Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 05, 1866, Image 1
TERMS OF .10,71TERTIBING One &lean,. ono Insertion, , ' For each subsequent ingestion, —For-Mercantile Ativertlsunientsr_. Logan Notices Proruanionol Cards without:paw, Obituary Notices aua Oinumunica . Lions rol - ting to matte; rot pri vate interestiii along, 10 conts par line. fOll PIIINTISItI.—Our Job Printing Of ice is the argeei and most' complete establishment -In the Four good Presses, and a goxieral variety of material suited, for plain and Fancy work of over cirxl, enable!: us to do Job Printing at the 'Mertes. “ntitlo, and on the most roasenable terms. Persons In want of gills, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing line, will dud It to their ifitOreat to give US a call. t -JiO6fßtclt HUMBICII & PARKEA. AtrORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main St., In Marion Hall, CarllMO, Pa, BELTZHOOVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Ron! Eslnto Agont, Shtphortlptown, Wost •Irti—Prompt attuntlon givon to till buslnosh non County and tho Countjes . najoiiilng It. January 10,1801.-1-y. ytT F. SADLER ; Attorney at Law e Carlisle Pa. 01Ilea in Volunteer Building South Hanover StrOet. • Tur C lIERM AN, .Att9rn ey- at Law ; Carlisle ' Va. Noxt door to tho Herald Oftico. July 1,1864-Iy. TAMES A. DUNIAR . ,' Attorney at V Law, Carlisle, Pa. Mice In Itheem's rfitu, noxt door to' W. 111. Penrose's office. July 1,1804-I,y. TOSEPII RITNER,J . r., Attorney at Lawwud Survojor,-Mechanicslturg,-Pa.-001co on Road ,Street, two doors north of the Bank. . m , ...lluslness promptly attended to. • July 1,1864. T O. C. GI AHAM; Alturnelkat Law ; 1./ Carlisle P. Mice formerly occupied by Judge Graham, Snail Hanover street. • September 8;1805. F. E. BELTZLIOOVER Attorney .at. Law Moo In south Ltauoior street;oppoolto Buttes dry good atoro'Carltale„Pa. ..- • , . Saptatuber 9, 1864. • M. WFATILEY, Attorney,at, L • aw, CY • nine° on south Hanover street, adjoining the olliee or.ludgo Oralmm. All profeFalonal bUoiness`on• truetod to him will be promptly attorniod Julyl,lBo4. QAMUEL 11E I•BURN, Jr., Attorney at Law. Mee with Hon. Samuel Hepburn, Main St. Carlisle Pa, July 1, 1t64. • e T AIN CARD. -0 HARLES E. 11A JOLATIOITLIN, Attorney at Low, Mee in the room formerly neenpled by Judger - Graham. July 1, 18114-Iy. DR. WDY. H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Aecouehour tIFFICE at his residence Vistreet, adjoining the Methodist Church, July 1, 186.1. [R. GEORGE S. SEA frsoxgtehroy Balt I. 969_01119e at the residence of • his mother, East houther street, three doors below Bedford. July 1, 1869. . GEO. .W. D. D. S. Lnto Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of the • I . ?altlzug_re College' of erc. %.,°. °Moe at big realdonee opposite Marlon Hall, West Main street, Clupsle, Pa. July t, 1854. o ' Dr. 1.,(1. LOOMIS vb Pomfret-F.:trout row doorm -"*" bolo,v South Honorer . . .Irtly I,IBUI. MRS. It. A. SMITH'S PHOTO graphic. Gallery Smith-east Corner Hanover Street, and Market Square, where nay be bad all the different styles cf Photographs, from card to life size, IVORYTYPES, AMBROTYI'ES, AND MMMMII and Colored, and which aro beautiful productions of tho. Photographic net. Call and sue them. Particular attontion gluon to copying front Daguorro. types 14c. Rio Invites the patronage of the public. Fob. 15,1806. SOMETHING NEW. Porcelain Picture or OPAL-TYPE. THIS beautiful Picture is'now made at hoehman Ciallery. - In - Dr. - Noff's - Building, oppo site the First National Bank, with such perfection and stele, tone and finish that It cannot help but please every ono. The percelain Imparts a most clear and downing complexion to the picture . All other styles of f'llo TOGRAPVS, of all sizes, - cAmp.PICTURES arid AMBROTYPES, are made In the Moat perfect manner. A large varie ty of Frames and Fassapartouts, Cases, Albums_ are on hand and will be sold cheap. Copying done in the best manner. The.public is re spectfully Invited to examine specimens, The First Premium has been awarded by late county Fair to C. L. Lachman, for The Bost Photographs }nb. 0, 1866 , TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT 1 Ariqv Firm !'Nets Store ! ! Neu: Goods! ! ! THE undersigned keying taken the - - Moro Room - , iu - Sfain 'St., recently occupied 'by John n. Gorgas, next door to "Marion hall,' would re. sportfully invite the attention of the people of Carlisle and vicinity to toy innto, Tillie,' aod Wl.lll Selected Stoefi of Dry Goode, consisting , iWpart, of MUSLINS, • CALICOES, GEIsiG HAMS, PT A NNEA,s,.. at greatly reduced prices, iu conj.equenco of the into heavy, deolloo in Goods In tho Eastern Cities, and as soy goods aro all new I can and,Will sell at ast wish (holy low rates. have a choice selection of Ladicstpross floods, - MEI? 'NOES, ALPACAS MOHAIR d all Wool delaines, Lusters, Top ;doh fine assort mint oftlentlenien'nll 7 .earisuch CLOTHS, CASSIAIE RES . SATTIN ETTS, - • JEANS, • • • • - 'OOTTON ADES, - wu take great pleasure In showing goods nud,liould be pleased tolture the Ladies tall and examineieur Now (lords, which we are determined to sell at 'p,teat gains. We foot satisfied that we can offer greater in ducements to purphasers than any similar Establish ment in this vicinity, rinnember Alm place at florgati' old tin Storeinext door 8. C. BROWN. March 10,1800. , • . HATS :EI,ND CAPS F6r Mon and Boys. HE subscriber announces to the eit inns of Carlisle, and vicinity, that ho Lau ro comnioneed tho manufacture of lints of miry varloty of style. ,Ilaying Escurial tho soryleos of tho best of workmen, he fools sustainthe reputation OLD STAND by making tho'best hatain tho state. Particular at tention will be paid to the tattkfng of the old fashion , sty , 8,,u8h, or Dicnkarcl fiat ; ONO the SOit white brush bat, and, any shapdor style) of hilt wlf bo moll° to order. Ho has also *on hand a splondid asiortmont of all styles of hats from thehest manufacturers In Phila.' dolphin and Now - York, which ho will sell 0 the low, est cash prices. Ills stork of silk and :.felt - hots for men, boys and-children - of all kinds from-the common wool to tho finest moleskin are unsurpassed.' 'Hobos also a largo assortment rit CY.106 and -bTRAWTITATS—of all kinds and atoll prime. • .! Call and examine Ms stook at the ohistand In North Hanover Street, .before purchasing -elsewhere as he foolo.satlaaod be can pianos you. • J v A....NELLEN, • Juno 1. 1866. • -•-- • Agent: A few dOors north of the Cerilsle Deposit Donk, and next to COrranan's shoe store. - N. 11.—Did Hats squared, soiniedand dons up In all styles at the shertent,notke and romonable rates. J.-.A, OttisTFECTIONA.M.' f CREA.M.; WORK, • Stnrs,_Tulips, Bon lxlnlol-lathod6,ohocolaten, llnnds,Cocoanut, autl Doe; 16; 1635, ' ' te,A,u,D,361,- tit la PS Cpo°satitrskax.-1.0...5,' , 1 •AT LIAYBRIMICKS , •- - , Tn 0e 1111-gOrry PIOW6, for adapt: 13 R to,., . . CAG.V,S.9f ovoll desoriptiod at 13A4M ' n eelA. 10, /801 \ • _ *1 00 -- 50 ^5 O. VOL. 65. PARK= -desire to call al e attotitiiiiisof the YoT E peofila • toflio norrand beautiful Stock of Spring Goods., Just receivea at - 03,EENFIEL'D and. SHEAVER'S 61.11,EP Sl' RE .