Manhood : how Lost, how Restored. UST published, a new edi z=zl.tri. ity lion of DR.CULVERWEL"SOEL .!;.MOri; MIAMI) ESSAY on the radical cure without medicine) of SPERMATORMICEA, or seminal Weak ness Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, impeditneuts to Marriage, olc.b also, CoNSUMPYION, Eriteesv, and ens, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. 4;6- ice, in a sealed envelope, only 6 rents. 'Tho celebrated author in this admirable essay clear ly demonstrates, front a thirty pars' NWT° , eful prac tice, that tho alarming on sequonees of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife—Pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, cot tido, and (Alert nal, by means of which every i•ulferer, ne &Oar what his condition may be, may cure bitnself cheaply, pH vol my, and radically. . Lis Lecture !Mould by in the hands of every youth IlLti every OW. lu the Sent under seal, in a plain envelope. to any address, poet lead, on receipt el eta cents, or two post stamps. Add, ess the publhhers, CA J. C. ti L 1 1.1 & (10., 127 Bowery, Now l'ork.4'ort Office box 4,586. March 16. 1866-1. THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. lucorporated, 1850. Charter Per petual. CASH AssliTs, $2,000,000. JAMES C. WALI(LEY, Pro dent Policies Issued on all Popular Plans A FEW REASONS WHY PIW PLE Insure In the Charter Oak. lct All hankie:, privileges are prohibited, the liner boss being well tied exclusively to the insurance o • 20 —lts Risks aro selected with great care, thus im cut ring small losses. and consequent ly large dividends acct no to Policy huldors.—See Mass. Insurance Reports last six yoars. 3rd —lts Ratio of Expenditures, including Death Claims and Working Expenses, to Receipts, are nnpre cedentedly lore—Same Report, dth.—All tbe profits are divided among Policy hola ars the original capital being limited by I'hartor to eight per rent dividends, uo more than it earns ion the Company at interest. bib —lt declare, and pays its Dividends annually in Coen. thins ss..istlng the insured in the payment of premiums. (Att.—lts business is distributed over mere than twenty Northern States, making it impossible to much re ince its lar..,e surplus, set apart torrontinguneles, even In the events t a scoungesiCholon - a. 7111 —it Is prompt in the payment of losses, having pail to Widows and Orphans nearly ()NE MILLION and h.ns nears/. litigated a claim. nth —The man el Beal th wears as all 1111,4100 M alit.— Men of smell means insure to guard their hum Hies against ee an I lot h.—The main of 'tininess insure to provide against pre—ible lobs in trade a Info Polley, being a ba,is for capital I h.— Persons in debt Insure that their earnings ion yeas of toil mat not be sarrniteet at death !coon \sant 01 wady verb en nevi linbilitirs • . insur.., as money thus laid away be little.. tont to er.1.11 1... ea largely int reeseil oI LI.. It land li. s. eat. I...itig VI taill 111 111 Cur. lir. S. B. IiII.FFER, 1)., Nledleal EX.t1111l311•1 . . .1. I>. AIIAI 11, Agent Carlini, l'a. 11. Agent. for Fa st ern Pii &hie - Ilutitiong's New Building, North Sixth Strict. Heading. Persons desirous of iutura uro II 111 pleage 111,1,iy to, the agent. For islortnation m kit toe to :igen. Ins tail dress I lie State Agent. April 111, LOIN'.. SEELY'S Patent Metallic Sole A NEW INVENTION. WET I'ING TII E Fmost ELT is (lie prolific cause of disease idol death known to humanity It I. almost sure L. bring on a (add.; anti colda. nettlindell, and often lien not neglected, lead to fe l voitir i or to i' , 04.;10 , and col/Lund/Lions. It is in recognition m this tutu th.c the an, ,tative t heat of the eoulitl3 Int 1 ,, r year , becil de, 101114 :ion. , ne.thad, or att. , 10111 , 1 to in, it, 1, I.••••ping the drt, ;10 yet that r•lniuld not ~ore I11i . ,111,1J1 , 11 , 1 • to 1111. W.llder. Rubber 'hoe, to 1,10 , loran alto( oer oar,. hitherto n bee our I but IL IS ,ell 1,00011.110 among the, [nail) eel.. „1111 e 11..)' 1 el p the reel dry Irian oxlional moo-Litre, they t , •aL ton Ilocr mu o ch, and ky 110 - itikkeang al. undue w tclud. 1 111 .0, i•pIII•111 y rani., Ida., other,' a.° ''hey are also , 113 the oet and a Ulla] 11, ory osapodgise 'I la.. (I,manaul u• for matethin.4 Eliot shall 11,01. e tho I;..ut and Map, s L.. eater. without alle , tllg their ele;anr'oi tiara taut ; and. it phnV pie, without adding 1,1 11.1. I\ I the co.t in then 111.11 i 11 tart ore 'I loco . , it. oill he Conceit. ale inost Inc pottail. teal 01,1 110 1 . 1111.5.1l . 1111. , ud), ittlirin they are a I.l.olitti • lN ell:tined in the Invehti it here null web flint 1.• 'ft.. Inie.,t io 11 r n , 15:0 LII" i II when lII.' t to 111 ii, tag a tidal TAI.I.IC •11,,t'5. ,, 111,1) dueulr, ..1n1.11L111,4 titan 1,1 It yw ;t !pup vi•d) 11:1d. and ,•vmy may tip.ipt ell t.. tiv , t,.,1 .I• • - dt el. 11.1.• the n.locootal expensc I In, ely nominal IL ill, 111,11 k, a pain , I barrio! aLialtis tuna 1.1 I 1,1 i1.11111.,, ,. .111 .11 tit he Il'ot 1.0 ,• Lau upon Oct pie. no Ills ic hull giongd 11,.•11c111:06.• .1111, Itann 111.11 11,1 a 1 , 1 1,1,' and del the . , are pa , ti t , , the 1 , 0) ta.oll 01 I , IJ that attend 0, , 11 .111 1 •11 , 1 protecten to the le, L. zeie, !hoe • I:It ./ Nil' of .1.1 ti .101 OW 11,•11 111,11.-, It , el) plut(i.l• 1110, 1 , .• t.pc, till) al i.l 111,1,1,111 tic , • 1; ,, 11.• ri,.• el Ate tiutliviel tic, le dl„'; iill -tow ow the iihl r , i I I ul.rrll'e , cNt : I they h lie .0, e Li , allil Ott, LI ),,lll' - 1.,.l :1,11 , 1.•11 LO 111Nt• 1,11.1111. hitchi ( ilitheitlty. II he .11 t•. lli.• .111 . 11111 1111, /.1, 1 . ...IN 11, , 1t.11 Nll.ll 11k1J1 10 1, I ,L 1%, pre 121.1 1 , 0 111,11 . L11P Fu lie 11 11, tl\' A,uhi si t. 1 11 ,1 1 ,1 1 ,1 111 ..,o1) .11. FU111,11,1 ,11.11 Sol,- 1,111 1.1•p11ct.,13 •1311.1...“1 a,tl 110x1:11 C 1111111,-1 11 1111,,,, c, nn 11 ~114 1,1 iiiieh Inc t tux 1.0 BEELY, Perot, coinerlit)' 111111 1 . 1:1 , 0 111,1 fiend etc out, TESTIMONIALS 'FIIO 11111101,1).:111,t h t,c lor t .0 punt six 11101101 S worn r. ,•I) and [del them all 11. (Alai wet e:.111.' against damp nees• and tru rntd, me "ten talteo 1;1411 damp wet. Mugl elty do we (astir . , iu the perlert, eltirteney ul their nertiu. 'llle etallte ,010 I , not only a grand contributbal to the can/nr of r .,oaeral Ilea 1111,110 a pos itive iitzury obvtatiog all becemmity 01 l Ildia Blown, leiu totohly weather. All ottltuary damp. nemn.and ea watA \lll,l 1.11..111011i s, I- ladnidelety tuned of tit er t halm I%) lid. need, Shope. and u•e•tul Invention. No 1.11.• t/ LI-I , i 11.1.111 „lit vl bn,uwnnl then again. :IS 1110\ 1111'1,141f 1114. t 01 b win nod sloe, by a,llOl .1t :net, rely' worth naming, and iu nom, pu.SlLively. illy tilt. N ldeli In reel, Ithed among the 111,1. 001 JlllOll , 01 11 , •.1101 :111,1 COl/11 , )1 t. \l,• Ilvtll lily 11, dutuend the •• tilt :allO - to all the metisilbt. .1. CLEMENT I. Pahtor Central 1 ong. (11m - di, Po no!. lyn IN=IIMMO] St:ELV, . Ds, Sir—ltt tepl) it , 34,11 e inquiries; raga/sling your valeta \ cults, I L tlsts sit eat pleasure itt visiting that I hail them pus itt a pair of her calf vkiu Lists. aiht• It I svitro the %Oulu of last sinister in the ivs t slieets of Albany. 1 tr ion 11.1 ILen, Itelf SOlvtl ant sveartng s our Aletalliti Silos 111,u, ss ilk lii ill I.4)Eitlon nev, to Le without. them. 1 have tts.t had ti lot Jul lug the while Elute 1 have wot thou, I plunoutie • then, the hoist Insole yet matte 1 tun satl Ilea that no person hltylus auto earn the. Wlllsub then, 111•11111 g 3,11 the dos f..r. so Vallllllllo stn 1111,1111011 tor I.llu preherVil tiollll of hualt , I rouurfu truly yours', MittMEOISIZIEM== 11111:1MMEOE=211 Dear bir—l take great pleasuie in offering my testi 11101Iy to the neeluinebs and coinlort rf your patent Metallic Sole. 1 he ve used n pair oi err Ls her the pato 000011 1011,10_1s, lurnidhud nab this bole, and feel no hesitation in saying that I have novel worn shoes that elnnbined so perteetl3 tire desirable qualities cm, dryness and durability. liuMA ON Elti't)N, Brooklyn, New York. S SELLA, Esq.: Dear Sir—an answer to your requmt. I am pleased to state that 1 hero MallUract um] Mums rmntalning your Metairie, Solo by machinery. 