Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 12, 1866, Image 1

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Ono Squtiro one insertion,
For ofteh ouOsoquonl, inuortion, • ......
Fur. : Mtr rantllo-A4vortisemonto,-2_ , _.
Lrgal Netloom- . -
Frofoo,loenl Cards without paper,
Obi Lunn- Noti,:os an Oommuuleti•
00104 rol Ling - le nuitt aof - Orr .
rate Interests 1011110, 10 eontg por
~ .
.1011 PIIENTING.—OurI Job 'Printing Offico in e
;,,st arid most ornnOuto 'establishment In tl It
" --- ,o"nut y. Pour gilihrrnisienrran - d - Fgeneyni - variety {, s r
natorlal euitod for'pliiln and Fancy. d•ork of every
tied 1)108 L . 0 .1;o1 Printing at tho shortent
oat co,")tml . bn the most reasonable thrum. parser)))
In ) ant of gills, illankn, or anythlini, In Om_ Jobbing
lino, will nostit in Choir interest to give us it call.
it TTORNEYS LAW. dffico . on
main Be., In Marlon Iran, Carina°,
Estatn - Agont, Sluphordstown, West Virginia
/Oil—Prompt Attention given to nil business in Jeffer
son County And the Counties Adjoining it.
J. nary 10, 1860.-1 y.
P. SADLER, Attorney at Law,
Owlisle Pa. Ma in Volunteer Building,
South II LI,
9L t t o f
t l h '
eLrli li sit ill P rt a I\l l4 \- n .N t door A A t torney
omia L O a ai N e v e ,
July 1, 1864-Iy.
JAMIS A. DUNBA.II., Attorney at
Law, Carlible t Pa. Caro in lthrom's Hall, next
door to W. M. Pouroso's omen.
July 1, 1864-Iy. •
OSEPH RITNER, Jr.,. Attorney ' at
ty Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pao Of on
Ball Bowl Strout, two doors north of the Bank.
ka.ltusluese promptly attended to. •
July 1, 1B&4.
JO. GRAHAM, A ttoillry at Law,
CrCnrllolo. Po. Wilco formerly occupied by Judge
Ursham, South Itanover street.
,Soptumber 8,1805: •••
. .
1,1 P. B ELTZ HOOVER, Attorney.
,ut Law Mee lu South Hanover Btraot, Oppo - nito
Bentz's Sty Food store Carlislo, Pa.
Sqltombor 5,1854. ,
1 M. W EA.K.LBY, Attornqy at Law,
. oak° nu routl Hanover stroot, adjoining the
Witco af - Jullgirthaltam: -- All professional. business on-
Crustal.' to him will baromptly attended to.
Jai). 1, 1864.
IAMUEL HEPBURN, jr., Attorney
kjat Law.' Office with Hon. Salami Hepburn, Main
Si. Carlisle Pa, • .
July 1, 1554.
jUCIIINIJWILIN, Attorney at. how, Wilco In tho
room formerly occupied by Judgu Clraham.
July I, 1861—Iy.
' DR. WM. H..,C00K, -
Surgeon (63u1 Aceouchour
IFFICE - at his residence in Pitt
,udjolui og the Methodist Chiirch.
July 1. 1051.
I fl;7l:Vh, ria. GEORGE . S•:' SEA
. lik• 1111(111T, Ilelltlet; from thu Bahl
_ AID mo re College of Dental Surgery.
ty9,llltteu ttt, the rultitietieu tot his kuother,
Lout her street, three door, below Bedford.
July 1, 1851.
(;1 LO. W. NEI DICH, D. D. S.—
vfi , Lao Demonstiator of Operative Dentistry of the
Baltimore -College of
Pen till Su sae ry• •
lee at his re
o silience
opposite Morino Hall, Went ?Jain street, Car Dale. Va. .
July 1, 16U1. •
Dr. I. 42, LOOMIS
Pomfret Stroh few doors
,w Sou , :mover st
19 • .
graphic Gallery Solltb•east Llorner Hanover
Street, and Market Square, reborn may be - had all the
dlllermlt sty lON of Photographs, from eard to life sloe,
also Pictures mu Porcelain, (soullithing now) liol h Plain
ant Colored, and which are beautiful produeltom of
the Photographic art. Call and rue them.
Particular attention given to copying frourDaguerro
- tYpealt;
She Invitee the pailWaage a LIM
Fob. 10, 10136. -
. ~,.,...lp' OM ETHING NEW. ~ ,
- J P' „ o'rue, am T'iatur or .
_ . • —, , ;.!,•
• rjll.llS beautiful Picture is now niade at
Lachman allery, In Dr. Nell's Budding, opprs.
s to the Fli - s1 National Bank, with such , perfection and
style, tnaa and finish that it cannot help but please
every one, The lit.l . COtaill imparts. a most clear and
chill m ing complexion to the picture .
A'l other styles of
01 all slu e,
are made in th'e most perfect manner. A large varie
ty of Frames and Passapartouts, Cases, Albums are
on hand and will be sold anon,.
--Oopying— —Thu re
apoctf ully Invited to examine specimens.
-- TlieFirst-Promium_haa_been_ftwArdect by Into county
Fair to 0. L. Lorbman, for
The Best PhotogrAphs
Now Rent Arep Store! !N iv Goods! !
THE under,signed- having taken the
- S t ore Boom', in Main recently occuplud by
'Joh'. D. Gorgon, next door to "Marion Hall," would re.
opeotfally invite the attention of the people of Carlisle
:Ind vicinity to my largo, varied aud well selected Stock
of Dry (lords, consisting In pit, of
nt ivoelly reduced prices, in consaynence er.,,tbe into
heavy' decline In Goods In the Batten: Celtics, and no
my gouda are all Ow, I can and Vali null at ael-Cansh
ingly low - ratos. I have also a choice selection of
lollies' Breen Ponds,
all Wonl delalnes, Lusters, ,Poplins, Mean flne .- naWi:t l
went ofoentlemen's Wear,.suelt nn ,
OASSIMERES, -- ' , --
.wn taka groat ploacure In showing goods and would be
pleased to hero the
- Indies call and examine our New
floods, which ire He determined to roll at great bar—
gains. We fool satisfied that .no ran offer greator In
ducemonts to purchasers titan anylsimllar Establish
-m ent in this vicinity, fineember the aorgas'
old tin Btoro, next door to Marlon Hall.
9.0. BROWN.
March 113;lf8ek -
For Mon and Boys.
THE ltubsOriber announces to the cit.,
hone of Carlisle. and vicinity, that' he has?O. ,
commenced the manutlicture of hide of ovory variety.
of style. llaVlng secured tho survicos of the tent of
workmon, ho feels prepared to sustain the reputation
of the • , . .
by soaking the boat hate in the state. _fiartioUlar at
tention will bo paid to the malcfng of Lhg old fashion.
od, .
Stiff Brush, or Dunkard flat;
also tho soft white Lrueh hat, and any shape or style
of hat ,will bo mode to order.
• lie bee also on hand a splendid assortment of ail
styles of hats from the bolt snanufacturors in Phila
., delPhin. and Now Ydric, which ho will eel] at the low
est cash prices.:llls stock of silk and felt hats for
• • mon, boys and children of all kinds from the common
t wool to the finest moleskin ore unsurpassed.' lie
- also a large Assortment of- • , .
• . of all binds and nt all prima. .
Caltawd - oxaminabis - atock - atthir old-stand-id-North
lIanosor• Street; before purchasing alsowlturo as be
teals satisfluil he ran please you,
J. A. KELLDR, ' •
Juno 1. no. • Agent.
- A few doors 'north of ties Oarllslo Deposit Dank, and
Aroxt to.Cornman's shoe store. • ' • •
- • N.ll.—Old Hats repairOd, colored and done, up In all
styloa at the shortest notice and romionablo abs.
—CREAM.WORIc s -Sears,. Tulips, ion
bon,, Adamode Chocolates, Dnxtde, Cocoanut and
at t.' •
• -Derr. 15,18d5. • AT u•AvERSTIoId
at sorts sl aWI Ow. _
s:115, YBO.
IDLOWB.PIank, 7.ei for'" York,
1. gle ant Parry 11019'4 for 01(i-c.boap at
IltD CA.O.Eg of eveiy . desoription At
1 00
/ 00
VOL. 65.
RHEV3I, Publishei
Something Entirely Now I
H rousekcors :Furnishing Emporium..
Cor. 'of .2fid any/ IValnui Sit., Qpposilc First
NatialiT Bank, Barrislnirg,
THE subscriber having been induced
to oiltor into a business, the Willa of which has
long been felt in this Community, has carefully select.
ed a Stork of goode,,whlch for'
hatonever before Peon equalled In any place east.,of our
lade COMMOrall cities consisting
Wire -
Toilet Pots, Kettles, and Paha,
Japanned Warn. Door and Table - Male,
Plated Warn, • Cutlery: Fancy Articles,
Willow Ware, Novelties of all'hinds.
Wooden Ware, • Ice Cream 'Freezers,
Britannia Ware, Refrigerators,
Iron Ware, Water Coolers, ke. -
In ohdrt ItiVERYDIING required or desired.iu
ion Pease.. In proof of which Ito would respectfully
solicit a call from llouselteepers. whether they puk ,
chase or not. lie has also the largestfissortment in
the city of
Boys' Propollor,p, Porambulators, Tolocipolas, Boyo'
Wagons, Cantering Horses, Jack liories, Boys' Driv
ing Reins; Stielt.liorsos, Swings, Baby Tenant, Wheel
barrows, ke.
Call and coo when you visit Harrisburg, • We do not
export ALL to purchase who coin It will alwaysulTord
pleaatuat to show goods.' •
July 20, 1900.-310
Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes,
The people are going to Plank's.
NTEIGHBOR now wo can afford to
- keep ,611,11, aud' children in - geed Boots,
Shoe, 'lots ourd.Caps, since they aro veiling AO very
. •
At the sales loom of B. Plank. South West Corner of
North Ilanover St., ind Locust Alloy. 'Plank, basjust
returned from the Laat,• nod Is now opening in addi
tion in Li former stock a largo as,ortmont of Boots,
Those, ILIV\IIIIII Caps, whirh.for pike and quality NM
nm he surpassed. indeed it In-s blessing to the people
tlmt Plank has opened a
mrsikiir Stoic in Carlislo.--The amount, of 1.130114,
Which can boliaved by buying nt P.lnult's Boot
Store will keep a person lu pocket money for a year
Yon ,au scarcely nanio any Idn,11: - altoot or Shoe that
Plunk has not got, and all se1110.! at greatly reduced
prices Just go to Planks -cheap Bout and Shoe.
• 52'0.8. E. _ 1 ----4 ,
_, ,
and see ior you.olves, and you will findlt half. boo
~,d, Leon toldbut what. has Leon told isAru ... Itemen,
hut th.,tand Bouth West Cornur of North Hanover St,
and heriust Alley.
Nlldwny betwoon Thudiups and Wet l / 4 1E ,
Aprtl Ti, 18G6.
Great Excitement On tWe'Corner of Pitt and
Louther Streets, opposite the German
Reformed Church, Carlisle, Pa.
The Sub:44.ll)er begs - leave to inform his friends and
the public, that he has just returned front the Eastern
cities, with a full and choke assortment of
G 0 Cl,' S ,
lie will keep constantly on,hand an extensive and
gDuoral assortment of
Cbffers of all kinds, Brown Sugar, Crushed Sugar,
Pulverized - Sugar, Rice, Tallow Candles, Star
do Starch. 'teas of all kinds, Salt by the -
Sack, Thickets and Tubs, Wash Boards,
Brooms, Iled Cords, Now Orleans
Moluses, Fish—all kinds, Cep. ,
• per, Spire, Soda,Cream Tar
--' tar, liestlndigo, ,
11100, Cloves, Matches
Milard,ll_laeking, •
Twist Tobacco,
Navy. Spun,
:2. Natural
Tobacco, Smoking, lrillikinick, Flue Cut, Candies,
Raisins, Can Peaches; Crackers, Essence of , Voffeei
Dandelion, Cheese, tic uuny, beans Cigars of all kinds.
Nuts—all kinds, kr., kc. •
and evvrything else that is hept Inv grocery stole. I
Invite the mildly toeall and esa pp, soy goods and
prices before purchasing elsewhere, as bem detailllln
ed to sell at very small profits.
'rho highest prlifes paid for all hinds of Country Pro
duce • .1 ACOII SENIIII.
April 0, ISol—.6m.
uco l end u su A r ve t n e o r f ,
lie, r Contra Square.
_ -
"provocrpornria, - "Privato"
_ . .
SITU 'CFI near the village or Lisburn,
cumburb,ua miles from Mechanics
burg, and 7 miles front Clarrisburg, contalping 1013
acres, all cleared but about 6 which are cov bred ryith
good timber.
Tim improvements a
consfiting of a largo .
is • • .
.. 4, -`e 4 Brick sion House,
nfii: • Brick B ik . Barn, -
11R1CR Sll OF. OUSE,
Bab.; mid .6.fiviv 4:e 7 .
Large ltdeirShed, and' other eotivimhait. bubbitild
logs, a stream of running :water near the house and
abundance bf rrult - of all kinds cousietingbf ApplbS,
reaches,' rears, Grapes, 'Sc. The tithe, Is beautifully
situated on the bank of the "Yellow 111 , ecrbes' Crook,.
the soil in -the highest possible state ar. cultivation,
consisting; of.a mixture of Limestone and criJok bottom
land, and nearly all under post and roil fence, anti tin
abundant supply of locust trees growing,' -
. Real Eidate Agent.
Aug. 31, 1866
Two Valuable TraPts of Timber
Land at Private Sale. •
L'HITUATE on the South Mountain
).c . ) - .near Dtoupt Holly Springs. Consisting vls, 1
- Tract - tOntsitdeig - 75 — Aeres; edjoihhig - the property - of
the Mt. - Hotly raper Co. :Well covered - with --young
chestnut. Another tract tiontaining.tlo Acre's adjoin
ing the shove. Apply to
July f 27, Hp:
Hotel Property in. phurehtown a
Pfirvato in.,
".' •
QI.TUATE pn Main, Street contnining,
i 0 170 teat In front and 150 foot kn depth Improve•
manta a largo Doublo two-awry
- - '•FRAME 11'0 u s •
Extent-doe Stabling and Sheds, Wash'llouse, and oth
er convenient - outhaildingsoin - eiteellent - 54 ell of.lta‘
tar at the door, and a Cistern in the yard. For terms
And iirther IntrtlCUlrirfi 11T1111.1ir0 of the owner Mrs.
Sarah A. Llggot; tosiding In Oburehtown, Cr of
May 8, 1866, Real listato Agent.
• .
4".0.14. insuranoo Company of Now
1 1[ 6 _,_ Haven, Connecticut, Statornont i cf January lot,
8 0. • ~ .r
Capital Stock - . • . -• ' $500,000,00
Surplus - . ' , 27 . 5,880,10
Losses unadjusted
• The sesotts of thin Company consist of, United States ,
Government Securities, stocks in National Drinks, and
Ist, Mortgages on Seal Estate. The Board.of,Dlroctora
have doclarnd a • SomhAnnual cashi• Div idend of The
per cent ll'oe from Goverhmont Tax payable °trawl -alt.
for 16th, - Jnnuary, HOB.
Also it scrip Dividend of Sixty per cent on the earned
- Ilitinium of Doliclos entitled to participate Intim Pro,
fitS for the year 'oloding lot of January, 18.06. .And
litvirverted - to — incrensothe-Capital-g3took thi;tom
pay*. topue Million of Dollars. Apply to
A. L. SPOGSLIIIt, Agont..
- Hano
vor'stPeotV feet: in front
noA 248 foot In depth baring thhroon oroeted 0 Dwell.
Ind 'Lougee, Shops cud other Buildings will Bo sold en
-I.fro Or dividod to suit purclifteors.' Apply to
• " • A. h. EIPONBLIM,
. Feb. 10,1866,
: • —. PQR .841:1M, —_. _. , __— 7_.
i Valuable .•,Lot, of, groOnd on . South.
.. • - Stroot_containing gyor6oo foot In front Ilid 200
. n dflritli. Also, n Ilut'at the corner or Pltt and- Edntli
•Strnots,, -contnlnlug., 00 foot
. 116..;Rant.nnil'110 limb • In
dlptl.i. Apply to
- I. .
100111 - SIOXANS find it, to. tiiciy
, . ; '• • BALATON'S.
NUTOonfioo6ioudrq,ai I:Y?ruita, ; pt
Uivorettok''e; - - `
- end k - Walnut Ste
tIUNT mot very superior
Neal Estate Agent.
- $775,880,10
. • , . •
, •:.'i -.-: , , ' - • • Y , '.- , ' :
..., - „..,.--
~ \\ ,
_. ,;',.
..'... : -•_-_• (-..,, ,' `,.--, ' - . ),;,'N'
..:: ,
v ~ ,I, I , ',.._' N ---.,-- ' 1 .1i" . ~ W , ~1 - 1 iir 1., 4
, ,
• r • --,,k ......._. ~..,., . . ‘,.
~,....._ t... :
.-.... P. ..- • ~ ,„,
~ t-, 4
, ,
VORtit-ilL,'," •
Fret net, pea emit; and fear
Diiiturb thy . breast,
The pitying angels, 'who can eon•
flow vain thy-wild rhgrets must, ho, -
Say, Trust ain't-Rest.
Plan 'not, nor.sehomer—but calmly Wait,
lilt cliolco Is best.'
While blind and erring in.thy sight,
His wisdom sues mid Judges right.
So Trust mid Itebt.
Strive not, nor stror,gio: thy poor might
Can never wre!tt '
Tlfu meatiest thing to save thy will;
All Power to hid alone: ho utill.•
And Trout opal Reot.
Desire not: aolf-loye may Tie strong
Within thy breast;
And yotiln; loves thee Lnttor.
So let 111111 do Ms Turing will,
And Trmt mid Rest,
What dila thou fwu•Y Ilig Milllolll reigns
Sapromo confessed; •
Ilia twwer infinite; Ifirro
Thy deepest, fondest dreams above—
Trust and .Rost.
fist fillll.lcNitn6.,
I'ifhcca shillin6 . and "iixiionco, if you
Nellie Marsh was absorbed in contempla-
g a tropical landscape, copied oir canvass,
and hung in the best light the shop afforded,
Nellie was poor, and had only stolon
ses of these things but that did not prevent
hor having luxurious tastes. : . •
- The obsequiiiis shopman paused ame mont
-to contemplate little intent — race; then,
obedient to the demmids of business;; which
forbade any unneeessiiry oxpenditure'of time
even in the study of a pretty -face, made an
odic-Cal-Id more succosssfut attemvt to ex'-
plain to the lady that her purchase awaited
her pleasure.
" Oh, certainly 1 . I beg your pardon."
- A:U(11;11e little,gloved hand dipped into the
pockets of the i jannty . ntantle, first (me, then
Alut_titlter_;_hut—ilnding_uothingthero,- B .avo - a
saewy bandlwrchief, dived into the - folds of
he looped-up skirt, and finding nothing,
herein beside a lead pencil and athlinto,
_lime out in great dismay, and commenced
}`gain on the mantle.
Can it be possible? r:arn.sure I hild my
porte:monnaie in niy-mantle-pocketrfor-I
, hand on it just.before•l came in.—
Where _can_i_t_baYe_gone ?"_A•nd_Nell .began
to look here and there upon the floor, as if
she suspected the !hissing article of laying in
wait for her in some sly corner.
The conviction began to fasten upon her ;
she had lost her porte-mormaio, and with it
every penny she possesied.
I have certainly lost it!"_
.-Lost-your—monny-r oil-the—unsym—
pathetic sham - min ; "Then, of course, you
won't want this?"
"Not unless you could trust me to pay for .
it as soon us I can," - said Nell, covered with
confusion at the asking of such a favor for
the first time in her life.
"Couldn't think of it, miss."
She was ready to cry with vexation and
embarrassment. Several people making pur
chases, had paused to watch her. A gentle
man stepped forward just as the shopmak,
was turning away yith,the little package,
and handing him a sovereign, said in a.low
tone, ' , Give the ladylfer parcel. 7. • .
the paOket of stationary she had-ordered was
if in a drentn,'.possms.acl only with the ono
thought that, she was penniless.
Once outside the door, the Cool-air Tegtored
her; usual f 3 el &possession -; and she stopped,
indignant with, hogelf for l haying:allowed a
stranger to r hacti lier:tuiddi a - it/bight of elili-
gation ; but, , bohold tts oho turned, ho stood
besidO her—handsoino, tall and about
.and,thirty!years of , tiie. = • , • •
•,, Thank you sir, but I cannot allow you
to do this. 1 believe I didn't really, know
What I was doing. I will return the
• •
"One momerd, if you pleaso." .she,
thopglikhis.:volepLyas more
.InusiOlil than
any she had over heard before. "Ishouldbo
. happy to he idlowed'tP do you so small
a'favor ; but your face tolls 'me, ss plainly
as words could toll, that you aro much too
independent for: that. I could .not avoid
- lioaring - yohr — convertion - with =the -shop
man. Will you not allow mo to lend you
the little sum ? At any time you chiroso y6u
can call at my resldence,and , lcave the "R•
.mount." . .
Her first hymns° Was to refusepoint-blank;
but a second thought restrained-her. She
I\4lS entirely "out-of - stationary..,l4_money•-
was lost—she nuir:t have the paper bcfore
.aho could hopbto (lain more.
,For herself,
, sho - could prohablylivo ' through it some
way ; but a thought of liitty, , tho..dittlo sis-_
torsilifoly'doperrdent upon her,, decided
to, accept the. loan so strangelyland oppor
-1 tunely•offeted. , --'•—• •, , •..
"Yon at.° very kind,' indeed,' sit'., and I
thank you from the•dopth Of-my heart. Not
for mysolf,,but canso - ot a dear - one depohd--
(Int upon, ma do I consent to bocoine your
debtor.. Est the earliest possihle • moment I
will repay:you. •.; - - - •,. ,
' , Take your own time, my child. I - shall
notn . xpeet you.tobo in any particular, hurry
hbont, it; and ,now ; let me give you my card.
!nein he • said "good -day," with a graceful
lifting of his ••hat, - asyirto a!liOrh' princess,;,,
timi shc'.,wns,;nialhing
,iO her„elieep
mse,in perfect maze of wondor l ,
r oddity of hor of rinron'snlpori- ,
„ .
Rio busy brill and lingers worked
early andlate, , for the two desolate, .orphans
hadino Other dePe,ndthice. t '
Kitty ; Was'it,shy little thing, v,itk_euiet
wools learned front r ;
.self} for she had 'nn innate 13Q1:100 of refine
nie t which kept hor i`foinjoining in the bole;
torai, s i Plays' ki?. Slil . ?.,tet).'tlle rude,
-Whdm se -Was; Surrqun,ded4ridnlge4. - : - Sto ro- -
scraped a lily, to whose pure' petals p - Koon-,
tanunotiotrWould lidhero. •• .....-''.• ' ' • ,, .'i ' *f
4110.0'1%11h! wove rommrpeliArd
them out upon paper; 'Kitt§ to bead horsolf
with a decrepit' doll,'diessrog it ivitli,'inuoh
,'Own(3l6l)prikii6p tit 4416trilik l i i qy ,e6 i1 , 3 41i c i.1
e, efett';4 — iiiirope,..siiiging fi:oftiioferfTelt
the isviiiie4i r.,: - , u is., .. . • ~.- -1 ! ,..r.. , _ i ..
!Ilioro I" giving a INl"li'dP tblini u tti
Carlisle, Pa., Friday,- October 12, 1866
gothor with "a pat oiprossivo of much satis;,
faction, administered to a pile, of ficshlywrit.
ton mauscript ;. glad You're finished,
fs — Ty7,l ----- ;11yr the money yOu'll bring. And
now,'Kitty; look out fora famous supper of
nice ton and toast On my return. 0, indeed,
Doctor. Henry Sherwood, you needn't stare
at nio inlthat outrageous' fashion; for the
dObt I , owe . you is going to be paid in full
. this very afternoon," nodding in an, onger,
gctic why'at tke card lyingbeforo her. 'We
can't afford to. carry about such.p.'Weight of
'indebtedness any longer, can wo, Kit 7,
in the fullness of her satisfaCtion:sho'caught
up the child, and whi?Ted - With - her in an eez
con tric circle,. until she was giddy, and Kit
ty convulsed with merriment.
Thou she' , donned, tho natty cloth mantle,
covered the short, crisp cerl' with a little
hat, kissing her „hand to the child, who
Watched her from the window as she rah'
across the street. . •
'Left Itlerio, Kitty employed herself in ar
ranging thascattored Ahenta that lay upon
the table;piitting - bed, and setting
the room ithoyder against her. aisterii.return
'hemshe loOked from the window ; but the
street was a quiet oiteTand the'snow-was' so
white,and shining it blinded her; and gave
her a headache. A. chilliness crept over her,
and she moved hor low chair near the grate;.
but the heat seen e . .tl thatiloOkitiOit
the snow, for it made.her so giddy slid could
hardly creep to tho IoW bed where Nellie
found tier lying, moaning with pain, and
tossing from side to side in a burning fever.
Unskilled and 'frightened as the girl was,
she exerted herself to the utmost to make
,the little sufferer comfortable, moistening
her- fovc,tieh trying to hush her low
moans, rocking her softly, holding the hot
hand, and gazing at the little flushed face
in a stupor - of bewilderment and agony:
The dawn found the child no • better ; upd
Nell, not daring to' leave her charge,ibribod
one of the lodgersL.ehildren to,run.for dos,._
A pompous, little lean, carrying a geld=
headed cane, and doling out his Kurds with
slow distinctness, imswored the summons.
Pronouncingthe disease scarlet fever, in its•
worat_form, lab_departed,-promising - to come
again at night. All day Nellie sat beside the
low bed, or. held the light form in her arms,
administering the medicines and bestosting
every possible care, with not a thought for
her own weariness. And so for many days . .
the motherly girl toiled on without rest or
sleep,oxcept.such. brief snatches as.she.couliL
get while keeping her dreary vigils.
Beside the dail.y.visit_of-the-physieian,
there ryas nothing to break in on the sad
monotony of her life; and so long as Kitty's_
case seemed desperate, she felt that She eduld
work and watch incessantly;' but when the
doctor; with his usual pomposity, -tiro
nounced his patient entirely out of danger,
she.began to feel her need of rest7 - The long
watchingandieSs_of sleep began to tell qua._
her delicate organization. With her pate
face and heavy eyes, slow step and languid
air, sho was very different from the bright
faced, energetic girl we lira met.
Added to her weariness of body, she had
a new diffieulty , welghing upon her 'mind.
The little purse she had substituted for the
lost porte-monnaie was almost empty, and
before it could be replenished she, knew she
oat arouse from . her apathy ; but with Kit
t needing still a.great den of her
bead aching, her brain feeling empty, and
her mind in a half-torpid' state, she rechg,
n ized the utter impossibility of accomplishing
lbuything Oward the bettering of her finan
_cial affairs.- -
..___Kitty_brokbiadipon lor_inuaing
Happy Land I" to me.
want to go io-sleep."
, She, took. the light form in her arms,
Smoothed the golden- hmr, and in a low
voice sang thd`hymn,.and as she sang a peace
fell upOn. her heart .I.s.softly as dew upon,
her thirsty flowers. She forgot her troubles
while thinking of that blessed county" far,
far away:" Never had it seemed so near to
her, or so 'real as when, laying down the:
sleeping child, she sank upon her khees be
side the bed apd oared up a prayer, Weary
and curoburdenedes-was,her-hcaryt-was
yet childlike and full of love, • .
• ‘Prosontly there was a knock at the door.
Noll hastened •tb open and 'confronted
llrs. Gibson, tho lodging-house mistress.
With a terrible sinking of heart Noll invited
her in, readily divining her errand. •
'" I thought I'd comp up and soo if you,
-could- let-use:lave _some- money-to-night.
There's -throe weeks dire; and-here's' the bill
all made Out."
I'm sorry, My&iison,-butl:have not
the ainonntin iny,pessession just at'presont.
Kitty's ineidieines havetaken nearly every
penny ; but if you'll be so kind, as to wait
111-ea - rnsonie friorejn,n-very few dayh, and
Yoilr_ JAR shall lie Ipitid:."
.• .
';‘ 0 yoi,,l„have no doubt; but the long
and-the short-of -it is, I can't.- Either you
pay, your' Tent •or you can vacate this room,
and - give - .place — torsome - ono - wbo - will — pay;"
"0, Mrs.-Gibson,"- cried Noll, in great
distress, ," you couldn't be so hard as to turn
its away, and kitty still so weak 1 I will
pay you as soon as I can." .
But the woman was not to_be 'put off.
"I, toll you r the money I must have, or.
you go to-morrow. . I shouldn't make much,;
rbelcon, lettinl , nly rooms, to tho like of
yapi ri-Why.,9ri earth don't you go to work;
like anpothor , aensiblo•girl, and try-to get
'an honest living? • You sit hero all day and,
scribble,. and it don't amount to anything at
. . ,
Thera whs . no
use her , that she eons
,hy_losing , her moneyy and • then
lifOlt,lll,;lthe irato woman was open to con.
widtion` - odlrup - on - one — topicritrid - ' that,—the
noodssity oflaving her pay directly ; Mailing
in-that the equal-mooeseity of having her
morn vacated at , once. , .,TAkeineet. Noll could
dciNras to gain a roluetant,eonso,rit to her'pe
,titiciri,to•iai alloWed- to remain. ono day, 'ion,
gar,iirvorder 'tolairi time WI dad `another
horrithough, in-the desporato state of , her
nancos,' the idea seemed railmoat
. Little • sloe sited her that filght, and
w . ,,411 the earliest daWn she was astir, en.
. .
.donvoril*td ensure'lCitty's' oorefert ?during,
hivia rciiran wheibin to bl
614' ' pliiploa of furniture that had
simpib'houSekeeping purposes: over since the
.two girls had been' let, orphans•and alone.
She imagined people looked-upon her sus-.
pfoiously, and half fancied sdino ovil-disposed .
porsOn' had, preceded her, crying; • "Ilore
comes a girl who hasn't any money; look
out for her I"'
• Sad and de,spairing,she turned her steps
backward, without having accomplished the
purpose . with which she set forth. She had
aldf-formod plan of going to r tho editor for
whom she wrote, tellingdrim her wants, and
asking,-,,b* to advance r sum sufficient to
holu ber"tiyer hor difficulties. Congo out of
these,.cmbarrassments, and - with' Kitty get
ting well so rapidly, she' fat, she could soon
repay the loan.
Her sister met her with a very bright
smile; mid before Nell was fairly in the roam
burst out with; 0, Nelly, such n; handsome
kind gentlemen has been sore."
• , ,
gentleman I Did he coma to look at
the room ?"
. nit was her first; thought, Perhaps
they where to bo instantly turned out,_ to.
make room for a new Orient.
"No ho came to see nie. He said so I".
noting her Sister's. incredulous .
"And he aslcCd after you."
"After me I Kitty, you must have dreamed
all -this."
indeed: I . was ..Tide awakl - wheel'
Biddy showed Win up. See here!" exhib
iting two large oranges. gave Ma these,
and lam going , to give you 'one. I told
him I should."
"See here, Kitty," taking the Child in her.
lap; "it isn't just thO 'thing for little girls
like you to be having calls froin strange
gentlemen. Now tell me who tie was and
all ho said. "
"I didn't think to ask his narne HoW I
wish I had I BA he told me the funniest
stories;, and 0! he has a little - nide° ntliome
natriedyitnnyrand'heys going to bring her
to see me _ _ •
- ‘,Wor.m anthvorseln-laughed Nell; "you,
not only received your riinnd during my oh
.sence, Mams& ali•eady arranged for an
other meeting. I think you deserve.a lit
tle surveillance; but ns I have no idea your
unluiOwu aginu to : night, Wl_
leave you for a littleivitile."
Nell arose. opened the door, and ran
straq,Jt into the arms of the buxom - maid-
Of-all-work, who, with an ejaculation of sne
prise at the collision, eitended to her a let
!Fox__lnsl,__l3.iddy.t'LtAking with
hesitation, since she had no correspondents.
"Sure, an!it , s4or-you. The—mull—boy --
that brought it soon - as ever you came
And, sure enough, there was her name in
good, fair characters.
Wondering gibatly, she opened the envel
ope, and out dropped two bank notes.
"Kitty," said Nell, "I think My adventure
le_atranger than y_our_s_and_am viry_se re it.
is .. more profitable." ,
The sudenness and oddity of—the whole
thing' quite took away her breath, and she
could only clasp her hands in wonder and
amazement. By degrees, however, her mind
fastened upon the thought that she need no
longer trouble herself about ways and means,
when in her hand she held more than suffi
cient to satisfy Mrs. Gibson's demand and
secure her good will for weeks to come.
Dashing doivii the - stairs, she invaded-the
domain of her landlady and demarrded her
bill. Seeing how the'land lay, Mrs - . - Gibscin
changed her tactics, and commenced a lame
apology for her languade7b - tltOaq , night.
Marsh. Times is hard and I must live.=
l'ln - suro your weleorne,to- stay as long as
you choose, and I. hope as how you'll not
feet hiat again the."
Nell assured her shn was not implacable.:
Going up stairs, she was seized with drad
ful misgivings. The money was not hers ;
:what right had she to use it ? Sho - hadi not
the least idea froni . What.sourco it came ; . and
here had she gone and appropriated it, as if
sho i hrul_art undoubted right - to it !- She - was
with herself, and out of all patience
with the impulsiveness that had carried her
headlong into an act she should probably re
pent all her life.
But it was done, and she could not ) if she
would, undo it. fjotvever,nhoull soon got
to workoind her first care would be to lay'
aside iisurt equal in amount to tied. she had
s'o straagely,rec ived, so that if by' any
chance she yyf diipcovcred the mysterMus
doder-she might_repathe loam •
Ar petition for _tbe "g00d.,-Itind gentle
man,", was , interpolated into Kitty's eve
ning prayer,, and when Nell fell asleep it
Was to dr:min „of strange faces and bank
notes, wonderfully intermingled,
She awoke With a' clearer heat] than she
had posssesed for weeks; and fon many daii:
she- wroterincessautly, while Kitty, watched
behipd•ilie:indltyclosed blinds for the- -com
ing of hUr friend, slutring her vigils with
dully, Co whom she imparted her. hopes and
; was off the ivatch oue.--day, • however, Nell
bad risen to answeva rap at the door, when
Kitty sprupgpast . hen, and; seizing the hand
of ti:gentletnlin, drew hint in; shouting :
"I knew you'd come! Nell i said you
- Wouldn't . ; bu)r ltioked tor you every
day." -
• The''. removal of the gentlemen's het re
vealed the features of Doctor Sherwood I
Well, to be'sitru I Nell tried to bo dignified,
.but the gentlemen was so gracefully' cour
teous,' and hersiCter's enthusiasm and des
light so infectious, that shesuccoeded i but
poorly. Besides . , HoctOr Sherwood, though
ndt 'near so old'as she had thought him -at
their Meeting, had ' stieh a fatherly Avity
when itddressing her, Nutt she'felt quite' at
her ease. ,with him • niter a few moments.
He apologized for his intrusion. . • •
~ fleaving that. Kitty *lt3 in" (S t riONV * tictd.
be •Ititard,it?" tpuiriOdNell), 'Hie called ,to
quifi how she was progr'essink;' and finding
'her •so far recovered as to bo beyond the
leach - dt medicitl i 'science, he Onine,now,, to
offer• Some nkofossienal advice: It was his
lilonty .: ciffooh nit, and wolild:rospnctfolly .
Iritty . bo allow'oill to 'talc° A
ridei with' biinsolf and niece, who, he inti-
W11:13 tinxiously awniting-thim
tkrush . for tl;to'-,rr!ndow,'.
auk 01,0. i-was-a; hau - dsoateparriaga-lat,
dooll and a lOtloiglVl'a face was ptoised
window. 7"-•
, .
"Is that Fanny?" ask - a - She.
• "Thatla. Miss Fanny Granger. and if your
good sister consent, I shall he only too hap
py,to take you down and o
Of course, there was a fixed determine
Lion on Mies Kitty's 'part to go riding in the
-pretty - carriage. - Nell might As well have I
attempted to stay a young whirlwind r• se
she fastened the warm mantle, though with_
evident re!uctance; it seemed so odd to send
the child off with a comparative stranger;
and she watched the spruce coachman rein
up ihe'niettled horses, and: saw Kitti,t,;`.49-
sing her hand from the coach-window, be
for 'she fully realiied how it had all come
about: ••
if Never. fear,-Wi6a 'Sher
wood had said; "we will bring the little girl
back in 'safety."
So Nell tat down to her work, and was
soon absorbed in it, delighted with the plc-
Auras her pen drew, and a happy actor in
each Beetle nor Titncyatket,cizcit. Ono
a delightftil.mood; and though- it was
Ways n pleasuee 'for her to write, yet
were seasons, like the present, whenit seem
ed a'Feiil necessity to give expression to her
thoughts, when' there was a peculiar fasci
nation about the employment, and she gave
herself up to the full enjoyment of the hour.
The pile of manuscript-grew larger; the af.
ed ere iiitty's-return.
That young lady Wits escorted to her room
by Doctor Sherwood' and Miss Fanny, a
bright tinge of returning- color in her
cheeks, a happy *IA in hni eyes, and so
many .wonderful things to relate, that it
was plain to be seen she had enjoyed her
ride immen s ely,
"You gee, I keep my proiniseiaad.'return
Miss Kitty in safety; not, only that, but, I
flatter myself, with largo- accession to her
stock-of health and spirits."
Nell acknowledged her indebtedness.
'_JlY:ou._must_pardou_mo, but I took her. to
house at . Clapham. Peony; here, had
some treasures she insisted upon exhibiting;
but I fancy 'she prefers to give her owri ac
count of our Adventures; so, with my beet
thanks to the little lady for the pleasure- of
her - e - Omparif,Tiltink we wilril,fiilraw."
Nell .caught the little girl in her, arms,
'find, untying the pretty hut, .
So you enjoyed your ride?"
"0, so much!" giving her ti rapturous
hug and - tibrace of explosive kisses ; " the
carriage was so comfortable, and the horst)s l
Almost ovor_thoground ;.and, the h'ouses
and railings seemed to fly backward swifter
still:- But, o.Nellt you - might to - sea what
a great house Doctor Sherwood lives in,
and how beautiful everything looks ; and
Fanny's mother, Mrs. - Granger, is such a
sweet lady, ancli wits dressed in silk ; and
her fathei is lead,'and they live with Doc
tor Sherwood, and Fannyhas.a whole room
for her playthings, and it's nearly full; too
anckthere's:_4l -.whole-family=-of"-dolls, -titid=
they.can walk, and cry, and shut their oyes
up so I" and in giving it practical demon-
Stration, Kitty lost, tho threitd upon Which
her conjunctions were linked .together ; so
her discription came to an end—partly, too,
it is torbe suspected, from want of breath.
Nell enjoyed her enthusiastic delight, and
the child talked until her eyes grow heavy,
and she dropped asleep in her sister's arms,
rousing up once to say,- in a dreamy tone ;
‘ , l al.ny's largest—doll- is nateed=l.3 . 6lla!"
the last ip.the sleepiest of drawls.
- A feta more days_ pasSed hi _real earliest
.'work, when ono morning, alter a brisk walk
to and from tho_publishitigotliceLNell
.. cn%
F - 14Q7617i•001t the possOial
of. Dr. Sherwood with Kitt and Funny
perched on either knee, and 'a lady, who
*as presented to her as Mrs. Granger. The
young girl's color . was much heightened by
lier Walk ; . ,and she looked quito •charming
as, pFert - Yritnidity quite natural to
her, she came forward to greet. her unex
'peeted yisitorS,,,,Mws.;:Granger-Was -cordial
a ria smiling.
" The Doctor would make me come," she
- "'-De lias it request to males' Of You,
and fearing you might not grant' it,-he
brdught mo to intercede for him."
" You aro very kind ? " said Nell; "and
Dr. Sher Wood has already placed me 'under
so many oafghtioils I could not think of re
fusing any request of his ; though I' mil nt a
loss to know how I can servo you, sir."
Then rIF - telf you. - We came for the
express purpose of currying you-both oft
with us. If yoii will put_ yourself ontiroly
under our Control, and allow us to urra~Yay'
with you, you will insure our, eternal grati
" You aro both muclk too kind," said
NUL, overiiliained with confused delight at
the unexpected pleasure thus hold out in
...Via afraid ,wo should trouble
- .' On the contrary, said grs. - Granger,
'-it is Which wo have bunted,.
upon. te maim the. ride - pleasant. \
quite made up our' minds , and you lc ow n
disuppointmentatthezemmencementslam -
ens one's ardor , and, throws a shadow over'
.. .
all that comes.after." .
" You effnnot have tho lunirt..tb:refusei
ward thtis spOil our enjoyment,'" aSsiTried the
Doctor. ,---, . ,
So it wa settled.- -Kitty condescended
Inc-dant° ler exhibitions of delight along
'enough bo arrayed for her vide - ;- find as
Yell lock d pp her ono -little room, end
dropped thp key in her pifeke! , ,, she could
not forbond the quder turn to her
"fortune over sinee i the'llrst day.of her meat
;with Dr..7Siirmwood. ' '
kitty's . description of the comfortable
carriage, the pianoing hOrses„ppd the smooth
roads just covered with snow, had not been
too - highly . cold'rod. Nell.enjoyed •it all
lhoroughlY, leaning back upow-tho luxu
rious cushiens,.witt?hing tho Winter land;
scapo, , replying new and then to some •re=
mark from het- companions; end when,
after aliigth9 drive, • the carriage 'passed
into" an rivenneLlihed 'On . ' both sides with
evergreons,.,standing in their . frost-defying
groennoss, she'difficulty hi' deciding'
-that-sho t ,: too,-Waa to be-- allowed ••a--peeP . -at-
Dr.',4horWeod's honid, • •
carpage drew up in front of an -.
somp.lnitiso ;," the ehihlren , idcipped up , the,
.to sight, while
NSA kolleWee 'kis: Granger at a Tuore
loisuroly pace.
B _l94 l ll2„tlsQ l l4_...A.l ,B tefulu
Theko Wero-flowers - a9thoolcsin abundance,
and I , tell felt'os ifshe liad entOrod' a now
'--- V ''''\. '''N . -Q. ',.. ; -. ( , , ~. •
' 0 '
' 1 11 ... '-- . '• . -
\ - - ...., ...., _. . ... • _ - - *
. ... , •
.:'WEE9SIB:--$2,00 in Advance, or s2,so:within the year
NY orld ; but, strange to say, she was ah much
at honie as if sho had;lived•nll luir life in the
midst of such luxuries: - :
Mrs. Granger disappeared to overlook
some household concern, while. Dr. Sher
wood confined his attention to the entertain-.
ment of Miss Ma - rah. There wore books .tb
be' talked over, pictures _to be examined,
'and the announcement of dien'er 'found the
two in a very animated- discourse. The
children entered at the dessert, mid Kitty
confided ro Nell, inn low whisper, thatthey
liereflaving grand fun in the nursery.
It was all like a fairy. tale—the - dainty
table-service, massive silver and cut r glass--
well-trained servants, who seamed to know,
just what you wanted, before you were more
-than half-conscious of wanting akything
the warmth . and 'fragrance which made c
perpetual summer within the house, and the
evidences of - taste and wealth on every
hafid. •
p: tstan, AA dm Ant in her' room
that . fuid.stailedlo miCtik the contrast
between it and the home of Dr. Sherwood,
"I think IMust haye,,been
,born to liva in
the midst of elegance and7tienuty, I. feel so
* at horns among' them;" sighing to think how
improbable it was that she Should ever ,be
ableAo satisfy her sybaritical tastes.
During thPfollowing, weeks they Were
numy - such - etchibitionsi - and — Rell - 'gretv—Kg
enthusiastic over Dr. Sherwood as over
Kitty lied been, only the former kept her
.opinions to herself," which was' in itself a
dangerous symptom. .
She was living in the present
thought of what was to result fromthis con
stant and familiar intercourse with o'ne's[ ,
much her superior in wealth and station.
But there came a June day, 'when she
thought of the poet's words : "
Tls no rosy now for tits heart to be troo„
As for grass to be green or fur sky to bo Lt le:
'Tis thu nO.nral way of 1ii,0jk47, 5 ,,
and as she listened, beneath the summelL
sky, itt thv midot,
With which tht season had deeked the earth,.
with the balmy winds. sweeping the_ sweet
briers' scents across her cheek and this
boughs of a drooping elm I'vaving.above her ,
ta_tha word a.of_Dx—Siter.w_umEalrank.a.vilw
she realized that the love he olfer,d was the
blessing without which her life was throat-
" See hero,' said the gentleman, holding
up, something at arm's length.; " hero is an
article. I once. Observe it closely.
and tell me if you ever beheld it before."
"Oh I" erieti Nell, springing after it;
that is iny.poorlittlerlost-ports-inennaiat'l
" Yes," holding it up beyond her Teach.; :
"and before I return it, I expect to be, as
the advertisers say, liberally rowarchid."
.It was not the breath of June that swept
over her flushed cheek. and dratik the in
toxicating sweetness of her crimson lips.
" I found it directly after you had loft the
shop, / and learned your address from the e 1):.
, 44 Yes," said Kell, 4 , and you sent me,
anonymously, couple of banle-notes, in
ordor,' suppose, to quiet your conscience,
which must havo troubled , yit badly, for
your dishonesty in retaining my porte
monnaie I"
Dr. Sherwood stayed the saucy words, in
n summary manner ; and Nell t. brenthless
withluimjiiess, marveled that
— " - I,oro'Et - mystic, wortilt tihou Itt take-no-tweet-a ton
_And of all namou, hls'llps should, chop., • My own.,
1 Young Indy §weopin . g thp street 'with n
;•trail two yardslunr,: ,, A-Tourgimurgteppoit
upon it, parVy tearing it fronc'tEe waist.
- ShErturned-shrwirupon-him-and.snid-,,. .
"Sir; you aro a rowdy."
Ho retorted, "Madam, you aro a dowdy.'
"If I woro a man I would thrash you,'
said AO.
"If yeu , were prat?' would kiss you,
said he. ,
This is insutforabla," said the lady, gatli
cring up her calico and turning away.
. • ,
‘!..Thut. -is: truo,"!-- hit-roptiedi- , k•whethor
ydur remark applies to yoursOlf, your dress,
or tho weather." . _
A youngster come home after havi a
glorious time instito puddles, his face all ii::
glow and'his rubber boots full of water. The
punishment : of staying in the house for the
remainder of the day did not Seem very hard
at•first, but as-his little,' heart warmed; up
with the triumphs of the morning, when he
had waded deepen than ti,tiy 01, his playmates
had dared to, be could behn tho restraint no
longer, and went 'to his mother,- saying :
"Please mother 11'ihip nic and• let me go
out hgdin ;l`T ,
That vas affecqnate,dmighter.
,when purchasing some mourning goods, was
asked if there hiallieena death in the family,
replied : " No, not exactly ;.but I. expect the
old lady will go)iler aligutri weolc, and
I" themglit'l y'wodld—haya
,my mourning
,This daughter . was probably a rel
ative of the woman who i'eplie,d,
last - "May,:whraho - did'ot:aviqri - --"-My-old
Mau is sick, and there is an undertaker very
.. • • - -•
A quaint old Methodist preacher of 'Rixas .
years ago used to announce his text thuO:
-" You-C4ll find my text in the eighth chap
tee of limiah, ninth verso. And Of you'ilon't
Ind' it that, you will - find it of you hunt the
book through' from' Qinnesia to 1111Mo:dons . ; '
and of you don't find it thtin, you will find
a gieat many things- which will do -you a
potter, of good." .
, t
. . .
Too, Fbawnini.—Evou the Louisville.
JOurriiil, one of 'Johnson's chic se :
iii - the binder 'States, hilmeolEing
at the conduct of the men Vibe. aro now :: the
_ . „.
the„adiiiinistratiOn. The, Journal
remarks ,• • '
•i•SUrely 'there :is...nothing in' all, hUIIIIIII'
history !like Ketaint • coudithimiof. ! political
affairs among 'lre, : npvar heforriwns there a
case whore thee 10011ed - rigaingt', their.qpv,
einmehtc.atreVe 'eublrert' and. shatter it,
failed in their eflorts,!litid dowh' their 'Mins,
thr / ow; themselves, upon', the 'mercy of the
coneheror,. swore ,ciatim lok...sianission and.
ifllegtanbe, : obtahried gMcious and, magnaiii,
' that • tlioir treagenable "fiction'
agaiint theAleverriment L.wa.q:_good
lipon •whioli, to
,expeetund aorrixiiid , tho right
to !control' tt, and tb.pplzo, its honora;., and
airiehinients!" '\ " -
T[yOrEa C..scii#yotoq. agofast tcsolu
4on t r o, opll,9'ction
t1 3 0.e. United. 445 3x,4 to
il+ppor.t. DOOB ' fl Web, a.lno.n -do
ierit,6lllo - 13upPot,t . of .yolclidis Y
Let 'the 'following carefully prepared
statement, which we - copy .frOin the Now
York 'Tribune, lipTetiv4ieil with equal,eare,; .
One of the great questions to bddecided'
at the Congressional elections OW; fall is
Whether the Voters the - North
equal rights with. the voters of the ; South,_,or whether theY'sitfe satisfied that•tlar -
tion of Slavery,. shall oven. increase the su
perior rights which the voters of the South
ern States have thus fur enjoyed under
.The Matter is so plain that
properly 'presented-it cannot fail to be .nn
derstood by , the dullest intellect.'
ACcOlding to the la* of this 235-of May,
istu, it was enacted that -the: number of
Representati Yes- in 224,,
that the ropreseti l latiVe poPtilistion4whiclo ) -
means the whole, nunalsor of free persons,..
excluding' ndians not taxed, with the ad
dition of three 'Kitts of all other 'persons]
deter ined by the census,of that year, and
thereaffbnalumitt - bd divided by 'said num- ,
ber 233, and - that - the quotient so found
should be the ratio of representation for the
several States. Tho ratio thus ascertained
Snider the census of 1860 was 124.183,
upon this basis the 233 Representatives were
apportioned among the States.. ;- The number
was, however, increased by the net of-March
4, 1862; from 233 to 241; by' allowing one
additional 'Representative to /each of the
following States. Illinois, lovia, Kentucky,
Minnesota, Ohio, Penns - ylviinia,
Island and 'Vermont. According to this
apportionment, the Northern And Southern
States bad the following number of Con
NO, 'al
California 3
Illinois _ .14
Indiana • 11
Kansas . 1
Massachusetts— 10
Michigan 6
NtirinesOta 2
Now llaiiipshiro ' 3
1 )I award
11.1 sts•ippi
Now that Slavery is abolished', the.three- -
!MIN rule has, of course, to cease, and. the '
new apportionment, has either to be made
upon the voting (white) population, as. the
Congressional amendment provides, or. up
on the total population, as will be the ease
if the amendment is rejected and the Joari:''
soil party haVe a majoriiy in the_next Con - -
gross. Should thatunendment not be adop
ted, and the 241 members, provid&l foi•'
the act of 189 - 2, diVided - TiTh - e7States
to t - boir total 'populatibn, this
Smith would . gain ohm, members and the •
North would loss nire. The ratio of rep, .
re:imitation in this ease would • he 129,245,
and the representatiol. of the Northern and
Southern States in Congress would he as
I Ilium:;
- Kangas - li
Alain() s_l
AlassachAisettS .. -DI
Michigan 6 1
Now llaznpshire 231
Dela v, aro
Georgia 8
Kentucky 9
Louisiana. ' 8
It will be - se‘id that
'of Illinois, Indiana,
and Ohio, would ea
States of New York a
two. On the other hand, the States OfAln
ham, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina,
South 'Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Vir
ginia, would each gain One. the total
voting population of the Northern States is
18,652,770, and of the Southern States,
8,026,7.00, this woultLgive_in, the_Northerh
States one member for a voting population
of 126,880,41nd in the Southern States ono
member - I'6r a voting population of 88,498. ,
Those, therefore, who oppose the -amend
ment, of who at the
,approaching election,
yoteler„Congrqsm,en oo ,ln2kAPVo4. lo3 A ,, ,-1,-,
..theroby_vote that a voting population of
889 in the Ararat shall 'have as much power
as 85 406 "Southerners; the immense majority
of whole are unrepentent rebels.
The Constitutional amendment upon.
Which the admission of the Southern States
to CongreAs is made dependent, and with
it the Roptikrtivisc party, insists that a voter
in the Northern States shall count as much as
in the Southe rn Slates. lf a...eordingly, the '
voting population be, made the - bisis of rep - - '-
recantation, the ratio of eepresentation
OU id he 111,685, and the Northern and
Southern. States the. _
number of Congressmen - 4
. -
New liampShire 3
New Jersey 6
Neli - rn - rk 36
---- ............... 19
Connecticut 4
Indiana . 11
I o
Kansas ' 1
M inn
Massachusetts 12
~ljuhig .
L011 . i: 4 11.1111
Total . • • 1.
It will be seen tluLt,iu saso„caso•
.uuis, Jluiue, AlirAigna, Isljew4prsoy, and
•cOnsiti, will , gain one' i.otir, , traenladvo each,
llassachusetts.two,.aud.lste'w,York four.-
....Att:C' JUltiison's. niitki Netionttl'lLleloe'
.....________ . ~ ••• • ••• '•
,DenMratic party; Widinrili'lerii bad way , -
enough at thelaist: is torn by intestineAuar ; _,.
role l'iliaadi. -. 31i, - Raymond of the-ICAi
York Times, \Vito wroto its address, and did
his full share of the management at the start,
complains thati'llne• - old - D a moornts,--that-:is--
thC • CO'pp . arljandshay° monopolized `
. aft'_
th ei r elective officers,' or rather all themomi-
natioas for j :ollicefor: there .haPpUns to be
considerabbi diffcrenee in' this caita :4-in utter
neglect of the conservative Republicans' wh'o; . .
warp .lAO so luneh of 'at
. 11vit. De ;amis .
through 0° c'elairma . of his Papar.:4 '• • • ,
"lii all the 'State Where' Governor
i a - chcseri;lheyjliavaptit - pi . `orininontlDenio- -'
erotic politicians, - men' • ifidentifla ( lther- ' •
oughly , : with,. Op, . ,party organization . •
throughout stne , war = in nomination. ~as .
'Candidates : A tind irrlnearly 'rdl:the -Gongiesi:
icimil clisitiets, Anaten4 - f , excepting' Comm:- '
'yatiyai. Union !men. they , have' nominated ..-
.04ndidnie-.9,f ; tit*, ONVII-!-0 lOW „r1..0m, ,I,tio .
Qopporltiled wing -of ,tle3 pit 3r,,el4:illivAys
frir' fedii.itlentitipil
. -ivith„: lletiim • in, .thp
4 ?,.
'l',lblics. mine' T - ' ' ••;• . , • ••, :-•••• ,:' , , •. 7
'T. is' uederstciod• that`eyit .111. :RaYirnend's
onrtactigreeeioal District' is_nd tixelliiimi' .
'to iis 'Dapparhead Ihist nf...:-ciiiice'. 4 Orden i -
'.l3nt 'the •41iiiie3: hdwater ' instigatir,lrisaiiin . : .
the folloWing-drainUeonClUsioneOf Alidia t t id .... '
jnet 'and true-l•—•••• •'s . '''''""'''''''''' - '!'''''
• '+" The Peeplet'ef•ZT eitheil : l l Stittee '3 . 411 . 1
•not hand °Vat thenGcr,erniiteifeto'tbk• eeti:=• •
• trol af..the•Poinogratie partytindfzit.! its,.call,,
orgai4atiOn anti its,old pildere.-,, - Bottl.rcyt,-,'' •
ildr,oVtiktsiefirbe - ttiootiglilS7 nd
311Aoxibiti4b tilt. loyal . ; pktriotio tT iontiOohtt'
1 Or i r: nairoUT.'dly ':- tlipirsnh9stilit* 4ai Lim , .
1 poki y t .or the Govornmontturipg the,war."
noamnzni4 sTATtss
New Jersey . 1
NeW York"." - 39-
Ohio 11
Pon nsylvanio. 24
;{110(1.3 Iglapd r 2
N'orth CaTolind
South CUrfifina
Texas . • 4
The Virginias '
Now Jersey • 5
New 170.0 c -
Ohio 18
Oregon • 1'
Pennsylvania 22'
Ithnde 2 '
Vermont - -8
I -
Wisconsin " • 6
111i.sonri 9
, -8- ,
! South Carolina 6
Tqpnes.ico 9
Texas 6
Tho Virginias 12
in this case the Staten
lowa, Massachusetts
•Ii lose one, tind the
d,Pennsylvahia, each
i s t7b ash):
'Missouri, • 9
N.i.91 -.
9‘l, retina - :, • 9: -
South C retina 2
. .
Toiuese , 7
Texas, . - 4
Thp-Arlitiniixs •
_ _
-- - 1