)It4 4erdd. 3 -%.' (c".4:l'f-'*`,.;•J-67.4 , V.ljktf Wcipiii- 14N. 1..ip,.....,,,—.-_"-Aatilla 1 uggiff.-: ,- ;),,, f y.r.‘,.., - CARLISLE, PA. FRIDAY, APRIL 21), 1866, S. ➢I. PETTFINGILL dz. CO.. O. 37 Park liow, New York, and 6 IState St. Boston, are our Agents for the nERAI.I , nod are authorized to talte A dvertise n t s and Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates. FOR GOVERNOR, Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. \Vhen HE.IsTER UI,YNER was here last week he said, in is little speech to our cop perheads that Geo. W. Woonwnan was honestly elected Governor of Pennsylvania in 1863. We do not know how to charac- terize this statement in any other words than the plain Anglo-Saxoritbat it is simp ly an about nable lie. Everybody knows that in 1863 the people of Pennzylvania by a ma jority of 15,325 votes said that Woodward should not be Governor. The clap-trap about fraudulent votes etc , was well enough just after the election. while the sore beads and pockets were yet cilia rt log ; but for candidate for the Chief Magitracy of. the State to boldly reiterate such a thread bate falsehood at the opening of the campaign in which he is to stand or fall, is a melancholy spectacle indeed. CONCILIATION The New York Times enrnestly urges th, iwportance of harmony between the Presi dent and Congress. This is very well Co-operation and tnittu , ll confidence bet wren the executive and legklatiN I• branches of the government, is of prime consequence. Wherein our coteruporary fails is in urging Congress to recede instead of the President. or in not in pointing, out slime satisfactory middle ground on which both can meet witfrout a sen'e of personal humiliation If Mr. JortNsoN would realty indicate n dis- position to harmonize, on any just and rea sonable basis, Congress would be constiain ed by public opinion, and we think, by its own desire, to act in concert with him The Civil Rights Bill Lawreme. I' Uhi in speech on the Bill ~n sniilrda brietly the prineiple:: measure. 1-10 snit' lintt the 101 l \Va . '. 11. ttl sigred “ny 4 , 1 . 1,0 , 01)14', 1/Ili I protecl llir cn it right - 1 ,carct•ly 1110 iloOldt . ut . Ciollll try Ihun the )1:1 . 41111 \\ th, pe., plc of England. It did not affect any l a, lilicnl rights, ,titirtign, the right t. lipid (Alice, or to juno . wnr lilt, it far lit this I 111 wa- ~ i il•nrned. th State,. it lid not, in t, r any eixi rights, but it pi.,,vidod that, u.. 0, li .vu weritted civil Contracts, b, , 11 , , ;01,1 be sued, to givo evi dctiev, to buy, lelt-0,11. , b1 and ~•11 proNrty and to 11 Ow of bkm.s curia}' of per ,on and I,l,perty---ev cry citizen ~ .liould.have them in ery ;•Ntat, Terri tory. Thhy beh , rigyd ery citizen, that the bill yea , laiator\ Th.?, Nvere regarded as inalienable t ights., the government t Willi n , t take away. It they could be taken li w une citizens there would 1)a no piott,tion I r the nigh of natundized citizen , , 4kr 401' Ili, any race or creed th:tt might th,k vt2t It ttan became the,: rights tvcri2 I . nj (1 11 of the South anti that they were ehrorceil Lc military tottliiir ity. NCI; it lit buttir tii priiloct tlictu b 3 civil law than by tnilititry Death of Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson The telegraph announces the death .1 lion. Daniel S. Dickinson, of New York. Mr. Dickinson I elonged to the race of elder poli ticians now rapidly dying out. It one time he disputed with Mr. Mercy the, control of Detim;:ratic politics in New York, and in Itss2 he wee a strung candidate for the Dom oenitie nomination lur the Presidency. De tilled various oldies. , in his own State, a n d served in ('oro4re , s es 11 SVII:It,Or from 18-14 to 1831, and thu- serving introduced two resolutions substantially embodying the doctrine of "popular sovereign t) which aft.vttard formed Judge Douglas' Kansa,- I.Cebreska act. At the bi caking out or the rebellion, Mr. Dickin , on it—tinied a deter mined stand on the side of the Union and the Government, O hich lie loyally and stead fastly maintained. Mr. Diekinson W7l, in the 66th year ut his age. 111- death was sudden and unexpeeted. Bunks and Taxes It his been conclusk ely settled by a de eisiun of the Sttpreni Court, that theshares of any and every stockholder in any Na tional Batik are subject. to State and local taxation, unall'ected by the fact that part or all the cApital of said Bunk is invested in Nati onaT ob ligal ions. Those obligations are not locally taxable as .such, but their use as Bank capital is. In this decision, the Su preme Court has affirmed, ne believe, n de cision of the Court of Appeals of our State. We reiterate our record of this importune. decision fur the guidance of assessors and tax-payers. Hitherto, if wu mistake not, owners of shares in National Banks have felt justified in omitting front their return of property subject to taxation so much of their capital invested in National Banks as they presumed to be invested in Natiollll securities. Thus, if a Bank, having a capi tal of $300,000, had $200,000 invested in those securities, each stockholder felt war ranted in returning to the assessors but one third of the amount of his stock. This is justifiable no longer. He must return and pay taxes on every dollar of his stock ; such being the authoritative exposition of the law of the land.—N. Y. Tribune. Adjournment of the Pennsylvania Leg MMM HARRISBUO, April, 13—The Legislature afjotrned sine die yesterday, after unani mously adopting resolutions of thanlcs in behalf 6f the State to Governor Curtin for his fidelity to the interests of the country during the 'recent rebellion?! Every mem ber voted aye, and the result was received with loud and prolonged cheering. Before you buy " foreign perfumes," tisk the dealers b 5 show you their European in voices. They can't do it. Reason why': Importatioris have ceased under the present tariff. The articles are counterfeits. Phu- 'lon's " Night-Blooming,, ,Cercus," a liner 4 , extract than Paris over produced, now reigns suproi!/e in this market. Sold every- Where. The Prompt Refutation of a Copper- head Falsehood One of Senator Hopkins' attempted points against the majority in both branches of the Legislature consisted of the charge that the Republican Clerks, respectively of the Sen ate and llousb, had neglected to employ sol diers to discharge the'SUbordinate duties of their departments. The charge was plain and emplintic, and therefore it is not neces sary to multiply words to refute it. Nothing but fact , -; will serve in establishing the truth in such a dispute. and we therefore publish the following list of soldiers employed in the Senate and lions° of Representatives by the Republican Clerks thereof: OFFICERS OF SENATE \VIU) SERVED IN Tun UN lON ARM DU 111 NU TON WA It. COI. C. I'. Rogers, 83d Pa. V. V. Eh. Williams, 201st P. Y. Capt. S. M'llenry, 105t11 I'. V. Adjt. A. B. Al'Clain, 135th P. V. S. C. 111'Creary, 100th P. V. John Twiss, aged 70, Tyler hospital,thron years and live months. Janie. C. (Indian), I'. V. L. Rogers, :;Bth \ Ethan Tulle, Pa. Reserves. .lobo Burns. oFricEltqw , THE Wllil SERVE!, IN THE I NION ARMY Dl EINII THE WAIL. F. C. Benedict, 12th Cavalry regiment. J. P. Wilson, 62d P. V. \Vgn. 11. Dennison, 95th P. V. Thomas Martin, 1750 1 P. V: Frank Penk, 193 d P. \'. AVm. D. Frank, llth l'enna Reserves. Mcgowan, 76 I'. V. George Bak coven, 72d P. V. \Vim Johnson, 1-191 h I'. V. INlcAllicter, 110th I'. V, John Sheaffer, 129th P. V. George Dar'in, 110th I'. V. Henry Schreiner, 127th James Keyser, 9th Cavalry Saltine] Nace, 9lst P V. - Comment i-- in II 11100 thi,lo , ol. li nt o eCann,' refrain friMl add ing that the entire declaration of Mr. Hol, kin:' tit adc a kind with that in refer ence to the !Mita, to employ ,ohlicr:. Tin Reptldican leaders are the only and the hes friend, the soldiers of the Union ever Lad o eye,. \N ill have.