The noted "Dry Good" Store in South Hanover Street. Tin most attractive place in Carlisle is at A. W. liontz's groat, MERCANTLLE EMPORIUM" where can bo purchased the best, handsomest, and cheapest goods In the Country. We have Just replen ished our stock with a large Invoice of the choicest goods In the Market, and will continuo to renew,tho supply daily ' or as necessity requires. , It would be impossible to enumerate all the articles In our extensive line of business. We have now a fine assortment of Ladles Spring Drosscloods. POPhrNS PLAIN AND PLAID, CUALLIES OF BEATIFUL PATTERNS AC., PRINTS AND MAY IC IN DS OF DOMESTIC GOODS. A variery of ()Notion:in and 1103 s wear. An exten sive stock of, TABLE, STAIR AND FLOOR GIL CLOTHS, OIL SHADES. Mind :Materials and Carpet Chains. •. Hopkins" Sup. nor Shirts all lengths and widths. e shall bn happy to hove all all and examine our new stocli," ns we feel confident that our selection will plea, all tastes. Carlisle, April I Ith IFOil CAUTION A " persons aro forbid harboring or ti listing my a ire CIII . OIiIIO McConally, Olin tokving lift my lied and bonril NN Itlmut just ram:, or provoca tion J AM EA McCON All V, l'apertowitt Apt il 21) IStttt- NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore existing as Hilton & Weise, has hues this day dissolved by limitation. All persons hoving elahos against. the late firm or against Q. W. Mon, are requested to pre rent them for settlement. All persons Indebted to either of the said firm are hereby notified to intake im mediate payment. After the '2oth inst., the books will be left with A. Debuff, Esq., for collection. 'l•he livery business will be ronthnaed •at (Intold stand by GE). W. April I, 3t. American House, .11(11(1, Si., C/i / . 1 le, I,f r 111 E subscriber re:Teetfully inruritis r i Illy friend , and the public. I hat. he has taken t in . above welt known hotn.o, fib Inc? ly kept Ily • "r. Shriner, and ititerols sinning no exertion,. to areom ioclate all who may be pleased to give him 3 c• 311. The 1,,,,,,, , hits Leon i Plitto•tl and is In ONeeliellt Older. lie 111,” illtledUeeti Anderson's Spring Bed Bottom h. hi , Redsleads, so that hls guests will hale a good night's rest. Ills chargeq will he moderate. Attached to the house IS n large yard Ns ith excellent and convenient 1-tablin CHrlißle, A pt it Physician & Acct)itcliocm. RI FFIN, (formerly thiS pint, ,111111111 t, qj osf ••Wo(tieFi tttr.l ) fl ,• nt 11 :,uman 111.1/,. II Ihl April In. lcr,r. Adams Express Company. E Bundle, l'ackages, B ki I hi. I , llii•ii if 11 , t 11 . 1i1 . 1•1111 II „w,I I Ili r tlat, ,111 .Ir6.Ls PaI•IsIII,`, \V Ifni. .1. K NVea‘ r I/ A. Cornwall .1. \V 11‘11 1:ox , .lino (11.ym. 1. h. Funk, I II Bag, J. IV. 1..11,,,0rt L. I lloN. :-..0ra0.1 i.z.tra 1 I'aokago, Hoy. (Ivo. 11. M. Collßul I Bundle, II lloortet. 1 II Bag, (leo ll.Thrana, Goo. B. 1-ohlon, I, liunrllr, I ..1. Jonos, I (I Bag, Jots Reiley. 1 Parraw, , , llookonstralto. 1,. Ilac . er, I II Mier,,, Po:, Peter Vigra/. Bag, .1. 11. Ilatouratol, l'a•ho.: , •, .111.$. pli11:11111. ItloiNoll, I• .1. 11. Nt ItoN, %V.(:. Jacoby, J. 11. (Irma, Jahn 11ralrard, Paokago. eorizo Ilecker, Truism A Bleraineet, Jun.(lreason, 'husk, 111. E. Marshal, Bundlo, Prier Bmith, Paokago. .1. li Braltora F.M, I, Clilloleu att I,l,rat 1.. II Ward N 11•11 1 Parl,rae, .1 Allen, 1 I ra•thl,r, .1 1 1 I's :...horaer. AprilA, I'AA--3( GRMATREMICTION 1N PRICES Greenfield & Sheafer re now "penult! n 131 , e ,apply ni Dr) P.l 11. S P It 1 N TRADE, just ie. eivt.,l thy rouliu h-iug L 1 cts. and upward,. STAN DA IZI) 7.111.5.LAN4, 1,1•:t ct:=. licr yuril. pitiyrs, o; Rn,i Is ct.s. ard. BEST AAIERICAN PHAN I'S, 2110, LANCA;;TEUGIN(;IIAMS, is:ENV STYLES SPRING DELA INES EOM KENTUCIK .1 EA NS, DENIMS, HICKORY STIII DES, TIC:RINGS, In groat variety Ikt like rent,ounble rates. Thorn goods having been purehasod Once the Into DECLINE IN PRICES, we are glad to be able to oiler them to the public at these remarkably 100 fi t ; ems Our Store Is on Emit Main St , crud hue fret LII Public iitituare 111= April f , lb, NEW CHEAP CASH CROCERY AN 1) Plio ISION /RE Great Exeiteirwilt the O w ner ~f Vitt a iul I.outher Streets, the German ( MTh, (::tritlo, i'tl. 'rile Subscriber hew. leave to Inform 11i, friends and the public, that he has just returned ftatti the Eastern cities, with a full and chore 111,1.1 t 11.'11 t I ROCEIII ES, tie will keep constantly on hand an extrosia t, and general assortment of Code, of ail hinds, Brown Sugar, Crocks.) Sugar. Pulse, lend Sugar, like, Tallow Candles, Star do Starch, 'leas of all kinds, Salt by the Sock, Buckets and Tuba, Wash Boards, Brooms, lied Cords, New Orleans Molasses, Fish—all hinds, Pep per, Spice, Soda, Cream Tar tar, Best. Indigo, Cinna mon, Cloves, Matches :Mustard. Blacking, Twist Navy, Spun, Natural Leaf, Tobacco, Smoking, Killikinick, Flue Cut, Itaicins, Can Peaches, Crackers, Essence of Coffee, Dandelion, Cheese, Ile ninny, Beans Cigars of all kinds, Nuts—all kinds, Sc., 11'0 TIONS ALL KINDs, and everything else that is kept in a grocery store. I invite the public to call and examine my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determin ed to soil at very small profits. The highest prices paid for all kinds of Country Pro duce .1 noon SPIN Bit. April 0, 11O3G—tim. Valuable Town Property at Private Sale. JOT coninining 75 feet front on Louth or street above Pitt, by 240 tent In depth to leltlnsou Alley. Tho buildings aro three good DWELLING HOUSES, TWO of Which aro on Louthor St.. and ono on !Arkin son Alloy. For torum&o. Apply to JACOB SENER. April 6, 1866 jrxEcu TOR NOTICE.- _A Notice le hereby given that Letters Tostadlen ary on the Estate of Margaret McCain, late of NeNV vino Borough, Cumberland Co., deed., have this day been Issued to the undersigned (Executer residing in Neivrille. All persons indebted aro requested to make payment, and those having diddle will please proses' them for settlement TIIOB. A. M'EINNEY, Executor April ti, 6866 T,ETTERS of 'Administration on the estate of Geo. Emig, Sr., deed .. late of Upper All6n Twp., have been Issued by the Register of Cum berland County to Win. Emig, of Upper Allen Twp., and Goo. Ends, of Monroe Twp. All persons indebted aro requested to make payment, and those having claims will please present them for settioniont. WM. EMIG, CEO. ENCK, Administrators. March 16,1866 ESTATE NOTICE.