A. Li: SPOITMLER, 1) EAT; 'ESTATE AOENT, Soriveder, iconvoanoslni and Agent. Of fice iiirstrLtfonrjavrn:ue3 Hotel Property in Sa Churehtown le. , at ate rs _ . (,;;lITUATE on Main Street' containing 170 feet In front and 150 foot In depth Improve ments a large Double two-story FRAME HOUSE, • Extensive Stabling an I Sheds, Wash liouse, And oth er convenient out b tidings, an excellent Well of Wii• ter at the door, and a Cistern ih the yard. tior terms and further particulars enquire of the'oernor Mrs. Barak A. Liggot, residing In uhurabtowu, er of A', L. 13 PONSL NE, Real Estate Agent. Mn' 8, 1886 Valuable Real Estate at Private Sale. A LIMESTONE FARM, SITUATE in West 'Pen nsborough Township, three NIIIOII Wont of Carlisle, contain ing 00 acres. The Improvements are a two-story Log House and Frame Barn, excellent Well of War r, and rine Apple Orchard 'rho fencea are In good cdndition and the land In a high state of, cultivation. TOWN PROPERTY.. Three, two and half story Brick Houses Situate on the South West Corner of Pitt and North streets trial sill the mndern hnproveicanda. To each noose Is attached a lot of ground 20 feet in front and l'2o in depth. Also, Three Frame Houses, On West Louther street,lvith Lot.sof ground attached each containing 20 feet In front and 240 in depth. ALSO, ONE FRAME HOUSE, On East Louther stro..t and Lot of ground containing . 2; foot by 100 In dorth. ALS 0 , A 80 11" , Comprising eight Oro-story BRICK HOUSES. On North Street. to each of Ivhieh Is attached a Lot of ground containing 18 feet In front and 100 feet In depth. buildings nearly neer. Also, Eight Building Lots, Lying In the Roar of the above and fronting on Login, Road each containing 20 feet in front and 110 feet L depth. Also. for Sale or Beat A large Private Residence situate on the North Wes Corn of of Pitt and North streets comprising 80 feet in front on Pitt street and 180 feet in depth, with a choicl Selection of Fruit, Flowers and Shrubbery all In Spiro did condition. For terms and further particulars En quire of A b. S.PONSLEit, April 27, 1866. Real Estate Agent. ITOME Insurance Company of New Haven, Cou necticut, StAttnnent ofJanunry Int, Capital Stock Surplus $775,8h9,10 L 05994 unndjoxtE•d $35,977,72 INSURANCES MADE: PERPETUAL AND TI,SIPOR- DM ussrd to of this Company consist of United States Government Securities, sucks In National Hanks. aid let, Mortgages on heal if,. tote The Board of Directors have declared a Semi-Annual cash Dividend of Ten per cent free from Government Tax payable on and al ter lath, January. 18611. A a scrip Oividend of Sixty per cent on the earned Premium id Policien entil led to pa, ticipate in the pro fits for the year ending lot of Janna.y. lOtai. And have voted to Increase the Capital Stock of the Coin patty to One ofDoilnra. Apply A. L. oPtiN:+t,F,ll. Agent. FOR SALE. TOWN PROPERTY on South Ilnno vor street, Oarllsle, Comprisliw, 120 feet In fron and NO feet In depth having them ti erected 3 Dwell lug llons-s. Shops and other Buildings will be sold en tire or divided to suit purchasers. Apply to A. 1., SPUN:NA:II. Feb. 10. I'ooo. FOR SALE kiik_Valuable Lot of ' , round on Soutl stre,teuutaiuing over' WI f..el in input :Ind '2O hi depth Ahno... al.it n the rnr o of Pitt andSwot' Streets, containing - C,O lint w Gant and 110 foot depth. Apply to Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, The people are going to Plank's. NEI II BOR. now we can afford to k.cra ourselves 1111 a 1.1111111,1/ is ,401 ad Boots, Sb . , Its and Caps, since the) are very CH EA P At I , :cos roof, of It. Plank. S..tali West Corm, of .i.inc.ver St., nild !think. husjost fn...., .1 trorn till) East. and Ir now opening In ad U... I. 1.. hter n lareo 118•0111111•11 t, 01 11111.. 81D..., lla LO alai Clap+, whit•). for price and n.. 0 11/ p.r.re t. In.h•e•l Pi 1, , IL I.lasaing 11. Ole pen that Plial.. has apened a PO 0 7' 1111 ; 4 tore in CArli-10: lie ao.ount or mr,ney whip h n: bn saved Boot ANp ,N II 0 E SA r.li k, p s pr.'son io p0v6,01 Prowy for year icily Paulo Airy 11r a Molt nl Shoo that PI 1,1 1, rort, got, and all s , •lling roducod pro • ,o o , rl Lo Planh . r. chcrip It. ot and Skim. STORE ' yf/nr.olves, an,' ymi .1111111.1 flint 1,11 n.. t 1..1d lint wlntl.lm.)...en U4411,11114'. Ilan t . and iunth II u.t 1;,11t, ..1 111110 V, I'JRLISLP M1 , 1,‘ hotAlvvil Tin1 , 111110A:ilia \1 . 147..•1s 1,456. I= New Spring Goods, r. 1 t LI V I NIiST( IN, at hiti whole and Reto II elothiou l'qublishment, on .9oulb udjoinll u)Illlrr k Bowers &Van t , t li,nottncOs t la it full and Colliplete to f /NG mid SI " ill ER 0' 00 1) te.ee , nable LIE. 111 Y AI A Ills stork in purl of line Illnek and FIiENCH find ENGLISH CLOTHS, Extra Heavy Doeskin, Three rut snd-innes CASSIMERES, Lugo %nlay of Cwisinets and 'Fwv.l. I . , an ot and i go it Vii lily. .11,0 n agent assortmoot , of Ready Made Clothing, ul e,nly s, fie and quality, White Linen and SVoulen FW, :-'onitner Urn veers. constantly on hand a t merit of 'l9,•s, tailors, Hosiery and Moves, and Co ton Ilandkoreblen, 11 , : I 11111 a,sortnu nt of Trunks, Carpet Bags and t .ills. o every slzo. , 'l, thin made to order at the shortost notice. null rSnllllne 010 steak .n; arch 23, 18ti4 I Challenge Competition IN the way of variety, elegance of style quality nud cheapness of my stock of Dry Condo. Espeelaily would I roll attention to tb3 largo assort moot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, whiail selected with special cure to thelladelphia and Now York markets a few dues blocs. Also, my three guru oblong couthleation HOOP SKIRT, decidedly the mast Improved pattern of the age, giving the wearer the most artistic form.. , Lihewiso. ivariety of White Goode , such as Plain. Meld and Striped Gambrics, Phan, Plaid and Striped Nvinsoolut, Swiss Mull, Elehop and Vietorla Lawns, Brilliants, Linen Handkerchiefs. &c., &c. Blue and Gold Duck, QM= Illughanat, • Denims, • • Kentucky Jeans, Shirting, Stripes, OnAs Carabrica, Veit Inge, , ;Bina Oambrics, • Checks, .lAue Nankeens, LHapers. . ~.Brown Nankeens, Lancaster , • Qinghai:as, ApriL2o,.lBoo. ALL TO BE HAD AT WM.' A. 'ILES' STORE, NORTH HANGVEI? STREET, NEXT DOOR TO DR. ICIEFER'S AND DR. ZITZER'S NerVET leitcra - 0. IRE 808.(giher hereby informs his °id. customers itinl,the public 4onarally, that he has 'REMOVED • , his Family Ciroaer'Y FROM Vitt' Street TO 'tho , oarlior oP Pomfret and Pitt Streoto, in the buibling CART'S CORNER, , ' a which hoo jnot Veen tlioronghly marred - IthfiPee , • exprdeslY lor 'his bushiest]: smalc cono4tif lirstalaso asaorianontnt ' • pitomftis • Willow, Wooden and QuOenstOtilli . comprleinieverylhlng .In'aiy.llne of trade. I aitn constant communication With the.Oasturn tittles, a :will be in daily 'cosh:4, of the 'NEWEST and:FREB EST OHDOERIES the foreign inarkets;tiliOrdi Don't forgot the place—C*lWe Old Corner • 5'.30101 F. STEEL, blettahlitGA.B6o ,iI3IJRK, tilihßtrt.tV,4l.l4f.',LVA prof orrolibyi All practical , Palneorra;TrY:it 'you will hate; ho othor: 'ldanufabtrirOA only by DUO LEN fa' 81VIITIT, ."(Wholesalo Drug, Paint R °lam Dealora, No. iv North Tfili(fgtioct,•PNlrdtD'A AT9..4 , V 5.;#,P d faired r " ir• y new Jowolry Stnre..,.:.qt , i. ;4.; , • . Zdanhood: how Lost, how Restored. QO TUST published. a new ty Um of DR. OULYERWEL I'S OEL ; 'BERATED ESSAY- on the radical curo without modIeiI3O).OfSrEnDIATOIIRLICSA, or seminal Weak ness Involuntary - Seminal •Losselr, INParrinor, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, of c.; also, CONSUMPTION, ' EPItEPRICi and kirk, induced by self. Indulgence or sexual extravagance. it Price, In a sealed envelope, o»ly U cents. mi The celebrated ttnr' ftt.this adialrable essay, clear. ly demonstr4tos, from a thirty years' successful prase.' tire, that the alarming onsequencek of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use printer. nalmedicine or the application of the,knife--pornting out ft mode of Cure at once simple, coitaln, and effect ual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, prl va e,y, and radically. this Lecture should he lu the hands of every youth and every man in the and. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, en receipt of six rents, Or two post stamps. Athlr roe the 1,61,16110ra, OAb ° .d,C b. 00, 127 Bowery, New YOH/Post Officc box 4,6110. March 16, 11166-1. THE CHARTER. OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. ncorporated, 1850. Charter Per petual. CASII ASSETS, $2,000,000. PoHoled Issued on all Popular Plans. AFEW REASONS Wl-1Y PEO -I,Lp. insure in the Charter Oak. Ist.—d II banking privileges are prohibited. tho Lund nes.: being csodineil exeloNively to the lusuriirn 0 o —lts Risk! , aro selected s ith great earn, thus in. log small losseA. and c•lnsequoully large divldolids no to Volley holdera.—See Muss—lnsurance Reports last six years. arri.—lts Ratio of Exponslitures ineluding Deatl Claims and. Working Expenses, to kneeling, aro unpre amtestedly lour—Same Reports. 4t h.—All the profits are divided among Polley hold ers the original capital being limited by Charter to eight per cent dividends, no flare than it earns for the Company at interest. fttli.—lt declares and pays Its Dividends annually in CARII. th e 9 assisting the imured Is the plytneut of prerniums. Oth.—lts basin pits Is dist, Darted over more titan twenty Northern State:, malting It Impossible to much refuel, Its large surplus, set apart for contingencies, eYell In the event o t a scourge of Cholera. 7th.—lt Is prompt Is the payment of losses. having paid to %V blows and Orphans nearly ONE MILLION DOLT, A 11..0, and has sorer liligalnl a el,int. Mit —The roan of wealth inures as an investment 9th.— Mon of small Means Insure to guard their lam. lies against want. 'Will—The man of business insure to provide against pos:llde lees in trade a hie Polity. being a basis for capital 11th.—Persons in debt insure that their earning , ' for years o floil stay not be enerilleed at death Iron want et wadi , en-11 lu C. 111,1 12i --All as 1110110 S hugs had away by little, is sure to color Imes largely ill, reused to their hunt lies. • oath being eertain to occur. Or. 8. B. I 1.1 , 01 M, NI. ti., Medical Examiner. .1. D AOA R, Agent Carlisle, Pa. E. II Strte Agent for I , at.tern Pa. t!J'tilllrn Itusbong's New budding, Nolth F.Dttl Street. heading. Pa. Perseus d e sirous of insurance nr ill please apply $500,000 00 2 o 8 0,10 agt.lit. 1.'4.r Itk 1 orituktion t vllll no agoTi(ll.;:ad. tho :,ztote SEELY'S Patent Metallic Sole. N(I • is the loost 1V P culilia 'muse 01 illsca, and ,111t11 111101111 to humanity. It is almost tune to bring on a cold: and colds, nil.; levied, and often when mit neglected, load I . .•eeis or to coughs and haat CUtitililliptions. It tx in ree.,olll o ll of thin 'nazi tiro the in, en tit:' t a i e ni, of the i',.uutry ha line years boon devising 001110 1/11%/101.1, or attempted to doviso It, for keeping the feel dry, and et that should not give o to the wearer ituhlier shoes, In one firm or another. Hai e hitherto our r,dts eve: lilt it in 0 el] Lindy many evils. I bat While tliey keep the loot dry from external moisture, they sweat, t o much, and by Ihu, inducing, an undue I.ol.lderntine illereitne n suxroplibih y to' cold,: rather Than others ise. "'hey are also I uw bcrsumo to the loot, and withal are Ner.l enpei.sis r. lho demand is for •ornething that shall make the in dinar) . Boot and -hoe impervious tp Ayr, without :diet:tun.; their elegance or Jura. ility,:w tl. II Cu,r,iole, sat lout addling t the Inuit lit their Until Wilt:Lure. ''hose, it Will be toured , d ai t! most im port:in. teat tires, and win coesentutionsly affirm tit( they :it abuilutel) att.:lined in the invent' a here with moo nted to the public Tn e i ii v eo tion c. ji.set ting OW I n err and older Sole. Wile. tile bout in thin orc.exceedltugly dui tile, 1•01111,iiiIng hoot iiingliness, very light. and apapt cd to llie mid sited, While the expense is it I . ollllsilen it )1, ii•Vt 11:11 ItA/1111 , t the 01 wet or the lee tinny . he exi, , ,e 1 el er so lung upon „t•t ”1. A. L. SPOVS LER groulld ' fo Is lies and children the METALLIC' col.rn Will 1.0 of int • druln b levalue, as front their habits of life and del icacy et treat.. they ace partieularly esposed to the long train I,lllit that attend upon an load , quote protection to tint feet. 'I lie., Soles have already been tried by the beet of all lento AI,IIAL and The leStlttoollalii to their wet lie, freely prolfcrod, inaitute that they joust be spet illly nud ,11111VerS11/ V :111,11Led by the public. Tire Aleti4tlc Boots aunt Shoes are loving in troduced itutAlte le .ding Boot 01i1,0 Stereo throng', out the United ,L4fle.t4.ltllli Witt supplant ell tern, of ovel.ll tes.ext t ept pouchy I r deep Mud Or 0110 , , ti.: 1n1C.,1110 , Be Burr. to gut them and take 1100 Other 7 711 your dOW tita t ionlier does not happen to have tin - m.lle cane 11,, rurutheist u t lthout difficulty. it lie Ito, toot younneit 1.1 , till . in\onlol „I,r dollar l,' 111111, n1a,.1111 la,llllll ,Is pot, ate, led iti,tett, ti It rt,lit 1,4•. Licit 11111 Ire 1.1 , 11iptly locum - tied It) ttl or noprii ,, pic pod. oust OhirL,All Pe made lip by tt3 01toentaitet tofu, t r y. ,ill lot d Ile oici) 111130 . . MIL' !111/plied MllO/ 111t1 propilolitry muullpo, al, sei.ediVii priccn. arid lihurnl c nun foal , n all turd 4 , 11 /41 11'S A Ito Gottee“l Agroviiiii for ',Dili, oppoloted with proper tetdinuallais to the inventor. SAMUEL J. SEELY, (tenor,' Depot, router City Hall Place and head streut, NOW York. Thu undersigned Ira re file the past six 1111111t1IS amen Boots and Shoes possekslrig Mr. :waly'H MI Llarl.in SOU, 141.1 d tied them an ellectual 'preventive ageliist damp necs, mid the 1•,,1d.. nto L:I6t•11 hum dlitlip feet. Mont gladly 110 el' testily to the perfect etiloltiney of their service. The ,otallie girls Is nut only a grand contribution to the Ca liSlt ill gmAeral health, hut a pn,4- itive /nanny obviating all nucausity lit India Rubber shoes, except in muddy weather. All ordinary tlanift and 1,0,1 0 at,r 1111011 pavements, Is completely foiled of Its power of harm by this most alumni and unalttl invention. :so one ale basmnee used them will none be without them again, es they ttierieise the cost of lio,to and 'hors lug II .11111 It is ietreely a or: h ho•ol e.pi pion el.). dry in reck oned town the best condition.: 01 heaUli and Si,' heat illy re, milieu,' the '' Nletrallio to all the ll IMl'l, Smtr, 110(1.: N em . sir—t t , reply to your Mutinies regarding your patect Metallic sole, I lahe great pleasure lu stating that I had them put 111 1i pair cf 000 valf skin boots, whi..ll 1 wort, the whole of last whiter in the wet rireets of A ihany. I have bad them bell soled Jim:, ited am wearing , our Metallie Soles now, with fun in ieution cover to lie a ithutit them. 1 have not had a Wet Or 111110 1/ foot iiurluq the whole time I have 16'0,11 Llllllll 1 p tOlioll et• thorn Lllll I , ollt. 11114,1 u yet meole I ant sett lied that no moron having Once worn thew will d.. waliJut., them. Wishing you the nieces,: you deserve fur so valuable all Invention for the preserve tlonu of hualte, I remain truly yours, SAMUEL JEEMERSON, Contractor, Now York. Mrs. SAMUEL J. SEELY : Door Slr—l take groat ploasuro iii offoring my testi mony to thin usefu 'gloss 8111.1 CUM tort rf your putt, n Metallic Solo. 1 have used a pair of Loots tor the past suvou fureltdocl with this Suleoind fool no hesitation In saying that I have never worn 111100 H Unit ruulbluod su perlectly the desirable qualities tit dryness arid durability. Ell:t1 A uyErtTos, lirooklyc, New York. =I J. Sm.r, Esq.: Dear Bir—i n answer to your' requert, 1 am pleased . to state that I have manufactured shoes coatainlng your I%lutainc Sole by machinery. I MILO: them a su perior art Bic for keeping the , feet dry. lir rintnufiLe taring theta there hopii,.troublo from{ putting the thread whoasewing; nor