-- I . Tut. I'll E,"rici• 11/N --The 1.111“..1%, 111:t1l• 1 grolit hair urrin.. 111 th , 1 . 01 . 1•111 Elec. 111, 1wt(4 . 1 . 1 4, 110',11 i a 1 and di•app,ildniold at 1.11 , 1 r 'lllll It.ii.:ll EN ery 111111111`,1 /1,11 \\ Hint ill, 1i,t1:11 IMoildican 111 th:il Sint° e , _',(Wt) lii l I, it ;2W% , :2. Hit; Innj It -0 lieppetied lu.t yont . that tlir elootiffil ewe.. Hi the :ird 4,1 .\ pril. the ,ItLy Nvhi,•ll the new , H . the evaelettien I;ichtleoel re:i 11,1 the Nerlh. The 1.. , 111111g ..1 the (;inieoi thr ,, egle.iit the ; - ;hite :thin e , 41 the .11,erle,e1 titel that lih their Itel,l frirml , ut 11,1. ni l ;ilettelHl , l the } - 1 , 11 , . The re.tilt wte: a Itelmfdicati IMO), ()II OW 211 , i Ctipu le•:klee he 11 ti 11 r tenj“rit‘. to.t \ville-hireliie4 the .H1111[1;111 I.ll . H't , Hid , IH . • 111,1ic “nly (1),. :t- vii. " tru.• 1,, tii,• Pk 1 . 1. R Fltol 0 , 011p:illy a 2 H)g,•lo;,•Hion, rci.rt—t Whig tirlV,-1,91,ET tlll4l h 1. 1,H1)1i , 11,1 . , nl Ncw 11,,tc , n and this itc, pant a \ h-it t. dit• \\ '"" 1 \ ‘" rls- • t•litlrt• prm,•-• into 11:11.or 1,1.111., :Hitt "'Y \ l,ll-1,, 1,1111,111)g , - w. ft•atlll ., ! 4 tit , te , n l.s i tLr - nc...1,.1ity 111 tht. 11 , . t 1‘,11 ,1, ,v1„,•1, \vott,l :tn.! 1,11.11 . 11 11111 , , 1110 1.111-o 1).•ii.:4 - , •viii ,,, ntling lit 11g in 2 , ) per colt( 1 ' 1.t . .11 t , ) ii tk it • , lnul t , ) 118 lot .1)4•1• t i.,lj ,, ining lirl.nt Puiwr 1 1.,11.(1 . Ith1' . nt.,1n„1111 1 111 1 ,111,1111 evrit. nt ›traW 1.1111,. l'n.lo 12 t , . „r 1 , 1111, all , \Vork , huts I,nt te.,ntly ;4. , 111 . into ,pe tliti,,ll. pric, iir duced cont. 1.1 , r p.m.& t . V..11111g t , Pllll.lllly lotrlttttk th, Prco, l'itt,loll.4 (:,,_e./le HILL- Ilpr. , llltlll , llt Id . F.. . \VIII V..1,11111m,11, m , 11, 23,1 di:strict : M r. F'. J 110111111111,- ,d to ill, Revenue ill tho I)istrict of nin, in place of Mr. \AI. N. \ViIITE. Thi4 (.1,81,re mm 11-• 1144 Iliad(' b l, llll-t . m. nipvl urc or lii \\ 1 , 1'01111c,, in the 111(11111- ife, ha, performed his dodo. to the siiii faction both of the government and the peoide. But )Ir. wttnteil the e Ino , wanted alinost all sorts of phiee: for several years, and has been , •cterything by and nothing long, — hope of drifting in sionett here. At lit‘t ho has succeeded. Ili. sole reconinten dation, in this 111S11111( , , was n speech inade from the step; of the t'ity Hall support. of Pri,ident's Policy. In reward for till; ,orvicii hr has ILo best .appoinhilent in a diArict of which lie not re,ident, and 11111. , 112; II },1•0111t. \\Alt) reV.lt at tlti. i11t111,i ,, 11 of hint among thew. 'rills iippoii.tinent way talien as the first of a serie, in this portion of the State, entered upon for the purpose of so VOlTllpt inv; the people by it prolligitto or govcrn nu•ntal pat.ronago as to imlucii acquiescence in a Policy which is rilitignant, to their judgment. GENERAL NEWS It was stated it few days since that the passage of Ihe Civil Rights Bill, over the President's veto, VAR the second occurrence or this kind in history of the Republic, the first being Mr. Tyler's veto of the revenue cutter bill. Subsequent investigation has determined the Fact that four nt ensures were passed over Mr. T'ierce's veto in the first ses sion of the 31st Congress, viz: The hills pro viding for the improvement of the Des Moines rapids in the Mississippi, for the removal of Pass a L'Outre, for die deepening of the channel in the Sault river, and for similar improvements in the St. Clair flats. The Civil Rights Bill was, therefore, the sixth that line become a law without the Presi dent'S approval. —The Policy in, North Carolina. The Raleigh Standard, Gov. Ilolden's paper, says the President's policy in Norrtb Onolina is a complete failure ; that ultra secessionist now fill every office in the State from the highest to the lowest, and that the secession leaders are determined that Union men shall never govern that State. It adds: "The cause of restoration has been set back to the point where it was nt the. commencement. No one can forsee the result. The generosity of the President has been abused, and the loyalty of those People has neutralized by the love of money, and„ how long will it be birore they are rebuked, us they should be, and made to know their Places?" —About the• Feninns. hd Government is not unmindful of the Fenian movements in this country, end especially in the north east, We are not at liberty to suggest what course the authorities intend to pursue when the exigency 'shall arise, but we can bay .confidently that the Government will" not rem permit any combination' of ruen,whatever to entangle the United States in unnecessary difficulties with friendly powers. PEesident Roberts, of the Fenian Brotherhord, is in Washington. Ho is open in his condemna tion of the movements on the northeastern frontiel; ris according to his views, it will aid the cause of Irish independence. the Reconstruction' Committee on thursday. lie thinks the people of the South have not yet been convinced that they had no right to secede, or that the war settled only that the North \\ powerful enough to prevent Secession. Ile himstilialways dill, and does now, believe in the independent right of the States to secede. Ilis testimony is very in teresting and voluminous. -.4.._ THE RAILROAD QUESTION Reply of Gen. Geary to the Business Men of Pittsburg• NEW CUMBERLAND, Pit., k , April 4th, 1866. ENTE ENI EN :—Your communication, bearing date March 20th, only reached mu on the 311th Mt., and in complianee with your request I proeeeded to answer it With as little delay its possible. You propound to me three questions, to which you request answers, vie: " I. Will you, if elected chief magistrate or Transylvania, faithful exert the power of your a...ministration, so as to defeat any and every attempt, made by legislation, or otherwise, for the monopoly and control by any one corporation ()I' the riiilroad policy of tho State?" •‘ . Will you oppo , o and Nyithold your sanction from tiny Irgielution conferring upon the Pennsylvania railrothl company, or any compimy it may control, the authori ty to build branches, unless the said grant should be under provisions of general law regulating the construction of railitawla 7" :1. you favor and use the influence 4 v,iir stein the - nwlit of it gviierill null ,miring Ow con sirtlctiMi and regulation of railroads Nvithin this Coninion wealth y 111111 t,1111114111,1 11114,11 t.114,,51 , 1/I'l, I 11111 free t give poi, and quite willing to inilieato what action Nvould 1)1', F 44, 1:11' 11, it IS Ilt 1111 proper tu di, so. Pennsylvania po sos,e, iinnwnso 11'1'111,- 111'k, 4,1' 11110T:11 W4•111t11, 1111,1 9 1114,4 eXtt4ll , lN'tt nniurailorie,. 