Mansnan'e Catarrh Snuff, le a sure curs for. that bothereomo disease, Catarrh. Jan. 12, 18132-Iy. ! I A Grand Epoch in Medicine 1 DR. MAGGIEL; is the founder of a new medical system. The quantitarians whose 'lot internal doses enfeeble the stomach and ,paralyfe the bowels, and with whose ofttornal remedies ulcer— ated and eruptive surfaces are deluged in vain, must give place and precedence to the man who restores health and appetite with from one to three harmless pills, and cures the most virulent rind scorbutic disor ders with one or twoboxea of his salvo. Megabit's Pills and Salve have ushered in a new medical era. Ns more nauseating evelancties of drastic pills need be poured down sick people's throats. One of Meggiel's l'ills rectifies the disordered condition of the stomach and bowels, and makes health return where it has van ished. In fact Maggiel's Bilious, Dyspeptic and Dierrlure Pills cure where all others fall. While for Burns. Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, end all abrasions of the skin, Ida girl's Salvo Is infalll dlo. Sold by 3. Meg abit, 43 Fultnn sheet, Now York, Ilaverstiek, Carlisle, and all druggists, at 25 cents per boa. April 30, 1806. Bargains in fine Clothing ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, 603 and 605 CHESTNUT STREET, 11111,A DELPIII A. H IW STOCK. :AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Having sold nut our stock of Clothing for Gentlemen and Iloys, carried over from the late Ore, our entire stock of Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing is the Newest, AS OUR PRICES ARE TII E Low EST. Magnificent Spring Stock ! ! NOW READY, TO SUIT EVERYBODY. CUSTOM DEPART M ENT. Our newly titled up Custom 'Department now con tains the largest assortment clan the Fashionable New Fabrics, for our patrons to select from. ,w77'B, cm", AD LITAR Y, mADE w"ro ORDER PROM t"11,1", lu the highest stile, and at moderato prises. BOYS' CLOTM NG, In this departmont our stock is also unrivalled THE BEST IN TIIE CITY, IT THE LH irEsT ',Ric-Rs Orders executed at shortest THE CHOICEST STOCK READY-MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT ST., I'IIILAI)ELPII1A A pril 27, 18116-3 m. TH Hi* es. , VEII: , -1/1,1.P. On the 2:2l ult., by Rev. b. I' Sprcher, Mr. Henry A. ti) ere to Conon.° E. Delp, Loth or Cumberland Co. 811 U LTZ—POW El,. On the sties till., 11 Bev S. P. Spreeher, Mr. Henry Shultz to Delilah Loth ut Actium Co. ItItECIIIII I.I.—BRANDI:. in the '.22(1 ult., by the 11.11. Fleck, II E. Brechl.ill to 51. Jennie Brandt,-both of this county. fflarlicts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Family Flow . F,uporline du do RYE WHITE EAT RED d 0... E CORN ..... ()Al.. CLOVERSEED.. TIMOTHYSEED GENERAL PRO ( arrec/o/ Week/ nuTTIo. Eons, LARD, TALLOW, SCA P, BE ESW A X, BACON HAMS hy ll'm. Prutz, •2:2. BACON SIDES, El WHITE' BEANS =I UNPAIRED I.IIACIIES 18 1)1111i1) APPLES, 300 10 , 12 3, LETTERS REMAINING ITNCI,AIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle, State, of Penns3l vanin, the :ilst day of May, 18Mt. Published by official authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. ratD_To obtain any or these letter , , the applicant must call for "advertised letters," give the date of the lilt :old pay two cents for adt'ertising. If not called for within ,une month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. (31I'Ai. ZINN, I'. M. Butler Alexander Hunter Maj. John Bricker George Ha sicker Wm. lirower E S. Ilow John Blanhain Barbara Jacobs Mary Louver John Sr. Kistler Andrew T. Carlisle Barracks Leppert Ceorge P. Carroll Bg't. Hercules Cong Capt. Deinoll Edward Lehman Adam Free David . Molter Maggie Fisher Maria Nelson Michael Given David G. Riley Sarah Ann Hoover Andrew I'. Shughart F.sanklin Harrod Maria Strohin George Haase J. H. Bwovelin Rachel Holmes Johu Siccoa Mrs. Hoone Louis (I3ks) Sharubaugh Carrie Harmon 0. Thomas Russel L' 4 STATE NOTICE. Letters of Admltlistration on the Estate of Samuel L. Bucher late of Middlesex Township deed, having been Issued by the Register of Cumberland County to the undersigned, the brat named residing In Silver Spring Twp., and the last in Middlesex Tap., Notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against said eshAte to prevent thorn and those indebt ed to make payment to either of the subscribe's, JESSE BUCHER, ISAAC BUCHER, Admen. May 20, 1860.—Gt DI SSOLUTIOY—The lato firm of Colo & Steward ; Colo Steward & Co. and Cole & Steward was thissiay, by the mutual consent or each member of the firm above enumerated, dissolved, Mr. Henry Steward, and Mr. Daniel C. Steward retiring. Richard Cole assuming the responsibility of the above mentioned firm. All monies duo either of the above named firm, are to be paid to Richard Colo, or to his order. RICHARD COLD, May 29th 1800.—at EW FlRM.—Richard Colo has ta ken into portnombir ono of the rospostable tug room mon of Carlisle, as a silent Partner. 'Pilo firm will be known as 11.1011AltD COLE k Co. Juno l, 113613-3 t • Ladies and Gentlemen. CALL and see for yourselves, two doors !thew) Leonard'a Corner, North Hanover Bt., Car lisle, at J. LIMON'S. It is Indeed Astonishing, WHAT a largo Stock of cheap No tiona and White Goode, from the late Now York Auctlone, at • MUTTON'S. Played Out ! TIIE High Prices. :Call and be satin Idled by Pricing goods, at MUTTON'S It Can't be Denied THAT Hutton has the cheapest Ladies' lkCouts, Basouo4 Garrlbaldies hoop Skirts Bilk Notts, White Goods, and Notions' in tho County at MITTON'B. No use !Talking, Ladies. BUT come right along, and get a good 30 Spring llrypp Sklrt, for $1 00, Sundowna, very cheap at MUTTON'S, Are You In, • VO,R -. oheap Parasols, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, 13111cN,otts, Cuffs, and OoMire, ffdles' Tra'srolting' bags, A.lhums, And' ll sorts of No. Hons. Than call at . HUTTON'S. The; Great , . Sensation of the Day UtTON'S•VARiBTY STORE,', Stop aSICUUent, What!s the Hurry ! 'Y.wad, to' get POMO:: Auotion- • Bargainih• ido nbei; toonarl'jl 091:nor,',iprtli Hanover t?. : , 'Oar- Y' ' ' HUTTON'S ODLUAU STORE..' Juno 1,1866 4 11; .Tewelry .414 - lig,. 4,06 0 efiOrtiotlee. properly repidroAta Wig 110 tho !ioy,paroiry otottql,pt „.., AN ILLUSTRATED UNION CAMPAIGN PAPER. DEVOTED TO UNION; FREEDOM AND JUSTICE. THE PUBLISHERS OF ,THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY will resubne do pulilica- Obn of their most successful campaign paper of 1864, (WE OLD FLAG, on the 4th of July next, and publish it weekly thereafter until the full returns of the }Am, tiou can be given to its readers, at the following low rates—cash invariably in advance Single copies 10 copies to 0110 address EN=l:l It will contain twenty columns of reading matter, nd each number will ho ILLUSTRATED. The first 4suo will contain a correct portrait of MAJ. OeN. PEARY, Illon candidate for Governor. Arb — Unlon soon eV erywhore aro requested to aid in inking up clubs for the OLD FLAG. Address NPCLURE & STONER, Chamborsburg, Pa. June I, subscriber announces to the cit- Izonx of Carlisle, and vicinity, that he has re commenced the manulloiture of hats of every variety of style. Having secured the services of the beat of workmen, lie fools prepared to sustain the reputation of the styles of hats from the best manufaeturersdroll'hila delphla and NOW York, which ho will sell at the low est rash prices. Ills stock of silk and felt hats for men, boys and children of all kinds from the common wool to the finest moleskin are unsurpassed. Ho has also a large assortment of CAPS and STRAW HATS, J. A. KELLER, io 1 MO. Agent. N B.