 01;011.t11 Tho following humorous' description of the effect of the great November stork upon the mail from a recon , uto 'or , of-the -Harper' s Weekly. Itis too-good-too to be lost. Dear Harper's Weekly. I hasten to eve you a piece of important Marino In telligende--in fact, from the bluish look things have, we might call it - Ultra- Marine. We had a heavy storm up hereon Tuesday the 6th inst., which extended with • groat violence throughout the•region of the Lakes end Massachusetts, and resulted in the total loss of the now Copper-fastened craft My Policy. The storm had every dam- ° aging effect-on ail-the-Craft that wore caught--- out in it. Heavy blowing was obs - ervablo from all points of the compass several days before the, storm, and the clouds seemed to be gathoring'on the horizon. Ontlea morning of Tuesday the sun lose as bright as usual, but befor,o noon it was evident up hero that the bark Ny Policy, -Captain A. Johnson, would hove to go under. The. pumps wore worked. vigorously all day long, under the supervfsion of First MatratandalL The bilge was attempted to bo kept clear by Hoffman and the other deck hands ; but, notwithstand- ing their most vigorous efforts, the waves so ovorwholoactl tlawra az to continually keep them under water ; and before 6 o'clock that night tlai craft went down, carrying nearly ' _the whole of her crow with her. _ There was. no Wreck-Elretion of any thing like it by the oldest Inhabitant. Tho My Policy was 'very badly rigged, and ranked 1 1, and Was copper fastened through out. Sho was .condemned as unseaworthy by the Govern nien t inspector in the fore part of last summer, and should have been laid ' up then ; but her Captain insisted upon run ning her, notwithStrnding her leaking bad— ly in. every trip she - Macle ; and came near foundering in her trip to Chieago- and back ,last September. She would have .doneed. had it not been tor the efforts of Seward and Grant, the Carpenter and Gunner, who threw overboaid every'Yhing in order to light en her and keep her leak above water. She last spring ran against the old Tug Thad. - Stevens, and got such a knock right between wind and writer that it took careful trimming =Ol the - veSseli - when - mnder - sail, - to keep her miloati--in.-fact-the-carpenter - Mid boom - kept IP3ll . BarsilB"7o6P could be made much of a vessel with all the repairing ho could put upon her. Although ,a comparatively now vessel, her main tim bers were rotten and shelhad. desk knee's, con sequently it was 'impossible for her to carry the sail the Captain continually insisted ripen - crowding upon her. -The My Policy was launched at Washing ton, D. C., last April, and has had a very stormy time of it - aver since. At the laying of the keel, in Meerch, '66, the Secretnly of the Navy was not invited to be present, the Chptain not remembering his name. An in- . eiclont that happened at her launching seem-,_ ed to be a fore-runner of mlifortune to the craft. As: they were knocking away the -- scaffolding - around-her; - killed outright, and several of his co-labor ers-were-severely wounded.. Tho Captain has made several tripe', but none of thorn - have proceed profiteers to lime; besides the accidents 'referred to, when on a little pleasure excursion with a party of the Captain's friends on the 22d of February, she was caught in a Lime, which carried a'- wny her figure-hood (a "clue1:1'), also her fore-stay and mainmast. This eceielent hap pened liy the party being a little jolly, and a - Philadelphia pilot by the name of Tom. Flor ence-being at the wheel, whose experience in navigating so largo a craft was very Hm-• itod. They afterward repaired the craft as well as they Gould, throwing' the " duck " • overboard; and getting the carpentsr to rig up a jury mast, the inventioreof a Mrs. Stan berry, she has sailed over 'since with that 'imperfect rig. Sho was always "down by the head," as the sailors have it, and steered very "wide," . paying but little attention to her helm during a blow. The Captain did better lying in* Port than. when under way, Her-model -wee "entirely- original, with - too -- -- much ofthe "rake'-'-about-her and experi enced nautical men, -who had sailed in the, Ship of State, always predicted that, what. over she might do in for weather, she would' never live in a storm, and the "first Tuesday - in N. - Wernher" storm was looked for by many •as - resulting in total wreck of the cpArt, un .l.egetl.,egrtain would, discharge Lig craw. and dismantle Inc' snip"..- Perhaps no craft that. was ever built was ever' run by any , man against such overwhohning testimony, as tb its utter unworthiness. . And although 411 provisioned, andinanned by picked men ouorionced . ones;_such. as Randall, first mato ; 'Seward carpenter; ,Stanberry, rig gee; Raymond, sail maker; Wells, el - Train on the fore-top, and others beforc sos mast, she went doWn innpito of the I , est mannge ment, from the solo cause, that the -wns rot ten and unWorthy. •• • a-ncr -- tentetveartrer3; i lindtretand, htlA not Fli niacle'Out her Policy at the. time she—went .datlsnm.; o c s o tl n y se u ci p u o e n tntliTeSlie-Vx ptain, who vies hertatal loss, whlch f principal owner... Confedorp , - , bonds woro. quoted in" the. ae .markot on-the 27th of October af - Idverp pence on -the dollar. R ye 1 ,-4 a half to six , s ans price was maintined," says tho Euro pean Times,. on "the - idea that the qBarrol between the President and Congress may result in something' favorable lb 'the South orn-States and their creditors." It is Use loss to nesuro the hold Ors of these - bonds that the debt will novor bo paid, so- -long- as - the - . - possibility of ,a' political revulsion - remains . which.might bring into power a party in terestod in realizing on the rebel' bonds. silt neods, tho assuranco of the 'constitutional. amendment, to convince them °bas-fact. Once the amendment-becomes a part of the - - "supreme law_ of the land," It 'will not 'be possible for any 'part ,to legislate for -the payinent of bonds, in part or in whole; and:, will put.n . quietus on the speculative .niovo-: monts on that-class of paper abroad., A Gilliam All from Ireland,, on entering a - London' tafern, ear a countryman of las, - a • , Tipperary squire, _sitting-:over-litypint,-ixt7'--' _wino in 'the f ully deer fellow' said,be 4 +That arc 7idu about 7. far the hones of Tipperary, don't be after sitting ova" a Tint of wino in . a' • house like "Make year/joltseasy,.coimtryalatO Was ' the rePly; it's thei.seventlCl Liave hddo and ovnry"nno in . tho iptim knows It" yvh, T ,s thd tolling, of a bell. iika tlio pray ! ., oriifinAirpOnilto?ll 'ocin , sn, it: in a solemn mad by a theaghtleas' tonand. . . "