'l% , do% 01, , p tlie , e, to fo,ter vi , TY I - 11.1 "g \vbi'•l' toad?" to th'ir (lev''l.P -unent, and 111 vheri , li 111111 i11',,1114,1.0 1',111:111y till' rights 111111 intensts or all 1 11111113 it' lII` the higlie,t duty of her ..slale-nu.n. 1 regard . (•\ pry hind .11'1.111.- 11C i1111.1,V.•1111.111 r.0111111•IV, (hi' :I:111 I 1:11,11' 441 . till' 11144-1 C4411111111' :11111 1•1:11 , 01':111. It 11111.1,,,1 " .11" of 1.111.0111• 111,111-11 y, :I`. a. 1111.511, (if eon \ rting .41r va , t 111ole1':d agri -4'llllllra' 1 , 1'04.1114 . 1.-. Sill! 114,111111 . ,11•1111'4,1 11rtit•1444.1 'llll ,, 1 . 111111, NV1 ,1,14. ‘' .1. Chid) .o 111,111 olr our eoinno.ii.•ilil 11111.1'1 , 111r,, 4•11:11,14, 4,111' 11111111.1111,.1.111'11 . - 11 , -wild OW 1,1'444,,41 , - of their lllll' 5411114 :11 11,, 11,01 441 . Oo' 1111111111:14 1111ing 1111t1 pr 44- 41114•11,:, of the I . loon, -Wall eordial s -t-t ouv 51%1,1%.1,5t10n. og;11 , 1 44111' 111111,11,1 e 1 ,14.111 n. Iho 1,1•-t 111,411,4 4,1 1•111111111•I'l 1111 11111 54,1•1,11 111111 11114 l'- ~ 1 1111111111,1114, 1 1. In W 141111,111 t,, 1111.1 11141111 1111,,, 1111' Stale i. viiv‘.lop.,l in 5 n,•t.- %\ ort 111111.11' 111.•11 111. HI- Cr. 11-114,2: '11C:011"r 1111„1), r, , t44, - k, 1-, and tho \vor ol 151,441', Illlh,e i1i,t1 . 11,11- ling point-, and I , u 441441, 4,111' 1111, at.t tlwir Hirt :I- 1011,10.,.! \ - 3111-, Th,.v L ntlil i „,t I Ow ,11,11 Id hov. I all-VCer 1, , 111 , tired int, , ria , ,4alory, that 1 III•In•Vi• it 14 , I, t, I ),partin, ut t,, IT ,, lii• in anti, 'pa lm!, of it , zi, in the V.a\ ; I II) h, the creati, , ll ant 1n ,, 11,,1ady in 11 1 , th , gil ii':; all}' uruittud I t tin. Ltw, \\*l.r6 Pia" it uh,n e and reach the Lo iantnrr. TI, tho ,I.CIIIIII 1111.1.1.1....41a11ry. I say, that. •.\ '4,11 51..11111 1.1,1 (•1.1111.1.1 . 1. tu 1111 :1 ' , Mild 1.1111111 . , it illll , l \\ 1111 1111 . 1111 d until it hull he In httc, luny la , pr,ilwrly railrmuls Itrailuin— it hen th,.t by OH , 11.•. , 1111. i111111111i,(t.• . 1\ 1.111. 111:111 , 1', 111111 111.11111 111 , 11111.1.`11ii.111.Vl•11.111111•111 111. it pr.,porty. 11,111 Such grannt . ru,trictr,l I intlit idiot' right- ~r 1 ,, p.mr thiul hich ,thors, I , Ity, that I lwlievo law lug iLIII grant, tol t.r f,Fr 111;tt purpo-m. (,) bl• 111„,t \Vitt' public :Ms! I.IIP 111t1 . 1'1. , 1 ; Itit(l int,rlaining vin•w:.: I V. talk] ccitninly ithd E x ,• L • ti t iv) • t „ n.,1111 "fln• i.l ;mil iittwr tnnllrr -1n n;LI Lo ili,, , Ltrzigi.4l in ;1 E,Ttibli -1•:111 and 1 lunyinput Ity witli Nkk lila I nay bk. kik.k...1.,4 Bed Gn• its encotirngetnent. I ntn, gctill4•lnett, with high r.,prot your “In•ditlt. ,cr\ ant, .1011 N NV. l; EA It Ti. )11.- , 1•-• ( 11 1, 4 (•11;i11,13t L\: (.“ , From Washington. D. C. i‘plil 1S1'.1; ()II Stalin'lty lilt' 1 - Ills 1111111VIT s•n• \ id . I'l . l` , l,lcllt dilly this city. By directiiin ill' the (if the [initil Statiia gi.vi.linnient. g,•11,1 . 1111y, \Vero in 1 . .1111111'111 ,, 1'11ii,01 ii , 01 tlf theWMlllo ' lll Senate 1..,•0g11141112; till' ,t•l . 11 4 i(111, Iltii,Jllllled IoVIT till I\liiilay and the 11.11.C1' listelling to 1111 1:1.111 , 11t trihuto to the meniiiry "r the Ulu, trioti.cleceivital by the I 1 ei \lr. (;Aavi ..ritting for Ilia day.— Probably in no other section of the country could such a deep appreciation of the loss of A nami.% Ids.col.:. he observed here. Th, q uimm,s the city ; the sad dened countenances of the people; the sup pressed voices of those who, congregated in knots, revived the recollections of that fearful day, the anniversary of which they were observing, all strikingly reminded we of the time, %% lien hut a little over One year' ago, we were so suddenly apprised of the, dreadful deed by which a whole nation was stricken with indescribable woe, and like Hachael, refused to be comforted. Nothibg in actual life ever surpassed the horror or enormity of that tragedy ; and romance can !lever he made to equal the awful reality of the crime. Not only earning the respect and admiration of his country for his innu merable virtues, and noldopersonal chructor Alta AII AM LiNcuh*. electrified the world, by proving the S'ucCess.o.l high moral cOur age and undeviating integrity. It can be safely Assumed that no other American, since AVAsntrucroN's time, had won such tender affection and earnest love of the peo ple whom he served truly "Ills life wassgentlo ; unit tilts eletnunte So mlx'tl in him, that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, This Wan a man I linswerved by misleading influences ; im pervious to the machinations of corrupt men; prompts d only by a ehrisitan desire to maintain the unity of the Republic in an it honor; ho purslied^his flrm, hut always con ciliatory course, discarding the wrong and adopting tho right, and lived to realize the al of his ambition, in the re-establishment of the country on the basis of human free dom and civilization. And then when all was juy ; and the hosannas of an exultant people were ringing out from ocean to ocean In thankfulness, that this the greatest civil war in modern times had ended in national triumph ; when victorious - armies wore .re turning home, their tattered banners pro claiming the ferocity of the strife, and the deadly cannon had ceased its hoarse rever berations throught the South—came the an noeneemant of the murder of the good and great President, which flashing across the continent, hushed every voice ; changed the anthem into a dirge,; changed national gladness into national grief, and the habili ments of joy with those of wall Then the darkest hour in history, and tho heaviest task of human faith came to us. What a wail of anguish went up all over the land Millions of patriotic eitizens, who never lost heart, oven when the safety of the Union seemed trembling in the balance, shuddered in their grief at the ine,.,(plicnble mysteries of the deity, and ono inanimate corps seemed to hold within its cerements the throbbing hearts of the people universal—seemed in death, what it was in life—the Keynote of all their hopes and fears. It is not difficult to divine the cause of this great ebullition of popular feeling ; this sobbing over his departure alike by the hum blest and highest; this reverence of his mem ory now, even when the prairie flowers are blooniing over his grave. It is because A 141(Al1 AM Ll scoLN, was 'and will ever be considered the unquestionable exponent of that attribute which should lie held sacred ly inviolate by every American citizen PatralliAm. That was the pervading ele ment of his nature. The clue to his great ness, the source of his power, and the secret of his being embalmed in the popular heart, can be found in his spirit of nationality, and pure, unselfish devotion to the country of Iti . s birth. For that his life was so distinguished ns to ninke hereafter 11 test of greatness in ap proaching his standard of excellence, for that he died. I t was from the purest motives of patriotism that consistently avoided to the last hour, pi,fliinl resort to the arbitrament of arms ; and with the same lofty spirit, when the Into of war was inevitable, lie used all the means which the vast resources