TER IYk . s. 3 s One Square on° insertion, l'Or each, anbiequent insertion; For MerCantile Adrortiseinents, Lugall.loticee , ProfeislOual'Oarda without Pam, Ohltuary Notices Ootdrinunica • Minx rel -Ong to thattat sof pri• veto Intorests talotte,:l9'contA per 'lino. •-• CI 3011 Job. Printing (Mice le the irgest. and mostCiimplaiit establishment In the :nito*.y„ Fair iodd'Presses, and a gonoral variety of liatorial Suited fOr plain and /Panay work of every onable L a us to do Job Printing at the shortest nation, and on tho most reasonable terms. Persons In want,ot 81110, Blanks, or anything in tho Jobbing line, will tad it to thoir interest to give us a call. • WM. B. PARKER, Attorney at Law. Unice with Watts & Parker, Carllia°, April 20, 1860.-ly* G. M. BELTZHOOVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Real Estate Agont, SlaTherdstown, Wont, ArZ-Prompt attention given to all business in jelTer. son County and the Countics aJjoining it. January 10, 1806.-1 y. WF. SADLER, Attorney at Law, • Carlisle Pa. (Mee In Volunteer Building, South Ile:lover Street. HERMAN, Attorney at Law, o Carlisle, Pa. Noxt door to the Herald °Mee. — July 1, 1864-Iy. TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attoragy at i t Law, Carlisle, In. Office ou the south side of tho Court nous°, adjoining ti, "American Printing (Mike." July 1, 15134-Iy. - 10SEPI-1 RiTNMR, Jr., Attorney at ty Law nod Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on Rail Road Street, two doors north of the Ralik. till,,llusiness promptly attended tn. July 1, 0804. JNO. C GRAHAM, Am)rney Law, Carlisle, Pa. Office formerly occupied by Jud to Graham, South ll:mover street. September d o 1865. P. II U ERICII, Attorney. at Law A, j • °Mee on Main otreet; in Marion hail, three donrx east of the First National Bank. All business entrusted to him will he promptly attended to. July 1, 186.4. 1 4 1 E. BELTZI3OOVEIL, Attorney .St Law Office in South Ilanovor street, opposite Bentz's dry good store Carlisle, Pa. September 9, 1864. M. WEAKLEY, Attorney at Law, eff • () rueo ou south Hanover street, adjoiniug the ofliec ofJudge Graham. All professional busine, am trusted to him will ho promptly attended to. July 1, 186.1. IAj\IIJEL H li:!•BURN, Jr., Attorney at Law. 0111r0 with lion :tinti4.l linplonn, Main St. Carlisle Pa, July 1, 1804. AW CARD.--CLIAWLES E. MA -4 ' GLAUWILIN, Attorney at haw, Ofllue In I nhoirs builOng, just oppositA. the Market (louse. July 1, 1.1364-Iy. DR. WIYI. 11. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accouehuur 0"F ICI, at his residence etreet, adjoining the Method,h4 Church July 1, 110(1 Physician & Accouchour. 61-llt. LOUIS P. GRIFFIN, (forwerly J of New,, York,) haying permanently located at artiste, solicits the liberal Patronage of the citizens of this place, and surroundings. Pal titular attention paid to diseases of •• Women and Children.' Office at Mansion House, Room. April (3, I tilia—fou.,, T - A R. ( E E 8. 8E A - "MGM, Don tint, from the Haiti ore Collage of Dental Surgory. o.ll.offiee at the reside., of his mother, Eat Louthor street, three doors helow Bedford. July 1, 1864. (I'l , EO. W. NEIDICII, D. D. S.- Lat.° Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of 0.. zkvor 11;tItinur College of ""beir 'aitea. l . - ,MnrrY„ - due,„l, opposite Marion Mall, West Main street, Carlisle, l'a. July t, 1854. Dr. I. C. LOOMIS Num', et Street few doors l5 lPi below South [(mum, ,t Jnl3 1, 1861 DENTIST G BRETZ, M. 9; . D. D. Z. respectfully offers his profeesitual services to the citizens of Carib& and its vicinity. Mice North Pitt street. Carlisle, January 5,1865--3 re CARLISLE FEMALE COL LEGE Rev. T. Daugherty, Prost(lout. FOR BOARDING S DA 1" SCHOLARS. r HIS Seminary' which includes the school lately under the charge of :11 iss. Mary Mt nor, will be open under the direction of Rec. T. Wiwi, erty, as President, with a full corps Of able insdructors, so as to give to the young at thorou h education in English and Classical studies in the French and Ger man languages, in Music, Painting, and other or nu mental branches. Especial care will Le given to hoarders in the lainily of the President. . . A primary department for the youngei scholars Nvlll be had In connection with the collegiate department. Thu session will open On Wednesday, September oth. In the four elegant School rooms designed for that pur pose and attached to the itmory Church. For terms apply to the President ug.lB, 180. " MRS. R. A. SMITH'S Photographs, Ambrotypes, lvorytypes Beautiful Albums ! Beautiful Frames ! Albums for Ladies and Gentlemen, Albums for Misses, and for Children, Pocket Albums for Soldiers and Civilians! Choicest Albums I Prettiest Albums Cheapest Albums! FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS I Fresh lint" Now from Now York and Philadelphia Markets. IF you want satisfactory Pictures and polite attention call at Mrs. It. A. Smith's Photo graphic Gallery, South East Corner of Hanover Street and Market Square, opposite the Court House and Post Office, Carlisle, Pa. Mrs: It. A. Smith well known as Mrs. E. A. Reynolds, and so well known as a Duguerrean Artist, gives per sonal attention to [radios and Gentininen visiting her Gallery, and having the best of Artists and polite at tendants can sandy promise that in no other Gallery can those who favor her with a call got pictures supo i for to hors, not even in New York or Philadelphia, or meet with mars kind and prompt attention. Ambrotypes inserted In Rings, Lockets, Breast l'ius, &o. Perfect copies of pnguerrotypos and Ambrotypes made of deceaseVieuds. Where copies era defaced, lite-like picture , ay still be had, either for frames or for cards. :All negatives preserved one year and orders by mall or othonvlsopromptly attended to. December 23, 1.804.—tf SOMETIHNG NEW. Porcelain Picture or OPAL-TYPE. , - r HIS beautiful Picture is now made at it -, Lochman Gallery, In Dr. Neff's Building, owl s to the .First National Bank, with such perfection and style, tone and finishthat it cannot help iit.„ please every one, The purcelain imparts a 'most clear and charming complexion to the picture. . All other styles of . • PYIO T 00R,Apris, • of all sizOs, CARD PICTURES and AMBROTYPES, aro mado In tbo most perfect M111:11)0F. A large varie ty of Frames and Fassapartouts, Cases, Albums are On band and will,he sold cheap. Copying 4ono - ni the best manner. Tho public Is re spectfully Invited to examine specimens. ' The First Premium has been alvardod by lato county Fair to C. L. Lochman, for The Best Photographs Feb. 9,1896 • • • COAL AND LUMBER'. HAVIIVG as , coaftted with A L I,4,qa' tin 0. F i red. ana lihrom In b li n e ol e nrssat I t ' l ' tO nb old G ' 0&In • , Stand or Delaney and ti t y , Blair, whore we will keep the best'and ,'• ' CLEANEBT,COAL, In tho Market, and perfectly dry. Itept tinder 'cover. will do well to try us'; ns wo aro doter. mined to sell cleaner coal; and'at as low prices as any other yard In the town. , Try us,tind be convinced. We hays Min on hand . . ' ALL :KINDS - OF . usually kept a arst claw; Ltunbor yard ivhich we wlll'sell as low, or lower than the lowest • Jan. 12,1868, „ //MANDY d: 811D0141. . IroPRN tiiwii s urlyll,lTE LEAD,— 'The Whlteet,' thO most Al:{70310 and tho p}ol4 • ceopotdcal; • Try 1t..1 'Mahufeeturvel only.by • • . • ~Whoheenle Dios, POhit ge Glum; Dar ;;; '- N 0.131 North Third ht., 41cPY:P; POLORS, 1 I .RALBTON . 'I3., „nulSr.l.{ • • t :-Ir • lapET , musio , aliv — a - iii. 4:iri;lia' iiiratt . l 1 . ~.. ::..... . f . 't-r5,,,1t,10t , •• , , ,", i ,' ~T A. , ....,C P MeY6 0 ' • IifiiIIBBILT 44. 1 1i0 i g/ .„ ...,. , $1 OD 60 25 00 4 OD 7 OD VOL. 65. A. K. RHEElM,,Pu.blisher JNO. D. GORGAS, DESIRES to return his sinedre tbanics to all his old and now friends, many of Whom have been his pa trons for the more than Thirty Years he has been business in Carlisle. Sensible of former obligations, he asks a continuance of their custom. F I TZ' If you want the very best Cooking Steve at the lowest price, come to me. All lwured for six months or long er. I have nothing on hand hut the hest bakers ' and Warrant them to ho such, for I keep none nth, r. Como and see the groat variety. I ran give hundreds of testimonials if desk ed. COMIC ana SEE, ❑ly Parlor and Mee Stoves for mood or coal HEATERS AND RANGES, Stationary and,Portable rIC9EW of kinds in great variety, made from the very best tln-plate. All you need incur line can he had from me at a sari ng of 20 per cent: at my Store and Wale Rooms, In roar of the Court House, nud you will save' money in your purchases. It will fully pay you to come. Tin Roofing and Spouting done at short notice 71farelt 23, 1866--Iv. .101 IN D. 00110 STOVE.!..', TINWARE, &c. The un derMguod having made an excursion to the East ern Cities, to lay in a stock of manufactured articles, and material for the manufacture of oil kinds of ware kept In a first class Stove, Tin and Sheet-iron estab lishment, are prepared to prove to the citizens of Car lisle and vicinity, that they are determined to sell goods at prices which defy competition. Their stock of Te YE AND ENAMELED. - PARE Is the best that Philadelphia and New York can pro duce. Their stock of stoves consists in part of the fol lowing named Cook's (Inventor Penn, Prairie Flower, and the Barley Sly of, with all varieties of Parlor, Bcd.room and Office Stoves, of the neatest pattern, and best quality. The Om - In-- nor Penn, which they guarantee to give entire Batts faction In every respect, with rapacity to prepare the co Iced or baked fare of any f !wily with less consump tion of fuel than any other stove, they will warrant for six months. They manufacture Zimmerman's St. no Cook Kettle, in to latch all kinds of vegetables ran be cooked at the same HIM', without the one fla voring the other. Best of references given. They have purchasiol for cash, and therefore have the prices of their goods reduced to a very low figure, feeling confident that "large sal, s and small profits: Is the hest policy. They call at tent ion to their large stock of Tin, dheet-iron, anti ENAMELED WARM . , ^onsisting of Buckets, Ba sons, War•h-bollers. Wgsh dishes Lard Cans, Coal Scuttles, kc., guaranteeing to all who allay purchase of thew a saving of at Ii not in l'itt TWO DOLLARS out of every ten expended. Heaters, Ii itch en Ranges and Furnaces set in on short neti,. Rooting and Spouting done in the best to:lnter and on reasonable terms. Old stoves taken in exchange for new ones. (live us a roll. North Hanover street, between Wet zel's and Thudium's Hotels. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally be stoiyed upon them, they solicit a continuante of the Feb. 9,19 - 3m. STOP AND LOOK IN. AT W. Fridley's 'rimier Shop, East Louther St., Sign of the Red Coffee Pot where you can see the Finest, Cheapest, and Best COOKING STOVES. Ever offered In Carlh,le he has on blind the latest ;worts( Pnterns' such as the colebratett Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Sides, Pt trie Flower, And Continental, Itod Room and t Miro Stoves of the latest Patterns and best quality. Tho above Cook Stoves are all warrant ed to givo entire satisfaction. Roofing, Spouting, Heat- Mork, and all 'lto and Sheet Iron work done in the neatest manner and at short not too, all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron ware constantly on hand fur house fur nishing. FRUIT CANS and JARS Twil of the beat es er offered to the public. Fs idley and Gornman's Self-Sealing and Self Testing Cans and Jars also, Fisher's Patent, the above Cans and Jars ran. not be surpassed in any market. Thankful for tlau Liberal Patronage heretofore ex tended he hopes by sti iet attention to business and a desire to please all to merit a continual., of the some. March 23, 1866-Iy. CIINAP CASH GROCHRY AND PROVISION STORM ! Groat Excitement on the Corner of Pitt and Loather Streets, opposite the German Reformed Church, Carlisle, Ps. The'Suloeriber begs leave to inform his friends and Ow public, that he has just returned how the Eastern eitles, with CI fu:l and choice aesortment of C) It C) C I', It 1 17, S Ile will keep constantly on hand an extensive and general assortment of Coln; s of all kinds, Brown Sugar; Crushed Sugar, Pulverized Sugar, Rice, Tallow Candles, Star do Starch, Teas of all kinds, Salt by the Sack, Buckets and Tubs, Wash Boards, Brooms, Bed Cords, New Orleans Molausesaish—all kinds. Pep per, Spice, Soda, Cream Tar tar, Best Indigo, Cln na mou, Cloves, ➢latches Mustard. Blacking, Twist Tobacco, Navy, Spun, Natural Leaf, Tobacco, Smoking, Killikinick, Fine Cut, Candles, Raisins, Can Peaches, Crackers, Essence of Coffee, Dandelion, Cheese, licnony, Beans Cigars of all kinds, Nuts—all kinds, - dm, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, and everything oleo that is kept in a grocery store. I Invite the public to call and examine my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I sin determin ed to sell at vary small profits. Tho highest prices paid for all kinds olCountry Pro duce . JACOB BENER. April 6,1666-6 m Newville Stoneware Works. 111E' subscriber is now prepared to de liver to Merchants, the largest assortment of Stoneware, Rockingham Were, kc., ever offered In Cum berland Valley. Ills stock consists In part of STONE ll' .4 R B Cream Crocks, Iluttd? Pots, Afllk Tune, Spittoons, Pitchers, Jugs, Fruit Jars, dm. ROCKINGHAM & YELLOW, Spittoons, Pitchers, Nappies, Bakets, Ple Plates, b.e Glass Flasks, 1, tlit Bottles n u d Patent Fruit Jars Stone Water Fountains Churns, Water Pipe, Drain Tile, , furnished when ordered. In facilitioa for manufacturing, quality of wares mad prices;latf would 4ofy competition:- Por-t•ried MA.; J.. Address.