Something Zlitiiely 'New! , Housekeepers Fiirnishing pOriu' ni. Cor.. of 2nd and Walnut Sts., Opposite Fire, National Bank, Harrisburg, Pa. Tilli subscriber baying been induced to enter into a business, the want of which has long been felt In this community, has carefully select ed a Stock of goods, which for BEAUTY, VARIETY AND NOVELTY, has never before been equalled in any,place east of our large commercial cities consisting of Tin Ward, Iloilo w Ware, Toilet Ware, Pote,.Katles, and Pans, Japanned Ware, D,or and Table Mats, Plated ( Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Artieles, Willow Ware, Noveltioe of all kinds. Wooden Waro, lee Cream It.aezers, Britannia Ware, ilefrigeratoi s, Iron Ware, ' Wet, r Coolers, &c. ' - In short EVERYTHING required or desired in keep ins house. In proof of which ho wou.d respectfully solicit a call from Housekeepers, whether they pur chase or net. Ho has also the largest assortment in the city of CHILDR.EN'S CARRIAGES, Boys' Propellors, Perambulators, Velocipedes, Boys' Wagons, Cantering Horses. Jaen Horses, Boys' 'Brie lug Reins, Stick Horses, Swinge, Baby TendorA, W heft ixtrrows, Call and see when yiu visit Harrisburg. We do not expect ALL to purchasa who come. It will always afford pleasure to show goods. July 20, 1800.-3 m. Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, The people are going to Plank's NEIGHBOR now we can afford to keep ourselves and children in good Boots, Bats and Caps, since thny aro selling so very CHEAP At the sales room of B. Plank, South West Corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alloy. Plank. hasinst returned from the Bast, and Is now opouing in addi tion to his humor stock a largo as•ortmuut of Boots, Shoes, flats and Caps, which for price and quality ran no! be surpassod. indeed it is a blessing to the people that Plank has opened a BOOT and Shoo Store In Carlislo. The amount of money, which can be saved by buying at Plank'n Root A.ArD SHOE Store will keep a person In pocket money torn year Y ni ,ate scarcely name any y Hoot or Shoo that Plank has not got, and all selllll,‘ at greatly reduced prices Just go to Plank's the IT Boot and Shoe. STORE and see for yourselves, and you will find that half has not been told but trim; has been told is true. Remem ber the stand South West Corner of North uncover St., and Lodust Alley. CARLISLE. Midway between Thudiums and Wetzels Hotels April 9 .7, 1866. New Spring Goods, ISAAC LIVINGSTON, at his whole• sale and Retail Clothing Establishment, on South Ilan aver street, adjoin lug Miller & Bowers' Hardware St , rn, announces the receipt of a full and Complete as sortmont of SPREE and S UMMEI? Co 00 S, and eousonable BEADY MADE CLOTHING. Ills stork consists In part of line Black and Bine FRENCH and ENGLISH CLOTHS, Extra Heavy Doeskin, Three cut and fancy CAS'SIMERES, Alla, a large variety of Cassinots and Tweed. Ken tucky Jeans. and 0 it'annades, Linens, stud Linen DiliUnits, In gr. at variety. Also a Areat assortment of Ready Made Clothing, of oval y my le and quality, Whit, Linen and Woolen BLit ts. Summer Urn wers, Sr., etalS , an lly on hand a Dug . . wo,ort ment of 'I fee, Collars, 11-siery and (I loves, Li nun, ,iina and Co lon II andaorchteis. Also a full assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, o every size. Clothing made to order at the shortest notice. Call and examine the stock Marsh 23, MAI I challenge Competition 2 IN the way of variety, eleg , nee of style, quality and cheapnesso.f my stock of Dry 000da..- - Especially would 1 call attention to my huge assert- Meat of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which I selected with special ca., in the Philadelphia and New York markets a few das's shire. Also, my t hreld g' re oblong colnidsuitAoil HOOP SKIRT, decidedly them .at Inip,ved rattern of the age, giving the 'sewer the most ut to lie fon In Liken iso u variety of is hit, Goods, such as Plain Plaid and striped Cam ht Plain. nod tit. ire-d insonks. Swim Null, itailop and Victoria Lawns, Brilliants, Linen handkerchiefs. Ac., Ac. Clottonades, Blue and Gold Duck, G In ghtana, Denims, Kentucky .leans, Shirting. :Shines, Onds umbilcs. Tic lug., " Blue tatuhrles, Ch. vita, " Blue Nankeens, Diapers. " Brown Nankeens, Lancaster hinghams, Sc., Ac., Ac., an. April 20, 1866. ALL TO BE lIAD AT WM. A. I LES' S FORE, NOR l'E II AC. VER 87'1112:R7', NEXT DOOlt. TO On. KIEFER'Ii AND LH. ZITZLICE. MeTONAT j_ H N subs.-rioe.r hereby iiiiciruis his old customers and the public generally, that he has REMOVED his Family Grocery FROM Pitt Street TI) the corner of Po nalret and Pitt Streets. In the building known as CART'S CORNER, which has ju•L been thoroughly repaired and refitted for his ',unloose. My Block rousists of a first clans as,AgLuseut, Of G ROCEL{IES, Willow, Wooden and Queensware, comprising every thing in my line of trade. I am in constant cane m u len Lion with the eastern cities. and will be In dully ,er.dpi of the N Ely Ev'i' and icilEdli. EST Oltt R_lElt I Er the foreign markets afford. Don't lorgot the place—Can's Old Corner .701 IN P. STEEL. Carlisle, Mai eh 30,1860. The noted "Dry Good" Store in South Hanover Street. THE most attractive place in Carlisle Is at A. AV. Bents's great, M Elie AN TI PORIU M" where run be purchased the best, handsomest, and ehespost goods in the Country. We have just replen ished our stock with a large invoice of tho choicest goods in the Market, and will continuo to renew the supply dally,or as necessity requires. It would be impossible to enumerate all tho articles in our extensive lino of business. We have now a fine essortmept of Ladies Spring Dress Goods. POPLINS PLAIN AND PLAID, OIIALLIES OF BEATIFUL PATTERNS to,, ' • • PRINTS AND ALL KINDSOF DOMEB'II.O GOOITB. A varisry of Gentleman and Boys wear. An exten sive stock of, TABLE, STAIR AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, OIL SHADES. Blind Materiale and Carpet Chains. " Hopkins" Superior Skirts all lengths and widths. We shall be happy to have all call and examine cur " now stock." as wo fool confident that our selection will please all tastes. Carlisle, April 11th 1860. New Grocery Store ! 011. ANGE OF FIRM I THE undersigned hereby announces tO his old patrons and customers, that - he has diA poaedbf his entire steel , of, °nods with thegood will of the , dstdblistimeitt to Matters Potter IC; Wasbtnoed, whom ho ittoonitrientieto the citizen,, of °timberland County, es active;energetla and reliable business men, Who will spare no pains to maintain and Improve the • I character of the old stand as a (bar class • . FAMILY GROCERY. j With many, thanks for the patronage be lies received ha bespeaks for the now firm a continuance of theettme JOHN IIYER. PEFFER. Sr. WASHMOOD I will In a few days receive the largest and boat assorted stock ..of ". • GROCERIES, • WARE, . :QUEENSWARE, "- 'GLA.SSWARE, WILLOW WARE', • ever brought to this place; and will constantly keeit I , on-handthe..ChOlcost ,OrOCerlea, ,the Eastern •Markets afford. A. full assortment of Lampe ard - Oil on, hand. Call and see us at the old stand, South East corner of Market Square , • • • January 5;1866-,4y, PE ' FFEII. • • • "DORT, Folios, Wrkting. Dps Baoic oitiri66‘. Board% Uarn66 , ot an d4olo,lott"it'lLyi en tick'il BrOg. , Fo,niqr'An4 Book Store.. ..A L 51, 0 -2 Bustm,.stoB?,.QcgrefOrgnilip i 3 - 0. g/ 8 O STATE NOT( 0 .•• •• . j p ( Xat,ifiria Of 'Of 394 CablEi dtied late' or `Silver qpang Trp. tibld; . neen.i - Tkri) ChirPtiei MO Co., have, been granted. by', the tegistornt uuni heriand,.resldlog In draid Trap. All persons • hcidel.tbd tcr . siid'estate *lliphaho pay pent and those having Present theta to 'JACOB QTBTI;tr, Adtalaitrittot. !. July 20;1866 ATO tfES 'and ewo,lry:Fpptuze ;• Tl''ltlie'liisit.lawelry Store. ••• • •- DYSPEPSIA 4 Pio.k:zitAkiwitt i k otiF,, Sheldon's Dyspepsia Troches. Dyspepsia Permanently cured or The Money Re, onded. THESE Troches not only give imme diate relief but are sure to effect a permanent cure' inf • DyspopsiaceThey, are pot* pzirso c tlye, and therefore Weir use 1.16813Pdt cre,21.0 Ibio§l,ol/31,titr the habitual use of cathartics. They cause no sickness of the stomach, or griping et the bowels, and are perfectly harmless to the moot delicate. They will immediately correct a sour Stomach, cure Fla ulonce, Heartburn, Sickness or Pain In the Stom ach, Costiveness. Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Ileadeehe, and in Ret all dhoselliengreeable•andJdan prom symiitome of this disease, which for thd pleasures and duties of life. Wntli. and delicate persons writ) have been injured by the use of powerful stimu ants and purgatives, will find them a mi.d, safe and sure restorer of ihe elgestlve OrgilpS to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by tee proprietors, B. J. Vandersloot d Co, Chemists , . 718 Market street : hiladelphia, l's. Id Ralston—Druggist, Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Agt for Cumberland Co. Pa. Sold by all Osts. to 21, 1888-3 m Drug. Jul JOHN P. KILLER, 2nyd & Walnut Ste Surcessors),, LEW IS E. LINE I)llliiAardLEßrSdllni IhFwnro reign and Domestic PAINTS, 011,S. LASS, VARNISHES At. North Hanovvr St, clearly opposite the Carlisle Bank, ;July 7 18135. E PIA) I'M ENT FOR BOTII SEXES. lIISABLED and returned soldiers, y widows and orphans of slain sold ern, and the Ithomployed of hothx, es generally, In .wan t Vf respect able and ptolitable eniplOyineut,lncnrril g no Vislt • ran procure such by enclosing a postpaid addreaved envoi. opo. for particulars, to 11. 23, 186t1-13 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated, 1850. Charter Per petual. CASH ASSETS, $2,000,000. J AEI ES C. WA LE LEY, Prosiden t. Polidies Issued on all Popular Plans. A FEW REASONS WHY 'EO PIA.: incur in Ow (barter Oak. Ist All banking privileges are prohibited. the busi nes, being contined ttsclu,ively to the insurance o lives. ht —lle Risks are selected a ith great care, thus in• cur ring small losse,:111 , 11-.11SCiliemly large dividends M.4.1c to Policy holders - )lass. Insurance Reports 11 lasi Aix 3 e:srs. :;r4l —lts Ratio lif Expenditures, includibg Death t laittia and Ni orking Expenses. to ItecellPs, are unions co ientedly low —Rattle Rop,ts. At h.—All the profits are di, lied among Policy hold ers the !nigh's.] capital le ing by ('barter io Med per cent dividends, .11110r0 III 11” It earns lot the Company at Interest. 5i b. It declares and pays its Dividends annually, iii thus Assinting tae insuted in the.paymatit.' of preen in ins nth business is distributed One, 111(1, than twenty Northern Strite,, Illllls 111,, it 111111,,Siiii , • to much 10 tic' its surplus. Sri 1111/11t lur I.olltingtenel... even ill the event , I a scollrgt• of I ilOlOlll 4.,,56 AC LI VI NOSTON 7th.—lt Is prompt In (ha Nyment,of 10.09, having 'mid t N 1 idavvo and Orphang nearly ONE, MILLION I)ULLA RS, and has nero r litigated a claim. Mil —'liln 11.811 01 Rua, 101 111,1.111, RS all illvertmellt gth Men of small means insure to guard their lano Wes against want. lot h.—The man of business insure to provide against VlSmillie loss in trade n Iris Polley, being a basis for rands' Persons in debt Insure that their earningsfor )rein of tail ins) not he at death troOl Want eady rash to tat IWO liabilities --All insu,, as name) thus laid away by tittles barn Lni6,l j brie canuLl LO 111 1- lin. , oath Wing certain to occur Dr A. it. K I f.FFEIt, it. I)., Medina Examiner. .1. D ADA IR, AgebtPani'c's, iii. E. If lit,A Id, St Ile Agent ti.r l'a. if [till, linshong's New,ltudding, North eixth eat Reading. l'a. Person,. desirous of inauranee alll please apply to the agent. For information return ire to ageni les ;ad e•i, he State Agent. April 13, Dinti. T ET M 'rut: Tl: 'rut: FE 111 ET is t most Vl, , prolific cause of disease and (lentil known to It la a IMUSt Slice 1, bring 011 a cold. mud colds, oi; I retell, and often nv boo pot neglected, lead 1.1 t• ,ers or to coughs and total consumptlons. It is In recogoition of this ruts tha the inventive talent of the couony ha tor yearn been devising some method, or attempted to devise It, for keeping the fort dry, and yet that bhoula nut give menu Venice, an to the wearer. It Libber shoes, iu one form or another, have hitherto been our reliance, hilt it Is well 1,1)0 ir RS among their nom) evils. that while they t. cep the trot dry from external 111010111 re, they sweat t (Poor nuich, and ny the , induelog an undue tenderness increase a suseeptibili y to coltis rather than otherwise. T hey aril litho Itumbursotne t,u fho (pet, and withal are very esmo.sive. Ihe demand Is fur - oinethlog that shall make the ordinary Boot and char Impervious to water, without atlectoig, their elegane , or dura , Ility, and, it possible, without adding sensibly t the cost ill their 11121 11 u fart arr. whese, it will hr conceded. are 111001 I 111- pltail features, alid we conscientiously affirm that Lhoy Su ah-olutel) attained In the Inventi n here aLib plot °tell to the public. Tilt. In vet. Linn e.msists 11l lose. Ling bet wee., the I II uri Mid outer solo. when the boot Is making. a thin Al.l IC PLATE. exceedingly ductile, combining ilex!. Li it y with toughpuss, very light, und.ov,ery way apam• 1. ed to 11 . e mid dethlid, while the hildltional expense is 111,-10;3 . nominal It furnishes a perfoot barrio. against the :nimbi:don of wet or dumpily..., though the beet may LAI u.. pored ei er uu long 1111011 wet pavements or damp ground. To la lies and children the METAtito SOLES will i.e of Inc deniable value, an iron, their habits anti. and deb dtofil, they are particularly exposed to the long Lulu of Ills that attend upon an inadequate protection to the feet. Those Soles have already been tried by the best of all tilts A °tont CM, uud the testinials to their merits, freely proffered, Inuffste that Choy must be speedily and universally adopted by the public. The Patent Metallic Soled divots and Shoes aro being In. troducml into the le .ding Boot and Shoo Stores through. mil the United ;Antes, and will supplant all torus of overvh.fes, except possibly r deep mud or snow, as they becoluo diva, Be aure'te got them and take no other. If your Rimini:loolr does ndt tiapPon to p have them, ho can piocuro thorn without ditilnultr. If ho will not, thou send yourself to the inventor ono dollar and thirty conts,and obtain six pair, assorted sizes, with: right to use, which will be promptly forwarded by mail or express pro paid, and 'Valid' can be made up by any slioelnaktliqp•the: - cnitutryi 4ameies will be on. tablifiluidln veryi city lintl•villagooind'itipplied with Soles and proprietary stamps, at schedule prices. and liberal o nunissi, n allowed on sales. Also General Agencies for States appointed on applieutlon, with proper tostlinonitits to the inventor. SAAILHHI J. SkIELy, General Depot, corner city Hall and Plod street, Now York. A. W. BENTZ NEW Yong., June I, 1860. The proprietors of the above patent, having come it contOOS. with ; tont payibulalOsuea, td - Wililam J Lyht tin; iit ftnrchamOton: fthsif ninettring.ihsr Same in vention and improvement, the chief parties in !uterus , have purchased the sumo, and, combining their in tweets, have organized And established a general Manufactory and Depot a • 62 John Street, New York; where they are ready a all times to fill orders for soles of all sizes wit promptness and dispatch The attention of dealers Is resperafully solicit° No person who hasunto usotlithis .sole wILL over agal . 1 - camsent, , ifproottrablo, to wear a AWOL. or,ahogmithou It. Special inducements offeredlo dealers - andrrnanu l footmen, to aid in their hitt, duction, l'rice List, an v sacral tunPspucial intermation furnished on applies, tion at the general store, to A. la. LYMAN, \: .D,rtsl(lont An d . rat. Metallic Shoe 8010 Co. " 62•Joilit Street, New York. April 6,1860-6 m. =EI ..A •Lax g e 'apd. yluiectstobk . Orcidefigsi ~A , ..• ;• ,r ~ 1.. I .. : .. •. • ic T A kNED I.:* Saucon,llsh. /to. kc , *bleb( I am Rolling at tbo vary loweSt Cash Prices. ~ .'4llosododobted ,t 0 tbm .onbscriber, and .partlenlarly l .those In arrears; far a iongth, of Aline.wlll , come forward and promptiSi . pay up, as longer delay will not be sub./ milted to Nov. 8,1865 and 06,colat( 4 ,1 4 - titlopolato, AT, mvuipTicics. A 21,1 " a short notice. Accortleou4proporly topalradtin. wood, at tho DOW Jowelry.Storeq`kast Mule Bt. Ine•aesortlnoi~t of gaudy,, „ 0 Rran huid. ormattanakoc 2 ,t:'4l4* AT LIAVERST.IOIO3. 71 OOK-OANDY, SeoratsPnCnoii an. jiloCommon.. Vu0.16, 1806. AT FIAVERBTIOI{.I3. ME Thls is a personal invitation to the reader to examine my large assort ment of New STYLES or DRESS DOODH, selected with special rare for the Spring Trade. REsirnmEn, TII AT I HAVE. REMOVED FROM MAIN STREET, TO NORTH HANOVER STREET, NEXT DOOR TO MILLER .@ BOW ERS' Ilmummtr: Storm. C=l MILLER & BOWERS, Dr. JOHN M. DAONALL, Box Ib3, Brooklyn, N. Y THE CHARTER OAK SEEL Y'S Patent Metallic Sole. X NEW INVENTION. Postscript. 9v#,p Patent Metallic Shoe Solo Company EZIMEI CAPITAL, QF, $150,000, , , Always On Hand HOOPLA ND'S lIITTERS. grea 3. t • 4Vilisky PriWahtl'oh: ; y 6 • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN ;.46 BITIERSII l'FiaitiviAii6L34iV.l7l,l,-. DEBILITY ! DEBILITY ! IT f) f ) manning from any cauao whatever PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, INDUCED BY • Severe Hardship Exposure Diseases of Camp Life. Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Adult or Youth. I=l a pure Tonic, not depondont cm bad liquors for tilt& alums. miraculous streets. DYSPEPSIA, Observe the following symptoms resulting from die orders of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood 'o the Head, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Vi'aight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the I'll of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Draathing, Fluttering at the'llOart, Choking or Suffocating Sen4ations wh,n In A lying Posttire, Dimness of VlsLon,,Dots or Wiffis before the Sight, Foyer' and Dull Pain in the Head( DOficioney of Perspirabon, i °Rawness of the Skin and 'Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud den Flushes of Heat, limning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and (treat Depression of Spirits. IC) AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS TILE LIVER AND PIG ES'E'l VL ORGANS. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERSI I=l PE RI O ORM EU MOItF CURES, CI IVES liErl"l'Eß SATISFAC TION, HAS A.TUI?L; TESTIMONY, las more ltespeetable People to vouch far It, than any ther article In the Market, We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and WILL PAY $lOOO • to any one Who Will produce a certificate published by us that Is nut genuine. ,•• 11(mEI.AND*;; GERMAN BITTERS, I= Chronic or Nervous Debility, and Diseases arising from a disor 7 lilt! this "Utters is hot A trimlie, 'ONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS BUT IS THE BEST TONIC IN WORLD. Read who Says So From the Rev LONA 0. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., tortnerl} , of the North Bap -161 Church, Philadelphia, at prow:rut Pastor of the Baptist Church, dictator, Pa. * * * a * * * I have known Hordlai,d's Oermati Hitters favorably rur n number 01 years. l nave aeon loom in my own tinnily, and have bees so pleased with their effects, that I was induced to recommend lhem to many oth ers, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beinmcial manner. / take great pleasure in thus pub liely proclaiming this tact, and sailing the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended, to these bitters, knowing from aspen slice the, my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cbeertully as llootlaud's Bitters is intend ed to benefit the afflicted, and Is "not a rum drink.' Proin Roc. D. Solgfricd, Oustor of Twolftii Bap thil. Church, Phil, Gentlemen :—I have recently een laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a prostration of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but without relief. Yon:. Hcolland's German Bitters were recomutended by Orsous who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of these bitters induced me to try them. I must confess that F had an aversion to Patent Medicines nom the 'Mhousand and one" quack whose only aims seems to be to pititmoif Sweetened and drugged.liquor upon the community in a sly way, and the tendency et which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a Medicinal necrosis thin I took it with happy effect. lis action, not only upon the kti mach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and graiifying. I feel that I have derived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Prom Rev. J, Newton iltatwn, D. D., editor of the Ifu cyclopedia n 1 Religious Knowledge and Chi lotion Chronicle Philadelphia. Alt.tough not disposed to favor or roc almond Patent Nlediehms in general, through distrust, of their ingre dients and °Recta; I yet km w of no'sifftloletit reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits ho believes himself to, have; received from any simple•preparatlou, in the h•'pe that he himy -thus contrOmte'to the bene fit of others. Ido this the more readily in regard to littolland's German Bittern, prepared by Ur. C, M. Jack son, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they wore chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I nut indebted ,to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., kir the rerriovalof this prejudice by proper i unto and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long 'continued debility. The WO of three bottles of IJiesu Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which l had not felt for six months be los o, and had almost ffespalred of regaining I there fore thank God antEmy friend for directing me to the use of them.' From the Rev. E. D. Feudal), Assistant Editor Chris tian Chronicle, Phila. I have derived decided benefit from the use of Ifoof laud's German Hitters, and feel it my privilege to rec ommend Ahem aq g most valuable tonic, to all who aro aufrering from general debility or from diseases arising Dora derafigoinent of the liver. '"' From Rev. D. Merrige, Pastor of the Paosyunk Bap.. tint Church, Phila. From the many respeetitbre recommendations given given to Dr. Hoofland's Um man Ilittera, I was induced to give,them.a 41ler usiqg, aeveral, bottles I found thein tciiM a • good remedy too' 'dc(bility, and It most excellent tonic for tho stomach. From the Rev. THOS. AMUR, raster of DOX borough litiptist Church. DEAR Elea : I Meta your Disci! ent preparation Hoolland's German BitterSi , ta add my testimony t the deserved reputation :White obtained. I have for vearo, at times, hoon.youbled with great disorder MI my head and obvious system. I was advised by ti friend to try' n'bOttle of your German Bitters. I did so{ and , hAtto oxperlenced a great and unexpected relief. , My health has been very materially benefited. I con fldontly recommend the article whims I mi et with cases similar to My hitvo r beept admired by many at their good effects.' Respectfully yours, T. WINTER,. • 'i ;,,„ ;; , 0, ...4. o x4rqUithiirtM ' • , , „.• sEwARE oy COUNTERFEITS: See that the signature of "0. M. JACKSON" Is on th wrapper of each bottle. Should your nearest drugest not have the suit+ do not be put off by any of tho Intoxicating *opera tlormtluit may.,;l4g,ottert d Mita place, Ibut,i.eend to u: and,Nre yellitforwFd,)eopurely, paelhed by; exprqs6,l " .s,._ a„6:fl:~rGlj~s4roa6 ,, khilsde7Dhla„Pa. , _ WM. 810NTZ..,1 4 aprins 4,MVANB; to • ,_••• k r ~1 ;,),•, • z. 4 ns t .IBuccesso o O. . Jackson & Co..] For sale by Druggists and Dealers in every town the 'United States. Dlid. 1, 1805-Iy. Ir Fevers, IMMIIEM Diseases of the Kidneys, tiered Stomach REMEMBER, Very respectfully yours, W. D. SEIGFRI ED, No„, 2:4 Shackitinaxon Street J. NEW TON 11 ROWIN, Philadelphia D. mgwqn PROPRIETORS 60 (From "Godey'a Ladies' Book'? February, • REED .C1R1341 , 1' §,• • ,1 tind •iitigtes- Mons relative to thiedninibliseliponfillik , meat will doubtless interest,and, preilt very many of , our readers, we commend' the article to their careful perusal:— ' A hundred end and Makers of organs, Cottage, Par (lablbeti'Ainerldan, .Bohool. Organs, etc. etc., are 'each claiming to make the best instrument in the world." llsing "comparatidely 'martin:fent las' at present constructed, we are convinced the public are much' Ribs eapable ontidging of iti Merits, or demerits, than. of Nest other instruments. • 'lf there Waiting an essential difference in them, if thereare some excel lent and some worthless ones, the public should , have some criterion for judging of. them, selne facts • which will enlighten them. We cheerfully concede the space for;tble article knowing-that thgre is hardly a family, or church, or school in all the land, trut is mere or less interested tot his topic. We are also aware of its be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity; to any of them to purchase an' interldeor weithless'Orgati, MiltiOns to good playing, and often a source of Much annoyance and vexation. We know this article to emanate from a candid and intelligent source, and thus we give it to our readers. The question is Often asked, what are "reedergans to Wo adswer; theY are, in most cases, nothing in the I , world but the old melodeon in tlisguise. Many of the so-called organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the same gcn.iral internal arrangement. With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have eimply put on a more pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But an organ, to bo in reality an or gan, must have a wind chest or reservoir for air sepa rate from the bellows, into