Something Eritirely, New I Housekeepers Furnishing Emporium. CO7'. of 2nd and Walnut Sts. Opposite Firs National Bank, Barraburg, Pa. THE subscriber baying been induced to enter into a business, the want of which hag long been felt in this community, has carefully select ed a Stock of goods, which for BEAUTY, VARIETY AND NOVELTY has never before been equalled in any place east of our largo commercial cities consisting of Tin Ware, Hollow Ware, Toilet Ware, Pots, Kettles, and Pans, Japanned Ware, Door and Table Hats, Plated Ware, .. Cutlery, Fancy Articles, Willow Ware, Novelties of all kinds. Wooden Ware, leo Cream Vt eozure, Britannia Ware, Refrigerate's, Iron Ware, Wat, r Coolers, kc. In short ..ETINIYTHINO required or deslreQin keep. Inc bowie. In prod of whichlM wonid respectfully solicit a call from Housekeepers, whether they pur chase or not. Ile has also "the' largest aotortment In the city of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Boys' Propellors, Perambulators, Velocipedes, Boys' Wagons, Cantering Horses. .lack Horses, Boys' Brie lug Reins, Stick Horses, Swings, Baby Tenders, Wheel barrows, &c. Call and see when you visit Harrisburg. We do not expect ALL to Purchase who come. It will always afford pleasure to show goods. _ . July 20, 1800.-9 m. Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, The people are going to Plank's. NEIGHBOR now we can afford to keep ourselves and children in good Boots, late and Caps, since they aro selling so very CIIEA I' At the sales room of .13 a . Plank. South West Corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alloy. Plank, hasjust returned lrOrn the Last, and Is now opening In addi tion to his framer stock a large moortment of Boots, Shoes, Bats and Cape, whieh for price and quality ran nof be surpassed. Indeed it is a blessing to the people that Plank hoe opened a BOOT and Shoe Store In Oarllelo. The amount of money which Can he saved by buying at Plank's Boot AN) SHOE Store will keep a person In pocket money for a year in 4'llll searcely name any kind of a Boot dr ShOo that Plank has not. got, and all selling at greatly reduced pricing Just go to Plank's cheap Boot and Shoo. STORE and son for yourselves, and you trill find that half ha not linen told but what. has boon told Is truo. Romero bor the stand South West Corner of North Ilanover St. and Locust Alley. CARL' SL E. Midway between Thudiums and Wetzels Hotels April 27, 1886. New Spring Goods, SAAC LIVINGSTON, at his whole• j. sale and Retail Clothing Establishment, on South Ilan wer street, adjoinh_g Miller A; Bowers' Hardware St , re, announces tho receipt of a full and Complete as sort went of S PRIN G and S 1,71/MER 00 0D AS, and seasonable READY MADE CLOTHING, His stork consists In part of One Black and Blue FRENCH and ENGLISH CLOTHS, E.cfra Heavy Doeskin, Tine° cut and fancy CASSIMERES, Also a large variety of Cossinots and Tweed, lilet tucky Jeans. and Cot,:ounades, Linens, and Line Drillings, In great variety. Also a great assortment of Ready Made Clothing, of ovoiy ntyle and quality, Whit° Linen and Woolen Mitts. Summer Dro were, &c., constantly on hand a large, assortment of Tlos, Collars, Hosiery and Moves, Linen, Silks and Co' ton llandherchiels. Also a full assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, u every sloe. Clothing made to order at the shortest notice. C and csamino the stock March :23, Itlati 1 Challenge Competition ! IN the way of variery, eleg•tnce of style quality anti cheapness of my stock of Dry Goods. Especially would I call attention to my largo assort mont of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I selected with special ca, in the Philadelphia and New Yolk markets a few days since. Also, my three g. re oblong comkiLlation HOOP ;3.K.IHT, decidedly the meet impr , ved pattern nt the age, giving the Comer the most artistic tbrm. Likee.ise a variety of it hitt. (hinds, such !IN Plain Plaid and Striped Cambrirs, Plain, Plaid and Striped insoolts, Swiss Lishop and Victoria Lawns Brilliants, Linen Ilandkerchiels. & e., nine any bold Duck, =1 I.linglthins, Denims, Kentucky Jeans, Shirting. Stripes ()this I 'ainbries Tic jig", `• little uninbrios, ell, cks, Blue Nankeens, Dinners. u lirotan Nankeens, Lancaster tlim.rhains, 6,., kr., ke., Ate. April 20,18116. =1 WINE A. ILES' S NYRE, NOR TE FL 4N(. NC VER STREET, NEXT DOOR TO Mt. KIEFEIL's AND 1111. ZITZEII'O rgeW -SptC:Or e. rlll E :•übs,ori her hereby informs his old L customers and the public gene, ally, that he has REMOVED hi: Fawlly Gruen, FROM Pitt Strout TO tl4e eurn of Pomfret and Pitt Z.;treets, in the building known CA lirS CORNER, which Las ju , t been thoroughly repaired and refitted Pavressly for his busineen. My stork consists of a first Ross assortment of GROCERIES; iVill9,w, Wooden and Queensware, comprisind ovary thing In my liue of trade. I tun in con;Flant communication with the limiter') cities. and will he In daily tecelpt of the NEWEST and FRESH EST 17 WWI:RIES the foreign markets afford. Don't thrget the place—Cart's Old Corner Carlixla, Match 30, 1806 13001' SIMMS, HOPKIN'S " Own Make, .MANUFACTURED AND SOLD WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No. 628 Arch Street, Phila'd r rTIE most complete assortment of I Ladles' Misses' and Children's 1100 P SKIRTS. 15 this / lty; gotten up expressly to moot the WANTS of FIRST CLASS TRADE; embracing the newest and most desirable Stylus and Sizes of •' Gore Trolls," of every length—from 29 to 4 yds round,-20 to 56 Springs, at 2 to $5.00. Plain Skirts, all lengths, from 2 1 4 to 3 yards round the bottom, at *1 40 to .$3 15. Our line of Misses' and children's SKIRT, aro pro verbially boymid all competition; for variety of Styles and sizes—as'Well as for finish and durability, at 25 cents to $5 25. All Skirts, of " ORR OWN MAKE," are WARRANTED GO give satisfaction ; but BUY NoNE AB seen, unless they have, in's Hoop Sk'rt Menu fartory, No. 628 Arch Street. " S•amped on each Tab! Also cons'antly on hand, soon SKIRTS, Manufactured in New York, and the Eastern States, which we sell at very low Prices. A lot of cheap Skirts—ls springs, 85 cents; 20 springs St 00-25 springs, $1 16-30 springs, $1 26 and 40 springs ti 50 411ir-Skirte, made to Order and Repaired. 4fir-Tatixfs OAI3I/. Use P.M= ONLY May 11, 1806-3 m • New Crrocer3r Store ! ORANGE OF FIRM T HE undersigned hereby announces to his old patrons and customers, that ho has die posed of his entire stock of Goods with the good will of the. establishment to Messrs Poffer & Washmood, whom ho recommends to the citizens of Cumberland County, as active, energetic and reliable business men, who will spare nopaine to maintain and improve the character of the old stand as alb st class FAMILY GROCERY. . With many tr. anks for the patronage be has received he bespeaks for the now firm a continuance of tli o same JOAN LIVER. . . PEFFER & WASHMOOD will in a few days receive the largest and beet assorted stock of GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, • QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE,7, . . WILLOW.WARE, &c.,, , . . . over brottht to .this place, ,an d will Constantly keep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets afford. A full assortment of Lampe and Oil on hand. Call and see us at the old stand; South East corner of Market Square MUER & wennmoon, January. 0,1800-Iy. P 9 13 ,TWritingPOIce, BEA*, daemon Boards, Games °Pall description at liay iiiiticies Dona; Va 4.13, A94,ll3.ook i litore. . • „. • ~! . . . , '4 . LMONDS: I ,- - •,, ~,..-,,. . ... Burnt, it*,oogaq,l 7 :anilla aiul Ohoccilitto. ao /6, /M.. , • , AI`.II4ITIP3TICII4, T' STATE' -LAtere of Adm hilstratleu on the esiate of JobU deq , d,i latuptversprlng Twp ',Cumber land Co., bavo been granted Witte lteitho er 'Oettn-. berland• Co., to' the aubaerlber • residing- In'aidd , Twp,‘: All ereona indebtetl A o paid estate will Ineho'loy • men 'oadlAVlng olallita will present theid to • • Jul CAdmtulatrator., ; AW,OllE,S,and Jewelry rebitirtld'at the new Jewelry Store. PER_VIUVENTL IWURED -ay Dyspepsia Pernzanendy cured or The Money Rejunded. THESE Trochee not only give hen:m diet o relief but are sure to effect a permanent auto in Dyspepsia,They are. not purgative, art 4 therolorti then' use .e . 