PUBLIC SAL A. ON THURSDAY, MAY Brd, #6, THE subscriber, by viytne of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, and a Power of Attorney from the heirs of Adam Hauck who are of ago, will Mier on the premises in Mechan icsburg, Pa., tho following valuable Real Estate : NO. 1 A LOT OF GROUND, located on the corner of Main and Frederick Sireets, fronting 200 feet on Main St.. 200 feet on Frederick Bt., to Stouffer's Alley, more or less : on which is erected n good BRICK HOUSE, with all nueossury improvements _ NO. 2. A LOT OF GROU N I), ocated on Math St., near the Union Hotel, .10 feet rout, and 200 fcc t, in depth to StoulTer'x alley, hay ng thereon erected a 'a rriage Factory Si Blacksmith Shop No. it. A LOT ()l' GROUND, waled on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, :;11) feet trout :Ind 1'2.0 feet in depth, more or lees, )ounded on the South by the Itnllrond, Itnlf the Vest by bd of Robert Wilson, on the North lot of m. Miles', ;Aid on the East by lots of 7,ac Ind 11. (1. Rupp and S. H. Bowman. High St., rune hrough this lot, and it offers tine inducements for ueinrye location. Sale to commence at 1 o'cb.ek, P. M , when terms will .e made liMOV. II by JACOB MUMMA. Guardian Ihre Samuel newlt, and A ttor trey-in Cart for the Heirs of age April 1:i, 75eri-2( NOTICI 91 1 1 111.: partnership heretufore„, existing Os Lillian & Weise, has been this day dissolved I 7 v limitation. All persons hr-ring Halms against the late firm i r against Cl. W. I:11ton, are requested to pre ent them for settlement. All persons indebted to either of the sold firm are hereby notified to make im mediate payment. After the 30th Inst., the books trill Le loft ‘‘lth A. DehulT. I.:sq., for collection. The livery business will be continued at the old t.ind by GEO. W. II ILTON. April I , IS6II-- 3t. ICS I IC WI T subscriber notifies his old friends lilt) rtlat.rdners. lhat ha has upend his large ice litalse, :end lb prepared to supply ire iu all quantities Ind to any part It tha Om April 5, American House, North tower St., Curli,kle, Pit. r iii; suk:criber respectfully informs :‘”,l the pttlille, 1 hat he has Liken the above well know tt house, furnierly kept by "r. Shriller, and intend.. sparing u., exerttottt Le nettom mishits all hemay lie pleased, to gin him a The le,use has been refi Lust is ill execll:it (.111.1.r. Ile I=s , ints,luet And( rHol's Fled Holi,fin L. hi Bed,leAds, s o that his guests will hale a god night's rest His hares will be mtlerate. Attar tkell to Ito house is a large yard 0 ith c‘cellent and eont - ettiellt stAblinr 1)111i -1r, April Physician & Acc()ucli()tir. I "'IS I 1 car its the 1ib...20 I . lol ,, iilllfr of tilt• vit.l/ 1.1 tills pinr e. :11Id Pailii•tilar al tention paid to -NViiiiien and Children '' Wilco at )lansi..ll April 6. Adams Express Company• r illlS following I;undles, Packages, anil ri.inain in Ii and if tliii ty days (laic n Fdd to pay rillrg, .Ir . 11, , V In 1191 p, Ilun,11,•, A levmder Bows, ('apt..l. K. WllVl'l. Pulley, I) A. Cornmati. l'ael:age, .1. NN A lid row, „John D. Jun. Corur, .1. K. Funk, 11 Rn P. \V. Ellswprlll. 4 .llnuel Paekn,, , , Cur. tiro II >h C•dluw Bundle. 11 Ilnerter, It lisp, Uro. 11..Tlitonts, lt:te. Cleo. It. 5e1,1,11, Blitlllll, jO,IOS, t' Ikr_,Jnhu Iteiley, Package, Ilerlienttr , lltn, • 1,. linger, .Tosepll Myers, Bey., Pet, Venitz, Ilng, . 11. Ilaunnond I'a•lage, Jun Dodson .1. 2. II {Vann , e. Itox, NV'. C. .I/tE•oby. .I:dm 11'4.ft t1,•,,r.2.• 'lecher. Trunlc, A Flerttineet, Casting, .100. Creasotl, 'll unit. :SI It. >lareLul, Smith, IcAge, .1 It. Itratt , o). F. H. I. 11111,•lett '2 • all Lieut. PL II 11 at do ell I I'.n•ka„r, .1. Allen, I Prof. McAllister, 1 Cs.,Litv.f. .1. l'. 110 l l 7.lloover . ~, 1 ,, 1,-, -1 EAT REDUCTION IN PRIAIES Greenfield & Sheafer Opening n 1:11,.0 ,Ipply of Dry GorktlS hi Ow SPRING TRAD..E, jkl•I n rivutl troll] th.• Cities, cowl, blot; )l I:SLINS, per . ILL . tI and upward FL. .:11CS1,1N5, I.Le:d. quality, Lai per yard. and 1,5 etil. per yard. BEST AM ERICA - N BEAN TS, 20 ets laisi CASTE It GING 11.111-,:;(1 cts \^..N - ENV STILES SPILING DELALNES, 25 els. KENTUCKY J EA NS, DENIMS, IIICK01;1" STE l'Es, TIC:KENDS, CHECKS, la great ariely and it like reasonable rates. 'I hems 11,0 iog tree purchased since the late DECLINE IN PRICES, i. :ire glad to be able to offer theta to the public at these remarkably low figures. ~ur Store is oil Etta MAU frtp,u the ii1:1,1 . ;:\ FIELD& SILEAFEIt 11111 t 1, N EW CIIEAP CASH GROCERY AND PROVISION 5T01114.1 ! Great Excitement on the Corner of Pitt und Loather Streets, Opposite the German , Reformed Church, Carlisle ; I'a. The Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has just returned from the Eastern with a ful,land choice assortment of (; 1 (3CE It 1 S , Ile will keep, constantly on hand an extensive and general assortment of Coffees of all kinds, Brown Sugar, Crushed Sugar, Pulverized Sugar, Bice, Tallow Candles, Stnr do. Starch, 'leas of all kinds, Salt by the Sack, Buckets and Tubs, Wash Boards, Brooms, Bed Cords, Nev Orleans Molasses, Fish—all kinds. Pep per, Spice, Soda, Cream Tar tar, Best Indigo,Cinna mon, Cloves, Matches Mustard. Blacking, Twist Tobacco, Navy, Spun, Natural Leaf, Tobacco, Smoking, Killlklnick, Fine Cut, Candies Raisins, Can Peaches, Crackers, Essence of Coffee Dandelion ' Cheese,ll , tinny, Beans Cigars of all kinds Nuts—all kinds, &e. NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, and everything also thatis kept in a grocery store. I invite thu public to call' and examine my goods anti prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determin ed to sell at very small profits. The highest pricempold for all kinds of Country Pro duce JACOB BEN ER. April 6,1866-6 in. Valuable Town Property at Private Sale JOT containing 75 feet front on Louth or street above Pitt, by 240 tent in depth to ineon Alley. The bundlngs are three good D WELLING , ' HOUSE'S, Two of which arc nn Louther St.. and ono ou Welch 6011 Alloy. For terms Ac. Apply to JACOB SEIM. April G, 1866. • 1 - 4 1XECUTOR NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that letters Testarnen tary on the Estate of Margaret McCall, late of Now villa Boiough, Cumberland _Co., deo'd., have this day been issued to the undersigned Executor residing in, NeWaille. All persons ihdebted aro requested to make payment, and those having claims wlll please present them tor , settlement April 6,186 n JETTERS of Administration on the estate. of Geo. Emig, Sr., doe'd.. late of Upper Al on Twp., have boon issuad'by tbe Register of Cum berland County to Wm. Emig, of. Uppor Allen Twp., and Goo. Enek, of Monroe Twp. All . persons indebted are vogriestod to make payment, and those having claims will Amp prosont them for settlement. WM. EKE% GEO. MINCH, i'4dminletratore. Afirou . l6,lBo, I \V 0 '..' 