of the n ation placed in his hands for its preserva tion. Let us endeavor to emulate his virtues, and revere his memory with a deeper inten sity ns each sad anniversary of his cruel death glides into the past. I cannot close the subject without the addition of those golden word, the utterance of which it seems to rile, Must have been prompted by heaver lv inspiration if looked to as a crite rion in the adjustment of our present diffi culties, how speedily would that happy con summation be effected? " NViih malice towards none ; with chari ty for all ; with artioness m um right, let us strive Tio to finish the work wo are in ; to hind lip the nation's wounds ; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations." E. For tho Herald C ,, ll', , pHntlent C. has a happy I:w -ilily for H.li•ctitig such points in my articlis and .Sit may suit lii, convenience lu Itii,wrr. If it had been his object to relirve v interest ilk 111 ight have ,par..d himself much of his htht arindo. N.. information WaSa.,l:Nl or lit,tl - 101 repent.anc,, hapti,rn, tine, and the -clionte salva- Um, Among the nine que-tion , , he seem, to h:nr npent time in counting than eon ,idering them ; 1,1'01.011d 11l te-tver 7 Inquirer will 'lever have his reliev , d mulct' an \vim is too undisturbed liv any questions, and ean speak of nothing but it, hat i , inter c,titi, to himself. NVitlr - respect to Acts t 4. 11-17, allow me lu 1,51:i1.0 101,1 . 11 , 11 , . lied not the men and Ns omen haptkeil receiNed the 1111111,11(- 4/1010 Spirit 1/1•1I.1,1 t h e a tot lit ,:1111,. ? What eVilh•n, have we 01111 they reci , ived any thing from the lipt.tle, inipo , ition of hank, beyond the iiiiracillote3 gills of the Spirit ? not thi-, and the authority are , --new the for mation •,1 a elitireli, the only apparent rea- SMI for this the apostles? IC there any I W( . 1t , i1 , 11 Hick all.llrll - 11 151 , 11. , 11 (0/ . 1/ u../ . in 1111 i will 'lllll,llll whetli'er it i , one on NVlljell a ISiJto l , (1,1krovIii:11) not be And is it one, so a. di , t;oitinion grace of tie 11o1) Spirit after effiiv , r,i4 , ll? th , HIV 1:1I iii, ,m 1 of lho ,ip“stlo's hands wa, thing Simon immediatelc;atw, and coveted as an of power, was it II 1r1',1111.,' 111.,. Bi-111 , 1) 1111 . 1111: could ct.11101'? NMI, it iv,.11111 gratify 5. , 1110 of you" i..ad er- if out; eorr.,-puitlent confine hi, at, tention to such .itte-tiolis as 111,e the pie-ent. There arc connected 1 / 1 11. Toasts u, find it C“i1V,.11III111., to attend lit it few hoist- :it it, time. AVe tike are troubled with an intir iilit3; which belong , to Prote-tauts generally, t\ -hieh, h a . no great I'vl.•1•1 ally ~11 ,IIVII 1111111er, but 111:11, of the lloly Scriptures ('. will therefore d , it, hut lit tle sewn informing us that bo lit ut•-,211.e list• settle gotal tt-cs" tfor we never thought so inemil\; of them as to doubt thi , ) or by -bowing that the 1101 Nltq'ka ordinarily, according t , the up point merit, ..f God. - Sincerely tarry 1111.1 many of its \\'li, 1111 , 1 it hard to be flied \vitt) the Holy ( tho , t, and if \III 111/11- N Wt• could by the 4.111 , :tp prtict.,, of pa,-ing under a bishop's if is.' long disul,poiutcd in seeing one in our town, Nl,' alight he ivilliag, to tat:, a journey to t'apetotvn. Hitt the most preciott, gent Nvilich C. has vet put In•fta, tie, is the closing sentence of hi-, last article. \Vitli abut unction he (le e:int, up. , 11 the evil, of and the desi rableness of union; whatkindofunionispus blo with 111111 or his church, without an tin conditional,urrender, shouldering his -‘ /Air ht Saints days" and Prayer with out ivincing at an article or a canon. Inter preted by his prtrtttice theonlyschh , tit to be no ;2,retted i, a failure to conform to his church, and the anion tm Li! sought IV.IIIII/ be Ite4 se cure.' by beguiling a: many unstable souls of other , •horcheq. to h,•ir own. It ~uhl bunurh Union 11, would 10110,V " upon is - /dhing parl.r, - 2111(11A, the wolf giN to the lamb ; and the prayer lie would of fer ismild be inspired only, by his keen ap petite for proselyte,. 11 Tint, 111 : G---7. A tat' ANX INt/i,litElt. =MEM CA RLIS L. IC, April CI. 18861,. The Teacher:4 Faculty of Carlisle COTIVCII . Prot. Echels in the chair. Selections from the I-:eripture road by the President.— Roll called. Minute , read ardi approved. The torte of officers bade;; expired an election tins held With the following ro alt. Pros--1). Eckels, .'l'ei's—Theo. Corn man, R. Sec—J. C Stock, ('. the-- li. 1). Cameron ; 'l'rons—.l. Thisonheinter, The lesson in arithmetic being recited— Till! committee's reports received—A now one appointed—The faculty adjourned. J. C. STOCK, Sec. of Faculty. Tor thu Herald.] The Bt. Bev. T. 11. Vail, D. 1). lately consecrated Bishop of EttllBllB, but olliciating in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, by requomt of Bishop Stevens, who is absent for his heidth, is expected to preach and administer Confir mation in St. John's Church, on Monday evg., next at 7,1 o'clock. The public aro in vited to be present. Cfnban ma) Gault! Mitrs Fait SALE.— An Othello book ease in good condition. Apply to this oftl SERENADE --The Rev. Jacob Fry, of Reading formly pastor of the English Loth ern Church of this town, and now the guest of• Henry Saxton Esq., was serenaded last night by the Carlisle Band. The band played several appropriate airs and we are happy to notice a great improvement in their music. SUDDEN DEATU.—Mr. John Piper one of the oldest citizens of Newville, fell dead in his dwelling, on Saturday morning last Mr. Piper was highly esteemed by all who laiew, him, and his sudden death will he deplored by the whole community. HEISER'S HOTEL SOLD.-30 Monday, last Mr. Guonair. GARVER bought from Mr. • JOSEPH HEISER the fine brick hotel so long kept by the latter gentleman, 'Mr. GARVER pays $ 10,600 for the property and gots possession in a few weeks. FRESH' FISIL—Our markots are now supplied with shad, pike, halibut.&c., from the Eastern fisheries. Tho fish look tempt ingly fresh, the figures at ; which they are hold:oro - mooi ropugnanpy"salty." FATAL AOCIDENT.—On the 7th inst., Mr John Spangler, of Leesburg, was accidently killed, Mr. Spangler was a railroad con ductor of a freight train .-,n'the Pennsylvania Railroad; and it is supposed that while at tempting to couple some cars at Cameron' Station, in stepping from ono bumper to the other hi) missed his footing and fell 'between them. The cars ..passed' over him severing his legs just above the thigh from the body, and also one of his arms. lie was a single man 44 year of age. His remains where brought to his hoe for interment on the 9th inst. • SUPERINTENDENT OF O,OMON SCHOOLS. —Ot the first Tuesday of May next the SchOol Directors of this county will be call ed upon to select a Superintepdent of Com mon Schools to serve for thrde years. This is a matter of no small importance. Consid ering the number of children to be educated ; the need there is of a careful and disinteres ted selection of teachers; and the necessity of securing a person, nOt only fully instruct ed himself in all the branches embraced in the Common School System, but endowed in addition with excellent administrative a bilsties ; it is of much consequence that those upon whom the duty of selecting the Superintendant is devolved by the laws should make search for the best obtainable man to fill the position. We have no sug gestion to make of names ; but every parent who has a child to educate, has a stake in the matter. So every tax-payer ought to be interested to see that the money that ha is annually called upon to contribute for edu cational purpose is so applied as to yittid the largest advanta-es to the community. By all means, gentlemen School Directors, give the matter full find careful consideration. DAN RICR'S CIRCUS AND MENAC E- R I -1' his celebrated show will be in Carlisle on Thursday, the 2uth instant. Dan's rep utation in the roles of clown and trainer is world-wide and needs nu pulling. The, general "get-up — of his circus and mena gerie is unequalled. The celebrated horse Excelsior is with him and his education has been so improved that he can now do every thing but talk, and he is said to know oven enough about that accomplishment lo lie able to say nay (neigh) decidedl y . The corps of performers is cnimplcle and comprehends a numb,r of the arena. ur course everybody will go to the MIEN LA lit CENTENA ItY x !Li A ICY SOCIETY —This is the great memorial year of the Methodist Church, the centennird anniver sary of the origin 01 American Alethodism. Let ail who love the memory of it past and hope for a correTondent outgrowth i n the rume ,, ,b n in inakoig it a time that shall lie remembered with thanksgiving through a hillidl ed years to corer,. That this may be dune with daity and that the strength or the church may be increased, there are dcdlnite objects set before the public mind. For most in the whole church i, placed the edu cational interest as the ,d,ject for which the gift , id . the public he appropriated during this their great memorial year. The conferences throughout the land are c-pecially directing their ell'orts to the en d, their in , titutions of learning and the conterence, patronizing the ‘•ollege in our town propose to raise S:',on,Uno for its endowment.. To aid in accomplishing this object the conferences have authorized the formation of Ladies Aid Societies in every i-tation and circuit. Hne has bee'n formed in this town, and tin v bespeak liberal' gifts from the friends of learning . . This is a nut anent of the Methodist church, but a. , the endowment of this institution would be it hrneft 11,11(1 an honor to the borough we confidently o\l, et that not only :lletluali-t -but all interested in the, advancement of Yearning and the prosperity and reputation of our town will help on by kindly words and generoun deeds, the object for whieli this Ludic- .\ -hociation has been tornied. Corttr PitOcEEDlN(is.—The followir iS:I ColltillUttli , )11 of 1.1141C01111 l~l~.\li'l'j. It ( . 0111T11(111W 0111111 1 . 8. r 1'110,)(1,,n. 11 et) w 4,(rd 1111(1 Edward Arnry. Charged with 11,,r,ie larceny ~nd can l iracc. Verdict .Nlotion entrr,l 6,1. a new INlttglanghlin, 11 ,, pborn, and or for Ccmitil,)liwoultil Sharpe. Torld, Mill- New,hain anti S. llopburn, dr., for de fendant,. Coin. rs. ,Ja, oh Windetnaker and Larceny of a pair of wool en stockings. 'Verdict not guilty, and de fendants discharged. 31aglaughlin for Corn rininwcalth ; Shearer 1111(1 Butler for defen dant,. (','in. is Peter Diller, henry Goodyear, Samuel 1)iller, Samuel Bricker and :lulu; \V. Leidig. and assault. Julin \V. Leidig guilty in manner and form..isnd sen tenced to pay a line of twenty-live dollars 111(1 costs prosecutien. \laglaughlin and 11,•pburn ; l'enro-e turd Tedd for defendants. Com. rs. Edward Y. - W at k ns. Larceny of a emit. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar and costs it to lie imprisoned in County jail for lire months, Maglaughlin for Com mon- Weal : Beltzlioover fur defendant. Com. T.l . Richard 13rown. Larceny of .-100 note. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to onpri , onment for two years in the Eastern l'enttentiary, to pay a fine of one dollar fool costs of pro:zeention. Maglatighlin for C'onitnonwealth; Itunbai: arid Sadler d ef,nclatit. Con. vs. .Jacob '.llark , , alms James Mead. Forgery and passing a forged promissory note upon Robert Diven.—Verdiet guilty. iiientenced to four year:, imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary, to pity a fine of one dollar and costs of prosecution. Maglaugh lin for Commonwealth; 'BeltzhooVer for do li I 1. Com. rs. Thomas II arson. Larceny of je we Iry , &c. and receiving stolen goods. Verdict not guilty; defendant discharged. Maglaughlin for Commonwealth; Sadler and Gillelen for defendant. Com. vs. Joseph Windemaker and Au gustus Snavely. Malicious misehief - L Verdict guilty. Sentenced to undergo an imprison montin county jail for three months, to pay a line of five dollars and costs of proiccut ion. AI aglaughl in for Common wealth Shearer and Butler for defendants. Com. vs. John 11. Gross and Margaret Fagan. Larceny of money and butter, and embezzlement. Verdict not guilty; defen dants discharged. ➢Liglauglin, Penrose and Shearer for Commonwealth; Hepburn for defendants. Coin. vs. John Scott Green. Larceny. Sentenced to confinement in Eastern Peni tentiary fir one year and pay costs of prosecution. Maglaughlin for Common wealth ; Sadler and Dunbar for dofindant. Corn. vs. Jacob Symers and Hannah Smyers. Keeping a disorderly and bawdy house. Defendants plead guilty. Jacob Slivers sentenced to pay a fine of six cents and costs of prosecution ; Hannah sentenced to imprisonment in County jail for three months. Maglaughlin Shearer and Butler for Commonwealth ; Smith and Gillolon for defendants. OYER .I.NE TERMINER Cum. MI. John Rudolph and Charles Sherman. Burghiry and robbery. Verdict guilty. Sentence deferred. llaglaughlin and Graham for Commonwealth ; Penrose and Shear for defendants. . Corn. vs. G. Washington Gould. Arson. Firing this stable of Abraham Philips in the Borough of Carlisle. Verdict guilty. Mo tion for a new trial entered. Maglaughlir. for Commonwealth; Penrose and Sharpe for defendant. COMMON PLEAN-SECONE WEEK William Musser & Co. vs. Archibald Bricker. Proceedings under warrant of ar rest. After hearing the evideries, the Court directed the dofontlant to be 'ebmmitted to jail, or enter into bonds with 'security to apply for benefit of the insolventlaws;or enter into bond with security to pay, the judgment, interests and costs . .—Defehdant gave bonds to taito bepollt . .of ipsolvont Jaws, and was died drge4 . froi4 ougPilYatip.er. • . 411 d Weakloy for plaintiff Sharpe.nnd Humrich for defendant. StoWart M'Gowan vs. Carey W. Ahl, Daniel V. Ahl, John Musselman, J. J. Fleming and John Wolf. This was a case of trespass quare elausum fregit against the defendants, for entering upon the lands of plaintiff and cutting timber.--,Defondants claimed the land as their own. The case is still on trial. Eipecial Noticcg More Carpets I more Oil Cloths, more Dry goods, going to W. C. Sawyer & Co's., there is only one opinion—that is, W. C. Sawyer & Co., keep the largest and cheapest stock of goods in town—go and see them. IRON STEEL NAILS AND HORSE SHOES AT CosT.