• .)TIBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE, th, 7966, ut, 1 o'Cloch P. M.. on - ti .23; —llea north ofNewrlllo, ' Cumbarland Co.', Pa., elf thi - ' Id road leading to Doubling (lop Springs; and on tin read loading to tho Phoenix. Saw Mill. About in ACitES of good arm land In Inifilin'nep., of which there about IS ACRES OF 1.3001? TIM nnu, and ad joining tho landn of George Asper, M. Schooner, Jonox Outman, demon Harlan, and Robert ltiddiato, .Thie to the ' prepdartlotttho'linf-. pin Petrobwo Association, Intro boon Elitahn: on pm w ELL, n .1 In conce of the moth horn atlitelina good tui there la .pothapa In the fitato. (See. Report of Prof. Rawson; orliitritaborg, ou ;the • ranco.) Any ono desiring to see the propurty cau, do so by calling upon - ' 301111 P. 'RAMMER, • or O. ITAMM ER, nn tho *s.Unining_prAnAmff. 'pt.nyfpl2.l,l3 4p1m‘4'..4, • 0.4.19. 1866. • , ITALUABLE 11E41, ESTATE IN v CARLISLE FOR SALE.—The dellirniiro rod gonra of tine Env. Jacob IL Mores, on Ihranoyer ,, Striiet, eenshijing n UIUCK DWELLING, eon- i ..,.. • - • tnining IS anrartntentra. suppilea , with . Water. (Inx hnd Furnace, Bathing room „,, , , 4 . : rit:ll tailor ennnectingwith.tho Mal - ','. 4 _ ,/, nil on range. The garden Is fillnd :with ~.:q ' It , . ' V . "—.,—... , .....L- • , the citoie,st fruit treefi, cowliAltig bf Prarra, Apples. Tenches, .Apricot Chertles,Crub-Applen, n Urape Arbor of clifTeront vrarietirra. logother witlLlLlc . plNrtics and Curran ts,:furithlk n rich variety. Connected with this property is a large bald 119edati vegutablo gamin. extontling bitch to Pitt Stroot. nu which ion good FTAllLll,,Lcsideo a wooden building In front. which with some repair could I,u made a good tenotniont with STOItt: ROOM. The abode property will ho cold on accommodating twins on application to the -o‘v nor, t 11 1 .41 possession-given shurtly• 1. 13.11101:H. 'Oct. 19, 1899. - SHERIFF'S SALES •" of Sundry wriMof Vendi y Mel Pxpoone Issued out of the court or-oorh ninn Pleas of Cumberland County, end to me directed, I w .Ixpest, td sale by public coodue or outcry at tin Court Ifour,, In tie Borough or On rlisln, en Friday the Oth day of Novethlter, 18116,:it• i t o'clock, A. li., the fot. lowing described Itonl Potato to n It A lot of ground situate In NOWtOII Twp„ (lumber. or the Ilot ban Road, otothot East by it public Road,.ou Iho Not th b., lands of .ttlantuot Sites, and on the Vogt Louis of,lu r eub.lioltuok, ro tnlning hti ACRES, bn tha o '" e mbro Wr less, having thoreou erected a late.story 'ItILAME zWAtill. HOUSE, and F E RAM BARN it in 7_ aud_HOG PEN. 9elsod and tttken In • execution US the property of John E3eavers.. ALSO, A tract of land situala In South ,Middloton Twp., Curnborlaud County, Pa., bounddd on the Past by tho Public Pond, on Ow West by laud of George Herman 3 Michael Baker, on the North by Job', —Heckman, Esq., on the South by Samuel Zell, contain _ lug TEN ACRES, 'bo the Mlle wore or less, having thereon erected a two story Loci. HOUSE, LOH STABLE, 1100 PEN, , and other out buildings. Seized and .1. ; taken In execution as the property of . t q, a Washington Nogle C• ALSO, A lot of ground situate— n New 'Kingston, Silver Spring Twp., Cumberland Courtly. hounded on the North by the Carlisle and Harrisburg Turnpike, en the Wont by no alley; rn the South by on alley. on tl/u East by lino , John Much, containing 18 fvet iu f ;and 184 fret In depth, by the came more or less thereon orectui a twe-story AME HOUSE, FIIAME STABLE. SMOKE IHArs}; a nd 11041 PEN. Seized and taken in exam tion as the property of Jacob Wert. ALSO, A trnrt of land situate In Southampton Twp., Cumberland Comity. Pa., bounded on the North - by land of Clever Baker and Col. bums Chestnut, on the South by Witham Chest nu I and John Chestnut, on the Eastby Marshall Meant:and timer, containing 611 ACRES More or less, having thereon ereeoBd 0 two story BiliCK HOUSE, 10t1 and Fit A . M 0 r . STABLE, CORN - Cl( Ili, HOU fruit Trees. Seized and taken In execution as ▪2 ▪ 2. „ the property of WilliamChettnut. To be . 4 hold by me _ inskryisnee, Cm-lisle Oe., CONDITIONS.—On all oho of sr.no or over, 510 will be required to be paid [then the propdrty.in ~tricker V. 2.5 on all saloN dialer $.590. Oct 19, 10151—IC. • - . J. W. EBY; Treasurer in account with the Board of School Direc tors of Carlisle. Prom the rl•at JTatdny (9` . Jeo4 1865 to Me Oto)iday of .1712,te 103, 1805. Jan. b..—Tollalanco lu bandy of Troasurori nt laat. sottleanunt , • ' " Amount .of duplivato of SChool . Tax. for 186;i...7.1 . ,06, " Rout rocelvotl from 11. It. Wil liams, to Oct. 1, Mt, • 18611. April 1.- do. an -7, D;J. Rohrer April 1, 1860, etlEll received for old Lumber sold .1. Spahr, April 11, Amount for Tuition of nrooros. ident sholars, ' Pmehare nwney reeolved from W.l Ltltnr,7liai ut,IN 0 of interest While or Deposit for 0 mouths, Slny 2. Juno. s.—To halSnco In han do of Tre;surcr this data, By PalArloß, of teaohort, Erborl S3,U P. 6 " Sundry incidental I•xpell. , s foci usi en uf Printing, Adverthing, Blanks, Mel,tonger, eleanineyoonas, Le. ,'„ Additional hop/tire, Ma' erials, Fix tures Insurawa, Interest on indebtedness Tor the year, Bills for Coal and Wend, - pAsn mXPENDITUILES, .Exotwrations hll,.ed on duplleato, Abatement to Tax Payers, Peo3 of Collection, Balance unexpended, I have evonleed - find compared the accou ;te..n,f 3 1 . r• Trsannrer. okthe, Board of Director;: a i r • abtntr 'an also the vOnctiors for the niiidn by hint, and herewith submit a statmnent of the 8.11110, allowing a comet statement of tho Receipts and dltares, and find a balance In Ids' Lauds of 51,536 A 6 uum:pondod at the rod of ten School year, viz, on bth Jun,. 1066, ale, an.exhibit of the rmoninlog dobtbd- ness of the District as also its a4sots, 11.11 of which, as-1 above, Is Respectfully a libel' tted It. C. WOODWARD, Financial Secretary. October ist, 1616, Financial roport read approved and ordered to bo published In the papers of this dis trict. By order of the Board, - —_ 0.:P: - 1.1.1151RICII, ..-, .Boarotary: _ INDEIITYPNE.SB OF I/JEPRIoT, . AmouTi,duo ou JUdgrunnts &e. . e,583 p!.,', ..-, • AFSETS 'OF BOARD. Judgment an be:rt Property,;' ' 1,200 00 Balaneein BCidn'of Treasurer, .I:9nesth, 1865, 1,636 40 2,736.40 Indebtedness exceeds assets 1866-9 t. rt . 4 XECUTRIX NOTICE.- Lottero s Testatuuntary -on, the estate of CI twig° W. Brandt, itec'd , Into of Carlisle, ha{ log been hauert .to 11rs. Susanbah Brandt, madding thn filllllo plays, notice Is horoby given to all persons. having claims to present them and rill nerhons I ndobted'to unto pay most to - " F. E. BELTZIIOOVEII, A Wy. for Executrix Ott. 12,4866-tit :Goods-!- Dry-Goods-! eir* W. Bentz, South Ifanoeee Street, Cm • ,:; . .1, . lisle, Pa. , , ~ I have jtist..tnadcy my se6onti ~.Fall midi .. . Lion to, my already greit and extensive stoel< of . .. —' Dry Anode. , I have selected, the moat desirable goods that could.. ho obtained in the Eastern Markets, mad -Most special attention to variety and taste, and am fully assured that, after a thorough Investigation fa wade t 'my 'numerous patrons, (thM Ladles' of eau t se) will -have _4110.1.0r wßbes grutlfie+..... 1 I have a variety af•,•: •----- • Ladies' Dress: Goods, auch as Plaid and Plain Lupine, French Morluoaapf 0-917 Ando and quality Goburga, Mona do Lainos; aulk4llntecas all colora, • A full lino of ' . .111OURNING .451001. M. Mourning Silks, 13outbatInoa, Ronne Doublo and Elln glo width, all Wool DoLaines, Alpacras, English Craps. Craps Veils and Collars, Loudon Mourning Prints, dm, -1111181.AN;Sr.MITSLINS, .. -. very ehea c p i n o nd ti g i o s od a . n4i A ]ergo , . Ca l ;; lf ir eS) IL:. -- ..1 - eavis, Velvet. Cord, &o.". . . . . • A variety Of Ballerdvale, Shaker and 11.'4 twilled Flannels, Mode, Bolfedrio, Blue, Brown,Oreon and Scarlet Sag. Flannels. - .....---,-- , . • White and Colored HogneOunts Fiannels,,tgOod., Van ton Ylannolq. ,Crints very best brands, a 1.., Heeler ' and Buttons of ovary kind, Trti; and - bra:wars, Bo i l • , Nti biseand , Breakfast Shand , Blankets at low. rl * cos, Balmoral and , ll.p Sk rts, Floor and'Bta r,. Oil Oloth. lam prepared and Will tali at the largest , pria..7, —, ' • ' ' '.,-,, ~., A. W. BENTZ. _ ' Oct .12,1860. : ' • ,• . ' . - " — " — Novelties in - , and-Vtait 'rig Cards. ... . lIE latest toedan and ParisP.(7l63l Initials stamped oa piper and onvolopos la:oolora It 'll OP CRAM:iII . K. . .• ..0 R. 1108KIS6 k CO., ' ImPOrtlng Stationers and Card lingravers; ,' . 913 Arelt St., Philt.Pa. . Odors by mall wilt recolve prompt tittoatlon. ' Soptember 28,1886-8 m „-- .., . . . . XIICUT.RIX'S NOTIC.E..:._ :_..._. ' . • . Letters Testamentary on the estito,of Leonard - I r deed., iota of idOntoo tosinshid'daressell having ' been Issued. to the Subsesiber residing In tito"Sams township; notice Is hereby glveri to all persons Ileving • clidnis to .prOsent•tbein, and those indebted fo Ant. • ' immedlian pipistint to ' - - 0 '. •:, . . , ,', , :i•: 'SARAH ANN plLl f Elli..;;;,' ' ••• ,11?cocuttir. tr .'. Aus iisao- - - -in - c• - • _. . _ _ . iliTATOllES.aiid4ewelrrrppaicti 4 V V AiTo CAN BE SAVED ! . . . -- )13Y CALLING ON. . R NE S" ;NI IT.II & P.P.,,' who have just returned fromthe city with f eplptidld assortment of , • STOVE'S • " consisting_ to - part .of "BARLEY - STINA.P.,"„ `.!OOY!'.. PENN," "NIA° A RA," lIION SI IMS," NOBLE COOK" athtotiotra, they Will Install for SIX MONTHS and guarantee to bT - the bust linkers nad ltonstMs. the lantrket. A trial will cotivinen you. Their PARLOR STOVES . . _arounsurpassed.this.slde- of—thoedSeeramong-whlch is SPEAR'S ANTI Dun, Which cannot bebeat. They refer by permleStaia to Itov. Bliss and ot,bers. who leivo them In use., They MT: prepared to set, lIIIATINIS land.RM NO ES at short notice, and special :Atom . tion t o o S A N,D 0 12:D 4 •S- E:11 , which they ranonamend and ask yon to give them a trinhind if not valialaefory they will remove, thorn without charge. Site Anautity.of references glyis. Their shalVes nra filled kinds of / .T IN' WAR J .. • ~ of their coin aninnlncturo. which they ,are &fern - anal , to sell at 'Short proilta, All ki ndo of SIIEET IRON. - WORK, ' • ROOFING AND SPOUTING, dons at abort-notice and nu reasonithlo terms.—JOB BING re with • • NEATNESS Argo . - , • • - Call, oxamino and be courier:e.l that Ithienuith and lturp's stock u m,ut p-i-sod in bcculy, durability and clallapness, and that mono) , can, be saved by .dualing' will, thou, Thanklui lie past: l'avcra , thoyask a con , tinuancdof the same. • ' •• • IS - AIit:KM:OIS a re, dlors North of 'Wetzel's Hotel, North Hanover Street. Carlisle, Pa.' OLD STOVES TAR EN IN EXCHANGE. Oct. 12, ISCS—Ini. .1 TIIr GRICAT -1111_NertiO_US_ OF BARGAINS IN FINE CLOTHING ROCKRILL' All - 31..WITISON; littOWN STONE CL6THINPFTIALL, CO3 and 605 Chestnut Street, Ready-Made Clothing Department • El l Warn WEI% -Ever offored to purchas,s, Comprising all 019 ' NEWEST AND MUST APPROVED STYLE. Custom Department • Our newly ft up ru,tom OLT:trio,'la for Goutlo loon, Youol9 autl-It4s, contoluEt a carefully so. lectrd sflok of Foreign and Domestic Goods, whii, iiro pivpitrei to whit° to — ortluzj-hrthe.