Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 17, 1866, Image 3
F d— MPLOYMENT FOR BOTH _ a SEX- M.--Disabled and returned - Boldlors, - Widows anorphans of slain 8°1(11011r, " and the unemployed of both sexes generally, in want of respectable and profi table employment, incurring no risk, can procure such by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, for partic ulars, to r. JOHN M. DAGNALL, Box 163, Brooklyn, N. Y Jan. 25, 18613 ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH I SCRATCH SCRATCH WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure..the Itch in 48 Houis. LSO cures' SALT RHEUM, UL CERS. CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF T 1 E SHIN. Price II cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS Jz. POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be for• warded by mall, tree of postage, to any part of the United States. Juno 9, 1800. I ! A Grand Epoch in Medicine I I MAGGIEL, iecthe 'founder of a new medical system. The quantitarians whose vast internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels, and with whose external remedies ulcer ated and eruptive surfaces aro dehiged in vain, must give place and precedence to the man who restores health an appetitewith from ono to three harmless pills, and ures.the most virulent and scorbutic disor ders withAlo ortWo boxes of his salvo. Illaggiel's Pills and Salvo havo ushered inn new medical era. No more nauseating avalanches of drastic pills need be poured down sick people's till oats. Ono of Maggiol's Dills rectifies the disordered condition of the stomach and bowels, and nmkes health return whore it has van ished. In fact Maggiei's Bilious, Dyspeptic and Dlarrlueo Pills cure where all others fail. While for Burns. Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of thq skin, 14Iatgiel's Salve 113 infalli lie. Sold by J. Bag giel, 43 Fulton street, New York, Ilaverstick, f Belisle, and all druggists, at 25 cents per boa. April 20, 180. SEE advertisement of Sir Jones Clarke's Celebrated Female Pills. Jan. 12, 1866-Iy. • illarriages. .TONES—GARDNETt. Mahled on the 14th Inst. by Rec. S. P. SPECLIER, Mr. Nhthan S. Jones of raper town to Miss Ellen LOUISII Gardner of Carlisle. Ptal4s. POSTLETIIWAITE—On the 7th inst. in the 72nd year of his age, after a long and painful illness, James Postlethwaite, a highly respectable citizen of this bor ough. Vat Juts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carlisle, August 16, 1866. 12 00 8 00 5 00 2 GO 2 50 Family Flour Superlino do. do RYE.... WHITE WHEAT RED d 0... RYE CORN .... OATS CLOVERSERD.. TIMOTTLYSEED DUCE MARKET A ugthit 61, 1866. y by irm. Bentz. GENERAL PRO Corrected Week! BACON SIDES, 18 WHITE BEANS, 1 75 PARED PEACHES, 25 UN PA BED PEACHES 18 DRIED A PPL BS, 300 11(108, BUTTER EGOS, LARD, TA L LO IV, SOAP, B E ESW A X, BACON II ANIS 10 0-12 :30 24 LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED i❑ the Post Office at Carlisle, State of Pennsyl vania, the Itilh day of August,: utcr.. Published by official antlicirity in the pa per having the largest circulation. ne1,,,T0 obtain any of these letter., the applicant must call fur wirertrxed letters," give the date or the list and pay two c,t!iits for ads crtising. If not called for within olie month. they will he sent to the Dead Letter Office. GEO. 'ZINN, I'. M Adams Annie E. Neidich Chas, Burdsall Stephen Null Elizabeth Bushman Thomas Gruen Alarie Hither S C. & Co., Quinn Christian Barhart & Co., Richards James B. Blanham Mildred Reed Cyrus F. Cornman Alfred Rice Win. 11. Coalman Lydia Ru sel G. 11. Davis Anna Mary Spradley Ilenry Day John Shearer Jacob Douglas Caroline Spangler John Wm. Denner Annie Short Peyton Evans Louis Stahl A. (2) Guy Ps. Sibert Ann Bays Jesse R. Stewart W. F. Johnson Joseph C. Towne Amos F. Johnston JaMes Thompson Geo. W (2) Kelley Mrs S. Tangert George Low Johnston Thompson Annie Lutz John Vickerson Annie Little I) li. Wilson Jane Leopard George Walker Peter B. La rub NI °lli° Winslow John Eaima Watson John Bar Walker Catharine FOR RENT. THE DWELLING HO SE, and Store Room, on Slain Street, adjoining the Post °thee Possession given on the 4th of September. A. NOIII.F•. August 17, 18611-3 t. cICHOOL TEACHERS WANTED.—Eight good school teachers wanted for NlVldlese:eSchool District. Examination of applicants by the County Superintondant at Middlesex on the 21st of August. Aug., 17 1866.-2 t. JOHN' MILLER. Secretary of tho Board NOTICE. IS hereby give"n that an election will be held on Monday the third day of September neat, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 4 o'clock P. 111., at the office of the Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Company at the Stone Tavern in Dickinson Twp., Cumberland county, for the purpose of electing thirteen Directors to serve for the ensuing year. By order of the Board. FURNACES T HE beet brick, Sett, and Portable Furnaces over ollered to the pu bile, for rule by A. Fridley, East Louther St., Carlisle. Call and see those in use at Dr. Noldig's, T, Conlyn's and C. Fleming's, Maio St., Carlisle. Aug. 17, .1111113. 11. S. TAXES ! NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS 1 Ten Per Cent. Saved by Prompt Pay- IMM 16TH COLLECTION DISTRICT, PENN'A, Collector's Office, Mechanicsburg, Pa, I PURSUANT to the Provisions of an act entitled ''An Act to provide Internal Rev enue, Atc,," notice is hereby given to all persons liable to pay dlitina or taxes under said Act, in the 16th Dis trict Penn's, comprising the Counties of York, Cum berland and Perky., that the Collector of said District has received from the Assessor the] eof, his Annual Collection List, consisting of Taxes for hiCOl2l3Oll, Car. 'ages ' Income. &c., that the Duties and Taxes assessed by said Assessor,have become duo and payable, and that the said Collector or his Deputy will be at the following places to receive the same: Divisions Nos. 1,2, 3,4, 6, & 0, York County, at York, Pa., September Ist to 10th, 1806. Col. J. 11 STAMP., Dep. bbl. Divisions Nos. 7, 8.0. 10 & 11, Cumberland County and upper end of York County, at Mechanicsburg, Pa., September let to 10th, 1860. 1101ST. U.Tuoisifis, Dep. Col. Divisions Nos. 12 and 13, Perry County, at Newport, Pa., September let to 10th, 1860. JESSE I{l NNEDY, Dep. at A Special Notice, (for IvldcL the law provides a fee of 20 cents) will be I sued to all persons who shall neglect to pay the duties and taxealiforesaid assumed upon them, at the time above specified, After that ten per centum additional upon the amount thereof and costs must be paid. I:o,„Persons remitting by mall must send Postage Stamps to pay return postage. All remittance by mall at the risk of the person sending. S. Currency or National Bank Notes received In payment of Taxes. VER—Ofileoliours from 0 o'clock A. M., to 3 o'clock P. AI Al. KAUFFMAN, Collector, 15th District Penn'a. Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pa. August 4,1840.-6 t. , , , FOR SALE valuable House and Lot on Pomfret , Stroot, between• Hanover and Pitt, now occupied y chard Owen. , . The lot contains SO feet In front by 240 in depth, ' ,bating thereon ,erected a two story . • FRAME HOVSE. •••• II MN I I brick back building on Pomfret Street, 11l I I:. _sold Stone House on , Chapel Ailey, For Particulars apply to 0. P. nutmeg, Lap:, Aug:l7. 