• c .A 1 1 .1,111118 of Daqt . in .A a at tho latost Ro:luced &Tees. MUSLIN'S, CALICOES, GIN GIIAMS, Tickings, Cottoputles,Deuinis Jeans, lac nplei-&c., &c. A larderaid deal ible Block of, •DR 8S- G-0 . 7 . Purchased direct from the largest house ;it .the est cash prices, which we are deterraln .7 , 4'01 at as LOW ,PRIO- Si • as any house ih the Cumberland V: ley:. No nisnertfully invite the attention of all who aro It *ant of cheap goods to give us a call and exandhe ,ur Stock or , ' r Alpacas, White Grounds, Poles Spots In all'Colors k • • ItILAGNS, . :"“ LENOIS, • MOIIAIRS '• ,„ . MOZAMBIQUES, . . POPLINS, PLAIDS, • WOOL DELAINES, all Colors, H.c. Ladles Fancy Gerais, llosiery,Oloves, A FULL ASSORTMENT - Of White Goods at very Low Prices. Cloths and Cassimetes, in great varieties for mon and boys, it old prices. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths Shades. Ladies' Crochet .Shawls, Sue:Um brellas, Parasols, Hoop Skirts,. Corsets'; • . • Linens of all kinds, • Knottingbarn Lace._ Curtains by the yard. - BLaiCK GOODS, at greatly 'reduced -prices. Elegant Clack all Woo( Dehli111•11 full double width only 1,00 per yard, a full and large variety of single width black Nvnol Delainei Alpacas, Crape Poplins, Crape Veils; Crape Collars, Ate, Having a good t.election of goods now on hand we are prepared to meet all demands, mid full confident we can offer inducements, thatolefycompetition.' Ito. lumber the place. GREENFIELD and SH)AFER, East lyfain lit., South Side, Second Door from Corner, 2nd DOOlt„ 2nd DOOR.' ' - in Pitt NEW CHEAP CASH'. iItOCERY Grent 'Excitement on the Corner of' Pitt and Loutber Streets, oppositoAlkO.Germmt Reformed Church, Carlisle, -Pa. The Subscriber bop leaveto Inform hie (Honda and the public, that ho bas )fitretuned from the Eastern . eitiesovlth a full and choice assortment of 1,10 will keep-constantly on hand an oxionsiro and general assortment of - - Callous of all kinds, Drown Sugar, Crushed . Sugar, =-Pulverised-Sugar,lllee r -Tallow Candles;- Star , do Starch, Teas of all kinds, Salt by tho Sack,Buckots and Tubs, Wash Boards, Brooms, Bed Cords, New Orleans Molassos, kinds, t'op'- per, Spice, Soda, Cream Tar tar, Bost Indigo, Cln na 2 mon, Cloves, Matches Mustard, Blacking, Twist Tobacco, Navy, Spun, Natural Leaf, Tobacco, Smoking, IClllikinlck, Pine Cut, Candies, Raisins, Can peaches, Milliken., Miscues of Coffee, Dandelion, Cheese, Ronny, Beans Cigars of all kinds, Nuts—all-klndsT&c., NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, and everything else that is kept In a grocery storm I Invite the public to call and examine my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determin ed to sell at very small profits. The highest prices paid for all kinds of Country Pro duce JACOB BEN Kit. Aprll.6, 1566-6 m. .4. L. SPONSLER, R EAL EST/ i ITE n .A.GE d N Cl TeiveScrivener , lice Main Strout Near Centre `3quaro. Highly Imfeo-V-Erd-Ftwm-ut,--Privato - • Salo. Cr ITUATE udar, the village of Lisburn, K.) Cumberland Colinty, 0 miles frininiNchanicS burg,and 7 miles from Liarrisburg, containing, 108• acres ' all 'cleared butabout 5 which ate - coiisrod tent good timber. The Improvements_ aro all new and vary_ superior consisting of a largo - Brick Mamie!' House; ; Brick Bank Barn, BRICE SMOKE HOUSE, _Bake _llintsc _House, Large Wagon Shod, and other convenient but build-. Inge, a stream of running water near the house and abundance of Fruit of all kinds consisting' r Apples, Peaches, Pears, Grapes, 'Sc. The farrago beautifully situated-on the bank of the "Yellow Brooches' Crook, tho boil in the highest-. possible state,of Cultivation, consisting of n mixture of Llmestono and crook bottom laud, and nearly all under ymit and rail Rma, and an abundant supply-of locust tr,oes grooving. . . - - ' ETSPONSLEW, --- Aug. 31, 1866. , Real Estate Agent. • -- TWO Viiiiidbri:3lFix — nts of Timber ITUA TE on the South . Mountain near 11ount Holly Spring's. • Oonsisting viz, 1 Tract containing 75 Acres, adjoining'tho prpperty .of the Mt. Molly Paper Co. Well' covered Ivith, young chestnut. - Another tract containing 40-Acres adjoin ing the above, Apply to - • . • - - A.L. SPONSLEIt, - Meal Estate Agent. July 27,1866. •.. ' • Hotel' Property in. Churehtows at - Private Sale., - • 'I.TUATE on Main 'StrCot containing S 170 foot In front and 160 foot In depth lloproye, monts a Imrga T l/oublo two-story • FRAME HOUSE', Ektenslvo Stalling and Sheds, Wash itouso, And oth or conyonlent out buildings, an exCellent Well of Wit. ter at the door, and a cistern Iri.the yard. For torms I and further partieulain enquire of the owner-Mrs. Barith - S: ! Lliget, residing In Ohurchtawn, Cr of a ' A: L. BPONSLEft, / •litafB,.lB6o. .• „ Real Estate Agont.. . . OMIL Insurance' Company of .14Ovi liavon; Connoctiout,43tatemont ofaunuary Ist, Citpltal stock. ' . 000,000,00 Burplus '270,880;10 Losses unadjusted rNBUIVAIICES MADE ITIiPETJJAL AND TAMPOR • ARY. • , the Osiotte of this Ooinpany consist of United States' Clovornment tiocuritios, stocks 1n Nations/ Batiks, and .Ist, Mortgagee on Mal Rd Tim Board of Directors havo doctored a iiiiiihAnn`ual cash Dividend of .Ikn per civil from from Govarnment.Tax payablo on and at tar 16th, January, 1810. • - • ' • ' Also a serip,Dividend of. Sixty per 'cent oh 'Om earned .Preiplem of tondos entitled to particlpato in the Liu , Me for the year-ending let of-January, 1860: Avid hero voted to Menem the Oapitell i3tobli of the COM, ',any to Ono Million of Dollars. Apply lo -A.L. BYONOLOR, Agent,. . . ... : • . . • •FOR SALE, ,, ; '. "• '' , . - - . - OWN"PIiOPEATY on Sonth:-linno , ir street, Carlisle, Comprlsingl2o feet In front MI 240 feet in dopth having thoroon oroctod 3 Buell- II .t tog minus, Shops and othor Buildings will ho sold on+ tire or divlded,lp,eu , it purchasers. Apply to, .. •• • • .. :-,4. h. SPONSLIiII.: Fub.l.o, 1806.'"^• =I Vntitable' "riot , of Tgrauia - on South • .atreof contaliittig over 600 fold In front and2ol.l n daittc. Alan, a Lot Oat the corner of Pitt and. South etreatai'containfrc7ootbetlit - tront - and - Ild forst-icr depth. Apply to , „vantage will find it - tothidir ad.::j_ vantage to call and pnrclutee theji Medicine at Spring. Goods: AND PRQVISION - STORE ! G R 0 CE , Land at Private Sate FOR SALE. L: 4 J3i" . 4SN'EII f ER. lattixa The Boys-in-Blue are Comi by • • • Efaw .. of Writtari Robert Hawley, • .• Wintanitport. • They are coming Andy Johj , ivn.a_ . iiost . "Hoye id Nine"— Fresh from a hun d red fields of war, the battlement e, No nofr with gloaming. bay,' and roll of I:3ariial , drum, A. But arm'il with ballots for the Right, in penfld ran re they come. , ''"-- .Toolifold the slurry flag they bore from traitors' hands anew.; Thoy aro coming, Andy Johnson—aliost of Boys in Bloc. • They 11 . 