- Lettere Testamentary on the estate of John i&fnan, deed., late of Silver Spring. Gumberiand,Co,, have boon issued by the Register cloald county, to the subscribers residing in the same township. All per sons indebted to said ostato are roquostod to make pay ' ment, and thoso having claims against the estate will presentthom rot settlement to MIGUEL GARMAN, and JON WARD, 8,18613 1 —Gt. •• ' roeliterlk Every Afternoon at 2 o'clk. ' Every Evening it 7 o'clock. A ,isg, • 0 7 e f 'i t 4t•,/ ('")l.,,,lideflion i i Two H.tparatc and distinct ...t i ., -1,,..„41ii,.. 11 . , ; \ -. Shows for fine AllnliSiiiin, 1 .1 ,: i. - DAN MICE'S . :11andnoth 'Menagerie and t' -.%"-' ('ircus and North American T ., ;,...- -:;:*.it , Circus I SP ECI A L NOTICE. - - in ' - ' i i:\ order to liecoliiiiwilitte idio,:o -T ,:ki.,,Z: who desire to willies, die 1 ....4 ';,', A ilinial'E xhibitit)ii , withlout ,r 1 . •.`. - i c „,... coining in contact with the A -t47 - '- N'fr' . .. Circus Performances, Mr. 'f i /-,- ",.- .;- : 4 *.a Ince has arranged the fol- ~, i „ , >: -H, lowing. progamme, which will be •-.trietly oh:ct veil Immediately after the , ---1 /, Opening ,r th, th.,,ps the I, , :xiiibiti,, ~rlit, Alcmigerie ~.- • 1,V, , " will (ilillllllo/ICC` and COlitill- irli ` 1,.,0?? -- - ti , :: ne for one hour, during t. ' 4 .- Zr Which limo Mr. LICE will 1. 4.1 t '', , • , 1 / 4 ,1p1iv,,,, ENTER EsTi NG .... and . -' , 1. - cciNcr I.Eu- ,-,:.;.. : 0, : Tti it i., tip, the Animal t; ,l Kin g dom. Alter which an INTE It M IS81()N ofl'lV E it. - ---- --"*.;. 11 I N 1. , '1'.'-;, gii ing 111,•,e il,-, , • .... chance to ncl ire that (lc. 11,4, Wi-hat." ii ill"-'-- the. lice for-1 ../' IlitinCo, in the Arena. At the c10:-O of the Annual A , ':"- /,,i7 1 ; Exhibitions the rorrorniati- ttig k l ; . k „, „. p rocroc Will tll•ii place in the t s f 4 C'inch', by the North Amen- .. can Circe, Company, in 4- . --:--,-. , . ” hi ' ll "A N 811. E " in n l'" . -- rt'' ' .'"'•' . ... pi , ,,, ii, iii, Great .ind ....*--•-• ' '''.- 1 / I .igii,:il Cluir:icti•i• 4.1 the 1:; , • . - ' A inertuall II lillitlri-t. f , r . '"- i 1t.Y... A (1101SS1011 10 1)01 11 81in s q. ' '..„;•',V . ,, , • l'lli Hi re ii iihd , .r W‘n-Ao ...S; Of . •.. 3- - .2...,_ , . , , SCh;N T S . :-•;: t\ , i if - 1 5.,/ / The -sum price v ill he ~.:- . ..,5,.„4,>, ..: &_• . ..., ..•harged lii 1•11111 . 1• l.; \ lillij- ‘,44,. A. W. BENTZ Id<\N IS VAIII•Ilt 0011 SCI):11'o H UI 1171 \ I 1,I) N 1 M .\ I,ti porfw.tiii Tizer, The 1C n l 11'1;1 Pdind MN= ENCEILSIOII, .111. Th, lirnutilUl A r:tbi:Lii Frick Ilia-r, 11)()ITC; LASS NT. 1:() NI lit) ! I.:ll.hant raidnr,d. P,I( A 1 , 1 „, i , I , t. A- I,c-tur,.t• iii th, / 4,./ r • II and .1,-. (For Ihn lint in ninny year-) IN 'ill ~v orythin, ;Juni', ibis 11 0\\', ill 4,\lngnitic,nce n i Dazzling Itilattumpt.l by any Alanager, Citln•r in Europe Till , being (.har:li•i(.ll`tit• Statesman, Patriot and Humorist! wimi•tt Ham, :-tatl- at Ow Iu nQ iC the,e NEUFILIIIATEL AVAT(III CO. d ) \V IN( to the failure and sudden A, y close ot,tht 001 ks anll I , usino, of the .1.1 M ES 1,,11' !MN, .Igetit T El, \\'.% Tl'll 1111g11 11,11111/VI tif Pine Watellec, inantitastuted ) Lally lei the I oiled Stare , I Wing heavy. lint 1t,,.,, tinic-Ireer»),. intended te h at il :sage and .. 111 1. den 1 . 112111g0- rit Irm pr alurr, :11 . e 101 l 1,1,0, Land., for immediate sale. .1s agents of the ('hnipany, 01. aro of liged tt , dispose ”t" thi, St". Ihr li, in the shoot et.t. possible time. ll,' has)), thereterti. decided on th e plan 21,11,1.1,1. a). the one that will l») piu,l i, 1.1 111, desired leinit This plan giver- every 11111. ttit 11011,1111 RA ol chtaining flint elaxs Ihnr-keer»•rs at a prier) that till eau vonlinainl As ever Certificate) ity resents a %Vat) I), lliere Are ne Hanks, »»)I ever) one who osts in this sale NI l'SiT get a \\atoll at half the retail pro, at least )114 it at all thrtuti.ite, id») in wear with (Whir , throur,h We. Itowit t.:1111•I•S mlny be made tit our slid % inlid Letter, ol by Expre,s, or feet-011lee Ortell, 111,10, payable to our order, 11,111 hte guarantee n Sift I,A . his I N: , 1,1t1 , ..S safe kb livery and suremt uru L. every pat ron \ lant Slat' II as repro- ent,al, ;Ind stills- So Linn is guaranteed 11l every instance l< now lag ll.' orth of the styli, we can giro a warnin toe to ei y put ,•haser. 'llll , price has been placer! at the lon Ihrure in older to insure linnualiitte sale; and all ell , desire to inipi ON a tile upper( unity should in.the 1 uly . application. HAZARD, MOORE & CO., 303 Broadway, New York, Agelas for 11 , 10 Netifellutel Watch C c 11 Et FINN WATCHES CHAINS, WORTH $350,000! TO BE SOLD Poll I'ENDDLEARS 1 II ! 1'27 Gold 1“3 llold Lel el 8 th•ld Duple =I 2 Gold Hunting ii Gold Iluutiiiit it:: Magic Levers Gold hit out Lel = =I Ladles GelLLEeateeled I \ h •5 Ladies' Gold Nlagie Lovers 23, Ladies' Vold 1.:11141 v rir IRO Heavy Solid ;Alvin. Duplex Ileavy Silver Patent Lean heavy Solid Silver Lea ere ATS IleeNy Solid Silver Lopinen =I lAdiPs' Solid Cnsed Lepinos '2.0 to 65 .0"..D - All the above List of Watches o ill 1,0 sold fur F.N DOLLARB EACH. Certificates representing each and every watch in to above List aro placed in similar Envelopes and clod. Any person obtaining a Certificate, to be had our oilier, or sent by mail to any addreSH, Con hu 00 article called for on the return 01 the Certificate, Ith Ten Dollars. We charge, for for,, gutting Certificates, 50 roots each ye AVM he nun t for $2, and Fifteen for $5. The Cut tlimate must, in all cases, hp returned 11 ith and accompany the money when goods ere ordered. All orders promptly filled and forwarded by return sill or express. Address, ItAZAILD, NIODILE Broad