1800.—St, • •Valeable•Real Estate at Private ,•.- „. ~' : • Bale. ' . . ~ THE subscriber offers, Kt , isrivate sale; the following described valuable - Toirn Troperty, situated lu,the borough of Now Kingston; Ounsberland . countna large—, .• ' '': • m • ~ • - s .' :Double Frae Houspi i With Large Double Lot; :. , A ',arse yarletY of fruitirecis, ionslsting of Apples,' Peaches, Pears, °berries, As, on the promises, , •• '' .. •.' • . • Thiaproperty offers a rare oPPortunlty for a physi cian, as thereto none In the town. . • . yor.terrosund other partloulars apply either in per. 101 l 01,rhYlettor.." - • -,' ')I. W. - aenspazort,• Augusti7;3l.Boo - . •••••••• •••, • Dittillingat* Town "Property at Private Sale. loffer at private sale that : porty situate on South Pitt Street, In the Bor. ough of Carlisle, bolonging to the heirs of 'Benjamin Butler, doc'd. Adjoining Mrs. Moudy and others. The lot contains 11 foot in front on Pitt street and about 170 in depth to an alloy. The improvements consist, of ono and a half story WEATHERBOADED HOUSE Frame Kitchen, TV ith . collar under all, and out build ings. For terms and further Information apply to C. P. mullion; August 17, 1800-Im. Att'y for the heirs:.,. On Thursday, September 20, 1860. ginE undersigned will expose to pub. lie sale, on the promises, in West Peonshorough wp., Cumberland County, 7 miles west of Carlisle, on the public road leading from Mt. Rock to Plainfield, and about one-half mile from the Depot at Alterton, the followinolesmibecl valuable real estate, viz: • • A First icate Limestone Fin, being the Mansion Farm of the late Wm. G. Davidson, Deg., bounded by Joseph Trego, George and Benjamin McKeehan, Geo. G. Davidson and others, containing 195 ACRES AND 131 PERCHES, This lau i is all cleared and under good cultivation, except about 20 Acres of GOOD WOODLAND. The hn proventents are a good two-story DWELLING HOUSE, ~ - NEW BANK BARN, • ..•._ Tenant House, Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs, Wash House Hog Pee, and all necessary im• provements ' with Fruit Trees, Ste. There is a first rate Well of Water near the house. The Mount Rock Spring runs through the farm and near to the dwell ing house, and there is an abundance of first-rate Lo cust growing on the premises. The farm will he divided into two parts of 62 acres, 60 perches; being the west end, and 143 acres, 71 percher, with the improvements, and will be sold In such parts or altogether as will bring the best price. A perfect title will ,be given to the purchaser. 'Per -8011 wishing to view the property can do so by calling on Anthony .Shambaugh, on the premises, or either of the subscribers, residing In the same township. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., on said day when attendance will bo given and terms made known by ROBERT Met{ RERAN. Exoeutor of Ann Davidson, dec'd. GEO. Q. DAVIDSON, Att'y. in fact for tho devisees of Win. Davidson, dec'd. August 17, 1860. 'i - • /• • Is ~. i / ///I , <Y 0,,i, 0 :1 iltut - 1: - . ci:(11 0.1,0-4 Great Educational Inducements. 4 First e 7 iss Business College at Car lisle, Pa. L H IS Institution is now entering upoi its third year In Its present location ; during which time It has received a liberal home support, and also an encouraging share of patronage from six differ. ent States of the Union. We feel encouraged from the result of past efforts and shall spare no pains or ex pense In building up an institution second to none in the country. Education adapted to all,—the Farmer, the Meehan lc, the Artisan, the Business or Professional man. YOUNG MEN of limited education. YOUNG MEN well educated In other respects. but deficient in the branches taught In a first class Business College ; YOUNiI MEN of limited menus, who would possess the best requ kite lo eminence and distinction. YoUNki MEN who ore desirous of receiving the at the least comparative expense are Invited to investigate the peculiar merits of our Model System of practical training :Ind eminently popular course of Study. Single and Double Entry Maik•keoping, in its earl on, (orals and applications, including Gene, al Whole sale and Retail Business, Forwarding, O,IIIIIIiSE4OII, Enc. ange, Jobbing and Importing, Haiku:Whig, Steam boating, Bank log. Partnership Settlements. Business Calculations, Mercantile Law, Correspondence, Pi actical and and Or namental, Penmanship. Phonography, English Gram mar, Composition, Telegraphing, R,c, fl Students enter at any time. Ai?' None but competent instructors employed, and sullicieni number to insure Individual instruction to all. air Send for a Circular giving full particulars. Addref.o A. M. TRIMMER, August, 17, 18C6. Corlislo, Pa SOLDIERS! WIDOWS! FATHERS! MOTHERS AND MINOR CHILDREN ! BOUNTY BILL JUST PASSED gives all soldiers who enlisted for three years, sleet, April 10, 1861, and served their lull term of service, or were discharged before the expiration of said term of service on account of wounds received in the line of duty, and received One Hundred Dollars Bounty and no more, are now enti tled to en extra bounty of ONE 'HUNDRED DOLLARS. Widows, Fathers, Mothers, and Minor Children of de ceased soldiers who enlisted for three years, as above, and died n the service or from disease or wounds con. traeted in the service and line of duty, are entitled to the above extra ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. liE OBTAINED UPON APPLICATION IN PERSON Olt BY LETTER TO Tilt MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY. NO 427 WALNUT STREET, PHIL ADELPHIA. August 17, 1866-1 m EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOWS WIDO WS are now entitled to an INCREASED PEN eION of $ per month fort each child of the soldier un• - der It years of age. To be obtained upon application in person or by letter, to the ALILITAILY AND NAVAL AGENCY, No. 457 WALNUT STREET, PUILADEL- August 17, 1866-1 m reilHE co-partnership heretofore exist log between the undersigned under the firm name'of Stouffer & Prick, in the following busines% has this day (July 2.3 d, 1865,) been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons interested are requested to call and close their accounts. The above business will be conducted by Jacob Stouffer. Market prices paid for grain and the patron age of the community is solicited. J. STOUFFER, STRAW —The undersigned takes this method to In. firm the public that they are buying straw at their mill, for which they will at all lAmes'pay the highest market prices, if deliverral t at the mill' in good condi. Lion, JOHN T. GREEN, Secretary For Wheat and Oats State, $9.00 por ton Loose Rye, 10.00 " Bundled Rye, 12 00 " " STOUFFER & suuoKLER. M iddlesex ➢fills, Aug. 10th 1866---13 t. ' q HE partnership heretofore existing p between the subscribers has this day beerr die solved by mutual consent. All persons ,lAdthted to the firm will call and settle their accounts, and those having clainni Will present them for payment to O. W. Weaver In whose hands the books are left. O. W. WEAVER. 