1 - 0 coming Johnson, - the loyal Boyii hr Froth 11fnino and from Non - Hampshire, and the Boy State over true.; From tit, greon monntaid - of Vormont and littlo Rhody's shore; . . From the homesteads of Conneptieo the hardy veterans An late when &tilting bar the land the' utiwa of Sumpter flew, .. They . are 'Oming Aioly J,ohnon—llie•-loyol Boys fu Blue They . aro coining, Andy Johustin-J-tha loyal pop in .tir6m Now Jorsoy nod from yolawnre, and Maryland Wed and - And froin the gtand old Koyatono—mall outworlog to 111111.1, With 'dodgem for tine... Star Brigade,. nud Geary in Ow Te yOld the soldiure' mood of pouff, to worth acid valor due— Thoy aro coming, :Andy Johnson, Bo loyal Boys in - Blue.. • They ore coming, Ali y Johnson, the earnoot Boys _in Bre, Fromshop.nnamill,mhl forgo and licid7thnoteadfoot .nml4Le trno, The heroe,, of the Empire ,t.ele;deppitie her recrenut • " son, . ... Co turns to shame and niOchuijiho good doeds lin o spurn with wrath the e Moses fitiso, .the faithless Aaron, too, They aro coming, Andy Johnson, tho earnest Boys ip Blue. - . . Tlioy are coming, Any 30.,,,,T,, : tfi0 veteriins tth. West,. ----- From the grapapratriee aPtheir lakes—the linesE,l the best; Frorn'tho broad rivers whose strong waives hest Joyous, to tlko mew Tho tk vosuro of a coutlnont—the fritkato of the free: To operklexonecrtuoie, in thunder Tones, a Prople'a.,,,,hlgl behest; They.nre coming Andy Johnson, the voterans of the W.A.. 4 They are cothing, Andy Johnson, the freonien of tho -- land, To saws the prize they, won with blood from Treason'u , eager hand; r From the White Ilotiso to ,Lake Michigan thuy'vo beard your wanton opeech, To Jeors and throats and eornes loud this plain response - they teach; • 13y tho memory of Antietam and Lookout , Mountain • high ; Ily the nOile - dead Of-Gettynlin'ig, - in - lion'Oreil - grnves who lio ; 'By memory of Fort Douolson itud Shiltddo bloody Olioro ; By tho memory of the Wilderneas and Vicksburg's can non rime; Dy memMy of Fort Pillow's slain—by scenes we may not tell, Of Libby and of Andorsonvillo, and many a robot hall; By thole who fell when ShOrman marched proudly to the sea. ' : By those who at Richmond tho shouts of victory. Dy momory of. DT loved and loot of many a Nordlen homo, By mothers,' widows,' oplinio. ,, fur tlioso who rie'er may come— Py.memory of 'our Martyr 'olllof,' by fool 1.1149 MEN °lain ; ' No Cobol horde, no traitor, baud goal rulo our laud • ngnin; _ But traitors shall be- punished, and tnonson odious And wee to him, or high or low, by whom we aro bei , They n'in . 7tiiniing,,,Apdy . hinfrutlibytrhi Fresh from aihuntlrodi flokl Of war, the battl!worn end • •••• :11 •fi I • . s • Not now .wiffi glenming,bayonot, And r911, - ,of martial BM ornied with hitlloto for thou right; in peabeful nuke they ochno,- •• • , • " To guard tho stayry thoy lova from traitors' Mauls They ore. cputiu4 Andy boat pf .Buyie iu .. ~ _ To tii pOldiere of curriborAait' a CO. Comredes. C 1 Min, the; guti, which shot kway the American flag, from Sumpter's _midis aroused the slumbering millions. of the North= to - the - stern rortlities-Of=Warr'inehmf all parties remembering only their Country , and its tiag, , ruslied to itsslefenco and.march- ed shonlder in thograndnrmy of the, • .I.lepublic. The nationp_of—the.' Old World; not indifferent' spectators—wore amazed . at the sudden transformation of vilians into'eflicioneiOldierr7 , .,And tho sur viving heroes of the late - war', who at theif country's call forsook home and friends for the, deadly conflict of battle, cannot regard with indifference tho marshalling of3forces for tho-,great ',political; battle on. the,9ol 'of nowt October. The; ihailettiougliloss deadly., is notices important. • • 'The candidates- who,-nre -before , ybu , -lor • your suffrages, pro • representative' men: their respective parttime.- Gen: - , Cleary - repro , cents that party which, aided by the Union soldiers in' the hold, carried the war to a suc cessful end, crowning 'the banners. of thci Army -of- the Union with victory, I ~ 3ieister Clymer fitly represents that party whose sympathies were not with the Upion soldier, but with the traitori'and which sought:, by eVery means .to embarrass the. North;land aid thq South in its treasonable cauen The:se are thomer., soldiers, between .whomi you are'to choose ; r and that we may 'vote under, standingly, lot us .briefly revie3v, their re respective-records during the last five years, I shall• not do. Mr. - Clymer the! injustice to supOose.thatho.dosired the dissolution Of:the• 'Union- but he Wanted' the Southern traitor, and not.tho Northern patriot,' to dictate the _torms_uponLW_bieh - a re-union might belied. ;When 'war brokmoub-Mr: Clymer Was p, Senator from perks Co. •Ar bill having boon . introduced to arm' the. State, he wit his Domocriitio,collenguesiVeted against 'it. On the 9th of April 1863, the Senate' pro. cooded to the consideration, ofbill to en. able citizens of, this Commonw alth.engaged in, the militarrand, naval service , of the 'Unite& States, •or the' .military service of• Pennsylvania, to vote.". Against..this bill Mri Clymer again:yotel :In the -session of 1864, when. the -7Consfitutional amendment Was . proposed, giving soldiers absent in the field the right, to'voto, Mr.. Clymer - dodged: theNolo. 'And latoidn,the - session when a, bill. was introdficed _to_cerry into,offecit Constitutional! amendnienti Hei step Clymer 710 i billyitipb a agaiii - stit,,but "vbtnd again , bill to legalize'the pqmont of bounties to yvolunteers havilig been nitiodnced, , upon its tpassagoldrz-Clymer-voted-egainstitz--.TRes you see that every offieial. act 'of•his - ,during tbose-years of, war. was:in:direct apposition; to-the inforestp:af these who.weve. their lives for. the-salvation of the Xoocl I InfOrra you that..3lr. Clymer. was $776,880,10 $35,07V2 •• • • - - s‘ • - • - . • f‘ - - 0 )1_ i) • Friday, - 06totier 5,.1866 an ardent supporter •of the ' platform and. candidate of that "peace-at-any-price". con hlintion in .1864, by, which the, rebellion 'when, it was tottering to its overthrow:be fore, the steady. blows of the Union arms, was warmed into a new lease of - life;--brde daring the was a failure,•and detnanding a convention nf. the states ,p arrange a basis of peace. - Thus virtualiksurrendering, the Union /trudge to the cohorts. of treason. ~ - ,And when. Andrew Johnson - became rec reant-to thdpfedges by, hich he was °lova d. to power, Heister, Clymer, though . , ho %la 4;previously denounced' him .. as a-nwre .) jefftling df Federal patrondge and power," • im`dedi tely. endorsed (by the convention which, ounnatbl him) the " policy" which :Arid v i, ' Johnson announced• as that by. _wlifeh_the__U_nion_nlight be restordd._This policy be' it remembdred s -demands the im mediate iincoriditldial - adniission of rebels, whose hands ere yet red with. the blood of comrades cruelly murdered in Southern pris on pens ' 'to the fall powers of the-Govern silent. • The legitimate results of thit.vpticy, in the murder_pf loyal Unidn men, thus malting. treason honorable, and loyalty odious. With this