Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 20, 1866, Image 1

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Ono Square one Insertion,
For tstrh subsequent insertion,
For ?lo• matte Advertisements,
Legal Notices
Profmr.ional Cards without paper,
Obituary Notices an Communiea
Cons rel ling to matter sof prL
rate interests alone, 10 cents per
ioll PILINTiNG.—Our Job Printing Office Is the
tr_mst and most complete establishment in tho
'miu'y. Four good Presses, and a general variety of
amtorlal suited for plain and Fancy work of every
',lnd, enables us to do Job Printing at tho shortest
aotice, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons
In want of Bills, Blanks, or anything in the Jobbing
lino, will Und it to their interest to give us a call.
A 'I'FORNEI AT LAW, and Real
Emato Agent, S 1 pherdstown, West Virginia.
Arw-I , rompt attention given to all business In Joffe,
son County and the Counties adjoining it.
SADLEII, Attorney at Law,
Carlisle Pa. Mee hi Volunteer Building,
South Hanover Street.
C HERMAN, Attorney at Law
Carlisle, Pit. Next door to the
July I,
TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at
0 Lan, Carlisle, l'a. Milieu on the south side of the
Court House, adjoining the "American Prln Hug Office."
July 1, 1864-Iy.
TOSEP II MTN ER, Jr., Attorney at
it Law awl Surveyor, Mevhanicsburg„ l'a. Unice ,u,
Rail 110:111 Street, two doors north of the Bank.
(o),_ltusilleSS promptly attended to.
July 1, 18i14.
T C C IA 11i
NIL 21)1, .titormil ,it Luw,
Carli,le, P
MeeCarli,le, formm ly occupied by Judo:e
Grallam, S,uth anover street.
September A, '65.
t P. II IJ E 1 I('1I, Attorney at Law
0111, on Maio street, i i Marion hall, three
vaat of Iho tarot Natioonl Rank. All but:ideas
en Li u.trd to him Will by promptly attended to.
July I, IhtL
I, I E. 13 E tazit oov Eli, Attorney
at Law 011ive in South Hanover street, opposite
Bent/. s Jry good store Carlisle, Ca.
September 9, 110i4.
M. \V EAR LEY, Attorney at Law,
t i f o st,t,th ILuumer .street, adjoining tLr
n hire (.1 . .TudIge(11:111:1111. All profe,ll,llltl busine,s I•il
trusted to him NI ill Ice pr,mptly attmido,l to.
Jul) 1,1864.
- -
tlll.lla II 111 ' 1IN, Attorney
Law. 0111eo sc ith I I WI. 11111131.11 - 11. Vniu
1.'4 Carlisle l'a,
.11113 , 1,
A\V ('A I( I). - -CTI.‘III,ES E. INI A
j , 71,11 . (i111,1N, Att.wrivy al Law, nIII In I n ,,,fr
builtling,just oppositY t
July I, 140.1 -
Surgeon anel
IFFICE at his rel.idencc in Pit,•t, aaj , itting: the Church.
.1131 v 1. 15,4.
fil-Wipa , I IR. Eult GE S. SEA
• ft !RIGHT. Doldist. from tho Balt'
_ _ itime ,:t Dontal
I...utt)luir _Olll
streetthO at
riiu w it•i dl
eltoui of his mother. Ea
July I. Istit
1 , ;(). W . N 1)I (.'ll, 1). I). S.-
1 ,, t ,, I .t•, at iv, Dttinsir)
Mil,. at his re,i,lett,
ripp.sit. , Mallon Ilall, West Main streel, Cat l'a
July t,
1)r. 1,1)(_01
Strert few
below South
July 1,
. I). S., respectfully off,
profevit nal services to the citizens of Carlisle n
Ito vicinity. Men North Pitt street.
Carlisle, January 5,1566-3 m.
boy. T. Daugherty, President
1 '() 1: 1; ( ).11e1)1,1*(: ,( 1).11' ,C 11( ii .
Seminary which includes the
rrhnol Itll.131:i under tlie cliargc er mhts.!mlary Illt
ner, m ill he open under the direction of Rev. T
erty, as President, with a full corps ut able instructors,
so as to give to the ynutig II VilLlVill.loll
English and Classical studies in the blench and t;er
man languages, in Music, Painting. and othei uiii.l
mental In iinches.
Fspe, all are sv,ll en to I odi W., in the tandly
nt the President.
A priiii.icy dope, tweet lot the younger -,I 'la,' 0 il
Is. had in connection ',VIII. theri,.ll,2l.til. 11,1,11(1111,a
The will open on IVcihneditiv, r , eptetnbez nth
in the lair elegant School i,nis that p an
p:, and attached to the Emory Chula h.
Ed tidies apply to the President.
A og.
Photographs, Amhrotypes, lvorytypes
Beautiful Albutm ! Beautiful Frames
Albums fur I wile. and (len Ll•uu+n.
Albums 6.1 )liar., sud for
,Prmket Albums Mr Soldiers and
i'hoicest Aldums! Preltdmit Ulleapost A Ibuuud
r,unh and New Flom New Yl11), Viliil/1.11.111111
I , you want satisfactory Pictures and
at Mrs. It. A. Smith's Photo
graphie Gallery, South last Corner ut Hanover Street
tel Square, opposite the Court house and Post
Othee, t'At lisle, Pa.
Mrs. It. A Smil lt nett huown lt,yll,ll4is,
and so well known as a Daguerrmrn At Lint, given per
sonal attention to Ladies and Gentlemen visiting her
Gallery, and having the hest of Artists and polite at
tendants can surely promise that in no other Gallery
can those who favor her with a call get pictures supe
rior to hers, not. even In New York or Philadelphia, or
meet with more kind and prompt attention.
Ambrolypes inserted in Rings, Lockets, Breast Pins,
Pertect copies of Daguerrotypes and Amltrotypes
made of dtwease , ‘friends. Where copies are defaced,
Ike-like picture. ,ay still he had. either for frames or
tor cards. All negatives preserved ono year and orders
by mail or otherwisepromptly attended to.
December 23, 186-I—tf
Porcelain Picture or
rilllllS beautiful Picture is new made at W
Lochumn Gallery, In Dr. Nes Building, oppo
te the First National Bank, with such perfection and
style, tone and finish that It, cannot help hut please
every one, The ye rcelain Imparts a most clear and
eharming complexion to the picture.
All other styles of
of all sixes,
ore made in the most perfect Manner. A large varie
ty of Frames and Passapartouts, Cases, Albums are
on hand and trill be sold cheap. •
Copying dune in the best manner. The public la re
spectfully Invited to examine specimens.
