our atmosphOre and nature undergo a con 7 Sidjrable change, and lose to a certain (ix tont their healthfulness and siklubrity: That this is the cause of dogs becoming rabid we do not believo,as they are as likely to go mad in mid-winter as at any other time. Excessive heat and excessive cold, are known to produce' the. singular and fatal disease, termed hydrophobia. It is well enough however that duo caution should be exer cised, and proper care taken that no injury results from the liability to madst4es'of the. canine race, during tho heated term of mid summer, and the authorities should see to it that dogs running at large are properly muzzled. We have any quantity of them in our borough, from the snarling cur, to the huge mastiff and lumbering Now Foundinnd, and it is about time they were looked after. What say our Chief Burgess and Town Council to the proposi tion.—York True Democrat. Zpecial Notices Clo to Wm. Blair ,t Son's Store, "South Carlisle, if you wish see the largest stock of tine ware Lamps &e., this side of Philmin. offered at reduced rates Wholesale and Retail. F. B.—The largest variety of cedar and other wooden ware, Brushes ropes de., on hand at all times. J. B. & N. SIINTIN, have now on hand and for sale Top Buggies, Trotting Buggies, and two seated Car riages. A❑ kinds of vehicles manufactured to order from the best seasoned material. July 6,1866—5 t. A Pedlar Wagon for sale cheap, this wagon Can his mod fur different other purposes. Inquire at B. R. Jameson, At Co's., Old Stand. July 6,186G-3m. Those in want of cheap Lumber call at the yard of Cheapest Vino Shingles in the country at the yard of Look tc your coal inteests? Prepared to supply you butte• than ever at A. IL BLAIR's NomE.—All orders for Coal and Lumber, can be•loft nt Martin & Gardner's, horn's, and Faller's Groceries, and at Creamer's Jewelry Store, which will be promptly Attended to, and tit the lowest prices. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF I'HE AGE FARM ERS, 'Families, and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. ToMao' Vene tian Liniment for dysentery, colic, croup, chronir rheu matism, sore throats, toothache, sea sickness, ruts, burns, swellings, bruiser. old Burrs, heatho he, musquito bites, pains in the limbs, chest, back, kc. If it does not give relief the money a ill be refunded All that is asked is a trial, and use it according to directions. Dr•. Tout s.—Doar Sir: I have used your Venetian Liniment in my family for a number of years, and e it to he the hest article fur what it is recommended that I have ever used. For smblmillttlack of croup it is invaluably. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the unro it professes ore. I have sold it for many years, and it gives entire satisfaction. CHAS. 11, TRIMMER. Quakerifflon, N. J., May H, 18(10. Price, 'lO and 80 rents. 5,411 by all Elruggi3O. 011irr 56 Corikuol atrert, Now York. July 6,1866.-Im. WORKS OF NATURE.-An a state of health the intestinal canal may be com parodA_Lt river whose waters flow over the adjoining land, through the channels nature or art has made, and Improve their qualities ; so long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kept pure and healthy ; the course of the river Is stopped, then the water in the canals is no longer pure, but soon becomes stag.-f vent. There is but ono law of circulation in make. When there is n superabundance of humerlal fluid In the intestinal tubes, and costiveness takes place, it flows hack into the blood vessels. and infiltrates itself into the circulation. To establish the free course of the river, we must remove the obstructions which stop its free course, and those of its tributary streams With the body, follow the same natural principle—re move the obstructions from the bowels with BR AN DRETIFS PILLS, which never Injure, but are always effectual for the perfect clansing of the system from foulness or disease. Remember, never suffer a drop of blood to be taken from you. Evacuate the humors as ofton and as long as they are deranged, or as long as you are sick. See that B. lIRANDRETII in in white letters in the Government stamg. Sold by all Druggists. July 6, 1866-]m Whiskers ! Whiskers ! I Dr. L. 0. MoNTEZ • carrolia, the greatest stimulator In the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on tie smoothest face or chin; never knOwn to liiil ; sample for trial sent free to any one desirous of tenting its merits. Address, ItEcvEs & Co., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. June 20, 1886.-3 m Spike the Guns! of Humbug. Imposters are in the field with deadly hair dyes, dangerous to health and utterly destruc tive to the hair. Do not submit to have your head Baptized with Liquid Fire when that cooling vegetable preparation, CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, will, in five minutes, impart any desired shade from light brown to jet black without iuuring the fibres, staining the shin, or poisoning the system through the pores. BOVal oof the deleterious dyes I 'Manufactured by 3. ORISTADOIIO, 6 Astor House, Near York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. July 6,1866-Im. .An'Effectual Worm Medicine Brown's Vermifuge Comfits, On Nona LOZENGES. Mach sickness, undoubtedly, with children and adults, attributed to other causes, Is overt-, sloned by worms. The "VERZI/PUOE COMFITS," although effectual in destroying worms, can do no possible Injury to the most delicate child. This valuable combination tees been successfully used by physicians, and found to be safe and sure In eradicating worms, su hurtful to children. CHILDREN HAVING WORMS require immediate atten tion, as neglect of the trouble often causes prolonged MEM SYMPTOMS OF WONMEI tx Onnnumt are often overlook• ed. Worms in the stomach and bowels cause irritation, which can be removed 'only by the NBC of n sure reme dy. Tho combination of ingredients used in Making. Brown's ` , Ktimifirge Comfits" is such as to give the best pcstsiblo effect with safety. CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, New York. Sold by all DealerS ht Medicines, at 25 cte. a box. , May`2s, 1.866-Iy. TRANSFORMATION. ---- The superstitions of antiquity aro only "food I,ir laughter" at the present day, and 'yet this is an ago of cro Mir • accomplished with the aid,of , science. For example grey, sandy or rod hair is CHANGED IN A MOMENT, to the richest conceivable blackor brown, by a simple application Of kianufaCturod by J. ORNTADORO, 6 Astor Douse, Now York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all hair Dross. Ore. June ; , ; • A Single Box of Brandreth's Pins Contains more 1 vegetable extractive mfltter than twenty' boxes of any' pills in the beeldes fifty. Ave hundred physicians use them:ln theirsractice to the exclusion of ,other.purgatives. The first:letter of their 'value Yet scaitely :appreciated. 14:hen :ploy: art better Ithovie, stiddeii 'death ,a 4 I sieW nom Nv 111 be of the past. Lot thosti'lvlio know them epees right out in their favor. It Is a duty which will save life. , Our race 'aro' silbjetit th a redundan4 of vitiated bile at this season, and It is as dangerous as it Is prevalent; but Bran droth'i Pills afford an invaluable and efficient protection. i lly tlmir , occasional use we; prevent the collection of those . impurities which, when in sufficient quallti* eitime;so much danger to the hedy's health. They eoon cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Pain in the Head; Llearthuin, Pain in the Dreast-bouo,•Budden Falnthatis and Costiveness. Sold by all. respectable Dealers in Medicines. May .18, lircal I ITCH ! , SCRATCH ! SCRATCH 'SCRATCH IN HE ATON'S , QIIVT,II , IENT win 48 Hours. ALX g(ll l .&ires .SALT. RHEUM, U. 6.1 r.ooss, Q110.43141148,;140,. all BRIIPTIONS. OF F filil;4.. , P r ice .60, conto. _ For sale by all druggists. , By smadizg cdrits tO 'WEEKS ' POTTER, Bole Agents; 110_ Washington street, Boston , bo fox. warded by, map; tfee'ol: poO tty, ngo, to 'any, part 91 .the II TlnlteASteitha.,‘•:. • , • Jutmfii .;.; . 7 , • T HE CONFESSIONS AND KNEE RIENCE OF AN INVALIE:" Published for the benefit and' as a OAUTION TO YOUNG , MEN and others', who suffer froth Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of , Manhood L &c.; supplying at. the same time Tue lanstre or Sur-bielen. By• one who ban cured himself after under going coneldotable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envel ope, single copies, free of charge, may, be had of tho au thor. NATHANIEL IFATFAIIt, Deq., Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. T. Jan. 21,, 1860—ly idAsanntt's Catarrh Snuff, is a sure cure for that bothersome disease, Catarrh. Jan 12, 1866--ly. 1! A Grand Epoch in Medicine 1! MAGGIEL, is the founder of a now medical system. The guantitarlans whose vast internal doses enfeoble the stomach and paralyze tho bowels, and with whose external remedies ulcor ated and eruptive surfaces are deluged in vain, must give place And precedence to the man who restores health and appetite with from ono to three harmless pills, and cures the most virulent and scorbutic disor ders with ono or two boxes of his salvo. 'shaggier; Pills and Salve have ushered in a new medical era. No more nauseating avalanches of drastic pills 'iced be pourpd - down sick people's throats. Ono of IslagglePs Pills lactates the disordered condition of the stomach and bowels, and snakes health return whore 11, has van ished. In fact MaggloPs Bilious, Dyspeptic and Dlarrhreo Pills cure where all others fail. While for Burns. Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts. and all abrasions of the skin, Ma:girl's Salve is infalli As. Sold by d. Mag giel, 43 Fulton street, NOW Xork, ilavorstick, Particle, and all druggists, at 25 cents per box. April 20, 1866. Bargains in fine Clothing ROCK - I -JILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Ball, 803 and 605 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW ST'OCK. AT THE LOWEST !PRICES. Ilarhm sold out our steel{ of Clothing for Gentlemen and Boys, carried over from the late lire, our entire stock of Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing is the Newest, AS OUR PRICES ARE TUE LOWEST. Magnificent Spring Stock ! ! NOW READY, TO SUIT EVERYBODY. • CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Our newly fitted up Custom Department now con tains the largest assortment of all the Fashionable New Fabrics, for our patrons to select from. A. .11. BLAIR'S A. H. BLAIR'S s' ("ITS, CIVIL AND :lITLITAR Y, ItIADE UP TO ORDER PROMPTLY, In this department our stock is also unrivalled THE BEST IN TILE CITY, C=l 11101 S I,crutad at shorteFt notion. THE CHOICEST STOCK IN PHILADELPHIA. ROOKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Ball, 003 AND 605 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA April 27. 18116-3 m. SEE advertisement or Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female .1.11.12, IWO-Iy. CARLISLE PRODUCE Carliulu, July 10, 1860. 13 00 800 6 50 2 50 2 40 Family Flour Suporfluo do. do RYE WHITE WHEAT REP d 0... RYE CORN DAY'S, CLOVERSEED.. 11M1 al' )(SEED GENERAL PRO BUTTER xllar, LA RD, TA LLO SC , A P, Esw A X, itACON 11 ANIS LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the I'ost Office at Carlisle, State of Pennsyl vania, the 191 h day of July, 18C6. Published by official authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. Ile„,To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for " advertised letters," give the date of the list and pay two cents for aQvertising. If not called for within one month, they will he sent to the Dead Letter Office. GEO. ZINN, P. M. Black James Cutshall L. Beidler Susan Goodin William Blacksmith Andrew !lode John M. Bristliue Carolina Hoffer C. or Daniel Bush Mary Ann Herman Lewis Beldwin Alfred (Col.)Krieger Fred. (Bks) Brystrom M. G. (Bks)Kissinger Alice S. Bishop David Lefavor Jno. (Bks) Block Melinda Lather George Cooper Newton Linn Sylvester Clouser Cornelius Lechler Mary Coleman Eliza Mansfield Geo. (Bks) Cillay Carrie Potts Eliza Danner John Palmer John Dittman F. C. Rhoads John B Delanacy John A. Shughart Mary Davis Matilda Sharp Bon Donley Elizabeth, Smith AJC Erhart Rev. M. E. Swigert G W Enstabrook Frank Shafer Wm Forney Jacob Sheaffer E Fenielo Sarah J. Smith P Frost Dolly Sheaffer Jane Fritz Mollie A. Woolsey James Graham C. Wort William Garon Louis (Irks) Weirich Geo Gutshall George Wickard Miss H E ESTATE NOTICE.- Letters of AdminiStration on the estate of John J. Coble, dee'd., late of Eillvar Spring Twp , Cumber land Co., have boon granted by the Register of Cum berland Co., to the subscriber residing in said Twp. All persons indebted to said estate will make pay. went and those having claims w ill present them to JACOB OTSTOT, Administrator. July 20, 1860 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Meeting, 1865. Farmers andlembeis of tiro Agricultural Society will remember that our next fall meeting and Exhibition will 'commence on Wednesday the 10th of October and continue three days. The grounds have been doubly. enlarged•and ,the track for the exhibition of horses greatly length .oned, bad stalls increased in number. And it is con. >tomplated that we will have the most extensive meld• bition that has even boon hold. All 'persons at home and abroad are invited to partielpateas ozhlbitoroand spectators. By order of the President. July 20, 1806-tt Something Entirely Newl Honsekeopers Furniahing.Emporium Cop. of 2nd and Walnut Sts., Opposite First National Banlc, Harrisburg, Pa. THE subscriber having been induced to ontor Into a businese, , tho want of lidrich has' loug,hoon felt.in this couunriutty, has carefully select. cal a Stock of goods, which for , BEAUTY, VARIETY AND NOVELTY, Lips never Worts boon °quelledlq any place east of our largo commerelal cities consisting of • - • Tin Ware, Hollow Ware, ; Toilet Ware, " Pots, kettles, and Pane, Japanned Waro, Door and Table Mats, Plated Ware, , Cutlery, Fancy Articles,- ' WilloW Ware; Novoltloe Of all kinds. • :Wooden Ware, • Ito Cream Freezers, , Ilrltannia Ware, Befrigoratoro, • Iron Ware, Water Coolers, &c. In short BVERYTlllNd'required or desired in keep. log houso. in proof of which ho would, rospectfully solicit a call from llousolceopers, whether they pur.• chaeo or not. Ile has aim the largest assortment in the city or • r. • , • • •• • C • CZOLD ' REM!SIa4.PIA . GES,•• • Boys' Propellors,• Porambulators, Volocipodos, Boys' Wagons, Cantering horses, - Jack Ilorses,.Boys' Driv ing Items Stick Dorm; Swinge; Baby Tenders, Wheel:, burrowsoisci • ' i • ' . , :-Call and see when ,you visit Harrisburg.. We do not expect ALL to pit:these who conic. It will alwaya afford, pleasure to show goods. JOHN ; Jia1y.20i1136,6:, 4 . ' 4 2nd & M'ainut.Sts. 'yr: A O,TIT ' W ..• 1611 ,111 1, 14 ilks, 'Jjesks, Baco G mmon Boards, Games of, all description at r ifalr:. re ; attars Drug, Baitoy and Book Store. . , 7 . . . pROP,•- ~,•, • . " •• Whit, 'Crilo . oolate, Cream, Lemon, Orange, Vanll 151 ° 0:16 ju l ' Igg ITI! '''-' ' . :"':' ' iiiiiiliits'rigoi ; . In the highest style, and at moderate prices. , BOYS' CLOTHING, AT THE 1,0 W EST PRICES ! READY-MADE CLOTHING larhtts. DUCE MARKET my 19, l8(6. y by Wm. Bentz. Coi•rccfci Week! 22 BACON SIDES, 16 10 WHITE BEANS, 1 75 20 I'AR ED PEACHES, 25 10 13NPA RED PEACHES 18 9-12 DRIED APPLES, 300 35 RAGS, 41 20 i DANIEL S. ORM, Secretary COALS. COAL ll' COAL : 2 : Office of Ant., Q. M., 11. O. A. i! : Carlisle Barracks, Pa. July 0,1.868. 'EALED, PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be recelied' ,. at this office until - 8 P. M., on Sa urday, the 28th inst., for the delivery of (200 tone.) two-hundred tons, _ •• Best I.llcen!a Valley • Broken Coal, ' to be delivered at tho 11. S. Barracks at Oarlisle,'Pa , on or before the Ist day of October, 1866: ' Proposals must ho hi-duplicate and einlorsed—,"Pro posals for Coal," and mist contain the names of two responsible persons who will sign the bet:Wand bo• come responsible for the faithful performance of the contract. Persons who bld are requested 'to bp 'pre sent at the opening of the proposals. ' Thu Government reserves the right to reject any bids which they may consider unreasonable. THOMAS E. MALEY, Brevet Capt 6th Cay., A. A. Q. 111; • July 13, 1866-2 t. THE NEW YORK. !. • EEKLY MAGAZINE. N. 48 Pages, 48 Pages ! The Largest Ten Cent Magazine in America Is published In season to be reColved In nearly all parts of the United Rates east of the Rocky Mountains on overy Saturday slits date. Devoted to . POPULAR LITERATURE, Soienne and Art, Each numbor will contain THE BEST DOPULAIL TALES. THE BEST DOMESTIC STORIES. TUE BEST SEETCHEB OF TRAVEL. THE BEST PAPERS ON POPULAR SCIENCE. THE BEST SHORT POPULAR ESSAYS TILE BEST POEMS, BIOGRAPHIES, &C., &C. It gives MORE ANDBETTER FOR tHE MONEY Than any other Magazine ever published. Itslselee times embrace the best articles from Dickens, Chem' bore, the Cornhill, and other leading Foreign Maga' ziuea, published fresh on the arrival of each steamer, and a great variety of ORIGINAL MATTER MC THE BEST AUTHORS In Number 21 commences a NEW STORY by the author of "EAST LYNNE," entitled LADY ADELAIDE'S OATH This story 1.3 of thrilling interest and fully equals in dramatic intensity the early efforts of the talented authoress of "Emir LYNNE." Lady Adelaide's Oath will be completed In a few weeks. As the Magazine is etorotyped, back numbers can be supplied at ten cents each. All news dealers should have the Magazine, but when they are not ac cessible we have the following cash TERMI3 Ono copy, ono year, $4.00 Ono copy, throe months 1.00 Two copies, one year 7.00 Five copies, ono year, and ono extra to agents 20.00 Ira Soccesa.—This magazine has so exactly met a great public want, that 20.000 copies aro now printed. Address FREDERIC B. HILL, Putibmumt, No. 70 Nassau St., Now York. DISSOLUTION _NOTICE is hereby given that the firm of Jameson & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, the Senior partner B. It. Jameson, retiring from the firm' the wholesale jobbing business will be carried on hereafter by Messrs. Wolf and Coyle, by Wagons. The subscriber desires to inform his friends, and the public generally that he has purchased the retail stock of the above mentioned firm, and he intends carrying OD the business in the old stand, Corner of Ilanover and i'omfort Streets, one Square South of the Court House. QUARTERLY REPORT Of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Carlisle, re July 2, 1860. RESOURCES. Leans and Discounts, 222,73d,78 U. S. Bonds, 76,500,00 Other U. S. Securities, 26,050,00 Legal Tender Notes and Postal Currency, 72 158,05 National Bank Notes, 695,00 Notes of Other Banks, 3,252,00 Cash Items, 1,317,88 Duo from other Banks and Bankers, 28,732,66 Expellees and Taxes, 492,08 Heal Estate and Insurance, , 8,883,92 Furniture anti Fixtures, 949,03 Premiums, 1 1,050.00 LIABILITIES. Capital, '.,, 50,000,00 Surplus Fund, ' 8,566,71 Discounts and Profit and Loss, 1,673,05 C Ire,, In tfon, 45,000,00 Duo to other Banks and Bankers, 10,600,50 Individual Deposits, 270,023,43 U. S. Do. 46,033,64 Dividends unpaid, 300,00 StAte of Pennsylvania, 1 . County of Cumb'd. f I Joseph C. Hoffer, Cashier of the First National Bank, Carlisle, do swear that the above statement is truo to the bast of my kirdmjedge and belief. J. C. HOFFER., Cashier. Sworn and eubseribod boforo me July 13, 186G-2t Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale on the promisee, in Monroe township, Cumber land Co., Pa., on the road leading from Carlisle to Lie burn,4 miles East of Carlisle, the following valuable Real Estate : A. nizcl of Excellent LIMESTONE LAND, con ta Inin g 70 Acres and 114 Perches, in a high state of cultivation, and under good Punting. The improve• month aro a good TWO-STORY Dwelling House, STONE BANK BARN, - - 7t foot long, • Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, &c. There is a Woll of nover-falling water and a good Cis tern convenient to the door and a stream of running water passes through the tract. There is also AN ORCHARD OE OEIOIOE FRUIT in fine bearing order, on the promises. Ten Acres of the tract are well covered with CROWE TIMBER. This property le located in the midst of a most flour. isbing nehhborhood, convenient to stores, churches, schools, mills, &c., and offers rare Inducements Wpm , chasers. Persons wishing to viovr the Property previous to the solo, will planes call on the undersigned, residing on the promises. - - - - • - - JOHN SOLLENBERGER, Sr July 13, 1806-lin School Taxes of 1860 THE Duplicate of School Taxes for the presont year is now in tho hands of the Trea• surer for collection, it is therefore his duty to thus glee notice to the Taxable - Oltleens, of the Borough of Carlisle, that ho will attend at the County Court Rouse, in tho counnitudoners' .office on Thursday the ca Day ,of September next, between the hours of 0 and 5 o'clock, of said day for the purpose of receiving said Taxes, up to which time, all persons paying their taxes will Waive a deduction of live per cent. The Treasurer will receive Taxes in the meantime at Ids dwelling in "Mallon Hall" building. - J: W. EBY, Treasurer. July 0,1800-2 m Ir-ST ATE NOTICE. Lottors of Administration on the.ostate of John Ora am, &iced...late of South Middleton township, Cumberland connty, having boon issued to the sub scribers. the first named residing in the same town ship, and tho last namod in Juniata county, Pa., no. tire is hereby given to all persons indebted to make payment, and those having claims to present them to J. E. D. GRAHAM, O. M. ORMIA.M,_ . Juno ..?2,18611-6t, tSTATE NOTICE.- Lottors of Administration on tho estate of Wit. 11am Weavor, doo'd., Into of Dieltlnson Twp., Cumber. land Co., have boon granted by the Register of Cum. borland Co., to the . sultocilbor residing , nald Twp. All porsonoltultibted tAstild estate will make payment and those iniviniolalear will present, them to . , ' • DAVID WEAVER, Juno . 22, 18p0. 7 6t . . . • . Administrator. „ ~ • .. EgTATE NOTICE.- Letters of Administration on the estate of Leah Conver t deccased.lato of Mechanicsburg, Comb. Co. Pa:, have , been Issued by, the Itegister to the un— &reigned residing in Unper"Alien, Twp., of Comber , laud Co., Pa. All persons having claims will present them, and those Indebted Will make payment to , SAMUEL COOVER, Juno 8, 1860.* • • - Administiator. .NOTICE. undeisigned administrater.of the IL. estate of TietirpW:dielbautn, late of Mechanics. itro, Cumberland County deo'4.," Wimpy giros notice teed persons having claims against said ester, to pre sent them properly authenticated and al __persons knowing themselves' indebted to said estate to make payment to PitEDARICii WATTS, Attorney Or ' ' B. Ili id'-'90,1 , 41.14 4 Administrator: ti 4 XEOtITORBI.I4 P 1 OTIC—:. . 1 Latinist Tosiam'entary .the...estista ,of John Bear, doced u latOof IVest - Pennsboiongh4'wy; 'Com. .be;land OcN,Lbaslngl. boon gkanted.ln.ttiOL subsortbera residing in the sametOwnship'..-: Notica Id hefOhy glTon OAn pciscatEi indebted to said estate to make pay! wont, en. r those havlnF opltitte to - prosout,taida for ,"sattlgtgont to.l : r . , t ; Ottil BHA.% . ' r: BADIUM roam.' •• • Juno . /1.1990ph„.: Ahead! Ahead ! ! LATEST AND GRANDEST OPENING OF THE SEASON CHEAP DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. of all tho newest and most desirablo styles and quell ties of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ISultablo for the presont and coming season embracing all the latest varieties and styles in the market. Plain, Black and Fancy Dress Silks, roullard Bilks, Afohairs, Popline, Repps, French Mos amblques, Lenoes. Real Organdy and Jaconot Lawns of beautiful designs, Plain and Figured Percales and Chin tees, Silk and Mohair Orenadinos, Barages, Black and Colored Mohair Alpacas, all shades, Moue de Laines, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, Se tho place to paellas° your DOMESTIC GOODS. AB we have the largest and beet Stock In the County, and are selling them at ' !dueling, Sheetlnge, Pillow Case blunting and Linens, Ticklugs Chocks, Cotton Pants Stuffs, Linen Drillings, Linen Coatings, Calicoes, Oingbams, Obamborry's Gauge, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, dm. B. R. JAMESON, S. M. OOYLE, J.ll. WOLF, for the latest styles of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS for ladies and children WM. R. HALBERT all styles Silk and Cloth Sacks sod Mantles; Black Lace Points, Shetland Shawls, all dolors, Grenadines, Barage Shawls, French Mozambique Shawls If you aro in want of any kind of $441,117,29 as they have the largest Stock In town of Shirred, Tucked and Puffed Dinsline, suitable for Drosses and Glarabaidles, Nainsook Swiss, Camb, and Jaconet Mus lim', Striped and Figured IN/Imes and Piquits, &c., ac. $441,117,a9 MOURNING GOODS. R. A. NOBLE, Notary Public Of this class of goods we always have a full line, such as Bombazines, Reppe, Poplins, Mohair's, Single and Double width Delalnes, Mosambiones, 8-4 Crape Marett for Dresses and Sbarils, 8-4 Grenadine Barage, for Dresses and Shawls, Mohair Lustres, Lavine; Ging hams, English Crapes, Crape Veils, Gloves of all de scriptions, Shawls, ,tc., !Lc. You will always find a full line of and they pay strict attention to all orders for the same. Do not forget to call for your supply of Clothe and Cas• Mouton, Vestings, Linens for Pants and Coats. Hav ing secured the services of a first class Tailor, we are prepared to have Clothing made up at very short no. t Ice. le the piece to buy your GLOVES, HOSIERY of all Mai, MITTS, HOOPED SKIRTS, BALMORALS, FRENCH CORSETS LINEN AND . SILK lIANDREROIIIEPS, BONNET RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, EMB'D. INSERTINGS AND EDGINGS, LAOS VEILS, ITIPANT WAISTS, EMB'D. FLOUNC , INGS, HEAD NETS, and a thousand Other email T, area too numeroua to mention. of all grados and descriptions, such as Adm'rs Eng Huh Tapestry, Brusaole, , LOvadl Three . Pig ' ' tatra , Suplngrald,' Rad;ldsild7, , • and Hemp ; ' Stripil;• Niultiaa of AU widths, Cantina, Mattings White arid ,Oinicitod. Window Shades, Look i ng Glasses, -o• • - • • • 1?.10 - 0-s IVEATTS Mariallla Quilts and Counterpanes Notttngikain Lace, Ocattilna, punboard Muslin Curtalue, ;,• • , MEM . . • Please-do not falt . to give us an early call, as yei are, determined to keep tip our good reputation the beet goods, tbe - ebeamit goods, and the largest a' mount of goods In the county. We always take great pleasure to show oar gpoda, as. we eau prove the . feett that we study thelnterest of all onr'etustorderif.' . , _, .• _.. ~. • - . LE1D10,11 , 4&4 MILLER. 4 . Ito not Ib4getthe plabil and well knowo, stand, tot the Oorpipr, 'lgo of the Olerpot Hall. -•-••• -- • ~. . , ~ , ~ ... , •ji :, 4 ; .1•.11 211.' Jima 13,1880. ' :.!11;) 1 Afi LEIDICH & MILLER'S GRAND DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS, CHALLIES, &c., &c., &o PLEASE REMEMBER THAT LEIDIGH & MILLER PANIC PRICES, CALL THIS WAY GRAND DISPLAY OF WHITE GOODS, do not fall to call at LEIDICH & MILLER'S, FIINEILtL GOODS, AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S, MEN AND BOYS, NOTIONS I NOTIONS ! 1 LEIDICH & MILLER'S CARPETS CARPETS !! OIL 0 L 0 8 =SE 7 Always in Advance MEMO =IEEE GRAND 'OPENING 1 =I • . . . of tbo latent impOrtations of Frencb,'Dorman; English and Italian Drooo' Goods and. BUtntnai :wear or ovary description. W. C. SAWYER, & CO., have again taken advantage of the very LATE DECLINE ,IN PRICES, to fill their Spacious Store Room (East Main St., two doom below &atone Hardware Store,) with an enor moue Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Carpet and House Furnish ing Goods, bought for °ABU from the longest importing Houses of New York and Philadelphia. All the varieties and colors of Silks. Splendid lual Mos of Gros Grain Black Silks for Dresses and Basques French Worsted Goods and Grenadines, CARPETS, CURTAIN MATERT from A. T. Stewart, & Co. English Lono's, Lawns, Perealea, Mandrel Barred, Stripped and Plain, and Hosiery of all kinds from Arnold, Constable, & Co. All !cinks of domestic goodg, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and White Goode, of Prory eiaee from H. R. Olaflin, dt Co., New York. Very select styles and varieties of IZ.re sus Goods; and general wear from James Rent, & Co., Jos. Relgel, & Co., Johnes, Perry, & Co., Philadelphia. We carefully examine both markets and customers, will find on our counters a larger, more varied and cheaper stock of goods thait in any Store West of the great cities. Every body le invited to examine our Stook—all kinds of Mourning and Funeral Goods. We give special attention to this branch of our trade Ladies aro Invited to examine our beautiful styles of Silk and French Cloth SACKS AND BASQUES, beautiful shades of French Oloths fir Sacks and But tone, ornaments &a., to match. W. C. SAWYER, & CO Would ask the attention to their very choice stock of French, Scotch and American . Cassimeres, Cloths, Spanish Linens for Coating's, Russian Linens for Pan- Inge, Arc. We got up Suits et short notice by the best Tailors In town. W. C. SAWYER, & CO. 'House' turniahAnir department, - In'the 'largest and moat complete in the valley, containing Scotch and English 3312ATSSMIAS, ' all the gradoe of tho Lowell & .Dartford Mille, Llemp arid flag cd/L.pa.x:pathiwEi,' Oil Cloths, Mattlnge, Shades, RuiS, &c: 9.. BANrir,E'4l,;A'9o,;l', r .. hive a large assortment nt lloslory, GloTee, Parasols, Sun Umbra Una, .oorsets,• ± to: Braillora Itnequalled. "Pride ofthaqlforldn 4 and Linen s : RLIPTIC.HOOP• &WIRY'S,: and all, other best mairis kepi b} E ae Laco Mitts, press trrindoinge,? Ribbons and In fact every thing. :p In a nilde awake enterrisin determined. to d on o d a large, trade for the benefit g of the Store, community: as 'well lie Or themselves. . MEE - Every body RIcY andiatori6OitleddCatonat'u,l:::,l4.;#lg'l°43:4l..:l: and gretkt are vpryiopill 0D S .iff.P 1 0;0 101 1 , Whessiwe greattpleasunrinidiowlng'ae 41,1 dolling our goods. We will make additions of deal ' ruble' goodi as The ekkas9P;a7.o,6 ' . May-18;1860J fr. AL S, &c., .r k IMMIEMOIMISI ~: _ _ ..:.i'l' ISM 11111=111 ol If I;; , ;; AMERICA* ; OROS'S: - (From , "Godey'ir":tadies' lidok" February, ( .11,4.13,D ORGANS ; &o. TRH. following remarks. and sugges . -tions relative to this immensely popular instru ment will doubtless Interest and profit very many of our readers, ewe commend tho' article to their careful -perusal:— • Aliundred and one makers of Organs, Cottage, Par lor, Cabinet, American, School Organs, ate_ etc., aro each claiming .tomake the best instrument in the world. Being comparatively a now instrument. as at present constructed, we aro convinced the , publlo are , much less Capable of judging of its Merits. or demerits, than of most othbr Instruments. if there is reallynn easentbd: difference Anaheim:lS there are MIMI 41(.4- lent and some worthless ones, the public should , have Some criterion for judging of theta; some facts which will enlighten them. We cheerfully concede the space for this article knowing that there is hardly a family, or church, or school in all the land, but is more or less Interested in t his topic. We are also aware of Its be. Mg a great misfortune, a rear calamity, to any of them to purchase an Interior or worthless Organ, ruinous to good playing, and often a source of much annoyance And vexation. We knoW this article to emanate from a candid andintelligent source, and thus we give it to one readers. The question is often asked, what are "reed organs?" We adswer, they are inn most cases, nothing in the world but the old molodoon in diegalso. Many of the se-called organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the same general internal arrangement. With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have simply put on a more pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But an organ, - to-be-ltrroatiry an or gan, must have a wind chest or 'reservoir for air sepa rate from the bellows, into which wind-cheat the reeds open, and the Tone has room to expand and perfect 6nif Into the full round tone. similar to the flute or pipe organ, even, smooth, Orin, and Mellow ; and this tone from reeds cannot be obtained itt any other way known. Nothing So annoys a true organist as to have the vol ume of sound swelling end jerking spasmodically with Avery variation of force on the bellows, which Is always the Cass whore the reeds open direct into the bellows or air passages, instead of a wind-cheat or sound-box; And yet some , makers even go so far as to claim this spasmodic or automatic jerking of the bellows On the reeds as an excellence, just as though they did not know that it must very soon throw the reeds out of tune, and injure tho bollow,s;.and as though It wets not an easier matter to obtain a much better and mere easily managed oval] by other methods. The truth Is, any organ, so called, or melodeon which has the wind acting directly upon the reeds, is nothing more nor less than a huge accordoon, dresslt up as you may. And when organists and trim musicians become awar e of the fact that they can obtain those that are organs In fact as wsll as in name, they will buy morsel the objectionaM Muni... Then again the swell should al ways bo separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to be anted on by 'the hand, or soft blowing, but convenient so that the player can use It with the knee, separate from the hands or feet, and thee always un dkr easy control, to be used ad libitum. The large divided bellows, or double bellows, is also It very Important improvement. By this means not only call the wind be ,supplied more evenly, but with far greater ease to the performer, from the fact that either belAws alone will be sufficient for the lighter melodies, thus permitting the player to change about find root thefeet at will ; then, if the bellows is of the requisite large size, and having the wind.ehest or reservoir, all will be Mall. As to the reeds, they must be scientifically tuned and voiced, or all the nthergood qualities in the world cannot produce a gopd toned in strument,. The inquiry now very naturally arises, where can the organ be procured combining all these essential and desirable qualities? There b. only one possessing all these points, and thatis the AllfilitlOAN ORGAN, made by B. D. & 11. W. &tint, of Boston, Sintatk OTT Wholesale Agent, 581 Broadway, New York. These organs have a wind-chest extending the whole length of the instrument and so constructed. as to act at the same time as a reverberating sound-box or board, and having the same important relation and part to perform that the sounding-board has to the piano. This feature the makers have patented, and to it are owing in a great-measure th. entirely Imo quailed fullness and rich. Ass of tone so highly prized by all who have used those organs They also have the largest and bust divided bell. ws in use, which is another important feature. No part of their work is slighted, no expense or pains spared to make the A merican Organs perfect musically, as well As mechan ically, and, judging from the immense sale of them at present. they bid fair to long maintain the proud posi tion they have won by superior merit alone We would most heartily advdie all intereSted to call upon or address 111 rt. :damn OTT, the Wholesale Agent, or 581 Broadway, Now York, and can assure them be will, in the most gentlemanly and traithful manner, impart to them all the Information they may desire relative to this truly delightful instrument. MUSIC TEACHERS QM DEALERS_ TM; subscriber Is fully prepared 10 furnish Sheet Music, Strings, Musical Instruments, and Music Books of all kinds at the lowest trade rates. wholesale and re tail, from the largest collections In I his country. Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders ECM BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO. PIANO-FORTES, Wholesale agency. 'rho subscriber, late a member of this well known firm has established a wholesale agency, 1,81 Broadway, New York City, where ho will be nleassd to receive the orders of his friends and tire public, and especially to hear from those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm hereto fore. lie will supply these superior instruments to the trade IVbolesale and Retail, at the very Lowest Prices, made with the insulated Iron Him and Frame (cast in one solid plate). They excel all others in cu rability superiority of tone, and elegance of external appearance. Ail these Pianos have overstrung Scales.] giving in connection with the patent iron lien and frame, Full Ilound,l'owerlul,and Sweet Mellow Tones. The Cases are elegant in appesranne, and easily and safely han• died. Warrant.] to prove satisfactory, or the money returned. Address all orders to X 6Bl 8r0a t3 (1 13 4, N RlA rri? Yfirk S. D. Sz 11. W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS TUE MOST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN TILE WORD. , : • FOR TIIR - • AIkIRRICAI'sT,HOME CIRCLE AMERICAN ORGAN Makes bone attractive; refines, and elevates the minds of all, beautiful in appearance and effects. • • BIBBRIA OTT, • , N ,•5131: Broadway, Now York, " ' " "':' wzroLE.gxf4d ,The immonlie popularity of these '0 igen s;and their superior Musical Powers, Is fait 'bridging thorn before the public, as the .Instrument so long desired In A MERICAN HOMES: - And although the cost price is but a triflo.over the Melodeon, yet thomusical advan. togas; beauty of tone and qnickness of • touch and ac tion ate sOleratinerior, that they are fast supercoding the Melodeonand tho,call is now almogt exclusively for • 'AMERICAN . ORGANS It is adapted to any Music from the quickest and most lively, to the heavy tone of., the Church Organ.. dud almost universally they are preferred to the Plano, by persons who have them, yet costing less thid balf,and only taking a small amount of ;QOM. • ; ; fend for descriptive Okeoulars filing lull particulars and prieett. • • • • • •VX.e.l!. lB ;l 3 .:A.gonclos ,secured .to Dealers, and lo ge discunuW to, thu Arad() anthTeachers....A.ddress, ell or- Wholesale 4 1 ; - i Marah ati;1664:24" 3 ;: c 2"ladWaY; 14°W71kY°t;k . . O8.;,- ,, ',. -6 4 . W -4 ' LECTURE ""- . . .TO YOUNG ...MEM, , Jicsi Ptiblisll4;l2i. d SeWed'Ehiletope. Price ... ;.0 , ' .! , ,n, LI isilv.,oento.• •. , ~ . .:..t ; ~.... A Lentax.rcton the Zlnturn, , ,Trentraent. and • Itadinalcure of% 4PorovOrrhooti, or Si/Mil/Id Weak ness!, Anyehsritany,l4eleelons, Sexual Debility, and Itn pedlnieute to Marriage generally.. NervouenessoOces. snusptionc...Dpilopsy, and Pita ; Mental and,Phyelcal Ineepa'clty. -resulting from Solr-Abuse, &e...—111y /RDAI,I!, J., OUDVDIt‘y,AL, 3i. i D,, Author of 410 iqhdfill.il(iok," At. ./ -./ .., 1 • /.• - I , , + ... ~. tp l o,world-ronolined Author, in, this admirable Ler we, clearly. prey. s Irons hie. own experience/that the •wful coneequencesnt Sell'Abuse may be effectually i °moved without roedicineird.withbut dials, point ing outnarunleefoure aten ,00rtaluend efroOtual,by Mhiell every sufferer, no matter What hie 'rendition n*y boonay oure himself Cheaply, privately, and rad 'Willy. TIM. LEOTHRD ,WlhL PROVE•A /WON-TO THODBANDWAND THOUSANDS. - '-• • • - ~• Sent under seal, in a plank envelope, to 'any addrees' 'post paid, on'teuelpt•of six cents, or two post stamps: adtheee the pubneherei . ' 'OARS. J. 0. KLINK •&,(104 . i ~' A t . 127Doweiy, New i Tortt, Poet 011ie° box, 4,60. '•• 1/larcislOi 18034-.ly ''" ‘`••• • " •- - • .• • • .'. , II . i . . , . , . . .. .. Gul4- Jitteit ' tyirrAIDIP gd a largo of 'all 'Asos]. Oa* Clum,Lloae(Uumfkaokinp . .„ p 134 70, naleitidati the,Thiid*are Ottiro'pf • ' „MEN ltY HOOPLA VD'S BITTERS. The great Strengtibning • •, • , (Not a Whisky Preparation.) HOOFLAND'S' GERMAN BITTERS resulting from any cause whatever PROSTRATION OP THE SYSTEM, Severe Hardships, Exposure. Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Adult or Youth a pnro Tonle, not dependent on bad liquors for their almost miraculous effects. Obsorve the following symptoms resulting from die orders of the digestive organs:, Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood 'o the Head, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering .5 the Heart, Choking or Buffet:tales doneatlorke wh -13 In a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Polo In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, VellownesS of the Skin and Byes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud den Blushes of Heat, Blurting in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings ofEvii ; and ("rest Depression of Spirits. C:io AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OP TUE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAIi . BITTERS, This Bittora has PERFORMED MORE CURES, GIVES BE'I"PFR SATISFAC Has more Respectable People to vouch for it, than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion; and to any one who will proctor° a certificate published by ua that Is not genuine, CD) • lIOOFLAND'S GERAIAN BITTERS, Chronic or Nervous Debility, and Diseases arising from a disor dered Stdmach. REMEMBER, That this Bitters is not Aleholie, CONTAINS-NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS, SIBERIA OTT, &S 1 Broadway, N. Y BUT IS THE BEST TONIC IN THE Prom the Rev. Levi 0. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of , the. North Bap tist Church, Philadelphia, at present Pastor of the Baptist Church, Chester, Pa. • • 4, • • • • • * I have known Ilooflaud's German Bitters favorably for a number of yearn, I have used thorn in my own fatuity, and have been so pleased with their effects, that I was Induced to recommend them to many oth ers, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure In thutipub tidy proclaiming We fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the dishasei for which they are recommended, to these bitters, knowing from expert once Um', my recommendation will be sustained. I do thil More cheerlully as Booßaud's Bitters is intend ed to benefit the afflicted, and Is "not a rum drink.' From Roy. W. D. Beigfricti, Pastor of Twelfth Bap tist Church. Phila. Gentlemen :—I have recently elm laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a prostration of-the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friends, and sumo of them tested, but without relief. Your Ilcofiand's German Bitters wore recommended by persons' who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of these bitters Induced me to try them. I must confess that I had an aversion to Patent Medicines from the "thousand and one" quack "Bitters," Whose only aims 813012113 to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community in a sly way, sod the tendency of which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning'that yours was really a medicinal prepare- Goo I took it with happy effect. .Its action, not only upon the etc mach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. !feel that I have derived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., editor of the Cu cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Chtistian Chronicle Philadelphia. Altaough not disposed to favor or recr.minend Patent Medicines In general, through distrust of their ingre dients and effects, I yet knt , w of no sufficient reasons wlfrpman may not testify to the benefits he believes liimself 41 have received from any simple preparation, in the helm that he may thus contribute to the bene fit of others. Ido this the more readily in regard to Hooliand's Berman Bitters, prepared by Dr. 0. M. Jack son, of thin city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impreesion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of th.s prejudice by proper teats and for encouragement tn. try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of three Bitters at the beginning of the, present year: was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I bad not felt for six months be fore, anti hid almost despaired of regaining I there fore thank God and my friend for directing tee to the use of them. From the Rev. E. D. Pendell, Assistaut Editor Chris. tian.Chroniele, Phila. • • I have derived decided benefit from the use of Hoof land's German Bitters, and feel It my privilege to reit ommand them as a moot valuable tonic, to all who are suffering fkorn general debility or from Moonset; arising from derangement of the liver. ' ' Yours, truly. E. D. PENDALL; From Itov. D. Morrlge, Pastor of the Passyunk flau tist Church, Phila. . From the many resnetstable recommendations glVen given to Dr. linoiland's (iceman 'littera, I was Induced to give then' a trial: After using several bottles. I bound them to bo'a' good remedy for debility, 'and a most excellent tonic for the stomach. N. From tho Rov. VMS. WINTER, PastOr of Rox borough Dopi tat Churob. Data Stn: I feel it duo to•your excel out preparation 'Masud's German Bitters,. to add , my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. , I have for Veen), at times, boon troubled with great disorder in my , head and nervous • system. 1 was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your Uerman , Bitters. 1 did so, and have experienced a great and unexpected relief My health has boon very materially benefited. I con tidontlyortcommend the article where'll rn , of with caret similar to inyein, and have boon assured by many of, their gelid effects. " Respectfully yours, "„ ' tt ' , BEWARE OP COUNTIORP.FiriIi. See thatillo slgtrinthe Or "0. 11.1.VA1*§ON" is on UM wrap Per of oath bottle. ' ' ' , 4hould.your nearest druggist not have the article do not be put off by , any of the Intoxicating prepara tions that may be oar. din Its place, but send to ns and we 'will ibrward, securely peeked bY express. ' • , OPP/OE AND BiANUPAOTOItit, . No. Old Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa;,!.; •_••• t'J9PEtI I B . Oliti3880!0 Japki!pno& 1:70):;,•c: PROPIUBTORS. ifor sal;i by D 01184 41 and Dealers, to ovary towg in tho thi lkod Katee, !, • Poe; 1, 111071-IY. n. r., WILL CURE DEBILITY 1 DEBILITY INDUCED BY Diseases of Camp Life WILL FIND IN THIS BITTERS IX DYSPEPSIA, ARE CURED By HAS MORE TESTIMONY, WILL PAY $lOOO WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Diseases of the Kidneys, WORLD Read who Says So Very respectfully yours, W. D. SEMI FRIED, No. 254 Bhashamaxon Street, J. NEWTON BROWN, Philadelphia D. AfElllllOl.l, T. WINTER, Roxborough, Pa TZP • Valuable Town Propi3rty at Private T . 4 0T containing 75 feet front on Lo 1, or street "Pitt, ' 240 fent depj loSinson Alley.abov The building by s aro three good/ to' .At) 'W" S , Two of which ore on Leuther St . and ono on Dickln. 'son Alley. Per terms Ac. Apply to ' . JAMB BRIER. "-April 0, 1800 'NOTICE is berebygiven thet the-firm of Halbert & Brother, has this daybcon solved by mutual consent, the Junior partner, Wm.B. ilelbert, retiring from tho film The business will bp conducted as heretnibre at the old Wand by the senior partner 'of the old' firm Charles L. Halbert, who also has charge of the books. Notice In hereby given to ell persona indebted to the above firm that an immediate settlement M all et:defend. log accounts will be required. Juno 21st 1860 CAMPAIGNS Fevers ARMY OP THE POTOMAO BY' WILLIAM SWINTON. The Standard History of GRAND -ARMY. The greatest Work of the War Univereally endorsed by army officers and tho press THE AUTHOR SA YS Lit design in this volume to record what lhat Army did and suffered in ten campaigns and two score bat tles. I shall have to celebrate the unewervin loyalty of this army, that °Mimes when the boud•dt' military cohesion failed, held it, unshaken of fortune, to a duty self-imposed. 1 shall have to fo'low it through a checkered expert• once, In a tale commingled of groat misfot tunes, great follies and E read glories ; but from first tollast it will appear that, amid many buffets of fortune, through '•winter and rough weather, '.the Army of the Poto mac never gave up, but made a good fight, and finally reached the goal. Ot this drama there will be no other hero than the Army of the Potomac Itself: for It would ' , eclat that in this war of the Prop ait was decreed there should a rise no Imperial presence to become thri central 111,ure and cynosure of men's (Wes. Napoleon, luau ciniburst of nyn,,hty eloquence, exclaims tha t In the great armies ot history the Commander was everything. Thly proud apotheosis has no application for the A rmy of the Potomac. And one must think—seeli glt nor. er had a great, and genyrally had mediocre command ers—it was that it might be talc!, that wherever it won ifinwed not to genius. but bought with its blood." This is the only history of . the "gland Army," and no one who has borne a part in its Conflicts, or is Inter ested lu its grand achievementa, should be without it. This work tiPitaionts a rare chance to make money. Agents wanted. Send fur circulars and soy our terms. Address,NATINAL CO. NT Minor St., Philadelphia. Pa. June 15, 1160-Im. LIFE-HEALTH-STRENFTH LIFE - HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated. Specific Pills, Prepared front a prescription of Dr. Juan Delamara Chief Physician to the Hos pdatliln Nord ou Lariboiniere of Paris. This Invaluable medicine Is no imposition, but is unfailing In the cure of Sparmatorrhte or Seminal Weakness. Every species of Uonital or Urinary Irri tability. Involuntary br Nightly Seminal EllliFSiOtif3 fr. In w hatev, r cause produced, or however seven u will speoeily relieved and the organs restored to healthy action. Rend the follow Jug op) olons of eminent French phy RlrlNns : ••We have used the Specific Pille prepared by Oar - ander° & Dupont, No 214 Rue Lombard, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, in our priv.ao practice with unit', rut success. and we believe-the-re is so other medicine so well calculated to mho all per sons sulfuring from Inesluntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sec a 1 Organs, e he her caused by It sedentary tocde of living, excesses or abuse. Paris, May sth, 1868 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS The Genuine Pills are - Sold hy all the principal Drug chits through ,ut the II arid, price 0110 Dollar per Box, or six Boxes for Five Dollars. 0 ARANO' ERE & DUI ONT, Sole Proprietors, No. 214 , 1tue Lombard, rails One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will Insure a box by ration mall, securely sealed from all oh el . ..tattoo, six boxes fur live dollars. Sole biennial Agents bin' America, OSCAR U. MOSES & Co., Corllandt St , N.Y. N. 8.--Preneh,Oerinan, Spanish and Engll h l'emph• lets, containing full partieulArs and directions for use, sent free to ally adds est.. Sold in Carlisle by J. W. ELLIOTT, and at II AVER STICK'S. Jan. 12, 18611-Iy. ' DR. MARSHALL'S CATARRH SNUFF! This Snell has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curling the Lahti rh, Cold In the Head and .headache It has boon found an excellent, remedy in many cases of Sore Eyes. Deafness has been removed nny it, and Hearing has often been great ly Improved by its use 1t is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains euttbed by di.euset, of the hoed. rho sedrations alter ufnuA It aro delightful and In vigorating. It (Tent. and pur. WI out all lobt tructiono, strengthens the giant's, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. More Than Thirty Years' of Salo and uso of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Head ache t•oulf, has proved Ms great value fur all.the eom mtm dtsenaea of the Haul, and at (his 111011.011 t. it stands higher than, over before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is used with gram success and ,atisiection every where. Read the Certificates of Wholesale Drug- The undersigned. having fur many years beau ac quainted with Ur. Marshall's Catarrh and Heederho :muff, and sold IL in our wholesale trade cheerfully state, that wu believe it to be equal, in every reaped, to the recommendations given of It for 'the cure of Catat rhal Affections, end that it Is decidedly the best article we have ever known fur all COUIIIIOII diseetais of the Heed. Burr & Perry, Baston,Barvos & Park, Now York Rood, Au , tlu & Co. A.B. & D. Sands, Brown, Lamson &Co " Stephen Paul & Co. " Rood, Cutler A: Co. " IRraol Minor A Co. " Soth W. Fowls, " Mrliessou & Robbins," 1Y lion, Fairbask & Co. " A. L. Scorn & Co. llensha , , & Co.MI 11 . ard, LAUER) iCo " H. U. Hay. Portland, Ale. Bush /v. Oulu, For Salo by all Di uggists. TRY IT Jan. 12, 1866—1 y. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES Bryan's Pulmonic Walds ! ell-The original Medicine established In 1A37, and first article of the kind over introduced under the name of "PULMON it) WAFER.- ," in this or any other country; all other Pulmouic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name BRY A N being sfampedon each Wafer. These Watnrs have been before the nubile for nearly thirty years, and the immense sale attained, not only in America but in foreign countries, lefty ottef.t their Intrinsic worth. The medical propeoties arc .snpot for any other a tide Offered ter the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained:in each box le nearly double that of the many worthless imitations advertised. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers cure Coughs, ,Colds, Sore ' th roat, hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh, Isrouchltis, Difficult Breathing, epiffing of Blood, rains in too Chust,-Inciplont Consumption and ell ,diseases of the lungs. • Not only affording ' tampon ary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and axe warranted to give satisfaction in ever instance. They do not nauseate like alcoholic coinpounda and the medicinal iropertics aro combined in a kyrtil so a greeable and pleasant to the taste, that any child will readily Mau them. One dose:will always afford , RELIEF IN TEN :MINUTES - - To VOCALIbTB and . L'UIII.IO SPEAkkila, tbilao ir4fOrB aro peculiarly; valuable': they will ln.one day ; romove lhu ,nuist'severe occasional 'boarsbness ; and their -regtilar use for a fo'w days will, at all tIIMIR. increase the pen.; or and flexibility of the' voice, g eatly Improving-Its tone, compass Mid clearness, ter which porphse they are regularly used by many professional vocalists; , The very groat celebrity of this invaluable' Howdy has Induced unprincipled personsio,preimrdbaseilni tattoo/I, whicirdlsapPolut tboJuat ekpectations of the purchaser, and injure the character ter tpo goouino Medicine. • •• ' ''llgYht4" ; lr6 Bee that the word, , N ' mped on each Wafer. arrd'also dewy° the lac simile of the ggnature of the Proprietor "JUB ItIO . ShS" ou eacit'verailper, to counterfeit , which la forgery. Atir- cliroodlnikpaytiee will be dealt `with to the full extent En t.'e-law thrAN'a ,P,u4topao K ,triata,nrp,lor„salo liy,rLll Brpg , JOB MOSES, Polo Proprietor, 27 flortlandt Bt., Y, Jan. 12, 1 4 00- 7 1 Y. ' • ,BIR ; JAMES P1,A11K1,113 CELEBRATED FEMALE •PILLS.: Prepared from a proem , iptlOWntair j. Clark, M. D., Physician .batraordinary4oll.leetteou.,.„ . , , HIS .1%311 . known , medioine is , nil.l ini. ' . position, but a 'Sure:mitt Saf&irereedy for Fenfitle 'lna clinics mail UNarpctionpank ro nu tausewhatever . Ind although:a powerful wamody, , it,contains mottling r ir 'ltartiul to the constitution. , , , ~ To Married Ladies it le peculiarly suited. It trill, in a short time, bring ottj,tie nionthi3o parted with regu larity. in all cases' of Nervolie Spinlall Affditionsi Fain: in the nick and Limbs,'lleaviness, Fatigue on slight, ex .ertloh",,Palpitation of the Heart, Levinese of Spirite,• ' ilytteries; eica•lleadactio, Whites, and 'all *lll, painV disclaims aciaidened'by a 'dtartdered eysteinVtliearier - will effect et,pUra'wbon•ull ottior'means hOVe talyl.Z . l, - 4i ohm Those Pills have neirer been knowrilorali dli-avilliziti on the 2cl Page of pamphlet are.r... ~,,,,,amet, free, - or' ed. For further particulars, get's! the agent. $1 and 6 postage slaur g, mint:n i nth , „„ . .Imclosed to-any 110 P ra l, t t l ' t miTE..Liorr,o ' l / 4 . i? minimised agent,.lill 'On - pills; by return I L .:- lan. 12, 1860.'-Iyf,f;., ,, : , : b , '''', , ': iln ge ri7arliete, .. .----- IX7 NI K .310 X El S, '''.' , Capm; ~,P,ort, F 0,., ,., ,, ~ y v ,iiiiii,-, foi A ri4oi; p,440; '.o,opfea,t,t 9 tiary Boxes, ciOnseoi)ticil MOOS, . ... , .• ~, , DOC. 15,1806:" t .' ' 'AT IlAiiiiiiiiiTiOge;:. T, ES:t afid 44119'011 : reparlid ' 14 ; 1 vy the note Jewelry-store. I I ~ t DISSOLUTION. CHAS L. HAI BERT WM. R. HALBERT. Gl= N. A. RICA UEEPARIE, M. D D. U DILIARD N, M D. JEAN LE LEUCHEE, M. D. gists in 18134