Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 13, 1866, Image 2
h 4 ñtdd, • (41;zt...,.... "4- 0 1 4:1 ,00F6 i - CARLISLE, PA. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1866. S. H. PETTENGILI. & CO.. 0. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State St. li. , ston, aro our Agolits for Lb. lIEnAL O :Ind :Ire 1n Liwrizt,l to ttdo. Advorl Ise- An,frlifi,st.riptlons for as nt nnr lowest, rater. FOR GOVERNOR, Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTI. Tho Democracy in Council On Monetty evening pursuant to a call of their County Cominittee the Democracy held their first campaign meeting in the Court House. As HEIsTEit CLTmE.a was adver tised to be present in the flesh, they had a very respectable meeting in point of ❑um bers; many person attending for the purpose, of seeing and hearing the leader 6f the De mocracy in our State. Our old friend Senator Bucher presided with the same self satisfied expression of countenance which did .duty during the three winters he represented this District at Harrisburg. After the meeting had been organized for some time Spahr's band was heard approaching and directly it appeared in the main aisle of the Court Room followed by brother Bradton, with Mr. Clymer, brother Garnman with Senator Latta, and Squire Holcomb, solus. After being introduced and cheered vociferously by the and e Mr. Clymer made a few re marks thanking the in for their dem onstrations toward him, telling them that he would not make a speech now nn' closing by exhorting the people to support the President in his shorts to overtone North- ern treason. For Clymer personally w, linen al way. had considerable adutilatinn. 11, in 11. 1111111 of fine personal appearance, genial manner,. and very considerable intellectual ability-- Politically we have thins:lnm feeling for him that we have for Vellandiglinni> Voorhees end the Woods. lie ih a nn-1 intense spec imen of the geniis copperhead. Durin4 the rebellion he absolutely bated the cain , e flhe Ile knew that it, eau-, wa, righteous find its success neeei , iiry to ensure the safety of tile poople of the whole country, but fearing that beeauso the hamlet' "r the Republic was borne by e party to which he did not belong, victory to the na tion iniffht be disagrous to the Democracy, he did all in his power to give moral aid and encouragement to the rebels, Not once in :ill the war did he give his zealous and un \ilfied support to the Government, but on .-all occasions denounced and opposed every vigorous measure for the suppres , ion of re bellion. So thorougly was his mind imbued with hostility to the National cause that he opposed everyone who was identitlial promi nently with it. When the soldier in the field asked that the elective franehise Le conferred on him, llekter Clymer refined the request and Ilk own county gave a large majority against the 111011SlIre. When An drew Johnson who at that time was inten,ely bated by rebels because he remained true to the Ul ion, visited Flarriiburi4, Heisler Cly mer refused him the, use of the Caritul and denounced him as a usurper tool tyrant These and many other ,imilar act- of his life had but one motive—hatred fir anything that opposed Southern trea-on Will the people of our ,eounty give this co-laburer with V allandighalll In the interest of the rebellion their support and turn their hacks upon the gallant soldier who has been fore moat in the National ranks since the war began? Assuredly th a cannot be. But we have forgotten the meeting whikt speaking of its central figure. After Mr. ,Clymer had taken his seat Gen. - William 11. Miller took the stand and retainedpu , se,sion thereof for about all hour. Ili. , speech linty have been original with him, but to the best of our recollection, we have heard it at sub- Stanee at every DClll , Wrlllie Meeting We !Mt', attended. Ile launched Ilnlab , - 111;1, at Thad. SteVOHS, 111111 , 1,1 t,/ the rather genteel performance for a Democratic [nob, known us the buck shot, war rotted in the in evitable negro. praised the Democracy in gen eral, said lie didn't estp,•, t to make a speech when he left home (might have said that he didn't disappoint his expectations) told is funny story itbout a black heifer, and then walked deliberately out of the Court 11 , use. One or two of his expression , acre merely indicative of the peculiar faith of the gen tleman and we will give them the benefit of a record. Speaking of the rebellion, he said that while he " deplored the rashness of the wrong headed men who inatigurated the Southern rebellion, lie never did believe their guilt as great as that of the fanatical, wooden nutmeg malting New Englanders who had been laboring for yens to bring about that result." We lit'd always consid ered that rather orthodox Democratic faith and when the gentleman seasoned the ex pression with a wooden nutmeg we expected a tremendous outburst of applause. We were disappointed—not a sound followed. Is it possible that in the march of events the Democracy have been carried onward Bo far 1 Really there is something to hope for when a Democratic locating done ap plaud the sppaker when 4 he says that New Engleindefs are more guilty of treason than Sonthern rebels: Humanity moves onward, assuredly. Mr. Miller further claimed that " the Democracy always and every where was the party of loyalty, law and order." with the trifling exceptions of the Southern rebellion, the New York riots, resistance to Alto con scription in the interior of Pennsylvania, the organization of the Knights of the Golden Circle and a few other harmless little eccen tricities wo have not much doubt that it is about up to the orator's conception of loyalty and good behavior. Buf, we must close. After Mr.. Miller,' Senator Latta o' Westmoreland was introduced. He is an amiable looking young gentleman and claimed the attention of the audience on ac count of having once made stump speeches with Gen. Geary and having been in the Senate with Mr. Clymer. There was noth ing else particularly remarkable about him. After he was through the meeting adjourned. Thus ended the first - grand Democratic rally: — It was - very respectable in numbers and behavior; exceedingly tame and com monplace in oratory and entirely,lacking. in the - enthusiasm- -which —characterized the Democracy of former