New' Grocery. Store - 1 • . • CHANGE OF FIRM! THE undersigned hereby anni - AmiCs to, hl old patrons and customers, that babies dfii poied of ,his entire stock of,Coodswith the good wiltt of the establiehmeut to Messrs 'Pertei riVashineed: whornhe recoramands to the clitione ot Cumberland Venn ty, as active, energetic and suitable busluees men, who will spare no painUe Maintain and improve the character of. the old ittand as idlest sloes • - -- With many tf.anks for the patronage ho bas recoil/ed. he bespeaks for the now firma rontinuninie °tithe same .10IIN PEPPER Sr. WASHMOOD will In a few days rdeelvathe largest and best :nand ed stock of •• --GROCERIES, - CHINA WARE, ; Qt_TEF I NSWARE,„ GLASSWARE ' . WILLOW I WARE, Sze., - over brought to thin place, And will constantly ' keep on hand the choicest Grocortea the Eastern Markets afford. A full assortment - of Lamps and Oil on hand Call and Imo no at the rid stand, South East corner of Market Square .• • • • • PEFFEiIt & WASIIMO.OO. • January 5, 1866—.1y. PW. This is o personal invitation to_ thu roaderlo oxamino niy.itirgo assort• merit Of Now. STOLES or Damn Goons, selected with special earn for (ho Spring REMEMBER, THATI HAVE AEMOVED PROM MAIN STREET, TO NORTH HANOVER STREET, NEST DOOR TO MILLER & Bow ply! 1119 - I,l4Ane StonE. It - A7ll. ILES, • ISIILLFIR& BOWEBS, Seeces , :ors IcT-LE11 7 .18 1". TAEALERS in Foreign - and Domestin. Ilardwpro of all - 'PAIN'TS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES &c. _ North Ilanover At, nearly opting' to the Carlialn .11aulc. July 7 1805., • . EMPLOYMENT POE. BOTH: HEXVS: ABLEIi and returned'soldiers lJ svidorft “na s SrphajiK of slain sold:ere, and th unemployed of la:thi:xis generally, in Want of respect able and profitable omploymmit,incurrh g ca procure ouch by enclosing a postpaid addressed envoi upe, for particulars, to . Dr. JOHN N. DAGNALL, Boa 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jan. 25,1866-Iy. THE . CHARTER OAK 14FL,INSURANC2 C.OMPOIY, OF HARTFORD, CONN:- Incorporated; 1850. Charter Per o, petual. • CASH ASSETS, $2,000,000. , . • • * - ,IAINIESa"ii'ALIf LEV, President. - ' -- -, —Policies Issued on all Popular Plans. FEW REASONS WHY PEO PLK Ultimo to the Charter Oak. Ist —All banßinu privileges nut' erohlidthd, the busi ness being confined exclusively to thoinsuran. o al lives. 2d.—lts Melts Aro selected with great care. Iltus In curring small Itt,ssee. and consequently large dividends • heed tie to S yllcy nrilderfi.tiee Mass. lusUrtinee Reports last nix yi s. 3rtt,lts Ratio or Expenditures, Penth Claims and Working Expenses, to Revelin s, are unpre cedentedly low.—Saine Reports. •Ith.—All the profits are-divided among Polley hold ers the original capital being limltettS . hy t barter to eight, per sett diVidends, no more Mitt it earns Ihr Company at interest. declares and pays its Dividends annually in Cstai.-thes assisting the inAred lu the payment o premiums. . „,eth.,-Ita,bUsiness is distributed over mere than twenty Northern ;States, malting it Impossible to much re., 111.1.3 its large surplus, set :mart ter contingencies, • even in the overt tl a scourge of Cholera. 7th.—lt is prompt An the pay Mont of losses, having paid to Widows tualiliplouts no¢Fry °NW:WILLSON DOLLARS, and tans ma, litigated a claim. Nth —llle ton!, tit wealth lit.ures no on Inyestatient Itlen.of small insane insure to_gusrd their taut. Dies agithist'ictult. let h.—The men of business insure to provide against postage lass lit trade mite Polley, helm; sheets fur capital. 11th.— Poisons in debt lusurS that their earnings for years - of tell may not he atterilfced at death froth want 12th —All insure, as money thus laid away by tittles Is sure to contr. hams largely Intreased to their Mud, Iles, oath bet og certain to occur. Dr. S. B. KLUWER, it. D., 51edleal Exandoer. . D. A 13.1111„ Agent Carlisle, Pa. E. it. BLAIR, Stints Agent for Etistern Pa. _ tee .- Office Bushong's New Building, North Sixth Street, heeding, to. Persons dexirous of Insurance will please apply to the agent. Foi inlurnu,tion relative to agencies jad e...dress the State Agent. April 111, DOM. SEELY'S Patent Metallic Sole A NEW INVENTION WETTING' THE FEET is the most. prolific en tisit'of disease, and loath known to '"' it Is a libbiit tiritto bring on a ; and colds, neglected, end often whim not neglected, lead to fevers or to coughs and fatal consumptions. It Is in • recognition of this truth that the inventive talent of the country he. for years been devising Rune method, or itttem pled to dovtse . lt, for keeping the feet dry, end yet that should not give Incongenience to the wearer. Rubber shoes, in 01111 form or another, lilies hitherto been our rolinuce ; but it in Well known, as aiming their many evils, tat while they loop the , feet dry from external munsture, they swistt lino over much, and by thus Inducing an unduthtenderness increase a susceptibility to colds rather than otherwine. 'they are also 'cumbersome to the fret,land withal are very expensive.' Thu doutand to for -onnithlint that chuff make them-theory Boot and Shoe impervious to touter, without affecting their elegance or dura.•ility, and, it priy•llsln, without, adding sensibiy t tiro cost of their • 111 11.111itettlrO. 'thew, IL 'lOl/1 Ln ruurrd, (Lore most ino Woad° Patnimi, and win minselentiously affirm thin tiny mei obrointely athritool, in the in ten ti n orh prifseoted to the public The illVOiltithi aohehit, 111 ilesorthig bitl,ooll 1.1101 nee and outer sole, whou'llimiloot Is molting. a thin hlre aide Ittnre.exceoilingly dui•tile, el Oii O iug flied. Lity with toughness ' very light, and every way pa pr. od to the end &sited, while the uddl tionn Lenient. is .merely-manintils-Itfurnishen a 1,11,1. it i 7 the rultnis,mn or via or dampness, 'hooch tho feet may sin long 41/011 Wet r damp grotiod: To Miles and chibleen the MVTALLIII RollsE will be M inetlettlahle value, ex trent linth' Whitt, of hre and del iceey of drtaa. they ere portiettlarly exposed to the long trait] el ills that attond.upon att inadequate protection to the teat. These --- tfinte have alroady boon tried Ly the b of all tests Uny, and iho , testimonlals to their merits, freely proffered; Inukitiff - that They must bu npoedily and uulsorsally adopted by.tho. public. The Patent Metelllr ;Mod ItoVind am being trodurod into the Is di rig Ito and Shoo Stores thro ugh. our trio Witted autos, and mill supplant all forma o( _oversiMos,ox.rept,possibly r r drop mud ur snow, us they become k owe. 110 sum to got thotit and take ho other: If your slinontakor does not happen to-Lars Ahern, ho can pi ocuro them without dilliculty. If ho will ant, then rand yourself to thu Inventor ono dbliar find -thirty cents, and obtain I+lo 'gar, assorted with right to use, which will be ptoinptty,lorWatdoci by moll or oxpioss pro paid', and which can los Ililtdo up by any shoemaker iu trio country. Ageuclos will boas tablished Ovury etty-and-villago, and supplied with and proprietary Ramps, at schednic prices. and liberal commies',n allowed on endue. Alen General Agencies lot t States appointed on applleation, with proper testimonials to the invotitor. 'SAMUEL SEELY, General Depot, corner City Uull •Plaeo and, Read. street, Neer York. Postscript NEW YORK, JUDO I,IBGO. The proprietors q,,filto rti,ovo patent, lia VI lig canto in contact with a patent previously issued to Willing J. Lyman, of Northampton, Muss., covering tiro LIM v SE in million and improve:amid; 'the chief patties in interest have purchased - the same, and, combluing 'their in terests, have organized , , THE A3IIERICAN Patent .. Metallic , A,Ww6; Sala' Compatiy, - CAPITAL OF $160,000, ' :And established a general lihinufaetory and Pepot at 02 John Street, New York; whoro they are ready atl all 'times to fill ordersjor solek of-all sizes with promptuess and dispatch • . The attention of dealers Is respoeefully solicited. No person who bag once used this solo will over again consent, if brocurable, to wear a boot or shoe without It. Special Inducements' offered-to dealers and mains.' faeturers, to aid in their introduction..-Price Liat t and .genoralaudjipecial Informatiorr - furnialied - tricpplEa; tion at the general atom to - A. E. LYMAN,' • ' President Ani. Pat. Metallic Shoe Solo Co., 02_JoitcL8treet, CHOICE kt - GAltS*,i6BAbdo.;. , 1 ring dasortment of Candy, Toya,of ..V: r ieg! F•eua " na Ger rl h arlaSTlOlS.B. li". 3C-Axixtilatir. '" • r i tl.lE-subioribeC g,_ havinaeoure N.. - d.A._ -- • Dlven's dew Mill, cle 151ouutoio Creek; pongee. on giver. October lot, will uow'rocole ordure through Ide„dgent, Mr: MminiuMone Molly gprldm., for all igiode of Lumber to be gel out he noon an caul° gator tbo let Of October... • - liarlug a large tract of.,TUnhovland; tam • deolratin - - to eopply thio.