—We must make room for a large ly increased stork of Groceries and Queens ware, our jobbing trade requires it. We therefore oiler our whole stock of lron, Steel, Nails, Tlor, , shoes, Horse shoe nails, and steel toes, at strictly' C o st pric e s. Ple a se call soon--Prices of Grocorics down, Wm. BLAIR& South End Carlisle Pa." Coal Sold lower than last month at A. 11. 1;1. a's, yard Feb. 1 fi , 1 4i;i llaveistiek has just received a large rid fresh assortment of all varieties of gar :en seed,. LIME BURNERS ATTENTION.—Price or Coal roducod again at A. 11. 13LAHC: , , ISGG. Coal lard. Notice -,-No ii:ore orders for Coal will Uc rocoiv,ki at I),!laney,V rm. Dt•lnney t - :;llruin. But at )lone-mil roc•ory, et Irc:Liner, jewellr . Iliu•ns Grocery, and Panel's Gro ce ry ,tore. where all orders , left will be promptly at.t.cry eel to DELANCY SUMO! !I A Grand Epoch in Mcdicino ! IJ. is n the ,,, fo r u h n . d i , o l f a Vt . lit 111t,11:11 11n51.4 enfeelllo (Ito Flo:molt nod partly ttlkl luovels, and with who., external remedies tilt at d and eruptive sot laol, are dolugod in 1,111, nn gi '0 pia, and ineverlenve to the man V.llO 11,1,01 11 ,11111 and appetite with noon ono to tine° II:n . 11114 p Ils, and cures the most viruloot and wee Illutio di. dors tvith vne or twol,oxes of Ids soh, Nlagglers Pr and Salvo havo ushered in a now Inelkal ern. moru nonspatitPt avalaprhes of linulir pill , used pound tkz)w n sirk peopitt's till cults. 111.. fills rectifi4 s the disordered I . l.llliitioll and II”,VOIS, It nil makes lwaltll return i 1 here it has In fact ipl's 11m'tpepl lr Pill, curl. ,lioro all others fail \\ hit. , 'Wills. SCAMS. (11111r11011S, Cuts. allll all 211.,":1 , 11h LIP` Ma viers Ssivo is Iu Lllll tip 5.,41 by .1 51 girl, 4 t York, Ilat eti, k, rarli mitt all April 21, 1,114 A BILIOUS FEVER. g.•[ II 1.,111.1.•.1 I/ II lalt.o. ill 11111 it 111,,11• , 1111.11.10. A ti, 111 It, s. hal 1., .1., 1111,11,11 li, 1110,1, 111.11 11.0 1.1 1111111.10. 110 ..i1.10,1 1110111 1.1 ',II 1..11 It, 1.1 111 11111., 14.1 10,, 111.111 I. 11.1.111111" 1111.1 I,' 11101 , 1.1 11, 1 1011 "till 1 . 1111 1.110,1..10 ‘..11 1.. 111.11111 11 I" 11.4 It/111‘,10 . 11 1t.2.0111mg fill,. Thc. u. sO/ 1011 1., t.lfo, I 11,•. 41,111,• t•II 10/..i13 00.1 . aply 1.01 .00 100 " 1001 1010 0 .1...0 ..01. 1..1.s 01, 111 .11111/111,101 11/111,01,1 , -1‘ "1 1Z:111‘,10•, 1t..1,111,1111,... Pill , . 11/ 1111., 1111111,1 11111'11110 111 lit,' 01 "is 10.111'. 1,1 101.0.11 1•1, 0 41..40 111 11. , .11.1111 1., 10...1111 110,010110111•11 Nll 111 . ..M1,11,111, 11.1 111.111,1101, ‘llll 111,, 1110 .1111,1111.1 t 10,0 Pill, Th. 3 1.101t1....• 11,1 1.01111. 11111 , 11111110111 0. A- ,, 1. , .1 u,. 111.• 1'111" 11111, 1.1.11 rJ 1110 IP:1111111 1111 , 111. I Thal alr.• 000.01., mg: Fr.ol 1., 1.4011 dos 101-I itltlr..ol.l. untll 1411.1 I , ' 111. , rkti.•lll 1111 111 .111 0111. 11,0 gilhiting 10-1..01 .1..1 to 1.. 01/00.1..01. ‘V.. 1.. g 11, na . , I t 111+, 11.111,1111 Mid I, f.ict -111.'111 , •111 111 ski-h it . .• 00! 11, 1 0 1 1'111"1/1 .11.10 01 11111..11 , 1 o‘. 1 11.1 S 1 ...mid doi.i. 1. 1 110 It 0111. 0...03 o.oy I. o In, Its xlOlll 0101.1 01/00-1 1 1'10.0 1..1 110 T 1.1.0 it s 1100.1 .•011.13 purl, 3 . 01.. 00.1 11.1.00, hi. 13- 1/r0g,,....h. N. It N fill , um tl 1,311.,p 1 .NN. 1 . 1•‘11 . 11,I 1 . 111,111'11. 1. 111•1 I. •Inll,oll iklol punt "Owl I)111.,11 lOn 11 , . ,till' Illn t” 111.1 p lAu 11..11.1•1+. 1,01. ti, and I, how II 01111 . 1111gh pug, 1.11, fit, f.l nk 11 , 1111411 EXTR.I("I' PRIM I n c STEPHENS Ht.\ lIN rn 11.t.1,1% A '2.11 C -Uu, nl 111 . 11.0. 1,1 111, ...11..1 I' ,1 ..1. NI, 15.1111.1 Hutt It.. 11,1 It ..Ittt. 1,..1 fl•st, f r iss ..Itt I woo Ittitt )..111 vs. Is km' g. 11... 111111 ,Llllll L 111 LS, I ILI) IS.ltt 11..111-• It. N% LI, " r coN Ess i()NS .1N I) EN iti ExcE Puldklied lid the benefit and` a a CA CI'D \ ) rot: NO \I EN iii Wll,l run Net e,ais Premature Decay of \ IA111)0011, f.uppl) iug at Ilia s.tiae time 'l'm: Mi.res 1,1 Sit.] ape a lin has aired after under pain, - eaus.th table quackery. Ily enelohing a postpaid addrehaed erie l opo, single copie , . free of eharge, um) , lie had of the au thor. N ITU A NI hi, A YFA IR, an. W !USK ERS ! IVIIISIEItS noyou NY lilt Wilkki , r, or Mousta , hest OM Compound will lorco them to grow ou smooth e,t Inert• robin. or hair on bald howls, In Six Oh volts. Pike $l,llO. Mont by 1111111 an), hero. closely scaled, on rocolpt of price. Address, WARNER h , lix 135, lliiwklyn, V. Mc eh :11,1865-Iy. The Long Looked For Has Come 1)11. C01,T,1 NS' . GREAT IND lAN AERIE . . D SN I N DIAN Pain Killer.—For the quick Rat la of Headache, Toothache, Itheums tism, Neu. might, Pain in the Stomach, Back or Side, Painter's Cholie, Cramp. Frosted Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh ('uts Sprains, lirult.es, I/hurtles, Sore Thrust, and all sled lar complaints. Toothache relieved in eight minute, Earache relieved in ten minutes. Burns relieved from smarting In !Moen minutes. Cramp or Cliche cured In tee ui lout's. Spraii, relieved nit twenty minute.: Sere Throat relieved in thirty minutes. I have spout years in selecting the belle, teem the vegetable kingdom. ;it lied lint the kinds best adapted to suit diseases of the human family, and nosy I 1.1 . 11 It complete. Every Bottle Warranted. Try hi! Try it' These things Ile promo on the , pot, awl Islet ti Tour eye , ., only bring 3 out eases. Dr. (21/1.1.1NE: has also lit i n n Ss m up of 11, 0 t, B.A It 1::-; AND II GPISS, ludhw Eye Wooh and roultotton Salle. This St nip lure:.Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup. Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar complaint., Also ;wallet, 1110 Hood. 'l'lll. Solve heals Sores or Llreakines Out lil the Furs, draws lire from Burns; warranted to cure Ilealed or Sore Ilreasta. The Eye Wooll rums Sore 0 , I nll:un I.d 1)1.. Collin. Valley Herb Pill., For the euro 01 Sisk or Nervous llead.whe, Venial° I r regularities, Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ilia eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague, ke. Dr.tiOLLINS eon ho vonsulted at his 0111se, on Uis oases of various kinds. Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, 71 iarltet street, Ilai risburg Also, for bale at lI.IVI4ItSTICK'S Drug And Bonk Store, Carlisle. • All orders should be addressed to Dr. S Collins, Harrisburg. These Medicines ate purely Vegetable. June 16, 1865. HALL'S V EC; ETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER has proved Itself to be the meat perfect preparation ihr the hair ever Owed to the public. It Ix x vogotublo compouu4:juil rout:dun uu iujuri nuo propertlus whatuvor. IT WILL RESTORE RAY HAIR TO vrs 011101 NA I COLOR. It twill keep tho hair from"falllng, out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, ius trolls and silkon. It ix a splendid hair drestang. No person, old or young, should tell II) nun It. IT ILS RECOMMENDED AND USED 1W THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTUOILITY. ,Bp-Ask for Marx Vegetable Elielllanlr Renewer, and take no other. IL P. HAM, & CO. Nashua, N. 11. Proprlotors For sale by all druggists. Nov. a, 1805-13 m. 51mtennu.'s Catarrh Snuff, is SUN cure for that bothersome. disease, Catarrh. Jan.l2, 1860-Iy. WE call attention to the advertisement of Oscar G. Moses & Co., beaded"LlFE-11EALTII—STRENGT11." Jan. 12, BRYAN'S PULISIONIC WAVERS, the grat Cough Remedy an sold by all Druggist. Bee Advertisement. Jim. 12, 1806-Iy. advertisomout of Sir Jamen Olarlce's Colobrated yemalo Jan. 12, 1806-Iy. - Marriages, • BMITII—WAOOONER. In this place, at the rest donee of hor uncle, D. Sipe., on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Samuol Philips, Mr. William 11. Smith, to Miss Maggie A. Waggoner, bpth of Carlisle. .CORNDIAN—LINE.