years. If our. oppo nents dont show more spirit generally in.the State we, fear their. genial looking, geurtly candidate wont be Governor. . WaJalca pleasure in anuouncing that in addition to the .victoriea achieved by the Union Party in ponnecticut and Rhode Island, the past week . has brought us a rnost substantial viotory, in the Congress of the United States. The Civil Rights Bill which had been passed by majorities of nearly three fourths of both houses and which the President returned with his veto has be come a law, Mr. ;Johnson's objections not withstanding. In the Senate the vote on the bill after the veto was 33 yeas to 15 nays and in the House 122 yeas to -11 nays., /This shows conclusively that the representatives of the people have determined that, those who opposed the Government in its darkest hour of truth and who fought in the ranks of treason, 't -Mall not now legislate for the Country through this medium of a Presi dential veto. This action of Congress assures to the peo ple that our dearly fought victories shall not. be turned to the advantage of traitors in stead of loyal men. For a short time it was feared that the obstinacy of the President and his unaccountable fondness for consulting the wishes of traitors would virtually give the control of the Nation into the hands of its roes. It was openly boasted that enough or the. U n ion members would sup port the President to prevent the passage of any measure that he disapproved and that with our Party thus distracted the Democ racy would easily win over the people to their :support. This hope has been disap pointed. The Union 111011 of Congress have triumphed over the President and the late elections demonstrate that they have the sympathy of the people. We hope for the sake of harmony in the National Govern eminent that the President may discos or how vastly he has mistaken the piOnSUre of the people, whOse servant he has accidentally become and may evince hi; patriotism by conforming his action to their will. Thu party that protected Andrew Johnson whilst traitors persecuted leis family and would have consigned him to the halter had they power, and who bestowed on him the second place in their can execute it , .; groat wilh nit hi , . aid Rini oven with tho Pre,i(lent. trust his future to the ern Nvln , \\'‘ 11111 1.1101101 IClOOlOlllOl' 111111. 'I he Denlooratie meolinl;ml Atenday i i. 4.111, rwminatod Itl , 11Cel`1,1 11 . 1111- 1 ""' I Wr• n.g(10(1 a C1111111..1111'11 1 1 :Is uny 111 I.lll'lll 111111 ill :111,011T 11'11111 111, 1,11 . 11101 . 11,1( . 1:1 - tllBll /my marl th. , y hay,. Lately their 11,, , ninnti , n , havo Leen ro-poetalde. mLa and (',,WAN me inuell bot tor mon than thoy have been in the habit (2;enerally. Resignation Ilmst tit the coptitirhettd citittilitlate for Ctovernoti, re-Igoe,' his seat ill the State tt-iiiiitate, till rriall)' last, - ng ittistpont doings so timid then in order to render :tit election iltirtitig the current se,- ,11,111.11111C1, ,, art to ad . lolll'll .11 1201 in 4 t. We hope Ow be will be equally rnwy,tt 1 art l • the in t e tlelcat \ li ii l iewill recrice from the people of Perin-.‘leatibt Deserters Not to Voto .1 bill hits timi,ed the I..egmtlittnre by rt. strit L ',Arty V(011 p i : i/g it /1 \\ 110 desertt d front the l i mbou army during the rebellion of the tight to tote at the elections iu thi; .` ttte. provkion; or the 101 l ;Ire definite and distinct, c in be curried into Mr, ct by alittle attention tt about 1111!,.'1 111,1111:, who ,yinmitlitze with the ileeerters :Ind are cure of their V0tt.,!.1 allele they can Bite them, pronutinee the bill tineonstittitiondl, as tin- the t\ dr they did all nica-oires which to I 0 cdlcodtled to pond-Ii the rebel-, and e Hopei thew to t-olonit to the (lot et-mot-tit. Copperheads are alw acs Oct the side ofrebels, de-erters nod skulliers from the service. = A Day's Work .\ I II has pasted 'be House of Ilepre -1,•111:itil ei at Harrisburg, declaring eight. Lours to be a day •s labor in all cotton, silk, woollen, paper, llux and other focto,ies and 110,h0p , , including ininer:4 and lumber men and excluding fern and and team labor- Lc a Vole of 69 r:ts to 14 Nays. We believe that it hits not been acted on by the Senate Shrinking from their Own Record nevi•r Nva,a !..litical plrty toapirinL,; to power in thi-, country. ';;IY , the Hrri— burg Tar!, rel ph, with a record as roul and a purpose as corrupt as those of the party which now arrogates to itselr the title (.1 Democratic." Like the Blue Light Ped. or old, the in .n who now control d. l).rni ,, ratie party \yore nlliu.l t , the avowed enemies or the country, and .luring a long and Wooly w.rugght loe the life oh the na tion, gave toils fog light, aid ttinl comfort: But it is not particularly to the enmity of the men who control this party to the coun try that we now (le! , 6re to call attention. It i-, rather to the new-born love of the sane mon for the President. This recently a wakened adoration received a severe shoe]: in the State Senate on Priday last. Senator Hopkins was indulging in his peculiar cant imdeavoring to show that he and his party fell w 5 'MVO 1)1'011 and Art' 1111 W the only true suppOrters of President Johnson, when Sen ator Hall, with great force and prompt nose brought him to a full halt with the question, you approve Mester Clymer'ii net in slamming the door of the capitol in Andre,, Johnson's fare?" Senator Hopkins chm p'etely broke down under the obloquy with which this question involved Clymer and himself. Senator Hall simply desired YEA. or NAY for an answer. Mester Clymer, when he refused to give Andrew Johnson a hearing, declared that he was actuated by principle. William H. Hopkins and his copperhead associates now support Hiester Clymer as a man of principle. Hence the question, Do year approve Clymer's principle in slamming the floor of the capitol of a loyal State in the ' . face of a man who came to de fend Ike honor of his country and denounce the, foes of its government 1 But Mr. Hop kinirwits not ready for the question. He evaded the issue which it involved, and fi nally insisted that Clymer must be held re sponsible and answer for his own acts. Just so. The people are of the same opinion. Clymer will be held responsible for his te merity in insulting every loyal man who made an effort to crush rebellion, from An drew Johnson, of Tennessee, down to the humblest soldier who carried a musket in a Pennsylvania regiment. —Senator Hall's question is destined to enter largely into the spirit of the campaign fur Governor. Plymees. act in, slamming tlio door of the capitol of Pennsylvania, meant that the, man who was then defend ing the honor of the Government by oppo sing armed treason, was_ unfit to be wel comed to the capital of the Keystone State 'Wasi.idworthy of a of among its legislators __7.