• pomething Entire New! Housekeepers Furnishing Emporium • Car. of 2nd and IVahttli - Wf.9., Opposite First National ..13ankl, Llarrisburg; Pa. TH 111 sttbsonber having been induced - to °neer into a business, the want of which has long boon felt In this community,-has carefully select ed a Stock of goods, which for BEAUTY, VARIETY AND NOVELTY, has nover before boon equalled in any place east of our largo commercial cities consisting of Hollow Warfi, Pots, Kottles, and Pans, Door and Table Math, Cutlery, Fancy Articles, *ovelties of all kinds. leo Cream VI occurs, llefrlgeratois, \Vat. r Coolers, Are. Tin Ware, Toilet Ware, Japanned Warn, Plated Ware, Willow Ware, Wooden Ware, Britannia Ware, Iron Ware, In short EVERYTHING required or desired in keep• inc. house. In proof of which ho would respectfully solicit a call from Housekeepers, whether they pur chase or not. He has also the largest assortment in the city of CHILDREN'S CAR'? /A (IEB, Boys' Propellors, Perambulators, Velocipedes, Boys' Wagons, Cantering Horses, Jack Horses, Boys' Driv lug Heins, Stick Horses, Swings, Baby Tenders, Wheel. harrows, kc. Call and see when you visit Harrisburg. We do not expect ALL to purchase who come. It will always afford pleasure to show goods July 20, 1000 Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, The people are going to Plank's. NEIGLIBOR now wo can afford to keep onrbolves and children In good 800t5,,! Shoes, lints and Caps, sines they aro selling so vary CHEAP At the sales room of D. Plank. South West Corner of North Ilanover St., end LoeusLAlley. Plank, hasjutit returned Iron the East, nod Is now opening in addl. tiiin to his framer stock a lar4e ascortment id Boots, Shoos, lints and Caps, whfch for price nod quality can nor lie surp.issod. Indeed it fn n blessing to the people that Plank has opened BOOT and Shoe Store In Carlisle. rho amount or money, whi'h c. 111,1 be hayed by buying at Plank's Hoot AND SHOE Store will keep a person In pocket money hos a year ok eau searcely name any bled of a Poet or Shoe that Plank ham not got, and all selliog at greatly reduced prices Just go to Plank's churl Boot and Shoe. STORE and see lor yourselves, and you will find that half has not been told lint with!, has been told Is true. Remem ber the stand South West Corner of North Hanover 8t , and I.olltlkt Alley. C.IRLiSLE. 511dinty between Thudiums and Wetzels Ilot tie April New Spring Goods, II SA AC LI VI NGST()N, at him whole sale and Retail Clothinv l, n on South liar ever •trect, adjolnit g it Hier ,k Bower.' 'laid wins , St, re, 113 tuttineus the receipt of 3 full and Complete as sortment of nun SI',11.11E1? (;()()1), uud ,ett.,lllltrio BEA DV MADE Ills stock consists 111 part of fine Black :uad Bleu FRENCH and ENGLISH CLOTHS, E.rh•a Heary Durskin, Thlee rut and fancy HASSID R 11: S Also a largo variety of Cassinetg and Tw'oed, Ken tucky I.IIS. all I GW.onna&s, Linens. and Linen Drillings, in grrat variety. Also a 41 eat assortment. of Ready Made Clothing, of every style and quality, Whit , . bitten and NVoolen Shit to Summer Drawers, kr., constantly on hand 1111.r0 agliol !Meta of llos,l'ollars, lloslery and Gloves, 'Anon, Silks and Co' ton ilandkoreltiels. Also a full assortment of Trunko, Carpet Bags and Valises, o every size. Clothing made to order at the ,11 , ,rte,t notice. Call and 4xfunlne the stock Match 2.3, 1 Fail. Challenge Competition'S IN the way of variety, elepnee of style, quality and cheapness of my stork of Dry Goods.-, Especially would I call attention to in) large assort ment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I selected with special e,,'o"io the Philadelphia and Nee Volk markets a few dines since. Also, my three g. co oiling comhluation 11 0 0 1' S K I It 'l' , decidedly the most Imprnved pattern 01 the age, giving the NI ea. or the most artistic fem. hiliewlve. a variety of White ()ends, such as Plalll l'lald and Striped Caminive, Striped Nelusouks, Swaer• Moll. I Slip nd Vivrtirj :l l,,,vn,, itrilliMlLS, Linen !landlserrhirr, Blue end Onld Durk, C le. ..i lea, Ultighauts, Denittni, Rnu lurk} Jeans. 'hit Ling. Stripe, °Leis i'atnin its. Tic. • lug., '• Blue l'ainitries, Checks, Blue Nan litten.„ Itiaperti. " Britten Nalli. .. .. • . . . .. . . ofall descriptions, from the common 11 v to the finest Sur and Silk Hats; and at prices the must suit every one who boa an uyo to getting the worth of his money. The stock Includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERII, la:AVE:11 A FELT HATS, of every style and color end unsurpassed for Lightness Durabiliu odd finish; by those of any other establish went in the country. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hat's and Caps, of every description constantly on hand. lie respectfully invites ail the old patrons and as many now ones as possible, to glvo him a call. J. G. CALM°. July 1,1804. JOHN K. STAYMAN r. x- o=o , e e x- i e . HAVING just teturned from the East ern cities desire to inform their patrons that they have laid In a large and varied stock of New and Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. Their assortment is thorough and complete, contain. Ing everything necessaay to constitute a First Class Grocery. 'HENRY SA XTON TEAS, COFFEES, SUGA2S, in greatest abundance, and at lowest cash figures.— Syrups, ti plyes, Canned Fruits, QUEENSWAItg end Crockery, salt and Fishy llama, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. Sellars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckoto, and a cola ploto assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forget the old stand, South Eastcorner of Hanover etreoto. LEWIS FABER " The First Prethium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS. At the late Ciiinherlaud County Pair, has Leen awarded to . . ATR..LoOhm . ttit has thdplooOdro to ail nounce to the public, that ho has 're-purchased his old room from Mr. McMillan in 'Mrs. NolT's opposite the First National Bank, and . guarantoes that his PHO TOO RAPTI'S, • , . CARTES DE VISITE - • • AMBROTYpES,*o. 'ays no suporfOr, and in tone,. finish 'and dipainqSs, surpass most pictures produced. lie gives his porpon al attention to the room,' and !with tho peat and'ltioilt improved instrumonts and •appliances warrants-tho finest results.! A..largo; assortment of Gilt null ltooa. wood Frames, and splendid Albums, for salt, +tarp 'cheap. Copies of 'DognerrootypOlf made moat perfect Oot, 21,1861 i , , TjI'YBICIANS ,vall find* to their tid:- vantaio to 0411 and , pniobaso .their hiedlolno at RALSTO;4!B; llAtrn ET k] Eo , ITOTACLES; of an kinde and Tacos, to suit all ages, at the now Joiolry , tli6ro, °gad Biza tat, JEWELRY STORE. FRUTT CANS and JARS pany J. & D. 12110A.D8, Urvight. A gi:n t. Carl6l FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTE . E. & SALT Nov. 10, 1065 BOOTS AND SHOES. STRAW HATS July I,l', I NEW AND FRESH HALBERT & BRO., Pcb. 24, I$Q4 O. N. 1.11,1., Supt JOHN HO INE HALBERT & BRO