—Id the swim place, on Eh; same day, at the Reformed Parsonage, by the same, Mr. tVilCorn, to Mrs, Ann Lino, both of this Coluty. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Family Flour Superfine do. do RYE...... .... WHITE WHEAT RED do RYE CORN OATS CLOY ERSEED TI MOT It YSEED GENERAL PRO Correded Week? BOTTEI 45 EGOS, is LAID, 15 TA LLOW, 11 SOAP, BEESW A N, 13 ACON I I A'AIS Lm"rEits 111'.11AININ(1 UNCLAIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle, State of Pennsyl vania, the 20th day or April, Published by official authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. yo - 1),,,T0 obtain any of these leiter+, the applicant witst call for" advertised letters," give the date of the li: L :tint lull' two cents for ll' not. called for within unr month, they will be :suit to the Dead Leiter (Mies. GED. ZINN, P. M. Albert Sarah liuntz Levi Albright Stl,an Riehl Burkholder (' A Levi Samuel I.3ingainan Leidy - Mary I3arr (lisirgo M'Elroy Henry Bear Samuel Win Bower John A M . Glatighlin John Babcock Albanan IM'(.onii,r ' al Mary Buchanan !kn . ') NoggleJolin Dyktir llathiu Aim Duke, Win i 1)11 .1 tunic, Cornwall trNed Jelin Davis Thoina, Paul )V in Dc\Nalt tin uu Pepper--Saddler Donnelly )I:try J Alaggie Eritsberger, Sarah I', Itingwalt Fields Daniel Toiler Anna I'i her Isaac lerich ti 11,11.11 Farming John Votiglli Margaret (.4tiove .\ britham IVilliains Julio Fenicic Llartiliar '.llltria Wertz Mary Hartman Libby Zeigler llowly Patrick Zeig,lor Nlitry Hanley John tolui Zeigler Annie 15 Iltndle Jelin %e ter Sat.iti,2l M:l\ \\T )1. li, PARK F,ll, ttorne . y at I Iflict, oilh NI ll'ittluerslilit Notice. \IA-J:TICE is hereby L6 - ‘sen that the I ' s 1•111.1.11,i i td , 11/11itell part pet,hip lii Op. in.inulti tut,. Ciirn mph, Hp. limp , . rind , tylp Ilutchinsim COAQH MAKING. LII; subFeril•ers in form the public, th,,t t I.Usineccin tht •1101. ,, 11.1 'What's Lit cry. atht a tee. ,lino, sent It of the Matt-hell herethey ate pre tt.l lii inn ttattet Ilat is 4, reside) She rest h o st eht sto si, the ptthlis. In role ess h in II r seest fash ion:Oslo 81111 .ulstantial 11111,tter Ito ,iii t sit ten thee to lessisse, Sirs it determination to Won... the stil.ss ellet, hops. to revels s. ss liberal sh tie sif pulilu pot tonsure.. N Y gCaritas. irlislo, April 10, 1860. li o I i lk . . . . . . 6 50 2 40 DUCE MARKET. April 19, 1896. y by H'm. Brniz. BACON SIDES, 19 WHITE BEANS, 1 75 PARED PEACHES, UNPAVED PEACHES 18 300 9-12 DRIED APPLES 35 HAUS, 20 ',Ail 1`k. , 1- 13 IDA COO% Elt. .11J1IN i;. .1 AC , PI: II EM NIIN6 FAF 1.1'.Y. \ COCK N", \\ )1 \I. ,i111;1 1,1; I= ,n 32. - , G 131% lES, '`.1" 7 .! ' (;, /1)1 , 011,Pil d•e Th.•y .It. , l.l,pttlt-.11 , ..1 , ...:1 hid- i 6 :di 111.: tlic tt,t 1041. (!alli,lo, lid 1) EMOV,II,! 1-10 l'ltt• Ilk. 1,1-.41, lotilt• to tulttrut ht•olt1 ou , Lotti .11,41 111 V 11411 , 11 gulierlll3, 04.n6 II has ,1441111.1 4) A I) U L F., A N I) II .\ It N `1 , 1 , 1i-111111 . 1.1 till' I/ Al 1..1 . 1. 4,1 , 111 , i1i , 11,0 t .,, i 1 511.11.-%%i1l hot.•ti.( ro, 64411 ..“1,1.111t1:, t, or) thing ill ill, 111,. a \1)1)1,1•:.5, H.\ UN I:Ss, (.( )1,1, \ WI I 1 I. , II t- viii i up 11 1,1.1. , tiprrli , i..ll„lll, lock sN art th 3 t a okrk 111:111,11111 and thiralolity, a i, 'llaukfu far past la rt—ituvt uliv wlivit< a o,llti 11 11:l111 . id I Ile ',OH' Singer's Letter A Lockstitch, ml $.(l Sell, lig .lietchint'S ri l llll best and Strongest in the :\larket They Hum, Frll, Braid, To, k and 6.. d. all hind 4,1 fin.; and Stitt h kather I,ettot.ful ./I /CE', Ftio PTo $150., Call and e• amino thunl :it Ih.njainin )lain Street, nvall3 opp,ite ;Ai cinur , Machin Shop. Orr 'I hip , a petto ittv.Lati.ot to tile reader to exatnitto toy tart!, assort. lllellt DRI:, ith Speri:ll f'aro tor the :"1 , 1111 , Tllltil.. Eli it, ru 1T I u Icre 1t1.N.V1.0 FltoM f k I,IIILET, To il II INol'i.it Sila- ET, NFAI 1104.8 To 11n.I Lit A lull- TM' 11..11(1111111, SWIM 1% \I A. MILLS j Va'.uable Merchant Mill Machinery and Distillery at Private Sale. FOR sale on the premises, formerly knoaq :LH lieu ~m's Al ill, II car Mi.clutnlesburg, (Inn therland Co., in. A full and complul act of .11 I L L (I A' A A' I with two pair of lino Merchant Boris and t wir Chopper and Corn Screen Volts, to. And also a largo Worm and full set of Coppia. for a STEAM DISTILLERY, &o. AH of which w,❑ 1.9.4,01,1 low for cash, in the whok or part. Persons tlesirfius 01 Information can roll upon or addross any of the following persons. David Brandt, Jacob Niesloy, 11. H. Rupp, and S. U. Bowman, all of whom reside In Mochaulesburg. April 20, 1800-2 t. VALUABLE MILL MACIIINERI FOR sets:. The underrigned will sell on r try reasonahle Term all the Machinery lailonging to the Mill formerly owl ed by William Brosium, consisting of =ll2ll Bolting Cloths, One new Smut Mill, Packing Machine, and Elevators, and In fact everything necessary for the erection of first-class Flouring Mill. The Machinery is all now and in complete order. Those wishing to purchase, had hotter examine the Machinery before it is removed. ROBERT L. ItOSII, PREDIMUOIL WILSEY, GEORGE It. BOWMAN. Hagerstown Md., April 20,1806-3 t. LUmber! Lumber ! T the Dunonnnon - Union Lumber num 4 Milos north ea of Storrott's Gap, WI int es west of- Duncannon, 1 mile south of Billow's Bridge near Grlor point, 100,000 ft, Yellow Phu) flooring, dry. GOON ft. ScantlingibotirtWt and Hue, all sizes. 40,000 ft. 2 Inch Barn flooring, Yellow Plne, 10 to 18 feet dry. 20,000‘ft 1 1 . 4 in Yellow Pico Boards, Dry. &largo lot of Weatherboarding. largo lot of Oak Boards. - A. largo lot of Sealing Laths. A largo lot of White fine Shingles. Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling. Oak Boards, Scantling and Plank. - - Sawed Oak post and fencing boards. Chestnut rails and cord wood, $1,40 per cord. ' The above wo have always on hand, and arcipreparod to saw all kinds of bills to order, such" as Machine and Car Lumber, Wagon Maker Lumber, we can saw 47 ft. in length, and are so fixed that wo can fill orders In the very shortest notice, at any time also so prepared to deliver Lumber at 'any point by ralbroad or, by teams. • Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, we aro selling at low prrcos. lI.OLTER, LATIMER & Dunconnon, Pony Co. Pa, April 20,1806-Bml THE CORMAN HOUSE EAST 111011 STREET, CARLISLE, PA J. T. RIPPEY, PROPRIETOR. The subseribor has leased this commodious Hotel, and has bitted it up with new furniture. Many Im provements have been made and it is now one orthe most complete Hotel.: outside of Philadelphia. The travelling public aro requested to call and prove filr themselves the advantages which it olTers. The Table will be supplied with every article In sea son, and careful and attentive servants will be In at tendance. . . The Bar la furnished wi'h the best Liquors of every class, and patrons may rest assured that no Liquors will he offered which have been adulterated. Residents of the city, who cede the country (luting the Summar months, will find this Hotel n most desi rable place. Located in the beauliful Cumberland Val ley, mid-distat ce between Carlisle Springs and Mount [lolly, In the meet beautiful town of tbo State, with a society noted for its refinement, taste and_olegance, niece inducements are offered than any other point in the State can offer. A pril 20, 1806- 01 Groat Bargains at Auction ! I will offer to Hid citizens of Carlisle and vidnity a kupet of Dry Goods, Notions & Clothing, •onrd.,Ling i❑ part of oflEss 000h,s', .1 lila ca Lush 4,t, (plain atl.l fancy,' Dttil-M..hairs, Ging imlns, Cloak' ngs, Flautp.lN. 131 . 