, .;. . South Middleton All Right. , ' P E AND WIDE SPREAD SUCCESS IF ”Tilli BEST EY ID lii: CS 01 , i'll E 6 OODN ItSS OF eitAN- The citizor sof South Middleton favorable DBETIUS PILLS.—They shohld be in every family, to the election of Gen. Geary and tho Union ready for We on thy first symtcony of ditatase occur- Republican County ticket, met at Boiling. ring. This method will often 50,1 Ilfo. ltementher. Springs on Friday evening, the 14Ch inst. , the The assemblage was large and enthusigstic,' k Cholera must be treated as a Poison. and was ably addressed by Gen. Lemuol and your atroty demand.. It Elma Id to pii, rid of with Todd, Capt. J. D. Adair and Messrs Dun- . u. , A ~,,,, :,y. Cold ~ thounlat i,ln, 35111,1111, plenrisy, bar, %Veakley and Sadler. From the nuni di.,rrh,,,,, ', , n,,, i” ~••t. au ,ieknoss is the eonsequonee her of persons present, and the spirit evinced of notice itlpul Me:. iii the lest. Mob° Lying v”nrred we have no doubt that South Middleton- NA, rate health is root red at mule. will do her part in the redemption of Cu ii- :,-, uh2iiii.ve my name in the Onvernwent stamp in white borland countylit the coming election. letters. 5.1‘.1 by Drugglytr. Dickinson Awake 1 A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Union Republican citizens of Dickinson and the adjoining Townships was hold at the Stone Tavern, on Tuesday evening last. . Tho meeting was organized by the elec tion of David Lefever as President and Eli Bushman as Vice President. Able and telling addresses were made by Messrs. Sadler, Hays, Adair, Smith, Innem and Garman. We can safely conclude from the charac ter and intense interest manifested by the large assemblage present that Dickinson is awake, and will give a largely increased vote for the Union ticket. Mt. Holly Springs Gory Club A meeting of the Union Republican citi zens of South Middleton was held at Mt. Holly Springs On last Saturday evening. The club was organized by the eleethie of S. N. I)iven Esq., as President. Chas. S. M . Wlin as Vier: President and Ceo-ge iNlc- Alwee iv Treasurer. large number of names were enriiiled. havii the asmrance that South ton is going to do nobly for the Union ausu in October. PENN Canada, Sept. 4,18,1 C. "Geary Club" met pursuant to adjourn ment and called to order by the Preident. In the absence of the Secty. J. H. EIVIN7I, of Penn Township, was elected Secretary pro. tem. Minutes of last meeting read and adopt ed on motion J. Long. Prof. J. H. ZINN, of Penn Twp. (our worthy 'candidate for Prothonotary) was called en and delivered a very able and eloquent ad dress and was followed by W. H. II NV EA - LEY and J. H. EWING - Adjourned to meet at, Sidetown on next Tuesday evening (Sert.,ll.) J. H. FANG, Sect. pro. tem. cipccial Notittri TUN, 0001) TIME COMINtT IS NOW AT lIAND.—W. C. Sawyer is at present in Nr w York loUying tl.e st styles and kinds of Ladies, 31 is.es, Mons and Boys ware to ho found In the great t'arpoV fur nishing goods, Domestics W C. Sawyer 'A. Co East Main Street, are determined to hold the urn rat(: In the Dry Gond houqne, in the Fveryh dy give them a call, and 01,11111131` huh unrhrallt,i an, Largo tot 0.01V.5...1 !fault at r ! Tong,,,, D, led Bevel It e on haw! it .t'l tic, .3 %M. It .' SON. South Entl - C.rli,ltt, FOR RENT.--The store room adjoining the Post office. Po,:sesiion given unwed; ateir I cpt. 14th, 1/366.---3t FAT? E RS.—For sale twenty Acres good chestnut timber, within one half mile of Mt. Bully. A rete chimee. Cull soon en 131.410. Aug. 31. 1866- These in want choap Lumber ( - TA at tho yard of Cheapest Pine Shingle= in the co intro at tho yard of A Potllar IVltgon lot nftle heap, tiliS %N 114 1 ,111 la° 1 nerd for difforrot otiwr pm ponce. ”I 14 r, J111111,1.n, & Cry e., (11,1 Stand. Jul) 6, 1h66-3111 NOTICE.An order,' for Coal awl 1.111111.c1, con t at Martin & (lardrn.r's, Horn's, and Falkel. (hoc, lin , l at Croanter'e JewOry Store, whleh mi 11 la•l•romptly attended to, nod Mt the loweat prices. USE Itoll it ER'S Expertorni WILD CII illt1"P 11.1 , R prevention and eura for A salt,' Chol,r, for di.- autos of the Ghost, Liver, lininny'a, r , t,ans..L . , and Ilaa els ; Purifier it has no equal. Sllld at tb,. Continental. lii yard, Lo Pierre, Wnahington St. Low roneo and Merchants Philadelphia, 'Monongahela aLf St. Clarion Pit tahurv. 13y the pr.iteina' Ilotcla anti Drinwiata trenernlly, J. ROIIREII, So,b ,' Pla.prietor Lai-- Cooler Pa Sopt 7, A&LNTS WANTEIDt iy_, s!i EDE r -- vo terrlt.q glren. with. For trims, tllo with °Lamp, either Agents,, Fully Lice Pay from $5O to $2OO pe tented Olreolere. hj ' 0m": BOTHERS, 4 Chestnut St" tisnonll St s Toledo, U. AGEN'T'S ,WANTAD. Sept. 7, 1566—.2m THE MOON'S VOLCANOES are: engage nt the• attanti , n of astrononiers, lon the trot id of Beauty and Fashion is lean interested In human discoveries than in the great question of Turning the Beads that have been whitened by age or sickness to a glorious black or brown hue. Nobody now is such A LUNATIC, an not to admit that the finolt a n d most harm lens darkener in existence to CILRISTARADO'S HAIR DYE, which nourishes the fibres as well an elatinges their hoe. Manufactured by J. CRISTAEORO,6 Astor House, New Yuri, Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dies Aug. 80, 1806.-Iru DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. AN INSTANTANEOUS REMEDY FOR CHRONIC rheumatism, headache, tooth ach, croup, colic, quinsy, sore throat and pains in any part of the body. Remember, this article is a sucrose —not an experiment; for le years It has been tooted. No medicine ever had such a reputation as this, silently It has worked its way before the public, and all are loud in its praise. "Chronic rheumatism." Thousands. who laid for weeks on a bed of ageny,tind never walked without the aid of crutches. with this complaint, can testify to the magical effects of this liniment. They are cured and proclaim its virtues throughout theland. Remember relief is certain, and a positive cure is sure to follow. headache of all kinds we warrant to cure. Putrid sore throat, quinsy, and diphtheria are robbed of their terrors by a timely use of the Venetian Lini ment. It has saved hundreds the past three mouths. Price, 40 and 80 cents a bottle. Office, 56 Cortlandt street, Now York. Sold by all druggists. Aug. 30 1866-Im. Bargains Offered! BELLING AT AND BELOW COST Tho understood intending to change his business, of fers to tho citizens of Crirthile and vicinity, and the pub lic generally his entire stock of CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING 000 . DS, consisting of Summer, Fall and Winter Goods of all descriptions; such as Over coats, Coats, nude., Vests, Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Knit Jackets, Valises, Hats, Scarfs, in short, tho on entire stock of Clothing and (Joao Furnishing Goods at and below Chat. Aare induconsonts aro offered to all! Como ono and all to got Bargains at the store of Julius Neutuala be ween - Drs, Zaser and; Kidrer, Noylit Hamar Street, Carlisle, Pa. Tho entire stock will be sold botvicen this and the let of October. Carnal.; 30y 27,1886,-3m An Effectual Worm Medicine Bkown's Vormifugo Comfits, OR WOWS LOZENGES. Much sickness, undoubtedly, with children and adults, attributed to otbor causes, is occa sioned by worms. Tho "VETUGIUQE COMFII3," although olTectual in doestroylng;roriiis,cnn GO no possiblo injury to the most delicate child. This valuable combination has been ottcootoffilllY used by physicians, and found to he safe and. euro in • eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. CHILDREN HAVING WORMS require immediate atten tion, as neglect of tlio trouble often causes prolongod STAIPTOidBVonmaNg 011ADREN are often overlook ed. Worms in the stomalcand-bowels waeo irritation, which can be Fomored only by the use of a taroreme dy. The combination of iniredients used lir, waking BrOwn's"Verm(five flit/tie" is such es to give the beet possible effect with safety. C1111,T113 & DROWN,Proprietors, Now York: Sold by . 911 Dealers in'Aieqlclues, at 25 eta, a box, blay2o,lBo-13'. ' ' . Ang. J 7, IS6C--1,711 URA TUTI ! SCE ATTU. I tiCE.ATCH WII EATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. AI .S 0 cures SALT RHEI Wins. CHILBI. \INS, alj all ERUPTIONS THE SKIN. Prix" rt TOE.. Far ralLl by all dm:o4c. By sending PO n nta 7a WEEK:. ParrElt, Solo A g ents, 1711 Washipo,ll ,treot.Bontn, it p 11l bo ter warded by mall. lICr lf piningal, part of tlio .41:11p, ,lane S. Ito, rr I< subscrilwrs have on hand and g s.to ~.t.aLtkiopow. Ff., Iv o• sn:j r•Top Lbey Mo ,- rEz' t: flit o-1.1, al , .71,0 ,11'..! , `1 . r” to r •• ! . 1:1 • • Crr 7° .11111 g. 1-o,t; 1, 1 :‘11'1,( }V 1 N'l: 13 1 ,rIT F. Y.- E 6.. •ni,....•• I an.l ,etarnott !I.'ir , Ili, i'f gonorall), in want ui i tt, p0vt,11,1, , . t• ,n,urring 4,0( areh v.1,1(4,in8 fv., trk,;tt unvt•l.lpe, / 1,14 flan s, te E32lMill MAntutALL's Catarrh Snuff, is a Lure cur, fur t.lukt di501.1., Catarrh. an 12, 18i16-Iy. SEE advertisement of Sir James Clarict , s Culsbrated Female Pills. Js n. 12, lONA —ly. I t r 'AIL 1.. i S[. EP It 01)1' el , : 11l Alt li ET. ',list.. :-i•pto.ipbt:' 20th, I', Itcal Sup.-fu.. (1,. do Hl' I.' 15'1II'1' EVI RED GEN biI.AL 7-'l:k OD UCIE , ; Ni A L El 1.,',. I \I: fA I I l \ V 11 Ai '‘)N II A I! N Apply t 1) A. N lIIIEMIIII of hureb) tilat 11,e oo i. p—i.oo.•hi r . , 00— torn too tftit;i,to, n•nitv • 0 1.• „ .tvo t Id Id , 1 / 4 t (11,-, I , of it ai ^011,1' 4 .. A r v .llr , dv. Idr , l no,. 'lllO r ttno , n ot 1. 'l' A Illik,nt's . • t , lUr tir.n, ' i r 6 . r^ ... 1 , •• •1111 . ' t , 1.1 A. 11 131. A JR', =EMI C1;t1) nvi:l ,111,1: • li ..t 1,, •V\A". riAl\ll.: lo the re4idenee of the stil)seri 1 .1: , a oungr'-uor.B ) L.•,r; ~ii 0 . .. 1 redh.., .1 ,1 p ::1 l', I 1-.1: DELANCY & SIIROM ritOCLAIVI-A."210N V 11.1.:;:t '11,3 lion. .i.171r.' 11 =MEI 1. , • tli• rll 1' 1 11 — , 1 , 1‘1:. .1 L. do., 41„1.• NOTICE.—An adjourned Court of Common Pions VOttlrt) 1.111 . .tt C:::- lisle. on Slon,loy, Novenibor 10.11, at lu o'oloo:;, to non tinuo 000 Sept. 20, 184 RHEEM'S HALL. Tites,7(t il and I;J,, September 25th and 26th. 4— ;,KV 7 ?"IV - "" r1 V z pd'i t, 5 1 1 A i g . * 91t1t;AV!: . e :41 . kaa l a2i24 I VOCALISTS, h ARP ISTS AND V 'OLIN WI'S, Will appear at nhi,vu Nor the fleet lime in Carlhile) na tisted I,y the Mllowing well known 11r8I-elue ho celohiutud Young Itu.l I.olllr , P. 1 i I'T(I.IINSON Th 4 l /1011111ifIll C , 10./ . :111 , t VOC/likt 3101 JOHN 1. SP.ACI.DINC. TLI• Dl,t 114;111:A101i Vinlillirit mid C 0111110.21, Tho Popular I larplst. nntl Vor,atilu, and tin tit ,at. E 4 crnlrir Humorled. N. -All the ahoy, trill ly appt•ar. Atimi..+Aoti. 35, n 1.13. Itc.Q.,v, Poatt stl contr., Children, 25 vent,. For toll pill tif nat.' Do4crirtive 11111,, un.ll , mbranunt , .. lions opm at 7. to coutloonce st P, 0'1,101•1: puma° SALE OF VALUABLI.: REAL ESTATE.—On Saul%lay, September 29, ftao. By virtue of an order of the Orpbeme Court et Cumberland county, to toe :lb octed I will expose t4 l Public sale. on the pan:lsom, the following described real estate, the property of Samuol Dixon, ia.t. of Penn Township, deed., to wit : A VALUABLE FARM, Sit uate on the Pine Road, in Penn Twp., at what t. known as "Spring MIlls," about two miles south of the Stone Tavern containing 73 AORRS, more or loss, of good quality of gravel laud. The Improvemonts ale good two-story LOG lIOUSE AND 11AltN. Toe ibnces are lu good condition and the land is smooth and easily cultivated. There are some fine !mat tams In good bearing conditiOn on the Arm. Thorn' re a b out 10 ACRES in the tract rovefiel with good thriving timber. A large Spring runs through the property, and it adjoins a School Ilona°, Mill, Store and Black emith Shop. There is no more do:Arabia location for IL farm In the county. Salo.to commence at 1 o'clock on said day, when terms will be made known by JOIIN FOTJST, Trusteo. September 21, 18011--It. NEUWAIIL l'l'C ! P.PC 11 ! I'l'Cl - 71 ! MIMEO= =EOM \alkisheas I aWhiske:r, I 2. JOHN 31, DAW ,I / 1 1.1.. 110% lr'3, lit P, N. Y jarlltts. =MI 11•111 \‘ I 1 I' ?a: P'~'tl i'~': frn , l i)irc( is :11 I 1••• ! . MEI IMESIESI Mill lEEE= lEEE. I. th.• I h.. r.•11,`1.11. 1V... i '. th i I 'V (.11.• leih- ruilt ttit I $k . L.. thar t 11.1 , ...•1•••• • .11* ,fiiel'il,,l ert iin to be • an,l Moe° .t linuclol by recogalsollC.,, In prosecute gain the .sailors that are or than sh.lll be in the .ihii ni cud Inty, are to lie there to prosecute them as shall Ito t. .10IIN Sherlfr. ll=l WM. P. t 9PAULIING ; 'THAT HUMOROUS WATOON PUBLIC SALE OF 'THREE VAL 11ABL11 LO'fal'..-The holm of Elizabeth Shea/for, wilL,Sell at .pubte sale on Monday, October 18. 1800, three valuable lota of ground altuale at 'dolling tzprings, in Cumberland. County. The lots contains each 40 feet in front and 721 n depth, fronting a put lie road. • Lot No. 1.. Ilag create(' on it a largo two mtory MUCH 1101181 , 1 AND RACK IIITILD• 61, INO, FRAME STAIIIX, and other neces- •• •• 11i 4 r, ' Rory out-huthlingN. Thia most. dealra- Me property having wader and choice II ; frult - On tho ground. Lots Non, 2 and 3. Aro VOCII.IIt lots but In a good data of cultivation. All Um proportion nrO in a good and pleanant neigh borhood. Poisons clanking to view Mean proportion can do so by calling on thoao who now occupy them. Bele to commence at 1 o'clock of !midday when Lorin will bolnado known Sept. 21,1800 LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in tho • Post Office at Carlisle, State of Pennsylvania, the 20th day of September 1800. Published by official authority in the plipor having tho largest circulation. - tltl , -Te ob tofu any of these lottora, the applicant must call for •'atlrertise'l letters,'. glyo tho data of the list end pay two rents for aibMrtising. If not called. for within ,onli moth, they will lm sent to t i6 •:d Letter 011iep A tlams Ann., E. Am a 4: Mani', 111111=M! Burnes An,.inchnun P. S. Coyle new. John Lackey Lovi Dougho:ty Jiro. NJ T,inuolcuhl floury Engler J11111(.4 POlllilett Amos L. (Ohs) Fl, Tslichnoi R,,gis,!,,red Farri, vo Jam co Rick:though Kate I= Ft•llor II nry' Froqt ciivl 01, MEMEEMI liivlnr O. . Ganisrol: Mary A. Gordon inl le EosinGoy 0. IL ,•iT ATE NOTIC E `,A I ttegs..uL Aihnlui3tration on the estate of Doti(l N late• of in,r l ll.lo, Cumberland Co., Pa. ha, illfr noon ',sued to the subsrriher residing 111 an, riflen. N , LICI? 41ron to all per to Blake payment and ;Ito, having el•kii.n t pt o:amt. theta in 1 .1:6- FT[IING Now and Novel for A i.' Drnirgltds, and a and inintitable Luatnrsu. Froo I.:, 1,. in• ;It lin!. Rit1 , .. V,4 par tin,- Cauvusvors I 0.,:A0 ~. 1 . 2 in.. F q•t ' ' t \\*.ll. MENCKE 13110THER, No. AItCII Stroet, PUILAD'A ‘V 'i,ESALE II ET AEL DEALERS in ERLI , Fine lila etc., porsoually Aoloet .1 in 1:1,•pe. GuFmantown WOOLS, Cashmere YARNS, btyies in LIAIIiON Dross and Cloak TRIMMINGS, )3101611q, Drop FrinpF, Loebs, Slnwl Boraorn, etc Whit, Kinhroldored BANDS, ote The .s.oods I.eltt¢ cll. carefully solecte , l our Wholesale trolit. c.reat !”.tocemoot.c to the TRADE! Copt. 11. HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, &c OLD AND MEAP HARDWARE STORE, =I 00 /. 1 0 h:lye jllat returned from the 1 , ;:v..4t with ;not o. !' ,111 \ V r • I rland, nr1,12.1, ...II t•I f . o 11, • 'I ottler, •Att. ntl. 41 to and , I to. ii,Ln dl•AVvild to all • the r , Oll 1 . 1,1 i F•litlron, Itu.;sia t1.1.,1, •11,1 Nay E! N;tt , •ll- t 1.1.;:•41 =I U- =I CARItI.I6E NVAi;ON 11,‘ci'UTIES '-i' )1‘ i --- t•' , , .n. r , ,~,,,. ; ..~ , ;,,h /?' )1 14!Pl.; =II =EI '.l. N.,. will .on 11101 , 11:1ilLS AUrlll/11,1 a' wart t. 111,1, : ME gi 1: Ir Ft, 1141 In, , NN hite 1. , I .1 , LI, .Inli:lil 1111., 01. . . t. . • ..t. •• • . •t , • . :11:\1:'iSAX •'. 1 M. I' s loth. I( 'l , ; '1.4 hereby ,ricer that an as (big dry 1.1.011 t • . 1 ~v“ ••,•rlp tuy , b - 1 , 11,111 . 4 L. , I “11.1 In f July Irst--Pi)nl.k. Thb ty days Ly , - .1••: 13 , •Ard ',N.N 'l'. 1:It I , EN, cretary. Iv) I. d..t •pt. _ . Public Salo of Real Estate. 1 , 7' virtue cif an order of the Orphans' t .a.l • • , ' , l,llherl.nd i,unty, thorn will i.e told at pLi , ,t • oak., on 1111:i:61 , A A', 'am 11th day of WW 1., on the }mentions, In Frankford township, it Tract of Land, containing SEVENTY THREE ACRES, tbr jproporty of Froilorick liudert, tato of said town p. Sahito col" Inelim at 12 o'cloo!, noon of said day, when torus hr undo knoNn Ly C. E. NI A(11.A.1;(1 II LIN, Anar, of Frokil.... Itudort. 3011 N JACAffffi, Sheriff. F•ept. 14, loo;it.--t , . .. . _ . . . . ... . loffer a farm lying on the South side of con.lo g uinot Creek, part In Midllosex, and part In :111 or Si,. nig Town,hips, rumherland County, two inile. itenlll3ll,a , l, Ki:lgtilol , . and sev,n milon cast of Car!) •I ~ :01,j,.11.in; lands of ltobert lloagy,noltzhoover and oil, rq Containing nun h undred and thirty out) Al'itES, of I,u t t‘ate :tint ahout third of Flute land, "ac q,rt,-,n :wren of thriving young Chestnut Thuhar 'VIII'', ne, 0 ; iI e , of farm, and an Orchard of Pears and Cl , , 1 iofi. v, 101 a t wn-,dory 111110 E .. . 1101.;SF!, I , A\ IC ItAltN, and All other A.-, i . , I fi f nocus,ry improvern7iita, for .further j‘ . , ~ . .4. partlvulanr, ca lon ~ I.ll.reriber In Cur- , A , j. ' f,, lisle, 1.110 NVII) givo a Bargain and 111131[11 a.. - .:01t,.: , .; - ,.. ~,,--iity,,,,,,... LOnua only, :v. he is uu4thle to attend to it JOIUN ZOLLING ER Sept. 14. 1860—.4 Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale. /] 111 subscriber offers at private sale, be following described -valuable Real Estate, lituatod in Weft Penn sborough Tap , Cumberland Co , nn the Couodoguluet. CtUl)k three miles north (41'11,h - 1110bl, seven adios north west of Carlisle, and 2;., olioon north of th o Cumberland Valley Railroad, con. fdlof o::h•ri tslYtablc Mill Property, known as Altar's MM. The Mill is frame, 1 stories high ha good running 01.b.r, baying S run of burrs. There are between 15 ..111 II; nerii; of band belonging to this property. It is it unto n never- stream of water. There .are IS oh the property t e 600,1 two-story 1;1 1 f z,,... DWELLING- HOUSES, 4 i;i 4 if . c ONE BRICK 1,4 ut Stable, flog Pros, and rtil other necessary out build— log,. Thu tsitlre property Is under good Slue°. A ,iy peruon soh:1011r to AI,: the propertY,Ctlll do OM by calling on the rubsuriher, reElding on the promixoc. TADS. 0. STANTON. Septombor 7, 19130,—.117. ----- - Valuable Real Estate at Priate Sale• rriHE subscriber offers at private sale, the following valuable real ostato aituatod in Senn Trip, at tho arousing of tho Shall and Pine roads about 1„: 4 ' 'Ult..) from Oarber s Store, and.about the same distance from Spring 'Mills; and about ono mile South of Coutrovillo, adjoining lands of Miller Tritt, Adam Coover and others. consisting of a Tla, land in of good quality, all (donna and undor good &nem and in a high state of cultivation. Tim buildings aro a good two story BRICK HOUSE, junt .13nInhad, ' , BANK BARN nearly now, Hog Pena, Wagon Shod, Corn OrUm, and all other nopeneary ont-hulldinge. GOOD ORCHARD, • novel . Hdlingg Woll of Wator, on tho pies°. ' Panora:wishing to view tho' property can do so by calling on the subscriber. residing on the premises. DAVID BAILER. Sept. 7,1866--4t* r . Patent Ohio Corn Husker at SAXTON'S 0pt..13, 180 ti. p i lltD eES of ay . ery description at BAXTON,B - Wpt. 13,1800. , ' BY TILL IMIRB of EllzabotH 13hoarfor. QEO. ZINN, P. M lloffmlor Snu:3 3 1. 13. Iliirmor James Lk.lor Anianda Stow John Swoigor W. P. Scot Look! P. I= Smith Nltttio Thoinpeon .101 m P Wagner SU:o111011 Wolfe IT. TT. 1.0161; 1 S 3 • NI r•LASONIII4r)IEIt. Adminktrator. h. DOWD, Nitlllllf,lot , ll NN at,,•:- St., N. IN 01 I:ST IC EPI I ME AT II itX f3A KTON'S EAST MA /N STREET, NV Do/At TO THE COl‘i tR)IFE ;.I rb., h [ 1;•-, COO BIII3.ItELS 11=11 EMEl== AN!) CII,IIN k of 1 , 03.,110 , Itnrk, Itilleand ;- , a1,1y Fuso, ks, Mattocks. Drills `s, 'lll', ~ nn, ) EF:(dti IM=1•=1 =ISE =MEE l „i,~ri~~l ~I~~„ ~l~l~i'~..ln ti.iFr ~~.1. ~ .1.. =II Dr • .1 , r r..N1l 1 4 0, ;.. 1;11.$ and V AltNltill r rpent C44:teh at togli 414 Noll( :E. and the ether F le A 31 E VALUABILID FARM, CONTAINING 72 ACItES, ARDW.A 11 ! We especially invite the attention of the • public generally to come and osaniine our now and well se lected stock of Pocket cud Table Cutlery„ Silver Plated and Britannia Tea and Table Spoons, Shears, Scissors, Curling, Crimping and Coffering Tongs and Irons, Riding, brlving, and Sleigh Whips, BUILDING MATERIAL, Such as Locke, Binges, Bolts, Screws Nails, &a, Car penter, Coopers, Blacksmiths, and Shoemakers Tools and and Findings. GRAIN .13A tt GS. • , • Our now stopic of Grain Bags aro 'lto best and cheap• oat over offerfol In town. Faro:tors and Forwarding men will find ii, to their advantage to emus and exam ine .our stoeic borone buying olsnwhere. CEDAR IV A RE A complete ess, rtmont of Cedar Warp, comprising Tubs. Qhurns,"Buckets, Bushel and Peek measures, Wash Itubbeas, Jr, Just received at the old and cheap Hardware Store of I - LOWRY SAXTON loot Mnht Straet,noxt door to Ittppoy's ri.opt., 13, 1866. WI t LITE and black Curled Hair, tun] Pumps., Turn Table and Lightning Apple Pearore, at SAXTON'S. Pei.. 13, 1866. Valuable\ , Town Property at Private j, OT containing 75 feet front on Louth / 'or I; trent aim,' Pitt, by 210 tPot. in depth to tk I u non Alloy. Tim luiMl n go are tro good ir ,11; I, 1, 1 N 11 , . Two of crhfeh ere e n 1/.lltlt, St . and one or. Dieklu eon Alley. For tern. Ai.ply to A pril 6. Ihi 625. 11001) RTS, 628 HoPKIN's t , OWN MAKE," New I'lo7 SI ellcs ! ARE in every respect first class, and embrace a complete assorhnent for Ladies, Mitm.c, and t n, or the Newest Sty los, every Length and sizes of Waist. OUR SE IRTS, Lnewn ale more noire! , sally POPULAR thou any others ;odium the public. They retain their Shape hotter, alo lighter,moro olas tie, more durable, and really CHEAPER, than any thor Hoop Skirt In the marb t. The springs and fitsten• Inge are warranted per'ect. EVERY LADY should Tao THEM ! They are now being extensively Sold by Msg. CHANTS. throughout the Country, and at WHOLE SALE k RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Room No. 028 ARCH Shoot, below 7th., PHILAD'A. Aok for 110PKIN'8 " OW3I M K E,"—buy no other! OAITTION,—tion, gonnho unlequ Stna,po,l ou ouch Rid Pad,—" Hopkin's 111.0 p : , kirt. Manufactory, Phila dolphin" fo:1 line of Now York made made Skirts. at 1. low prices. _ . . TEIOI6 NV, cAsit Aug. 17, IvAi. 4ru 71 ? 7//i(77/ . 1 .-_, ~ ~ , 1 ,- ~ t.T.ti.t.i.ta:rl7 i a L QA,t..L.Cia' tqreat Educational Induconients •t;,<; r[ Hnsti tu t ion is now entering upon Q to third yi.e.r in its pils,Lit lug Itinn . hiq t:111.' h. ha , . ris 1110..ral !1.111111 su 11.11 :.and also air .pi frt.; six St,itas 01010 . 11. feel elle.,ll . 3‘ted Cr". the ran nit .3 t p l ;ill,. ire ~ 1101158 il, lialiding np :lit said twat. ill !h. rnlilitre rtilat.t(ol told] Forwor, \ltirh-ti, it tLo Irl.l , :tn. tio• 111,1 , ,,s or Pr0f....1.'1, 1 1 man I,(i \\ = HEE= Vt) , IJN(I VEN of iinnf. l to. aos who world port,gs tht , t , •, t ul.ito to Holuonre and .11 , 110.1.0 n. YOUNi; MEN ro+•couin4 th, wrou un I of to-t•fuHn:ornmik. /it. Iho Ivan t•ranparative I.sp..ohe ore luvitod the pool! hit , ntuur )10del F . ) slept of pi notisel 0. , ,, vt,inontly popular ..ourk,, of St ad). BIZ NCH TAUGHT Single and Dotllde Entry linnlc Iceoping, in its vnri fillSfOrll, :41,1 Including (lenerd Whole code and Itototl Itusin ens. Forwarding, Commission, rlnge, ,I , , , ,hitwood fin; 6rtin,, PaCkr : , ?.111- 1 , ,it, !i.,.1% lug. tt. SPICIonlk.” Ln.r,l`n:n•~pnn•}~,r,.l',t:l:,vuv:landrlr mun,•nt.:.l. PI; .II; ^ 1 ~1{.41; (Irma (`; Tl•legrapaing, Student.: enter at c y- Nano I , llt c; t 11,1 ru, , •.rs ;11;4 ,Uhibrkr. It. 111 , trti• [a .1A to a:1 a Ch. ular full particulars. Address A 1M • NT 1:!!. Au 'list. 17, 11stal. Gas Fitting and Plumbing rill i stihi!criber , , having permanently th , pnl li , 5.1.1, t, to, wh-n. v 1 I , l'lll. *ll 11 * * * A.:11 Ili , * 1 ki I . i• Art • */ 1,1/11' •, I order. 11131 11 , •t may *4* tfntrusto•l ith in , 111 , •,1 a nr,n•„• , , nd %.•13 31.31,1 . 3 tr. 111 i)vtlri.l(' 1: \ IVATER \VII EEI,K, 11Y 1)1:.1 \'l'N, m v()11(' I: I'l , 7\ll'S • 11.1'1111NC; NVAI.II .tml aI other trti CiilF iu Ihu trntle l'1.1! , t111 Ws, A N . 4 1'1A.N1 FrI"CINkt riontpi.y II Inf•ni appron ud lu. x;0--1;o11t1t) L..111/1•11 rii Don't n , rtirt. the pi..”--tinnwtliatvly in rear c,f the FirFt Prerhytorliin Chorrh. July 27, 1h66-/Y Wheeler & Wilson and Howe. LOCK STITCH SEWII.O. MACHINL,SS The Best Simplest rend Cheapest. THE Wheeler & Wilson qnaohinos aro _L adapted to all kinds of family sewing, working equally well upon Silk. Linen and Cotton goods, with Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. Prices of Wheeler & Wilson machines: No. 8 machine plain, $55 2 " Ornamental bronze, $O5 " 1 " Silver plated, .:$75 The. Howe Sowing Machine. The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers is called to thin—the best of Shut tle Sowing Machines. It Is Unanimously admitted to be the best machine for leather work or tailoring ever given to the riublle. Price of Howe machine!. Letter A machine sfiti Is rooms:11611(RO Ike family sewing Tailoring, Shoe binding and Gaiter fitting. Lotter B. timeline. $7O In one sine larger than A machine, suited to the same work. Letter 0. machine, $B5 Is recumnonded for heavy Tailoring. Boot and Shoe work and Carriage trimming. It rune light and rapid iintl will do fine work well, and has a Much larger Shut tle than the smaller machines. Call null examina at Rail Road 'telegraph Wilco, Car lisle,Pa. 0c.27, 1865—tl . . it,pr . A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Sidi cents. A Lecture on tho 'Nature, Treatment. and Radical. Cure of Spurmatorrldea, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions. Sexual Debility, and Im pediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy,- and Nits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Belf:AbiMe;. Ac.—fly ROBERT J. ouLviaLwELL,. M. D., Authorof the' "Orion dm. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Loc,, turn, clearly prov. s from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse way bo effectually renlovcd without medicine, end without dials, point log out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which ovary sufferer, -pc, matter' what We condition , may be, may cure himself cheaply, prilately, and rad ically. THU LECTURE WILT. PROVE - A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. dont under seal, in a plain onvolopo, to any addrsus' post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps Address the publishers, , (MAE'. J. O. KLING & GO., . 127 Bowery, Now Yorlc, Poet Oflide box 4,680. Marsh 10, 1800—.1y. . • (14UNS, - PISTOLS, &o. . • ... havo added to thy already superldr stock.of sport. Ing materials, some lilredngliani 3 Oouble Guns, Annul.' can, Single and :Double . Guns. Rondoßton's Rifle Canes, Rovolvers, Coopor'a dellTockleg . Rovolvers, Shares Repoatar, smith & WORM, Revolvers, Dixon Nand Bbot l'euches,Copper gundor Fluke; Ely's Belt Oun Wads,,A c.. . , . . Rometaber uty old Stand neat door to tho Gormanul House. . ' u.ENRY SAXTON.' . gopt, 1$ 1.800. • , . . Sale = /4✓i.~r,' (Sri r 1 iit ,i• 11 etiorntott fu nth, vo,pects. 1,13 . 1 ;;ttl,rlit firt.l I;tisine., efill,t;t• 1, .1 1,11,1 = MEE VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SA LE.—Tho. holm Of Robert Warp, deed., otter for sale the 'Farm, sltnatbd in Croon township, Frank lin county, Pa:, two lotion South-cast of Scotland on the road loading to Fayotteville, adjoining lands of David linghos, liege and others, clintaining 122 ACRICS, more or loss of GRAVIIL RAND, about 22 Acres of which is In Timber. Thu Improvements are a two-story 'LOG WEATIIERBOARDBD '1 1 4 1 -.,4 2 noose, largo Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn a 0 0 Crib and other outbuildings . Thorn is a , Well of never-falling water and a Cistern il u neat tho door, and au ,Apple Orchard of ..,, ch..ion Fruit. The above Saul wkit be offered at Pri v:o,BMo unit!. the .sth. of October, 'and If not sold will tious ho olfornt at public. Sale, at 1 o'clock, P. M. Persona wishing to purchasd elm call on the Helm, residing in the farm. m on O. Immoll, near Stoullers town. Sept. 7, 1806. Valuable Farms itt Public Bale On S'Ourday, Scpfonber 29, 1866. No 1. Arum of 93. acres in Upper Allan l l.m p ound orlon(' County, Po., I miles south of 51 chant n 1 u o on the road bailing rrom LinbOrn to Curlo having tin" itou erected o, large :y.4* Brickq House; 1, 1 BANK BARN, , for et house and barn by Ito 1 Topes and running. me am Ili roughthe trm Lime Kline and Quarry and an nHcussary ruthidl ding, cod. choice fru It tiood tim b 1 acid g god lon n g the land in Hine ton cud in a etalc o f hi g h cultivation . • No. 2. A tract of land 112 acres in Mona gun Twp., York County, Pa., on the York road loading front Mechantosburg, to York, near Shhlonsburg N EW E'R!lllE HOUSE, And Bank Barn, F rtift. S to•rne ut dither. Tenant House, ;Ftni ft• , ,rrt„ (lot land Is iron slottot :ma !nod Ind Cl vo !lon. c , • 1 •• to 0001; 111114 . 0 x t;110 t - t't•!otdc wUeu ierutn of mile will hi! A ug. 31,1866-t4', A Valuable Farm at Public Sale On Wednesday October 10, 1800. ty virtue of an order of the Orphans' Cowt of Cumberland County. under proceed -1111,2H in partition the imi,scrlher will sell a farm In Uye per A Him Twp., Cumberland Co., Pa., late the proper ty of David Zook, doc'd., 1 mile south of Shepherds town, 3 miles south tifklechaulesburg on the Lisburn road, 111 ACRES and 13G PERCHES, haring thereon erected a BRICK HOUSE, BAilrli B A RN, a. 1,1 all Ito,..:ary out-Luildhets also ehoiee fruit. The lend is pu :Ay liineetrine and partly honstone, in ee.ei I nitiv.kil..n and under good fencing. to too at one o'clefk on said day when toilne will bo stub known by CHRISTIAN ZOOK, Administrator of David Zook, deed. A lig. :11, 1 tot te. FOR SALE EXCHANGE. ofrur at private sale, or trill exchange AL F., a r i :;trlti, that. vat nab', Tar ern Stand Pro pert). sittnito nn it. onrnor nt North Hanover . and strootr., in tire llin.ongh C,11.1410. The lot eq.ntrkillS :;•••I in Gant and lU toot In depth, amt has , 1" 4 .1.•t , 1 a ' STONE HOUSE, 41 1 .kA Extensive Stabling, .11 • r, is ,rnr( other Oletlmildings r Wit :pogod Jo" l,v (O.tohor Ist, It -3111 131 for rout the rosoio3 roar I Iron e 331 u f• A I, I . A I? I, E P A R 31 , 'tort h )11‘1,11,•ton T. , ,o.hip. two miL•ndowth of Crk 171 , ACRES (Li , LAND ni... 7 trattral 1110.11 , W 1 . 111 4 impr,ve =MEM • N I.:\N" I i.\ PLASTERED HOUSE, , 111 Ittruit and f urtiner partiett 1:il , ,pply .1411 IN Carlhd t., Pa IMMO= and Farm for Sale. A Choice Farm and. Residence. Slltrtrauy, 0,•111/0, li , Is(;(1. r U f itplen:igneil will ,i.xpw=e to sale pal lit. 1 ,, ria1.• or out, y, all Om I valuabin tract of la nil mil Come/Ay:lit property situated in l pt • i Cu? borland County :tint Stitt Li of p,., Iv Irani lat.. tine rofiiieriiii• ileorge Enda, toil iinti t and roost tiff., ing part, of Cuintairland tuzity, adjoining fink.• c o ot lin, and oil - woo,. It tie milt,. trio. on File 51,1 ri 1.1.11 a mile SOi/111 of :'1..1./1, , ,Lvt. , ‘ 11. 'I - he .‘ 0 3 ~..;nod t. 101401 - Y .EAT.II E 'HBO A It 1...) 11 () I T E (At)()i) 13,1 RN, w:, Onrage I.lm,se, llog ren lh ill. 1111 nilJg ,ati.r. a tine thriving r~RC!I.I 1 , I', It 1:i The, A‘al. l,ll .‘ nearly :‘II I'l, ',mil h. lin...stone ;01.1 meta i.f list Olt; ..3 .• •‘,. • 1 1 !OM .11,1 • S Inure :) this g,t.tl timber, the pl: ,11 A. It., l's.. 1, i I. 11.. whorl mid ili . `l . i•• I'.l I.e ENII(I, U Et)lttl E thwaisolvvs and oth., Loire ;•optulttut, Two Valuable Farms at Private Sale 1 1 11 E subscribers otters at private Sale, ti,. described valuable real entity;. No. 1. is a Highly Cultivated Farm, rontniu ng 212 acres, in Silver Spring township, on the Conodoguinet Creek, about two miles from New Kingston Station on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and 4 1 .1.; miles north of Meehaniesburu, ll . l 3 lll . l 9 lands of A ti-ain Adam's heirs, Michael ()rider and others. The improvements are a first rate two-story : l,:, it .. , ~$ BRICK HOUSE, ?: f ;;. 0-00 D BANK BAR A', g,/,ii Atial Wagon Sheds, Corn Cribs, and all oth er out-buildings. Two good orchards (ono of which is young and thriving) containing choice fruit of all va rieties. About 140 acres of thu laud ix cleared and in a high state of cultivation, lying in a loop of the crook, the oil known to ho of the very best quality. That pirt, of the farm not under cultivation Is covered with thriviog timber. This farm in well calculated to be di. hied into two good farms. No. 2. is a. • Limestone Farm, situatni in Milhilesox township, awn,. Hoover's containing I.2.lacros aml Is In eVory respect a first class farm. For term:, and other particulars apply to the sub 1,1 iber, residing near farm No 1. or by, letter address ed to Now I; laz6ton, I'. 0. August '2l, 1860-st. A Valuable Limestone Farm at Public Salo. On Tuesday, October 2, 1809 rrl.ll+3 subscriber will sell on the prom -1.0,, in Monroe township, Cumberland County, Pa., ono mile west of Churchtown, ono and a half miles oast, of the Bnlling tipringi; A tract of land containing 78 A (WES und, 27 PERCHES, - In n good state of cultivation, adjoining land of John 'Luta. Samuel Dillor, Abraham Sollonbargor, •John littuffman, Dan 10l Diller, Christian Richwine and 0. 11. Mosley. llnvi,pg thereon a ~ TWO-STORY 4 4 DWELLING ROUSE, WASH HOUSE, also,' new taro-sting Tenant llouso, and a large BANK BARN, Wagon shod and Corn Cram, Hog lA, also a nevOr falling stream of wator In front of tlio Horn two novor falling vpringh of water in front of the House, and a good Spring llouso, also a good young Al' PLE ORCII AILII. At the nine thno a tract of Mountain Land iituated In Franklin Top , York County, containing 28 acres and MI perchoa. Hale to communed at 1 o'clock, P. M., when to•1•ma will to made known by , SATIATE ANN DILLER, Executrix of Leonard Diller, &Oct Aug. 31,18801-4 a.. • ihiF.XEOTITRUCS.NOTIOII--7 T Lectors Testamentary oulho'estate of Leonard' r (WA i late of Monroe toWnehid deceased having, boon Issued to the subseeiber residing in the . t u no township; notleo is heroby given to all persona having claims to present them, and- those Indebted to mako Immediate payment to . SARAIIANN . DILLER, .. . Executrix. Aug .10,1866-0,0- I.oi.irlai3 ea°. . • ry FIE subsoriboi koured 'S..N. -Divanhi saw Mill; on Mountain ,Orepk, posses.' a on gluon October lot, will now receive orders throsigh, isle Agent, Mr. aimeon leisk, at Mount Molly Springs, 'for all kinds of Lumber to be got out as sooners can be rafter the Ist of October.. - , ' Moving a large tract of Timber land, lam desirous to supply the demands of the country—it is contem plated putting on a . Portable Steam Saw Mill the more readily to meetpublics wants.. I hope to be 'able to aatisty all wbogive use their. patronage 'MAI can got out as good Inmbor mutat as low Pecos ere any other dealers in the community. - .. • • ' V:l3, R001511(8." Aug. 311486 G-it 1!1 Ahead ! Ahead ! ! LATEST AND GRANDEST OPENING OF THE SEASON AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S CHEAP DRY GOODS aEMPORIUM. of all the newest and most desirable styles and quail• ties of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY suitable for the present and corning season AN ZOOK embracing nil the latest varieties and styles in tho market. Plabi, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, FonGard Silks, Mohairs, Poplins, Repps, French Mos ambiques. Lemma Real Organdy and Jaconet Lawns of beautiful designs, Plain and Figured Percales and Chintses, Silk and Mohair Grenadines, Baines, Black and Colored Mohair Alpacas, all shades, Moue de Laines, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, Is tho place to purchase your DOMESTIC COODS. as we have the largest and bust Stock In the County, and are sailing them at aluslins, Sheetlngs, Pillow Case Muslim; and Linens, PL plugs Cheeks, Cotton Pants Stuffs, Linen Drillings, Linen Coatings, Calicoes, Clinghams, Chamborry's Mango, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, &c. for thu latest styles of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS =1 all styles Silk and Cloth Sacks and Mantles, Black Lace Points, Shetland Shawls, all colors, If you are In want of any kind of as they have the largest Stork in town of Shirred, Tucked and lulled Muslim:, suitable for Dresses and Garnhaldles, Nainsook Swiss, Caret:. and Jaconet Altus. line, Striped and Figured Bwlsses and Piquitz, &e., &c. MOURNING GOODS. Of this class of goods we always have a full line, such as ombasines, itopps, Poplins, blohairs, Single MIA Double width DoWoes, Mozarobiques, 8-4 Crape Marett for Dresses and Shawls, 8-4 Grenadine Barage, for Dresses and Shawls, Mohnif Lustros, Lawns, Ging hams, English Crapes, Crape Yells, Gloves of all de scriptions Shawls, &e.,.&0. You will always find a full Iluo of and they pay strict attention to all orders for tho same Do not forget to call for your supply of Cloths and Coe situeres, Vestlngs, Linens for rants and Coats. Hay ing secured the services of a first class Tailor, we are prepared to have Clothing wade up at very short no t ice. s the place to buy your GLOVES, HOSIERY of ull kinds, MITTS, , HOOPED SKIRTS, BALISIORALS, FRENCH CORSETS LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, BONNET RIBBONS I= TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, EMB'D. INSERTINGS AND EDGING'S, LACE V EILS, INFANT WAISTS, EMWD. FLOGNC INGS, HEAD NETS, and a thousand other small s;'ares too numerous to mention. of all grades and description such as English Tapestry, Brussels, , Lowell Three 'Ply Extra Sup Ingrain, Itag, Listlnv, and Hemp, Wiped, NWUlan of all widtitii, Cantina Maitingo White and Chocked Window Shades, Looking,olaasoa, RATCat•S litarsaills Quilts find Counterpanes Nottlngbani Lace Curtains, nunlooitrd Muslin Curtains, &c. Please do not fall to glyetis an early call, as wo . are determined to keep up our good reputation of selling the best goods, the cheapest goods, and thelargest a mount of goods in the county. .We always take great plunsuro to show our goods. as-'we can prove the fact that we study the.interest of all our customers. LEIDIOU 1t .MILLER. DO not forget the place and well known etanditn the Corner,' sign of the Oarpot June 8,1800. GOODS, GRAND DISPLAY DRESS GOODS, CHALLIES,_ (Soo., &0., &c =I T,EMIGH & MILT ER PANIC PRICES, GALL THIS' WAY GRAND DISPLAY OF Grenadines, Barrage Shawls, French Mozambique Shawls W II IT II: GOODS, I= LEIDICH & MILLER'S, FUNERAL GOODS, AT LEIDICIE & MILLER'S, MEN AND BOYS, NOTIONS I NOTIONS!! LEIDICH & MILLER'S CARPETS ! CARPETS!! OIL CLOTHS Always in Advance 1- R/iND OPENING Of Um lAteirioaportations of French, German, English and Italian Dross Goods and Summer Wear of every description. W. C. SAWYER, '& CO., have again taken advantage of the very LATE DECLINE IN PRICES, to fill their Spacious Store Room (East Alain St., two doors below Saxtona Hardware Storo,) with an enor mous Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Carpet and House Furnish ing Goods, 'fraught for CASH from the longer t importing Houses of Now York and Philadelphia. All the varieties and coins of Silks. Splendid •Inal- Hies of Gros Grain Black Silks for Dresser' and Basques., French Worsted Goods and Grenadines, CARPETS, CURTAIN MA TERI- from A. T. Stewart, A Co. English Lono's, Lawns, Perealea, 111ohairs Barred, Stripped and Plain, and Ilosiory of all kinds from Arnold, Constable, & Co. All kluks of domestic goods, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and White Goods, of every class from IL B. Claflln, & Co., New York. Very select styles and varieties of Dress Goods and general wear from James Kent, & Co., Joa. Reign!, Co., Johnea, Perry, & Co., Philadelphia. We carefully examine both markets and customers, will find on our counties a larger, more varied and cheaper stork of wxnis than In any Store West of the great cities. Every body is invited to examine our Stock—all kinds of Ahnalling and Funeral Goods. We give epodel attention to this branch of our it ode Ladles are Invited to exatniue our beautiful styles Silk and French Cloth SACKS AND BASQUES, beautiful shades of French Cloths for Sacks and 804 tons, ornaments dm., to match. W. C. SAWYER, & CO *ould ask tho attontion to their very choice stock of French, Scotch and American Cassimeres, Cloths, Spanish Linens for Coating's, Russian Linens for Pan logs, &c. We got up Suits at short, notice by the best Tailors lu town. W. C. SAWYER, & CO House furnishing department, le the largest and most complete in the valley, containing Scotch and English BRUSSELS, all the grades of the Lowell & Hartford Mills, Romp and Rug C~ARPETi~, Olt Cloths, Mattings, Shades, Rum &e W. C. SAWYER, tic CO have a largo armament of Hosiery, (novae, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Comets, de. ,Bradley's unequalled "rade bf the World" and Linan ELIPTIO HOOP SKIRTS, and en other best makeakept by us.. Lace Mitts, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons and in fact every thing found in a wide awake en orprising Store, determined to do a large trade' for the benefit of the community as well as for themselves. • . Every body Rich and Poor, Old and YoUng, Sundt and groat urn Vary' cordially invited to our ' DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, where we will fake great pleaenro in showing as wel as selllog our goods. We will make additions of deal table goedexe the semen advances. ' sr.°. aawYEii, a co. 1118,34 18,184 XL ALAS', &c., NEW STORE and NEW GOODS. rrtiE undersi g ned would ino=t respect i folly inform the ritizens of Carlisle. and Gur roundiOg oonnty. Mal they have just opened a largo and ',rep sedettel Frock at Dig Goads anti Notions, in idatl , sughlin's Daitding , North Tranover Street, (one door cauth of the American Howe.) Our stock is new, haring recently been purchased, it consists of Ladies Dry Gond; Previa. kierinses, DeLeines, all Word Detainee., Alpacas. Coburmi, dr.c.„ Ac. Also, Domestics, such as Ilaterlins v aingltrus, Prints, Chews. Ticking. Abe. You will also find ,a fall line of Fancy Cassimeres, Cloths. Satinet, Kentucky Jeans; Ac_ with many other articles too numerous to men tier, We are determined to sell our grads very cheap, fur