'l. MOSES BRICKER. July 30, 1860---3 t. • - P.O. The business will be continued at the old stand by Bricker & Jacobs, and all orders promptly attended to. THE School Board of Silver Spring township, will employ twelve w mpotent teach ors,—ten males and two females to teach the schools of said township, for a period of six months, commen cing in September next. Liberal wages will bo paid. Applicants aro requested to meet' the board in llogues town, August 20th at S q'clock A. M. llybrdor of the Board. August 10, 1800-2 t FANNOUNCEMENT TO _„„ r / The Quaker City Business College, Tenth and Chestnut. andl3road and Spring Garden Streets, Philadelphia. OPENING OF TIM FALL SESSIONS, SEPT. 3d LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS A discount of 26 per cent. allowed on all Seholarships purchased during the month of August, reducing the terms to $3O. Money may bo remitted by mail, and Scholarships secured by thoeo who propose to enter at any fiiture time. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES. This Institution rinks the flrstin thp country ; Is a regularly incorporated College, authorized by law to grant Diplomas and confer Degrees of Merit.- The Full Besslons will open with greatly Increased facilities, and young mon desiring to qualify them selves for business life will flnd here advantages to bo obtained nowhere else. FAIRBANKS'. BOOKKEEPING. • This vork, the most complete and entenalve ' Trea tise on Bookkeeping over written, containing 424 pages, and composed exclusively of Actual liminess Nets, will be ready for•publication in • Angina. •Price,. $3; by.rwubscriptien, paid In advance, $2 80. Remit money,' and secure a copy. Descriptive Circulars on application. Improved Course of Instruction.' :"With the introduction of this book, and with able and experienced instructors, the students of ' this In ptitutlon araguaranteeda „ ! • • •• ' • 'PRACTICAL ACCOtINTANT'S C.OI7RSE• Of Alio 41BBhoet , valno , such novor beforo boOn reash o of students of Commercial • L. rAimmtpui, A. Di r President -, 2.lT.itOTLitiT, —' AuiPlat."4 o s • ,• PUBLIC SALE. MIS greatest amount of useful Information BRANCHES TAUGHT EXTRA BOUNTY JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO EXTRA PENSION . TO WIDOWS. JOSEPII E. DEVITT 8;0 Dissolution JACOB STOUFFER, JOIIN D. FRICK. DISSOLUTION It. A. III:10111 , 111, -- Seer otary ORDINANCE. Relating to the Numbering of Hoitses, &c. rit enacted - .and ordahied,,b r it the Town Connell of the Borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby tweeted and ordained'‘ by the authority of the samoMiat the Houselt, Stores, Shops, Warehouses and other buildings of the Borough of Carlisle, be num bored In accordance with the following plan • • - SEC. 1. All streets and alloys running East ;and West to bo numbered from their intersection ,with Hanover ntreet commencing - at unit and numbering regularly East and West from jianover Street, , appor• timing fifty • numbers to. each square. All 'number's' upon the South side Of these streets to bo oven numbers and all those upon the north side to be uneven. All streets and alloys running North and South to be num bered from their Intersection with Slain Street COl3llllOll - at unit and numbering regularly North and South from Main Street, apportioning 60 numbers to 'each square. All numbers upon the w °staid° of these streets to be oven numbers and those upon the East side to uneven. SEC.. 2. That the street Committee of the Town Council be empowered and directed to notify all own ers or occupantOof dwellings, Stores; Shops, Ware houses or other buildings of , the number or numbers deslgnat , d for such dwellings, Stores, Shops, Ware. houses, &v. SEO. B. That thirty days notice be given each and every owner or occupant of dwellings, Stores, Shops, ehouses, &c., in the Borough of Carlisle, of-)the number or numbers sot apart and designated for such dwelling &e., and that after the expiration of such no. tic° a penalty of five dollars per month for neglect or refusai to alllx said number in a conspicuous place up• on:said property bo enforced; said penalty to be collect ed before any Justice of the peace and applied to the oinking fund of the Borough of Carlisle. ltnacted and ordained this sixth day of Anguot - , 1866. . . . SAM'L. D. 11AMPTON, Secretary Corporation August 10, 1866. PROCLAMATION WTHAREAS, the Hon.. JAMES H. ORAEIA3I, Presidect Judge et the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Per and Juniata, and Juane() of the several Courts of Oyer andaerminer and general Jail Delivery in said' counties, and SI ichuel Cocklin and Hugh !Stuart, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jell Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county of Cumberland, by their preceptato me directed, dated the oth day of April, 1800, have or dered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be holden at Carlisle on the 4th Monday of August, 1800 (it being the 27th day,) to continue ono week. NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Cum berland that they aro by the said precept commanded to be then and there in their proper persons,.-with their rolls, records, and inquisitions examinations and all other rem.mbrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done, and all those that are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jell of said county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall bo just. JOIIN JACOBS, August 10, 1866. Sheriff. biller NOTICE.— Letttre Testamentary on the estate of Leonard dec'd , late of Monroe townobid deceased having been issued to the subscsiber residing In the same township; notice le hereby given to all persons having claims to present them, and those indebted to make Immediate payment to SARAH ANN DILLER, Executrix Aug .10. 1868-6t.* PUBLIC SALE. On Tuesday, September 11, 1866. 1 1 11 E subscriber will sell on the prem ._ ices, In Silver Spring Twp., Cumberland Co., l's., on the East, aide of the .Stony Ridge," 34 mile North Si the Trindle Spring road, adjoining farm of Samuel Plank on the North, the following valuable Real Estate A TRACT OF Limestone Land, containing 48 Acres and 103 Perches, in a high state of cultivation and under good fencing, having thereon erected A GOOD FRAME HOUSE, 3!ffr• - BANK BARN, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, and other necessary. Out buildings. There is a Well of never ailing water, near the door, with a thriving young Orchurd of Choice- Fruit, on the premises., Six Acres of this tract are we'l coy. ered with floe Timber. All the buildings are new, and everything about the property is In complete or der, rendering it highly deserving of the attention of purchasers. /163-Persons desiring to view the property previous to sale. can do so by calling on 'Andrew Spahr, residing on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 111., when terms will be made known by August 10, 1860--st* NOTICE TO OFFICERS.-ACT OF CONGRESS, approved July 18, 1806, gives THREE MONTHS' PAY PROPEit to officers of volun. Leer service, who were in any manner honorably din charged after April 6th, 1865, and who had been ofil cerann March 3d, 1865. Apply immediately, in per son or by letter, to the Military and Naval Agency, No. 427 Walnut street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH N. DEVITT & CO. August 3,1860-3 t. FOR BOUNTY, PENSION, IN CREASE OF PENSIONS, AND ARREARS OF PAY, PRIZE MONEY, orltor the prosecution of any claim whatever against the National Government, or that of any State, arising out of the late war, or any previous one, ESPECIALLY THAT OF 1812, all pen. sons would do well to apply to the MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY of JOSEPH E. DEVITT & CO., No. 427 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. All infor mation and advice given free of charge. August 3,1800-3 t. FOR SALE ! 1,100 BUSHELS OF RED AND WHITE SEED WHEAT,* rohi,74* 0-- Change your Seed Wheat, lied °half Mediterranean SEED WHEAT. Free from Bust and Weevil, Canada White and New Jersey Silver Straw White Seed Wheat This Rod and'Whito Seed Wheat ie Raised from im ported Seed Wheat from ono to eight years, and prom, to be the Beet Wheat yet Rand. • . FOR SALE AT DEITZIV‘ WAR`F3~-30USF~ -,~ .-. ~ OHAMBBRSBURG, PA. At Five'Dollars per Bushel. .•„ • • Farmers sond ybiir bidets in may. All erdeis filled in Rotation. The Wheat will be delivered at all...flair Roadfitations in good two Bushels Cotton Blob!, frlnn 16th of,Anguat:to 10th of September. , e. • • . • • taNQ; A. DSITZ Oham . bersburg,..Pa. Augiid 8; 1600=4E. ; . . - A.L.- 13PONSLER; . AEAL ESTATE AGENT; Smi.viiner, convoYalicoslnaticancO rind Claim Agent. Of co Main Street Near entre Square, .4. , - :' Desirable Property for. Sale and fine . j location for a Practicing Physigan Offered. , AVaittableMsidence cousisting of a finatiro•aiory BRICKHOUSE, '- AND'LAM) LOT' Gliol3ND togethor with Stabling Brick astern 'and otheivaluable finprovements Is offered for Mile' in Churchtown, 'Cumberland County, upon favorable terms. With the above property an excellent practice can be secured by a good Physician. •• For terms and further particulars enquire of A. L. SPONBLEE, Real Estate Agent. July 27,1800. Two Valuable Tracts Of Timber Land at Private Sale. SITUATE on the South Mountain near Mount Holly Springs, Oonsisting -via, 1 Tract containing 76 Acres, adjoining the property of the Mt. Holly Paper Co. Well covered with young chestnut. Another tract containing 90 Acres adjoin ing the above. Apply to July 27, 1866. E. M. BIDDLE, Prost. of Council. JOIIN NOBLE, Chief Burgess Hotel Property in Churehtown at Private Sale. SITUATE on Main Street containing 170 feet In front and 160 feet In depth Improve ments a largo Double two-story FRAME HOUSE, Extensive Stabling and Shade, Wash House, and oth er convenient out buildings, an excellent Well of Wa• ter at the door, and a Cistern In the yard. For tortes and further particulars enquire of the owner Mr's. Sarah A. Maga, residing in Ohurchteurn, er of A. L. SPONShER, May 8, 1806. EOM Estate Agent. DOME Insurance Company of Now Havon, Connecticut, Statement of January let, . . Capital Stock Surplus $776,8813,10 Losses unadjusted $35,977,72 INSURANCES MADE PERPETUAL AND TEMPOR ARY. The assetts of this Company consist of United States Government Securities, stocks in National Banks, and let, Mortgages on Real Estate. The Board of Directors have declared a Semi-Annual cash Dividend of Ten per cent free from Government Tax payable on and af ter 15th, January, 1860. Also a scrip Dividend of Sixty per cent on the earned Premium of Policies entitled to participate in the Pro fits for the year ending Ist of January, 1860. And have voted to increase the Capital Stock of the Com pany to One Million of Dollars. Apply to A. L. 8 PONSLETL Agent. TOWN PROPERTY on South Hano ver street, Carlisle, Comprising 120 teat In front and 240 feet in depth having thereon erected 3 Dwell ing 'Muses, Shops and other Buildings will be sold en tire or divided to suit purchasers. Apply to A. L. SPONSLEII. Fob. 16, 1866 AValuable Lot of ground on South Stroot. couteinlog 0114..000 feet to front and 200 In depth. Also,A Lot at tho corner of Pitt and South Streets, contaylog 60 feet in front and 110 feet In depth. Apply to A. L. SPONSLEIL. lIIIIIMIIIIII NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons Interested, that the following accounts have been filed in this Office, by the accounts therein named, for examination, and will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Cumberland County, for confirma tion, and allowance, on Tuesday, August 21, A. D. 1866. No. 1. First and final account of Samuel Megaw, Executor of Frederick Mentzer, Sr., late of Mifflin township, deceased. 2. First and final account of George W. Criswell, Esq., Administrator ofJosoph May, late of East Penns borough township, deceived. 3. First and final account of Levi Shaul], Adminis• trator of Andrew W. Armstrong, late of Silver Spring township, deceased. 4. The account of Joseph Strickler. Guardian of Ja cob and Elizabeth Shelly, minor Children of Amos Shelly, late of Lower Allen township, deceased. 6. The first and final account of John Sheets, Ad ministrator of Samuel Long, deceased. 6. First and final account of John Sheets, Adminis-• trator of Elizabeth Brinzer, late of East Pennsborough township, deceased. JOHN BEST 7. First and final account of Michael Lambert, Ex ecutor of Ann Crall, late of the township of Upper Allen, deceased. 8. Second and final account of Washington Birk, Esq., Administrator of John G. Ketterman, Esq., late of the Borough of New Cumberland, deceased. 9. First and final account of D. S. Goodyear, Admin istrator of Lbvi Goodyear, late of Upper Allen town ship, deceased. _ 10. Account of Geo. Poilinger Erk, Administrator of Thomas J. Atchen, late of LciwerAllen. township. deceased. 11. The account of William Rider and A. Franklin Rider, Executors of Mary Rider, deceased. 12. Second and final account of Goo. Keller, and Joseph Keller, Executors of Jacob Keller, late of Now. ton township, deceased. 13. The first and final account of Jacob Goodyear and Benjamin Goodyear, Executors of John Goodyear, late of South Middloton township, deceased. 14. First and final account of John Ilursh, Execu tor of Barbara Whisler, lute of the Borough of Mechan icsburg, deceased. 15. The first and final account of Jacob Lesher, Ad ministrator of Leah M. Toter, late of the Borough of Newburg, deceased. 18. First and final account of Martha J. Griffith, Administatrix of the estate of Moses Griffith, late of Silver Spring township; do::teased 17. Tho Administration accounts of Isaac Lefever, Administrator of all and singular the goods and chat tels of Esther Hamm, late of Summitt county, Ohio, within the State of Pennsylvania. 18. The account of Thomas 11. Chambers, Guardian of James a Law. 19. First and final account of William Brown, Ad ministrator de bonis non of Joseph Drown, late of Dickinson township, deceased. 20. First and final accdunt of John Morrisson, Ad ministrator of David W. Sowers, late of Dickinson township, deceased. 21. The first and final account of John Waggoner, Executor of Martha Lytle, late of the Borough of New villa, deceased. 22. The account of John Noßaker, Executor of Ja cob Pogue, late of the Borough of Bhipponsburg, de ceased. 