The First Premium has been awarded by late county
Fair to C. L. Lachman, for
The Best Ptiotographs
Feb. 0, ISt,'
-1177 having made an oNcursion to tho East
ern Cities, to lay in a stock of manufactured articles,
and material for the ,menu facture of all kinds of ware
kept in a first f lass Stove, Tin and Shoot-iron ostab
liobment, are prepared to prove to tho citizens of Car
lisle and vleinity, that,thoy aro determined to soll
goods at prifles which day competition. Their stock of
is the bast that Philadelphia and Now York can pro
duce. Their stook of stoves consists in part of tho fol
lowing named I
Cook's Governor Penn.
Prairie Flower
and the Barley Sheaf,
with all varieties of Parlor '
Bed-room and Office Stovoo,
of the neatest pattern, and bent quality. The Gover
nor Penn, which they guarantee to give entire satls ,
faction in every respect, with capacity to prepare the
corked or baked fare of tinftemily with less consump
tion of fuel than any ; other stove, they will warrant
for six months. They' manufacture Eimmerman's
Steam Cook Kettle, in which all kinds of vegetables
can be cooked at the game time, without the one fla
voring the other. Best of references given. They
have purchased for cash, and therefore have the prices
of their goods reduced to a very low figure, feeling
confident that "large sales and small profits.' is the
best policy. They call attention to their largo stock of
Tin, Shoot-iron, and
consisting of Buckets, nations, Wash-hollers. Wash•
dishes Lard Cans, Coal Scuttles, &c., &c., guaranteeing
to all who may purchase of them a saving of at least
out of every ton oxpondod. Heaters ' 'Kitchen Ranges
and Furnaces sot in on 'short notice. Roofing and
Spouting done In the best manner and on reasonable
torms.,fildstoves - taken_ iri_o xehange. for. new. -ones.
Give us a call. North Hanover street, Vet
zol'sand 'Medium's Hatch..
Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally be
stowed upon them, they solicit a continuum() of the
Veto. 0,1.866-8 m
erVOlLT,,Foligsi , Writing Doslrs i Bait
trali,Ega,tl3loool. rel o a
r e o s . arletten et Hay
^6 00
7 00
VOL. 65
A. K. RHEEDT, Publisher
_ .
°math the hill you may see the mill,
Of wasting wood awl crumbling stone:
10 wheel iv ilrippinq and clattering still
11111 Jerry, the Miller. is dead and gone.
•r year, early and Ldp
Alike in mummer 1111111%10er wentlit.r,
e peeked the atones and rallied the gate
And mill and miller grew ”Id together.
\VW. .I,•rry, come grind lay rye:"
And " Little Jerry, come grind my wheat
nI "little Jerry" true ry,
matron bold and mniclen nweet.
lIIE. Jorry — on uvery longut.,
lhu. truth ".'o told:
HMI' Wll,llll . WAS young
1,1 - 13 1111 , MOO A,11 , 11 1150
'chat Jerry made ay in tieing Ftr,mg:
s 1.1•11 n fSIVii 1111011 his back
As OM h a, the miller, Slid gait, as leDg
ATWays Rua ihvitys niero
AiNv,tys doing his very best
1..,10.1.. %%lig enr HUI(' Jrrry.
Ilttl.n.,ll,ith his nlanding 30,1
ill inn grind my corn, I our
you noviltil-snilil
:try coat grist for half a any,
.Au 4 arct•r roar hilt Lo
.I.IW Ileflied'n none m:1) knoo
.1, I I . ) vry
I all
Poor Litth , Jerry: - was all they (11111
Ail him in hi, earthly 1,11-
Awl nll Ow pv(.1,1,. el. t aLud
11.1 ,111111111,1 1111 . ilo.ll r.lll
It grtlill
th the hill then• statith, the mill
nll.l (rwhil,ltng
li. Irilgnng ntol lattCrillg hIIII
Jerry, HO! Miller 111 . a.i 11110 glllll.
The Indian Girl's Revenge
The Indians of California always appeared
to me to be a different race from any that I
had ever seen. Under all circumstances
tey seem to maintain an evenness of tem
er that white people would be justly proud
f, but I found before I left the country that
here could be a feeling raised in their
'mists, by wrongs, which would at times
imr,t forth :i otertchclut the aggreSSOT.
The advent of the white man into California
was looked upon by the Indians with tl r -
prise. At first t ey could not understand
what could induce the pale lace to dig day
Rif tr day, under a hot sun, and yet, appar
entl. ohtain nothing. Then ai they saw
the ad N enturous Yankees penetrate their
must secret and sa( red resorts, they grade
idly took couarge and gathered in smal
grotto around the miner's cradle, and watch
ed hour after hour the curious opperati
uttering reina.ks iu their quiet way, nor
sometimes indulging in a low guttural Ittugl
at some observation from one of their 11 11 tit
her more witty, perhaps, than the rest. A
last 501110 shrewd fellow formed the idea o
nutking use of their great bodily strength,
and by tempting presents of gitudil3-colored
shirts, and trinkets in the shape of beads,
lie completely won over l'rom laziness as
many as he needed. Others soon followed
the shrewd one's example, and in n short time
teas no uncommon thing to see a doze
two I ndion, Lard at, work every do
while the roister-spirit NV 011111 be coolly
seated under 0 tree watching the operations
of his subordinates with the air of a lord.
I am sorry to say that it was not always
the males whose favors were thus purchased,
and many a young Indian girl lefVier home
for some gaudy strips of calico, and shared
the stranger's tent, proud of ii r situation
and wealth.
There was a man named Simpson, who
had a claim within a few feet of mine on
Feather river. lie had been at the mines
some time, and people'reported him as quite
sucessfol in his operations. I never had
much acquaintance with him, and the only
words that we had exchanged was a "good
looming, - or a similar salutation. He re
presented himself as belougiug to Cormen
LiFut, but to what part he never stated. 11
was a stout built man, about five feet six
unties high, with sandy-colored hair and
whiskers, and a rather pleasing expressioi
in his face. I had not been on the rive
ong before ho started for a small tribe of
ndians that had camped on one of the
fork's of the stream, and after being absent
for about two days, returned with a young
squaw, whom ho appeared to be very proud
of, although she did not have much beauty
to boast of, being like the majority of the
Indian women of that country, dull and
heavy looking, with an enormous head of
hair. It was too common -an occurrnce
at the time of which I write, and after a
few coarse jests from the different indi
viduals on the same bar were ,Simpsou
,was at work, the subject was dropped, and
something else taken up for discussion.
Three or four weeks had passed since
Simpson had obtained his dusky-colored
prize, when one Morning I was surprised
to find that he had brought her with him
to the bar; and Was busily employed in
instructing her to pour water upon the
he dirt that was in the cradle, while ho did
the rocking. The girl appeared to dislike
her task, as I could see by her sulky looks
and awkward actions. Simpson would scold
at some slight mistake that she made, and
then take the large basin that she was heav
ing the water with and instruct her anew.