which wind-chest the reeds open, and tbe tone has room to expand and perfect it self Into the full round tone, similar to the flute or pipe organ, even, smooth, firm, and mellow ; and this tone from reeds cannot be obtained in any other way known. thing so annoys a true erganist aP to have the vol. time of sound swelling and jerking spasmodically with es sty variation of force on the bellows, which le always the case where the reeds open direct into the bellows or air passagei, instead of a w.ludehest or sound-box. And yet some maker's oven go so fur as to claim this spasmodic or automatic jerking of the bellows on the reeds as an excellence, just as though they did not know that it must very soon throw the reeds out of tune, and Injure the bellows; and as though it wore not ancestor matter to Obtain a moth better and mere easily managed swell by other methods. The truth is, any organ . , so called, or melodeon which has the wind acting directly upon the reeds, is nothing more nor less than a huge accordeon, dress it up as you may. And when organists and tree musicians become awe, e of the fact that they can obtain those that are brgans in fact as well us in name, they will buy no moreol the objectionable ones. Then again the swot' should al ways be separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to bo acted on by the hand, or soft blowing, but convenient so that the player can use it with the knee, separate from the hands or feet, and time always un der easy control, to be used ad ltbitulti. The large divided bellows, or double bellows, is also a very important improvement. By this means not only can the wind be supplied More oyouly, but with far greater ease to the perfbrmer, from the fact that either bellows alone will be sufficient for the llghter melodies, thus permitting the player to change about and rest the feet at will ; then, if the bellows is of the requisite large size, and having the wind chest or reservoir, all will be well. As to the reeds, they must be scientifically tuned and voiced, or all the other good qualities in the world cannot produce a good toned in strument. The Inquiry now very naturally arises, where can the organ be procured combining all these, essential and desirable qualitimi ? There is only one possessing all these points, and thatis the AMERICAN OItGAN, made by 9, D. & 11. W. SMITH, of Boston, 8111E111A OTT Wholesale Agent, 581 Broadway, Now York. These organs have a wind-chest extending the whole length of the instrument and no constructed as to act at the some time as a reverberating sound-box or board, and having the same important relation - and part to perform that the sounding-board has to the piano. This feature the makers have patented, and to it are owing in a great measure tin entirely une qualled fullness and richt eon of tone so highly prized by all who have used these organs They also have the largest and best divided bellows in use, which is another important feature. No pert of their work is slighted, no expense or pains spared to make the A merican Organs perfect musically, as woll no mechan ically, and. judging from the immense sale of them at present, they bid fair to long maintain the proud posi tion they have won by superior merit alone. Wo would most heartily advise all Interested to call upon or address Ala. LIBERIA OTT, tam Wholesale Agent, at ABl Broadway, New York, and eao assure them hewn', In the must gentlemanly and truthful manner, Impart to them all the information they may desire relative to this truly delightful instrument. MUSIC TEACHERS OM palmr4imoriarai4r.ll The subscriber is fully prepared In furn" hoot Music, Strings, Musical Instruments, and Music iooks of all kinds at the lowest trade rates. wholesale and re tall, from the largest collections In this country. /rders punctually and thithfully attended to. Address all orders IMEI BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO PIANO-FORTES, Wholesale agency. The altbseriber, late a membf r of this well known tlrm has established n wholesale agency, 1,81 Broadway, New York City, where ho will be oleassd to receive the orders of Ids friends and the public, and especially to hear from those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm hereto fore. He will supply these superior Instruments to the trade Wholesale and Retail, at the very - Lowest l'rires, made with the insulated Iron Uhl, and Frame (cast in one solid plate). They excel all others in cu rability superiority of tone, and elegance of external appearance. All these Pianos have ovorstrung Scales, giving In connection with the patent Iron ilm and frame, Full Round, Powerlul, and Sweet Mellow Tones. The Cases ore o!ogant In appevranse, and easily and safely han• died. Warranted to prove satlsfactory,br the money returned. Address all ordure to S. D. St H. W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS TILE MOST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN TIIE WORLD. FOR TUB AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE AMERICAN OP GAN Makes henna attractive, ranee, and Cievatca the minds of all, beautifui In appearance and olTecte. SIBERIA OTT, 681 Broadmix, Now York WHOLESALE AGENT The immense popularity of these Grgans,`and their superior Musical Powers, is Mat bringing them .before the public, ,u 6 the, . Instiument so. long desired in, A ISIRIItIOAN HOMES. And ,although the, cost prige is but a trifle over the 'Melodeon, yet the musical advan tagbr, beauty of tone and quicknesS of touch and ac tion aro so far superior, that they are Lot superceding the Melodeon and the call is now almost exclualvely for the • AMERICAN , °ROANS 'lt is adapted iofinildUshifiMii the q niched podinost to the Jimmy tone of , tho'Oliurch, Ormtm, And almost, universally thoynre'Preforred to the Plano, by PetWoloo who have them, yqt coating loss than half,and only taking &small amount of room., ; Send for descriptive circulars givlOg full particulars and price e. Explosive /monoleo 000ured . to DoolOro; and largq dlarodfits 'to thehrridi) add.Tearbore. ..kadroso on or. dors, OIDEIttk OLT, • ' Wholesale Agent, 681 Broadway, Now York. Marat:3o, :TARESSING CASES;' Ladies' and JUGentlemon's, „ , d „ Doc. 15, IROS. . AT 11AV.0118T10103.. . . • P ROPS.- . !dint, Chocolate, Cream, lemon, Orange, Van . 4,ltoue•And!Moda,.. ', %•. , 1 7') o ..'' ~ !, . : . 11 Dec. 15, 1800. - ' .. AT HAVER,STICKS. ....1.,,,, . . IT UILE 'LI'I3ERTy."W.FIITE' LEAD, "-' kainterii I Try 11l you will have no iltbor. Manufactured only by • , E191.4:1p, /Mll, i Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, ,• ".• • • 1 , T0'.'187 North •' Jan. 22,18111HlY.• • " • : 000 A YEAR made by. any! 9. 9! 1 .9F4 1 0 11 41 - PP99.1 1 Toole. w 9 experience neceeiukry. TilePreelgonte, Qnehteri, and arouutoro of kd dorao eirouler,` Sent 'frire withuamPl i io..r.kittresti the ,Areeder Btonell Tool. )yrkii; 0 . er ngtiold, YeriOnt. _ „„, „ an Xiuttar Bows, Serowe, atc,, nt tho now Jelyolry Storoi :Qovß oi'.foi;ll . 4V I f tci . n"ti Gold.Pene, •Tho'now Jowolry (Storo,East .I!dairi . . • AMI RA,LBTQN'EJ ' ,-, Juw 1;1804. irea.4ol4 l a; bf all' kindtt arid to &tuition noes At • Itliko. no. Javealry, &ore, ep . 3 qAVINII just'opened'a large assort ` 3nent - brataPorbtd .and Domestic Dry:GOOds, wvere all purchased at a further deolinolliafi ,kow I. have ~ comm en cod this day tb. , sell all 100 Goods in.tboDry.pooda and li'pney Line, 'Oleos than they Were sold 441148,0 v by any Hondo in tile. County, Ladies Dr ess Goods;' % and 6-4 Panay, Cojs "and',ltlaati Vciet tfolanes at Old Pr cos.. Now Style Stripe Lustres, Mozamblquos all Styles • at' Old Prices, Now' Style 'Oheriti Pepllns,„all Shades at Qid Prices. Shepherds Plaid Mohalre rand Delatitil all else Plaid at. Old PrledEl',Blaalt , and Coloted . A.,lpagas,at lowest prices .Lawnsin all,t.hq now Styles, • ' itOtiO'r' and i';l;3'fijni ' r "n o •On sold ' Five ;care White Goods. Nalnsoolia, Drlllituits, Carnbries;llishop Win% Puffed Muslins, Striped Swiss and Nainsooke for Dresses and ,GaribaldPs at prices' that will astonish all. • MEN ANI ' BUYS 'WEAR Kentnekey Jeans old' Priced 25 eta. All the celebrated makes of Cassimeres., COtten Goods, Linen Drllle and Ducks at lower prices than have boon bought for years. , I am dolling Geed Gallooes at 11, 12%,10,17 ets. I, am selling Good Muslin's at 12A, 14, 15, 16 cts. I one oolllug the Best Gnltached Muslin to day at 24 and 26 eta. I am selling the Best Calicoes to•day at 18 and 10 eta. I receive.every morning the Philadelphia and New York Domestic Price Lists from the Principal Houses in those Cities and regulate