Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 14, 1866, Image 3
discriminate brat rig and throwing of , the ball in our streets, by boys of all sizes and colors, to the great disgust of the rest of man kind, that is complained of and which our borough government has decreed must be stopped. In accordance with the provisions of an existing ordinance the high constable hiss been directed to arrest all of these offen ders. Notices We will special attention to eel Very large stock of CHINA, CLASS AND QUEENSWAHFI: also Monello/. fery and iron (in war, :—Wo hav„,e In store the largest stock of Ware of ON cry kind, 0001 offersa to this public, all of which iii tier at low prices for the Cash, Who/c- lESIII =I opt. 10 13C6 Pun RENT.—The store room adjoining the Post office. Possession given immedi ateiy. Apply to A. N MIE. 186f1.---3t FA -alt , twenty flexes of go", 1 eho Lnut tin lua, within ono I,alf milt , of nt. 11o11 . \ A rare chum,. L'ull:t.on on A. 11. 131„mt. .Ik. RI 3t. Those in want of . cheap Lumber call at the yard Cheapest Pine Shingles in the country at the \ :ad of A Pedlar Wagon for sale cheap, tltit. , agora ran be fitted fel- different other pnrposea. 111(11111'0 at IL R. `,4- ll= fur real toil Lumber, can be nt trtin Horn's, and Faller's Oroceries, and lit Croannir'il Jnwali y Store, which will lie promptly attended to. anti at tho lowikit Itolllt ER'S Expertoral WILD CliliiltßY TON H), am a prevention and cure for ;Asiatic Cholera, for dis eases of the Chant, liver, ICidney'a. Stomach and Boss eh+ ;as a Purifier If inns an equal. Sold at the Continental. Clirard. LaPierre, NVashlnitton. St. Law rence and Nlerchan , ;3 Philadelphia. llnsiongahela and St. Charles Plttsbur, By the principal Hotels and p rng4 i s t, p•llet Ily , P. !I0:11i El:, Sole Proprietor Lan ca=ter Pa Sept. 7, 181;f—lt. I= I 3.A. nrrLail 'Err IL I LVG MA C SE I; Fully Lleonfil;ll.. Pay from S , A) to $2OO „, trTttett Circulars. k j tbce. • ‘. lIROTIIERS.ti -19 CheStnut Pt, Phila., 221 hortunit ht., Toledo,O. 'WANTED. ; 4 r1.1. 7, 1,6,,-2tl THE MOON'S VOLCANOES Or, the at ~ f Lint the I=lll=l i•l1 tit , • I/ 1;1,4h, Tio'n0 . 11:1 110' lb that ha,..l. , • , .nwhit,nvil 1.1a4.1: iii 111..,w It 11111.. 1/. 1 ,, , fi sinri, A ft, 11, , , 1 ,, 1011111( 111.1 t 111 , 1111' . -1 :ulll 1111,1•11110, 11.l11' I= N,llllll 1,111,11 k -.1111 11111 1 - 11- Wl . ll .1,111:11114., 111111 11110 /N 1,111111.11111 11. 11 1. .1. 1 lilSl Allllllll,ll Applied 1.) . nll Ilait I=l DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT N IN N 1 , ;()US REM EI)Y t Pill ClllO PN thoul,untism, head:who, Itch, up, 're 1,u1,.at iii pain, in any pu t t 1:1 the , this tint i , •11 , Is a sureuss --nnt oxppriment.; for 19 yE•arS It lint 'wen tested Nu medicine t;yer httd 00010 reputation :Is this, silently It 1,., its iv:oy helitle the and :Ili no, Si 1,, laid 1 , r n loet of •orenti ;mil ilex, i5:W..1.1 ithoot the :1:1 of •rut..lies, with this co:111111ot. run to-tify to tho magi t.ll effeets et Ihis liniment. They Kiwi/lila it. virtues throughout. the lend, 1:11111.111i/C1. 1"1 h . / Is certain, on.l a p • , ith 1 . 1.1 r« Is son. MEM= 1.1 ti11...1t, .1..1.11111-t.a aro 1,1,1 t to•rri, by a 1.31,,1y It his saved Itut,ll vd , t past Ones to,,,,tdt, 1'11:.1. 4t , And n tsd . I tttt ttlathlL str,ot, \ !, hi hy IME! Bargains Offered 111111EMEI1=111 T11.1..1•,,1tt• hi- f. t 1..• and .111111 ti pub k 1'1.1)1111 Nii AN I , U ENTS rvitNisiliNt; Sifill31101.: .1. ,kll n;•; I=l 4. Veßt,, .`Thirts, Drlksverl. Ellit JIICk.•t,. S , /111 H, en entire Ftoch of ('lnching nu I Gents Furnieltitlg IMEIZEIIM Ilkkre iudnr,euu•nts are °free: kekl to all ! Ckalkee one and tkll tee ge I Ik:erg:dui at llu• stork. of Julius .1 - caltath/ Lr -I,v„k+ Pe 's. r mat ktklje r. .Varkile Ibtly - awr Strre =MEI ==l =ES Carliflu, July 27, IbBo.--3m An Effectual Worm Medicine Brown's Vormifugo Cointits, OR VOItM LOZENI/E;;. 311101 1111,1,1b1,113', wits children and adults, attributed I ,thol . Cal.•s, ix OcCll - by ivorms. Thu "VE1t...1111 , U.,E et.3lllTS:' Illtilt.Ugh t Ilia ill destro) log woriu,, fall do no pos,ible injury to l int d , licate Phis valuable combination 1,, Imvu mo.eessfoily by phyHicians, and found to be Hafe and nut, In eradicating wornix, no hurtful to t•li. CM' 1 , 11. EN lIAVI 5a WORMI rrquho 11111114 +Olen neglect of tho troul,ln often K01..1114.1. St NIPTO3II3 Or WOII3IS IN CHILDREN are 4,(1.•11 Overlook 01. WOrlllti iu tha nlnnmch nlid boweig ult.. lrrimtion, which can be rem., ed .atty by tim use of it oure reme dy. 'rite combination or used in making Brown's "Vernttfuge Comfits" in ouch to to give the best poaoilde effect with safety. CURTIS k 11110NWN, Proprietors, New York. Sold by all Dealers in nedicineo, at 25 cis. it box. May 25, -BoGniy. DERMA MENT AND RIDE•SPItEAD SUCCESS IS THE BEST EVIDENCE OF TUE GOODNESS OP BRAN DRETIES ('ILLS:—They should ho in every family, ready for use on the first syintoms of disease occur ring. This method will often sale life. Remember, (lip Cholera must be treated ns a Poison. and 3 our safety demands It should be got rid of with out delay. Colds, rheumatism, asthma, .pleurisy, diarrhcca, collep, in fact, all sickness Is the consequence of impurities In the blood. Those being removed the health is restored at once. Observe my name in the flovernment ttnmp In white letters. Sold by Druggists. Aug. 31, 18136-1 m "Tun ! ITCItI ! ITOI-I ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH. I SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. 4tiLSO cures SALT RHEUM, 'UL 011A8. OILILIMAINI3, awl all ERUPTIONS OP .61. SKIN. Price !!0 cents. For saloby all druggists. By tending GO colas to WEEKS & POTTER, Solo Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be for. wardod by mull,' tree of ' postage, to any part of tho United States. Juno g; 1866. • HE subscribers have on hand and • for sdle at their establishment on Pitt St., arlisle, n lot of now Top Buggies, Trotting Buggies, Carriages, and second hand Top Buggies aud Carriages, which they offer at reasonable rates. A. B. & N. SliEltit. August 10, 1806-4 f. Whiskers! NWhiskers ! ! Dr. L. 0. aloyraz' Chrro/io, the greatest stimulator in tho world, will Turco Whiskers or Mustaches to grow 'on the Smoothest faro or chin; never known to fall; sample for telol sout free to any ono desirous of tooting its.morita. Address, itIIEV4I it CO., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. Juno 29, 1866.—gm. .Ij I MP,LOYMENT FOR-BOTH SEX 'ES.--Disablotl- and returned soldiers, wid6ws and orphans of slain soldiers, and the unemployed - of both sexes generally, in want of respectable and profi table employment, incurring 110 risk, ran piocure such . by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, ferkYartie ulars, to I r. JOHN M, DAGNA,Lt, - ' Box 1.63 2. 13r00kiyn, N. Zan - 725;1806: blamoieWs Catarrh Snuff', Is a sure . aura for that bothersome disease, Catarrh. • Jan. 12, IS6a—ly . • afivertisoman't of Sir Jamee Olarko'a Oelobratod Hountle Pllls. . Jan. /2.1806r4y,. . • ELLIOTT—HUGHES. In West Cheater, on 'Thurs day, Sept. 6th 1866, by Wni. Whitehead, Esq., Samuel Elliott, of Carlisle, to Miss Mary Hughes, of West Chaster, Pa.' KITCH—ICELL. On the 230 of Ang.lBlll3, in Car lisle, by the Rev. D. Stock, Mr. Jacob Hitch, to Miss Hotta A. Kell, all of Cumberland Co., Pa. aeltamesemems• Family Flour Superfine do do RYE NV HITE WHEAT RED d 0... EY...... CORN ..... NV ❑LAIR & LiON DUE In= 01.01' TI MoTIITS VIED GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. Carlisle, September 13th, 1860. o,,rierl,d Weekly by II Bentz. nal 11WON SIDES, r i . ,, 20 211 IVIIITIINIEA NS, 11 75' 21 PARED PEACH ES, 25 1 10 liN PA RED PEACHES 18 5- 12 DI:IED APPLES, 800 2 1 R AllO, ..1A BUTTEr. 11 r), 111:1':;1V N, P.W(.N It AM:3 It.lOl.llNINcl UNCLAI3IEDin Ilia • l'ao-t at Carlhlo, Slat, nl" Pennsylvania, tht:l3th day of 1'111,11 , 4114t 1, ul hint authority In the paper having ho largr,t eirenlat ivn A. 11. I:3I.AIR's ‘>_'l I tniu any of those letters, the applfennt most g , l Ln •'nolverlised tellers," give the date of the Iht pap two cent:, for ocivertising. pt vaned for within one month, they will ho sent to the Dona Letter Office. GEO. ZINN, P. M. ' Adams Id.:Ila Muting Kate Albert Sarah Klotz Nathan Adams Mary P. Llnnoknhl-Mr. Ai nold A Son Leo George Bare Jackson B. McAllister Charle.§ Baird Anna Murry C. A. . C. 'l3 Nathan ('Dke) Morrow 'Deckle Curtis A. Son Myers Mary A. Cranm Edward Mordant Win. P. Crofters --Miss Oftord Charles Comm Phillis Penn .1. M. Do.. den W. 11. Beisner John Do.. ling John (Elm) Stoner Eronklin (84th P. V.) ('halter IV o. Stephen Joseph Grason Thomas Short Mary Gray Robert Sweitzer Ellen Gibson floury Thompson J.D. (Dick Col.) Griner Lydia A. Williams Mrs J. CI S. E. Wolfe Samuel A. 11. BLANC:, I= adIiZISE linglN Elijah Mr. Johnston John E A 'l' F., NOTICI / I,etterf. of Administration on the estate of In%id N K , Into or c.rimo, ruinberiand t." , PH. 11:1 , ..11.111...1, 1,11,1 L., the siiheeriber residing 10 3 ,0. Itelohy riven to ell per. • , .11F 17111.•!,Lo•ti 1, .:, plyno,t and those having elate!., to pi went them to FM Dr. 743 territory gh en. 1.01. Par terms, Ilium zith annip, either Agents,, Acapable, healthy woman to accom pally an ntlieor'... family to t ho Frontier. Apply to CA l'T. TILFORD. Carlisle Garrison. Sept. 14, ISikt...-1.t.. Office C. V. Of. P. co S. pt ember 10th, 1066. N OTICE is hereby given that an as sessment of Fir, per cent has this day been Irvled by the 110a.,1 of Directom of LIP, above company nll l'rernlunl note, In to the same, and In fa., on the iir , t of July Lint—l'avahlu In Thirty days this into. the Roar,' loiler a farm lying on the South side of l•t.t.t., ;out in NI iddIOSOS, and part iii eilvor Sid T•lu u•-hips, Cund•oriand County. two n dor. trom 141ih , 01, Kinrston. and seven miles : , net Of Uttrii:de, lauds of Robot t Chico, lioltehrolvor nod others (...ntaining ono h undrod and thirty one .1CIII•d:, of I , Te ,d,/110 11110111 third of chile land, ud fiftvon arr••••• ol titi it nit young Chestnut 'l'hnhor with r miles 'ii farm, an orettard of l'oare and Ch , -ii 1,. with a t wfontor y 13111(11C , • HOUSE, HANK BA and nll otKor =MIMEO =I %silo m ill ghtt a Bargain and MAO term F e Its Itr is to attend to it JOHN ZOLLINGER Public Sale of Real Estate. )1' virtue of an order of the Orphans' )oqlll I t l'un,Lorland county. there Will be sold at polrlb sale. on lIURSDAY, t.b^ Ilth day of Ovt,o b,, 11 6 0, MI the prom i‘oe, in Frankford towLEhip, a Tra, t Land, N.:staining SEVENTY TIIHEE ACRES, the Rudert, late of raid town at, ,Vll,ll of sl6l day, when nEn rn.ple kn.., 111=11/111i19 Fine Knit Goode, Me., 1 er,un3ll) seloct I.uropo HUM ESTHi ZE PH RS, ;erinant.w . QWOOLS, Gatzliniere YARNS, l'ho goods being oil corotolly solocted our Wholosolo Dopartment oil erx groat Induceniouto to thu TRADE I eept 14. 10ta.1-11m. JULIUS NEUWAIIL HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, &c NEXT DOOR TO THE CORM AN HOUSE, fhave just returned from the East with the largest and bent selection of HARDWARE over offered in old Cumberland, and ant able to sell the following ortlyles a little lower than elsewhere In the county. All orders attended to personally and a Ith our usual promptness Ilona delivered to all pat to of 010 toSVII FREE or cocoon. hammered, Rolled and En Itoh Relined Iron, horse-bhoe Iron, Russia Sheet Iron, Burden's horse +mil Mule Shoes, Norway Nall Rods, Sandersou'o Coot Steel English and Ameri can Blister Stool, Sleigh Sole Steel, Spring Steel;Thr- Hoge Sp. loge, Carriage Axles, The largest assort ment of CARRIAGE & WAGON FIXTURES SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOES, BOWS, Plain and Finished Shafis, Sleigh Run ners, tc.e., (1 C'. 600 BARRELS. Rosendalo, Scotland and Hancock Cumont, all war ranted fresh. Douglas' and Cowing's IRON AND CHAIN PUMPS. POWDER..—A full stock of Dupont's Reck, Rifle and Duck Powder, Safety Fuse, Picks, Mattocks, Drills Crow-lairs, Sledges, &c. 1,000 KEGS NAILS, whtd, wu will snit low. Country merchants, supplied at manufacturers prices. PAINTS.-20 TOIIB of the following brands of White Lund and Zinc Wetberlll'd, French Zinc, pborty, American do., Buck, Colored Crystal, Snow White do., Mansion, Froronco do. COLORS of every description, Dry and in 011 in cans and tuhea, also, Gold Leaf, French and German Leaf Bronzo, Szc. GILS and 'TARNISHES, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Sperm do., Coach varnish do., Fish do., Furniture do., Lard do., White Denier do., Lubric do., Japan do., Routs Foot do., Iron & Leather do Also, Putty, Litbargo, Whiting, Glue, Shollaa Rosin. Chalk, A Intim, Copparas, Boras, Madder, Logwood, Ac, HENRY' SAXTON. 5ept.14,15116. B. BRANDRETII GUNS, PISTOLS, &a. hero added to my already suporlor stock of sport, Jag materiels, some Birmingham Double Puns, Amorl eau, Singh) . and Double Guns, Itomlngton's Rifle Canoe, RoVolvers, - Cooper's SolfOoelcing Revolvers; Sharp's Repeater,• Wesson •Rovolvers, Dixon Woad Shot Pouches, Coppor Powder If latqcsi, lily's Pelt' Gun Wads, ke. , , • , Remember any old Stand next door to the Gorman House. ' . . 11DLOWS,—Plank, Zeigler,, York, Ea glo rind Sorry Plows, for solo cheap at SAXTON'S. 1W860.. glarriages. IZEI=I itlarliets. CA.I.LILISLIES PRODUCE ➢LIILIL.ET. Carlini°, Septombor 13th, 1866. 12 00 8 00 5 00 2 70 .2 60 ==l Dr. S. M Viet Mary Zn ler Irma .1. M MAS,iN I ER. Administrator Sop:. I I, ISCCI—ot. Vir ANTE D. NOTICE. pt. 14. It pt 1 lbtlll-6t C E M‘tilbA EAULLIN, A twi'r, t,t'Ereclk Iludort \\'M. AIENCKE Sz, BROTHER, Diu -411, mtco Hrect, PIIIL-‘.IYA RETAIL DE.II,ERS in I,lx zEi MI atest .SL. lux in Ladies Dress and na k TRIM AI I N 0 S , =III = AT HENRY SAXTON'S OLD AND CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, EAST HAIN STREET, yet offered, such as Ropt. 1.13, 18Cit THE Patent Ohio Corn Husker'at BAXTOIII3, THE 13, MM. RIRD CAGES of every description at BAXTONZ " ji gpt. Is,lBoo. fIARDWAREI • we especially Invite the attention of the public generally to come and examine our now and well se. leafed stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, ' Silver I,l„t e cend Britannia Tea and Table Spoons, Shears, g e i,, a , Curling Crimping and Coffering Tonga and Riding, Driving, and Sleigh Whips. Such as Locks, 'lieges, Bolts, SCITIVIt Nails, &c, Oar pentnr, Coopers, Blacksmiths, and Shoemakers Tools and and Findings. Our now stook of Grain Jags are the best and cheap est over offered in town. Farmers and Forwarding mon will find it to their advantage to come and exam• Ina our stock before buying elsewhere. CEDAR WARE. A complete assrrtment of Cedar Ware, comprising Tubs. Churns, Buckets, Bushel and Pock measures, Wash Rubbers, lac. Just received at the old and cheap Hardware Store of HENRY SAXTON Fast Main Street, noxt door to Itippoy'a Hotel. Sept., 13, 1866. WHITE and black Curled Hair, Cis tern Pumps, Turn Table and Lightning Applo Pearors, at - SAXTON'S. Sept. 13, 1860. 'Valuable Real. Estate at Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale, the following described valuable Real Estate, situated in West Pennsboronah Twp , Cumberland Co., Ps , on Conodnguinet Creek three miles north of Plainfield, seven miles north west of Carlisle. and in Los north of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, consisting of that valuable known no Alter'o 31111 The Mill Is fiame. 4 stories high In good running order, having 3 run of burrs. There are between 15 and 1 6 acres of land belonging to this property. It Is situated on a newinfaillng stream of water. There are alert on the property two good two-story DWELLING HOUSES, rat ONE BRICK - 'tit,3:li , , ln:end the other RA E , Stable, Ilog Pens, :Ind all other necessary out build ings. The entire property is under good fence. Ady person wishing to view the property. can do so by calling on the subscriber, residing on the premises. THUS. G. STANTON. September 7, 18115.-4t*. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—The heirs of Robert Sharp, doc'd., offer for sale the Farm, situated In Green township, Frank. tin county, ia., two miles South-east of Scotland on tho road loading to Fayetteville , adjoining lands of David Hughes, 'liege and others, containing 123 ACRES, more or less or GRAVEL LAND, about 22 Acres of which is is Timber. The improvements are ela tw. -story LOU WEATHERBOARDED House, large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn „ ~ Crib and other out.buildings. There is a ~.! "' Well of never-failing water and a Cistern "' e. nea. the doer, and an Apple Orchard of . . -. chat , o Fruit. The above form will be offeiod at Pri vate Sale until the 5111 of October, and If not sold will then to offered at public Salo, at I o'clock, I'. M. Persons wishing to purchase can call on the Heirs, ,cabling in the farm, or On O. lminell, near Stouffers town. Sept. 7. 106(i. Valuable Roal Estate at Private Sale. MITE subscriber offers at private sale, 1 the following valuable real estate situated In Twp at the crossing of the State and Pid roads mile from Garber's Store, and about the same di•to in, from Spring Mills, and about one mile South of Con trovlllo, adjoining landS of Miller Tritt, Adam Coo - our and others, rut:misting of a The land is of good quality, all cleared and under gr.od fence and in a high state of cultivation. The buildings aro a got•d two story B _ll 1C K II OUS E , vine just littishod, (r t Ho it s W;EEN, Si cri i tilry BANK BARN 11,11;4' 111 , W. Ilog fens, \tngon Shed, Corn Cribs, and oil ot r b sr nest Hoary out-buildings. never falling Well of Water, an the plaeo. lieisens w I•hing ti view the property can do no by calling on the subscriber. residing on the promises. DAVID BAKER. Sept. 7, 1811r.--4L. Valuable Farms at Public Sale. On Saturday, September 29, 1966. No. 1. A Farm of 03 acres in Upper Allen Tw p.. Cumberland County, Pa., 3 miles south of Meehaniesburg on the road leading rrom Lisburn to e, having thereon erected a large Brick House, • a a .120 ' , Oki I a : • I ' , ' BANK BARN, water at house and barn by lead pipes, and running strgam through the farm, I,lnm Kilns and Quarry anti all entAulldings and choice fruit, wood Lim b r and g vd leneing the land is limestone and in a state “r N.,. 2. A tract of land G 2 acres in Morm on!, p.. 1 ark County. Pa., on no. York road leading Iron, Mtiobaniet,hurµ to York, near Siddonsburg out-hurdini4s, Fruit, ti acres of timber, Tenant llouse, good fences, Iln• land Is Iron stuthe and In good culti vation Salo to voinuloboo at ono 0101001. when terms of Halo ill be mode known by A u 4. mil, ISGG--te Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' . 3 Court of Cumberland County, under proceed loge in partition the subscriber will cell a farm In Up per Allen 'lap. Cumberland Co., Pa., late the proper ty of David Zook, dee'd., I mile south of Shepherds town, 3 miles south of Mech anicaburg on the Lisburn road, having thereon erected a and all necessary out-buildings altut choice trait. The land is partly limestone and partly ironstone, in good cultivation and under good fencing. Sale to commence at ono o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by CHRISTIAN ZOOK, Administrator of David Zook, dec'd Aug. 31,186C—te. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. I offer at private sale, or will exchange I for a good farm, that valuable Tavern Stand Pro perty, situate on the corner of North Hanover and ',outlier streets. in the Borough of Carlisle. The lot CO ntainH 00 feet in flout and 240 feet in depth, and has thereon eructed a largo STONE HOUSE, 4.-'! 1 -" Extensive Stabling, Sheds and other Outbuildings If not disposed of by Octobor Ist, it will be for rent for the ()petting year. I have also for sale a VALUABLE FARA!, o North Middleton Township, two miles north of Car talc, containing 170 ACRES OF LAND, 40 acroa of which are natural meadow. The Improve. uwuto are a NEW BANE: BARN. PLASTERED HOUSE, and oul.bulldlogs. Tltlo Indlsputablo. For terms and further partlett litre apply to Aug. 81,18311-51 • NEW STORE and NEW GOODS. • rrillE undersigned would most respect fully inform the citizens of Carlisle, and sur rounding county, that they have just opened a largo and well selected stock of Dry Goods and Notions, In Maglaughlin's Building, North lianovor Stroet, (one door South of tho American House.) Our stock Is now, baring recently been purchased, It consists of Ladles Dry Goods, Frodch Mariposa . , DuLatinos, all Wool DeLatoos, Alpacas, • Coburis, drc,, As Also, Domestics such as Mullins, ainghams, Prints, Chocks, ticking, & n. You will also fi nd A full lino of Fancy Clagglllol . oS, Cloths, Satinet, Kentucky Jeans , Lc., with Many other articles too numerous to men Mu. Wo are determined to Sell our goods very cheap . for cash. Our Motto is "Quick Sales and Small Pro. fits." Aud soiling goods for cash wo aro onablo to sell cheap and ronder perfect satisfintion. Moose call and got BAIIGAINS at the NE AND 01111 AP CASK STORE of 80pt..7, 11366 • CAERE .17117 - G S, 0A I? l'E TING S. • your attention is invited to my large and elegant stock of Brussels, Throo-Ely and Ingrain CARPETINUS, of the hest makes and newest designs. Also,, Wool Dutch, Cottage, List and Rag CARPETS, 011 Cloths, Window: Shades bo sold low—Wholesale said Retail, for Cash I 3;. T. DELACROIX, Nb. 37 South Second Street, above Ohnitnut Phila. Aug. 811@06-Bm. HENRY SAXTON 10:.VIETILING New. and Novel for gents;4dlers, Country Stores, Druggists) and al seeking an 'honorable and profitable business: Foe by mail for 86 eta. ; wholesale per dos. Canvassers realize $0 to $l2, per day, profit. ABBOTT ec DOW.D, Manufsoturom, 196,Watei et:, N. Y. . 8%4.7, 1806-94. BUILDING_ UATERIAL, GRAIN BAGS Mill Property, VALUABLE FARM, CONTAINING 72 ACRES, 0001) ORCIIAIIn, NEW FRAME HOUSE, And Bank Barn, CHRISTIAN ZOOK A Valuable Farm at, Public Sale On Saturday, October 6, 1866. 111 ACRES and 136 PERCHES, BRICK HOUSE, BANK B A RN, .10IIN A. lIUMRIOII, Carlisle, Pa A. L. 1111E01R., *Co PUBLIC SALE. On Thursday, September 20; 1866 • rj I HE undersigned will expose to pub ' lie sale, on the promlsos, in West Ponnsborough Twp., Qumberland County, 7 miles west of Carlisle, on the public road' loading from - bit. Rock to Plainfield, and about one-half mile from tho Depot at Alterton, the following dedot !bed valuable real estate, via: • A First Rate Limestone Farni, being the Blansion Farm of the late Wm. G. Davidson, Esq., bounded by Joseph Trogo, George and Benjamin McKeehan, Geo. .0. Davidson and othore, contulning . - 10ACRES AND 181 PERCIAES,' This lan A is all cleared and under good cultivation, exceptabout 20 Acres of GOOD WOODLAND. The im• provednents are a good two-story . DWELLING 'HOUSE,, II V • ": NEW BANK. BARN, Tenant Rouse, Wagon Shed andeorn Cribs, Wash Douse flog Pen, and all necessary ins proven:lents with Prult Trees, &c. There Is a first rate Well of " Water near the house. The Mount Rock Spring runs through the farm and near to the dwell ing house, and there Is an abundance of first-rate La. cult growing on the premises. The farm will be divided Into two parts of 52 acres, 60 perches ; being the west' end, and 143 acres, 71 percher, with the improvements, and will be sold in such parts or altogether as will bring the best price. A perfect title will be given to the purchaser. Per sons wishing to view the property can do so by caning on Anthony Shambaugh, on the prem'ses, or either of the subscribers, residing in the same township. Bale to rounnence at 11 o'clock, A. 51.. on said day when attendance will be given and tormsmade known by ItOWEII,T MeSEEUAN. Executor of Anii Davidson, doo'd. GEO. O. DAVIDSON, Att'y. In fact for tho devismis of Wm. Dar ids n, deo'd August 17, 1816. Valuable Town Property at Private Sale. T,OT containing 75 feet front on Louth er street above Pitt, by 240 tent in depth to Dickinson Alloy. The buildinge are thrcio good D WELLING HO USES, Two of which ore on Louther St . and one on Dickln son Alley. For terms &e. Apply to JACOB SENER. April 6, Had. P SKIRTS, "OWN MAKE," Fall Styles ! 628 ARE .y, respect first class, and embi Jmplete assorlment for Ladies, Misses, and o, of the Newest Styles, every Length and 1 . Waist. ..... OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more univer sally POPULAR. than any others before the public. They retain their Shape better, are lighter, more elas tic, more durable, and really CHEAPER, than any i ther Hoop Skirt in the market. The springs and fasten legs are warranted perfect. EVERY LADY should Tar TIMM I They aro now being extensively Sold by Mtn- CHANTS, throughout the Country, nod at WHOLE SALE A RETAIL, at Manuflictory and Sales Room No. 628 Alton &Toot. bolow ith., PIMA D'A Ask for 110PKIN'S to Nl',llAlCE,"— other I CAUTION,—None gon ulna unless Stamped on each Kid Pad,—" Hopkin's llo••p Skirt Manufactory, Phila delphia." Alen, Constantly on hand full line of New York made made Skirts, at very low price. TERMS NEE CASH ONE PRICE ONLY. Aug. 17, 1866.-- lin r ,,, r/ (C,i?/,,,0 6=nel:6(lrd:a Tor Great Educational Inducements. 1 First (7 iss Ihtsi)ess Colleye at ('a) fish, lii THIS Institution is now entering uptu its third year In its present location ; during ,„which time it has received a liberal home support,end hien all encouraging share of patronage from six differ ent Elates of the Union. We feel encouraged from the result of past efforts and shall spare no pains or ex pense in building up an institution second to none in the country. Education adapted to all,—the Partner, the MO,llllll - the Artisan, the Business or ProftOtional man. YOUNO.M EN of limited oducatim 0 yl; YOUNG MEN well educated d er respects. but deficient in tho'brafighte taught In a first class BuSiviess Cdllege ; YOUNG MEN of limited means, who would possess the best reeluislte to eminence and distinction. YOUNO MEN who areolesiroius of revolving the greatest amount of useful information at the least comparative expense are ins lied to investigate the peculiar merits of our Model System of practical training and eminently popular course of Study. BRANCHES TAUGHT. Single and Double Entry Book keeping, in its varl ousforms and applications, including General Whole &ale and Retail 111.111100{S, Forwarding, COMMINSICIII, Ext.! anus'. Jobbing and Importing, Railroading, Steam beating, Ranting. Partnership Settlements, Business Calculations, Moreantilo Law, Correspoudenee, Plaet lent and 111.1 Or namental, Penmanship, Phannaraphy, English Gram mar. Comiccdtion. Telegraphing, Se. gaL. iqudents enter nt any time. 4.e- None hut competent Instructors employed, and a sufileient number to insure Individual instruction to all. Uii" Pend for a Circular; Vlng full particulars. Address A. M. TRIMMER, August, 17, 1860. Carlisle, Pa Gas Fitting and Plumbing rillHE subscribers, having permanently located In Carlisle, respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Their chap Is siluatea on the public Square In rear of the Ist Presbyterian Church, Where they can always be found - - Being experienced mechanics, they aro prepared to execute all orders that they may be entrusted with in a superior manner, and at very moderate prices. HYDRAULIC RAMS, WATER WHEELS, HYDRANTS, LIFT & FORCE PUMPS, BATHING TUBS, WASH BASINS and all other arti cles In the trade. PLUMBING AND GAB AND STEAM FITTING promptly attended to In the most approved style. iacir•County work promptly attended to. 113 ..All work guaranteed. Don't forget the place—immediately in roar of the First Presbyterian Church. CAMPBELL & lIENWOOD July 27, 1866-Iy. . Wheeler & Wilson and Howe. LOCK STITCH aBWIII4 MACHINES. The Best Simplest and Cheapest. THE Wheeler & Wilson maohinoe are adapted to all kinds of family sowing, working equally wolLupon Silk, Lfnen and Cotton goods, with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. Prices of Wheeler & Wilson numbin ell: • No. 8 machine plain, $55 " 2 ." - Ornamental bronze, $65 " 1 " Silver plated, $75 Tha Howe Sewing Machine. The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers is called to this—the` boat of Shut tle Sewing Machines. It is unanimously admitted to bo the best machine for leather work or tailoring ever given to the public. Price of Rowe machines; Letter A machines6o Is recommended,for family sowing Tailoring, Shoe, binding and Gaiter fitting. Letter B. nmobine. $7O Is one size larger than A machine, suited to the came work. Letter 0. machine, • $B5 Is recanmended for heavy Tailoring. Boot and Shoe work and Carriage trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do fine work well, and has a mach larger Shut tie than the smaller machines: Call and examine at Rail Road Telegraph Office, Car. Me, . . 0ct.27, 1865—tf. lggix A LECTUR E ' _ TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in . a Sealed p , nyttloie. price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment. and Radical Cure of, Spermatorrhtea, or Seminal Weak ness, lnvoluntaty Emissions, Sexual Debility, and pediments to Marriage generally. Nervousuess, , Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Pits ; Mantel and Physical Incapacity, resulting from • Bolf-Abuse, ho.—By ROBERT J.,.OIILVEHWEILL, Author of the .“Oreen Bo6k, r Ac.' . The world-renowned author, in this admirable. Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of 'Self Abuse maybe effeetually removed withbut medieloo, and without dials, poitt log out a' mode of cure at once curtain and effectual, by which every . sufferer, ,no matter , what _Mo:condition. Mail* May Inifahirnielf cheaply, privately, and rad, LECTURE I.IIOVE:DOCN TO' THOUSANDS AND TII.OOBANDS: . - Boat under seal, in a Dina ont , elapb, to any - Oddrosii , oat poldpm rocelpttf six conte, or..two post stamps Address the publishers;' . 4:0: KLINE is GO., ' "127 Boweryinnt ItOrk, rost 041.c0 box VS& • 'March 10,1808- 6 4) 0 .• . . , Alomestead and Farm for ale. A Choice Farm and Residence. • On: Saturday, October 6, 1866. THE undersigned will expose to sale by public 'endue or outcry, all that valuable tract of land and Homestead proporty situated in Upper Allen Twp., Cumberland County and State of Ponnsylvanly late the residence of George Emig, dec'd. This property Is Situated in ono of the best and most improving parts of Cumberland County, adjoining lands of Judge Coohlin, Ja&b Urich, George H. Miller and others, throe miles from Mechanicsburg on the, State road a mile south of Shophordstown. Tho Im provements are a good two-story WEATHERBOARDED . <4.1 OUSE, GOOD BANK BARN, Wagon Shod, Corn Calm, Carriage EiouV Rog Pen, Spring Holm with running water, a flu 'thriving ORCHARD,' of choice frolt. There is running water In nearly all the fields. 'rho land is limiistono and elate of first class quality one hundred and thirty four acres more or less. Twenty acres of this aro good timber, the rest cleared and improved. Sale to be made on the premises on Saturday the 6th day of October, A. D. 1666, 'commencing at one o'clock P. 51., when and where terms will be Made known by WILLIAM EMIG, GEORGE LNCR, • for themselves and other hairs September 7,1806-5 M 14 -I XECUTOR'SSALE.-- , -In pursuance IL/ of the 14 will and Toshuneni of Christian Frost Into of Green township, Franklin Co., deed. I will of fer at Public Bale, on the premises, on Tursday Septem ber alth 1860, the fbilowing described Real Estate of decedent to wit: Purport Ist. Being the MANSION FARM of decedent, situate in Green township, adjoining lands of Jacob Harkleroad. Dan'lo. Or hr, John Many, Christian Frey and the Conococheague Creek, containing 103 ACRES and 101 PERCHES, nem with a lirtrlc and Stone DWELLING HOUSE, Stone and Frame Ranh Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, Smoke House, Spring House, and all other necessary out-buildings attached to the premises. There is also a never-failing Spring near the !louse, and the land is so located that stock could have free access to the water from all the fields. There is also a very superior ORCHARD of fruit, embracing the finest variation of both Apples and Peaches. This land has a limestone 'base, mixed with sand. Thorn are four Grist Mills in the immediate vicinity of this farm. 628 Purport 2, situate also in Orson township, adJoiniog lands of Jacob Garver, A. P. Oyler, W. L. Chambers and others containing about 68 ACRES, with a Brick DWELLING TIOUSH, a new Stone and Frame Bank Barn, with a young Apple Orchard. This Is Limestone land and inro good state of cultivation. Purport 3. Being a tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, for merly owned by John Slolchter, situate aim in °teen township, containing About 20 ACRES. This will be sold in 4 tracts and will be offered with the farms if desh , d, in accordance with the requirements of the Will. It will ales be offered separately if not sold with the farms. Sole to commence at 11 o'clock, when the terms will be. made known. Persons %dating to view thq premises previous to day of sgle, will pleas.] call on the undersigned. Aug. b 1 1860-3 t .101 IN 1110NN, Two' Valuable Farms at Private r frLIE subscribers offers at private Sale, gtha following described valuable real estate. No. 1. is a Highly Cultivated Farm, containing, 212 acres, in Sliver Spring township', on the Conodogulnet Creek, about two miles from New Kingston Station on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and 4 1 /, miles north of Mechanicsburg, adjoining lauds of Abram Adam's heirs, Michael Crider and others. The improvements are a first rate two-story BRICK HOUSE, iP•1; (; O OD I3A\h. B IhA, Wagon Sheds, Corn Cribs, and all oth or out-hulidings. Two good orchards (ono of which le young and thriving) containing choice fruit of all va rieties. About 110 acres of the land is cleared and inn high state of cultivation, lying in a loop of the creek, the soil is null known to be of the very beet quality. That part of the farm not under cultivation is covered ith thriving timber. This farm is well calculated to be divided into two good firms. No. 2. is a 'Limestone Farm, •ilnated in Nliddiesex tnwnship. near ❑nnrer'a 'OD Wining 124 acres and is in every respect a first dn. arm. For terms and other particulars apply to the sub. scriber, residing near farm No. 1. or by letter address ed to New Kingston, P. O. August 24, 1866-2 t Valuable Real Estate at Public SaleJ pY order of the Orphans' Court of .1) Cutulperland County I will sell on the premises On Friday, September 21, 1866. tIU o'vlovk in the forenoon, that productive farm lately owned by John Brown, deed., situated In ta If lin Twin , 4 runes north of Nervy!lle, on the road to ioulding (lap, containing 227 ACRES and 27 PERCHES, 30 acres of which are Woodland and 25 acres of first rate Meadow land. The improvements are a TWO-STORY LOG .1.