the perpetuity of her institutions. lo pre dicted that-England would yet bow to tho yoke of - the conquOror. Although the ora tor's voice is somewhat weak, his enuncia tion was distinct arid his delivery very good. Mr. String, did himself very considerable credit. The Revolution of 'ldeas. 7 -Sylvanus :G. Grove, Columbia.—Mr. Grove, demonstrated the impossibility of stopping the mind of man. Ile_§howed the change from the phi losophy of the ancients to the apostolic prac tice of dealing with the real and avoiding tho speculative. Ho maintained that the light of the present age is superior to that of the past. This gentleman's performance was excellent in every particular. Circumstances Develop Faculties.—J. E. McKelvy. The speaker held that the achievements in the world have been marked by peculiar circumstances. He contended that man was the creature of circumstances which control his action. Mr. McKelvy possesses many of attributes of an orator and his performance was a very excellent one. Calamities give birth lu great Joseph 0. Hamblen, Princess Ann, Md. Statesmen were not, called forth until the times required them. The science and art of war gives birth togredt minds. It brings forth the latent strength of nations and in dividuals. Mr. ll,lmblen's delivery was forcible and his voice and manner wore good. Classical Oration—Popt,lar Proverbs.— L. E. McComas, Hagerstown, Md. Mr. McComas held that proverbs embodied in short sentences contain the wit and wisdom of all nations, that they are easily retaipled and are a; old as language itself; that troll's arc condensed in popular proverbs and that from them wo learn the charac teristics of a people. - Proverbs are univer sal in use, they grow stronger with age and instil morality into mankind. This was one of the most scholarly efforts of the mmccasion. German Oration.—Ulnts. W. Super, New port. This was very well delivered but our cars being familiar only with ;English sounds we will not attempt comment or criticism. The Motive Power of Progress.-- aeob Todd of Philadelphia. It is sulliciont to sad• of this speech that it did credit to the orator. Mr. Todd's reputation as an orator i. too well established here to need any encomi ums and he will dcmhtless make a no less brilliant one wherever he may go. The other addresses were the Masters' Oration by John C. Graham, Esq., of Car lisle, and the Valedictory by 'Wilberforce Wells, of Phi10(1011,11in. We had not the pleasure of hearing either but we have no doubt that the orators reflected great credit on themselves and their Alma Mater. This year two—to Dickinson entirely novel—celebrations were observed, :Old we understand the annual custom inaugurated. The first was What is termed class-day exer cises and consisted of an oration, a poem and a history of the class together with a prophecy —each of tine, performanq's by members of, the Senior Class elected for the purpose by their fellows. We were not present but learn that the LIN ereh,es were quite interest- . The second affair was a delightful party given at Mt. Holly Springs by the gradu ating class to their friends. Alter a splen did collation, had been discussed the cere mony of the wooden spoon was conducted by Mr. Thomas Maurer, who on behalf of the class in a neat little speech presented the spoon to Mr. C. J. String, who received it quite gracefully, expressing his gratification in a feeling manner. We understand that the most popular member of the class is se lected as the recipient of the honor, the gift being esteemed the highest mark of good feeling. Noting K EEP COOL—Go lo W. C. Suwyer no it Main Ft . ;Id hlty the thinnemt Drest, ranh, Mc•ti'm turnkhing g 0.14, W. Sawy, & Cu., alsrasn ha, It r( ... :11.t1 for lo comfort of the sason, ~‘d .[•% t.ry pet uai ,‘ ill ft.,•l ',otter for inv.,ting in 11.vir line N, a 1.,. No iolvanco it: Arlene, FRUIT .11Its.--Wt• Jan, It, ; 4 1 , 1,Iirept•r:. la per rent, lower than the I,,veat Philadelphia whole rle privet. All other gouda ill oar liar, g"ool awl ehe.,t, ni can he afforded. 111,AIII A SON South I , dl,l"—rmli,le, l'o. GOOD RESIDENCE FOR SAI.E.—Thn large brick house in South Hanover Street. Pos session given iinniediately. June 22, 1866-3 t POSITIVELY Tugs LAST NOTICIL --- The books of Delaney k Blair, will be put into the hands of a proper ollieer for collection on the Ist of July, all who wish to save costs pay your bills IL MOORE, for & BLAIR June 15, 1866 Those in want of cheap Lumber call at the yard of Cheapest Pine Shingles in the country at the yard of Look tc your coal interests? Prepared to supply ; you bettor than ever at Noxicm—All orders for Coal and Lumber, can be loft at Martin & Gardner's, Morn's, and Faller's Groceries, and at Creamer's Jewelry Store, which will be promptly attended to, and at the lowest prices, Whiskers ! Whiskers ! ! Dr. L. 0. 'Marrs' Ca' rrolia, the greatest stimulator In the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin; never known to fail; sample for trial sent free to any ono desirous of testing its merits. Address, REEVES & CO., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. June 29, 1866.-3 m An Effectual Worm Medicine Brown's Vormilugo Comfits, On Worm LOZENGES. Much sickness, undoubtedly,vith children' and adults, attributed to other causes, is An, stoned by worms. Tim "Winnnon COMFITS," although effectual in dostroying worms, can do no potedblo injury to the most delicato child. This valuable combination has boon successfully used by physicians, and found to bo safe and ours in eradicating 'Alm, so hurtful to children. - - Curtmnrx navnia WORM . require immediate atten tion, as noglect of Um trouble often causes prolonged 11017.2 SYMPTOMS OP WORMS IN CHILDREN aro often overlook. ed. Worms in the stomach and bowels caus.e,irVtation, which can be removed only by the use of a Sure reme dy. The combination of ingrodlonts used in making Brown'a l'ermVime anifits" ie such as to give the beet possiblo effect with Hardy. , CURTIS & DROWN,Propriotors, New York. Said by all Dealers In Medicines, at 25 cts. a box. May 25, 184 7 1 y. - ITCH ! ITCH I ITCH 1 SCRATCH ! SCRATCH 1' SCRATCH _WHEA.TON''S OINTMENT • Will Cure. the Itch in 48 Hours. A ISO,eutes SALT.. RHEUM, UL- 01MS, OIITLI3LAINO, arid, all EItIIPTIOIIB Or r , SKIN. Prico 60 oUntsl. Nor ealoby all druggists. By sending 00 cents to WEEKS dc POIVEII., Solo Agents, 170 Washington stroot, Boston, it will bo for. warded by noslL !, troo of — postago, to any part of the United States. Juno 8;1800. • • . . . ?dentinAuld Catarrh Snuff, .Is a sure curo for that bothersome disease, Catarrh. - .. . Jaw 12,1868L4y. . • . . pl I'ECTAOLES; of all kinds and prideS, to salt 0.11 ages, at tho now Jewelry Btoro, East aln f3t4,, ' , v . " , • A Sicuigle Box of Bra .ndretles Contains more vegetable extractive matter. than twenty boxes of any pills in the world besides ; fifty five hundred physicians use them in their practice to the exclusion of other purgatives., !The first letter of their value is yet scarcely appreciated. When they art better known, sudden death and continued sick ness will be of the past. Lot those who know them spats right out in their favor. It is a duty which will save life. Our race aro subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prevalent; but Brandroth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient protection. By their occasional usa wo prevent the collection of those impurities which, when in sufficient qualities, cause so much danger to tho body's health. They soon cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Pain in the Head, Heartburn, Pain An the Breast-bone, Sudden Faintness and Costiveness. Sold by all respectable-Dealers In Medicines. , - May 18, 1800.-:-.lm 1 1 A Grand Epoch in Medicine ! 1 MAGGIEL, is the founder of a .7 now medical system. ~The quantltarlans whose vast internal doses en feeble .the stomach and paralyze the bowels, and with whose external 'mettles ulcer ated anti t upllvo fanfares are deluged In vain, must give place and precedence to the uuua who restores heallii and appetite with from one to throe harmless pills, and cures the roost virulent and scorbutic disor ders with one or two boxes of his salve. iitaggiericrilln and Salve have ushered in in new , minified era. No more nauseating iivolanches of drastic pills need be poured down sick people's tint oats. One of id aggiel's Pills rectifies the disordered condition of the stomach and bowels, and mattes health return where it has van ished. In fact Maggiore Bil loos, Dyspeptic and Minim, Pills cure where all others fail. While for Burns. Scolds, Chilblains, Cuts, mid all abrasions of the skin, Ida Salve ix infaiii de. Sold by J. Sin glet, 43 Fulton street, Now York, Haverstick, Carlisle, and all druggists, at 21 cents per box. April 20, 1860, TRANSFORMATION. The superstitions of antiquity are only "food for laughter" at the present day, and yet this is an ago :Wcompli , hed with the aid of seleuee. For example grey, candy or red hair is CHANGED IN A MOMENT, o the rlrhect C 1 ,111121 Vtilii ,4 black or brown, bin simple Ipplivation of CIZISTA DORO'S DM It DYE, . Manufactured by J. Ott Anon°, r. Af.tor Housii, Now York. Sold by Drug4i .Is. Applied by all Hair Drosk, dune 21, Bargains in fine Clothing ROCKH ILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, 003 and 005 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. H STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 'laving sold out our stock of Clothing fiT Gen tlemen aid Boys, cal tied Us or from the late fire, our entire stuck of Fashionable Ready-Mado Clothing is the Newest, AS 018 PRICES A ItE TUE LOWEST. Magnificent Spring Stock! ! NOW READY, TO SUIT EVERYBODY. (!i;ST OM DEPARTMENT. our nouly titled up Ct.t‘un Dern tment, now con the largos :uotortment or all the Fashionuhle New FAhrle , l, I t nur pltrins lo t.e hart limo. St ITS, ('ll7l. _IN7I .11 ILI TA /L 5 ); In this department our stock iv also unrivalled Of at.", execut,.4.l at shortest nonce. THE CHOICEST STOCii READY-MADE CLOTHING ROCKHILL &WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, GO3 AND . GO5 CHESTNUT ST., PIII LADELPIIIA April '27. ad vet t i,etumt L ul 6ir .lateen Clarke's Celubral od Female I'll Is. .1 an. tilte.—ly. Ethic I NSW , :—t)Y EItHOLTZER. On the inth nt tho residence of the / bride's father, by the Rev. J. Philip Bishops.. Mr. j;t6 a I'. DivlsinHon, of RidgetraY, Elk Co, to (rye, 1,11,er, of White Hell this county TOWMS— ENSOIt. On the Nth ima.. by the SaITIO , at nut U. It. Pari,onaqo in Shiremanstown, Mr. Goof ge T,wins, of Winthrop. Maine, to 'Sir, Catirtrino Ensor, of W. Fairview this County. !JOHN ER—GMBH_ On Thursday morninL; June 2( th, at the residonro of Dr. Cook, Vu Carlhde, Pa., by tho Rev. Dr. .1. 11. Meruilen, assist,' by Rev. F. .1. Clere. D. D., Major 0. A. Horner, of Eillillittshurg, pl d., to 3' iss Maggio A . youngest slaughter ur the late Rev. Rclaa t F. Grier, of the latter plata, MANNINO—LEEDS. On the 12th Inst., in Carlisle, Ly liov ii. 1.% Beek, Mr. A. Manning, of Oakville, to Miss. Emma C. Leeds, of this borough. PEPPER—SLEADER On the 26th inet., by Rev. S. i'. Sprecber, Mr. James W. Coffer, to Miss Margaret Ann Slender, both of Cumberland Co. A. 11. 13LAin's CARLISLE PRODUCE; MARKET. Carlisle, .1 um 28, 18C0 13 00 8 00 6 0 2 00 2 SO 1 10 Paolily I , l”ur Superlitto do 11 ITE Nl' MUT CORN OATS CIAIVERSERD.. TI)10.111YSEI,A) A. 11. IlLni GENERAL PRO IMIIEM A. 11. 131...A11es En UM TALLOW, SOAP, BEES.WAX, BACON BABA A. 11. Bwait's LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle, State of Pennsyl vania, the 28th day of June, 1886. Published by official authority in the pa per having, the largest circulation. flea obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for." advertised letters," give the dato of the list and pay two cents for advertising. If not called for within, one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. DELANCY & SIIROM GEO. ZTNN, P. M. Alison James (1314, Keowr P. M. (B 103) Armstrong A. (2) Lockhart Benjamin Bower John. (2 Reg) Linn Sylvester J. . Blannon Barbara Meletz R. (131 cs Reg)' 13auglnan Mary Moudy Wm. Black William L. Moreton Chas: C. E. Backens & Davis Myers Conrad Buchman Bonj. McDonald A. A. (2) Brownywell Oliver Mc Connelly Carolina Brown Wm. (2) Myers .L Byers Jonas •McKinney L Coriumiii Jeremiah Molester Mary ' Clark Ildward .Morrett Ann E. Carson John L., Myers Henry A. Cohen M. L. : McOonougy Caroline Castor M.ortorff George Clark - James M. Nniol Mr. 'Dovoranx Frank A. ~ , P yc David Doran James -.. Redding J. & J. B. 'Etter John Ritomv Amanda C. Eagle A. G. Spotts Abraham Folder J. Sewell Rev. B. J. Foster Sowers John E. Grey Betsey Smith John Grubb Lydia Steppackor . Bettie' Groff Leander Sovord Elizaboth • Gloim Aaron S. , Shang' JeSso V. • Gracey John . Shoop Chrititian • Grabill -Oho& W.-- —Spaeth Jacob Hdffm on ;Benj. Smith Mrs Mary, Hill Nancy Shade John Hofßanger Lucyum Stanton John W. Heitman R. (Bks) „ Somington-Dr t Hinton:Richard Soaright John G. Handsehew Mathias Strobots Joseph Hitatings 'Win. Tolar Anna 'Hunter Col. J. F. Trout Anna. '- Hunter J. Wesley , Tennant Holtzman James • Wilson Hottio E. , Johns Jr Williarns,Thos..R: • • Jackson Mntilda ,Wagnor.John,.. . Johnson „Lacy " West Rev. Then:la's M KAIU Lydia A.nri. Zeigler 13arel. D, Miracles, I= Li the highest style, and at moderato prices Boys' CLOTHING, TEE B lit-a IN ECITY, _l7' TILE l,O 11" EAT PRICES ! IN PHILADELPHIA Marriages I=l=l Watts. UCE MARKET June 28,1868. Currecied Weekly b IVm. Bentz. IMM=&11 lUMMM:I2I = 10 UNPARED PEACHES 18 0-12 DRIED APPLES, ~ 300 38 RAGS, OA 20 DISSOLUTION N OTICE is hereby given that the firm of Halbert & Brother, has this day been die. so ved by mutual consent, the junior partner, Wm. R. Ilalbort, retiring from tho firm. The business will bo conducted as heretofore at the old stand by the senior partner of the old firth Charles L. Halbert, who also has charge of the books. Notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to \ the above firm that an immediate . settlement It all outetand fug accounts will be required. OIIAS L. HALBERT. WM. It. HALBERT. Juno 21st 1800. Dissolution of Partnership. THE firm of Richard Coll) & Co., of the Borough of Carlisle, State of Pennsylvania, of whirls the undersigned was the silent' partner, has this day boon dissolved by mutual consent. The nn ; dereigoed therefore gives notice that he has no further business association with Richard Colo, and is in no way liable for future debts Juno 20, 1860-8 t Walker & Claudy, (Successors to J. D. Gorges,) THE subscribers respectfully inform the public In general. that they have purchased the Tin nod Sheet Iron Establishment of Mr. Gorges, in rear of the Chita HO Fe, where they era prepared to accommodate the patrons of the old establishment and all others Nrholnay !liver thorn with their work. If you want the very Lest COOKING STOVE at the lowest price, come to us. All insured for six months or longer. We have nothing on hand but the best bakers and Warrant them to be 011011, for we keep noun other. Come and see the great variety. We can give hundreds of testimonials if desired. COME and SEE, our Parlor and Office Stoves for wood or coal HEATERS AND RANGES, Stationary and Portable. 97.11 V N767.A.,3E1...7E, of all Muds in great variety, made from the very beet tin-plate. All you need in our line can be had from us at a saving of 20 per cent. CALL at our Store anti Ware Rooms, In rear of the Court Hou,,e, and you will earn money lu your purchases. It will fully pay you to come. Tin Reeling and Spouting done at short notice By stalct attention to business the undersigned hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Juno 29, 1866-1 y READING RAIL ROAD • - it y r. Wetik SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. JUNE 11th, 1886. kR AI"KRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Colum• bin, eke., Sc. Trisins leave Harrisburg for Now York; as follows: At 3MO, 8.10 :aid 9.05 A. 51., and 2.10 and 0.15 P. M., 'rontic,ting a Ith similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at 6.00 and 10 10 A. M., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 P. NI. Sleeping Cars ac companying the 3.00 A. M., and 9.16 P. M., Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Rending, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua, Millersville, Ashland, fine tiros°, Allentown and Phil. adelphia, at 8.10 A. 31., and 210 and 4 10 I'. M. ' stop ping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; tho 4.10 P. M. Train making connections for Columbia and Philadelphia only. For PottsviPo, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 P. NI. lieturning: Lease New York at 7.00 and 9.00 A. 31., 12.00 Noon and 5.00 P. 31; Philadelphia at 8 15 A. 31., and .1.30 P. NI., Way Passenger Train leaves Phila delphia at 7 30 A. NI., r• turning from Reading at 0.30 P. M., stopping at all Stations; Pottsville at 8.45 A. N., and 2 45 P. NI.; Ashland 6.00 and 11 30 A. M., and 1.05 P NI ; Tamaqua at 9.45 .1. NI., and 1.00 and 8.53 P. NI. id,Ve Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Sus luelninna Rail Howl. at 7.00 A. M. Reading Accommodation Train Leaves Reading at 0.00 A. 31., return lag from Philmielphla at 5.00 P. N. Columbia Rail t . . ns leave Reading at 6.45 A. 31., 12 05 Noon ud 6.15 I'. 51. for Ephrata, Lltlz, Lan caster, Columbia Sc. On Sundays : ay. Net Yo at 8.00 P. M., Phila delphia SOO A. 31., ( :1 a I'. S , the 8.00 A. 31. Train running only to Rea 1 ~,. in sville 8.00 A. M. Tam aqua 7,30 A. NI., Harrisburg 905 A. M., and Reading at 1.33 and 7.30 A. 11., for Harrisburg, and 10.52 A. NI,- for New York. and 4.25 P. 31. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur , sion Tickets to and fions all points, at reduced Bates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds allowed each Passenger. 0. A. NICOLLS, (loners] Superintendent. Reading, Pa. June 25, 186 G. - - F I A STATI 4 .I NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of John duc'd., lain of South Middloton township, Cumberland county, hissing boon issued to the sub se: ibers the first named residing in the same town ship, and the last named in Juniata county, Pa., no• two is hereby given to all persons indebted to make payment, and those having claims to present them to .1. N. 11. (MAHAN!, 0. M. (I ItAIl A5l, June 22, 1866---lit Adiu'rs. I L IST kTE NOTICE._ Letters of Administration on the estate of ham %Veal er, tale of D•rkinson Twp , Cumber land Co., hal e been granted by the Register of Cum. helium' Co., to the subscriber residing in said Twp. All persons lode' toil to said estate will make payment and those having claim' , in 11l present them to DAVID WEAVER, June 22, P-4 . 16 Gt. Administrator. X EC UTO RS j Letters Te4amentary on the estate of John hear, dee'd.., late of West Pennsborough, Twir, Cum beriand Co, having been granted to the sabre, Mars rt,bling in the same township. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make pay ment, MI those having claims to present them for settletnene .1 1111 r 22., I Si;t; r 1 0 INVALIDS Yonger's Sparkling Edinburgh Mu," nt FRANCISOUS' .1 um. 22, TO THE AFFLICTkD. " V killer's celebrated Ilorb Ritters" at FRANCINUS' Juno 22,1866.—at TO 'WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The best Ale and Porter on draught at FILANCISCUS' Juno 22, 1866.--3 t EjSTATE - Letters of Administration on the estate of Leah Couvor, deceased late of Mechanicsburg, Cumb. Co. Pa., have been issued by the Register to the un dersigned residing in Upper Allen, Twp., of Cumber land Co ,Pa All persons having claims will present them and those ludelded wlll Make payment to izAMUtib COOV RR, .1 II II e K, 101;1).* Administlator. NOTICE. r 1 111 undersigned administrator or the estate of lienty W. Itellman, late of Mechanics burg. Cumbel land County dec'd., hereby gives notice to nil persons having claims against said estate, to pre ; sent them properly authenticated, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to mid estate to make payment to FREDERICK WATTS, Attoruoy for S. L. M. 0 , qsISER, Admluletrator Juno 15, 186(1 Settees for Sale. TWENTY SETTEES from ten to twolvo foot long. Apply to - L. T. GREENFIELD, or JOHN MARTIN. Juno 15, 1865--3 t Town Property at Private Sale. loffer at priyate sale that yaluablo - pro-, party situate on South - Pitt Street, in the Bor ough of Carlisle, belonging to the heirs of Benjamin Butler, doc'd. Adjoining Mrs. Moody and others. The lot contains 16 foot in front on Pitt street and about 110 In depth to an alley. 'Phu improvements CC:Moist of ono and a half story WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE, Franio Kitchen, with collar under all, and out build ings. For terms and further Information apply to. 0. P. lIUMRIOIL Att'y. for the heirs. June 15, 1860-2 m. k - ISTATE NOTICE.- Letters of Administration on tho estate of Ben janfin Clay, doe'd., late of East Peunsborough Twp., Cumberland County, havobeen issued by the Register of said county, to the subscriber residing In the same township. All persons indebted to said nstate aro re quested to make payment, and those having claims a gainst the estate will present them for settlement to ELIZABETH CLAY, Iday 25,.1866 a • Admeic.. STATE NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Samuel L. Bucher late of Middlesex Township dee'd, having boon issued by the Register of Cumberland County to the undersigned, the first named residing in Silver Spring Twp., and the last in Middlesex Twp., Xotice is hereby given to all ,persons having claims against eaid estate to prevent them and those indebt• ed.,to make payment to either of the subscribers, JESSE Buondt, - ISAAC BUCHER, May 26, 1660.-ot. Admr's. .WHITE SULPHUR • • And. Chnlybeate Springs; • 'DOITBLING GAP, Pa. . rI IBIS. celebrated watering place is now 1 open for the reception of boarders and visitors. Considerable Improvements have boon made to the buildings and grounds; an excellent corps of assistants and servants, and the proprietors personal attention, e 111 b 0 givets to molco the springs a pleasant aumme resort. ' • O. IX. MANN, .; Juno 8,180 G-1 ns. • Proprietor. GUM. . BELTING ! Jostvecolved aline assortment of all.alses— Gum Bolting, Gum Hose, Gum racking, ito., and for sale cheap a the Itardware Store of • , ••• , • lIHNRY 13ASTON.. Alit° 25,1804, OPENING OF T : BEASON JOHN 0. LESHER -CHEAP DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. of all the newest and most desirable styles and quail. ties of suitable for the present and coming season 'embracing all the latest varieties and styles in the market. Plain, Black and Fciney Dress Silks, Foullard Silks, Mohairs, Poplins, Repps, French Moo. amhiquetil Lenoes. Real Organdy and Jaconet Lawns of beautiful designs, Plain and Figured Percales and Chintses, Bilk hod Mohair Grenadines, Barages, Black and Colored Mohair Alpacas, all shades, Mous de Laines, I= LEIDIGII & MILLER s the place to purchase your \. DOMESTIC GOODS. as we have the largest and beet Stock in the County, and are selling thorn at Muslins, Shootings, Pillow Cane Muslim; and Litmus, Tickings Checks, Cotton Pants Stuffs, Linen Drillings, Llnon Coatings, Calicoes, Ginghanni, Chainberry's Gauge, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, &c. fur the latest styles of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS for ladles and children all styles Silk and Cloth Backs atd Mantles, Black Lace Points, Shetland Shawls, all colors, f you aro In want of any kind of an they have the largest Stock In town of Shirred, 'rucked and Puffed lausline, suitable for Dresses and Garabaidles, Nalnsook Swiss, Camb. nod Jaconot klus. line, Striped and .figured Swlsses and Piquitz, &c., &c. MOURNING GOODS. Of this class of goods we always haven full f l ue,e such as ombazines, itepps, Poplins, Mohairs Single and Double width DeLainea, Illozamblques, BLI Crape Illarett for Dresses, and Shawls, 8-3 Grenadine Barage, for Dresses and Shawls, Mohati Lustres, Lawns, Ging hams, English Crapes, Crape Yells, Gloves of all de seliplons Shawla, &c., &c. You will always find a full line of JOAN 11. BEAR, SAM Uh I DILLER. Exocuthnc and they pay strict attention to all orders for the same Do not forget to call for your supply of Cloths and One almeres, Veatings, Linens for Pants and Coats. Hav ing secured the services of a first class Tailor, we are prepared to have Clothing wade up at very short no. t Ice. a the place to buy your GLOVES, • HOSIERY of all kluda, MITTS, HOOPED SKIRTS, BALAIORALS, FRENCH CORSETS • LINEN AN)9I 4 , SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, BONNET RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, EMB'D. INSERTINGS AND EDGINGS, LACE VEILS, INFANT WAISTS, EMB'D. FLOUNC INGS, jjEAD NETS, and a thousand other small a area too nal - crow to mention. of all grades and descriptions, such as Eng Hell Tapeet.Ty, Brussels, • Lowoll Threo Ply Extra Sup Ingrain, • Rag, Listinv, and Romp, Striped, Mullion . Mall widths Cantins Mattings White and Chocked, Window Shades, Looking Glasses, RUGS, Marsaills dullts and Counterpanes, Nottingham Lap, Curtains, Tanibourd Muslin Curtains, Le. -Please do not fall to give twat' carlytall, as_vdi are determined to keep up our good reputation in the bed goods, the cheapest goods, and the largest a mount of goods . in the county. Wo always take -great pleasure to show - our goods, as , wo can prove the fact, that we study the interest of all our customers. LEIDIOII & MILLER. Do not forget the plaoe and woll knoivu stand, on the Corner, sign of the Carpet Hall. June 8,1800. ill Ahead ! Ahead ! ! LATEST AND GRANDEST AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GRAND DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, CIIALLIES, &c., &c., &c PLEASE REMEMBER THAT PANIC PRICES, CALL THIS WAY GRAND DISPLA OF Grenadines, Barage Shawls, French Mozambique Shawls WIIITE GOODS, do not fall to call at LEIDICH & MILLER'S, FUNERAL GOODS, AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S, MEN AND BOYS, NOTIONS I NOTIONS! I LEIDICH & MILLER'S CARPETS 1 CARPETS I ! OIL CLOT MS Always in Advanc6 GRAND OPENING Of the latest importations of French, German, English and Italian Dress Goods and Summer Wear of every description. W. C. SAWYER, & CO., have again taken advantage of the very _____----;=-J ,i LATE DECLINE IN PRICES, to fill their Spacious Store Room (East Main St., two doors below Saatond Hardware Store,) with an enor mous Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Carpet and House Furnish- bought for CASH from the longest Importing Houses of Now York and Philadelphia. All the varieties and colors of Silks. Splendid dual• Ries of Gros Grain Black Silks for Dresses and Basques, French Worsted Goode and Grenadines, CARPETS, CUR TA TN MATERT. from A. T. Stewart, & Co. English Loup's, Lawns, Percales, alohafis Barred, Stripped and Plain, and Hosiery of all kinds from Arnold, Constable, & Co. All kinks of domestic goods, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and White Goods, of every class from 11. B. Claflln, & Co., Nol, York. Very select styles and varieties of Dress •urcpc)ciss and general wear from James Kent, & Co., Joe. Reigel & Co.,Johnee, Perry, & Co., Philadelphia. We carefully examine both markets and customers, will find on our counters a larger, more varied and cheaper stork of goods than in any Store West of the groat cities. Every body is invited to examine our Stock—all kinds of Mourning and Funeral Goods We give Riedel attention to Hale branch of our trade Ladle]; aro invited to examine our beautiful styles of . Silk and French Cloth SACKS AND BASQUES, beautiful shades of French Clothe for Sacks and But tons, ornaments hr., to match. W. C. SAWYER, & CO Would ask the attention to their very choice stock of French, Scotch and American Cassimeres, Cloths, Spanish Litmus for Costing's. Ituestou Linens for Pon huts. &o. We get up Sults at short notice by the boot Tailors In town. W. C. SAWYER, & CO House turniahlog department, In the largest and moat complete In the valleV k containing Scotch and English 33IZTISSMI_p, all the grades of tho Lowell & Hartford Mulls, Romp and Rag riCv4.lo :04 -.44 0-10 i.r.----11 011 Cloths, Mattloge, Shades, Rugs, &e W. O. SAWYER, & CO hake a largo assortment of Ifoetory, Gloves, Parasols, Bun Umbrellas, Comte, &c. Bradley's unequalled 'Pride of tho World" • and Linen ELIPTIC HOOP SKIRTS, and other best makes kept' 'by us. Lace Mitts, Dresa Trimmings, Ribbons and in fact every thing found In a wide awako on. erprining Store; determined to do a largo trade for the benefit of the Community as well as for themselves. Eyery body Rich and Poor, Old and Young, Small and groat aro very cordially invited to our • DRY. GOODS EMPORIUM, where we will take great. pleasure in showing as well as selling our goods. We„will Make additions of deal. cable goods as the season advances.- W. O..SAWYIIII, A CO. May 18,1806. - El in Goods, AL S, &C., • AMERICAN ORGANS. (From "Godey's Ladies' Book"' February, 1866.) REIM ORGANS, Sus.- THE following remarks and sugges tions relativeto this immensely popular Instru ment will doubtless Interest and profit very rainy Of our readers, we commend the article to their careful perusal:— A hundred and bne makers of Organs, Cottage, Par lor, Cabinet, American, School Organs, etc. etc., are each claiming to make the best instrument in the world. Doing comparatively a now instrument as at present constructed, we aro convinced the public aro much lees capable ofjudging of Its merits, or demerits, than of most other instruments. If there is really an essential. difference in them, if there are some excel lent and some worthless ones, the public should have some criterion for judging of them, some facts which will enlighten them. We cheerfully concede the space for this article knowing that there is hardly a family, or church, or school in all the land, but is more or leas Interested in this topic. Wo are also aware of its be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity, to any of them to purchase an inferior or worthless Organ, ruinous to good playing, and often a source of much annoyance and vexation. We know this article to emanate from a candid and intelligent source, and thus we give it to our readers. The question is often asked, what are "reed organs?" We adswer, they are, in most cases, nothing In the world but the old melodeon In disguise. Many of the so-called organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the same geni.ral internal at rangement. ' With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have slepty put on a morn pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But an organ, to be in reality an or gan, must have a wind chest or reservoir for air sepa rate from the bellows, into which wind-chest the reeds open, and the tone has room to expand and perfect into the full round tone, similar to the flute or pipe organ, oven, smooth, firm, and mellow ; and this tone from reeds cannot be obtained in any other way known. Nothing so annoys a true organist as to have the vol ume of sound swelling and jerking spasmodically with every 'variation of force on the bellows, which Is always the case whore the reeds open direct Into the bellows or air passages, instead of a wind-chest or sound-box. And yet some makers even go so far as to claim this spasmodic or automatic jerking of the bellows on the -reeds as an excellence, just as though they did not know that it must very soon throw the reeds out of tune, and injure the bellows; and as though it wore not an easier matter to obtain a much bettor and more easily managed swell by other mothodil, The truth is, any organ, so railed, or melodeon which has the wind acting directly upon the reeds, Is nothing more nor less than a huge accord/mu, drams it up as you may. And when organists and true musicians become awa.e of the fact that they can obtain those that are organs in fact as well as in name, they will buy no more of the objectionable ones. Then again the swell should al ways be separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to be acted on by the hand, or soft blowing, but convenient so that the player can use It with the knee, separate from the hands or feet, and thus always un der easy control, to be used ad libitum. The largo divided bellows, or double bellows, is also a very important improvement. By this means not only can the wind bo supplied more evenly, but with far greater ease to the performer, from the fact that either bellows alone will be suffitient for the lighter melodies, thus permitting the player to change about and rest the feet at will ; then, if the bellows is of the requisite large size, and having thu wind chest or reservoir, all will be well. As to the reeds, they must be shientifically tuned and voiced, or all the other good qualities in the world cannot produce a good toned In strument. Thu inquiry now very naturally arises, where can the organ be procured combining all these essential atol desirable qualities I There i• only one possessing all these points, and t Maim the AM I.:RICAN ORGAN, made by 8 D. & H. W. Smith of Boston, SIBERIA OTT Wholesale Agent, 581 Ilr..adway, New York. These organs have n wind-chest extending the whole length of the instrument and so constructed as to act at the same time as a reverberating sound-box or board, and having the same important relation and part to perform that the bounding-hoard has to the piano. This !tam° the sinkers have patented, and to it are owing in a great measure th , entirety quailed fullness and rich ass of tone so highly prized by all who have used those organs They also have the largest and belt divided bell {VI3 in use, which is another important feature. No port of their work is slighted, no expense or pains spared to make the A merican Organs perfect musically, an well as mechan ically, and. judging from the immense sale of them at present, they bid fair to long maintain the proud posi tion they have won by superior merit alone We would roost heartily advise all interested to call upon or address Ms. :losnin OTT, the Wholesale Agent, at 581 Broadway, New York, and can assure them he will, in the most gentlemanly and truthful mannnr, impart to them all the information they may desire relative to this truly delightful instrument. MUSIC TEACHERS LEE EVAIN. I The subscril,er is fully prepared to furnish Sheet Music, Strings, Musical Instruments, and Music Books of all kinds at the lowest trade rates, wholesale and re tail, from the largest collections in this country. Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders THE BOARD - MAN, GRAY & CO PIANO-FORTES, Wholesale agency. The subscriber, late a membf r et this well known firm has established a wholesale ageney, kBl Broadway, New York City, whero•ho wall be pleased to receive the orders of his friends and the public, and especially to hear from those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm hereto fore. Ile will supply the. superior Instruments to the trade Wholeutle and Retail, at the very Lowest Brie., made with the Insulated Iron Rim and Frame (east to one oelld plate). They excel all others in cu rability superiority of tone, and elegance of external appearance. All these Pianos have overstrung Scales, giving in connection with the patent iron tint and frame, Full Round, Powerlul, and Sweet Mellow Tones. The Cases are tcegant in appearance, and easily and safely han• died. %Warranted to prove satisfactory, or the money retui tied, Address all orders to SIBERIA OTT, URI Broadway Now York S. I). & IL W. S ' MTH'S AMERICAN ,ORGANS THE MOST PERFECT AND BEAUTIEUI MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ECEM w0.p.,1_,D. =I AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE TU AMERICAN ORGAN Makes lime attractive, refines, and elevates the minds of all, beautiful In appearance and effects. SIBERIA OTT, 681 Broadway, New York, WHOLESALE AGENT. The Immense popularity of these Organs, and their superior Musical Powers, is last bringing them before the public, us the Instrument so ionic desired In A DO:RICAN HOMES. And although the cost price is but a trifle over the Melodeon, yet the musical advan tages, beauty of tone and quickness of touch and so- Nan are so far superior, that they are fast suporeeding the Melodeon and the call is now almost exclusively for the AMERICAN ORGANS It is adapted to any Music from.tho quickest and most lively, to the heavy tone of the Church Organ. And almost universally they are preferred to the Piano, by persons who have them, yet coating less than half,and only taking a small amount of room. Pend for descriptive circulars giving full particulars and prices. Exclusive Agencies secured to Dealers, and large discounts to-the trade and Teachers. Address all or ders, . . . I:SIBERIA OTT, . Wholesale Agent, 681 Broadway, Now York Blare,' 30, 1800-Iy. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. loth Collection Listriet of Pennsylvanian comprising the Counties of Yorh, Cumber: land and Periy. , • OTIOE is _hereby given, :That the , annual lists Of valuations and enumerations of property, subject to tax 'under'thri:act entitled "Au Act to provide Internal lievenue ,to support the Gov ernment, to pay interest on the public+ debt, and for other purposes' , approved'June 30th, 1804, and am endl ed March 30th, 1005, made - and taken by the several Assistant Assessors, of said district, will remain epon at my, office, in York, Pa., ter the examination of all persons concerned, from' the date hereof until tbto 20th day of June, 1800. I will sit at following named times _and places to hear • and 000p:dine_ app_eals_relative._ tO any excessive erroneous Valuation, enumeration or as -sessment rendered on said lists : „', - , - On the 20th day of Jun e , at the office of James A. Dunbar;Msg. ' Carlisle, Pa.. On the 2nd day of July, at the . office of J. L.Gantt, at Newport, Perry County, Pa. Qu3ite tird'and -6th of July, at my office In Centre figualo, - York, Pa. "- Notice is further given, that no appeal, will be al lowed to any party after he shall have been duly as sessment has been transmitted to the ,Collector. . - • MI appoals must' be made In writing and' must state, the particular Clllll3O, matter or thing respecting which a decision is raquested and the ground or prin. eiple of error emplained of, • • • HODAOII BONHAM . , 11. S. Assessor, iiith District DA. DAted At York, Juno:loth, itoci-2t. HOOFLA ND'S BITTER S• The great Strengthening Tonio. (Not a Whisky Preparation.) HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, resulting from any cause whatever PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, Severe Hardships, Exposure. Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Adult or Youth. a pure Tonic, not dependent cn had liquors for their almost miraculous effects. Observe the following symptoms resulting from dis orders of the digestive organs: Constipation ' Inward Plies, Full HeSP of Bloc:Co the Head, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit 01 the Stomach. Swimming or the Head, Hurried and Dlffictlit Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Sufkicating Sensations wit n Ina lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Binning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings ofEvil . and Great Depression of Spirits. • AND DISEASES RESULTINCI FROM DISORDERS OF TEIE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORO ANS. ARE CURED BY HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, This Bitters has GIVES 13E1"11',R, SATISFAC TION, Has more Respoctablo People to oulleil fur it, than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and to any one who will produce a certificate published by us that is not genuine, HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Chronic or Nervous Debility, and Diseases arising from a disor- dered Stomach. REMEMBER, ?hat this Bitters is• not Alcholie, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS, SIBERIA OTT, 641 Broadway, N. Y BUT IS THE BEST TONIC IN THE From the Rev, Levi U. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., tormorly of the North Bap tist Church, Philadelphia, at present Pastor of the Baptist Church, Chester, Pa. 4 • * N * V * k 4 I have known H.M.S . ,' German Bitters favorably for a number of years, 1 have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects, that 1 was induceff to recommend them to many oth ers, and know that they have operated in a strlkinsly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure lu thus pub licly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended, to those bitters, knowing from caper) once that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as lloolland's Bitters is Intend ed to benefit the afflicted, and is "not n rum drink.' From Rev. W. D. Selgfrlood, l'ettitor of Twelfth Bap. tlst Church, PhIM. Gentlemen:-1 have recently eun laborine under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a prostration of the nervous Resters. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but without relief. Your Ilcolland's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of these bitters Induced me to try them. I must confess that I had an aversion to Patent Medicines from the "thousand and one" quack "Bitters," whose only aims seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community in a sly way, and the tendency et which, I fear, Is to Make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal prepara tion I took It with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the etc mach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I have derived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. From R0v..1. Newton Brown, D. D., editor of the tin cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Otitistian Chronicle Philadelphia. A it.mugh not disposed tG favor or ret' willow' Patent Medicines in general.iithrom4h distrust of their ingre• ethnics and elreetn, I'yet kn w of 00 sufficient reasons in by a man may not testify to the lienefits lie believes himself to have received from any , simple preparation, in the Mips te at he may thus contriPiute to the hem,- fit of others Ido this the more readily in regard to llnolland's Reroute Bittiii s, prepared by I.r. C Jack son, of this city, because 1 was prijudiced against them for many years, under he imprmiston that iht y were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I ant indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, hsq.. lorthe removal of thin prejeidice by proper eats and for e11e01.111440111 , try them when suffering from eat and long continued debility. The use ot three bottles or tin se Bitters at the beginning of the present year. wax followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which 1 had not felt the six months be fore, and had almost despaired of regaining 1 there fore thank God and my Mond for directing me to the use of them. From the Rev. E. D. Fondall, Artsistant Editor Chris. tlan Chronicle, Phila. I have derived decided benefit from the use of Mot land's German Bitters, and feel it my privilege to rec ommend them as a most valuable tonic, to all who are suffering from general debility or from diseases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours, truly. E. D. FENDALL. From Rev. D. Iderrige, Pastor of the Passyunk Bap tist Church, Phila. From the many respectable recommendations given given to Dr. Hooflandis Goi man bitters, I was induced to give them a trial. Atter using several bottles I bound them to be a good remedy for debility, and a most excellent tonic for the stomach. From the Roy. TIIOB. WINTER, D. D., Pastor of Box borough Baptist Church. . Dean Stn : I feel it duo to your excellent preparation Ilootland's German Bitters, to add my testimony, to tho deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for years, at times, boon troubled with great disorder in my head and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try-a bottle of your German Bitters. I did so, and have experienced a great and unexpected relief. My health has been very materially benefited. I con. fidently recommend the article whera I m. et with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good effects. Respectfully yours, , .Bpe that the signature of "C. M. JAOICRON" in on .the Wrapper of each bottle. Should your nearest druggist not have the article do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepara tions that may be offered In its place, but send to us and we will forward,eeourely packed by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTOitY, . 6 For sale bylirugglete and Dealers in ev ery town In the United States. - . • . Deo. I, Mb-4y. • ' . WILL CURE DEBILITY 1 DEBILITY B INDUCED BY Diseases of Camp Life WILL FIND IN THIS BITTFRS DYSPEPSIA-, PERFORM ED MORE CURES, HAS MORE TESTIMONY, WI LL PAY $lOOO WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Diseases of the Kidneys, WORLD Read who Says So Very respectfully yours, W. D. BEINFRIED, No. 254 Shankamaxon Street, .1. NEWTON BROWN, Philadelphia T. WINTER, liqx.borough, Pa- BEIVARE 01? COUNTIMMITS No, 681 Arch Straat, plifladolola, Pa , J9NEB A; EVANS, „ I Succotsoro to 0. M. Jaolotop & Coj fEOPNIETORS. REGISTERED POLICpE.'S THE . . "NORTH A'APIRIOA" of New Ydrk In the only Life Insurance Company In the world empowered to issue Registered Policies:— that le, Policies sealed,:lountersiguud and guaranteed by the Slate In the eame manner that the government endorsee the National Banlenotes. The "NORTH AMERICA"is the only company In the World that grants thirty days grace on every re newal payment. The "blol{Tif AMERIOA" is the only Life !wir. once company in the world that is authorized, by spe ci:il enactment, to grant a weekly, compensation in rase of accident while travelling, and this is secured to policy holders at less than one fourth the rates offer ed by accident companies. The ''.NORTH ARIEItiCA" likewise embraces ALL the advantages offered by other first class companies. Please read this a second time, and confer with the agent, either personally or by letter. The subject is worth, aye, demands your earnest attention. W.ll 'ANN, Agent. Newville, Pa. Juno 22. 1866 t ARMY OF THH POTOMAC. WRY ILLIAbe SWINTON. The Stapdard History of the GRAND ARMY. The greatest Work of the War. Fevers, Universally endorsed by army °Merv, and the pros s TILE AUTIWIT SAYS:— "I design hi this volume to record what that Army did and suffered in tell campaigns and two score bat tles. 1 shall have to celebrate the unswervin loyalty of this army, that ofl times when the bond of military cohesion failed, hold it, unshaken of fortune, to a duty self-Imposed. I Oral have in fo low it through a cheeltered experi• once, inn tale commingled of great mlsfottunes, great Millet; and p rent glories; hut from first to last it will appear that, amid many buffets of fortune, through •winter and rough weather,' the Army of the vote. mac never gave up, but made a good fight, and finally reached the goal. Of this drama there will be nobther hero than the Army of the Potomac Itself: for it would seem that in this war of the Peep a it was decreed there should a rise no Imperial presence-to become the ventral fitoire and cynosure of moo's eyes. Napoleon, In an nu'burat 01 haughty eloquence, exclaims thot In the great armies 01 history the Commander was everything. 'Phi- proud apotheosis has no application for the Army of the Potomac. And tam taunt think—intuit glt nev er had a grew, and generally had Mediocre command ers-11 woo that it alight be 'aid, that wherever It won It owed not to genius. but bought with its blond "' "Phis is the only History of the - Wand Army." and no one who has borne a part in its conflicts, or is 111 ton ested in Its grand achievements. should be without It. This work pr, Sento a rare chance to malt • mosey. Agents wanted. Send for circulars and see our terms. Address, NATIONAL PIIIII,T 4 IIING CO. 607 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. Juno e LIFE-11 EA LT 11 -STR EN FTH LI FE-1-1 EA I,T 11 -STRENGT 11 LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared fru», a prrnrytlon of Dr. Juan Delama rre, Chic/ . Pky..orain ,o the s- pdal du Nord ou Laribuisierc cf Paris. This Invaluable medicine IS no Imposition, but Is unfailing in the cure of Sparmatorrluo or s em i na l oak new:. Every species fit tienital or Urinary Irri tability. involuntary or Nightly Niniinal Emissions frs m whatev, r cause produced, or hoa 13Pc. At.171!11! will tie :lama ily relieved and the organs restored to healthy action. Head the following opinions of eminent French phy ski/ins: ••We ve used the sprrilir Ping prepared by Oar- Ulnae, A: Ito punt. No 214 Rue houtliard, hon. the prescription ot Dr. Juan llelantArn•. In our plat Ate practice e 'tit rift rut success. and et' believe the re IF Ito tall., modielue so, well calculated to cu.'. ell per son,' enifering Iroill Involuntary Pnni•atoes or 11,1 V Other ..I,lleBS of the Se, u Organs, xhe her caused by a sedentary a de of lit tog, exeehees or abuse. Paris, lhry &th, 186 S ENV ARE or COUNTERFEITS. The Gentili.. fills are sold 1.3 . 1111 the pi loctpal Di ug gists through hut the 11 orld. price 02,5 Dollar per Ili, or :Ix Boxes for Five Dollars. GARANCI liit It it DUPONT, Sole Proprietors, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Palls Ono Dollar °tidos,' to any authorised Agent, will Insure tt box by return mall, securely sealed Irvin all oh ersatlon, Fix In•see for fise did hire. Sole (tenet all Agents for Amerom, OSCAR 0. MOSES & Co., Cortlandt St ,\. S. N. B.—Freneh,lierman, Spanish and Eugil h l'amph lets, containing full particulars and dinictiollli fur use suet free to any address. Sold in Carlisle by J. W. ELLIOTT, and at HAVER STICK'S. Jan. 12, 18U-Iy. CATARRH SNUFF! This Snuff had thoroughly proved itself In be the bust lirtichi kuoun fur curing the, t rh, Cold In the herd and Headache It bas been found an excellent remedy In many I'aSILS of Sure Eyes. heaters{ hag been removed II It. and Hearing has often been great ly Improved by Its use It Is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy twite caused by diieases 07 the head. The neciaatiotia at ter WOII4 it are delightful find It, vigurating. It opens and pur, es out all ..Ifttruellons, strengthens the ghtnds, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. More Than Thirty Years' or Sale and use of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Head ache :nun, has pi tved its great saint; tor all the com mon diseases or the lie id, and at this ',outwit it stands higher that, ever hefore. It Is reernomultdecl by orally of the best plo SieMOS, and is 11.0 %A Ith great surteees and ttatisluet hot °lvry w he,. Road 1.1“! l'ertificates of NVliule , tile Dr ug- gists in 180. 'rho utolertigned, having for ninny years 51114 m nt•- (Oa in I val with br Color h and Otiril.o . llo :muff, and told It in our u holetals [twin rhei•rt ally . tante. that wo hellote it to lig equal, in every rtsi•eet, to the recommendations given of it for the cute of Catarrhal Affections, and that iL decidedly Um bust artiole no have over known for all common diteates of the head. Burr A Perry, Item!, Au tin Si Co. IA owu 1.11111. , 011 A, Co Heed, Cutler .t Co. .• I sreei Minor Seth W. Fon' le, " MeKeskun Itobbinm Wilson, Fah - hank Co. A. L. Scoot I /k Co. llonshaw, hal/lands efe Co.M. Hnrd. CiOFO &Co " _ . H. H. Hay. Portland, Me. Bush & Gale, For Solo by aq Di ugglats. TRY 11' Jan. 12, RELIEF IN TEN \I IN UTES Bran's Pu monic Wafers ! 1, .Tlii• \lt th. 1 I -It. •1 nt I •L. al - Lit 1 , 1 the 1 , 11,1i.4 . 1 1111.,11. 1•11, , , 1,11110 01 - 1 . 1'1,110N \ . t em./to.; till 4,thur all rs la. I I, it Tpugtuulu.•ran It Milne N 141311111.:11 4,11 .1:11vm• Waft!, 11111 e Levu betwe the public ha Ile 11 . t /11l e, )1 lira. the 111-1/nei,, .110 tl, 1.1.1 I.iy Ili ,111., lea Le.t ILL lurnipu ....11010,, 1.111) ..tte t 11,•11 WOrth. hupvi h•r t nuy other a Lido c•lh,r.d, h.r the mile lir I . 4ii.alat) or Bronchial stre,tiollaja,l the quantity elmtaluett to each hex In nearly cloni.le ,hat t.t II Sc ullV sk"rth :I 1.14 Imitations advertised. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, sure Throat, Hoarseness, dotbma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Pains In too Cheat, incipient Consumption and all diseases of the lungs. Not only affording tempor ary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and ale warranted to give satisfaction in I stir instance. They do not nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medicinal :I roportiso are combined In a (arm so a greeable and pleasant to the taste, that soy child will readily lake them. One dose ivi II always a (ford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES To Voosttays `PUAK6Itn, tliese,lVidets, aru pevullarly valuable will In one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; and their regular use for a few days will, at all times. Increase the pow er and flexibility of the voice, gi eatly improving its tone, compass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by many professional vocalism, . . The very groat celebrity of this invaluable remedy has induced unprincipled persons to prepare base imi tations, which disappoint the just expectations of the purchaser, wit injure the character of the genuine medicine. Bee that the word, "BRYAN," le stamped on each Wafer. and also observe the lac simile of the signature of the Proprietor "JOB MOSES" on each wrapper, to counterfeit which le forgery. .O(s' - Offending parties will be dealt with to the full extent of two law. D. MERRIG L. nnyAN'a PULIIONIO WAFL:II6 ere for sale by all Drug gists. JOB NOSES, Solo Proprietor, 27 Cortland Bt., N. Y Jan. 12, 1800-Iy. CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a presaription of Sir is, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to th e quest,. , THIS well known medicine is nn im position, but a sum and sath remedy for Poulain DL cultlue and Obstructions, from any causo whatever and although a powerful remedy, It contains nothing harttul to the constitution.' To fliarricd Ladles it le peculiarly 'suited. It Mc 111, in a abort time, bring on the monthly period with regu larity. • , ' In all cases of Nervous Spinial Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight (x , ortion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lewnesa of Narita, Hysterics, Melt Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disc rilered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed. 'Those Pills have never boon known to faillvhere the diroclions on the lid page of pamphlet aro well , obse.v ed. For further particulars, get a pamphlet; free, or the agent. ..$l. and 6 postage stamps. enclosed-to...any authorized agent, will Mauro a bottle, containing - over 60 pills, by rotarn mall. . • Jan. 12, 1813-Iy. , . „ ... „, , Valuable Town : property at Private Sale: : - jko,TOonlaining'7s feet front ofilooth: 4 or. eire'et steno 'Pitt, by 240 toot ilopth to ith:moo Alley. Tho btiildinge aro tb r oo g ood. • D iirE L IV .G• Two of 'Which aro on LOiithor int!. l oho:wri; con Alloy. For torms ap. Apply toy ,to , Aprll6,lBoo. ‘" • OA M`PAIG NS o/., TuE It. A. IMAUREPARIE, M. I) DILI A ItI) N, 1). JEAN LE LEUCIIRE, M. U. DR. MARSHALL'S lloston,lSArnoe St Park, Now York A. 11 o I) :undo, " StopLett Paul & Co. '• SIR JAMES 91,ARRE'S