01•11111,i1.11/, Is , ke., be. MUSLINS. Twilled Linen Drilling (I xtin heavy), Townliing, Cap oninre Shirting, /le. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Bents Fanu CIISHI atom Shirting, Le. -.011-IIOS -I,nclint. unit (;entionion's Hosiery, in grotit, variety, Ilanilkerdiiefs, 11 hits and Fancy Shirts. Suspondere, Patent an,tl e•p,ol Threa,W Unui a ellas awl Parasols, in great V:1 rin y. Npi ing en•oe ts, Fine Lint, India Rubber Over coals, I stun, lot water-pe..1,/ `ark Coals, Frock Coats I•antaloons, SLe ti,•. Anctiroectininvinelng nex.t (21st April) Ind Wednesday billowing, at if iiichick, A. i ill ,and coin tinning during he idnive days in each week, and °Tiny evening at 7 o'clock, until the whole stock Is disposed desirous of puichasing at private sale dur ing the day c.in do so at an advantage of 50 per ( - rot cheaper than can be obtained nt the regular stores. My stork is lu the Store-110in of .1. W. kin % :slain St roes. 1'1111.0., it Ihoti- 3t, I ('lialleirge Competition N the way of variety, elegance of style, lit v my stork of Dry Goods.— w , m1,1 I call :ittAmtimi m) largo assort- Immt, 01 I, ADI 1 ) It ESS ( .O111 ) 8, 1%1111 1`.1 . 11 1 . ti•li 1111 . 111,1 11n. h n,l Itiark..ts f. 11 Siitt 1•. Also, L 111,.• L..• c.1.1 , 11g II I) () P S lc 1 11 'l' II 10 111 •Nt unln oy, .I pattern ttl the age, giving 'lll \,,..1 , 01 111 l%j. t aitl.lull , llll, 3 I ariety of II hilt. (totl- -to It as I tin 1•Ini.1 ien, Plaid Striptol oin•ooks, , t-ts ot I lull, hit,, p anti Viotoria I.ati - tts, Limon 11:trolltercItiet• , , &.• otltotytlot., Blue and 1;ttlel Piot, itt,ltanot, Pali inn, Kentucky ./...ttly. ,ililting. Snipes, tort*, l'autlttotn, Tittkino. ti 11,,, . • 11Int• N:lnkt•on-. I tiapers. • 111 L 3111. 3 ,1, 111,113111 , , A.. , . Att. ttl I,,tt An Old Song. set to a New Tune IPA -1.13 oe.-RAD 1;1)(1 W.\ Y:4, I=l3 1 1 I Fl t , ,n PI I= kits" Address, HENRY C()STER, 452 Broadway, N. eat II , b• luta Awl all Dru,,,ist, 181130. I NC RE AS E OF RATS.—Th© - tr's litlzette (1 , m g 11811) assorts and proses by figures that ono pair of ItAT: 4 will his u a 1/I . ogetly /11,1 1 108e1 1 11(11 1 11111 110 lies than 051,030 in three year,. Now, unless (Ilia iinnwilso family Inn 1/0 1,1/1 110,./1, 1111%) W l /11111e011111,0 111 , 1 , 11 , 1/11 1111111 would Fl,lllllll 1111.1100 1111,11111 beings. Aftl - See - COS'FAIt'S adViTli4olll4`llt W Agout It.l'l'S versus 1311{1/S.—Whoever en- Hells is 'A' .1,4.1 man whoever :tel. ui I X lilt, I ills It 3 Ili•ntirit,thit, Wo should Mit) s,llllO OHO lu gist. ns the henefit or their experience in dnr ing nut theqope,ts. We need munothing Ills, nud traps Gee this • tin. .V. t - 1.) - CIVT CI 6,1'1/1,11 "COST/lt'S" It.NT EXTERMINA TOR noed perfect RAT itivation leveling we hose ever attended. Every Rnt that ,4111 get it, properly prepared, will eat it, nod every one that valet it will ,lie, gelleraiiy nt auleo place IN far dintimt ux pov..ihle Prole where it Wall taken.—Lake 11,1: , .llirrnr. 119 "CO:Si:MU:73 - ad' orti,te slit ahule. 110USEK EEI'ERS troubled with ver min need be so no longer, if they use "COSTAR'S" Ex terninator. We ha% e used it to our satisfitct ton ; and if a box cost 55, we xroald have it, We have tried pUitIUIIS bet they effected nothing; Ind “Costar's article knocks the breath out of Rats, 111 ice, Roadies, Ants, and Bed- Rugs, quicker limn sve can write it. It la in groat de• mg,' all over the country tbsf 'no Rhin , Gazette. 111)_ See "CoSTAIL'S” advertise matt above. 1806. A VOICE FROM T I E FAR WEST. Speaking of "Costar's" lint, Roach, Ant, Sze., Extertulm ator—"more grain and provisions are destroy9d annu ally In (leant County by vermin thanswould pay for tons of thin tint and Insect Killer."—Lancaster, Win. herald. 0;9 Seo "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. 1806. FAR 11 EILS AND HOUSEKEEPER —should recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, &c., urn annually destroyed by Rate, Mire, Ants, and other inserts and vermin—all of which can be prevented by a row doll.' worth of "COSTAR'S" Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac., Exterminator, bought and need 11‘).. Sue "COSTAR'S" ad verihiumuut above Xiiii_Sold in Car Utile Pa. 1101,333 , Ilavurnfick. ILnd it.ll Druggists and Dealers April 20. 1800-4 m. Newville Stoneware Works. • r subscriber is now prepared to de liver to Merchants, the largest assortment of StMewaro, Rockingham Were, ,ke., over offered in Cum berlztaci Valley. Ills stock consists in part of STONE IF A R E , Cream Crocks, Butter Pots, Milk Pans, Spittoons, Pitchers, Jugs, Fruit Jars, ke. AOOKINGEAM & YELLOW, Spittoons, Pitchers, Nappies, Dakels, Pie Plates, &c. Glass Flasks, El nit Bottles and Patent Fruit Jars. Stone Water Fountains Churns, Water Pipe, Drain Tile, ,te , furnished whims ordered. , In facilities for manufacturing, pointy of wares and prices, ho would defy corupetitiosn. For price lists &c. Address SAMUEL I. IRVINE, April 13, 1600-6 in. ESTATE NOTICE:- Letters of administration on tho estate of Esther Hamm, Into of Snout Co., Ohio, have been is sued by the Register to the undersigned residing in West Pennsborough, Twp., of - Ctimberiand Co., Pa. All persons having claims will present tlaean, and those indebted will mako payment to , 113AA0 LAMPE% • April 18,1888. AdraintetraOlg =I ,1 1(:).t3Lilri. IL McC A ItTN A uvtioneer I= .1. I LES' ST M; .\()14'11: 1/ . (.10 1 Eh Tie /•;l•: 7 \ it • 1 , 1. Ir. Z:r/rit's. 1,7 s awl liorerlets FI,.??1, /lir* I 10/ .1I ,• 'llOl 11'11, ,111 'f: 1 , .1 - 'll,, (;tiit/ xLrP td,ttrt. - CoSTA ICS" XTEIIII I NATORS, EXTERMINATORS, voST It'S" EXTERM IN.ITORS, EXTERMINATORS, ( 1r L'A Evn•Acm I N .11'011S, ENT ERNI IN AI'ORS, t'OST A ' ENT ER 11,1 N.ITORS, EXTERMTNA'PORS, COS I'.l It'S" E XTER)I INATORS, EX 'l' ER \I I NAT( /ItS, *COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTEIOI I N ATORS, ,•, k T wm yroics, NT IN TORS, ..CoST AII S - E \ TERM IN ATORS EX TER NIIN A TORS, t irsT s" ExTERm N A Tons. TERN! 1\.11'(/115, ' \ \ TER \IINAToRs, I \ TER M I N ATM? S 't IST lll's • \ TER 31 I X ATi IRS: I\TER NI IN TORS, T m INAtitoits . It \'r ER \I I X ATORS, ''MST 1 II'S" EXTERN! IN IToRs . XTER MINA Tons, t't tsT A IZ'S' I \ TER )I I N ATORS, I. `O'ER M I NADIRS, lat.-, ll, , ache,- , , Ants, Bed Bugg, - Wills in Fur, and IV.olens, Insects ants, Fowls, Animals, etc. .1.11114,1,11 , 10 (Ito 1111111:111 F:111111 c. , 1110 old rlio," ! ' ! I,i all W.lllllll'BB that "COJI SW," II:11111' iy on r.a.llllox, ISott 1866 1866 1800