011.1 EXII I LOTIONS : Every Afternoon nt 2 o'clk Every Evening nt 7 o'clock .1 • ••‘ .-... ) Sit/pc/do/is Coio.obWation ,.. ! i Two separate and distinct , .„.. ‘ \/ Shows for one Admission. - - i.: - .'..-;5 E -i'• DAN BIC'S .... .. ', ' ' . A . : Marllloth Memor"erie and„ L ir Circus and North American , -1'..:... ;,-- '-'4 , ,. 1: , Circus I SPECIAL N DTI C E.— In i ~;;*\ order to accommodate those i ~.e,;1 ' ,.t,, who desire to witness the i ~ Aninuil'Exhi bitions without, , ; ,-;' r:•--;.e.' ~ coining in contact with thi. (7... : : , :',4 Cireus Performances, Mr. .1y , LA (tire has arranged the fol- ~ ,, i - ~r - : ;s;i;;A- ? lowing programme, which . 14 , ,, f -;,., ~,4 will be strictly' observed : -", - ;(4,:,"::.-;:;;;;•" , * Immediately after the '7.. ' --.?”, R./riling of the Doors the 7 Exhibition of the Menagerie / ~. 7 , : , will commence and contin- 4p.".: -... i j no for one hour, during ~m . . 0,-, V i, Als C.".will o ;•til , '( 42 '. which lime Mr. 11l C.". ,;,,,,,,,,.• _ deliver an INT E It ESTI N G ‘"` . l- 5 : , , ' and SECCIIC:CT 14EC-t .--` TE Ili - . upon the Animal "iltl'At . ,... Kingdom. Alter which an -,,,‘,..„____.. ,- * A.'Ertmissioxi,lFlVF ;..,...(,.- -- 'N, \HINDI'S, giving those it-;'„, s. 1 - )A 4O) Q- . ( c ~ chance to retire that do not r ~.1 , , , , l if wi , .11 to N\ itIW,S Ulu pUrn , r-, - In lleS ill the Arena. At ...... 0 . the close of the Animal „ ft ..... , 4 i'' , / Exhibitions the porforman- ;•, , ,,•Orrc i i, cos will take place in the .4 ft q'' , it , A. , Ci l'oll`, by the North Ameri- „ 1 .1,,,Te --- 7,-< can circus Company, in l'i' , - '- ' 4 which DAN It IC E will tip-I'''Z' . ..Ti, pear in • hi, Great and ./. , y --- _ ',-;;;_`\ Drigiiiiil Character of the ,-, 4 1 ,„i„ , _-. , \ American Humorist. '.'?”. .. Z, AIIIIIISSiOII (0 110(11 Shows I ; '-':4-,!, .: , - 4 ' •, - ....- -, OA ONLY 50 CTS. 1 -•• ~..., , , ,-i sc child""""d' 1ttr50ing.....,,,--.-1}1.7:-., The ~,,,,,, Priee will he ~ : ' ,O . ' '''.%,- Charged to either E \ hibi- -0 , - ~.. lion separate. 1-E3 C_A_G - HIS i'• ',. L :. 4 ,.. ()I , r.,tv INU \VI L D 'ir ~c f - i , I„W I AN IMA LS i . ii , p7 , /-4X.4ii Lang \iiirthy's perform , ing'4 4 ; Lions. 't'i'ers As C ou I gars . . 1 ',;:. The W \ onderful 1;linil ';',',...' .. 2 ' `t V -. .; 3 T 1111,1112: 111,1 S .e ( ",'.. • • . A' EXCELSIOR, . 1111 . , - - t, The Iteautilul Arabian ,-.1.A, -y:v ~ Trick II orsc, ~r',.'••;,..,4Tx_A.._ ,i. , DAVID IsAILY 1,I.: FA 11Elt DOUG LASS „ - ,11.1 t EL E I'll.l N T, ! The t Elephant ever . it', 11, f A rpenr, at I.: ' 1-t. I.,•(•tupt2r ill the Ale 2nd. Clown :mil Jc,ter N(. / li I (l'or the first tinio inniany rea r I Nlll 1 CI ItCUS, everything about this ( -, tablkhintlitt is entirely new, and fitted up in a t.tyle of)Lagniticenee and _Dazzling Splendor hitherto unattempted by any Manager, either in Europe or America.— Thi= being eliantoten , tie of the liberality of the Statesman, Patriot and Humorist! ANhose nano stands at the head of these Con-iolithitnil Exhibitions ! N UFC I ATE L WATCH CO. I\V IN G to the failure and sudden y rinse of Owr works and business of (ho NEU FCHATEL WATCH M., a huge VIM, Watches, manufactured Tally tor ti,, INtoil :stales, bring heavy, first clans time-keepers, iiirtilided to siand hard usage and sud den changes of tempitatUrO, nee left in 1.111 - hands for immediate sale. As agents of the Company, wo are obliged to dispose of this Ste. k for Ca-h, in the short est. possible time. We have, therefore. decided on the plan annexed, as the iine that will fun productive of tint desired ru tU lt, 'Phis plan gives every one an iip• pm lenity of obtaining first class fink. keepersat a mice that all ran rotmutuad. As carry Certificate rep resents a IVatch, there are no blanks, and every OTIU NOW invests iu this nab, Mui,T get II Wkli :It he retail price at least ;an Hat all fortuirate, one to wear with pride through life. Remittances may be MR dv al our risk in Registered Lett ern or by Express, or Post-Unice Orders and Dratts payable to 1.1, order, and we gum all tee a safe return. 'fli in IN,l2ltEtii sato delivery and out, return to every pat ,n. We vcrant otsly Watch as repo, viand. and rat iv- INCt 1011 Ts guaranteed in every instance. Knowing the wet 01 of the stock, 150 can give a Warrantee to every . puichaser 'the price has been placed at the very low figure iu older to insure immediate sale: and all who desire to improve the opportunity should make early application. JAMES 1. , DON, Agent TEN DOLLARS EACIII 127 Gold Hunting Cluonouwters ;175 to $450 105 Gold (looting Ntent I vnro 1611 to 325 141 Gold limiting: Dui,lox lOU to 300 175 Gold Hunting Patoot Hold Hunting hovels - - 240 Gold Iluntiog Lepines IO to 200 160 Go) l Magic Cat ed Lin coo 00 to 27 335 Heavy Gold Patent Levels 75 to 225 268 Heavy Gold-eased Lee ors 70 to 175 420 Ladies' Gold (looting Levels 45 to 225 272 Ladies' Cold-Enameled Levers 55 to 250 135 Ladies' Gold Magic Le V Ors 60 to 275 235 Ladles' Gold Engraved Levers 45 to 175 203 Ladle,' Engraved Lepittoe 40 to 125 380 Heavy Solid Silver Duplex 15 to 125 735 Heavy Silver Patent Lever, 30 to 125 500 Heavy Solid Silver Levers 25 to 1(10 478 Heavy Solid Silver Lepines 20 to 00 263 Ladles' Solid Cased" Levers 25 to 00 224 Ladies' Solid Cooed Lepincs 20 to 65 4E6 - All the Above List of Watches will be sold for Ten DOLIAIIB EACH. . TfloB. A. M'KINNEY, Executor AT CARLISLE, Thursday, April 26th. 1.. --, -\. -,,.- " - 73 3:' , .. -• fki-,.akA , ~ ~,,,2„,%:••;G i.',, k,>,,,,,. ..,,!,,•,0-f.:‘,‘:11,,A',-,?r,3 ttr ' 1 ~..,s-,4,47",..\* v:. , „ ...• i' , s. i' .1 ,1 ;' ,, 4:„..,,,- ' 4 44;\ , :, i1k,i,:,!,44` 44Y, '- .41 41,,1 ~ V / Z , :kq i . ' rt , ' - - • A 4 -,, , . „:„.....,.. , _.•-. , k t- . • -,i-T....-•;.--5,:,-.--e---,- / .----„. ,--.---..--'-',--..t--- ~ k- ,----- .I r-- '*l-:_i„.. ~..,..= 1 . 4 \ `-,- , - - '`,!5f.,,,,,C- L Trir- 2 -..- - 1) ....,- --- I.' i.,,,,.,'''.,'',44-7.:: i , ~ :.T.-.--P'...!.. CLOSING OUT SALE HAZARD, MOORE •& CO., 303 Broadway, New York, Agents fur the Neufchatel Watch Cu TUN FoLLOWING SPLENDID LIST nF FINE WATCHES & CHAINS, WORTH $350,000! TO 115 SOLD FOR Cortificktes representing each and every watch In the above List aro placed in similar Envelopes and sealed. Any person obtaining a Certificate, to be had et our care, orhAV by Man to any address, can have the article rally r on the return of the Certificate, with Ten Dollars. We charge, for fora waling Certificates, 50 rents each. Five will ho sent fur $2, and Fifteen for $5. The Cm tilicato must In all cases, be returned with d accompany the money when goods are ordered. - - - All orders promptly Oiled and forwarded by return mall or express. Address, HAZARD, MOORE & CO., 30J Broads ay, Now York. April 0, ISO WM. GOODYEAR, Baker, At Schmohl's Old Stand, Next door to Deniz's Dry Good Store, Car lisle, Pa. THE First quality of Fresh Bread Rolls, Biscuit and Cakes, sent to any parts of th town. Family Flour by the barrel ur Numb 30, 1066-3 m The Carlisle Cook! TO NEW AND OLD HOUSEKEEPERS Anew and perfect Air•tight Gas Con miming Cooking Stovo for Con' or Wood. CALL AND SEE IT VU7' Foundry and Stove Rooms, Main St Carlisle The patterns of this Stove are neiv and original in de. slgit and got ton up expressly for our use. Wo there fore call it THE CARLISLE COOK I • It combines every now and Valuable Improvement in Cooking Stoves. It is exceedingly handsow oin ap pearance—is a perfect Air-tightimnd Gas Consuming Stove, and may safely bo pronounced the cheapest, best and most complete Cooking Stove ia•tho country. We cast two sixes, adapted to the wants of both largo and small families. Experienced Housekeepers will find upon examination that the NEW CARLISLE COOK combines every tequisite for economy and efficiency in cooking. The public are specially requested to call and spe it, as eye ar,o confident it will fully recommend Itself. March 28,1866.-Iy. F. GARDNER & CO. THE "Combination" Hoop Skirt, New Style for 1866. - tiara' 23,1866, A. W. BEIM "DHYSICIANS will find it to their nd -L vantage to call and purchase tholr Iladlolno at ItALKON'O. Still Ahead ! ! ! LEIDIGI-I & MILLER HAVE just opened the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, suitable for the present and rooming Seasons, that has ever been brought to the Borough of Carlisle, having been pur chased since the GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES I= F'OREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, that has just taken place In the Eastern Cities, and every thing marked dos.n to I": 11,17; I X (;011) The stock eon MIAs In part of an endless variety of DRESS GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, Such as Black and Colored Silks, of every variety, grade, quality and style ; nplins ; ilehairs ; PLA I D AND STRIPED POPLINS Plaid and Striped foil de Cheveres; all shades of plain and Figured ::11011.AI1L ALPACAS ; VALENCIAS ; all grad, of Shepperd's Plaids, 1// 11 . ‘"), Ab)/IS 111 LI ; Printed de Laines and Litanies, PRINTED PERCALES, SCHTCH 0/Null.ll/s, Chintzes, Id all patty! [lx: !cc.. Sc GRAND DISPLAY OF DOMESTIC GOODS. CALICOES, from 12 , 1 cts. up BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIMS, as low in price as 16 cts. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACH ED SHEETINGS. PILLOW (lABE tPd USLIN S, all widths. LINEN AND COTTON TABLE )AMASKS. Tick lugs, Checks, Crashes and Iluekibach Towe!lugs, Napkins Dollies, (ling hams, Cotlo,l Pants Stuffs, Linen Cheeks, Kentucky Jeans,, be., Sze„ MOURNING GOODS. Bombazines Lands. , Cloths, Ceps, Poplins, • Ingle:ilia double de Laines, .1 1,1'.1 .11011 A 11,',N, N ) 'l' (2 11 IN( ;, 1I A 3,1 S , Printed de Lnines, Polka Spat, Foulards, Crape Veils, Crape Collars, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c , tpecial attention given to the furnishing of all kinds I Funeral (toods, of which we always have a full sup- k FUEL LINE OF WHITE GOODS AT LEIDICH & MILLER'S, Suvh us CAM MINIS, J ACON BRILLIANTS real French Swiss NIU6LINS, Striped, Plaid, Swill , ' aad Nainsoolt Muslins, sultadle for Dress and Gardhaidas, Bishop's Lawns, Nletoria Lawns, Shirred, Tucked and Puffed Nusiius, for fittrihaltlas, Ste, &c. NoTioNs 1 NotrioNs!! Jouvln's celebrated Kid Woe,: a'l grades of Silk, Berlin, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves, tilr Ladies, (lents, Mist,. and Children ; Linen Handkerchiefs ; Silk Handkerchiefs : llo,levy of all kinds; Needle worked Edgings ; bares, Hooped Skirts, Balinorals, Drees Trimmings, Ribbons, Ay. t 2 to - MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR, Always a full stock of all descriptions of 0(.01118,0AB SIN1 EItES, VESTINUy 3 ,kr. We will also have Oar, manta made up at very short. notice by a first-class Fashionable Tailor. An the now designs of PARASOLS & SUN UMBRELLAS I=l SPRINU SHAWLS, BAS'QUES S• MAN- The Immense popularity of those Organs, and their superior Musical Powers, Is last bringing then, before the public, as the Instrument so loud desired in A MERICAN 110 M ES. And II Ithough the cost price is but a trill° over the Melodeon, yet the musical advan- Lagos, beauty of tone and quickness of touch and ac tion aro so far superior, that they are fast supercedlng the Melodeon and the call is now almost exclusively for of every grade and style In the market, comprising I the HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 1 CARPETS 1 CARPETS 11 MIMI LINEN, LISTING, HOME MADE RAO, of tbo eolobated makes of Lowell and Hartford Com panics. REAL ENGLISH BRUSSELS, 63 Floor Oil Cloths, Tublo Oil Cloths, Stair Oil, Olotba Window Shadoa and Blinds, Matting Rugs and Matte Please call, one and all, and see for yourselves the advantage there Is In purchasing your Goods whore you can buy them the cheapest, as our motto Is al ways to make, - "QUICK.RO FITS." SALES AND SMALL ` P and at the same lime will convince you that we aro never undersold. We alti aye take great pleasure in exhibiting our Goods, feeling assured that we have the mo t complete stock of Goods in the county; Fueling under great obligations to the community for their very kind and liberal patronage so far ex tended to the Firm we earnestly cud respectfully ask a continuance , of Clio same. sir- Please remember to call at the Corner directly Opposite Irvine's Shoe Stoio, (Sign of the Carpet Hall) LEIDICII & MILLER. March 30,1806 4r TTIRE following remarks and sugges iL .tione relative to this immensely popular instru ment will doubtless interest and profit very many of our readers, we commend the article to their careful perusal t-- A hundred end ono makers of Organs, Cottage, Par lor, Cabinet, American, School Organs, etc. etc., are each claiming to make the best instrument In the world. Being comparatively a now instrument as at present constructed, vvo are convinced the public are much less capable of judging of its merits, or demerits, than of most other instruments. If there is really an essential difference in them, If there aro some excel rt and some worthless ones, tb,e public should have me criterion for judging of tithe, some facts which ill enlighten thorn. We cheerfully concede the space for this article knowing that thorn Is hardly a family, or church, or school in all the land, but is more or lees interested in t his topic. We are also aware of its be ing a great misfortune, a real calamity. to any of them to purchase an interior or worthless Organ, ruinous to good playing, and often a source of much annoyance and vexation. We know this article to emanate from a candid and intelligent source, and thus we give it to our readers. The question is often asked, what are treed organs?" Wo adswer, they are, in most cases, nothing in the world but the old melodeon In disguise. Many of the so-called organs have the same bellows, the same reeds, and the same gensral internal at rangement, With the bellows turned on edge to gain room, they have simply put on a more pretentious exterior and a more high sounding name. But an orgau,,tu be in reality an or gan, must have a wind chest or reservoir for air sepa rate from the bellows, Into which ivied-chest the reeds open, and the tone has room to expand and perfect It self into the i full round tone, similar to the flute or pipe organ, oven, smooth, firm, and mellow ; and this tone from reeds cannot he obtained In any other way known. Nothing so annoys in true organist as to have the vol ume of sound swelling and jerking spasmodically with every variation of force on the bellows, which Is always the case where the reeds open direct Into the bellows or air 11:mangos, instead of a wind-chest or sound-box. And yet some matters even go so far as to claim this spasmodic or automatic jerking of the bellows en th e rends as an excellence, just as though they did not know that it must very soon throne the reeds out of tune, and Injure the bellows; and its though It were not an easier matter to obtain a much better and nu re easily manage I swell by other methods, The truth is, any organ, so railed, or melodeon n Well has the wind acting directly upon the reeds, is nothing mere nor less than a huge aceordeon, dress It units you may. And when organists and true musicians become ow.° of the fact that they ran obtain those that are organs in fart as well as in name, Ihey will buy no more of the objectionable ones. Thou again the swell should al ways be separate end distinct from the bellows, so as not to be acted on by the hand, or soft blowing. but convenient so that the player eau use It with the knee, separate from the hands or feet, and th,ks always un der easy control, to lie used ad libitum. The large divided bellows, or double bellows, is also a very important improvement. By this means not only Call the wind be supplied more evenly, but with far greater ease to the performer, from the fart that either bellows alone will be sufficient for the lighter melodies, thus permitting the player to change about and rest the feet at will :Ilan. if the bellows is of the requisite large size, and hiving the wind chest or reservoir, all will be well. As to the reeds, they must be scientifically tuned and voiced, or all the other good qualities in the world cannot produ., a good toned in. strument. The inquiry now very naturally arises, where VIM the organ be procured combining. all these ro-soutial and it, sitable qualities 'Hoge only one possessing all these points, and f hatis the AM ERICA N ORGAN, made by A D. & li, W. Amyrit...f Beale SUMSt k rOr 11 hole , ale Agent, 748 Broadway, Nero Vorh. The,' Olral, hoot. a n Ind-chest esteniling the whole length of the instrument and io constructed as to act at the 1 , 01111• Hole as a il.Verberating sound-box or hoard, and haring the same impottant reTation and part to pet Pam that the St41111iill:Z-1.0:1r11 has to the plane. This feature the makers hire patented, and lo it are owing in a great Illea , ore f entireiy une qualled fullness and rich , ers of tone so highly priteil by till who have used these organs They also halo the largest and dust dis Mit I belMws In use, which is another important feature. No part ti their Is irk is slighted, no 1,111',1, Or pains spared to make the A tom lean ttrcans perfect musically, a. well as mechan ically, HOll, judging Irmo Clue ,ale Of theme at present. they fair to long maintain the proud posl. lion they have non by superior morit alone We would most heartily all ilitto 0 , 1,1 to call upon or address lea s ter MA trir, the it holc,stle Agent. nt 71S Bristilnity. New )'irk. : e nd ray assure them he will. in the most gentlemanly and tiuthful 111.11110-1 . . 111110 l't to them all the Iltrmltiathi/1 th , ) Ilia_ desire rebitise to this truly delightful 111,trIIIIIent. I LLS. SUPERIOR 2•PLY, SUPERIOR 3•PLY, INGRAIN, EIS AMERICAN •ORGANS. (From "Godey's Ladies' Book" February, 1866.) REED ORGANS, &cl ,MUSIC TEACHERS ME ID__i_A_Li k-i LE .5_ The subscriber is fully prepared to tarnish She,. Music, Strings, Musical Instruments, and Music Book of all kinds at the lowest trade rates. a IlaiaSith• Mai re tail, front the largest collections in this country. - Orders punctually aid faithfully attended to. Address all orders BUARDMAN, GIL\ Y PIANO-FORTES, \Vholesale agency. The subscriber, late a inenilit et this well known firm lots established a wholesol ageni . y. 7IS Broadway, New York City. where he toil hr pleas,' to receive the order. °f hi, li ietids and tin public, and especially to hear from who hove le liberally bestowed their patronage os the lino buret° fore. Ile will .supply the:, superior itiota tiniest, ti the trade Wlaile , ale and at the tery Lowest Piices, outdo with the Insulated Iron lihn and Pron, l riot iu ono solid plate). They ex.,' all others in rability aunt, h rile et 1.,1 elegoace of externa appearance. All three Pianos have OVerStrUng Se:l',. giving in r-onueetion with the pntent irllo iim 111`d frall1(1, Full Bound, I•nwerful, and Sweet. Mellow Tun PA. Thu Caere are tuegant iu appe tran,e, and easily nd safely han dled. Warranted to prove aatislaotory.or the money returned. Address all orders On SIB UIS IA OTT, 715 }lvozul way New pork S. 1). & 11. W. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS THE MUST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUI MUSICAL INSTR I'M ENT Mil - ST\TOR=. [MEI AMERICAN lIONIE CIRCLE THE MER / C.: I X o 0.1 A Makes hone attractive, relines, and elevates the n _ 9 f all, beautiful in appearance and effects. SIIIK RI A OTT, 718 Broad, ny, New Yor WHOLESALE AGENT AMERICAN ORGANS It Is adapted to any Music from the quickest and most lively, to the heavy tone of the Church Organ. And almost universally they ere preferred to the Plano, by persons who have them, yet costing less than half,and only taking a small amount of room. Send for descriptive circulars giving full partlctilars and prices. Exclualvo Agencies secured to Dealers, and large discounts to the trade and Teachers. Address all or lea s, March 30, 1866-1 y ESTATE NOTICE.- Letters Testamentary on the estate of David Linganfield, doo'd., late of East Pennsborough Twp., Cumberland County, have been issued by the Register of said county, to the subscriber residing in the same township. All parsons indebted to sold estate are re quested to malco payment, and those havlnirelaims a gainst the estate will present them for settlement to ELIZABEIII LINOANFIE'LD. - Executrix. Marcli.4,•l666—'P VXEUUTOR NOTICE.- - Notico is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary on the Will of John liopple, Into of Monroe Twp., dec'd., have this day boon issued to the undersigned Executor residing in South Middleton Twp. All per sous indebted aro requested to make payment, and those having claims will pleasepresent them for settle ment. S. M. 111:11.E, March 0, :1860=0tc. Eiecutor.. VAISTATE NOTICE.' - Letters Testamentary ou the estate of Abraham Ze gler, late of Middlesex Twp., doe'd., having boon fu elled by the Register of Cumberland County. to the undersigned Executors, residing In said Township. Notice is hereby given to all persons knowing them selves Indebted to said estate to make payment, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated to either of the undersigned. ' O JACOII HORNER, ' — '4:ELIZATIET Li ZEIGLER. • e.4.4.EL01101R 11. ZEIGLER, - • i.;‘ , IPABRAILAM J. ZEIGLER,, J4OOllO. ZEIGLER,' ' 3.14r01i 3,0' 100-61. . - . . pzecutorp. Real Estate at Public Sale• BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, to roe directed, I will Expose to public sale, on the premises On Saturday, April 21st, 1866, At 2 o'clock P. M., a valuable lot of grown', CONTAINING TWO ACRES, which is situate In East Pennsborough Twp., near the town of West Fairview, It being the lot of ground of which Joseph C. Livingston, died seized. This Is a most desirable property. Terms of sale made It sown on day of sale by .1011 N SHEETS, Administrator ot .1. 0. Livingston. March 23, 1866—ts. STOP AND LOOK IN• AT W. Fridley's Tinner Shop, East Louther St. Signet' the Red Cott. Pot where you can see the }West, Cheapest, and Best Ever offered In Carlisle he fail. on band the latest hn proved Interns soda as the celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Sides, Prarie Flower, And Continental, lied ileum and Office Stoves of the latest Patterns and best quality. The above Cook Stoves are all warrant ed to giro entire satistbetion. hoofing, Spouting, Ilent- work, and dl Tin owl Sheet Iron work Bono ;n tho neatest manner and at short notion, all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron I,ltro constantly on hand for Intuse fur nishing. Two of the best over offered to the nubile. Fridley and Cornman's Self-Sealing and Sell" Testing Cans and Jars Ulan, Fisher's Patent, the above Cuts and Jars con. not be surpassed in any market. Thankful for tho Liberal Patronage heretofore ex tended he hopes by Ott let attention to business and a desire to please all to merit a continuance of the seine. March 23, Istla—ly. li~~~ OPPOSITE L 1 l - W A REHO US 13 r e m iiim (rwrii,h,fl Furnitut e of all iet r..1u1 Ftclr. it Foreign and Domes% le 111.11114 cl e, from lie t rI nod -Malzogauy to the lo,tot rme, Parlor, (' ambe r. 1)1 born, fr Kitchen and I Office Embracing every at tick u-ed In House and Hotel keepers, of the tined approved and fashionable design and finleir. Including also Cottage thrniture in setts, reception and (lilt frames, pictures, kc • • attenti , ll g:vou n 11211 11 , 11111,111 n; orders free: 1.111 and country, attended to promptly and on moderate term, )larr9l 21. Itii.l t,1 4 . W A 'IV I I ES, • FINE ( ;111,1) I E EI.IIY, S(11.1I) I,V Elt \V.\ and Stipet.i.;• Silver Plated Ware, :a clacod CAItI'ETINi;S,-NFW STYLES! .1. 'l': 14:1,AZ'Itt)LX - , No. 37 South SECOND St , Philad'a. 113, ntri vals— John l'til-sley .1; :-.lls I ap,lt Thl ee Ply and Int4rain (argots, I)atLia4;< aLL.I \ ~ 1 1.•tian Flat Cat Fet 1.1. t aLL,I Cal pets. Flinn . air 8 , 0.1 at the to,and .o.ldlty glthr.tlitt.l,l .1. 'l'. 111:1.\l'Itt , 1 \ :I.L ).N Strel't he tout. P1111..11).1. NI trt IL SIBERIA OTT, 7P+ Bp ~!way, N. Fur PLANT' \U and TAiii,E Est: I WE invite the attentio9 of Fat wers, Doak, od,r. to our PUTA TOES. roust- tin of all thrt:. , r 111 i \ kl:11T11, )lettitots, VIII lo.otts, Ent ly hit, :-.l.tett •• Ity ketnitti, ftein csrioslo Seel lons eftle. 1'0111111: i at okWh we will sell in lets to suit. IO141•01 11 1101, salt. )1451101 is ice.' . . Peach It Buy:. Eyes, )lervers. Fringe Alht•rt Garnet N 1 ot11)1:1.1.1 , & Itlto., PrOi1111•0 C010111i,,1..11 Men•hhiltS, No, 4 AIR . II ;11 North 1% lIAIZN )lamb t, -4f. NEW-4300DS FOR SPRING SALES EYRE & LA N DELL roultT II A II I' II St,., FASHION A BLE N IV SILKS. Novelties in DRESS (Molls. New Style, SPRING sll AIV I,S. New TrAV,Hing DRESS (MODS. Fine Stock ul N ENV (100 Magnificent FoI:LA R Ds. Splendid BLACK SILKS. &e., & 1., have (heir usual r or lmeut of STAPLE GOODS. Also, CLoTHS, SS! MER ES, V EsTINIIS, Ste., &e. I'. S., One prices a “. [trout the VIL Of IILYE s' ).arch 23, IS', —IA FIRST CLASS , ' Gpops ONE INVARIABLE CASH PRICE American and European At Reduced Prices CHESTNUT STREET, 3113 ILIA OTT, Wlaolosale Agont, 748 Broadway, Now York Frenp and English Axminister, English Royal Wilton, 6-4 and 9-4 Velvets, Fine English Brussels Crossley's Tapestries, Imperial Three-Ply Carpet, COOKING STOVES FRUIT CANS and JARS ;.?" I[l A. E. EWING, Ft. 101 Cabinet Maker and , dertaker, r. - 0 ° I AVe, , t, 1\1:61, St. ;4 1 1 O•t„t, , •-•••-. • • (If rill (l'ottillg sir„', ltis7 .] 11 EN I{l . Itl'Elt 2() AIZCII S'1.1:1.;1.;"1 EDI ll= POTATOES ! POTATOES !! 20,000 Bushels ! ll= Alt t: OPENIN(I FOlt SPRING' SALES. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC A'N IMI ENS E STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Styles MANUFACTURE, On Account of the decline in Ci-41::)-iLio=0. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, ,Ct4h PHILADELPHIA, /Vow ()fro - Thch MEAT SPRIMG STOE , Imported and Domestic CARPETING, Fine Ingrain Carpet ENGLISH BRUSSELS -AN D . ROYAL WILTON CARPETS FOR STAIRS ANDIIALLS, ITH BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6.4 W-4ite Red•Chooked and Fancy Ratting, Coco Mattings, ENGLISH. OIL CLOTHS, &o March m. Read ! Read!. Read ! W. C. SAWYER, JNA) DUKE, JNO. E. -BURKHOLDER, K NOWN as thli'irm of W. C. Sawyer, & Co., ‘l:ast ?slain St., two doors below Sexton's Hard Ware Store.) hero just received from CLOTHS, CASS IM F,RES, SATTTN ETTS, JEANS, COTT( 1N A D Eti ue Lilco great pleinuie in showing goods and would lie pleased to have the Ladles call and examine our New foods, which SVC ore determined to sell ht great bar— gains. We feel satisfied that we can o ff er greater In ducements to purchasers than any PAlllitar Establish ment in this vicinity, remember the place at Gorges' old tin Store, next (lour to Marion Ilall Late Panic Prices for Cash. M... 1. In, IRAI NE II" YORK 'lnd PHILADELPHIA Importing, Jobbing and Auction Houses, 1N IMMENSE STOC h of all kinds of Seasonable floods bought at tho Now is the Time-togiit Bargains in Dress Goods. Domestics and House Furnishing Goods. Silks In all Moir varletie4, Striped, burred plaits POPLINS, All Colors of Alpacas end Weed IMMines, ;-implierds MOllllll Lust-ors, end American Dentin.. S VECIA I, ATTENTION given to )lout fling :111(1 Funert/ 11t1.114 I=2 ll= I=l Spring Mantles, Basques and Sacks, NEW SHADES OF SACKING CLOTHS, OEM SPRING SHAW LK, N ENV EST STYLES Spring Ilalmurels and latest improved ( \IIC, CSC MIZE ('ins r SMUSII Up Pl'iCe3 - MINI yard , . light dark, nieditil from 1!A (cola up 11)(1 1 ) \ and l'aown Shirting, o) yard= .rGinglituns, be,t, make: STUDY YOUR OWN IN- TERESTS. Buy your Cloths, Cassiniers and lurulstiiug goods from W. I!. rust yet Co.. who have always on hand a Stock of I , rtiiii.ll. It ernoin find Atnori- CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, and VEST- In:lde tip In the latest City Styles. /;u)•.`' irr.tie EvERY LAIN E- House Keepers Make a Note of this \V.(' Stosyer, I:twir tbu lar o•ut. and And bust suit, ted STOCK OF CARPETS and OIL Shades, Blind :11aterials, Looking Glasses, DARPIT MUIR, _E - T_TO - S &C. IN THE VALLEY, 6000 yards of Carpet, ulrkinds ❑nd prices, upottrtl I , 'llited and Stri:•ctl ; 000 yards very Superior Home-wade Rag ; 100 Linen and Hemp ; 8-4, 6-4, 5-4 and •4-4 Oil Cloths, We make this department a Special I ntorest lu our trade. All persons in want of house furnishing goods are invited tomtit before buying, we take pleasuro showing our goods. GOOD FOR THE PEOPLE, Saw pm, & Co., aro Bellina all kinds of whifa goods, Cambrirs, Nainsooks, Embroideries, Linens• Towellings, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, YANKEE NOTIONS, every des iption at "BREAK DOWN PRICES." A tine ahsortment of Kid li loves READ, PONDER and DETERMINE to buy from W. C. Sawyer, & Co., your table Linens French, English and American Counterpoise, Wool, Table Covers', Corsets, Parasols and Sun Um- .4. -Ado rri2.4M f1u . d . u . 411 - on e,ndlotiltei• tirtieles not mentioned, own MOTTO 16 Buy Goods for A ,Sll AT GOLD PRICES, Sell thorn cheaper and faster than auy other bongs in Town, W. C. Sawyer, & Co., will be making additions of ,the newest and.most desirable Importations as the Macon Tl an Itful for past support, we are determined by at• toutlon to merit a continuance of the same. Every body is asked to-call and see our goods. Two doors below Saxton's Stot o, Vast Main St. ' W. C. SAWYER. & Co. March ,81.1, 1806. ill I= 10111ININ(1 lioup skirts GINGIII ,f TICKI \ US, MEE CU Cl,b IN GS CLOTHS, brellas, TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT ! New Firm ! New Store! ! New Goods! ! ! THE undersigned having taken the Store Room, in Main St., recently occupied by John D. Gorges, next door to "Marion Hail," would re• spectfully invite the attention of the people of Carlisle and vicinity to my large, darted and well selected Stock of Dry Goods, consisting in part, of MUSLINS, CALICOES, DELAIN ES, GONGHAMS, FLANNV.LS, &c, at greatly reduced prices, in conFequence of the Into heavy decline in Goods In the Eastern Cities, and as my goods araall now, I can and will sell at act i,n sh ingly low rates. I have also a choice selection of Ladies' Dress Gonda, MER INO ES', AL PA .c„1[0 HA IS, all Woo/ &Ulnas, Lusters, Poi - Int/1 , , also a nue amort moot of Gentlemen's Wear, such no New Spring Goods, "SAAC LIVINGSTON, at his whole sulo and Haan Clothing P.,trilolishment. on South Hanover ,treet, adjoinit g Miller & Bowers' Hardware Store. 11111101111 e, Lb, lerpipt of 21 full and I'm - NO.4e as ..ortment SPIe,IN(7 st• I;ooDAS', and sona"nal.lF• It EA Al ADE CI,OTII I NII 1111, stark in part t.I Illitek and Blue FRENCH and EtiI:LISII CLOTIIS, EX( l• , 1 lir (I I'l/ Dw•si,‘ n rut 31141 titnry CASSIM 14:ItES, A 1:111;v ariety of Ken tucky an I Catimiimitles, Linen, and Linen Di at variety Also a (rent assortment of Ready Made Clothing, of every style and quality, Whit'' Linen and Shin e. Summer Drawers, &i•.. VOLlSOintiy On Inind tl In rgl` /If ,Oltnit-ut 'ion., IL sil.lp and Gloves, Linen, Silk , and Co. ton Ilnndker, hires. Alan full lt , gOrtlinlit 01 Trunks, Carpet Bags anti Valises, Of eruny 9i7.0 Clolhlilg intoni ba Older al the shurte,t notice. Call Minn no On. stark. }lamb SS. Ist, LIN Removal ! Removal ! rrHE undersigned lakes pleasure in in n.rminv: t he has I,IIIOVOII 1 . 1411 till. 01.1) :-TA NI. to the larg,• nut , (.1 111, a 11 " 11 ' Ft ire lioom (01 n..•nly necn pied 1.) .1 1?,\()I,I) \,i h llanos or St e,t, n lar mar.. amleaniant looatinn where, with inaraa,od :Ilia an EN LA 12G ED STOCK MEM= II Hl, E A I, E UROCE I? And Commission Merchant 111 I,lll,tfulty tl.l p It 1.1,113,1, tl iP Ott! evert c:nl~lri et i•m to those With tilt:, ,u,ton”. Ilroduce of all Kinds Solicited on ('on- I _!Il l ill II(~ hiott he pledges ltlttl.elf L., inst.', ot nt the 1111_111 1.1: 41 1' 'LI A !tic ET fli tch.. 11. North Hanover Straet, Cerlislr, l's :11.ilch JNO. D. GORGAS, )HIRES to return sincere thanks tii all lls Id :toil new friends, r any of wham hnto been hie pt trolls for the upire than 'thirty Years ho has been u business In Carli,le. Sensille of lot met obligat ions, he then continuance el their custom. If gull N,Aut the very 1,4 Coo Stove at the lowest prke, n one to me All ins utril hu six mmaLs or long er I Igoe nothing a halal hot the hoct bakers, irreint them 10 be surh, tor I keep rime alit r. Come and eve the great sal let). I van Cier humlrods to.tithoninle Ii desired. (10:\11 , 1''iuld SEI my Par and ME, SI ove+ for wood I$L - coal 11 EA'PERS ND I:.\ NG ES, Stali,,nary 7 EA T _LxIL 3E1_30, II *~~i 1.1 all grvat tar lo,ty. It Ii from the best tn.-plate 1113.'11 ul•4 dln 1.111 . 111.1' 1•111 11 , 411 me a I. a sa, i '2ll ppr cent. CAIAIA at toy Storu Had NV:a hi rat of (Ili. Court Hail 3ou will , 11% . 1` 111.II•Y in your purcluo,H. It will tally ply 3011 tot Tin Hail Sta.litin2 done at ,hurt not', H lfarcL 23, 16th;—liv. JOIIN 11. tltlltti AR. COAL AND LUMBER. • AVING with i• - COA L ' 0 , 4 4 rre,, s ho o„ In the ana 1,1,41 .•Ls ut Ow old • Eq:ind nl I , 4 , lnncy and kevp the best :111,1 CLEANEST CC AL in the I:tt het. and parlecll3 dn. Kept unilts voryr. Vatitllles a 111 rlotr I to tr y ‘re are deter mined to bell ele.lner ` coal. and at it Inu priees as any other yard in the loan Iry uc and Ire 1.1.11% lured We have also on hand U L I 'lll3 .11; usually kept hi n Bret Claus Lumber yard which ul will sell ns low, or lowyr than the lowest Lao. Li DEL %NCI' Al :IMO!. 11.-j? W. CLA UK &. CO:, • I;A X K s, NU. :i5 StlC'rll ;it) 5T11,1,1,T, P1111,.\ Pill: t..1.‘ :11net I:tsex I::uln.nd 7 poi cent. linna I=l HEM U S :A) )c•ar b n iuton•'t 1.1., 010 (in, 1011)11.1 Colll[lllll3' 0,0 Ruud , uie tie2ll) rOr K:110 very low Storks bought unit sold on Commission I' S Seem flies of all kinds Isdight and ,old. Msreh CON ECT lONARY riREAM WORK, Stars, Tulips, Bon- Vi boas, A-lamoda, Choc. , lates. Hands, Cocoanut sad Walnut. .Pec 15, 18d5 111111 t, C'boo4.latti, Ctea , u, I,llt Vanll KOSO 11(1 Doc, 15, 18011 („;I n TIC K S.— MinL, Teaberrv, Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Rose . Neuga, and V»nilla. Dee 15, 18135 ROCK -CANDY, Secrets French and Coin mon . Due. 15, 1855 11)14111SONS wishing to decorate their Tanis, or Cemetery 1011, or the grave of a rola Live, si mild cull at. the Cumberland Nursery, and pur chase Ormiluental Shade and Evergreen trees, as they will be bold very rheapytha rousing spring. , Natural Peach trees for vale low lat the Cumberland Nursery. Feb. 9, 1.869-30, lIENRY d. RUPP. Geo. W. Crosscup, DESIGNING AND Engraver on Wood, Views of Cities, Buildings, Mathiner:, Portraits, -Tinted-Envelopen,-Bill Meads, Book lidustratiots, ,tze. Designs for Druggists. Dry Goods. Liquor, Tqlmeco, Flour, Perfumery and all lauds of 'shies., Particular attention given to Machinery and color woris. March 9,18119-3 th. CATARRH CURED FOR ONE DOLLAR. 1-I, EAD I—For one dollar per mail, I will send free to any address a recipe and modl eine that I will guarantee to cure the worst cases of Catarrh In the head or bronchial tubes in a few weelte. It has saved my life; and made me a well man, from Catarrh and a severe and dangerous bronchial trouble I had' suffered with for years. I triad the best ph s 4 clans, and all the advertived medicines of the ditv, but found no reliehtill I obtained this. I would give ono hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine, if I now had the Catarrh and"couldnot obtain It for less. I believe, if instructions aro followed, it'w 11l cure any cave whatever, that has not already reached the lungs and become a settled consumption. .Cure It whlle_you can. Address, 4 " T. P. MIMES. No. MK Fulton St., Now York. ;March 10,1600-4 m. 628. HOOP SHIRTS, .82.8 HOPKIN'S " Own Make," MANUFACTURED AND SOLD WHOLESALE Sc\jII,ETAIL, No. 6 2 8 ARCII Street, Philad'a THE most complete assm meet . of Ladies' Misses' and Children's I.IOOP SKIRTS, in this City; gotten up expressly to meet the WANTS of FIRST CLASH TRADE ; embracing the newest and most desirable Styles..and Sizes of Uore Trails," of every length—from '2% to 4 yds round.-20 to 513 Springs, at 2to 55,00 Plain Skirts, all lengths, from 2 1 4 to 9 yards round the bottom, at 51 40 to 53 15. Our line of 51 lists' and Chddren's SKIRT, are pro• verbially beyond all competition, for variety of styles and sfsits—as well as for finish and durability, at 25 cents to $.5 26. All SSleo; of "OUR OWN NIAK. ," Lire WAIMANTED to give satisfaction; but Mt NONE As !Well, unless they have, Hopkins (loop Skirt Man ufactory, No. 625 A;ch Street, Stamped on each Tab! Also constantly on lined, GOOD Saints, Manufactured in New York. and the Eastern States, which we sell at very low Prices. A lot of cheap Skirts—ls sptings. 85 rents; 20 springs, $1 00-25 springs, $I 10-30 springs, *1 25 end 40 springs 4 .31 50 XZ --- Skirts, made to Order and Repaired. Tones CASH. ONE Since ONLY Mardi 214, 1800.-3 t B ST A T 11l NOTICE.— . I J lest tore Testamentary on the estate of John ilarmae, doe'd.. Into on Silver Spring. Cumberland Co., have been Issued by the Realster of said county, to the suborrihers residing iu the same township. All per mms indebted to said estate are requested to maks pay ment, and those havina elanms against the estate will pi esent them for settlement to m Icimh a ARMAN, and JOHN WARD, March 9, Iseni—Gt. Et ocu tore. S. C. BROWN A. L. SPONSLER, DE AL ESTATE AGENT, Scrivener, conve)annee Insurance and Claim Agent. Of , lice alein Street, Near Centro Square. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Life basuranee Policies Granted on Favor- able Terms r gltiE Board of Trustees have declared a He'll!, Premium Dividend in Scrip of Filly per cent upon the premiums pet 1 In 1565, on ail yoiicies in tor, December Slat and decided to'recolve therertith ales of rc, 1p dated 11)60. 18f 1 Hon 1062, in settlement ut Premiums on and after the 11th Janu ary, ldno, and to credit those indebted for premium n ores v. all OW 11111011 iii of said scrip on thou, notos of that date. he undei signed Is ready to deliver certificates to parths entitled to receil a tht m at the Carlisle Agency, at his office T 1 Main sheet, at any time after the date ol this ti”tme. l'aniphlots. 'raid, of Bates, Applications, and ovary 11,1,111:atop furnished without etharg, - - I= I-P m E Insurance, Company of New o,llll,ctleot, Statement of Jan unry Ist, Cnptiml Sul plus $776.8 , 11,10 utldjust, , ,l $B5 U 77,72 IN6C,It \ CI,S \LAM: PERPETUAL AND TEMPOit- The asse , t.s of this Company et - insist of United States (11,..1111111,11 Si•ettrities,st. aks In National 13anka. or d I , tt , Mot tattittis Itatti E. tato 'I he Board 31 Direetnra S.•tul- Annual cash Dividend of Den 1) , cc/,t froth liiiseritment las I ityablu on and af ter lath, . . - . Aki, rip Invicielid of Sixiy per cent on the earned Premium ..1 Polines yeti! led Le IMP tlViillite in the Pro fits for the pear udiil 1.4 of ipso And haw, voted to {III, ease the Capital ,tuee of the Com pally to Use Mitht.o of hol:ern. Apply to A. L. sPON,LEft. Agent. A 11,:y111,,, hnproccd Limestone Farm 1 A DSOM ELY locatcd within 2 milt, of rail Pie Tho Buildings are nearly new Fear,. In goad ,dder.aud the loud in a high State of 't!ultit abut Apply to =1 IIOWN PROPERTY on South Llano- Cornprisin4 120 teet in front und 210 I. in depth litt‘ing theret u erected 3 Dwell ing lb,n, r, ShiVi and other hulldings will be sold ("n -th,— r iae.l Ir anit pur,husore. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER. Fr L. t Valuable Lot of ground on South trot t eunt.ining over eun foot in front and 200 in duptl..''. 4 ,ls , . LiPt in. thescorner of Pitt and South tstioing NJ feet In !rout and 110 foot In dtiih. Apply to SEGABS,V TOBACCO, - AT RAI.ST,IV, 1;1'R E ItT N . \V II ITE LEAD, !no on-r„1 bt, nil prnrtical Paints, s "fry & tuu ts ill have nu .4 het MIIIO facture,l only by ZEIGLER & NV111.11,31.. Drllv. Paint, A Disse Deniers, No. DIT Nol tit Third. Street, PHI 1.0 IVA , 11 A LE.\ ('Il E I) and IT nbleached tuuslins „ i ) ,-. aV'Agriv".t'l4:rN"T'lfs.'istiorrio".' at.o super kiv .,, l'otton March n. 1..1;6. )RI NTS of all breath' at the very low •gi marl t rah, March L.I, 1,1,1 WOOD & CARY, 111,1)(ittrs Jut berg, Straw & Millinery Goods, Nill - 11-nnet,, French Flowers Ribbons 18111=1 OGreCOCDOL. Date . NATIEt. t large assortutimt of the best quality rif (i rCr•rrir s, J,•''r.a, irttx, r`'jiires, I', 4 /$, d'r' , x; lli ~11 at u•ip tpiirrx rullug in LI,. 3tatu 1'.•111. , :, I% I ';u11 1111 , 1 1".‘11..r:. .111 . , 1% i•b 4,1 1.110 I.llltil 011.11‘. nenal . 1.11111. 1.i.6 73. 1 , I larg Stook of fruit and ornamental /1_ true, Consisting nl every variety usually propagated, will he sold cheap tho veining Spring, to order to close out the stok. l'ai tloular attention to called to the large and fine Apple Trees and Evergreen and Shade Trees, Which will be scald to suit the pmehnser oither by the tree, by t,l 0 huudred or by the row in tho ground or duo, all iroeuding to plant the coming Spring are in vited to call ut the Nursery uud get barguina. All orders promptly filled AT 11AVERSTICKS Feb P. ISO 6— Al' lIAVEESTICKS THE great Agriculturist Strawberry plants for sato at the Cumberland Nursery. LIENRY H.RUPP. AT ILA C ERSTICKS Feb. 0. 1066-3 m ALLarge lot of splendid standard and Dwarf pear Con era, Delaware, Diana, and Thrxatawiloy grape vines for silo at the Cumberland Nursery. WEINICY S. RUPP. AT II A V ERSTfOIiS. Du R E LIBERTY WHITE LE A D, - The 11'hiteet, Cho most lureblu and the moat economlral. Try It ! 51anufartured only by Ziegler & Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint a. Glass Deniers. No. 137 North Third St., Phllad'a., Jan. 26, 28611-Iy. Manhood : how Lost, how Restored. # l ,, 1 UST published. a now edi a."..../!‘ (ion of DR. CIILVESAVEL"SCEL- Ili .0 -In EMIATED ESSAY on the radical emu 7U2.,Clicht nut Plllllllll3l phi* Pa. 1:011)113.)°,tl Pre mi Building without medicine) of SPEMMAToanmaIA, or somir al Weak ness Involuntary SOMIIMAI Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY, and Frrs, induced by self indulgence-or sexual extravagance. Aro- Price, in a sealed envelope, only 0 marl. The celebrated author In this admirable essay clear ly demonstrates, from a thirty y. ars' SUCCO,sful prac tice, that the alarming onsequences of soli-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a motto of cure at once simple, cm fain, and eflect nal, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may curo himself cheaply, pri va, my, and radically. his Lecture should be in" the bands __of ?very youth ni.d every man in the land. Mud under seal, in a plain envelope. to any Address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two pest stamps. Addieso the publishers OA4O. KLINE & ao., E 127 mmy, Now York, 'Post Office box 4,680. March 10,1800--1. FANIILY,D)CE COLORS, AT It ALSTON'S my 10864. , - SHEET music always on band at SHEET 80, 1800. PENN MUTUAL Or I.IIIL.ADELPIIIA. Assetts 61,499,5(3 21 A. L 6PONSLER, Agt FOR SALE. cuN T A IN ING 120 ACHES, A. L. SPONELER FOR SALE. FOR SALE =I Hat & Bonnet Frames &c N, 7'25 Chestnut Slxvot, FOR CASH timberland Nurseries 'Ebro. Miles East of Carlisle, IliS 1111 d Shrubs, $6OO COO 00 27 880 10 = ISIMIZED HENRY S. RUPP MADE= A BROIL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers