LIST OF DEALERS L"X OF DEALERS of Goods Wares tad hierehandlso, alsoDlstillera, Lumbermen,' &0., within the County of Cumberland; returned and classified by Wm, R. rd'Olellan,ldercantile Appraiser, in accordance with the several acts of Assembly as fol.. lows, to wit : CARLISLE Ladish & Miller, dry goods, W. O. Sawyer & CO., do A. W. Bentz, • do Greenfield & Sheafer, do 8. 0. Brown, do Charles Ogilby, do Peter Bobletz, do William Miles, do William Blair & Son, groraries, H. Pohloy, do Halbert & Brother, do G. P. Myers, do Robert Allison, do Martin & Gardner, do Potter & Woohmood, do William Bout; do J. D. Mock, do A. Sbombler, do John Faller, do C. A. Smith, do D. Frederick, do G. & 11. Ohara, do Zeigler & Stock, do D. Keeney, do 11. Harkness, do, John F. Steel, do John Spangler, do Camoron & Shooter, do Jac.‘ b Senor, do W. li. Horn, -do , John Harder, do C. Lizman, do G. B. Hoffman, do E. L. Shryock, do JllO Brown do W. M. Hastings, feed store, Mt s. 11. Haverstick, drugs, D. Ralston, do Mrs. O. Elliott, do s ,- D. Sterrett, bOots and shoes Jos. Bites & SOl3, do William Porter, do B. Plank, do J. Commove, do John Irvine, do F. C. Fleming, do William Goodyear, baker, William Sellers, do Peter Miller, do J. M. Klein, do J. I'. Brown, do Miss E. Stahl, millinery, Mrs. M. Neff, do Mrs. E. Williams, do Mrs. S. A. Hutton, do D. Rhoads, cigars, W. C. Franciscus, do Joseph Hoover, do F. C. Kramer, jewelry, Thos. Conlyn. do IL Hysingur, do Itheem & Spahr, confectionary, Joseph Jonts, do H. 11. Grove, photographer, Mrs. It. Smith, do J. C. Usher, do J. G. Calif°, hats and caps, J. A, Keller, do J. Baas, do henry Saxton, hardx are, M flier & Rowers, do George Ensminger, leather dealer, W. Roiling, do Samuel Ensminger. robes, William Clopper, do A. Shaubla, merchant tolls, 11. S. Ritter, do Eakins & Dorm*, do I. Livingston, do J. Neuwhal, do S. C. Huyett, do E. B. Leonard, jr., do W, Smiley, do John Treibler, do 11. A. Rhoads, furniture, A. B. Ewing, do David Sipo furniture & wall paper, Mrs. S.-A. Kieffer, fancy goods, It. Hughes, do Jameson & Co., Notions, John Hutton, do • Rinesmith & Rupp, stoves, Wm. Fridley, do J. D. Gorgos, do J. Loudon, Books. W. H. Common, do A. M. l'ipor, do It. C. Woodward, prodt,m, .1. Beotem ro„ produce and coal, J. Envier, do E. & B. Lee, do Dulancey & Shroni, lumber and coal , A. 11. 111.11 r, do S. M. Hoover, Wm. Askew, T. Cooley, Wm. Wert, Allison & Keeney, Wm. Brought, J. Hippie, Wm. Spongier, W.-M. Chanoweth, 11. Baker, marketing, =I Comfort. Si Son, dry goods, Brindle k Nieswanger, do P. A. Brough k Bro., do John Rigel. do A. Dale, groceries, R. It. Crum, do David Devlin:my, do J. Eminger, do West & Rockafellow, do Kaufman k Griffith, do 11. F. Geyer drugs, Clark & Houck, do Ira Day, do J. B. Herring, do D. C. Singer, shoes and hats, Levi Rigel, do C. Kelm. boots and shoes, J. Swartz, jewelry, Boyer & Eberly, hardware G. Robb Si Kimmel, do Leiffich &• Mathews, stoves, Wilson & Son, , do J. J. Smith, confeetionary, J. A Swartz, do 1. B. Palmer, do David Miller. Produce, Zacharias & Stoyman, do Siegizor & Brandt, do T. IL Bryson, do Johnson & Son, do Stimower & Fry, do W. H. Oswald, lumber, J. Milieisen, do J. Simon, clothing, L. W. Abrams, do L. D. heeler, do Titzel A Brother, furiali ure, John Rupp, do G. W. Loehman, photographer, Andrew Myers, do John Gross, marketing, George Koser, do J. Marshall & Bro., do E Hoffman. do I= Stovick & APPhorson, dry goods, Stewart & Oox, do J. & J. 13. Roddlg, do Robt. Snodgrass, do Roar, Hinkle & Hock, do J. R. Paguo, groceries, Btumbaug & Blair, do J. D. Hassler, B. C. Holler, W. U. Liollor, A. Taman, Cressler & Clark, do G. N. °reason, do Mrs. M. Duke, do C. Fosnaught, agt., do J. C. Bowlers, do Wm. Baughman, do J. 0. Altick, drugs, B. K. Keller, do c,. Edward A rtz, do Forney & kiTherson, hardware, Grabill & Holler, ' do .1. M. Ilykes, stoves. J. A. Wolf, do John Bridges, merchant tailor, Shearer & Blair, do Kelso & Son, boots and hats, P. B. Arts boots and shoes, J. M. Smiley, do G. B. Cole, hats and shoes, G. W. Croft, do Isaac Landis, jewelry, J. 11. Criswell, produce, H. Ruby & Co , do T. P. Blair, do H. J.Dulco & Bro., furniture, B. J. Snoditly, do David Criswell, do Mrs. M. Davis millinery, Airs. A. Baker, do R. P. Snoddy, photographer, 11. C. K. Rol:mak, do B. Myers, marketing Benjamin Biggs, do Henry Myers, do NEWVILLE. t. M'Caridlish & Son, dry goods, Stough & Elliott, do Klink & Bro., do E. James & Bro do G. W. Mull, stuves, B. It. Cloudy, do 3. B. Hays, groom los, Jos. Heberling & Bon, do P. DI. Clouser, do Mrs. Di. B. Rood, drugs, J. IL Miller, do B. O. Wild, do J. J. Crawford, confectionary, Jdsoph Woodburn, boots & shoos, Samuel Muteh, Jr... do George M. Bretz, photographer, W. J. M'Cullough food store, Joseph Laughlin, do L. V. B. Soper, jewelry, S. 0. Bauer, merchant tailor, J. S. Daugherty, do J. A. Runkle, hardivaro,. John Hard, marketing. Wm. Venard, do NEWBURG/ Shoemaker & ElSlott, dry goods, • Koontz 4c Revtek, . do 0. 0, Stevick, furntturo, D. M'Ooy, boots and alma, • J. Wagonor, vaarkoting, David Mover, ' do • NEW CUMBERLAND. Joseph Foemun,dry goods, T. Willa; ' - ' 'do ' J. 0.1.1111er, groceries, Loo & Eberly, ' lumbor, —Mosses & Coovor, • do- -- - - Charles Opdos,, •, ' do Valentino IMatrianr,' • ,- BOHTHAISTXON TOWNSHIP , L. Strohm, ! drY Pods. , Wm.' Clark, do • • J. Shook k Bro:, do George Clever, do o.' , Waldemith, do Wm. hawk , marketing - ."1.''.:1 IiE*ri) . NTOWNSIEEP. dry goods, ,- : .. zame4,GrOorta i • . Myers &'Lan a, W. & T. Kaufman, Newcomer & Co., - Clever a. Mier ' :3451111=1110b Walker Grahani,,; l # kocerleg, Linn& & Bro., • -- •- to J. & J. 11. lloreli, do Henry; I Sayder, d 0 ,.. .8. Smith, pkotOgr.nPker, , Foenaught, & Co., marketfag C. 11. Horn, : • do J. M. Wagoner, George Russel, dry goods, Potor Garver, do E. Russel,' do '• DICKINSON TOWNSIIIP Samuel Wolf, dry, goods, • J. F. Lower, do Henry Warnoroarirketlnf, . , SOUTH BILDDLLITON A. M. Leldich, Webber k Durland, S. N. Diver, C. Harnman, Peter Clepper, confectionary, John Heckman, do C. noel", furniture, tleorge Geosaman, feed store, NONROE TOWNS] II P. Nolaley & Kaufman, dry goods, George Brindle do henry Spahr, produce store, Samuel ,Plank, do D. S. Devenney, drugs, UPPER ALLEN TOWNSHIP 3. 11. Gooweiler, flu goods, Jelin Swartz, merehalit tailor, Henry Kline. marketing, henry 11. Stouffer, do LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP A. Brom', dry goods, do icit, drugs, m, produce, P. Young, marketing, Wm. Broil, do (too. Brubaker, do James Davis, do L. Cr , C. Scl F. Le EAST pENNSBOROUGII TOWNSIIII, dry goods, do produce, Patterson & Myers, do TL Brooke & Son, do °myelin & Ruplin, grocery, John tilosener, do Longneeker, do J. Bollinger, do David Brown, marketing, D. Denlinger, 11. D. Musser & Bro., .1. Free HAMPDEN TOWNSHIP David P. Lightner, dry goods, Daniel Kopp, do E. W. & Wire, do D. Rupp, produce, John Templin, grocery, C. Templin, furniture, George K. Duey, marketing, SILVER SPRING TOWNSHIP Pr & Burkholder, dry goods, 14 A. Orris k 11,1m1,, 0. W. Leidig, W. 11. Eekles, 3. 11. Leidig, produce, F. Breekmacker, marketing 3. IS. Noss, dry goods, MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP. S%, I IIT, dry WEST PENNSIIOROVOII TOWNSIIII IL 13arkholder, dry goods, & .I. Weaver do inler & Sharnbang, produce, S. Carothers, in Withm, dealer, Sr., S. W. filler, A. M'Ciillougli Wolf d: Miller, J. W. Ilandshew, do James Bishop, marketing: Wm. Bishop, do Tinos. licss, do rotor Hess, du Jacob Rooters, do FICA NKFORD TOIVNSIIIP Alexander & Brother, dry goods, MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP orge Sandermm, dry g,,u4ls R'ngmu•r, groc,,Y, DISTILLERS AND BREWERS. Jacob Ciel.bart, CarliMe, Alexander, 0 David Black, W. !lender!4on & Son, " Ald, Snyder & Co., Newton twp. EATING HOUSES. Carlisle, Mrs. It. Pithey W. Walker, Joseph Gardner, Janice Spangler, Mr', Ellen Peters. T. J. White, IL .1. Grover, Mrs. E. Fry, J. Meloy, Mechanieslmrg, A. Ebner, East Pennshorough, twp. 8 John S. Bicker, Silver Spring t - wp. 8 Samuel R. Grove, Upper Allen twp. SALOONS. Carlisle, A. Gould, FL Donley, F. Aiehelo, Cieorge Weida, Samuel Brown, Win. Martin, Mrs. M. Colvin, Dam id OfII, L.lenhocher Mrs. C.'Noiser, John Sehmohl, Wm. C. Fimdom's, Mrs. J. Meloy, Mechanicsburg, 7 J. Orris, 7 Levi Antrum, 7 . , 11. It. Clever, Son thamplon twp. 7 .1. Shriner, Shlppenshurg, 7 W. It. Beaver, " 7 W. A. Shuster, " 7 C. A. lleuttaberger, Newton I op.' 7 18'. S. Dunlap, Newtl/11e, 7 James Shannon, South Middleton, 7 BILLIARD SALOONS 5. W. Early, Carlido, R. .1. Bell, Notice is hereby git en to all persons named its the abate list, that by an net of Assembly approved April Ilth, 1M32, County Treasurers are required to bring HMI and collect all licenses remaining unpaid on or before the first day of July next, and by other Acts of Assem bly, venders of vinons,bpiritoug, malt orbrewed liquors, are also liable to indictment in the Court of Quarter Sessions. Those interested are therefore requested to lift their licenses without delay and save the costs, &c. LEVI ZEIGLER, Treasurer of Cumberland County. May 3,1866-4 t QCI.IOOL Directors and Teachers, who kj have difficulty In obtaining Ellsworth's Copy Books, at a reasonable price are requested to remit di rectly to mo, at the rate of 80 ',per dozen, for as few or many as they requite and the books will be received, free by return mail. ESTATE NOTICE. Lettere of Administration on the Estate of John (N. ill, late of Middlesex Twp., Cumberland co., have this day been issued to the subscribers living in the same Twp. All persons having claims will present them and those indebted will make payment to MOSES GLATFELTER LYDIA GILL. May 4, 1866-6t*. Administrators. MOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that an election will be hold on Monday, the 14th day df May, 1866, at the Court Rouse, in Carlisle, between tho hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M. of said day to elect a President and five Managers of the Carlisle Gas and Water Company. GEO. WISE. Secretary. April 26, 1666-21. THE MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY Rebellion in the United States, EDITOR ON AMERICAN ANNUAL OYCLONEDIA Complete In one royal Bvo vol. of over 800 double-col umn pages, Illustrated with STEEL PLATE POR TRAITS of The late Proeident..l.,imooDa, .. • • Andrew Johnson, President of U. S. General Grant, General Sherman, Admiral Farragut, AND SUPERB CIIROMO-LITUOGRA - PIIS, printed In six colors, of BATTLE SCENES, _together with ONE HUNDRED MAPS and CHARTS, indisponsably requi site for Ruch a work. It contains an ELABORATE INDEX, enabling the, reader to rotor to auy battle, skirmish, or other loci, dent of the war. • . Tho work also contains nearly ono hundred pages of BIOORAPIIX OF DECEASED OFFICERS, commencing with the lamented CeL'ELLSWORTIL The Publishers:of this History do not hesitate Co say, that no book on the war will be found Fuller, More Re liable, or More _Beautifully Illustrated. it Is In fact a necessary desideratum for every one who desires to makable:melt familiar with the operations of ono of the most gigantic Wars that. Las, ever , occurred In the' world's history. It is printed on papor of oxcellent 'good, clear typo, elegantly and substantially bounden sir dif. feront styles, and furnished to subscribers at tha lowing rotas: ' In Extra Cloth , . ~.$5 00 •: In Library Leather ; 00 'ln Dal( Turkey Morocco; dark • is 50.' • •In Half Russia, extra gilt • • • = 'I 50 Full Morocco, antique, gilt edgeso 00 In Full Russia ' . ' . 000 Payable on delivery, • AGENTS WANTED,IO Whom'oiclusivo territory will bo given; some Of the beta, locations being still unoc. curled. ;Good Acute aro clearing 41100 per week. • p. APPLETON ACO., Publishers, , • : ,44.1 anti.l.ift,Broadway; Now.'York. April 21;1800-4t.. , • • , • 7 00 7 00 16 00 20 00 15 00 25 00 7 00 30 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 n _lO 14 14 yalualilcorown. Property. at:Wiva.te ; „• ‘: ; „ • , Sale. • - OT oouininiug ' 7s feiti froni on Louth-' or • street above, Pitt, by .240. fent in depth to IMekinson Alloy. Tho buildings are three good .' 