1 think them a bU parlor article ter keeping the feet dry. In manuthe turing them there trouldn tram cutting the thread when sewing, , nor any difficulty In putting them In the shoe, Iterpcctfully yours, SEELEMAN I'EARLIMIOOK, Practical Shoe Mamtfacturer, Brooklyn, N. V. April The First Premium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS. At the late Cumberland County Fair, has been awarded 1,) C. L. LOCHMAN. R. Loohump has the pleasure to an• li'Xilouneo to the public. that he has ro-purchased hls ‘,ld room rrom h r. AP:Milan in Mrs. Nun] build ing, opposite the First National Bank, and guarantees that hie PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DR VISITE, ' AMBROTYPES, ‘356. Have no superior, and In tone, finish and clearness, surpass most pictures produced. Us gives his person al attention to the room, and with the best and most improved imtruments and appliances warrants the finest recoils. A large assortment of Gilt and Rosa moud Frames, and splendid A 'bums, for sale vurp cheap. Copies of Daguerreotypes made In the most perfect manner. „ 0ct.21, 1865. EIAR OW A.RE STORE. THE old Hardware stand, of Lewis F. Lyne, Lae passed into the hands of W. E. Miller A. Bowers, who are now transacting business un der the name and style of MILLER & BOWERS. The new firm have Putt returoed . from the city and p are tiow prepared to furnish to the üblia'at the lowest prices, all Made of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 'Hardware, Coach Trimlng, Paints, Oils, GLASS, VARNISH, act.' A lock Into their . storo will convince ell that they Viols gone& of goods to. felly supply the demand In this market. Permit] wentfng"goode In Mir lino will find It to their edyfultege to glee us ecell. circlets y.,a pereenally-and.ptomptlttended to. "' " ' I July 7,1806. LIFE-HEALTH-STRENFTH. LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared jrion a preSeripllo7l of Dr. Juan Delaniarre, ,Cliief Physician to the. Hos rata du Nord uu Lariboisiere of Paris. This invaluable medicine is no Imposition, but Is nfailing in the cure or Sparmatorrha , or Seminal eaknebs. Every species of Urania' or Winery Irri- Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions rent what°, r reuse produced, Or hoarser Resole will so speeuily relieved and the organs restored to healthy etion. Read the following oplions of eminent French phy- Iclans : ••Wo have used the Sp4ifie Pills prepared by Oar- Inger° Dupont, No. 21 , 4 Rue Lombard, from the weserlption of Dr. Juan Delamarre, in our private tractice with uulh.rin success, and we believe there is io other medicine so well calculated to cute all per hits suffering from Invaluntary Emissions or env titer weakness of the Ser WI Organs, whether caused ty a sedentary mode of Ile trig, exCesses, or abuse. It. A. ILEA UItKI'A HIE, M. 1) O. D. DIM AUDI N, M. D. JEAN LE LEUCII lIE, M. D. Paris, May fah, lags. BER•A RE OF COUNTERFEITs. • The Genuine Pills are sold by all the principal Drug. ffists throughlut the World, price One Dollar. per Box, or [loxes for Five Dollars. O AIIANCI ERE A: DUPONT, Sole Proprietors, No. 214 flue Lombard. Path; One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure s Ix by return mall, securely sealed from all ob oroatimi, six boxes for live dollars. Solo tieneial Agents for America, OSCAR 0. MOSES k Co., 27 Cortlandt St , N. Y N. IL—French,Oerman, Spanish nod Engli 11 Pamph lets, clan taining full particulars and directions for use sent free to any add; . Sold in Carlisle by J. W. ELLD rif, and at HAVER STICK S. Jan CATNII,ItII. K.NUFF! Thi, s.urr hno tlwwoughls proved itFelf to ho tiro tido known for col i Cann rh o Cold In the fiend :Ind I leadaelie It 1 , .0 , tares found an l•xeellent u•dy in many 0n,...50f:- , ore Eyes. Deafness tans Soil removed 11 . il. Hilli Hearing Inns often berm great y it, 0., It I. t i,d Inl.reoal,le. and thi , doll heavy pains caused by disease: of the head The utter uvfn it are delightful and In vigig.nt ing• It opens and nu r 4 out all truetions strengthens the glands. and gives a healthy action t the pints nliected. of :sale and low of In Cali:orb and Ilea, ache :null, hi, tooled its great, ',aloe for all the cot , die Ile :di and at Ilia moment Amid- hien., I Into t, helore: • I t 1 ret•mttrguttrlttri by 111.11) id the 11001 pit} skim. otttl t. 11,0 S. itlt great sgrees. arid •aLittlat•tiott evety the cortiticat, 1)'u! in IfUI. 'I ho toolersigned. having fer many yietts been a ith hr iiibl Ileadarl 1111, 111 , 1 sold it in our wholesale trade eheerlull st it••, tirit we believe it to lel equal, in- evely to tie , temillentlations given of it let the cure t. / AlTortlou,, 811,1 that it 11: ditlvleilly the be at th ie he haie ever i,IIOIVI/ lei all 1,111111011 the (lead. Perry, , Park, N.,' 11 . .. t. Itt-..1, Att nit Co. • .1. It A. It ,1111:, •• •• l'NLil k MI, N. C., I maul :•, , tl, tl. •• N •' A. L. l'o. •• 11 , 11511,,, !Alum/Hr. , 11 \ C. " II II 11,. )11.. 11.:411.\. Jau 12, 150i--1) et ').1111` I,tabil,lll.ll iu I!•;;7, and 111-t 311.1k.1e t.i 1111. I.hlLleLer 1111roduvoil ulnler the 11 rElt • Lill , of “ther g...t. II) all .41u, Pull.ll.lth . ...ljtler , are Nits hit g.:Hilill.l ran ,rl5 l to. natno It!t Y/S being fq1l11:)'1 , 1 , 11 u.n II 11 nlel. •1 • 1% aft rn bare 121,11 helot e tin publie for notir 51111, 1:11, ”I•t, 1111 n hie:h.t hut ill 10rt1,111,11111110 , . 111115 t 1111 inlllSMe 111 1111. 'l ine . t • any It r tide 011, od ure of l'oholok or 14101,,,pial 1010,•tioos, 1.11 tint quantity vontikinsll ecell box I. ovally tiots'.le OWL ol the 1111111 v ‘‘tll thh• 111111.11,11 rEli.ed. 1 1 11. Ltlll l ,ll'. 4., 111 , , ,111 1 , TI/1 . 11:1I, A,tl/11111. 111i1 iiil/111•1/11.1,, 1/iftivult 111. .1 Pal tlbill luu Clivst. I hripletil. Clui.t.option and tcl .Ihs „I tli.• Not only /011.11111 g th•numr nt .•lit.i hut. I.llo , tqlog rtipl.l 1‘11:1 muting curt. Ittltl :Lt.. "!rotor gl% sat Ist/tut i. II in er Instance h.:. i ttu.l t• , 1,111:11 tti.• t.. , lNtrlnt.ll 111 n !1g.% Sl l 11- t., LI,.•, \ 11/11ii tt ill ,h,i) 1.,e t It. tn. 1,111 31,11) , :1111141 ICELIEU IN TcN ;1g INUTIES I •.I•11.1- I • anti 111.11 I L throw \lnter, a 1. p. tr It .ti 1.) tt 111 111 1,11, lIE 1•• t t• Illl• 11. ••••1•1,• Illid •lllt rog War' , t Ulu ts,tv 111.i !losii, lily ..t the ittlitritrillt: it, tt hid! 1.4 pot,. t I,4ifirill) tirrtrol 111 , ~t ttst• rt...01..1,111) ol this hit:C.:dolt.r..i.l,l3 - 1,111., • tti.l”itaripl,l t“ jilt 11.11 . 1. 1,1,1• ‘11 , .:•,.. wlllOl ,11,1p1M•illt the just 1,1-0•13I101, the th•• .•harrit•tr, prrillrills• rl,llollitr Ilint the ISR VAN: is ,t,aitittoti t•attli ud /11,1 ~ 1 ),.1. 1 1.. lb. silullo Nignaturt• 1 , 1 Pr. let, -Jo,: )11131..6 - uu tat•lt ,s nipper. tu It N, lon ..le.ll tt ith t the lull extent 1/i li n lIIW =I Ili, PeLstesi,. Srss, are fur salu Inc all Drug . gists. . • MOnES, :011. Plop! let", '27C. Vlitlitit !=t , N. Y ,11:..1A ai..vuu.• . l CELEBRATED FEMALE. PILLS 1'111311,d from a pr r xcr ipt lon of Sir .1. 'AI, 1) Ph) ri.•lan Extraordinary to the queen. ii 1S well known medicine is no 10 , 1Li011. hilt 2I sure and onto rolllody for I , enialo 1,1111,11 H, sod I /I.Nii uctlmis, trom 11115 cause ,lutte% o,l:1111,,,u,11 a p 0%% xlllll einetly. it 1 . 011t.:1111, nothing tu I ,o Ihl' ution T., Nta, Latin, it, io pee o linrly i.ultr4.t It will, in a ing on thy no.ntlily regt, 11:all vast. , 1,1 Nei yous Pain lu t ht. skill Fativiu oil slight, ex. e. tom, 1'201,h:0. 10n 01 Ow 'loan, ',wile., Of Spj f its. II) st ori vs, end:toll v, N liit ,, s, crud all ki i•I•l1/41, 1W( aL•lotal by it ills. rilumil ilyst, , m, these fills c11,,t n ruin a urn all other 1111'1111S ha,' Ni.w ' , •ui. Dve , 11,116 1 1 1/ , ' , 1 1 1 1 111'1111M. 111,1 1 1 . 1.ern ltnowit toppl when•l be 41144 a 'ion , on tho 2,1 rage 01'1,101011a aro well (,bso, v 1141 For lurthor 1,11111 . 