They were not more than a rod from me,
and I could easily hoar every word that was
uttered en either side. She had learned to
speak a few words in English, but I thought
she nppeared to understand more then -she
could utter.
"Dent throw the water so fast," said Simp
son, e;fter ono of Lis attempts to instruct the
girl lo pot 7 it in the right way.
'Sboappeared to understand, and threw
the water more slowly. All wont on Well
,(- I
) ,
5 4Iitittint
ini th 41 Irs
`~:i~ r,~ ~.~ ~s`I~;~:~:I7 ~o
for n few moments, and then he yelled out
Throw a little faster; d—n it, you are
going to sleep, I believe."
"Me no good," she said in her broken
English, without looking up to the man who
was endeavoring to learn her how to make
herself useful to himself.
“You no good,” exclaimed Simpson, in
a mocking voice, "no, nor ever will be, un
less you are more careful ;" and again he
endeavored to instruct her how to work tho
right wit)
The poor girl looked o❑ coolly for n few
)rnents, and then said, in a quiet way:
"Me go tent."
"No you don't go to the tent yet, my
auty. You have got to learn to assist me,
you tnay as well beat❑ now ns any other
ne. Take the tin and throw away."
The girl did as she w•as directed. By
this time some doses or two miners, had col
lected within 11 few feet of them, awtl where
enjoying the unusual sports, making some
pretty free remarks, which Simpson did not
relish, and a there was no one upon whom
lie could vent his spite, the Indian came in
for a fuller share of curses than was con
sistent with strict politeness.
After lounging about for a few minutes,
most of the miners had dispersed, and I
thought that everythinig was going on with
the regularity of clock work, when the girl
made a false step, and instead of emptying the
water on the cradle, poured it over the head
and shoulders her master.
With a fearful oath Simpson sprang to
his feet, shook himself, and scowled in anger
upon his companion. I thought that I
could see a faint smile of scorn on her face,
and then all was quiet again. lie hind seen
it, however. Thinking she had wet him
on isirpine, he ,truck her a violent blow on
the Maid with his clenched 114.
The girl dropped the implement she
was using, staggered back a few feet, and
then fell heavily on some stones that lay
An indignant cry at , )SO from every per
on present, but he listened to the various
•xclainatians with brutal inditfei'enee, and,
ahnly seating himself', went to work again.
assisted the girl tir rise. She looked tit
no With a dull stare, and turned and walked
oward the tent.
ook out, Simpson, or you will lose
Indian beauty." :aid a young man near
lie looked up, and saw that she was
going. Ho hesitated for a moment, and
then sinaited :
Come back, y.ti black Devil, and finis
your work. You are not going home yet.'
The girl turned slowly around, gazed at
him for a moment with a sullen look, and
then turned and walked deliberately away.
looking neither to the right nor left. The
per4ons who remained, after making a few
remarks that were not. at all emnplimentary
to the man from Connecticut, separated, and
Simpson and myself were left alone.
We both continued at our work, without
addressing a word to euelm other, and I was
just thinking of going to my tent, when
Simpson left his cradle, and seated himself
near muse. I did not feel in the mood for
conversing with him sifter what had passed,
maintained a determined silence.
At length he asked wliat, I thought of the
Cair that had just taken place.
“1 think :you acted 11 very moan part in
riking the poor girl as you did, - I replied.
Ile indulged in a slight laugh, as he re-
"You don't underAand what that was
1.10110 for. I have got tired of her, and want
o get rid of the lazy thing. Besides, I ex
wet my wife here in the course of a month,
mil she wouldn't tda nd having a rival : so
ny black e)ed beauty has gut to start."
Ile uttered this will such an indifferent
air that I looked at him in astonishment.—
At length I asked :
So you left it wilt; in o,l;mi:tic:tit?"
Viis; nothing t,t.range in that, is there
No; but it is strango tibia you shou
take that our Indian girl from her home,
when Son were expecting your wife every
day." I replied indignantly.
"Come now don't get wrathy," he con
tinued laughing heartily ; " i have come to
see it' I could not get you to take her off my
" - You did !" I exclaimed, starting up.—
"Allow me to say that I feel highly honored
at your choosing me to bestow your chari
ties upon." And gathering up some of my
tools, 1 left the fellow perfectly astonished
at my abrupt departure.
That afternoon 1 saw him at work, as
well as usual, but the next morning he did
not make his appearance. Afternoon came
and as he still was absent, three or four
started to see whether he was sick or too
lazy to work. They had been gone about
half an hour, when one of than made his
appearance, pale and breathless. We
crowded around for his news, but at first he
could only point to Simpson's tent and ex
"Dead, dead !"
"Dead ?" we asked, in astonishment !how?
"Lot ns go and see for ourselves," said
Accordingly we all moved toward the
misguided man's resideno/As we walked
along, I learnt from — fhe person who had
brought the news thcit, they arrived at the
tent, and saw nobody stirring around it, or
any signs of a recent fire ; so pulling aside
the cloth that covered the entrance, they
stepped in. Simpson was lying on his bed
in the corner, and at first they thought that
he was asleep ; but after being.spolcon to and
returning no answer, they commenced ex
amining him more closely, and found that
ho was dead. They had seen nothing of the
Indian girl during the:r
By this time we arrived, and I passed in
to view the body. I found him lying on
his.baelc, while his face looked blablc and
swollen ; his body appeared to be bloated.
"I toll you what it 1.8,1' 'said one, 'the man
has been poisoned."
"Who could have done it?" exclaimed
The remembrance of his treatment to the
Indian girl, the day before, flashed upon me
and I was convinced that she had taken this
method of avenging her, wrongs.
The more wo thought of it the more con
vinced,we becamfAliat it. was:her w0rk..4,-
We examined everything carefully, buttia
Carlisle, Pa., Friday, April 20, 1866
not find that she had taken anything but
what belonged to her.
"Let us pursue her," said one young man
who had arrived but a few days before on the
"Bah !" exclaimed an old trapper, scorn
fully ; ''where would you go to look for her?
She is perhaps a hundred miles from us at
this time, with some strange tribe, where
she will be likely to stop for a while. Be
sides that, I don't pity him much ; he
partly deserved it. Come, lam going back
to work."
A few friends of the deceased dug his grave
and buried hint that afternoon, taking good
care of what property he had left.
Some of the men on the river used to pre
tend that they had seen the young squaw,
whenever they made en excursion to an
Indian encampment, but they always said
that she had forgotten her English.
A Governor Expounding Scripture
The Tennessee Parson, Governor ilrown
low, has his own times with the reperdant
rebels, who claim a full restoration to their
political rights without submitting their
re ientanee to the established ordeals of
leerily. They quoted to him the Scrip
re parable of the prodigal son, especially
at part of it in which the father puts upon
m the best robe, etc. Whereupon the
Governor puts on the pnrson's coat on(
gives (hem the following exegesis and appli
cation of the parahle:—
First—The Prodigal So❑ did not secede
he went with his father's consent, and, as the
Scriptures indieitie, with his blessing. Next,
lie 'wen? he did not stay and villily the old
titan in his nuns house. lie for sonic-
thing to start him in the world; he did not
pre?ent a pistol to the old mans breast and
demand his grevwback3 or watch. Ile re
ceived the portion his rather gave him; he
lid not press modern Southern name
or stealing. And receiring it, he started
•ut "to seek his fortune. - llr. did not re
ire to the 3,,uth side of the old man's farm,
and join a baud of robbers who where pine
dering the old man, and his law-abiding
neighbors. Receiving his portion, he quiet-
ly took his journey into a far country.—
1 inally he reponted of his folly, nOt because
the old man whilped hint into repent nee,
but because he "camel() himself . ' and SUNS'
that he had wasted his substance in riotous
living. Ile went back home, not with mur
der in his heart, boasting how many he had
killed, and threatening what he would do,
but he bowed down in honest contrition,
and asked all sorts of pardon. Ile didn't re
turn saying., "I have fought you four years
and until I was overpowered," but he went
back crying 'Tattier, I have sinnOptgainst
heaven, and in thy sight, and am no inure
worthy to be called thy sou - and implor
ingly said, Make me as one of thy hired ser
vants." Ile went home, because, throughout
his entire course of riotous living, his heart
IV (IS qterc. lle (lid not. return demanding
his rights - his property and his hack
rents. lie did not ask instant pardon upon
the faith of an oath of amnesty, hut:proposed
to prove his repentance genuine bp lies works.
The story of the Prodigal Son is one of
sincere, deep, heartfelt and e,.innt,iry repen
tance frir a great wrong. Do ott returning
rebels conic repenting of their unparalleled
mimes? As long as rebellion showed any
signs of success did they show any signs of
epentance? Arc they coming hack because
hey love the ruion, or were about to
'peri,h with hunger?" All who return
reaceahly to their homes, cultivate friendly
relations, nud RLstuin from hostile
liseountenancing every attempt at disorder,
hould be met with the seine spirit, and
rented with leniency. When they man
fest v. hostile spirit, make them bite the
The Twin Brothers—A True Inci
dent of the Siege of Port
That fact is stranger than fiction, is ex
emplified in the following true story of two
brothers, twlns, which occurred during the
memorable siege of Port Hudson. Passing
one day, through the streets of that little
town, we noticed two corpses lying upon the
gallery of the carpenters shop, awaiting
their turn for the boxes dignified with the
*title of coffins, to consign them to their last
resting place. They were bodies of tall stat-
ure, stout and \yell built, betokening the
hardy backwoodsmen of the Southwest.
Over the face of each was thrown a cloth,
through which the blood was oozi r ng, show
ing that they had received their death wounds
through the head. It was no uncommon
sight during the siege to see death in every
form, from the body pierced by the single
bullet to the one shattered to atoms by the
cannon ball or mortar shell. Yet there was
something in tho•appearance of those bodies
which rividetl our Attention and indulged the
inquiry as to who they wore. A rough,
grizzly Confederate soldier was sitting by
their side, whose arm, tied up, showed that
for the present ho was unfit for active ser
vice. The tears were trickling down his
cheeks as lie gazed mournfully upon the
dead before him, while his quivering lip told
bettor than words that they had been more
to him than simple comrades of the tent and
He related their story in a few words :
" They wore my sons," said he, " and were
twins. One of them joined at the same time
I did. We came here with General Beale,
and have done our duty to the best of our
knowledge, and I believe to the satisfaction
Of our milkers."
" This morning, sir, while at the breast
works, ono of my boys, in order to get good
aim at the sharpshooters outside, thought-
lossly raised himself too high, when a rifle
ball pierced his brain, and he full dead at
my feet. His brother, seeing him fall, sprang
forward to pick him up, but in so doing, ex
posed himself above the lino of defences,
when ho tee received a ball through the
brain, and ho fell dead upon the still quiv
oring corpse of his brother. As they came
into the world, so they went out of it—to
gether. In removing their bodies from the
breastworks, I goti • this wound which has
shattered intent. - Would that I had died
With them, for I have no. ono to love now
upelfthis`carth." '
their mother your wife?"
t.Died; eir, In giving them birth."
• clne:cofilii receivedl, the remains of the
twins, alnd. : fil'fo*'ilays after while sitting in
afont' ofltiCient;l),fi' - cipli)' 4°ll gaye
4Ait, wound to tikiiloart-brokonfatlitir.-;1
Matrimonial Complacency.
Since Orace and I were donble,
Pd have the world to know
WO 9 VO been a goodish couple
As goodisit'couples go;
'So no ecstatic passion
Our present hearts respond,
But you know 'Us out of fashion
For couples to lie fond.
I thought her on, angelic,
A fairy she did Hymn—
Thorn Is tint now a rot it
Of that diviner (11'1'11111;
Ifer ilresn Is morn than covtiy
Her taste is muail fine,
She eats—and it iq NAL:4Iy
As other people dine.
Nor nut I now her 111`1.0—
The worshininnl one alone
A Innt.ritnonial Nero
She senile to think we grunt.
A brute, should I refuse 11( . 1 -
'llllli. deal', RN% yet Canhinern shawl
worm, 111111 a innute I 11no her,
II Kept 111 lol'll 1110 Fall.
Cigars are 'u' abhorrence,
She hates the sight of wine,
And nn presumption warrants
A friend brought Loans In dint :
She Won't boliove 't is business
That kervi nn• late :it night,
And MI the nligLtra 111771111, , ,,
I nal ondenlllo , l ;l4 "tight."
ILtt htill,,lospito this trolthio—
The, Hint. ptills of
IVe roglig
Ax goodit:11 goggles ;
0uri,r,4.151 hearts t
Butt tot launc 'tip unlit or fashikill
Fur collplrs to lir loud.
Divorces and Morals
The Pitt,httrg Crwimercial, sppaking cm
apparitly good authority, say , that in six
Fear.,: there have been decrees of .livoree
granted in sixteen hundred ca , es within the
State or'Nla ,, saclue , ett-.. It also declared
that the docket. f iii eourt of o:rawt'ord
county, in n \VII Stab•. then• urn at th
tints twprity-1111 . 00 for examination and
decision. of th4 ,, c in :1:1--ncliiisott , , liv
litindrcd nil eighty-lour are fur desertion,
five hundred ai‘id fifty three for criminality,
and one hundred and thirty two for cru.:lty.
