Dr. LEON'S -CELEBRATED: PREPARATIONS THE PERFECTION OE_MEDICA-SCIENCE - ^ -Dr. Leon's .Electrie.. aadr. _Repe3ver. It Is n positive cure for baldness. It rastorciainy Bair to its Original Color. It is a Tonic, not a Dpe, and acts upon the secretions. It alleviates Neuralgia and liendacho. 'Radically cures Dandrnff and numors. . It keeps the scalpßealthy, clean, and cool. I,t Is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant Nali•Dressing It restores, Cultivates and Beautifies the Hair. ... it makes harsh Bair its xiblnaud ILustrouo.- . Dr. Leon's Electric hair Iteeower has .enjoyed a high local rerutation for many years. Its wonderful restorative and invigorating properties arcyolllolow to the Medical 'Faculty of --Dhilado.phia. , Doing fully satisfied of the mei its Loon ' s Electric -Bair follower no have procured oxcluslvp ownerrhlp --end are determined that ovary household in our land . .shall have opportunity to reach its benefits: Dr. 7 1. 'a 'Ei Infant RaTody A most dolightful and elTlcalious'eure for 010 Vllll - iiiS to which Infants and Young Oldldron aro guided. INVALUABLE FOR TEETHING CUILDREN I It softons the gums, abates inflammation,intigoratee the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and is a sure and speody curd for Colic Cramps and Windy. A most excellent preparation for children of n rest less and fretful habit and in all moos - of Looseness, Griping, Vomiting or other inward grief, it gives-im mediate ease. - . - Used for MO7O th a t half a century in the private practice of ono of tho most eminent physicians of Philadelphia, In now placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen, we would romark that WO know it of unrivaled excellenie and that It hasit)'' "In thousands of Wes, as wo aro resolved it shall la millions, a pricelosirboon. For Salo by Druggists' everywhere. Address all orders to • • ZIEGLER & SMITH, • • SOLE PROPRIETORS,• 137 North Third St., Philiidolpoin. • SILVER'S !VASE( POWDER. Saves time, labor, money: Makes mashing a past• time, and Nopday a Inltival. Fold everywhere. Try it; Nov. 16,1866-IY.. ' MARIMALL's Catarrh Snuff, is a sure cure for that' - bothersothe tlisoasay-Catarrh lao 12,188 G-1. lIMPLOYMENT FOR BOTH SEX IA Ed.—Disabled and returned soldiers, widows and - orphans of slain soldiers, and lbe unemployed of both SOXes generally, in warrtof respectable and profi table employment, Incurring no risk, can procure such by enclosing a postpaid addressed'onvelope, for partic ulars, to Dr. .TOITN M. DAONALL, Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 25 19136 , SEE uavertisemont or Sir James ClarlicColobrated Female Pills. Jan. 12, 1860-Iy, Marriages, 'OTTO—SPANOLER. Nov. 20th. at the residence of Theo. Spangler, by 11ev. M. O. Earhart, Mr. John Otto of Bouthmiddleton tw.p., to Miss Mary E. Spangler of Dicktimon twp. --- MELL--NOGLE. On the 22,1 Inst. at tho ParsoniVßO In Qentievillo,bi the Bev. 01.0. Earhart,Mr. John Moll of Newton twp., to Miss Catharine Ann Nagle of - Penn twp. 0 1 . 7.IIIOLEII—ZTEOLER. On the 20th Inst., at the house of the bride's father, by the Rev. D. Stock, John Ziegler to Miss Mary E. Ziegler, both of Sulphur Springs, t his county. HAYS-74111 , 11CH. On the evening of the 22(1 inst.. , by the same, Mr. John M. Hays to Miss Fatima Mink!. -all of Carlisle, Pa. LENIO—SCIIREADLEY. In Carlisle. on the 20th insfThy the Rev. Wm. C. Leverett, Mr. John S. Lenig and Miss Maggio Schrendley, both of Harrisburg. LOW—WALSER. On the evening, of the 22nd In stant, at tho M. 10. ParSOMIST: by the Rev. D. 11., Car roll, Johnston Loh . to Mee. Mary 3. Maher. BAUGHT—FIJOHET. On 22.1 inst., by Roy. S. I' -Spreeher,Mr..-Wm.-13aught,.to Misa_Mary_Ann_F:pghet,_ both of Cumborland Co.. - SPITME.—WISE.—On stun° (14, by -the (mina, My. John D. Spit to Mice Juno, M. Who, both 'of Cunha lnnd Co., Pn. • Att s SNYDER—On Thursday 22d, inst., Elmer E. Els worth, youngest son of Christopher find Susanna Eny dor, of this placo, aged 3 years end 7 months. _ • Itiarfitts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Quasi.), Novomber 22nd, 1866. 13 00 8 00 60 '2 70 ,2 65 .1 10 FAAIy Flour Bupualn? Su WHITE WHEAT. , RED d 0... RYE ....... . • • — DOR OATS, .... OLOVEASEini . TIMOTHYSEED GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET - - - - _ _ Oathslo Novembor 22nd, 1860. Corrected Tlreel*.by Inn. Benin. BUTTER 30 BACON SIDES, 16 EGOS,3O WHITE. BEANS, 156 LARD, 14 PARED PEACHES, 25 TALLOW, 10 DNPARED PEACHES ' 18 SOAP,O-12 DRIED APPLES, 160 " BEESWAX, 30 RAGS, , 4 % BACON HAMS 20 I VVANTED I - Thirty hands on Coats, Pants and Vests, by BREWSTER k DOUGUERTY, Merchant Tailors. Nowvillo, Pa. Nov, 30,1066--3 ---16: 1 08. 1 er. & on - Sowing Machine, in good order and supplied with all lite appurtenances. Apply at this °nice. Nov. 30,1860-31. GRAND FAUW3 MEM Empire Book & Ladder Company BMWS HILL TO COMMENCE ON SATURDAY, DEC. lld. 1860., AND CONTINUE DIMINO THE HOLIDAYS.. HE company appeals to the publio c l spirit and gonefosity of their follow-citizens of lOW°, to aid thorn in this ontorprise. The profits of the Fair no to to appropriated to the erection of a stritablo jlOll5O for the preservation of thoro apparatus, and tlloy confidently hopo that their services heretofore have entitled them to a slam, of r the patron age so liborallY bestowed on the Tiro Depailinent of Cm borough. Contributions of every deiicrlptiOn" aro re spectfully solicited, - and may bo delivered to any of the committee or loft at the Telegraph °Men. -CnrlirdoTNov.3o,lB6l3—tf. 13y tho Commit,too. /Bargains ! Bargains ! .1' AT NO. 18. great Reduction in Prices. WIIA.T EVERY_ BODY WANTS. AT S. C. BROWN'S Now Dry Goods Store, Qoode are reduced from lerto 20 per cent. In consideration of the' greet docile% the under signed is offering the greatest inducements offered in the county. ' • lie is