11111,..pat ratnalklitt, U1°111:0111 $1 11111111 imstage taainps encloherl to any anti), 111 iti,lre a bottle. I . mitainim; over pill,. by trluil, Mail .12, I'2, New Grocery Store ! CHANGE OF 1 , 1 11)1 I r 11E undersigned hereby announces to hie old potion:, nil customers, that ino has dle poqed of his entire istoolt Oh Goods with the good, will of the establishment to Messrs Potter it Washmood, whom he recommends to the citizens of Cumberland ounty. as active, energetic and tells' to hostiles, men, oho will spare 110 Indus to maintain and improve the character or the old stand as a ll' el close With many honks for tie patronage he hob reeeired hx bespealss for the new Iklll a rnntinwrura of the some JOHN 11YER. PEFFER & WASHMOOD will in a few days receive the largest mud best assorted stock of GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WILLOW WARE, &c., over brought to this place, and Will constantly keep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets afford. A full assortment of Lamps and Oil on hand. Call and 800 us at the old stand, South East corner of Market Square January 11, 1800—ly ALarge and varied stook of Groceries, Queonswaro. CA N NED FRUITS, sauces, Fish. &c. kc , which I am selling at the very lowest Cash Prices. Those Indebted to the subscriber, and particularly thostrin arrears for a length of time will come forlard and promptly pay up, as longer delay will not be sub milted to. Nov. 3, 1805 PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, (lo more and better work at a ktvon Cost, than any other I Try It I Manufactured c(hly by Mal LER & 861ITII. Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, No. 137 North Third Strout, l'hllad'a., Jan. 22, 1800-Iy.. PEESSING CASES, Ladies' and a entlemon's . lb, Mb. ALSIONDS.- Burnt, Rose, Coffee, Vanilla and Chocolate. ec. 15, 1865. AT HAVERBTICICS Presentsfor all at Haverstick's. 11017 Rll-ING Desks, Papier, Alaohie, vv Rosewood & Waluut f . D0e.1.5, 1865. d.T HAVERSTIORS. GUM BELTING I , ,Jitst received-a large aeeortmont of all 090[14 Gum Belting; Gum noso, Gum Packing, ike., and fq sale cheap at the Ilardwure Store of HDNRYf ; Juno 26,1864. , 1)12. AIARSIIALL'S Gives Immediate Relief More Than Thirty Years' MIS ELI EF I N 'l' \I I N [TES 13i an's Pulmonii!, Wafers ! Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers FAMILY GROCERY. J'EPFER & WASEINIOOD Always On Hand AT, II AVERSTIO FORWARDING AND . COMMISSION HOUSE FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT I3EETEM & BROTHERS having purchased of Snyder k Newcomer their enters hire Warehouse, (Ilendersou's old stand,)head of High street, beg leave to inform the public that they will continue the Forwarding and Commission business on a snore ontomslve scale than heretofore. The highest market price will be paid for Flour Grain and Produce of all kinds. - - Flour and Feed, Plaster, Salt and Hay, kept con stantly on hand and for sale. Coal of all kinds, embracing LIKENS VALLEY LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LA IV B E Y, &c., Limeburners' and Blacksmiths' Coal, constantly for sale, Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of LUMBER constantly on hand. A Daily Freight Line •111 loavo their Warehouse every morning at 7 o'clock, rrive at Harrisburg at 11 o'clock, and at lion nrd Si 1 inehman's Warehouse, Nos. SOB and 510 Market !Arcot Miladelphia, at 8 o'clock In the evening of same day J. BEETEM & BROS. - Nov. 10. 1005. :. Wheeler & Wilson and Howe. LOCK STITCH SEWING ACRI S„ The ir, afool ,t „,l V, Wheclor & Wilson machined are adapted t all I. finds of sewing, wording equal!) ell open Situ, I.linni and Cotton goods, with Sills. Col tnii and Linen tune:ids, making a boantifol and iii.nfrot stitch alike on 1,, , th sides ol the article Filers of 11 heeler N Kil=os pro him., Na ll:whine plain, • • '2 •• • nun-m.I,W 31 Insane. si,ver plated, S 7 The Howe Sewing Machine. 1 he littriltioil ol rhos inalsorr.. Saddle, and Carriage Trimmers i, called to this—the hest of Shut tle Sew log )larliltn, It is unatiiinoti , ly admitted to he the 1.,1 noidliine for loathe, t ol offer given to tint public. of It tse u.I, liihnd • holier A lidichitio $llO Ix iegoininetoled for lainily , 1,61/1: binding and L~ltll It. in whin, $7O Iselio 'll,l 1111,1 1, 14 Li, to the • I.,tder iido hilin. Is I.' /11111:1,.!..ii La Peso Tailoring !toot and Shoo moil, and I al I hrt• II It rut, light :101l rapid and tc 111 do hit, nor si m t d tle than the smaller pki.l oviinitie at !fail olegraph Inllre. (lar• lido, 1./1.-S GREAT DISTRIBUTION Anictican Jewelers" Association. Depots : 37 & 39 Nassau. & 54, 56 & 5S Liberty St , N \V Y() IK" CITY, (1f And F tro• till I's:u Liu 11Lchi, .1.•we•11, 1 1 ,1111M/11 1 1 111 , . 1 1 1.1111 11 11 1 1 111 1 / 1 - 1, . 1 11 1 1.1 11,113 1 1/1, 1 1 1 r 31, 1 . 1 11 13•11i111 11 . ./1•1. 1.313, 111141 I zuli, • r , 1,1 four (11.111 11.1 ,tiver 11,1141,5. /ILatf , lls :ets , •1 t 1,1•1, anti Ne , b. , 1:C1.) , , 1 1 111111 111111 111,1 '1 111i 1 . 1 1.11 1 !•, Sl . Av I'm 1 hich they need not pay until it is kilon a Intl is di inn 01111 th, Value. Till. A SI Ellle.SlN .1 ESl'F.l.l.liilts , IELVI'ItiN t orn. yank a I 1.11 II I'' the tart its (.ring the largest and most popular Jewellery .11 111 the United States. 'lb business itiel ,II ;10110 , 1101'11 1 , 1111111111- I'll in I.lll' 11110'1 riondid rei lemma! I.• manner Our 11111111 1111 r lug 11111' 10 .11'1111' 11.11111 01 1 11111 api peel:it on el ear it t i 111 IhIA 111 , 110'11 01 1 , 11;311111W I lob. elegant atiil I) goods the sudden termina tion of "r of Nassau, N. 1 1 , whll were I' v 1.1•11. (1 111 1 arming 011 1111101 I , 11 the Mock ailed pot f °bilging thion to sell their ;spiels at a went i tt 501111' 1111 00 I , ' , ;11.111 1.1i1.-1,11 ill the 11,1 01 111,1,111,11 Urrulg lII' hoe lately purl has,' very largely al these 11 tat, apt t toads, at vii eicti t utai Iv hoc mice , that we t :I/I''' 11 1.0 1 , 1•1111 away Final oil- ove better t homes to dra w the mote Vali a Ode prit , s t Mtn an} other ii-tab'lstuttent doing a sha ll.. linstats, tit li .\lll IS Li, PI, I. ks E. and c shirttail) 1.1111011 youl ;sits itnit_li, as WlllllO confident at giving the utmost sallshielliin. During the pant year 11. 11011' I.'l', 111.11' IVI 111111.1 01 1/10111/101 ,11111111111. 'lll 1, , 1.1 1111 1131 11. 1.1 the 1 1 eiolutly. Tlniss uhn patron. Isa us will receive the I all VIIIIIO 01 their money, as 110 arli,•le 1111 1411. list is 11 leSc than 1 411. 1/01111, retail. and there att. no Blank- I'm ties di ohm.; 11 11 11 00 11111y ,1,•ro.;,,1 MI 11:1111111 1 11/11111; 11'1 111'11, 111111 ;Ile artii Iti ilLtun will le, Immediately sent to any address by re - lain 111.1 i I lie express. 'III , I.IIIOWII/-1 ;sillies have tticeutl) drawn ,alualtle hoe ',tell, alio , eil the uselll ti sir It uu,s 11,11 /1-1- .1 11111111'1. chart omit SI a Al i 110.0 n, 11 ti . Platt°. 1.1 to. 5:;1111, Niss Anna 11 Vales, ri2 st, 11.11 k's Hare. N Sel's 11, 1:11'11100, I' l llllll 1111 .; -111, I, 11 11 Nash, ;Ile, Tom.. sil,er lii e t, Naito. $l5O NIL. , 1.111111,1 11 11111,1' 111 Front st Harrisburg, l'a , so, lag 31,,eltitie, value 51,11. !dolt -Colonel Walter Cluttenden, (juartertnaster, Louisville. is) , 71 ;Will, 1 Blur, glsu ; NVut. Unities. 417 Chat slim, is , Sil,er IVat.elt value ; A Iti‘dtaler 11111 , 0/1, 1 0.1 . I,lllor 11u51. ti tir Peonies, 11 usbateur, inn., Ladles' Enameled SS aid.. , 11 11 1, ; 'Samuel Lee, , President. Ciil toad" aml Itiot Bank Slitting l'etahat.), salt Franciseo; cal., \le Odeon. value 510 ; Attriin Long, Esit ['rill elhal Elkhart Collegiate Institute, Elkhart, N. ,1 ~ Dia na tin Pin, value $2l/0 , It. M. Longstreet. Shollgomery Ala, Al ash 1.5.0, value 575 Rev. !sale 1111 Uur. ,'„hl N , stil. V:111111 53 ; Nils, Clara Luttatfuttr, Daytiin, Uhio, i'lanolurto Indus $.lOO lillll 1/I,lllllllld Pin, rattle $175 Maly names could 110 111:11.1,1 011 the List, but w I/0111811 110 11111111, IN 11.110 U; 1101 . 