'lll,so are Leal An ON it of lilt
magnitude in partment a human
rmnluct and rolati(ms conmd
other del rt ient ure wnmhl and right.—
I'hi social criminality and di:41.0,, al. Lilt
the outcrop that meets the cyo in tlllO
grfamd G.r the s,,rroNyful (.4m
victi,m that it ‘viile ,prea.l dopravtty un
(lormining the Gnuulatinn ~f ,ocioty. An
imagination i Lut moderate ekeopa.,
conceive )1 . th - o varieill, terrible, and p,q1.11(•-
ted miseries, that inn<t have been connected
with these divorce curs before thy II let the
public. eye. Drunkenne,,, quarrel , . lust,
cruelty, in lilt the,e homes, till they were
unbearable any longer. What farion , pas
sions, what alarms, what tears, what
encc, involving parent, and children and
friend,- in angiii , ll told ignminy. lint the
records referred to sligge,t serion , rellecti,n
as well as painful iniaginationi. The iireva-
L:nrr of VICC in 0110 term filynrs it in faller
terms. It Nveind net fie difficult it ili-onver
as (me l u dill( can,
delmo:onntnt, thn inOxicating cup. hit thcro
are ,ome 11101 , •
prevalent and nano in i lint in tlwir powor.
In viow ~1 t1)1,1) 11),(T))11i1)11111) r•)))))i'llS, to
which \VC tt•ft•lTcd, tlioro appear , go,,d
bi. aplorcllcll,..lVe ,J 1 dangt.i. t.,
brie of ocioty Ie m.Llic griiNviiii2; of vice. ,
r faro; lug :ill "1 vancemi•nt
for protecting the piling fruut
tc 11 of htt• I principlr . ; and -
How to be Agreeable in a Printing
Header, if you want to make yourself very
agreeable in a printing office, step into the
sanctum first. If the editor is writing or
proof-reading, take a seat, along id
him, find tell hint how you started in busi
ness, about your dog, your horse, your wife
and baby, or if you can remember, your
school buy sports. Should the editor lalli
fUSt a desimsitioll to the inattentive to your
story, stick to it and go thriiugh with it.
Should me of the compositi ir
step up and aid: for copy, whether the proof
is read, or if either is done, you should, by
all means a..ik what the article is gl a nd, and
insist upon seeing it. Of' course the editor
will read it for you, and profit by your
union as to its illness to go into the col-
yens the paper.
After thus entertaining the editor, slip
into the composing room and as k eac h ma ,
of the hands a , many questions as to the
cases, letters, .\c., !nay be agreeable to
yourselves. Then begin to whistle, all
printers are fond of whistling. (live thew
at least three or four jigs. Then sing
Milwaukee' and the Fat
Before leaving the office you ehcotkl,tulce
hold of the hand press—give it a pelt and
let it fly back just to see !lOW it - works.—
Don't forget to squirt tobacco juice on the
devil's' feet, tun• examine everything in the
shape of matter on the stone, even if you
do knock some of it into pi, that will only
put the patience of the printers to a fair
test. On leaving the office, be sure to
promise another visit at an early day, and
our word for it, you will be held in fond
remembrance for a long time.
—A story is told of an old
auctioneer who was pri;mikingly annoyed,
while in the exercise of his profession, by
he ludicrous bids of a fellow whose object
seemed to make sport for the buyers rather
thay to buy himself. At length enraged
beyond endurance, the knight of ivory barn
mer,looking around the room for a champion
to avenge his wrongs, fixed his eyes upon
biped of huge dituentions, a very monarch
iu strength, and cried ont—
"Marlow, what shall I give you to put
that fellow out?" '0
"I will take one five dollar bill."
"Done, done, you shall have it"
Assuming the ferocious, knitting his brows
spreading his nostrils like a lion's and put
ting on the wolf all over his head and shoul
ders, old Marlowe strode off to the aggres
sor, and seizing the terrified wretch by the
collar, said to him in:a .whisifer : that .was
heard all over the room
"My good friend, you go out with we, I
will give you-half the-nzoney!"
"Done; done," said the fellow.
"Ifur;•ahl hurrahl,' shouted the , audience.
Tne'duotioneer had the good sense to jOin
m the laugh; and cooly forked oat the
From all parts of the country we have ac
counts of strikes of mechanics and working
men for higher wages. On what principle
of justice and expediency this movement is
based, we are unable to perceive. About a
year ago, says 'the Pittsburg- Commercial,
wages were pretty generally advanced.
since that time, however, those expenses
have declined, and as to most of things en
tering into the cost of living, prices ere
cheaper time they were then, with every
prospect that the decline will continue. Nor
is this all. The prospect of employment is
precarious the supply of labor iu most of more than equal to the demand,
and there is an immediate prospect that the
demand will grow materially less. Capital
has no such prospect new, its relations to
labor have materially changed, and it is to
be feared that mechanics engaged in the
present movements, nave not well calculated
the future or intelligently studied their in
terests. The interests of capital and labor
arc idential, and whenever this principle is
departed from, the consequences will be
injurious. Our only object is in the kind
est spirit to utter a few words ofeaution,
to admonish mechanics to be wise and not
lie drawn into any indiscreet movement,
which the present one, we do not hesitate
to say, most certainly is
a warming-pan is called a friar. Not ninny
ear, ago an unsophi,:ti,ated girl took ser-
N ice in a hotel. Poor thing! she had never
heard of a warrningi en in her lifr, though
she had regularly confe:sed heNelf to a friar
once :1 year.
It it•lppent•ll t,f, n cold and Irir.zl} night
that n prie,t tool; Indging int the Inn. Ile
had taaveled far', and heing, weary, retired
at an earl) hour. Soon after the
the house called the servnnt girl
Betty. ptq . the into No
1 - 1, went Betty ttt the poor Intel
"Your ref crence tntl4 go nit to No ft.