selling Best Print., 20 coots, 1 yard wide Best Brown ?Adelina, 25 cents, Bost Tablet Diaper, 62 cents, -1 yard - wide Best - Veto; 65 cents ' ' _.DRESS GOODS, Dui American Dulairm, 30 - coots; Mumma, „Luators, A]pacnn nil colore, oil wool.. C2bulgs colors Ircul,K!, 01AWool Dolaineer% tolll;inilrthe .n 0141.00. t 8 Utah French lieignoos;"Best MalcelettE ,- - A full line Men's Ware, • __Broad Cotha very cheap, Continents all Wool from 1,00 up, Satinets, Jeans, &a. . fulrilne 6f - Notfolfe - , - Tldelky - , - 014Tves, . Hoods. Elawle, kc, nil at - tbo above rates. '• - Call and sae for yournelves. Remember the place ,B. C. Browt, No.lB, West Man St. =MEM SEI Fully Lleens - Ci1...._ Pay from EU to P2OO pi , trutal Circulars, ' °ln" ' PA, "G _ BUOTHERg - ,Clett:j t. 4 Chestnut St.. VlOl4, 221 Summit St., Tololo, S. PLI ,A.C+IICIZT W.A.7.:72 7 .1.13 D . . N0v.30,186.0-9.. BOWMAN & LEONARD, MANUFACTURERS' • _, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS . low '.',... : -, -ftc, 1 , SILVER • fiV AIINKS 4 k AND Ma " , 1111 e, ---,, •i.,,,p . i.y vor Rlated Poplin. Arch Strpot, Philadolphin ' Those In. want of BILVEh or emvPre PLATED WARD will fintlit"much to their advantage by visit ing pnr FADER before making tboir purchases.. — Osr. long exporlonco Intim manufacture °rib(' above kind of goods onabies 118 to defy competit.on. • We keep no goods Mit thoso which aro of the CLAM all of our own makei and will be sold at re ducti‘Lprices. . , • N0v.130,1864,/y. .0 1011HYSXCIANS - -will find ft ad; Tautngo puroninno - thntr 4fodiclini , RALSTON'S.''; WM'S, Oonfo Unerntlqk's. 'AGENTS WANTED —Folt-TELE-MOST_TOPI7I4.Ik And best selling SubseFiption Booicspub- • - Wu nro tlio most eitonslve_publlAthilri the United Staten, (having nix housoa,) and thereforo cats afford to I sell booing cheaper - and pay agents a snore liberal com mission than any other company. — Our"Smelts do not pass through thohandaof General Agents, (an nearly . nll•otbor subscription 'works do,) thorefore we - am enabled to give 'our canvassers the 'extra per cunt. which Is usually allowed to General A gents. Experienced canvassers will see the sylvan: togas ofdealing directly with the publishers. Our salmi embraces. the most popular works on all subjectn of - Insportanco, and ds selling rapidly both North and South. Old small ts, - aud all others, who want. thOtest pay. log ,ngenclos, will please nand or ciroulisrs and toe our terms, and compare thorn and the character tif our works with those of other publishers. 1 , • Address, NATIONAL PIIRLISIIINO CO. - Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mans., Cincinnati, Ohio, Chicago. Ills., St.Louls, lie., on Richmond, Va. • Noy. 30, 3.806-4 t. Pennslvania y A rv iirltural Works; A. B. PARQUAR, Proi)riotor.. IgA.TTII.P4OI7U,RERS of Standard k g rlcultural Imploments. POLISHED STEEL PLOWS, Polished Slccl Cultivator 'Tooth, Points, t ST. HORSE POWERS, AND JAO,KS.. Threshing and Soparating Machines of Ciolser's pat oat. Plow and Cultivator Ifandlon. Buckeye Self delivering Steel-tooth horse. rake. Sherman's patent.) Hay or Cotton 'press, and All • titer Agricultural implements. • 11A1DIA.N, ' nriv Kingston; l'n. ..Agent for CumborltiSil 010 Those Machines ,... and Implements will be delivered Carlisle, \ ferhanicsburg, Now Kingston, or any otte r point along the Cumberland Valley Railroad, on pplication to 11. li. ItAlli'fAN. Nov. 2,18(36—1f. pUBLIO SALE ItHAL EST ATE —On Tuesday, PeconAdr 110 860.—,11y virtue of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Cmnburland coun ty, the ,subscribers, Guardians of the minor ebildreti of-Dr—Detrich Coover, deed., will_exposp kopublic sale, on the ahave dify;itero'clocici 0. .M;, the fol ~ei, Feribet! mil ellte. viz: A TWO-STORY Al t,-IRICII 1100511 AND LOT OF GROUND ) E .4 - TA:doing 3 ACRES , !tusl 142 PERCH ak44-t - two liltiT:tti'll7' t he m e a l l% '9 :t l o t ru a l O roul Tacer.i. and about ono and a half miles West of the Hanover Ternpilce, in Dickinson township, it having been the residence of Detrich•Coover, at the time of Ids decease. Thin property Is admirably calculated for a private residonce of a physician or auy other per• son.oliohouse being Tory commodious and elegant; having an excellent Sfablo,Carriage ll o ousond all necessary Out-buildings, 2 iatoms, and indeed eTery. convenience for a comfortable residence. Thri grounds aro planted with the cholebst Fruit and Shrubbery. Also, at tho same thus and place, will be sold a small Tract of TDILIEIt - LAND, about ono mile and n-hilf distant, In the same township, which is : convenient for rails and fire.wood, and which contains about 4 ACRES and 1211 Porches. Terms made known on the day oesale by A L 50,1 1 .111 be.sold on tho serne‘day and place, by the undersigned. all her personal - pr'oporty, consisting of Bureaus, Bedsloads, Tables, Parlor Stoves, 1 Parlor Cools Stove, Cool: Stovos, 1 Boston Rocking Chair, 3 Spllt.bottom Chairs and a lot of other Chairs, Settees, Lacking Mosses, Cuphoitrd, Clock, Kettles, WIWI - Stands and Fixtures; Sewing StAnd,,,Churn, Tubs, Quenswal a, 'lv., also, a first-rate Grover .1,-.Bakor Sew ing Machine, (large slze,just now,) a new Calriago and Harness 1 Sleigh, 1 Wheelbarrow, Wood-saw' Ac. A COW and 2 fat Poo; also, Fodder, Oats; Potatoes, and Many other articles too nuiriaeone tomention. - REBECCA S. COOVEB. ' , Nov. 23, 1865—ts. REGIsTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that iho following accounts hove been filed in this Office, by the areou utants therein named for examination, end will bopresented to the Orphan's Court of Cum -LT:flab d TFufity - Tuesday, Docenaer 18th, A. D., MO, via.: 1. The ave. - ult of James Dunlnp,•Aduiinistrator of 'George lien, late of Penn township, deceased. 2. First and final account of Jackron Free and John Free, Administrators of Michael Free, Into of East Pennshoro township; deceased. 3. First and final account of harry 0 utahall, Admin istrator of George (lees°, Woof Si fror Spring township deceased. 4. The - first and' final account of John J. Crawford, Administrator of William Crawford,late of the Borough of Newville, deceased. • 6. Thd first and final account of Jacob A. Smith Ad ministrator of the estate ofJacob Fink, lota of Ilogues town, deceased. O. Yiret and final account of James Hemphill, Ad ministrator of Moses lienfphill, Into of Southampton township, decemml: - - -•- 7. The first awl final Administration account Olfico. W. F;vllliock, Administrator of the estate of Rebecca Evilhocic, late of Southampton township, deceased. 8. 'The first and final account of Mary A. Swartz, Ad. ministratrlit of the estate of Jessie Z. Swartz, Into of Mifflin township, deceased. U. The first and final account of John . Sheets, Ad ministrator of Josephe. Livingstomlate of Mast Penns. - .lroro - tow - nshipidarelsetl. 10. Account of George Kuntz, Guardian of Mary Bawd now Mary Wolf, n minor child of Jacob Er aluem-otl. • 11. The first and final account of Lovi B.Donavln, Executor of the last will and testament of William McConnel,late of the Borough of Shipponsburg, de ceased. 12. First and final account efJ, Huston McCullough nod• \l' ill inm IL INIcCul lough, Executors of the last will and testament of John McCullough, Into of Newton township, deceased. 13 The first and final account of Henry Myers and Samuel Myers, Executors of filo last will and tosta men t of Samuel Myers, into of Southampton township, deceased. . - 14. First and, final account of Mrs. Mary J. Smith, Adminishatrix of Samuel I. Smith, Into of Nowton township, deceived. li,,_ First and final arcOunt of DaSid Wherry, Admin. iutrator of the . estate of the Rev. James Charlton, Into of Hopewell township, deceased. 111. Thu first. and final administration account of Wm. M ekes. Administrator of Mrs. Mary,A, McKee, Into of West_Poonshorough township deconsea. _ 17. Vint and final ttecount of George Miller. Exeeu• for of William Furgwou, late of West Ponnsborough IS. 'the account of B.N. Irentlet son awl Wm. G. Alexander, Executors of Wm. Alexander, lots of the Borough of Carlini°. deceased. .IP.. Account of James McKeehan, Esq., Administra tor de Levis stall case Nemec/Ito annexe oliJamison Mtn non, deceased. 20. Fit st and final amount of George Landis, Admin.. Istrelor or Catherine Whistler, late of town- ship, deceased. • • 21. Tho account of Mrs. CatharinO Brown, Aduiluls trator,ot John Brown, lato of Mifflin township, 41, 22, The account of Margaret Ringwalt, Administra trix of Louis Riugwal t, lato of Middhisux township, do caused. N0V.17, 1866.. The Keystone. Washing Machine PATENTED MARCH 6th 146, BY J. E. SMITH. illiouyitclyrul by 115 n. Morrison,. Wes Strew, Carlisle, Pa. THIS machine differ frolii all• others in its working. Thu Clothes are thrown into a - slatted cylinder in which ate a numberof loaded wood en balls; by simply turning a crank for a few minutes, • the clothes are washed clean. . . No.pedon_will have any other machine aftehaTing seen this ono. While the old fashioned rubbing ma chines require some skill to operate them and are very laborious, tilting arm and head, the keystone ean.be readily operated by a boy, requiring the smallest m Mount of physical force. I only ask a trial of my maeltifie-and-if it does not give entire satisfaction no money will be asked. Prism $lB to s2s,'lncluding Wringer. • • Nov. 9,1899-Im. ; RESTORE YOUR SIGHT 1 risß J. STEPITrINT4 S & CO.'S lJ PATENT CORNEA RESTORERS. Or, RESTORERS OF TILE EYESIGITT. - They will Restore impaired ,S'ight, aMI . Prateras it, to the Latest Period of Life, . DPECTACLES ItENDErMiD 178ELE913. . Tho most emlnont Physic). • 77f lane rOculists, Divines, and t. 4 2, • f% tho most' prominent men of our country, recommend the ou i f ..' use of the CORNEA. RESTOn. _ A r 1 .0 4ei End for Presbyopia, or Vet; Or J.ll.Linig,dightedness,_or_Levcry— t person who Wears spectacles front old ago ; Dimness of Vis ion,' or Blurring ; Overworked - Eyes ; Asthenopia, or Weak Eyes"; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes.; .Pain in the Eyeball ; Arnaurosis, or Obscurity of, Vision ; . Photophobis, or In tolerance of Light; Weakness •of the Retina and Optic Nerve; Myodesopia, or dpecko or Moving bodies boforo tho Eyes ; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of the Eyo and Eye.' lido ; Cataract Eyes ; Bondi). pia, or Partkil Blindness; 'nuking of tho Eyeball, and. Imperfect Vision from the effects of Inflammation, rAzo„ ;ad by'any witliiCarfairity of .._ _ _ _ithout the least fear of injury to the 090; ' Afore than . s,ooo 'eertificatos of cures aro `exhibited at our offico, Cute guaranteed in ovary case when applied according to Um' direction' inclosed in each box,-or the 'annoy will be re. funded. Write for a Circular—sent gratis. Address, • Dr. J. STEPHENEI6: CO., °caste... {P. 0. Box 926.)NowYork. • For sato at Rushtou's Fatally Drug Moro, No. 10 Astor House, corner sof. . Barclay t3troot. and Broadway Now York. - 44"'DB, J. ,SrErmaro & Co. havo invontod and atontod ISIVOPTA. or 100IINDA , FLAT% ,TENLit for tho outo.of )ITEAR-BICMTEDIVEZEti .whtoh hvio pfovod lb grog tnaCCOODi -VritO'forti No vorobor 23,1880=1y . . . • AarlH . , E , 'lsn . snriboro have. on hand - and . i for sale at their oetablietnnolit on Pitt 'SC, lelo, a'. lot of rim Top, lingglee p Trotting Buggies, Clarriagoe r andaeornfil.hand.Top,Buggioer finrearriagial, - yhich tlioy offer at roasonablo rate°. .• . -- -- - 'A. 8.4 N.BitEns.. Auguo 1860.—tf. OK r OANDY:,: Seorota . Burnt; Batai s Qofroo, Vanilla and ObOoolata. 0.16, 180. • , • . AT ITAVBABTX.OKB ary and 'Fruits, a „ . Hailed I DAVID COOVER, 1 0 i?ardians JOS. A. STUART, J G. IV NORTH, Register. READ READ! READ.! :-A---dvertifiementain-newspapors r posters, or hand bills, have become so 'very-common that people do not pay arty attention to them, much leas read them; consequontly, they deprive themselVes of thu great benefit for which•thoy aro designed. It is not. only the Interest of the merchant to advertise his business, but In such' timmior high prices it is of the greatest Importance to the consumer to knOrt whore he can-purchase the-best article-forth* least-sum—of •money. Hence you will soe • the groat Importance of reading advortisoments, and availing yourselves of the great benefit which they present. thirlislo has 'numerous and flourishing Dry floods Etoree,Grocerles, . &c., all of which mg Brat Malls business houses. There aro also about twenty er twenty-five vendors of Boots. -Shoes, Bc., nll of which are selllgit cheaper than the cheapest. flow this can be done We will 10ave to the mathematician tayphor out; But your especial at touting Is inviteno Plank's Boot and Shoe Ware Room, No. 78, North Behove,. Street, Corner of Locust Alley, where you will flnd,an immense Steak of Boote, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Mon's_ and Boys winter Glintme,llndett-, "chirts;Drairers, &o. ' and all milling at such priaen'as are astonishing to the natives. Particular attention Is requested to Wales' Arai° Guitar, for mon and ladles wear. - 'This calobrrtttld 14.1 ti n, 0005 , ehba re inada — sritir flub sheet of rubber between the linings and ontine cloth, so that the cloth part of the article is as thor oughly waterproof as tho rubber part. The universal testimony lu toluene() to this suporiov winter over- shoo le, that It has no equal for keeping the foot warm and dry. Try ono pair and you will never bo with. out thorn, if it Ma possible thing to got them. After examining thorminerise amount of - Boots and Shoos offered for salelirCifflislo,purchasers are requested to call at Plank's before tiurchnaing, and make a ,, careftil examination of his etoek of g,oodn,luid he fools assured that you Will feel gratoful that you have found- the piers where you eon purchase the best article for.the least sum or money. ' . Additions to his already' largo stock wilrbo made as the season advances. Tho subscriber ..would also re• turn thanks to his numerous customers for their very liberal patronage during the past and hopes by study ing the jutcrestirof his patrons will merit a continn- Once of some. - Very Respectfully Yours Be. B. PLANK. , • Romombor the Stand No. 78, North Hanover Street, Corner of Locust Alloy, Nov. 10, 1860, I, E. CALDWELL & CO„ JEW4FERS Ss SILVERSMITHS, 522 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, Aro-opening a-vory-full H9t of tho-produotlonaof-FOR EIGN INDUSTRY and ART, of their own soloctlon In European Capitol, Including a gra4 vorloty of aril.. cleB of USE and ORNAMENT, In • ,BRONZE, BRONZE AND GILT, GILT AND . ORYSTAI4 CUT GLASS, DECORATED LEATHER AND PORCELAIN. BRIDAL, OPERA AND PARTY FANS, Of every variety price. ERENCI7, MANTEL CLOCKS. VAEES, FIGURES ana CANDELABRAS. WATCHES. In groat variety, and all warranted. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY A largo and very choice seloailon. SILVER-WARE. An increased lino of Rich Artieloa for BRIDAL GIFTS and Table uso. • PLATED-WARES. - from tho REST ENGLISH and AMERICAN MANU FACTURERS, comprising altogotbor a collodion at tractlVo In boauty, aomploto In detail, and-moderate In mien . Nov 16, 1866.-2 m ' HENRY HARPER, (46 ' • •No 520 A ROTEStreet; i 7 Una a / largo Stock of TINE WATINIES, JEWELRY, • SILVER-WARE, and \ .6 Suitable, fol . . Iloliday and Bridal PRESENTS. N0T.16,1866-2m. • YOUR ATTENTION ZS REURSTED TO THE FACT THAT &-FOREPA.UGH--- No. 40 S Second St., Philadelphia. Unto on band, and aro soiling at AEA) - vary largo stock of ovary description of Furniture, Including Parlor Suits; Chamber Suits, Dining Room, Library and flail Furniture, finished in OIL, WAX OR VARNISH. Out prices nra the lowest, our stock as large and -varied lIS - Any, and - • _ - OIIICIVORK - GITIMMTIEDT November 16. 18tIG—ly •- LADIES' FAIN U X ITUIt3 I GUN FAREIRAT 1 Established FUR mufactory No. 718 A . llOll stroot, mve 7th., PIIIIADEL IIA. Have now ,1n wont' my own Impel . - don and Manufacture m of the largest and Oct bOalltirUi !oleo. ma of Ladies' and Ohll• an's Wear in the Olty. ISQ, a lino assortment GonVe Yin. Gloves id Collars. I am enabledto dispose of my.goods at vory-roasona• blo prices, and I would theooforo solicit a call from my Month, of Cumbbriaml county and vicinity. ' - Itemombor th.o.Name,liumber and Stroot JOHN. FAREIRA; - No. 718 AltOll St., novo 7th, south side, PstILAVA., M.l SAVE NO PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION WITH ANT 'OTHER STORE IN PRILAD'A• Nov. 9,1800.-4 m. . , . TO CAPITALISTS. THE subscriber offers at private sale tho proporty known no Ma Nova& Stoneware Works To persons wishing to invest in a Manufacturing busi ness this is an opening seldom offered. Tho buildings aro ENTIRELY NEW, the business well established, material convenient, and of the besbquality, and an increasing demand for tho Ware, with no competition. A practical knowledge of the business not- required. Satisfactory reasons given for soiling'. Address EL I. IRVINE, Nowvillo, Pa. Nov. 10, .1809—Bw First Natiorial Bank,,_ Carlisle, Pa. THE Directors of this Bank have a.. clardd a Dividend of Eight per Cent on the T HE fEoea, doer of United Staten Tax. J.C. HOFFER, Cashier. Nov.l3,lBoo—lt NOtIOE:- • ELottorB of Administration on the estate of John B. Alexander, doc'd., late of the Borough of Carlisle, Cumb. Co., have boon Issued by the 'Register to the undersigned residing in the Borough of Carlisle Cum: borland Conn'y, Pa. All persons having claims will present them, and those indebted will malso'paymont to JOHN HAYS. • Admintstraor Nov. 10, 1806-13 t FOR Valuable Hotel Proper,ty at lfrlvato Salo. - Totnid easy - ros- Russian givon on the first of April 1807. le IC I i For particulelo I..LUIru or James A. 111 I t ; . ; Dunbar. Attorney at Law, 140.7 Ithautn's -Hall - " . Nov. 113,1806-3 t. • ADMINISTRATOR'S - NOTICE.-;-. Lottore of Administration on the esia'n ,Wit. "liam:Oidneceyr--late-of - Cariislei - doe'd., Miring - been granted by the Register of Cuinborland County, to the 'subscribor, residing In the suns place, notice is hero; by given to all persona having claims to present them and,theSe indebted to maim payment to A. A. LING, - Oct. 20, 18011,0 t. , Administrator. VALIJARtE TOWN-- PROPERTY AT PRIVATE BALll.—That valuable property situate on South Pitt . Stroot, on the Won side, twoun South and Pomfrot Stroots. Tho lot contains iloloot front by 110 foot drop, and has erected on It a fine 2 story BRICK ROUSE with a largo two story BACK BUILDINO, It has alto a largo BRIM STORE ROOM' attachodlo thu hotwo. It is a very ; oxcidlont propoirty and • Suitable fora ' • . Toshlon6irnita J. M. {YEARLEY. ALE. 11 419 A'a ll tor S o profitable badness, in a business part of the town: Small capi tal required. , For further particularu . inguira at the ilorale Office. t' - October 10, 1800—tf • • • • MILES' CARD I dinar, throuilithle medium to rte• turn to, you my sincere thanks for the, Moral patinnagehoretolbre bestowed uvou mo and to request a continual:Leo 0t..-thusbrao. :1 ask your particular : attention to my stocker goods!now,ax , Hying-which I.pledgd—as a general tblng—torurnish at lower prices than •rbart be had, elsowboro to Carlisle. , I. have—Just - returned — from — PhllAtleb -- • phis, , whore 1-purchased a stock of goods.ad woll - seleeted as any • ever .turoft.ln this place. Parsons calling • can root assurod of being suited :both .• Dt mica, and quality. •,,, .• • ••• , • • • • WM. A. DUMB.' ' .„ North itanuyer Street, next doortO • Minor :DowiccS',,,,llardeutre Storni Dr. gleffor,'s and Dr.: Zltserlt. • ' Qat'. 19, 18136—tf. .• Bargatns. Bargains W. C. SAWIEEk, & Co's DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, of tho latoot Importatlona of .FRENCWERMAIV:AND EN- =l?ir -0-00=01 W. C. SAWYER,, IlaveJust returned from Now York, with the larked and mod Beleot . Stork of winter goods over displayed in dudish). EU A. T. Stowkrt & Co's.. N. Y., Importations of elegant n every color quality and stylo. Finer goo4a purebee• d than *war offorod in this market, SELLING CHEAP AND PAST. 11. D. Ol fllo, a Co., N. Y., Importations of _beautiful Silk Reps,,Wool Poplins, ho handsomest Plaids In town; MpRINOES, ALP.4Q4.S, medium and cheap Drefiiis cbcodLis. W. 0: SA WYER, & CO Ask the Ladles; to ex _NIO:URNINd_GOODS, DRESS clomp, BRAWLS, OICAPIt VEIL% GLOVES, ee. 1 purcha' Bed from tho poll known houso at Arnold„ Con stablo, & Co., N. Y. - • FUNERAL GOODS, of all k hide, illrodlea Elegant Styles, (latest Earle Selections) o Cloaks q u e 8,7M-a7EIT(Tti-, CLOAlklilit4 C;LOWItia, ornament's, de. Dirgroar, Brode, Square and Idng Shawls of every color and style. W. C. SAWYER, & CO decidedly the FANCY FURS, We hum tho lorgest selection of Furs over offered in his toarkot,-hought from Gunther, New York.----- 8 A t EL P Eugenia Collars, Gorman Fitch, Blegant Siberian Squirrel Capes, Victorines, Muffs, and all the .yarious grades known In the market, Children. Puri, Bur Trimmings, Moods, to., wo earnestly desire an inspoo• tion of those Goods. W. C. SAWYER, & CO., desire an examination of Choir borne made CASSIIIHRES, SATINETS, Allen, & Importations of French and Englldi Clothe, Caseimeres,. Over Coatings, n vary large enpPly. Wo hayo • made et short notice n the latoat styles ant of tho above goode. CSRY~ETSi~ We 'have made large addltlon . of Carpals, 011 Clothe, and all kinds of Inman furnlahlog goods, a largo stock of honko ma a RA G W. C. §AW3rER & Co yitve received an hllMellEo stook of CALICOES, GINGHAW, Drawers, 11,ndorabirta., . . . • '-'f•-•,,-; , ' , - '"c' • - • ' • -- -'-'. e -, - : ' ' •' . : Every thing /444 in a n c l i iidevele and drat class Retell ' Store. - EvorY 'body give us a II and got bargains, we have pureheeed elnee the lido decline in Gold. H otel. _.- r ... Remember the Old Iltendmiclrllippyes oilut , , ONOTANN ADDITIONB OP NSW GOODS 1140BIVIN Ttafrd arrival at GLISII DRESS SILKS, 0 210011 Of FUR STORE OP CARLISLE JEANS, FLANNELS; YARNS, &0., &o CARPETS FLANNELS, BLANKETS, ~ TIOKINGS; HOSIERY, DAphIORAL; anh 1100 P SKIRTS *SS ,TR:IMMII46B, I=l 4 , SECOND GRAND '• OPENING 1!!:11 N tfW GOODS YROiI NB,W YORK L. T. GRFENFIELD'SI Tho following prices will give you an Idea of tho astonishing bargains now offering . ELEGANT ALPACAS, Doublo Width; at 40"couta, worth 60 aarita SIIPER HX-T-R-A-DO at,CO eante, worth 00 cants DRESS GOODS; Silks, • Poplins, Plaids, Merinoes, • .Coburg,s lops, • &c., &0., In great Tar Wile. at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Splendid Black and White BA T ! M ORAL SKIRTS, ONLY $2,00 BR tINER'B B-R A PE .D 13ALMORAL SKIRTS, ONLY $2.50 CALICOES, at 12% cants and upwards A Beautiful lot of good OALIOOES just recelvod at 18% seine. MUSLINS, from .12% sante and upwards. H-E A-V-Y-"r - T 0 G , I yard wide, only 00 cents IiAVVOANTON FLANNELS, 26 Omits LIBAVY DOBIESTIO (11N011A118 only 26 cents, Also a beautiful assortment MOURNING...GOODS, WDITE GOODS,- HOSIERY, - EBIBROIDunina, &ND „ • NOTIONS. A full Aiwa: CLOTHS, OASSIBIERES, EATTINETTS, ' JEANS, amps, Aa., aka to mention particularly my stock of MADII 0 A SS RE-S-; 0-ASINHTTS, JEANS, F,L A,klr,l Eh§ . , whloh are without doubt the boot home Made goods otor ogorod In Me town. WOOLEN HOODS, direct' from the ttlinuacturer, at prtaaa that de* ooppetttlen. FURSI FURSI ..&11 will please remember that my Furs aro bought hum grit bands and can be amid at remarkably lOW Prim. , • - 1 - BTAOI{II OF from N.*. Auction Bales, AT OLD PIIIOBB A hundred other hargelne could be enumerated If we had the owe. Coll and eanintne for youlaelven at N 0.4 East Main Street. iirßomombertho &lob and you will dud all tho Above bargidne at ?'~~ Lm.16,1800. f r ,• i X.H . I TTON!! I:2 M=IMMII And aoo for yoursolvos the 'Orandostbraming today of all varieties and description of Fall and Winter Obbda suitable for the present and coming seasons, Just purchased from the large auction salmi that hale:, lately takon place in NEW YO.RKcend PHILADELPHIA Tho 'dock lo now comploto In allitinds and varlotios Of , • Such as Plain and Fancy Dress Silica, Poplins, Poplin Heppe, Plaid Poplins, Figured Ropps. Figured Morinoes and Ceshmaros, Plain and French tiorinoas of ovary quality and sbado, Fronch Mobairs, all wool Mons de Lames, all desirable colors, Coburge, Eng. Dierinorm, Eng. Ropps Plaid Cashmoras, ac., dm. Tho oommunt t,y will plonso romombor that • Is the proper placo td purchase all kinds of an our stock h always wolf supplied with all grades of Bleached and Übblenched Muelfns, Shirtinga, Sheet -lugs, Pillow Caso Musllns, Ticklngs,Checks, Canton Flannels, Table Diapers, alngliams, - full yard wide, Factory and Shaker Plannole of all qualities for Shirting, White, Red, Follow and Grey Flannels, Plaid Factory Flannels, for Drosses, Sack and OloakingFlannels, ac. Just receiving from Now York, tho latest Styles of the season. CLOAKINO'AND MANTILLA CLOTHS by thy yard, In Clack and ColOia, Shawls fa Ladlos Minos and Children. IVIOT_TIITNTINOr We always pay strict attention to keep a full supply on hand. Mourning Bilks, Bombazines, Poplins, Rom, Cashmeres, Thibbott Cloths, double and single width, 'DoLninos, Mohairs, Alpaccas, Crapo Voile, Crapo Col lars, Gloves, Ac. • for your supply of WOOLEN GOODS, as wo have In this line all the novelties of the Boum BREAK-FAST SHAWLS, Floods of ovary eizo and quollty -„ for 'Adios Misses and Children, Hosiery, Gloves, &a. Always tho most comploto stock In thermarkot of Clots and Cassimeros, Veetings, all kinds of Over Coat ings, Battinetts, Jeans, Linon Chain, Velvet Cord, &o. Ilaylogpocurod the services of a wo aro enabled tohave Clothing rondo up at vary abort notice. In'endless varlotios. Jonytog's celebrated Hid Gloyes, Cloth and Berlin Gloves for Gents' Ladies', Mori and Children ; Hosiery of ail Ult.'s, Hooped Skirts, Rai moral Skirts, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, - Trim mings, Ribbons, French °omits, and a thousand oth er Notions not mentioned here. A (rash stook sf all grades and qualities of Muffs, Claps; Collars' nod Tfppotts, Ibr Ladlos., Mon and Ohl'• dron. ~:]L!! ----- you will always find tho bast stock of • of all grades, from tho Itomps up to tho host Orosslo,;t , English DrUssols. • OIticIiNFIRLDI4, N0..4 HAM Maln.l3lreet , ~ S OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY .GOODS AT LEIDIOEt OIIRAT EISIRORDISI OF FAIIIDION AND ELM• (WON, COME ONE I COME ALL - ---14111)1.N;0' JJX4ZOO-trO_ODp LEIDICH & MILLER'S DOMESTIC GOODS. CALICOES FROM 123 PER YARD UP 10 22 FLANNELS, FLANNELS, Cloaks, Cloaks, CALL THIS WiAY SONTAGS, BLANKETS! BLANKETS! MEN kND•;BOYS WEAR, FIRST CLASS TAILOR; NOTIONS I NOTIONS I FURS I . FURS I FURS Inn AT LEI CARPETS I CARPETS 11 V gon OIL CLOTHS, ALL WIDTHS COCOA: AND CANTON ' NATTIN S, FELT CLOTHS AND DitUGGITTA -BLANKETB, • MARSEI ES QUILTS, &o. . , — abort ' we give you artlal list of leading articles' of Our stock, and e end a cordial invitation to 'ail persons of, ages an all sexes to give no a call before molting your purr noes this fall, as we aro fully •pro posed to prove the dust that we do purchaso our. goods of first class houses In Now 'York and' Thiladelphla, and that wo are determined not to be undorsold by any house in the county ; and will also take groat pleasure to exhibit the cheapost;the largest and - the moat complete stook of desirable goods on this side of Philadelphia. ' • • • Do not forkot the placoand wolf known otand, on the Corner, ElEctof tho ei,u3lo.Tlall. Oct, 6,1800 NEW STORE! NEW GOODS 1 RING'S EIN.DY/Y GOODS STOTITE MAIN_ STREET. Oppoeito tho Mansion House, Next door to the -Thwing-rented the Storo formerly occupied by Mr. William Miles, the undersigned invites the attention of the ladies of Carlisle and its vicinity to his WELL SELECTED STOCK of Diy GoodspDress T2:immings• itnd just:reaelved from the Eastern Cities. ' By strict ntabtion to btudness, and n careful study of tho wants and tastes of his customers, ho hopes to obtain a sharvf the liublic patronage? - _ • • J. 0. IL RING Spacial attontlon given to DRESS TII.IIIIMINGB. Nov. 0,1800-4 y.. REASONS WHY THE AMERICAN WATCHE, Made at WALTIIAWMASS It is made on the hest principle. Its frame Is cam. Road of SOLID PLATES. NO: Jar can interforeiwlth Ilia harmony - of its working and no sudden shook can ,damage its machinery.— Every place is made acid flu lewd by machinery (Itself famous for its novelty, as well as for its' effectiveness) and is therefore properly made. The watch Is vrlvit all mechanism should be.;— ACCURATE, SIMPLE, STRONG AND ECONOMICAL. Except some high grades, too costly for general use, foreign watches ardchiefly made by woman and boys. Such watches ace composed of several hundred pieces, screwed and riveted together, and require constant re pairs to keep them in any_ kind of order._ All persona who,have carried "snores" "lopinea" and "English Patent Levers," aro perfectly well aware of the truth of tills statement. At the beginning of our enterpiNfi more than- 7 ton years ago, it was our first object to make a thoroughly good low priced watch for the million; to take the place of them foreign impositions ; the refuse of for eign factories, which were entirely unsaleable at hdms and perfectly worthless everywhere. • Doti well we have accomplished this, may bounder stood from the fact that after so many yeare of public, mtx,.st xxs.x.w , on ALL TEM WATCHES BOLD IN THE UNIUD,,STATES, and that no others havwever given such universal satisfaction. While this department of our business is continued with increased facilities for perfect work, we are at present engaged in the manufacture of watches of the very.IIIGIIEST OBADDICNOWN TO CLIRONOILIDTRY, , unequaled by anything hitjaerto made by ourxelyee, and Unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For this purpose we have the amplest facilities Wo have erected an addition to our main building ex pressly for this branch of our business, and have filled - ii - with - the - bost - workmon — lMur sorvTcc. Now lain chines and appliances twin been constructed which perform thelr:work with denominate delicacy and ex actness. The choicest and most apProved materials only are used, and wo challenge comparison between this grade of our work and the finest imported chro. nometers. We do not pretend to sell our watckes for LESS MONEY than foreign watches, but we do assort Without fear of contradiction that for tho woo MONEY our product is incomparably superior. All our watch. esst . whatever grad are fully, kairantotl.aincl_thlti, warrantee 'lisped at all times against us or our agents in all parts of the world. CAUTION.—The public are cautioned to buy only of £ll I..arant... waning. EnEntstrfalf will be prosecuted. ' BOBBINS Rc APPLETON, Agonta for tho American Watch Company, 182 Broadway, N. Y Nov. 23, 1860 CLOTHING HOUSE OF PHILADELPHIA BARGAINS IN FINE " CLOTHING ! ROCKRILL AND WILSON, BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, -603-and 605 Chestnut Street, NIIBIAS Ready-Made Clothing Department , READY-AIADE CLOTHING, _ TOIL AND - WINTES Efins _Ever_offoroaAg_ptu - chaserp,.comPrlsing all,tho NEWEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLE Custom Department • Our newly fitted up Custonr Department for °entire men, Youths and Dope, now contains a carefully se. lectod Stock of • Foreign and Domesti - o Goods, which IVO eire prepare to make to order, .In the best manner, and at reasonable, prices. Boys'_ Departinent. . . Wo hive on hand the largest and best stock of Ready Made Boys' Clothing In tho-city. Particular attention paid to the making of Boys' Clothing to order. .._ - QM 11,.,a D . 1 2 7, 1 ■-1 2- 5 *4 2'agt s :rBw LL 43, i!.l\ pA av; "311,i's s , _ p 1.4.14, 1 MIER MB Gentlemen, Youths and Boys, lyishing clothing inadri to:ordor, by sanding choir nuatenro, no pordiagram, will have Moir orders prompt ly attonod to. . EATISFAOTION AND A 'GOOD FIT GUARANTEED / 7 . Samples sent to ,any part of theilnited Statei. 'AtOCIK.i4LL 4 WILSON, Brown Stonc Clothing. Ha 14603 and, 605 "Chestnut Street, ,1: 1 _,/d/adelphia.' - Oct. 5.1800-11 m. . FOIL. RENT. . • • - • llElarge, and commodious store room ry r— on th 6 corner. or /halal*. IlarieverTatid' Pomfrot roots. Apply at the Variety and Fancy Store of W., B. Ilelbert, North Hanover Streechotween Dm Kieffer . and Kitten - Nov. 2,1806—5 m.. = l• . • " FOR SALE oft risNT.t:" 11HEon two dviellitig HOUSES •and • kit In West Eomfrot Btrest, adJolninkW,P: Ilullary ho East and Joseph Bates, on the West is offered' for sale. If not sold at an early. day they will then be for rent. . •• . • On application, Eby, will make known all far-, thor particulars and for oa. .• • , JACOB IlEtittEL. Oarlislo:Nov.'2, 1866. • . • mrn CONFESSIO S : _AND:-EXE-• - - BLENCH Or ST:' ...1 - .'„ blishod for.' the Lomat and as a OAIITION. TO YOUNG MEN and othors, who suitor fronf Norvouo 80-, bility,Promatare Doeay of - Manhood, do., supplying at the samo time fan lISAFICI OF env cone.' Dy 000 mho has anted hlmsolf aftorundorgoing considorablo quack, ory.' Dy oncloolug a - postpaid addroosallifiVarcipo, oinglO copies, froo of charge, may bo-hatl of tho author. ' ' ' . ATILOTIEA 2p.2 - 24..ut, Ell q.,Axoo2lyn glop Cp.; ' Stux 2O 1800.47 L. A M Post, Office. tions, I= THE GREAT The choicest stock of Pia, 2 1111 BARGAINS I- BARGAIN/3 I'l ' -SELLING OFF AT COST - AND NO "MISTAKE. • am selling off my entire doer of Dry Goode AT -COST, connoting of French, Plaid and Plain i Poplins, all wool Bops., French and English Merinoos of the ..ost-beautiful colors,-allwool 'aril-American Delaines - CatihmeroS, Black apd Colorod Alpaecaa LADIES' CLOAKING AND SHAWLS, Shirting and other Flanneli, Canton Plinnele, Chocks Gingbams, Ticklngs, Table Linen, Ladles' Vests and! Under Ware of Avery description, with a largo ossort• moot of Misses and Infanta Merino tinder Pests of. ovary aloe, Calicoes' Muslims, Dalmoial Hoop Skirts,' dre , Also a large asortment of Gentlemen's wear, Cloths,— . Caselmores - ' Bennetts. ' ''' . . ' Jeans ' ' . _ . „ hannelo, . 13 &a., &o. • . . . All of which must be sold atcost until the entire Mock -, 10 Bold. My goods have all boon bought-some at the lowest auction prices, the remaindoeat the lowest , wholesale picas at the Now York a..d 'Philadelphia Markets. - • - • . _ S, North H W anovor Street, next door to Mfflor A l and Bow era(formorly John P. Lyon's) Hardware Store. Remem ber tho numbor-32 North Hanovor, Sign of the Flannel. Nov. 22, 1862. • HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM -TEM undersighod respectfully announ ces to tho public that he still continues' the eating Business 'at the old stand, in West High streetiand with a renewed and efficient effort produco articles of Head Dress of ' Every Variely;Style and Quality,/ that shall bo atrletly In keeping with the improve wont of tho Art, and fully up to the ago which we live.. or l havo on bowl a oplondid asoortmoni fr \ HATS AND OAT'S of all descriptions, frbin 'the common Woo l to the finest, Fur and Bilk Hats; and at. prises that must Butt ovary ono who lute an aye- to getting the worth of his money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASHMERE, BEAVER A FELT HATS, stylo and color and unsurpassed for Llghtnose of over moat in the country. • /Men's, Boy's and Chlldrett's Hats and Caps, of every' Inscription constantly on hand. . Ile respectfully invites all tho old patrons and as 4any new ones as possible, to Bite him a call. J. G. CALLIO. Julrl, 1864 NEW AND FRESH , 0 - -- i . - --- c• - c3 -- e - ra I - 8 - tg - .. C. L. HALBERT, oTSAVING just returned from the Eastern cities dcslro to inform his- patrons that . has laid in a largo and varied stocic of Now and, Fresh Goads at tho lowest cash prices. • . His assortment is thorough and complete, contain. ing everything necessary to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest abundance, and at lowest cash figures.— Byrum Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENBWARE and Crockery, .Salt and Mph, Hams, Cheese, Crackers, Bnands, Baskets and Willow Ware. Segais and ,Tobacco, of tho choicest brands: Brooms, Buckets, and a corn ploto assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot.tho old stand, South , East cornor of llanovor and Louthor streets. Nov. 23,1866 loot inac SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY.—On Saturday, Decernbar_l,_l6oo. lly virtuo of an order of solo issued by tho Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, upon proceedings in partition upon tho real estate of Elizabeth Wober, lute - of Lower All on . Twp., dec'd. will expose to public sale, on the premises, on ..tho . day abovo named, that valuablo TRACT 01 -0 LAND, altuatial in Lower 'Allen Twp., noar the Public Road ' loading from Lisburn to Ilarrislitreg; about 5 miloo from the lattor-place, and adjoining lands of John . Taylor, John Wobor and William Smith, containiUg/ 1% ACRES of SLATE LAND. and - rooted a two.atory . BOARDED HOUSE, WASH STA - 1110.1, - antrOtlfOT- - linpri The land is of first qeitty, high state of cultivation. good Well of Water on the promises, with abundance of Fruit, such as Apples, peaches, Cherries, Grapes, Am. Terms of Sale, .Laura su ffi cient to -pay costs and expenses, of wri t of 'partitiorfantrald .to Ito paia by purchaser, when the tale Is continued by the Orphans' Oourt, and the balm:lse on the lat of April, A.D., 1867, to bop:cured_ by recognizance In-the Orphans' Court with - approved security, at which time a deed will oa3 made and possession given. Taxes for year 1867 to be paid by purchaser— Salo to comme nce at-1 o!,,clock of said day. • SAMUEL 11. WEBER. - Administrator. Nov. 0, 1860—te ' , • , .4'4? . ..... Wheeler_ & Wilson and HOW—. LOCK STITCH SEWIIi. MACHINES. The Best Simplest and Cheapest:- T HE Wheeler & Wilson maohinos are adapiad to all lands of family Sowing, working equally welLupon Bilk, Linen and Cotton goods, with Bilk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a .beautiful and ported stitch aliko on both elites of tho article sowed. , , _ Primes of Wheeler & Wilson machines: No. 3 inaehirroylain, ...arol., -PorgataZon.o , -- The - Howe - Sewing - Mttehine - . -- The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers is called to this—the bent of Shut tle lowing Machines. It is unanimously admitted to lie the bent machine, for leather work or tailoring over given {o tha public. Price of Howci machines: Lotter A machine $OO Is recommended for family sewing ,Talloring, Shoo binding and Gaiter fitting. Letter B. machine.s7o Is ono sire )arger than A machine, suited to' the' name workf' Letter C. machine, $B5 Is recjinmendod for heavy' Tailoring. Boot and SURTO work and Carriage trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do fine work well; andhas a much larger Shut tle than the smaller machines.' Call and examine at nail Itoad Telegraph-0111c% Oar. lisle, Pa. . 0ct.27, 1805—tf. AGENTS WANTE D TOR FRANK MOORE'S 1 . . - EW WORK. . , • _...c.1V0MEN...0F THE _WAR:',' •A— GENTS WILL FIND- THIS- A ---- _ ja_ book of real merit and intrinsic valuo-01111- dEVYNEWlotenselY interesting and exciting. No work ever attracted and cugagod the public mind like' this Everybody wants it, and thousands will par allels° It as soon as an opportunitYls affCrded thorn. Read 'What - Agents say of it :' --. Onomporioneed Agents writes—lt is the easiest and pleas tent Book to sell he ever canvassed for, and says pooe are delightottwith, it, the Ladierespoelaily. - A othor says—ttWomon-of the War" le the book of lbasessou,—AriotWor-137-Ordere-in-fourslays',---- One reports 17 ordors the trot day of canvassing, Intelligent, active, males or fornales,will find , the sales-of, this work a pleasant and idtrptive employ or&- This Book has uo competition-CC comes . ll-osh ad now to the peoPIO.ITho territory ls - Clain and tear. Agents understand the advantages in-this par- ' titular. For full particulars sond for, Circular. Ad dress ' L BLEMAIER St co.;. • 104 West Baltimore street,' Ilaitim ~o. Ilaitimdla. : . ' -- Noy. 2, 1866-:4vo "orvoirrE THE BUTTONWOOD lIARTZLER gr. GUION . , ccoisors • '( Imporigs : __k_Pealqs . 1" :MOT • - • rap. ..-'t - • - . NO. 821` MARKET , Pj://../0 A. L .11EiTZLER.• '" dNO. A. OUION. MISEiLER'S HE;lll3BITillitS FOR BALE. Nov. 2,1900-4 m. .1- ._...WWI: IVIENCKE.&_I3ROTIIERy 140. 804 AkeEt.troot;; iPiiiLAP' i • WHOLESALE' & RTAII - i-'73Ey< ' . . ~, :% : ' BERLIN ;ZERILY . A Z T taibiadOrle . s; Fine Nati thicie;oia; y -.- ' od In Eprppo. •••., -- - . S. .• : _pO*ESTIO...2DP ..' ... . .' • aermailtbW i'cV9 o , • .L4tost Ryles la Ladlesil.r llolailie, oto. •., ::., - i• " ' rjr . R IN- ,- , --..-,-,----- -- • - • ' • . otod O ' utlYbOlatuilo. - ','Dctitono,VroP Fring'' 1101400 , 3,TtlADYI I ... ' liqilto Itatbroldered 8 . - -. ~ .-; The goodsbelng all . 7,' .' ...:.:: . '', i" r'' ' '' ' Department offers : . ''' - .52 , - Plept. /080 ,f}.143. , ; . .--. :' It- A 0. L. HALBERT