any; difficulty Ai, putting them them la the Aloe, ' • ' neglectfully yours, " • • BEELEIVIAN PEARLBROOK, Practical Shoe Matinfacturer, Brooklyn, N. Y. April Li, 1000—Um. ,The First Premittm, FOR TILE BEST PROTOORAPHS. • At the hite Cumberland County Fair, has lyip., , rtuntrded to C. L. LOCHN[A.N. MR. Loohtnait 'has' tho . i)leasuro to an noixnee Catlin pnbilc:.thot hs ita9' re-MirModed his old , room' froln Mr, M'afillan In Mrs.' Noire build ing; opposite the Fltst National' hank, and'gnittatitees that his • '.P.tiOtOGRAPIIS, ' • , r,..1. CARTES DE 'VI.B . ITR',' '2AILDROTYPES '&6: „ Have no superior and in tone, . ilnish. and •oloartiess, surpass most +piceuros produced. Ho gives hlaporson afatt salon :to the room, and with the best and west Unproved imtruntonts and appliances warrants the tined reaults.. A. largo assortment of 011 t and Reap., wood Frames, and splendid Albums, for sale vorp cheap. Copies of baguarreptypoi made in the most perfect manner. ~ our. 21, 1806.,itW. , . ; . • HA RIiNV ARE , STORE. THE. old„ilodymrii,stimd,,of, bawls F. Lyn°, Las passed Into the. Indide'of; VV. B. 11111er , & O.,11: BoWerry,lvho arearow trantiacting:lAkiness un der the name hod style of •• . •. MILLER. & • Tbo now ern; have 3U,Rt Nl3tlololl from the 'city and. ire now prepared to furnish to the public at the lowest prices; nil pude , of„ • • • .0.4.4/01!7 „4WD D0.114,',57/0 „I:tarp/prep Coach GLAS§ YARNT§H ' I. &c. Jock into their store will cenvineealLlttairthe; have enough' of goods to fully supply the demand in this_raaraet. persons wanting goods In our line will find It to their advantage to give us aeall., All orders .personally and proreptly attended tO,. July 7, Milli. . , - JAM C. WALKLEY, Pre,ikliql A Nl , f\V INVENTION TESTI 'NIONII.4 LS J. ()LEM ENT FR ENCII, Poktor Ceuti al 1 ong. (Mural ; Brookly MARY A IIIENCII. New Your;, Dee., IM' RE,MOVAL The subscriber bop leave to Infbrm bie old custom ore and , the public, gonetally, that ho has removed, hls - SADDLE AND HARNESS, estabilehment to the huilding on South Hanover etreet, Carlisle. nearly opposite lionts's Store. Ho will, as . herotof ra, keep .constantly on, band, Of hit own muke, everything in his line, such as • SADDLES, • HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, •&C., &C. • All his work it rondo up under his supervision, and he therefore Seek warranted in saying that or work manship and durability, it is Unsurpassed. Thankful Ow past favors he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. WILLIAM OLEPPER. April 20, 18011-Om. WM. 'GOODYEAR ! Baker, At Schmohrs Old Stand, Next door to Bentz's Dry Good Store, °Car lisle, Pa. THE First quality of Fresh Bread, Rolls, Biscuit and Cakes, sent to any parts of the town. Family Flour by the barrel or retail. March 30, 18013-3 m. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FIRST CLASS GOODS -AND--- ONE IN VARIABLE CASH PRICE AN INMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Styles. IMMEI American and European MANUFACTURE, At. Reduced Prices On Account of the, decline in 4°rC)i-n3D. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, (iO,Co-el CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Now Offer rich Gnes.,T SPMING STOCK Imported and Dome Mic CARPETING, French and English Axminister, English Royal Wilton, 6-4 and 0-4 Velvets, Fine English Brussels Crossley'S Tapestries, Imperial Three-Ply Carpet, Fine Ingrain Carpet. ENGLISH BRUSSELS =MIMI ROYAL WIf,TON CARPETS, FOR STAIR- AND HALLS, ITH BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6.4 w hitt: Red Checked anal Fancy Matting, Coco Matt ings, ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, (l.c. = General Insurance Agency. Trill': undersigned is agent fur the fol lowtrig Life and "ii,' I,lollranee Compuni•s. vie., Mut nal Lire I nstiraneo Company, Neu" York. Home Fire Arctic Manhattan " Ent erpriSe '• " Philadelphia. Partleular attention given tti POrrollllli Itatev at low at: consistent with stir unity. Oftlee with I' II illitrich, 101., In Mariuti Hall Building. Main street; Cat SAMUEL IC. ()vv . ]. A gen HENRY HARPER, 152(.) ARCII STltEl,',l =I , g4 g WATCHES, FIN I.: (JuLD I EWELRY, SOLID SILVER WA I Suhetin,• Silver Plated Ware, it dtmod =Eli IMME (~.t 1'l'~'1,I~(;S MIMI J. T. DELACIWIX, No. 37 South SECOND St , Philad'a Ilanjust reoeivf d 'le, late Al Hy ills— John ( o -Flcy I pe,t ty ELF,AN a Vial }JII Three Ply and Ingrain ell rpetm, Damask and Venetian 4tarCarpeta. Cut tagur . ;Intl Reg Carpott4 - Flyer Oil Plothe;ituge; . Windqw..Bhades, Matting, 4 4 V. , k , .,—VOti r BALE fit. the taltl:s7 , • iiitiqEa. and quality gut.ranteed. - : ,DELACROI SECOND Street, above Chestnut, March 23, 121061-3rn. Ne*Grocery.Store ! !CIIAI , TGE-OF .FIRM I r LIE undersigned_ hereby announces to Ylrisold patrons andoustotners. that ho has dis posed of ,his entire' 'dock of Goode with the good will oi . the -establishment to • Mussrs.VoiTer &-Washmood, whom ho.'recornmendslo . the dozens of oumberhout out) ty, ks active, energetic and reliable business men, oho will spire no pains to maintain and Improve the character of the old.stand as a fu st elate FAIVIIIEN GROCERY. Wlth many thanks for the patronage he has received ho bespeaks Mr the new firm a continuance of the same JOIIN LIVEN, & AVASHIVIOOD Will In a fewidays receive the largest and best asserted stock of GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, • • QUEENSWARE, ,GLASSWARE, ;WILLOW WARE, &e., evet brought to thikplace, and will constantly keep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets alford. A full assortment of Lamp!! and 011 on hand. Call - anit - tee r uit at the old stand, Soilth East'corner of Market.Bquare . . PIIFFER.& WA81111101)D.' , • .January 5, Men-Iy. , , „ Always On nand A Large and varied stook of Groceries CANNED FRUITS, SaUces; His kc , which I am soiling at tho very lowest cdiM Viices ) " Thoso itidebted to the subscriber, and particularly those in arrears for a length of thuo will come forward and promptly pay up, as longer delay will not be sub mitted to. Nov. 3,180'5 I.URIII.,IABEtt tWiIITE., will do more and better work at a given Coot than any other I Tryit I Manufactured Only by • ~LILIJbIat d SMITH; ' , • Wholesalo Drug,.t'alnt & Oboe llealere, .•, , •1•Jo. 137 'North Third-Street, Jan; 22, 18013-Iy. ' • •• , • • • • TATIESSING ,CASES, Ladieri''' and Ji_feiontlamon's. Doc. 16; /866. L 51,0NDS*--d mia,,;l4to. tilrnt,RoBo; anyinwricßoJ , Doc. lsolioh • uA 'resents rot all at IlaverStick!s. • RITINA K :11tO Deslqcr, -Mtiobie v y • VosiiivOcid 4 Walnut. -Doc. 3.6, 1.805. ; AT;HAVIMSTICKIII 2jlDl, pELTING •1 1 ; ; XLA Just:roiefi;eif a lapio, pesppetmont Pf all; Gum Doltirq, Gam lionylum 'Pitaklng,''dd, and far aald'ol oap ' at tlialdardware , Storn of • • • •• ~.1? ~ - 1;1!. •• • :'•• •9 , • •• vr, IfIiNIIXIBAXTOM Juno 25;1864. - r ,7p0Q.141 ' Gammon Boards, animator Vol d9p p riptAgnitEltioyo , proWeippr,ugPm3y and Book 13t0r9 ! ,. , , An o,ld,Song>, sot to tv.New Tune. - Ate-a4BCIEL.av As spring approaches • Ants and RoacliCs'‘ µ • • From their holes conic out, -And Nice and Rats, • • • r. • • In spite of cats, • Gaily skip about. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS; "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS; EXTERMINATORS • "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS; EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, For Rats, Alice, Roaches, Ante, Bed BUgs, Fleas, Moths in Furs and "Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "Only infallable remedies known." "Free from PoisonB." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their 110108 to die," JriS' I ! ! BEWARE 1 I 1 of all worthless Whitlow, rit — See that "COSTAR'S" name ix ou carbilia,Bottl nil Flask before you buy. xl.