"How --NN asked he, alarmed at being
Your re‘erellt•t. must g• 0 1110 t., Au
There %vas ❑u help lot' 1 , , and the prie
arose. donned a dressing-go%vil and \ye
In :mni fifteen minute:: the mistress
l'ul tile friar into N.
licity ni,l sotiwthing about ,disturbing
lug reverimee, which the mi.:tees,: n
understand So she told the girl is a sharp
oioe to do its she was directed, and she
uuuld,t do right. Up Went Bet
and the unhappy priest, qespiig his atngry
protestations, was obliged torn out of
No. i; and go into No .1. But a littio ton
chiliqed err the girl wns nil , ' hi lut t
!rim. into No H. But he was to vnjoy no
io•at•t• thoro. Ih lic \VLL ilr(ler,..l to
pet the Inter taw No. :t, Anil x% tilt teats itt
en eves she obeyed. la about 111, hour
tli lady 'conclwletl L, go to tool her.,
anti the Inar ortkriol into her roan
Noffilt•ring wlt:lt tt inclint, net,y
111'1,1 and !IM h, No I I The
inmik cro ,, vd cmitited ta•
and \Neill Wit) NO .1 Ii SO t
htl.htill lalldlllllV tnouilde
will, Ow man.-1(q• ;,)ing
1,•,1 1,21 . ,,i5e his ‘Vilt., i
WCII3 coidirinvd by SVCIII4 betlNeun his ow
-1tet•I; a mall Stlllll , l ;14icer. Ti, r niise
,Icuper and kick him into the stre,d was
tlr IL 1111/111 1. 111 ; nor \vas the tiii, , take
t.N.1,1 . 1111( ., 1 till till . 11(•Xl illty, %%111'11 the priest
Eilertnecl the inn-lo.t.per n V hut outrage: heal
1(111 eonttititic,l ,e 1 Itim, 111111 he leg i rTietl tlt
hi-litthi4entent that he had been set ving
t Ile \\ Ilele night. •1 111 Wing pan
fr.,tit this-city, ihere lis
a quiet, unobtruive young lawyer. A
modest fellow is M., (u u i, nlways mod
est,) but he knows his rights, 'and know-
dar. , s maimain them. Like a
wan ~t11,..r5, i• • 1 . ,,11(,wing the pract
1111(1 ' n glori,at: time,' whet
it, A w hil„ sincr, having
retain,,.l in ~omt• small runes, 11, , mad,
appearance helue the ang;ust dignitary—a
Justice of the Ppitee. • Ili, Honor' evident
ly losl. faith in first sight ; for one
after !mother his eases • collapsed tinder the
stunning' charges delivered by the Court.
The law and the testimony wore alike
unavailing. %I 's eases were bound
to ~ o. At last human nature could bear it
n longer. 11 ,rising from his seat, I
Ids 51551151 !-lil‘v and
measured manner
lice, somewhat surprised
Court, 'of your having been guilty of any
thing that might be considered contempt.'
I know your Honor i 4 nut aware of it,'
said but I entertain a secret con
tempt for this Court.'
ktey - A California editor, speaking of the
complaints by the readers that he don't pub
lish all the local items they desire, to see,
justly observe that it is ofton their own fault
in not sending the facts. Ile says he don't
like to publish a birth after the child is
weaned, a marriage after the honeymoon is
over, or the death of a man after his widow
is married again.
g An Omitted verse. On Ash Wed
nesday of this year, says the New Orleans
Advocate, religious services were held in St.
Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church 6f that
city, on which oceasion the officiating cler
gyman selected the fifty-ninth hymn, which
was singuhirly appropriate to the day, but
requested the coogregtltioß to omit the third
verse, which is as follows: -
pe t ia.A rural .. i pa . kor prayed fervently for
rain 'during a severe drought, when it began
to fall ill torrents just as the services closed,
- when two farmers walking home together
were getting awfully wet, and ono remark
etl,tto the ether:
TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year
—ln a villag,
Thu Court can thin inr lieu dollars.'
For \Villa, Al
For contempt ~f Coot,' cooly rej.,ined
I aun not a \\lure, 111 r. .ill.
"And euvi'et Thou, wilt Thou yet forgive.
And bid toy crimee remove?
And ohall a pardon'd REBEL live
To tweak Thy wond'rouelever
The parson does pray with good unc
Yep," replied the other ; "but 'he 'Etch
Mr. Trumbull's Speech
We give below a condensed report of the
great speech of Senator Trumbull on the
President's veto of the Civil 'Rights Bill,
Like his speech on the Freedmans' Bill, it
was one of unusual power and completely
amiwered the ohji‘ctions which the President
urged against it. The Senate immediately
passed the hill by more than a two thirds
vote the President'" veto not withstand-
Mr. Trumbull said ho fully shared with
the President this regret at the hitter being
unable to sign the bill to protect all persons
in their civil rights. lle regretted this ac
tion of the President on accountof the hitter,
as it will tend to alienate him from those
who elected him to his position—who gladly
su4tained his aibrinistration, in the princi
ple.: upon which he Was eluted ; but., -above
all Ile, (Trumbull) regretted it f o r liberty:,
sako, to secure. which the Government Was
V. Trumbull then proceeded tp show tLu
Ls provision.; were just and wise, extundin ,
remarks at groat length. In the COUral
if his speech, Mr. Trumbull related the fol
owing incident: Lew than four years /1.40
n reply to IL veto message by Presiden
Buchanan of the homestead bill, the Senato,
o whom l allude
Mr. Sumner—Vi hat Senator iVRS it
- Mr. Trumbull enntinned:—lie said thi
idea about poor foreigners somehow or ()the
appears to haunt the itnaginations of
great many people. 1 8111 ,entrained t
,at (said the Senator alluded to) that I 100
upon this objection to the bill a , a tare
quibble on the part of the l'resident, rut
as hiring hard pressed for n,,1110 1.`X1.11,0
withholding hie approval the ensure
hie allit-VtH to the foreigner, in this comm.,
lion, look, to me more like C(11,1(111( 1 111
the more politician or 11t.1111a12:, ,, . , 11., tha
a grave and sound reason to be offered by
the President in a veto incs,...tige upon
Importalc. a subject.
11 r. Stunner-- \VII', \VW= the SoTIIO.I.
11 TrlMllMll—Tilat 11111.4l1112;tf of
Solllll.ol' A ndrew ( laugh
ter.] It In IWI*11:11,5 010 beet anitver, thou g h
I -hould hardly have ventur .1 to law , te-el
inch lane.litcre in reference to the Pre,-
ident, 11-• to accit.,. hint of ,pu bbli rig (11.111
11 .“!2„11,1112; and playing the more politician
tii , entling a veto no (:ongrc“.
Prc,m,lll. 11/1• all uijectiou to 111.11,111
( . 111'4 , 11 , 101 , 1 . 1 1 .-jr , . I :t in tobt
thtit but few Chinc , c are born in this coon
try, and where I;ipeies ivr i..1'11 1 canno t
tell. Like .11 IS(Illt.S1.1, , 11111110, they
were not b..rn at MIL:III-1 ‘,lllO. LAlll4lll,l'
Ile [ Tl'llllWllll] was of the lq/1111‘,11
that all Ilati Vl` tl,lll ja.N,/11 , . al./.11
11‘,11 of slavery, ware citizens. Tlitit was.
of Manley - General B.itc-, and
[lie of tilt totc , olit Sect ctary .tt" Use
State, Mr. Seward Ile couthatted tic• idea
that a State had power to make citizens of
the toted States (:ongre,s lia, the sole
power. The decision of Chief .Justice 111.ttr
shall, it ;is thnt at cilize.l4 of the nitegl Status,
re-iding in tiny State of the '[ - olio, Iva: a
citizen of that State. The l're , ident facts
ire as bad as his law. 'This is not the first
Lilts, t h e right of FltdOral l;:lliZ011,11111 Was
propo,ed to lue conferred by law 'I: here
have been several cgt , e , of collective mit
itraliztition by finnextitittn and
and Textt , for c timid , . It is
eotionoti practice to pa,- acts detining the
meaning of otlo - ir ,icts 11t opinion, and
the pre\ aiiin.4 opinion is, that ail native
I),te.t. su l,j„.l t "
are, by virtue 1.1 . their birth,
P re ,i ( j e nt's objection, that all State, are tio.,
represented hero, duo. not
N . 1 . i111 . 11 hint from -igning tlftt odd othc:
bill , Sir. it lor , e fault i- that the elevcn
State, are not repre,ented NVIto-e fault is'
it that twctit)-lit c It t‘itich fur e
-loud by the !Hid Con-titution, ale to
depr'ived of their right to legs-tit.' Sir,
it i , not the hull: of the twenty-live local
'itates anil if the rcaeon urged by the rre.i
lent *le agoo i l one now. it lui, b-cri agood
eie for all the tittle I f 16c tsit oI
linVill . 4 rebelled tigain , t the Ly,V,rll
- is to take from the government the
.ights to legislate, why, sir, then the crie -
nal is to bike advantage ,•t' lii- t•riittc, tunl
L. intitittellilll . l , lt , be 111111i -111(i Col' guilty
\Vithin it few the Prcsitlent Ittt
-1:1111101“r1 , not of peace as the Senator
from Nevada (Stewart I se , tits to suppose
liv no ineatiii. Not a proclamation that the
rebellion is over, bait that in certain States
it V- .Vt.r. The pre,ideni dot's not tell iee
thni the States that wet' , in
,elhlion, is in it emitlition to be represented
here. Sir, if eve hail to wait for eleven
States. most we not wait he. ? The
Loan pr i n pi p t e would require us to wait for
Texas, its she hies not vet re-organized her
State government, and those st a tes which
have re organized have.not been recognized
as having it Republican form of government,
entitling them to representation The rep
resentatives they have chosen i . reni ~t •
hose suite , t h at line widerinhen
per ,, n , fresh 1 . 1,111 the rebellions
( nit toss and front the robed army, "",
o,lllld !I.( hi' admitted here. could not talie
the requisite oath to , ntitle them to their
seats ; until are we to wait and abstain from
all legislation of a general character? Sir.
the , . States are only to be repr , ' , 'llled
through State organization ; all members of
this tasty can only he. presented through
State organization, and all members of this
i?l,dy can only be elected by the State Leg
islattire. The nienibei , ni . non,. Ilnuse Cllll
only bo elected in pursuance I,r the suite
hence, as preliminary to any reprey
-ciliation in the other House of (2, , itgre-s,i'it
inteh be determined whether there is it State
Government, and wheth/or is it State I.c._tisla
lure having authority to elect Senators. tool
having authority to provide laws under
which representatives may lie ,doeled. Then ,
was a time certainly when there wert , Mll. , such
1...g1,1101.11'1'S in any of the eleven States
There was a time when the only kind
government in 111,111 ryas l l t,.:1111‘
the United States ; when every win d ier in
It had abjured his allegiance to the United
States and sWorn allegiance to it government
that was hostile to this. To be a citizen of
the United States, carried with it some rights.
Whitt are they ? Why, sir, tiny are the in
herent and fundamental lights which belong
to every citizen and freeman in all countri-os, ,
such as the rights enumerated in this bill,
and they belong to citizens in all the States
iu the Union. The right of American citi
zenship means something. It does not mean
in the case of a foreigner that when be is
naturalized he is to bo left to the mercy of
State Legislatures. has n right when
folly naturalized to go into its lands, reside
there, and the United States will protect
hi in in that right. It would protect a cit
izen of the United States riot only in one
State, of the -United States, but it would
protect him in foreign countries. " Equali
, tv of Rights in the basis of the Cointnon
wealth, says Kent.
Mr. Trumbull here cited several authori
ties, showing that a citizen is entitled to be
protected in his liberty, property arid enjoy
ment. GO toll it to the father whose son was
starved to death at Andersonville, the widow
whose husband was slain at Mission Ridge,
or to the little lour who leads his blind father
through the streets of your city, who lost his
eye on the Gulf coast. Go tell them that
this government, in defence of which the
-son and husband' fell, and the father lost his
eyes, is a government that has a right 'to
call their persons to its 'defense, but has no
power to protect its friends in any right
whatever. Sir, it carrot be. Such is not
the meaning of our constitution. Such is
not the meaning of American citizenship.
Mr. Trumbull passed to a cobsideration of
the section defining of the punishment (it'll.
Judge, and said that to commit a crime there
must be a yiolation of the public law, , If a ,
JadgctietViciously, or oppressively ; he °tight
,' said the
to be punished. He tha n read an act passed
in 1190, a similar provision.
Mr. Trumbull, after discussing the objec
tions of the President to the second section,
reviewed the other portions of the veto mes
sage in proof of the conflicting legislation
expected, and that danger was apprehended
from the cohflicting legislation not yet ef
fected. 1
Mr. Trumbull cited the official returns of
the military officers connected with the freed
n;lens' bureau, of the State laws recently en
licted in prohibition of the right of the negro
to lease or own land, and other rights, se
cured to them in the bill. He also referred
to the military orders shlictiened by the
President, showiLg the seine thing, among
them those of Gen. Sickles at Charleston
conciliating the law-making authorities
against discriminating against any class of
the population, declaring that all laws should
expressly secure in all re-poets equal justice
to treed men as to all other people. His or•
der of March 4th, declared the Executive
jurisdiction in tall Cafes affecting freedmen
of the superior, circifit , and provost courts,
11c , poke of the frequent exercise of these
powers under the dereliction of the President,
and assumed a radical change in the Presi
dent's opinions and actions upon this subject.
Ile also discussed the specific powers of the
President, claiming that the war powers
rested in Congress. He next proceeded to
examine the objection of the President to
the third section of tine bill against the ex-
tent of the jurisdiction to federal courts,
granted in cases arising under this act. He
claimed that the President isd made a
strained construction of it in assuming that
all cases arising under its pro, , isions must
Lecessarily be excluded from State Courts,
but it it did, sustain such construction, and
such was 6,1111 d to be the . only safeguard for
the rights of the freedmen ; -he would freely
ay that their liberty should be maintained.
at all hazards; and he would further say
that it it was found essentially necessary for
tneir pi otection would put in the hands
of colored raven the b.tllot, and the faith,uf
the tuition is pledged to protect thosn vim)
lied fought to ,Mita I di.' Union. Ho would
nee er ceii , e in his efforts to malce that pledge
o the objection made to the number of
officials and agents required by the !sill, he
replied that it was all copied from the sta
tute known as the fugitive slave law, 111:1-
,hirwry in itself' always held to be conAtitu
tional, and now used in the interest of treed-
men n, time originill wns in Lilo inwreit, of
l'ho other objections to the seventh and
eighth sections he showed to be taken ver
bally fruiu former laws, against whi•2ll"no
objections had been made. Thas with ref
erence to the •msp'nyttient of Me army and
',ivy, in; its execution he explain
•••l wits tnkvu front :I haw 111 Van Burette
111obli,,trati.n in 1835. Hardly would 1.
retrain tr•sos iseakine• of -Itch features of
his ines-it•••••, and of iii' dangerous doctrines
it promulgates, the incom en iencies and
conti•adintions of its author, of his encroach
in !it , upon the o usstitutional rights of Con
of his st,,timption of the unwarranted
power- whic . it' persevered area not checked
by the people, lead to the
p Goi eminent and de•itruc-
Iwo of lib••rty
Conere•-•s in the passage of the bill under s,
con-ideration, -.ought no controversy with
the l're,ulent. S., far from it, the bill wits
1 3 .."1 1 " — ' 1 wilh et view i's carry what ui, n
-opposed t be the \ iew- ul t 11 , Pr C. ; t • il ,
1111 , i sit- ih.fOrl! its IntrO
illiCht,ll Int, this Senstie.
111111 MO. 11111)1.11, to rilnte priv.,te doelera
ti.,sp. of the Pre-elent, but it is right that
the A111"11C•511 pessplc slh,old know that the
,•••ntroversy which nXi-ta between hint and
Congress in referimee to '.lsis measure is of
hes own
S ,n n after C•••ngress met, it became appa
res.l that ther•• was a difference of opinion
bit \even this , President and some members
Gan g s,,—, in re g ard to the condition of the
rehellioLlz !Ind the rights to be secured
to the freedmen.
The Pre•sident in his annual message had
denied the constitutional power of tl e Gen
eral Governimmt to extend the elective
franclii-e to the negroes, bit he was equally
desisted its Isis assertion of the rights of every
!Will 10 Ill.'. illwlty and tl e pursuit of hap
pine“. There were some 11101111Jor C•m,
• ere-, who expre.s.e•l the opinion that ins he
•Pranization of the rebellious States the
• right of -illfi-s•re •-ss,eosl bo ext m•le I to the
Though this was not the pre
totes tor It I' irgailization of the rebellious
ate- to their full participation in the
c.,011 ris the relationJ
diddlre rn-trir , l with ,rifety to all concerned
Feeling the inip..rtr . nic of harmonious an
tin Ihrttteen the ditlei ent Dniairtmonts
the tdovernment, ittirl an anxious ilesdrri
tie . l'r•siilent. for ttlimnn 1 hate al
tvriy- entertiiineil the high' :t rit , pect, I 11,,d
freiu nt interview: with htim &Win': tilt
0:11 . 1 part of Ow
said by him, 1 may with per
t', trt -riindt -tate that tinting from con-Horn
tion I have , 11.1 . 1`11, and believing the irs;srtgo
of a law by Congre-s securing equality iii
el% it rights, when denied by State authorit -
tri freedmen rind all othor
tlin iterl Stains, tvorild do lunch to relinve
the anxiety in the North to induce the
Southern States to secure these right 3 by
their iiwii action and thereby rein , vii many
b-trieln: to rl!1 orlt reconstruction, I
prepared n hill ly as it note re
turn, with the Presiiliint's übjeetiiins.
Afuir tlie bill was iiitroducrsl rind printed
hint, /111.1 at in -
4i11.•111 whit it 1',1,1,11.e I 11111t•IW
ithuut sizmin n. th , Frendrnen '4
Bill, he minis infitrinoil of the condi
tion of thn Civil Rights bill, then pruid;rig
in the Iloure, unit of the Acts don , by (.46n.5.
Canby, -, 11t'l'111:1!). TPITy. and others, and
redted wit wri; malting ;irides to‘t ards cen
tralization, Congress or the Prn,dcl nt
Mr. Trumbull concluded by sayma t that
if the trill now before a iui , l \tdirelt foes no
farther than to ,t.Ylll'O rights to freed
lilt ti, rwinut be pars , nd, theeimstittition
al amendment direbiring f..nedom to all the
hnLitant t ' the lun , l, is 11 Cheat, and n de
-ion I cannot coil...little than in
\tr. Johnson un the occasion
or the tett, of the homestead bill, when,
after stating tho fact thar the Pre-hlent was
incon-i-tent, and hail changed hits opinion
Willi 1,fer..110 , 10:1 grout 11101I , Irt , 1111.1 it great
principin, i< no rea-on why a Senator or
„Representritit 0, who hurl anted understand
ill dy, should change his opinion. Ile r.,aid •
1 lirrpn the Senate and 11. ant, who ' have
sanctione , l phi- bill by moro than two-thirds
mrijority will annorrling to ilhi Constitution
use rcis - their priyilege and pownr, an I 1,1
hht • lnll iwormie tr late of the land according
o the might beherd or the American people
The flarrisd:urg Telegraph says that the
lollowing I , a copy of an act regulating the
the mode of votin at all elections in the
several counties of this Commonwealth,
which has been passed by both the Senate
and House :
Change of Mode of Voting
Sue. 1 . Beit enacted, etc., That the quell. •
led voters of the several counties of this
Commonwealth, at all general, township,
horagh and, special elections, are hereby
hereafter authorized and required to vote
by tickets printed or written, or partly
printed and partly written, severally classf
fled as follows : One ticket shall embrace the
names of all judges of courts voted for, and
to be labelled outside judiciary ;" one tick
et shall embrace the-names of all State offi
cers voted fur, and to be labelled "State,"
one ticket shall embrace the names of air
county officers to be voted for, including of
fice of Senator and member or members of
Assembly, if voted for, and be labelled .
" county ;" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all township officers voted for, and
be labelled u township ;" one ticket shall
embraec the names of all borough officers
voted for, and be labelled " borough :" and
each class shall be deposited in separate bal
lot boxes. ,
SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of the
Sheriffs in the shVeral counties ol , th is Com
monwealth to insert, in, tin*: election pro.
elan - ration herenfosrlssuei, tlko first section of
this net.
A TORNADO in Moultrie courtly Illinois, on
the• 20th, demolished - tweuty houses
injured several persons,