--Wus undeserving of any honor at the hands of the servants of the people. He mcantthis when'inc,slammed the door of the Sulfate in Andrew Johns'on's face. He slammed the door of the Senate, at the Same time; in the face of every tioldicr 7 Ho meant by, that act thn't no man 'fighting:or - goading for his country wag fit to. associate with b~msr3lf (Clymer) or his friends. This is tho true translation of this most heartless net and neither Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Clymer, or their friends and apologists, can escape the cudgel which such men as SenatUr Hall havo in readiness for use during the campaign. Are you ready for the question, Copperheads Do you approve the act of Hiester Clymer in slamming the door of the eat. lot of Pennsyl vania in the face of Andrew . Johnson.— OUTCOINO SENATORS, —Wlth the adjourn ment of the Legislature yesterday, the terms of seven Republican and fonr Demociatie Senators expired. The list is ai follows: I..lerentiab Nicholas, Union, Philadelphia. 5. Wilmer Worthington, Union, of Chester. lt) 11. It. Ileardsloe,l/ent., of Wayne. 15. 11. It. Montgomery, Dem., of Nortlifunlwrland. David Fleming, Union, of Dauphin. IT. Benjamin Chatopneys, Union, of Lancaster. J. :11 Dunlap, 20. 111,. Householder, Union, of Bedford. 24. John Latta, D. m., of Westmoreland. 20. Wm. Hopkins, Dein., of Washington. 28. Thos. Hoge, Union, of enango. 'Art.Lassiat-r-cal J AMES STEWART, HSQ , of Kittanning, has in his possession a sword and musket bar rel, relies of Armstrong's Expedition, which burned Kittanning in 1 . 156. They where found on Blanket llill, about live miles east of Kittanning, some ten years ago, haring lain there for about a century . . Blanket Bill, it will be remembered, is the spot where the expedition stripped itself preparatory to Lo the light at Kittanning, and hAiere Lient llogg and his party met curb a fate, The sword when new [mist have been a hand- some weapon, and probably may have be longed to the above named fl,lllant ollicer. The musket barrel is 0 beau but well made affair, and is stamped ''London. The lock, whicli wits found at tliesitinc tune, is stamp etl with the maker'B ()BIAININ(I ,ItINEY UNDER FALSE I'llE TEN,E.—Ven,ling trumpery imitatiom of l.mbin's , extracts as genuine. The game i. about playt(l out, however, for the univer.zt popuhuity •' l'eretis - has literally taken the wind out o the sales yr the. ,•it articles that canna now la , 11111,0114.tit•N Cept 31, II Liellti Hdd every‘vliere. The Discredited Banks ( lei 7 , , :\e,l4 nil Fit\ I;.thls, at Oil ('lt a Slate v.,th irvalatimi aiv,l bonds. holit‘e the eirrulatlng imtes,lf h ar l have (•1,1 . \' a 1,11111110 1.,1110 8.1111. Ut . CI:IN\ lull Colllll3, nl )Ire l illy. Is /1 S!111.1.. 1,L111., 6101i:101 , 1i, It tiled the prelitninar . i iriuulniti• 54 it Na hum:ll Batik sonic builds in W:t,hinglon,---but has nicer roiencd :1 , 13 Natuunil Currency. I ) . iir '11111)re-sum is that bat, failure as the ' (hi City !Sank," V..nanp, Bank. al Franilin. This i , n Use !. , tate 11111111 1 . 11111 . 1 1 111 . 11 1111. 1 11N:1111in:11 old cir,.olation is nhout lit 7 .:() T1'4.111111 . 1 1111, ,111,1 .II and S",n,utui Nutlonal Currency, se curell by dt.llo, , tts In AVR,lllngtun. dm! the 111111:1111111:W1W Will be tal.en up nt It, fuse. .ltd ,111111 , hell V, prolutltl Pittsburgh. Fur the pre,ent, ne 11111/11 1 11 'llS l 'l llll . 1 .... `7 11 , 111111 Nutional Currcocy trill sutler no disciTlit. l'etrolentit Bank, at Titus\ ill, This is a tilit.e Hank, ctlctiliition smite S,.. 4 2.00,ti0ii, sek•lived liy Notes tit:posited :tf lifirrishurgh lit noit•S, bebeee, Mill be taken up n 1 their fare, !Ai l'itislturgh att. , r some tlulaN. Wi• quota , tllcal ;it tliscauut. This It till: had its (capris rem - gamic es a Nation Cult er, Penn hut por tion or the stock of tlte•Tir , i Natioti.l batik" at Titu , ville, but its New . -lork itccount with that house. lit the uncertainty of the oniviit it sulitnolcit It ilazi rrernurq on a ,blisiq The los,es air lint sufficient to impair its solvency. Its tnanageis arc of a swim' iunl =ulnl i litss of local r itizeris It- drafts on Colver, I'll are i n Lrrl liy the National Hank of this city. These arc all the banits t hat alai dire, tly hurt, by llte f,nlrre ~t er, Penn ty. (Ptlicr lnutl.s hut ,• d plated iu iliel,rukcii lists puldii , illed in the nett :papers. The l'aslder of tire Bank of Lawteat e (7outity writes us tit, his Maul: had 110 1111Sillest With , S ru.. arid 11,, loss it haterer toll SLI8t1lilll•ti ill Cl/11Sl•tilll•Ilk, of the ftlilltre. = 011 City Bald, Oil I'll 3 l'n IWO: 01 1'ra,,1.n. 5 1 0.11113. I', 0111111 go Fr:1111:1m, l'a. 11,,Innw All Nialtiliall'lnrrency, L 1 nlo.n CHOLERA I l'it til , : t (kr ,1h 1:m1/.1 n (11,1 ( . rt., 1,11,1 P;,, 1u Ir, ett I, in n Pll`,lll - 1d1,111 . 1 TIVe lr r 11,4 mlri.‘l I'Cr•Mun.v. 11.11,11'A‘,lil J.---The steamer Englund, 'row Livorpool • bound to Neat Yolli, lrns 11It in here lur uu ilia ill :kill Iler doled are of the Press has ho--; II uual,lo In ho I the steamer •:nglotl, uu emninttnication being allowed wtweett her and the shore. Every effort vill be m 010 to id.toin her ne%% s. The eaptatit of the Faeatner Lifland re ports that on Tne,day. Ara :t, the lit'nt caot of cholera secured, since which time one hundred and sixty more roses hove broken Out, And fifty enths hove occured, tihe was ordered oil' by the (;overninent, but owing to the rapid spread of the disease, and the engineers being Fick, it WItS found impes , ible to proceed, and she now lies below the light house. Port of the tios sengers will be placed on board the hospital ship, and shant•es erected on the beach for tilt , sick. No communication with the ship ‘vill be 'Wowed. The authorities ore doing all in their power to relieve the unfortu nate passengers. There /Ire three doctors on board to look after the ship. Silo has 1,202 plssengers, and 0 crew of 111(1 The passengers are principally (ler man and Ti.e captain thinks the disease was brought on board by the Ger man pass,egers. From Washington SPecial Correillotal9ll . ve of the Carlisle Herald WASIIIMITON D. C. April 9. 