23. The Administration account of F. Watts, Esq., Executor of William S. Colman, deceased. 24. First and final account of W. W. Wanbaugh, Esq., Administrator of John Cooper, late of Silver Spring township, deceased. 25. The first and final account of Samuel 11. Weinr, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Weber, late of Lower Allen township, deceased. 28. First and final account of S. D. Ullman and Na-, than Mantels, Administrators of Bev. It. D. Chambers, late of the Borough of Carlisle, deceased. The account of John 0. Kirk, Administrator of George Mess, deceased. 28. First and final account of John 0. Kirk Ad ictrator of Mary Elseribergor, lute of the Borough of New Cumberland, deceased. 29. Tho account of Geo. W. 'Criswell, 'Esq., Adminis• trator of the estate of Abraham May, late of East Pennsboro township, deceased. SO. The first and final account of John F. Wlse,,Ad ministrator ofJohn Wise, late of Mifflin townahjp, do ceased. . al. Tho account of Ellen Hell (late Kelly,) Admin istrator of Isabella Kelly deceased. 82. The account of William Shugart, Br, Adminis trator with the will annexed of John Hetteriek, Br., late of Carroll county, Indiana, deceased. 83. First and final account of Catherine Rupert, Administratrlx of Henry Rupert, late of Dickinson township, deceased. 84. First and final account of Jacob Helm, Admin. istrator of Catherine Helm, late of Southampton town ship, deceased. 35. Second account of E. Shapley and H. P. Jordan. Executors d pf R. E. Shaploy, Sr., deceased, late of Car, lisle Borough. 36. First and final account of Mary 0. Matoor, Ex ecutrix of James W. Matoor, lato of Shipponaburg Borough, deceased. ; 37:1firet'.*Ocoutit of flOorge Clover, Administrator of Adam Varner, Into of Southampton township, de ceased. 36. First accouneof William M. Maine, Administra tor of Edward Scull, late of Shipponaburg township, daceased. 39. First and final account of Martin Mumma, Ouar (Ban of Alice B. Bricker, minor child of Jacob Bricker, deceased. 90. Final account of Jacob Mumma, Guardian of Obarlea Black, settled on the arrival at full age of the ward. 41. First and final account of John Stamy. Adminis trator of L. W. Maxwell, late of Southampton town ship, deceased. 42. that and flualaccoUnt of Itobt, Geod Adininlif trator of the, estate of William Campbell, late of tho Borough of ew villa, deceased both the Adminletra• Lion account and' the account of the procoedeof the real estate old , accountant under proce,vdlngs in partitioh in'thd Orphan's Court. , . , .• 99. Account of J. B. Weakly, Guardian of, 4mnce D. Coover, child and ILIAC* of Dr. D. Coovor, ' . 44. First and final Admin'etial MU account of &Ms. Han a. Smith, Administrator of Matta :Smith; late of the Bmrough of Maryville, deceased. . 48. The account of Wm. ' Keller, Trustee nfidei.the wilt of Jamb Keller, deceased of the estate of Urilla . Koffman, a grand; daughter bf said deceased., , 90. Account of Daniel S Croft,' Administrator .of Michael Saone, late ,of the Borough of Carlisle de. ceased. . ... ' 67. The first and partial account:of -John' Uourita,' Executor of Henry /Rump, fate of Frapiford tow,lp3laip, deceased. . . , 48. The acconnl of Robert DicCartney,,,Adminietra ' tor of John Monte, deceased, ' • 40. Second and final account of David W. Sterett, one of the , Administrators of David Staten, deceased. 60. First and final,acconnt :of B. hiaglaughlin,. Esq., Administrator of Joseph Smith, late of Cumber land .connWdecetfied; - • ' • • ' G. W. NORTH, July 21,1800. . , . RESSING ,CASES • Ladies' ' and Clentlemon's. 16,1805. . , AT HAV.IMSTI9)IB. Pea. . , T I) 401:'0,." -- .' ~ ,-; :' . " n ; , '.' .:,;.. '', '..': „Mint, Chicolate, Cream, Lemon, Orange, Vanll ' pee: 15, 1566. ': '-' . ' ' ' Ai'iliVllll,sll ; loiitl. ', MI "DUBEB 3NWHITE, :LEAD, preferred ty jprietkof #ididero I 'Try it! & ; you7llllmo tl .. ?„other.. Nra c r i a t o w trril lab& WhOltdulle Drug, Palut • No. 187 North Third Etna, PEEIT4D'A , 22,1860.4 y. T i,• A. L. SPONBLER, Real Estate Agent FOR SALE. FOR SALE Register's Notice `lGas'Fitting and Plumbing, .1 -Bubsoilbersi having permanently t located In derilele, resnectfullysollel% a share of the nubile patrOnage: Their alum le - situated on the public Square in rear of. the let Presbyterian 9hurch,, where they can tilifays be found. • • ' . Beim; experienced mechanics; they aremierared. to execute alto - Nero that.they may bo entrusted with in a auparlor, manner, and at very moderate prima. • HT-DRAHLIORA:MS, WATER WHEELS, HYDRANTS, LIFT &TOME EMUS, BATHING TUBS, WASH BASINS. and all other art oleo 'tho trade. PLUMBING AND OA$ AND STEAM PITTING niodtptly attended to In the' most approved style. ine•Oonnty Work :promptly attended to. • . . . 111,411. woriiguaranteed. ,• Don't forget the place—lmmediately in rear of the Hirst Presbyterian, 10hureh. OAMPEELL & lIENWOOD. July 27, 18011-ly MISHLER'S HERB BITTERS.- Pure and unadulterated, $l.OO per bottle at FRANOISOTIS. • August 3,1866-3 t. TONIC ALE, (Philadelphia,) in bot tles at FRANCISOUS' C ATAWBA—Superior quality at PRA NCISCIIS DEMONS from 25-to 35 cents per dozen at FItANOIBOUS' rIHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottles k_) just received at VIRGINIA CRAB APPLE CIDER, In bottles, at YOPNG ER'S EDINBURG ALE, j_ Just received at IMPORTANT TO DISABLED I_SOL DIERS BAILORS, AND MARINES. Soldiers, sail-rs, or Marines, who have lost an arm or log, or been petmanontly and totally disabled in the same, are now entitled to a pension of FIFTEEN dollars per month ; those who have lost an arm and leg, or both legs, TWENTY dollars: those who have lost both arms or both eyes, TWENTY-FIVE dollars. This act also restores the Pertalon to soldiers employed In any civil capacity under the GoVernment. Apply in person or by mail to the MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY of JUSEPEI E.DEVITT& CO., N 0.427 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPEIIA. August 3,1866-3 t. $600,000,00 276,886,10 OTICE is hereby given to all per sons interested that the following accounts have boon filed in the Prothonotary's Office for exam ination and will be presented to the Co .rt of Com won Please of Cumberland County, for confirmation on Wednesday the 29th day of August, 1800. The Account of Daniel Eckels, Assignee of Michael Mlnich The Account of John Clontionen, Esq., Com mittoof of Catharine Hall, a Lunatic. Also the Ac count of A. L. Sponslor, Comntittoo of the estate of Wm. Hare, a Lunatic, living in the State of Ohio. 11. DUKE, Dep'y., Jtly 27, 18130-Im*. Protify. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Fall Meeting, 1865. - THE,: Farmers and Members of the Agricultural Society will remember that our next fall meeting and Exhibition will commence on Wednesday the 10th of October and continue three days. The grounds have been doubly enlarged and the track for the exhibition of heroes greatly length ened, and stalls .ncr axed In number. And it Is con. templated that we 30111 have the most extensive oxhi' bltion that has even been held. All persons at home and abroad are invited to participate as exhibitors and spectators. By order of the President. DANIEL S. CROFT, July 20, 10613—tf. Secretary. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate On Saturday, August 25, 186 G. THE subscriber will sell at public sale, on the premises, in Penn Township, Cuniler land County, on the Yellow Breeches Creek, one half mile South of Centreville, the following described farm, containing 113 ACRES, of choke land in a high state of cultivation. The land has a limestone basis and is of the best quality for pro. diming grain. The improvements aro a large Two , Story Brick Dwelling House and a largo . Frame Bank Barn, both nearly new, and built upon the most improved plan. There is a complete set of out-buildings, all new and in the best condition. The farm is under ex cellent fence and has be,tl all heavily limed within the lent two yoore. There lee most excellent OR CHARD, of every variety of choice fruit trees, which is just now in full bearing condition. The Yellow Breeches Cloak, rune along the North side of the farm, thus making the best facilities for watering stock. This property is certainly the most desirable one in the County. In addition to the other buildings there is ne* Store Room, fitted up, at which a Store has bean in successful oper ation for throe years. It 'Bone of the best stands for a Country Store, In the County. Also at the same time, TWO Lots of Mountain Land in the South !Mountain, within a short distance of the above described farm, one containing 20 Acres and the other 11 A. roe of most excellent Timber. These are easy of accese and are very desirable. Sale to coMmence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day when termawill be made known by PETER GARBER. August 2, 1866. Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale on the promises, In Monroe township Cumbe rland Co., Pa., on the road loading from Carlisle to Lis burn, 4 miles East of Carlisle, the following 'valuable Real Estate : A Tract of Excellent LIMESTONE LAND, cOntaloing 70 Acres and 1141 5 iTaleTin a high state of cultivation, and under good - Aiming. The Improve. moots are a good TWO-BTOlilf Dwelling House, STONE BANK BARN, ,•+,l !-Tr• 71 feet long, • lfragon Shed, Corn Crib, &c. There Is a Well of never-falling water and a good Cis tern convenient to the door and a stream of running water passes through the tract. There la also AN ORCHARD Or CHOICE 'FRUIT, In fine bearing order, on the premises. Ten Agree of the tract are well covered with' CHOICE TIMBER. This property is located in the midst of a most flour ishing nol hborhood, convenient to stores, churches, sahools, mills, Ac., and offers rare inducements to pur chasers. Persons wicking tom low tho Property previous to the sale, will - please call on the undersigned, residing on the promises, 'July 13, 181311-1 n VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE BALE.—The subscriber afters at private sale, a ' FARM OF SLATE LAND ) situate in Nrankfori township, Cumberland' county, Pa., about 0 miles North-west of Car Hale- ;The , WN;- goner's Gap Road runs along rho Farm., /to contains` 200 AORBB, 130 of whisk are good farm land. in a good state of .eultivatiou and under good forme. Thorp is water In nearly every field, with limning stream of water in front of the Barn. 'The balance of the tract Is well covered with good heavy Timber, such co Chest, nut Oslo. Poplar, Hickory,. Black Oak, do. The Iw provements consist of a 'TWO STORY . BRICK HOUSE., • " 11 . with basement, SMOKE . HOUSE, &o Therearo two WELLS of excellent watar at the .door of the dwelling; a BANK BARN with,double floors WAGON. SUED, CORN CRIB, Ac., nearly all now and in excellent condition. There is Pruit of all.kinds, such as Cherries, Peaches, Apples, Grapes' &o. . Any.forthor information may be hail by calling ,on floe subscrlborliving near thei farm, or on Jacob ,Wet liying in Carlisle. JOAN WAIKkONII. .• Jply fl' , 11166=60.. Valuable Town Property at Private Bale. y OT opnloining 76 feet front on Loutli 4 or area above mu; by 240 tent In depth to The bnilldings are three good .L .1 : 1V o are on iituihor lA.. and one on son Alloy. For terms Ao. Apply to JAOOF kIIINFR. • April 6,4860. ' ~ . • 133 de.. by • auk 000'_ 4 0.;,, E ith l4 P16-1-I.St I LII Toolo. No 9 'exporience.neoomir The Presidents, ()ashlers, and Treasurers of 3 Da nte indorse the circular. Bent free with eamplee . Ad reie the American Stencil Tool. 'Werke, Elpringtiold, Vermont. • '• July 27,18811-3 m. • • Ziohool,Taxes of 180 e. Puplioate,of School Taxeg for,the. T"ptesent vcak'lS' 'novels' Zh'e'-hiliAZ or tit&Tea.'• awes for collection, .16 is - thereforethr duty to ;thus glvo notice to the Taxable Citizens, of the licirOxlikir of Oaldisle. . that he will attend at the County ,Court 3ickup032.14 pp? - nouunlet4onone 'OIA4 on !Thursday t the 6ik Dak'of 'Sepiembet• next, ' '' . . betwfilartitabinirenf twai n'alcaik, of paid day•lbi the• 'purpose of receivingsaid, Tdnieb,!up to which' tlineOill persorte paglnif,theirtexes will roeewe,n deduction of five per cent. . 4 , The Treasurer will receive Taxes in the meantime khts,dwellinztunbiation 14117 , • •N Eny, quly 0; 1800-4 mt FRANCISOUS' FRANCISCUS' EelKm NOTICE. JOHN BOLLENBItRGIER, Br Ahead !: Ahead -!.! LATEST AND GRANDEST OPENING OF THE SEASON AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S CHEAP DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. of all tho newest and most desirable styles and quail• ties of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, suitable for the present and coming season GRAND DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS, embracing all the latest varieties and styles in the market. Plain, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Fouliard Bilks, Mohair., Poplirxs, Hupp., French Moz ambiques, Lemma. Real Organdy and Jaconet Lawns of beautiful designs, Plain and Figured Percales and Chlntses, Bilk and Mohair Grenadines, Barnes, Black and Colored Mohair Alpacas, all shades, Mous do Woes, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, CHALLIES, &0., &0., &o PLEASE REMEMBER THAT LEIDIGH & MILLER is the place to purchase your DOMESTIC GOODS. as we hare the largest and best Stock in the County, and are selling them at PANIC PRICES, Mus'lna, Shootings, Pillow Case M mains and Linens, Tickings Checks, Cotton Pants Stuffs, Linen Drillings, Linen Coatings, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chaulberry's Gauge, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, &c. CALL THIS WAY for the latest etylee of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS for ladies and children GRAND DISPLAY OF all styles Bilk and Cloth Sacks aud Mantles, Black Lace Points, Shetland Shawls, all colors, Grenadines, Bump Shawls, French Mozambique Shawls If you aro In want of any kind of WHITE GOODS, do not fall to call at LEIDICH & MILLER'S, as they have the largest Stock in town of Shirred, Tucked and Puffed 51uslIns, suitable for Dresses and Garabaldies, Nainsook Swiss, Camb. and Jaconet Mus lims, Striped and Figured Brasses and Piquita, &c , etc. MOURNING GOODS. Of this class of goods we always have a full line, such as :'ombazines, Repps, Poplins, Mohairs, Single and Double width Detainee, Mozamblgues, 8-4 Crape blarett for Dresses and Shawls, 8-4 Grenadine Darage, for Dreeses and Shawls, Mohair Lustros, Lawns, Ging hams, English Crapes, Crape Veils, Gloves of all de scriptions, Shawls, &c., &c. You will always find • fall line'of FUNERAL GOODS, AT LEIDICH & MILLEN.% and they pay strict attention to all orders far the same MEN AND BOYS, Do not toilet to call for your supply of Cloths and Qui simeres, Vestings, Linens for Pants and Coats. Hay ing secured the services of a first class Tailor, we are prepared to have Clothing made up at very short no tice. NOTIONS ! NOTIONS ! ! LEIDICH & MILLER'S Is the place to btly your GLOVES, HOSIERY of all Mulls, MITTS, HOOPED SKIRTS, BALMORA LS, FRENCH CORSETS LI,NEN AND SILK lIANDKERCIIIEFS, BONNET RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, • BUTTONS, - • • EMB'D. INSERTINGS AND EDGINGS, LACE VEILS, INFANT WAISTS, EMB'D. FLOUNC 'NOS, READ NETS, and a thousand other small I area too numerous to mention. CARPETS 1 CARPETS 11 ofall grades and doscrlptione, such as English Tapestry, Brussels, Lowell Three Ply . . . , Extra Sup Ingrain, • • 'Mug, Listinr, . .• and tamp, Striped, • • . • •• Nholtian OLOTTIS of all widths, Confine Mattings White and Checked, Window Shades, Looking Glasses, IVO - ta t- 6S Marseille Quilts and Counterpanes, Nottingham Lace, Cattalos Tambourd htuelln Curtatne, Please do not fail to give us an or call,' as we are determined to keep up our good reputation of ,the best goods, the oheapost geode. , and the largest' a mount of goods in the *aunty. We always take great 'pleasurcto show onrgoods. , as we can prove the shot that we stud! , the interest of all our customers. ° • ° • LEIDIOII & MILLER. Do not forget the'placeand well known stand, on the Corner, sign Sr thotaarpet Hall. '- • . 4 ! L. & .7,un0.8; 1861; •• • ' 111 Ell Always in Advance GRAND OPENIG Of tho latest Importatione of Branch, German, English and Italian Drees Goods and Bummer Wear of every. description. W. C. SAWYER, & CO., bave again taken advantage of the very LATE DECLINE IN PRICES, to fill their Spacious Store Room (East Main St., two doors below Baxtons Hardware Store,) with an enor mous Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Carpet and Honae-Furnish- bought for CASH from the longest importing Houses of New York and Philadelphia. All the varieties and colors of Silks. Splendid •inal• Ries of Gros Grain BlaCk Silks for Dresses and Basques, French Worsted Goode and Grenadines, CARPETS, CURTAIN MATERT .from A. T. Stewart, & Co. English Lento's, Lawne, Percales, Molutirs Barred, Stripped and Plain, and Hosiery of all kinds from Arnold, Constable, & Co. All !duke of domestic goods CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and White Goode, of every class from 11. B. Clotlin, & Co., New York. Very select stylaa and varieties of Dress Goods and general wear from Jamee Kent, & Co., Joe. Relgel, & Co., Johnee, Perry, & Co., Philadelphia. We carefully examine both markets and customers, will find on our counte•e a larger, more varied and cheaper stock of goods than in any Store West of the great cities. Every body Is invited to examine our Stock—all kinds of Mourning and Funeral Goods. We give spooled attention to this branch of our trade Ladles are Invited to examine our beautiful styles of Silk and French Cloth SACKS AND BASQUES, beautiful shades of French Olathe for Backe and But tons, ornaments &c., to match. W. C. SAWYER, & CO Would ask the attention to their very choice etock.of French, Scotch and American Cassimeres, Cloths, Spanish Lluons for Coating's, Russian Linens for Pan- Inge, &c. We got up Sults at abort notice by the best Tailors In town. W. C. SAWYER, & CO House furnishing department, is the largest and moat complete In the valley, containing Scotch and Engllah .. BRUSSELS, all the grades of the Lowell & Hartford Mills, Hemp and Hag CL.3EI.3P'MHTISI, Oil Moths, Mattings, Shades, Rugs, he W. O. SAWYER, & CO have a large assortment of. Ilostom Gloves; Parasols, Bun Umbrellas,' Corsets, &o. Bradley',' unequalled •Trldo of the World" And Linen ELIPTIO HOOP SHIRTS, and all other bait makes kept by , uic.• Lace,. Mitts, , Dress Tammings, Ribbons and In hist every thing ibund In a wide awake en erprising Stoce,,determined to do a large trade foi the benefit of the. 'immunity as well as for themee lyee . • EveryAiodyloh and Poor. Old and Tonna', Spurn and'graat aro vary cordially invited to our ; • , , • , . . DRY GOODS EMPORIUM; alien we mill take g k eet pleasure In elioilng gni , we ll as selllog our , seeds, we aflll goalie additions of deal sable goods as tigesiegiSon .idvancea. • , . w. O. aVirrEl4 * 00. M I T,P , PPP. • ". 111111. =I ing Goods, AL S, &c., El AMERICAN ORGANS:. (Prom "Godey'e iadi;s' Book" February, 1866.) REED ORGANS, 63 • T HEfollowing rerriarks — and sugges tions relative to this Immensely popular Instru ment will doubtless luteresf and profit very many of our reader!, we commend the article to their careful perucal:— A hundred and one makers of Organs, Cottage, Par lor, Cabinet, American, Bot.ool Organs, eto ett - , — Afe each claim' .g to make thlt best instrument In the world. • Being comparativuly a new instrument as at present constructed, we aro convinced the public are Much less capable of judging of its molts, or demerits, than of moat other Instrumen.a. ,If there Is really an te.Bential difference in them, if there assume excel lent and some worthless ones, the public 'Menlo have 'some criterion for judging of them. home facts which will enlighten them. We cheerfully, oncede the space for thisprticle knowing that, there is hardly a family'', or church, or school in all the land, but is more or Nati interested in his topic. We are 'also aware Of be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity. to any of them to pttrchae an interior or worthless Organ, ruinous to good pitying, and often a source of much annoyance and •exation. We know this' article to emanate from a candid and intelligent source, and thus wo give it to our readers. The question is often asked, what are ''reed organs 1" We adswer, they are, in most cases, nothing in the world but the old melodeon in disguise. Many of the so-called organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the earn g neral interne. arrangement. With the bellows turned one ge to gain room, they have simply put on a more pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But an organ, to be In reality an or gan, must have a wind chest or reservoir for air sepa rate from the bellows; Into which wild-chest the reeds open, and the tone has room to expand and perfect it self into the full `round tone. similar to the flute or pipe organ, eve..,,smooth, firm, and mellow ; and this tone force reeds eibnot be obtained in any other way known. N thing so annoys a true organist as to have the vol. Ma donned swelling and jerking spasmodically with e cry variation of force on the bellows, which is alwaye tl e ea 14 • where the reeds open direct Into the heliewe Co air passages, instead of a wind chest oz sound box. area yet some makers even goes far as to claim this