EVERY DAY the prices ofall goods accordingly on a declining Mar. ket all will see that they have the advantage of the decline the ver3lelay It happens. This being the only fair way of doing businesli, I will strictly adhere to It, regardless of the opinion of other Houses. ' A tremondlous stock of 0 I ngharns, 'Pickings, Checks, Flannels, Blue Drilling &c., all at lowest cost prices. lo nll the endless 'variety cd Fancy goods too numer ous to rnentfoli Ilakepleniure in saying our stork wa , never more complete and at prices that must satisfy Balmoral Skirts and all tho mates or Sloop Skirt's at and bolow old Prices. Silk Sun Umbrellas and Para sobs. Ribbons, Laces, B.l2ltrgs, Table Covers, (Dross Buttons by the Thousand) Shakers, Ladino, Gents and Children's Gloves and Hosiery all sizes colors and prices. Linen Ildkfs &c., at very low Prices. Also a full new stock of Ladles' and OhlWren's Shoos of every description. I sell no auction work and can warrant every pan. I sell and being at no extra. Snails° for keeping the same am enabled to sell cheaper than any Shoe [louse in the County, call and.seth them all who want good and neat Shoes. Thankful for the liberal patronage Ivldoh tho.publle have long accorded me I hope to be able to merit a con tinuance of the eamo. Remember the place on the Corner opposite th. ost Office and the Methodist Church. Como One and All and convince yourself before pur basing elsewhere seeing is believing. PURE LIBERTY \V lIITE LEAD,— The Whitest, the inset durable and the mos economical. Try it 1 Alanufactured only by Ziegler & Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint it Gloss Dealora. No. 187 North Third St., Phlind'a., Jan. 20, 2366-Iy. CONSUMPTIVES, J. 11. SCIIENCK DEAR SIR feel it n duty 1 owe to you, and to all who aro suffering nodor the diseases known Re Con sumption and Liver Complaint, to let them know what great benefits I have received from your Pulmonie Syrup and Seaweed Tonic in so shoat a time. By the blesslng'of God It has cured me thus far Dr.:atones, I will now make my statement to you, as follows:—About eighteen months ago I was attack ed with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs : I could trot retain anything I Ate, and sulfured with evening fevers and night sweats. I was v , pry murk reduced. The whites of my eyes were very yellow; likewise in: skin ; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what laid eat; bowels sweeten, irregular and costive. I was very low spirited, and had such violent spellsJf coughing at ben 1 laid down at night and when 1 arose in the morning that they would last one or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my loft side. I cannot describe my wretched suffering as I would wish to do. Every or gan in my body diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at tills time, and 1 W., confined to my bed from the last of February, 1802, to Juno, 1803,n0t able to sit up.. 1 had the best of medical attendance the wholerd the lime. My cough was so very bad that It racked me very much, lat this time raised a large quantity of thick, yell. w, offensive matter, sometimes with blood, end it was generally accompanied by nau sea and a furred and thick coated longue. At the time of coughing so badly 1 would have sharp, shoot ing pains in my left side and heart, night sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; hadtnuch in ward fever, pain In my back and under my shoulder blades and in the small of my back, and at times so se vere that it would throw me fete spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die Others I had, and the best of them, but they could do nothing nor me, and at that time I was nothing but skin andbones I then was in the western part 01 Missouri. In June last we left there for the East, and In August last wo came to cow York, and I was so reduced tont I could only walk a little with my husband's help. After I had been here a short time the salt water breeze mady me' feel much better for a time and then I had again to call a physician for aid. We had four of tin,' best phy sicians of New York on the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of nil kinds, hint of no avail. They said I was past euro, and that my lungs were too far gone tor Soy one to cure me. But at this time 1 was on my feet a bout the house. not able to do much of anything. In November last 1 grow worse, and the consumption diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeks. It °hind tried all and everything that I could grasp at like a dying person for my diseases—couHumptiou and liver complaint—but of no avail. lu January. 1803, I was brought down again on my teed, and was nul expected to live the night out. Al) SI BEM A OTT, b.I Broadway, N. husband stayed at my side, and other filonds, and they all give 1/1e up to die. At this time every one who saw we did not td,luk I would ever leave my bed a living woman. The first night I wee altueked with spasms, and was deranged most of the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to s, e me the last of the week, and brought the SunduSi Mercury. In it was an account oi a great cure pert timed by Or. Schenck. She read it to me, and it was so pinch like my disease that I asked my husband to go and sue him for me. At this tin.. I had given up all hopes of ever getting well again, and made my peace whittled, to be ready whenever he called for me. SI BERI A OTT, 581 Broadway Now York On the 27th oflanuary,lB63, my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street, Now York, and stated to him my case, with a request for .hint to call and Butt me which he did, and examined me with the resplr. °meter. When he was about to go asked him if he could curo me 1-Lila reply woe; 'H cannot tell, both lungs are diseaSed, and Cho bronchial tubes are affect ed uu both Sides." Arid yet he seemed to think there were lunge enough left to effect a curo If the diarrhea could be stopped. Ile said in order to do this, hew ould have to give me Mandrake Pills In swell doses at first. to carry off the morbid matter, and then, with astrl gents, he hoped to check lt, which he did, but the con stant cough ,ug, night sweats, and diarrhea had pros trated, - 80, that he %vox/timid my vital poigni were too much pVOstrit.Ml ever to rallyiarifi yet he seemed to think 11 .I., to got ononghTulmonle Syrup through My iiyistem:to cause expectoration there weip lungs enough tell, for Me to recover. lie wished me to try the l'illtnguleaSy,rupand Seaweed Tonic* one., saying it would do mono harm,'if It did me 110 good. The ii, st week it seemed to give mu strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up In bed mid ate heartylur a sick wow., ; but the next week 1 lost 1411 hope and wished my husband nut to give me any more 1111.1d1- clue. But the doctor had warned him M this, anti when the medicine was clearing out the system it made them feel somewhat restless, and to persevere ; and he insisted ou my taking it ; and now L feel; the benefit of It. per after eight days I began to ggiu toy strength, and, with the exception of a cold that put mu back some, I have been gaining strength of hotly, my cough le going away, and all my pains aro gone ; no soreness of the body, my bowels aro regular, and my .breath is sweet, and I. thank God that I am now going about, autl,sew and read as well as tVver 1 could. 1 haVe taken sixteen bottle's tilthe Medicine, eight of each. 1 now have a geed appetite. and rest well at night ; my cough:dooi not lyoublh mein getting up or lying down.. ~1„woult1 hero Say to the,alllleted with consumntiou or 114er complaint, that Dr. Schenek,is no humbug. You can rely en what he sus. Delay not ; it is dangerours to trifle with theim diseases. 11 0.