111111811111. Our patrol/ are desired to send l i nitett Stales l'arrency when It I I'olll etlionl. LIST OF PARTIAL ARTICLES IV. E. 1.10'1"I', Apyllt.., Eat 'kit, SOLD FOR ONE 'DOLLAR EACH, It..goril to tutu 11,4 to b• ra id I;pr Until Vt , ll lint Will I'VC,'IVe: 15 141eg ,tit Rosewood I'innoB,4vortli from $2OO to $450 fir Elegatit 41e10 lens,Roxewood Cases 175 to 250 50 Fast Ulu,. Sewing Manilla"; 40 to 300 15 Floe (01 PalntingB 30 to 100 150 Vino Steel Engravings. framed 20 to 30 50 Slusir Boxes 25 to 40 150 Itevolving haunt Castols.l , ilver 20 to 40 so Silver Fruit and Cabo Baskets 20,0 :15 400 Sots of Tea and 'Nitta :Spoons 20 to 00 150 U old Hunting Coco NV/similes, Warranted 00 to 150 100 Diamonds Itingb, eltist or and hingle stono 75 to 200 177 Uold Wota: 85 to 160 Ladim, Watches lio to lOU boil Oliver W'ntchlos 20 to ib Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drops, Ladles' Sete of Cold and Coral, Jet and Child, Florentine, Mosaic, Lava, and Cameo; Set s of Studs., Vest and Nock Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Rings, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, New Style Belt Buckles, 031 d Pens and Pencils, Fancy Work Boxes, U Id Pens with Cold and Silver Exten sion Holders, and.a largo assortment of Fine Sliver Ware and Jewelry of every description, of the hest make and latest styles. Aro- A vintner, to obtain any of the above Articles for ONE DOLLAR by purchasing a sealed envelope for 25 °m ire- Five Sealed Envelopes will bo sent for $1 ; Eleven for $2 ; Thirty for $5; Sixty-live for $lO ; One hundred for $l5. Agents wanted everywhere. Unequalled Inducements offered to Ladles and Oonts who will act as such. Our descriptive circulars will be sent on application. Distributions are made in the following manner:— Certificates naming each • article and it its value, aro placed in sealed envelopes, which are well mixed. Ono of these envelopes containing the Certificate or Order for some article, will be delivered at our office, or bout by mall to any . address, without regard to choice, on receipt of '25 cents, 'On receiving the Certificate the purchaser Will see what article it draws and its value, and can then send One Dollar, and receive the article named, or can choose any Mimi ono article on our list of the same value. Purchasers of our Sealed Envelopes m y, in this manner, obtain an article worth from ono to five hun dred dollars. - I= Long letters are unnecessary. Have tho itindo OSA write plain derectione, and in choosing different or olds from those drawn, mention the stylo.desired. IV prefer haters to i o addressed to our Box, 5310, Post 0 tier, for wester safety. _ . :yOrders in SEALED ENVELOPES must In every case be accompanied with the Cash, with the name of the person sending, and Town, County and State plain ly written. Letters should bo addressed to the Managers as 'fol lows Jan. 10, 1896-3 m Iron, English Refined, CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. Horse SHOES, $7,25. - • • An!loyorythlog den In proportion at • HENRY SAXTON'S July 7, 1805. DiIYSICIANS will find it, to their ad vantage to call and purehase their Medicines at RA1,31'01,1.14. Ju1y.1,1861 Ca ME= $1,000,000. FOR OA.IE DOLLAR, SUBRUAN, WATSON & Co., Box 6910 Post Office, Now York SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR LIVER COMPLAINT A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL f your bowels ore costive, TRY THEM f you have worms, TRY TIIRM your breath Is bad, TRY THEM f you feel drowsy, TRY TIIENI f you nro low spirited, TRY THEM f you have it Rich headache, TRY THEM If you have taken a drop too much, TAKE A FULL DOSE.. They only cost 25 cents a box. TRY THEM. Blue Mass, and other preparations of Mercury, ac tually produce more suffering and death than the dis eases which they Profess to cure. And yet this corro sive mineral so denounced by the allopathic doctors, Is prescribed by them almost universally in Liver Com plaint, Consumption of Lungs, kr. Tills MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herbs, obtained from the great storehouse of Nature, and their salutary ef fects will appear as soon as the medicine Is brought to the' test of a fair experiment. SCHENCK'S MAN DILIVISE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach ; but when given for Dyspepsia, it may be proper to use them in connection with SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive faculties are speedily restored.;,,to their full vigor, and the worst eases of indigestion may be cured. 1V ben we reflect that the liver is the largest inter nal organ of the body, that to it Is assigned the impor tant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that when it is diseased or inactive the whole body suffers sympa thetically, It is not surprising that a medicine which ran restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, and effect ores which may appear to be almost miraculous. Headache of long continuance, severe pains in the side, bream and shoulders, aching of the limbs, a feelin, of general weakness and so rotehedness, and other alarm ing and distressing symptom's, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily removed by the use or SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles. bitter or four eructations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression, mental anxie ty, languor, lethargy, and depression of spirits which unfit a man for the management of business and the enjoyment of life, are nil relieved by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Dr. SCHENCK —Dear Sir : I take pleasure in sending you a cectilicate in addition to many you have already I reeeived from suffering humanity. I urn sosreely find language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and SEAWEED TONIC 'have effected in the en tire cure of one of the toast stubborn cases of the affec t:on of the liver. For three years I suffered beyond de scription ; all my friends, as well as myself, came to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. Such was the terrible condition to which I was reduced that life to MO had in,'Onle a lmrtlloll ; my whole system was in a state of inflammation ; I could not eat, I could not sleep ; my whole body was filled with pain; swe'ling would arise in my Wrists and ankles, render ing them totally useless. On several occasions I was attached with a rush of blood to the head which would fell um to the ground, and I wee Id be carried away Mr dead. I applied to se vet al eminent physicians of our city, who administered all the medicines that they titought would reach my case, but of no avail. One of them said he could do no more for mo, and ad vised me. as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not rell-hi t.; the horrid trash I declined to take it. Acct. dent put your advertisement in my hands. I called on you ; ;nu examined me and told me the nature of my disease. You then ordered the the l'ills and Tonic s; 1 th ass observance of diet, pledging your word that in one week I would find myself another man. I follow ed your advice. and, ass you predicted, an astonishing cure was effeeted. I continued your Pills and Tonic for some time, and now thank tiod for his goodness, and t our valuable 11,dirine, I am OM, mare restored P. pet feet health. I most earnestly recommend tilt.. wh a, suffering, from affection of the liver to give your falls and Tunic a Lair trial, and a cure will be el feet,. S. I have sent many persons to you. mid they h n its' ~11 been cored. Aoy Itstlansation my fellow HO veils may 11,luire will he freely given by the subscri ber. at his residesll,, No. 012 Fedenel street, between Hit street and Passy tusk rood. CH A It LES JOHNSON, Sa., Formerly is intess' Ink Manufacturer. pro,kinnally at his principal F• North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, 11111,A DI:1,1'1111. Saturday. 9 a. fn. until 4 p. N0.:42 Bond street. New York, every Tuesday, limn 7 to :I; No. :i Summer street, llost,in, 'doss , every inlneslay. from U to 2, and every other Friday et IOS lialtimore street, Baltimore. Id. All advice !Vet., but fora tl,rough examination of Ihe lungs a ith his Re spirmitelcr the charge is nu,' dollars. pore nl lhr Pulmonie Sl rap and SeaN, eed Tonic, each $1 :4 psi h“ttlo,lT $7 ..ot per hall d 7.en. Mandrake Pills, 2A is tit, er x For sale ht ill Druggists and In-alet s. Jan. 1, I hGJ—ly. PIANO-FORTES. [CGS' NE W PATENT R V, the only Instruments constructed :I (I uls s, irutill pnnriplu They have great I . 'Al'Oll, it I,nntin I.mger In lune than "tbet . 