spasmodic or automatic jerking of the bellows on the media as an excellence, just as though they did not know that it must very sosil\throw the reeds out of tune, and injure tlie bellows; andas though It were not an easier matter to obtain a sauce better and mere easily manage , Ewell by other methods. The truth is, any organ, an called, or melodeon which has the wind acting directly upon the reeds, is nothing morn nor less than a huge eecordeou, dress it up se you may. And when organists and true musicians become awa of the fact that they can obtain those that ere organs in fact as well as in name, they will buy so more co the ohjectionab:e ones. Then again the swel4 should al ways be separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to be acted on by the band, of soft blowing, but convenient so That the player can nee it with the knee, s. partite from the hands or feet, and thus always un der easy control, to be used ad libitum. The largo divided bellows, or double bellows, is also a very important immovement. By this means not only can the wind bo supplied more evenly, but with far greater ease to the performer, from the fact that either bellows alone will be aunt lent for the lighter melodies, thug permitting the player to change about and rest the feet at will ; then, If the bellows la of the requisite large size, aria having the wind chest or reservoir all will be well. As to the reeds. they must be scientifically tuned and voiced, or all the other good quelitles in the world cannot produce a good toned in• strutuent. The inquiry nose very naturally arises, where can the organ ne procured combining all these anaemial and d. cable qualities ? There 1 only one possessing all these points, and f bads the AM bIiICAN Una AN, made by 8 IL et 11. N. Szfizti. of host. 15, SIDEhIA OTT Wholesale Agent, 581 hr adwoy. New York. These organs hove a wind-chest extending the whole length of the I.trument and so coustructed as to act at the some time as a revel beritlng sound-box or board. and.having the same import. t rel..tion and port to pet term that the r.ounitri g-hoaro has to the piano. This testate the makers have patented, and to It are owing in a greet niffacuPe Oh entrrery ut.e. quailed fullness and rich es.: .1' tone so highly prized by all who have used these organs They also have the largest and best (livid" boll 'vein use, which is another Important feature. N.. part of their work is slighted, no expense or pains spar. d to tricks the A mcrlcan Organs perloet nru-leally. as sell as mechan ically. and jud_l es from t 1... 01 Ilium at present they hid fair to long maintain the proud posi tion they have w.m by cheerier merit alone A. would most heartily adh I •13 a.l it.terested to awl upon or address Ma. IokALIA OTT, the to holesale Agent at 581 Broadway, New Yolk, and .111 , assure them he .111, In the most gentleman.) end truthful mann. r, import to them a 1 the In foi elation 11.. y um, desire relative to this truly delightful inctrualout. MUSIC TEACHERS _TD=_A_I_MIZS. The subscr.ber is fully prepared , r 1 iurnfsh Sheet Mush., Strings, Nlualcal town cents, and Music Books of all kinds at the lowest trade rates. whe.esele and re tail, iron) the largest coil ctions this country. /rders punctually and nithfully attended to. Address all orders IZEI BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO PIANO-FORTES, Wholesale agency. The subscriber, late a member of this well known firm has established a wholesale agency, 1,81 Broadway, New York City, where be will be ',leased to receive the orders of MO friends and the public, and especially to hear from those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm hereto fore. Ile will supply these superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Itstail, at the very Lowest Prices, made with the insulated Iron Kim and Frame (cast in one Build plate). They excel all others in rabiliry superiority of tone, and elegance of external appearance. All these Pianos have overstrung Scales, giving in connection with the pato, t Iron aim and frame, Full Round, Powerlul, and Sweet Mellow Tones. The Cases are o ogant in apporranee. and easily and safely han• died. Warranter to prove satisfactory, or the money returned. Address all orders to SIBERIA OTT, 881 Broadway Now York S. D. & H. W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS TUE MOST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL MUSIdAL INSTRUMENT IN TIIEI WOR.I_,D, FOR TEM AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE TAE AMERICAN ORGAN Makes limo attractive, retinae. and elevates the minds of all, beautiful In eppoatance and effects. SIABRIA OTT, 681 Broadway, Now York, WHOLESALE AGENT The [milieus° popularity of these Organs. and their superior Musical Powers, Is .ast bringing them before the public, as the Instrument so lon_ desired in A MERICAN 1104E8. And although the cost price is but a trifle over the NI olodeon yet the musical advan tages, beauty of tout, and quickness of touch end ao• Um aro ao.farsuparlor. that they are fast suPerceding the Melodeon andibe call Is now almost exclusively tbr the AMERICAN ' ORGANS It Is adapted to any Music from the quickest and most lively, to the heavy tone 01 the Church Organ. And aimed universally they are preferred' to the Piano, by persons who'haVe them, yet costing less than half,and only taking a small ateoutit of room.' . . Bend for descriptive circulars givitigfull particuarii and prices. Excluelve Agencies secured to Dealers; and large discounts to the trade aneXescheri. Address eli .ders t • . • . T, Wbnlett& Agent, 681 BrgitdwAy, Now York niaroti 800866—i7 A LECTUItE; , '' p • • to. TO YOUN(3:*-k,N, • Just Published, irs a sealed:Enveltp. Prig y , ; • cents: ; A; Leisticith4firthe.Nature. , Triliitrrieritc-arict" Itsaloal%Gure'df 3nporeamorrtices; dr Semluat miss ' nvoluntery Fmhalona: Ser.oal 4 Debillty, Mitt , ' pe diments to.hlarrlage generally: , Ne rvottaneaar eumptlon, Itpllepay. and Nltit ; Mental. and"PhysleitEr" Ineaparltyc resulting.: from , heltAbuso. itotthatr J. GULVERWELL, M. D; Author of the ." "Green &e.- - • • The ) Vrocld-rattoWned authorOn this atinitrable;, Tice'' tire,.etnarlY proy, a train his own experience that. the cuathit , noisequencea or. Self Abase may be effectually: removed without medicine. and withoutAjall,- point;• ink our a Mode of cure at once cvrtain anhaffactual, by z.‘,, .which every sufferer no matter mhitlita . .tiondltintv may be, may' cure blmaelf cheaply, prliateLv.atifflred.ri-il ically. • THE - LHOTUILN4 IMI ILL PROVii THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS: Sent under seal, in a plain onvol'ope,: to any4tddielte.fS.; poet paid, on rocelpt of AA : 410 , c4q, , Or, two poet, Amapa. ddtet'atikeP . u ,? l4 . l 4244FC.Y. r iikLlNß, ,b r - '''' ~.,..i2iiid;'rer i 7l_,Aclf•VoribToel• Pince box. if i bibri.:,;;L:i. mM1T54u. 1 90#9 614 ' , 7 47.,, ; • :• vti,-.;BEIT.ING - - % atiet reeaWal a large assortment of 'all r elillate;.:, It jr am - Belting, Gum Hose, Clum"Paeklug, agig'-.43 - gc- • islpo}ia*payt4e,4ardWereiBtoreat l r • f. I .1.11 " • 1144041 k IIA,YTON,4 Apia 211,3.0641, SIBERIA OTT, ASI Broadway, N. Y