- would be cured ; go at once ; and anyyouo wishing to know the facts as herein: stated can, call,at my resi dence, 177 West Houstonatrest, Now Yorkeity,,, HRS. MARY P. niu,ow. We, the undersigned, residents of New York, arbaie quainted with Mrs. Endow, and know her statement to be true. We also know that she used Dr. Schenck 's Pulmonie Aprup and Seaweed Tonle, and have reason owes;hcr PICSOII,II - front a prematUre grave, - • . B. VALMONT, 117 West Houattn.. UNDERHILL, 670 ganelaviich .fiIne.IIUHEI2E UNDERHILL, 670 Greenwich st. AUGUSTA UNDRRILIL. , 670 GreenWleit at. HARMS,. /17 WestErobston st. ,E2ILLY GEOYEIt t ,II7 TVestlictuston st. ; 4,1,i L. 01.H.E,.03 Clottage , pl.. .if A. M. LEIN BUM 458 Breadway. Mad. 111 NJAMIN.OI44I,%'IO Amity pl. I am Well asquainted-with'bir.',Diary F. Farlow, midi with her 1101440, 1 4r...1); vi'they,' having, fur e!, low moults) pitel,attAndo4 , itt•my•claurch, and! am son.: vincied; that itateibuimit.whleW they might matte; may bo. relled,Oß 1 1 Mtrwa , i Jourc'powlgia, 0,1) , Pastor of Bedfetd'POO Church Zs!, Y ' De: Bahenck' 'will be 'professionally Sahli) principal, oilice,bio 16 , porthetrooti of llommarce, ,Philadolitda, every Batindayi front.p Aem, until 4 p: M.; NO. 52 lion'd street;breiv.,l(oris, every Tuesdaypill'oll3l 0 to 8 ; NO. 88 - 134m,mer street, ,Bpston, Alase., every, Wednesday,frota .0 tcc3, and oterpother Friday atlOii .Baltimore street. Baltimore, Md. i All advice fine, but for a thorough - examination of the lutist with lie Re , splremeter, the charge is throe dollars. • Tile.) of tbil Ptilticidic ffyrtti, and Berwieeil Tonic, each $1 GO'Dor' bottle, or $7.60 . per half 'dozen:: Mitodrob Pi 25 cants por boxj ' ." Fur salts by all Jan. 1, 18titil ' ,;' .• • • • • • rr HE Mito . ol_4 . 4l46l4tgabinet Organej jiL forty* diffiiren styles , adapted to uttered and soca tar music, for 480 i tO;1114000e.ehi. RIRTY-9NE GO or SILVER, ra.gyAuss, orotber, first premiums awards ed them. Mustrated,Oatalogues free. Address MA} 20N IEAMLIN, :119ertf, or MASON I:IItOTAHRS, New YORK, 804 22, 1.8057 7 1. y... •,, , ; 10E.gEGAIL8 & TOBACCO ) , I "AT RAtt3TONI3.• . , • . „ . HOTOGRAP.II! ALBUMS , . , ..,. - , int sins aucotyle.v. : ..1,,, : . „..: ~,, .; , i • ~.? ;r, ..; 1 V 0 : , 0.15;'1866.: , .... - • • ... , AT IIAVERSTIOKS: ~ , I. r;tIOMPANIONS; . ' . ...':- ‘Liap , es and dm. , ;, , , ,:, I La A li ' Vr!N S • , Dec..lB, 1805 . . ' ' AT TIAVIORSTIcES: I 101 XFtqtIOX:Y, I , ! 010t I lithrs' ' ` a rttiiiia,'lttm4 Eb i n l ialLid4 0 0646 4 4# 4 ,P1/OiS 4c6 f l P4t.i i44 , l i -- 1 - ' 4 iv AT whyslopaqa , SAVE; Attik ' AT, pnAß:LEg,,Oefital3Y 4 t - ca - B4p .CASH STORE. FANCY GOODS, SHO,ES. CHARLES OGILBY READ W[IAT DR. SCHENCK' IS DUINU CUMBEILL'ANT; VALLEY ;.; ..11.#51;:ccitifral r. . • . It A I L O.IIANGE OE SOURS. • n a ter • oNney, May 21et, 1865, Pas9o4or xralns wlll'run daily as follows, (Sundarco?Oopted)t, WESTWARD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Rarfisburg 8.40 A. M., Mocba n icaburk 0.18, Carlisle° 07, Now vine 10.34 13.1.11ppensbtirg Obainberaburg 1.101 . P. 51.; Green. ca5t40.1.43, arrlyjno at Hagerstown 210 P. M. MAW TRAIN leaver"; liarrislidrg 2.00 P. M.; Mechan 'catnip; 2.33, Carlisle 3.00, Newville 3.40, Bhipporasburg 4,40, Cliataberstiurg 4.60, Greencastle 5.25, arriving at Ilagerstoirm 5.55 P. 51. . . EXPREBB TRAIN leadeS 'llarrisburg 4.15 P. M, Mechanicsburg 4.61, Carlisle 6-21, Newvillo 5.63, Bluip penisbnrg 021, arriving at Chambersburg at 0.50 P. M. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 8.20 A. M., Greencastle 0.30 arriving nt Hagerstown 10.15 A. 51. . , EASTWARD. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Chambersburg 5.16 A. 111., Shipponsburg 6.45, Nay/villa 6.16, Carlisle 6.60, lilushanicsburg' 7.21 an iving at Harrisburg 7.60 A: N. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8.10 A. M., Green dastle 8,96, Chamboraburg 0.26, Shipponnburg 0 65, Newvillti 10.20 Carlisle 11.03, Mechanicsburg 11.37, ar riting at Harrisburg 1230 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12 00 111., Greencastle 12.30, Chambersbnrg 1.10, Shipponsburg 1.43, Newville 2.15, Carlisle 2.08, Mechanicsburg 3.20, arriving at Harrisbuig '3.65 P. Rh A MIXED TRAIN loaves Hagerstown 3.05 P. 61., Greencastle 4.00, arriving at Chambersburg 4.60 P. M. AtarMilking close connections at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, Noir York, Pittsburg, Baltimore and Washington. 0. N. LULL, up't. RAIL ROAD OFFICE, hatiborsburg, May 17,1800. I READING RAIL ROAD syv-i- - S -. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT JUNE 11th, 1868. I . IREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE Vf North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Laneaster, Col= he., Trains leave Ilarrisburg for New I'd*: as follows: At 3.0 U, 8.10 and 0.06 A. 61., and 2.10 Mfd 9.15 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and Wl:Tieing at _New. 6.00 and 10 10 A. 21., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 P. M. Slueoing Cars ac companying the 3.110 A. M., and 9.15 I'. 51.,, Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil adelphia, at 8.10 A. M., and 2.10 and 4 10 I'. 51., stop ping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 P. M. Train making connections for Columbia and Philadelphia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 P. 51. Returning: Leave New York at 7.00 and 0.00 A. 51., 12.00 Noon and 8.00 P. 01; Philadelphia at 8 15 A. M., and 3.80 P. 51., Way Passenger Train leaves Phila delphia at 7.80 A. M., returning from Reading at 8.30 P. 51., stopping at all Stations; Pottsville at 8.45 A. M., and 2.45 P. 51.; Aslifitint 0.00 and 11 30 A. 51., and 1.051'. 51; Tamaqua at 0.45 A. 31., and 100 and 8.55 P. m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, vi Schuylkill and Susquehanna Roll Road. at 7.00 A. M. . . . . Ronda n; Accommodation Train Leaves Reading at 0.00 0. M. , returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 6.45 A. M., 12 05 NOOO and 6.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia, &e. On Sundays : Leave New Yet. at 0.00 I'. Phila delphia S U 0 A. M., an d 3.15 , the 0.00 A IL Train running only to Reading. Pottsville 5.1)0 M. Tam aqua.7,3o A. M., Harrisburg 908 A. M.. and Reading at 1.82 and 7.30 A.M., for Harrisburg, and 10.52 A. sL rim New York. and 425 POI. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets to and from all Tfolli ts, at reduced Rates. Baggage checked through : AlPplunds nliev. ad iamb Passenger. G. A. N ICOLLS, Oeneral Superintendent. Reading, Pa. June 25, 1866. The Carlisle Cook ! TO NEW AND OLD HO USEKEEPERS Anew and perfect Airtight Gas Con burning Cooking Stove for Coa , or Wood. CALL .AND SEE IT I At our Foundry and Stove Rooms, Main S Ca? 1181 C The patterns of this Stove are now and original In de sign and gotten up expressly for our use. We there fore call It THE CARLISLE COOK I It combines every new and Valuable Improvement to Cooking Stoves. It is exceedingly handso ein ap pearance—is a perfect Air-tight and Gas Consuming Stove, and may - safely he pronounced the cheapest, hest and most complete Cooking Stove in the country. We cast two sizes, adapted to the wants of both large and small fillUnles. Experienced Housekeepers will find upon examination that the NEW CARLISLE COOK combines every tequisite for economy aln - elTicieucy in cooking. The public are specially requested to call and coo it, as we are confident It will fully recommend Mal ch 23, 1866.--Iy. F. GARDNER. h CO. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE. These Life-giving remedies are nn,,, for the first time, given publicly to the world. For over a quarter of a century' ut private practice the ingredients is these Life giving Pills ! !lave been used with the greatest success. Their lois hillll is not only to prevent disease, but to core. They starch out the various maladies by which the patient Is suffering, and re-Invigorate the failing system. To the aged anti Inilrm a few doses of these valuable PI LLS will prove to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, For in every case they add new life and vitality. nud I store the waning ,energies t their pristine state. To the young and tuiddle.aged; they will prove most invalitable, as a ready, specific; nil sterling medicine. Ilere is a dream realized, that POlll . O-11,1.0011 sought for list cc hundred years ago, and never found. Flu looked for a fountain that would restore the old to vigor and make youth over An Eternal Spring 1 wan loft for this day and hour to realize the dream, and show, In one glorious filet, the magic that made It fur. These Famous Itemedies 4SI not stay the nigh to t years, but they one force back, and hold aloof, diem° that might triumph over the ttnd, the - young, Let none hesitate then, but seise the favorable opportunity that otters. When tale 0 u as prescribed— FOB BILIOUS DISIOIIDERS Nothing can he more productive of cure thou these Their almost magi° influence Is felt at once ; :lila the usual concomitants of this most distressing disease aro removed. Those remedies are made from the purest Vegetable Compounds Ploy will not harm the most delicate female, ;1414 con be glypn with ood Wl4 to prescribed doses to the youngest holm); For Dutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin, the SALVE is most in valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searehing effects to the very root of the evil I — DII. - MAGGIEL'S PILLS Invariably cure the following Dis- eases Asthma, Bowel Complaints ; . Coughp, Colds, Cktust Discs:Jos, _ Costiveness,Dyspepsa, Dlurrbiun, Dropsy, Debility, i?over and Ague,' Female Complaints, Headache, Indigestion, ' Influenza; \ Inflammation, inward Weakness, Liver Complaint Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Ain Diseases. NOtic'e.Nono genuirie'Without the engraved trade-mark around each pot or box, signed by DR. J. MAGGIEL, 43 Fulton st., Now York, to counterfel which is felony. AIRr". Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines throughout the UnitodStates and canadas-4,26 cents porliox'• or pet. ' • • ~• • Jiin. 19 1.8136-‘4y, •• „ ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS,' ARE not only Unexcelled, but they aro absolutely, unoquallod; •by any other Rood Instrument in tho country. _Dee'gaud expressly for Churches and Sehoole,!' they aro found to be equally well adapted to the parlor auct drawing *oom• :;For aSIO ; ' 'E. N. BROM, — No.lB North SEVENTII Stroot, PurtanstenzA. Mir Also, BRADDURY'S PIANOS, and a complote eel sortmont of the PERPETY2 MELODEON. 1116' ELYSIOr4.IIEV.. their: fia; . . ifaut...6 , !,0 tall and purokiase theft Medicines at ~,( maLaTcays. JuV.3.,1813A p • OVAL .1 subscriber bogs leave to Inform bls laid custom ers •and the public 'generally, that he has removed his SADDLE AND HARNESS, establishment to the building on South flanover strobt, Carlisle, nearly opposite llontz's Store. Ile will, as horetot re, keep constantly on band, of his own make, everything in his lino, such as SADDLES, " HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, &C., &O. All his work is made up undov his supervision, and ho therefore feels warranted in saying that for work manship and durability, it is unsurpassed. Thankful for past favors he respectfully soils - Its a continuance of the samo. April 20, 18136-0 m COAL AND LUMBER. 'LTA VING as sociated with 0,7 „mk t If. D. Fred. Shrom in <Bll l i t - jib-, 4), al. • lt th e Coal and Lumber • ; utneas tha old Stand of Delaney and Blair, whore we will keep tho best and CLEANEST COAL. the Market, and perfectly dry. Kept under cover. Families will do well to try us ; as we are deter mined to sell cleaner coal. end at ns low prices as any other yard, in the town. Try us and be convinced. We have also on hand ALL KINMS' OF LC,III3ER usually kept in a first Mass Lumber yard whirl) We will sell as low, or lower than the lowest Jan. 12, 1.866. DELANCY & $llllOll. OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE Premium for Best Furniture nmarden, (It all County Fairs since 1857.] Furniture of all varieties a. Domest is manufacture, from Mahogany to the lowest prim., Parlor. _ Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE Kitchen and Office Embracing ay.:tor article used by /louse and Hotel keepers, of the most approved end Mshlonable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, tiilt frames, pictures, &c., A C. vs.Partioular attention givOn as usual to funeral.,; orders from town and country, :Wended t promptly and on moderate fermq. , 1311111 FIRE IWJRAINCE vl l lll O , Allen and East pennsburo' Mu tual tar,, (7,,utpay or L'umLrrhu u l cown ty. incorporated by ail art of As‘raddy, in the year 1 , 13, and having roeenlly had its ehail,r rs tend ed to the year IJ.S3, is now in relive and vigorous op oration, under the superinteddenee of the following hoard of Managers. viz: Wlllitun It. Uorgnn, Christko Staytuan,.Jacolt Eberly D. Bally, A lox. Cathcart, J. II Coover, John Mei!lber ger, Joseph Wickerbliam, Sarni Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coovei , and I C. Dunlap. orates,, °II ocurauce ate as low and raetwohlo as any Company of the kind in the State. Per,ons Ing to become rnemberc a; o invited to make applica tion to the egetitScd . 4be Company, who are willing to wait upon them at at y time. R (10101 AS. President, I'. 0 CIIRI.S•TIAN STAY )1 A N, Vico Preniden Mqvllanlesblg,, P. 0 JOHN 0. DUN L kl', Sert.'y . Mechttnlosburg. DANIEL BAILS. Dlllsburg, York Co. AD ENTS. Cumberland county.—John Sherriek. Allen; Henry 'Louring. Shiremanstown; Lulnyette Dickinson; liver . ) Bowman, Church town ; Mode Griffith. South Middleton; Sara uel Graham. Westport nshoro'; Samuel Coover, Meehaniesffurg ; IV. Cocklin, Shepherdstown D. Convey, tipper Allen; J. 0. Santo,,, Silver Spring; John flyer, Carlisle; Valentine reeman, Now Cumber laud; James McCandlish, Nan•vil la. York county—W.B. Pickinkt. Dover; James I. rlllll Warrington ; J. F. Deardorff. Washington: Rich Clark, Dlllsbunt ; D. Rutter. Palrview ; John Carroll. Dauphfu CO —Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Members of the Compan) having policies shout to expire, ban have them renewed by making application to any of the Agents. July 1,1854. LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters rilhe subscribers inform the public the they ~till rontinue the LIA:3 FITTING AND PLUMBING II:181110S at the Old Stand In the basement of the t Methodist Church. 'they will attend promptly to businens In their line. Lead and Iron Pipes, Hydrants. Hot and cold SHOWER BATHS, Water Closets, Force and Litt Pumps, Wro'l Welded 'Pubes. Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Rath Boiler., Wash ha dins, ilydraul c Rams. ,tr, nud urea y description 0. cocks and fittings for gas, steam, water, &v. Superior cooking range- heaters and gas fixtures put up In churches, stores and du flings, at short notice in the most modern Styli,. All material. and work is, our line at low rates nil warra, , ,A. in... Country work and jabidvg n•amptly attended tr July I. Iho.l. HA R 4RE STORE. ry 11E old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lyne, has passed into the hands of \ - 5% E. Miller Sc S. A. Bowers, who are now translcting business un der the .name and style of ALILLER & BOWERS. • The now firm brivejuht returned from the city and are now prepared to furnish to the public at the lowest prices, all kinds of FO R E 21' JSD DOMESTIC Hard car.,, Coach 'Priming, Paints, Oils GLASS, VARNISH, ,Fr., A lock into their store aril toll vi ner nil that they have enough of goods to fully supply the demand In this market. Persons wanting goods In our lion will find It to their advantage to give us a call. All orders personally and promptly attended to. July 7, 1805. 1 - )URE •LIBERTY - WHITE LEAD, a ill do more and better work at a given Cost, than any other I Try It I Manufactured only by ZIEOt,Elt & SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint & Wass Dealers, No. 137 North Third Street, Philad'a., Jan. 22, Presents for all at Haverstick's. R ITING Desks, l'apier, Machie, Y v Rosewood & Walnut. Doe. 16, 1865. AT II A VERSTICKS. p - AINTS AND OILS.- • 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons of Oil. Just received with a large assortment of Varnishes, Fire Proof Pain Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc Putty, Colored Zinc, Litharge, Red Lead • Whiting, Boiled Oil, Glue, Lard 011, Shellac, Sportn 011, Paitit Brushes, Fieh 011, &e., Colors of every description dry, and 011 In cane and tubes at the hardware Store of July 1, 1864 American House, North Han OVC2' St., Carlisle, Pa. Tin., subscriber informs his friends and Use public, that .he has taken t e alrru'well known house, fernier)) , topt by ,`lr. Shriner, mid Intends sparing no .exertions to accom modate all who may be pleased to give 'hlin &call. The Arouse" haii been refitted and is iu excellent order. lle' also Introduced • Anderson's Spring'l3ed,,BOttorn to his Bedsteads, • so that hls gullets ivill have a good night's rest. Uls charges will be moderato. Attached to thallOnso is a large yard with • oxcellent and convenient stapling. Carlisle, April 6,1856-0 m Bryaps Pulmonie Wafers, AT RALSTON'S Dee. 11,1803 ®NE good Photograph is worth a doz k,on poor onoß. 'Who will afro a poor picture to a (cloud P All PHOTOGRAPHS mode at LOCHMAN'S ROOMS,. do warranted to give uatlathetlou or they ,wlll bo taken. . . Oct. 20, 1806. . eIDES, Tobacco, (smoking and ()bow. 'e'lug).aud FiegarH, at Havorbtlek's Drug and Book tor°. ITAMES.-500 . p'airs Hawes on liand! of all null). Elizabethtown pattern Laudon; do., llornman do.,,with and without patent fludenirats choapor than ovor at 11. SAXTON'S, East Mainat.:- July 1,11304. • • • .