'fh,. r , ,u•truetion i.S :Ample and matt all 111 ,' t .111'011S lowher iu thobody of the root 1100 I. Willi I tile sound Loarth arelel I/I:111t, id thin o,tuJ, like tile i.;l/ II ; tln•sh fines a, e attached to a ,Lro Iron 1ra..., ii It 1,11 is sop:tinted and entirely indepm the thereby dispensing wile the old 11 stn in ging, by stilistitutAn.i straight britlg at the salmi time he Over ==il ‘k _sin much a rna v Ihrnallry ail,. time g till its ptility mitt rirlities 'Hwy havy revolved th4.141t,•-t tv , titnonials from and all the ',jut ipal arti,ta it) the roan ti.ll,l)g ‘,16,11 nn •: harry Smiderson, Th,..dore II r is ii l‘olletiliAtipt, Frativin 11.11rown, Henry Fry, I \l I'ND TII 1.1.11E1'0, the great pianis ye - -I hnr el °kaoline,' your new Piano-furtes, and ,•ord ia ly approve of its 53 stem of constt tiction . I ts by which great increase of vibratory power is oldnin,l, being very &hold°, and perfectly philosophi cal. Ti , folio is grand and noble; it has groat capac ity !or sustaining the sound or singing, and its vol ume , f tone or power I have never heard excelled in depth, purity, and sympithetiesweetnes , . HENRY VIII, late musical critic of the N. . —I have examined your newly Invented =I five -poi tea They mei it all the praise given to them Nles , rs Thalberg, Gottschalk, Strackosch, Marton and others As regards st ruct urn, they are original anti 1111110mAdinial ; In purity, volume, and continuity or bole; in vocal veredmilitude, that crowning execl. len, e n bleb enables the pianists to "clog" on the in st, ument, your Pianos ever deserve the highest rank four invention, in my opinion, is destined to work a radical barge In the manufacture ot Pianos through. I=l Flom the N. Y. Herald, Fept. s.—Upon a careful ex amination of Prigg's Piano-Forte, we lied the insults obtained are a very line singing tone, groat purity and brilliancy throughout the entire Instrument; not often bound in Pianos constructed upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, July 12, says:—We have now an nnti unient without an equal. It eau sing with smooth delicacy, perlectly unattainable OD uuy oth inkdrument ; au ordinary player obtains with no cool tite fullness of a tirand I'lano•Forte, and they must speedily supersede the old styles. Ii 5011.50 EN :—llsolog thoroughly examined and tested the Piano-Fortes inv mi ted and patented by Mr 11. Griggs, I am 01 the opinion that the tone result x from his improvements, as exhibited In the in I uments under examination, in point of richness pth and brilliancy, equals that of the best Grand I lane Fortes, and excels them In pure, musical Inton ation and actual tone, power thus approximating closer to what I consider perfection In the Instrument titan has yet boon achieved by any other system of man II facture. Yours respectfully, L. M. GOTTSCHALK ATM. HALL & SON, • 603 Broadway, • NEW YORK. Before purchasing, send Ibr a descriptive catalogue with price. Juno 16, 1805—,1y. THE • Mason & Hamlin Cabinet ;s_ Organs forty different styles, adapted to sacred and seen lar music, for $B6 to $6OO each. FIFTY-ONE GOLI or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums award ed them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MA SON & HAMLIN, BOSTON, or MASON BROTHERS New YORIC. Sept. 22, 1865-Iy. `L Sint lona olunavo mu ayluoddo Siauou tqg Jonouni gpoN `EISV'IO 'S'llO 'upupl uvio ezialm l3 lll opsouwa puu uZleaoa 131 sllariva "i'l, NA 7 IT w i ll ' 3rl o ) saosgddons, is Malmo narrnbt I\Tgaw - latacorea. rpHE,Blibscriber hereby informs his old j customers and the public generally; that ho has . • REMOVED , his Family Grocory FROM Pitt ,Street TO the corner of Poutfrot and Pitt Streets, in the building known ns CART'S CORNER, which has Just boon thoroughly ropairod and refitted expressly for his business. My stock anoints of a first-class assortment of GROCERIES, Willow Wooden and Queenaware, comprising ovary thing `ln - my lino Of trade. lAm in constant communication with tho eastern cities, and will bo in daily receipt of tho NEWEST and FRESH- EST GROCERIES the fbreign marketi afford. Don't forgot tho placo—Cart's Old Corner. JOllhrlo. STEM. Carlisle, Bluish 30, 1860. Doors open every day, (Sundays excepted.) New Boot, Shoe, Hat & Cap Store. r, HE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding co ". try, that he has just returned from the city, and has now on exhibdion at his new stand south west corner of North Hanover St. and Locust Ailey', a large assortment. of o which ho would invito tho attention of purchasers. Ile stock consists in part of Mon's, Boys and Youths Kip and Water proof Boats. Calf and Glove Kid Gait era, Calf and Hip Brogans, Slippers, &c. Etna CI lovo Kid, French and English lasting Clatters, Morocco, Calf and Kid Boots, and Balmorals, together with a large assortment of heavy taco Boots and Gal morals suited for country ware. of all descriptions, embracing flue Kid and Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Goat and Kid Boots and Minerals, Call and Kip litcF Boots, &c. Hats and Caps in great variety, for Men, Boys and Youth's Voar, from the commonest to the very best quality, at low prices. Call and see them. ills motto is small profits and quirk sales, adhering so those principles he trusts he shall give general sat isfaction to those who will favor him with their pat ronage, Remember the Stand, S. W. corner of North Hanover St , and Locust Alley, midway between Thudlum's and Wetzol's Note's, Carlisle. Carlisle, April a, 18116—tf. lAT HERE AS, 1, Wm. A. MILEs, Car V lisle, I'a. having just returned from the Has ern cities with an extensive assortment of the moss ashlonablo and brilliant colors of Such as Preach Merinos, Cold Wool DeLanos American do., Figured do., Alpacas, Therefore purchasers will find it to their advuntag to give me a call. Also, the handsomest assortment of PLAID DRESS GOODS. in Carlisle. Particular attention given to MousstPin Goons. WM, A. MILES. Directly opposite the Mansion House, and one do cot of the Post Office. Sept. 21, 1565 NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS: GRAND 'opening of unrivalled goods just received from the Eastern cities; consist ink of choice and varied selections at A. W. Bentes store, South Hanover St., the familiar and well known stand. Our list of Drrss (Mods comprises. BLACK SILKS, In groat variety including the best goods imported Gros Grains. Lyons Taffeta. Gros de Rhino, (hos d Afrique and figured. Lupin's, Morinotis in all color. prii•es Plaid Merinoes laid I'upllns, EMPR, ESS ('I,O7'IIS figured and Plain, Alpaocas all shades, Cobu rgs, D I,tines of Elegant Designs. alai soil le, Counterpanes very rheap. FLANNELS I•n cry quality of white and eulered flannels, !thud. (F, llAhneral nkiits &e. A lalgt• stark of• \ civet t ortl, llotn,math..l4•lnq .iti• Iha ,ula•riorls,t.rttiletit. of I ton net Velvets and Silks, linunet and tilllllllillg II I:131,0SId 1,1,5. Single and Double width all wool D e u i iner,, Em press Cloths, Lupin's Bombazine. Cashmere, Freud Merl,lees, Velour Reps, Velour itune , Alpacea, Crap Cloth, Queen Cloth, tqriped Mohair. English Prints, Thibel Shav,ls, Crape Veil. Collars, Ilandkerrhiefs and Belting. NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Pit.or and Ttt II Sluttles, U Itrell , .. and litt..p Skirts. .‘ll very low, am: consi. , Ittiv under the inttrlitit. prices NOl . 3, lstt;, These Life giving remedies are nons, fir the first tin given puldie iy to the world. For 'er r a quarter 0 century of private practice the ingredients in these I fa, Leen .5441 with the greatest sueces, Their shin is !tot only to present dlsea , u, but to I'U-ii They search out the various maladies by which the patient is sullet lug, and re-invigorate the failing system. To the aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable PILLS 11l prove to be I= A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH iltl9llll II 101 For in every ease they add new life and vitality, and restore the waning emu gies t their pristine state. To the oung and middle-aged, they will prove most fill:du:ride, as a ready, specific.. nd sterling medicine. Hero is a, dream realized, that Ponce-de-Leon sought for three hundred years ago, and never found. lie looked. for a fountain that would restore tine old to vigor and make youth evirr M. Sirackr.sch, EMMIIIIII An Eternal Spring! It Was left for this day and hour to realize the dream, and snow, in one glorious fact, the magic that made it thin These Famous Remedies CoCsuuot stay the flight ofd oars, but they can tan bark. and hold aloof, disease that might ti iutnph Over the aged and the young. Let none bonito to then, but seize the Womble opportunity that offers. When taken as prescribed— FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS Nothing no he more productive of cure than these Pills. Their almost magic influence is felt at once ; and ihe usual concomitants of this most distressing disease ore removed. These remedies aro made from the purest e ill not, harm the most delicate female, ran to gis en with ood offset in proscribed dosos to youngest babe. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin ' the SALVE is most In— valuable. It does not heal oxternally alone, but pane trates with the most searching effects to the very root c,f the evil I Invariably cure the following Dis Skin Diseases. Notice.—None genuine without the engraved trado•mark around each pot or box, signed by DR. J. 51AGOIEL, 43 Fulton et., New York, to counterfeit which is felony. Oa' Sold by all respectablo Dealers In Medicines throughout the United States and Oanadas—at 25 cents per box or pot. Jan.lo 1800-Iy. Etini ARE not only unexcelled, but Choy ore absolutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrumont in the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by • E. M. BRUCE No.lB North SEVENTII Street, Puudinsumie. AtirAlso, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, cod a complete as sortment of the PERFECT MELODEON.. Sept. 22, 1805-Iy. THE undersigned is agent for the fol lowing Life and Pile Ineuranco Companies, viz., Mptual Life Insurance Company, How York. Home . Sire Aretle if Manhattan " ' " Enterprise " " Philadelphia. Particular attention' given to Perpetual Insurance. Rates as low neconsistent with Beautify. Office with llumrich,•Esq., ;hrldarion Hall Building, Main street/Carlisle. • Dee. 22,1806—.6m, GREAT EXHIBITION ADMITTANCE FREE. Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, FINE CALF BOOTS, LADIES' WEAR _Misses and Children's Ware, PROCLAMATION ! DR E S S UOODS, French Cassiineres, Mack do , Plain Poplins, Rep. do., Plain Coheres, Figured do WHITE GOODS, Jaconnts and Calniales, Plain and Plaid Ramsnakf. LINENS A.Y D ('OTT() OOODS, Cloths Cassimeres, Millinery Goods MOURNING GOODS Li( -1T OF THE WORLD DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE. Life giving Pills ! Vegetable Compounds. • DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS oases ; Aqhmit, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Diarrhiea, Dropsy, Debility, F affil Ague; Female Complaints, Headache Ind Influenza, Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Complaint . Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Ithoumatism, Salt Rheum, 'Scalds, ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, - -- ~;-".. r, - ~. Cottage Organ. ~~. . _ e General Insurance Agency. SAMUEL I. • Clon'l—Agon The great Strengthening Tonic. (Not a Whisky Preparation.) HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS; DEBILITY ! DEBILITY ! resulting ream any cause whatever RESTORATION OF THE SYSTEM, Severe Hardships, Exposure. Diseases of Camp Life Soldiers, Citizens, .. Male or Female, Adult or Youth WILL FIND IN TIIIS pure Tonic, not dependent 6n bad liquors for their most miraculous effects. H DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS. 00110311 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, This Bitters has PERFORM ED MOR E CURES, GIVES BETTER SAT I SFAC TioN, HAS TESTLITONF, Ins more liospertablo Proplo to votteh for It, that) any thor article in the Market. We defy any ono to contradict this nom, lion, and WILL PAY $lOOO o any one who will 13rOdUell n evrtifkat,. published by ix that is 11,4 gonuine, 1100FLAN1)'S GEItMAN BITTENS, =I Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the kidneys, and Diseases arising front a disor dered Stomach. fliserve the following symptom, resultio Dom ordem of the digestive organ,. Constipation. low.ird l itcs , Follne, of Illn,i the !lead, Acidity of the Stomach, N:111 , 03. Heartburn, DisgmAt for Fon I, Fullness of Weight in the Stomach. Sour El °Ma trons, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Ifltumach. Swimming of the Head. flurried af..l difficult Itre.tllling Fluttering at the Hem t, Choking sul 1.1 a ling : - I.ll.liiilllo when in 0 lt ing Posh., 1,1 1 Won, Dots er Webs the F., or and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Vellowne , , of the Skin and Pp.., fain in the ride, Much, Chest, Limbs, dr.. Sudden Fln , hes of Heat. nurning in the Flesh, l'onstant imagining id Evil, and great Deplo,loll ut Spirits Nei/ Ibis Buff, mil .1/. h , tl,e, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS BUT IS THE REST 7 . (1N1C THI• Frum thc Rev. i ti. th- Rapti Church, l'eniherlun, N. J luinuuly c.! the Nurlh Ha list l'hUrch, l'hiladclphia, at pre4unt l'astorvult Baptist Che,tcr. Pa I have huov,” the 11.0 ,i's talor.thl tor a numbei years. I have u.e,l them in toy ow! lamily, and have liven so pleased with their effect. that I was Induced to recommend them to molly otl era, and hair that they hnvn operated in a striking! be manner. I take great pleasure in thus pu, Hely proclaiming this text, and railing the attentio I,f those afflicted with the dkraseg for which they a recommended, to these hitters, knowing from exper 1111011 UM'. my recommendation will be sustained do this more cheer! ully as lloidland's Bitter:, Is intent ed to henetit the :tinkled, and Is — not a rum drink I= Itev W. I. Twi.lllll List Churi.h, tientletnen .—I have recentlycell lal,ullnc un the distressing ellects ol I 0di.2., , ti0n. accompanied IL prostrat ion 111 the n ri on, s strut. N umerolli talks were recommended by friends, and some tl tested, but without relief. Your lloolland's ther hitters Inu'rl. I ev”tntnemlod by person, 1,110 had t them, and w hose favorable mention of those lot Induced MO to try them I must confess that an aversion to Patent Medicines from the '•thou,and and ono" quack "Bitters, - whose only aims slims he to palm oil sweetened and drugged liquor open the community in a sly way, and the tendency et which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal pri para lion I took it with happy t ITect. Its action, not only upon the At mach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I. have derived great great 41111 i pernututtut benefit from the use of a few bottles. From A. NI Spangler, Editor of the Culturist, N 25 North Sixth Street. Some eight,” months sines I wan a severe suff from Dyspepsia. I was not only unable to take pl food without kulTering great distress, but 11,1 Lrem so debilitated as to be almost unfitted lor active I, ness of any kind. After trying a variety of so-called remedies, all of which pi, vest worthl,s. I was induced, at the sugges tion of a medical friend, to give floe Hand's German Bitters a trial. I accordingly purchased six bottles, which were taken in accordance with your directions. The result was complete removal of all distressing symptoms, after eating or drinking, and a full restora tion of strength, so that I now eat all ordinary kinds of load with Impunity, and am able to attend to all the actives duties of a largo and arduous business as well as at any period of my life, the good effects of the Bitters worn manifested before I had taken the first bottle. I have also used it in my family with the happiest results, and take great pleasure in adding my testi non, to that of the many others who have been bone fitted by them. I find great benefit from the use of a bottle in the spring and fall. Th,,y not only create vigorous appetite, but give a health tone to the stom ach, by strengthening its dkestive powers. If the above testimony will be the moons of induc ing any who suffer front dyspepsia to give your bitters a trial (when ft, I feel confident, will give nun Iluf,) ft In at your nervierr. Yours, truly, From tholloy. 1 I). Fondall, AStiistant Editor C Om) Chronic,lo, 1.1.114. have derived (Welded benefit from the UflO of Mel land's German Bitters, and fuel it my privilege to rec ommend them no a moat valuable tonic, to all who aro suffering from general debility or from diseases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours, truly. E. D. FENDALL.' From 11ev. D. Merrige, Pastor of the Passyunk Bap tist Church, Phila. From the many respectable recommendations given given to Dr. Cooßand's Om man Bitters, I was induced to give them a trial. After using several bottles I round them to ben good remedy fur debility, and a inset excellent tonic for the stomach. Prom Nov. Win. Smith, formerly P.mtor vi the Viocentown and Malvin() (N. 3. ) Baptist Churches, Having used in my family a number of bottles of your noolland's German Bitters. I have to say that I regard them as an excellent medicine, specially adapt. od to remove the diseases they aro recommended for. They strengthen and invigorate the systein when do. bllitated, and are usqu'l in disorders of the liver, loss of appetite, &c. I have also recommended them to several of my friends who have tried them, and found them greatly beneficial in the restoration of health Yours, truly, . =~- C uT~r From J. B. Ilerreau, of the German Ituformed Church Kutztown, Borki County, Pa. Ml Despeated Sir have .boen troubled tidth Dyspep sia nearly twenty' years . ,' and have never used any medicine that did mo as much good as Iloolland's Bit ters. lam very much Improved in health, after hay. lug taken five bottles. 