a ay,r ow YOlll.. Ap, it 6:i._ it WM. GOODYEAR, Baker, At Schmolil's Old Stand, Next door to Beiitz's Dry-Chwil Shire, Car lisle, Pa. H E First quality of Trash Broad, Biscuit Lind, held lu any put hi of the town. Family Flour by 4 thr barrel or retail. = The C arlisle"Cook TO NEW AND OLD HOUSEKEEPERS Anew and perfect Air-tight Gas Con 'muting Cooking Stovo for Cool or Wood. CALL AND BEE IT ! At our Foundry and Stove Rooms, ~tfain St The patterns of this Stove are now and original In de sign and gotten up exprusnly fur uur Use. We there fore can It It mulattos ovury now and Valuable Improvemunt In Cooking Stoveo. It is exceedingly handsou sin ap pearance—is a perfect Air-tight and Otte Consuming Stove, and may safely ho pronounced the cheapest, best and most complete Cooking Stove In the country. We cast two sixes, adapted to the wants of both large and small families. Experiencod Housekeepers will find upon omunination that the NEW CARLISLE COOK combines every t mulatto -for economy and elTlelency in cooking. The public are specially requested to call and see it, as we are confident It will fully recommend Itself. March 23, 186(3.—1y. fr GARDNER & CO. lIE "Combination" Hoop Skirt, Now • Stylo for 181311 D arch 21,18( . 10. A. IV. BEN' . PHYSICIANS will find it to their ad Yantis() to call and purcbaso their Medlelno I =On. ARLISLE, ay, April 26th. AT Thurs CLOSING (U SA LE I=l Carlisle THE CARLISLE COOKI Still Aheacl ! ! ! LEIDIGH & MILLER pAVI.4I just opened the largest and Most complete stock of DRY (MODS, suitable for the present and coming Seasons, that has ever been brought to the Borough of Carlisle, having been pur chased since the GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES io all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, that has just taken place in the Eastern Cities, and every thing matted dos n to TS 1 - .1 I, (•J:; IX (101, I) The stock consists in part of an endless; variety of I)RESS GOODS, S IT ABLE FOR THE SEASON, Such ns lark mid Colored Stilts, of every variety, grade, quality :tad style ; ; (11,'n , .110 hairs ; PLAID AND STINPED POPLINS Plaid and Striped ]'oil de Cheveres; all ,lade. ~I plain and figured MOII A [1: ALPACAS; VA LENCI all grade;, of Shepperd's Plaids, Irr,l Mows fir Lulu's Printed de Laines and ChaHies, PRINTED PERCALES, scoT( . ll filN(;ll.l.vs, all patti, GRAND DISPLAY OF DOMESTIC GOODS. CA LICO ES, from 12? ; Os up BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED ISIUSIANS, as low in price as 1G cts. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETING'S. PILLOW CASE MUSLIN S, all widths. LINEN AND COM9N TABLE DAMASKS. Tidings, Checks, Crashes and ILudibach Tows Hugs Napkins !Jellies, 01144114m5, Cottoa Pants Stuffs Linen Cheeks, t enrucky Jeans, Nankeens, he., he,, I\Iot"RNING G(ol)s. Ikon] Latui,e( . l“l.lls, Pt.plitts, iuply and ttoulde HUI do I,alnes. I I,P_I ('_IS, 3/011.1 IRS) s 11 (I 1 N II A Priuted Leine, Pollia Splat, loulnidn, Crape Veils, Cinpu handkerchiefs, Gloves, &e 'pedal attention given to the furnishing of all kinds of Funeral (loads, of which we always have a full sup ply. A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS AT LEIDICII & MILLER'S, Such nx CA M BRICS, ACUN ISIS, NAI s souks, It 111 WANTS real French Swiss 11 USLINS, Striped, Plaid, Swiss and Muslins, anitahle fur Dress and Oarlbaldac, Bishop's Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Shirred, Tucked and Pulled Muslins, for liaribaldas, Rte., &e. 173 t &IA 1:,1) to 325 to 3110 NOTIoNS I NOTIONS!! Juuviii • s celebrated hid Wort,: a I ;2:rub, at Silk Iterlin, Lisle Thread and i'oltozi G 105.... for Ladles, MEM l 0 t , - ) 0 1.. -. 2. /1.) 4.) I -Th to -2 (knits, Misses and Chi ; Linen liandkerchielk bilk Ilandk,” chief's; Ilwiery of all kinds; Needle worked Edgings; laces, Lloopod Skirts, lb morale, Drvsl: Trimmings, Illbbonn, .4 r. =GI t 2,0 t 27: MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR, Always a full sloe', of all deseriplions of CLOTLIS,CAS NIEItE.4, ESPINUS., &e. We will also have Oar ments made up at very t...hork not ire by a first-class Fastilmialdu =II 5 o 12, an to 120 to 1110 1!III=1 I!IMMI:111 All the now deslos of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS S INU SIIA 1r LS, BASQUES MAN- HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS I CARPETS ! CARPETS 11 every grade and ntyle in the murket, comprising II EMI', LINEN, LISTING, of the celebrated makes of Lowell and llartford Coin Pantos. REAL ENGLISH BRUSSELS, &o Floor Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Stair 011 Cloths, Window Shades and Blinds, Matting Rugs and Matta Please call, ono and all, and see for yourselves the advantage there Is In purchasing your Goods where you can buy them the cheapest, as our motto Is al ways to make "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROPITS•" and at tho same t line will convince you that wo aro novor'undorsold. We ale aye take great pleasure in exhibiting our Goods, foaling assured that wo have the mo t complain stock of Goods in the county; Fooling under great obligations to the community for their very kind and liberal patronage so far ex tended to the Firm, we earnestly and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Aar Picas() remember to call at tho Corner dlreetl Opposite Iry fine's Shoo Store, (Sign of the Carpet hall' LEIDIOII Ss MILLER. March 30,1800 I= 71 IS ISOISIE MADE RAG, SUPERIOR 2•PLY, SUPERIOR 3,PLYO AMERICAN ORGANS. (Front "Godej's Ladies' Book" Fantail", 1866. ) RIIIED ORGANS, &o. rr FIE foll Owing remarks and sugges tions relative to this immensely popular Instru ment will doubtless interest and profit very many of our reader's, we commend the article to their careful perusal:— A hundred and ono makers of Organs, Cottage, Par. lor, Cabinet, American, School Organs, etc etc., aro each claiming to make the best instrument in the world. Being comparatively a new instrument. as at present constructed, we aro convinced the public aro much less capable of judging of its merits, or demerits, than