black record Holster Clymer comes before -the . people • and his friends have the effrontery to ask Union sel diers to vote for him. • I .shall not insult' your patriotism •by-asking Yon-whether you intend, doing it. • '• - . , , ,_ . - . _ The record of General Geary • contrasts greatly with that of his opponent.. When AreasOn_op.ened_its-blitteries op Fort Saul-ti ter; ho left his home at tlie first t4nf 'the drum-,and marched to the defence of his country's flag, to maintain the Union estah 7 Bribed by the blood and valor of our Royal titionary• herocs._*His record stem then is written in the history of the Country. In 1862, for' meritorious'conduct he was 'com missioned a Brigadier;• and when in 1863, our State was invaded, with the Army of the Potomac, hp fights gallantly in the mein 'arable battloof Gettysburg. Is then With his porps,-transferred to GEN.. SITERALKNVarmy, and with him' Marches to the sea. In Jan uary, 1865, for "cminctitfitness to command 'and promptness to execute,! is promoted to 'the 'tank of Major General. Ho accompa nick SHERMAN' in his march through the Carolinas, and with his ~ . White ts'Mr Diqis present, at the aurroader -of John -stun 's forces, -having,- participated in over ! half a hundred battles, -was four times ivounded, and 'having inside the circuit of the Rebel. Confederacy. - This, comrades, is the Man between whom and Ifiester-Clymer,"you 41 soon be called on -to choose. I- feel assured that the "Boys in Blue" of old Mother Cumberland will hbnor themselves in assisting-to give Gen. Geary a handsome, majority, in, this- county.- There-is county.- no doubt but that he will be elected Governor, tlui only question being how large we shall make his majority. , =Of-our local ticket I-need say nothing:- They are - men known to yousill„ for worth and - patriotisni ; and county would_ honcir herself by .electing them. - . . Rally then mound ttia standard of liberty, and swear by the memories of the past, by Comrades slain, by the tortures of rebel prison pens and by the memory of our murdered President, that treason, and treason's sym pathizers, must and Will,be conquered. Governor, 0. S. Morton, Of Indiana, at a recent meeting hold at NoW Albany in that State, made a speech in favor of the Amend ment and thellepublican'party, in 'which ho well described the attitude of the Democracy', and pointed out the position in which that party at'present stands. In a few "words ho does away with all tho sopisttlin ?Tind to the irresponsibility of , tlle Democracy so far at high taxes aro concerned : "As to the Union there would be none. if the Democratic party of the North had not 'been defeated at the polls, and the Demo cratic party of the South had not been de feated upon the; field of battle. Every Dem- . odratie orator and newspaper agonizes upon the subjedt of high taxes. They dwell pa thetically upon the oppression of the people, and pretend to .thank God that the Demo crlatic party has no responsibility in the mat -ter. But, how stand.; the great fact? These high taxes, one and all who levied by the Democratic party. That party is the author . and creator, absolutely-, of the great debt which now rests upon the country, not, in `deed; liy 'direct legislatidh, but by bringing upon the country the terrible necessities out of which it, Inks grown. . i--;111ad it not been for 'the, assuraucd given by thn Democratic'party of the North tothe - South, that nofoSiStririce . Winild be to gifcession, and that the Government and the people of the North would be held still while the work of. establishing, a Southern Confed eracy should be , perfchied, the :Rebellion never would have been undertaken. ..When Democintie_politician. cOmes around . .y_ou_ Climoring,;about ,high taxes, you .4an turn to hith and.say as Nathan did to David,. illhou are 'the man.' The encouragement ou gave to Rebels first levied these taxes.' he assistance you:gave to, rebellion contin ued there,. and the persistent and devilish 'Malice with which-you traduced tho Gov ernment, the army, and the groat causer: for whicli L lya „strugglerN, swelled thorn to,'. .xvhat-theyrAare4-andLno,w:.—YOr4q-LalininfLis publin'' disturbers, by falsely ascribing -to others the direct consequences of your •own' wickedness. . In . Advance of the Telegraph The following clover Jen d'esprit appeared in the Syradruse4inz'rna/ Of Sept. 4: President Johnson; who thoroughly ap preciates qur. efforts to make the public... C amilla:: with his policy and character, has • kindly. forwarded -us the rough notes of the sp,Abli 'he intends tomko upon his arrival at Chicago. Qs t m his speech greatlydifrors • fro:a:14110m which-die :Chief-Magistrate. has boon making since le loft the- Capital, Wo shall take the liberty of - toying his notes ho tore our-' readers., Of - 'course; in perusing ttlem, it will be borne in mind that they ire ory crudely drawn up,. and.-will, doubtless, bo ueh olabciratod .boforo delivery,•rocoiv ing th so oratorical graces which the Prosi ;dent '.lcithAys how to host*, and that aro . - quent,*sirople and 'manly garb in which the :President usually clothes the thodghts which ho-Spreads bofore,a listening nation: The diStinguishod Magistrate, tillvnyg ,fond, of system ins his addresses; and over desirous -of avoiding ropetition,'has;pprgkored his parpgruphs.. His • manuscript Nimbi as • fol- "1. He who now addressee you is a Hum blo'lndividual• • 4 . 2. I have fillod . all the oftloos which-tho Nation , ko9 bastdw. ffoiu Alderman. u. o Prosidorit of tho'l7iiitbrStatos.' 'I am very flinch ribesed n'subii dizedi,corrupt anti mendacious press.' - Pardon- my alluiling to myself, hut-L• -bbg leavo to•informr that I commenced as an Alaernum_of 9 of the small towns of -this - Nation ; vent,. from• that to Mayor, from that to the,, Legislature, from that to Senator of the,State -Logislaturb, from - that to the Itotise(of BeprosentatiVcs, from that to -t Senate cirthe lJnitedßtates r and from tha to the Presidential, chair. • , • "'G. 'I am no. traitor ; Mr. Seward is no traitor ; nobody that stipporhi•My'Policyls a traitor. ' • . A , • • „vitish4o,„bo_ogetistio, but :I must say that I have occupied all tin? places - friMl — AlWernian - up to the .pnaltion I - now occupy,—prcsident of the Unitud . States. minabers 'of tpngress tv,he op - poscr - 30 - Poli l y - are - all - trafters - ; --- eierybo - dy. .who opposes y'.polioy is a traitor: • f , 8,. not •my habit to make •rriontieff •of.mysolf, but it is perhaps. my duty .to. say, that I have boon an 'Alderman, a May,or;:a 'fitate' Sbii'ator a ItapioSentative; a Senator - ' UNION 11LuB WELL PUT ': . , of the , United States Senato,!and now I am 'Pregnant, What more do rWant •u 9: The 'Union party may gd to the "devil. . . ; - J.. lo . — Mra - Mbitfo — n — iii - T - mtislied-First I was an Alderman; then a -.Mayor, then a member of a State Senate,' o a member of the House' of Represent ti Fs( then a member of the United State Senate, and at this moment I am President of the United States, • , 11.%Vh0 wants niggOrs to voto ? If the Northern States want niggers to vote, why don't they let them vote at home ? Niggers shan't vote; I desire them to haw; the same ehaneo:as white men: "12. Perhaps you are not' aware, fellow eitiiens, that I have 'been an Alderman, a ..Mayor ' Stnte_Sonator, allepresentative, O. United States Senator, and finally President of the United States. f 9.3. Tho_Congressmen who voted for tho Freedmen's -Bureau - Bill and the_eivil. Rights Bill" fire ell fools. I'd like to - fight tlio whole onehundred and'eiglity-two of thorn. . • - 34 -It. is a matter of history that, after being,uni Alderman, n Mayor a Static--Sena tor, a member of the House of Ropresenta:. tiros, States. Senator, I became _President: Lincoln_ was assassinated and Seward - butchered;-ant so I became-Presi dent: 1 . " " 15. I have great Confidence' in the American people, all except Members, of Congress, Unicnists..and--Niggersi-rthepare ._ all traitors, und.l.mean tofight them. " Id. Nobody over held so many offices as- I have. have Illled all the posi tions in lice , such as Alderman, Mayor, State Senator, Member of Congress, United States Senator, and at length' I was mado President. "17. I repent that Seward- is no traitor; he stands by me and 1 stand by him ; I am not afraid - of a subsidized and Mercenary press; all loyal people may go to the devil ; the Baltimore platform is, my- platform:; Douglas wean friend. of mine; 1 em going -to erect.a..mobusnent over him ; I ain but upon an electionaking. tour ; I have'nt pun ished any Southern traitors, but I mean to make it up by punishing lots a Northern traitors ; every man who .don't - go for me is a traitor; I am no traitor; be traitor; -because -1- We've - boon an - Alderman; U.. a-Mayor; then a State Senator, -then a Representative, then a Member of the Unit ed, States. Senate, and then President. . Our readers will obsefvo how much unlike all the President's previbus 'speeches this noble elusion- will he. They, will admire with us the Versatility, the many-sidedne of Presidential character. They will ad mirewith us that-Wonderful flow of thoughts and words, or 'ideas and images, 'of siunilos and maaplkors, Whieli.sees.ofr finis remarks. -They -Will bdmire with us -that 'singularly" piire thole, that- unatfecto- 'modesty, they' _lofty patriotism, that respect for. his opt)°, Olin, that regard for-tho-law-making body, which characterize Oils Chicago addl•ess he they have characterized all his,prbvious-nd dresses. --They Will unite with us; in thank ing-him for forwarding us so Much in ad•- vane° of the telegraph, an abstract of this most adjuirable and most concise of all his • adtnirable and concise speeches.—Syracuse Journal, Sept. 4. DEMOCRACY How They Stand• A Black Record Keep it before the people that the Demo cratic party gave the Negroes of NOW York the right to Tote TWENTY NINE years before the organization of the Republican party. 2. Keep it before the people that the Do inocrats gave the right to vo c to the negroe in Ohio live years before- he Republican party was formed. 3. •Kceji it befitre the t o that negroes voted, in-Pennsylvania ntil that- right was repealed by the new onstitution of 1836. Keep it before the people that the only white man it elect tooffice, who was- mar ried to• negro s was Richard M. Johnson, a DemoOratic Vico President. 6. Keep it before the people that the Dem ocrats are - Opposed to a mire WHITE Rep resentation: They are in favor of :NEGRO Representation in Congress. _ Keep it before the people that °untie States, fully Re -half of the negroes are mulattoes supposed to be the fruits of democratic squatter sovereignty. _ 7. Keep it before the people that demo crats thought•the negro too good to enter the army and tight.fOr his country. • ,- 8. Keep it before -the people that by- the democratic plan of reconstruction - thirty, three Members of pongresswoulclrepresent blaclrconstituents; - . 9. hoop it before the people that the only amalgamatibillns - are the denperatf. , of the South. 10. Lot it be romenlimrad..that. the De mocrats' sent out' bills with a negro' and White,man upon it ostensibly; to ridicule the Republicans; but really .to show. their desire for negro,equality. • . , . .11. Let it be remembered' that the Demo-' cratic nur=ses of the South are' lower than the negroeLthemselves in•the eyes-of Demo cratic Leaders. , • • • • 12. Let it be 'remembered that the Demo 'cratic Party is the only Simon-pure negro shrieking, negro loving., negro -bawling and _thualgamation_p_arley_im.the_country----, - 18. Lot it be remembered that-the Demo. crate voted to sustain laws in .Kansas ma king tkto penalty, of 'steiding a negro child, death, while 'for steallrig a White Child 't hee of Fivo dollars andimprisonment for a term not exceeding six months was imposed THE SOUTHERN 1'17.E88. ti, • • The rebel papers are rapidly getting re constructede into the tone and style which theyiised during the war. ' 'The Richmond Examine.? thinks the tribe of apes; bettor knoWn ag radicals," will need .to get up a tourrin_ltnitatiop of.ooro§i4 , lift's,,P l '9".r'''? but htiggests that a The paragraph which follows is quite in -the fa miliar manner of two'yearli ago":', " We era afraid ..,that •tlid apes ,will have, to go back to the middle, ages fora saggqst ion. - In those days 'there wore fanatic pit; gilinages hi which certain' holy relic's wore borho to attract and inspire all the dovput along the journey. Wherefore not exhume 'the bones of the king ape, ()inn who played such fantastic. tric4 before high heaven as made: the• angels Weep), and parade them through' the land." •'' • ' •.• ' .• 'Yet tha:Exaininer is a supporter of Mr. Johnson's policy, and that policy, as its-au thor has many, times declared, is only a cqia tinuatiort of that of Mr. Lincoln. , The Petersburg Expte.s' thuS shoNyA that' the South tuidorstands tire promptings of the. Thiladel hia address ami,is ready:tifinhe4- Orate a now re TilliZth flier pi csont demundii, are not complied with ,• _ "At• the Philadelphia convention,, the South' made over.' cOncesSion that she over into Mis to Make 'to 'Morn is. iixixaqted of her, it willhavii to be by, force ; but she will never-lit') party. hqr own ' . .. The.ShrevepOrt,' Louisiaiia;.NO:s avow's that the South is biding her lilac, to strike 'another blow Torlyidependanee. ...tts words. aro as folloWs: " : , 4, 'lmpatient, venerable.§oatliren r we have 'all to gain and nothing to loose in the con 'test browtrig . the tho faii-haired son you.mourn, who fell in the dark copses - of Chichamatiga, - or perhaps upon the blOody heights Of Gottyabut, looks over the crystal buttlenients of heaven and'omiles, as the oloud'cif iliteitino war' broadelia - oVer' the - Araweth-near.'. . . pationti youngptnlwarrhoronf - many - A well fought field; the yotii dollver, anbo 10 nigh Ftlid coindth when ftho, despotiona 'llll„,riyotod=upon 'your proud limbs - shall be hurled aside, and open more you shall step forth in the pure sunlight of the newly risen sunof independ ence, emancipated arid free.. Let us wait end,-lope; let- , us--mot“orget that, when thieves fall out, honest mon get their Aube; for as Rife. as effect follows cause, -the 'con -vention assembled to-day at Philadelphia is the entering wedge to ;inaugurate civil strife."- ' The article appeared .August 18, and the closizig words of the quotation refer to the .71,ra/ Philadelphia convention. • - The - Mather for' the release 'of Davis con tinues. Tho Richmond Ezvintiiier says : " Mr. Davis does not belong td the custody Of the radical party, and as little to that of Congress. Congress has as little jurisdiction over his fate as the Convention - will have which metes in Philadelphia on Sep ‘tember 3d. It is too Into to mince matters. All the workiknows who hat' the liberty of ,the_illustrious -prisoner Mills disposal; and although we have heretofore forborne to dis cuss this 'aspect of the business, knowing 'that the President deferied to the - proposed fiction of the judiciary . committee, it is noiv high time to place the responsibility where it belongs. We cell upon the President to do right in spite of the 'radicals, who, are not likely to love him more because ho still confines Mr. Davis." _ The statement of the Augusta Chronic/6, to which wo have given the publicity -re guested, that "Northam men are as safe in by what follows in the same editorial. The Ch ronicic - says?- - ' - " We must candidly, say, however, that those who come to taunt and insult our peo plegn account of the war, and to 'advocate negro equlity and negro suffrage, are neitbes welcome nor world we promise them securi ty." . This 'can.. 'mean only that a surveillance 'will be inaiutained oyer priliato opinion as in'the old times, and that, in the .words of another Southern paper, Northern emigrants ust "leave their consciences-behind them." The' Wilmington Dispatch shows - the spirit in which the reconstroeted commtini , ties receive the efforts made to teach their ignorant masses "This So u theran„#_,seem s' will neyer escape the wrath ofthe Almighty, at it - because oftlle negitM:“o employ those means which Ele had given, a lack of appre ciation of which caused the defeat That we sustained in our, effort . to . achieve . , indepon dance. ''Curse after curse, like those- which de scended on: the Egyptians,' came spreading dismay throughout our lend: - Military rule: first, Freedman's Bureau - insolence, Yan kee impertinence, all have 'been upon :ms, and all have been bogie with a very coni mendable patience. ^Tlre.worst of itll •the curses which we _ . have been called upon- to Subinit , to, how evcir,_is the insupportable,- i adorable nui sance of school marms-in our midstleniching the infant 'idea how to shoot.' . We had hoped -this .pestilential race would give us the go-by. We could Stand anything else that:was sent; but when the benevolent so= clinics of Boston sent out-eriiissaries that We should sink under this, the last, the worst of all our . punishments for a-Criminal failure to accomplish our own political sal vation-when the moans were at hand." CYNE --- 0E - SUPPORTERS. There has been of late, and is Still so Much talk of hanging people, and of people deseryingto be hanged—inn/any cases "to be hanged_ as . ..high as Ilayman," , which ap pears to be a peculiarly degrading or pain ful form of this punishment—that when we „Say General Forrest, late-of the Confederate army, ought to have been hanged, wo shall / probably seem to be guilty of violpf language, and meet with no attention.---And yet there is - no question that for the massacre of Fort Pillow, he really and literally de served summary execution, both — according to municipal law and the law of war. We will-go further, and say ,that there is no other country in the world in which this - man would,- if he fell into the victor,:fbakOs under the same circumstances as' those un ,der-which he' fell into ours, have: escaped condign and immediate punishment. yet ho is to-day a free man; and actually pre sided, ,a 'few days ago, at a mooting - at Memphis, called to ratify the Philadelphia platform; and had general Stoneman—our, Stoneman—seated beside • him. If, two years Ago, a foreigner had asked niriety4ti no `! out of - every of .the free States whether, this thing could evdr be, the ques tion would. have been resented ns an insult. „ -The -Nation.. Political Chips During the war Hiestor Clymer and his party cal led our soldiers, 4 Lincoln'Hirelings.' Now they would-hl•o them all to vote for Clymer, if they eduld.. • The Rebels and-copperheads-are in favor of assuming the, payment of . .the Rebel war debt and, of course repudiate our own. llie,iter Clymer voted against the right of Union soldiers vote. Ho is now in lavor 61'bestowirig the highest POTitical honor and power upon the rebel heroes of Anderson ville and Now Orleans. Every..4elerter from the Union army in PonnNafanin is for iliester .Clymer for. tli'd - le.W - ceteluding deserters from the.,ballot Mester Clymer and his white man's party,' in 1864 soot Bill Rhoads (white macs) and Prof. - Aaron Sill [Bladkrimin] to Yu gihia; for the purist, of - buying negroes 'to go to war as substitutes- for-Rorke county [white] democrats. • - , . , Jeff. Davis is strongly in favor of Mester Clymer and . so is Andrew Johnson. Gen. Grant onn-Clymer To Mc alitor of the-Press . SIR:—As. Glen, Grant'S.: tour - to tho3t; in -icom pa ny-,w i th::: his , Acci de n ey;--has -been used for the purpose of making capital for the ilohnson-Clymer party in this State, al low me,' through' the columns of Tire; -Press, to state is conversation which occurred' be.' tween -the General-and a.prominent citizen of :the State, while the Presidential .party were Stopping at Harrisburg. Gen. Grant; in speaking of the llnneyitnees to which he had been sulijeoted from politicians on the route,'be 'stated that, after they were.met by the committee of reception from Harrisburg, a red-headed gentleman who belonged to-the committee (supposed 'to. beR. - A. Lainber ton,iEsq.,) engaged him in conversation con -corning our State election.