'Yours, with respect, See that the elgnature of "0. M. JACKSON" le on the wrapper of each bottle.. ' Binglo Bottlo Ono Dollar, or a Ralf Doz. for $5. Should your nearest druggist not hare tha articlo do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepara tions that may be Offered in Its place, but send tb us and wo willforward, securely packed by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICR AND _MANUFACTORY No. 0111. Arch Street, - Philadelphia, Pa JONES A EVANS, 'Successors to 0. N. Jackson A Co.] PROPRIETORS. For sale by Druggists and Duelers In ovory town In the United States. Dee. 1, WILL CURE =I Fevers, I= lIEMIP.III Road who Says So . MIME= l'vry respectfully yours U. ) 4 VRI ED, 1=II!I PHILADELPHIA, July 15, 160 I= WILLIAM SMITH, 900 Hutchinson Stres J. S. HERMAN BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. PRIOR, AT COST. I have this day commenced selling off my entire stock of Winter Goods at Cost and many less than Cost to reduce the same before spring opens. You will find a complete line of the following goods Sallinelts, Red, While and Yellow Flannels, hi rti n g Flannels, French Marianas, all colors, Cohurp, Alpacas and Delaines, Plain and Fancy, 'ho largest Stock of Balmoral Skirts, In the County Ica a largo assortment of Woolen Goode, such as Sontags, Hoods, Scarfs, Wool and Merino Hose, Ladles, Gents and Childs Cloves, In fact ovory article In tho Dry floods line all of which will ho sold at prices to Fatlary all, I also have a full stock of MTJSLINS, PRINTS, LINENS, UINUIIAMS, CHECKS, &c Vhieb will be sold at lho shortest profits that they an be cut at. Also a full line of Gents. and Boys, BOOT. um! SIIOES, Tics, Misses and Childress, Shoes and. (laiters. A go let Mess, Ladies :Ind Childs lium Skeen, „hick I v e also reduced in price. Vo lava° all to give us a roll bolbro purchasing a m satisfied you can sore tummy. Fab. 2, tsar New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Hanover Street. Asplendid assortment of all the new styles of Silk Moleskin, Slouch, Soft Straw lints now open of city and home manalacturo which will be sold at the lowest rash prices. Solt hats of all qual ities from the finest Beaver and Nutria. to the cheap est wool, and of all colors, unhurt...A by any this side Philadelphia. A large stock of SC'J/.1/F,R 11,1 TN, Palm, Leghorn It trial t Panama, and Straw. Children, Fahey &e. Also a full assortment ',I \lons, :eel thildrens caps of every description and style, The subscriber Invites all to come and examine his stock. Being a hatter, he feels confident, of giving satisfaction. Thankful for the liberal patron age horetotbre bestowed he solicits a continuance of the same. Dont f rget the stand, two door , above Shriner's Hotel and next to lforman's shoe store. .101 IN .1. KELLER, A gt. N. 11. lifts of all kinds made to order at short noti,. COAL AND LUMBER YARD.— The subscriber having leased the ,turd flamer!): occupied by ArinstrOng ,Ind Hoffer. and purchased the stock of COAL ANI) 1.11)1'1;EB, I the Nan]; together N 1 tin 111, hitm •il I have constantly on hand and lurui.h to or all kinds and qu Illy of se:1,0111,1 BOA RA \ l:"1'1 I. ritt:: Lath. Lath, tvort‘ol Fiotrittv, niirl eath , h..arttilitt. Post, :Mil Rath, and ctv. Ij article that t.. a Ltunbet I'tt.l All kinds of Shingle., to wit (i n k, of ditt, rut qualitios, jog cars of own I run I urnish bills to inch, of any liniglh at size nt the shortost noth nhil !hi , unist reasonal t rims . fly worked Lndnl, v. 11) ',opt owl r rn ,” they run Le fUrni,i.d dry nt all times I have vt,nstantly m hanil all kinds of tam Coal under rover, which I will ilelivor idean to a , pat t of the borough t : ,ti .. toventl Nut, 1,111,0 Viddl a , I IPS .1011. 1,1,1:4 N 11.11111.11 ' Bust quality 4 /,intehurnrr'. u / /1/ (',// I,S:l\, 101 11.1111 i t 110 Yard wr,,t 412 .1N Id(1:11 II ISLA I • •• uno U, I LI 1 1 14 V .\ Hun 111t t,,,,i Fite 1.,..,e Ctite.ty. inentpMattal l,y an eel. ..1 .ks.. mhly, 1.1 tint year 1.1:1. and Itas tint ...vent ly 1.1.1 it, chart... et. tend. eil L. the yea. 14 , 3. is im, in active alit v up ..10.)P, MOD, tic!.o p.lin[rn de u, ,• of the Itillest Ite.; 11 , 1211.1 ui )1.111:1.1.•{ ,, , Vit. illiam It. nergas. 1n...r/y I'. Bally, Alex. l'athea. t, .1. 11 rottv'er, John I: i , •hnlbrl , Joseph 31 ielterslm.... :tam/. Ithetly, 'Martin, a 11.1 (' 1 he l atet...l int...ranee lulu and Ixematile , an y c....many of the kind in 011' t‘tat l' , /11,, t, he, me mete/wen ate tnul, d t.., malt.• applic tion ti. the , °gem/x.4;01e ,11.. ale 11 it to us.lit illylll :11 Al.> thine. 31)1. 11 Ebert)). I' ('III; Ir •I ..T.l‘. }I:1 N, }u,• l't twit/eta, 31.' Ineliet..l.e... I' 11 .111111.1' DI NI. IP. .•i t',' )1., lIANI Itillshurg, York AM.:NT: I 1, 111/05' '.4 601111 ,11 , II I. Ik, il . ll ill) %Janine, Sltirent met°, ... 1, Lot limn) Bowman, hate ../.1111.11. ;Muth 3tiddle...lll; S6llllllei Graham. (Vest Santee/ Com er. tneeltaltiettltur° ; .1 l% U. Craver,, / /pp., Allen . .1. it. Sa•ten, Silt re Sprint: Jahn lly er. C.telisle; atm.( ino Fee111:111, Sew laud James '3ll.Cantllittl., Newlin°. pnrlc enunty--NY. /liver', Jame, ttritllth, \Va.:n.ol:l; .1. 1/..artlmlT. II ash ington ; Iliehcy Dillslturg , 11, nett..., Fair, iew ; John William.. Cal roll. Dauphin 11,.u,0r. Hai g. liotuliers of tilt: Cutup:tit) haying lion, it, about to oxpiro, Lau hat', . them ....lied by ituy the A,stits. .1 uly LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters tine statseribers inferm the public that tiwy ,tiii c4,l)tiltue FpliriNil .Ni) llll\ll \ Casinos at, the Ohl Stand in OW ha,eaa at I , f the I. Mvtinidbil Church. They will attend promptly to all busiorris in their line Load and Iron Pipes, liyJinut., M.( And ,SV/ U WER I% at, Closet,. lee :mil Litt \(r.'t NVelllo , l lion Sinks, Bath 'rubs, liath Bolin:1i. Wash bit 11P1r.l1111 r Itaina, and every Aoscrlption vorlis awl fall tirs for tins, utter, A.c. Sulu, for ranite•, In Le, and pica fistin ins put up ill I . IIM I, 1,1111 di% • al short nolita., In the most modern style. All .911(1.1 tale ill our line at low rates 11.11 ei).Country and tpqmi.tly attunkleLl July 1.1164. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prizo Medal at the Worldls Fair, London, 1862. 4a44,,,,-;;-.S*7514' .; ,, a--em , ;L:- ,1..- , ---,- , ,,------ ~,. r , q , il. ~..---- rpuE undersigned has just received, A_ and Intends to keep constantly on hand a full as. sortmout of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by k Sons of Now York. Each instrument will be carefully soleeted In tho Afanufactmy, and will bo sold at tho New York Cash Factory Pribes, "ali the addition or Freight to Cut lisle. A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be gll en by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, main Strout, 3tl door 01111 t nl the Manbion HOLM', 11.1 t. 1.0 Rztilroad Depot, SECOND lIAND PIANOS received In exchange and kept for tale and to runt. Carlislo, Nlity 22, 1863—1 y I)AINTS AND OILS.- lU White Lead. 1000 Gallons of Oil. Just level red with a large assortment of Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, I.ltharge, lied Lead Whiting, Boiled 011, Glue, Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, Fish 011, &c., Color, at every description dry, and 011 in cans and nbes at the llardware Store of July 1, 1864 Bryans Pulmonic Wafers, AT RALSTON'S D0e.11,1863 ®NE good Photograph - is worth a doz enkJ poor once. Who will give a poor picture to a friend ? All IMIOTOORAPLIS rondo at LOCIIMAN'S ROOMS, are warranted to give eatlsfactiou or they will be re taken. Oct. 20, 1805. I_ f3IPES, Tobacco, (smoking and ohm. lug) and Segura, at Ilavoratick'a Drug and Book ME TTAMES.-400 pairs Times on hand I • of all kinds. Bileabothtown pattern, Loudon do., Common do, with and without patont,faetoninge cheaper than ever,,nt 11. SAXTON'S, Ma,t Alain et. July 1,1864. PHYSICIANS will find it to their ad vantago to call an d purcbso theltOrslknve, July 1, 1864 USICAL INSTRUMENTS. • • Flutes, Fifes, Violins, Accordeons, Banjos, u t'irs and Tambourines. Dec. 15, 180. AT lIAVERSTIOICS. 4_ Fine 'assortment of Uainti 'Toy' s of AMorldan i French and Clorman-makon .1 N.% UM. AT ITAVERSTIOIIO. aff-PT!!:r R. A_ I It." R 0 A. D . CHANGE OF HOURS. (AN and after MONDAY, November 20, k_llBo6,.Paseenger Trains will run daily, ae follows, (Sunday excepted): FOR CIIAMBERSBURO ANI) iIaRRIF.BIIRO. Loavo Hagerstown,. 7:10 A. M., 2:45 P. 111 " Greencastle, 7:45 " 0,35 {Arr at 5,17 ' 4:20 " Chambers'g, Leave Leave Shlpponsburg Nowvillo " Carlisle 6:50 A.M 10:03 " 3.04 Merlumiesburg 7:21" 10:36 " 3:37 Arrive at Harrisburg 7:50" 11:10 " 4:10 " FOR CHAMI3ERSRURG AND HAGERSTOWN: Leave Ilarrlsburg R:4O A. 31., 1:40 P. 31 43:0 P.M " 3lechaniesburg 9:18 " 2:20 " 5:05 " Carlisle 9:68 " 2:53 " 6:30 " Newvillo 10:31 " 3;20 " Shipponsburg 11:07 ‘• 4110 1:30 Arr L„n , a o t, :3 1 [; :•. -1:10 •`Cliambers's, Leave (Ireonea“.lo \I 5:30 ‘• Arrivn at. llogorsto,%o 1:00 " c,,10 • nuking close connections at Ilarrisbulg .Rh Trains e awl from Philadelphia, New York, Pittsburg, Haiti sore and Washington. 4 , 3-. The Train leaving Ilan isburg at 4:20, P. M., i uns only ao for no Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt 'uperintendent's Office, l eh:111111'g. No .24, 1865. f RIDING RAIL ROAD. No I= WINTER ARRANGEMENT. (IR.EAT TRIJNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for Philadelphia, New Yolk, 14,111i11,2:, Pottsville, Lebanon, Tamaqua, Ai.h. land, Lebanon. Allentown, Easton, cr., &r. Trains loave ilarrislitmg for New York: as follows At :Imo. 7.i20 and 9 05 A. hi., and 1.45 and 9.00 I'. M., aril, in,. at Noe Voris at and 10 011 A. NI., and 3.10 itiol 111 :ill, P. M., connecting with similar' rains on the Pen ni.y Ivania hail Brad: Sleeping Cars necompanyine: the :Lou and 9.05 A. M., Tiains, without chimp, for It oading . Pottsville, Tamaqua, Arldand, Pine I/rove, Allentown and Itdelphia, at 7 2.5 .1. 51., :ma I 45 and tato P. Si., stop ping at Lebanon nod all Way Stations ; the 9.00 I' Train in:thing no rho, r , ddiectionn for Pottsville nor, Philadelphia. For Pott, Sally Haven an, Auburn, via t-iitnylkil I and .Susquelinnna tall /toad Harrisburg at Lou P. M. Itetutnintr.: I. New Y II( at 'tut/ A. M., 12.00 Notot ',lll, P. >I ; '19111:1.11.1,111la at 1 1 tII A. and P. M., PotAttville at S.:10 A. 45 P. M.. At-Maud It ta) and 11.1) .1. M., and 1.15 I'. 11 : Tama qua at; :15 1. 51., and 1.40 P. M. crave P, tt vein„ f.ll 11:11 . 1 . 10,11rg. S111 , 111011;111113 Ilall hand. at 11. I:, A. NI. . . . . . II .ki i 5 t.11110. , 113t..i , 11 ill t'S IZealling uL 6.30 A. turning 1000 l'ltilnavlrllia Colutuhia hail R 1,1141, Trains leave Iteailimr. at 6.10 A. :11 and I'. 11. fol Lailvaster. Col tun 10.a, &v. Un liundays : Leave New at SON H. it 15 P. Al., Pottsville .1. M. TAM:1111/3 I'oo A M i'l , o A M . 1111 , 1 Iteadiag at I Hu A. Al. i • and 11v:12 A. NI, Jri New Yolk. Civattiutatien, :":I'/IS,OI, 11 1 011101 and 1 1 1 1. Lets Irian all piints. at red-mid Hates. ht.. , ,rd . su imnd, allmo ed each 1 1 .1• /1” 11 1 11. A. N !CULLS, 111•11111,11 511T.1.11111.11111/1-11t.. Cumberland Valley Rail Road Corn- l'uniberland Valley, l'ennsylv:- I hi, Niii tli.•111 Cionpanii 1 hug iui L. IN .I,M, 1.3 iits to I.ia 1101 , 11111. tit) of I loo ,: lot * 1 11 , 1111 o , 100 1 Fro,71•oll'ill,l:1 livan ss • (1 ( (LI (- ((f 1'1(11,1(1,1111(i. lialtimoto :(11.1 N N. 11, ill. • • •••••• er1.11,1, ValleN linil lim' l'enipaili tin h I • ••i.tht Depot nt l'at lisle an the hi ;lan .I • I • tle• • pt ainl shipment Id all goods en 11l IA I 1 , II I I:I11 I : I ....tided 1., arrangeinetit ranst be lelt. it D Eland 0.111p:111 Depot I•i , 1111 . 1 ..1 11.41 Philadelphia North. IA E. 11! Depot Italtiutore 3,1 ,C 1 hail pool It. rot. at 1',011.1e. 111 , 1.111• Ii ‘ , lll ll', ,1 I. th, to ship t 11 1 ,11,41, tho 1;:til (' r.l 11Q, I reight 11,,esand I) I ni..1.1 •A_>nt. .I', MACHINE SHOP. rye subscriber now manufactures and hlhd. nu North t:troet, east of 111 , 11 1..1 1 : t1., 31:8,tut en t ol (;IMTI,TI . E.II, I MI)I,F,)II , ',NTS Thre , lling )13,11in, s Sop • Imo, at 4.o•111..1, (I,,ver Hullers ('.,rn niltl Fodder ('utters, ' • -•; 4.i :Iry Lhu la 1,4, and the 1.0,4 hummt,lll.lll,. . 1 );4: 118111 . 1 , I'llll 111 paid fn El•pair 111 V, 4,1 all 1.111,1, , 1 A“ii. tilt ut 11 Inil kluvlo, 11,4 t .o• tras,llal.l,. the store (.4 . John Irvine, on tI 1 ,, ot •qtutru. place to 11. i ,, hoot, ,`Slow. flat: .1,1 at pi ha, that. dell Ile has Jost rt•tuiued Irmo Eat.t eith the larl,est atot mph to U iteeet..tll,ol. 11:118 Cap , that ho ha , cvlo pr,ohhl to (hi, I . llllllllllity. and ll° i. , IlotAt.lllllcd to bull at Chu lust L.t. , , turf. touhla, es h‘orything in ki• 1i111 . ..11 , . •u. h a. 1~111YS• 1 , 1.N1).; CA ',l , ' 130(.)1',5, kip 1)-1 , . ( . .kI I :1111.1 Pat, artL. thOXI..III TiVS, ud p.ilent Lr•:rl her Ilaiters, Call Nullifier, Calf and 111 , ra, L A 1) 1 E 11' E 11, Fine V1..1.11 and Ent41,111..a.Lii.,1Lkiter5.:1101..,,.., Calf and Fine Fzin.3 I,id Itus{dip.. Av . .1:\ CII I I.IMEN'S \\'l?.\ll of 1111 (tests! ip twits end,racing line. I,a,ting Button Boots. Locos of all hinds t, of nariollt, AtVit'S slippers, &e. CAPS, Silk. en•shnere. rue and %V,,01 Hats ,d all and FtylnF, ak.. 8- , ,rot Intent of lIATS. it—ts to order zit the hiltlt tint 110th pponipily dung. t:onfident of lilt, nullity t, pl,•ase .111 cla,et. 4,1 .•11:41 , 11wi n, lit , I t LI lilt) 1.10, lit (the hill. a rail. vt9,ltentembee the place, N cot !ter of the puldj, Square. .1 III) 1 I` , l I FIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. rilllE undersigned respectful') announ i est,, the public' that he ',till I•ontinuep, the Ilat• tint; Busine, at the old st.ind, iu Wekt High ntreet, and 1% ith a ellot 1, 1",,1u, e , tr ti rli•n of (lead Dress of. Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall he .trielly in keeping with the hinpioN c meat of the Art, and fully up to the age which w 1 havo ou Lauda sploudid atoiortmon't of wz El krl c- cF`lt-N C PS ' ofall descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest Fur ,tod `ilk lints: and at prices that Intuit suit every one who has an eye to getting this worth of his money. The stock includes, ;LESK IN, OASSI M ERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, ;;; every ,tylo and rotor and unsurpasaed for Llghtnest. Durability and tiniah; by thou° of any other ev t aLlinh ;neut in the country. Mon's, Boy's alld Children's Hat's and Caps, cry' dosyriptlon constantly on hand. Ile lospoctfully Invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as posalble, to give hint a 'all. July 1 18t i 1 r• 3te' (co .c e ri 1 e 'As . =I HALBERT & BRO ., HAVING just returned from the Eastern cities desire to inform their patrons that they have laid in a large and varied stock of New and Fresh Goode at the lowest cash prices. Their assortment is thorough and complete, contain-' ing everything necessaay to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest abundance, and at lowest cash flgiires.— Syrups, Spires, Canned Eructs, QUEENSWARE and Crockery, palt and Iflsb, Hams, Choose, Cracicors, Brushes, Ilitakets and Willow Waro. jars Tohacre, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, end a com piety assortment of =I FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot tho old stood, South East corner of Hanover streoto. Fcb. 24, 18C4 CUMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL, N. B. Car. Main and Bedford Ste. CARLISLE, PA. JNO. U. HEISER, Proprietor. ESTAMIANT in the basement, Ajowldat 1s furnisbud with tho vary boat othquors and edibles of all variation. Juno 16, 1805—ly. PHOTOGRAPH ALI3UMB all sizes and stylus Dee. 16, 1806 TADIES COMPANIONS, f all sorts sliapto and . sizes. Doc. 16, 1805 NitORK BOXES, Cabas, Port Po llos, Tourists Desks, ooullictiouary Boast', Games of all kinds, pea. 15,48.05. irK,§x l -CCinfoo tioll ary—And—Frilitorat— .l_ I ltrtotatlek's. CUMBERLAND VALLEY 8:25 8:o5 0.47 " pany. 1.1Z1.1t;IIT 14: a, l'Altl.lSl,l \ IA LI., Sim \ .1 H U 17. Arynt BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW AND FRE;;II HALBERT & BRO AT lIAVERSTIOKS AT lIAVERSTIORA AT lIAVETtIaTIOIIS 1:15 1:48 2:21 JOHN IRVIND =1