of most other instruments. If there is really an essential difference In them, if there aro some excel. lent and some worthless ones, the public should have some criterion for judging of them, sound facts which will enlighten them. We cheerfully concede the space for this article knowing that there Is hardly a family, or church, or school in all the land, but is more or lees interested in this topic. We are also aware of its be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity, to any of them to purchase an interior or worthless Organ, ruinous to good playing, and often a source of much annoyance and vexation. We know this article to emanate from a candid and Intelligent source, and thus wo give it to our readers. The question is often asked, what are "reed organs?" We adower, they are, in most cases, nothing In the world but the old melodeon in disguise. Many of the so-railed organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the .1111 V, gerwral internal arrangement. With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have simply .put on a more pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But an organ, to be in reality an or gan, must have a wind client or reservoir for air sopa rate from the bellows, Into which wind-chest the reeds open, and the tole has room to expend and perfect it self into the full round tone, similar to the flute or pipe organ, even, smooth, firm, and mellow ; and this tone from reeds cannot be obtained in any other way known. Nothing so annoys a true organist as to 1111V0 the vol. now of Found swelling and jerking spasmodically with every variation of force on the bellows, which is always the case where the reeds open direct into the bellows or air passages, instead of a wind chest or sound-box. Arid yet seine makers even go so far as is claim this spasmodilt or automatic jerking of the bellows on the reeds as an excellence, just no though they did not know that it must very soon throw the roods out of tune, and injure the bellows; and as though It were not an easier matter to obtain a nineh better and mere easily managed swell by other methods. The truth is, any organ, so rolled, or melodeon which 1111 g 150 Wind acting directly upon the reeds, is nothing more nor less twin a huge aceordenn, dress It up. you may. And w ban organists and true mush-lens become of the fact that they obtain those that ore organs in feet as well as n, 11111110, they will buy no more of the objectionable ones. Then again tlw swell should al ways be separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to be acted on by the hand, or soft blowing, but convenient so that the player can use it with the knee, separate from the hands or feet, and thus always un- Wer easy control, to be used ad libitum. The large divided bellows, or double bellows, is also a very important hum ovement. By this Means not only can the wind be supplied more evenly. but with far greater ease to the performer, from the Fact tint either bellows alone will be sufficient for the lighter melodies. thus pet omitting the player to change about and rest the feet at will ; than. if the helloes in of the requiaite large size, and having tine wind chest or reservoir, all till be well. As to the reeds, they must be scientifically toned And voiced, or all the other good qualities lo the world cannot produce mt.s.fooll toned in. girllllll . lli T 11” Inquiry now very net orally arises, where can the organ he peer a rid combining all these essential and Ma-indite qualities? There i- only nom pimssessill.l ill , that the A 111Mlf fA Wilt AN, tea & 11. 11 itt.nt (lost, o. Fain, 011 11..1,,de Agent, 71.; Itroadmi ay, Neis \'srh. Tio—e o ,an , 11 it hid-. tt extemling the whole leogth 01 the Instrument and so cow him UPI as 1.. act at the ,11114. tier Or , a 1 vv,i.cratin, , , sound-hos hoatd, and having the m.aute imps., t-tot t elathom and parl to pe t to. to that the sounding-I mud has to the piano Till , feat o the maim, t. 11:1e patented, and to it pm, owing in nsal (11 1•111i1V0 I.IIW -1111:111,11 411k1 111 11,50 ~. highly prized In Al oh.' have used the, m gaits 'Thee also have the largeFl ,uel best ai,ide i 1401. W., in rise, which is another hop, Mot I.•atmite No pat tof their work is sh,thted, Ito expense or pains spatial toake the A merican titgatt , perfect musically.. ,m Al i as mechan ically. 10'11..11,1,011.4 f 1 .1.111 the 11111111.11, of them at present they lad tail to loo;; maintain the proud posi tioo Ihey base won by sonar'or merit alone We would most heat lily !Ohl , . :ill lot to 1,111 up .0 on addle,s till :town 015, the iN holesale Agent, at 7ls Ilroadcai NeaNctric, and 111 , n1 be gill. 111 lbr 511.4 .tentlenummil,y amid truthlul manner, hop. t them all the in.tia Ilme may &site to thin fluty delightful immtrontunt. =I ~! .11,'SLC TEACHERS il . The suhscribor is fully prepared to furnish ,Sheet Strings, lusieal Instruments, and Music of all liiuds at the first Linde rates. w holesaie and tail, from the largest coll. Ctittlis ill this country. lirders punctually and fAithtully attended to. Address all orders 11().11:101.\ N, GRA Y PIANO-FORTES, \\ 0)110010 ngouer. 'rho auliseribel, late it theinla r of his well Is tirown firm ha, established a Mholeiplo rigelw . y. 74S lb midway, New Ilia k City. where he rill Le pleased to receive the nrilers of 11, blends thr to 10.0 r hom Li, c , wh ,, LoveSll liberall3 bestowed their patronage on the firth heielo.. e. Ile will ',idol) Hi( int.ti ',intents 1.41 the trail, XN 1 and lietail. at the vi ry Lowest hives. n,.We with thesoil rliilll/ ort innme soh,/ plate/. exlel ill btherx . of tone. awl eletiariae of exterhal appeal-alive All lin,. Plainen have overst run, Lit h i g i onve with the !intent Iron m inn I'd frame, Full 'telln~l, I'unrrlul, and Au met MellOW Telle, The Cases one e egant lii alive .rance, :tilt! easily and ',d e l ) . hi.. died. Win anted to pies° satisla. tnri , the motley returned. Address all wale's tin - - --0-411.