Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 24, 1866, Image 3
~7~-iR= Venetian Hoyee Liniment HINT BOTTLES AT ONE DOLLAR., for the cure of lameness, scratChes, wind galls, sprains, bruises, splints, cuts, colic, slipping stifle, over hoatirtg; sore throat, nail In the foot, etc. It is warranted chlaPer and hotter than any other article ever offer/id to the public. 'thousands of animals have been cured of tho colic and over-heating by thin Lini ment : and hundreds that wore crippled and lame have boon restored to their former vigor. It Is used by all the first horsemen throughout the States. Or fl,rs are constantly received from the racing otables of England for fresh supplies of this Invaluable article Over 2,600 tostignonlais have boon received. Iternorn her, ono dollar laid out in Steno may save the life of your horse. Sold by all Druggists. Office, 50 Cart landt street, Now York. MARSIIALCH Claim It Snuff, is a suro cure for that bothersome dlfiense", Catarrh. don 12, 1.13tk1-Iy. Whiskers! Virhiskers I I Dr. L. 0. MoNxsz' COrrotia, thggreatest stimulator In the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known to fail ; sample for trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Address, peeves & Co., 75 Nassau SI., N. Y. Jun, 29, 1800.-3 m AI PLOY M ENT FOR BOT SEX Alblod .rat returned soldiers, widows and orphans of slain soldiers, and the unemployed of both sexes generally, In want of respectable and profi table employment, Incurring no risk, can procure such by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, for partic ulars, to I r. JOHN M. PAGNALI„ I3ox 153, 400klyn, N. Y liE!lMllifi ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRAWL{ ! SORATCIL SCHATCH WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will 'Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. 4 SO cures SALT RHEUM, UL CERS. CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF .AI.SKIN. Price Cal cents. For sato by all druggists. By sending 00 cents to WEEKS S. POTTER, Sole Agents, 110 Washington street, Boston, It will bo for warded by mall, tree of postage, to any part of the United St ito'. June 0, 1060. !! A Grand Epoch in Medicine ! IR. lAGGI EL, is the Founder of a new medical system The quantitarians whose vast Internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels, and with Whose external remedies ulcer ated and t ',wive sun tacos are deluged in vain. must glee 1111101: and ptecedenco to the man who restot es healit an I appetite with from one to three harndm.s pills, and curet. the most virulent and sconbutic disor ders with one or two toxins of his salve. ,‘ Moggjerx pins and Salvo have ushered in a new medical era. f' More MlllSektil,g 11,11:111 , h, of drastic pills need he pouted down kit k people's tloonts. One of :kinglet's Pills realties the disordered condition of the Stolll/101 and hoW44(4,l‘nd makes hook It I eturn where It hoe fact Macgiel's Mikes, Dyspeptic and Diarrhn, fills cure where all others tail. While for Burns. Cinll.lnins, Cuts, and all alwasions ut th e skin, no girl's Solve is Infolli de, Sold by idol. 4'l sli ce[, Nvo York. llavor,tick, ran and all druevi•ls, at litt rent, per box. April 20. 1111111. So.: advertisement of :dr Jame, Clarhe's Celoll,lll.od 12, 18G1,—ly. 311arriagcs I=2=l ATIIEwI.2 LEI' On the IGth instant et tho re,hlonoo of the bride's tether by the (tor. 11. nr roil, Robert R. Mathews to Rachel A. Poe lot. Varhds. Cd It I, ISI ti. PROI)UCN 111 A It li l•:'I`. Carlisle, August 16, 1806, Family Fl ,, Lir SUpetfino do EY I , WHITE WHEAT.. RED do E Col:N OATS CI,oV CESKE!) T 1 11, ,TH VS EED DUCE MARKET August 61, 1}.6. y by irm. GENERAL PRO Corrected Week! 2B .A )S 511 ES, 18 WHITE ISEANS Burr Eli nuis, LARD, TA LI.o AV, SCAB. B )A AV AX, BACON II AMS = 10 c)-12 10 Ws:PARED PEACHES IS DRIED APPLES, 300 It AIIS, LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle. State of Penusyl minia, the 24th day of August. itieG. Published by official authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. Itg),,To obtain any of these letterq, the applicant must call for " advertised letters," give the date of the list ;tut] pay two cents fur udrertising. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. GEO. ZINN, I'. M Ander,oo John C. Kaufman Ma y M. Burtzill Stephen Leib Jacob Collins W. W. McCune John F. Cuddy John Myer i Mrs. Nancy Diller 11. 11. Naiel Mr. Drexler Rachel Peek Mary Jaoe Douglas Caroline l'owel Elizabeth J. Essler Daniel Stouter Jacob Frehn Charles Stoue N. B. Fetter Henry Stump John Gebhard John Shoemake Adam Glancy Margaret Stone Peter Herold Leonard Simpson Thomas J. Iliruns Wesley Sadler Site E. Ilulllnan Kate Starkweather Louisa Hemp Elizabeth Stough Amanda Johnson Thomas Freiher M Irvitle Theodore Williams Jane M. Johnson Susan Wagner Jno. FOR SALE VALUABLE COW. Enquiro first door west of Mr. twlug's Furnlturo Ware toonts. August 24, 1866-It. Valuable Real Estate at Public Sale. j )Y order of the Orphans' Court of Cumborland County I will sell in limo promist.s On Friday, September 21, 18G0 nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon, that productive farm lately owned by John Drown, deed., situated In Mk. tlln Twp., miles north of Now ellk, on the road to Doubling ihip, containing 47 ACRES and 27 PERCHES, 30 acres of which are Woodland and 25 acres of drat rate Meadow land. The Improvements aro a TWO-STORY LOU A N D 2 : 1 1M Weather-boarded House, A PINE BANK BARN, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Ilog.Pen, dm. There is Ono on the farm a good TENANT HOUSE, tvitit stabling and other necessary out buildings. There aro two nevor failing wells, running water and a fine young orchbrd on the farm rendering Uri' very' desirable property. TERMS Olt SALII.