13110t &date neeelsaylbr the habitual ilso enthartiCS. They catitie no Sickness of the stomach, or griping of the bowels, and nre perfectly harmless to the most delicate. They will immediately correct a sour Stomach, cure Fla ttlenee, heartburn. Sickness or Pain In the Stom ach, Costiveness, Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, headache, feet all those disagreeable and dan gerous symptome.oi this, disease, which unfit ono for the pleasures end duties of life. Wools and delicate persons who have been injured by the 'nee of powerful ,tlinu ants and purgatives, will And thorn a mild, safe and sure restorer of iho digestive organs to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietors, ! ; thiladelphia, Pa. David Italston—Druggist, Carlisle, Cumberland CO . Pa. Pole Agt for Cumberland Co. Pa. Sold by al Druggists. tune 21, 1866 —3m JOHN P. KELLER, 2nd & Walnut, Sts Sneressm's h LEI' . F. LYN E. DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hardware of all hinds, - PAINTS, 01I,S, 0 LASS, VARNISHES &e. North Hanover St, nearly opposite the Carlisle Rai July 7 Hier!. EM PLOY M ENT FOR BOTH SEXES. IhlS:',l.‘l,B..l,EdDrn. phans o r e f l t r n ain oeld e sold and [ls unemployed of both sexes generally, in want 14 respect able and proiltablo employment,lucurrli g uo rink, alt procure such by endosing no postpaid addresssd envoi spa, flnr particulars, to Jan. 23, 186(1--1y THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated, 1850. Charter Per petual. CASH ASSETS, $2,000,000. Policies Issued on all Popular Plans t FEW REASONS WIl I'EO 11 PLP: Insure in the Charter Oak. I Eat All banking privileges ore prohibited. the bus' nes. being confined exclusively to the insurance o Ines. 211—Its Risks arc. selected with great cal°. thus rut ring small hisses. and •utsryurut hire,' divide], nee, tie to Polley Mats. Insurance Repo, last six pears. 31,1—Its lintin ut Expenditurvs, iurludiug Den Chums and Wf,rking I , ,,ponses. to I:ocelp , s, are Imp ce.lentetlly —Salim Reports. 4th.—All Lee profits are divided among held ere the original capital being limited by 1 'tarter to eight perrent dividends, no more that. It earn, Int the Oninpany at Interest. Ed h.—lt declares and pave ice InV klends ammally In C wt., ttttiv asetsttus 14w inured in the payment of premiumn. nth to business in distributed over nn le than twenty Northern States, malting It impossible to mut4i ,uee its large 8111 . 10 M ,, set npgrt for cOntinginicks, even In the event , I a senutge of Cholera =1 7th.—lt is prompt: in the payme: of losses, having paid to II Mow,. and Orphans nearly ONII MILLION Ih ILLA 116, and has n;Ter iitigotrd a claim. Nth he Wall of 111,11,Y4 118 an 1444401meut nth.— NI en of small scans Insure to guard their lain ies against want. lot h.—Tbe man of I , tliiiness insure to provide again pnswiblu lass ha trade a life Pulley, being a bawls capnal Persons in drbt insure tgat their earnings f, err, it toll may not he sacrificed at death from wait of r•.uly rah to oillietti 12. th —All Insuro, as 110110 y thus lald away by littl is sure to coin. Lacs largely Increased to their fau lies. oath holug certain to occur, lir. e. 11. KIKI , 1 , 1.;11, H. D., lledreal P.xxinlner. MEIIMEEIin!iMEI ir - NI, !funding, North sir Stri,t !tending. Pn. persons d , •sirous of InStir:Mee 1%111 please imply to the itgont. For intormation Irlu Iva t.. ageroles od thoth !he State Agrnt. April lA. INlil Patent Metallic Sole IiAT ETTA Nil TII l FEET is the most prolitic cause of disease end death known to humanity. It ix almost sure to bring Lin n etati - ;twd colds, Ill.glevteal, /Ind often Wllll Itot neglected, lead levers or to coughs And natal 0010,1100101.. It is In recognition id this mit° that the I oven tied talent of the country ha for years been devising MlOlllO 111Vt1100, 01 atttlllol,l to devise it, for keeping the feet dry, and yet that should Ilia, to ye tinion ven lee, e to the wearer. Rubber shoes, In one form or another nave hitherto been our vellum, ; but it Is well knom ri, as among 4,heir 111010 eT ils, that while lipey eep the tem dry from external moisture, they :meat t Jenn over much, and by thu• inducing an undue tenderness increase a susceptibili y to voids rather Ilion otherwise. ' , hey 40: also tinitairsome to the Met, and Withal are very no ',ens' se. The demand is for .ornothing that shall Make the ordlilary Bout end oho., impervious to Tooter, without affecting their elegance or dunk! ility,and,ll Possible, without adding sensibly t the cost of their maauineture. '114,,N0, It will be coneeded. are most im port:in, features, and We conaelen tiuut•ly Milian that they are a t,olilitel) attained In the inventi n here. Imes laud to the public Tue invention consists in inserting between the 1 It our and outer sole, when the hoot is making. a thin McIALLIC PLATE, exceedingly ductile, combining hest bi ity with I oughnebs, vefy light, and every way ape pt• rd to the end desired, While the additional °knells° Is ineruiy liotninal It furnishes a perfect harden otkainst the admission at wet or dampness, though the lent may be exposed ever so long upon wet pavements or claim, ground. JOIIN F. STEEL To ktlies and children the METALLIC SqLEN will he of Inc Al culable value, as from their habits of life and del icacy of dross, they are particularly exposed to the long train of ills that attend upon an inadequate protection to the feet. These Soles have already been tried by the best of all tests ACTUAL Coo, and the AttStilllo4llH to their merits, freely proffeied, indicate' that they 'must be speedily and universally adopted by the public. The eatent Metallic Soled Boots and Shoes are being in troduced into the le .ding Boot and Shoe Stores through out the United States, and will supplant all Mrms of overthoes, except possibly I r deep mud ur snow, as they become ki•owe. Be aura toga them and hate no other. - If your shoemaker doss mot. happen to- have them, he can procure them - without difficulty. If , he wdl not, thou rend yourself to the Inventor one dollar and thirty cents, and obtain six pair, assorted sizes, with right to use, which will be promptly forwarded by mall or express pre paid, and which eau he made up by any shoemaker in the lountry.- ,Agenekos,w)ll be es tablished in,Miery laity autbillifige,taud etippUed with Soles and Proprietary stamps, at seLedu le prices, and libonJ c. mmissit n allowed on sales. Also Beneral Agencies for States appointed on application, with proper testimonials to the inventor. SAMUEL, J., pEELy, ()uncial Depot, corner 'City' Place and' 41.110 street, Now York. NEW YORK, Juno 1, ThUG. The proprietors of the above patens, having come In contact with a pat,qnt prpv !RIM) , .1 atiptcli to ,Wl . lll,am Lyman, of NOrthampton,ldasi,,ecovering the sante ift motion and improvement, the chief parties In Intermit have purchased the same, and, combining their in termits, have organized THE AMERICAN Patent Metallic Shoe Sole; Company, CAPITAL 01? $160,000, f And established a genbral Manufactory and bepot at 62 John /Street, New York; where they are ready at all times to fill orders Mr soles of all sloes with promptness and dispatch The attention of dealers Is respecefully solicited. No person who has onde used this nolo ,witl ever again consent, if nropurabie, to wear a hoot or, shoe , w,ithout It. Special Inducements offered to deli/eye and ; menu, faelut ere, to aid In their intrLductlon. Price List, anti eneral and special Information furnished on applica tion at the general store, to 'April 11,1866-0 m A Large, yarpf!'stoplc pf 9yoocrie's, AL,,Quoopswaro, • , , CANNED .FRUITS,' , ' Saimaa, Vieb. ho., whlch lam milling at tile very *tweet Clasb.PriCol). • • ••1 , !,,, • Tkioso ludOted •GO We in l Doirl l 4llVand /particUlarly those In arrears for a lengtlt of time will come forward aild promptly pay up, ae longer delay will not be sub. ziPv•P,' l9 44 • f r34.;4/iNTz, -LL kinds of Jewelry Jobing; dene - nt shirt notice. Accordeone properly repaired and tined/Ai the nit , * JaixelTy, Bkore, Emit. Fire nastmtul9Rt'PV-AROY.,rlT)a.f,tl.4, Aincipficiany , y , rpsoyAr.4,l.9prman makon. 90. 15; ItIOD. . AT HAVE., 9CK.:OANDY, Secrete Frenoh and ommon. ‘,—, D4..15,1805. DYSPEPSIA Sheldon's Dyspepsia Troches S. J. Vandorsloot & Co. Chomistn 718 Markot :Arcot tlftS - This is a personal Invitation to the render to examine my largo assort- meet of NEW STYLES OF Dams Goons, sehieted with special core for the Spring Trade. REMEMBER, THAT I tIIVF. REMOVED FROM NI AIN BTREET, TO NOIITII HANOVER STREET, NEXT Dooß To MILLER & Bow- RHO' II lILLWVARE StoRE. =1 MILLER & BOWERS, Dr. JOHN M. DAGNALL, Box 15J, Brooklyn, N. JAMES C. WALK LH Y, Prosident SEELY'S A NEW IN V ENTION. Postscript. A“.E. LYIIAN, Pr00140Rt:41 31 ,. ria.,A/Aolikelipc , ,tiolo Co., 62 John Strout, Now YOrk. AiWulc9 B ., On Hand AT lIAVEASTIOKO HOOFLA ND'S BITTERS. The 7 gre?..t Strengthening Tonic. (Not 4 ° HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS CUBE DEBILITY DEBILITY ! iestat,lgilloin any calm Antevor PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, .Tvntre severe Hardships, Ekposure. Diseasos of Camp, Life Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Adult or Youth WILL FIND IN THIS BIT'FBRS a pure Tonle, not doponilont On bad liquora for their alums: miraculous 60"octs. DYSPEPSIA, Observe the following symptoms resulting trout dis orders of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood !o the Head, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Elructations, Sinking or Fluttering at - the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Houk, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when lo n lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, i'ain in the Side, Book, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Sul sing In the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and threat Depression of Spirits. CD . AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LivirAt AND DM RSTIVN ORGANS. ARE CURED BY 1100FLANIYS GERMAN BITTERS This Bitters has PERFORMRD MORE CURES, G IVES 13E7"PEIZ, SATISFAC T[ON, IJAS MORE TESTIHONY, Iles more Respectable People to vouch for it. than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and WI LL PA Y $lOOO to any one who will produce a certificate published by un that is not genuine, CZ) . I lIOOPLIND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disor tiered Stomach REMEMBER, 'Pied this Bitters lir)/ Ate&AM., CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS, BUT IS TILE BEST TONIC IN Till II ORLI) Read who Says So From the Rev. Levi U. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, 5.,1 , no werly 01 the North Bap ti,t Chervil, Philadelphia, at present Pastor 01 the Baptist Church, Chester, Pa. * * * I have known German Bitters favorably for a number of years. 1 have used them in my uwu family, and have been so pleased with their effects, that I was induced to rdcommend them to Many oth ers, and know that they have Operated in a strikingly beneficial nuts nor. I take great p.easure to thus p'ub- Hely proclaiming th inn fart, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the dist aces for which they are recommended, to these bitters, knowing trent uxperi cure the my recommendation will be sustained. I do thlr more cheerfully ns ilootland's Bitters is intend. ed to benefit the afflicted, and is ''not a rum From Ro%. W. h. Seiarrietl, Pastor of Twelfth Bap thit Ch arch, l'h Gentlemen :—I have recently nun laboring under the distressing efforts of indigestion, accompanied by prtatration of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but without relief. Your Ileolland's German hitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and IthUnint favorable mention of these.. bitters induced me to try them 1 1111.18 t confess that I had an In version to Patent Medicines from the •'thousand and one" quack "Ili tiers " whose only time seems to be to palm olf sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community in a sly way, and the tendency ei which, I fear, is to 11111 kt. many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learn big tliut youra ).ent, really 11, Illednlni nnl pn-patn tion I took it with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the at, III:Win. but upon the nervous system, woo prompt and graillylng. 1 feel that 1 have derived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Very respectfully yours, W. D. , ,BEIGFRIED, Na. 254 Slinekautuxon Street From Newton Brown, D. D., editor of tho Eln cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian Chronicle Philadelphia. 'Altoough nut disposed to favor or reolnmend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their Ingre dients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient, reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in thu hope that he may thus contribute to the bene fit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Ihmiland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. 0. M. Jack son, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years,, under the impression lhat they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I ant indebted to my friend, Hobert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests and for encouragement to try them when suffering tram great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of three Bitters at the beginning of the present year, wad followed by evident :elle( and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had upt felt for six months be_ tore, and had almost despaired of regaining I there fore thank God and my friend for directing me to the ,use of them., , , ME J. NEWTON BROWN, Phihull:lo4n ...a. From the Rot,. E D. Fondull, Agsletant Editor Chris Om Chronicle, intilu. t have derived decided benefit from the use of Hoof loud's Oecumu Hitters, and feel it my privilege to rec. °amend !luau as a most valuable tonic, to all who aro Suffering from general debility or from diseases arising 'from derangement of tbu liver. . , j,Kotxrth From Rev. D. Morrie°, Pastor Of thii Passynnit. Bap tist Church. filth', • Frointlf4 many respectable recommendations given given to Dr. Iloolland's Um man Bitters, I was induced to give them a trial. After wipe several bottles I Mond them td be good haled.% tot debility, and a moot excellent tonic for the stomach. D. AIEIIIIIOE. From the Rev. TllO5. WINTER, D. D. pastpr of Rob borough Baptist Church. • DEAR Sin : I tool it due to 'your ea - Calif:int preparation lloollantVe German Bittore, lto add my testimony to the deserved reputation It baagbtained. I have for yearn, at times, been troubled with groat disorder in my; head and nervous , system. I was advised by A friend to try n hello ofyour German Bitters. I did so, and have oxperioneed a great and unexpected relief. IVlyltealth htufbeen very materially benefited. I con. Silently memo:lend the article whet%) I m• et with cases similar to my own, npd havp,boen.assured , by many' of their good effects: • "ltesPeetfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough, Fa. • , , • , 1 'fl,` • BEWARE OF COTINTEItFEITS. • 'Silo that the signature °felt. M. JA6.ItSON" is on the Utupper of each bottle, Should your nearest druggist not have the article do not be put off 'by any or the intoxicating prepara tions that may be offer, din its place put, send to us and rnitroxPAL OPPIOIO ! AND BIANtip4s#ORY,. 031!Arolf.8troefi,1%1.104hia, . t illuccessors to C. M:iTincli'sott & Co;: PROPRIBTOTifb • by . Drugglete and Dealers .In every town In ho United States. No. 1, 1805-Iy,. • • N EW 'CHEAP', CASH :GROCERY AND- - PROVISION STORE 1 Gieaf Excitardat on tno Corner orßitt and Louthor Streets, opposite the Gorman Reformed Church, Carlisle, Pa. The Subscriber begs leave to inforin hie friends and the public, that ho has just returned from the 2iistern cities, with a full and choice assortment of • • GROCERIES, ne will keep constantly on hand an extensive and general assortment of ' Coffers of all kinds; Brown Sugar, - Crushed Stigar; Pulverized Sugar, Rico, Tallow Candles, Star do Starch, Teas of all kinds, Salt by the Sack, Buckets and Tube, Wash Boards, Brooms, Bed Cords, New Orleans Molasses, Fish—all kinds.Pep per,Splco,Soda,Cream Tar tar, Beat Indigo,Cinna• mon, Cloves,Matches Muntard.Blacking, Twist Tobacco, Navy, Spun, Natural Loaf, Tobacco, Smoking, Killlkinick, Lino Cut, Candies, Raisins, Can Poaches, Crackers, Essonce of Coffee, Dandelion, Cheese, tlrmiuy, Beans Cigars of all kinds, Nuts—all I:lnds, &r., Am. NOTIONS' OF ALL KINDS, Fevers, and everything else that Is kept In a grocery store. I Invite the public to call and examine my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determin ed to sell at very small profits. The highest prices paid for all kinds of Country Pro duce JACOB SEINER. April 6,1666-6 m. An Old Song, set to a New Tune m15E166.-4;67 As spring approaches Ants and Roaches From their holes come out, And Mice and Rats, In spite of cats, Gaily skip about. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATOR "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERM INA TORS, EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Moths in Furs and Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "Only Inlidlable remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Faintly." "MOB come out of their holem to die," ! 1 I'BEWARE ! of all worthless imitations, See that "Cone Ws" name is On each Box, Bottle and Flask before you buy. ,ae=ft Address, HENRY R. COSTER, 482 Broadway, N. Y A*" Sold in earthily Penna. , Xitirl3y—llaverstick. And all Druggists and Retailers. 1866. INCREASE OF RATS.—The F(11'171 er's Gazette (English) assorts and proves by figures tba one pair of RATS will have n progeny and descender no less than 651,050 in three yearn. Now, unless this immense fondly can be kept down, they would consume noire fund than would etntitain 65,000 human beings. .0.11-See "COSTAR'S advertisement above. RATS versus BlRDS.—Whoever en gages in ' , hooting small birds is n cruel roan; whoever aids in exterminating rats is it benefactor. We should liLo Some one to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pests, We need something besides dogs, rats, and traps for this I oilthle6B,—Sacilt (fiC A Merl co n , So , • "COSTAR'S" advertimeinent above 1866. "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINA- Ton i:, simple, safe, and sitre—the most perfect JUT itication electing we have ever attended. Every Rat that can get it, properly prepared, will eat it, ,Led every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as far an possible from where it was taken.—Lake Shore, Mich ~ Mirror. tta.„ Sea ''COSTAIL'S" advertisement above. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need be so no longer, if they INC " COSTAR'S " Ex terninater. We have used it to our satisfaction; and if a boa oust $5, we would have it, We have tried poisons but they eth•cted nothing; Ina “Costar's article knocks the breath out of R r atti, Mt co, Roaches, Ants, and Bed- Bugs, quicker than we ran write it. It Is In great de mand all over the country.—Mrclino Ohio, Gazette. ;OIL See "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST. Speaking of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ant, kg., Extermin ator—"more grain and provisions are destroyed annu ally in ()rant Comity by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer."—Lancial.r, Ms. Herald. e3.See "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. 1866. FAR .1E RS AND HOUSEKEEPER —should recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth ,- of Grain, Provisions, Ac., are annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin—all of which can be prevented by a few dolling' worth of "COSTAR'S" Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac., Extra !tiltrotor, bought and need freely. rln„ See "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. ta _soid in Carliele Pa. M.13,y er,ortiticic anil7:ll Druggists and Dealers April 20. 1860-41;1 I f . 1' ' 1" r A tti l f ' ' '{ - 1.- ' 1 cfp:ll. 1.,,:, rf:l'l'il , ' IT '-ir 4 4 1: 1 - ttl i Al 4 ,t 4 V , 1 xt,C.l ,- „ I '." I •-•-•,-•\ er*.o.- .., . ' -,,',',...' ..- Wheeler & Wilson and Howe LOCK STITCH SEWEND IMACHANES• The Best Simplest amhollecipest rrHE Whe'eler & WiJan:machines are 11 adapted to all kinds of family sowing, working equally well upon Silk. Linen and Cottonsoods, with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, makingsbeautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. Prices of Wheeler Wilson usachlues: No. 3 machine plain, $55 " 2 Ornamental bronze, $O5 " 1 " Sliver plated, $76 The -Efowe Sewing Machine The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddles and to Carriage Trmers Is called ts-..the best of Shut- tie Sewing M im achines. It is una hi nimously admitt d to be the best machine for leather work or tallorinzever given to the public. Price of Ilowe'rnacbines: ~.. Letter A. machine ' $6O Is recommended for family sewing Tailoring, Shoe binding and gaiter fitting. Lotter B. machine. . $7O Is one size larger than A machine, milted to the same work. Letter 0. machine, . $O5 Is recitrimended . for heavy Tailoring. Boot and Shoe work and Carriage trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do One work woll, and has a much larger Shut tle threa .the smaller machines..` ' • .'. -.-, 2' .„ .. Call and examine at Rail Road Telegraph Office, Car lielp, Pa. 0ct.27; 1.8657-tf. ; ' ' , . • ;. , 4,r3:::,1;:0ciL News:. A. large, 9soxlmetit o thO Bost quality of Groceries, ProUisioUs, Spices, Fruits, &c„ 'selling ()Rat the very lowooturlcou ruling In tho Sista of Pounsylvania, FOR CASH - . • • •••,.- Call'and patlefy yourtugvos of the truth of thovs* tlon.' Fah, 23,1806. . " ' QPICKS.-- L, Mint; Teatierrx Lomon, Orange, Lavender, Iloso, Neuga, and Vanilla, ! 4:Poe 15, 1805. ' AT 11AVERSTTO158. VIOLIN and Guitar Strings; Violin fildrowai ate- at_ tlio7neACJCW9lty": &rt.- galt, 'Agency for the sale of - Moiton's' e lO Gold Pons, Tito tuiw.dilmtplri;!litoye, Raft:Main . , VAMILIt Dirt 400LOR8; • ", • nittsTows July e XtUT 4 3' " ildk 'i ,Sp 0 lonary. a rui a, a I.lthvvortittokin. ,„ 1866. IRHO 1806 BZ I Tulips;.Pou : b onßoi - litytodedlio'colgo4.lloAtG;ilC4cdalottit and ILI LI. D09.15;1805, , AT 11AVE1i8TI0IIi3: DAVE MONEY, AT CHARLES OGILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE. oh ][.)[AV.ING joit openedopened. assort moot of ImPorted , and Dothestio Dry Goods, wh woro all purehased at a further decline In pri ces; 1 have commenced this day to sell all kinds of Good in the Dry Goode and Fancy Line, at , less prices than they wore sold five days ago by any Douse in the County. Ladies Dress Goods ; i X and 6-4 Parley Celli and . Black Wool o f at Old Sr cue. New Style Stripe Lustres, 11 ' arAlques' all Styles at Old Prices, New Style Oh e POplins, all Shades, at Old Prices. Shepherds Plaid Mohairs and Deletes all alio' Plaid at Old Prices Black and Colored Alpacas at lowest prices; Lawns in all the new Styles, 3Etlarto3l-X.lll-mm, . Better and cheaper than has been sold for Five years. .White Goods. ..„ Nalosooks Cambries,illshop Lawns, Puffed Ariped Swiss and Nainsoolts for Dresses and Garibaldl's at prices that will astonish all. MEN AND BOYS WEAR Kentucky Jeans old Prices 25 eta. All the colobratod makes of Cassimores. Cotton Goods; Linen Drills and Ducks at lower priers than ho boon bought for years. am selling Good Calicoes at 11, 12A; 16, 17 els. I am selling Good Muslin's at 124 ' 14, IS, 16 eto. I am selling the Best Unbleached Muslin to day, at 24 and 25 eta. I am selling the Bost Calicoes today at 18 and 19 ots. r roceive ovory morning the Philadelphia and Now York Domestic Price Lists from the Principal Houses in those Cities and regulate EVERY DAY the prices stall goods accordingly on a declining Mar. ket all will Roo that obey have the advantage of the decline the very day it happens. This being the only fair way of doing business, I will strictly adhere to It, reprdless of the opinion of other, Houses. A tremendlous stock of Gingham, Tickings, Chocks, Flannels, Blue Drilling &a., ell at lowest cost prices. FANCY GOODS, In ell the endless variety . of Fancy goods too numer ous to mention I take pleasure in saying our stock was never more complete and at prices that must satisfy all. Balmoral Skirts and all the makes of Hoop Skirts at and below old Prices. Silk Sun Umbrellas and Para sots. Ribbons, Laces, Edelngs, Table, Covers, (Dress Buttons by the Thousand) Shakers, Ladles, Gents and Children's Gloves and Hosiery all sizes colors and prices. Linen ,ildkfs &c., at very low Prices. SHOES. Also a full new stock'of Ladies' and Children's Shoes of every description. I sell no auction work and con warrant every pair I sell and being at no extra expense for keeping the same am enabled to sell cheaper than any Shoo house in the Hounty, call and COO them all who want good and neat Shoes. Thankful for the liberal patronage which the publi bare long accorded mo I hope to be able to merit a con tlnuance of the Ramo. Remember the plane on the Cornier opposite th Post Office and the Methodist Church. Come Ono and All and convince yourself before pu chasing elsewhere seeing is believing. pURE L !BE RTY WHITE LEAD,- The Whitest, the most durable and the moat economical. Try It ! Manufactured only by Ziegler & Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, N 0.137 North Third St., Philad'a., Jll n 26, 2966-Iy. =il=l READ WUAT DR. SCHENCK IS noiNti DR. J. 11. SCHENCK Deere SIR feel ib a duty I owa to you, and to al who are suffering under the dlseases known as Con eumption and Liver Complaint, to let them know who great benefits I have received Iron your Pulmoni Syrup and Seaweed Tonle In so short a time. By tin blessing of God it has cured me thus far Dr. imhencl., I wi ll now make my statement to you, as follows : About eighteen months ago 1 was attack ed with a severe cough, and it settled ou my lungs ; I could not retain anything 1 ate, and suffered with evening fevers and night sweats. I was very much reduced. The whites of my eyes were icry yellow; likewise In - skin ; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest Irina I did eat; bowels swoolen irregular and costive. I was very low spirited, and had such violent spells of coughing when 1 laid down at night and'when I arose In the morning that they would last one or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, and Was entirely unable to lie on my lest side. I cannot describe, my wretched suffering us I would wish to do. Every or gan in my body woo diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to my bed from the last of February, 1862, to June, 18611,n0t able to sit up. I had the best of medical attendance the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that It racked me very mucir — rat thhrtime raised a large quantity of thick, yell w, offensive matter, sometimes with blood, and It was generally accompanied by nau sea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly I would have sharp, shoot ing pains In my left side and heart, night sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; hadmuch Iu ward fever, pain in my back .and under my sin - wider blades and in the small of my back,and at times so se vere that it would throw me into spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die Others I had, and the best of them, but they could do nothing for me, and at that time I was nothing but skin aodboues 1 then was in the western,part 01 Missouri. In Juno last we left there for the East, and In August hist WO came to cow York, and I was so reduced toot 1 could only walk a little with my husband's help. After I had been here a short time the salt water breeze muds me feel much better for a time and then I had again to call a physician for aid. Wu hau foils of the bust 013- sicians of New York ou the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, but of uo avail. They said I was past cure, and that my lungs were too far gone for any one to cure me. But at this time I was on my feet a bout the house, not able to do much of anything. In Nevember last I grew worse, and the consumption diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeks. 11e had tried all and everything that I could grasp at lilts a dy lug person for my diseases—consumption and liver complaint—but ol no avail. lu January. ItiG3, 1 was brought down again on my bed, and was not expected to live the night out. My. husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they 811 give me up to die. At this time every ouu who saw me did not think 1 would ever leave my bed a living woman. Thu first night 1 was attacked with spasms, and was deraugml must of the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, cable to s. e Mu the last of the week, and brought the Sunday Mocury. In it was an account el a great cure purl rmed by Dr. Schnuck. She read it to me, and it was so much like my disease that 1 asked my husband to go and sue him for mu. ' At this time I had given up all hopes of ever getting well again, and made my peace with God, to be ready whenever he called for me. On the 27th of January, 1863, my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 bond street, New York, and stated to him my case, with a request for him to call and see lee which - he did, and examined me with the respir oineter. When he was about to go I asked him if he could cure in,, 1 Ills reply was ; "I cannot tell, both lungs are diseased, and the bronchial tubes are affect ed on both Hides." And yet he seemed to think there were lungs enough left to effect a cure lithe diarrhea could be stopped. Ile said inorder to do this, he would have to glee me Mandrake Pills in small doses at first, to carry off the morbid matter, and then, with astrin gents, he hoped to chock It, which he did, but the con stant cough ng ; night sweats, and diarrhea had pro,i tmted tn• so that he was afraid my vital powers were too much prostrated ever to rally, anti yet he seemed to think It I could live to gut enough Pulmonie Syrup through my system to cause expectoration there were lunge enough left for Die to recover. Ile wished the to try the kglmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at once, saying It would do me alb harm, if it did me no good. The tit st week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up In bed and ate hearty fur a sick woman ; but the next week I lost all hope and wished my husband nut to give me tiny mere ntedo clue. hut the doctor had warned him of this, and when the medicine was clearing out the system It made them feel aomewhet restless, and to persevere ; and he Insisted ou my taking it ,• and now I feel the benefit silt. For after eight dais 1 began to gain my Strength, and, with the exception of a cold that put me back some, 1 have been gaining'strength or body, my cough is going away, and all my pains tire gone; no soreness of the body my bowels aro regular, sod my breath is sweet, and I wank Chal that I am use going about, and sow and road as well as ever I could. 1 have taken siXteen bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a good appetite and rest well at night ; my cough does not trouble um in getting up or lying down. I would here My to the afflicted with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr. Schenck is no humbug. You can rely on what ho says. Delay not ; It is dangorours to trifle with these diseases. If ,; ou . would be cured, go at once ; and any ono wishin g t o know the facts as herein stated u call at my resi dence, 177 West m Houston street, Now York city. MRS. MARY P. PARLOW. We, the undersigned, residents of Now York, are ac quainted with Mrs. Ifarlow, and know her statement to be true. We also know that she used Dr. Schendlt's -Pulmonic Sprup and Seartreed Tonic, , and /We, reason to believe that to this medicine she 01,108 hcrpresteivit- Hon from a premature graVe. B. PARLOW, 117 West Houston st. , • EUU EN It UNDERHILL, 670 Greenwich 'at, Miss. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 070 Greenwich of. AUGUSTA UNDERIIII4. , 070 Greenwich st. A. F. HARRIS, 117 West Houston st. EMILY GLOVEIt, 117 West Houston st. J. L. Ot./LE, 3 1 3 Cottage pi. A. M. LEIGHTON. 48.1 lirmilway. ' Mns. BENJAMIN CLAPP, 19 Amity pl. I am well acquainted with Mrs. Mary P.-Farlow, and with her husband, Mr. B. Parlor, they. 'having, for a few menthe past,attended, at my church, India tun con vinced . that tiny elaternent,wßich they,might make .mayha relied on as true. 'JOHN DOWLING, D.D, . " Pastor of Bedford St, Baptist Church ,N• Y. 't Dr. Schenck will bo .proftissionally at his principal Office No. 16 North qrytroet,.C.l)ll:lok. of Commeme, Philadelphia, every Battu' ky,• from O,A. Al. until 4 P. •M., No. 82 Bond stroot,Neti ',York, ovryluesday,trom . 9to 8 ; No. 38 Summer , street; Benton, ,Alass o every AVedi,ieeday, from 9 toll,. nd every other Friday atl9B Baltimore s treet : Belpre ro, Md. All advice free, ,but forn'therounh eitimluet n of, the lungsivith his rltei • epirometor, the riDarge I tbroo dollars, ' . . ,• Price of the Ptihnonle Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each: .$l6O per bottle, or $7 6U per half dozen. klundrake 1'1110,,26 contapor box. • • .. . , For Sale.byrdi Druggists and Dealers, , • Jan. 1; 1880-Iy. • ' 11111. E. 's4agoti& Hamlin Cabinot . Orgiinq .) ,lbrty different etiles, adapted to'seered and Been- Lir music, for, .$BO to *NO pooh.. .1111ITY-ONEI GOLD or SlbiriMt MEDALS, or other .first iireniluthe award. ed theni. , Illuetrated'Oataloguee free. Addroee, MA. SON & lIAMLIN, Damn, or MASON BROTHERS,. NEW , .• . • • Sept. 22, 161351 y. - • C 1149.104, pEGAB,S - TOB.4cOQ, AT .11 , 4,K18T0N134 jr, , , . 3T OGniVPH - A. 1 41/UNIa----:- ••All alma and ztyloz eel OOMPANIONS, , ji_grai sorts 1113:ITO& and s h oe. ..CONECTION,A,RY t • ! RAIL :ROAD. OHAItGE -OF SOURS. • (IN and aft©r MONDAY, May 218 t, N-J/86 0 , Passenger Trains will run daily as follows, (Bundaya excepted); ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 8.40 A. M., Mechanicsburg 0.18, Carlisle 0 67, Nowville 10.34 13hIppensburg 11,07, Chamboraburg 1.10 P. 61., Green. castle 1,43, arriving at IlagerstoWn 210 P. M. MAIL TRAIN loaves Ilarrlsliiirg 2,00 P. SI., Median lesburg 2.33, Carlisle 3 00, Newville B.4o,3bippensburg 4,10, Chambersburg 4.60, Greencastle 6.26, arriving at • Magonato*n• 15.1:113 P. M. . . EXPRESS , TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4.16 P. M., Mechanicsburg 4.54' Carnal° 5-21, Nonvillo 6.53, Ship pensburg 6.21 2 arriving at ChamborslArg at 0.60 P. M. A. MIXED TRAIN loaves Clunnbersburg 8.20 A: M., - Greencastle 0.30 arriving at Hagerstown 10.15 A. M. EASTWARD. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Maws Chambersburg 5.15 A. M., Shippensburg 6.45, Nowville 0.16, Carlisle 6.60, Mechanicsburg 7.21 an lying at Harrisburg 7.60 A. M. MAIL TRAIN legtes Hagerstown 8.10 A. M., Green castle 8.46, Chamborsburg 9.25, Shipponsburg 0 55, Newvillo 10.20 Carlisle 11.03, Mechanicsburg 11.37, ar riving at Harrisburg 12.10 P. 31. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 1200, 51., Greencastle 12.30, Chambersburg 1.10, Shlpponsburg 1.43, Norville 2.15, Carlislot2.6B, Mechanicsburg 3.26, arriving at Harrisburg '1.55 P. 51. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3.05 P. M., Oreeneastlo 4.00, arriving at Chatuborsburg 4.60 P. 51. 4a-51alting close conneetioas at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, New York, Pittsburg, Baltimore and IVashlngton. 0. N. LULL, Sup't RAIL Rum) OFFICE, 1 hauthersburg, Mity 17,1866. f SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT JUNE 11th, 1866. - 211 E AT TRUNK LINE FROM THE kfi North and North-Weat fur Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Acid and, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lids, Lancaster, Colum bia, no., &C. Trains leave Harrisburg for New Yosk; as follows: At 3.00, 0.10 and 9.05 A. M., and 2.10 and 9.15 I'. 51., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at Now York at 0.00 and 10 10 A. M., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 P. M. Sleeping Cars ac companying the 3.00 A. 51., and 9.15 P. N., Trains, without change. bravo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Alinersvi/10, Ashland, Pine Urove, Allentown and Phil. adolphia, at 8.10 A. Al., and 2.10 and 4 101'. M., stop ping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 I'. AI. Train making connections for Columbia and Philadelphia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 P. Al. Returning: Leave Now York at 7.00 and 9.00 A. M., 12.00 Noon and 8.00 P. Al; Philadelphia at 8 15 A. Al., nd 3.30 P. Al., Way Passenger Train loaves Phila delphia at 7.30 A. Al., 1 , turning from Reading at 0.30 P. Al., stopping at all Stations; Pottsville at 8.45 A. M., and 2.45 P. Al.; Ashland 0.00 and 11 30 A. Al,,,and 1.05 P. 31 ; Tamaqua at 9.16 .4. AL, and 1,00 and 8.55 P. M. CHARLES 00 I LBY Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, at 7.00 A. M. Reading Accommodation Train Leaves Reading_at 0.00 A. M., returning from Philadelphia at 5.00. V. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 6.46 A. Al., 10 05 Noon and 6.15 P. M. for . Ephrata, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia, Ac. On Sundays Leavo Now per at 8.00 P. 31., Phila delphia 8.00 A. 31., and 3.15 I'. ffi , Iho 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Reading. Pottsville 8.00 A. M. Tam aqua 7,30 A. M., Harrisburg 005 A. 31., and Roading at 1.23 and 7.30 A.M., for Harrisburg, and 10.60 A. 31,- for Now York. and 4.25 P. M. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Srason, School and Excur sion Tickets to and from all points, at'reduced Rates Baggage checked through : SO pnlnds allowed each Passoneer. 11. A. N !CULLS, Heneral Superintendent. Reading, Pa. Juno 25,-1860. The Carlisle Cook ! TO NEW AND OLD HOUSEKEEPERS Auew and perfect Airtight Gas Con suming Cooking Strove fur Coo , or Wood. Al our P,,und7 and Stove Rooms, _Vain S Tilt` !Mal,s t l this 510Ve :LI e nett' and oi ndnal In di sign and gut ton up expresnly for our use. Wu titer fore call It It combines every new and Valuable Improvement in Coking Stoves. It Is exceedingly 11:l111.1.50,1 elu ap. pearance—is a perfect Air-tight and tins Consuming Stove, and may safely he pronounced I hi' cheapest, best and most complete Cooking Stove in the country. We east two sizes, adapted to the wants of both large and small families. isv perk/3,3d Ilousekoepere ii 111 find upon examination that the NEW CARLISLE COOK combines every requisite liar economy and efficiency in cooking. The public are specially requested to call and see it, as eve are ermlident it will fully recommend March :ffi.18111.1.--ly. P. 0 AilliNma A: co. These Life giving remedies are nos, for the first time given publicly to the World. For Over a quarter of century of private practice the Ingredients in these Ilan e been used with the greatest success. Their mis sion Is not only to prevent disease, but to cu-o. They search out the various maladies by which the patient is suffering, and re-Invigorate the foiling system. To the aged and infirm a low doses of these valuable 1'11,1,15 will prove to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Fur in every case they add new life and vitnljty , end restore the waning energies t their pristine state. To the young and middle-aged, they will prove most Invaluable, as a randy, specific, and sterling medicine. Here is a rratyn realized, that Ponce-do-Leon sought for tft,i4) iiii'dattia years ago, and never found. Ho looked for a fYinotain that would _restore the old to vigor and make youth ever An Eternal Spring It was left for this day and hour to realise the dream, and show, In ono glorious fact, the magic that made It fair. ' These Famous Remedies Cannot stay the (light of years, but they'ean farce hack, and hold aloof, disease that might triumph over the aged _and the young. Let none hesitate then, but soiziithe hive] able opportunity that offers. When taken as prescribed—' Nothing can be more productive of cure than thane 1111:1: Their almost magic influence is felt at once ; and the usual concomitants of this most distressing disease are removed. These remedies are made from the purest They will not harm lho most dolleato female, and eon be given with ood Abet la proscribed doses to the you gem babe. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of tho skin, the SALVE is most in valuablo. It does not heal externally alone, but peso trates with the most searching effects to the very roe of tho evil I DIRo , PILLS Invarially cure the following Dis 'eases; Asthma, •'' . , Bowel Complaints, , Coughs, • Colds, - Chest Diseases, Costiveness, - P.YEForsis, :, Dlarrhaw, Dropsy. Debility, Female Complaints, Fever and Ague, Ileadache, Indigestion, Influenza, inflammation, 'inward Weakness, i: Liver Complaint. Lowness of Spirits, . . , . Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds, Skin Diseases. 4 - 1;,:r Notice.—None genuine without the engraved trade-mark around each pot or box, signed by DR. J. .MAGOIIEL, 43 Fulton St., New York, to ~eounterfelt which is felony. . ' 4{C.o' Sold by all' rospettable Dealers in Medicines throughout the United States and Canadas l —at 26 cents ...,. per box or not." Jan. 19 1800-'—ly. • . ESTEY'SPOT,TAGE ORGANS, CM ouliod,lnt-th9y aro absolUtbly umiquillet ° 4 3r *a u t d iy il ' x citlior Rood Instrument in tho canntry, eo g o pr osly Air Churches andEichoolo., thok aro ro p lirld i t n olbo ax e :ally well adapted to the parlor dad, drawing room. Ir g or sale only by , _ ' .M. , i N 0.16 North SEVEN= Street, PIIILADILV BRUCE I.II4I. tAlso, BRADBURY'B PIANOS coßpli4e cuf. 'floc .int 01310 'PERFEQT MELODEON.' pt. , AM. 44,VAtS:lac IRY,Sidt4N4:zwillfitid it tq . Oeir -I,Antaiici to calf and pixieuvio th9o-liodiolaas at . • SALSTON'EI. . Jill 1;i . CIIMBDRLANTP VALIMY 4- ?? , ^ .t,'P .kko, WESTWARD READING RAIL ROAD • 1 4. Fie.;" "giel: !VA CALL AND SEE IT ! ("artist( THE CARLISLE COOK ! THE L1(;IIT THE WOItLI DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE Life giving Pills ! FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS Vegetable Compounds REMOVAL alie subscriber bogs leave to inform his old custom,. ors and the public generally, that ho has removed his SADDLE AND HARNESS establishment to the building on South Hanover street„Carlisle, nearly opposite llontz'o Store. Ho will, as horotofore, hoop constantly on hand, of bin own make, ovorything in his lino, such as SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, &C., &C. All his work is made up under hit' supervision, and ho therefore feels warranted in saying that for work manship and durabllity,lt In unsurpassed. Thankful for past Ihvore ho respeetfully solicits a continuance of the some: April 20, 1866-6 m COAL AND LUMBER. IT A VING as . • ,-. , 611.4 1- _g_ oclatod with 041-v -4 .. - , 1 41 . .. Mr. 0. Fred. Shrom In „ . . 5 .. ;., , , . i5..,-1 4 ..1 , . , the Coal and Lumber i:il - 0 - I ,intr...'ik , -. . business at the old Stand of Delaney and , ' Blair, where we will keep the best and CLEANEST COAL. In the Market, and perlectly dry. licpt under cover. IMmillos will do well to try us ; as wo aro doter. mined to soll cleaner coal, and at as low prices as any other yard in the town. Try us and be convinced. Wo have also on hand ALL KINDS OF LUMBER usually kept hi a first Class Lumber yard which we will sell as low, or lower than the lowest Jan. 12, 1800. DELANCY & 811 ROM. OPPOSITE LEE'S -4V4REHOLTSE [Pr - entinm, jbr Best Furniture (turn nt rtll County Fairs since 1857.] 'Furniture of all varieties and Styles of Foreign and Domed le man ulart tun, from the finest rosewood And Mahogany to the lowest priced maple andldno. Parlor. • I Chamber, I Dining-room, 1 PURSITUDE. Kitchen and ()Mee 1 Embracing met y article used by House and hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Lhairs, Mattrasses, frames, pictures, &c., ac. cayartlettlar attention given no usual to funeral.,; orders from town and eoantry, attended to promptly and on moderato terms. )larelk 21,18114 FIRE INSURANCE. refllE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu tutu Fire Insuradce Company of Cumberland minty, Incorporated 1,3' an net of Assembly, in the year 1 543, and having rot:anti) , had its charter extend ed to the year 1883, In now In active and vigorous op• eration, under tha buperintendence of the following board of Managers, viz: William R. Dorgan, Christit.n staytnan, Jacob Eberly D.Baily, Ales. Cathcart, J. 11. Coover, John Elehelber ger, Joseph Wickersham, Saml. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph 'Martin, Jacob Coover, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of Insurance are Co low arid favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persona NV ish- Ing,to become members are invited to make applica tion t the egenta of the Company, who are willpig to wait upon them at y time. WM. R. 0 Ult IA S. President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0 CH !USTI A N ST AY 31 AN, Vivo President, Movhaniesburg, P. 0 JOHN C. DUNLAP, Se. •, Meehaniesburg. DANIEL BA I LY, Dillshurg, York Co. AU ENTS. Cumberland vow: ty.--John Sheri-irk, Allen: Henry Zra ring, Shirt:mumstown ; Lafayette Puffer, Dichirmon; Reno 'bowman, Church town; Mode (frith; 11, South Middletomb Samuel Graham, Westpannsboro'; Samuel Cuover, Mechanicsburg : J. W. Cooklin, Shepherdstown D. Coon or, tipper A Ilan ; J. O. Saxton, Silver Spring; John Dyer, Carlisle; Valentine Feeman, Now Cumber. land; James MeCatllish, N ewv York county—W. S. Picking. Ibirer; James Gritlllh, Warrington; .1. 1 0 . Deardorff, Washington ; Richey Clerk, Dillsburk; D. Rutter, Palm:low ; John Carroll. Dauphin Ileuser, isburg. 0111 bore of the Company boring policies Whoa e•ipire, bun Ito we them renewed by making applien to may of the Agontt. July 1,1864. LYNCEL,& FOOTE, Plumbers, Gas Fiiters. riche subscribe nfoini the public tha they still eoutlutie' the - OAS FITTING AND PLUMBIN“ busines at the Old Stand In the basement of the F Methodist Church. They will attend promptly to business in their lino. Lead anti Iron Pipon, Ilydran Li: Hut and COIL! SHO IVE/? IL 7'llB, Water CIOSOifi, Force and Litt Pump., Wrn't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Ha sins, ❑ ydroul c Hams, be, and e ray description o. cocks and fittings for gas, steam. water, Sr . Superior cooking range , . heaters and gas fixtures put up In churches, stores and du a things, e t s h or t Retie,. In th e most modern style. All omterlals and work In our line at low rates bud warraq•,d, ft9,..Country work and ,M l , , d‘g t.e.unptly atte»ded to July 1. Mt STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Modal at tho World'it Fair London, 1862. . • qtt_l2,. Jr ) e 1:41 4.1 ~ rid 1 .1) CHI; undersigned has just leceived, j_ and Intends to keep constantly on hand a full as. seamen! of the unequalled Planos manufactured by Steinway Sons of Now York. Each instrument wilt be carefully selected lu Cho Manufactory, and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Oat lisle. A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be giveb by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons deSirous to purchase aro Invited to call and xatuine these unrivalled Planes, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door oast of the Mauston House, near the Railroad Depot SECOND HAND PIANOS received In exchange and kepi for sale and to runt. Carlisle, May 22, 1863—1 y pAINTS AND OILS - 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Callous of Oil. Jue received with a largo assortment of Varnishes ' Piro Proof Pal* Turpentine, Florence Wh , Japan, White Zinc Putty, Colored Zinc, Litharge, Red Lead Whiting, ;,:., Milled Oil, Citum. ' Lard Oil, 'l • shellac r , - Sperm Oil, - • Paint Brushes, Fish 011, &c., Color., of every description dry, and 011 In cans and tubes at the IlardWare Store of July 1, 18514 American House, IVortollanover St., Carlisle, Pa. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken the above well known house, formerly kept by Jr. Shriner, and Intends sparing no exertions to accom modate all who rnay be pleased to give him a call. The hours has boon refitted and Is in excellent order. lie also introduced Anderson's Spring Bed Bottom to his Bedsteads, so that his guests will have a good night's rest. Ills charges will be noderato. Attached to the house is a largo yard-with excellent and convenient stabling. LEWIS FABER. Carlisle, April o,lBoo—ern. ' • Bryan.% Pebeanie Wafers, AT RALSTON'S D0e.11,1803. good Pliotogra,ph, is worth a 00z. en poor once. Who will giva o, poor picture to a friend t All pIIOTOGRAPI:IS made•at LOCIIMAN''S ROOMS, • , aro vianranto'4 to gtvo BoOsfaCtlo'u or they ,wl,ll do 2:4Y DIRES, Tobdoco,.(sinoking °bow lug) and Sugars, at Ilayarsticles Drug, and Book Stara. , pairo ',F,latnos on hand of all Mode. ' lillfzebetlitotn4atter'n, ~Loudon do., with and ivithdut patent fitttinhga, eheeTer than over at H. §AXTON'S, leaht Main IIYSIOTANS.wiII And- it 'their 'ed. .Yautago to call and puichaso 'thnit 4 Medicines At - • IL/LUTON'S.. ; Jylp 1,1804 :SZOEET nivaio always on hand at: ' ,Airclii 00,180. 'TALBERT & BKO'O., 10.1101pE titGARS HEYSINQER, respectfully an • flounces to the citizens of Carlisle and the ,surrounding country, that he has opened an entire now stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac., consisting in part of Gold and Jiver, American, English and Swiss Watches, Ladies Gold Watche s and Chains, Fine Jewelry in sets, Finger and Ear Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Ac., Geld Pens of Morton's celebrated manufacture at his published rates, Silver and Plated Ware, pastors, Fruit Baskets, Forks, Spoons, Acc.; Clocks in every varie ty and of all prices. Spectacles in Gold, Silver, Steel end Plated Frames to suit all ages. Accordeons, Violins and Violin Strings, Ac. To which he invites the at, toution of the people, hoping to receive a liberal chars of patronage. Room I; ERA Maio St., near Saxton's Hardware Store. WILLIAM CLEPPER AM kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Accordeons, Ac., neatly and substantially repaired and warranted Work done promptly. May 4, 1860. STOP AND LOOK IR AT W. Fridley's 'firmer Shop, East Louthor St., Sign or thu Red Cotree Pot where you can see the Finest, Oheapest, and host Evor offered in Carlisle he has on hand the Iniest hn proved Pnferns, ouch as theeelebrated Red Room and Oflico Stoves of the latest Patterns and best quality. The above Cook Stoves are all warrant ed to givo entlresatisfitetton. Roofing, Spouting, Heat el work, and all Tin and Sheet Iron work done in the neatest manner and at short little., all kinds of Thi and Sheet Iron ware constantly on hand for house fur nishing. • FRUIT CANS and JAAS. Two of the best ever offered to the public. Fridley_ and Cornman's Self-Sealing and Self 'resting Cans and Jars also, Fisher's Patent, the above Cans and Jars can. not be surpassed in any market. Thankful for tho Liberal Patronage heretofore ea tonged he hopes by sta let attention to i/USitIVSX and it desire to please all to went a continuance of the s , nee. March 23,11166-Iy. Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- rfi LIE Cumberland Valley, Pennsylva i. Ma and Northern Control Rail Road Coin pan lea hove outdo an arrangements to do a Juba berg/t/' tnirl FOT/CO'raing Business between the Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. The Cumtmrland, Valley Rail Road Comp.]) will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the Is January IStiti ler the rocolpt and shipment of all goods entrusted to them. Freight to be forwarded by this arrangement must ho loft nt Pennsylvania Rail Road Company Depot corner ol 151.11 and Market St., Philadelphia. Noith• ern Central Rail Road Company's Depot Baltimore and Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company's Depot at Carliide. Tbe public will find It to there Interest to ship through the Hail 14 a1Compauy's Freight ]louses and by Company Cars. A. B. ' FORWARDWG AND COMMISSION HOUSE 1 BEETIOI & 13ROTII ERS having purchased ~t Snyder & Newcome their el...ll i:ire Warehouse. Henderson's old Fdand. r )hoad e street, !leg leave to intorm the public that they o ill crffi I hate the Forwarding and Commission business on a more en tonsive scale than heretofore. The highest market price will be paid for Flour Grain and P , oduee of all kinds. Flour and Feed, Plaster. Salt and nay, kept coa• stantly on hand and for sale. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYK ENS VALLEY, /OUST MOUNTAIN, LA IV B E &c., &J.% Li ii,f.urner,' and Blacksmiths' Coal, constantly for sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the tour. Also, all kinds of LUMBER constantly on Inoid. ,‘ ill leave their Warehouse every morning at 7 o'elork, arrive at Ilarrkliurg at 11 o'idoi, and at Howard Warehouse, Nos NOS and 810 Market street Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock In the us cuing of same day .1. IIEETEM & BROS. AT the store of John Irvine, on th N. N. vorror of the publle hquaro, Is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Bata and Caps. at prices that defy competition, lie has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots. trlhoes, Bats Sr. Caps that ho has over presented to this rolomunily, and which he Is determined to sell at the lowest pos slide prires. Ills stock embraces everything in his line el b,siness. such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOUTS, kip Bootn. Call and Patent Leather Oxford 'pi, and patent Leather Gaiteis, Call Nullifiers, Calt and Kip Brogans, Slippers, &e. LADIES' WEAR, Flue Frenrh and English Lasting gaiters, Mororeo and Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, ninvy Slippers, 111,r. rum . and Kid Iluskins, MIS ES AND CHILDREN'S M EAR of all desetin Lions embracing fine Lasting Gaiters, Morroveo ord Lasting Button Boots, Alorroeve litre bows of all kinds limey shoes of various styles whippers, &c, HATS & CAPS, Silk, Cassimere, Fur and 'Wool Hats of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of STRAW HATS. Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppomptly Jone. Confident of his ability to please all chis•es of customers, he respectfully invites the puhlie to give him a call. - - mlleruoruber tho place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. July 1, 1864 HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. lIL undersigned respectfully announ cos to the public that he still continues the Bat ting Business at"tho old stand, In West Iligh ettriact, and with a renewed and efficient effort prottuce nal - cies of Dead Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall he strictly In keeping with the Unpin% c want of the Art, and fully up to the ago villa e c live. -- I have on hands splendid r• assortment of 4 1..; HATS AND CAPS, ofall descriptions, from the crannion to the finest Fur and Silk Hats; and at prices tidal must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his mosey. Tho.stock includes, MOLESKIN, OASSIMERE, BEAVER Se FELT HATS, of ovary style and color and unsurpasqed. for Lightness Durabiliu and finish; by those of any other establish went In the country. Men's, Boy's and Childron's Hat's and Caps, of every description constantly on hand. lie respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give him a call. July 1, 1854. J. 0. OALLJO. JOHN K. SPAYMAN 41 aercheaora.less. HALBERT & 8R,0., JJAVING just returned from the Eastern elliea desire to Inform their patrons that they have laid In a lame and varied stock of Now and Fresh floods at the lowest cash pikes. Their assortment Is thorough and complete, con ta in. In everything nocossaay to constitute a First Class Grocery. HENRY SAXTON in greatest abundance, and at lowest cash figures.— Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENSWARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, Haws, Chelsea, Crackers, lirnshos, Baskets and Willow Ware. &gars and Tobacco, of tho choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a com plete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot the old stand, South East corner of lianover streets. Reb. BIALBRRT & BRO. At the, late .Cumberland Count) Fab., • has been awarded to C. L. LOCHMAN. • ItArß..Loolunan: has the pleasute to tho public, that ho ro•purehased his,qld room from Mr. in Mrs. Neff 's build ing, 'opposite the First National Daub, and guarantees that his PHOTOGRAPHS,, • CARTES DE VISITE ' AMBROTYPES. '&0 •Ifam no tuperlor, and in touo, pnleh 'and e °arum, surpass most pictures produced. ifellypo pOson al attention to the room, and - nrien the boot 'nu d,moot Amprovod, instruments anCaPpllenees ''Weirente the lib est rosulto. A largi assortmoot of, 011 t and Rose wood - Fraures,rind splondid'Albumec far sale yore' cheap:. Copies of Doguermotypoe reiado mast' PorAct 1100UYSICiLAZTR4illtiialtaii their : . viintago to eall:and purapatio,,olr , ISToilielno at QPECTA.CLE%a-Orki,nds ; and'prA*; I. i to suit all ages, at tho howJoiva th'ol 14 . titikrb New Watch, Cloo, AND JEWELRY STORE. COOKING STOVES Barley Sheaf Cook, lion Sides, Prarie Flower, • And Continental, pany. FREIGHT DEPOT, CA lILISL} J. tt D. ItiioADB, Freight Agent Cat link Dec. 22, 1865. FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT A Daily Freight Line Nov. 10, 1865 BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW AND FRESH PEAS', COFFEES, SUGARS, Th First FOA THE BEST PHOT94RAPIB 0. N. LULL, F.tipt JOHN IRVIN I.