-10-- S. D. & 11 \V. S)11T1I'S AIV ERICAN ORGANS =1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 7T\TORT_,ID. MEM AMERICAN HOME CIRCLI .I/E A" 0 R ;.I )lakes hcznetttraetivo, relines, and elevates the w Inds if all,heaut IRO to app.:ir:lnce and effect, li= The immense popularity of these Organs, and their superior Musical Powors, is met bringing them before the public, as the instrument 50 long desired In A MERICAN HOMES. And although the root prleu is but a trill,, over the MOIMiCOD, yet the musical advan tages, beauty of tone and unicitness of touch and ac tion are so Mr superior, that they are hot supercedlng the Melodeon and the call Is now almost exclusively for the AMERICAN ORGANS It is adapted to any Music from the loickeHt and must lively, to the heavy tone of the Church Organ. And almost universally they are preferred to the Plano, by persons who have them, yet costing less than half,and only taking a small amount of room. Send for descriptive circulars giving full particulars and prices. Exclusive Agencies secured to Dealers, and large discounts to the trade and Teachers. Address all or ders, • ' '" March 30, 1866--ly ESTATE NOTICE.- Letters Testamentary on the estate of David Lingentiold, doo'd., late of East renusborough Twp., Cumberland County, have been issued by the Regleter of Bald county, to.-the subscriber residing in the Ralllo township. All persons Indebted to said estate aro re quested to make payment, and those having claims a gainst the estate will present them for settlement to E LI ZARB PR LING ANFIELD. Illarch 9, 1806—* Executrix. ETOR XIMI NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary on the Will of John liopple, latq of Manrotiq'wp., deed., have Oils day •boon Issued to the undersigned Executor residing in South 'Middleton Twp. per sona indebted are requested to make payment, and those having claims will please present them for settle ment. S. M, REAR, March 0, 1866-60. Executor. ISPATE NOTICE.— j Letters'Testamentary on the estattief Abraham Zro gler, late of Middlesex Twp., dee'd„ having been Is sued by the Register of Ouniberland , COunty. to the undersigned Executors, residing in Said Township. Notice is hereby given to all portions knowing them selves said estate to mike payment, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated to either of the undersigned. , JACOB HORNER, • F.LiBADBia zniGLBB. BIBLOIRGB H. zOLGLBB,, • ABRAHAM J. ZIEIGLER, JAOOB G. ZEIQL.BI4, . , 14114 104800-.13, , .... . paecutore. SIBERIA orr, 4`± Broadway, N. SlItI(.1) I A ()TT, 74-) lll,ad)\n y New York En= SIBERIA Orr, 7tB BroLolotty, New York, nIBEIIA OTT, Wholesale Agent, 748 Broadway, Now York Great Rush for Spring Goods. Next Door to the Post Office, Carlisle, Pa. THE subscriber having taken the Store Aeons formerly occupied by WM. A. MILES, next door to the Post Office, icilArllste- Pa., can offer to the Public a New and Fresh shipply of DR V 0 0 0D 8, Couststing In part of CIIALLIES, MUSI INS, DELAINES, ALI'ACAS, LAWNS, and CALICOES, Of all Qualities and ,etretaest Styles, which will be sold at pikes to defy coniltion. Furnishing Goods of all kinds, inemding Silk, Linen and Cotton Haudkerebiefs, &c. Also a Splendid Assortment of RIBBONS, LACE, Am. My stock of White Goods cannot be surpassed, and Customers may rely upon always getting GOOD GOODS at the lowest possible prices. Gentlemen w ill find it to their advantage to cull and examine my stock of CROTHS, C A SSIMERES AND VEST INGS, ALSO HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and MOBS of all Qualities and Styles. All the above Goods will be displayed to the citizens of this place and vicinity on Saturday, April 7th, and all am cordially invited to purchase, as my motto Is Quirk sales and Small profits. 130111,117. April 13, 1866. STOP AND LOOK IN. AT If, Fridley's Tinner Shop, East Loather st.. Sign of the Red en(fee Pot, where you Can see the Finest, Cheapest, and Best COOKING STOVES. Ever offered In Carlisle he Ilan on hand the Intent Itn proved raterna such as the celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Sides, Prnrie Flower, And Continental Bed Hoorn and Office Stoves of the lateht Patterns and host oluality. The above Cook Stoves are all warrant ed to give entire satisfaction. Rooli fig. Spouting, -01 work, and all Tln and Sheet Iron work done i❑ the neatest manner anti at short notice, all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron wars voind.antly on hand for house fur nishiog. FRUIT CANS and JARS. Two of the best ever offered to the public. Fridley and Cornman's Self. eating and Self Testing Cans and Jars also, Fisher's Patent, the above Cans and Jars rain. not he surpassed in any moihot. Thankful for Ibe lAberal Patronage heretofore ex tended he hopes by stt let attention to business:lnd a desire to please nil to merit a continual., of the Saule. March 23, 15011--Iv. orrosiTE 1.1:1•:'5 AvAitEituusE. r 1 Sr -17. Flll I/it 41111 trio tiv , .• 11.1 F..t vi,9l mut 11n111,,1c Intuminctuto. tlit• )/1)1 , 11.111. tO 111 i, tl 111:11i1.• •111,1 l'nri or. C h as in r, DIM g --Ec)ohot, j F U RAi 1T1;It E. t c/k u+l.l ()Ince 1 Elll l / 1 11C111,. every az tick. t,ed be limn, And Hotel keepers, ot the wont approved and tio.himmblp design and finish. l nrlnding also Cottame furniture in setts, reception and 0111111 l hairs, Mattrasses, (hilt framea, pictures, :itteistion vj yen as usual In funeral,; orders from torn and country, attended to promptly And on moderate torus. Mauch 91 1,1.1 II EN 1;1" .520 A ('1! 11111,API1.1'111A• ! I N F .. WATCHES, IIN E (;01,1) 1 ENV ELRY, st)LII) sl !NEI; WARE, and Nul ri Silver Plated Ware, at re duced I=ll ,;TY LES MEE J. 'F. DE 1..\ No. 37 South SECOND St , Philad'a. lIHr j u.s. t., t iv. a 111te HIIICIIIH- John 1.-. Joy 3, tons I ap0.113 Ili u—.,,1 CIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII Ply and I rl,talti Damask and .•o t Stal I= HOl/1"il LI. 111,. N\ Mal Lina, a., a v.,-1 , 11 I , si 1 aL th.• 1 'a k..,1 and .01a111. I_7l,ralarvt/ 'l'. 11/ti/...1.1_:/(1/1 \ :17 ; 1 1 , 1.1'1).\ II ,11,a PI/MID h 1 -0, -;:11, NEW GOODS FOll SPRING SALES EYI{E & LINDELL, 'l' 11 A I; (: 11 St =1 ME= SPRING SALES FASLIION AISLE NE‘V SI Novelties in Dlt Ese , Noe' Stvl. svinNo SIIANVLS. Now travelling IntESS GOOD'S /lire lit ryett -- ofN - E`l 4 i—t4l),)--4 , .. Nlagnill,nt VW:LARDS. Splendid IS LAt'IC SILKS. ,tv,, E. L., have their Ivunl assortment ni N'l'A HA tJOOI)4. CLOTHS., CA6:413110 he, V E.STINtI.B &e., ke. I. S., Our ',dem: are 111,w a real eged G. meet Uw VIEWS of Burl: 9 ➢a arch 23, 1 , 1,1 I.t IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC 4 4 int,7L-r)..etlia_Q•,._ FIRST CLASS GOODS ONE INVARIABLE CASH PRICE AN INIENSE sTou K Embracing all Kinds and Styles. =MI American and European MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On Account ofthe decline in ~'ror®gam_ J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 0.C)4- CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, _Now Q/Pr Theii OnekT SPRING STOCK Imported and Domestic CARPETING, French and English Axminister, English Royal Wilton, 6-4 and 9-4 Velvets, Fine English Brussels. Crossley's Tapestries, Imperial Three-Ply Carpet, Fine Ingrain carpet. ENGLISH BRUSSELS ROYAL '*ILTON CARPETS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, ITH BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6.4 White Red•CheCked and Fancy Matting, Coco Mailings, ENGLISH pIL CLOTHS ; Scot_ niarah 23.—11 m. Read ! Read! Read ! W. C. SAWYER, JNO./,.. DUKE, JNO. E. BURKHOLDER, KNOWN as the Firm of W. C. Sawyer, & Co., (East hfate St., two doors below Saxton's Hard Ware Store.) have just received from NE 11 . YORK LA.D ELPIHA Importing, Jobbing and Auction Houses, N IMMENSE STOCR of all hinds : , easonable Goods bought at .1110 Late Panic Prices for Cash Now is the Time to_get Bargains in Dress Goods. Doniesties and House Furnishing Goods In vtirietleg. Striped, liarred and plait PoPLISS, All Colors of Alpacas and 6-4 Wool Dololnes, Shepherds Plaids, Moholes Lusters, Vreneh 11121 i Anon-Iron Dolalnes BI'ECI A 1, ATTENTION givon to Mourning :Ind Funeral iliiiids It)MBA'''IINF7P I= I= Spring Mantles, Basques and Sacks, NEW SHADES OF SACKING SPRIN(; .\ \V LS, N ENV EST STY LES Spring Llit'morels and latest improved (loop Skirts. k 1.1( =ME BEE Creislf ny SmuNl, up rii4 es • - i()Ill) yard , of t'alicovs, light moditim Itml Wiw: from cools tip. "Ot ) yard , ISlcat2llo , l and 111, - ) i)(1 earl,; “I . (;inghnitis, be A, make: STUDY YOUR OWN IN TERESTS. buy our Clotl.. ('arriuuu+ and tun Llisltilw Routh , tloul W. C. Safi 0 - o havo always ow hand ft large and St ,14 I, oil ll,ritom roil A toori van CLOTITS, CASSIMERS, and VEST- up in the lalvit city styli, I; 1{ . 1....1 U/' E I'ER r... 1 le It: No. 6 2 8 ARGIL Street, most complete ass"' t went of 1.4004.' and I 1111.1rett's 1101 I ItTS. In . gotten up o‘pie,sly In meel the n 1 , of !lash 1.001 Tat 0111111,1,'111g the nevre-t. and 11l- it ili•••11,1.10 Stt lI'S and Sli.ra t 4. .• 1 . 1:111 , . - 1.1 04ery londtlt— trom 2. 1 to , t tdo roninl --7 n to ro. Spri , ,, 2 to Ham all 10..21 11, 11.411 2' to ‘41•1••loniol at 4'l 4, to 4.2 I:. , 011 . Ilto. of Hi. Ind tilt I rhIIIII) co/1”1” till°n. I, hOtirtt Style, /1•I to for finish and durahill•y. at 2e tool, 1 $1,20. All Sklrla or •• 01;14 II \ NI A ar.• tilltANTll/ Ono lad nt'ic 1 , 10. to Oi .11. 0111. 0 0 s they have. Hoop ttlactory, No. 1.2 N : • ttoot, •• Stamped on n. 4,11 Tab' Nho vonttantly on hnd. 000lt Santr , . :toulactur o, l in Now York, and the Ezt,teet.:qates,,lll..ll\l.• oril at, It lots Pi lees. A lot of cheap . • ••kirt, 15 t•pliti.t., ruts; 20 t prlngs, .$1 Olt—'l, ,initlso, id 30 t•prlaga, c'l'2s and .10 1-prlnea it .1•4i5 - 5611 to, suite to hotter and 110p/tired. air - 'ft:iota llasii. ONE I'lLl.ll ONLY I March 2a, 1 Stitl.-:it .2E/13-0-8 &C.• • I w . chLAIIK & co.:, House Keepers wake a Note of this W. t' yer, th.• v..Lst and :nut best •eleeted s T 6c l ' c A R pi,yrs and . ol j Shades, Blind Materials, Looking Glasses, ORM MIN, IN THE VALLEY, (101)() yards or( 'orpet, all kitici andprices, Imported, and St ; 000 yards very Superior Hume•mude 600 Linen and Hemp; S-4, 6-1, :")-4 sod -1-•1 Oil Cloths, We Plaice this department a Special 11 - iatilit In our trade. All portions In a ant tikhouso furnishing goods are Invited to roll tilore buying, we take pleasure In showing our goods. GOOD NE WS FOR THE PEOPLE, Sawyor,,V Cu., are sellimr all kinds of NrhitY C:lllllbrieS, NICIIIBOOI[B, Rnul ruldertos, Linens TOMO ingS, 11.1ory, Ilandkorebtefe4, YANKEE NOTIONS, of every Uosei Iption qF "BREAK DOWN PRICES." A lino asHortmont of KM Ulovos READ, PONDER and DETERMINE to buy from W. C. Sawyer, & Co., your table Litmus French, kingliab and American Counterpains, Wool, Table Covera, Corsets, Parasols and-Sun Urn brellas, Ei3EI.PI.7E3..MPLIE4, and a thousand other articles not mentioned, OUR 11,0170 Buy Goods for (1 ASD AT GOLD PRICES, Sell them cheaper and faster than any other house ire Town, W.C. Sawyer, & Co., will bo making additions , of the nowest and most desirable importations us the season advances.. Ti ankful for past support, we are determined by at tention to merit a continuance of the same. Every body' Masked aud see our goods. Two doors below Saxton's Store, East Main St. W. C. MWYER, & Co. March 23, 1866. lil CHALLIS MART/E, NIOURS I '(I SI I.lcS, CLOTIIS, =1 111131211 OEMS Ell= IN GS GLOTIIS ME TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT New Firm ! New Store! 1 New Goods! 