—Ton per cent of the purchase money ttp be paid when the property is stricken off ; the balatco of ono third on the confirmation of the sale by the Court ; ono third on April Ist, 1867, when deed and inssossion will bo given, and the remainder in two equal annual payments with interest from April let, 18q. The purchaser to pay all taxes for the yearlB67. At the optic:lllV the purchahr and upon Lis giving a mortgage thetsfor the dower of Mrs. Catharine D strewn en remaluin the property during her life. GEORGE D. CRAIGHEAD, . Guardian of Minor children of August 24, 1866-s‘, N. G. Drown, deo'd. Two Valuabl , Ferree at Private Sale. THE subscribers offers at private Sale, tho following doioriboil voluablo real oatuto. No. lis 'a Highly Cultivated Farm, containing 212 acres, in Silver Sprit's& township, on the Conodoguinot Oreok, about two Index from New Kingston Station on the Cumberland 'Alloy Railroad, and 4% miles north of Nfoolmeiceburg, adjoining lands. of Abram Adam's heirs, Michael Crider apd others. The improvoments uro a first rate twostory . • BRICK HOUSE, GOOD BANK BARN, Wagon Sheds', Corn Cribs, and all oth er. out-buildings. • Two good orchards (ono of which I. young anal thrtying) containing choice fruit of all va rieties; About 140 - aeres of the land Is cleared and Ina high state of ,cultivation, lying Ina loop of the creek, the soil is well known to be of .tho very boot quality: That part of 00 farm not milder oultiyatitrn is covered; with thriVitig timbor., farm Is well calculated to be divided Into two good farms. . No. 2. jts' Limestone Farm', . . , situated In Middlesex township; near Ilooyer'a BOW containing 124 ticrci and is In overy respect a first class farm': ' .. . ~ . , . -, , For torma'aud other particulars apply'to Lilo sub.! acribor, residing mar farm 119.1 or by letter addroec 'ed,t 110 ow.lllngaton, P.O. . • August 24,1806-st. .. STOP AND LOOK. IN. AT W. Fridley's Tinner Shop, East Lnuther St., Sign of the Red Coffee Pot whoro you can see the Finest, Cheapest, and Best • •- ' COOKING STOVES. Flyer olTored In Carlisle ho has on hand the latest itn proved Pal erns, such astlietelebrated Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Sides, Prario Flower, And. Continental, lied knout and Offlco Stoves of the latest Patterns and best quality. The above Cook Stoves are all warrant ocl to give entire satisfiiation. Roofing, Spouting, Mat. es work,. and all Tin and Sheet Iron work done in the neatest manner and at short notice, all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron ware constantly on hand for house fur nishing. FRUIT CANS and JARS. Two of the best over (aortal to the public. FrWitty and Common's Self-Sealing and Self Tooting Cans and Jars also, Fisher's Patent, the above Cans and jars can not Ito surpassed In ally market. FITENACES The best brick, Sett. and Portable Furnaces over of. fered to the public, fir sale by Win. Fridley, Kist Louther St., liarlisle. Call and see them in use at Dr. Ne!dig's, T. Conlyn's and C. Flemings, Main St., Carlisle. Thankful for the Liberal Patronage heretofore ox tended he hopes by Ott let attention to business and desire to please all to merit a continuance of the same, March 23, 1866-Iy. PUBLIC SALE. On Thursday, September 20, 1860. r VITE undersigned will expose to pub ! )Ie sale, on the promises, in West Pen nshfirough Twp., Cumberland County, 7 miles west of Carlisle, on the rublic road loading from Mt. Hoek to Plainfield, and Ilbollt 0111frhail mile from the Depot at Altorton, the following dem Ibed valuable real estate, viz: .4 Piro Rale Limestone, Farm., being the Mansion Palm of the Into Nm. G. Davidson, Etq , bounded by Joseph Trego, George and Benjamin McKeehan, Geo. 0. Davidson and others, containing Fa ACRES AND TH PERCHES, This lau is all cleared and under good cultivation, except about 20 Arres of (100 D WOOD :1.1‘: D. The im provements are a good two-story DWELLING I-lOUSE, t - ,„ NEW BANK BARN, Tenant House, Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs, Wash !louse Hog Von, and all necessary inc pre cements, with Fruit 'frees, ke. There is a first rate Well of Water war the house. The Mount Rork Spring runs Ihrough the facto and nu, to the dwell ing lh , use, and there is au abundance ut fir,t,-rate Lo rust growing on 'the pretni , ,s. The I.uni will bo divided into t‘so parts of 52 arras, oU neither: being the west end, and 143 acres, 71 percher, with the improvement= ' and will be sold In such p ,t s altouelhe, bring the best price. .1 portert lit , e will be given to the purchaser. l'er- Flilts t' (shill, to view the pt °Tway ran do so by calling on Anthony :hambaugh. on the prom sea, or either of the subscribers, re•idi or, in the same township. Sale to 0 , 1111111 . 11 , a' II o'clock. S. 11. on said day when :dtendascs , ii! 1,,' given and terms Made known by /BERT licK ol Ann Da, idson, der'd. VID,oN, A tot but Da, ids. n,doe'd Au,l=l 17. 1N..0 ( Y 1 , 1 ,-- c-- 02,01illim 1 itU QA) WV Great Educational Inducements. 1 I'7psi (7 I, eo , e' 'less Colley(' ett Cur -1 Pet . r II IS Institution is now entering upon its third your in ils prownt location ; during hich time it has revolved a liberal home support.and Iw 1111 el - MOM:WinglarO ut patrolome from six dilho, eut States 01 the UlllOll. We feel encouraged from the result of post ellorts and shall spare no pains or ex pense In building up au Institution second to none in the comfit) . Education adapted to all,—the Farmer, the Meehan , the Artisan, the Business or rrofessional man. YOUNG MEN of limited education. YOUNG MEN well educated in other respects. but deficient to the branches taught In a first class Iluslness College ; YOUNG MEN of limited means, who would possess the best requisite to eminence and ' YOUNG MEN who are desirous of receiving the greatest amnunt of u.eful information at the leant comparative eXpense are RV(' to in v..tigate the perullor merits of our Model 4'lll of pier Beal training and 0111 i tlently popular urse of Study. BRANCII ES TAUGHT Singh. and Duni,le Entry 11,,n1,kcaldng, In II van!. -Is forlll4 4,1 :Iploileatiollti. 111 , 111 ding 01'11141d WllOlO In and llntail 11 unimos, FOrWtlrditig, C 01111111.4011 el ange, Johldng and Importing, Itailr.atling,;,teum b..ating, Banking. Partnership Settlements, Business Calculations, Aleroantile Law, Correspondence, Pi act ical and and Or namental, Penmanship, Phonography, English Gram mar. Comp,sl Linn. Te•legraphl og, C. .o'9_ Students enter at tiny time. stir None but 00111pOtellt instructors employed, and us sullicieni nunsher to (teem lud,vidual insttuetion to all. 411" Seud for t Citcular,iviug full particulais. Address A. M. TRIMMER, August. 17, 1801. Carlisle, Pa EX'T'RA BOUNTY tro SOLDI ERS I WIDOWS! FATIIERS MOTHERS AND .111,N011 CIII.I,DREN ItULNTy lIILL JUST PASSED gives all soldiers who enlisted for three years, since Apr(119,180, and served tireir lull tern, ot service, or were disci urged before the explrhtion of said term of sera Ice on amount of wounds received In the line of duty, and received One Hundred Dollars Bounty and no wore, are now enti tled to nn extra bounty of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Widows, Fathers, Mothers, and Minor Children at de ceased soldiers who i nlisted for three years, as above, and died in the service Or from disease or wounds eon. trailed In the survive rind lino of duty, are untitled to oxtra ONE lILINDB D DOLLARS. 22 - 1 BE 05 IAINED UPON 'APPLICATION IN VERSON OK BY LETTER TO TILL MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY. NO 427 NV ALN UT STREET, =1 ugust 17. 1866--]ln EXTRA PENSION TO W DOW S. EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOWS WI Do WS ale now entitled to an INCREASED PEN aION of ,S 4 por mouth for each child of tiro Bottler Un der 10 yours of age. To Lo obtained upon application In person or by letter; to the MILITARY AND NAVAL AO ENC V, No. 457 WALNUT STREET, P HILADEL- Pll lA. JOSEPH E. DEV & CO. A uguat 1805--4 m. NoTic E. hereby given that an election will be hold on Monday the third day of September next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. 01., and 4 o'clock I'. M , at the office of the Cumberland Valley Mutual Protectfon Company at the Stone Tavern in Dickinson Trop., Cumberland county, for the purpose of electing thirteen Directors to serve for the ensuing year. By order of the Board. DISSOLUTION. 'HE partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm will call and settle their accounts, and those having claims will present them for payment to 0. W. Weaver in whose hands the books are left. July 30, 1866-3 t. P. S. Tho buslnusa will bu contlnuud at tho old stand by Brlckor & Jacobs, and all orders promptly attended to. ANNOUNCEMENT TO x, 'I. The Quaker City Business College, Tenth and Chestnut. andliroad and spring Garden Streets, Philadelphia. OPENING OF VIE FALL SESSIONS, SEPT. ad. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS A discount of 26 per cept. allowed on all Scholarships purchased during tho month of August, reducing the terms to $3O. Money may bo remitted by mail, and Scholarships 'monad by those who propose to outer at any future time. SUPERIOR 'ADVANTAGES This Institution'ranics tho first in tho country ; is a rogularly Incorporated Collogo, authorized by law to grapt Diplomas and confer Dogreoa of Merit. The Pall &salons will open with greatly increasod faoilitios, and young men desiring to qualify them soiree fir business life will find here advantages to be MR11113(1 nowhere oleo. FAIRBANKS' 'BOOKKEEPING. 'Phis Work, the moat complete and entenalvO' Trott. Use on bookkeeping over written, containing - 4n pages, and composed exclusively of Actual Business Hots. %MI be ready for,publication In August. Price, p; by. subscription, paid, In advance, $2 00. Remit Money, and secure a copy. Descriptive Circulars on application. • ImproVed Course of InettuotiOn. Wit the tutroduotton. of dais book, and witn able and axpertoneed Instrnetors, the students of this In-, etttutton aro guaranteed a - I , II,IOTIOAL ACCOVNTANT'S 00,IIRSE Of the highest vohie, ouch aci bee never before' boon , placed. mithln the Teo= of 0,11(1=0 of 00=310001, Schools.. , L. FAIRBANKS, A. M. Prooldeint . . ' T. E. MEROIII‘NT, , Soorotnr Oist /0, 1806-4 t. Town. Property at Private Sale. T offer at private sale that valuable pro perty situate on South" Pitt street, in the Bor ough of Carlisle, belonging to the hire of lionjainin Butler, doo'd. Adjoining Mrs. Moody and others. TIM lot contains 16 feet in front on Pitt street and about 170 in depth to an alloy. The improvements consist of one and a ball story W BATHER:BOARDED HOUSE, Frame Ititchen, with cellar under all, and out bnild inge. Par terrua and further Information apply to u. P. lIIIMBICH, Att'y for the helm AuguBt 17, 1806—An Tcn Per Cent. Saved by Prompt Pay 15TH COLLECTION DISTRICT, PENN'A, Collector's Office, Mechanicsburg, Pa, J• PURSUANT to the Provisions of an act entitled "An Act to provide Internal Rev enue, &c.," notice is hereby given to all persons liable to pay duties or taxes under said Act, In the 15th Dia. trict Penn's, comprising the Counties of York, Cum berland and Petry, that the Collector of Said District has received from the Assessor theteof, his Annual Collection List, consisting of Taxes for Licenses, Car low's, Income. &c., that the Duties and Taxes assessed by sold As, eoeor, have Weenie duo and payable, and that tho said Collector or his Deputy will be at the following places to receive the names Divisions Nos. I, 2,3, 4,6, & 0, York County, at York, Pa., September lot to 10th, 1800. Col, J. H. STAIILE, Dep,4o4. Divisions Nos. 7,8, 9.10 & 11, Cumberland County and upper end of York County, at Mechanicsburg, Pa., September Ist to 10th, 1806. ROUT. 11. THOMAS, Dep. Col. Divisions Nos. 12 and 13, Perry County, at Newport, Pa , September lot to 10th, 1806. JESSE K NNEDY, Dep. Cot A Special Notice, (for whirl the law provides a foe of 20 cents,) will be l sued to all persons who shall neglect to pay the duties and taxes aforesaid assessed upon them, at the time above specified, After that ton per ceotum additional upon tho amount thereof end costs must be paid. g.. Persons remitting by mall must sand Postage Stamps to pay return postage. All remittance by mail at the risk of the person sending. VIt..U. S. Currency or National Bank Notes received in payment of Taxed? CEll.-0111co hours from 9 o'clock A. M., to 3 o'clock e. ffi M. ItAUFFMAN, Collector, 15th District Penn'a. Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pa. August 4,1966.—5 t. lelating to the Numbering of Houses, BE it enacted and ordained' by the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby imacted and ordained by the authority of the same, that the Houses, Stereo, Shops, Warehouses and other buildings of the Borough of Carlisle, be num bered in accordance with the following plan ; SECA. All streets and alleys running Bast and West to be numbered from their intersection with Ilanover Street rol.olllolleing at unit and numbering egularly East, and West from Hanover Street, appor Coning fifty each square. All numbers upon the South side of these streets to be even numbers and all those upon the north side to be uneven. All I.treets and alleys running North and South tobe num bered from the' r.i n tersection with Niain Street common- . . . clog at unit and numbering regularly North and South from Main Street, apportinnit,g tiO numbers In each square. All numbers upon the nest side of these streets to be oven numbers and those upon the East side to I. uneven. SEC. 2. hat the street Committee of the Town Council be empowered and directed to notify all own ers or occupants of dwellings, Stores, Shops, Ware houses or other buildings of the number or ,numbers designat ti Mr such dwellings, Stores, Shops, Ware houses, &c. SEC. 3. That thirty days notice be given each and every owner or occupant of dwellings, Stores. Shops, Wet ehouses, &e., in the Borough of Carlisle, of the 111111010 r or numbers set apart and designatod for such dwelling Ste , and that after the expiration of such no tice a penalty of five dollars per month for neglect or refusat to affix said numb. r in a conspicuous place up on said property be enforced; said penalty to be collect ed before any Justice of the Peace and applied to the oinking fund of the Borough of Carlisle. ttnacted and ordained this sixth day of August, 1866. E M. BIDDLE, frost. of Council. JOHN NOBLE, Chief Burgess. SANI'L. D. IIAMI"l'ON, Secrotary Corporation Augußt 10, 1506. `AT HERI4:AS, the Hon. JAMES H. Presidect Judge cd the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Per and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said counties, and Mich,olCocklin and Hugh Stuart,Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, In the said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to me directed, datod the oth day of April, 1866, have or dered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be holden at Carlisle on the 4th Monday of August, 1066 (it being the 27th day,) to continue one meek. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Cum berland that they are by the said precept commanded to be then and there is their proper pexsonsi with their rolls, records, and inquisitionsexamivations,and all other rem. nthrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall ho just. JOHN JACOBd, Augulit, 10, 1060 12 4 XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.— , Letters Testamentary on the estate of Leonard Diller dee'd , late of Monroe tow ushid deceased having been issued to the subscriber residing in the cams township; notice is hereby given to all person's having claims to present them, and those indebted to make Immediate payment to Aug 10. 1868-6 t.. 1,100 BUSHELS OF Ltil 679 * rii.lF-rd JOIIN T. GREEN, Socretnry C. W. WEAVER. MOSES BRICKER SEED WHEAT. Canada White and New Jeraey Silver Thle Rod and White Bead Wheat is Raised from.lm ported Seed Wheat from ono to eight years; and proves, to ho the Bost Wheat yet Raised. W.A.~,~HO~U'~.E, At Five.DoLlars per Bushel. ' . Farmers send , yOnr orders In early. orders filled In Rotatlon.• The Wheat wilt be. delivered at all Itall Road Stations in good two 13ushels Cotton Sacks, from 15th of August to 103,11 . 0 f September:- - ; : • ; • 'Address •. ; • 1.• ;ORO: A. REITZ, Olutmberoburg • August 8,1800-4 t. F, f U. S. TAXES ! NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS ! = ORDINANCE. PROCLAMATION SARAH ANN DILLER, Executrix FOR SALE ! RED AND WHITE SEED WHEAT, Change your Seed Wheat, Red Chaif Mediterranean Free from Rust aid Weevil, Straw White Seed Wheat FOR SALE Ay,DEITZ'S dRAMER, , :S'BURG,-PA . , . FOR g1AT:.,y,,,:-. valuable Rouae„alail Lot on-Pomfret. Street, between llanoisif andPitt ' naw occupied chard Owen. -- , ' ' • ' -' yA The lot conMins -SO timt . in front by 240 in depth, • , , • having thereon eroded n two story . , . • '.. FRAME HbUSE. : f II me * . ' brick later building on. Pomfret Street, % ',and !Stone . House on ' Chapel ' Alley. For particularis apply to ~ O. P. IfillilltlOn, Att'y. at law. - e PUBLIC SALE. • On Tuesday; Septiniber 11, 1866.. THE'subsoiiber will sell . oe the prein lam, in Silver Spring . Tvrp., Cumberland 14.; on the .East elde.of the "Stony Ridge;:. %. mile North of the Trindle Spring road, adJelning farm of Samuel Plank on the North, the following valuable Real Estate : A • TRACT OP Limestone Land. containing 48 Acres and 103 Perches, in a high state of cultivation and under good fencing, having thereon erected A GOOD FRAME 7 • HQIJSI, BANK BARN, Wagon Shod, Corn Cr'bey and There other necessary Out buildings. is a Wel of neiwr falling water, near the door, with a thriving young Orchard 4f Choice limit, on the premises. Six Acres of this tract are well coy. ered with line Timber. All the buildings are now, and everything about the property is In complete or der, rendering it, highly deserving of the attention of purchasers. .O Persons desiring to view the property previous to sale. can do so by calling on Andrew Spahr, residing on the premises. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when terms will be made known by Augnet 10, 1106--st. A. L. SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Scrivener, convoyancea linkuranne and Claim Agont. Of fice Main Street. Near s qfptigi Square. Desirable Property for Sale and fine location for a Practicing Physician Offered. AValuable Residence consisting of a fine two-story BRICK HOUSE, AND LARthl LOT GROUND, togethor with Stabling Brick Cistern and other valuable improvements is offered for sale in Churchtown, Cumberland County, upon favofable terms. With the above property an excellent re actice can be secured by a good Physician. For terms and further particulars enquire of A. L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agents July 27, 1866. Two Valuable Tracts of Timber Land at Private Sale. QITUATE on the South Mountain near Mount [lolly Springs. Consisting via, I ract containing 70 Acres, adjoining the property of the Mt. Dolly Paper Co. covered with young chestnut. Another tract containing 40 Arms adjoin ing the above. Apply to July 27, 1866 Hotel Property in Churchtown at Private Sale. ‘,l IT U ATE on Main Street containing ►J 170 foot in front and 150 feet In depth Improve ments a largo Double two-story FRAME HOUSE, • Extensive Stabling aii•l Sheds, Wash !louse, and oth er convenient out buildings, an excellent Well of Wa• for at the door, and a Cistern in the yard. For terms and further particulars enquire of the owner Mrs. Sarah A. pgget, residing in Churchtown, et of A. L. SPONSLEE, May 8, 1866. Real Estate Agent. HOME Insurance Company of New Haven, Connecticut, Statement of January lst, Capital Stock Surplus $775,886,10 Losses unadjusted $35,977,72 INSURANCES MADE PERPETUAL AND TEMPOR- The aepetts of this Company consist of United States Government Securities, stocks in National Banks, and Ist, Mortgages on Real Estate The Board of Directors have declared a Semi-Annual cash Dividend of Ten per mat free from Government Tax payable on and af ter 16th, January, 1866. Also a scrip Dividend of Sixty per cent on the earned Premium of Policies entitled to participate in the Pro fits for the year ending Ist of January, 1866. And have voted to increase the Capital Stock of the Cent. pony to Ono Million of Doliaro. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, Agent. FOR SALE. TOWN PROPERTY on South Hano ver street, Carlisle, Comprising 120 teat in front and 240 feet in depth having thereon erected 3 Dwell ing Houses, Shops and other Buildings will be sold en tire or divided to cult purchasers. Apply to A. L. SPONSLEIL Feb.l6, 1860. MEM FOR SALE Valuable Lot of ground on South Street contalolng over 600 feet In !root and 260 in depth. Al., a Lot ac the corner of Pitt and South Streets, containing 00 feet In front and 110 feet In depth. Apply to Wheeler & Wilson and Howe. LOCK STITCH SE` IRD AMU% The Best Simplest and Cheapest. THE Wheeler & Wilson =chines are adapted to all kinds of family sowing, working equally well upon Bilk. Linen and Cotton goods, with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. Prices of Wheeler & Wilson machines:.o' No. 3 machine plain, i 55 2 " Ornamental bronze, $65 " I " Sliver plated, $75 The Howe Sewing Machine. The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers is called to this—the best of Shut tle Sewing Machines. It is unanimously admitted to be the best machine for leather work or tailoring ever given to the public. Price of Rowe machines: Letter A machine $6O Is recommended for family sewing Tailoring, Shoe binding and Gaiter fitting. • Letter B. machine. $7O Is one size larger than A machine. suited to the same work. • Letter o.rmachlne, • 's3s . • Is recommended for heavy Tailoring. Beet and Shoe work and Carriage trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do fine work well, and ban a much larger Ma tte than the smaller machines. Call and examine at Rail Road Telegraph Office, Car. lisle, Pa. 0ct.27, 1865—tf. NEW CHEAP CASH GROCERY • AND . , PROVISION STORE! Groat Exeltement on the Coruer of. Pitt and Louther Streets, opposite the German Reformed'' Church, Carlisle', Pa. • The Subscriber begs leave to inform Ids friends and the public, that he has just returned from the Eastern cities, with a full and choice assortment of • - 11 .0 0 E•R E S • • • Ile will keep constantly on hand' an extensive and general assortment of • Coffees of all kinds, Drown Sugar, Crushed Boor, •Piilvoilzod Sugar, nice, Tallow Candles, Star . ' do. Starch, Teas of all kinds, Salt by the , • Sack, Duckete and Tubs ,Wash Boards, - Broome, Bed Cords, New Orleanu . , L Molasses, Flab—all kirade.Pep per,Splce, Soda,Cream Tar- • tar,Destlndlgo,Cinna"; - mon,Clove ,s Matches • . hlustard,Dlacking, Twist Tobacco, • Nag, Spun, ' " • • Loaf,' Tobacco, Smoking, Rillikinick, 'Fine 'Cut, Candles; Raisins Can Peaches, Crackers, Essence of Coffeei Dandelion, obeeie, Rummy, Deans Cigna 018'11 ; 41DM,, 11kInds,..te., de. • ' NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, and everything else that is kept In a Firo'i , sri atom . invite the public to call and eaamine my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I am, datennin ed to sell at very small profits. . ; The highest prlces paid for all klpds of. Country pro, duce JACOB' SCREW' ; FOR. E, E HE- DIV.EXALING ; ,E 9 USE,. and. 'store Mean Eltio4;11401u14 the rOft colon:en:Ion given on tho litt! Of EleptbmoOr. pasult 17,1ses:-Ist. • ZiPW 11 • - JOLIN BEST. A. L. SPONSLEIt, Real Estate Agent $500,000,00 275,880,10 QM A. L. SPONSLER Gas-,Fitting and Plumbing. THE subscribers, having, permanently 1 0Catod in Carlisle, respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Their, shep is situated on the public Square in rear of the lat Presbyterian Church,. where they can always be found. Being experienced mechanics, they aro prerared to execute all orders that they may be entrusted with In a superior manner, and,at very moderate prices._'. HYDRAULIC RAMS, WATEU WILEIMS, YDRANTS, FORCE PUMPS, BAUM% TUBB, WASH BASINS and All other arti cles in the,trado. .PLUMBING AND. GAS I.IID STEAM FATTIND promptly attended to in the most approved style. 4;RrCounty work promptly attended to., 03.A1l work guaranteed. " - ••• Don't forget the place—lmmediately In rear of the Firsts Presbyterian Church. CAMPBELL & HEN WOOD July 27, 1866-I.y.' MISHLER'S HERB BITTERS.- Pureand unadulterated, $l.OO per bottle at FRANOIBOIII3. August 3,18011-3 t. TONIC ALE, (Philadelphia,) in bet ties at FRANOISCUS' CATAWBA—Superior quality at FRANOISOUS LEMONS from 25 to 35 cents per dozen at HAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottles VV Just received at VIRGINIA CRAB APPLE CIDER, in bottles, at DUNG} t..R'S EDINBURG ALE, Y just received at NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given to all per. eons interested that the following accounts hare bean filed In the Prothonotary's Office for exam ination and will be presented to the Co,,rt of Coin won Please of Cumberland County, for confirmation on Wednesday the 29th day of A ugust, 1966, The Account of Daniel Eckels, Assignee of Michael Illinlch The Account of John Clendenen, Esq., Com mittee of Catharine hail, a Lunatic, Also the Ac count of A. L. Sponsler, Committee of the estate of Wrn. flare, a Lunatic, living in the State of Ohio. IL DUKE, Dopy , Aly 27, 1886--lin*. Protb'y. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Fall Meeting, 1865. TIII4I Farmers and Members of the Agricultural Society will remember that our next fall meeting and Exhibition will commence on Wednesday the 10th of October and continue three days. The grounds have been doubly enlarged and the track for the exhibition of horses greatly length ened. and stalls ncr aced in number. And it is con templated that we will have the most extensive exhi• Litton that has oven been held. Alt persons nt home and abroad are invited to participate as exidbilorsand spectators. By order of the President. DANIEL S. CROFT, July h, 1800—tf. Secretary. Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale Finn subscriber offers at private sale, I the following described valuable Town Property, situated in the borough of New Kingston Cumberland county a large • Double Fraine House, • With Large Double Lot, A largo variety of fruit trees, condoling of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherde , &c, ,n the premises This property offers a rare opportint,ty for a physi iou, us there Is none In the town. For terms and other particulars apply either In per son or by letter. E. W. GARBER August 17, 1866-1 m New Kingston Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate On Saturday, August .26, 1866. • r IIF subscriber will sell at public sale, on the promises, in Peon Township, Cumber land County, on the Yellow Breeches Creek, one half mile South of Centreville, the following described farm, containing 113 ACRES, of thrice land in a high slate of cultivation. The land has a limestone basis and is of the best quality for pro. during grain. The Improvements are a large Two story Brick Dwelling House: and a large Frame Hank Barn, both nearly new, and built upon the most improved plan. There is a complete set of out-buildings, all new and in the best condition. Thu faros is under ex cellent fence and has be..n all heavily limed within the last two years. There Is a most excellent CHARD,OR of every variety of choice fruit trees, which is Just now In full hearing ionditlon. The Yellow Breeches Cleck, runs abs lie North side of the farm thus making the best ditties for waterluir stock. This property is eerie y the most desirable mie In the County. In add, to the other buildings there le a new Store Room, fitted up, at which a Store has been in successful oper ation for throe years. It is ono of the best stands for a Country Store. in the County. Also at the same time, Two Lots of Mountain Land in the South Mountain, within a short distance of the above described farm, one containing 24) Acres and the other 11 A rca of most excellent Timber. These are easy of access #nd are very desirable. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day 'when terms will be made known by August 2, 1866 Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale • on the premises, in Monroe township, Cumber ' laud Co., Pa., on the road leading from Carlisle to Lis hurn,4 miles East of Carlisle, the following valuable Real Pstato A Tract of Excellent ITAINESTONJEI. -LAND, containing 70 Acres and 114 Perches, iri a high ntato of cultivation,, and under good rowing. ,The Improve merits area good TWO-STORY Dwelling House, STONE BANK BARN, J ...... . 7; foot long, Wagon Shed, Corn 'Crib, &e. There Is a Well of never-failing water and a good Cis. ten, convenient to the door and a stream of running water passes through the tract. There is also AN OItCIIARD OF CHOICE FRUIT, in flno bearing order, on the premises. Ten Acres of the tract are well covered with OIIOICE TIMBER. This property Is located in-,the midst of a most flour ishing neLhberhood, cottiihnlent to stores, churches, schools, mills. &c., and offers rare inducements to pur- chasers. Persons wishing to kw the Property previous to the sale, will please call on the undersigned, residing on the premises. July 13, 1866--Im JOIIN SOLLENBEROES, Sr VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE BALE.—The Rubsertber offers at private sale, a FARM OF SLATY, LAND • situate in lirrankfor township, Cumberland .county, Pa., about 0 miles North.west of Carlisle. The Wag goner's Gap Road runs along the Farm. it contains 200 ACRES, ISO Of which are good farm land. in 11 good state of cultivation and under good fence. There Is watt In nearly every field, with :nulling stream of waterin front of the Barn. The balance of the tract Is well'covered with good heavy Timber, such as Chest. nut Oak. Poplar, 'Hickory, Black Oak, ta. The Im provements consist of TWO STORY 'BRICK.HOUSE; with basement, SMOKE ROUSE, Ac There are two WELLS or excoliont water at tho door of the dwelling ;. a BANK BARN with double ..tioora WAGON SHED, CORN CRIB, de., nearly all new 'and In excellent condition. There Is Fruit of all kinds, ch as (amnion, Ponchos, Apples, On‘poo,,,te. •' Any further information may bb 'had brealling the subscriber living near the farm, or on Jacob Wet, :el, living In Carlisle:' •JOHN WAGGONIaR. July 17, 1.866-50. Valuable Tcetrn Property itt.Priv4te Sale. I :1 0T conlainipglajeet•frpot on,Lputh. er street: above Pitt", by lent depth to Irk Wean , The building? ere three good PTVELL'I, , N9 ROUSES, Two of whiali are on 'iontherFlt..,atktin'e on Dloklu l eon Alloy. For term? Ao. Apply A . Jdcin April fi;io6.. • . • " School Taxes atlf3B.-- DupiioatTof .gohool Tax,es for tlio '=present yearLoWiteti t le ',hands of-tho Treal surer for collection, It la 'there ore his Anty thne give notice to the Taxable Citizens, of' ' tlierliorOugh of Carliaie, that ho' .will attend at the Coup Court, house, In the 'oomraikalonerti Ufilho od+Thiinitlay-;tha ' WY& Day of September , b . 9tweeti.tbo hours of 6 and 6 U'Clocli, of wild dakfor the; 'ptirpoin of receiving eaid Texesi,up to,whiCirtinie, 611 .pereone paying their taxes will motive a ;deduction 'of flve per cent. The Troaeuror will receive - ,Taxos itf the millaulitue at hie dwelling in ..fdeivien 11611".bultding.k J w nint - • „;•_. . July 6, 16'd6:-2m 41111301IYSICIANS , willfind' it tolbdir , vintage weal and purchase. theft . 131edlottte it; RALSTONIV • I Ahead t AheAd F! LATEST AND GRANDEST • , OPENING OF TAR SEASON AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S CHEAP DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. of all the newest and most deslntble styles and quell des of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, suitable for the present and coming season FRANOIBOUS' FRANCISOUS' embracing all the Waal. 'varletlee and etylee in the market. Plain, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, FRANOISOUB' #oullard Mohairs, Poplins, Roppa, Franck Moz ambiques, Lemma. Real Organdy and Jaconet Lawns of beautiful designs, Plain and gum -ad Percales and Chß:ages, Silk and Mohair Grenadines, Barnes, Black and Colored Mohair Alpacas, all shades, Mous de Danes, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, Is the place to purchase your DOMESTIC COODS. nit we have the largest and best Stork In the County, and are selling thorn at diuslins, Shootings, Pillow Case `binding and Linens, Tleking,n Checks, Cotton Pants Stutter, Linen Drillings, Linen Coatings, Calicoes, Oingharns, Chamberry's Gauge, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, de. for the latest styles of PARASOLS Sc SUN UMBRELLAS for ladies and children all styles Silk and Cloth Sacks aid Mantles, Black Lace Points, Shetland Shawls, all colors, Grenadines, Barago Shawls, French Mozambique Shawls If you aro In want of any kind of se they have the largest Stock In town of Shirred, Tucked and Puffed Muslim, suitable for Drosses and Uarabaldies, Nalosook Swiss, Cateb. and Jaconot ?due ling, Striped and Figured Swieses and Piquitz,&c., &c. MOURNING GOODS. Of this class of goods we always have a full line, such as onibazitme, Repps, Poplins, Mohairs, Single and Double width DeLalues, Alozamblques, 8-4 Crape !Gantt for Dresses and Shawls, 8-4 Grenadine Garage, for Dresses and Shawls, Alohal. Lustres, Lawns, Ging hams,' English Crapes, Crape Yells, Gloves of all de scriptlotaa, Shawls, &c., &c. You will always find • full line of PETER a A 1.113 ER AT LEiDICFI & MILLER'S, and thoy pay strict attention to all orders for the same Do not forget to .11 for your supply of Clothe and Cati, sitneres. Vesting., Linens for rants and Coats. Hay ing secured the services of a first class Tailor, we are prepared to hay,' Clothing mode up at very short no tice. le the place to buy your GLOVES, HOSIERY of all kluda, MITTS, HOOPED SKIRTS, BA LMORA LS, , FILENCII CORSETS LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, BONNET RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, RI BBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, INSERTINGS AND EDGINGS, LADE VEILS, INFANT WAISTS, EMB'D. FLOUNO INDS, HEAD NETS, and a thousand other small 7. a res too numerous to mention. CARPETS! CARPETS 11 of all grades and descriptions, such as Bngllsh Tapestry, • r Brussels, LAVA' Tbroo Pig' Extra Sup Ingrain, • • Rag, Llstine„' and Hemp, Striped, McMinn. orall widths, , Gantlns Mattlnge Whits and Checked, Window' Shades, Looking Glasses, RUGS " MATS, 7 Marseille %jilts and Counterpanes Nottingham Laco, Curtains, Tambourd Muslin Curtains, du. Please do not. Pato give as an oarly calVas we aro determined tokeop up our good toputallon'or eehing the boat goods, the °heave& goods, and the largest a• morint otgeodi lathe county. , We alwaye take. great pleasure to show our goods. as wo can prove the lact, that we etridp the interestofall our customers. LEIDIOH MILLER. PoMot thrget the place and well known stand, on the Oorner o sign of tre Carpet Ilall, Juno 8 1800 Treasurer . GRAND DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS, CHALLIES, &0., &c., &c. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT LEIDIGH & MILLER PANIC PRICES, CALL THIS WAY GRAND DISPLAY OF WHITE GOODS, do not fall to call at LEIDICH & MILLER'S, FUNERAL GOODS, MEN AND BOYS, NOTIONS I NOTIONS l ! LEIDICII & MILLER'S MEM OI,L CLOTHS Always in Ad*ance GRAND OPENING Of the latest importations of French, German, English and Italian Dross Goods and Summer Wear of every description. W. C. SAWYER, & CO., have again taken advantage of the very LATE DECLINE IN PRICES, to till their Spacious store Root (East Main Bt., two doors below Baxtons Hardware Stole,) with an enor mous Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Carpet and House Furnish ing Goods, bought for CASH from the longent Importing Houses of New York and Philadelphia. All the varieties and colors of Silks. Splendid inal- Mos of Gros Grain Black Silks for DI-eases and liasquee, French Worsted Goods and Grenadines, CARPETS, CURTAIN MATERI from A.T. Stewart, A Co. Englfah Germ's, Lawns, Percale. 4, Mohalra Barred, Stripped and Plain, and floslory of all hinds from Arnold, Constable, & Co. All kicks of domestic goods CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and White Goods, of every class from 11. 11. Cleftln, & Co., New York. Very select styles and varieties of Drriessis Grepociss and general wear from James Kent, & Co., Jos. Ref gel it Co., Johnee, Perry, & Co., Philadelphia. We carefully examine both markets and customers, will find on our counte,n a larger, more varied and cheaper stock of goods than in any Store West of the great cities. Every body is invited to examine our Stock—all kinds of Mourning and Funeral Goods. We give epode) attention to this branch of our trade Ladles are invited to examine our beautiful etyfes of Silk and French Cloth SACKS AND BASQU-4S, beautiful shadeti of French Clothe for Sacks and But tons, ornaments &c., to match. W. C. SAWYER, & CO Would ask the attention to their very choice stock of French, Scotch and American Cassimeres, Cloths, „. Spanish Linens for Coating's, Russian Linens for Pan ings, Ac. We got up Suits at short notice by the best Tailors %n town. W. C. SAWYER, & CO, Rouse turnishing department, Is the largest and most complete In the valley, containing Scotch and English : R,USSTZ,S, all the gradea of the Lowell & Hartford Mllle, Hemp and Rag E.4.74/1 - - zb n-io iJ 011 Olothe, litattlngs, Shadek, Rugs, &c W.'o. SAWYER, & CO 4 have a large assortment of IloslerY, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Corsets, te. Bradley's unequalled "Trident the World" and Linen, ELIPTIC HOOP SKIRTS, and all , other best,makes' kept : by. uc. Lace Mitt*, Dress Tritemings, 'Ribbons ' wad' thct 'every thing found In a with. awake en erprlslng Store, determined to do a large trade, for the benefit of the community as well as foithemholvea. ' ' Everybody Rich and Poor, Old and Young, Small and great arevery cordially invited to our . : DRY 4tioc,ips '‘NErtoltTp'm. L.k M. where , we will take groat pleasureinshowing as well as selling our goods. !Wo will snake additions of desi rable goods as the season , advanoss. • BAWYBR, a co. Ma 7 18,1000. ALS, &c., . ._„ 1111 .1 4 I co-partberes up - hereto ci;.e exist t the 'nuderidined under the 'firm name of/Oen:Ter & Prick, In the li:dimming business bas this (MY (July 23d. 18614).been diseolved by mutual consent.. AU persona interested , are requested to call and close *hit accounts. JACOB BrOIIFFEB, JOLIN 'b. FRICK. , Thw above bisinesa Will bo cooductOd by Jacob Stouffer. Market' prices paid for grain and the patron• age of the community It solicited. - J. OUFER, • STRAW.—The undersigned takes this m ST etbo F d - td form the public that they are buying straw at their mill, for which they will at all times pay the higheit market prices, If delivered at the mill In good condi tion, For Wheat and Oath Straw, Loose Rya, - Bundled Rye, 12 00 " ", STOUFFER & STIII.OIILERt Middlesex Urns, Aug. 10th 1866-6 t. LIFE - HEALTH-SIRENFTH LIFE - =HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH -STRENGTH THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Jean Delantarre, Chief Physician to the Hos pital du Nord ou Lariboisierc of Paris. This invaluable medicine le no imposition, but Is unfailing In the cure- of Sparmatorrhte no Seminal Weakness. Every spades of Oenital or Urinary irri tability. involuntary or Nightly Semlosi Ea/Malone from whatev, r cause produced, or however some will be speedily relieved and the organs restored to healthy action. Read the following opinions of eminent Frenchphy sleians: "We have used the Specific Pills prepared by Oar anciere & Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, In our private practice with uniß•rm success, and we believe there is no other medicine ao well calculated to cu,e all per eons suffering trona Involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of tho key u.. 1 Organs, who , her canted by a sedentary mode of living, OXCeRSOII or abuse. R. A. DEA UREPAItIE, M, D. G. D. DUJARD N, M. D. JEAN LE LEUCHRE, M.D. Paris, May sth, 1808. BEWARE, OF CO'UNTRItFICITS. The Cletruim. Pllle are sold by ail thu Drug gists rliroughlut the D odd. price one Dollar per Box, or Six Boxes for Five Dollars. GAMANCLERE & DUPONT, So)e Proprietors, No. 214 Duo Lombard, Pails One Dollar enclosed to soy authorised Agent, trill insure a box by return mail. securely sealed from all ob emotion, six boxes fur five dollars. Sole Ilene; al Agents for America, OSCAR U. MOSES & Co., 27 Cortiandt St , N.Y . N. 8.