- A ND VW mar ayr• Weather-boarded Ilouse, A FINE BANK BARN, Wagon Shod, Corn Crib, hog Son, nen, In also on the farm a good TENANT HOUSE,' with stabling and other necessary out buildings. There are two never tailing wells, running water and a fine young orchard on the farm rendering It a very desirable property. TERMS OF SALE.—Ten per cent of the purchase money to he paid when the property is stricken on the balance of one third on the contirmfftion of the sale by the Court ; one third on April lot, 1807, when deed and possession will be given, and the remainder In tiro equalatnunal payments with interest from April let, 1,t67. The purchaser to pay all taxes for the year 1807. At the option of the purchaser and upon his giving mortgage therefor the dower of Nlrs. Catharine Brown, can remain In the property during her life. NORDIC D. CB API II BAD, Guardian of Nlinor children of Augunt 24. 1.866-st. N. G. Brown, doe'd. A Valuable Limestone Farm at Public Sale. On Tuesday, October 2, 1866. 91FIE subscriber will sell on the prem ises, in Monroe township, Cumberland County, Pa., one mile west of Churclitown, ono and a halt miles east of the Boiling Springs A tract of land containing 78 AORES• and 27 PERCHES, In a good state of cultivation, adjoining land of John Lutz, Samuel Diller, Abraham Bollenbarger, John Kauffman, Daniel Diller, Christian Richwine and C. B. Mosley. Having thereon, a TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, •;; ; ,, ; 11,11, WASH HOUSE, also a now tw•o-stcry Tenant louse, and a large BANK BARN, Wagon Shod and Corn Cras, ❑og Pon, also a never falling stream of water in front of the Darn two never failing springs of water in front of the House, and a good Spring House, alto a good young APPLE OR CIIARD At tho same time a tract of Mountain Land Situated in Franklin Twp , York County, containing 28 acres and 00 porches. Salo to commonco at 1 o'clock, P. 11 , whoa terms will be made known by BARAN ANN DILLER, Executrix of Leonard Diller, dee'd Aug. 31,1806—t5.* Town Property at Private Sale. loffer at private sale that valuable pro. 1 party situate on South PM Street, In the Bor• ough of Carlisle, belonging to the h Ire of Benjamin Butler, decd. Adjoining Mrs. Moody and others. The lot contains lb foot In front on Pitt street and about 170 in depth to an alloy. The Improvements consist of ono and a half story W EATHERBOARDED HOUSE, Frame Kitchen, with cellar under all, and out build tugs. For terms and further-information apply to C. P. lIBMIIICIT, August 17, 1800-Im. Att'y for the heirs Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private. sale, 1. the following described valuable Town. Property, situated in the borongh of Now Kingston. Cumberland county, a large • Double frame House, I N , • With Large Double Lot, A largo variety of fruit trees, consisting of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Chorries„ ac, on the promises. This property offers a rare opportunity for a physi cian, as there Is none in the town, For terms and other particulars apply either In per son or by letter. E. W. ARBERIOII, August 17,1860=1m New 'Kingston: biller deo'd , late of Monroe townshid decoased,having been issued to the subscsiber residing , in the same township; notice le hereby given to all persons having claims to present them, and those Indebted to make immediate payment to Aug .10,1Ei36,43t.* r_ouLi2o. - bperw. . . THE subscriber' having seemro S. N: Divine's Saw Mill, en Mountain Oreek,' nooses. sum given October Ist, will now receive ortlerathrough his Agent, Mr. Simeon Fisk, at Mount holly Springs, for all kinds of Lumber to be got out as soon as can bo after the Ist of,Octoher. - • - . , . flaying a largo tract of Timber land, I am desirous to supply the domande of tho"country—it ifl canto* plated putting on a Portable Steam Saw Mill the more readily to meet publlo wants. I hope to bo able to satisfy all who' give me their patronage that T can get out as good lumber and low pricea as any, other dealers, hi the'coMmuulty. 11. 1. ROGERS. • • Ang.3l, 11166—t& • Sale JOHN SOUDER BARAII ANN .DILLER, Rxeouttix Ahead ! Ahead ! ! LATEST AND GRANDEST OPENING OF THE SEASON AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S CHEAP DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. Of all tho newest and most desirable styles and quail• ties of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY G ()011by suitable for tho present and corning season GRAND DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS, embracing all the latest varictlog and styles in the market. Plain, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Foußard Silks, Mobalre, POpttrii, Iteppn o French Mos amblques, Lenoos. Beal Organdy and Jaconet Lawns of beautiful designs, Plain and Figured Percales and Chin tiles, Silk and Mohair Orenadlnes, Barages, Black and Colored Mohair Alpacas, all shades, Mous do Lalnes, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, CHALLIES, &c., &c., &o PLEASE REMEMBER THAT LEIDIGH & MILLER e the place to purchase your DOMESTIC GOODS. as we have the largest and best Stock in tins County; and are selling them at PANIC PRICES, Muglins, Sheetings, Pillow Case Nluslins and Linens, 'rid:lugs Cheeks, Cotton Pants Stull's, Linen Drillings, Linen Coatings, Calicoes, iSlinghams, Cliamberry's (bangs, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, be. CALL THIS WAY for the latent styles of, PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS for ladlea and children GRAND DISPLAY OF all styles Silk and Cloth Sacks a tid 51anilos, Black Lace Points, Shetland Shawls, all colors, Grenadines, Mirage Shawls, French Mozambique Shawls (you aro in want of any kind of WHITE GOODS, do not fall to call at LEIDICH & MILLER'S, na they• have the largefit Stock in town of Shirred, Tucked and Puffed !Unsling, suitable for DressfAs and Garabaldies, Nainsook Swiss, Comb. and Jaconet Mug line, Striped and Figured Swisses and Piquita, to , MOURNING GOODS. Of this class of goods we always have a full line, such as ombarAnes, ltepps, Poplins, iilohairs Single and Double width DeLaines, Alozainbigues, 8- 1 4 Crape Marott for Dresses and Shawls, 8-4 Grenadine Barage, for Dresses and Shawls, Mohali Lostres, Lawns, Ding hams, English Ciapes, Crape Yells, Gloves of all de scriptions. Shawls, &c., Sr.c. You will always find a full line of FUNERAL GOODS, AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S, and they pay strict attention to all orders for the mime MEN AND BOYS, Do not forget to call for your supply of Cloths and Cas simeres, Vestings, Linens for Pants and Coats. Hav ing secured tho services of a first class Tailor, we are prepared to have Clothing made up at very short no. t ice. NOTIONS I NOTIONS I LEIDICH & MILLER'S a the place to buy your GLOVES, HOSIERY of all klnds, MITTS, HOOPED SKIRTS, • BALMORALS, FRENCH CORSETS LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, BONNET RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS: BUTTONS, EMB'D. INSERTINGS AND EDGINGS, LACE VEILS, INFANT WAISTS, EMB'D. FLOUNC INGS, HEAD NETS, and a thousand other small v. area too.numorous to mention. CARPETS! CARPETS I! of all grades And descriptions, such as English Tapestry, Brussels, '- Lowell Thred Ply Extra Sup Ingrain, Rug, Listlns., and Romp, Striped, Ninitlan OIL. CLOTHS of all widths, Cantina Mattings White and Checked, Window Shades, Looking Glasses, RUGS, MAT'S, Martiallls Quilts and Conntorpanes. Nottingbam Lacs, Curtains, Tambourd Muslin Curtains, &c. • • • . .. . Ploaso do not fall to' ive no an early eill, sit we are determined to keep up our good 'reputation of selling the best goods, the cheapest goods; and the largest a mount of goods In the county. We always take great pleasurd to show our goods, as we can pray*. the fact that we study, the Interest of all our customers. . , . the 4.,E1D1011. Ji 51I,LLER. ~ . Do not forgt place and well known stand, on the Corner, sign of the Carpet Doll. . . Juno 80,866, „ . Always in Advance GRAND OPENING Of the latest importations of French, Gorman, English and Italian Dress Goods and Summer Wear of every description. W. C. SAWYER, & CO., have again falcon advantage of Cho very LATE DECLINE IN PRICES, to 1111 their Speclona Store Room (East Maio St.,, two doors holow Saxtons Hardware Store,) with an enor mous Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Carpet and House Furnish- bought for CASH from the longest Importing Houses of New York and Philadelphia. yyAll the varieties and colors of 81/ks. Splendid •lual. Mee of Gros Grain Black Silks for Dresses and Basques, French Worsted Goods and Grenadines, CARPETS, CURTAIN MA TERI from A. T. Stewart, & Co. English L 011 0 .12, Lawns. Percales, lilohairs Barred, Stripped and Plain, and Hosiery of all kinds from Arnold, Constable, & Co. All kinks of domestic goods, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and White flooda, of every class from H. H. Clal & Co., Nei➢ York. Very select styles and varieties of Dreams .r C) C) CI S; and genet al wear from James Kent, & Co., Jos. Rolgel & Co.. Johnos, Perry, & Cp., Philadelphia. IVO carefully examine both markets and customers, will find on our counte , s a larger, more varied and cheaper stork of goods than In any Store West of the great cities. Every body is invited to examine our Stock—all kinds of Mourning and Funeral Goods We give special attention to thin branch of our bade Ladles aro Invited to examine our beautiful styles Silk and French Cloth SACKS AND BASQUES, beautiful shades of French Cloths for Sacks and But tons, ornaments &e., to match. W. C. SAWYER, & CO Would ask the attention to their very choice stock of French, Scotch and American Cassimeres, Cloths, Spanish t k lnons for Coating's, Russian Linens for Pau ingp. /re. We get up Butts nt short notice by the best Tailors In town. W. C. SAWYER, & CO 11011110 turnishing department, la the largest and most complete In the valley, containing Scotch and English • IBIZTTSS=I_JS, all the grades of the Lowell k Hartford Mills, Romp aud hag t. 17.111 zil - 4,11 0-61 kr,=ll 011 Cloths, Matting°, Shados, ItugH, & W. C. SAWYER, & CO have a large assortment of Uostery, Gloves, Parasols, Bun. Umbrellas, Corsets, be. Bradley's unequalled "Pride of the World" and Linen EMPTIO HOOP SKIRTS, and all other best makes kept by ue. Lacof• Mitts, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons and in fact every thing found In a wide awake on orprising }Store, determined to do a large trade for the benefit of the 'community as well an for themeolvos.. Mimi. 1;0y Rich and Poor, Old and Young, Smal an 4 groat , tre vary cordially invited to Our b i RY, ,G.OOD,S ,EMP6RI:CJI\I", , whore we will.talie groat pleasure in showing al wol is selliug our goods. We will Mahe additions of died table goods as the season advances. ' ' r W. O. SAWYER,' & 00. Vey H. 18,60:. , , ing Goods, AL AS', &c., EXTRA BOUNTY - TO SOLDIRIIS I WIDOWS! FATHERS MOTHERS AND MINOR CHILDREN! ROUNTY•BILL JUST PASSED gives all soldiers who enlisted for three years, since April 19, 18111, and served their lull term of service, or were disc. arged before the expin.tion of said temnf 'service on account of wounds received in the4t9iof duty, and received One Hundred Dollars BoulitY'and no more, ore now enti tled to an extra bounty of ONE HUNDItt DDOL.LARS. Widows, fathers, Mothers. and Minor Chiloren of de ceased soldiers who unlisted for three years. as above, and died n the service or from disease or wounds con tra,loll in the service and lino of duty, aro entitled to the above extra 01. E HUNDItt D DOLLARS. BE OBTAINED APPLICATION IN PE RSON Olt LIT LETTER TO P Till. MILITARY AND NAVAL AD ENOY. NO 427 WALNUT STREET, PHIL ADELPHIA. JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO. August 17, 1806-1 m r i inE CONFESSIONS AND EXIT,- RTENCD OF AN INVALID. Publishp for theplißellXand as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN aniritithers, who suffer from Nervous Do- Linty, Premature Doi ny of Manhood, supplying at the Santo time THE MEANS OP SELF CURE. By ono who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a postpaid addr. ssed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn Kings Co., N. Y. Jan. 26, y. Extra Bounty ! Extra Bounty!! I AM prepared to collect the additional Bounty due Soldiers under the late arc of Con. gress; promptly and speedily; Soldiers will find It to their ad. - outage to either call in perron, write i r fond discharge to MI, ;,;11y char_ o in each ens, in Five dol lars, no charge - until bounty Is collected; Satisthet,y references will 11, all cases be elven. JAMES M. SELLERS, No. 224 South 4th St. Phlhtdolphin Aug. 30 18013.-4 t Dissolution TEE co -partnership heretofore ekist ing between the undersigned under the firm name of Stouffer & Frick, in the Milling business has this day (July 2:ld. 1860,) been dlsholv,d by mut usd consent. All persons in terehted are requested to call and close their accounts. JACOB STOUFFER, D. The above business will be enedueted FRICK by Jacob Stouffer. Market prices paid PT grain and the patron age of the community Is solicited. J. S'IOUFFEIt, STRAW.—The undersigned takes this method to in• form the public that they are buying straw at their mill. for which they will at all tittles pay the highest market prices, if delivered at the mill In good condi. thin. For Wheat and Oats Straw, Lootat Rye, Bundled Rye, $O.OO per ton 10 00 I• 2 " STOUFFER & STRICKLER. Middlesex Mills, Aug. 10th 18136—tit. LI F E-H E ALT II -STRE N FT FI L I PE-H HA LT H --STR ENG T H LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared fruut a pres,riptimi of Dr. Juan Delanwpre, Chief Phym,rian to the Hos- pled die Nor'! W. Lartbuisiere Paris. This invaluable medicine is no imposition, but Is inhaling In the cure of Sparmatorrhm or Seminal Venkness. Every species of Uenitai or Winery ',l ability. Involuntary or Nightly bemioni Emissions ri in NV hate, r rause produced. or bon eve, r sevele will )0 speedily I elleved and the organs restored to healthy Rea,' the follott ing opi 111011 S of eminent Fronoh phy ••We have used the Spec ltie Pills prepared by Mar - ulster° 40 Dupont, No 214 Rue Lemhard, Dom the prpserlpt ntn or Dr. .luau Del:lnm,, In our prD ate inactive with Huh. ND oerous. and or believe tln re le no other inetivlne sn we n ll calculated In CI.I, all per -11114 sullerlng trout 11,141ra/try Enllsslons nr any a ill, ,111.1111• SS 4 , t the St• II I itrgans, her ea used ty a sedentary undo of Ili lint, excesses or abuse. lt„1. BEA UnEl'Altl4., M. D. DU.I AllU N, M D. JEAN 1.1.: I,EUCII It 14, M. D. 'ark, May sth, 1888 BEWARE toF COUNTERFEITS The Uonutn , fills are sill by all the prlneipal Drug ghtts through Tut the 'A odd price one Dollar I,er Box or :ix 151IXOS for Five Dollars. li ARANCI ERE & DUI ONT S Sole Proprietors, No. 211 Rue Lombard, ra, is One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will Insure a box by return mall, securely sealed from all oh erection, six boxes for live dollars. Sole tient.. al Agents Inc America, °SCAR 11. MOSES & Co., 27 Corilandt St , N.Y. N. IL—French, Herman, Spanish and Engli h Ibutiph lets, containing full particulars and directions Mr use, sent tree to au} address. Snld in Carlisle by .1. W. ELLIOTT, and at 114 V El:- STICK'S. Jan. 12, 1866—.1y. DR. MAII6UALL'S CATARRII SNUFF! This Snuff has thoroughly proved Itself to ho' the ,e,t article known for curing that atm rh, Cold in thy Head and headache It Inns been found uu ex do !lent ennoly in many Caseti of soto E 3 en. Dearnens loss lel, I ellioVl,d It. Hind hearing has often been great ) unproved by its use It Is ti avant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief Le the dell 113111!. etlehiet b) (nevem., Ot Ih. hood. sedsdidoes niter moil, it are dehglaitil tied in vigerating. it open, and per es Out Ilet ions. strengthens Lilo glands. and give, a healthy ai then Lit the pane. itiliieted. More Than Thirty Years' of Sac and u,' of Dr Marshall's Catarrh nod Dead moire ,n off ; has proved its great value Jroo all the VI an- UlOll diseases of the Held, and at I his - molt,en I. It stands higher tha.. ever ',Our, It IN recumniwuded by many of the best phychlabs t used nith great success and ,athdae.len every where. Read the Certificates of Wholesale Drug gists in 181 J-1. Thu undersigned. having fur tinny years been ac quainted wuh Or Marshall's Catarrh and Headache enull, and sold it in our wholesale trade diem Sully state, that we believe It to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of it tsr the cure of Cats, rhal n flue thous, and that it is decidedly the best arti,le we have ever know u for all Culloll dirretlhoh of the Head. Burr at Perry, 13ostou,Barnes & Park, Now York .Itoetl, Au tin & Co. A. B. et D .ands, • It, own, Lamson &Co " &opium Paul & Co. " Hoed, Cutler & Co. " lorunl Minor .t Co. '• Seth W. Fowl°, " McKesson & Robbins," Wilson, Falrbanh & Co. " A. L. ecovil A l'o. " Ilensha. , Edna:tads & Co.M ard. Clone Az Co " IL 11. !lay. Portland, Me. Bush for Sale by all uggists. TRY IT Jan. 12, 18611-Iy. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES Bryan's L•Pulmonie Waters on_Tho original Shall°lnc established In IF:17, and first article of the kind over introduced under the name or PULNION IC WAFER ," lu this or any other country; all other Puhuoule \Voters are counter leite. The genuine eau be known by the name lila A N being Bowed on each Wafer. These %Vali,'s have been before the public for nearly thirty yearn, and the Immense sale attained, not only In ninurien but In foreign countries, telly attest !heir Intrinsic worth. The medical propeoties are super for to any other a deb) offered fur the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained In each box Is nearly double that of the many worthless imitations advertised. , Bryan's Pulmonio Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, bore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, bpltting of Blood, Pales In tne Chest, Incipient Consumption and all diseases of the lunge. Not only affording tempor ary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and ate warranted to give satisfaction in ever instance. They do not nauseate like alcoholic compounds. and the medicinal iloperties ore combined lu n lurni so a greeable anti pleasant to the taste, that tiny child will readily lake them. One dose will always afford BELIEF IN TEN 111INUTES. To 1100ALleTB and PUBLIC CrEBBEnn, these Wafers aro peculiarly valuable tLoy will In one day remove the meet saver,' occasional hoarseness; and their regular use fur a few days will, at all times, Inn ease the pow er and flexibility of the yolce, g eatly inipfeviug its tone, compass and clearness, for which put pose they are regularly used by many professional vocalists. Tho.very great Celebrity of thin invaluable remedy has induced unprincipled persons to prepare base lull tatione, which disappoint the Just expectations of the purchaser, and Nun) the character of ,the genuine medicine. • • •. See that tho word, "BRYAN," stamped on eaoh Wafer. and also obierve the Inc simile of the signature of the Proprietor "JOB MOSES" on each wrapper, to er countfeit which is forgery. . Aar Wending parties will ho dealt with to the full extent of ti o law. BRYAN% PULBIONIO WAFERS aro for sale by all Drug. gists. Jolt MOSES, Solo Proprletor, 27 Oortlandt St., N. Y. Jan. 12, 1866-Iy. RR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a proscription of Sir J. Clark, M. D., . Physician Extraordinary. to tho queen, rAHIS well known medicine is no im pofiltlon, but a aura and 'safe railway for Female. leultlea and Obstructions, Avon any, C4llllO whatever and although' a powerful renunly,.it contains nothing horttulp the Constitution. To Married Ladit;s it is peculiarly suited. It will, hi a short time, bring on the monthly period with tegu! In all cases of Nervous ?pinta 'affections, Pain in the Hack and Limb's, llelvinens, Fatigue on' slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Welt Headache, Whites, and.all the ,painful diseases occasioned by a disc rdored system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other uteanit have failed. - f• •---. . . . . , These Pills have never been known to fail wberello directions on the 211 page of pamphlet are well. obse.i:' Fdr further a;particulars, pamphlet,. free, or the agent. $l. and postage teainpa , enclosed to' APY autherised4giAnt, will illoUreB bottle, containing otter GU pills, by,return mow, Jan.:l2, 1.8011 : 44y. AgenkflaKlislo: .. WORK BOXES, Cab 6,. Port . F.O: nos , towriqte Maim, gonfuetya47, lioxao l m Ciampi ar'Ail uds. ; Do ~ 16,1865. - ' ,•-• ; - Ai' IRAVEIIBTICHW • , • Mint, Tealiorry, Lemon, Orange,Lavender, Rote, Mugs, and,Vattilla,; Deo. 15 , 1805.. AD ILAV.PREITICAO.