1! HlL,undprsi g ned having taken the • 1T: Store Room, In Main St., recently occupied by -John D. Gorgon, next door to "Marlon Hail," would re spectfully invite the attention of the people of Carlisle and vicinity to my large, variedand well selected Stock of Dry Hoods. consisting in part, of M USLINS, CALICOES, • DELAINES, OINGHAMS, FLANNELS, &c, greatly reduced prices, in consequence of the late I heavy decline in Goods In the Eastern Cities, end as my goods are all now. I ran and will sell at act en sh ingly low rates. I have also a choice selection of Ladies' Dress Hoods, MERINOES, ALPACA S, //A IR, all Wool &Mines, Lusters, Poplins, sign fino assort snout ofGentlemon's Wear, such no CLOTHS, CASS' iIIERES, SATTIN JEANS, COTTON A D ES &c., WO take great pleauure in showing goods and would be pleased to have the Ladles call and examine our New Goods, which 'Wears determined to sell at great bar— gains. We feel satisfied that we can offer greater In ducements to purchas,rs than any similar Establish ment In this vicinity, remember the place at Gorges' old tin Store, next door to Marlon Hall. I=l New Spring Goods, ISA AC LIV INGSTON, at his whole• Clothina Estaldhrbmvot. on South Hanover street, adjoining Miller .4. Bowers' hardware Store. anuounvos the receipt of 21 frill and Complete Ils• sortim, t of sl'.u.llEl? (;001),S; anti seasonable It Ii• Ul' A 111 , . (I.OIIIINII Ills stock consists In part of line Black :Ind mu. FRENVI - I nnrl ENCiLT SI - I CI In11.1;-;, I•;.rh•n Ikary Dorskin T)11 . 1, eta nnil r3llry CASSI I\l EIiES, Al. a largo vat iuty of Cassinota and Tweed. lion• l.neky Jeans, :Ind CottollilatioS, Unlit., and Linen Drillings, In gn at variety Also a great assortment of Ready Made Clothing, ~f ever.) style and quality, White• Linen and Woolen Shirts. Summer Drawers. .tr., constantly on hand a large assortment. of Ties, liosiery and Illoves, LI nen. SID. , and ('urban Handkerchiefs. Also a full as,rtno TIC of Trunks. Carpel Bags and Valises, ()revery sine. Clothing anode to order at the shortest notire. Call and I ,alllllll. the stns k. March :23, 151;11. ISAAI' 1.111 NGSTI JNO. D. GORGAS, E t si .o l i t .• Ili.lnt nog>ibr lli loorvtllnti 1 ,:irs lie ali,B ..1101.1:1111 . .• tile'll Vtlstti. H r YOU emit the ve•ry Stet Ih.• !irk... II 1 til 10 bia tie I th.ila 111111. I have lien - dna . itaiiel hot the 6,=t ), A kers, And Wtlll . ltlll t 11.'111 It, hi. 1.1...11, ler I keep r. nud FPO thu areal NA/ it.ty. I eat, hundreds of it dr.ii rd. COME and SEE, lOy l'Ar 1 ,, 1 et i.d I Stour. I.•t . 1 , 1" Cl,ll H E.\ TEES .% ND IL\ NGES, "I'ttaLltot.try and l't D0 7 40 1 7, — Vt7 AL Pt— all bind , in pi val. 'vieir, 111,1,1 e I,llh the vi.l.) 114 14,11.1:114. \II tau 111 , 1 i iu ;lur had luau Pio at a 1 , 10. CA 1,1, anti ICtue Itoolllo. in tr . I illl. COL.( mitt oil will o 11111110SI I cl4l I' purrh n,r~ If will Iplly pay 01111 /amp. , 11001 unti~•e 11: 0111 2:1, 1 01 . .11-- I JIM D 1101 COAL AND LUMBER. - LT A v ING as w I th C AL t the l ' onl and Lam .. 01,1 nt e}anti CLEANEST CC AL n the ! 1 •1011c..1. and 10.1. 1 t011y ion 15‘.1.1 under t . ‘/Yor. Pannilien gill lios“. Ito try us 111 , 01 , mined 10 .011,1e:tn., 0.100 on . tto other yard In tins, I.otr, liy atoll/ wood tVS Inns e sloe ,ollomit KINDS' (It' LI .11B1:1? Ws kept tit ri tir,l Lumbet ‘../n1 whieb ili -.1 , 11 a- I", I,ilVl r th . lll . 12. I,EI, \ uinni H s I: I 1; T S , HOPKIN'S " Own Make,' MANI Vktlll. Wir()I.ESA LE R ETA I 1,, /P. , 1 \ i; :-111;111 '41.) 1,1111,11)F.I.PIIA 11 I.; OFFER 1 , 111: 811.1. it.dii‘..l 7 pet ...111 lluud "toil Paritie 11 U. i s Intorest able 111 (lola Iti MEE I ^ ;11 }vat' 111 ,tirrvtioy t.” tho Itiklitund. 0.1111.1/3. i all for \ y law .I. , . • 1,.1100g/II. lAv dd I S. tie:milks of all 1, 1 mum bought antl udd li t sreli Inl, 156,--:1111 CON ECT lON A R ! \ ()It K, Stars, Tulips, liou boos, A-Isoesle, ('line lates, l'oenamit rind 1151oui. 110, 15, 111,35 Al' HAN'ERSTICIS. • ,RoPB. mtsc, ctss,,iste. Lea,. Orange, Vaull ,3, Rose and Mnsa. ISGO. Al II ERSTICIS. • zTICK .>.,) mint, Toaln iry, Lay endur, Homo Nengs, and Vanilla. live 15, 1855. AT 11AV EIISTI KS. 1)OCK-GANDY, Secrets French and _Cteounnon • Dec. 16, 1866. AT II A V ERSTICKS. I)EBSONS wishing to decorate their yards, or Cemetery lute, or the grave ran rely tive•, al nuld yell lathe Cumberland Nursery, and pur chase Ornemental Shade end Evergreen trees, an they well bo sold very cheap the coining spring. Natural trees for sale Jew at the Cumberlan.l Nursery. 0,18611-3 m. II ENRY d. RUPP. Geo. W. Crosseup, DESIGNING AND Engraver on W ood, • 702 Chehtnut St. Philadelphia Pa. Forney's Press Building. views of Cities, Buildings, Machiner_, Portraits, Tinted Envelopes, Bill !leads, Book s lllustrations, kc. litmigna for Druggists, Dry Goode., Liquor, Tobacco, Flour, Perfumery and all kinds of tables. Particular attention given to Machinery and color work• March It, 181111-3 m. CATARRH CURED FOR ONE DOLLAR. READ I—For ono dollar per mail, I will send free to any address a recipe and medi cine that , I will guarantee to cure the worst cases of Catarrh In the - head or bronchial tubas' in a few wets. It has saved my life, and made me a well man, from Catarrh and a severe and dangerous bronchial trouble I had suffered with for years. I tried the best physi clans, and all the advertised medicines of the de v , but found nor allot till I obtained this. I would give one hundred d."Alars for this reelpe and the medicine; If now bad th o Catarrh and couldnot obtain it for less. I believe, if In otructions aro followed, it'svill - curo any Me whatever, tb at has not already reached the lungs and became a sot tied consumption. Cure it while you can. Addles)), T. P. MOUS. N 0.1623.4 Vulton pt., New York. ?larch 3.0,13300-Bm. A. L. SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Scrivener, conveyancea Insurance and Claim Agent. Of flee Main Street Near Centro Square. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 01+ PIIILADELPIIIA. Assetts 81,499,568 21 Life Insurance Policies Granted On Favor- • (dile Terms Board of Trustees have declared j . a Return Premium Dividend in Scrip of Fifty per cent upon the premiums paid in 1866, ou all Policies in force December 31st, 1805, and decided to receive the cerlifientes of Scalp dated 1860. 