Something Entirely Now! Housekeepers Furnishing Emporium Cor. of 2nd and Walnut Sts., Opposite First National Bank, Harrisburg; Pa. .• THE subscriber having been induced to ontor into a business, the want of which has long boon felt in this cominuuity, has carefully select• od a Stock of goods, which for BEAUTY, VARIETY AND NOVELTY, has never before been equalled in any place east of our large commercial cities consisting of Tin Ware,- Hollow Ware, Toilet Wgro, Pots, Kettles, and Pans, Japanned Ware, Door and Table Mats, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Articles, Willow Ware, Novelties of all kinds. Wooden %Vara, Ice Cream Ft eezurs, Britannia Ware, It etrigeratoe a, Iron Ware, Watt r Coolers, &e. In short EVERYTHING required or desired In keep• Inc house. In proof of which he woMd respectfully solicit a call from Housekeepers, whether they pur chaao or not. He hue also the largest assortment in the city of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Boys' Propellors orarabulators, Velocipedes, Boy o' Wagons, Canterin Ilorses. Jack Horses, Boys Priv in Reins, Stick H. rses, Swings, Baby Tenders, Wheal barrow s, etr.c. Call and sea when you visit Harrisburg. We do not expect ALL to purchase who come. It will always afford pleasure to show goods . July 20, 1800.-3m* Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, The people are going to Plank's NEIGHBOR now wo can afford to keep ourselves and children in good Boots, Shoos, Hats and Caps, store they are' selling so very CHEAP At the sales room of B. Plank. South West Corner of North liatiover St., and Locust Alley. Plank, bas just returned Irom the East, and Is now opening in addi tion ti his Romer stock a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, flats and Caps, which for price and quality can not Ito surpassed, indeed It is a blessing to the people that Plank has opened a BOOT' and Shoe Store lo CarMIR. The amount of money, which can be saved by buyrug at Plank's Boot AND ,S 1101; Store will keep a person In pocket money Inc a year Yon can scarcely name any kind I. n Itoot or Shoo that Plank has not got, and all sellir a nt greatly reduced prices .111111 go to Plank'a elii'tp Boot and BMW. • STORE and son for yoursol V OR, and you will Ond that half has not been told hut who'. has lawn told Is true. Itemein hot the stand South West Comer of North llanover St , and I,oquat Alloy. CARLISLE' Midway between MI udiums and Widaels !hitt& April T, 181111. New Spring Goods, ISAAC LIVINGSTON, at his whole• sale and Retail elothinit Establishment. on South Lino Ivor ,treet. adjoinD4t & Bowers' Hardware Ft , Ir, announces the receipt of a full and Complete as tines I of SFR INC- rind S rmivme and soasennble BEADY MADE CLOTH INtl. Ills stork rOligkts In part of fine DW< and Moe FRENCH find ENOLItill CLOTHS, Extra Hurry DoeNkin, Three cut and fancy CASSIMERES, Also n largo variety of Cassinois and Tweed, Ken tucky Joni.. an 1 C•l5 .onntidea, Linens, anti Linen Drillings, in gn at varlet y. Also o treat losortment of Ready Made Clothing, of °rely eLyle end quality, White Linen and Woolen Steil to. Summer Urn Were. &r., lutild hu fus n•nortmeut of Tiee,t!ollars.ll , kler3 and Wures, Unmf, Silks nod Co lon Ilandhereltiets. AlFt, u full usf.ortment of Trunks, Carpel Bags and N'alises,b ovary size. Clothing made to order at tht., shortl,t 110tiee. Cull and ••xttadilli thu stock ,iareh 23, 184 lb 1 Challenge Competition IN the way of variety, eleg.inee of style, quality and (.11081,11e5,, of my stock of Dry Goods.— Esnecially would I call attention to In) laige assort ment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I selected with special care la the Philadelphia and New Yin k markets a few days ,dnee. Also, my three oblong coulldontion II 01 3 NKlit T, decidedly the in“st itepr , ved pattern id the age, giving thy wearer the most artistic film. variety of 11 lute Goods, such as Plain and t , tripod Cambric., Phan, 'Maid and Striped 7•iur,oolte, Swiss Mull, l slip and 1"ia01 . 1:1 Lawns, Brilliants, Linen Ilandkeirliiels. Blue and Gold Duck, C tt ton ndes, Llingbarns, Denims, Kentucky Jeans, Shirting, Stripes Othis Cambries. Tic '• Blue Gamhri,,, eh, eks, " Blue Nankeen., Mailers. " Brown Nankeens, kneasti.l . 13 Ingham, &e., &e., &c., April 20, 1866. I=l IVM. A. IL ES' S roil E, NORTH lIA Nc 1' Ele S7'IIEET, NEXT DOOR TO Do. It i 191:11.'1: AND Iat.q.ITXER'S VOW rIEIIS subscriber hereby informs hie old 1_ customers end the public generally, that he has REMOVED hi. Family Orocery FROM Pitt Street TO the corner of Pomfret and Pitt Streets, in the building known.. CA1t1"8 CORNER, which has just been thoroughly repaired and refitted expressly tor his business. My stork consists of a first class assortment of ES, GIIOCERI ES, Willow, Wooden and Queensware, un pt fining evury thing is my li ue or trade. 1 nut in Clllll4llll/. 1:111111k1U1111.110011 With till' I,lsterit ritieh. 11111/ W ill Ito In doily I ueeipt of Lho NlO% EST and FRESH EST ()Kill:Eß I ES the fnelgn markets afford. Don't forget the place—Cart's 111,1 Corner I= The noted "Dry Good" Store in South 'Hanover SI reel THE 111061 011'6011/e pltwe In (;urliele is at A. W. Bentz's great, " ERCAN ILE EN PURI UN" where eau be purchased the best, handooment. and cheapest goods In the Country. We 1111 V, just replan l,bed our stock with a large Invoke of the choicest goods in the Market, and will continue to renew the supply daily, Or an necessity requires. It would be impossible to enumerate all the articles in our extensive line Of business. We have now a floe assortment of Ladle, .Spring Dress Goode. POPLINS PLAIN AND PLAID, Cue LEA ES OF DEATI FPI, PArPERNS PUNTS AN h ALL KINDS OF Ullll SSI IC (100115. A variery of Gee Omuta and Boys wear. An WC con elvo stock of, TABU:, STAIR AND FLOOS OIL CLOTHS, OIL SHADES. Blind Materials and Carpet Chain,. " ilopkitie Superior Skirts all lengths and widths. We shall bo happy to have all call and examine our " new stock." as we feel confident that our selection will please all Dolton. • Carlisle, April 11th 1866. New Grocery Store ! CHANGE OF FIRM rirll. undersigned hereby announces to hie old pat rorgto customem, that he has dis posed of his entire latock of Geode with the good will of the establishment to Messrs. Niter & Washmood, whom ho recommends to the citizens or Cumberland County, as active, energetic and reliable business men, who willaparo no pains to maintain and improve the character of the old etand as a fit st class FAMILY GROCERY). With many thanks for the patronage be Lae received he bespeaks for the new firm a continuance of the IMMO JOHN GEER. PEFIVEII & WASHMOOD will in a few days receive the largest and best unsorted stook or GROCERIES,' • CHINA WARE, ',- ,• QIJEENSWARE, • . GLASSWARE, • ' • WILLOW WARE, Sce., ever brought to this Place, and will constantly ltOep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets afford. A full aesortment of Lampe ace Oil on - hand. 'Call and see us ut the old stand, South ,East corner of . 2darket, Square PUFFER & WASIESIOQD. January 5,1806--ly. 'DORT :Folios, Writilik Desks, -Basic Gammon' Board,. Games of all description at liar erstick's Drug, Fancy and Book' Store. JILLMONDS.- •llr . Rose, Coital), J .. Voulll _•llurnt, 00 15, 1805 NlllB'Confectionary and Fiuita, at naversudei. 111111YSICITAN8, will'find it to theii, vantage to call sad purchase thollataluil,ilL3t Jnly,.t,tBB4 A.TOI.I.ES and ewe ty. rotaure, nt tag now Jowelry Qtoro., , PE/?,AfAiV.,ENTp CC/W/D, Sheldon's Dyspepsia froches. Dippepsirt 1-'ermrtilfmt4l,4, cured or The Mont:y Rol ?wiled,. THESE Troches not only give imme diate relief hut are sure to effect a permanent cure in Dyspepsia They ore not a purgative, and therefore their use 0,303 pot create at:if:WM.4 , lot the habitual tiia`oecatiirttch. They raiise-tie eliekneus of the stomach, or griping of the bowels, and are perfectly harmless to the most delicate. Thuy will immediately correct a sour Stomach, cure Via uloure, Heartburn, Sickness or Pahl in the Stom ach, Costiveness. Belching of wind, Liver Complaints,. Headache, and in feet all those disagreeable and diem, gerons symptoms at thin, disiillsa, vi filch unfit' eikeAte the 'pleasures and duties of life. I,Ve,k and delicate persons who have been injured by the use of powerful 'nem ants and purgatives, wfil find them a mbd, so fa and sure restorer of ihe OlgeNtive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietors, S. J. Vandersloot K Co. Cho mists 718 Market :Cruet ' hi ludelphia, 1 1 a. David Ralston—Druggist. Carl lcl o , Cumber/and Co., l'a. ;We Agt for C umbor land Co. Pa. Sold by all Druggist!s. June 21, 1556 —an .10[1N P. KS:II,ER, 2nd & Wnlnut Sin s,,trm /, 1, di:ll7 S )*.ll' lAEA LE US in Foreign and Domestic illautware'•( all Mink,. TAINT:A. GLASS, VARNISHES. Sc. North St, nearly ..pp,,sit” Uwe:lolst° Bahl, .14 . 1 y 7 1855. E P 1,4.1 Y I , INT FOR ROT] 4EXE4. ISA BLED and returned soldiers, WitliMP and orphans of slain sold (.I'4, and the iiemplo3 et' id both sox, generally. in want of respect able and pi ifitable 1331ploymeut,ineurril g no risk. can procure much by enclosing a postpaid addressed envel. opt., for pa rtirulf, rs, to T 1114: CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated, ISSO, Charter Per petual. .1 A MI.:).) e. \VALI% Prusiti,at. Policies Issued on all Popular plans k FEW 111.1 SONS \\ 7 `llY I'EO ro.l Ih. Clinrter ()al, I st 11 haLiki v i• I ed. llit• 141, )11•ht, VOlllllll4l I•V•111,iVel) 1111. ittstlrtm. It t 2.1 --Its ,lost.••• 1 %% it It ,:rottt. cart, litu, iu o• :WC, i.ll /1..141 , ,. - Set I it,ir Itep,•rls t•zir, :;,41 Ital it, (11 Exp , tkilittlteq. Dvatil t Lumr 'lnd "t u”1" leuttqlly 11111 —Stttua are do hied thy yrighia) ezipital hell.: Chat ter h , 'wilt per rout iIIN idoud., 1,111 , 11, it CAI till. C..IIIIIaIIy :It inlri eht. • tle(.lart. , aud 101,11.1, mit.lly in CASH. tLus insisting the insured iu Lhu pqmunt 01 premiums tit!, —lt, Irt,iness is ritstrilititeil gear Ana to Ch aiu twenty Northern Stritetr, umbral'7' IS 7'llE BEST TONIC IN Till 11 ()/,'/ b Read who Says So Veen) the Rev Levi U. Leek, l'itstor of the ilriptis Chur(q), l'e())1(ertell, , 111nerly ()I the North Bap Church, pre,elit Pastor of th thipti,t Church, Cheater. I have known Iloothind's Herman littler,: favorably for /1 uumher at years I It., used Omni 111 my own tinnily. and h.ive Item, vo pleased with their effects., that I wag induced to recommend them to mint ,th ere, and know that they have operated in a strikingly lament-la! manlier. 1 lake eat pleasure In thus pub licly pls.-tanning Eli's lot, anti railing the attention of those afflicted with the distant, for wbirh they are recommended, to these 11ttets, hlinWing tram experi rase dm' my rerommemi.ition will be sustained. I do this nioreeh e , e li t ti, as thc , lland's Bitters Is intend ed to benefit the afflicted, and is •• not a rum drink; Trimt N. D. l'aFtot of 'l'm °HUI Bap. till Ctalt.r Gentlemen :—I have recently eon laboring under the distressing ellects of indigehtion, accompanied by a prostration of the nervous ovotwo. N timorous rem edies were recommended by friends, and 001110 of them tested, but without relief. Your ileolland's German (titters wore recommended by persons who had tried therm and whose favorable mention of those hitters Induced me to try [hum I loust, confess that 1 had an aversion to Patent Medicines !tom the thousand and ,me" quack •liittes'• dh,,se only nuns seems to be to palm ott sweetened:, ed ttroggtol I ly nor op.) the ortmrnio in a sly way'. and the rend e ney e i which, I tear is to make many 3 1,0 til 111,1 al link:Mi. Uro,, learning that yours was really a medicinal prepaia doll 1 tom. it with happy , fre, t. orlLm, not only upon the st. mach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratilyit4„ , . 1 feel that. I have derived great “1141 111,111:11,11 I bent:ill from the ova Of It few bottles. Very rusiwetfully yours. R. D. ; 4 E101 , 141RD, Nu. Illurksuutxon FL, or t From Revs.(. Nee Lou 1 1 ,1,..n. D. D., e , diter of the En tilupelie ut Iteligi e tte Keololo4o +Alla CliJ lslhm ('hrolitele Phlladelpb .11t....tigh w t diepu ed t,. 6el mof a 011111,11 Patel. L edielo to• in general, thrungh discs ust of their Mgr e dien to and effects, I yet kin w of no huflielent reasons b ) 3 1111111 limy not testify to the benelifF he believes himself to have received I'n aim any simple joelelrlit3oo,, teat he may thus contribute to the bene fit t others. 1 this the more readily in regard to lloonand's Ifittet s, memo ed by Dr, U NI. Jack son. of this cit.), to auno I was prejudiced again/,t them fur 11111.tly )ear., under the imple,ion that Ihey were chiefly en alcoholic mixture. I inn indebted to my it4,l,art. :910elon k ye, Esq. for Lim removal of thin prejudice by proper rusts told roe el/eolliagenlOnt to try them when ,nliering from gloat and lung continued 'the use of thlee bottles of thl su Bitters at the beginning of the presort year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not full for six months be fore, and had ahnollt despaired of regaining I tiler, fore thank tiod and my friend flit directing Mu to the Mu of them.. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philnaulphiti From tin, lit Ii D. l+midnll, Assistapt Editor Cl,, is Ilan Chronicle, I have derived decided benefit from the use of floor lend's tlerman hitters, and feel It my privilege to rue ommend them as a most valuable Louie, to all who are 'mitering- from general debility or from diseases arleing from derangenuct of the liver. Yours, truly. E. D. FENDALL. From Itev. D. I'llorrlga, Pastor of Mu Paselunk Bap Ma ehMTh, 11111 a. From the many ruepeotable recommendations given given to Dr. Ileuthind's Um man !Havre, I was induced to give them a trial. Alter tieing euveral bottler! 1 Mond them tq 1)Q A good remedy for debility, Lind a most excellent tonic for the stomach. From the Rev. TIIO9. WINTER, 0. D., Pastor of ROX. borough Bapliet .10ii-u1;311. MAK Ent : I fool it due to your excellent preparation „Ilootliours German Bitters,: to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained: I have for yearc, at times, heed troubled, with great disorder in my head and nerimus system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your Outman Bitters. I did so, and have e*purioneed a groat and unexpected relief. Niy health has been very materially benefited. I con• fidently recommend the article when.> I m. of with cakes similar to my own, and. hav e teen nasur,44, by many of their gdod elfecth2 ' ' Respeatfullynyours, T. WINTER, • Itoxborough, Pu • , • oi? couNTERFEns . . 800 that tho eignature of "0. M. JACItBON" lo on tho wrapper of each bottle, Should yotir nearest druggist not hate the article do not be put off by any of the Intoxicating prepare tione that linty bo offered in its place, but Bond to UR r d coil fcirWard; securely paelted by exprcoc. • , • `IOI . 6CIPAL OEI4 M 00 AND - AINILOMOTORY, • 681 % • - JONES, 4r. EVANS, I guccessors to - E2l:Ar. Jackson 4 Cci.l PROEMIETOAS. For sale by Drugglets and .Dealers in every town in the United States, Dee. 1, 1 . 865-Iy. . • AMERICAN ORGANS. • (From Book" Febi•;i'ary, 186 G.) REED ORGANS; &o. • THE following remarks and sugges . tlons relative to this immensely popular instru moot will doubtless - interest and profit very many of ouk readers, we commend the article to their careful perusal;— , A hundred and,ene makers of Organs, Cottage, Par lor, Cabinet, American, &hoof Organm . etc eta., are each claiming to make the best instrument In the world. lining comparatively a now instrument. as at preSent cimstructed, wenn convinced the public are much less capable of judging of Its merits, or demerits, than of most other Instruments. If there is really an essential difference in them, 3f there are come excel, lent and some worthless ones, the public should have some criterion for judging of them, some facts which will enlighten them. We cheerfully concede thespace for this article knowing that there Is hardly a family, or church,ur school in all the land, more or loss Interested in 1 his topic. We are also aware of its be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity, to any of them to purchase an inferior or worthless Organ, ruinous to good playing, and often a source of much annoyance and' resation. We know this articla to emanate from a candid and intelligent source, and thus we giro it to oneremhws. Fevers, The question is often asked, ts hat are "reed organs?" We adswer, they are, in most cases, nothing in the world but the old melodeon in disguise. tinny of the so-called organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the same g. n.ral Internal arrangement. With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have simply put an a more pretentious exterior anti in more high NOUllliing name. But an organ, to be in reality an or gan, must pare a wind chest or reservoir for air sepa rate from the hollows, into which wind-chest the roods open, and the tone has room to expand and perfect it self into the full round tone, similar to the flute or papa organ, even, smooth, Orm, and mellow ,• and this tone from reeds cannot be obtained in any other way known, thing so annoys a true organist as to have the vol ume of suund•nwelliug and jerking spasmodically with every variation of force on the bellows, which Is always the case where the reeds open direct Into the bellows or air passages, instead of a wind chest or sound-box. And.yet some matters even go so far as to claim this spasmodic or automatic jerking of the bellows on, the reeds as an excellence, just as Omagh they did orot know that it must very soon throw the reeds out of tune, and injure the bellows; and as though it were not an easier matter to obtain an ninth better and more easily manage I swell by other methods. Thu truth is, any organ, so called, or melodeon which has the wind acting directly upon the reeds, is nothing more nor loos that, a huge aecordeon, dross it up no you may. And w hen organists and true musicians become 1021.0 of the fact that they can obtaio those that are organs In fact as well as In name, they will buy no mote of the objectionable ages. Then again the swell should al ways be 1301 , 11149 and distinct from the bellows, so an not to he acted tin by the hand, or soft blowing, but convenient so that the player can use it with the knee, separate from the, hands or feet, and tilos always un der easy control, to be used ad libitum. The large divided bellows, or double bellows, is also a very important Improvement. By this means not only Call the 'Willa be supplied morn evenly, but with far greater ease to the performer from the fart that either bellows alone will he numb lent for the lighter melodies, thus permittiog the player to change about and rest the feet at will ; then. if the bellows is of the requisite large size, :and having fits wind chest nr reservoir, all it ill be 'Null. As to the I . l.,titi, they must be scientilleally tuned And voiced, or all the other good qufdilles in the world cannot produce a good totted In strument. The Inquiry now very naturally arises, where can the organ he procured romldning all these essential entd delsirable qualities': There Is only one possessing :di these points, and thatis tine All , :RICAN WM AN, made & 11. \V. smrili, of Boston, SnlElllet OTT 11 holesale Agent, 581 ~ r oadway, Nose York. 'I has to gam. ha , e binding the whole length if the instrument. and so couStrUCted as to act at the Santo time as a reverberating sound-hox or board. anti having the saute Important relation nod pat 1.• to pet toam thattine sounding-board has to the piano. This Malmo the makers have patenteil, and to it ate ow hid; in a great 111441SIICkl tip entirety tlte quailed fullness and rid, ass of tone hi, highly priited by all v. Ito have used these organs They also bah the largest and best divided bellows in use, which is am - ohm important teat are. No part of their wont is blighted, 110 expense or pains spared to Make the A merican tlt gam: perfect musically. as well no muchan i ally. and, j u ,donr In,m the 1111111 cum, sale of them at pr gent. illoy bid fair to long maintain the proud posi tion they hate area by / ,, /l/”I'l01* merit alone. We would Most heartily ad, 1, all interested to call upon or address Ms. elllElUs (ITT, the W 11010,1,11, Agent. at SXI Broadway, New York, and c assure them he will, in the moot it'llmo:tidy and truthful unmoor, Impart to them all the int, ntation they nay 111,111 , relative to this truly delightful instrument. MI:SIC TEACHERS rieWVINUffiMI The sill is fully piepared hi furnish Sher 'dusk, Strinas, u,ival I nstrunionts, and Music 14°,k of all kinds at the ',west trade rates. wholesale and ri tail, kern the largest odd rtlons in this rountry. Irders putietualls faithfully attended to. Address all orders BOARDMAN, GRAY A: . CO PIANO-FORTES, age” , y. The Flthherilier, late a motel., t 11 eII lanavii lain eiditliiisheit aiiieney 1,41 litnailtiay. Nets. Yl.,k (it ) , wher e I to t- e the of his blends and /hi i••reeitilly hear Irian L 6• ..• .%lin have lit eralli I, , tniseit their the bri t , here; , . fore. Ile , u1)1.1) - the, instratnentr the trade hikli.ale the very [Ames Prises, made %Nall the ini-ulated Iron Rim and Fran etat in IMP sa.li4l They exiiel :ill other:, in 11 •tiperiia it y lit LOllO, anti elegance at' extortia appearance. All lhese Pianos have overdrung Scales, giving in e•aui eV( 1 4, 1 l wit), the paten) inf) Jim and frame. Full Round, Pouerlul.and Sweet Mellow Tones. The e egant iu appl,ranee, and easily and safely hat; died. Warrantel to prone ,iio,l,Tactney.ce the muney returned, Addre , b all ordill's to S. D. L' l / 4 :, 11. \V. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS TUE NI UST PEI) FECT AND BEA UTIFUL MUSICAL INSTRITMENT FOR 'nrn A.INIERTCAN lIOME CIRCLE :I ME RICAN OR 0 ,17N mow, heme nt tractive, relines, and elevates taco inlnt of all, beautiful In lippenraneo and Weds. The Mulleins) popularity of these Organs, and their superior Musical Powers, is last bringing them before the public, as the Instrument so long desired in A MP:RICAN :led although tho cost price jo hut It trifle oyes the Melodeon, yet the !flushd advan tages, beauty of tone and quickneeil of tourb ned tine aro so far superior, that they are fast supe, em ling the Melodeon and the call is now almost exclusively ler the AMERICAN ORGANS It. adapted toAny Music from the gull:hod and most lively, to the homy tone of the Church Organ. And almost universally thoy are preforred to the Piano, by persons who have them, yet costing less than ltif,and only tatting a small amount of room. Saud for'iloacrlptlvo clroulara giving full partleula and prlces. Excluoive Agouctos ooeurod to Dimlore, and large dfseounte to tho trade cud Teachers. Address ell or de's, D. 11l IMILIOE IBERIA 0: T, Whole:ode A gont, 681 Broadway, Now York March SO, 1000-Iy. DRESSING; OASES,, Ladies' , anil Chmtl omen's. Doe. 15, 1565. , , AT lIA,VEItSTIO DROPS.- „ • Mint, Chocolate, Cream, Lembn, Orange, Vann la, Stone and Mess. Doc. lb; 1800. AT ITAVP , IISTIC/CR. PURE. LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, preferred by all practical Painters I Try It I you will have no other. Manuthqtured only by' ZE101,4111 /z whotosmo , Drug, Paint 4 Glass Dealers, • No. LIM North Third greet, PIIILAD'A., Jun. 22, 1806-,ly. • $2,00 A YEAR made by anS , ' one with Toole. No exPerioneo necessary. „The Pnisidenie, Cashlure, and Treasurera of 3 Banks indorso the circular. Bout free with samples. Address the American Stencil Tool. Works, Springfield, Vermont. July' 7,1856-3 m. , 'VIOLIN and 'Guitar Strings, violin y 'Bows, &wows, .&0., at tho now JOwoky Moro, East StS QOLE Agency for the: solo of Morton's Gold Pone; Th 9 now Jowolry Storo, East Main rt. - VAMILY DYE - 00140118r ,:AT AMMO'S,. " • - PFIOTACLES, of all kinds and prices to cult All nos, at tin now Jovially ktort, ,Elos ila Bt. ME SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadway, N. V El SIBERIA OTT, SSI Broad, ay Now York IN THE WO-EJI-1_1:). SIBERIA 017, 581 Broadway, Now York, WHOLESALE AUENT SAVE MONEY, AT CHARLES , OGILBY'S. CHEAP CASH STORE . ILTAVING just ()pond a large assort " L• Inent of Importod and Domestic Dr,ytioods, wero all purchased at a further decllith in pri cos, I have command this day tr, sell all Wi l ds of Goods in the Dry Goods and Fancy Line, arliliot prices than thoy woro KM act) days ago by 1111711°ns° in the County. J Ladieil Dress Goods, aud 6-4 Fancy Cols atulollack . Wool Dalanai; at Old Pr cos. New Style Strlpo Lustres, Mozambique!: all Stylus at Old Prices, Now 6tyle Mena Poplins, all Shades, at Old Prleas. Shaping& Plaid iliohaini and Dahlias, all she Natant. Old Prices ,pluck and Colored Alpacas at lowest pii6Rl,l4wils In all tlia new Styles, 231.5ti001 Bator and cheaper • than had boon sold for Pico years: White GoOds. Nalusoolts, Canebrirs, Bishop Lawns, Puffed hiuxlins, Striped Swiss and 'Nnlnsoolcs for Dresses and tlaribaldPs nt prim; that will astonish all. MEN AND BOYS WEAR Kentuckey Jeans old Prices 25 eta. All the celebrated makes of Castatueres. Cotton Goods. Linen Drills and Ducks at lower prices than have been bought for years. 1 am selling Coed Calicoes at 11, 12%, 16, 17 els. I am selling (load Muslin's at 12%, 14, 15, 16 eta. am selling the Best Unbleached Muslin to day at 24 and 25 MA. I :tin soiling the Boot Calivecv to-day at 18 and 19 ets. I receive every Morning the Philadelphia and Now York Domestic Price Lists from the Principal Muses in those Cities and F ogulutu E t 'Elt Y DA I' the prices ofnil goods accordingly on a declining Mar. kot all will see that they have the advantage of the decilne the very day It happens. This being the only lair way of doing, 1113,1110E5, I will strictly adhere to regardless ot the opinion of other Houses. A tretnendious stock of Ginghands, Pickings, Chocks, Flannels, Blue Drilling he., all at lowest cost prices. FANCY GOODS, In all the endless variety or Rant') goody too numer ous to mention I take pleasure in saying. our stock no- Ilesor more complete and at prices tint mu at satisfy all. Balmoral Skirts and all the 111111, es of floo r , Skirts at and below old Prices. :ilk i , llll Unite atlas and Para solo. Bibbons, laces, Edgings, Table Cot err, (Dress 'Buttons by the ThOusand) Shakers, Latlies.G ruts 4,1,1 Children's Gloves and Hosiery all sines colors and prices. Linen Ildkfs km, at very low Prices, SHOES. Alto /I full new stock of Ladies and Children's Shoes of every description. I soil ne•auctien work and eau warrant every pair I sell and being at 110 extra ea pen SO the keeping the same am enabled to sell cheaper than any Shoe House In the (bounty. call and see them all who want good and nest Shoes. Thankful for the liberal patronage wlSOhlhe public have long accorded me I hope to be able to merit a con tinuance of the same. Itmm•mber the place on the Cornet opposite the Itost Office and the Methodist Church. Come Ono and All and convince ynurself ImMre pur chasing elsewhere seeing he believing. pIT E LIBERTY W 111 TE LE 'rho the most durable and t h e moss ,4•,,, , thit.a1. Try It' Manutavtur. , l only by Zieglor & Smith, Wholesnie Itrtw, Paint t (1:1‘,.,, 1:;7 Ni tit Third St., NOTE ER GREAT CURE AL 1N THE CITY OF NEW l()) IK, Of a highlyrespectable citizen, well known to the Mercantile community, by • 1, a. .1 It t• . M=l Url.:cr. N. V. ANP Co 2ti SL.. Ness Soak, J on, 1, 1,115. Ina J. 11. 30111,:ii . K-10,11 1. 61rt—For over fifteen rears I have horn trould. d w tth :1 severe rough, and usually Lao or tint 13 110110; n t ear with inure or less homer- I liege, which to,utlit., for the knot h tl tonic, has kept me thin hi li, sh :tad too weak to do husitiess ol all) kite w ithout nuffel lug. la A egos! 1 had u very ookrere 11t11101111:1140, furl, !1VA...Y.110g 10 1110 jlolgllll,ll of a good New Vora physieittu, 1 aWI CLAI•I•Cd 1,0 . )0101 the reach of medicine, and WOO advised to he prepared so far as property Matters nese coneerriert, to leave this world at shot t uotlru. 'rho phy..ioian (and my good friends) wild that tile Mat cold I tool, moat prove loud. harly lu Jallklary I took a severe cold, and fortunately a as occupy lug rooms at Ni'. ,t 2 10/N1) It I. EIT, direct ly over your office. 1 think about the if Lb IA January I procured a bottle of your Pulamnit• Syl up 111,1 0 10, 0 111,01,41 taking, It freely. )lye leet and limbs were very much SWIIIIIIII, mud all the 1) inplonts of a speedy Moult seemed to accompany myssa.l,l. 1 sent tor any torniel 101 l y.i1•1310 turd - /.111 ad to him that 1 was taking 3 °Or 11111(11611,S, and atter shoa lug theta to him, and having tasted ot them, Kr , In, replied; - you call tall, tht•lti tf ou like, they a ill do )nu no harm." 11„ said •1 ou know what I told you last smuttier, and 100) the same tino, it you hat stay businesoko close nip, do hot pat It lie said totolter ft Muds that he • . 0011,1 sue no hope An me, - and my friends mud relations I . onCinliatt 11,3 time Mid come, At tilts time I was taking freely your medicine, hut had 001 SOOll 3,11 'line 110e101 . Called a ten times, 1110110111011110 (nlllOll to his sur prioc, lie said.) Improving and Inteould not understand why. 31y Mitt' was iu yoUrilladieilleh, and Lad a wish to have you i•Xalll I 110 my eine. and see „ hat you hod to cut) . 3% h e n you !list came lo my Sill and made the examination, you gave MO hut lib 10, •l ~••11.i.i.,,•111••1it. lint an the mincer . ), expressed sad dmibts • ut my ever holing halpl•d out of ill 3 thee seem ing difficulties. The second time that you called, find. lug 1111• still galniug, you gave 1111 enoourageinent, say "ml) symptoms acre improi lug , the Puha:tide sup, Sent-need Toni.. and 31andrake Pillo had ated like a charts." My circulation, my cough, my appetite, all began to Improve, 11.1111 I could walk. about 1115 room a little. You t 611a,i mo urn rly every r i 1.101, da), and ono loon., lug, and told 010 11101 to go 001 ol my toot. uutil the first day sit May. I took no cold while uuder your treal1111•11l, lay a 1•110Lito became 11, at-rate, and you told am to oat ever) thing 1 0 (cued Of a 11 uLritioue nature, and to exorcise /theta the rooin :10 1011011 as possible. I followed your advice, ind to the surphe of my old 1•11y6i,.1lla Mal friend, 1 Seolll winch better than 1 have been for several) ears, nod hotter thou I es, I expected :I. person could NIItII 00c 11111 g, Ole loft being completely orird 'up. I teal my grateful to you, Rod considel your advice alai medielliev Invaluable. Youri,, - - Pit. S , :ili:NCK—Dear Sir .--.About two year, fig" 1 it,t I • tilth it very troubitaume cough and a pain In in . , !freest ; norm or eight months passed away with toy doing anything tot myself. 'Phew I applied to a pity f intl. who atten ded the for about three 111011018 0 11111/11t rendering 11111 any to, siro. I also uht a in t A tho adf Ice and tteatmont of n physician in one of our h. anu elan had the advice and treatment of two ether phybietans but all to no purpose. Dui ing this long space of Unto 1 w as nearlv dead; twveral times my ads came to 800 1110 1111t1 witness my exit Into the spit tt-world. I was ounfined to toy b a d 1 00 ...ti t , a t oae tiuu,. My breathing Wllll eYelltollllgly shod. 1 gait. up several times all hope of getting k•ettn ; and timt getting well, that, 0118 0111,11'14 out Of tllO 1 10 1, 11011. And to think this day lam well :old heary advised b 1 smile of 10) friends to try Dr. ftitifffelf. o •,:•• nes. d accordingly bought bottle after I fa% WI I 1 onoliod the ninth ; then 1 bend 11 decided I h 0111 01) •• ugh for the better. I suffertfd 1101 or e tt , a, palpitattou of the heal 6 , and two V.CIIkS I taking yoUf niedidne this difficulty ceased. I 1 inn, 1 tire) met to lir. '.. , chenck'b It Woo With i 1 , •• y that Iro old get up into his reception room, • • so ttl colt and so no, oiled ; skin was its s•il /OW I had the jaundice ; 1 molt dull heavy anti • ... nr.i(clienck, after exaudni ii me. sold tai „qs a., affected, and gave me but little hope; b•t. his medicines, in about two reecho, took right held to to• ; It bconed to go right through my whelk. sys tem The Pulumnie Syrup, Sea-Weed Tonic and Man dl 4:•., Pills, all took right hold in the right place. Mc rills brought away gloat quantities of bile and slime; the Syrup loosened the matter in my lunge, which tans. olf very true ; the Sea-Weed Tonic gave me ap• pot lee, and everything seemed to taste good. show rebut great power the medicines have in put II . ) lug my system, and to show how bad I was dis uaes d, all the bile that passed my bowels, and the treat quantities of phlegm and matter 1 expector ated, I broke out all over in largo. bolls, Mit Weold centrum, to gather and run for about six weeks, and I had at ono time over twenty-fire bole. have noth lug of the kind tow, and feel like auothdr person al together.. I can salbly say that I •Itavenot. onjoysd such health for live years as I do nos; nod ~' eanuot praise you and your tuedichica enough. May (I , d bundmitly bless and preserve you! is the sinner° de rby of one who bas been F.O wonderfully relieved Lb! ~itp It your agency ; and Harty one desires to know with Bard to the truthfulness of this report, if they will mall upon any of my friends, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, near Thompson street, below Cmitrald dor, l'ldladelphla,lhey will be perfectly natlidled with the validity of the cask.. Yours, with much respect, MARY SCIINAIDT. The above mine, as described, Is perfectly correct. I know It to be true. Yours, T.ll. s Pastor of Hancock 11. E. Murat. Ur. 6(.111.1NCK will be professiothilly at his principal Mike, No, ld NOIITII 8/XTII Braecr, career of Q• AMERCE, PIIILAMLPIIIA, every Siturctair, from 0 A.M.., No. 32 Bond street, New :York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ; No. 38 Sulumer etreet,"Beston, Mass., every' Wednes day, from 9 to 11, and every other Friday at 108 Balti more street, Baltimore, bid. All advice fro°, but for a thorough examination of the !hugs with life Itosoir °motor, the charge to throe dollars. ' Price of the Puhnonlc Syrup and Sea-Weed Tonic, arch $1 50 per bottle, or $7 60 per half dozen. Man drake Pills, 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. MO= r 1 .1 11.111 Mason & Cabinet Organs, ll w ty different styles, adapted to scrod and sem lar music, for $B6 to 0600 eagla. FilaY-0.1411 GOLD. or . SILO DItIItELA LS, or oiler Drat premiums award ed them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address,'. MA SON t DAMLIN, DosToN, or MASON imonuats, NEW YORE. Sept. 22, 1866-Iy, SEGARS & TOBACCO, - AT ILALBTONSZ UOTOGRAPE ALBUMS ' all Bleu Rua stylui D0e.16,1}365. AT ILAVIMSTIOKB .t.;ARIVS COMPANIONS, all Roils obnpus and else& ac.. 15,1865 , ATTIA.II.I4II4IOKB rtomicuimunAL sox:Ione: 1 P«11 1865. • . . .. T" Farmers ' - and - Members of the' • • Agrlialurill SOciety ' will remember that Our next fall meeting and Exhibition', will commando on Wednesday' the 10th of October and ciantinue , three , days. The grounds have been doubli.enlargod and the track for the exidhltlon of lioraea.gfcatly Jenith oiled, anantalla loon need 111.1mo:ibex', And it in con. tranplated that wit'wlll, liiiietEe:.theet'oxtfinalve ' eXlll._ bition that boa . boon held, - '4l.llpereerrelat boon and abroad are 1 . to participate as °Matters rind spaatators, ",11y.aido ltlmi Freeldent.. .. p it •,•••" .• •••% • •••, oAtaor4 0;,040rr, . July 20, laoG—tf. - ' •,, ` ' ' - 13ticrotOry. = , IN and after MONDAY, May 21st, kjrlB66, Passenger Trains will run daily na follows (Sundays ascoptod): ACCOMSIODATION' TRAIN leaven Harrisburg 8.40 A. 51., Mechanicsburg 0.18, Carlisle 9'57, blowy'ilo 10.34 Bblpponsburg 11.07, Chablbersburg 1.10 I'. M., Grum, cantle 1.43, arriving at liagerrtown 2 10 P. M. MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg 2.00 I'. 71., Meehan fesburg- 2.33, CarlifliO 3 00 5 Now ville 3.40, Bhipponsburg 4,10, ChamberSburg 4.50, Greencastle 5.20, arriving at Hagerstown Mb P. M. • EXPItES.3 'TRAIN leaven 'Harrisburg 4.15 o'. 51 , Mechanicsburg 4.51, Carlisle 5-21, Newville 5.53, Ship pensburg 0 21, arriving at Ohara bersburg at 6,60 P. M. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 8.20 A. M., Greencastle 0.80 arriving at Hagerstown 10.16 A. 51. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Icavas Chambersburg 5.15 A. M., Shlppousburg 5.15, Nowvlllo 6.10, Carllalo 0.50, MoeDzoOesburg 7.21 an Iving at Ilarrthburg 7.50 A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown S.lO A. M., Green eal.tle 8.45, Cluiniliersburg 9,25, Shippensburg 9 15, 10.29, Carlisle 1/.03, Mechanicsburg 11.87, ar riving at Harrisburg 12.10 P. Al. NLXPRIISS TRAIN loaves Hagerstown 12 00 31., Greencastle 12.30, Claunliersburg 1.10, tibipponsourg Ll 3, Newville 2.15, Carlisle 2,18, Hoellaniesburg 3.20, arriving at Harrisburg 3.55 M. A 31LXRD TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3.05 P. 31. Greencastle 4.00, arriving at Chambersburg 4.50 P. M .@R-alaking close connections at Harrisburg xrith Train to mid from Philadelphia, NOW York, Pittsburg, Baltimore and Washington. RAIL Itoni, OrricL, amborsburg, Nlay READING RAIL ROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. JUNE 11th, 1868. T t JNK LINE F110:11 TilE North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, A , ldand, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, II tie, Lancaster, Colum. he., 'Trains leave Ilarrisburg liar New York; as follows: At 3.00, 8.10 and 0.05 A. M., and 2.10 and 0.15 P. M„ connecting, with similar Trains on the Pimosylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York :it 0.00 and 10 30 A. M., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.15 P. M. Sleeping Cars no eempanying the 3.00 A. M., and 9.15 P. 31., Trains, without change. have llarrisbuig for Reading, Tamaqua, Mlnersville, Ashland, 111;1+1:rove, Allentown and adelphia, at 5.10 A. M., :PA 210 and d 10 P. 31., stop ping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; the -1.10 P. 31. Train making connections ror Columbia and Philadelphia only. For Pottsville, Sato. /kill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Hall Road, leave Harrisburg at :3.20 P. 31. Ileturning : Leave New York at 7.h0 and 5.00 A. M., 12.00 Noon and 0.00 P. 0 1; Philadelphia at 8 15.1. 71., aod 3.110 I', 31., Way Passenger Train Imivrs Phil t tleliMM at 7.30 A. 31., returning from lii Miog 11.:10 I'. M., stopploz at all Station,: Pottsville at 845 .1. and 2.45 I' II.: Ashland 11.00 and 11 :10 A. NI.. and 1.1)0 I' 31; Tatommt at 0.15 .1. 11 , had 100 and 1.5:1 1' M. CIIAIMES 0011.11 Y l'uttsville for IlarriKhurg. is : , chuyllcill and Susquehanna find Road. at 7.00 M. . . . iteadin-4' .1, -, ,unnindation Train: Lrates Itnading nt 0.00 A. n ag troth l'hiladolphia at : , -00 Columbia Rail Road Trains lons, 110.110 g at rl4 O A. 01., 120. Noon and 0.15 I'. M. fur Ephrata. Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia', Se. 00 ,- 'un.l2k3s I,ltvo \,-w Y., at 800 I. 11.. l'hila dviphla fi 00 A. M., and 3.1:, I'. 21., the 8.00 A 11. Train running only to Reading. l'uttoN ilk 0.00 Tam aqua 1,30 A. NI , Harrisburg 005 A. 711., and Iteadinz at 12:, and 7.30 A. 21.. tar Ilarrishur4, 00,1 10.5:: A. 11,- 10r NOV, Ynrk. and 4 25 p. 11 fur 1'1411:n11pm, tathm, Milnage, I. 4 easou, .001,m1 and Eslll - to. and f 13,113 all p"ints, at ruds,,d Itatus. Ilavcage chucked through : 00 pound, all°, ed each l' tl . A..11'111,1.:. Hennral Sup.o - intendvut. Ileadill4. Pa. June '25, 1000. ESTE Y'S COTTAG E ORGANS, cottage Am , . not only IlrloXvellt,l, Lot tiny are abrmilnloly 0111,1Un11,1, by any other !toed Itt,trument in thy .uuntry Deigned expressly l.rtjhurrites and Sellootte . ; they nn• 10111,1 Lo Lo equally well adapted to the parlor and dr.ticlu...: i 001 n. For Pak illy E. \I. BRUCE, N..rth SEN'EN"I.II VIIII.IDEI PIIIA. nh-Al,, 11RA DICURY't I 1'1.1):0,1, 3 complete rts wort ment of the PERFECT ME1,01.11,1,1)1. 1564--ly The Family Grocery. rum.: subscribers, having taken the Irrocery `trot 1 !rdnorisnrith rcr. on arljoloing rrairdnor & Machine :shop and Foundry. hairs just opsned n to,' nod (do v.rant assortment ot (1101 C Eltl e.s, ti LAS,: rind QUEENS WAItE, sehreted ,‘lth great tar,! Col 111 lly Vll pp) ieS, WM/11 t t-011 at Ors very lowest inder•S fr r rash. Every artlrds In the line of Family ihrorreries 111 ah,ays h r • kept irosh au.] r heap. 'l'h,) , ars, , all irrudirolar attsntion to the t, EU:, 4Pri nitrnt Cift,X I•'rvtii .J',,u, 7 of which they have the exclusive agem r, f•r Carlkle, ami shieh his proved o •. Its super ority ..1..i all Other VIII. or • - 4,010: ,-... -...1. jars 11.1 - M ill US , ins its ,rl,lt simplicity. '. perfect reliability in km•piim Front, and \ y R Ezr therarnordinam ease will'. Ali l i: j il u, l r l r lt :r:sj i , , ,, , ic.,,„.„.,„,,,,.,,,,„:„.„,,,,3.,,,,.:,,,d, other j tr. without ilmt e,amining the • We hire also ftNi/X*:.6 i'A9 . EN•i' FTEI• JAR . P A T E N : 11''.':I. Lash':: :'11):': I : el . :::: r ' l ' :: e :1,.. 1 11 't. t l V"A rich S l : N : :: :1: :{ 1 1 ; A : : 4....411 ,• ; - CHINE, only Five Dollars, and the Aniition t..LOT II ES WIRING Eli, both of ski in they vonfidontly recommend to Rive entire satisfaction. They have also been appointed .arum for the salvia =1 EARTHEN DRAIN to which they would 1:s11 tbe :tttent.lon or Farmers and others needing 01,11 :It the bust and eheatiest article Is he found for ,un,eylug water 111,1101 ynnin and barn-yaule Alto a variety of other antieleF, such as 1/001t MATS of several kinds and price,. .Vij. Just opened v supply of Fresh furring and all kinds of :MIT Fish. put up lLis Spring. Also Floor In barrels and sacks and Peed by the bushel. mnivriN (lARDNE/t. May ;IL, I qud. (Succes t zor, to .) . D. (:orglts.) rII I IIE subscribers rospect fu Ily in form the public. In general, that I hey have purchased the Tin and Sheet I rnn Flstaidihinnent of Mr (iorgas, in rode of (he Court !louse, where they nra prepared to accommodate the patrons of the old entablishment and all others who may favor them with their work. If you want the vary Lest COOKING STOVE at the lowest prime, come to us. All Insured for six months or longer. We have nothing on hand but the hest bakers and Warrant them to ho such, for no keep none tither. COI., and sett the great variety. We can give hundreds of testimonials if desired. COME and SEE, our Parlor and °Moo Stoves for wood or COM D .- EATERS AND RANGES, Stationary and l'ortable. M W WA.3E1...M, of all Muds In great variety, made from the very best tin-plate. All you need In our linsi eon be had from us at a saving of 20 vilit cent. CALL at our Store and Wain RUOLUR, In rear of tho Court House, and you will.savo money In your purchases. It will fully pay you to come. Tin Roofing and Spouting done at short notice llq strict attention to business the undersigned hope to merit and receivo a liberal share of public .phtronage. WALKER .2 CIA COY. June 20, 1802.--3 y. The Carlisle Cook ! TO NEW AND OLD ITOUSEKEEPERS A now and porfdet Air•tight ! Gas Con 101,_ mining Cooking Stovo for Coil oV'Wood. At our Fou2utry and Stove Rooms, Main St The patterns of this Stove aro now and original in do sign and gotten up oxpressly for our use. We there Ebro Pall it It combines every new and Valuable Improvement In Cooking Stoves. It le exceedingly handemr oin ap pearanoe—lo a perfect Air-tight and Gas Consuming Stove, and may safely bo pronounced the cheapeetibost and meet complete (looking Stove In the country. ' We cdst two sizes, adapted to the' wants of both large and small jamllletc. lixporienced Rousokoopere will find uponift. aminatlon that the NEW CARLISLE' COOK comblnos every legtilolto for oco lomy tool ofilolonoy iu cooking; Tt o public aro spoolally roquoatoyl 0411 mid see it, as yro aro conficlOot it folly room/mond ltoolf. " • March 28,1800.-Iy. , ' F. GARDNF.II & . . 40ricz•cocil.TV•;,. A .lar g e assortment of the best •cluallty ~c- I L, of &c., !ailltitg off at the Tory I,oweat prices ruling in the State : , 0 1 . !°..T7 i rt n i h ; • • , • FOR CASR: . . . Call ittia.B4,lofiiOiyBelv9 of trko? truth of 04 wiser- Ve ° 12 1 2 . 8:7.81311: " CUMBE RL AND VALLEY • NL.,A. • • I L ROAD . CHANGE OF HOURS. WESTWARD EASTWARD Walker & Claudy, CALL AND BE] IT I Carlisle THE CA:II,LI6LE COOK I EMOVAL ! • • he subscriber begs leave to 4liornrhis old custom ors and the public generally' that ho has removed DDLE AND HARNESS, establishment to the building on • South Hanover street, Carlisle, nearly opposite Itentz‘s Store. liu as huretot re, keep constantly OD hand, of bIN own make, everything in his lino, such as 8A SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, &C., &C All hie work is made up under Ws eapervisirm, and he tberetban twin warranted In eaying work manthlp and durability, it la naeurpasscd. Thankful for :tat favors he reepeetfully solicits a continuance of tin, same. 41'11 20, 1800-0 m COAL AND LUMBER. .I_[ A VING as eneintecr,,with 1 8 11a1Au:;; i t inn tll4 old •-- - -. Wale, where we will keep the best and CLEANEST COAL. In the Marlcet, and perfectly dry. Kept under cover. Feudlion will do well to try us ; as we are doter. mined to nell cleaner coal. and at as low prices as any other yard In the town. 9ry Us and be convinced. We have also on hand Li, KIND OF LUMB ER ❑sunily kept in a flrvt Mass Lumber yatil nliich ice will sellas pin-, cr lower than the low rot Jan. 12, 1 OG. DP:LAM' O. N. I.Lrf.h, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE [Prf•inilon. J'w• Best P'itritihrre aw'aided u! crll CUUPtII ,111 , •( 1857.] Fu rolLure of vnrletles and, Styles of Foreign told Ilotncst i.• Imttittftteture. tom, the llovqt. tosewoo , l nod :11:thogato to the lowest prim it maple nut pine Pnrl or, Chamber, Dining room, ~' le URN Kitchen mt union I.:min . :mint; every acticic used I.N . (louse and hotel keepers, of the most approved ant, hishi.mable design and finish. Including. also Cottage fur ulture itt setts, reception and Camp Chairs, %atm.,. gilt frames, pictures, &e., v , ix_Particular attention givco as urnal to funersl,; orders from town 31111 country, attended tl , promptly and an 1110 1 11•1311,11 1,11, =I FIRE INSURANCE. F.; Allen and Ett-tpenusburo' Jlu tual ri,-0 I, Finoli, Ciiinlitirhipl lo„ to I I A s•i•inity iti tin viii inls, and linvinti r nlii of itn rhurtrr extiiiiii -1,11 to the )eiir 1v ii. now to :,live vigtirou4 lip• orntiou th, suporintowtence of the A bard rit 31iiiiiigerp, viz: IVII111:1111 It. (inrg., :"..t.:./i1:111. Jacob Elierl) I) holly. Alex. Cothieirt, J. II J”))1, Pilch/Ober on., Joseph VVielierhliani, :ill,llll 'Berl y, \loses (tricker, Itutiolph Jael.b er. :111:1 1. C. t)untar. Tho rates of insurance, ore os an t i any Company of ills kind , 1151. I't`,ollS 5013 lin; to become members Me ill Vit.'d to Intik t. applica tion to the °gents of She Ctituli•Jiy. who are aillhig to 1i:ill upon thew :It .1, I illIt• Priejilent, 1.. 4i, CII II I ' . I'IA`Z F. 7 A YNI AN. Join ir ,, .1114. s' . 0 . JOAN I' LA l', Ve I. • DANIEL DAILY, 1/111sloo.g. Co LM Cumlwerlati.l county.—.lt.lthA l / 1 .1) 531 , nry 7,eztrinir. r‘hiremanFtown Lat.'. k It.. 1.1‘111.1r, lqi•k;fl r ., 111 ; 11,•tirN 'tow mat, CI) urehtc , ,, • 1 ,, f1‹. rinmu..lG ratio., ; S:thnuel Copy,. :o,rlwit lesi.utg : .1.11 4 1,erherlist,lr, /3 1). l'ouver, 1 1i.p..r All vll .5. ,v 1 .11, Sitter flyer, curlisle; 1"alont.11, I e , inatt. New I.:Umber land ; .lames :11eCandlish. N.., York vou . nty--1:'. S. 11,.kinv Jamo, iirinllll, Warrington; J. F. Dearti,rli. NVasli i neon . DillF.burg ;D. I; nth I : Juhn N\ Oat ,11. liauphfri on.—Jaenb 11nu, r. I tal I lot uT g. • Nlotnber, of tbo Compato b n but polio ios about to [pin•, ban hay,. [hoot rellOwt..l by tAal.ittr, 1,1 , 1 ient ion to any orth.• Agenty. July subscriberN inform the public that thvy still omtillue tt.\ FIT1'IN(1 ! , I,t;‘lnv.\ t; th..)1 , 1: 4 1..itn) t tin Chll,lol. Thep Will attend nnAnPt:Y to busttiss in their line Lead and Iron Pip Ilydiunts. li t :ma veld Rater l.itt Puulps. \‘',14,1 4 A Tut. , Iron ' , Ht. , . Fiaf h ' luha , Bath lloiler4, l'a ilydraul r ita un, kr , au.l every , I4 , eription O. and fittin. , ,a fro ene. %toanl water, a.. r l upe,l4,l kl l / 1 r r heater; .I,lna, fixtures put up 111 1 . 11,1,1105. , loron .! r at, short nutive, in el. nut 1/I , lern All nrAtorial , and In our line at low rate , n.l ~arr,alud, .41% I 1 I E . A ltd I)liir A It 1.4] SiTOItL. FI 14; old Ilardware stand of Lewis F. Lyn• haq E. Uillrr A. : 4 A. ii tirs, wl.f. nro now l runt ting buqiursq uu Ila1:11. and .I . yle nC Thy full, 1, r•ojurt rota', efl from Cl,, rih and ar,, ❑ow prep.,, , I t.. furni,;, to the pnhlle at the lOIN est prlves. all kiwis at FunEu;.v AND DOMESTIC 11:Irdw.tre, Ti l nJne , Paintg. CLASS. VA ft N S 11, .tc, A for k into their store will cons hire all that they have enough of goods to fully supply tho domain! In thh. market. Persons wanting goods in our line ‘ll/1 find it to their ndrnntagn to gh rno a call. All ordors person:ill) and promptly uttendod to. July 7, ho;,-.. 1)111tE I,II3EIITY WDITE LEAD ill do more :tnd I•etter work at n given Cost than any of her S.Try It Nlanufautumt volt by 7.1.1..(1 ;.ER Wholosal.: Drug. Paha & (21a, No. Eli :tract, Jan. 2:2. Presents for 01 at Haverstiek's. ivt-r ItYPING Desks, l'apior, Rommood & Walnut. Due. 15, 1 bid, AT ILA V EIISTIOKS. I)AINTS AND OILS - 10 Tong Winter head. Nun (helloes of 011 Just received with It large 100/11.112011i. of Yuri/1020.R, Piro Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence, \) bite, Japan, Whlta Zinc, Putty,. Colored Zinc. Litharge, Red !dead Whiling, Boiled OIL, Glue, Lar;l. Oil, Shellac, 4pe,rut 011, Paint Brushers, Fish 011, Ate, Colo, of ovory description dry, and 011 in ettrlH and tubes at lilt Hardware Store of July 1, 1864 American House, North Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. • THE subscriber respectfully informs hls friends and the public, that he has taken the above well known house, formerly kept, by Shriner, and intends sparing no 'exertions tp accom modate all who may be pleased to giro hint a call. The Wise has boon refitted and is in excellent order. Ile also introduced Anderson's Spring Bed Bottom to his Bedsteads, so that his guests will have a good night's rest, Ills charges will be moderato. Attached to the house le a large yard with excellent find convenient stabling. ,„ LBW'S; FABER. Carlisle, April o,lB6o—LOin. Bryans Pulmelda Wafers, AT RALSTON'S . ®NP 'good Photograph is worth a doz. k _you p6or ones. Who Nvill give o poor ploturo to a blond r All PHOTOGRAPHS mule at • .. LOCIIMAN'S ROOMS, aro warrautod to give oatlsfactlou or tlioy will ho ro tokon. Oat. 20, 1605. • . pIPES, Tobacco, (smoking and chow tug) ana Segars, at HavarstielOs Drug and Book tore. fAMES:--500 pairs Eames on hand' of ttll kinds. Elizabothtown pattern, Loudon do., tiorninan do., with and without patent fastoninge ohesper than ovor at 11. BAXTOPPB, Rest Main et. Juip 1, ltiC4. . . pIIYSIOIANS will find it to their ad vimtago to call nut purchaco their 11loalcluos at ' RALSTON'S. July 1,1064. • • • . RILEET music always on hand at .• • fiarea 00, . 1600, HALM= 86 IMO'S SEGARS & TOBACCO, - A.) ATUALI3TON'O. = LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters. .S' 110) IVER 1? A 171 S, j to.44niptly :att•lttled t MILL]I;()W =1 New Watch, Clock, AND JEWELRY STORE. lIKYRINGER, rupeetfully an • flounces to the citizens of Carlisle and the surrounding country, that he hue opened nn eridre new stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, kc., consisting in part of Gold and Silver, American, English cud SWlNfi {Vetches, Ladies Gold Wittehes and hoins, Fine Jewelry In sets, Finger and Ear Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Cold Pens of Morton's coletwal tuanufacturo at his published rotes, Silver end Plated Wore, Castors, Fruit Briskets. Forks, Spoons, ri‘c.; Clocks In every corio ty and of all prices. Spectacles in (bold, Silver, Steel and Plated Promos ' to suit all ages, Aro:orderers, iolins rind Violin Str ings, .rie. To which be invites Gre at tention of the people, hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage. ltoom in Elsa Mein St., near Saaten's hardware Store. All kinds of Watches, Cllocks, Jewelry, Accordeens, Fa., neatly and substantially repaired and warranted. Work done promptly. :day 4, 18 ti. STOP AND LOOK IN. T W. Fridley's Tinner Shop, "Nast / Louth, sr.. Sigu of thi. ito tCr r o t wh ere you ran ::ur tlto Fint,it, Cho:twst, rind flirt COOKING STOVES Ever (dTried in Carlisle he has en hand the latsmt int proved l'aterns . such as the relehrated Barley Shea[' Cool:, Iron .Sides, 11'rarie Flower, And Conlinental lied, 100%1 and Office Stove, of the latest Plat, na and h. sl,lualits, - . The nialaN ware/tut. oil o entika,..tbfaetion. Sp)uting, 111.3 - VI work, ni,el an Tin au,/ ;114,.t f eon don, In the neatest 11l Innor all , t at hie t 11 ,, lirt!, nil 1,j..41, :111,1,1..0 I ton urn r, u , t:u:tly on hand !I.r house I'RIII'-I.` C.l. NS awl JA •Nt, t vt.t. t Hot ell t, Ow 11101 . 1.1 r matt t. Self ttml Solt 'Ft• , titw Oat, nt t •l aistk, 11-111 r'tt Patent. thi• tt 11 , 11S , ed iu 411 y Inn.t.t•t I , ' IT NACES Pri'd to ti... I.rt sale {V in, Loullior zi . fall :11:.1 ID 11, A Dr. Nr.icll.: T. y :11,1 (`. )Erin iL. Carliplot. •.. Tharthrol Iht , I Ito Libot ,lllttroungo how toforo rs t•ndecl ho hop, by Ktriet :Mnt tioo to lotsito•ss 1111,1 flesh,' to 1,1,,,e all to 11)1 . 1 . 1t n vottlin 11:01 , , or l by s ti le )larvlt 23, ISCt--Iy. Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- pany. EI:EIGHT DEPOT, CA CLISLI rEI E Cuinherland Valley, l'ennsylva wa nnl Nrrlllern ~ .lent- a l Rail livad Companiea Lair uric an arralagealent, to It Fref'yht rrlel het, eon the Cities of Philadelphia. Iluitimut e and New Yeti,. The Cumberland. Valley Rail I;end Coin psn7 ill,.open theh Preizht Depot at Carlisle cm thy lo Jelin:my I:Me the receipt and shipment of all gooti; 4 ,•utru,to,l to them. Fl,•ight to oc fortrarJ,ll by thin nrrangemm t must h•ft at Penu , yiranin I4dl Road Comv,ny Depot nor M . 15th ,rnd Market. Philmh,lphht North . Co, t '1( Nail lend Company's Depot Int' timore 41,1 Cuml.”rlan, , , C,! . ,,.'. Itait Itoml Cmnpm.y'a it Cali, In. =WI The 1,1 , ' N. in fill./ it t.. ship 111. , K iil Et.nd enturirty's hrlght and .1. [1 ILI L Carlki FORWAIIPING AND COMMISSION HOUSE FLOUR & FEED, Cll.l PLASTE 1:1' I 0 a 11F,ET E i ,k.: 13 ROT II I.; It 8 liavitp , c . I 1,: , I( I' : 4 11, tit r. 4 N tttat.• a it, thoir atitt•li ',lvo ‘1 Ar,h ..11... t I It•ttitlttr , tt:t'r t l'i ..,1 1.i.)11,1.i r.f II it:h itt•rt : ~t _ Itt It , . to in:, in tit• itiOtlit [bit th,y viii . . ... 4.. lb , it', i nal .11,_.: :old V , liiiititt..ittn i1,1Fi11 , ,, , 1.11 m"V 1. 11t.•11 , il I- ,t . :11. , 1nm, llottettrttra. Th. if,. 1,111 I •• ' pai I ror Flout .11,1 I . puLt. Pla.ti•r, Salt ;1,1 Ilay, dutl . i!.• U~nJ of 311 kind , einhrtvilj, I, li ENS VA LI, F: LO sT 1( \'l'Al N. I,A \V li 1 1 lIV , A.c., Idlut , urnorq' rut: It Cott. ronstatttly for •-alO. Non; Lunt, rover, and dulivurnd dr . ) un t part of tho tout, AI,o. nll kiutnt 1.1,)11tElt cord-tautly Ull A Daily Freight Line will 10a \ 0 thoIY O IVIIIOI/011 , 0 oVl•ry morning tnt 7 O'n.),,k, a; in at; i-I;urg at 11 o'cl;11..1. and at Howl-lid An Iii;;;•1.11111;',11anahou,o, ;71N/Iml 'llO Marltat wtreat t'liniflolinhia. at „'cloak inn tic; ainon.og .1. IS I , ,ETEM Sr. 14 iltit; Nov. lu,}Se,.', BOOTS AND SHOES. I:T the f.t()re of . John Irvine, on th _ 4 ._ \ T.: c, Nor t tlit• .quaro. i. II p';ioru 1 , 111 , 1 I` I' 11.1 LS t . b(les I hit, :111•1 pri,, • tlott 1•:••,t with [lto itityett Ie :L., it) 11:,t,, that i•vor iii•ity. a'lll t•• at thi• it, Vl iii••• • •ii l'A)1•: , ' FINE ('AI,F li(it)TS, Kip Ind k'intont. 3t11,1. CAI ;1,1 k:att , : ullifiers, Calf and Kip 131,,,01,, LADIES' WEAR, Fine Fr:l,ll,mi! ldngiinh Lasting Gaiter., %I,roeeo CNA and Kid lieetai, Fine Kid Slippers, Miir • retie , , and h pl 111,0,inc, MI AA I) (•111 LI/ItEN't , R IsAlt 01 an deserip einLerVeln Pine I,A,ting liAitets. Nom over, and tlO, ts, 3iurr ,, ce 1 a e bons of all Id ixds taLey stones of various stoles slippers. &e. nATs A: CAP:, SW:. Cass - Jaw!, Fur a n d Wool Hata I ail And also a i,ge as,rlntebt 0! STRAW BATS. Boot • oliO .9110 o te.ttle to oT:lor at the ;lo te,t ppomptly June. tNontelmit or his uhiltts to please all clas-, of emzotners. he ,speottully Invites the putdio I As him a 1:111. placu, N. L. coruvl ut thu wt Jul . ) I, ISIA. '4" HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. rf ji lllE undersiuned respectfully announ - cos to the puldie that he NMI continues the flat ti , u; liusinees ut the old stand, in Wout High err t and a int a renew ell and efficient elinrt ptodui irti et, ot Every Variety, Style and climlity, thAt Le strictly in isropinc with Inc intrit,lr mcnt or the .krt, and fully up ti the :tgt. which 11 r .. ,,, v , •-• , .1 ,0 1.1:1, (.I.t hall LIR SPlUlldi Li 4,a l i 1; •L,S r trn et] t rat t I ..,Y.4 HATS AND CAPS' -'14: ' '?=•...- " • • - - • , °tall deseriptionu, (rein the t,lntu4 , ll Wl,ll " 1 ” r =UlSt ?tie and nIIF. natii; and nt prince (hot must sully every uh.,....1tax 1111 eye to getting the worth of hiR money. The stork includes, MCLE:"KIN,CASSIMEIII , I, BRAVER & FELT LIATS, pt every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabilily and bulsh; by those of any other establish meat in the country. Boy's and Children's list's and Cups. of every description constantly on hand. Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons .and as many new eons as possible, to give him a call July -1,161 A NEW AND FRESH 4:14- 1? (D 0 40 el 7 e . HALBERT & BRO., SAVING just 1 eturned from the Eastern cities desire to inform their patrons that hey WV* , Mid In n larce and varied stock of New and Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. Their assortment Is thorough and complete, COD ta in ing everything necessaay to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In tttentod abuntlanco, and, at lowest cash figures.— Syrups, Spicos, Canna() Fruits, QIUMNSWARi: and Cdockory, Salt mid Slab; ILims, Chown), enteltors, Item,!tete and Willow Ware, • Segars and Tobacco, of the choicest brauda. Brooms, Buckets, and a coin. pleto assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forget the old stand, South East corner or I nnoyer smote. , Feb. 24, 1804 Newville Stoneware Works". THE subseribor is now prepared to de liver to Merchants, the largest assortment of St:Mower°, Rockingham W' e re ; ,te„ ever offered in Cum berlaod Ills stock consists in part of SI'ONEWARE, Cream Crocks, nutter Pots, .11ilk Pans, Spittoons, Pitchers, Jugs, Fruit Jars, Sta. ROCKINGHAM & YELLOW, Spittoons, Pitchers; Nappies, %km s,,Ple Plates, .tc. Glass Flasks, Ei nit Bottles and Patent Fruit Jars. Stone Water Fountains Churns, Water Pipe, Tile, &0., furnished when ordered:" In facilities for man Wean ring,,nuslity of wares and prices, he would defy competition. .For Price lists dal. Address • ' SAMUEL I. IRVINE, April 13,,1806-6m. , Iron, English Refined. , CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. flora e 5119E5, $7,25: • , • and everything glee leptopoillon at rililitX NtiTori , a July 7,180! i). 5 301 IN IR) IN I' J. G. CA1.1.10 HALIII6Iti & IMO