18613 Your readers are doubtless aware that the measure spoken of 10 my last, and known as the'Civil Rights Bill, passed the Senate on Friday, the 11th inst., by a two-thirds ma jority, against the veto of the President. The vote was 33 to 15. 11, as is quite pro bable, the requisite number of votes can be secured in the House, the bill will Leeome.a law, and all that remains is for the Pi esi dent to executtcjit in good faith, which of course lie is certain to do. It is questiona ble whether this will not bring on the con flict with State Constitutions that has heed predicted by high anthority as sure to occur should its, provisions be strictly carried out, and which the veto indicated so clearly and forcibly. I refrain from further remark on the subject. Future developements will pro nounce upcn the utility of the bill, and the country be bought to distinguish between the'fight and wrong method of adjusting the disabilities of that class of persons to which it relates. -In these troublous times, when two great branches of the government are in a manner directly hostile to each other, and the inhaL, itants of the South Still retrain "unrecon strueted,7 there are many ways devised to settle impending difficulties and harmonize conflicting elements. Some are feasible, and if adopted might result beneficially ; while others aro totally outside the pale of possibil ity, and indeed, sadly deficient in theory. The method proposed by SenatorSrEwn ItT, some time since, appeared to bo rated' in the former class, and was generally acquiesced in by the people. Senator Sutuctut, that theoretical stickler on every subject ; who, -for originating Utopian schemes, is unsur passed, arose and wereomed the youthful 'Senator from Kansas with undisguised en thusiasm. 2 13 . ut tho, resolutions suggesting amnesty in return for suffrage, lived, like the popularity'of their compilLr, bripf Teriod, and were soon' lost,ingbt of amid tlin whirl and prollfiniept 91.olic.per4in eve*. The other Senator from Kansas Mr. LANE, has now offered a recipe to heal the malady existing at the South, which lies in a joint resolution for the admission of the States lately in rebellion, to representation in Con gress, on condition of their repudiating the rebel debt, annulling all ordinances of se cession, and granting the right of suffrage to such colored people as can read, ' or who own and pay taxes on . two hundred and fifty dol lars worth of property. In th o House last week, responsive to a anon of inquiry as to whether any per :love been appointed to office since De cember last in the lkst (Mice or Treasury Department, without taking the test oath prescribed by act of Congress, the speaker laid before the body a message from the P re sident, transmitting a communicatiOn from the Secretary of the Treasury and Postmaster General in relation thereto.— Both communications suggest a modification of the oath of (Alley prescribed by the act of July 2. 1,t4G2--in which the President fully concurs and as the subject pertains to the efficient administration of the revenue and postal laws in the Southern States, lie earn estly commends it to the early consideration of Congress. The co mmunications enclosed a list of United States officers who cannot literally take the oath alluded to. They are discharging their duties in a faithful man lier without compensat•on. In order that the public business may be properly and ef ficiently managed by these officers, it is ab solutely necessary that come mmlitication of the oath should be made. The message was ordered to be printed and refered to the ju diciary committee. On Friday the House resumed the consid eration of the Ito isle contested election case, and after some discussion as to the merits of the two parties, declared, by a vote of 72 yeas to 52 nays, that W. E. Doim was entitled to a seat from the Eighth Dis trict of New York. Reports front AssistantC'ominissioners and other officers of the Freedmen's Bureau, rep resent affairs in the Southern States in a favorable light. Therreedmen are working well and planters are encouraged in believ ino that with the aid of their labor, they can lie successful in making crops.,-1 n some sections of the South the inhabitants are said to entertain a deep and revengeful feeling against the United States Army, and esiweially when they attempt to elevate the condition of the freedmen. But there is it v iible abatement in the number and harsh ,d• of outrage and maltreat ment to the latter, coining under the cog nizance of the Bureau, and we can but fer eotly /op' , that through the pi netical work 01' the civil right- hill, the evil, it' and that the planter = of the South will accept the situa li n lean hilltibit:lbk F110,1(1111 1(1011 to the inl rests of- the fri.iiilinen as a necessary auiliary to their own. ( Moll mass meeting . ' wan hold in front of the City flail in thi- city, wider the auspices of the Na tional Cajon Club,of \Odell the lion. A. NV. Li , :i•—• Po-lnia-ter erid, i- president. Thii dr,,41 by lion. It. S. (loon! NG, Mnr.dial l' or the Di , triet Ex liovernor dim Gen. SW I Fr. S.'11;10 , 1' COWAN, lion. GREEN CLAY SNIII ii and others, after which a-eries of resolittion4, l,rc eye of ntlavhnnuiL to the. Combilutinn, and eon tb1)11c) , in the re , torntiiin policy of Pre , i(lent Jolt wore a dopte‘l. The pre-hling officer. (Judge GooloN(;) angoun ,,,,l that the great Union church would con tinue to hold meetings for the preaching of Mtn' doctrine,, to \\ hich ill, men, women, nildren and tere invited to come, I,l,Hurileil the meeting - , iittliject to future ill 6 I MI, The Gliioni and Stisini ()peril, ('onipaiiy, under the direction Max Srft.x- Tlo` , l C..llllllellee a six at\lra-IliaTheatre, beginning with thi , evening. Norma, 7'irrrialti, ,11 1,t1,1,1111:1.111 ,,, rr r, will given and I tin. It ricul drama atf , u.ded anip;e opportunity l i p..ratify their desire. troupe has just returned 1 . 1,111 a highly sue tour through the Southern States, hilt ing I ,,, r rorn i ed for over forty e4ollSeelltlVO 11'101i- al NI-iv 1 notice that :NI r. 1). IlEss, one of the "directors — :it (;rover's theatre, I,‘ in 4 tend Or 'the ma 11:1!4erlal Luton. in a seri, of articles replete with nullti% 4 , and cer-onal misrepresenta tion- attainst the dramatic critic of the S///i -'ie,/ 11,/„l,1. 1.u1,11 -1),I1 in this city - dr:lin:lilt': event , which tratildied week before last, "came down" with some rather hrond strictures upon the neon,-pelt exi-ting at (;rover's, as UN:Went:ell, 11111011:4 llther Nvily,, in the being. raised, and the culpalde failure oft several occii , iote; to fulfill promises. The new,paper cont.], er-y is exciting some in , 1 , 1 . 4.5 t : Lot mode of vindicating the iinina,4l.nient ,it• hi , theatre against a just deprecated. as being outside of Mr. r)irector 11 ES , ' province. E. ct ths. 1;2 a rk rt. 411., +I die t kii in the tit -confirmation is a principlo of the doctrinos Iwcording to the Scriptures of the Nt.V. TI,“:1111 , 11C has Strl,Ck its as a misin t,rpretation of the words of it. Paul.— T um i ng t, the Bible, llob. VI. 102, we tied instead of tho word Confirmation the phrase "laying on of hands, - which phrase to tnilliuu= of Protestants in our country, whore freedom of opinion, is the birthright of all, has a totally difkrent signification from the word confirmation as used by a small denomination called Protestant Episco pal. The laying on of hands was practised among the early christians on too many dif tercnt, occa sions to allow us to believe that this ,a u nt have only ono and that a inure recent interpretation. Our Rodocinor lanai his hands on the sick to 11,0 Ll.ll'lll, 011 the Bond it/ raise tholl/, on piling children to bless them, but never in rho .senor of confirmation. The Apo s tles an d early Bishops used the laying on of hands. Ist 111 healing of the sick, 2d I n ordination to office, Acts \• I . G-1. Tim. IV: 14, 3d lu imparting miraculous influences of the Holy Spirit. For proof of this latter we .quote the passages so misapplied in the article from Aets VIII. 17. 'Then laid they their hands on them and they received 01 , 9 : h oly Now mark well the effect produced by the laying on of the apostles hands, Sitnon Magus a noted sorcerer, sought to purchase dm power as a means of aiding him in his profession. What this effect was we are told in Acts XIX. G. where we will finish the verse just halfquoted in the afore said article, and which bring hall quoted allowed of the misinterpretation" and they all spake with tongues and propheiled," and wo say no ono be ho pope or bishop can lay, claim to any such miraculous power. " By their fruits ye shall know them," and surely confirmation is not this laying on of hands. To this miraculous power of " hay ing on of hands" the apostles have had no successors apostolic or otherwise. If es in the Lutheran, and many of the Calvanistie churches of Europe, confirma tion be regarded as a simple form of church membership witl.out claiming that it is en joined of God, we have no objections. It would bo both appropriate and solemn, if every pastor should lay firs hands on the members of his flock, and bless them. In this res pect the Protestant Episcopal church would act more in harmony with tho doctrins and I sentiments of Protestant christianity, if it should follow the example of the Greek Church, with which it is seeking nn and to which it concedes equal apostolicity, which church allows priests, and deacons to administer the rite of confirmation, as well as bishopl In regard to the'llrd article of C. in which he turns from the Bible to human authority for Confirmation, we will at onco say that to quotwall writers on this subject would be an endless task, and we do not hold Calvin or any man of Inoro decisive authority on the subject than C. is: - The Bible ik tinaonly authority we recognize, but as he has invoked these Daniels to judgment on the subject of confirmation we would make a few remarks. C. must not forget that, article No. 2, was for prelatical confirmation which rite its such held by no church but the P. Episcopal and Burnish against which - prelatical- . confirma lion Calvin fought from the. first line ho wrote to the last.' What Calvin's ridea is of keeping the " institution pure" from Rom ish abuse which retained the form without the spirit, was, will be made manifest by his definition of and views in regard to confir mation as laid down in his institutes. no says sincerely wisll we had retained this custom 'which I. have stated as' practised.' among the ancients befoi:c this abortlvir intagd of a:saorament,.thcit is Confirmation, made sts [l , O, the CONFIRMATION appearance for it is not such a confirmation as Romanists pretend tulrich cannot be men tioned without injury to baptism, but a catech tical exercise in which children and youths used to deliver an account of their faith in the presence of tho church "Instlt. 6. 4. ch XIX." That such was Calvin's view, the anathema denounced against him by,. the council of Trent, and still retained in the Roman canons against Calvanistic churches sufficiently shows," Whoever shall affirm that the confirmation of the baptised is a trifling ceremony end not a true and proper sacrament : or that formerly it was nothing more than a kind of catechising in which young persons' explained the reason of their Ada: in christ: "LET HIM BE ACCURSED." Of " famous Lutheran Divines" with whom Brza agreed, we will mention Melancthon, that dove with the olive branch that fluttered over the deluge of controversy on which that Bonneges Martin Luther sailed his ark, who observes in behalf of tho Lutheran Ch'urch "Pie rite of confirmation as hi;tops is on idle ceremony, but an examina tion of youths in ardor to a public profession of faith with public prayer for the pious part of them &c." Dr. Sehmucker, in a work endorsed by tho Lutheran Synod, says " The imposition of hands although generally prac tised is not regarded by us as an essential part of the ceremony. What we regard as essential is practised by All Chri.stain De nominations Which require a profession of re-. ilfriolt before adrnmission to sacramental com munion." We turn " finally to thnt eminent servant of God Mr. Richard Baxter" who wrote famous dissertations on church gov ernment and who says of his first, " I proved that English diocesan prelacy is intolerable" and who also wrote a treatise, on Confirma tion and Restoration the necessary means of Reformation and Reconciliation, to which treatise we are directed by C. "for full sat 17:faction." On turning to this treatise it , will be found, not as its title seems to indi este a defence of the prelatical rite of con firmation, but an elaborate effort to prove that all who are baptised in infancy should make a personal and public profession of re ligion when they arrive at years of maturity,'' as personal faith is the condition before God so the public profession of this faith is the condition of his atollT before the church." Ile does not object to the "laying on of hands" provided the persons themselves agreed to it, or thought it necessary but does not regard it as essential. So for from think ing that diocesan bishops Ilave sole right to confirm lie contends that it belongs to all 111111- iSt , •rs and pastors and that in feet they alone can exercis,i . it. So far from 11:ixter's having great re , pect for Episcopal confirmation he tells the following story of his own confir mation. " When I was n school boy about 15 years if age, the bishop tooling into the county, molly went to him to be contirin&l ; we that were boys, ran out to see the bishop among the rest, not knowing anything of the meaning of the business., Whorl we Canto thither, tar inot about :t0 or -10 in all, of , air own stature and temper, that had come to be bi , hoped a , then it was called. The bishop examined us, not in one article of faith, but in a church-yard; in haste we were set in a rank, and he passed hastily ovcr us, laying his hands till our heads, and saying a few words, which neither I, nor any that I spoke With ilinter,tood, and a N cry short prayer recited, and there was an encl. lint whether we were Christians or infidels, or knew so much as that there was a God the hi-hop little knew nor inquired. - Thu- we tind Calvin, Melatictlion and Th.. Richard Baxter all agreeing that our faith in Goil should have " ri,iyirmotion," by a public profession of religion but itr, unanimous that confirmation is n o t (he rite of ' 5;1 of h , l the prelate as claimed Episco palians. C. 11. MEM= The communication of an Anxious, En quirer— suggests the following r-eply. Salva tion is the Gift of Cod, ordinarily bestowed only through the Gospel, which is the Di vinely appointed system of doctrine, and of duties founded on the Revelation of Jesus tliri-t us our only Saviour. By Ilk Death and Resurrection and Diteree,sion for its, and by Ills Holy Spirit dwelling in us, we may receive alt the gilts embraced in our salvation. But we must repent of our sins pit,t ; we mmt believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ; we mmt be baptized with water and the Holy Ghost, and Mr the remis,ion of sins; we must look for the Resurrection of the dead and for theet mud judgement which is to try us. It was the purpose of my first communication to , ay that. the :I p e stle !'mil includes "the doctrine of laying nil 1,1 RI1101112; the first principles of the oracles of God." Ilow he would have an swered the nine questions of you corres pondent 1 nlftV ormav not find in the Bible.- I lint evidently he Mid his consecrate . hat ds' on some, and they did receive the Holy Ghost. The SUM(' gift was also conveyed when St. Peter bahsed; and our Sartori/- declared that " we must be born again" of and of the Hole Ghost." We find that Apostles Were sent to lay hands on thou' ii hour Philip baptized, and we in fer that he could riot perform that rite. We know that when tit. Paul "would have come unto some once and again, Satan hin dered him,'' and we doubt not the loss to the Thes-alonian christians, Nor in there any Scripturalihr valid reason why a Bish op's visit may not be as necessary for some good uses in the Christian chcrch as a min ister's preaching. His agency in Confirma tion is no more than the ministers in Bap tism or ill the Lord's Supper. All the ministrations of men in things pertaining to God, must have aivino authority, or they are -acre assumptions of power Which no no one. is bound to respect. It is true that miraculous gifts accompanied the first min istration of the Apostle, both among Jews and Gentiles ; they were necessary then to authentricatO their mission ; but they Were never deemed a part of the continued work of the Church. It cannot be admitted that the Holy ;host whom Jesmi sends, works contrarily to the appointments of God. There must therefore be some mode of reconciling the diversities of Christians, and we respectfully suggest that 'prayer be made unceasingly to (led' for this fruit of the Spirit's Power : "that they all may be one, ns Thou, Father art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in that the world may believe that thou bust sent me." St. Paul knew no such divisions among christians as now unhappily exist; and the power of the Holy Ghost is no where so truly shown as where the spirit of unity prevails over discord and Strife. C. Eohnt anti (cumuli NI otters OF 11 AN OLD CITIZEN.—On Monday last, at the residence of his son, Snieum. Zuo, in South Middleton Twp., Mr. JAcon Zuu, died at the extreme age of Ninety-Eight years, four months and twen ty-five days. Mr. Z. was probably the old est man in Cumberland County, and up to the time of his death, enjoyed excellent health, and in pleasant weather was out of doors nearly every day. his excellent wife is but few years his junior, and is in good health. Last week we noticed what was sup posed to be the theft of Ex-Gov. Ilitner's pocket-book containing a large amount of money. The !:.3ov. was of opinion that the money bad been stolen from him while in the' cars on his way from Chambersburg to Carlisle. The sequel shows that be was entirely Mis taken and that ho dropped the book from his pocket while in Carlisle; for on Monday last the day the money vas lost, Mr. ED 7 wAnD WEIBLY, a young man who lives in our town, found the book and immediately returned it to the owner none of the con tents having been displaced. Wo aro glad to record that Mr. W. received a hand some reward for his preOitable conduct. Wo learn that Brevet Col. , Wm. B. Royall bats been relieved from command of Carlisle Barracks, the term 'for which officers aro usually appointed•to this command hav ing expired. Col. Royall is to be succeeded by Liout.'Col. Win. A. Guinn of the let Cavalry. Col, GRIER is well' knowii to many of our. eltizons and we predict will . mall ii 4 popular and cadent commandant, Free Lecture on Temperance Rheem's Hall, Friday evening 7 o'clock. Rev. J. Cromlich. COURT MARTIAL.—There is a Court Martial, fgr the trial of several enlisted men, now iq session at Carlisle Barracks. The court- is under -the Presidency of Idnjor ItorALL, and most of the members are officers in Hancork's Corps. OFF FOl2 TEXAS.—On Wednesday morning last, a detachment of 374 recruits left Carlisle Barracks to join the Fith Ij. S. Cavalry, stationed in Texas, under Gen. Pun— Su EittnEN. 'Flue detachment is tin der command of our bravo and talented friend Lieut. DEANE MONAHAN, with the gallnnteßrevet Captain TIENny 41.1 A Ms, as second in authority. The commanding General tit' that depart ment in reply to the inquiry as to how in liked Texas, replied that if he owned lila, State and 11--1, ho would rent out Texan not ye in tho other place. From this es lima( of the desirableness of it residence in the lo cality to which our riforementioned friends are destined, we can hardly say that we envy them the trip. However the effeminate con ventionalities of civilization havnfoW charms for a "suffer" at best. His delights are those of the "tainted field and sanguinary bottle." Ho ! for the lone star. STEA MER FOR. THE 001) \VIM week the committee appointed pu pose of purchasing is steam fire engine fm the Good Will [lose Company of Carlißle completed a contract with the Gould Ma chine Co. of Newark, New Jersey. fir a see and class Steam fire engine with d , mble pumps, and 500 feet of new hose, the whole to he completed and delivered in Carlisle by the first of August of this year. The en gine is to cost .'35,100 and the hose sl,min. CHOICE SEUARS AND TDEAI'(:().-I‘ll WNI. ('IIENOWETII, has opened a new bace(.l and Segar Store, on Street, neat lc opposite the Railroad I)epot. We hav examined his; ,tuck and find it reld. Le wit every imaginalde brawl and fn grant weed. Some of hi:, higher brard , ~f scgar, are the anent and hv-t r0112(1 NYV 1111.1'0 Sniliplua rw• many a day._ A WARNIN(4.—It will be well l r our ciliz~~ns In I , IIIOIIILN', that So tinnt slimmer, anin!2, - lbr car:iv:t..; i.ilgr on their r, , :k.1 th.. toinh of ~I:rIi M..(•,.11 in Arlibia, the ellenoni 111 . 1110. snit groat violt.nut., carrying IF ininion , o it I.r, or tho,, unirtunad , It Nvas jai 1, that tI i., torrild, wa-• It- 1111, ,, IItl,11111)1P ,ill,l Ili in thii instance of it; reapnyaranee. I t pninediately -Tread thrLeigh A•4ig Minn'', all niong the 1.1,1,n..; Ilf the )I , di(erratil'ilil .ea until it rc:tchd the Ihn,lanelle=. Europe I.y \Nay Lite ItiA Call, it ting...l with gr..itt Since that time it spre:•ll wcstward u Europe and, curly in the winter, was v SON crc in Paris. Following the Ingliwa, travel and commerce, it has crossed Atlantic, and is now spreading over islands in the Gun . of Mexico. Indeed it saa , brought from France New York last winter, lint the strict. .11 antinc regulations to which the vcssol its inmates were subjected, together s the cold weather chocked it, and it di peared. lint with the opening of the "1 the coming summer, with absolute tainty we may look for it.; spread over our land. SiIICO till' lOW \\u, ill t h e 1111; 1)14'11 I . l2ceiv,ll (which err pri another column) announcing tho nrri tho Llretolod :-courge 'With these fach, — and iuluuui munitiuu-, before, it 'nut the duty of our lawn au thorities, tu have all the :treetb, Wiley, and water cour,es of the lawn, to all anti thorough cleaning. It will not du to delay this operation until the filth and carbage, that covers and lice ill the Streets anti alive., hale cog vi (lurctl their fatal miasdnatic vapor, and pre pare the atin.spliere to be a-proper media for the ,peNly development of this terrible I= Let our people he warned in time, am accordingly. Every citizen should co-o uto with our town authorities, and thorot ly cleanse his eellqrs, his .and out-lious,s, and artpr lip has done so, sp quick live through and about them. 11' uur citizens will take those pre tit/nary measures WO may escape with but a slight visitation of the cholera during the coming summer. If wo do not—if we fold our hands and sleep on in indifference and security, punishment, sudden, terrible and fearful, will wake us from our supineness, and then perhaps it will be too late to reme edy the consequences of our folly. The Mutual lire insurance Co.N. V. has dechiroil the following Dividi!ndi, on Pulley N. 12,316 Amt. of Polloy s3ol.lo . Dir I.letid 0,2,53 114,06 107,1.3 :t22,57 225, 1 i2 171,01 70,42 67,42 The policy holders not included in the above will receive their dividends in a few days. Our Friend Samuel K. llumrich is agent for this Company. 25,74 ‘• ' 26,071 " " 28,735 .• ;,0,177 " " APRIL COURT.—ThO several Courts of this County commenced their sessions for the April term on Monday last. Hon. 11. Graham and lion. Hugh Stuart on were present at the opening of the Cout Judge Cockli n taking his scat on Wcdnesda The first day of the term was occupied swearing in 'Constables and receiving their returns, and passing upon the numerous ap plications for license for Hotels and Lager Beer Saloons. The applicants were all suc cessful, except Thomas J. White, Garber, Davis, Kennedy and Mrs. Fry. On Monday afternoon the list of causes in the Common Pleas was taken up. The first case tried John Swisher vs. Henry F. Geyer and S. C. Bowman. This was a feigned is sue to try the validity of a judgment entered in ftivor of the Plaintiff. Verdict for Plain tiff. Sharp for Plaintiff. Miller and Rit nor for deft. William Smith vs. Peter F. Ego. This was an action on the ease to recover dama ges for malicious prosecution. Cur ; readers will remember the murder of an old German, connected with circumstances of an unusu ally horrid character, which occurred three or four years since in the vicinity of Boiling Springs. Smith the plaintiff in his suit with one of his eons was arrested, on the infor mation of Mr. Ego. The Smiths wore taken before Squire Sponsler and after a hearing were discharged. Shortly afterwards they instituted this suit against Mr. Ego for the arrest. It appeared in evidence that Mr. Ego who was WWI acquainted with the mur dered man, immediately after tho murder employtd, two detectives of this Borough to go .to Boiling Springs and ferret out if pos sible the gdilty parties. They ascertained that there was a wide spread suspicion in the neigbhorhood that this Smith family wore the murderers. They also obtained the in formation that one of the Smiths had con fessed that ho had done the deed. A knife belonging to the mujdored man , was also found in the cal in...a the Smiths. Under these circumatances,Bquire Ego, aftqr con suiting compel made, the informatkin • on which the Smiths were arrested. 