1861 anu 1862, in settlement of PromiUMH on and after the 11th Janu ary, 1806, and to credit those indebted for plemlum notes with the amount of said scrip on their notes of that date. The undersigned is ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them at the Carlisle Agency, at his office, on Main street, at any time atter the date of this notice, Pamphlets. Tables of Ilatea, Applications, and oval y Information furnished without charge. A. L SPONSLER, Agt. Carl isle, March :10, 18(36 11.0 ME Insurance Company of New Raven, Connecticut, :Anternett of January let, Capital Stock Surplus $77.5,8•11.10 I,,sek unadjutitod $35,977,72 I N, 4 1 , 1 t A NELS MADE PER VET UA L AND TEM POR- =MEE The 118HOLtS of tills Company consist of United Staten o , vernanent st,cks in National Ranks, Ist, Mortgages on Real i'itatn The Board of Directors have 11,1arlql a Semi-Annual cash Dividend of Ten per rent Ira , from tiovernment 'Pax payablo on and af ter 16th, lan uary, 1 iiB6. A h.o a scrip Dividend of Si:raj/per cent on the earned Premium of Policies entitled t, pnn titillate In the Pro the for the your ending 1,..t of Janun.y. DOW. And have voted to increase the Capital Stock of the Com pony to One Million of Doi lore. Apply to A. 1.. SPUNCLIIII, Agent A High/ 11 Improved Limestone Farm. CONTAINING 120 ACRES, [ANDSOMELY located within 2 Ai: miles of Carlisle. Thu Buildings aro nearly lose Fences In good older, and the laud Ina high State of Cultivation. Apply to _ =I FOR SALE. rr()WN PROPERTY on South Llano ver street, Carlisle, C nprisluq 120 feet In front el '_ill' feet In depth hnv g there, n erected 3 Dwell ing s, tflotp , l sod ether Buildings will be sold en tire or di , . itittd to sell purchasers. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER. Feb.lo. 11st't11. \ - aluabh3 'Act of ground on South / _l_ SIN•ot rootaining ovor Oil feet In trout and 26(1 0, Ul ') la .4 Iso. n 1..4 IA rorto.l Pittll,l d South tlvet root.tioit; n 6 tot tln 'rout nod 110 f.ut In Apply to Real Estate at Public Sale V virtue of an order of the Orphans' ) C.Purt Countl tee ecte.l. ‘,lll in N iil t.. null nale, en the pi ',llse, Iln Su(tn•duv, 1861 i, Al P. )1., a valuable lot of growl ('().Nl',l [NINO TWO eIC'RES, wLlrh in sit ante in Fast Twp., near the town rat \Vest Fah slaw, it tun li.t to ,gratial of a Inch .iiisi.pli t.eizeit 'flair, is a nn st tiestratila yasith rte. Tit libelmitt n nu thy of sale by Jttlt N rll EFTS, .lilininistratar nt 1,1, \131,11 2:1, I,lll3—ts. US 771 vie. , , D.4 MA Y 3rd, 1866, r 1 slibserit) , r, by virtue of an order I of the i:rplurus' Court of 1 on:beat:ld munly, 1111 d .Itt...roey fn to the heir, of All,llll Houck nvi,"ol will oo the prt nukes h1 J....11101Z, . the f Hoe lug yoluoide (Zeal Estate : NO.. 1 A I,ol' OF GROUND, locatedin the corner of \lain and Fiederieli Streets, how Ina I,et on Main t , t , :kit) feet on Frederick St., fo St.,oulTer's trio, or less , oh which ix erected a good ~ 2'l ) RUIC E K 11015 S t daub fk ir /; , . . t:6,‘ ri . t I. nit,a Hotel. le beet fr . J.OO tat, in depth t.“ : , toulTvr's alley, hav 111C1e,111 ertl,l l'artiagc Factory & Blacksmith Shop XO i. A LOT oF GROUND, i•i; of ;awl alley Futlroe J. contain Get li.,tit and foot in depth. intro or In=s, 1. e 1,1;i( en the South the Ilititr.4,l, on the ,t I.y NN 0%0, n the North by Int. of It in On the it let"; of Pk 2.11 harias, allti IL mi II tt, :net r 1 ii Iteivitnin t-t runt; the.. ill 11,1 let, met it lines fine liiiluoetrieuts fur a 1,1.1-111 P, Pak 1, O , IIIIIII'MP :it I it ' .l 1,, P ai , \Ol,l tot iu , Will A 1.1 it 1,4, I h,35-2I To the School Directors of Cumber land County Al EN : fit pursuance ,d the )1 - ).•, 1 d nitit iait of the nil. Sth iy, Ihfo4, es i i ai i• bun` 1101 , 1,ti It, 4' the Cum t Howe oil the irtiosilay In May, A bring tie• fist the leolittn, nit it t ai o'clisdi in Lino lornillooll. L'IL . CI race, lit a ma i City lit tlir Wlitde Llllllll4, 1 , l dir..Aors present, 0110 pore n hi literary 1111.1 aiaittirenietits. anal of Jill tied oxporielivii to the art id teat hitig, as count) s ilit.ohdriit- lie the Tinter credieg tier,,, tdirinine tint. allillutit 01 1,11111 iisatiou tor the stieia and la, tit the r salt to the sAate Stip. intoodeht, at Harrisburg, a. e' mired by the thirty tillith _• ~f said art AO hi, Incl.—ll - 114010 E SEG A RS & TOBACCO, k AT 11.11.fiTON' I)1'1{1; \ I) 1,••••11,• , ,1 by qll p1:10111,1 IbilutPix"l . o 0. A •t, ;I , ! Pt,. , i'1111il•ii tij...l ‘5lll, I f 7.1 1111.1 NS 1.. 11.‘1, Ott,. P:111,1 A 'N..111,1'1,1 .1•1111..11. 1 '.i .2 - , 11. WOOD & CARY , (t. strap• sz (goods, Fre Power, Ribbund =I tr• cc, 4: - .) el. e . Alarge assorouent of the best quality of Groceries, Provisions, .S'pices, I%ruilr, ti.c , sdllng off at tho vory lowest prices ruling in tio. Blot u of I'vnns) lettnia. FOR CASII. aml yoursvlves ct tho truth of tho !WSW don. Nrh 23, ISf22, Cumberland Nurseries I ta rgo Stuck of fruit and ornamental Tines, Plants and Shrubs, comth,th ur of every variety tieualiy proOgelod, trill bd sold cheap the coming Spring, In order to ni dso out the stock. Particular attention le called to tho large and gnu Apple Trees and EvergrAen and Shade-Wrees, Which mull be sold to salt the purchaser either by the tree, by tt a bemired or by the row In the ground or dug, 811 Iniendlng to plant the coming 4rlog are in vited to call at the N moor) and get bargains. All orders promptly tilled. Feb. ID, 1806-3 m rfillE great Agriculturist Strawberry plants for Pule at the Cuthborland Nursery. 11UN1tY S. 8.T.) Fob. 0. 18130-3oi ii. Largo lot of splendid standard and Dwarf near Concord, Delaware, Dliina, and Maxatawney grate vines for Oslo attbe Cumberland Nursery. Fob. Uri 8011-3 m puRE LIBERTY W HITE LEAD,— The Whitest, the most durable and do mo s t eeontnleal. Try it I Manuthetured only by Ziegler & Smith, wholesale Drug, Paint Plass Dealers. Nu. 137 North Third St., PlAllawe., .111 n. A% 2160-Iy. ' F A ILY DYE COLORS, AT RALSTON'S July 1,1804. , WIEET maga always on,hand at Narch 800.800. PENN MUTUAL Q 32 FOR SALE. A. L. SPONSLER FOR SALE =I TWO-STORY s; it 11 all y hap,vutnent '. A LOT ( )1F GROI7ND JACOB XtI:MNI A tutr,ll:. 101 ,t 1 mind 11411“1.. ata.l •111 tact It. 1110 Hew; of 11,.: li EOltil E SW 511:1 Z, umberlaL,ti u Hat & Bonnet Fratne4 L 5 Chestnut ~ t reet, 1'1111.1(4011s IMIEDISZI 7Yiree Miles East of Carlisle, LIENP.Y S. RUPP 11EN RY H. RUPP HALBERT & BRO',O $6OO 000 00 "75 880,10