- - daluende of the couotry- r lt-la f cont./1y pOttiok rdi-o-PortilbioAliOnguCtlmeMill - thgructir , •regulllY;telmoot A Lope to be ably- to, mainly all Who gfrodne,l,6elf.patrowege.hhat I eari'get ..out !le good lumber ond'nthrA,lopy:priCol Amy. other dealers frth° community. • rt . - • - •t- • „• • Y. i 3; - itijg;3l; 4-< - AMEItIaN Prom ~G oddzes. L adics' 13ook" It.EEt) ORGANS,' B,:q • • . r111114 : -l'ollowing' rehia'rks 'and 'suges-, j_ 'lions relative lo this immensely popular instru• 111011 t will doubtless Interest and profit very many of , •-air readers, we commend the article to their earful . perusal:— _.. , . • • - A Uundred tad ono matters of .Organs, 'Celt-ago, liar. . 1 tor, Cabinet; An erica, School Organs, etc etc., arc each claiming t make the best Instrument in the world.- Bollig.comparatlvaly know, instrument. as fit_ _- present constructed, 'we are convinced the public are much less capahltvorjudging of Its merits, or demerits, titan of Most other lustruntehts: elf there is really an - -• essential difference In them, if there are some excel lent and some worthless ones,- the public should have 'room criterion nix judging of them, sepal:fiefs ,which ". will enlighten them. , Wu cheerfully concede theisipace for this article kriowing that thOro is hardly, a family, , or church. or school in all the land, but Is More or less Interested In this topic. - We aro alsoaware of. its be ing a great misfortune, a real caUmity,_to any of them to purchase an interior or worthless Organ, tuitions to good playing, and often a source of much annoyance and vexation:: Wo know_ this article to eanate from candid andintelligent- m source, and thus wo givo It to oirroadora. The question is often asked, what are p "reedorgansr ' No adswer, they are, in most eases hailing in the world but the old melodeon In disguise. 'Many of the. • so-called organs harve the same bellows, the same reeds, and the sant , ',g-n.:.ral internal arrangement. With the bellows turneit °nog. to gain room, they have simply put on a niordprotentieus exterior and - a more high sounding. name. But an organ, to bwinreality an or gan, mutt have a wind chest or reservoir for air sepu rate from the belloPes, Into which wind-chest tho reeds • open, and the tone has room to expand :nut perfect-It-- self Into the full round tone, similar to l 'ingot° or pipe °rpm', eve,,, smooth; Ores, and mellow , and this tone from reeds cannot be obtainetlin tiny of or.way known. N, thing so annoys a true organist'as t have the vol. ems of sound swelling and jerking-spasmodically-.with every variation of force on the bellows, "which Is always the case whore the reeds open direct into the bellows or air passages, instead of a wind-chest or soundbox. And yot some. makers even go so ' for as to el/dui - tills npaamodic or automatic jerking of the bellows on the reeds its an eXeellence,`.4nst as though they did' not .know that It must very Soon throw the reeds out, of tune, and injure the bellows; and - as though it wore . not an easier matter to obtain a Much better and intro easily . maniged i, - well by _other methods: Tlio - truth is, any organ so Calledi or melodeon which hioi the wind eating directly upon the reeds, Is nothing more nor less titan a huge accoriison, dress It up. Youutuy. Ahirrsben organists and true musicians, Ls:corns awa, o of tho ilia that they can obtain those tat are organs in fact as Well as in noes, they will boy no more of the objectionable Ones. Then again tho swell should „al ways be separate and distinct from •tho bellenili, so - as not to be acted on by the baud, or soft blowing, but convenient ie that the player.n Molt with the knees separate from the hands or feet, and thus always mr der easy control, to be used ad libitum. • -'Thu large divided bellows, or_ double bellows, Walso' a very itimortant improvmuent. By thiS Means .11ot only Eon the - wind be supplied Mere evenly. but with' far greater taco to the performer, from the fact' that either bellips alone will be sullif lent for the lighter melodies, Chut , permitting the play - veto charm . ° about and rest the Met at wilt; then, if the bellows is'of the requisite large sixtcatur having the wind-chest or reservoir, 511 will be *ea, As the reeds, they must , he scietitificalfy tuned and voiced, or all theothergood qmslit les in the world cannot produce a good toned In strument. The inquiry now very naturally Mises, where can the organ Ito procured combining all these essential and desirableqm_ditles ? Tithre it- only ono' possessing all tliese points, and thatis ie ATikupiv&: ORGAN,' made by 0. P. .11 11. W. 851 TO, of- Boston,. 8111F.111A OTT , Wholesule Agent, 581 11 oadway, • Nose York. These organs have a wind-chest extending the whole longth`of thu instrument and so Constructed as to art at the same thou as a reverberating ' soil ud•box or board,Mid having the same important relation and part to perfortii that the sounding-board bas to the piano. This feature the makers havo paten led, anti to It oriTiivilng in it great measure tin entirety nue quailed inlinbss null rich , ess of tone no highly prliod• 'by all who have used the. organa They also have the largest and best divided bell. we In use, which Is another iiiipurtatit,leaturo. Ni, pact pf their work is slighted, no ittipattrat or- pains spared Vo` r 'Make-the 4- iiii•iiciii Org - iiiiii peiViirinosietilly: as well us nieehaitt hally. and. j udg I nil inane the Immense sale of them at present, they,lll,l lair to long maintain the proud post., lan they have won by superior niorlt alone. Wo would most heartily advise all interested to sail upon n . address Me. emelt, Ow, the. Wholesale .Agent, al . .. ... • • . 081 aoadway, New york, and eau assure them hu will, In the west gentlemanly and truthful ijltlllllUr, impart to Orin all the 'inhumation they may &Biro relative to thia truly delightful instrument. • • MUSIC :!fEACHERS The subscriber is fully propar'ed lo furnish Shoot Strings, Musical Instruments, and Mush; lioolcs el all kiUds at the lowest trade rates, wholesale And re tail, teem the largest coil, tions in llnia country.. lrders punctually and faithlully attended to. Address alborders SIBERIA 01'T, BlitroadvmY,lN,Y. BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO PIANO-FORTES, ' - W1113116 - Siab nuffU., The wirliker, late n member et this well . knoWn firni hoe established a wholesale get, y, 581 Broadway, .New York City, - where he will be Omitted to receive the orders of Ails friends and the ~,Elie, and especially to hear from those who have so litterklVbestewed their patronage on the firm hereto fore: -lie will bupply those-superier Instruments to the trade Wholesale and 4tetatl, at the very Lowest Prices, mode with tho insulated Iron Mtn and Frame (rest in one solid plate). They enrol all others In du rability superiority et tone, and okapi's° of external appearance. • All these Pianos have nverstrung Scales, gl}•lng in connection with the paho,r iron t lin and (mall, Full Hound, POn crllll, and Sweet Mellow Tones. The Cases ore wegan I. in Appel sure, and easily. and safely han. died. Warranted to prove satisfactory. or the money retm nod. Address all orders to SIIfIEItI A ODA.: SSI Itrohdway 'Now Yor S. 1). & Jr. W. SMITH'S AMIRICAN ORGANS 'THE insT PERFECT AND MAIMED!. M(') U UAL fINISTIUMENT IN 'nil: VT,OP/1.-13:, . - von , • AMERICAN HOME OIROLE • 11.11 e; • , A IVIER/ CAN - 01Z 0.41 m A ki,N helm, utirsetive, rufiuos,nml elevates themilud of pl!, hrvmllful hi appearance slid effects., BOOM& OTT, SBl BroathvAx, No for W I tOl4 ESA ACLPNT !rho Immense i3polarity of these Organs, iind .thelr superior NI uldealWors, !Me UPlugiug thdm WON, the publle the Thstrunient so long desired - lir , 11IiltIQAN•110MIlS. And _although the gOtt price is but 'a trill., over Alulbdeou yet tlur musleal.sitraii.. tape, beauty of tone and.unleliness of ttineh and ac tion aro so far.suporior t that-they are fast.suporeeding the Melodeon and the call hi now ulmost.exeluallielylor the " AMERICAN • - ORGANS ailaptod to ney Music from tho quieltret aria mist' I lioly.; to the heavy tone or the Chm-oh Oman.' And' almost universally thoy•lira preforrod to the Plane, by prisons who hove them, yet costing less thou half ? oral only thltink n small aniount or room. ' • Pond for descriptive tlrenlars glilnifull particular's' t and prices.- • '''' , Itxclusive Agencies sootaed' tghoaiors, and largo dOceunts to the Undo and feathers . 'Addroinial Ors dors,. - BIDI:IIYA O 1 T r ' ......--Whelegale Agent, , .44 Aratdway, Now Rork,' ,, EMI kpirch aDp 18ttali 0 ~ c: c ' • , r NeW . Spring ,Goods, ' I ISAAC LIVINGSTON, at Ilia whole ! sato and Rotail;Clotlang ISetibliatiolont,"oriSoutli lan aver istreot, adlnkg Millor kry Boerit' , llaodwaro; afro, etuntruncovEl J receipt of ti full arid COrrpt9to as: Aortmoilt of , ; •- . .. 1,1 I_. -I. :'• 7 ' 7 ~... y . .. . S " ' W.& 0:: " . ...fill 4: ' S tlivivieg,idadbA, /110 1 / I ,cirhoimq,..q . l4;,ht: r oqc. constryti liflortr . t of ffnblllloy and lii p - •- l kliENchl • ;111i . ..iNGLidl'OL6T1.18 •:'' finio " " - .C$ 4,): ;AB t‘i',{../,..'4,i;'ko'n tubk,Y J 0 4, 1 4. 00 4 6- 4,9 , 41 8 1 ., Di,llllol3oil , Arent nsiiortmont of . • .1, MEI L'ltea47:-Mado' !