•,• ~ • - ~ i _ _ --;--1 110111YSIQIANS will find, it; tt):lhtlikild-i . vantago to call and purobano. their Aledlolnas 1141.LSTON't4. •; dulyl; 464. • • • ' • ; snEWriii4 44 , s t_til 7 ay's on' hand at, raft so; 11300: • CHOICE SEGARS & TOBACCO 7 c, 'AT 31ALBTOWS. ; New Watch, Clock, AND 1 - IEYSINGER, respectfully ac e nounces tetlie citizens of Carlisle and the surrounding country, that he has opened an entire now stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., consisting In part of Gold and Silver, American, English and Swiss Watches, Ladies Gold Watches and Chains,- Flue Jewelry in sots, Finger and Ear Rings, Sleeve Buttons, &c., Gold Pens of Morton's celebrated manufacture at his published rates, Silver and Plated Ware, Castors, Fruit Baskets, Forks, Spoons, ,fcc.•, Clocks In every varie ty and of all prices. Spectacles In Gold, Silver:;,Steel and Plated Frame!' ' to suit all nem , Accordeons, Violins and Violin Strings, he. To which Ihninvites the at tention of the people, hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage. Room in Fest. Main St., ..near Saxton's Hardware Store. WILLIAM OLEPPER All kinds of \Vetches, Clocks', Jewelry; - Accordeons, &c., neatly and substantially repaired and Warranted. Work done promptly. May 4, 18136: STOP ANp LOOK IN. A T W.-TriV,y,'s Tinner Shop, East Louther St., Sign of the lied Codeo l'ot where you can coo the Fittest, Cheapest, and Best lvero offered in Carlisle he has on band the latest Im roved Pal ores, such as the celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Prarie Flower, And Continental, Bed ltoont and °Mee Stoves of the latest Patterns and best quality. 'lke above Conk Stoves are all warrant ad to gi vo entire satistitetion. Roofing, Spouting. l lea t • et work, lint] all Tin and Sheet Iron work done in the neatest 111111111, and at short notice, all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron warn constantly on hand for 11,-n so fur nishing. Two of the la,t over olTured to thri nublk. Fridley and Cornnotns Self-Seallng and Self Tesiing Cans and liar also. Fl ,, h. , r's Patent ; the ahoy o C:1114 and tars can. nd ho :31.11 . 11aSSOd in toy market. Lint brick, Sett , and Portable I , urrowee el or of fored to tbe public. lor sole by Wm. Fridley, Foot Louther fit., Corli,le. Ca II and too them in unt , ut Dr. Nvidig's, T. Conlyn's nd C. Flemin,Cs, Main St , Carllide. Thankful for the Liboeral Patronage heretofore ex tended he hopes by strict attention to business and a lesire to please all to merit a continuance of the saute. Al arch 23, IKiti—ly. Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- nd Styiex of Foreign nod the finest rosewood and nd maple and pine. rpm: Cumberland Valley, Pennsylva i 1114 and Norlhern Central Rail Road Compa Isis F has u 111,1 lid an lirrallgl , lllClaN to do a Frciltjh I a lid ForiCrl rainy BitSilii.sS between the Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. The Cumi , erland, Valley Rail Road Company 0 open their Freight Depot at Cal Polo on the in January 10011 I, the reeeipt and shipment of all goods en'rusted to them. =LE Freight to I o fer Warded by this arrangement must he left at PennFylvania Rail !toad Company Depot rorner or I;ttli and )!arttet St , Philadelphia. North. n Central Pall Itnad Company's Depot Baltimore and I.tumberland Valley lUdI Head Company'sltt pot at Carlin le. The pul.lir hill find it tie thsso interest to ship Ulf ough ths It ail Iliad Cuinpan3's Illiutios and by company Cars. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE 11,EETE 13E0111E118 haviug •purchased M Sm . ) der ,t Newcomer Oink oute. sire ISarehouse, (flunderson's Nd stand,)head of High street, beg leave to inform the public that they will continue the Forwarding and Cmninission hm.inexs On a tame wit emit e scale than het etoMre, Flour and Feed. Salt aul flay, kept eon Man tly un band and for ,ale. Coal of all ltind,, embrlcing LIKENS VALLEY, )101',N"FAIN, Litnehurners' and I:lad:smiths' Coal, eonstantly tor sale, Kept under corer, and delivered dry to any part at the town. Also, all kinds of LUM lIElt on hand. 1111= LEWIS .FABER The First • Premium, FOR THERM PHOTOGRAPHS. At the late Cll24crlan,tl Goanty Fair, qtas been, awarded to " e. L. Lci•ciiiviAri.' • AfR. Loohmaa has ,the' pleasure to an _ill...imam° to the public. that ho ha re-purchased his old room from Mr. in 'Mrs: Neff's build ing, oppoaito the Met National, llault, and guarantees tfiat' . . . PIRITOGRAI'LIS, • ." CARTES' DE VISITE,- :AMBROTITES Have no superior, and in tone, finish and clearness, surpass most pictures produced. lie givesliiti person al attention to thereon,, and, with the best and most Improved lnlitruntents 'and "appliantes werinnts the finest results. A large, assortniont of Gilt and. Rose wood Fsamos, ind splendid Albums; lbr Salo wall,' cheep. Copiee , of DaguartootYped 'madb' intthr 'moot piTece vnanner. IIALBEIVI; 11j Ul5, Confootioriary and Fruitak at .I,„‘ Havorattok'N. JEWELRY STORE. COOKING STOVES FRUIT CANS and JARS RN A (.1 S pany. FREldwr DEPOT, CARLISLE .I.k. I) it ilom,s, Froqght. A gulf Ca FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT The hiehest market ph ss ill he pall for Finurlirain ahrl f eine!. or all kinds. LA W BER RI, A Daily Freight Line will leave their Walehow, every morning at 7 (o'clock, Ilarri,,nurg at II o'clock, and at Howard N. Hinelunan's Warehougc, tins and Sit) Market street Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock In the evening of same day J. BEETEM & PROS. Nov. 10, 1865 BOOTS AND SHOES. /1 T the store of John Irvine, on th N. E. cornor of the public square, is the place to put iihase 1100tS Flocs Il ate and Caps : at prices that defy competition, Ile has jusl returned flow the East with the Ina gest 11.1 most couplutr AS5Crt went of Boots. :shoos, Ila is C . : Caps that he has ever presented to this . ohimunity. and is hich he is detornu tied In sell at the loss est pos sible prices. Ills stock end-laces everything in his Ilue of bi siness, such as MEN'S BUYS' FINE CALF BOUTS, Kip Boots. Calf and l'atent Lather Ox bad Ties, Call anti patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Calf arid Rip Brogans, lippors, LADIES' WEAR, Piny French uud English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Cal f and kid Boots, Fine Rid Fancy :Uppers, Mor roe,. and KM Buskins, NHS ES AND CIIILDREN'S WEAR of all deserip lions einbraving tine Lasting li:titers, Morroreo and Lasting Button Boots, Mornt•co I nice Loon of all kinds fancy shoes of various styles slippers, &e. HATS A: CAPS, Silk, l'assimeru, Fur and Wool Ilats of all qualities anti styles, also a large assortment of STRAW HATS Boots a ua Shops made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppomplly done. Confident of his ability to please all his .05 of customers. he respectfully invites the public to give him a call. t.s)..ltetnenther the place, N E. comer of the Pull Square. lIMMEM HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. r[ HE undersigned respectfully announ k ces to the public that ho ntiil centlpues the Ilat. tln4Business at the old stand, In West nigh street, and with a renewed and.eflHent elTert produce nal - cles of "lead Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall he strictly In Leaping with the impii,” meet of the Art, and fully up to the ne which I have on handa splendid 1 assortment of e t z e HATS AND CAPS, otall descriptions, from the common IV cm, to the finest Fur and Hik Hats; and at prices that must suit every one who boa an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT BATS, of every style and color and unsurpasSed for Lightness Durabllily and finish; by those of any other establish ment in the country. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hat's and Caps, of every description constantly on Lund. lie respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many now ones as possible, to give him a call . July 1,1801 NEW AND FRESH 4C4r le 4=o rlO . HALBERT SL.BR,O- t AVING just tetuined from the desire a Eastern cities to inform their7atrons that Loy have-laid in a large and varied stool of Now and Fresh Goode at the lowest rash prices. - Their assortment is thorough and complete, contain. ing everything neceseasy to coustitite a First Class Grocery. - ,TEAS, COFFEES, 'MARS, in greatest abundance, and at Pwent, cash figuree.— Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits QUEENSWAREI end Crockery, Salt and Fish, thins.. PleeBo, Craclurs, Brushes,Daskote and Willow farii., Sega TS and/Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a • com plete assortment of • FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forget the old stand, South East corner of Hanover streets; . 1.1.41,11ERT & BRO. Feb. 24, 1854. O. N. ,Stlpt JOUN J.O OALLIO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers