ghit herald. CARLISLE, PA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, ISG6. S.M. PETTENGILI. & CO., MO. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 ki State St. Boston, are our Agents for the '[mmo n awns cities, and are authorized to take Advertise. en ts and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates. FOR GOVERNOR, Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Union County Ticket Congress, Col. R.M. 3 HENDERSON, of Carlisle Subject to the decision of the Congressional Conference. Assembly, Col. JOHN LEE, Carlisle Associate Judges, Capt. J. M. KELSO, Shippensburg, GEO. W. CRISWELL, Eastponnsborough Prothonotary, Sergt. JOHN H. ZINN, Penn Clerk of the C,urt, Seirgt. GEO. IV. REYNOLDS, hipponsbp; Register, Capt. ISAAC HULL, Mochanicsburg County COMMiSSiOner, Capt. SAM'L. KING, Mechanicsburg Lireefor of the Poor, OAVEN JAM ES, New Cumberland County Auditor, JASON W. EBY, Carlisle GEARY CLUB The rnion Republican Citizens of Cat- lisle are respectfully requested to meet in Rheern's Hall ou Saturday evening next nt N o'clock fbr the purpose of forming a ( Club and perfecting the o••genization of ihe party for the coining campaign W. F. SADLER Chairman of Standing Cwinniller National Union County Con vention." We hope our friends Will read this cap tion carefully. We have no recollection of seeing a gathering connected with our local politics which has the had good fortune to bedignilled with a titleso imposing. There is something grand foreshadowed by the name—something entirely dilferent in pur pose and intent from tine, little gathering; of Democratic and Republican politicians which are held yearly or semi year'y to Ilx up candidates for the people to support for the petty and unimportant posts of Prothimo tory, Register, Coroner or Member of the Legislature, or to elect delegates to a State Convention. The call for the meeting of this Convention was alsounhsually imposing. For other County Convention , it is usually sufficient to have the authority of the Onti r man of the County Com lid Ito. who g.m is an E litor, a Foreman of a pri nti rig office, a Justice of the Peace or a newly fledged Law yer. The National County Convention was convoked by the authority of the Post Master of Carlisle, an Ex-chief Burgess, a medical gentleman, two pront.nent members of the Bar and a former Editor of the Herald who jointly and severally composed the Johnson Esei'euliee Comm Wier• ( the italic; belong to the concern). Small politicians too, are careful to indulge in no enunciation of a political creed but trust that to the Con vention to fix up according to it, narrow and contracted rem, of expediency and party needs. The Jill )IMM Exe'rld ire I'olli mittee deal with thin great question.: of the day with an independence and fearless abili ty that stands out iu Marko'll eontr•orst to the uncertain and fitful utterances of dema, gogues andlanatics. They invite the loyal citizens who favor the call for a National Union Convention of Cumberland County to meet at Mr. Faber's Hotel on the '_'Nth inst., at, 11 A. M. to choose delegates and transact other important laKiness. The call then discusses in a half column solid nonpareil of the Volunteer the universality, constancy and supremacy of the Constitution rind the laws; the rights, dignity :well quality of the States: the Abolition of slavery and the impossibility and impractiliility of its establishment; lll the powers, duties and re sponsibilities of Congresses in general find unjust unconstitutional, revolutionary. "ornery and cussed" proceedings of the present Congress in particular ; the purpose of war, resistance to tliQ„ authority of the Government, peaceful administrations, con stitutional powers, defense of the republic, maintenance of the public credit, union, har mony, industry, arts of peace, 36 states, 9 ter ritories, District of Columbia, friends and brothers, national flag, hold councils, state of the Union, possible dangers, National situation, seats of delegates, Constitution, Union and Government of the states ad iqfinitunz, etc., etc. All this prepared, won dering outsiders for a grand display of the loyal and faithful patriots who understood all this grand talk and who would be in force at the place and hour named, to attend the sittings of the NATIONAL UNION COUNTY CONVENTION. Saturday the 28th, of July came at last how slowly roll the hours that precede expect ed great events. Dawn, sunrise, and the hours before meridian passed' slowly away until but one was loft and we impelled by a irre sistible curiosity turned our stops to 'Faber's Hotel. There we found the loyal citizens" assembled in force. The National Union County Convention at the time of its meet ing consisted of lames Armstrong, James Waggoner, James Bowmiin, Henry Karns, James M'Clellan, a handsome gentleman in rebel gray of a southern - cast of frame and feature, another gontleinan ditto as to clotlas and manner who was decidedly ugly, anoth 'ercitizOn of tcivin4ctid William Kennedy Esq. ' It is rnmpred areand town tbatall the gentle men here named. _mid described, were until recently members in good standing of an organi l itition formerly known as the Demo cratic Party. After waiting some ton min utes there was an accssion of three persons titißie crowd two of whom wore Napoleon Sitio:re Wand Williamson: Huston also lotely,Of the party aforesaid deceased. soon afterwnrtincarnoßobert Wilson Meehan- • icsburg. , Then - W. IL Miller, Esq., then M. Williams and ',Robert linOttehren, Esqrs q overAtVcotiversion of all of whom from their , DeWtoorat;37 to Johnsonism, we felici tide iiiiiikidiuntry. Afterwards. came John Cern' pb`eil;ll4,'G; Herman 'George' Zinn, William .M. POrter, It,:trontagn gtovenson' three others. This . was the ' .UNION' COUNTY , CoNVENVION . free frein - ,all;,theobjectieris troubles incident toamee4tignfdelegates dt, was the pnrtyitsey :rank and - file assembled. to - deliberate in solemn conclave on the mighty issues of the day. —Having thus described the result of the effort to get up a Johnson Phrty in our Cokoty we wish to say a word with, regard, to a fact which the meeting of this eon vention demonstrates beyond cavil and that -is the unity which' pervades our own or ganization in the County : The party which during the war presented a united front to those who covertly gave their adhesion to the cause of the South is without any di vision of sentiment on the great questions which are still at issue. The managers of the Democracy counted on an immense de velopment of the Johnson element by the meeting of the Convention. For weeks they boasted how the radicals would open their eyes when this convention ment. The office holding portion of the party was formed energetically. Postmasters received letters in which they were " particularly urged" (does anybody recognize the quota tion) to cc present, and as a grand result THREE gentlemen were got together who voted for Andrew Johnson for Vice Presi dent who now endorse his policy. In a County wherein there at least 40 offices in the gift of the administration ; after months of most industrious threatening of incum bents and the most lavish offers to aspirants but tonne men of our party were found who would take the responsibility of en dorsing publicly the policy of the President. Surely the people ear be trusted. Andrew Joh rl , Oll when an obscure member of the United States Senate for one bold open re buke of treason wits at once taken into the Union ranks and as soon as there were honors to bestow he was named second to our chief. In this County more than 3,000 loyal men forgetting his whole record except that one speech ea=t their ballots for him and defended hi , fame against the assaults of every traitor in the land. Tht:;Jugh accident he is now invested with more than regal power and influence, but having in an evil moment ea , t aside his mask of patrotism but THREE are here to day, so poor to du him reverence. JOHN W. GEARY Gen. GEARY is before the people of Penn- Ivania for the highest .iflice in their gift. Ile has received the nomination of a party which has for the last eight y• ars controlled the State; not becau,o of a division of op posing hut because in as 11111.1 SUCC,...IVO, desperately Coll IV:4Od CallVll,:,, it always a ole:u• and 1111 1 , 1 i" tZlkable and Often an overwhelming majority of the legal voters. The party which has chosen him it, their leader numbers in its rank a very gr,.4t preponderance of the wealth, intelligence, morality, and patriot.- km of the, people. 'l•he candidate a 111111.1 Of nutlure age, liberal education, good 'nor:ll , - 11as had a most varied and ex tensive l'XianrlClll:o in public life—lons served Iris country soldier ill two wars during a period of seven years—has laen proanited regularly from a captaincy to the rank of a Alajor General and has been wounded by t he htdlets of the enemy oftener than he has been comini,-ioned —in civil life he has been entrusted by two National Administrations with the Guvernu u •at of new and turbulent territories and has performed the functions of his offices with most -ignal succes4. His ancestry have It record which bears with it mor. Ili, grandfather was a ,ddier in the 1:-volution and his father in the war of 1812. When GEARY hest went to the field he took with hint as soldiers hi, two sons one it', and the other Igy ears of age. in a dead ly conflict in which the Intlwr iron :1 glori ous vii tors' the eldest son fell whilst light ing bra% ely on the field. i, a plain narration of filets or which any decently informed 1111111 is fully cognizant. Such a record might 1114 be eonellt.Sire evidence of Geis. Grant's fitness for the position to which II.• aspires, but we submit that it is about enough to establish his right to decent treat ment at the hands of those who prefer some one else. We are, led to this by- an article which lip iiiiartia in the I,t t woks I . l , lllliirrr and which would make any stranger believe that the Union candidate was a scoundrel and im postor—a bullying, bragging militia officer wit had never seen au engagement or smelt powder, a Wall who had been disini,ed from civil appointments b , ealLitt Of ilICOMI•Lelley, 1111 d a can who is detested and hated by the entire soldiery of his country. We will here give most of the article one commenting on the paragraphs. Thu drst is as follow, : John W. Geary tins first brought into notice in connection with the Mexican Arai., having been elected Lieutenant Colonel of the i.fd Penna. Regiment. During his term of service he seems to have completely won the affections of the men in his command, as will be seen from the following resolutions rahhed by the uteri of his regiment, on their tiara 1,) the States, in a public indignation meeting, held at Connellsville, on Saturday, July lOth, 1818. Here are the resolutions, officially published at the time by the officers of the meeting : Whereas, The discharge and arrival home of the remaining members of he Fayette Volunteers has again placed them in the position of citizens of the Common wfialth of Pennsylvania, and enabled them to speak mid assert thffir rights, they now embrace this occasion TO EX PRESS THE I R DEEP AND ABIDING INDIGNATION OF TILE CONDUCT OF JOHN W. GEARY SINCE HE WAS ELECTED TO THE COMMAND OF THE 21) PA. REGIMENT, AT THE CITY OF MEXICO, THESAIDJOHN W.GEARY PROCURED II IS ELECTION B FALSEHOOD AND DECEPTION." " Resolved, That the whole course and conduct of said Geary was INCONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER ,OF A. GEN TLEMAN 011 A MAN OF HONOR—it was corrupt and mercenary in all its bear ings, characteristic of a low and groveling creature, hunting and seeking popularity for COURAGE AND PATRIOTISM THAT HE NEVER EARNED, by Iv gafning with supple tools and mercenaries, ono of whom at least was A NOTORIOUS BLACK LEG." The resolutions given are graced by no names, and for ell purposes of evidence are worthless. From their appearance we might be justified in saying that they wore msnufactured for this campaign l expressly-, or that they were the production of a some disappointed rival whose modesty alone prevented him from getting o ,ono vote There is one thing in however which makes the resolution suspicious, GEARY was elected Lieut. ColOnel.of the regiment at its organ ization. After fighting . through from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico, Col. Roberts the commander of .the regiment died. The Resolution charges that Joins W. DIA RY procured his election, to that rank by false 7 hood and deception. Now. mark, ho was entitled to the Colonelcy , in'the 'order of his regular-:prOmot:io'n' 4mi wodfdLnot have been passed over. except for very special reasons— where then was ,the need or motive for his using FALSEHOOD AND DECEPTION to secure what ho already had in his hands? Allow uti to suggest, gentlemen; that When you have' hunted up some dead men's navies to attach to ;your' resolution alter it suf- , flciontly. ' it ' them • serviceable—they" won't' do, r in present fix. Whilst ,We are at Mexico we may es Well State that rafter the taking of the city; Comma. Game* was placed in command 01 4 '16 groat Qiiaded . . . . , . of the Capital in consideration "of gallant services in its capture. From Mexico the Volunteer 'marches. to Kansas and makes these discoveries : In, 1856 Geary, was appointed Governor of Kansas by President Pierce,: ivhichpOsi tion he held but a few months, When' ho was removed On the ground of incompetency. Tho ,Only official net of his administration worthy of note was his appropriating the inaugural address of the Governor of Massa chusetts and sending it to the Legislature of Kansas as his own "first annual message." Those who delight in tracing the similarity in the thoughts and modes of expression of great men will find a rich field of labor in comparing these two documents. GEARY was not removed for incompetence. In the short space of six months by his firm ness and/wise administration ho suppressed a civil wtir that had defied the efforts of his predecessors and restored order, law and Government ; dispersed the thousands of border ruffians who had invaded Kansas and also disbanded the irresponsiblehbrgan izations of her own citizens and all this was been accomplished without bloodshed or a resort to force. It is a part of our history that Cot: GEARY found Kansas inn con dition of anarchy and civil war and left it orderly, well governed and submissive to authority. This disposes of the incompe tency. On the subject of his removal_ we respectfully submit the following document : "EXECUTIVE DEPARTMEZYT, KANSAS TFJUUTOXY, lA:COMPTON, Marc), 4th 1557. "ILs EXCELLENCY, JAMES BUCHANAN, " Pre7ident of the United States " DEAR Sit :—Please accept my resigna tion as Governor of Kansas Territory, to take effect on the 211th of the present mUnth, by which time you will be enabled to select and appoint a proper successor. With high respects, your friend and obedient servant, JOHN W. GEARY. If you have anything !Imre, to say about his removal on the ground of incompetency or on any other ground hurry it up. With regard to his plagiarism in the message, us we have already Convicted you of one lie in a paragraph, •it is hardly necessary to urge that as Geary was a Democrat at the time and the Governor of :Massachusetts a Republican, it is n ' t more probable that he would steal message than it is that we should go thieving filnong your Cditorilik From ]ioura our truthful biographer come. , to the rebellion and says : 'l'll, , lirst heroic act of (ieneral Geary, during the lute war, was the capture Or the old cannon at Harper's Ferry. 'l'his cannon had been stuck ill the ,ide walk and ured. ter forty vears us tt re , •eplaele fur segar to np and other refine. The rebs" hav ing ',Hod 4,ilt hi. vol11.1,11)1, Spit tt/1.11 11111 i 'minuted it on It lOcr, (;ears , 01111iS peite,:able entran c e into the phtee, tuck p ,, ssessien of it it , a trophy Itild telegraphed to the mayor of Philadelphia that he would present it to the city authorities. Ilis dispatch war in these words : ‘• 'l' e .11,ww• I'hil4,ll.lpli : I hay ,t ju-t rmit(l the enemy :it Harper's Ferry.— T , to rebel. ran out or town 111 11 grant hurry lewd ng ono or their cannon to WI into 111\' which 1 will prc".'sorit to the city of Philadelphia. 01: It Tlil U M I'll IS Vour , , .1011 N \V. G EA It Y.— Considering that. tin' rebels had left the before Geary entered it, his "triumph . ' was indeed Somehow the joke of the Harper's Verry Spittrain" began to get thiough the General's cranium, and it is needless to ud l that the city of Philadelphia never rec,•ived the cannon. ()lie of the famous battles in which the subject of this biographical sketeh engaged. was the term ti~c' t'eitiot of "Snick ersville," a graphic ace,,mil,,f which written by the General's. private Si,:retrary, and re vised by himself, occupied an entire page of the Philadelphia Tmprirer. 'rho most re markable feature of this engagement is that not a man kilted or wounded on either side, and Lot a prisoner taken. In nll political campaign; there must be allowance nr,iile for a little detraction and ridicule but there is a point beyond which forbearance erases to be a virtue, /mud we :told ill, the author of the above ridicule of R gallant soldier, to tho > rn anil contein or every decent man in the community. (7eary with 1,0.10 men repul,ed Ashby and Evan , with s,fou men at Ilarperl; Ferry in a severe engagement lasting eight hours in hich his of umand suffered severely and he was himself wounded ; for his bran cry in this action he nuts made a Brigadier. From this titur to the c•lnsu of the with he was con- stantly on the most active duty and partici pated in nearly all the important battles in Northern Virginia Pennsylvania, and the South West. At Chancellorsville he received a Mound in the breAst from which he has not yet recovered. At Gettysburg he fought in the front oil ('ulp's Hill, during that seven hours' conflict which nearly annihilated the corps which had been the pride and boast of Lee's army, and: which gave final victory and triumph to the l'nion arms. It isn't 11ee,,,1117 to follow our candidate through the campaigns of Grant and Sherman in the S.mth West, where he won honors for himself and his country and gained the commendation of his comrades in urine and his superiors i command, but as an offset to the l'o/afaccr's ridicule we will give the opinion of his corps commander, GEN. SLO CUM, Will/1M the Democracy' of New York chose for their political leader last fall.— Read this : " Headquarters Twelfth Corps, Army of the Cumberland, '• Murfreesboro, Teen., Nov. 13, 18(33. INI v DICAR GEINERA :—I am very hap p y to hear the good reports • which reach me from all sides, relative to the conduct of your command in the recent action. The con— test was one of very great importance. The highest creel t is awarded to you and your command, not only by General Thomas, but by all n//leers conversant with the circum stances. "As I was not with you I can claim no portion of the credit gained, nor can with good taste, publish an order express ing thanks to you, but I wish you and your Colllllllllld to know that I have boon inform ed of ail the facts in the case, and that I feel deeply grateful for their gallant conduct and for the new laurels they have brought to our corps. "H. W. , SLOCUNI." "Brigadier-general J. W. GLARY, "Commanding Second Division Twelfth Army Corps." If it was our design to show GEARY'S mili tary record we might fill columns but it is only our aim to call attention to the indescri bable meanness of the demagogues who hold up to the ridicule of the ignorant, the deeds of a citizen of their own county, who has seen as much hard service as any man in the State; who at Gettysburg helped, to drive from our borders those who devastated our 'valley and shelled our own borough whilst its streets were filled with' helpless women and children, and whose gallantry on distant battle fields won th'e admira tion and praise of Sherman, Thomas, Hook er, ,and Slocum; Asa reward .for all this, the rowdies and blackguards .of the county aro ,taught to ,scoff at him us the man who "captured the spittoon at Harper's Ferny,"'., and whose most famous battle didn't kill, Wound or 'capture a single man," .Let the iitople of this, county who remember tneir;plUndering my the.tobeis in 1.863 lend the . battle ,of Got . tyeburg that gave, thorn .security, rebuke those' shamele:s Oceagoguee by . glvind a majority for their own bravo "eitizen and let soldiers whq think of , voting with his opposers,, remptaber that, the 'slanderers of were thq mon who : tforamed, i/tent And hnlit,tl94, pteir gctlope , field and voted" o disfranahise them:These slanderers of soldiers need a stern rebuke from the people and ere long will receive it. , We have not space to follow the Ye/un tor article further but it nothing,inore im portant turns up will finish it in our next... Treachery Rewarded Mr. ROBERT WILSON has for some years been Postmaster 0. - Mechanicsburg, having been appointed to that position by President LINCOLN. As -soon as it was definitely as certained that Mr. Lnico',lt's accidental successor intended to go over body and soul to the rebels and copperheads, and that a' literal adherence to his example was the con dition upon which alone incumbents could retain official position, Ma. WILSON hasten ed to announce himself an abject follower of our modern Tyler. In slavish subservience to orders from headquarters, WILSON presented himself at the great Johnson Convention in Carlisle, on Saturday last, and elected himself Vice-Pres ident of that tremendous gathering. It would seem that this was degredation deep enough to entitle the subject to an almost indefinite tenure' of office ; but strange to say Saturdayls papers announce the displace ment of W.I.LsoN and the appointment an confirmation of Colonel DAVID KIMMEL, a brave and gallant soldier, as postmaster at Mechanicsburg. Thus the full measure of poetic justice is meted nut to one of the swiftest converts in all the noble band of Postmasters. He swa'l lowed his leek with the most commendable subserviency, and is now chewing the bitter cud of disappointrrtant with the wryest of faces. May the same luck befal every one of such fellows. $ 305,864.528.20 The books of thq Internal revenue office, in Washington, for the fiscal year ending June 30th, have just been balanced, and it appears that the amount of money collected during the year, in taxes in that department, was thi en hundred and five millions, eight hundred and sixty-four thousand, five hun dred. and twenty-six dollars, and twenty cents! This is merely one of the Govern ment taxes, and is exclusive of the customs, or State and local taxes, which are about as much more. Every dollar of this might have been saved by the exercise of a proper patriotism and fraternal feeling, in the Con gress or 18110-1. We would have " a little blood letting," and now we are paying for it as abio.e.— Eouracer. You have guessed it this time exactly. Every dollar of this might have been saved by the exercise of a proper patriotism and fraternal feeling in the Congre.s of 1860-1, but then those virtues weren't in any great demand. Some dozen of Senators and may be 'Clam''trod representatives who held then and who now held the same political faith as does the l'o/unicer, withdrew from Con gro,s, and after getting their pay organized a Government or their own ; stole property that belonged to the nation; organized ar mies, erected forts and batteries, stormed and captured garrisons, and proclaimed pub licly Unit they would p.'ssess themselves of the l'apital of the nation, and in short dis played such a want of patriotism and frater nal feeling, that very much against our wills we were forced to turn in and whip them into decency. It was a pretty big under taking and cost us ell the big figures you have made and many more besi4. Lately we Intro been trying to forget these impru dent little games of Democrats, but you will recall the subject. This Internal Revenue is a great nuisance, for it is continually re minding us how much Democratic treason makes us pay yearly in taxes. You would have a big blood letting in spite of all we cold(' do to prevent, it and 110 W use are paying much the larger share of the expense. We would forget this though were you nut con stantly reminding us of it. Tux outrageous proposition to place 11 tax of live cents a pound on cotton, was reduced to three cents in the Senate, and passed. It is the only agricultural product that has this burden placed upon it. The West does not vote to put it upon wheat-growers, but the South is unrepresented and must submit to just such taxes as the Radicals see tit to im pose.— l'olunteer. This is exceedingly smart. Everybody knows that taxes on productions are paid in the end by the consumer and that the pr4,dneer or inn Mlftle til rer always makes him self whole on the increased price of the ar ticle. You anti-tariff men areal ways strong on this argument. Well, the North and West consume about twenty times as much cotton as the South and will continuo to do so for SOlllO time. Gonse.juently the great bulk of this taxation will fall on the section which is represented in Congress. So the Radicals are taxing themselves—they aro great tyrants, aren't they? General Geary fought tho rebels in the front--flepub. Ex. And the rebels fought Gen. Geary in the rear. That's the only pert of Geary they ever saw.— Volunteer. Indeed : low then did they hit him ii the breast with a shell ? It may interest in again the lineaments tains within a politica any persons to view .f their military chief- I frame : WITH THE PREsIDENT. WITH THAD STEVENS. Oon. Grant, "Gun." Butler, Gen, Sherman, " Gen." Siegel, Gon. Meade, "Gen." Schurz, Gen. Hancock, " Gen." Schenck, Gun. Crawford, "Gen." Cameron, Gen. Sheridan, " Col." Forney, Col. Coulter "Gen." Orrery. ~. The military trappings—straps, buttons, stiffs, eagles, &e.—are equal, it will be per ceived, but there is a vast difference in the color of the exploits.—Eric Observer. Precisely— but why don't you complete the President's column ? hero are some of his avowed supportcas : WITH THE PRESIDENT. Jel ferson Davis, 0. L. Vallandlgham, Gen. 11.11.. Lee, Robert Toombs, Gen. Bedii - regard, ' Guerilla Morgan, Gen. Early, Every Southern rebel, Oen. Stuart, . Every Northern Copper Gen. Longstreel, head, Gen. McClellan Deserters and skedadiers, Col. aloeby, ad inflaitant, Andoreouvlllo Wirz, The Democratic party, Wilkes Booth, In spirit,lllroad•and-butter Brigade. Wester Clymer, • Wo think that Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and other Union generals named, would vre for Thaddeus Stevens' column, as they did through a recent civil war. It requires a rather vivid imagination to got them Into the other picture frame—don't it Mr. Ob.. SerVC7' ?—Erie Gazette. An invisible advertisi3mwft,•More Convin cing than printed words, Is nowrrecornmond ing Pitalon's 44Night-BlooMing in in a thousand fashionable homes in tho city of Now York. That advertiscanent is - 'simply the stream of delightful ffagranco poured from every flagon of this famous Oxiiii6t. Sold everywhere. " , ' —Between 1816 and 1864,.2,782,000 mon Were, killed in battle. Of thes,d 2;148,000 were Europeans,• 10.1,000 inhabitants of the other continents. Thus,. during 49 years; the average annual number•who thus perish. od amounts to 42,800 ; men, not' including the Victims of. disease ongondorod by. the• conse quences of war.. .The Crimean war (1868. 66) was naturally , the most destructive, 611,- 000 men having perished (luring its course ; 176,000 of them died on tho field of battle; 884,000 from. disease in .hospital,- 266,000 being , ;Russians, .98,000 Turka,. , 107,090 Eroch,„ 45,000 English, 400 Italians, And 2600 • i Our Naiional Platfoim "Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of -A moricai, in Congress absedioled„ two thirds 'Of both Houses coneurring t :;Thae,the follow ing article be.proposed. to,:the Legislaures of the several States an 'amendment to the . , Constitution of. the United` States; .:Which,' when ratified by three-fourths of the said Legislatures, shall bd valid as a part of the Constitution, namely : "Article—SECTlON 1, All persons born Or naturalized in-the:United States, arid sub jeCt to the jurisdiction tliereOf, are citizens of the United States and of the State where in they reside. No State shall make or en force any law which shall abridge the ileges or the immunities of citizens of the United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property with out due process of law, nor deny to any per son within its jOisdiction the equal protec tion of the laws. "SECTION , 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States ac cording to their respective numbers, count ing the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed ; but whenever the right to vote at any election for eloctorsof President and Vice-President, or for United States Representatives iriton gross, executive and judicial officers, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is de nied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebel lion or other crime, the basis of representa tion therein shall be reduced in the propor tion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citi zens twenty-ono years of age in that State. "SECTION 8. No person shall ben Sen ator a Representative in; Congress, elector or President and Vice-President or hold any office, civil or military under the U. S., or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congre s, or an °dicer of the United Status, or as a mem ber of any State Legislature, or as an exec-' otive or judicial officer of any State, to sup port the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebel lion against the same, or given aid or com fort to the enemies thereof ; but Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House remove such disability. "SECTION 1. The validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for service in sup pruS,ing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned, but neither the United States nor any State shall assmue or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any efaini for the loss or emancipation of any slave, but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void." From the Sunbury Amorienti.] SOLDIERS' CONVENTION In pursuancu of a call in tho Northumbr? land Cuunt II Democrat, of honorably dis charged soldiers, to meet at Sunbury on the 25th inst., fur the purpose of electing dele gates to attend the Soldiers' Johnson and Clymer Convention at Harrisburg, on the Ist of August, 1806, a number of soldiers as sembled in the Commissioners' Room in the new Coert House, over which meeting Dr. Newbaker was called to preside. It was soon apparent that a large,majority, perhaps three-fourths of the soldiers present, were the friends add supporters of (Oen- Geary. In order to avoid any confusion or difficulty, Lieut. A. Brice, of Sunbury, , in quired of the chairman whether the meeting seas intended fur all honorably discharged soldiers, or only for such soldiers as were in favor of Hiester Clymer for Governor. The chairman stated that the meeting was only for soldiers favorable to Clymer. Where upon at least three-fourths of the soldiers withdrew to the old Court House, and or ganized by appointing Capt. A. 1). CA LD WE LL, President. Corpl. N. I'. Limmitin and Sergt. lIARTUN, V ice l'l'l2.,ldOr (lapt. J. E. Torrinylon and Capt. 11. Painter, Secretaries. On motion a committee of seven, viz : Lieut. A. N. Brice, Corporal N. F. Light ner, Sergt. 1). 11. Wharton, Corporal C. D. Wharton, Capt. C. S. Prowell, Lieut. C. Hammer and Sorgt. J. H. Love, were ap pointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sentiments of this Convention. The c'Snunittee, after an absence of fifteen minutes, returned and reported the follow ing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That while we heartily endorse Maj. Gen. John W. Geary, the Union can didate for Governor, and while his distin guished career, in the service of the Repub lic, elicits our admiration, we as heartily condemn the political action of Mester Cly mer, the candidate of the so-called Demo cratic party; for his persistent attempts to thwart all legislation having for its object the benefit of the soldiers of the country,.and especially those of Pennsylvania, by having voted in his place against granting them the right of suffrage, whilst battling nobly for the nation, giving their lives a sacrifice, that the Republic might live. Resolved, That we heartily endorse the re-construction policy of Congress, and we look to the loyal majority of that body, as our only guarantee and hope of the Repub lic, and o the sacred principles for which we fought and suffered privations in the upon field. Resolved, That we are opposed to the re admission of the rebellious States, until they have given proper guarantee of loyal ty to the Federal Government by ,stan'lrm ing to the prescribed conditions offered by Congress and while the so-called Democracy are in favor of the immediate re-admission of the rebel States, without any guarantee of, loyalty, we are in favor of their admiss ion after they have given evidence that they aro sincere in their devotion to the supreme law of the land. • Resolved, That we are alike opposed to the course of Andy Johnson, in appointing rebels and their sympathizers to office, and his proscription of mon who have nobly stood by the Government in its hour of peril, ince6 , our unqualified disapprobation. Resolpcd, That the course of Edgar Cowan in the Senate of the united States is On avowed betrayal of tho loyal men and soldiers of Pennsylvania ; that ho has failed to carry out the views of the majority that elected him to the Senate, and we call upon him to resign his place, that a man true to the interests of the Keystone State, and the 800,-, 000 bravo men who sacrificed all foe the public good, makbo made opt ropresontqfve. Resoltfecl, That we scorn tho serpent-like friendship of tho so-called Democracy; who, after calling us hirelings,!' " buffoons," and " Lincolp,dogs,'? and rofusing, us all aid and sympathy in the field; pow Book our sup port at tho'ballot bo:k. • ' • Resolved, That we; the loyal soldiiirs• of Northumberland, county, claim to have a ,large majority, in fayor, of Major General John W. Geary, and knoiying that the call piibliched in the Norikumberland Coioi1!) Aemocrot represents some limo and • loyal aoldiers of .the -.county ; :Whose-names iwero appended withmalloir. consent, majority, Of the'`cames fixed to . ,that, call 'wornl alcim" from tonitiCtones, 'drafted men and 'deserters. • _ 14,3048(1, That :WO heartily row:emend a general convonidon of tho honfflably dis charged.doldiorn of Northumberldnd county, favorable to the election of *Rim. General Geary, for Governor,'und - opposcd to it llfy Policy," to be held. in Sunbury, on &Vern, bor, sth, ,18664 . Resolved , , Tha t a full report of these pro *dings and resolution's: be liulilished in the Sunbury American, Sunbury , Gaictic, •Sha molcin Herald r •an4 Ifiltonian, to whom' our thanks are due for 4heir : faithful' advocacy ,of the soldiers' interests.; • '.l6solved; That WO eitond our thanks to tho order of Froo Masons for the iiso of their 04 1 40 4 9 P, 4 TOP9luttion wEol:4doptodyro* Outing the Chairman of tho Union Stand ing Committee, of Northurpberland county, to.invito General Geary an '.l. A. Logan to be present and address the Convention, which meeta op:the sth of September next: A resolution was also adopted requiring the President and Secretary of this Con vention, to issue a protest against thepro ceedings of the so-called Democratic Con .vention purporting to represent the senti `mints of the soldiers of this county, and the, same bequblished in the Philadelphia Enquirer and Harrisburg TELEGRAPH. On motion adjourned, by giving three cheers for Maj. General Geary. [Signet by the creers.] The Great Telegrapiq Wonder of the 19th Century Accomplished. THE A'PLANTIC CABLE A SUCCESS The fifth attempt to connect the old and new world by telegrapic cable has been crowned by success. To Mr. Cyrus W. Field, more than to any other man, is the credit due of achieving this great result. His indomitable zeal and faith in the suc cess of the undertaking accomplished it, and to him millions of men to-day accord the honor. The first attempt to unite the eastern and western continents with the telegraph was made in 1858. The cable extended from Valentin to Newfoundland, and was laid by the Great Eastern. The cable employed was 2500 miles long, and cost $485 per mile, or, with tho cost of the shore ends and in cidental expenses, 1,834,500. Although it it is claimed that some messages were trans mitted, the enterprise proved an entire fail ure, save in so far as its results encouraged the effort of 1800. This last effort, which operating in concert with the other com pleted, Progressing and contemplated lino., will put a girdle around the world in com paratively a short time, and make every country tributary to every other and benefit the whole, is noty pronounced a success.— The cable which began to be laid b; the Great Eastern, from Valentin, on the 15th of July, has reached the western coast, and commhnication between the two continents is now established. That. it may prove to be permanent is our earnest prayer. Below we give the first dispatches that have traversed the depths of the Atlantic front one continent to the other as quickly ahno...t as if their distant shores were seper atria only by a rivulet. How astonishing are the triumphs of man's genius ! DESPATCH FRO \I THE QUEEN OP ENULANI To THE PRESIDENT. Asir BAT - , July 30 The Superintendent of the N. Foundland lino arrived here at 9 o'clock this morning, with the following message from the Queen of Great Britain to lino President of thin United States: Osn“RNE, uly 27th, 18611. To the President Mc United States, Wash iallton, 1). C. The Queen congratulates the President on the successful completion of au undertaking which she hobos may serve as an additional bend of omen between the United States and England. =9 EXECUTIVE MANSION', Washington, D. C. } Tu Iler ilrije.sty the Queen the United liurgdarrs ry . &real Britain and Ireland. The President of the United States ac knowledges with profound gratification the receipt of Her Majesty's despatch, and cor dially reciprocates the hope that the cable which now unites the Western and Eastern Hemispheres may serve to stre; gthen and to perpetuate peat.e and amity between the governments of Europe and the tiyublic of the United States. ANDREW J0112.,,0N LATEST FROM EUROPE BY TELEGRAPH CABLE. TREAT]" oF PEACE nIiTwEEN AI:STRIA AN GEMBEI Heart's Content, N. F., July 29. via Ashy Bay, C. 13., July !9, j Thu London Ti sirs, of July 27, says of the Atlantic Telegraph. "It is a great work, the story of the age and nations, and they who have achieved it deserve to be honored as the benefactors of their race." A treat• of peace has been signed betwet Aiutria and Prussia. A previous telegram says that a five days armistice between Austria. and Prussia corn menced at noon on the 13d. There was more fighting on the 22d, the Austrians claiming a victory. The Earl of Shaftesbury had protested, in the House of Commons, against the holding of reform meetings. Sir John Pakington admitted that Eng land was behind other nations. A severe naval engagement took place on the 20th of July off the island of Lissa, in the Adriatic. The Austrians claimed a vic tory, having sunk an Italian iron-chid ship and blown up three. Lox DON, Saturday Evening, July 28. The latest reports from the seat of war state that the pence preliminaries between the contending powers are progressing but no details have been received as yet. I=l LONDON, July 28, Evening. Consols closed at 881 for money; United States lite-twenties 69i. The cotton market is firm ; middling Or leans is quoted at I.4Ad per pound. The sales are not given. 0 NEWS ITEMS —lnformation has been received at the Treasury of the seizure by a customs officer on the coast of North Carolina of a number of vessels engaged in the smuggling trade. —Washington has seldom been so depop ulated at the close of a Eessidn as it now is, But few of the hotels are over half full. Tho lobby is nearly deserted, and the galleries are almost empty. —Advices from Vienna state that the Austrian government is on the point of is suing a large number of bank notes with a forced currency; to supply the wants of the Treasury, which is completely exhausted. —No person connected with the Memphis riots has been indicted or punished in any manner whatever. E.t-Recorder Creighton, who was reported by Gen. Stonemah as in citing the rioters to violence by a public speech, daily holds his Court as a justice of the pence. —The New Free Press of Vienna gives - the• singhlar advice to the Austrian ;govern ment to place the metallic treasure of tho Bank of Vienna in a place of safety. Tho bank cellars contain 120,000,000 florins (315,- 000,000 francs); it weighs 140,000 quintals (221 i pounds each), and would require forty railway trains to carry it away. •• internal rovenue law regulat tng the'xuanufacture of distilled spirits goes into °Mot' on thO Bit of September, and the government expresses its intention Of seiz ing upon tke'tirst , prominent' cases of viola tien' for' the iiurptisciof testing its peovisiiins to the fullest extent. . -The City Council,,of Savannah, a short time ago, issued ai}•ordor excluding negroes from the chief park of tho city, whereupon the military authOrities informed the Mayor that 'such orders could not be executed. Counc4 had u,mcoting on, Thursday, and re-• solved to close the park to all persons until ibo Mat* can, be laid beiroptho.authoiities at WashingtoN find their . yiows obtained: tulake inoa§uring fourteen foot and seven:inches recently crawled, into 'a lious f e ip dalveston, Texas, and swallowed a log of , inutton. It alunld bo it takes a , .„ - PERSONAL —GENsinar. JOHN A. Dix has been ap pointed Minister to Hague. -- 7 0:30Lowta SMITH had resigned the Pro fessorship of History at Oxford University. —George Saunders has offered himself in bulk to Garibaldi, —Rosa Bonheur, it is said, is anxious to see alive buffalo, and therefore contemplates a. visit to the United States. Tue income of Wm. B. Astor last year was $1,153,459, which is abovit $150,000 less than the previous year. There was a gen eral falling off of the incomes in Now York the past year. —Tue President has granted a pardon to Lawrence Rosseau, of Now Orleans, La., for merly a captian in the United States Navy, who resigned and entered the rebel service. —ltecorei' Creighton, of Memphis, charged with inciting the late riots, has surrendered himself up, and is under bonds for trial. —ONE Dr, Hale, of Rock counly, Missis sippi, was compelled to pay $786,8G dam ages, last woek, for kissing the wife of a Mr. Havens, of the same county. —Several of the lesser Mexican embassies to Europe have been recalled by the Empe ror on the scot e of economy. —A brick of gold, weighing thirty pounds taken from mines iu Novo Scotia, wa; ex hibited in New Haven last week. —A colored man was recently killed in a church at Columbia, S. C. Finding the colored gallery filled, he ventured t , take a sent among the whites and was immedi ately killed. General Howard has sent an officer to investigate the matter. —George W. Kendall has written a long letter to the San Antonio Ledycr, in which he advocates the revival of the old system ,of offering rewards for the scalps 0. wild Indians. Ile thinks that the only effective menus of putting a stop to their depreda thous. —MAJOR, GENERAL 0. 0. HOWARD recently received a communication from Governor Humphrey, of Mississippi which represents that the civil authorities throughout the State are ttbout to take active medsures to prevent otnrnges and Ur-treatment of the freedmen, and will bring all offenders to justice. Their nets will receive the support of the better portion of the community, find it is beleived that a more favorable state of affairs will soon be established. —GEN. SPIIAGuE, Assistant Commisioner of Freedmen' Affairs in Missimri, Arkansas and the Indian territory, in a late report to the Bureau, says that in many parts of Ar kaasas the testimony of iteedmen against whites is still excluded from courts of jus tice, and county clerks and recorders refuse to reveive and record marriage certificates of colored people, as has been the law and custom fur whites. In other portions of the State testimony is heard in courts of justice without regard to the color or the EERIE °tun at 6ottiq ffißtters. If any of our town , ulr , eribers fail to re ceive their papers they will please notify it,. Single copies of the Herald, with ,r with out wrappers, to be had at the offlee, for live accts a copy. GEARY MASS MEETING A grand Mass Meeting of the friends of Gen. GEARY will bu held in Mechanicsburg otl47:qturday the IRth inst. Extensive prep aration: are making, 21111 :co Dill the call next week. The Standing Committee of the County will meet at Mechanicsburg at the Railroad Hotel on the 18th inst., instead Of Carlisle. The meeting will be at 12 o'Noek. W. F. SAILER, Chairman. Rev. Dr. Wing expects to be in his pulpit next Sabbath. Nye direct attention to MR. NEU WAIIL's, advertisement in to-day's paper Ile is determined to sell out his entire steel at any sacrifice. DIRECT EROM EUROPE.—WO learn that Messrs Wm. BLue & Sim, those enter prising wholesale retail grocers, have en route from Europe an invoice of queensware which they are importing directly front the markets across the water. We believe this is the first instance in the history of our borough of a direct importation from Eu rope. SOLDIERS, disabled by wounds or dis- Case, who have been honorably discharged from the volunteer service of the United States, who desire a home in the United States Military Asylum, are requested to make application pievious to September Ist, with a statement of the circumstances of their enlistment, services, disability and discharge, to Major General Edward W. [links, governor of United States Military Asylum, whose office is temporarly at Bos ton, Mass. Any person,having knowledge of merit orious disabled soldiers being, supported in an almshouse or elsewhere,' , as a public pauper, is requsted to give information of the fact to the governor of the' asylum, in order that immediate slops may be taken for the removal and relief of such indigent disabled soldiers. Papers throughout the country aro re quested to give gratuitous publicity to the above Prof. J. B. Andrews, of Philadelphia is visiting our town for the purpose of giving instructions in his new, short and simple methods of Addition, Subtraction, Multipli cation and Division, and their application to Interest, Percentage, Discount, Banking and Partial Payments. , We have examined :Prof. Andrews! conciso and beautiful system of calculation and wo must say that we re gard it as far superior to the old system. It is much shorter, -more simple, and more correct. Wo take great pleasure, therefore, in recommending him to any who, may need his professional services. We aro authorized to say that the Profes,) sor gives instructions to Ladies and Teach.; ors'at'a reduced fee, and to womuled Spl4iers • free of charge. His rooms aro at Mrs. Aughinbaiiilesi on Maih St.; hetet ho pay bb, fotpd at any time when not professionally engaged, PURE CATAWIIA.—In the present fruity times sudden attacks of sickness aro but too prevalent, and the want of a pure, unadulterated spirit sorely felt. This want, we aro glad to say, can now bo fully,supplied Xr.: Ones. W. FaAxclscuri, whose Ca-4 tfwba, advertised to-day is just the article Which should be in every house. We h ave the judgment of two, 0f,.,0ur first physicians "--both of, whom have purchased largely 4— thaVit is unquestionalaly the purest, and best medicinal spirit 'our markets anywhere afford. With groat' pleasure wecoMmend it to our readers, AearLANto ,C.FMETEB.Y.—W6 paid a visit last week to ibis beautiful spot, and were both surprised and delighted to notice the important improvements and decorations which have been commenced since we last saw the place; The main and several of the minor- ave nues have been thoroughly rnaeademized, the water from the water works has been introduced preparatory to the erection of a central fountain, hundreds of beautiful ornamental and shade trees have been plant ed, several monuments erected , and the grounds so tastefully arranged as to give an air of permanancy and finish which we imagined it would require years to effect. The sexton, Mr. ELLts DONNELLY, is well acquainted with his duties and is quite po lite and attentiyie to visitors of whom crowds visit the cemttery dilly. We understand that in order,: o facilitate the purchase and conveyance 7!,rof lots and properly organize the business of the cemetery, A. L. SPONSLER Esq., has been selected as the title-making power, through whom all conveyance will be made and from whom those wishing to purchase lots can obtain any information A lithographic plot accurately numbering and designating each lot and division of the entire cemetery, is in couse of prepara tion and will shortly be on exhibition at Mr Sponsler's office. Messrs J. M. ALLEN and A. B. Ewivo are also empowered io sell lots. Important information to all disabled soldiers and sailors, will be found in DEVITT & Co's., Advertisement in to-day's paper. PROMOTION FOR GALLANTRY.—From n list of brevet promotions just confirmed by the Senate we extract the following names of residents of our town and county who.have by their swords earned the honor_ able titles set opposite their/ names Lieut. Col. Robt. M.--I•ltintlerson 7th Pa. Reserves to be Coloenl by brevet and to be Brigadier General by brevet. Cott.. Alexander Piper 3d U. S. Artillery to be Major by brevet and to bo Lieut. Col. by brevet Ist Meet .Ino. A. Waggoner Ist Pa. Re serves to be Captain by blown and to be 'Major by brevet. Capt. P. Marion McManus, Ist Pa. Re serves to be Major by brevet. Capt. Sain'l B. King, Ist Pa. Reserves to be Major by breve!. Capt. J. - An A. Wolfe, Ist Pa. Reserves to be Major by brevet. 21 Lieut. Richard P. Henderson 7th l'a. Reserves to be Ist Lieut by brevet, to be Captain by br,vot, lint to be Major by brevet. hit Livut. SIMI . ' V Ruby ith Pa. Reseivcs to be Captain by brevet. Ist Lieut. James W. Piper sth U. S. Artil lery to be Captain by brevet 1-3perial Notires Bargains Offered! SELLING AT AND BELOW COST I The undersigned intending 1,, change his business, or_ f „, 10 t h e citizens 11f Carlisle and ‘trinity. and the pot,. lie gen , rally his entire slot k of CLOTIIIND AND DENTS FURN ISIII • consisting of Surf - finer, Fall and Winter Goods of all de6criiltions, Nll,ll no Over emus, Drawers, Undershirts, Hui] .1,LO:of?, Vali.`o, Hats, Scarfs, In short, the en entire stock of Clothing and Gents Furnishing Doods 11w 0 iudmrumuto Cl , lllO on.) and all g. 1 Bargains at Ilrr ,torn of Jilt 1,0 ..VC1110(all he t to..•tt Pro. Zit,. • r and K.. 11 r, North Hanover Stredt I=INE The 'ntiro 'loch mill In. het moon this anti the 18t I 1 Or tuber Jffiy 27, WA ITERS LAIUiI AND IV A ITF.ItS SMALL—A ansl,lllll4lll W:tilm, of hivtutifid patsy'' 1111 d ovvry sir... just receit tql by 111.tiit SO,i: Ph nnn and moo them. STORK-K EP BRS • lea, syr, money by buying lboir Prtiok..lars Wtn Tkint & SON, W 11010,1,00 and Rctoj O r e tire Quiunu. S ca re Store. "South End" Curl . P. S. A large lot "(Cuba Sugars Just received, also .1 ltli Its Brooms, and offor,l at lowest Prices. IWho will hear imposition from individ uals, when they can get coal at $5 00 per ton for cash, at Those in Want of cheap Lumber call at the yard of Cheapest Pine Shingles in at • the yard of A Pedlar Wagon fir sale cheap, this wagon can 1., ii,ed for dntreroill tlle purposes. Inquire at B. R & Old Stand .1 illy 6,1566.-3 m NOTICE.—AII orde r s for Coal and Lumber, ran be left at Martin & Gardner's, horn's, and Faller',, Groce - ries, and at Creamer's Jewelry Store, which will be promptly attended to, and at the lowest prices. BLACK AS A CROW, a few years since, was many a splendid head that is noW'greTor grizeted. Why not restore to the yet utt • wrinkled brow its rii'ven honors? Fire minutes effects the splendid transformation. In less time than a rifle man would take to Load and Fire three time ; the greyest head may be made darker than the RAVEN'S WING, No matter of what undesirable tint the hair or whls• kern or beard may be, the change to a superb and per fectly natural black or brown is accomplished by one application of CRISTADOEO'S HAIR DYE, without staining the skim or injuring the filaments . Manufactured by .1. CIIRISTADORO, ti Astor Douse, Now York. Sold by all Druggiots. Applied by all Nair Dressers. FMPLOYMENT FOR BOTH SEX ES.--Disablod and returned soldiers, widows and orphans of slain soldiers, and the unemployed of both sexes generally, in want of respectable and profi table employment, incurring to risk, can-procuro such by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, fur partic ulars, to r. JOHN M, DAGNALL Box 163, Brooklyn, N. Jan. 25, 1866 DR. TOBIAS' Venetian Horse Liniment - HINT BOTTLES AT ONE DOLLAR, L., for the cure of lameness, scratches, wind galls, sprains, bruises, splints, outs, colic, slipping stifle, over heating, sore throat, nail in the lbet, etc. It is warranted cheaper and better than any other article over offered to the public. Thousands of animals have been cured of the colic and over-heating by this Lini ment : and hundreds that were crippled and lame have boon restored to their former vigor. It Is used by all the first horsemen throughout the Stites. Or ders are constantly. received from the racing stables of England for fresh supplies of - this invaluable article. Over 2,600 testimonials have'been received. Remem ber, ono dollar, laid out in time may save the life of your horse. Sold by all Druggists, Office, 60 Cert. intuit street, Now York. e PURIFY TDB DLOOD.—If the blood be pure the body which is formed from And by tho blood cannot be disclosed. Dut If there. be In any part of 'tho body any affection, suchlts a bill or ulcer, even a brills°, the blood circulating through the part takes up Im pure matters froia the locallaffection and carries it in. to the general systork This lathe cause ofterrof sud den (loath to persons of full habit afflicted with boils and ulcers, and who use no medicine;. the matter got into the circulating system and chokes up the fitio biota swamis which supply the brain with vitality and life ceases asir Bereft by Lightning, Now, this cnu bo remedied. BRAN.PRE'TII'S take all Impure ' matters from the circulation, and gave the general health, coon curing local affections also: BRANDItETIrfI rlpr9 protect from tedious lime of 810:ices oflet'L Bap° ' by fill DrUg- July 27, - • • . JULIUS NEUWAIII A. 11. Benin's A. H. BLAIR'S A. 11. 13LAIR's PELANCY x SIIROM