•'Ol - bthinti • . of ;every c aild quality, Whlte'Llliefl and 'March' Bhh to, Stimfash ,Drulferlf,".4B.Tebtilithrifly ofi hand a larga assoitplent.of .Ths, Collar*, llcilery:and •HIC.Tes, Linen, Bilks and'Colton Hitudkereble fki • -- mad a - foll.;a,scostolent of. Trunks, Carpet Bags and- Valises, ef everfsfze. ''• • • - • • Clothing rondo to Ordei at Slid 'aitoiteat Calk atill'extunine"tinfiltock. • • • Idarekea,.l.Bllo,-.•• = • 16AMI LIVINGSTgaiv-' Whitest; themost durable and the.' most :"T4".",Ott...Vhltinuf!teiuTed only by • ‘t, ' & Smith f '' • a ' . o'NytiAldit2 thulT,Pid6t4Vo — - 1 - ) 1 PT " ranivAi 'ikkat4All/ Piprthlhird 8 itoorLA iiD'S BITTERS. ' Tiiizigie . at S6ength:prOi2g *4;iiaia,: _-, ,(Not: n Whisky l'itepariiiiOn.) . , 11.00FAINID'§- -I ' GiiiMAN'Bit - El--; WILL (UitE D.MIItITY - fc. • DEBILITY:! froinnny .104 T' . YIIUSTRdTIdN OF ..111E SYSTI M,. INDVCED,UY Severe Eftira.hips; , ' • • . Exposure Diseases of ; Camp= TAfe- 4oldiera, ,Citizens, • -Male or Female, Adult, or yotith. .., {PILL PIND IN TIII9 . IIITTINtS .. .. „ s pure Tonic, not dependent Cu . Lad liquors for tlx,,lr Omen miraculous (Alerts. • ' . .D . Y P p'P , - Obsorvo the following symptoms resulting trom orders of the digostlye organs: , Cori ttiptit fen, Inward Plies, Fullness of Blood to the Nausoa,Heartburn,- Disgust for FoLd, Fullness or Weight M the Stomach, Sourilruetations, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, SW:riming of the Ilead,- Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering the fleece, Choking or Elufforntlhg nensattona when In a lying Posture, 'Dimness of 'Vision, Dots or Webs 'before the Sight, 'Fever Aria nun Pain in the Mead; Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Shin nod Byes', Pain in the Side, Bock, pheet, Limbs etc., Sud. 'den blushes of Ilest,lituning In Thu Fiffid, Constant "Imagitlings-ofEvil, had Groat Dopressffin of Spirits. , AND DISEASES (,RESULTING FROM DISORDERS - OF TILL LLVER AND TWO ESTIVE ORGANS. , AitE - dunim BY HOOFLAND'S GERM-AN-BITTERS; =I Pk:RIMMED MORE CURES, GIVES SATISFAC HAS `J TESTIMONY, llns more Respectable Pc , Opin to vouch for 'lt.,lhan any other erticle In the Market. We only any ode to contradict this- assertion, and • • .to any ono who will protltice a cortificato.published by tie that is not ttonulno, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS =I Chronic or Nervous Debility. lbisenses of the liidnevs, and Diseases arising from a disor - dered Stomach. - REMEMBER, • 2hat Otis Bitters 1:1: not' Aldw .CONTAINS NO RUM OR -WIISKEL .... - AND CANNOT IitIAICE DRUNKARDS, 11UT IS .THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD: Road who_ Says So. :Trots the Roy.. Levi G. Bech, Paitor, , of the Baptist Church,. Poinberton, N..T., formerly of the. North Bap. list Church, Thiladelptila, _at present 4 P . istor of the Baptist. Church, Cheater, Pa. ___Lhave-kuown-lionflantFe—Germatrßitterstarrrably for a number of years, t hero used thorn in my own family, nod ha4o boon so pleased with their effects, that 1 was itoluced to recommend them to Many nth. ,nrs, and know that they have operated in a strikingly benencial manner. I take great pleasure in thus pub. ' tidy proclaiming this tact, and calling the nat:Mon of those afflicted with the (ll...osier which they art; recommended, to these bitters, knowing from experi ence that my ,recomlnendetion will be sustained. do-this more cheerfully asiloollaud's Bitters is intend- . :ad to benefit the afflicted, and is "not a rum drink! From Rev. W. D. Sorgfrtod, Pastor of 'l..'welfth Bap. fist Church, Phila. Gentlemen =I have recently I eon laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by 1 a prostration of the nervous system. Numerous rem mires wererecounnended by friends, and some of them tented, but without-relief. , .176ur-lieetiand's German_ Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose. favorable mention of these bitters Induced me to try them. I must confess that r bad an aversion to Patent Medicines irotri the "thousand nod .otiP•gMtcli. "Bitters," whose only aims seems to be to palm off sWeetonedand drugged liquor dpou the community in d sly way, and the tendency of which, I fear in to make many a confirmed druid:amt. Upon learning that , yours-was R ally a medicinal prepare thin 1 with happy effect. ,Its action, not only upon the, stewed., but upon the nervous system, was prompt - And gratifying.. I feel that -I. .Lava derived great and permanent benefit from the nee Of-s, few " '• , .v - ;ory eberectSl.l.y,Y. ' ,• . N. D. SIithERLICD,. N 0.26.1 ghttrkatniocon Ftree ~a ~ - 'From 1t0 , 1.• J. Nowt. li r ti.. 411:.; KJ . •): editor of tho xo w ayeloliw,ot I{powlodgo :ma ghlistlen clrrdurr,wrLundolprii:r: -` ' ' A Itontigli not:disposed to favor or recommend Patent . Medicines in general, through distrust'ef their Ingre dients And.o:llVet*,Tyorknow of no sufficient reasons Why a t o rn dray not testify to thulium:BUS be , allures himself to have received from any simple prepariition, In thed,spe tadt.he may thus contribute to the hone fit Vi others. Ido tins the more readilyin reglird to' Hooiland'S German Bitters, prepared by the. 0' M. Jack son, of tIJIe city, becdused, Woo prejudiCed agnislit them for many years, under thmimprosulon that sip:, were* chiefly an - aleoholle nilattirb. I 1111 f Indebted to my friend, j.lollevpPhoernalter, for Cho rite:Loral bf,thlp prejudice by proper IMt andfor eneduMgement ; them when Buffering front great, 'and long continued debility. The - nte of .three bottlee,of tin se Bitters ut tea beginning of the - present year. was followed by %video t relief and restoration to a degree of bodily 'end 'Mental vigor which . I hod not felt 'for Ma Months be, foroond had almobt deispilred'hf - regaining • niter& fore thank God and my' friend fur. directing me to the useof them. • . , J. , bIBW.iON .--rPhLiudelphin‘;'' Id= -.Zl Prom the Roy. E. D. Fondall, Aitsistont. Editor bhrls ttan4ihmntclo, I have dorivott dochlodhonont front tho use of Ilobf• • , lond'a Dorman Dittois,, and '' roc, orannnid lhoin rit& most voldobla tonlr, to ND who nro outfeilug fronkgoneial debility of front diseases arlittnir Uorougomocct of the liver.- • • 'Yours, truly;:: • D. F.EINDALL. From Itov.D.Morrlti;-Postor of thoPassyank Bap- . • „ kionith auiaji., issidotabloi recoirun otidatloi) given giV , MS to'Dr; Ifoofhind's GisMnicldttors, I yeas Induced to glv,o Vieth a ' Attor using slioral 'bicttles I -focal' them to Min - good 'raniody most SxtolMdt.tordo for tho stomach. • . _ . 'D. Bit:lunar . ,Fiom the Roy. TI.I69.fIFID.PTER,. D.D,,Peetor of Raz •.t borough Dapttet.Ohurah. MEI DEAR SIR : I fool it duo to your excellent preparation Hoollend's Gorman Ilittees, - to add my testimonyto the demisted optitaWil it hiM;olitalued, have tor getup, atildieb, been troubled` with' great disorder in my• heed anti nervous system, I was advitted by tt,i Viand to ter bottlb of your Germ ten Slitters. did'so, and liabo,egpurioneed a great and, unexpected.. ,rellef. MY healtb•haw heed •benefited.' Adeptly reconiniaati,tivrT Where I mtet,with razes hylawen - ifsenred'hy-nteitygrl their good eqeettin - - • „ eapeetlellyourst• ' • • Itoaherough, Pa. • • . • iniiM BEWAAIU OF COUNTERVIIITB 4ia that the signatUre bi.,;.ti. lli. YAitilCdOit" !soli the ' w PV 0 T.PC011abr44 . 19 , ,!: , . ~,-. .1 ~., • ~ .-i , ' ..,..; „_ hpuld your nesr9et ~dt•tiggi4iint- , Pri*o the , e art:left; rt , de nell Pe put off' py tiny br the,lntoxisating pretuira, tPtirettiet May' be offend in its plods', Put' Send to "us ''Add'lre will forward; securely packen try - einresii, •",' • i ritiridiAt oi , telok.Xll#l/Ailuiii9TOLir, •i. , ...., ~.,.,,r i - ,Plo. Olit.' rch 2rep ). sae ph a, Pa. , , ' ' , -•t ,,, • : .s. , •, ' .., • •,01..f.I.Q11Xtd,A , AVANBii ,- 1 _ 4 .,, ',Suspensors to9.E ldsJacliseri3O, ', '”! POisaleliy-Drugglsti . nrldDefilori In every . town 111: 1 .tpgl United States. - -6 • . .. .. .