- "Do you expect to eleet Clymer?" . said General Grant:— Certainly wodb, and by a largo majority,'. was the reply. "I am sorry to-hear you say so," responded Giiiieral Grant; "AND i WOULD CONSIDDRit IT AN INHULT TIIAT ANY LOYAL MAN SINTO:..t.D .44 'Asaifirro -- . - vorr -- , iron A MAN . WIIO jiRRN AS DISLOYAL REWIRE THE WAR AND_ALL, TMROIIOII . TIIR-,WAR AS lILESTER CLYMER I: lYAS. h kolf'aay , eoppar-: wishes hereafter to !niake capital, for Clyineeby asserting that. ,General Grant is with -theniuthe , above. copyorsation,llibich actually occurred, will 'lx, with considerable . morocertaintY, the ffiolitical 'status of- , the General than his' aenlipl'ilsO,iy . l,elir An 'drew - Johrisentan'do. • • • MEI Ai-.igew 'Dodge The coliperheirds' ere *Sing hard' To make votes out of everything; and the latest dodge is to take, the deserters froth the Union army. and have them assessed under ,an assumed name: There is OnOcaso - Of this kind:re; ported_in the Eighth Ward of Iliienity.and• should ho'n warning to AIM •UniOn men of I this county. - Poll.corTriiinitteA7Shiatld 'An eye. on theso;folloWa Mid - Spot:penis when thernttemi4 such an outrago - Oa. the biettot~ , box. , WO have horrid of many attfirl dodges, but7this thl3to. Tat;: ES=MI ~~~ THE -- 'PREESIDEIi T'S NO: .'4o • RESTORAT V IOI4 The Policy of the 'Union Party to' Restore the National Utiion—Shalb Loyal Men or• Traitors Control .the GoveriimpntTh Union Party Pledged to the PaYment of the Nationatll Debt-'-And Opposed to the Assumption of the Rebel Debt. ' . Tho following, are the amendments 'the National Cohstitutio_n, which were opposed by the Democratic party in Congress, which aro opposed by the friends of ,Mr. Clymer, and 'which were passed by the Republicans in Congress and are now supported by the friends of Gen. — Cleary. The amendments consti tute The platform of the Republican party. I No man can vote misunderstandingly who carefully reads and, ponders this . platform : Res:olved by .thp Senate uiuZ nouse bf RTresentatives of the United States of America, . : in Cojugress .assembled, two thirds of both flosuses concurring. That , the.followieg article be proposed to tho Legislatures of • the. several States as an amendment- to the - Constitution of the United States, which, - whea t raiified ,h3T three.foti - rths of said_Legislatuall.4ll be valid as a part ,of the Constitution, " An:ritual- I —, Section 1. All peiSons born or-naturalized in the United States, and subject, to, the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the-United State's, and 'of, tlfe State Wherein they reside, No State shall make or enforce any law - which . shall abridge the privileges or immuni tiesof citizens of the United States: Nor shall any State deprive *any person of life, liberty, or property. without due process-of laW, nor deny_ to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protec tion of laws, " Section 2. RepresentatiVes shall be appOrtio'ued -among the several , States, according - le their respective numbers, connting - the whole number of persons in each-State,- excluding- Indians not taxed; but whenever the rigid,"to vote at * any election• for electors of President 'and Vice President,- or for United:States Representatives in Congress, executive * qind judical offießrs, or` the members _ef the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of sue State, being twenty-ono years of age, and citi zens of the United States, or in any way abridged- r -exeept-for partieipatiOn in ice bellion or other crime; the basis of rep: reseutation therein Shall be reduced- in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens. twenty-one years of_age in that State. Section, 3. No person shall be a Sena tor or 'lle'presentative in Congress, chie. tor of President-and Vice President, or hold any office, civil • or Military, under or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member 1 of any State Legislature, or us an executive or judical officer or any State to support the Con stitution of the United States, shall have,engaged in insurrection orifehellion against thesanie4r given aid or comfort to the enemies. thereof; but Congress may, be a ',Ate of • two-thirds of each Ifouse,--remolp--sucy_ Section 4., The validity of ,the public debt "of - the, United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for, service in _suppresping _insurreetion_or rebellion, shall not he questioned, but neither the United States or any Stale, ehnll assurne.or pay any debt or obliga Lion incurred in 'aid , of insurrection or rebellion against the ,United States,_, or claim for the loss or emancipation of any slavei-gutall-such-dcbts,—obligationstand claims shall be held illegal and void. Bound Democratic Doctrine At ad)ornoeratia meeting , held in the Court House, id Bedford, on Saturday - ev, - ening, B. the Demi'erotic candi date for-Senator,—uddrassed: the audience. During his 'remarks ha said the naive M . Booth would live. Ho like ,Winkelroid, liadlaid down his life for his' country, that Switzerland had her Whihetreid, Scotland licr Bruce and America liar Booth, and that "the time would come when a manument would. bderocteCto..Booth.higher _then...that. erected to Lincoln. Thesi3 sentineenta wore received without any marks of gisapprobation: OEN.' 'OItANT'S - POLICY t , To ask . any Soldier to vote for such a man as HIESTER CLYMER, of, at ono ti no,. disloyalty,•• against another who has-seryed four years - in the Union Army, with credit - to himself and benefit to his' country, IS A GROSS - INSULT," . Gon. 'GRANT; . • at Cincinnati..-• • - Mr. Clymer when ,Senator" Noted to pay, the interest on the public debt - of - this st,to 'in gold and silver, while the soldier was laid in currobey. •A large portion of our Stitt) debt is hold by the English ship buil- , -dersrtlio-Laird—flros•---T-lieso-are-tho-ineti who,-built vessels for the rebel risVyi. and it Mr. Clymer ,was: anxious - . to- reward them - for the •servieei they rendered 'Abu • ConTeiloritny: • It boat the State of.Penntiyi vanin or'ci•ittid millions of dollqxs, to pity the interest on its dobtlin,opeelii instead , of in currency. : The Clymer organs should let their people lcnOW'sornething of this . .. This is of; Mr, tiythor's record. Ifold it upjnifore the people. • ' • • Vhe 'Utica (N. Y,)'..flarril(l,ls.respensible for, the. statement .that Secretary. Sownrd said to a Union Colonel, ' after witnessing. the popular demonstrations in the West: -woilld'zivo my right arm if I could be placed back - to, the 22d of,February, If be were to give' both.arms he coulclmot acemnplish his desire 'A . groat - reputition.lnta gonetinder ._tholnan 'who makes, a,bueineas of. raising 1:19 . 31c for Faarlto wlty - bawd-kk by his, Links in the ,Chain - . • 'I.IM, blast that . -the - sLorth clouds:, across the heavens shook, the oak, and the acorn cup, loosened from its fruit, fell on the pathway. -/1 cloud bursts; - raid-drop filled tho 'acosrn.cup. ' --- A -: rol.n - wearicebitlie - Suitily heat of an autumn day, and trouhleaty the fury of the. storm, hopped., on the path _when all was calm, hnd drank of the raimdrop. Refresh ed and gladdened,-he flew to his acclistomed place in the ivy that .overhung the poet's window,. and' there he trilled hiss sweetest, happiest song. The poet hcardl?and rising from -his rev-• erio, wrote a.' chant of 'graceful rejoicing. The chant wont 'forth' into the world, and entered :the house of sorrow and uttered its: heari-stirring aceects by.the couch of sick ness. The sorrowful' were Comforted, the sick were cheered. • • Many voices praised . the . .He said, " The . •iyas Inspirdd by the robin's - ;__ -"I owe my song to tlo rain-drop;" said i the robin. ‘ I should base sunk" irilo . the earth, had nek - rtiM,Sreero-cup received me,"•said the rein-drop. I had not'been there to.reeeivo you, but for the angry blast," said Elio acorn-cup. so-they that 'Were comforted praised ;the blast; but the blast replied; "Praise , Him at - whciSo word the stormy winditriseth and wire from darkness .can bring light, making His Mercies oftentimes' to pass through unseen; tinknewn. And unsuspected Zhannels, and .bring , irig, in „due time, by his own way, the grateful chant from the an- , gry-storm4deuth" Good Advice.. ". The following ad‘oce, by Theodore we cononend to every Republican at- this particular Limn us most appropriate:— "-Now is the time to shape the illustrimis issue. These crisp-, fresh, breezy, autumnal days make work a pleasure, and politics a pastime. Vexation ends ; the campaign be gins. Every minister who-has-a-loyal heart in his breast; ought to - be - the first - voice - in,— his parish . to spbak for the fall -elections. Every llepuolican laWyer ought straight- way to make an unanswerable brief for at 7icrikv- least one gootrarguinoft - with - the fore the day of decision. Every public-spir ited _citizen will_ now have sixty or ninety ays .wherein he may grandly serve his country adding his vele° to the thunder-rol of rebuke that is to- rattle th_e_window panel of the While House. Circulate tracts, newss " papers, documents and. speeches; where'Ver ' you read a good xi'Towi fitly spoken. cut it out and give it to some hesitating friend. But above all things, if youNcan get Andrew Johnson to visit your neighborhood and make a spjech, do-it.'' •': Tins K NG A Roo :.. An 'stnilerits of Nat ural are aware of a peculiar quad- t. rimed round only in Australia', and. commonly railed the Kangaroo. It .is • remarkable Mr its.jonming proclivities, id_ the feinare has a pouch between the fore and -hind legs, in which - BS young are carried: • This name has lately been given, and wo think very appropriately, to,timse Republi cans, who for the sake or oilier,. have jumped I'mm-the ranks of the Union party right IMO the midst of the Disunionists. In this city we (Intl 71111611 . 4 - Kangaroo RePubli cans, - one who not very. long ago, wits a. radical :tithing the radicals. No - ineasuro was to severe for Itltn. lie was in favor of negroaulfrage_long_before it was -spoken of in thi'S cotinty : yet, this man, litufgaroo-like, made a long jump, end, forgetting all s . hits past pretensions, has landed right in the inigt of those In:formerly denouncid; - But the jnnip has been toe much for4im,- and now he is trying to limp back again to his old position. Others have made the Kan, I„rttroor•jump,_and like the_anirn ids they ind- - tate, have carried their. young in their pouch- ' cs with them.- But' hero, as in Australia, Kangaroos are very scarce and seldom net with. They . 11143 noted only as a curiosity in ° political history, as their quadruped - namesakes arejloted its ell riosities in Nat ural history.. Alas; 'poor — Kangaroos I In this county you will - be a short-lived race, for after being tickled awhile and covered with the filthy slime of your present snaky friends, you will be (politically) crushed to death —Lancaster Inquirer. Senator Wade, of Ohio, in a recent speech, referring tit4he Presidential plot to recog nize the Southern members and their Nor thern allies as the real Congress in case they constitute a majority, odds .the following significant words: " What else ? This is not the Congress ; it is a usurped Congress, Without authority to pass constitutional amendments, o• enact laws.. If this be so—if us Mr. Johnson says, we am not Congress, , but a body of men assuming to be Congress—don't pia. see that the momoot he can get a majority , iit‘Congres% your—laws Will be declared void, as welt as - your constitutional amendment - by which slavery waS 'abolished? -Those .groat measures by . which the rights of the loyal Southern men Were protected—your Bureau laws, the Chill Rights - bill, - are to be reinutigurated, because it was not legally abolished. This the plot you are to face; and I tell you that, in ley judgment, there never hes been any issue before the Airier c people-to be 'compared in important with this - I - would n'ot give Unich for the stfilp of the wretch Who Should undertake to carry out such a proposition as this but that it nosy result in civil war 1 have no memo doubt than that 'Lem speaking here. It can only 'be avoided by the prompt and de cided action of the people in-the_re-election of their — loyal and fried—represaitistiVes."—r -- THE NEW YORK CITIZEN ON THE SI ; TUA.- TII/N.—TIN3 New I r s ok Citizen, edited by ''private Miles O. Roillyr an. ardent sup= porter pbrter of Andy Johnson's policY, in re-,a...;, viewing the polltical'sitaation exclaims: : a Powerful anti wealthy Radical*, are: re litch—thurliqu least have been held quite,. to' maim rtioni, • ' for - plitycid=out politicians of the-Conseoa lteiniblican and, Democratic stripe, which appoininnhits are a po,itivo fellows who do not command n corporiWs ' •gdard of cotes in OMr own diatricts, and whoao promotion rebels young and mon :tom tho 'party that commits the folly of—their,-levation,74n—Peansyl aro rushing to Tortain itna overwhelming defeat under the B attle-Flag 01 ' • Ilie4ter Clymer. The men - who-made _ the - first, inistake.of his nomination, have since • • repented it in sack-Moth and - ROMS 'but neither prayers noy.r.cproeches, neither ar gillifent3-Tror-repromili US neither-arguments_ nor ridicule have sufileed. to induce Mr. eiyIOUFS withdrawal._ Ile was implored to , rntire in favor tit- CWIIOIIII3 David' Gregg or Samuel W. Crawford, either of whom could have beaten C-lenenil Ovary - eirsily,;. hut' Clymer sticks to it, that he will be •cliesen-L Governeilif Pennsylvania by fifty thousand 'lnitrity, mid from delusi %It dream no ling Ind a count or, the votes can itrense his vanity. ' , „ . . , . 0 . '-.- Clymornd ilia So diors. a 1 -in the month of August, TRO T -, whilsUans _.,. 'of thousands of the " lioyuin 11 id' wore jar • -awily,.in tented fields, baring, heir bosoms tolhe shuck a 1• the sb veliOlders rebellion, a Bpeuinl-010Cli09 Was held in 2elin yi vaults on ' ',the adoption .or rijection of tlftestitutionl . amendment conferring,. on those rtivO men • '., lege-of-vatim; Wiritst-_-4 ' ervirmr--- The amendment ,ive all krow,•w s carried . r• lby a majority of nearly 10,000, my tar 2toombounties•sioting, akainsfiti-and thesei.of - --- - 901.1099,. all intensely ilopperhead, Among those latter counties was licrlai,.the mine of •' Holster.. Ol3unor, where the , vote gi mid - folfows: . , " -*, \ . . .. - Agtanst the nmendinont• 0,947 1.9{ . flip ampuilment ::: . : " 5,015 - 140Jullty tegaintlio soldto9 volitgr, • ..' :. . 1,9311. f t : Arid-this-vote, so • inignitattsly l onff st, it j.• is well known, 'was procured mai aly UR ugh' 1 the influence orllieSter' Olyiiiiir-thir' amo ', who is now, strangely enough, implant s , Alin : Votes of the soldiers ,whom hMthen sought to clisfrancli63l 2 ADO ' iii , Nince . 'f o Ter ..... ... .. , ,Tll6ontitr . ue. spirit of tolorilooo . iif onsoieltious - tolursitio'nsof - m r7p otioopi' inttaiironco • • . . , Eldlltimonts join Man; ' vann ) ,l opi 10 q" dividei t i them, • ME Ell 311