20_00 7 00 7'oo 12 50 7 00 7:00 7 00 VI 12 14 IC, 14 • 14 14 . .... . _ . .1.; 1 11rE:LL IN Gt, HO U t S"H.S' . Prwo of which are orkilkitither Ft— and, ono on!. Dlcklu .eon Allciy. For torms ac.. Apply to • JA.qop, sr.riErt. April 0, 1866 QPECITAOLES, of all kinds nod prices,' to Rult, all ekes, et the now Jewohl• glop; tad :UAW Btq, 7 (10 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 wwALL , kinds ot4PwAry, 401inng,4o eat short notlpe. Acoordeons properly rapid* and ) , At 4 . 1 e now Jewelry fitors,yrig !,,*!dt. ME TOO 700 . LI t 11..' 12 12 50! 13 10 00, 10 • 11 14 , 14 14 14 PENN TOWNSUIP dry goods , do dry goods . do do NOTICE. J. W. ELLBWORTII, , Clinton Ilan, Astor Place, N. Y. City OF TUE BY W. J. SrE'RxEY, Sixth Edition. -. • For $4.1301.8. FARRELL & HERRING'S; g ood '1; 0. in'7ll,,R;;lTst 20 01 15 00 , 7.00 7:00 yOO 1 00 . DIVIDEND. OAELIBLE DEPOKT BANE, / ?lisp; 1 , , 1860. ADiiiddra . OV'tivik tiOrVelit free of , National and,Staio Tax, has ihia day.hoon de• stared tdr*,thhs Thi*lo! belip.hl xrist,t9Atte .BiNlilield, , SX s or tpeic l i sgal'ObresexitiitivescmieiX4t, lteen& • • P. ITASSLEIti • Mny 40.800-3 t," Cashier. 7 00 i 700 7'oo 7 00 7 00 MILJJER & BCIWEiRS, Suciessors to LEWIS F. LYNE. TABALEII.Bin t'ornign , and Domestic Frairdwinio of nyl kiriai, • PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES Ac. North Hanover St, nearly' opposite the Carlisle Bank. July 7, 1865. • r . 12 50 12 50 15 Q 0 70 00 7'oo 7 00 7 00 7 00 MEM 2 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 - WATCHES and' Jewelry repaired at y V , .the new Jewelry Storo. voLIN and Guitar Strings, Violin Bows, Scows, &e., at the now Jewelry Store, East Main St.' 12 50 g 00 7 00 g 00 QULIi Agency for. the sale of Morton's Gold Vorth Thp Amy Jowplry Storo, Enot Motu DM ljeliti"VoVo l s ° , Writing Desks, Baait Gammon Boards, Games of all description at Rev orstick's Drug, Fancy and Book Store. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 CONFECTIONARY I cREAM WORK, Stars, Tulips, Bon ons, A-lamodo, Cbocolatoo, Hands, Cocoanut and Walnut. Doc. 1.5, moo ' 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 OD 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, The people are going to Plank's. NEIGHBOR now we can afford t. keep ourselves and children in good Hoot-, :Moen, Hate and Cape, since they aro selling Ho very ) CHEA P 700 10 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 At the sales room of B. Plank. South \Yost Corner of North Ilanover St., and Locust Alloy. Plank, bas just returned from the East, and is now opening in addi tion to his loimer stock a largo assortment of Boots, Shoos, Eats and Caps, whirh for prim., and quality can not bu surpassed, indeed it is a blessing to the people that Plank has ripened a. 7 bo 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 and Shoo Stoic in Carlisle. The amount of money which can lie cared by buying at Plank's Boot AND SHOE Sim,' 0 ill Ice, p a profit ill pocket immey for a year. m can bcarrely name any kind of a Pool or Shoe that Plank lms not got. and all selling at greatly reduced prices.last go to Plank's cheap Boot and Shoe. .8 TORE 1.2 n 0 7 00 10 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 00 7 00 and see or yourselves, and you will find that half has not been told lint what has been told is true. Remem ber the stand South West Corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alloy. CA reLdsLl; Midway between Thudiutus and Weteels hotels April 27, 1860. THE CORMAN HOUSE.- P:AST HIGU STREET, CARLISLE, I'A J. T. IUPPEY, PROPRIETOR. The. subscriber has leased this commodious Hotel, end has fitted It up with dew furnltUre. Many im provements hare been made and it is now one of the moat. complete Hotel- outside of -Philadelphia. The travelling public are requested to call and prove for themselves the advantages which it offers. no Table will he supplied with every article. In sea son, and careful and attentivo,servants will be in at tendance. ' The Bar is furnished wl'h the best Liquors of ever) class, and patrons may rest assured that no Liquors will be offered which have been adulterated. Residents of the city, who seek the country dining the Summer months, trill find this Hotel a most desi rable place. Located in thebea ut Ifni Cumberland Val ley, mid-dist:lt ea between Carlisle Springs and Mount In t he most beautiful town of the State, with a society notedfor its refinement, taste and elegance, more inducements are offered than any other point it , the State can present. April 20, 1866-6 t. ti 00 25 00 25 00 20 00 25 00 American House, North Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that lie has taken the above well known house, formerly kept by .!r. Shriner, and intends sparing no exertions to accom modate all AT homy be pleased to give him a call. The house has been refitted and is In excellent order. Ile also introduced Anderson's Spring Bed Bottom to hi,: Bedsteads, so that his guests will have a good night's rest. Ills charges will be moderate. Attached to the house Is a large yard with excellent nod convehient stabling Carlisle, April 6,l66li—tan COACH MAKING. 11111 subscribers inform the public, that they have commenced the above business in the shop over Lill tQn's Livery, in Pitt St., and a few doors south of the Mansion House, where they are pre pared to manufacture - - - - EEI 11E1 BUGGIES, or, Germavtown IYcigons c{'-c• They are prepared to do all kinds of Repairing at the shortest notice. Raving employed the very best workmen, the public can rely on having their work done in the most fash ionable and substantial manner. By strict attention to business and a determination to please, tho subscribers hope• to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Carlisle, April 20, MG —2lOO Farmers Must Have It ! All Farmers must have the new HAR POON HAY FOltK, Known as Roger's Patent and manufactured by D. B. Rogers & Son, Pittsburg.— Many Fritters upon trial of this Fork finding it so easily and safely operated, and in all respect so fir superior to any they had boon using have thrown away the old ono and purchased a Harpoon Fork. It Is no humbug. Every Farmer wants ono after seeing it triad: They are made entirely of Iron and steel and are the strong est Fork made. They aro small, light and neat, mid take up less room than an ordinary hand pitch fork. A boy with the Harpoon Fork an handle as mneh hay with ease as several men. 'rho amount this Fork, can lilt will astonish any one who has never seen it operate It makes the farmer smile and Hay "the Harpoon Fork in the thing." Call and see it at our Foundry apd Ma chine shop, East Main Street, Cat lisle, Pa. F. OARDIOIL Ac Co. Carlitale, Slay 4. 1866-61. Ire - This Is a personal Invitation to the reader to examine my largo DMSOFt- DIODE of NEW BTYLES OF DREGS GOODS, selected with special care for the Spring Trade., REMEDIREII, TR/a IRATE. REMOVED Yi.oll ITturv - , OTTyr.ST• 1.042•21--mailv..3., STRUT, NEXT DOOR TO MILDER do Bow. ERE' DARDWARE MILE. • WM. A. MILV.S. REMOVAL The subscriber bogs leave to Inform his old custom ers and the publio, - generally, that ho has removed his SADDLE A•ND.EARLES*,,, establisliment to the building on South lianhver l street, Carlisle; nearly opposite itents's Stoke.' Ile Will; is heretbtro, keep constantly' on hand, of his own Make, ederything in his line; such as • ", , ::.:HARNESS, • • : • • COLLARS; • • : -!.5.;; .) C:• • All 'hia work In made lip under his' supervision, and he - therefore feels warranted in sayitig that for work manship and durability, it is unsurpassed. Thankful for' past Ihvors ho respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. WILLIAM CLEPPIIR. April 20, 1866-6 m.— WM. GOODYEAR, .Baketi At 'Schniobi's Old - Stand, .Ar l ea;i:door:tO egre t Oar ' '1 HE First quelity of Fresh Break , • PON, Diecul tuill'Ottlrea; eaiii to AnY'partitof town. Panilly Flair bribe 'barrel or 'retail: March 80 4.8813---3 m • ' • Letters of administration on the estate . . of Es r or Hamm, late of, Ewalt Go., Ohio, have been seed by tholtegister •to the undersigned residbag. , M, West Ponnsborough, Twp'.; of; Oumberland; Po.,_ Pa. All persons baring elaims will present theragend those indebted will make payment to nee° 4APESELI April 18,1800. AdMitilettliwral AT lIAVERSTIONS BOOT J. T. lIIPPEY LEWIS FABER ROCKAWAYS A. B. A N. MIMIC -.,:i a f F Ahead ' l6! ~ t • I , !i 'l . Still ; LEIDIGH MILLER • AV just opened' the Inigeet;'and . 14b ., .. , most complete stock of DRY GOODS, suitable for the present and coming Seasons, that has-ever been brought to the Borough of Carlisle, having been pur chased since the -.- - GREAT-D,E,c3LINE IN PRIC)IIS in all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, that has just taken place In the Eastern Cities, and every thing marked do,. n to iTS VALUE IN GOLD The stock consists In part of an endless variety of DRESS GOODS, SUITA.BLE FOR THE SEASON, Such as Slack and Colored Silica, of every variety grade, quality and style ; Mohair Poplins ; Chew Mohairs ; PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS; Plaid• and Striped Poil de Cheveres; shades of plain and figured MOHAIR ALPACAS ; VALENCIAS 'all grado of Shepperd's Plaids, ill 11)01 Mous (le Luines ; Printed de Laines and Milks, PRINTED PERCALES, BRI LLI A T SCOTCH GING HAMS, Chintzes, of all patterns ; &c GRAND DISPLAY OP DOMESTIC COODS. CALICOEB, from 121 cts. up BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, as low in price is 16 cts. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS. PILLOW CASE MUSLIN S, all widths. LINEN AND COTTON TABLE DAMASKS. Ticklugs, Checks, Crashes And Huck Dutch Towelinga, Napkins Dollies, Ginghams, Cotton Pants Stuffs, Linen Checks, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, &c., &c. MOURNING GOODS. Bombazines Latitise Oloths, ltops, Poplins, • Ingle and double Width do Laines. ALFA(' AS, u '' MORA IRS, SCOTUII G N 13 ANI S , Printed de Lalnes, Polka Spott Foulards, Crape Voile, Crape Collars, Handkerchiefs, Glnves, &c ipocial attention givon to the furnishing of ail kinds of 'Funeral Goods, of which wo arrays have a full sup ply• FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S, Such as OAMBRICS, J ACON NAIRSOORS, BRILLIANTS real French Swiss MUSLIMS, Striped,-Plaid, Swiss and Nainsook Muslim, suitable for Dross and Garibaldas, Bishop's Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Shirred, Tucked and Puffed Mullins, for °artirides, &c., rte. NOTIONS I NOTIONS !! JOUVI 'li celebrated Kid Gloves; a'l grades of Silk, Berlin, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves, for Ladles, Gents, Misses and Children t Linen Ilandkerchiele ; Silk handkerchiefs; Hosiery of all kinds; Needle worked Edgings; Laces, Cooped Skirts, Dalmorals, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, &c. MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR, Always a full stock of all descriptions of ()LOU:MOAB EKES, VESTING'S, &c. We will also have Gar ments made up at very shod notice by a first-class Fashionable Tailor. All the now designs of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS IN TU MARKET SPRING SHAWLS, BASQUES MAN- TLES HOUSE itrIk'NI9HISIG GOODS CARPETS ! CARPETS 11 of evsrydgiida and style in the market, comprising lIIIMP, LINEN, LISTING, 110 DIE MALE RAG, SUPERIOR 2•PLY, oftbo celebrated makes of Lowell afid nartfdrd Com REAL ENGLISH r.RUSSELS, &o, Yliair'oll 01004, Tutdo •010113114,' ;Eitak 011!Oloths, Mildew Shados and 1111nds, Matting Rugs and Matte. Please call, ono and all, and see for yourselves the advantage there Is In 'purchasing your Goods Where you cab buy them the cheapest, astbur motto Is al ways to make • •••• • • '.QUICK SALEi; AND SMALL ,PROFITEV', ! •• • • .. . . and tt . 0:' , lama time win donvince you that we are - never.iinderaeld. —We Alp ays_take.great pleasure In exhlbitlng_our Goods, feeling assured that. we have the mo , t complete stock oSppodp In the county; Feeling-under great "obligatiens to the eommunitY for their 'fork:kind and liberal patronage safer ex tended'to the'Firrtl, wealtrnestly and reepeetfully ask .alcAntinuairce ofthe-saine., ' .1114"'Eleaae ronlkeinbOr tioterner directly Opposite Irvlno's.B9 Steru, (Sign Of the 9arpet Ball) - 3 , i.LEIMOII MILILEIL-7 bfaroh 86,1866,, • , r =ME AMERICAN4 . 4G, L ANSI !) (Prom q.Godey's ;Ladies' .BoOV Rohruciry i , 1866.) '- -; i= , •„,, , , rPrIE :follbsiing remarks and• sugges -1 Mons relativeto this inamenselypopularinstru raent-, wlll donbtlesa Interest and profit very many of onr readers, we commend the article to their careful perusal:— ' A hundred and ono makers of Organs, Cottage., Par , 'present rl et e n i ; I t g rt d Tor, Cabinet, Atnerleam School Orgnno, etc etc., aro comparatively ar o eack Mali:Mee to make the 'best instrument in the no a a re Wt convinced t iL ed instrumentthepublic Much tote eatiable'of-judging of Its merits, or dern'erlts; than Of meet other that-cments.. -there is really an essential difference in them,lf there are - some excel lent and some worthless ones, the pnblic should have somderiterlon for judging of them, some facts which will enlighten them. We cheerfully concede the space for this article knowing that there In hardly a family, or ehurch, or school in all the land, but is mere or lees ' interested in t his topic. We are also aware of its be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity, to any of them tO,Purchase an interior or worthless Organ, ruinous to goad playing, and often a source of much annoyance and v,exatlon, We know this article to emanate from a Candid and Intelligent source, and thus we give nth our readers. The question is often asked, What aro .treed organs?" We adimer, they are, in most cases ' nothing in the warld - btft - theAtl Melodeon in disguise. Many of the so-called organs have the name bellows, the same reeds, and, tare same gen;,ral Internal arrangement. With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have simply put on a more' pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But an organ', to ho in reality an or gan, must haven wind chest or reservoir for air sepa rate from the bellows, Into which wind-chest the reeds open, and the tone has room to expand 'itid perfect it self into the full round tone, similar to the flute or pipe organ, oven, Smooth, firm, and mellow ; and this tone from teeth; cannot be obtained in any other way known. Nothing so annoys a true organist as to have the vol. ume Glutting welling and jerking spasmodically with ()Very variation of force on the bellows, which 10 always the cage where the reeds open direct Into the bellows or air passages, instead of a wind-chest or sound-box. And yet some makers even go so far as to claim this spasmodic or automatic jerking of the bellows on the reeds as an excellence, just as though they did not know that it Mast very soon throw the reeds out of tune, and injure the bellows; and as though ft were not an cooler matter to obtain a much better and mere easily managed swell by other methods, The truth is, any organ so called, or melodeonwhich hoe the wind acting directly upon the reeds, Is nothing more nor less than a. huge accordeon, dress It up an you may. And when organists and true musicians become awn, e of the fact that they can obtain those that are organs I In fact as' well as in none, they will tiny no more of the objectionable ones. Then again the Awe!l should al ways be separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to be acted on by the hand. or soft blowing, but convenient so that the player can use It with the knee, separate from the hands or feet, and thus always un der easy control, to be used ad libitum. The large divided bellows, or double bellows, to also a very important improvement. By this moans not only can the wind be supplied more evenly, but with far greater ease to the performer from the fact that either bellows alone will be sudrient for the lighter melodies, thus permitting the player to change about and rest the feet at will ; then, if the bellows Is of the requisite latge size, and having the wind client or reservoir all will be well. As to the reeds. they must be scientifically tuned .and voiced, or all the other good qualities in the world cannot produce it goad toned In. strument. The inquiry now very naturally arises, where can the organ be procured combining all these essential end desirable qualities ? There 1- only one possessing all these polots, and thatis the All irlit ICAN OHO AN, made by is I). & 11. W. Smlrit. of Oosti n, SIIIERIA OTT WlloloSale go nt, sµl Brae riwaV. Kew York. These organs have a wind-chest extending tire whole length of the iir•trUlitent :Ind F.O construct.] at to act at the so:00 time as a revel berating sound-I,oa or board, and having the same important rotation and part to perform that the sounding-board has to the plane. This feature the makers have patented, and to it are owing in a great measure the entirety une qualled fullness and rich, cos of term so highly prized by ell who have used these organs They also have the largest and best divided bellows in use, which Is another Important feature. No part of their work is slighted, no, expense or pains spared to make the A merican Organs perfect musically, as well as mechan ically, and. judging front the immense sale of them at present, they bid fair to long maintain the proud posi tion they have won by superior Merit alone We would-most heartily advise alljnterested to call upon or address lin. l-IBERIA OTT, the Wholesale Agent, at 581 Broadway, New York, and can assure them he will, in the most gentlemanly and truthful manner, impart to them all the information they may desire relative to this truly delightful instrument. , - The subscriber Is fully prepared lo furnish Shen, Music, Strings, Musical Instruments, and Music Book • of all kinds at the lowest thole rates. whOlesale and re tail, from the largest collections in Ibis country. Orders punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders Wholesale agency. The subscriber, late a member of this well known firm has established a wholesale agency, 581 Broadway, New York City, whore ho will be pleased to receive the orders of his friends and the public, and especially to hear from those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm hereto fore. Be will supply these superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Betail, at the very Lowest Prims, made with the insulated iron Itim and Frame (east in One solid plate). They excel all others in uu rabllity superiority or tone, and elega aCO of external ppen rat taco. All these Pianos have overstrung Scales, giving In connection with the patent Iron i lot and frame, Full Bound, Poweriul,and Sweet. Mellow Tones. 'rho Cases are (cogent In appoirance, and easily find safely hen. Bled. Warrantet to prove satisfactory. or the money returned. Address all orders to Makes home attractive, refiner', and_el crates the minds of all, beautiful in appearknee and effects, Tho immensenopubxett t ewers, i astbringingthem before eat eau•" .pubile — ,art the Instrutifent so long desired in A- Atli:MOAN ' 11051.103. And although the-cost price is but a trifle over the 'Melodeon, yet the musical advan tages, beauty of tone and anichness of touch and ac tion are so far superior, that they aro fast superceding the Melodeon and the call Is now almost eXclusiVely for the AMERICAN ORGANS It is adapted to any Music from the quickest and most lively, to the heavy tone of the Church Organ. And almost universally they are preferred to the Plano, by Persons who have them, yet costing less than half,and only taking a small amount of rem. Send for deSeriptivepiteulars giving full particulars and prices. Exclusive. Agencies secured to Dealers, and largo discounts, to the trade and' Teachers. Address all or SUPERIOR B.PLY, . . lEEE REED - ORGANS, ,&o MUSIC TEACHERS BEM lq' II SIBERIA OTT, SSI Broadway, N. Y BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO PIANO-FORTES, SIBERIA Orr, 681 Broadway New York S. D. & 11. W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS THE MOST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFIII MUSICAI, INSTRUMENT MEM 71CTOP_a_ilD, =ELM AMERICAN HOME CIRCLE AMERICAIy - ,OROAN SIBERIA OTT, 581 Broadwtiy, New York, WHOLESALE AGENT liIIIIOIIA OTT, Wholesale Agent, 681 Ilroadway, Now York March 30,1866-4 k AGENTS WAN TED rota oun NEW 'AND ., BEAUTIFUL WORK, THE PICTORIAL BOOK OF Anendoies and Incidents OF• THE REBELLION : .Her'oric, Patriotic, Political, I?oinantio and Tragical, SpleoMdly.lllllostratet *lth':Over 300 ' -- Ono Portraits & beautiful Engravings. • „. . ryHIS work for genial humor, teodoi - .- pithog;startlinglnterest and attractive beintyi . s qu da peerless and alone among alt its competitors. Tho 'Vali Marvellous, and Bravo Reacted, the Picturesque iihd Dramit 6, the Witty and the Tender 'and Patifell .• The Soli of Fame and Story, Camp,- Picket; Spy, Scent; Bivouac, and Siege; Startling Surpritieli i Wonderful Escapes. Famous Words' and: Deeds of Woman, and the whole Panorama of the War is hero thrillingly-and startlingly portrayed in a 'masterly manner, at mum historical and romantici rendering it - tnc t reest -ainple;.brilliantAind.leadabiO.Uolt_theitl o war haa called forth.- ''• ''' 10 - •!: - ~ j ,•• .. . ; '• Dleabled: officers: and' soldiers ;teachers, 'energetic' young 'nioh; and 'all in want of profitable btoployment.` will find this the best 'cltnee to motto Money ever yet - offered. Send ibr circulars and 1100 our terms. Address; ~ - NATIONAL PIIDLISIIINO' Co. . . No.' 807 Minor . Street, ~' t. 1- ,' ~•. -; • , , -... ,•1. , Ft4lB.oelphis, re. 441 'V01300.-Im* .' • • vow !Spring 90, : f lAAQ LIVINGSTON:, at hie whole. sale and Itetail Clothing Eitablisbment, on South, Hanover street, adijoinlig Miller .4 Bowers' Hardware Etore, announces the receipt of a full and Complete as• sortment of SPRING and Sum:Jaw GOODS, and seasonable BEADY MADE CLOTHING. Hie stock consists in part of fine Black and Bluo FRENCH and ENGLISH CLOTHS, .Extra Heavy Doeskin, Throo cut and fancy CAS•SIME.fES, Al. a largo variety of Classlnas and Tweod, Ken tucky Jeans, ns‘l • Cottonnades, •Linnua, and Linen Drillings, In great imrioty. Also a Arent risporttriplit. of ` ReEtdr Made Clothing, of every style Lind quality , White Linen and Woolen Shirts, Summer Drawers, &c., constantly on baud a large assortment pfl,Tles, Collars, hosiery and Gloves, Linen, Silkannil,Catton Handkerchiefs. Also a full. assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, of every size. , Clothing made to order and examine the stock , March 28, 1866, at the ahortest notice. Call Great Rush for Spring Goods. Next Door to the Post Office, Op-lisle, Po. THE subscriber baying taken the Store Room formerly occupied by WM. A. MILES, next door to the Poet Office, Carlisle Pa , can offer to the Public a Nownud Fresh supply of DR Y 00D S ; Consis'ing in part of CIIALLI IS, 11IUSLINS, DELAINES, ALPACAS, LAWNS, and CALICOES, Of all Qualities and Choicest Styles, which will be sold at pikes to defy competition. Furnishing Goods of all kinds, !minding Linen anal Cotton linndkordhiefs, Also a Splendid Assortment of RIBBONS, LAOB, kc. My stock of White Goods cannot be surpassed, and Customers may rely upon always getting. IMOD GOODS at the lowest possible prices. Gentlemen will find It to their advantage to call and examine my stock of CROTHS, CASSIMERES AND VEST INGS, ALSO HATS, OAPS. BOOTS and SHOES of all Qualities and Styles. All the abovo Goods will be displayed to the citizens of this place and vicinity on Satin day, April ith, and all aro cordially invited to purchase, as my motto Is Quick sales and Small profits. PETER. BOBLITZ. April 13, 18611. PPOSITE LEE'S -WAREHOUSE Premium for .Best .16(rniture awarded County Fairs since 1857.] Furniture of all varieties and Styles of Foreign and Domenic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced maple and pine. Parlor. Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and 0 the e Embracing every article used by flouso and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, itc., VS_Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and coutitry, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. March 21, 1864 HENRY HARPER, r,20 ARCH STREE'I 131=1 WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, SOLID SILVEII, WARE and tinperi, , r Silver Plated Ware, at re duced prim•+ March 21 18116-3 m CARPETINGS,-NFW STYLES! irrOtY CHEAP I J. T. DELACROIX, No. 37 South SECOND St „Philad'a. Has just received per late arrivals— John Crossley & Sons Tapestry Brussels, ELEGANT PATTERNS! Three Ply and Ingrain Carpets, Damask and Venetian Star Carpets, Cottage, lAA and Itag Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Rugs. NWlndovr Shades, Mattlug, ,te..—FOR SALE at the LOWEST PRICES. and quality gue.ranteed. J. '1 • . DELACIIOI X, :17 S SECOND Street, above Chestnut. PIIILAIPA. March 23, 1.566-3 m. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC €o4s4,3rroatliials. FIRST CLASS GOODS ONE INVARIABLE CASH PRICE AN INMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Styles. 11:11:1 g American and Eu pean DIANUFAOTO E, At Reduced rices On Account of the decline in J. F. & E. B. ORNE, ,C)4L CH.ESTNUT - STRVET, 'PHILADELPHIA,. ivow opr 6 rliaT SPRING .STO Imported and Domestic CARPETING, French and English Axminister, MugUskt. Maya 6-4 and 9-4 Velvets, Fino English Brussels Crossley's Tapestries, Imperial Three-Ply Carpet, Fine Ingrain Carpet. ENGLISH BRUSSELS -.AND ROYAL WILTON CARPETS, FOR STAIRS AND ITH BORDERS. 3=4, 4-4, 5-4, 6.4 White Rad•Chooked and Fancy. Matting, Coco Mattings, IiNGLISH OIL CLOTHS, Sw March 23.-3 in General . . Insurance Agency,. THE .unilerpinpd i_tagtiht :fol. - 311e ,Lowing, Ufa unioce COppaTkies. 'Mutual Lifa In'surnneo Company, Now Yong', Arctic • ." " • • Manhattanl" • ' EaterPriso " " Philadelphia. 'Particular attentloroglvon to Pergatual .Initsrance. Pates as ion' as consistent with sccurlty., Office with. o.'P.Llitumrich,'Esq.,. In Marlon' Hall' Building, Main steed, Carlislo: • , ,• . SAMITIM 8,.11UM11.1011, Oen`l..Agont. • D00. , 22, - 1805--Om qip .„•,-,: : • , , Mint, Chocollife, Cream, Lanioii, Orange, Irma Rosa and 'Mom" . : ._' _ • Duo. 15,1800. • 4?Clt-OANDY, Seorotif • otnirnOn ." < 4 po. 16, 1.805, I,IAVSZ4TIQHI3. . 4 Read! Read! Read! W. C. SAWYER, K L NOWN *as' the Firm of Bast Main St., twe doors below Baxton'o Hard Were tore.) Haveiust reFelvdd from NE W YORK and PHILADELPHIA ISAAC LIVINGSTON Importing, Jobbing and Auction Houses, of all hinds of Seasonable Goode bought at the Now is the Time to get Bargains in Dress Goods. Domestics and House Furnishing Goods. Slike In all their varieties, Striped, barrod and plain POPLINS, and 6-4 Wool DeMince, Shepherd° Plaids, Mohair°, Linter°, French and American DoMines. given to Mourning and Funeral Goode, BOMBAZINES Spring Mantles, Basques and Sacks, SPRING SHAWLS, NEWEST STYLES, Spring Balmorels and latest improved OALI001:S, A. B. 11 5000 yards of Calicoes, light dark, medium and black from 1.2 i cents up. 3000 yards Bleached and Brown Shirtings, STUDY YOUR OWN IN- Buy your Cloths, Casslmors and furnishing goods from W. U. Sawyer b. Co., who have always on hand a large and choice Stock of Fronds, German and Ameri can CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, and VEST IN GS, ilave Goods rands up to the City Styles BOYS WEAR OF EVERY VARIE House Keepers Make a Note of this W. 0. Sawyer, & Co. K eup the largest and and hes selected . J I 4 I YgRBT/ 0 " zL!! , 71,1 JNO. A. DUKE, JNO. N.. EURKHOLDER, W. C. Sawyer, & Co., AN IMMENSE STOCK Late Panic Prices for Cash All Colors of Alpacas SPECIAL ATTENTION TAM IS E GLOTTIS, PURE ALPACAS, CRALLIS MARTZE, MOURNING SILKS, &c., &C ' NEW SHADES OF SACKING CLOTHS, Hoop Skirts 111t181 INS, SHEETINOS, GINGHAMS, PICKINGS, Crash "Selling al dntash up Prices." 600 yards of Ginghams, best makes TERESTS. FM STOCK OF CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS, Shades, Blind Materials, Looking Glasses, CARPET CHAIR, 12.1TY(3 - s 4!zo. IN THE VALLEY, 6000 yards of Carpet, all kinds and prices Imported, Figured and Striped ; 000 yards very Superior lime made Rag ; 600 Linen and Hemp ; 8-4, 6.4, 5-4 and 4-4 Oil Clothe, We make this department a Special Interest in our trade. All persons in want of house furnishing goods are'cill-beferabuying, we take pleasure in showing our goods, GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE, W. C. Saw yor,dr, Co., aro Bonito( all Muth' of whtto goods, Cambri', Nainsoolcs, Embroideries, Linens' Towallings, Ilosiery, Handkerchiefs, YANKEE NOTIONS, of ovary.description at, "ifitEAK DOWN PRICES." A fine assortment of Kid Woven' REAP,I,:-?9/1'1?:g13. and, DETERMINE . to buy from W. C. Bileyer,..3r Co., your table Linens Brandi, English and American Counterpains, Wool, Table lee re, ie.:wade, Parasols and Sun Um brellas, ssi~-lA.KERISi, en . id a iliauilanif ottiornitleloi not mentioned, ' , / , ''' . . , l'Otin'' ,.. svioTl‘,o, - is BO Goods for OA 5.71 A 4' GOLD • . . Bal.l tbenfoheaPer and faster than' IttlYotiter house.-la- Town; W.O. Et/layer, & Co., bo making 'additions :of the newest and most destrabll importations as the seitackt 'Wanness. '1; t _TI ankful for past support, , sve are determined by at Afttion.inifflerika epptinganea..9l tame ; Every . body Masked to tin at:Tf.f; see our g 1 )PIGIT flitztkol?' B ,Stoi o; East MAW St., . . DlArch 2.3, :1800.! Oltiok AND . JEWELRY 'STORE. .:11011 LIEYSINGER, respectftilly., an • pounces to the citizens of Carlisitiand-the surrounding. country, that he has opened an entire new stock of %Vetches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac., cone Whig In part of Gold and Silver, American, English anthi Swiss Watches, Ladles Gold Watches and Lhalos, Fine Jewelry in sets, Finger and Ear Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Am, Gold Pens of Morton's celebrated manufacture at his published rates, Silver and Plated Ware, Castom, Fruit Basketh, Forks, Spoons, Ac.; Clocks In every vatic,. ty and of all prices. Spectacles in Gold, Sliver, Steel and Plated Frames, to suit all ages. Accordions, Milos and Violin Strings, .1:e. To which he Invites the at tention of the people, hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage. lt'om in East Main At., near ElflitOlfli hardware Store. All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Accerdeons, &c., neatly and substantially repaired and warranted. %York done promptly. May 4, 1866. WOW EittC:ol . o. THE subscriber hereby Worms his old customers and the public generally, that he has REMOVED his Family Grocers , PROSE Pitt Street TO the corner of Pomfret and Pitt Streets, in thp building known as ' " CART'S CORNER, which has just been thoroughly repaired and refitted expressly tor his business. My stock consists of a first class assortment of GUIOCE cans, Willow, Wooden and Queensware, comprising Avery thlug In my line of trade. I am in constant communication with the eastern cities, and will ho in daily i eceipt of the NEWEST and FRESH EST GROCERIES the foreign Inerkets afford. Don't forget the placo—Cart's Old Corner Carlisle, Maich 30, 1866. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES Greenfield & Sheafer aro now opening a large' supply of Dry Goods for tb. SPRING TRADE, Just received from the Eastern Cities, comprising MUSLINS, 123. cts. per yard and upwards. STANDARD MUSLINS, best quality, 80 cts. per yard. PRINTS, 16 and 18 cis. per yard. BEST AMERICAN PRINTS, 20 cis. LANCASTER GINGHAMS, 80 eta. NEW STYLES SPRING DELAINES, 26 cts. KENTUCKY JEANS, DENIMS, HICKORY STRIPES, TICKINGS, CHECKS, • rekt variety and at like reasonable rates. A 4 4. . goods having been purchased since the late DECLINE IN PRICE,S, we are glad to be able to offer thorn to the public at these remarkably low figures Our Store is en East Main St., second door from the Public Square. April 6,1866 I Challenge Competition ! IN the way of variety, eleg•ince of style, quality and cheapness of my stock of Dry Goods.— r.specially would 1 call attention to ro) largo assort ment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I selected with special rare in the Philadelphia and New Yolk markets a feu dove Lino,. Also, my three gbre oblong combination HOOP SKIRT, decidedly the moat improved pattern of the age, giving the wearer the most artistic form. Likewise. a variety of W hite Goods, such as Plain. Plaid and Striped Catubries, Plain, Plaid and Striped N•insooks, Swiss Mull, Liohep and Victoria Lawns, Brilliants, Linen Handkerchiefs, &c., Le. 'Cottonades, Blue and Gold Dunk, tiingbams, Denims, Kentucky Jeans, Shirting, Stripes, Orals Cambrics, Tic •lags, " Blue CaMbries, Checks, " Blue Nankeens, Diapers, " Brown Nankeens, Lancaster Ginghams, &c., &e. April 20, 2866. STRIPES, CHECKS, ALL TO BE HAD Al, WM. sro4E, NORTH HA NC VER STREET, NEXT DOOR TO DR. KIEFER'S AND LE. ZATZER'S The noted "Dry Good" Store in South Hanover Street. THE most attractive place in Carlisle Is at A. W. Bontz'e great, " MERCANTILE EMPORIUM" whore can be purchased the best, handsomest, and cheapest goods In the Country. We have Just replen ished our stock with a large invoice of the choicest goods the Market. and will continue to renew the supply daily. or as necessity requires. It would be impossible to enumerate all the articles in our extensive line of business. We have now a fine assortment of Ladies Spring Dress Goods. POPLINS PLAIN AND PLAID, CII A ',LIES OF BEA'rl FUL PATTERNS SC., PRINTS AND ALL KIN DS OF DOMESTIC GOODS. A variery of Gentleman and Boys wear. An Cater, sive stock of, TABLE, STAIR AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, OIL SHADES. Blind Materials and Carpet Chains. " Hopkins" Superior Skirts all lengths and widths. We shall be happy to have all cull and exan lee cur " new stock." a- we feel confident that our selection will please all tastes. Carlisle, April 11th 1860. Great Bargains • at Auction 1 T will offer to the citizens of Carlisle 1 and vicinity a superior lot of Dry Goods, Notions & Clothing, consisting In part of LADIES' DRESS 'GOODS, Alpaca t,ustres, (plain and fancy.) Deini-Itobairs. hams, Cloakings. (troche Shoals, etc., Ac. MUSLINS, Twilled Linen Drilling (extra heavy), Towelling. Cassimere Shirting, Ac. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cessimeres, Tweeds, Gents Fancy Caaslmere Spirting, Ac. Ladies and Gentlemen's hosiery, in great variety liandkeschiefs, White and Fancy Shirts, Stispm dere, Patent and Sp , ol Threads, Umbrellas and Parasola, la great variety. Spring Overcoats, Fine Linen India Rubber Over coats, (sum:tins waterproof,) Sack Coats, Frock Coats, Pantaloons, Ac., Ac. Auction commencing on Saturday next (21st April) and Wednesday fbilowing, at 0 o'clock, A. 11.. And con ttnulug'.durlng the above days to each week, and every evening at 7 o'clock, until the whole stock is disposed of. Persons desirous of puthbasing at private sale dur ing the day can do so at an advantage of 60 per cent. cheaper than can be obtained at the regular stores. My stock Is In the Store-Room of J. IV. EDT. Main Street. PicOARTNEY, Auctioneer. Carlisle, April 20, 1860-3 t. TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT 1 New Firm ! New Store! 1 New Goods! ! 1 THE undersigned having taken the Store Room, In Main St , recently occupied by John D. oOrgas,imxt door to "Merlon would re spectfully invite the attention of the people of Carlisle and vicinity to my largo, varied and weal ealectedt3Wck of Dry Obods. consisting in part, of MIISLINS,, CALICOES, • 'DELAINES, _GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, &c, . 4 at greatly reduced prices, in comequence of the late heavy decline In Goods in the Eastern Cities, and as my goods are all new,Tcan and will sell at .actin sh ingly low rates. I have also a choice selection of Ladles' Dress Goode, MERINOES, ALPACAS, ig ()HAIR, delaines, Lusters, Poplins, allioa tine assort ment el:Gentlemen's Wear, such as, • CLOTHS, • CASSIMERES, , • • " SATTINETTS, • JEANS, • • COTTONADES &0., we take groat pleasure In Showing goods and would be pleased to have the Ladies call and examine our New Goods, which we are determined to sell at great' bar- . gains.. Wefoel satisfied that we can offer greater in dem:ciente' to purchas-re than any similar Establish ment inithie vicinity, remember the piacd at Gorges' old tin Store, next door, to - S. O. DROWN. March 10,48136. - ' • • . - • 77 - HOWE SEQATO I TOBACCO, :AT RALSTON'S. • • pEfftELIDERTY: WHITE;LEAD, .preierrodby all inactinii Painters I 'Try It I you-trill have no other.. 'Manufactured only by • ' . ••• • • ZEIGLER Wholesale Drug, Paint ft Glass Dealers, No, IST North Third EltricetiPßll,ALPA, Jii.22 /806.;-17. -• • • - 1111 ME JOHN F. STEEL GREENFIELD & SHEAVES. A. W. BENTZ EMI= El