• ' ~u , 1 Fill! il ~, ',i'll ittri'f fe' ' ''..i • .'d (.1:', i... , ! - - ..1 , ..t i All ',J i ii ' MEM NEW -STORE and NEW GOODS fl undersigned would most restieet . - -fallyinfortn undersigned citizens of Carlisle, and . aux , Founding. county, that they have .just opened n largo andtrokatteqiid idea! • : 4, :k :lit Maglaughlln's Building, North Ilanovor Strout, '(ontrdoor south of tho Aratrlean lIouso.) . ,Our stock is now, bpylnurecentlrbeen -. purctittsetl, It eorislttlrol " • les Dry. COOll6, Fronch AlerfacTO'siDol.ainos, all Wool PoLalues, Alpa.lB, • • Coburks, Also, Ifinnestlca, such as lifusliud,Cllnghanig, PrintrJ„ Checks, Ticking, - You will oho) Alta' a full lluo of rahey,Passinteros, ClothS, gattuot, ltentuelty, Joins, Ac.,q1,11-I;ruiti4,ellker articles rtno nuntOrous tb mom 15/41' - hrtrdbtorinlritat 16 sell our gorols - rdi,# . chmp for cash. - Our Hutto Is "(Pilch Bales and Small Pro., fits." And 'selling goods for onshore are enable to sell cheap and render perfect satisfintiou. - • Please -—OAVlAlll4 of thrf:PlpY--• AND . , ,I:l,..REEstut, ' soFt : 7,18 Ga. • . LIFELHE ALTH LSTREN * LIFE-HE A LTH-:-STREN G T j WE-HEALTH-STRENGTH Fel ers, 110:IngeMDFAHOW:4131WL4:SOW41391e4 Preparc.d.frpn 2ircscription .6f .Dr...Jua, pclarna)re, Chicf . Philsician tied of-:.: • Paris. • Phis in. Valuable, medicine . js unGtilingrllltrthe "efire' tit fiparmsfoithm - 'or Weakness. Every species of Uqpital or Urinary Irri tability: 'involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions from whatectr - .use produced, or how over serge o: will be speedily relieved and the organs restored to heathy action. :Read tho following opinions of eminent Fri.nat pity. tlcious "We have used tho'_Speclfle Pills prepared by Oa, antiere Dupont, - Nu, 211 Rue' Lanham', from the prescription of Dr. Juan Dolamarre,. In our private, practice with uniform success. and ova believe thuro is no other medicine so veil calculated lr; cue° all per. Sens suffering from, Involuntary Emissions, or any other weakness of the SO}Utli Organs, whether caused bye sedentary mede of living, excesses, ur abuse. A. REAIIREPARIE, M.,D. ;:. (1.. AltDI Ny D. JEAN LE LEUCIIRE, M. D. Paris, May ab 0.86.9. _ 'BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. . . The flonlii ni Pills are hold I,y all the priociPal 'Drug ,gluts throughout the World, price One Dollar per Box or Six Boxes iv Five Dollars. • U AltANCI1:11E:-8 DUPONT, 8010 Proprletqrs, No. 214 Bile Lotabard. Parla —One Dollar enclosed to any autboilsed• ..Agant, nsure is box by r.•turn mall, securely sealed front a .b,eraatlon, six boxes for five dollars: Sole 0 enmal Agents , ,for America, - - OSCAR O.'MOSES A CO., 27 CortlaMit'St., N.Y. N. 11.—Fren11,Cernum,SpauWIA - tul Eugll.ltramplt tq, containing full particulArE and direetione for mu sent free to any address. Bold In Carlisle J. W. ELLIOTT, aud at HAVE STICK'S. Jan. 1J,1866 -1y CA T A R F _nth, Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the bust article known for curing the Catatrli, Cold in the Lund and Headache. It has .been foupd au excellent remedy in many . ' cises• of Wird , Eyes. Deafness has boon removed by it, and Hearing hv. often been great ly Improved by its use • _ . :It in fragrant and agreeable, and .Relief _ _ • to tins dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head. The sedsations after 11Hill q ' it are delightful and in ngerating. It opens entity roes out all obstructions, strengthens the gloms, and gives a healthy action-to thaparNatleeted. . , of Sale and use or Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Head ache :111111, ha's proved Its great value for all the cam .ml)ll' dlflasas...erthe_Llaid, add dt this moment It stands higher than ever before— It is recommended by many of the best physielans, and Is used vdth great success and ,atisfmdlon every- Twhere. ECIld the Ocrtittentcg:of.:Wholcsale_Drug g6ts in 1864. - • The undersigned, having - far many yeara been at, . . citutintml with Dr. Marshall's natarrh and Ilenbabb Sttulf,-trnd sold it iu our nholusale trade cheerfully state, that we believe it-to ho equal, In every respect, to the recommendationx given slit for the CUR , of Cat:W[ll3l rbad.that,it.tidecideribrthe best arti,le we-hate (veer known for all common diseuses et "the Ileati.l Burr & Pe'rry, Bestou,Barnes a - Pirk, New York. need, An.tin & Co. A. 8.& D. Bands,' Blown, Lateran &no". Stephen Paul " Reed, Clltler A Co. ,} Isrool Minor A Co. ‘• Seth W. FOmrle, '• McKesson A Robbins," Wilson, Fairbantz A Co. •' A. L. Bco4l A Co, Edna:lnds C 0.51. Ward. OlAu ACo " 11. It. flay. Portliuid, Me.: • 84H11.,4__Qtthl,____:___t4 yor Salo br all Deugglsta. Jan. 12, 1566-Iy. Bryan's Pulmonic 'Wafers ! en _Tift oriOrial 31edbin,e estrfblldieil In 1827, rind first akich. , of . tho kind firer introduced under the mime of "PUIZIONIC lu this of any other &ninny ; all otlier Pulmonk IVaturn are counterfeits. - The , genuine can to, known by the mime 131,07.1:. , 1 being sunfteed on each . Wafts v....g,he5./..Wafers have been before the public for nearly [laity years, and the inmannoisale attained, not only In mnerica but in foreign countries, fully attest their Intrinsic worth. The medical propeoLies are superior to any other in tide offered for the rare of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and Cluj quantity .contained in each hex is nearly double that of the many worthless . , - J3fyari's Pulmonio - Wrifors cure boughs, Colds, :ore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh. Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, izpitting of Blood, Pains Dr the phest:lnelphint'Conauxuption and all dlscai. - es . of 'th' Not Intly'ufrording tempor ary roller, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and ate warranted to glee satitlartion in 'ever instance. They do not nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the mediElqal z ropurttes aro'splobited in af . c.rut grecable - mid pleasant To the taste, that oily child will readily lake Climb., Ori - e,doe 3011 afrlym afford i. • . - ; EELIEFIN TEN MINUTES. 'To VOCALIS, and Puntic SPEAKEIIN, theta Wafer , n,ate peculiarly valuabln they ',rill Inoue day 'relnoVo the must severe occasional hoarseness and their regular ate tor a few days will, at all tinier, Increase the pow er and Ile:ill:nil ty of the, 4, Imploring Its tone, and clearness, fortWhicii parpoko they era regularly used by many prolessipual yocalisls. The very greJt celebrity of tblftinvaltlable - "remedy has induce.l unprincipled,posoitS 4t hrqPan n l It o.' imi tations, Collis)/ disappoint jUtt pttttalnes of the purchaser, mad injure the character of the genuine medicine. See that the ...aril. VAS," is t.tauiptl ott each Wafer. :toil al, °lista ye rho hte siiuil,l cl i tita signature oftho rroprititi!, ittv. taichoirt i apptr, to coutirerhut a Welt is hdgory. t iii-thfunillog puritan will Ito dealt x Isle to the full retool hl too law,.. • liiirArii3 l'ut3c6Nte li, (or snl&by nil Drug; gists. J JOB MOSV.A, Sole Probilutor, 27 LiortiOt St., N. Y , Prepared teen; a prerctilptloliot Sir J. Clartc,' , sl: Physician thaiiiordloary to the quer., edicincle "tic) im - • positiiin, but a sure and safe ;etue4y,fer Female Litt cilia. and Obttitiotions, from-any Eause whatever and although a powerful-rdittedy, It contains nothing heirttui to the conntitutton. To Married Ladies It lei-Tool I lily It,iidli, in :a short t tele, brini.; , In t im tidy p vied 'with. rogu. ••-• , - • • In all ratios of Nations Spinial Affections, Vain. in _thellachand_Litnbs,Shoichregg,4atigue ettelight - ex ,- un ion, Palpitation of the Heart, • Lowness of Spirits i ilyntericsadek,Aleadache, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when allother means have haled, '- These have.Dtlver been known to.fall where the directions on the 2d page of pamphrot are . tvell-observ• ed. Per ftirthojr.lartlculara,gel. et,'Pru — nPhint,,free,':pr the agent.' s . larrd'l3 , irtratago erarbps enclosed nny 'authorized agent, will insure a bat e, containing over 5141115, by return mall.. W. ELLIOTT, pan. 1806—ly. Agent, Carlisle.-- . • ,v; VORK BOXES, Calms, - PoYE' F - -Jies,._Tourists---lloshs, -ConfectionnrY'ahnies, .CiAnnesof all-blade. -, 1865 Z. TICKS.- • ." Mint, Tvaborry, 'lourn, Orang6, l 4lMdar,'Rose, Mougn, and Vanilla. " " Au. 16,1806. gi DRESSING CASES, Ladies' and I:_...gqounmen.s., • • :1. • • • ,•• Dec. 15 p 156 u. ~ AT I.I2iVIitEITIDHS. _ . .. • rOROPP.— • : . . . !dint, Chocolate, Cream, benion,Orango,lffinil ainese and liloae..Jil.f ~.f .ii.: ~,.,.. it *AT lIAVEIIBII9IO. ., 18(16.0 .4"L1ift.11.14 .. IJllKitil3giLTY W n Ilig : TliE AD 7 '. • preferred by all practical Painter/0 ',cry it IA ' you will havo no other. "31riiiiitictured only by. . -.? . ZEIGLIiit & 851ITIli - • • f --,. c...), c littallel=l=l t railir4- . - s; , -- Jtin.ln, 18611Lly. . . . i MM EA - 1 -- male - by: $ 1 2;000 02"wich41644tiibil Tools. 1. 1 , 1ci - exiporiunsVOGrAralnlikregVntffif !Zeeliqrri, Trpaeurors.q Bunke Indorse the elreplar. Fent free " 17 RlC. iiV a da: 4g9gIV”' ' 441'14 1r'etririne r TooU YU , Y. ailiOlfr3l6,!; Seio4fe; tit dm taw .16vie1rY 'Shia; Ht.SOLE Agency felf the4til6 dfqroxtgiVei "tirbi nt4/Jowoity- *ors, Entiw,iiati, nJ,t ,3 AT-Entsio 18 :•- V-- Allitir DYE - COLORS; - - --- ; Ti: - .• :••- ylrill!A. 'SPECTACLES, of all kindii and priooe, to suit on Ept, at Mu now Jowelry . 33lo7, it On r I • DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebihted Spdaille MARSHALL'S More Th'ali'Thirty . Years' , RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES == CELEBRAiTtt'•ii'EkAILE PILLS AT'lt &Yr:R.9'4OXE = =EI REDUCTIOX ‘ ELM AMERICAN -WATCCIES, Affide . iit WALTIIAM,,IILA:49: • .4 in conkeriulucQ 0-tlnwetkt ! gpiilt..inrry,svoullote.i .our f.cilititAtumr.:lnihAputturlogavo`nhvo•AdailCO:Olt.• prim to as low, nyoint an they can be-placed With 'Gob:l'Am] Par ' so.t.lua no ono need hesitate to buy st watch now from ..tho oxpectation that r tt trtlyhtrehotsper Id - futitiodinte. —The . test - of ton years afid- this idanitfaeturoiund Sale' of . • igoro tlian '200,000 Watches, bare - given our productiquis tho verYnntnest.rorik montt tiara keeper, Coidineuelfig, With - thu detirmh; notion to snake only theßtughly t excellent; watches, our ituelintsa has oteatillyi , liacreeeed, am the public ho camo ouquitintath*th thOtv , ltelquittritgfe,r' , lstontlat ;together, *0 Int'Veltoen ulutbleto supply`to, tioiditbil. Wu hove repeatedly enlarged. our factory buildings until they now cover over three acres of groan , and give accommodation to more than eight hundred work: r^7 *ve• lo ;tie . ittotOlhdiln ^ vityltig ttinkiiihajw MORE' TlTilikt• ONIMAIII`.O.I' ALL T - WATO2IIt2 BOLD LN TIM UNITED STATES. Tho different grades era iffitlngulohed 'by the following trade• Marks on tho 1. "American Watch Cot' Walthom, Mass. • 2. "Appleton,Tracy At Co.?' 100 au Nava: 3. "I'. N. Bartett," Willtliam, Mites. • ~,,--- , -1 - . - " Wm. Eatery." • . OUR I.A.D.IOS' NATOLI:ea - rs t is - hauled "414t,%Atlaofr0otn,-)Viltliou,r,4strr./ I.n d. Our next quality oflAtileif watch lb 111.1.1011 - " P. 8. Bertlutt," Waltham, Mom Those are furnished In a great vorlotnof Ones and styles of costs. The American iVaalt Co. of Waltham, Mitllo., au thorizes us to state that wlthout . dlefinstion of trak- • ynarke or price, 1 ALL TLIO PRODUCTS OF VIETH FACTORY ARE —.III.ILL}C,,IKARICANTED, , to litithd,,lleattlitielubmip , of tlieli,eloss ever Made in, this V' an'Y BuyUrs should remember that unlike the guarantee of a foreign maker who can never ho reached, this guarantee Is , good atall timex agatnlt tho.Comßany..ur tholrAgwyls,Atid that if after ;the zueet.thorokslhtiittitanLWAtAtitollotild,,pgoyo - do. festive In any perWdlar, It may Ofways bo exchanged for another. As the American Watches made at Walt ham, aro for solo by dottlers ,gunot ally throughout rho counthY, WO dui noVeollat , orders Itir single iretthesi ' CAUTION.—The - pnblic nro,.coutioned to buy, only of rthipi344li) dote.. All'porsonsselllug edunturfelt 2 will be Pet2hente't `ROBBINS & APPLETON, Atient4 fortlioAltialvat.:Watclt Company', Broadwity, N . Y. Supt. ,18613-1 m ' .1 taxalieu& .Conipetition ; TN the way of variety, olevt,noe. of. st4o, quality and cheapness of-my stock of Dry 61;ods.^. Especially would I eall„Stoption tom large assoft moot of - . '• LADIES' DRESS 'GOODS which I intl.:tea with. spticial ca. in the Philatlelphla and New Yolk in:irking font do'u Alma. ' Also, Joy thfcti gore oblong combination II 0 0 P .81i1 , 1'11 T , decidedly the most improved pattern cd"ttto age, giving tho Wearer the most artinti6 form, ' ~,': Likewise, a variety of White G00d,5,41e.11 as I .\i Plain. Plaid and Stripod,Ca.mhrle r". ...• - , plain, Plaid . and Striped Nob k ooks, , , • Swiss Mull, Eishop and VS torla, Lawns, . .. • - Brilliants, Lioen Ildhil t„ereltitifli,. ke; .S:e. Cettenades, ' Bine and Bold Durk, ()Welt:nos, - .Denims, . ltentneky Tones, • SirirGing, Stripes.-- ~.. ihnis Cambries, Yield tip, ". Blue Cambries, ' Cheeks, -"-• " Blue Nankeens, Mallets. . " Brown-Nankeens,' Lancaster : (iinglunps, li.e„ke. ? dm, 4.: , , -., m11..1104166. ?:1,,-- , ~:. liL i '' ;i i • o_, ...A. '',.. Aur.'„To iiwiTAV--Ar-= -,-:,. -,:!....- , , • Will. A,,) ILES' STORE, • NORTH HANG-VEIL Niar • SCUENCRI'S MAN • XAKE PILLS Salt LIVRI A SUBSTITUTE FOB CALOMEL. If your bowels ore costivn, TRY- THENI If — ll, - 0 - morms, " ICltirl 1 Rks. • - leyour breath Id Istd !ray - T 4444444. f you fool tirovsy, TRY 'rianr • If you aro low splrltvd, TRY TIIE3I _ If yott have a sick headache, TRY THEM. If you have lettuce t drop too mach; • .., • TA EF. A' in POLL BOSE. They only cost 25 cents a hox. - TRN"f Blue Mass, and other prortrations of MercuiY, toally produce more sulfuring and death thafi the dis— eases whichc,thes Profess to cure. And yet this corm-' tine teral on i_lettounced by tho allopathic doctors,.4 prescribed by them almost univerSallyln Liver' -Com plaint, Consumption ot latows, .„,, Cliii M.tNI/RAICII PILLS - ~ . , e composed entirely t.ffoola andherhs.obtained from the groat storehouse of _Nat urn, and their salute: y of focts will appear as soon as the medicine le brought to the test of a fair experiment. ..SCIIENCIOS MAN -DILA-IC4C--PILI.S-do-notrprodurnanyitattana-nr-siehrieSs, of the stomach ; but when given for Dyspepsia, it may be proper to moo thou, in connection with SI.IIIIiNOIC'S ' SitAVVIIED TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive keel tie, :mu speedily.r6stored to their full vigor, and the worst 0:1500 of indigestionmay •be cured. %Viten re rvlloct that the floor is the largest Inter nal organ el th. , lauty, that to it is assigned the impor tant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many 'disorders, and that when it is diseased. Or Inactive the whole body cuff., sympa thetically, It is not surprising that a metheitto which ran restore the healthy °pavilions ol the Liver should •4ct educe ,onderful changes in the general health, and ciffoct cures which may appear to be almost miraculous. headache of long coo tinulince, Fevere pains In the side, breasl;knd shoulders; aching of the limbs, h foolirb'nf general weakness and wtotchedness, and other alarm ing sup tliktroschm symptom , ill , iIC:ItiVO of puperrect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily rumored. by, the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, plies. bitter or our eructations, and t h i %tt . tac i yAl i t i l . g feeling of mental wish, For IPP,Pfjapirlprivllitth ' Unfit a man Mr,t n ie:huil - Fok'ul ' uou;. 4 of thltauktskuad• the enjoyment of 'life, are •ell relieved by the use of SCIIENCIVS MANDRANE PILLS.' .1./r.‘cnleNcs..—llear. Slr I take pleasure to rending you a ceAlltrato in , :addltlt)Wto many. you lu4 already - reuived front sufferingdmaanit.i. I can scarcely fad 'language sufficiently strong to ospreso my heartielt gratification of the wonderful - curer, your MANDIt AKE PILLS and SEAWEED cairn of In the on . tire oof ono of the MOktiotutthom elmos of the affix tion, of the liver. For thrill. ybarg I' beyond do. scrlption ; all mylritiudg:as well no myself. came to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. Such web the terrible condltiett to which I was reduced-that 'life to mo had become n burthou ; my whole system wait in, a state of inllatumahon I could not eat, I could not sleep ; any. whole hddy Wes filled witlf pain; swelling would ads° In my wrists and ankles, render ing them totally useless. On several occasions I one II ttael,:ect teats coltish of blood to the: Lead, which' would foil ale to the ground, amid - woulkhe carried away for dhci. l similed tofKovphinlititrit of onr cley, who adutillinefo . „ItlPtitV t'lifdtc that they 'thOught , would reach ley case, but of no One of them said he could do no more forme, and ad. viseilcutm, I,loa.clastaesort,.tactirluk.ctldivifimllln naafi relislAng the horrid trash I declined to'trike it. Aid - dent put your advertisement in - my hands: I called on•yett ; 3nu examined me and told,mo thhalltnni"of my discos°. You thon'orderod mu the Pills and Tonic • ~:With :111 observanceof diet, pledging your_word;that in one area 1 wocilLtiutt-Myself.anothero.tisp,--1, ed your ad vletcorr'd „tislyt.u . prectlYtthl, nabhlshing cure was oil - voted. I t.Mlti rued your Pulls and 'Pottle. for some limo, and now. thank hod. for his goodnesS, ' and your valuable medicine, I ant once more restored to pet feet health. I most eartrietly recommend thOse who aro suffering. from affection of the liver to give your Pills and' onic a fair trial, and a cure will.. be of .footed. I have sent many versant; to you, and they haye II haenlcUqett„,_ hifolhipllPnlay folio* h a il i• eonsluny require ‘VITI So freely 01.130'1 , subecil ber, at his residence, No. 812 Fedel al street, between Bth street autf Passyunk read. CHARLES .10IINSON,Sa.., - , Formerly Printer? Ink Hunan:tutor:: Da. SCLIENCK will be 'professionally tit his principal •offlee ; Nools .North•filath street: corner Of ,AjpimMiree. PIiILADELPII7A, every Seturdny.'from if A. m. until p. rm; No. 02 Bond street, Now York, every Tuesday, -DEM; 7 to 3; No, 5S tiuminer.streop,'l,lssston„Voss„,grory Weilnelitlity;frrtrirliPt6 - 3;ant ovary 'Other Fridfry ht - 103 Baltimormstreet, Baltimore, Ald. All advice free, but forn thorough examination of the lungs' wity.his . spiromote r the charge in tliroo price of thorulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonle, each ..1,1,50 per hottio r -or-$7lO per half Mimn.-3landrake Pills, 25 cents per box. For solo by all Druggists and'Detilera. Jan. 1,1800-1 y 77 - rtillE Mason & Ilamlih Cabinet Organs, forty different styles, ndapted to sacred and Bou ler music, for $BO to $9Oileach:TVIFTY-ONE•GOLD or , BILVIiIt MEDALS, or other first premiums award. mirtham. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, , BON A llA4ll4lyyillosrp t • onI4ASON . • qopt. 22,180c1,71y, OHOWE SEiIAP.S• • "I~GItYC~I~TXJ~'itYL'.~OlylDfi]l~~ • - Fall —Heeling, 1805. . ' 111 E Farmers and'atternbere of , the rl . Agricultural Society will romerubor that our next fall mooting and Exhibition will commence on Widnosday the lath of October and continue throe ' fiiimarxemorra d o o rrumgin on d, and stalls inoixasild in number.; And it fa con. ," - tb plated that wo will hive the most iixtenslvo milli* - biLdoniat has soon boon hold. AIL persons at home 'ann. aV_IY 0 __t i rl o to r it t0.84.4k/iiinturutexltibitoririt d ;erpttAto ~ By rd - . - 71 . the L rts,ttli:.B. CROFT, 44;\.20,1806--tf., • Secretary. " ,1", n 78 . ' 9', 1 . -,....i.-..0..."1. , .....,.., . t., , . ...,„ -, I iNtasour i M4:::•3l7e). . , rirlLA,,,,P4bA r i b in 49r4Y , i.1 1 1,94 11 ,1049 , 0/ 1 / customers and tho ptibliC gun:wally, this ho has , Cl strcOri .1,1,,,.;:..iiii i iiiy,f,,,AA.,, , I ,i!..... 4 . 011 ."3R e 4 ‘ ...k -/ Xl"' ~...,. - 111tViiaili GrOcore' PROM' itt 'Efird ot".10; 1 fitrcurnor kr RRA8414!•4414P,K400.4Al uloN l 4lll,f If gonViti. , , ~ • . OA V. V.,. C01t..E.1., 41 . 1 4 1"2 1 / 4 elch has but, boon thoroughly repairedatid - riTiatiti; 1 ex mealy for Ills b Aleusfooss stock.. c nsipts "of A fir tulaas nenortuttfiltifft'i o f tu,iMdil,m.)r. r,.. '‘ , lf ,-, ~ ' LLIII MGROCgitiES• • • • , • WillOW-j--W 4 ) Od-eal.;and • ,:_QUVanaft&j, l • '' coiprlulng 'ivory thing in Hob of bade 1 nta In . my .. . .* . co stout communication:v*lth tho eastern oltios, and 1 1 1 1 (4 6 111) 1 01114 y .E 1 S a Dli l lf te o r f urg R?, , N l , E r a l l t V et i n S a T IToTd a , Pi t""" i ' on't forget the plover fartOl or d o C i o n 7el. 17.111, ~. ..,: allele, Match 80,1800. . ~ I. • • NEM CUMBERLAND VALLEY ' • v" AIL ROAD. O:HANOE'OI HOURS. ,ON -and after: MONDAY, , Kay 218 t 180 PaimAgprTrainn lIDI-MI dill ; r • (su F Laityt:excoptes):". NYI7IS&ARD ACCQSI3IODATION TRAIN I,,ayes liarrisliurg 8.40 A. 51., Maebaniesburg, 9:18, 01111 ala 0 57, 5R,,411ie 10.34" Shlptaniuburg 11.07, Clumbersburg 1.10 i'. 31,, 0 [veil castle L43, - nrriving at - lingonlown - 210 0;51. 3IAIL TRAIN Raven Harrisburg 2.00 P. 51., 711eeluin insburg2.a), Carlisle 3.00, Nowville-0.40, Shipaensburg 4.10, Chambersburg 4.60, firooneastle 5.25, arriving at Hagerstown 5.65 0. M... ExpitEsa TRAIN Hones Harrisburg 4.16 P. M., Mechanicsburg 4.61, Carlisle 5 , 41, Nowvlllo 5.63, Ship ,pensburg 0,21, arriving -at Chambornburg, at 0.601'. M. A MIXED TRAIN loaves Charntairsburg 8.20 A. 51., t roeneastin 0.30 arriving it Hagerstown 10.16 A. 31. EASTWARD - ACCOAIMODAIWN TIIAYN loaves Chambornburg 5.15 A. 111, 814115evrs burg, 6.45, Nov,:y1110 0.10, Carlisle 6.50, sluellanielitmrs 7.21 - rl lying at Ilaerlstalrg 7.50 A. DL MAIL TRAIN loaves Hagerbtown - 8.10 - A. N., Orgin-` castle 8.46. Chamborsburg. 0.25, Shipponsburg 0,54; Now v illo 10,28, Carlini,' 11.03, Mechanicsburg 11.37, ar riving; at Ilarriabwg 12.10 P. - 84XPRESS TRAIN Mayon liagorstown 12 00 61., Greenenatio 12.30, Chainberablirg 1.10, Sitlpponsburg 1.43, Nowvillo 2.16, Carlislo 2.sB,.Mccbanicsburg 8.20„ arriving at'll4rilsburgr" 3.55 P. N. A MIXED ; TRAIN leavds Hig2erstowit-41.05--P.- Greencastle 4:90, arriving at •Chatutitirsburg 4.60 P.M. '. - r•OC>7^Making close connections at Harrisburg with I.Tralun to 41,1 from Philadolphia, ,Naw York', Pittslinig, llaltinnirettnd Washington.' O. N. LULL; Supt BATE ROAD OFFICE, , h ninbergburg . ; - May 17,1866. READING RAID ROAD „ • SUM .EriE .AIMANGE,HEN 1'; • JUNE 11th, 1866. ja.FIAT TRUNK LINE-FROM TUE - ‘_A North and North-West .tor PhiladelnliiA, New York, Iloadin.;,‘Pottsvillo, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Aiisotown, Easton, Ephrata, Litlz, Lancaster, ac., kc. -- Trains leave Harrisburg fol. NOR' York; as follows: At 8.00, B.loAnd 9.05 A. M., 'and 2.10 and 0.15 P. M., connecting - with shriller Trains on the Pennsylvania .o.os,l o andarriving at NeW - York at 0,00 nod 10 10 A. 31.1 and 4.10, 0.20 and 10.451'. 31. .Slooping Caro ac onipanylun the -2.00 A. Dl., 0.15 P. - 31., Trains, w. ithout chango. ''cave Harrisburg for -Hauling, Pottsville, Tamaquit, Miaorsv filo, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil athiphia, at 8.10 A:31., and 2.10 and 1.10 P. 31., stop ping at Lebanon and prluelpal Way Stations; the 4.10 P. 51. Train Making connections tor Columbia and Philadelphia only. For Pottsville, Schuyllcill Havou and Auburn, via, Schuylkill and Susquellaulat -tail Road, leave Harrisburg at 1220 P. 31. „ - Returning.: Leave 'Yew York at 7.00 and 0.00 A. 51., 12.00 Noon and B.OU P. 31; Philadelphia et 8 15. A. M., and 3.10 P. AI., Way Passenger Train loaves Phila. dolphla at 7.30 A. 31., returning from Beading at 0.550 P. Al., steppirg 08- al h Stations :.,Pottsvillo At 8.15 A. 01., and 2:45 P. 01, r - Aghlaild o.oo'and 11 35 A. Al., and 1.05 P. ;4 1 • q uii at 0.45 A. AL, and 1.00 and 8.55 P. 51. - LenVl, Pottsville for Ilarxi9burg, via Schuylkill arid Susituuhanna RaII Road, at 7.00 A. 51.. _Reading;Aceonnuodation Train Leaves Reading at 0.00 returning from Philadelphia id 5.00 P. M. Clotinabla Rail Road Trainsleave Reading at.. 1.45 A. 12.05 - Nonn and 0.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lau cantor, Celunada,,te: o,n Sundays': Leave New Ynr at B.ool'. 5I„ Phita thiphia 0.00 A. M., and 8,151'. 51., the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Readin'g. Pottsville B.OU A. M. Tan.- aqua 7,30 A. 51., Harrisburg 005 A. 11., and Reading at I.:id and 7.80 A.M., for Ilarrisbutg, and 10.02 A. M.- for New YoriC. and 4.20 P. M. for Philadelphia. Cinmutution, 1l ]loo o. Season', School and EXCUr- Mon Tieheth to and (ota all points, at reduced Rates. lh , di..lcou through : 80 p minis ul le,, ed oath PaSsullgcr. U. A. N IeOI.LS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa. Sitne,2s, ISOO. BE ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORIE;ANS, - J. " - --, - , - Tri .,3- _,_.___ 'T7-..,::::7.. - ! - ..7,.:77..','. 'FI - • •.. c - :.-..,-; 1..1 , : r5a,...a.,4 4; i'.. r ii , .:::-..•:fq 1 7:775.7,,,;;L:na4.7 4- ',.. •ir 11 1 : ` .3 Cottage Organ. ''''' "- i i:A.:, - •,- •—. A.-..... , ; - :-:' ,. , ,_ 41 - P.--,- L;z 4 ., ,, , , ?. ___ —, 0. ,.. - - =' ,. .. - ;;i ....„. -- _,-----.:-.----_-,-----_--,.-:.-,75..-....----• NES AItE not only uw.nrellecl, but they are absolutely. unequalled. by any other Reed, lustrumont In .tho aunt DeklgoeLl exproxsly tor Churches and Schools, thoy are found to be rqually well mlliptind to the parlor and dravrlux tootn. For solo only by .1. M, BRUCE, - No.lB Noi : th SEVENTH ... 4 trUot, I'lllLAUCtl'u A. BIhADBUItY% . 3 PIANOS, tind combloto sortmont of tho PERFECT MELODEON. 50pt..22,-18t3h—ly-. Family Grocery . - . . 'h ~.---- rr . TIE i.uhscriberg, Laving taken the i Fatally lit °eery Store- of Monurnith A Balzer, no Main St., adjoining F. ()ardour A Oe's MB6llllO Shop and Foundry. have Just opened, a new arid ele gant Itisetturent of (112.001.1P.M, til,A SI and Q.I.II,IIINE WAIK selected with great care for fuolly_supplios, _ which" they will sell at' the' yell lowest prides It, cash. 'Every Artlere in the line of Fatally Groceries will alivays be kept froth and cheap. They also call particular attention to the Eitteker Pettfd,' (.7(i5, , , Fruit jars, of .which they hive tho exclusive nen ey fe. Carlisle, and WIIICII has proved Its superiority - over all other earls or Jars noVr, in use by ite,g, eat eimplicity, perthet reliability haltieping.Fratitrau, the extraordinary ease with which it is sealed and opened, without, injury for future use. No fondly should purchase ether jars without first examiniug.the .a (I ...ow. If they want to buy the. bust. • We have also IiNOX'S PATENT 5T1..11? J A R •LADDIII.I. an article which Ito house • ~,, , keeper', Nikon]," be without. Als o , ,„ r • • ,R . hash'S celebrated WASIIINO MA " ''i 11 , CHINE,' only Five Dollarir, arid the Midden t.LOTIIES WltlNtlldlt, both of whit,. they confidently, r.ecornurenti to: giVe • entire satisfaction. Thty'have also been'apphinted Agents tor the sale of EARTIIEN DRAIN PU'ES, - whichto they, the attentleu of Pandora sad others ne!cdlri theta'ati the best and cheapest article to be found for convoying water threugh yards and ,are-yards Also a variety of other articles, such as 1.10(11t• :MAT: , of several kinds'aud prices. .fir Just Opened - A' supply . of BP/SOHerring and alls kinds Of Salt Fish, put up this Sprin t , Also Fldur in barrels and sacks :red Peril by the bushel— n. MARTIN' :'"(I A RUINER. Mdi ‘ IIE4- PATENT, JAR e• MEM Walker Sz - Claudy, (Successors Lo J. D. Gorgzs,) r o pllE subscribors respectfully inform the public in general. that they have purchased the l'ln.und Ehett Irnn Batablishment of Mr. Gorges, In iv:11.o( the Court Ironer, where they are prepared to accommodate the patrons of the old eEtablimlunent and 'all ptluirs who may floor them with their work.. If you want Vie Tory best COOKING STOVE at the, lorreotpriee, acme te, ua.. All insured for - six mouths or.louger, . No halo nothing onbaud but the best halters. and Warrant them to he such, tar x c keep no:loather., Conic and coo the groat varlety...