‘aP Address, HENRY R. COSTER, 482 13rondway, N. Y re- Sold in Carlisle Penna.' Ar.fi•lty—Tlnverl-tick. Asul nll Druggists and ltntailerx er's Gaulle (Engllab) assorts and proven by figures ti u one pair of RATS will have a progeny slid deserthlen no less then 051,050 in three years. Now, unless this immense busily eon be kept down, they would ransoms more food than would sustain 05)100 human beings. .fl , -71' Seti "COSTA WS advertisement above. 1866. RATS versus BIRDS.-IVhoever en goget; in shooting small birds in a cruel man; whoever aid,: in exterminating rata in a benefactor. We should like seine 0114, 141 give en the benefit of their experience In driving n ut these pests. We need something, besides dogs, cats, and traps for this businens.—Scientoc Anteri can, N. 08- See "COSTAR'S . ' advertisement above. "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERINI INA- To It is =impiu, sale, and snre—the most perfect RAT meeting we have ever attended. Every llnt that can get It. properly prepared, will eat It , and eenney rite than vale it will die, generally at settle place as line distant an possible from Where it Was taken.—LaAr Shore, Alirh ~ Mirror. IL) See 'COSTA WS . ' advert b+ement above, A VOICE FROM 'l'll I , : FAR Speaking of -Costar's" flat. Than h, Ant, Ay., termiti ator—"more grain and pro%h•ion:i aro destroyed uuuu ally in lirnnt Colllity by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and 1.,1 Killer."—/AmOister, Inx. lin raid. 119_Sen "COSTAR'S" advertisement above, 1866. FAR ERS AND HOUSE KEKPER —should recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain; Provisions, &c., are annually destroyed by Rate,. Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin—all of which can be prevented by a few itch worth of ''COSTAR'S" Rat, Roach, Ant, ke., Esteindnator, bought and_ used Neely. F\ V • 4111. ES BkINTZ, AT lIAVERSTIO Its 1860 INCREASE OF RATS:—The Far7ll 1866. 1866 1101 TS EF, PE RS troubled with vet in 111,111,e no no 14,,, g ,r,ir, they tine "COSTAR'S - Ex roinator. We hate used it to our eatieffietion : and if bn wt icr,,see would have It, We have tried Wk.], It they effected nothing. but "contest's article linorlA . e breath out of Rata, Mice, Roaehea, Ants. and Bed 4pticker than me ran Writr• it. It in ill great •1,- null all ever the onittry.— Med na Ohio, Gaze/ (e. as- See "COSTAR'S" telVertiseinent above. 1886. ft.3)._. See "COSTAR'S - a4l%erii, , inent above 1152,5t,111 in Carlisle l'a. Ilitlerstielc. Ad all Druggi,lgand Dealers. April Al. 1`,66—.110. ,e f(AKA . , . i kly,4_,-}ri---4--_i_... 6 ." 1. 4.,... i .__.___.., s ...;./., ve,„ c,,,,.. 4 ,..y ? , ) , $.,r.,1' - '6 ..4- ' .•:, - , - i=' AD. 7 ,*s. 4'4 1 17 - :, d 4:41V ; ; '"IA 1 '( ( ) - Tt '4,Zit:l;''",4 VI -,3 .... : „ . .VN,...4 , -.,. , 4' -. 1 ~,4-., _,, -,f - . 3 ; '.3 ,:, -. ' - Wheeler & Wilson and Howe. LOCK. STITCH SEWINQ ithICHTICES.. The Best Simplest and eh capest. rrimr, Wheeler aC Wilson maehiuos are adapted to all hinds of family sowing, working equally well upon Silk. Liven and Cotton gomls, with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. Prices of Wheeler k Wilson machines: No. 3 innvilille plain, $35 '• 2 '• Ornamental blunted, $O5 " 1 `• Sliver plated, $75 The Howe Sewing Machine. i he attention of Tailors, Shoemakers. Saddlers and Carriage TriliiiiierS in called to thls—the best of Shut tle Sea ing Machines. It is unanimously atheitted to be thu best machine Mr leather work or tailoring over given to the public. lb Ire of Mare Letter A manilla° -$OO is recommended for family sewing Tailoring, Shoe binding and Gaiter fitting. Letter B. machine, $7O 10 one size larger then A machine suited to the same work. Letter C. machine, $O5 Is rec.numended for heavy Tailoring. Boot and Shoe work anti Carriage trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do tine work well. and has a much larger Shut tle than the smaller machines. Call and examine at hail head Telegraph .0111ce, Car• lisle, Pit. 1805—tf. rkTe , rArm. A large assortment of the best quality .E - x. of roc , r;es, Provisions, Spices, Fru selling oft nt the very lowest prices ruling in the State of Pennsylvania, FOR CASH: • Call and Satisfy yourselves of the truth of rho asses Mon. Feb. 23, 1806 E. w. CLARK & CO:, BA.AWERS, NO. 35 SOUTIISD STREET ; .randtaimPlLA: WE omit PO* BALE Morrie & Eesex Railroad 7 per cent. Iltnads. Central Paola° R. It. 7'e Interest payable iu Gold In MTN= U. S. 30 year 6's hitbrost to currency issuod to the ra goropany., , Those bonds aro all for sulo:very low Stocks bought and sold on Conimisslon.U. S. SemMos of all hinds bciughf And sohh • March 10,1806-3 m- CATARRH: • CURED' OR ONE , DO,LLA 11010 EAD 1 2 -For - ono- dollar. :firtuall, {I AA; will Send:free to . anynddreas a recipe and meda l , clue that I will guarantee to curd tlio'irbret, cases of Catarrh in the head or bronchial tubes In a. few decks. It has saved.my life,. and ramie me a well mani front 'Catarrh and a severe, and dangerouo bienchlal trouldo .I'had suffered with for years: I'trltd the beet• phYsi. clans, and all the advertised medicines of the dty, but found no relief till / obtained this. T, would give one hundred' &Mara . for Aida recipe and the , medicine, If I now bad the Catarrh and couldnotobtitln tt for less. ;1 belleie; If instruction's are cure any Core, whatever, that has not already reached tho lungs and become a settled consumption. Caro It while you.cap.` Addroas, T. I'. 8Y.61111E8.. ' • • No. 1623,1,Yu1t0n Et., NW -,. ..:larch 1f3,16116-3m, • 3 7 0. Orqngajtiiriittiattito'kle Nauga; r • • AT • HAVERSTIO,{S.k ''''ObNlM - 011:014 . 0)t ()RIC; tars 8,1.8 o 1)- bone, Ailtkutpdo,Ohottolatoo, Xlttxttle, OpecatiO,Brid alnut. Dcc.ls 1885 ; A''fiA.VrAg i r . l6itt3.l .• VIOLIN and Guitar -Strings ) Violin• • nortiscrorin; stc., at tho now .Towojry amp East /lain St., ifigbng3Jlorllie , sale iof Altiorlon s • !.9ola4ons i l notiew,:lowqlry=43toroONajkluti Honey! Honey!! 4 . 4 ; PtJ3t VIRGIN - HONEY! CAN be had of RIOTIAILD COLE,' & CO. • on East Street, between Loather and North streets, at a reduced price, put up in. glass jars Con taining one, two, and four pounds, in any quantity. REMAND COLE It Co. Carlisle, May 10, 1860. Richard Cole & Co. ()putlament—l have examined the Haney you so IsiiiV rn ypresouted,to o. M yselfandfandly , Lave eaten -ktql . ;tltdl.4Llll,ht*LOVlknosS4 the. aoLe . rary, would hay 'bebri altfairitthed'itt honey Whig thus early taken from the Bees Your Honey to In all respects, equal to the best Leo Honey I have ever seen; in cod, identical in smell, flavor, taste, and app' [trance, It . that manufactured by the " Little Busy Bees." I u most cordially recommend it to the public, as a pure and moat &Metope artlclo.foc family use., lly, father ,vaxan i ttparptu ; , and J., ham been (wow !Alined all my life, to have good honey. t Yours truly, .101 IN C. LESIIEIL. GENTLFNENT My father was an Aparian, and I have wen accustomed to have good and pure bunny, and do lost cheerfully Indorse the statement of My brother. mlaw, Mr. Leshor. Respectfully Aura, May 11th. Diaa. Mks lIATE IL 1101.1. AR To the Ladies of Carlisle. The subscribers aro prepared to furult.h twurs for u:iniz ME R RILL'S S BIN G COMPOUND. They will furnish to families who desire it, enough of the compound to do one large washing without charge. It Is warranted not to injure the fabric or texture of any thing which may be wabloal with it, and not to tfli ore the most delicato colon:Not colored clothing; on the contrary, It sots and briglitvo the colors of any colored clothing. We beg to owl the attention. of the pubila, and particularly the Indies, to tho following letters, ad dressed to us, by Ladies trite are vow using Uor• rill's Compound Mit. Rica Ann COLE—Dom. Sir, you requested of me to lilloW 110 W lung 1 lutes used the ‘Vashing Compound in my 061 family. have used it for six months, rind liars found it to bu exactly what it In reentnineinled to lie. It Ilea Ilei injured my clothing In the Ica,t I find that they vicar lunger than whin unshed In the ordinary May. It Illso mete and lorighteltm the colon; of colored cloti log. I have not, limed a wank board I have had 1.1 Coral unit. 1(4 ley tr"ottl,l lie no indlicetniott for me to do will out l. )12t \ ) 1,( t Mr. Cote, :71r, 'rho '• Merrill's Washing Compound" which you handed to me, 1 have fairly tasted in die a large washing to day and it gave 010 perieet untie- Notion, as it was the lirst time I ever washed without a ru hoer or mzwlthin, I got through with my w H sluing in one out th of Om time, and with ono fourth of labor that it took me In the old fashioned way. I would not, upon any 1112COUnt wheal it. It is ono of Chu grout ,st lion dell: of the ago, an it Haves time, money and lalwr, as well as inal,ing the vlothes haul. n Whir by the old provers. The 011,t of tin opiui islin lofting is to b,igltten the v,,lors Mrs. ItitliECGA 11,TEIVA Fur, COLL, Prost AT:11, .0 lielltllllll.ll, I hltoll tried the bin4..11 W 11,111111: COMPOLInd" you tii In.', in 11w rvashiu, of t %verity two pie, es, in one Inuit.. It gave ine pn feet val i-faction. and fully iilllol up to all that is ,add of tt. I did not 1181 w ash veither (lid I rut , lollies with toy hands. y core at: white. clean, and clear as any I ever washed in the ordinary was'. It sets and brighten,: the rolore of (adored clothing. It does not. 111 1.111, Aghtest il,;r1•11 injure the clothes: to uvo the: rent -I,,ltint. MIA en 081, )1114 Ili,. I , rat, liiitiqhlor 'tint, do without. it. I intint rot revrmitnend it to all lion, 1,0 pr,. Mrs. 54ir1.1.11 JACKSkIN Hull AHD COLF, & I.t,ulhor Noutb NI;.) 11111. SCUENCK'S MX:NIAAKE PILLS Ft)lt LIVER CONI LA I N'l I== I you, Ip u ale v , sth 1•, TRY THEM f If you RL.I diolvhs, TRY TITE3I. If 3 nu ore Ime it, .1. TRY 'num. If you Liu ces L 1. hu.,11,11”, TRY THEM. yOlf halo lak , ll a drop L~w'ninclt T A PULL F Thoy (oily rent C.A.. , TRY fit Blue Nlass. and other preparations of Mercury. no tually produce more suffering and death than the dis whistpthev Profess to curs. And yet this corr. sire minerat-so'denounced by the allopathic doctors, is presoril.cd by them almost universally In Liver Com plaint, Consumption EA Lungs, ti. THE MA 1 , 11)11 AIC E PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herbs, obtained fl (n the great storehouse of Nature, and their salutary ef fect, 11. 11l appear as spell as the medicine in brought t o the• test ld a fair experiment. 31 AN- Dlt AKE 1'11.1•, do not pi educe any nausea or sick neS., Of till' stomach ; but w hell given Mr spepsia, it may be proper to use them in connection with 1111110 EIAO TUNIC. By this j udicious treatimmt the de_estive 10100111 es arc• speedily root• led to their full vigor, :11..i 111,- 1 , 11,1 0:151, 01 indigestion may bll cured. 11 11.1 WI! rrlle•-I thatthe In or is till , 11rg , a4 iuler nal organ at the body, that to it is assigned the impor tant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bib•, that it Is subject to many disorders, and that when it is di , eased or inactive the 11 bole body suffers s)mpa- Indieally, it is Ind sin prising that it medicine Il Lien ran resiun• the health) operations of the Liver should pi educe wonderful rhanges in the general health, and effect 01 s which may appear to he a1111.,1 IIIlio , •11Ii.no. Headache of 1,4, Poufinns err, VII Oil' 'Mill!. ill the side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs, a feelin of I..oaeral Weak flesh and nretvitednet., and 01 her alai lo in; and distressing s)liiptonis. indicatir e of imperfect or itis.a!lor.,l adol l ls Si the rumored by OA; ith , i di AHTIiNCWE, NIAND RA It iI , PII 1.1,5. COST I Vell,S, pill, hitter or our ertu tations, end that iude , cillrible feeling of vpur,ssiou, isiental anxie ty. lauguor, let harzy, and thpre,ioll at Sp:1118 n high until a mad fur tine ulamigenieut and the enjoyment .01 life, are .11_ relieved by ' the use of SCILENCIs'is' NIANDItAKE PILLS Dr. Sciivitig.—Lear Fir : 1 take pleasure in sending you It 1•1011 01'0(0 In 11dditd00 to many you have laic:My received from suffering humanity. 1 0011 slarcely find language sffflieleutly strong to express my heartfelt gratification of the unitderfol cures your 31A3DItA K t PILLS and SEAWEED TONIC have effected In the en tire cure of one of the most stubborn eases of the affec tion of the liver. Per three years I suffered beyond de scription ; all my friends, as well as myself, came to the conclusion that toy lime In this life was short. Such was the terrihletiondiVon'to Which I whist - educed that life to the had become a 10urthen ; any whole system ,as in a state of Inflammation ; 1 could n •t tort, 1 Dolt mt. sleep; wy g hide body sac filled wins pain; noffid arise In my winds and ankles, render. , ' ing them totally useless. On several OCCIIIS/0118 I Whii attacked iv Ith a rush of blond , to the head, 0S 1101' fell me to the ground, atiCLlArobld he'earried away for dead. I applied to several eminent physicians of our city, who administered all the medicines that they thought Could reach my rage, but of 1111 avail. One of them said he could do no more for me, and ad vh•od mu, nap. hlet t reselt,to drink, cud liver oil. Not relishing tit lrirrid 1r iris Itleelifidd fo take it. Aeci. dent put your advertisement In my hands. I called on u ; iou examined Me 1111 d t l lll/ Me the nature of toy ‘ll...ettse. You then ordeled 1110 the Pills and Tonle with an. bservancet:f diet, pledging your Vo erd that in One -wee!, I world find mvself another man. 1 folio,- ed your advice, and, ee l uu 111.011(d0d, an astonishing intro was effected. I continued your Pills and Toni, fur 501110 11010, 1111 1 11015 011111 k tied for his goodness, find your valuable msdicine, 1 am once 11101 . 0 restored to pet feet health. I most earnestly recommend those who ara suffering front ullection of the liver to give Net, Pills andTAnlti fair [teal, and a cure will be el 'recto 1. 1 hare sent many persons to you and they have all to en cured. Ally Information my fellow cite. zens may require will be freely given by the subscri ber, at Ills residence, No. 512 I. (Metal street, between lit It street And yalsy utik rim!. aou&soN, , • ' Printers' Ink Manufacturer. De. SOIL E3Cti will be proloccionally at his principal taco, No. 10 North Sixth street. curlier of Commerce, Pill LAD A; every Saturday, from 9 0. m. until 4 p. In.; No. 32 Bond idreet, New York, every Tucsoliy, from 9:19 311180p3 ace., every_ WieineethiY-efroni-0-toi3,-trdd`etery other - Priday at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. All advice free, but for a thorough examination of the lunge with his Re spiromotc r the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmon lc Syrup and Seaweed Tonle, each $l.OO per bottle, or $7.00 per half dozen. Mandrake Ville, 20 route per box. For sale by all Druggiete and Dealers. Jan. 1,180-1 y 19111. BENTZ 28. 300 P ~lf ItTd, 628 MANUFACTURED AND SOLD WHOLESALE Sr, RETAIL, ~ No. 628 Arch Street, Phila'd. THE most complete assortment Of Ladies' Mimes' and Childron's 1100 P SKIRTS, in this cityi gotten pp expressly to Mkt the WANTS of rutsT CUBS t fitADE; embracing the newest and most desirable Styles and Sizes of " Gore Trails, " of ovary' 2:,1,4 to 4 yds round,-20 to 50 Springs, at 2 to $5,00. Plain Skirts, all longths, front 2,4 to yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to $3 16. Misses', and, ghlitlron'ti,.9lllll,T, boyorAd Rll competition, forrinriety.of Styles and sizes—as well as for finglrantli.durability . ,At'2s cents to $6 26. All Skirts of " OUR OWN D.,IARE," aro IYABBANTED to give satisfaction; but BUY NOBS As HUM!, unless they bravo, Ilophin's Hoop Skirt Manu factory, No. 629 Arch Street, " Stamped on each Tab I .Also pvtly on quotd;,(100 NtingsAllranufacturod In Now YOrk, and the Vastern States, which wo soli at very low Prices. A lot of cheap Skirts-16 springs, 85 cents; 204,prings $1•00-26 springs, $1 16-30 springs; $1 26 and 40 springs $1 60 to,Orderaud .11epatrpd.),' ELLDt ! , cl llB .l'4dgf , ,.ony t , rMason & Ilatn Cabitnit drgaris, forty difforout styles, adapted to sacred and soon. lag ni for, stiO ..to. 89Q0 ,oach, .00pu br-BILVIMI,MIMAAL W S,.dr..qt,Arat.p T otalmno,.a w ard• od theta. 'lllinittiitbdOataldgnea free. __Address, -MA, SON -& HAMLIN, - BotixON, or MASON BROTHERS, Nr.l9 Yoint. • A "1 i 5 • l ( • ) tI.I • C I - SEGA.RS & TOBACCO, AT RALBTONS.: r OTOGRAPH all siZOK alllnt3 , loa?' .1/ , y? ! . 1, AT 11AVERBFI089., ADIES COMPANIONS, fall sorts stapes and sizea. 1.6,1866 •HAVE/IMO/113 . Il.‘nnisaurta, May 21xt, 1806 it,r,tfully Yours, MRS. E. RICIIMOYD = !,lay 5. MEIMM I!MEMI CUMBERLAND VALLEY irM n . A.IL ROAD. ~ C HANGE OP HOURS. and after MONDAY, May 21st, N....J1.800, Passenger Trains will run daily as follows, (Sundays excepted): WESTWARD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 8.40 A. M., Mechanicsburg 9.18, Cal lisle 9 57, Nowvlllo 10.34 113111pp,onsbnyg 1.1.07, Ohatoborsburg 1.10 P. N., Green. , I.43,Arrivihg at Hagerstownl 10 P.M. MAIL TRAIN lorry Os . Ilarrlaburg 2.00 P: M., Meehan icsburg 2.33, Carlisle 3 OQ, Newville 3.40, Shippeusburg 4.10, Chanibersburg 4.50, Greencastle 5.25, arriving at Hagerstown 5.5510..5i. • - . • • , EXPRES,; TRAIN loaves Harrisburg 4.15 P. 111., Mechanicsburg 4.51, Carlisle 5-21, Now v illo 5.53, Ship ponsburg 6'21, arriving at Chamborsburg at 6.50 I'. M. A MIXED TRAIN loaves Cbambersburg 8.20 A. 91., Greencastle IMO arriving at Hagerstown 10.15 A. N. EASTWARD ACCO.3OIOI/ATION TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 6.10 A. NT., Shippensburg 5.45, Nowville 6.16, Carlisle 6.50, Mechanicsburg 7:21 all lying at Harrisburg 7.50 A. N. MA 11, TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8.10 A. M., Omen castle 8.45, Chambersbmg 0.25, Ilhippettsburg 0 55, New rills 10.20, Carlisle 11.03, Mechanicsburg 11.37, ar riving at Harrisburg 12.10 P. M. EXPRESS • TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12 00 01., (heartens/10 12.30, Chambersburg 1.10, Eitippensburg 1.43, Newrllle 2.15, Carlisle 2.58, Mechanicsburg 3.20, arriving ao4larrisburg 3 55 P. M. A MIXED 'l'll4 IN leaves Hagerstown 3.05 I'. M.. Greencastle 4.00, arriving at Chamborsburg 4.50 P. M. Ike-Making close connections at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, New York, Pittsburg, Baltimore and Washington. RAIL Roth 01 rict, amhertalurg, May lb Ihllll. } READING RAIL ROAD SUMMER A RRAN GEM ENT. RE AT TRUNK LINE FROM I' 14:, '. North and North-West for Philadelphia. New York, heading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, ac., Trains leave liarrishurg for New York; as Inflows: At 3.00, 7.40 and 0.05 A. M., and 2.00 and 0.20 P. M., con alerting a ith eirtlilar Trains on the Pennsylvania Ilan Road, and arriving itt Now York at 5.10 and 10 00 A. 31., and :1.40 and 10.35 31. Sleeping Care accom panylnathe 3.00 A. M., and 9.20 P. 31., 'Frahm, with out' change. bcave Ilarrisbui g for Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua, 31inersv We, Ashland, Pine (trove, Allentown and Phil adelphia. at 7.40 A. 31., and 200 and 020 P. 11., stop ping lit Lebanon and principal Way :gallon's; the 9.20 P. M. Train nmkhnr no cowl... Lions for Pottsville nor Philadelphii. For Pottsvire. Seim) . 'Lill Ilaven and Auburn, via Sidin3ll,lll and quehanna Rail Road, leave ll.irrisliurg at 1.15 I'. M. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 A. NI., 12.10 Noon and 0.00 P. 31; Philadelphia at 8 CO A. 31., and 3.1,0 P. M., Pott,ville at 0.30 A. 31., and 2.45 P. 31., Ashland 0.00 ;Ind 11,15 A. M., and 1.05 I'. 31; Tama qua at 0.45 0. M.. and 1410 and 0.03 P. M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, iis Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, at 7.00 A. 31. : Accommodation Train : Leal cs ReNtillug nt 0.00 1. M.. return Me; from Philadelphia at 5.00 I'. B. Columbia Rail TWA Trains leave heading at 0.111 A. !lint 0.15 P. 01. for P,phrat.t, 7,ltie,Lancaster, Colum bia, a, . On :-,unda) : Leave New Yor at 8.38 P. 01., Phila delphia 800 A. M.. and 310 P. , the 8.00 A. M. Train running only 1.. Reading. Pott,ville 8.10 A. M. Tam aqua 7,30 A. M., Ilarrishur,4Bos A. M., and Reading at 1 r.o A. M., for llarrishurg, and 10.02 A. 81. for New and 4 20 P. M. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets to and from all paints, at reduced Rates. Baggage eheched through : 80 pounds allowed earn Passenger. G. A. NiCOLIA3, tioneral Superintendent .11011 '23, The Carlisle Cook ! TO NEW AND OLD 110U8EK EEPEM3 Anew and perfect Air-tight Gas Con , xm‘ingc , " , ki.g Slow for Cod , or Wood. CALL AND SEE IT ! I HP r 01111 fi IT and Stare naam.,, Main. St L'artrsl, The patterns (.1 Unit. : , love e and ui iglual in sign :mil got t.O up oxpre , 4-1y for our use. titer fore rail It TH E E ! It combines every new and Valuable Improvement in Coining Stoves, It is exceedingly handsna e iy,ap pearance --is a perfect Air-tight and Gas Consuming Stove, and may safely be pronounced the cheapest, best and most complete Cooldng Stove in the country. Vo cast two Sizes, adapted to the wants of both large and small families. Experieneed ll,ruSeit Cello, wil I find Upon examination that the N \\" CARLISLE COOK el rrl' 1011141 te L.r ertilif filly ;mil efficiency In lioltim, 1 lie pubi s .c are specially rittf nested to call tint situ it, as wit are confident it will fully recoritinitifil -13. F. ItA hUY lilt .l Ctl, 'IIIE LIMIT OF TILE WORLD DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE. Those Life-giving remediss aro Sow, for the fired tilt, Olen puhliely to the world. For ot er a tilt:trier at eentuty of private praetitte the ingrettiailts i t , (het, Life giving Pills ! Hay., been u,edi th the greatest SUC , eSq. Their mis shin Is not Only to prOvOnt dtrru.o, hut to cur.n. They soireh out the various maladies by is hieli the patient is buffering, and re-luvigorate the system. To the aged and infirm ale%closeti of these valuable PILLS will prove to be Ei.9 A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH For in every-ease they add new life and vitality, and restore the waning energies t their pristine state. 'l'o the young and middle-aged, they will prove most invaluable, AF , a toady, specific, and starling medicine. Here is a dream realized, that Pence-de-Leon son;:ht fur thief, hundred years ago, and never found. Ile looked for a fountain that would rvbtore the old to vigor and make youth ever An Eternal Spring I It was left for this day nud hour 4'o realize the dream and show, In ono glorious loot, the magic that madel fair. Those Famous Remedies Copilot stay the flight of years, but they con force back, and hold aloof, disease that 'night triumph over the aged and the ypuhg. Lot nom hesitate then, but seize thy fatrorablo, opportunity that offers. When t alten, as prescribed-- FOR BILIOUS DISOBIOERS Nothing can be more productive of cure than these Pills. Their almost magic Influence is felt at once; and the usual coot:emit:Ante of this most distressing diseahe are reteuved. These remedies aro made from the purest. ' Vogotablo Compounds They will wit harm Ihu most delicate female, and e.in to given (Kid effect in prescribed closet; to thu youngesi hate. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin, the SALVE io most in s aluable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil! DR.' MAGGIEL'S PILLS Invariably cure the following Dis eases ; Asthma, Bowol Comphduts, Coughs, Colds, Cllost plseases, Costiveness,llyspepsa, Dlarrinuo, Dropsy. Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, • Ileadache, Indigestion, Influenza, Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Complaint. i lowhossuflipirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds, Skin Diseases, tt4r Notice.—Nono genuine without "the engraved trade-mark around each pot or box, signed by DR. J. 51AGGIEL, 43 Fulton et., new. York, to counterfeit which is felony. tar Sold by all respectable Dealers in Atedleineq throughout the D nitod States and Canadas—at 25 cents per box or pot. Jan. 19 1666-IY. WIWI ? * tOTTAGE ORGANS, tiaassir -%.16".i4 i .. . T ' "-- 7Mra " .....4. - i : ...1 - .-. ag. ) ~.._,_-•(--_,. ~; -..4- _ .... w , ylw .. - 74 . 1 ( -,,..c.,. J'' IgettEig(Orgag..;, - •.,....,, ..,--, ..... -'` -- .7 ;. . c,. 4 .._ .4 ' '_: •.!:,_22. r--- -- ----.:----- - - ----r----- ARE not only unexcelled, but they aro absolutely, unequalled, by, any other Rood Instrument in the • country. ;Designed expressly for Churches and chbols,' iherato torind to, he equally well adapted to_theparlOr. mud:dratvitig Loom. , :For - sale only by..- ;. ; . ,; , f.q +.O -% r. : 1+; ; ; BRITOEi '' ' Nortk BEVENTII Sttoot; TimADziPHIA. .444rAlso,111tADIIITIOMPIAN0.4, an d'eckimplotans-i sattdoilt'oftlitatEßVECT MELODEON. •llEtepti,t22;lB66-Iy.:- tirtirSICIANS will find it. to thoir ad 11 vantago to call and purchaso their Medicines orhy • ItALSTON'B: July. 1, 1864 WORK BOXES, CaVas, Port I?o Coe Tourists teaks," Confectionary Coxes Games of all kinds. Doe. 115,1805. AT ILAVEROTIONEL • COACH MAKING: '- r HE subscribers inform' the public, that they have commenced the abOve i' einem; in the shop over ililtork's Livery, in Pitt St., and a few doors south of the Mansion !louse, where they are pre. pared to reanufaeturo GGIES, Germantown Wagons, (cx, They aro prepared to do all kinds of Repairing at the shortest notice. Having employed the very boat workmen, the public tu rely on having their work done in OA most fash unable and substantial manner. By strict attention to business and a determination to please, the subscribers b opo to receive a liberal share of public patronage, Carlisle, April 20,1802 —3m* COAL AND LUMBER. p ~ STAVING as -4 soclatod vlib ,L t )- ' l jl.' r°l'n (;Q6 ;ti 4 1 tV , „.l7,Atnther , c., - , 1 , .:-.,, • ....;...... busi. at the old . . , Stand 01 Doloopy and -,-.,-;4.-- -_, •-• 2% Blair. 30101 . 0 WO will keep the best and CLEANEST COAL. in the Market, and perfectly dry. Kept under cover. nunilies will do well to try us ; no we are deter mined to sell cleaner coal, and at as low prices na any other yard in the town. 'Fry us and be convinced. We have aloe on band ALL KINDS OF L UMBER usually kept in a first Claris Lumber yard which no will sell an low, or lower than the lowest Jan. 12, IOGO. DELANCY ft; ;-1111021. 0. N. LULL, Supt OPPOSITE LEFTS WAREHOUSE. Preln iirin for Rr.s•t Frio+ it Ito' award( (11. all Count, Pa i rs Nl . lll'l' 1557.] Furniture of all varieties and Style,. or Foreign and Boniest ie nittnutseture, from the finest rosewood and Mnhogauy to the Is est priced maple 111110. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, Kitchen and I °thee Enibmcitlg ram y article used I,y House and I lute! keepers. of the teo:,t approved and Lush 4,71'1 hie design and finish. I ncluding :also Cottage rut nit tire in Hells, reception anal 1 `:111111 rhairs, 711 a ttrasses, Wit frames, pictures, k k .•. vs,„9_l'artia•nl.r :it tam t Oven as usual to funerah; orders from taunt and c t , untly, ai tended t., promptly and on moderato term,. Nlarell '21,1:10 FIRE INSURANCE. r 111 14; Allen and Ens tpennsburo' Mu tual Fire Insdradce Company of Cumberland County. incorporated by an act of Assembly, In the year and having recently had its charter extend -011 to the year , lSS:3, Is now ill acthe and vigorous op• oration, under the superintendcnce thu followi n g board 01 Managers. viz: Wink{ (itlrg3S, ( . 1111Sti:.11 t. 13 NUM, .loct,h Elaberly Li Bally, Alex. Catin..ll t, .1 11. ("never, .111111 Mehelber ger, .Inseph ilieltershale, Semi. Eherly, )Int•ea ieker, Rudolph Mdrtln, Jaent, Censer, and I. C. Dunlap. 'Chu rates of insurance are ns Intl and favorable an ally Company ut the kind in the State. Persona tr ish hlL to become mot hers ale invited make applira- Lion to the °gems of iho Company. Nato aro willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. It (10/IO All President, Elan ly . a Mills, I'. O. CLIIIISTI.IN STA I'IIIA.N, Vi, 0 President, :11.nitaniesburg, P. 0. JOH N C. WIN 1..1 P, Seery. yleeltanicsburg. DANIEL 11 A 1 I.Y, Dillsburg, yin c t, lit. Cumberland county. - John Sherrick. A Henry Zearing. Shiremanstown ; Lafayette Petler, Dickinson; Hem') Bowman, Church town ; Mod., Griffith. South Middleton; Samuel li raliam. Westpennsi•oro'; Coover, Methanienburg .1. Cockli n Shopherdsto n D. Conner, tipper Allen; .1. 0. Saxton, Silver Spring; John ilyer, Carlisle; Vabintino Flifnian, New Cumber land; James MeCandlish, Newville. Yuirk county—.W. S. Picking. Dorm ; James Griffith, Warrington; 3. 5. Deardorff, Washington; Richey Clark, Dillshurg ; D. Butter, Fairview ; John Williams Carroll. Dauphfu en—Jarob Ifouser, IDan isburg. 'limbers of the COMlpally having policies about to expire, ban have 010111 rellsW,t% by Mailing application to any of the Ago tile. July 1,18131. rine subscribers inform the public tba they still t•ontintio the U.%s FI'I'TING AND PLUMBINO bul.inus at the old Stand In the basement nI the Methodist tihureh. They will attend promptly in business in their lino. Load and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, llot cold Wat,, Poree and Litt Pumps, \Viol, Welded 'rub, Iron :links, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash to ilydr.sul rllt:rnu, ke , rind every des,rlptlon 0. VOl4, :I MI lit ti 111.71, for gee, Ntl,llll, water, Oie. 6uperior eooking range., belters and gas fixtur es, put up In churches, -tore, and dn. thuglr, la short notice, In the most modern st. 3 le. All , ultbrials and W 01.1( In our I Inv at low rates and ‘)...Coun , ry uorit and j:Odlislr. uww fitly ratl,lll/011 ti July 1, 1564. First Prizo Medal at the World's Fair London, 1862. ci-3-..5, -; • :'' :11 -:'. , f '. - - --:;_,--: ' . ~ i,!. k. ..;.. 4 , ( . /i.,.1,:;ff.....-. 74- - =-147:--• •., vat -,,, 4'l" _-....:.--- --; e4c,i , ~ - o , .. 4.._, •.------,*0,,. { ti ":;----"•"' . ,' • TLIE undersigned filth just received, and intends to keep constantly on hand a full 11B sortment of the unequalled Pianos maw/Endured by Stuinw.ty k Soma of None York. Each Inatrutuenl will be carefully selected in the Manufactory, and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition o Freight to Cut lisle. A written guarantee of entire outit•firlion ulll ho given by the rubscriher to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are invited to call and examino these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door east of the Mansion house, near the Railroad Depot SECONDHAND PIANOS received in exchange and hop' for sale and to rent, Oarlislo, May 22, 1863-1 y pAINTS AND OILS.-- 10 Tons White Lead.' 1000 Gallons of Oil. Just received with a large tutsortment of Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, Lllitarge, lied Lead Whiting, Boiled Oil, Glue, ' Lard 011, , - Shellac, Sperm 011, . Paint Brushes; Fish 011, .Ite., Color., of every description dry, and 011 in cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of - July 1, 1804 North Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. subscriber respectfully informs Lis filen& and the public, that ho hoe taken t o above well known house, formerly • Itept JUr., Shriner, and intends sparing no exertions to accent- modiste all who may be plonsed to give him a call. Tho house has been refitted and is in exccliont l order. lie also introduced Anderson's Spring Bed~Bottom to his Bedsteads, so that his guests will bare a good night'd rest. His chargei will be moderate. Attached to the hones is a large yard with excellent and convenient stabling. Carlisle, April o,,lB66—fint DO:11,1863 . ONE'good Photograph iti'. . , worth a doz- op Toor ono& • AVIAo will givo a :Poor picturo to a friend? , All 14.101`0Gllartia thoo at - ' • . LOOHMAN'S R0014R3 'aralyarritu , tcd,t9Alyo kotpsAottou'or thoy ho,ro.' ~:=:~.: ;~~' ~~:~* // 13IPES, Tobacco, (cwohing`hnd chew ing) and Sugars, at Havursticles Drug and Rpok TTAMES:-i-500pairs. Humes on bond; I of all kinds. Elizabothtowi nattarn, Loudon do.; Ooraman. do., with and without patent fastoninga chonvor.t h an'evor at , 11.-OAXTON , I3, , Bast Nan EUYSIOIANS will finditto•thel;• ad , yantago tp call and Tirallaso tboly . l4gOoldoo at ItALsTON'B. 1864 music always on hand at oxoluo, 1800. ClPalneZ B . VGABB & TVlttlf,a ROOKAWAYS, I= El MERE LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters SHOWER BATHS STEINWAY 'PIANOS, JOHN K. STAYDIAN I=l American House, LEWIS FABER Bryare Pulmonie_Wafers, AT RALSTON'S netn~n2;a~:nßo~a: STOP AND LOOK I N.A T W. Fridley's 'rimier Shop; East 11 Louthor st., Bfgn of the Red Cotiee Pot where you can see the Finest, Cheapest, and Best COOKING STOVES. Ilvor offered in Carlisle he has on hand tho latest Im proved Paterns . such as the celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Sides, rrario Flower, And Continental, ( Bed Room and • Office Stoves of the latest Patterns and best quality. Thu above Cook Stoves aro all warrant ed to give entire satisfaction. Roofing, Spouting, Beat et work, And all Tin and Sheet Iron work done in the neatest manner and at short notice, all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron ware constantly on hand for house fur nishing. FRUIT CANS and JARS Two of the best over offered to the public. Fridley and Collimates Self-Sealing and Self Testing Cans and Jam also, Fisher's Patent, the above Cans and Jars can not be surpassed in any market. Thankful for the Liberal Patronage heretofore ex tended he hopes by strict attention to business and a desire to please all to merit a Continuance of the same. March 23,1566-Iy. Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- pany. FREW lIT DEPOT, CARLISLE rr 1-1 E Cumberland Valley, Pennsylva can arid Northern Central Rail Road Companies have made an arrangements to do Joint. Freight and Forwarding Business between the Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. The Cumberland, Talley Rail Road Company will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the 10 January 180 Far the receipt and shipment of all goods entrusted to them. Freight to be forwarded by this arrangement must be left. at Pennsylvania Rail Road Company. Depot corner of 15th nod 51arket St., Philadelphia. North ern Central Rail Road Company's Depot Baltimore nod Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company's Depot Ikt. The public will find it to there interest to ship through the Rail Itt.ad Company's Freight Houses and by Company Cars. I. it Er B. reight. Agent Dec. 22, 1865. " FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT BEETEM & BROTh ERS having ty • purchased of Snyder & Newcomer their eaten sive Warehouse, (Henderson's old stand,)head of High street, beg leave to inform the public that they will continue the Forwarding and Commission business on more entensive scale thap heretofore. The highest market prirB will be paid for Flour Grain and Produce of all kinds. Flour and Feed, Plaster, Salt and hay, kept con stantly on hand and for sale. COni oral] MT'S, cmLrzcing LYE - ENS VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAW BERRY, &c., &e. Linn•bu rner,e and Itlackian i Coal, constantly tar sale, Kept under error, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of LUNIBER constantly on hand. ME A Daily Freight Line 'lll leave their Warehouse every morning at 7 o'clock, rrivo at Harrisburg at 11 o'clock, nod at Howard & lincluna n's Warehouse, NON 808 and 810 Market street kin the evening of same day J. MEM 101 k 111100. I=ll MACHINE SHOP, r elhe subscriber now manufactures and keeps ronslantly on hand, on North Street, east of Theudium's Hotel, a large aevrtment of A 0 MCI ILTUTI AL IMPLEMENTS such as Horse Powers, Threshing Mauldin s Ivlth Sep rators attached, Clover Hullers Costa F 1101018, Straw :unt Fodder Cutters, all ;01 which are the latest and the best 1,04'01110n to , • Tr • • . Particular attention paid to Repair log ,d all kinds of Agricultural 1 mplerueut. at short notice and reasonable prices. Thankful for f,ster favors L coped fully solicit a share of publlr pationage BOOTS AND SHOES. ALT the store - of John Irvine, on th N. E 1 enrmir of the public square, is the place to put ehaso Boots Shot s Mats and Caps, at prices that defy competition, lie has just yetin ned nom the East with the largest and most complete ie:sortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps that he has ever presented to this community, arid which he is determined to sell at the lowest pos sildu prices. Il is stock embraces everything in Lis line of In siness, such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOUTS, Kip Boots, Calf and lateut beathor Oxford Tice, Call and patunt Leathet liaite,s, Calf Nullifiern, Calf anti 1t 11 Brogans, Sllppera, L A DIEB' WE A It , and English Lasting Gaiters, Ydnroccu Cal and Kid Ishii:, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers, Mor rg, , and Kid Buskins, .te., MIS t AYD 01111,DREN'S {YEAH of all descrip tionq embraving fine Lasting Gaiters, Mortorco crud Lusting Button Boots, Morrorco Lace boo's of all kinds Caney Aloes of various utyles slippers, &v. HATS A: CAI'S, Silk, Cassimere. Fur and Wool Hats of all qualities and sty lea, also a large assortment of STRAW uArrs. Hoots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppouiptly ileum Confident of his ability to please all clas , cs of customers. ho respectfully Invites the public to give him ri all. n,V_Remember the place, N E. corner of the Public Square. Jul) 1, IS( 1 HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. undersigned respectfully announ ces to the public [hat ha still continuos the Haf ting Business artho old stand, in West High street, and with a renewed and eillelent effort produce arti cles of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall bu strictly lu keeping with the itepioN moot ut the Art, and fully up to the ago IT Mal me I have on hands splebdid assortment of ❑STS AND CAPS, a'r ofall descriptions, froni the common Wee: to the finest Fur and Silk fats; and et-prices that must suit every ono who has an eye to getting the orth titbit; money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER FELT HATS. of every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabillly and finish; by those of any other establish mont In the oountry. Mlon o, Boy's and Children's nut's and Caps, of every description constantly on band. Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many now ones as possible, to give him_ a call July 1, 1864 NEW AND FRESH 3' 4:, 4E, .3t• az, . HALBERT & BRO., IT.AVING just teturnod from the ,IL.l;:agtern cities deslro to inform their patrons that thoy have laid in a hire and varied stock of Now and Fresh floods at the lowest cash prices. Their assortment is thorough and complete, contain ing everything recess ay to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, in greatest abundance, add at lowest cash figures.— Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENSWARI and Crockery, Salt 'and Fish, name, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and' Willow Waro. &gars and Tobacco, of the choicest bradds. Brooms, Buckets, and a cow ploto assortment of. FAMILY GIibbERIES. Don't forget the old stand, South East corner of Hanover streets: Feb. 21, .441 CUMBERLAND VALLEY - HOTEL. N. E. Cor. Main and Bedford Sts. CARLISLE, PA. GEQ. GA.RVER, P4rietor. ESTAURANT 'iu ,141 meat, viowiitch is furnisb'ed with the very bost of liquors , and edibles of all varieties. Juno 16,.1866-Iy. R EDUCED PRICES Tho Subscribers hasro just received a frosh invoice of EMBROIDERED CLOTS TABLE AND PIANO COVERS also frau Auction, • '''' SItI9t:TINGO; TABLE* DlArliftSk&o.; Greatly Weduced Priees:i 13:1EPPARD, VAN lIARLINqEN. Fc ARRISON, '• ' haporcoro .ond,roniorp . • . IN-'DRY GOODS,' • , ~ • , No.looB Chestnut Street, „ • loollysi - piAlsfo •101 l find it to their ad jtyAriff4KOß:citillo44,*uiehise thelr DSedi. lne qt - RAT!WFOrI3. FInEOTACtES, Orin kinds and:o46S; ' , tcyault all ages, at • tlmitow eVorcii,ratlitßt. N. LULL, Nupt A. J. K UTZ, Agent. =I J. O. CALLIO HALBERT & BRO I=l