• bast manner, and roitscaypllo pricex. • • JOIIN JACOBS; Slturill. Wn havili on hand the largest and host stock of Iteady Made Boys' Clothing in the City. Particular attention paid to the making of Buys' Clothing to ordar. IME NEM 4! . ..•;i.g 5 a 5.!'.6,.;;°;, - 4g , .y.e g 4 MED 8,167 16 03 IMEI ECM BM Gentl COMM It ihl I 'kg ra y in n 010 1 , ly atoll ,11 $1,590 ,I\l BATIBFACTION, AND A GirOD FA` GUARANTEED. Samples sem` to any rtqf the United States . ROCK y , & WILSON, BrOWII 11,111, 603 and 605 01m.:In /r Ph ila delph la. oot.r,lEtl3o-111n. MEI G - 51 I'3 00 ^ll 00 $ ,, ,r, r 0 -9 3bo 06 316 00 310 04 1,63 i 40 QUARTERLY STATEMENT First Na'donal Bank. sii,oel 54 :Carlisle Pa. Octithor 1,1866. , •%.; rms.ouncEs. Loan!? and - DiPeduntn-- , U. S. battle, Other U. S. SePurlthn3. Logsl Tender Notes nllll l'estal Currency 51,815 Notes of Ulter Banks, 1,036 Cush Items, Dui, fecm ether ILu,I ..t,J Bankers Expeuses 11110.1 Tacos, Bell Estate uud lusursuro. Funs' turo and Fixture?, • Premiums. ' Capital, Surplus Fund, Discount and Profit and Loss, Chvo,lotion, - Duo to other Danks and Dankers, Individual Deposits. U.S. " ' Dividends unpaid, ' MEI o et. 6,1 . 8130. The I .itboNo litatunumt la truo to the lost of my -I;lll,wli,dge-nnttbollef.-- J. C. HOFFER, Cashion Sworn and subserlbod baron) mu this third day of Ootoher, Imo, • Ct,._ Sr'k •141 N , T .l TIVE. , •. - I 4 •• A Letters of Admint.d.vtlen ou the estate of Fred ' orlik Zeigler, deceased, lalo of Westpennsborough tp., have boon . Issuod to the subr:eriber reuldlng in the same.township, by 'the Register of Cumberland enmity. „41 . 11persone. Indebted •to imitl.estato-nre requested to make Itnmedlato payment, - and those hav / terr:Klnims will in °sun t thorn for settlement to • ..--- _ t DAVID DIEU{ EB, ADm'r. September 28, 1801--ct. D EPOT FURNISHING DRY qoops. ()Alta - lIEPIIAItn, VAN lIARLINfiIiN . ----No;1008 T (211TiBTNUT STILEIIT -- Wlliomostnbliopulout anlo of,. lIQUE•FURNIS.IIING DitY GOQDS, Tx unequalled In the extant, and vai tots Of It. us4pet• taunt, beg to announce to IuUSEKI.:EPERS-ItENIgIV ING THEIR SUPPLY, or perlione about to furnish, that nay are now roeuivlug•thoti-"-_ ' . FALL ASSORTMENT OF FRESH LINEN, COTTON AND: • WOOLEN 000Ds. PQR - 11017SEHD . OL 811011 AS LINEN AIM:TING% , , • . , qorroN. simr.rrom:,• • • - • • -. PILLOW LINENS, . ~ . •., PILLOW MUNLINS, • . . i ~, DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE LINENS. . , • ~ , ; ) .DAMABIL-Narlabliv _,-., ...,. ‘ - . . . • uo.B.DERBD TOWELS, ' ' . • • '• ' 'TOWELING.% ... . • . . QUILT QUILTS} . ' . . . ' DLANKUVS, ' ' TABLE •AND.winutowoßED rutio_AND TA.ilLt • • COVEN% . . , -Ark ' every other arGehr gultablo :for a tvoll ' Ordered .hoittiehold. , , ,. Sept. 280.00,13-1 . . ni:. LANDELL, F_QUItTli and A . 11.011 Streets, Novo now complotetrt holy IMPROVEMENT and aro • 'now offering on, thu BEST of Tlatsitt , Fait mod? ' 'FALL DIZY GOODS • I...st . ock:or siutv.Ls . ; Elno Stook of SILE.I3, ;; •*. ; Pine Stock, of.IIRIPS GOOOS,' .7 ' Pion Riock , of WOOLLENS, , • . , • tt ,lllno.Stpek '•. ," _ Etna Stoo'k .FANCY^ GOODS, oto., _ .r.o-Now and ,doalralnoSloodu dally,yocolvod, and fold-nt Small adiruicOVLollosalo , , Out. 28, itioa„-ot. , 0110T0911A1 ) 11.-ALBUM8_ .11 all skaiiind. • I Ff ,P0c.3.15, 3N. AT HATBUTIOLCIO., ho - choicest stock of '-MADE CLOTHING, volt CM men, Youths and Bo ql.itm mad,. to order, by Eorttling their pox diagram, Will haVo Vaulr rollers prompt =rEE $ 0 17,748 C 4 70,000 00 2E0,0 10,785 ^,0 , 1 , 1 8,683 099 1450 $407,108 =LiALiTiB 60,000 . 06 11,386 06 6,214 49 46,000 00 20,599 29 200,606 92 13,000 35 , 360'00 $ 07 108 11 It. A. NOBLE N. P MEI Morinoes of every Ando, . Barred, Striped and Plain . Medium Priced Geode, Domestic Delnines, and othor CHEAP GOODS. W. C. SAWYER, & CO /aka the attention of the Ladles to their beautiful lIMII New Style Mantles. Largo stack of MEN MT, VI In evory color and Idyl°. dLOAEING CLOTHE; `, TRIMMINGS, &C. W. C. SAWYER, & CO., Have purChasod a full Hue of MOURNING GOODS, We give groat attention to this department and desire an inspection of our goods. FUNERAL GOODS OF ALL KINDS. W.'o. SZWYER, & CO daltifthe eapectol attention of the Gentlemen to our 1:=33 FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMER= WAN CLOTIIS, CASSIMERRS, OVER - COATINGS, CHEAP CASSIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS,..&c„&c., A era eine Tailor will nosltolup at short notice etilO; - isoy of thifabovo goods. All kinder of Notfons and furniablng good's. Drawers, Undershirts, Gloves,-- Ties, Ilanciver Bilok &o. &0.,, Hose, Gloves, W. C. SAWYER & Co liqkillaiilekeopois to elatiOno their ,woll 'elected stook of C.A.I~Y=~ET~Si, ,OIL pLoTris; SHADES, ; pp.LNICErfS, bOUNTERPINS, —DAIIISSKS, dm. arc., • , dill the tarloiie frlade of Deniaetle geode kept In lm mensoeupplton. - 4 ' • 811EICTINGS. • SLIIRT/NOB, TABLE DIAPRIU3, RLAxs4,s, Raga, • CIALICOBB, And all klnds ' of' -Y cßF.oom'b -` llAt'6[OßArandllooP-81IIIITB.- Beat : and ahespeat in tOrt QBAIN,BAQB;tiiid BAG}GFII U In fact Overythtng o IntineeZpUielieweie 'give we +t esti. We.tiesire to. add tqour , lWputailon tor nelltpg thelargeet quantity of goodeakiho ioernst pric'es, with the best iittentloO, of any:beast In )ivory body giro US d cditiroite!nborthe old aloud lidoEldoln St., updai - • • ; I¢t o. Immo= a co. Oat. 0, 1800 ME IM . ... . . . , Viii„, MUSTER'S NOTl.OE.—Notice is 'hereby given to 'diverts:ins interested, that the • to °Wit* - accounta have been filed in thier`ollire by .the`accouutants therein :named, for examination, and will be presented toll° Orphans' Court of Orimbetleid County, for confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday, GeteMer 230A.D.1880. : y M j : '.'' - ',. `''• ~ •:,. 1: • First and final account of M rs. —Fanney 'Ashy' and Jen° Shealy, Administrettora of Valentine 1310 . 11 9, iato of the Borrough of Carlisle, deceased.. • '• - 2. ' First and final account. of Mrs. Mary Moudy, mloietratrix Ad- M br James_Moudy,Jate. of r Boroug of. C arlisle, deceased. • - `-, ••- • • , - ' - •.. „ ' 3.• First-arid final account of Georgo Wurts, Admin. latrator bflareelliusterilaterof ,`Hamp`dan - toWnietily:` 4. Eiret and final Account ofJamesMcCuliongb aid' Susan Wilk Executors of the last.lVill'and Testae:lien. of Eleanor Wilk late_of_West.Fennshoro township._ 05. The Administration account of Benjamin McKee han, Executor of Wm. G. Davidson ' deceased. • ~.w. Tho first and Emil account ofWialinn 41:Brown. Administrator of the Estate" of 'James Megaw, late of Mifflin township, deceased. ` 7. • Guardianship account of Alex. Elllate Gilardimi •of Catarina E. Bowman, a minor child of Jacob Bow man, of Mittlin, toWnslailVdeceased. 'Settled by his Exemitar`John Jaeobs. ••'B'.• "AAMtitit"of Michael Brandt, Administrator of 'Martha Brandt, late of We'st Ponneboro lownshlp,do cpaneld. . 0.. First and final account of - Wlllieuri' MeKee,'Adt mlniatrator "de bonis teen," with the Will annexed o Josoph McKeolate of West Perensboro township, de coaxed. ; ' 10. First and final account of Jacob' Barber and Samuel B. Hoff, Administration of Henry 11. Hoff do ceased. • ...... . . .• 11. First and final account of Jain Miller, A-dmin fitrator of the Estate of Andrea. F. Brownewell, Tate of Sliver Spring township, deceased. • ••• 12. The first and final account of Jamos Nesbit, Ad ministrator of Sarah Sprout, deceased. . " •• • 13. Tho account of John Waggoner, .otiardlan of Wilson Leine, a ntinor.child of Potor•Letin deceased. '' _l4 _Account_ of.J.Miars,_Uctwer:_ .Adminlstrator_of. loath Mower, deceased. 15, First and final account, of E. ILltyster, Admin istrator with the Will annexed, of Charles Hoinly, late of Penn' tow n ship, 'deceased.. , 10. First and final account of George Yoh,'Adatinis trator of Margaret Yoh, late of South Middleton town ship, deceased. -- 17. First and partial amount of - John M. Wood burn, ono of the Admirers of Jrhn Si. Woodburn, late of the Borough of Newvllle, deceased. G. W. NORTH, Register., Sept, 22 T(3. To the Tick Sand Legal Representatives of George Ilowneal. ghipmnaVkahlarc, .(146.tv. of Cumberland, deceased: -- - Take - Notire .- that - by - virtuar of- a wilt of Partition and Valuatior,"issued ont of hie' Orphans' Court of Cumberland*county, and to me directed, I will. Mild an -Inquest to divide, part or value the real estate of sold deceased, on the promises, mr•Thursday, thb,lBth day of Ortolan., Imo,- at 12 o'clock noon, when and *hero you sassy attend if you think p '.per ' ' .10 IN. - JACOBS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Sept 22,1866-86 • Dissolution of P rtnership. NTORICE is hereby gi • n that , the co il parEnorship heretofore exist a between W. J. Cameron and A. N. Shearer, was• this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against tile said firm will present them to W. J...oameron for settlement, and ,those Indebted will please call and settle their accounts. , , W. J.. ()AMMON, A. W. -MEANER. Carlisle, Sept. 28, 186411-3 t N. B. The business will hereafter be conducted et the old stand '4 , Catnenin At Bro. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully solicit the further patuago of the public. 1 CAMBRON PROCLAMATION. HEREAS, the Hon. JAMBS H. N V OnAnnu, President Judge of the SeverarCourts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Per and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said counties, and Michael Cocklin and Hugh Stuart, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery fobi the _trial of all capital and btber offeadorel In the, si d cohn ty of Cumberland, ,by their precepts to.ine. dt ted, dated the 27th day of August and the Ist day of September; A. D., MO, have ordered the 'Court of Oyor and Terminor • and Onnond Jail Delivery to bo holden at Carlisle on the 2d Monday of November, 0860, (It being the 12th den) at 10 o'cledic in the fereneoni - te cotatinue two weeks, • NOTICE is'hereby given -to 'the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables ofWhe field county of Cum berland that they are by the said precept commanded, to - be thou and there In their - proper --persons, with' their rolls; records, and Inquisitions esimitatione, and all other roniumbrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to .bo done, and all those that are bound by recognisancea, to prose - Jute agiiinat the prism:Mrs that are or then shall be in the Jail of said county, aro to bo there - to prosecute them as shall be just. - 'c ' JOHN JACOBS, - - Sheriff. NOTICH.—An adjourned Court of Common Pleas for the eouhty of Cumberland, 1 , 1111 convene at Car llslo, on Monday,. - Novenibc . r sth, at 10 o'clock, 'to con tinue one week. Sept. 20,100 Cik Dissolution of .Partnership• NOTIis hereby given that the no partneras 1p heretofore existing between. the undersigned in Carlisle, under the firm name. ofGreen- Ala Sheafer, hes this day been by....nutt. - al consent, A. K. Shearer 'WithdrawingTram the-busi ness.' The books will remain in the hinds bf L. T. Greenfield at the present place orbUstrrestran — Es. High Street. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm will please make immediate pa' moot to. him, and those having claims present them for settle ment. T. L. GREEN FIELD, A. K SITEAFER. Bept .21, 1860. A CARD..--The Mercantile buainess In all Ito various bnuschos will be continued at the old establishment, a s cd the public patronage la respectfully solicited by . L. T. GREENFIELD. ' Supt. 21,-1866. ESTATE NOTICE.- Letters of Administration ou tho estate of David U. Keenoy. doc'd; Into of Carlislo, Cumberland Co., Pa. having boon Issued to the enbscribor residing in tho ammo place. Notice Is hereby given to all per sons Indobted to Make payment and throe° paving claims to present thorn to " J. Pl. MASONHEDIER. Administrator. Sept. 14, 1806—Gt. NOTICE. September lOtlx;1860. NOTICE is 'hereby given that an as moment of Five per cent has this day been triad by the Board of Directors of the above company on all Premium notes belonging toillirraine, and in force on the Bret of July last—PayableJti Thirty days from this date. By order of the Board - JOIIN T. ORBEN,, Secretary. Zept. 14, 1801.-4 t _ - - WANTED.--r—An energetic bueineee. man to , take chargotel the sale of the 'book "Trlod and True and the engraving. ' , Child. Wey er" and "The Fast Lesson," In Cumberland Co. - Also Acfiee Agents everywhere, Addrese_W. J. HOLLAND CO., Publishers, 014 cheatnnt St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 28, 11301)-4w.. -, • ESTRAY. eIANE to the residence of the stibeeri lj. bar, In South Middleton Twp., on the .First of September, a yeting Steer, 2 years old.' the animal of red color, without any marks. The owner will proye property, pay charges and take the Steer away, other wise It will be disposed of according to law. LINE. • . Sept. 21,1866-6 t.• AGENTS WANTED FOR THE PICTORIAL BOOK OF ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS - 7 — ,SP.THE -REBELLION : • Efekti,,Partriotic,Romantic, Humoroui, and V I E "MIERE is a certain portion Of the - veernat .- will never go - Into regular -Siste r as, nor be embodied. In - romance or poetry, which is , a very real part of it, and will, if proserrod,.convey.M.; succeeding ;generations a bettor Idea of.. the spirit of the conflict than many-dry reports or careful narra tives or events, and this - 11411 May be called, the gossip,. the fun, tho pathos, of the war. , ' Those illustrate the character of_tbo loader/,AM 'humor of -- tlinibldiefs, 'the devotion f Woman, the bravery of men, the pluck of our heroes, the' mane and hardships of the rieTi . The vniumo is profusely illustrated With over 00 engravings by the rst art ists, which are'really beau i ss ful ; worthy of examination as specimens of the art. Many of them aro set into the body of the text, after .the popular style of LoSsing's 'Pictorial Wield Book, or the-Revolution. The look's contents include remi niscences of camp, picket, spy, scout, bivouac, siege and battle-told adventures ; thrilling feats of bravery, wit . .drollery, comical and ludicrous adventures, etc. etc., Amusement as well as Instruction may be found In every page; as graphic detail, brilliant wit, authentic history, are- Interwoven in this work of lit erary art. Tlyis Work sells' itself. - The people' aro tired of dry ,details tend partizan works, and want something hu morous, romantic and startling. Ouragent.: are Mak. Ing libel $lOO to $2OO par month, clear of all expenses. liend,for circulars, giving full . particulars; and son our terms and proof of the above assertion, Sadroes ......—.. .... NATIONAL PUBLISIIINO 00. • 607, Minor St., Philadelphia, Pe, .84 . 6: 20, • . . WM. M.ENCK.E 'ft BAOTHER,. 801 'ARCH Street, PHILAD'A..- ' WHOLESALE 84 RETAIL DEALERS in .MERLIN. ZEPHYRS, , , Embroiderloil; Sine }Knit a Oode, etc., poise/WV iieloct ed, In Europe. , • . DOMESTIC ZEPHYRS; Germantown WOOLS, Cashmere YARNS etc., - Latest Styles ln Ladles prom! andOloa •• • • TRIMX.INGS, 'Dutton's, Drop Fringes, Laces, Shvorptordera t ate.' ,White Embroidered XI ANDS, oto. '•-' Thagcloditholug all Carefully selected our.Wholeenlo opartmont.ollars great inducements to the TRADE t 8,3 0.140.8 66 -4,.m. " r • • HE CONFESSIONS AND'EXPE-' ITIENON OH.AN INVALID. ••• - Tublialied for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN mid'others,•who suffer:froth Nervous Do bility,Promaturo D,ecityat Manhood, An., supplying at thu same tit , TIIV 'MANS OP SOLP CURE. By 000 litho has cured h self after undergoing considerable quack ery.' Bronlosing a poiltpidiltiddrsesed onselopo, single copies, free of charge, may be had of the author, TIATIIANLYIL MAYFAIIrEsq., Brooklyn Mitigs 0o.; 11:. Y. • F—Jah:24411.60-li. 00X-OANDY -Se T. ta Fronah and ea. 16,18136. •) - - ••• • ATMAYEASTIOEB, • - • w E ! - Wiriapadially-liavltaitto-attehtiotialitto-pablia goteittily to come and examine our now and well se. lected stock of Pocket and Table' Cutiery,; Silver Plated and Britaittnia Tea and Table Spoons, /pears, Scissors, Curling, Crimping and Pottering ToWgit .and Irons, Biding, Driving, and Sleigh Whim., tViLttIibit*MATERIA.L; Such as Locks, Hinges, Bolts,-Screws Nails, &o, °att. , renter, Poopots, Diacktmiths, and Shoemakers Tools and and 'Bindings. „ - N G S: . ‘ ' Our now stock of Cralu Raga Are the beet and cheap-, est over offered in town. 'Farmers and Forwarding -men-wllbandlt-to thelradyantage to - come and exam , Ine our stock be:bid buying eheA•bero ‘ L. • • It f WA. TVE. '.' • . . A complete aseertment of Cedar Nero, Poniprlslng: Tube, Churns, Buckets, Bushel and Peek measures,, Wish Rubbers, dc. Just received at the old and cheap Hardware . Store of .. . LIENRY SAXTON East Alain Street, next door to Rlppey's Hotel. Sept., 19, 1866.. , • • CARPETING S,' O,ARPE,TING 8; yTour attention is' nvited. to my. largo . , and elegant stock of Brussels, Three-Ply and Ingrain CARPETING& of the best makes and. newest .doshrns. Also, Wool Dutch, Cottage, List and Rag CARPETS, Oil Clothe. Window Shades,etc.,—Trabo sold low—Wholeealeanit Retail for Cash I d ' . T. DELACROTX, SVSouth Second Street, above Chestnut Phila. 628. 628. HOOP SKIRTS, — • — HOPNIN'S MAKE," Neil,ll Sfyles • ARE in -every.respect first- class, and embrade, a complete assortment for Ladles, Misses, 'and Children, of the Newest Styles, every Length and sizes of Waist.' • - • -- • •- . . OUR SKIRTS, wherover known, ore more nniver. sally POPULAR than aby °them before the - pbblio. They retain their'Shape hotter, are lighter. more elas tic, more durable, and really CHEAPER, than any I ther "loop Skirt In the market. Tho sprimts and fasten. logs are warrant - cid perfect.. INVTiciADIr efia - OTlrTitilr Tout I They are now . beluit ettensivelySold by FIRE. WHOLE.. BALK & RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Room . No. 028 ARCH &toot, bulow ° 7o., PIIILAIPA. Ask' forROPRINI3 065 f itrate,"—'buy no other I . CAUTION,—Nictie genuine unless Stampednn each Pad,—" Hoop Skirt Manufactory, Phila delphia." . Also, Constantly on' band full lino of Now York made Made Skirts, at very low prices. TERMS NEt CARR. ONE PRICE ONLY. Aug. 17,- 1860,-4m _ ... i ' , :(c, oao7/ 1 oingmailaslD, Great Educationtd Inducements. ,AlFir,st Cuss Business Collegc• at Car- 1 HIS Institution isr now entering upon . Its third year in - ite present lOcation ; during self eh time it has received - a liberal home support,and also an encouraging share of patrondge from six-differ ent States of the Union. Wu feel encouraged front the result of past efforts and shall spare no pains or ex pense In building up an institution second to none in the country. • .. Educatitna adapted to all; Farmer, the Mechan ic, thu Artisan, the Business or Professional man. YOUNG MEN of limited education. . YOUNG MEN wall educated Ip other respects. but - deficient in the branches taught iu a - first class lipsineas College; - - YOUNG MEN of limited means, who would possess . . the best requisitil to eminence and —distinction. , YOUNG MEN who -are desirous of receiving the - -----grentestunlnuntofusefulinterudlon at the least comparative expense are Invited to investigate the peculemmeritantour-Model, Systemur prdetical - tialifing and - eminently, popular couiwe of Study. - . BRANCHES 1 11 Single and Double Entry Boolc:keeping, In Its 'veil ansforms and applications, inclr ng General Whole sale and Retail:Business. Soi yarding, - Crinimissiol4 Exetange. Jobbing and Importing, Railroading, Steam boating, Banking. ' Partnership lietttements; Business Calculattoriar Mercantile-Law, Correspondendoi Practical arid and Or namental, Penmanship, Phonography, English-Gram mar, C,oniposition, Telegraphing, &o. tx . 32.. Students enter at any Unto. Are-, None but competent instructors employed, and a sufficient number to Insure Individual instruction to all. JOHN JACOBS. Sbarlff. 451—.13end for a Circularglving full particulars. Addrops • TRIMMER, August, 17, 11306. - Carlislo; Pa. THE subscribers, having permanently located in Carlisle, respectfullS , solicit a shore of tee public patronage. Their shop to situated on ties public Square in rear of 'Waist Presbyterian Church, .where they can always be found Being experienced mechanics, they aro prefared to execute all orders that they May be entrusted with in a superior manner, and at very moderate prices. HYDRAULIC RAMS, WATER WHEELS, HYDRANTS, • LIFT & FORCE PUMPS,, BATHINQ TUBS, WASH BASINS and all other arti cles in the trade. PLUMBING AND GAS AND STEAM. FITTING promptly attended to in the Most approved style. ..oii`County work promptly attended to, work guaranteed. Don't forget the place—immediately in rear 'plthe r Church. — CAMPISELL July 27,1866—1 y; • • Wheeler t Wilson and - Howe. - , . LOCK STITCH .The Best Simplest and - 07ompe's't., r HE Wheeler & Wildon machines - tip:. adopted to all binds of family sowing, working equally.well upon Slit, Limn and Cotton goode, with Cotton and Linen threads, oinking n , beautiful and ported stitch 'alike on both sides of the article troth", - Prteem of Wheeler k Wilson machliies No. 3 =chino plain, a " Ornamental bidnic " 1 " Sliver plated, 6 !i The Rewe- Sewing Machine. , • The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlore and' Carriage Trimmers is called to this—the beat, of Shut tlo Bowleg Machines. It is unanimously admitted .to be_the keSt.ineehlartfprisather,.wjrit,or_tniloringayar. given to the public.. Price of llowe machines: • ' .4 • . LettOr A machine . , $OO la recommended for family sowing ' Z"alloring Shoe binding and Gaiter fitting. _Lotter B. machine. ' $7O Is one sine larger than a. machine, suited to the same work. • -... , - , - . Letter - O. machine, • Is rec.immontled for heavy Tailoring. Boot and Shoe Work and Carriage trimming. • it runs light and rapid and willdo fine work well, And has a thualilnrger Shut tle than tho smaller machines. . Call and examine at itall Road Telegraph, Office, Car lisle, Pa. Oct.ffi, 180L—tf. •., / ~ - , AGENTS WANTED., Nor FRANK M0011:1V8 NEW "WOMEN OF THE WAR." SGENTS find this . a.'book'of real - and infringe vain—sunner nsw—intense ly interesting and exciting,=.llo walk aver attracted and engaged the public mind like this. Everybody wants It, and .housands will purchase If as soon as an oppor tunlty le afforded them.'_ feed What 'Agents say OCR: One experienced Agent writes :. It is the easieetand plettettfitest,.llobk to sell he 'ever canvassed , and says people are delighted vilth It, the Zadiee especial . • Another sayal'"Wootert of the IV.e is the book 'or the season. ' Another, 137 Otu?Eadls Folat DAYS. r 'Ono reports 17 orders thellratiday of canvassing. ' INTELLIOZNII.NOLine MALES 511. 'FEMALES "idll fled the Bale of this work a pleasant and /Iterative employment. POOO, - ase NaOOMPISTITOn—/T nouns septa ANDMinv TO TIIII , EOPLE. Tan Tklialionn is CLEAN AND . CL6Sn: •S. SZNTO ONDEasTAND Tan enverrrriCalffiritteff.ol.7ollAll; For full particulars send for Circular. .:••• - 11. - dartfalf 8. 8:801t - A - NTON - & - 004 - - TES Asylum St.i Hartford, Conn. . • - Oht. 5,1808=-4t • WHITE and black Curled Hair, Cis - tan:L.l'l34h. Turn Table' arta ,Lightning: Apple w pple San, at, . SAXTON'S. _ Oast. 13,1800: ". ' . HE a ;Patent Chic, Corn Husker ntl.: EICkRT Folios, ''Writing"'l)ofike, bac* -Oa won Board 9, Games or all description at Hay anti& rug, Fancy and,llook Rom •• • , • • LM —boNoilran -find • ,15,130..-: I ..AmilevEltsTiotts. DHaYsiorANs fina l it to thOir ad raitiige to, wat.and , purobisietr, Medicine at _ - . . lisle, M ERB ing an $56 $75 ~~~v'._G®i®cites: --.- __ - _ .~: -5 : _y _. AT CHARLES CHILRITIS 11 11:E A . r . 1 (1-A' 6 1. ' II *.S# 'l' .6. .1?:1;:1 NOW bpini and road for - Tho inapoctioit of the publiri, nt priens which Wo defy corartitin a hit* and 'splitit did stock of ' ' • ,• • • ;mit' TVnr 'Goods, . • . • ite •,- • • A 7 D S pplondld itock'of ilid:COlored Fronch Merinuee. All Wool Delalnos single - and doublo whith,Allock and Fancy., Colored Alpaocao,. Coburgo, - Flgured — DelolnoCr.lionitoOnie — Plalil' - 1 , 411nV Black 811 km, Bonlbazlnco, and a largayarloly orals the cllff,F7 ont styles of tharmaid otyleer of Drelio Llobda.":! ' Gentieitiitt's 'awl 'Boll? li r 'a's; ' Intending to keep a larger and hotter essorlptent, pf Clothes and Cassimeres to meet the increased' Nefitnif ,for thistles° of goods tho public: Lay lint'found that 'nuide.up work is a humbu,g on the people, I have. pur chastid a stock.of tho very best mutes of Cloths and • Catolmeros that are in tholnarket'aud,am'prepared to 'sell them at the bery lOWSlat, figtho, also Cattinette, Kentucky Jeans,- Plaids ~c.,- f or Buys wear, - et lower prices than they haVO . beort sold foi,mtuv yours. , A fu ll sto . ok RED, r • YELLOW, BLUE, _.," • - WOOL FLANNELS, • and all the shades of Sack planaids , Olimhams, Checks, Table' Diapers, Toirellimi - s and oil other Domestic fiends. •• CALICOES and MUSLIMS, _ • a-Tremendous -Stetkotall-tl4 -makes-in-the-market— which 1. will Selrirom on roe dents a xard 'ettoap• or than the cheapest. Palmy and Woolen IleodS, Srprfs, Eentags and Shagls of every shade and style. Fancy Notions 'a full :trill complete stuel«mktaaelng ,overy.artlehr In use In a fandly..-••• „ SHOES. Also a full now stock of Ladles' and Children's Shoes br every dekcriptlon. 1 sell no auction work - and - San warrant every pair I soil and balm; at 110 extra expense ibr"Reeping the snow 1/111 enabled•to sell cheaper than an Shoe Home In this Comity — caltliniTii - tiii - them all w 'o want good mitriiiilt - SliiTee. Thanliful for the liberal patronage which the pnbllc i 5.... n.n,r en.mrae.l 11voittiGI 1 -. oothlo to m0..1t u \ con tinuant. the sumo. - Remember the. pbm on the Corner 411114 Alm Post Office and the hI hodist Church. 'Come Ono and All I ad 001101 Ive yourself bath, taw, chasing &Fmiliars, se Ang Is believing. 011Alt1,118 091,14,117 :-ENLARGE, AMOUNT OP REAL EATATI: AT - PUMA() 13A ;11 , cdneaday, oCfot r er 24, 1800, at the Court none°, in the Borough of Carlisle. tho following 'described 'teal i:stu_te will pold.withaut reserve : No. 1. A 1, meg°., harm in West Pennsboro ,Twp., three miles weft' or Carlisle, Containing . shout VO ACRES, Thu Improvements aro • Inriv two-steryLOOBLII LO(3.11uU81: nod. I•11,151N1 DAR hi, and. other . eon v °Went out•bulldings • •mM crr. . Town Property a large STONE HOUSE AN u LOT of ground, on the North West Corner Of North end Pitt streets, containing 80 feet In 'rola ao.d 180 feet In depth to' an elleyrwitit'privllege of said alloy. Eight BRICK nousEs m d Lot,. of ground fronting ort;North.Street,. trod adjoining . ..the ebOYO , ithlseribud,.. containing, each 18 feet,tront,.(except .the two end ones oldeh - are each 21: feet front) and 110 feet-in depth to'an alloy. Also 8 two and half story 'IIIIIOtChILLSES, sltnot.o on the South Went Corner of North and Pitt Streets, fronting on Pitt strutit, containing 211. feet: in front - aid' 110 feet in depth to an ahoy, with privilege of said •: . I • - Also'2. Two-story FRAME HOUSES and Cots of ground. fronting on West Loirther Street, eonteining each 20 flan In front and 240 feet in depth to Locust alloy, with stabling.. ' - -Also 8 Lots of ground unimproved, fronting on Logue's Rood itemedlatxly In the rear oftbe above do cribed property, containing each 21 tout In front end 1e foot back to a . 20 foot ' The MOO to commove at 10 o'clock on said day, , shoo dim attendance trill largiVen by _IL.E.IIIIAPLIILY. - Persons desirous of viewing the properties anti of deiolog further Information as regards terms, As,. 111 apply to, A. L. SPoNzAd..II, Real EstaleAgent. Oct 6,11.60-3 t VALUABLE LIMESTONE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE A. Valuable-Limestone Farm is offered at Pr'cat° Sale. Contaiulni, , " _ _ q`ivci flundted Aofes nioro or loss., Situoto In West O enitaavough Two. . Coinityl - goven wei;tlif Carlisle and within ono tourth mllo of Kort , avilla.Staclon on C, V It. It FThe Lana is of. Lim finest quality for farming purposos. ,The Improvements aro a good Two Story STONE DWELLING HOUSE BANK BARN, Vggon mml , Corn flousos and nil tither rkarefisn.ryon The farm contains about sixty acres of very heavy _timber lainir_aliti IS very ens nt access—a 'Odle road pm...through the -land north_ and south, and also another public road forms the entirenorthern boundry told roads crossing at right bugles about, one h umirgd. yards from the building on tldluntit aide. Tide land is especially valuable on account of strong indications of Iron exitting .upon •the surface. Thu stream of water called Mt. Rock Spring, passes through the land. 0 Pm Terms be., address. T. 0. WOODBURN, • Mechanitsburg, Pa. Oct. 5,1866-4 t. , . PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE On Thursday October 18,18g6. THE subscriber' will offer at public sale on the prembies the following described tracts of land situated In South Middleton Township, Cum borland County. No. 1 . , K-traet oflond contsinhig FIFTEEN ACRE'S, at tho Yellow Breeches Crook, bounded by lauds of Cleo,- Tangort.....l).,,,M.,%elglo,and,otheremtbout =two,. miles west of Balling.Sprlngs. ' The Improvements are a good two • C .. '' 1 - '..7 atory HOUSE, Wash-housei a - good J , '.,'Jy....,;,. barn. a novor falling well of seater, ,!., ,i' 1 cri.,... a thriving Yntild: orchard of choice !- -. 4 .V . ... - fruit. • N.r. 2, a tract of land ,, containing 19 • arms, about one-half mile Went of NO. 1, on the road leading Irom Balling Springs to Paportown, good-land, all under' ' cultivation. Alma thriving youtig orchard of Apple trees on this tract. N0.3.' A tract of mountain timber land .oat aining 14 , 4 acres. about otiohalt who cant 'of Popei tow ti, w ell covered with ibrising young timbor, eery of .liccesti and vory niar tho settlea.ent. Pertuns wiFhing to slow the properties' can do so _by calling at therosi- . donee of the buMerlberi one-half .0,11,, rapt 01 Pop. r-. town. ' Salo to commence at 10 oieltek. A. M., and 'tonna Made - known - by - - ' ~„ '•• BENJAMIN GOODYEAR. Oct. 6, 1866. - 11. Valuable Farm at Public Sale. Oit" Wednesday October 10, 1866. virtue of an order of the o . .rkl‘ttris' Court .Cumberlai\,l County, untlei pFmtecol lugs In partition the submer her will soil a farm In per Allen, Twp:CumborhindiCo., Pa., late - the-proper---- tyof,Dayld Zook, deed., I mile youth of Shepherd. town. 3 miles south ottdeohaniesborg on the 'Lisburn r l -road, - 111 'AC RES and 186 PEUCIIES, laving thereon yodted _ERICK HOUSE; .B 4N. K .13 A R r and all ifecessary out-buildlint,inlith — elialaffrult. Thu land,de -partly Ilinestono . aud partly hopktono, In good cultivation 'and told er.apod fencing. . v • Pale to commence at ono o clock on kaki day whon tonna will bo motto known by ' ZOOIC; A dminhitrator of David Zook; tioe'd. Aug. sid.sgc—to. offer a farm lying on the South aide of Conodoguin ot,Creuk, part in Middlesex, and part to Sliver Br ring Townships , Cumberland County, tiro frediltallroad, Kingston, and seven miles coot of Carlisle, adjoining lands of itobert.licagy,BoltghouVor. and others 'Containing ono hundred and' thirty ono ACHES; Of Iren.stone and about third of elate land, and fifteen mine of thriving young Chestnut Tlinbor wltiiinjour miles of farm, nod an Orchard of Pears and Cherries, with a two-story BRICK - " 1101.1SHOIANK WOLK, and , all" other If' • necessary improvements, Inc further ;ifir; , ,k particulars, call on Subscribor in Car- • lisle, who will give a Bargain and amine orms rosy, no Ito Is uttablo to attoott to It ' • JOHN 'ZOLLINGNII Supt. 14, 1860-13. 1)UI3LIO SALE, OE THREE VAL... 11ABLII LOTS.—.Thu bairn of Eliraboth ittiontror,' will non nt Monday, Qt.tobor 16, tbioo valuliblo loin of ground !Muni° nt• Bolling •pringe, in eAitninnti Contity,lTin. lota manilla ouch 40 Oat, i t yiV•t o -0•14In doptit, fronting n pub lie road. , , • , ' • • • [lna erected on it a largo two storyIBRICK NOM AND BACK. BUILD IBULD , RAMD dl ADLN. land utbor, ~nnetuu nary out-buildings. - - This is a most desira ble ;,propurty having water .andi chalet), "1'1.14 On tho ground. . tote.iloo, 2 and 3; , A,rO .sacont ,10to bt4 In a good state of cultivation. .t " it' ' " t All the prolUirtleit itEa goo au p einem no gh• .-Piniiiinntlealcing.to.alow-thitue_ptopeitleiiion do on by calling on thout who now occupy 'them. Salo to common co at I o'clock of eitjellilayufben term' MaTif thawn - 7. "1, "_ • . • 1' • .1111 THE 11.111115 ' • . . o 7 Elizabeth Sheititor.. - Sept. 21, IRIS. • 1311YSIOTAIsIS' will find itto tlinir'ad , ' vAntngo td ItALBTON'd. July 1, 1864 Ivins' , . leg r. C ritnping and' _lrav! . .ngZittlirs 1 1.40 . 1144 T tusiNO Tijkl4;" , • . , • . • '•.Ank yOur Eltbieeicaotier ibi thilrii. , If h'e hoax not tci•op , 'them, write tgthilukanufacturpr r t. I y,lrs Atlthltt., - tnd Onlumbial,Av.'Phlladulphlo, '' --11(iiit:48;-111113--Oi—. -- - • •''' • tia , purahime their btedhiliwe of t, . . 'IIOIII,kSICIA '7l_ vantage to call 1,1801,L II • 4741. ;P • EEE