--Prooch, G erman, Spanish and Rngll h Pamph lets, containing full particulars and directions for use. sent free to any address. Sold in Carlini° by J. W. ELLIOTT, and at /IA VER STICK'S. Jan. 12, 18841-1 y DR. MARSHALL'S CATAIZRII SNUFF! This Snuff has thoroughly proved Itself to be the best .trtlele known for cut lug„ the stunt rh, Cold to the (lead and Headache It has beet. found an exec Ilent remedy in many eases of core Ens, Dearness has been removed , y It, cud Ileanng has often been great l) Improve., h.) Its use It Is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by dheases 01 the head. The atnisations alter ustn A it are delightful sue In vigorating. It open. and per ua out all t.lntrustlons, strengthens the glanea, and gives a healthy action to the parts allested. More Than Thirty Years' of salt and us« of Dr Nlarshal.'s eats; rh and Head ache cued, has proved Its great value for all the rum mon diseases of the Ihred, and at this ruere.ent It higher tha. ever before. It is reeemna. I,ded by many of the best physicians, and le used With great success amid .aLlelnC•luu every where. Bead the Certificates of Wholesale Drug- gists in 1884 • The undersigned. having for many years boen ac quainted with hr. Marshall's Catari h and kleadache :muff, and sold It In our wholesale trade cheertuDy state, that we believe it to he equal, lu every rerapect, to the recommeudatioux give. of it for the eure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly the beet article we have ever known for all common chemises et the Head. urr & Perry, Boston,Barn Bs & Park, New York Heed, Au• tin & Co. " A. B. sD. bands, Brown, Lamson &Co " Stephen Paul & Co. " heed, Cutler & Co. " Israel Minor & co. Seth W. Fewle, " MelCoason & Itobblna," Fairbank & Co. " A. L. dcovll & Co. llennhaw, Edinanda & Co.M. N ard. Clone & Co " 11. 11. llay. Portland, Me. Bush & (Jab), For Salo by all Di uggista. TRY IT. Jan. 12, 1866—1 y. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ! ern—Tho original Medicine established lu IKil, and flret article id the kind ever introduced under the name of “PULIIIONIC WA letilt-,” in this or any,other country; all other Pulmonic Waters are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each Wafer. . - . These Wafers have been before the public for nearly thirty years, and the Immense sale attained, not only lu emerica but in foreign countries, fully ettert their Intrinsic worth. The medical propeoties are cope, for t • any other a tide offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained in each box Is nearly double that or the many worthless imitations advertised. Bryan's Pultn.onic Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, spitting of Blood, Pains in tee Chest. I..cipleut Consumption and. all die-area of the longs. Not only affording tempor ary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and ale warranted to give satisfaction Is ever instance. 'they do Bet nauseate like alcOolk cninpi.Ulla and the medicinal li - opinion are combined in a lorm so a greeable and pleasant to the taste. that any child will readily lake them. One does will always afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To VOCALIpTA and rustic r.PEMERS, these %%eters are peculiarly valuable . tLey will In one day remove the must severe occasional hoarseness ; and their regular use fur a few days will, at all times. increase the pow er and flexibility of the voice, g eetly impioving its tone, compass and clearness, tor which purpose they are regularly used by many Professional vocalists. The very great celebrity of this invaluable remedy ate induced unprincipled persons to prepare base imi [anent., which disappoint the just expectations of the purchasei, sod injure the character ut the genuine in. (Heine. hoe that the word, "BRYAN," is stamped on each Wafer. and also observe the tac slmila of the signature of the Proprietor "JUn MOSAtoS" on each wrapper, to counterfeit which to forgery. /Jar-Offending parties will be dealt with to the Lull extent GI t e law BS 'V !eb PULMONIC 11 , AFE.ItB aro for salo by all 'Drug gists. J.lll MOSES, Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlanilt St, N. Y Jae. 12, 186G-Iy. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from n prescription of Sir .1. Clark, M. D Physician Extraordinary to the queen. Hls well known tnedieine is no iM - position, but a sure nod safe remedy for Female Difficulties and ula,tructions, from any cause whatever and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing tiertiul to tbu ponstitution. To Married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regu•, larity. In all cases of Nervous Spirant Affections, Pain In the Back and Limbs, lie evinces, Fatigue on alight ex ertion. Palpitation of the Heart., Lewnecs of Spirits, ilyotorics, sick Headache. Whit..., and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disc rdered system, these Pills will affect a cure when all other means bane tailed. Those Pills have never boon known to tail where the directions on the 2d pogo of pamphlet are well oboe v. ed. Fur further particulars, get a pamplitet, free, or the agent. $1 and l postage stamps ettolosed to any authorized agent,-will insure a bottle, containing over 60 pills, by return Mail. W. ELIOII`, Anent. rarliale. Jan. 12,1866-Iy. WORK BOXES, Calm., Port Fo lios, Tourists Desks, Coufectiorukry Boxes, °tnes of all kinds, Doc. 16, 1805, A LE AND PORTER,. Always on ja.„ draught at July 27; 18613-at wewes. Aliiigo - tiesortinent of the beat quality or • ,••• GPoceries, Belling oflat the very lowest prim tilling in the State .ofPortneylvaple,', , .• FOR CASH. Cell and Satisfy Yoinnriveo ' Of the tintlt dftlionseor• Eton. Feb. 23,1800. WM. BENTZ. A LECtURE ,g,IZI/ TO YOU/C6 MEN Just Published, in. c!.Seale4 Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature,: Treatment: ancl Radical Cure of ..Spermartorrhma, or Seminal Weak , mew involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility,and pediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness,' Con- , gumption, Epilejmy, and Fite ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting. from. Self-Abuse, ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. • D., Author of the "Green IWO do. r :.! , „Tbe'world-renowned author, Oda admirable Lee tufa, clearly prov. , alrottilis own eXperienia that- the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be relrectuaily removed without medicine. and Ivithout dials. point ing out p mode of cure at once cPrtain mureffectual, by which overY , rstlifeier r no matter wbatble condition. may ba, may ourerlilmself cheaply, priveitoli, and rad ically. LECTURE: GAVII,Lf P/C9yr --, k, PORN WO VIOUSANDS AND T aousolva :. er). to Any adqaaa. - ,Sent undergoal, la a plain carol pia paid, on receipt Pt cluts,, titOoat stamps. 44diosEi :e4.1 ;• a.; t — 4 k CILI or" b.' '4 d • Now' nr , • Mint; TiabortoAmon, plangeipmender o llitse, 110 gat, A awl:Vat:Snow. -. -^^- ii - OoThs, 1895. s9.oo'per ton 10 00 4 , 4, AT unvEREITICRS NIIANCISOMP 4 :Xt/ 1 4 7 f*UP;C ( g 13 *