—Old Hats repaired, colored and done up In all ) les at the shortest notice and reasonable rates. .7. A. K. 8. HOOP SKIRTS, G2B HOPKIN'S " Own Make," MANUFACI'VRED AND SOLD THE most complete assortment of I.:en,' Misses' and Children's 11001 ) SKIRTS, In this lty ; gotten up expressly to meet the areNTs of FIRST ( . 1.555 TRADE; embracing the newest and most desirable Styles and Sizes of • (lore Trails," of every length—from 2 3 to 4 yds round,-20 to 50 Springs, at 2 to $3llll Plain Skirts, all lengths, from 2‘'i to 3 yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to 53 15. OM. line of MiSCI•S' Anti rhildren's SKIRT, are pro beyond all vonipetltinn, fir variety of Slylee iS sizes—ae veil as tin finish and durability, nt 25 nits t.. $2 2:i. All Skirts of `• OUR OWN MA KE," Rre Si MR SNTEI, to give satistAction ; but 050 NnNE AB unless they have, in's sloop Skirt Manu factory, No. 028 Arch Street, " Stamped on each Tab! Also cons'antly on hand, ions SKIRTS, Manufactured in New York, and the Eastern States, which we soil at very low Prices. A lot 11 cheap Skirts-15 springs, 85 cents; 20 springs $1 110-22 springs, $1 15-30 springs, $1 25 and 40 springs $1 50 Ira - Skirts, made to Order and Repaired. Atte - Trams l'ssn. list l'utok Ilstv ! May 11, 151,11--3 m. M. Guillaume Dc Carlan and Edmund Wulsidro., distinguiblied young Pianists, re sportfully announce that they will give two band Vocal and Instrumental Cone6rts. .1/ MO( M ' S /bill, Citills/, ... the 14venings of the 7th and oth of June, 1800, as which I hey will he insisted by the favorite Soprano Madam lienriette Behrens, late of L 31. Gott sehalk's Concerts, and the eminent young Violinist. Mr. William Stall, of Philadelphia. Tickets of admission 50 cont.—Gallery 35 rents. To he had at Ilaverstisk's Drug and Book Store, Piper'g Book Store and W. 11. Common's Book Store, West Main St, Carlisle And on the eveninrs of the Con verts at the door. Doors open at 7 o'clock, Concerts to 4 50 (simmers° at , S . o'clock. 350 I May 25, Cndislu, flay 31, 18615. 12 50 00 .5 00 2 -5 UCE MARKET 3'14 31;1.141,67 FiATENT gas condensing burners Can be used on any lamp and dispel.° entirely ulth chimneys, The flamrrproduced by these burners spreads out I,innilar to that of gas. The construction is such that, the smoke is confined in a ens condensing chamber, and is wholly converted into flame. The burner does not depend directly upon the wick for its light, but burns the smoke which is produced there from. Vo Tri7nming, , f the 11 . 14; is Ere,. Roluired and also a saving or thirty-three per cent. less oil than chimney lamps; and produces it more In illiaut light than any other burner in the market. Por salo at the principal Steres throughout the County, and by S. \V. Reese at the Mansion House Carlisle, l'n 'Photo burners together with townships rights for sale by A. W. REESE Minlo.loo House Carlisle, Iht May :25, 1866.-10 Tho National Ink Company. VIR. RICHARD COLE, being a mew -1l her of the National Ink Company, the firm of Cole, Steward AL t 0., have established a Branch of the Cempany in Carlisle, where they manufacture the Ink, and are prepared to furnish those who deal In the article. 1 u 6 On draught at one dollar a gallon, and put up in 2 (mu', Ink Cones, at the rate of $7 OU per gross, COLE, STEWARD & Co. May 25, sTATE NOTICE. J Letters of Adminiott a tlea on the estate of Ben jamin Clay, deed.. late of East Ponnsborough Top., Cumberland County, have beau issued by the Register of said county, to the subscriber residing in the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are re [nested to make payment, and those having claims a mst the estate will present them for settlement to ELIZA (Alm' CLAY, Admex. LISTATE NOTICE.- :A Leiters of administration on tho estate of Esther Hamm, late of Sumit Co., Ohio, hare been Is sued by the Register to the undersigned residing In West Pennsborough, Teep., of Cumberland Co., Pa. All persons having claims will present them, and those indebted will maim payment to Williams Jane DANIEL C. STEWARD HENRY STEWARD. THE. OLD FLAG. HATS AND CAPS For Mon and Boys.. OLD STAND king the best bats in the state. Particular at will be paid to the making of the old fashion li,'U'/1, nr Dtrnl,•rn•rl 11(i1 ho soft white brush hat, and any shape or style t will be rondo to older. has also on hand a splendid asAortment of all kinds and at all prices. and examine Ida stock at the old stand In North 'or Street, before purchasing elsewhere as lie atislted he can please you WHOLESA LE & RETAIL, No. 62 Arch Street, Phila'd LIGHT EQUAL To GAS ! I%llly IS6O Aim it 13, 16i3C, , Spring Goods. WE desire to call the attention of the people datbo new and beautiful Stock of 4 prlng fort r*oived at C REEN FT ELD and SHEAFER'S (JJEA 1' STORE, AII kinds of Domestics at the 'lat.(' Reduced Prices M USLINS, CALICOES, GINGIIAMS, CHECKS, Field rigs, Cotton:Wes, Dunim Jeans, Flannels, &c., A largo and desirable Stock of 3=.1-ISS . CWOCaDS, P_iirchasod direct from the largest houses ' at the low est cash prices, which we are determined to sell at as LOW PRICES, a any house in the Cumberland Valley. We respectfully invite the attention of all who aro in want of cheap goods to give us a call' and WMIIIIIIO our stock of Alpacas, White Grounds, with l'olca Spots In all Colors ; 13111tAGES,' LUNOIS, . TOOLIAIRB, MOZAMBIQUES, POPLINS, • PLAIDS,. ORGANDIES, WOOL DELAINES, II Colors, &c. Ladles Fancy Goods, 4 lloslory, Olovoc, &c A FULL ASSORTMENT Of "White Goods at vory Low Prices. ClotllB and Cassimeres, oreatirarloties fcr man and boys, at old prices. ,Ladies Cloaking Cloths all Shades. Ladies' Crochet Shawls,.Sun• brellas, ParasOls, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Linens of all kinds, Knottingluith taco. Curtains by the yard at greatly Toductul prices: Elegant Black all Woo Delaineafull double width only 1,00 per yard, a 'full and large variety of -eingla width black wool Delalues; .Alpacas, Crape Poplins, Orapo Veils, Crap? Collars,- kg: ;, Elating a good selection, of goods now onhand we ' are piopared ite meet alltoniandiyand full confident Iwo can offer inducements, that defy' competition.: 'lle numb orthe ,placo.J ,„ 'GREENFI - EpD and SIIBARIIit ?not Main Bt:, /Muth fildo,Eorniid Emir Mau Qorttoi, „IL 7)9914 , 2nd DOOlt. . • • Always in Advance GRAND OPENIN G $a 80 8 00 10 00 Of the latest importations of French, German, English and Italian Dress Goods and Bummer Wear of every description. 15 00 have again taken advantage of the very LATE DECLINE IN PRICES, to 1111 their Spacious Store Room (FAA MalarSt., two doors below Saatons Hardware Store,) with an enor mous Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, Carpet and House Furnish ing Goods, bought for CASH from the longest importing Houses of Now York and Philadelphia. All the varieties and colors of Silks. Splendid qual ities of Gros Grain Black Silks for Drosses and Basques, French Worsted Goods and Grenadines, CA RPE TS, CUR 7'A IN MA TERI from A. T. Stewart, & Co. English Lono's, Lawns, PerealeA, Mohalrs Barred, Stripped and Plain, and Hosiery of all kinds from Arnold, Constable, & Co. All kinks of domestic goods and White Goods, or every class from 11.13. Clatlin, Co., New York. Very select sty lee and varieties of r:OrOSISI Goods and general wear from James Kent, de Co., Jos. Relgol Co., Johnos, Porry, I, Co., Philadelphia. We carefully examine both markets and customers, will find on our countets a larger, morn varied and cheaper stock of Rods than In any Store West of the great cities. Every body is invited to examine our Stock—all kinds of We giro special attention to this branch of our Lunt: Ladies are incited to examine our beautiful stylolt of SACKS AND BASQUES, beautiful shades of French Clothe for Sacks and But tons, ornaments kc., to match. Would ask the attention to their very choice stock of French, Scotch and American ISAAC LAI , ' EVER, Administrator. Spanish Linens for Coating's, Mission Linens forXrin Inge, &c. We got up Sults at short notice by the bee. Tailors In town. House furnishing department, is the largevt and moat complete in the valley, containing Scotch and English all' the grades of the Lowell & Hartford Mille, Hemp and Rag Oil Cloths, Matting!, nada, 'Rugs, &c Lane a large assortment of Hostory, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Cornets, &c. llradley's unequalled "Pride' of the World" and all other best makes kept by us. Lace Mitts, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons and in fact every thing foUnd in a wide awake enierprising Store, determined. to do a large trade ,for the benefit of the community as well as for themselves. , ' • Every 11odY Rlott'and Poor, Old And j Ponng, Sma and greet are very Vordiilly Invited to our • , • .. wliere Ire 'W 11 take greatideaaitto ktehowintras e as soiling our goods. We will Inaba additions of 'des rablo goods ad tke Benson advances. . ' ' . .--..-- W.O. SAWYER, ..k 00. i ~,.;1 W. C. SAWYER, & CO., AL S , (N.., CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, MoHrning and Funeral G ood s Silk and Frenck, Cloth W. C. SAWYER, & CO Cassimeres, Cloths, W. C. SAWYER, & CO BRUSSELS, 14674:14 -VII -V oil glir,---19 W. C. SAWYER, & CO. ELIPTIC. HOOP SHIRTS, DRY GOODS ,EMPORIUM; ?fay , 113,1.!30g f ;• Auditor's Notice. In the Estate Of David Martin, decid. . . TH undersigned appointed by. - tbe. Orphans'Court ofCumberland County, to settle and adjust the rates and proportions of the assets in the hands of George' Hoover and Peter Martin, admin... ittralore of -David Martin,• late of Monroe Twp., de ceasedramong the parties lgally entitled thereto, will attend tq the clutiaeof hie appointment at his .11iMee in Carliele, on the 16th, day ofJune,lB6o, at 10 o'clock, A'. M., when and' where all parties. Interested are re otested to attend and present their claims. M. C. nnarktAN, • Auditor. May 25, 1800-4 t NOTICE To the heirs and legal representives of Eliza beth. Brinzer, late of Cumberland County, deed. H E undersigned having been appoint ed Auditor by the Orphans' .Court of Cumber. lan County, to distribute the fund arrising from the sale of the real estate of said decedent, to and among those legally entitled to rccolve the same, hereby gives notice that he will moot the parties in interest at hir since in Carlisle, on Wednesday. the 20th day of Juno, 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of performing the duties assigned him. JAMES A. DUNBAR, Auditor may 18, 1866 NOTICE TstrHE Auditor- appointed by the Or phan's Court of this County, to mention and ibute the funds in the hands of C. P. Ilumrich Esq. Administrator of Daniel Bailey, deceased, to among those entitled to receive the same, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturdry, the third day of Juno, 1866, at his office, in the Borough of Car lisle, at 10 o'clock A. At., at. which time and place all persons Interested may attend. J. M. WBAKLEY, Auditor. Muy 11, 1806,--3t ESTATE NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of John McFate,late of South Middleton twp., Uutnberland county, have been issued by the Register of said county to the subscriber residing in the Bor ough of Carlisle. All persons indebted to sold estate will maße immediate payment and those having claims w ill present them for settlement to ROBT. McOARTNEY,• Sr. May 11, 1860-6 t.. NOTICE. ‘IOI.IOOL Directors and Teachers, who LY have difficulty In obtaining lillswortlbc Copy Books, at a reasonable price are requested to remit di rectly to me, at the rate of 80 per dozen, for as few or many as they require and the books will be received, freo by return mail. . . J. W. ELLSWORTH, Publlsho , Clinton Hall, Astor Place, N. Y. Olty ,ESTATE NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the EstateofJobn 0.13111, late of Middlesex Twp., Cumberland Co., have this day been issued to the subscribers living In the same Twp. All persons having claims 'will present them and those Indebted will make payment to MOSES GLATFELTER LYDIA GILL. Administrators. May 4, 18613-60 NOTICE. To the heirs and legal representatives of Sam uel Long, late of Cumberland County, dec'd. THE undersigned having been appoint ml Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Cumber land County, to distribute the fund arrising from the sale of the real estate of said decedent, to and among those legally entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice that he will meet the parties in Interest at his °thee In Carlisle on Wednesday, the 20th day of luno, 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of performing the duties assigned him May 11, 1866, COACH MAKING LIE 6ubscribers inform the public that they have commenced the above business In the shop over Hilton's [Avery, In Pitt St., and a few doors south of the Man slon House, where they are pre pared to manufacture BUGGIES, at BOCKAWAYS, Germantown 'Dragons, d'e They are prepared to do all kinds of Repairing at the M=M Having employed the very Wit workmen, the public an rely on having their work done In the most lash °made and substantial manner. By strict attention to business and a determination to please, the subscribers hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Carll6le, April 20, 1666 —ain. 3).- This Is a personal Invitation to thu readeFlo examine my large assort ment orxfisw STYLES of DRESS Gomm, selected with special care for the Sprieg, Trade. REMEMBER, THAT I HAVE REMOVED FROM MAIN STREET, TO NORTH II ANOVEII STREET, NEXT DOOR TO 'MILLER 3: ROV ERS' HARDWARE .STORE. AVM. A. MILES. Farmers Must Have It 1 All Farmers must have the new HAR POON HAT FORK, Known as Roger's Patent and manufactured by D. D. Rogers & Son, Pittsburg.— Many Frmers upon trial of this Fork finding it so easily and safely operated, and in all respect Co fir superior to any they had been using have thrown away the old one and purchased a Harpoon Fork. It is no humbug. Every Farmer wants one after seeing it tried. They are made entirely of Iron and stool and are the strong. est Fork made. The) ore small, light and neat, and take up less room than an ordinary hand pitch fork. A boy with the Harpoon Fork can handle as much hay with ease as several men. The amount this Fork can lift will astonish any one who has never seen It operate It makes the farmer smile and say "the Harpoon Fork is the'thing." Call and sou it at our Foundry and Ma chine shop, East Main Street, Cal lisle, Pa. F. OARDNEII & Co. Cariliale, May 4. 1866-ot. Valuable Town. Property at Private Sale. OT containing 75 feet front on Louth or street above Pitt, by 240 lent io depth to ielilnaou Alloy. The.buildings are three good D WELLING HO USES, Two of which aro on Looting St . and ono on Dickin son Alloy. For terms Ac. Apply to JACOB SEN EJt. April 6,1866. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF TII E American Watches, Made at WALTHAM, MASS. IN consequence of the recent great de cline/ in go and silver and all the materials used in the manufa 'tiro of our goods, and In anticipation of a still fnr, :or decline, we have reduced our prices to as 124 point as they can bo placed With Gold. at Par, BO that no one need hesitate to buy a watch now from the expectation that it will b e cheaper at some future time. The ,test of ten years and the manufacture and Halo of More than 200,000 Watches, have givtin our productions the very highest rank IV mong timekeepers. Come:lancing with the dotting nation to ...matte - onlY thoVenghly badeitent watches, our business has steadily increased as the public be mine acquainted with their value, until for months to. gelher, we have been unable to supply the demand. Ws have repeatedly enlarged our factory buildings un. tit they now cover over three acres of ground, and give accommodation to More than eight hundred work. mon. We are fully justified in stating that we now make MORE THAN' ONE-HALF OT ALL THE WATCHES BOLD IN THE UNITED STATES. The different grades aro distinguished by the following trade marks on graved on the plate : I. "American Watch Co," Waltham. Mass. •: 2.' "Appleton, Tracy & Co." Waltham, Maas. 1.1: - PP..B. Bartlett;" Waltham; ' 4. "Wm. Ellory" • 5. OUR LADIES' WATOU of first quality la named "Appleton, Tracy & Co," Waltham Masi. o.' Our noat quality of Ladlinf Watch ' Is named '"P' B, Bartlett," Waltham, Masa. Those watches are furnished in a groat variety of altos : arid styled of . case's • Tho American Watch 0o.;'of Waltham, 31 aka; author.- 180 118 to state that without disllnction of tr4ao marki or prier!: ALL MID PRODUCTS OF TILEIR 'FACTORY' ARE. • FULLY WARRANZED to be the bast time heepors 4 Their class ever,mads In this or any other canary. :Buyeig should remember th9it unllkettlie'giuitantimbf n foreign maker who can never be reached, this warrAV'eue , Is good ut all times ageinst,the couipaWior their 'agents, and that If after the most Aliorahgh trial;any 'watch .should prove de. 'fcclive any particular, It may always bo exchanged for, another: As the American:Watches made Of Walt.. have, aro for sale by dealers generally throughout:the country, 11.9 do not solleitorders for single watches: (lAIJTICIN.—The public.are cautionedio buy only of 'respectable', porgons cloning coutiterfaii ;inn berprimeoutelr: •• ; •••. •„ : 0 '; • "•.- ;•, " 110111)114g.: TLik)'Agr4itoir.:{4ron CON RANY • ; I ' l •• 182 BrocarwaY,'Ni 'l".' • May 1.8,1.868.-Im' Whel: o 4_ Fißian4 lielfelYYVVWQ4'" ll t , !,,i.e#l973tlTobi'lltbro. HAVE jaat ,oppnecl the largest and most comploto .stock of DRY GOODu...mitable lbr the prosons anu - comtng•Zeasona, that has over been brought to the Borough of Carlisle, having been pur chased since the GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES n all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIG . DRY GOODS, that has just taken place In the Eastern Cities, and every thing marked doe. n to The stock consists In part of an ondless variety of SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, Such as Black and Colored Silks, of every variety, grade, quality and style ; Mohair Poplins ; Chew , Mohairs ; laid and Striped Poil do Cheveres; all shades of plain and figured MOHAIR ALPACAS ; YALENCIAS all grados of Printed de Laines and Challies, BRILLLiNT SCOTCH UINOHAMS, Chintzes, of .11 patterns ; Scc., &t. WTI. al. PEN ROSE. Auditor DOMESTIC GOODS. CALICOES, from 12i cts. up BLEACHED AND UNBIJE A UITI ED MUSLINS, as low in price as 10 cts. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS. PILLOW CASE MITSLINS, all widths. A.ll. & N. SI11:11.K LINEN AND COTTON TABLE DAMASKS. Tlekings, Checks, Crashes and Iluckibach Towolings, Napkins Dollies, (linghams, Cottoa Pants Stuffs, Ilnen Cheeks, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, be., be„ AIOURNING G 001). Dotribaslnos ',amiss Cloths, Rope, Poplins, single slid double w idth do Laines. Printed do Lahies, Polka Spott Foulards, Crap') Voile, Crape Collars, qpecial attontion given to thu furolshLog of all kinds of Funeral ilootis, of which we always halm n full sup ply• A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS Such as CAMBWICS, J ACONETS, NAINSOOKS, BRILLIANTS' real French Swiss MUSLINS, Striped, Plaid, Swiss and Nainsook Musllns, suitable for Dress and Garlbaidas, Bishop's Lawns. Victoria Lawns, Shirred, Tucked and Puffed Illusllns, for Garlbaidas, , tro gte. lou yin's celebrated Kid Gloves ; a' I grades of Rilk, Perlin, Lisle Thread and Cotton (Roves, for Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children ; Linen handkerchiefs ; Silk ilandkel chiefs; liositny of all kinds; Needle worked Edgings ; Laces. hooped Skirts, Bahnorals, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Ate. MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR, Always a full stock of all descriptions of °tarns, CAS. BlDtElti 8, VHSTINGS, dtc. We will also have Gar ments made up at very chur'l notice by a first-phase Fashionable Tailor. All the now designs of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS SPRING SHAWLS, BASQUES S• MAN- of every grade and style in the market, comprising Still Ahead ! ! ! LEIDIGIf& MILLER iTS rALUE IN GOLD DRESS GOODS, PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS; Shepperd's Plaids, 11l it oa Alous (Fe .I.mitieri PRINTED PERCALES, GRAND DISPLAY OF LPA ("AS, MOll A IRS, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S, NOTIONS I NOTIONS I I IN THE MARKET TLES ME HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS CARPETS 1 CARPETS I ! lIDDIP, LINEN, ' •"\ LISTING, UOlifll MADE RAG, SUPERIOR' 1311pERIGII INGRAIN, .Oftbe celebrated ualikes.or Asbiell And Hartford Cput perdue. REALAINci-LISH BRUSSELS; &e. Flodi Oil tiotbs, Tul lo • Oli Oloth*;: Stati,Col;Olcitbo, Maclo , 4! 844,4 es al4d,p4ai,Al.4oag,ll,prga,arkd,Matte,t Phi.nfliqrAllt 'into , ; t4l, and sae Ow yourselves the itavaxitage. Aget'o Igpiuthaelpg your Goods viliiake you tau ;Lily faaut,'Alio ohoaPoet, ,ao opt 11,104O1oi,1)..::. WaY 1 , 1 ‘91#44 . : :;.. i ‘..') ~;•• • !Ai l''!1 rt !. ,„"CatIOMEJES 'AMY PlIaLTIl ' , 'S .1 anil al the same time will convince YOulhat we . never undersold. We air ays take. groat plpasure In, exhibiting our Goods, feeling assured that we' haVe, the mod; complete Stock of Goods the'county; Heeling undavgreat Obligations to the Conuntintti for their very klnd`and Aborall4rooalor so far ex tended to the Firm; raison:testily and respoOfully ask c°ol4l l An.e o Mr. PO' BA,UU?!.I :. IL , romemPpr ro Oprnso olfrOctly 7Cipposlto Irvina'S etioo gtOro, (Sign of the Carpet llsll j. TA LEIDIO4I & MILLEN. f Mardi 80, 1860, !; .;~1 ~i il':li ~ Vlh'~^,t, .. ;I'o ./!! i .71 V . :ii54,1: .. 1 “1 /11(, 1 7. • ,4) • d• )7.1' 01 AMERICAN ORGANS Mil (From "Godey's Ladies' Book" February, 1866.) RIAD ORGANS, &o rlPHEfallowing remarks and sukges- A; ton to this Immensely popular lustrm mont will doubtless interest and profit very many .of our readers, we command the article to their careful perusal:— A hundred and ono makers of Organs, Cottage, Par lor, Cabinet, American, School Organs, etc etc., aro each claiming to make the best Instrument In the world. Being comparatively a new Instrument as at present constructed, we are convinced the public are corddeofludglvg, of its Inorits. or &verlie, than of most other Instruments. If there is really an eqsentlal difference in them, If there era some excel lent and some worthless ones, the public should have seine criterion for judging of them, some facts which will enlighten them. We cheerfully concede the space for this article knowing that there is hardly- a family, or church, or school In all the land, but Is more or less interested thig-teplo; We are also aware of its be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity, to any of them to purchge ass Inferior or worthless Organ, ruinous to good playing, and often a source of much annoyance and vexation. We know this article to emanate from a candid and intelligent source, and thus we give It fp our readers. The question is often asked, what are "reed organs?" We adswer, they are, in most cases, nothing in the world but the old melodeon in disguise. Many of the so-called organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the same gen.ral Internal arrangement. With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have simply put on a more pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But au organ, to be in reality an or gan, must have a wind client or reservoir for air sepa rate from the bellOws, into which wind-chest the reeds open, and the tone has room to expand and perfect it self into thefull round tone, similar to the flute or pipe organ, even, smooth, firm, and mellow ; and this tone from reeds cannot be obtained in any other way known. Nothing so annoys n true organist as to have the vol. um° of sound melting and Jerking spasmodically with every variation of force on the bellown ' which in alwayn the case where the reeds open direct into the 'bellows or air paanagen, instead of a wind client or sound-box. And yet some makers even go on far as to claim this &penman,' or automatic jerking of the bellows on the reeds no an excellence, justus though they did not know that it 'mist very won throw the reeds out of tune, and injure the bel have ; and as though it were not an easier matter to obtain a tench better and more easily managed swell by other methods. The truth is, any urgan, no called, or melodeon which has the ,vtna sottugsmrectiy upon rn, t., notning Mere nor less thatisn'huge ticerwiloon, dress it up an you may. And when organists and true musiciane become aware of the fact that they canubtain those that are organs in fact as well es in name, they will buy no more of the obJectionablenues. Then again the swell should al ways be Separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to be acted on by the hand, or soft blowing, but convenient so that the player can use it with the knee, separate from the hands or feet, and thus always un der easy control, to be used ad libitum. The large divided hollows, or double bellows, Is also a very important Improvement. By thin moans pot only can the wind be supplied more evenly, but with far greater ease to the performer, from the fact that either bellows alone will he sufficient for the lighter molodien, thus permitting the player to change about and rest the feet at will ; then, If the bellows is of the requisite large size, and having the wind chest or reservoir, all will be well, As to the reeds, they must be scientifically tuned and voiced, or all the other good qualities in the World cannot produce a good toned In strument. The inquiry now very naturally arises, where can the organ be procured combining all these essential and desirable qualities? There only ono possessing all these points, and that in the AM EItICAN °ROAN, made by S D. k 11. W. SMITII. of Bost, 11, SIBKMA OTT Wholesale Agent, SSI Broadway, Nose York. 'l'hene organs have a wind-chest extending the whole length of the Instrument end so constructed as to list lit the - souse time sea . rover berating sound-box or board, and having, the same important relation and part to peribrin that the sounding-board has to the piano. Thin feature the makers have patented, and to it are owing in a great measure th. entirely une qintlied fullas and rich ens of tone so highly prized by all who have used these organs They also have the largest and best divided bell ws In use, which Is another important leaturo. No part of their work is filigliteir, no exports.. or Main. aparod to make, elm A merican argann perfect uu.lnnlly, as avrll 111: Meehan- lolly, and. judging from the immense sale of them at present. 4 t hey bid fair to long maintain the proud posi tion they haVO wen by superior merit alone We would most heartily mlvl..e all interested to call upon or address Na. UTT, the Wholesale Agent. as SSI Broadway, New York, and can Mein, them he will, In thin most gelipequinly and truthful manner, impart to them all the' hillitiullthin they may desire relative to this truly delightful Instrument. JD -_A_l=._L-S. The suhscriber Is fully prepared In tarnish Sheet Mu , lr, Strings, Musical Inntrtunonts, and Marie nookv of all kinds flt the lowest trade rates. wholesale and re tail, from the largest roll, coons In I Ills country. ' Orden: punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders BOARDMAN, CRAY & co PIANO-FORTES, Wholesale agency. The subscriber, late a tnemb of this well known firm has established a wholesal ageney, Broadway, New York City, when ho wit be pleased to receive time orders of his friends and th, public.. and especially to hear from those who have SI liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm hereto hire. lie will supply these superior instruments t the trade NVlodesele and IZetall, at the very Lewes , Prices, made with the Itemlated Iron li ink and Frain (cast In Mal solid plate). Th..y excel all others in r.O rahillty superinrity of taco. and elegance of ox terms a !meant e All these Pianos have overstruha• givtnt In connection with the !latent iron elm stud frame, Full Hound, flowertul,and Sweet. Mellow 'roues. The Cases are elegant In appearance, and easily and safely han• died. Warranted to prove satisfactory, or the money returned. Address all maims to AMERICAN ORGANS THE )I.)ST PENN.:eI' AND lIb L AUTI FUI MUSICAL INSTRUMENT AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE Makes beide attractive, refines, and elevates the minds of al), beautiful lu appearance and effects. ME IS z f The immense popularity of those Organs, apd thoir, suporior Musical l'owors, is last bringing them before thu public, the Instrument so icout desired in A MIMIC AN NOM ES. And although the cost,orice is but a trille over the M eledeon, yet the musical advan taps, beauty of tone , and qnleknoss of touch and ac tion aro so far euperibi, that they are fast superceding the Melodeon and theuall is non , ahnost exclusively for AIVaRICAN ',ORGANS It Is adapted to any Music from the quickest and most lively;lto the heavy trine of the Church Organ. And almost unikeersally they are preferred to the Plano % by. persons who have them, yet costing less than half, and only taking a small meant of tom.. " ' Send for descriptive circulars sivrug full particulars ~. ; , Aclusive Agencies secured' tollealers, and large discounts to the trade and Teachers. Address all or ders, littikoo; CII.A.NGE"OF FIRM. ,, • HE subscribers beg leave to announce L , .1 oo radc,ibat they bare sold ,their fontire atoek of goods, with the good :Oil of the establiehment to {VIII. U Smith, ,whorn • they recommend old patronaand citizens is general' ae an in.tive, roils / Ade and entorprielnighiislnese man, who, will spare no I,abor hi maintaining and ,itaproving the character of the old'a'find ; knewn tie Zeigler ‘t SW4O; glow. Feed and Grocery storo,,North Hanover Street Carlisle., Pa. ,The undersigned wouldfurther - announce that all portent uthy 'Mg ,WomrselVitild{lol , tod tolthe 'old 0014 plalf,o call and nettle their accounts,,as the hooka: Iv ill be dilff? at 4lio :store .fer 30 days from" date, during which time theywill And some one thurd to viaiVon th,qin• -- the accounts are not settled dtirlif(lAii.Priiimillmit ' imo, interest tvlathe added! and Me placed In tlits ; ands oilDaiild' &anti ICK., for collection - ZEIGLEII - & STOOK,- • `si • aY 2 3/ Pq? rn - Pa r• ;.,• 1. ptiLLIP4I,' iSt,;I3OWE,RS,I . I . . , . ~ . 1 .•. i S.uc,casscoll ,to,i L E 111 g 'F. . , . L.Y.4%M.,`., ,y , -..-- . einEALERS4in Foreign, ne4,..,Downstio i 1 -4111•alyRro,014 1 ,1cInap , - .- - ~: ,--,-...., !_..; •} J. r' :..;tBA,INTS'y ou,p, , oneeei - TARNISHES .&o. • .!.: :;. .118. North novoo3t, noitrly pi)pcifqitti -.thritaillile , Bank. .1., ;luly 7, IBM,: - 9CIIc7OA,NDX, , ABPretO , grenek API/ e l lbrira (I AX.4A . P III3 TNICK - M (ISTC TEACHERS MEI SIBERIA OTT, Broadway, N. Y SIBERIA OTT, SSI Broadway Now Yor S. 1). & 11. \V. SMITH'S SEEM WORLD, mann lED MLR I CAN • OR GA N SIBERIA, OTT, 681 Broadway, Now York WHOLESALE AGENT 61IIERIA. OTT, ' • 'WlolOsnle AgOixt, 681 ,Broadway, Now York HOOF,LA ND'S BITTERS. The great Strengthening Tonic. (Not a Whisky Preparation.) HooFtliNvs GERMAN BITTERS, WILL CUBE DEBILITY ! DEBILITY ! roaulting from any mum whatever PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, INDUCED 111 Severe Hardships, Exposure Diseases of Camp Life Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Adult or Youth. WILL FIND IN THIS BITTERS a pure Tonic, not dependent on bad liquors for their almost miraculous effects. II , DYSPEPSIA, Observe the following symptoms resulting from die dens of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, FullnestrAlßlood 'o the Head, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for od, Fullness Or W.l.'s.. t.. Strost.stiona. ginkirttl or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations wh-n In a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud den FlGhes of Heat, Bus fling in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and CI rent Depression of Spirits. IC) AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS E LIVER AND DIGEST] VE ORGANS. ARE CURED BY WLANIYS GERMAN BITTERS, Thla Dittos has PERFORMED MORE CURES, VES BETTER SATISFAC TION, HAS MORE TESTIMONY, more Respeetable People to vouch for It, than any r article In the Market. Va dofy any ono to vontrodict this assertion, and W I LL PAY $lOOO to any ono who will produce a certificate published by us that is not genuine, /ELAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, WILL CURE EVERY CASE 01? Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising front a disor dered Stomach REMEMBER, ?hot lhij 13ilters is not :lleho/+i•; ONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS BUT IS THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. Read who Says So From the Rev. Levi 0. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N.J., formerly of the North Bap tist Church, Philadelphia, at present Pastor of the Baptist Church, Cheater, l'a. .V S "or ~,,, It for a number of years. I have used them In my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects, that I was induced to recommend - them to ninny oth ers, and know that they have operated In a strikingly benelicial manner. I tuhe great Aare° in thus pub licly proclaiming tills tact, and calif g the attention those afflicted with thu dis..asov for which they ar icommondod, to those bitters, knowing from oxpor the, in recommendation will be Hustainod do this more cheer! ully as Iliadland's Bitters le intend. ed to benefit the afflicted, and is •`not a 11.11:11 drink. From Itev. %V. D. Soigfriod, Pastor of Twelfth Bap. Get Church, Phila. Gentlemen :—I have recently i urn laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a prostration of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but without relief. Your Ile°fland'a German bitters were recommended by persons who had tried thee), and whose favorable mention of these bitters Induced Inc to try them. 1 must confess that I bad an inversion to l'atent Medicines Item the "thousand and one" quack •'llitters," whose only aims seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community in a sly way, and the tendency ot which, I fear, is to make runny a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal prepara tion I took it with happy rifest. Its action, not only upon the sir - mach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that 1 have derived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Very respectfully yours, W. D. BEIG FRIED, No. 254 Bleackamaxon Street Front Hey. J. Newton Brown, D. D., editor of the Eln cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Clitistian Chrotticle Philadelphia. Altdough net disposed ta. favor or tt i tumend Pdtent Medicines In itelwral. through distrust of their ingre• (Dents and eßect-, I yet I. n w of ao sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits be believes bitesetf to have received from any simple preparation, lu the hope ti, at Im tea Lit US contri`tute to Ow bene fit of ethers Ido this the more readily in regard to ❑oofiand's cruetcrmnu ilittel v, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jack son, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many yearn, under the iutpression•that thry were chiefly an alcoholic mixture, I ant indebted to my ft lend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq.. for the removal of Oita prejudice by proper l ests and for encouragement 1,. try them when suffering from peat and long continued debility. The use at Lilian bottles of th. se Bitters at the beginning of the present year. woo fellowtd by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six mouths be fore, and had almost despaired of regaining I there fore thank God and my friend for directing site to the use of them • From the Rev. 13:D: Nomlall, Assistant iltiltor Chris thin Chronicle, Mlle. • • - I have derived decided benefit from thu use of land'a German bitters, and feel it my privilege to rec ommend them as a most valuable tonic, to all who aro suffering from general debility or from diseases arising from derangement of the liver. Youre;truly. E. D. FENDALL. Froth Rev: D. Morrlge, Pastor of the Paseyunk Bap tlet Church, Prom the many respectable recommendations given given to Dr. Hootlauti's Cieimaq Bitters, I was Induced to give them a trial, 'Alter using 'several' bottles I found them to be a good remedy, tor debility, and a most excellent tonic for the stomach, From the Roy. PROS. WINTER, D. D., Pastor of box borough - Baptist Church.,. ' BEAU k4lll, :Ilea it duo to your excellent preparation 'Hoollaud's German Bitters. to add my testimony to the dimorved reputation it has obtained. I have for yearn, at times, boon troubled with groat disorder in my head and nervous system. I was advlned by a 'friend to try a bottle of your Gorman I - littera. I did 00, and have experienced' a great and unexpected relief. My health has beau very materially benefited. I con ildently recorneiond the article wheral on of with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of •tboir good effects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough, Pa. , -- BLIWARE Olt 00UpITERVE!ITO Bee that tho signature ,of 4 'o. M. aeouspx".ig on the wrapper of each Lottlo, , Should - your nearest drugalst not have the article 'do not be put Oft by any' ortho Intoxicating . prepare tleith that mitt be offend in Its place ' but send to us and wo will Ibrward , seourely,pttekedby express. PRINOIPAti OFFI6E AND MANIIVAOtOBY 'No:l3Bl . Arcti fArecit;Philticteipliti,.Pa JONES it EVANS . I Suceessorsto O. it. Jackson' . & Co • FIipPILLETOES. For sale by Druggists and ,Dealers in try town in ,he•Vnited Stave. , • .* The Family Grocery THE subscribers, having taken the Family Grocery Store of Monasmlth di. Baker, en Main St., adjoining F. Gardner .4 Co's Machine Shop and Foundry. have just - opened a now and ele gant assortment of GROCERIES, GLASS and QUEENS WARE, selected with great care for family supplies, which they will sell at the very lowest prices f..t. cash. Every article In the line of Family Groceries will always be kept fresh and cheap. They also call particular attention to the Eureka Patent Glass Fruit Jars, LUNE, only Flve Dollars, and the WRINUDR, both of whl h they confidently recommend to dive entire satisfaction. They have also been appointed daents for the sale of Fevers, o which they wouhl,call.the attention of Fermera and them needing thettifas the best and choaposVartlcio o be found for convoying water through yards and own-yards Also a variety of .other articles, such as 1)01)11 MATS of tumoral kinds and prices. AYZ- Just opened 3 supply of Fresh Herring and II kinds of Salt Fish, put up this Spring. Also lour In barrels and sacks and Feed by the bushel.. May 25, 1866 LIFE-HEALTHL-STRENFTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH I a Prepared front a prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, Chief Phy,,lcian to the Hos- This invaluable medicine is no imposition, but is unfailing in the cure of Sparmatorrhm or Seminal IVealmess. Every species of Outlaw! or Urinary Irri• lability. Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions frrm whatev, r cause produced, or however some will be speesily relieved and the organs restored to healthy action. ancient & Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, from the prescription of Or. Juan Delamarre, in our private practice with unih.rm success, and we believe there is nwother medicine so well calculated to cthe all per sons suffering from Invaluutary Emissions or any other weakness of the tier u I Organs, n Inn her caused by a sedentary mode of Bring, excesses or abuse. It. A. BEA UREPARIE, M. D. G. D. DUJARD N, M. D. JEAN LE LEUCURE, M.D. Paris, May 6th, 1808. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. The Genuine Pills are sold 11 all the principal Drug clots through int the World. price One Dollar per Box, or :is Ibsen for Five Dollars. ARANO' ERE k DUPONT, Sole Proprietors, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Pa, is One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure a box by return mail. securely sealed from all ob erxatlon, six boxer for five dollars. Sole Ileum al Agents for Anierte.t, OSCAR U. MOSES A Lb., t 7 Cortlandt St N.Y. N. it.—brench.lierman, Spanish and Engll h l'amph' lots, containing full particulars and directions fur use, Bout fret, La, addreBs. Sold In Carlislo by .1. IF. ELLIOTT, and at HAVER STICK. S. • tk J:113. 12, 186 - ly CATARRH SNUFF! This Snuff has 0 t/uglily pi eyed Itself to ho tho best article knoun for curing' the Uul In the Head and Heatladle It has breo laced an exc. Dent remedy In ma uy eases of core I•.)es. DeatneSS has been removed y it, anti Hearing !lab otter been great ly ituprore.l by its LISe it Is haglant aid a,reeable, to the dull horny par on ertoped hy riheaseh ril tire heart The pulsations after LIS.II- It :ire del:gnilul and in vigurattug. It °pot,h al pur i out all .pin tructious, streogtht•ns the 0.1.4'h, uud ghe- , It healthy oettun to tho parts strectuil. of Sale and tin of Dr Marshall's Cntnrtb and Head 'ache snull, has proved it, great value for oil the com mon thseasios ol 010 110 ia, and at this inoh,eut it stands higher than. et er briar.'. It le revointnimiled by ma try of the best physicians, nd Is used with groat 1311.. e. uud ,ntisluedeu every Read the Certificates of Wholesale Drug gi,ts in 1864. Thu untier..iftetal.havieg fer litany y0t1... icon ac quaiefetl with Dr Marsliall'h Catarth mut lloaaliche rvuulf, and odd if in .11' 111killesalt. trade cheerfully Luat, 4.4.4. eve 44. 44. 1 uat, te every reopect, to the cecenuneellalionn givnu te it for the cure of Catarrhal .511 e, Lien, ,lad that it in decidedly Llle best article We have ever 114101011 ter all cemetou disennon of the Head. Ilthr A l'oll . l , 1101,11/ A. Park/ / S ll/14 A.. 111 111 , 1 . 11. A 1111 A •• B Al) ;muds, " 111,W11) 1411111.1 M A. " 6101.111,1 1 1 11U1 at Co. .. & Cu •• Irloul Alihur A. Cu. Seth n 1,0% 1,. ~ II Ke,,,uo A Robbins, - Fah ballk & Cu. •' A. I . Seovtt A. to. " hinnand.., & Cc, Fl ard. & 11. 11. 11:IY. Pllllll\llll/ Me. 1/1.1h1.1 & Bale, Fur Sale by all lh ugglsts. Tax' IT. Jan. 12, 18136-Iy. trci.,..The original Medicine establb.hed In 11 , 37, and Brat article of the kind tier introduced under lire name of “PULMON IC W A FlAt . ,” in thin or any other country; all other Pulmonlc \Vaters are count, teits. The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each Waft,. These Wafers have hoe. tekhlte the public for nearly thirty yearn, and the Wuueuse sale attained, not t,nly In a merles but in foreign countries, telly ntle,t their intrinsic worth. The medical pr,.pe, tics Aro nu pet I, t any other a tic's offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained lu each box is nearly double that of the mans worthless imitations advertised. J. NEWTON BROWN Philadnlph D. MERRIOD D l which they have the exclusive agen t r Carlisle, and which has proved 4 stiper.orlty over all other cane or re now In use by its at eat simplicity, nfect reliability In keeping Fruit. and le extrabrdinery ease with which it Is •alcd and opened, without injury for Jlture use. t o family should purchase tiler Jan- witnout first examining the ;ureka. If they want to buy the best. Vo have also KNOX'S PATENT STEP. ADDER, an article which no house vapor should be without. Also,. IPil'fl celebrated WASHING EARTHEN DRAIN PIPES; MARTIN Sc UARDNER DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, print dtg. Nord haviboisiere of Paris d tho following opinions of eminent French phy Wo have used the Specie Pills prepared by Gar DR. MARSHALL'S Gives Immediate Relief More Than Thirty Years' RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood,"Pains In the Chest, leclplent Consumption and all diseases of the lungs. Not only affording tempor ary relief, but abating a rapid and lasting aura and ate warranted to give ballsracilou oar instance They do not nauseate Wm amoholic coinpounils nod the medicinal t ropurties aro combined In a torn, so a greeable and pleasant to the taste, that any child w ill readily litho thorn. Ono drool WI 11 al , a)s d RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES TO VaCALls . ril and Puutic ,PEAKERs, thrill ‘l:itto peculiarly valuable . tLey will in On.: der roulo , ,he most severe o,llhiOnlii 110/11,011135S :-1111(1 1:11 use for a few days a ill, at all times. increasc Ih , p or and flexibility of the voice, g eat I) lisp',a u tone,o'mpnss:uld clearness,. for a hon are regularly used by many professional veva liv s The very groat celebrity of this lute; made 1,1 - tidy has induced unprincipled parcel-:' to pri-par, hive imi tations, which disappoint the Just expeetations el the purchaser, and Injure the character of the 01.1:ulso iTh akin° See that the word, "BRYAN, ' in •tlmped ou each %Valor, and also observe the la , •inli the signaler.' of the Proprietor "JUTS MOS tae' 1u each wrapper to counterfeit which is forgery. 4. - 6 - 01Tunding pare fee will 1,0 dealt with to the lull extant 431 tl e law BRYAN'S PULNIONIC N action are far sale by all Drug- gists. JOB MOSES, Solo Proprlotor, 27 Oortlandt St, N. Y Jan. 12, 1803-Iy. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S C.E,LEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared frdoi a preseripMgn of SI? J. Clark, M. D., Phybician Extraurdruury to the queen. lIIS well known medicine is no im• position, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and obstructions, from any cause whatever and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladies Els peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regu larity. In all cases of Nervous Spinial Affections, Pain In the Deck and Limbs, Ilwoduess, Fatigue on alight ex ertion, Palpitation of the [hart, Lowness of fiplrits, Hysterics, etch Headache Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a Sus, Muriel system, these l'ille will effect a cure when all other means have now. These Pills have never been known to fall where the directions on the 211 page of pamphlet aro well obse.v• ,ed. For further particulars, got a pamphlet, free, or "the agent. $1 and 0 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle. containing over GO pills, by return mail. W. ELLIOTT, Jan. 12, 181113--ly. Agent, Carlisle. The noted "Dry Good" Store in South Hanover Street'. THE most attraotivo Oarliolo if; at A. W. Banta's great, "MERCANTILE EMPORIUM" where can be purchased the brat, handuomest, and cheapest goods In the Country. We have just mien lobed our stock with a large Invoice of the choicest :goods In the Market, and Will continuo to renew the 'supply daily, or as necessity requires.. : it would be Impossible to enumerate all the articles in our extensive line of busineks. • • • We have new a fine assortment of Ladles Spring Dress Goods. • . • 'POPLINS PLAIN AND_ . „ • 0/TALLIES OP BEATIPUL PATTERNS All, ' PRINTS AND Atli KINDSOU DOIVIRSI,IO GOOES. Averiery,ofgenticuotu and Boys wear. An extort 'sive stock of, , TADLS, • STAIR AND . „' . . . BLOOD. CLOTHS oirf, : Bll,pEs. • Blind Materials and Carpet Chains. " Hopkins" Superior Skirts t lengths and Widths. We shall ho' all have alien!! and, examine eat ".now stbclo as we feel. contldent ,that• our selection will please airtastes. - Carliele,'Airilllth 1666 Po II III ED I P ut S , Chocolate _; Crop, Le)xLon Oraioffb. VAnit neaadlltoas. , •., - • ," D00;11480. AT IlAmtanoss., V 7. *BENTZ