-Wo Call glitilininkeda of tea timbniala if cloaked. --.:,COME and our Parlor and 01)1!0 ryovosfor,roncl or Foal HEATERS AND RANGES, /imll'ortlible. • • • . • Tr . MDT • : I rti7ViZkiliM l , of I .ollollde In groat variety, rondo from the very bee tin-plate. All you need In our, lino can be had . from to lice "raving of 20 poi' cent: -CALE at our Store and Wino R 0.114, In roar of Elm _Cour nouso, and you will nave mouoy In your purebms. It will fully pay you to coml. .flu Roofing and Spouting done nt Mout notiOn • strleVattontion Inisinuto, tlio" tnidorslgnod hopo to Merit unit rocolvo a ilb s Orlallll of . pubile patronngo. ,": 'l .- ' AvALKEit 4llit ti 20, - • The Carlisle Cook ! TO NEW AND OLD.HOUSE4EEPERS. Anow.niWparfadt Air-tight, Gas Con. sinning Cooking' Stovn for Coal or wood. . , 941iL AND4383:1 IT I : ' / A biiPkunili-if and koviißotin.S . ,• Main St. - Carlisle. ' hos P.ntlOgginal in dQ siptholiOragOVltatnryllfj,Stfr dui. We there- Iribircaltit — • . ••• „ • .._ • • •TIIE CARLISLE COOK I ' --- ... ._•,-- )t combines every now anAYOl.raible—lniprovoment -Iniiooking ilteveir. -- ItTgiiiecoeilluicly handsmc'eln ap pal-ranee—ls a •perfect Air-tight and Gas Comminlng 23t1v0, and may safely be peon nagad. the °LAI:Test, best in mobb cratiplete'Cloohing 8 ive•in the Country. 'We en two also., colarand to the, ventEterhotttlarge- tee d - ten tll famllini,lC'xiiinderacal Llongelampers' will [lnd up tinicrai n intyin tbattbo '• . . ~ .._ , _........ j t 'Fc • Nr; . 'fl4- • l3;fr I 8 L 111 :' 00 0 K . ' I T • ,cimaideen ovary leqlllßlto .for'ecorirany nitflefilelency In l'adolclrig,- l'ho• publico• are specially . requested to cell and imply, araclo•eriy confident It willfully recommend . 8birch°23,1888. 4 .1,i. , • ' , ' 'B.O Bill.pNltAdi 00' , 1 '" . t:;?c:•4):::11, INTO - Ivcrieg. --. 4 •.•siiarge,aesortnient•ef the boet:tietility G.0cer,,0_,,,,,v.,,„,,, s ices _Fruits' 'it:' . r • . ),_ . .P ~ .._. y 4 •, .11elling elf at the very lowest ' -rulliii In ChafltatV , 1 of ennsylvarda i ' I " - - - 1 ' .. „...i_Ean....Wg. • ._ . • 1l and Palely yOutradves of tiro .trutti of the anger, 'go . 2,3, 180 Pi.... .• • • WD5.7431.1421... . . . . ~. - REMOVAL 1 'So subscriboi..begSlOnve to - hafolui his'old custom ers- and tito public goncralljc that—ho-lius removed his . • SAD-DLE•AND estiond.ont, to 'the building on Routh Hanover street, Carlisle nearlY , opposi to Bentz's Atom. Ho at heretof •ro; keep conatantly on hand, of his oivn make, everything in his lino, ouch no • SADDLES, • . HARNESS, • . COLLARS, • ' 'WHIPS, &C., &(.): • Alt his work is made up undeehin'ilupervision, and -ho..thorofore-feels .warruntod-in saylrig-that-for-work... marmhlp au•t durability, It is unsurpoorod. - Thankful Nr imst, favors ho respectfully solicits a'sontinuance (if Um some. WILLIAM CtEPPER April 20, 1806-om.' COAL AND LUMBER • - HAVING} as , • Fred. with 7 44 .•' ' ' 1.. . - - Mr. O. Fred. Bilrom in jr .! '; _ • f...7, ~;i tho Coal and Lumber 11101,l ••, • - business at tip old .stanil of Dolanoy and Af • ... r .• . ,:,...... . ~.; - \ Wait, where ma •411 ... ... -..- keep the heat and - • CLEANEST COAL. In the Market, and perfectly dry. Kept under Cover. Families will do *ell. to try ms • as we are doter mic,nd to eon denier coal. and at atm prices as Any other yard in the town. Try us and he convinced. We have oleo on - twat • . . . ALL KIND AS OF T;i771.18.11.1i! -- usually kept in n first Clam Lumbar yard wo will nell no low, or lowor. than tho lowest Jan.l2, 1860, pIi:LANOY •_ , ~.:i,04,.,- fo r ; , A. B. EWING, - ' r5 - M124.4 -, A , I Oil ' 1 .Cabinat M.akoiaud II !":;10...,, 'I- L 1 ),.Lig, .„,,,,„__ _ West 31 sin St. ..--, ; 1 ::: • *X::;4I;:g•TYA*-%tgis..;:•;; -- • - •• V: • eL , - - ;' . g. - €.;5,-,.. 4., ' ) _ v _ p - k --,..-.i4 ..--- - :: - fzze , :. - . 1; - , -- . ,A --- '. - Y . ~, OPPOSITE LEE'S IVAREHQUSE. fo' Best Funtiture (mar& Lt all bnenty Pall% 3171(T 185.7 . ] Furul turn of !LH varletiON and Styles of Foreign and limos% e. ma. ufictui e,frote, thi• - finest - rosewood a lid - Mahogany to, tie lowest priced nniple end pine. Parlov. Dining-roost, FOUNI7L'UIt.E. Kitchen and °Rice J Embracing overt' article used by flours and lintel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception aud•Camp Chairs, Mutiaa? see: Gilt frames, pictures, lie., he. ,f,aParticitlar attention given so nsunl to funeral.; orders from town and euuntry, uttended to promptly and on moderate terms. March 21,1864 - 111,1tEl INSURANCE. Allen and Eastpannsboro' Mu tual Fire thsuradce Cent p.m,/ -of Cumberland County, imorpordted by an act of Aedembly, In the year 18 ta, and having recently het its charter extend ed to the year 1503, is now in active and rigorous op• oration, under the sup:sinful:de:Um of the folluxing board of Ma bogeys, viz: William It. Ciorgas, Christbm Stayman, Jacob Eberly D. Bally,' Al ex. Cathcart, .1. 11. Coover, John Lichulbor ger. Joseph Wickorthem, Saud. Eberly, ',Moses Wicket, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates 011nm:ram.: are as lore favorable as, any Company of the kind in the titato. Persons wish ing C,o become membortsbie Invited to make applica tion to the egents of the Company. who are willing to wait upon them At toy time. I= WM. It. GOROAg, President, Eberly's Mills, Cum berinndrounty._ „ ALLY: CATIICA WI C Vire Provident- 31,hanicehurg, thimborland JOHN C. DUNLALy'ri.rTy. Merhanio,burg, Cumber hula comity: UANICI BATI,LY, Treasurer. Dillsburg, Yoe,: Cu. MAN Itg 111n.r.12. Guru., Alez. Cutheart, J. D. Dunlap, Daniel Millen Christ,” tit:lyman, Jacob 11. Coovor, - .1.. seph » lekursham, J. I irhelhorger, Moves . Ilr r, cob Coovor, .Ebony, lames Anderson, John B. Grover. fl'gy' IMEM -Cumberland-county—John Shm•rlelt. Allen - ; - llerify Zearing, - Sbiremanoto, ; La Fa" I , ttot. Peffor, Dlekin son; Henry Bowman, Chumhtown; Mode Crillith, South Middleton; Samuel arahom. WOid. Peombor °ugh ; Samuel Cr.or or. 7,lechaule.lMr,c; J. W. Cock. lie, ; .1. Saxton, Silv curing ; John 115 er, Carlisle; Valentine roeman, New Cumberland; Wm. 11. Woodburn. ' York county,—ffiones Griffith Warrington; J. F. Dilleburg; Datil ltuiter, Fairview ;_Joit —Williams;—earroil ;Mien! griTvens7o - nrEtEoro'i J. 8. Dierilorti,:quilierry P. 0. Dauphin county.—Jacob 'rouser; Ihirrisbu'rg.- LY*TCH & VOOTE, Pltunbers .& Gas Filters. rilhe'subsoribers int:cOnithc public that they still eou thluu thu 17A8 FITTING AND PLUNIDING bosines at the Old Stood In the baremout of the Kir, Methodlet Church. They, will attend promptly to al bosinmm in their lino. Load and Iron Pipes, Uydrantr, Unt and cold 8/1 0 IVER b'A'J'IlS, Water losots, Force and Litt Furors, 15"zo't 'Welded Tubes, Iron Finks, Ilan Tubs, Bath llollers , WAsh 13rt sins, ilydrauLe Rams, iLe., and every descelption o. corks :tn d fiLtlnKs for gas,.stealn,.yaty,..k,„„;.3uperior dr , h - slog rahl4 o , - heaters mid gao. hxtures-put up In churches, cl ores and du rliingH, at thort notice, In the most modern style. All materials and work In our lino at low rates warran,id. 11...C0tint . 6 . or]. nn.i tp :a.t.eouoa t July 1, 19t3t: . HAI?. IDW ARE STORE: rrunii; old Hardware stand of Lewis F 14,16010 D vii , sed into the hmaili of W. E. Milli. S. A. Bowel's, who iiro now tranFacting booboos un thir tho gigolo and styli" of MILLER & BO W-EREt': Thu new firm Lava just returned ?non thd city and aro now prepared to furnish to the public at the.lowrost prices, ;tii kinds of FURRIGN AND ..00MEST/C • Hardware, Coa•h Priming, Palo to, Oils, • GLASS, VAANTSIL kr. A lock into their store will convince all that they have enough of goods Li, furry supply the demand In this market. Persona NvantMi.r goods In olu.lino will find it to_thairadvantagn to ova oc-n-call,=-All orders personally and promptly attended to. , ,rely 7,1565, j)IJItE L BERT Y DITE LE AD will do mnru and butter w•or!c at a given Cost than any other I Try it ! Man ufnot ur,od only by. Zl gal Mat & • Vholosaln Drug,_Paint & Masa Dealers,' No, 1:47. North Third St, out, Philad'a, Jan. 22, 1866-Iy. . Presents for all at llaverstick's. w RITING Desks Papier, 111aohie linvowood & Walnut. —ff.., 150805, • Always On Hand A .. Laygo_apCvaried.stook of. Grocories, o,lloollBWare, CANNED FRUITS, Bsueog; Are...whlch I am selling at the vary lowest Cash Prim. Those lodubtal to too subsoribor, and particularly lams. in arrears fora length of time will canto forward and promptly pity.ttp, as longer delay trill not bo sub mittal t 0.,. N0r.3,18135, American Houe; Ne,rlll Hanover RE,Carlisle,' Pa. THE' subscriber respectfully informs hia friends and the public, that ho has taken Abe above well...known house,-formerly kept by Shriner, and intends aparing no exertions to accom modate all who may be ph:await° give Mina call. The hone° has been 'refitted and Is in excellent order, lie also introduced • . ,Anderson's Spring Bed Bottom' tolais lltdsteads, - so tbaehls 'guests wnl harp a good night's rest. Ills charges will bo moderate. Attached to the house lon large yard with excellent 'and cOnyenient stabling. a, LEWIS FABER. Clarlisle;ikprll 186 G—Gm., ' • Br ans Fulmonic Wafers- 11,11363 - N.. 113 fr o good Photographiis worth a doze on poor ono& Who givO n poor picturo to n Ajl PIIOTO()RAPP rmiddat- -';-;-:-=-=-Lool.l.lltAt - N . ',9llpoArs; --77--- oro'warroxitoct to glib tatisintitiou or they will be to talcum, . .' ' , , • - , . • Oct. 20, 1806, - . . ' . . . piPEs, Tobacao, (smokingand chow= Ina) and Squrs, at ItitVeratieVl9 Drug and' Book TrAmp.--500 pairs llnme's on hand 111 of SW kinds. lilisabothtoivn jiattirop Loildon dop Oorninan doOrlth and ivaliont natant fssioniFign .chospor than oyor at IX. BAXTON'po East ktatit st. 1080., • 13011-YSICII-ANS - will find-it td(thoir ad _Li- 'vantage to-enfl and panahaia-thoirddadiclues at..] ' RALSTON't3. I Ally 101864 aßgri`juusip always on band - At Viaroil 80,18 Mr New Watch, Clock, AND_ • . . MEI wEtlty STOR 1-11+,YSINGE1i, respcdtfully- an , 0 nounces l& Elm :citizens of Garfish, and—thc surrounding country, that hu has opened an • entire.' new stock of Watches, Clocks, . I mvolry, ke.pconsliting in parhaf GolduUd Amorlenn, English and Shrifts Watches, r.”;Oi l ld-Wat rhos and Chains, Itthii - Jewel ry In sets, Finger nud Ear Rings, Steel., Button's, , &e., Gold Puns of Morton's u cc:lammed twin ufncture at his published rater', Silver and -Plated Ware, Qudnrs, Frtilt Baskets, Pori., ApPons,,ip.; Clocks h, o vo i y Sar i e . • ty and of all prlies: - Spuetnelen In (told, Silver, Stool and Plated - Frames, to suit tillages,, Accordoons, mid 'Violin - Strings, - .tic. TO which hu the - Lennon of tho ponphy hoping tn 'receive a libm'al share, of.pal.ronago.. . Boom In Emit Main St., noor , Saxtonfo Hardware Store. . All kinds 4:if Watches, Clocks, Jewolry, Aceordeons, ite., neatly and substantially rep: lrod iii)d -wiirrantid. 6 Work Bono prOlapt3Y. May 4,1860. • STOP AND LOOK IN. Fridley-?s Tinned. Shop, ..East Loutlisr Bt., Plgin of the ]tod Colrain Pot where you can tee the Pinoa, Cheapest. and Beat COOKING:,STOVES. ,_ Ever offered In Cu rlltdo Ile has on Lend the latent In; proved Paterns such as therflebratod • 'Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Sides, • ' Pronto Flower - And Continental, '-- Bed Horan and Office Stoves of the latest Patterns and hest Tha aboVe Cook Stoves are warrant. oil t!) Oro voting sattsfalentirte,—, - Ileat. srarlfi"iiiik all Tin and Sheet Iron work olnne in the neatest manner and at short notice, all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron ivero eons lntly on hand f1;1 for. FRUIT - CANS JARS TWO of - thu best ever offered to tholdJoy and Cornman'ii Self-;.;vllng and Solf Tooting Cann and Jars also, fisher's Pattnti rho above Cans and Jars clin• not be strpassod in any market. FiU N - A CE S . The hest brick, Sett, and Portable Furnaces over of. forest-to the public, for solo by, 'Wm. Fridley, East Leather St., Carlisle. • Call and see them in 1180 at lir. ileldig's, T. Conlyn's and C. Flooring's, Main St., CarMlo. , Thankful for the Liberal Patronage heretofore ox tended ho hopes by strict attention to businets and desire to please all to merit a continuonen of the same March 23, 1866-Iy. o Cumberland ,Valley. Rail Road Com . - . piny. - FRLIWIIT DEPOT, CARLISLE. NHL Cumberland Valley, Yenneylva• nia and Northern Central Rail Road Companies have made an arrangoments to do a Joint Freight' Ulid Artearding BUSineSS between tie Cities of Ph ilndri ph In, 'lnitialer° and New York. Tim - Cumberland, Valley Rail Road Company will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the is January 1600 Ice the receipt and shipment of all goods ounrested to them. Freight" forwarded by this arrangement must he 101 l at Pennsylvania Rail, Road Company! Depot eorner of 14th Markat St., Philadelphia. 'North. ere Central. Rail Rend „Company's Depot Daltinfore :11 , d Cumberland Valley ,hail. Road Company'a Depot at Carlisle. The public will filid WO. there _lnterost to. ship through the ihul Road Company's Erolght Ilouses nod by Company Cam BEM J. L D no APS, , Ft oigh t Agont Carlido. IY..e. 22. 180. , FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE •FLOUR ec FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT if BEE:TEM . & BRoT LEERS havilg tp put : Memel of [Snyder Sc t hai r ;ten': :Aye Warehouse, (Iltuiderhon's old stand,)llead of Ilia kreet, boo; heivii to inform • the public that they will emit lane the Forwarding And Conunisi.ton business On a were on tuns en scale th:ai tln etn fore. The highest mai hot price will lie paid for Flour Grain and Pi diittee of all Muds. • Flour and ' , tied, Pla.ter, halt and Uay, hunt cOn stantly on 110114 and for sal, - - - - Coal of ell kinds. embr‘cing LYN ENS VALLEY, • LOCUST .AIOUNTAM, _LAAV_BEE : IIY, Limidiurners' and Itlaelismillis' Coal. constantly for salo, Kept under cover, ,and•Uelieered dry to any part of the town. Also, all 1,1151111-ilt constantly on hand. v leave their ‘Vareitomm every morning at 7 o'clock, irri VC at Harrisburg at I , -and at-Howard & - Ilnrhman'n Waraltoutm.,Nes,6o9lmd - 810 '11111.10phi:1, at 8 o'clock In the evening of mum Jay J. 1111.F.Tk171 & ItitOS. tior. 10, 1865. BOOTS AND SHOES. A T the store of John Irvine, on th comae of the public $ll Is the place to purchase hoots Shot, fiats and Caps, at prices that defy competition, Ilu hasj out returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, MILK & Cars that he has over presented to this community, anti which he is determined to sell at the In, est pos• slide prices. flip stook mole ace , t everything in Lis line of hosiness, such us BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS; iclp toots, ()Wand Potent Leather 9sford Tins, Call and palilLt Lvathei Call Nullltiprs, Calf and Kip Brod:run, . ADIES' WEAR. Fine French and Ungllsh Lasting,Oulterh:Morocco'Call :Ind KM lic.ts, Finn Kid Slipped., Fancy Mat• racer., and li id flusld nr.. 2.e., MIS ES AND ClillantEN'S IVEAIt of all cleserlp tlomi embracing fine Lasting Gaiters, Moran , . and I,asllng Button 'Boots, Alorroceo loco boo's ofidl kinds fanny shoe., of various,ti.las slippers, ke. HATS A OAPA, Silk, Cassimere, - Fur and Wiol lists of all qualities and styles, also a largo. assortment, of 'STRAW RATS. Boots and Shoes nude to older at the shortest notice Rep:thing ppOluptly . Confident o'l4 ability to please tdl cla,es of customers, ho respectfully invites the public to give him a .111. yolßoutenther the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. • JOHN IRVINR. 3ul) 1 la 4 HAT AND CAP EiEPORTD.III. ry HE undersigned respectfullyaunoun ces to the public that be - still continue', the Ilat• -t nit Business at the old item!, In West Illgh mtreet, with a renewed and elliplent effort prounce nrti • alesmi Head Dr,is of • Eyery Variety, Style-and Quality, that shall be . s . trlctly in 'keeping. with the moot of the Art, and fully up to 3310 ago which xe I burn on hands splendid assortroont of • _EJA,T.,B AND CAPS, 2 - - " • • " -- o fall descriptions, fi;tm the common } l'onl to the ftheot run and nilk Mita; end of prices that must cult every one who _has op eye to getting the worth - of blot noney,%_ The stoch Includes, - - - 3 1 0LESKIN,OASSIAIERE, BEAVER & BELT lIATS L ° D r u ' zrlfil i - g -.9 n 15-I ntl .. fin d l e r: r brt a lto u n l e " O7a r n n titiVe'ii.gthatbillash meet in the country. -- I!AVERFEICKS Mdn'x, Buy's and bill' tlron's Hat's and Capg,ov_ory .description ennuta tlron "EN roiveiAtullf Inviton all tho old pattmte nud.aff tßapy now one as posHlblo,4, glEe July 1, 1861. tce a r a sr.. lIALBEW.P & BRO., - • -- ITi jiN jut--•"tnca front the yor, ue..t, they havelahl In -large and carted stock of New and Fresh Condo at the 100 est cash price's. Their assortment Is thorough and complete, contain. lug everything neeessaay to constitute a Fleet Ohm Crocory. Esgiamm • • TEAS, COFFEES, SUGAIRS, in greatest abundance, and at lowest cash - figures.— Byrum Splcea, Canned Fruits, QUgENSWARE.and Crockery, Salt and blab,...lbuns, Meese, Crackers, Brushes Daslcots nud Wlliocv Were., brtnd4 ilroows, i liuckots, awl a- cow P•a“ , of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot thu old atom), South Boot corner of Itanovoi- streotin 2 . .DALDEIT B/ Feb. 24, 18L14 AT - ItAIBTON'B -stanourarol - Workg: rpall sulAbrifiel iiET no* *pardd - to do- Byer td Merchants I,lto Wiwi. assortment of htonowaro, Itealclngham M": re, Jrc4over offered lirgnitt.: herladO-Volley,—His stock rentasts In partol•• • . t S P 0 11r B IV AR.E: • • - Ordain — Crocks, - Butter Pogr.MlWlkne, - Spittoons, < Pitchers, jogs, Fruit Jars, Lie. ... , . , ' ROC.I‹.INGITAIVI-.& YELLOW, Spittoons, Pitchers, it tipples, Folio's, Plo Platen, &0., ,'.,alone Flasks, Itrult llottlen and Patent Fruit. Jar,. „ atom, 1 Viktor Fountains .Churns, IVlttor Pim ' , ism 'rile, ,to., furnished whorrerdorod, ,- ~. • • - In facilities for ultinufactuilng,tiuktity of ivaren and prlcoii, lie world dory competition. -For Brlco lints an • ,ad roes -- . . SAMUEL L IItVIN.II, • Atirll P. 186 (i-' a--lini. .• .- ' • Nonrvillue . .. ... _ iron, -Epglish- - 44,0ENTS_Ib, $5,50; _liorso; STi2b: and ovarithlng alai) in sroportion at - xiENAY tmarozo3; TTATMM' & BROIL J;il,Y 7,1888,.i. O. LITL4, Bij! A Daily. Freight Line NEW AND Flt EBll -S'ega2; and Tobacco,