`' • ' SAMUEL I. IRVINE,' April 13, 18011-13 m. Now ylllo. Lumber ! LUmber ! T the huneannon Union Lunibor - - Allll, 4 Niles north cat of Sfurrott's Clap, 4% rid 4, es west of Duncannon, 1 folio south of Billow's Bridge, near (Dior point. 100,000 ft, Yellow Bine flooring, dry. 50,000 ft. Scantling,both Oak and Pine, all,sizes. 40,000 ft. 2 Inch Born flooring, Yellow 'Pine, 10 to 18 foot, dry. , . ~. ' • , 25,000 ft PA In Yellow Pine Boards, Dry. A largo lot of Weatherboarding.,, A largo; lot of Oak Boards. ' A largo lot Sealing Laths, A largo lot of While Pine Bhinglos. , Poplar Boards,,Plank and Scantling., , Oak Boarder, Scantling and Plank. ' , • Sawed Oak pbst and fencing boarde. -f ' , Chostriut rape autheord wood, $ 1„40 per , cord. , The above wo, have always on hand, and aro propirod to saw all landa of bills to order, Michas Machine and Car taziabor, Wagon Maker Lurnber, , we' can paw 47 ft. in length, and: aro so fixed that.we. can 611; orders In the very shortest notice, at any tine also so paopared to deliver 'Lumber at any pOlnt"Dy ralbread, or, by Please give 'us a call before purchasing elsowhere, we are gelling at low prices. ' . ‘ • : • . . ' •. , HOLUM, LATIMER A 1108110IIR, ' Duncannon, Perry Co, l'a. Apr11.20:1865-73nt* Geo. W. Cros,scup ' • • . . • , • •:,.' DESIGNING AND • —• W i 'Engrave! on 'OO . - ' • 702 Chestnut 13t , ; Philadelphla Pa Fornby's Press Bantling. • f VlOl4ll oi' CMOs ' BUildingk,-MaehlherY,• Portions,' Tinted nuvelOpes,Bill Reads,' Bookillustrationiq 'Designs for; -liruggists, Dry. Goads, Liquor, gabseco; Flour, PerfOiatiry anll alLkinds of iiihna. , Partioultie intention' gLien to - Machinory and dolor •- • „ • • Marenb i; ' -" ' ' it;to aridLitikehasei' thpir Eedialriolat • 1 4ALBTOWEI, . • ,:..) 72.14. PM ME • ' c . . :• ' ••• • r , 01 10 P-p-— -— 1"'116 : , I : =I ) ' CALL E=IM gprinkhanL =1 PROGRESSIVE AGRICULTURE NUMBER ONE W hen. the careful, observant, and intelli gent agriculturist sees any particular district in which .vegetation naturally thrives or dwindles, it becomes a matter of vital im portance with him to ascertain the cause of such fertility or sterility. With a knowledge of agricultural chemis try, or chemistry as applied to agriculture in the cultivation of the soil, ho would at once comprehend the why, and ho would be enabled to meliorate the condition of soils upon rational principles, with certain suc cess. Many who are engaged in agricultural pursuits, particularly in England, as well as In some other portiohs of Europe, have em braced its study, arid by obtaining a sound knowledge of its rudiments or fundamental principles have been ....bleu to make their lands more productive than they were in their normal original or condition: With such knowledge, the farmer could determine the average quantity of Water ab sorbed and retained by the soil under ordi nary vicissitudes of the atmosphere; id est, the exact proportions of sand, clay, calcare ous compounds, organic and other matters, that it contains ; and could frequently com pose a soil equally fertile with that naturally so ; or he could make a naturally good soil more productive by the judicious and well dined application of various organic and in organ-lie matters as manures. In popular language, the solid parts of the globe are called earths, as for example, lime, clay, and magnesia ; which are in fact com pounds of oxygen, with the metals calcium, silicium, aluminum, and magnesium ; they are the rusts or inetalic oxides of these met als, :Ind their composition is, say of 1000 parts : Lime has of Oxygen 500, of calcium 714-1000. Sand or silicia has of oxygen 000, of 500-1000. Chip or ahnunilt has of oxygen 480, of aluminum 520-1000 Magnesia has of oxygen 400, of langur/limn 000-1000. A good general idea of the manner in which earths, earthy and saline compounds, organic matters, and matters, arc mingled together to constitute a soil, may be gained from the following statements, which sup poses that 1000 parts by weight of a soil, have been submitted to proximate analysis. I,at go loose stones and hiliefons gravel, 143. Fine ailielou9 sand 572 Aluntinotni earth Phosphate of lime Qarl, nah of mlignenin Sulphato ~f lime Oxide of Iron Salts of sodium acid polahhionk Vegetable and animal manure Water MIS It is by a correct knowledge of the nature of the pure earths and their compounds and various mixtures with organic and inorganic matters, that the agriculturist can assist himself materially in augmenting the pro duce of his fields in the autumnal harvest. Any man can cause ground to bear torn, or any other grain, yet it will only grow in abundance, and of the best quality, where sown after rational principles, and his labors are profitable and useful in proportion as he is acquainted with the rudiments of chemical science. Fifty-five elements re presented to us by nature; of these only four, viz: oxygen, nitro gen, carbon, and hydrogen, or the ultimate elements of the atmosphere, aro employed in the elaboration of all the wonderful crea tions of living matter. They enter into the essential constitution of all organic pro ductions. This discovery, one of the tri umphs of : cionce, presents a magnificent illustration of,' the power and goodness of God, who created these elements, and con trols their arrangements by definite and unering laws, into countless forriA of beauty and utility, for the adornment and enrich. ing of the earth. The Creator has given to man the power to analyze the productions of nature, and to ascertain the proportions of their con stituent parts, but has denied to him the power of synthesis. Ile may place the elements of any substance which he has analyzed, together, in every possible manner that human skill can suggest, and employ upon them the most powerful And exciting agencies at his command, but they will neither conbino to produce the original, nor the slightest resemblance of any organized body. The ability to analyze and combine the various prciductions of nature, for the purpose of producing greater fertility in the earth, has beerigiven to man, but God alone can vitalize. Mtn can use tbo means, and the Omnipotent Creator can make them effi cient, and does se; for He contols their ar rangements by definite, unerring, and im mutable laws. Plants can grow and thrive only in places where they are supplied with food suited to their requirements, and enabling them to fix themselves in such a manner as to obey those mechanical powers by which their radicles are kept below the surface, and their leaves exprpsed to the free .atmosphere. As the systems of roots, branches, and loaves aro very different in differoLt vegetables, so they flourish in most different soils. Those with bulbous roots require a lighter and looser soil than such as have fibrous roots, and such as possess only short, fibrous radicles, require a firmer soil than such as have taper, extensive lateral roots. As illustrative of the varied composition of soils fitted for the support of different kinds of vegetation, a good turnip soil, by analyzation, has been found to consist of eight parts out of nine, of silicious sand, combined with sixty , t i liree parts of carbonate of limo, fifteen of silicih; eleven of alumina, three of oxide of iron, five of vegetable and saline matter, and three of moisture. An excellent wheat soil gave three parts in five, of silicious sand, and the finely di vided matter consisted of twenty-eight parts of carbonate of lime, thirty-two of silicia, twonty,:nino „of.. al amina,Lana galfiE mutter and moisture. Of these soils, that adapted to turnips is the least, whilst that for wheat is by far thO most coherent in texture. In all cases, the constituent parts of a soil which give tenaci ty and coherence of texture, aro the finely, divided matters ; and they possess the power of giving those qualities the highest degree of coherence when they contain a largo pro portion of alumina. Vegetable or animal matters, when finely divided, not only give coherence', but also softness and penetrability; :but neither they,. nor any*othor ,part of the soil, must, be in too, groat proportion ; and a soil is UnproductiVo if it consists entirely of impalpable matters: No soil is fertile that contains as much as nineteen parts out of twenty of. any of the constituents 'that have been mentioned above: If Water be too strongly attracted by the earths and their compounds, it will not be absorbed ,by the roots or plants ; if it be' in too, great quantity, or too loosely hold, amidst them, ittonds to injure or destroy the fibrous parts of, the roots. Foils .which at tratt 'heriatinoistiiroiivith the greatest avid ity are always the.most fertile and produe -tive. ' The Creator; in, his infinite goodness and ,wisdonivbas tio:',OOnatifiited,tbe earth Of ma terials', all, saftfokint, theixisolVek . the produetioiy,of everything, necessary for-the suPPOil and comfort of his creatures; as well as for the beautifying•of tho face of tb'o oatth, and governs and-Controls them by' intbalita bl§ppnoiples. Those then, who understand ; most of thoSo and' aWs by Which- UM vegetable kingdom is .governedi will be most successful in • producing .profltable're iilltilliy the use of. mearke:' • God,..in'the, pensatlon of his provideneb,:makeri,,cortain means;produco pertain and infallible reanite; ~Isto:elaas, of men are; Or ,ought to.be v raore concerned to knoW and thoroughly thunder . — , :4(knd e . , paw3e• pa* effect. than, agrioulturalista who are ongagea - iii 'tilling'_the• ...~t: ;.~.e IE Carlisle, Pa., Friday, May 11,1866 agriculture is, the only true and reliable base of individual and national wealth and pros- PeritY, So the calling of a farther is the most honorable and independent amongst all the different classes of men, and calls for the highest degree of qualification in all that ap pertains to the cultivation of the earth, and the production of its varied fruits in their Seasons. Chemistry is the key to successful agri culture, and those who aro acquainted with its principles, aro best qualified for adopting means to ends. Were our farmers all ac=' quaintod with agricultural chemistry, they would fully and intelligently understand hew to adopt crops to soils and vice versa, and•be competent to meliorate and alter the char acter of their lands with unfailing certainty. It has been truly said that ho who can make two blades of grass to grow where only one had previously, grown, is a benefactor to mankind. If tho above desultory remarks have the effect to stimulate any of our friends engaged in agriculture, to engage in the delightful and instructive study of chemistry, as applied to Agriculture, our purpose will have been gained. Tp be continued next week. inakatign. WILY HE BECAME GOVERNOR =l3 "Then it is decided ?" "Yes, mother,' I have proposed and been accepted." "We must be reconciled, then, I suppose I But really, Howard, your Father and 1 look upon it as a groat misfortune ; you could have done so much better than to marry a poor girl like her' Not that she lacks beau ty, style, or accomplishments ; but those dis tressing country relatives will ever be a skeleton in our house," and she looked com placently around the elegant apartment, where wealth had done its utmost to pro claim its possessors entitled to the first rank in the world of fashion. Tho room was large, and the ceiling very high ; the caried of the finest texture, and of a pa i ttorn in which velvet buds seemed bursting into bloom, and flowers almost promising perfume if trodden upon. The chairs were of the latest pattern, and as luxurious as the most indolent could ,'e sire, even the arms being each a little couch of itself. The walls were frescoed, and the design the cameos the carpet. And the lady, who seemed but a pkrt of her surroundings, was a handsome woman with whom Time had dealt very daintily, and who might have been supposed en elder sister, instead of the mother of the line looking young man she was now addressing. "My. brother did not consult me in his choice of a wife," he replied, a little bitterly, "and I sometimes wish he had chosen one it little less aristocratic, and whose family was not quite so proad. Her expensive habits, if not checked, will yet embarrass us both- William sees it, but the fear of her family keeps him from remonstrance. "She bas al ways been accustomed to such luxuries, and how can I deprive her of them ?' he plead with me when 1 asked Lim if he could not curtail his family expenses?" "Are you suffering embarrassment in pe cuniary matters, my son V asked the star tled lady. Mrs. Stuart hesitated a moment, and then said : "Why not bring your bride home to me? there is no need of tho expense of two estab lishments ; the lady will not object, surely!" Tho young num thought, for an instant, and then replied : "I will, mother, if you will promise to forget that she is a farmer's daughter, rear ed in the country, and always to remember that she is Mrs. Clayton's niece, and your son's wife 1" "My son, you either forget to whom you are Si - waking, or think I have lost my self respect I" "Neither, mother I forgive me. 1 know you are a lady always ; but the heart I bavp won, would be as deeply pained by cold po liteness, as another would be by open neglect" "I will treat your wifcas a lady should be treated in my house, arid can promise noth ing more until my heart prompts it." 'With this answer Howard Stuart was forced to be satisfied , and• it was decided that a suite of rooms should be fixed up fop" the young bride, in Mrs. Stuart's residenCe, she being a widow, and the dwelling being her own by right of dower. No expense was spared, and the apart ments wore declared faultless, by ern Mrs. Clayton, the future occupant's aunt, who was admitted to have the most exquisite taste of all Mrs. Stuart's fashionable friends• The rooms were elegant, and the furniture of the most recherche style. And to these the fair bride came, with a heart brimming with love and happiness. She , was an only child, and had been loved and potted, as such .favored ones usually are. Her father was a farmer from choice, labor : , elotrlionitryirrgdolbis - ftill chpne ty the care of the beautiful acres he called his own. Ho had received a collegiate edu cation and a diploma for the practiceOf med icine. But his groat, warm, loving heart shrank from the vocation, and having an a._ bundance of moans, ho invested it in broad acres ; and' finally built a handsome resi dotice on his purchase, and, called it home. ' Hero ho'brought a delicate; refined and beautiful woman as his wife, and'here Daisy. —as ho would call his first tind only child, was born. '• She grew up a myraclo of heathy, ; the idol'ef berpailentg, and de lighting' in the grand old farni and its' op purtenancesl' almOst 'as,bauch as her father ',did.' "'' " '".••• • , . „ ,X , t was 'pletniant to see' her of, a summ er day, rambling, octet,' the grounds' with her hand in her father's, and follOWed by nearly every animal on the farm, not restrained by . Apices, and exhibiting almost human jeal ousy by, their ill-humor at "each other wben favor was bestowed by parent . or, child..;, Mr. Dunton kept no inferior stock, and it seemed, in somd eases afpirthe instinct Of his choieek kinds was as. muoh - Superior as the `blood; and ho valued them, not for what they would' bring in dollars-and --cents, so' much as their 'OilkellOhbP'Oyer A 1)1'110.;' tioal - fail:der, and a ' vbry wealthy ono,' and onc . 4 thii moat piiptilfir men; PolitihallY and-' seeiliFy,.iir the' eatirity Daisy repined 'a' little' 'when 'alio ttair obliged to 'go iOirtfronit' heihoine,'NylierO SkO Vitra' lieltivedrby‘hil; to t f or . Shisli her 'bducatioir' at im a , ;, ).,, =II here she learned much not down in her list of studies. From hor companions and class mates, She hoard of the great world that rife had read about, and pined for its noveltrs. Descriptions of fashionable life, as given by them, had a charm for her, almost bewild ering ; and when soon after her final return home from school, Mrs. Clayton, her father's only sister, wrote, begging for a season for hor in Now York, where she resided, her parents left her to decide, and her answer was soon given. No preparation was needed ; a large ehecl9. from her father, on his banker, was all Pfe aunt required. And soon Miss Dunton— Daisy no more—was realizing her school-girl dreams. • She created n sensation, and her fashiona ble aunt was proud of her ; but never more so than when she received an offer from Howard Stuart, of the firm of Stuart Brothers. It was a mutual attachment, and they only waited the consent of the parents. This was reluctantly given, although the lover's letter had been strongly endorsed by the most eu logistic- epistle from Mrs. Clayton. •i The wedding was to take place at her house, the parents coining for the occasion. It was a grand affair, as everything was, of which that lady had the supervision ; and when the parents returned to their far-away home, they felt, that instead of gaining a son, they had lost a daughter ; their only, and so dear. The young wife soon learned, in her splendid home, by an instinctive teaching, that she was not expected to converse of her parents, or aught that concerned them. She had no cause to complain of her husband or any of his family; i•.deed his great love for her seemed to increase, rather than diminish, and Iris lady mother was always kind and pleasant. 'William evidently admired her, as his brother'a wife, while his ultra fashion able lady delighted to lead her along the new paths she was treading; evidently giving herself great credit for her amiability and kindness in so doing. This wits all very pleasant, more especially, its her aunt was absent from the city, having accompanied her hinband to Europe to remain set end months. But gradually a yearning, that was almost pain, crew. into her heart, to see the dear old home aghin, that seemed so entirely shut from her life ; to see her gentle mother's smile and feel her kiss, and hear luir father's vo i ce i n bl ess i ng once more! Even the ani mals on the farm, seemed like absent friends she was pining to sec. "And why should she not see her piyents I" she asked herself, and why were their names taboodcd by the people by whom she was surrounded ? and who ranked above them; only in style and fashion. She would know I and sought the information by timidly asking her husband —whom she tenderly loved—to take her home for a visit. CoLoNus "Home!" he repeated, pleasantly, " are you nut at home, darling ?" " 13ut to my own home, to my dear father and mother. Howard, you know where I mean!" and the voice quivered piteously. " Yes, Daisy, I know what you mean, hut we cannot in at present. Sometimes, per haps'." " But I can go alone. Please let Me do so, and stay just a little while. I am so hungry to see the old place again." " It would not bo proper, love, for you to travel so far alone; across two States I just think! You have only been in my home three months ; are you tired of it, or me 3'' She shook her head, but did not speak ; her voice was to() full of tears ; and he came and sat upon the luxurious couch, beside hoe. "Daisy, I am about to say something that I fear will wound you ; but it is better said now than later. When I married you, my friends offered but one objection, and that was you parent's position in the social scale; but I convinced them that you would iden tify yourself with our family, and allow nothing of your former life tO • artnoy or en tangle us. Your parents aro excellent people I nm sure I but they would be no happier to bo dragged into a station they are not fitted to occupy. Ard, certainly, you would not wish mo to leave my business in the city every three months, to visit your father, and keep him from his labor on the farm I If he should need pecuniary assistance, I will gladly and freely render it. More, I presume ho will not expect. I will take you . lo visit them, for a short time, once a year, and when you are keeping house, you can ask them to visit us. Will that do?" The tears were all gone now. Surprise and indignation had dried them. She saw that her husband was laboring under a ludic rous mistake, either the fault of his early teachings, or by tho misrepresentations of other ; the former, she thought most likely, and a little excitedly, she asked; "Howard, what do you know of my father and his circumstances _ . "Nothingtpc.cof„,,,,m_hm.,.yolMlC, .pta n 4.0 , j ,,214141 - he was a farmer and highly re spected by those who know him best. A little eccentric, 1 think, she added. And;l know that she has given me a pretty, accom!=,, plished, and I hope, a loving wife." "No flattery, if you please, sir I And so if my father should becoinci Poorer than he is now, you would assist him." "Certainly, as your father, I should feel bound to do so." "And would you take him or my mother into your home if one should die before the other • • • "If it would make oither.him or her hap pier t-,altltough I sholdd doubt the .Policy of the proceeding." not likely . you 'would he subjected to the: trial,, as neither of them is partial, to city life. • I must write to them, and with your pormisssOn, I will write 'that wo will !3 . pond tho.annivorsary of our marriage with tbeM •"Do se; if you please; but "not a long visit, remember ! " • .' • ~.- „ f.tr*- 111 :- i pirseiiibei. , " and that evening sho 'ivroto a long 'later to her parents, tolling them' more .than she had--ever done boforh, of tho handsome they had - only sdon - for- a*ftim-houra:at-tho-037.yeddink.L "A lottor from our tatray. lamb, 'wife," gold • Eli: . 'ThintOn; as': ho'• 'lOoked ' over tho' largo Pilo of lottars'ana papers thht had , jusV boombroUght iii; TIM mailer' .clutohdd at tho plethoric: pachagdyiith it hungry look: in t . i her oyds,lhat dhl not 'escape &keen glanca oflor'ComPtiniori; busy l'isllto seemed. tO bo'i `with his letters:' She laitha , a litilo,", al . thCoighltearsztverOln.lior 46, & sfic rotarn; '' . 6l,qlMlottOt"to r nim.'' . ' ;'.-I ' 2 . 1 . -',.. • FEII i:;:j;i_ :~': s I , r o.eit IL. r TERMS:—S2,OO in Advance', or $2,50 within the year "Thinks the old Darby poor does be?" he -muttered as he read, "Will help him if nee essary.---nice boy? Not coming home until the anniversary of their wedding. And pet seems willing to wait—is going to have some sport then, she says, to pay for her long waiting. Well, that ton thousand I had intended as a present to him, on his first visit, can lie in bank and accumulate : or stop—l will invest it in Daisy's name, and send hei the record. You can write to her to that effect," and he mechanically folded the letter and gave it back, and then sat si lent for some moments, as if buried in deep thought. The long silence surprised and pained the wife, and she came and laid her still beauti ful hand upon his shoulder, with the same caressing touch she would have done twenty years before. "You are going to allow this to fret you, my husband "Not so long as her letters breathe the samo,tone they do now. She loves her hus band, and is proud of her parents, and wish es to surprise him some day ; and see, I .dan help her I and ho gave her a letter that he had thrown down to take Daisy's ; and in which the political leaders of his party had offered him the nomination of Governor of his native State. "Oh! and you will accept it!" she saidex citQJy. clg my domestic, gentle wife growing ambitious 7" "Not for myself—but for our darling.— We have only her, and I cannot endure the thought, that those should look down upon her, who hold their position by dabbling in the dirty paper of the city ! how dare they ?" "Why, how proud we are becoming I we humdrum farmers, who have palmed our pretty daughter off upon one of the firm of Stuart Brothers,who is evidently ashamed of his act in taking her." "Don't I beg !" and the smile came buck to the pleasant face again. " An hour ago, I should have answered this letter differently; I hate the bickering and strife that must come with my accep tance. I dread to leave the old farm, if I should be elected ; and you m i y gentle wife, do you crave a residence at the capital !" " No, but for our darling's sake, I will go cheerfully." And in less than an hour the letter of ac ceptance was written, and the quiet, gentle man farmer was hurled' into the' political MEM Howard Stuart cared nothing for politics, and if he saw the name, never thought of it in connection with the family of his wife. And something of more vital consequence to himself was transpiring, that brought a look of care and unrest to his face, that troubled his young wife exceedingly. " What is it, Howard ?" she said one day, as he came from private interview with his mother, perturbed, and almost feverish. "It would be. foolish, Daisy, to trouble you with business matters ; especially, when they are as uesperate as these are." But you go to your mother I tell me please!" and she came and drew his arms around her, and laid upon his breast, coax ingly. " But went to her for assistance ! Would it startle you very much, darling, to know that in ono week I shall be bankrupt?" " And will you V she ask ed, looking eagerly in his face. " 1 hope not, but run afraid of it. Some heavy failures have involved us, and a de layed v ssel is keeping us out of a large sum, and if she is delayed a week longer, I tremble ['or the credit of our house. thought possibly my mother could help us to a few thousands, but h'er dowry is so tied up, that only the interest comes to her ; and much as she wishes to aid us, she can do nothing." " How much do you need, just now, How ard ?" " Five thousand is all a sum that I could easily obtain, but for these failures that have rendered the money market so stringent." "Now, How ,+d, don't you wish that I was of a good family, like brother Will's wife, instead of being the daughter of a poor il literate 'farmer 1" " I never suposed your father illiterate, Daisy And Will's father-in-law can help us no more than your's can ; they live snug ly up to their means, with all their display." " Will you excuse me a moment, Howard?" and she glided from the room.=-When she returned, she gave him a sinall book from a banking-house in the city, in which ton thousand dollars was entered to her. credit. 4, It is yours, Howard I my father intended it for you on your first visit to him, but as you seemed in no haste to come, he transfer red it to me." titu-..topPi Is mop t, hardly crediting his, senses. Why have you kept this from me, D J p - a y ?" " For several' reasons ; and one was, that 'you might love me, in spite of my acciden tal surroundings." Is you father wealthy ?" • "I do not know what you people in the city call wealth, but this Burn is only a little more than ho once paid for two important animals for the farm." The man of basineas looked, with, a surt of wonder, on the woman who kept a secret so well. " I do not like to accept this.. Neither I. nor my family..deserv.e .4. at your handzt-for they, at least, have patronized you.unpleas: antly, I am sure." 'And now you refuse me a little retali-: ation I" she said, poutingly. If you do not receive it, I will • take it and go home." • Ho drew her closely to him, as' ho said, in a low . tone that 'pleased her so well, " and make. mo•bankrnpt in heart, as well ins bUsi- ' The family was electrified at the announce ment, and each expressed a different cause for surprise.. • . • • ' • , • •- , f 4 WIM--weuld-- have— thought —it 17-- ek— clainccd fashion...weary Will, why, , How, 7 , ard,.your-ikife , is owol among women I" , What a goose'! ".said tho wife, tb put the money into the firm, when she ' , might have kept her own carriage with it 1" and 'she ohrugged. her' pretty elienldorp, that;were covered With 'a ilibi.hendred' dollar ehnivl. • I , ‘Thaftli . yeu,"cala 'the* relieved mether, 'who had a warm heart iii her hoaoin, crusted over' as kriao of 0 ~ , sition,•as she came and kissed the young wife for the first time; and with tears that Were more expressive than words, assured her again and again, of her gratitude. You have removed a dark shadow from our house, my daughter, end I shall never forget it." As soon as the husband found business millers progressing smoothly again, he pro posed a visit, with his wife, to the old farm house. "Thank you," she replied,, "hut 1 would rather wait awhile; my father is very busy now. I know that you go only to please me, and twooonths from now w.ll please me better." He was surprised and a little hurt.— "Just as you Dille ; nut I wish to thank him in person, for the gift that came so oppor tunely. I ought to have gone before?" "The gift is ralue," she said, archly, "and I Want all the thanks." After weeks of newspaper squabbling "Dr. Henry Denton, a gentleman and a scholar, and one of the most influential men in,the State, was elected to the gubernato rial chair, by an overwhelming majority." Thus the party organ announced the fact, with its record of full returns; and this was the paper received by the happy daughter. Her mother had kept her fully posted, from the time—of the nomination ; and she had thought, if be we.- successful, she would enjoy her triuMpli, by telling the important news before them all. Bu t when her wish was gratified, her woman's heart was true io its trust, and alone, with her husband only, could she take any pleasure in telling it. "Are you a Cinderella?" he asked, when he fully understood the matter. "If I am, you are my prince," she replied, laughing though her eyes were moist with happy tears; "and you will love me, always, and treat as your equals, my dear, dear, parents who have only me to love, in all the world." •'I have been a donkey, ears, hoofs, voice and alll and if you see me take the character again,, Daisy, if yoq love me, just pull my ears, before you feet) my hoofs. I must ell my mother this, come I" and together they sought his mother's apartmow. Mother, allow me to •introduce my wife, only daughter of Gov. Gunton... The lady entered into the spirit of the joke without comprehending it, and bowing, iu her own stately way, said : "I am very happy to claim you as one of my family; and think my sou fortunate in 'possessing so good a wife." •'But mother, congranlat•• her I her father has just been elected to the highest office in the gift of the people of his native State!" "Are you still jesting, Howard?" iNo, he is not, mother," and she stepped to her side, to receive the kiss that was given with n loving embrace.. .And canyon forgive Ifs for our neglect of your parents, my dear?' "I hate nothing to forgive, you did not know them. My mother is a lady, as your good judgment would deride, if you knew her." "I ought to have known it by tlie daugh ter she has reared." The father was in no haste for a visit from his son-in-law; hut Daisy—aided by her mother, who eould respect any one her daughter loved—tunnaged, with woman's tact, to bring it about; and it would have taken a harder man than her father, to fuse the concessions the mortified young man was eager to make. "I have but one cause of complaint against him," he said to his daughter, "and that is his goading me on, until I suffered myself to ho dragged from the old farm to this pub lic life, that I dislike.—But two years will soon pass away, and I shall feel like a boy again, in my freedom." "Yes, and will have given the only thing needed, to complete my happiness, my dear father!" "Jackanapes! I t can hardly forgive him yet. Because, forsooth, a man lives on a farm, he must be of the earth earthly. wonder he and 'his dristocrwic family do not eschew the use of bread, becauim it is made from grain raised on a farm, or give their diamonds to the washer-women, be cause they where plebeian enough to own the earth as their mother. Pehaw I I have no patience with"—but a preshming little hand curtailed the sentence, and it was not finished. BRILLIANT STRAGETIC MOVE OF AN EASTERN SHORE MILITARY COMPANY.- The Easton Star of Tuesday relates the fol-, lowing extraordinary military exploit upon the authority of a traveler : A short time ago there was raised a very handsome uniform military company in one of the towns in Worcester ,county. Some tunc - :after - thoConipany' had become quite familiar with the drill, an oyster pungy from New York anchored in the waters of Wor cester, and commenced catching oysters con trary to the laws of Maryland. The fact comimr,to the notice of the Sheriff, he forth with went to -work to capture the pungy. To "make , assurance doublx sure," he be thought him that the now military company would be the best posse comitatus" ho could summon ; accordingly the reilitiirk was or dered out, in full uniform, properly officered and equipped, with "guns allotted" ready for action. Arriving at the shore, opposite the pungy,,it.was decided to put the military in ambush until the "overt act" was, committed, to:order that there might --- bottolnistalto - az hout,the proof, in Ole Court of Admiraltyi • The military did not have to wait long be hind, their masked battery, made of mita; bushes, before the overt act was committed. ,The New York captain, not having the fenr of the. Worcester Sheriff before his eyes, and being anxious to load his pungy, vqry soon put down, his rakes, and commenced to draw the contraband bivalves.. This was the signal for the military to advance to the charge. The sheriff having given, the, wink to, the officer commanding the military, that' gentleman - ,-gave , the• - -word- 44 forward;,:•. the , company was soort ion* board,of a•batteaux,, making directly for the "prize." 1, In the meantime the captain tui ,the pungy, disdoVering what'w otit'order., ed his .decks go be 'cleared,. and.prepared fox; action, resolved not to surcander without a struggle worthy ofthe days of the immortal Paul Jones., When the military got •within about 100 yards of ; the price, the °apt 4of the pithei:being:WithOtit _ k" 'o~, \ , bleds, drew out a'piec'e of stove placing it upon his l!caboosCcommonced,to sightlkat the' Military, which at'ence man ifested symptoms' of disconifort, evidently ; : disliking such a terrible gun to be :pointed directly towards them. The besfittion:manifested by the military encouraged the cuptnia Of the pungy to press matters to .extrernitiesiand'cOjing to one of his hands for a clitink - of fire, he commenced blow it, and`the sparks flew in all directions. This murderous proceeding of the savage captain brought the military to their feet, ready for the most desperate deeds of daring. The moment was critical, with every advan tage on the side of the captain of the pungy, who straightened up, and at arm's' length prepared to apply the match. Simultane ously as he thrust the chunk of fire into the end of the stove pipe the military jumped overboard, and such a "sloshing about" and diving was never witnessed in the waters of Worcester. It is needless to add that, while the military were under miter, the captain of the pungy hoisted sail and bid farewell to the waters of Maryland, and that since this marvelous adventure the military aforesaid, for behaving so gallantly, has been called the Stm e-pipe ■ NO. 19. STATE REGIMENTAL FLAGS Committee in Charge of their Re ception, July 4, 1886. Call for a Meeting of the Committee of Ar- Irtmarra, PA., May Ist, 1888. His Excellency, A. G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania: Six—At the meeting of those members and officers of the Legislature, at its late session, and of officers in the Executive De partment at Harrisburg, who have lately been in the military 'service of the United States, held in the capitol at Harrisburg, on the 10th inst., at the the instance of your Excellency, to adopt measures in aid of the reception, for preservation among the arch ives of the State, of the flags that were pre sented by the State to and milled by the different regiments Penney vania gave to the army that suppressed "the rebellion," it was 'Resolved, That the ceremony of the re ception, for preservation among the State archives of the flags that were presented by the State to the Pennsylvania regiments In the late war against the rebellion, be con ducted by his Excellency, Governor A. G. Curtin. on the 4th day of July, A.. D. 1866. in Independence Square, Philadelphia, and the Chairman of this meeting shall appoint a committee, representing -the different mili tary divisions of the Commonwealth, of per sons who have lately been in the military service of the United States, to assist his Ex cellency, the Govexnor, in inaugurating and conducting the ceremony of the flag recep- ion." In pursuance of the foregoing resolution, I have the honor to suggest to your Excel lency the following persons as a committee: First Division.—General Hector Tyndnl, of Philadelphia ; General J. W. Hoffman, Philadelphia; General C. H. T. Collis, Philadelphia; Gen. Joshua T. Owens, Phila delphia ; Col. Peter A. Lyle, Phil.delphia ; Col. Peter C. Elmaker, Philadelphia; Col. W. McCandless, Philadelphia; Col. Chap man Biddle, Philadelphia; Col E. R. Biles, Philadelphia. Second Division—General John R. Brooke Pottstown ; Gen. W. W. H. Davis, Doyles town ; Gen. M. R. M'Clennun, Norristown; Col. Wm. C. Talley, Media. Third Division General G. Pennypaoker, West Chester ; Col. E. Franklin, Lancas ter ; Fourth Division—Col. John W. Schap, York; Major R. H. Bell, Gettysburg; Fifth Division—General Thomas J. Jordan Harrisburg; Col. G. W. Alexander, Read ing; Maj. John Gotshall, Harrisburg; Sixth Division—General James Nagle, Pottsville ; General Chas. Albright, Mauch Chunk. Seventh Division—Gen"rel J. L. Selfridge, Bethlehem ; Colonel Wm. H. Armstrong, Easton Eighth Division—General C. C. MeCer in'elt, Milton ; Gen. W. H. McCall, Lewis burg. Ninth Division—Colonel H. M. Hoyt Wilkesloarre ; Col. W. H. Ent, Bloomsburg. Tenth Division—Col. C. W. Tyler, Mort rose ; Capt. Jos. Atkins, Hawley P. O. Eleventh Division—Colonel C. A. Lyman, Lock Haven; Major Thomas Chamberlin, Muncy. Twelfth L ivision—Colonel J. B. si ox , Clarion; Cnpt. Warren Cowles, Smtihport, Thirteenth Division—Genernl H I. DI idd 1. Towanda; General R. C. Cox, Liberty, Tioga County Fonrteenth Division—General James A Beaver, Bellefonte ; Colonel Thomas F. Mc- Coy, Lewistown; Captain Brice X. Blair Huntingdon. Fifteenth Division—Colonel R. M. Hen derson, Carlisle ; Colonel W. D. Dickson, St. Thomas, Franklin county. Sixteenth Division—Colonel John P Lin ton, Johnstown ; Colonel Jiihn H. Piller, Bedford Seventeenth Division—Gen. Richard Coul ter, Greensburg ; Col. T. F. Gallagher, New Alexandria, West moretand co; Capt. 4. S. Fuller, Uniontown. Eighteenth Division—Geo. J. S. Kegley, Pittsburg; Gen. T. A. Rowley, Pittsburg; Gen. A. L. Pearson, Pittsburg; Gen. J. B. Switzer, Pittsburg; Col. John P. Glass, Pitts. burg ; Colonel W. Sirwell, Kittanning; Col onel D. S. Porter, Indiana. Nineteenth Division—General John S. Littel, Beaver; Obnplain R. Audley Browne, New Castle; Colonel Adoniram T. Warner, West Middlesex, Mercer county. Twentieth Division—General J. L. Brown, Erie; General John Walker, Erie; Crelent' A.. B. McCalmont, Pranhlin; Colonel H. S. llidekooper, Meadville. I have the honor to be your obd't servant, HARE? WEIITE. lIEADQUAILTERS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA., .HAIMISEER6, May 2, me: The Chnitnittee representing the - several Military Divisions of the Commonwealth, appointed to assist the Governor hxlnaug urating and conducting the ceremomy of the FiaU Reception, on the, fourth day of July next, will meet, at the county cpurt room. in the city of Philadelphia; fVf Saturday, the 12th of May,lnst, at 12 , o'clock; xt., for the Purpo'se of making definite arrangements for the Byi i prder of the Governor. A. L. EIISSEL, Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. t . fTun .Pacifia , "ocean covers seventy-eight rnillioniotroiles; the Atlantic twentyrilve 310 7 many 'an enamored 'paii have, court adln poetry and in prose. **kr' iallin,itriderpe4 like' a mouse? 'Be, , cause pnr,;01:11:10d 9N,A4 0 4f.0 11 9- 4rl 4 t knowP 2 Plo 3l, to . t 4 h a e v ..v e: fA t t h ub e Pf,' , 1 1 °14 4 t 1. "14 9, P•nd,a s 4Wea 7 4.ckt 1 3 4 4 4,4Y# 0 4PO,- rangements.