311 charg ing the' Jury the Court remarked that from the. oireumstanees it was their opinion that gr. Ego's action in the matter was entirely commendable and that the plaintiff had fail ed to show-. that the prosecution was com menced through malice or without probable cause. Verdict for the defendant. Shearer for Plaintiff, Smith, Mill•r and Hepburn for deft. Court Week is no anxious one to many rsons, but if the people could buy all their y Goods, Carpets and House Furnishing Goods, from W. C. SAWYER & Co., they would have great peace of mind for W. C. Sawyer & Co., have the largest, cheapest and best Selected Stork of Dry Goods, in Car lisle. Go and See for yourselves. ti•ruit E I\. 1 , ,E1 '1.1115.--Why go to Phila for corn• Groceries & Queunswnre, 'leas Spices, 'Foluieco, whet) you can buy nil flies( and much wory ill small quaniii,ic:i boil, quality or \VIII. Blair & Son, Saud End, Carli , le l'a. oal Sold lowor than last month at ). 16, 1so; Havelstiek has jttst, received a large and i'vc,ll w—ortment, of all varietix, of gar dtql of ('o Li :it —Las b. 16, Hrd; \'.otice Lc nrri~'rtl at Doluney & 111:tir's ri:r Doluncy & Shrum. ItuL :It )I...smith & Gr.t...ry, :it, Kronmrs I hum , full, rq ,tor \\ Thor , nll ordpr. Itft %\ ill lw promptly ntt,•l lIAS ANYBODY RIIEUMATISM ), Et ..11 4 1S1 , :, you niay depend on it, th.,t 1 1 , , •111.1111.1.112: 11111111 1 1) will yirld In notltinl: hint Itatluny's The Rend. Ilclint n , q, Ilk Inajc ; and only upon sprail,:tn , ll , in,,, rut , . ,111111111 1 . 111 - 11,, 1 111 , 111 , . 11114 1 , 111 111 1110 ,i/1:11•.1,1 - 1. 131 1111131111101 t3/13 ilnmunt ItAve p,+itivqly n it Lei ;.;inc the in a tew miautrc n= 10 1111110' 111111 Llll l lll nut ailh j0)„.‘,1 qua, l.oplly :I, 111 1 11111 511113%131 111t11 1,111 11 1111. 1 .1 1 LIM: I I) , i., IL i • hr 1.1 tr (ht• Irtl li v I h.. 1011.1t1 , 111 SI•0111, t „ 1.„911 , t ,It 11 , 1 , i,1110 IL 111 , 1,11111 i! 111“Cl.,ut their p... 1•1 It teen. , 1.. r lo.nueto, 'OOl Ih,•. It tutu inure 111:111 ,•r, r:10k111.4 )"Ur 11111•• :111.1 11111'1,4 Ir. 111 y,nL It ;1g it tuld .1.11 1 0. :ill 1. I, .Inrine.lll ,It tempt t , . 1. le - v7ith IL littt it is n , d S. till,. pi) I'ld,cli lie 1 , 1. lieli.•l The .....I 11 0 0 , 1 ' , LA.... Iv .01. lit . pt.. .. lit 1,1.1 ).otrjtdnt+,tnurele i. . ntsl Ilth. flu retire... 1 , 01 .. leap. l t.O led it ../ 101 ..1 rue...) .1.11.111,11 1 lul -11. 1 I 111 It ale 1 , 11 11 , 1 •1111 , 1i`i. 111 it I.pll Lll ne.tin 001 1 , 11 t1....1, 11. t,, , n 11 .•11,11..11 11. n.ty Itellet, mut ),•11 .11) . I , l.tio`t 11,11 Ili'. .01 1 t•11I'.11 1,1 . 111 q .1 heat 111101 )..0 r\,! \ 111:1 le yi.tir Ille i .1.1 llt u;;,. It i s 11 ~ f 11.•.1.1. It, 1... r ill It noon n ill LI, sun. ut Len d 1.. r I ..11i• 1.11 1.l wl. 1.. r Ihat nud )i'll Lite.. to In It l uith 'll COS . 11 , ) Iny other pinintt ,, . 11e...1 the 11.1 1.1, 111 I Ilibl by thel.lll,em c,orro.p.a.phalt th. Nun h 1,11.1,1 (111111,,10n \let -I ry e ko. NV3I. I)N EV \ I Livana, Cuba. : ENTI.EMIN 1 hare been a sullerel flout Acute Chronic Itheutnati•in to the last tutinty earl. of ul lif.• , that poi iod. astir tnll g TIM pi•I1 I lade little fortune on doeter.d Lilly, xvitliout dl lillllf R11•1111tlY I Intl one one 01 iny frequent peri odical attaelr. I sill , col y ill 1111 n week•aud h:1•1 11.4 shpt an Inutr at any out. time. A St.:lnd-It friend, to silent I telated III!, 'OOlOl 111 111. 11.14/ n 111111 e Isle r. 11. I, and he Lin Hy poi, int ...1 rue It tillhottleoi \ A A'S lid Al 11 It Itoniilt ,t 1 el 1 , 4 alai ailvautt,.• font it, ti.e, 1 that applied it trinly 1111 goini, to lied, and, areat intoutallinent. L Lilt :dept :enmity. The 11,1. 111,11 It the liendi heliel, and nxuke iu the 111.0 Uhl,: her irunt pain, har ing only about hall the botile. Ilvarttly do I rain it you lily Ittundle in•loeor meld-- ler )our I oval 11,1114. wedieinr, Ilhi,h ntay a ell 1,1 vallial 111a11: 1 ' ` Thanking 3 I/11. il,ll 1ay1.141 fur yonr .11.11.0 Cul 1 1111'11N. 11.1 1. 11 , 1,1,1 11l .•my 'III, 11 5111 HUH, T )N ESS I (1N S .1N I ) I tz ENCE OF AN INN .11,1 U Ittr thr Itttnttlit :Intl' a. :t E.ll - 1 . 111% Tt/ t,UNII NI EN and sulTot flittn Nl.l vow, Ertttnature llt•t•ty ttl Nl:tithot•tl. St , .'ttultiti, :It Hitt S:11110 tillll. TIII• . %11 SI I P- I ' , RI. ily ua t 11,d hlni•olLittct undrr t .1114 , 1.r1,.11e Ity II pt—tittiltl tttltltt,setl env, I ttiott. sitt,ltt t•oitit:. roilttliat,,.. tntty hit Illttlt I 1110 .111 I.ltttr. Ft.]. , kv Il isl; I•;liN ins,Etts ',you ts tit II • I )1, , n 1 , 11, .' uu, 11,- ( - ,ttlittllltt , l will FM , ' 1110111 t , Ny On the ittett t. re Hill, or hail 0111,1,1 heads, iit : 4 1s NVettlo., I ril 1- I , , itt I,y maul insultero, rt tit rocttipt or privylllllll „ NN lilt ,f 1 1 ,1., 11,, N. V. 'li , 11 :11, 1,113--Iv. rirllE worst diseases .known to the hu uutu rare sprint from riIIISOR SO Sill/111 as to nhuo,.L 1.1,1) 1,11. The vi.helwe of ,okiltilic lore that till the tables awl shekek of the nnialeal fraternity only pti b. prove and elalseate the, It tn. Then tuned yourselves while veu may. The small est pimple 1111 the skin is a all tutu and indicator of disease. It may fade and dlo away from the surface of the body, but It will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final dove. Ms.mist's 1111-101's, IfY.ipsi , rit . nd \BRIJ PILLS curt where all others full. N bile for Burns, :. , ralds. Chilblains. Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, M Psi VI: is Sold by J. NI ve,ii 1., .13 Fulton sat ret, Ness York, and all In trggisfs at2l. otits to r box. ,Intl. Ishfi.--13 (;.B.EAT RE 111.0.11 INDIAN Pain Killer.—For the quick ileadache, Toothache, Rheumatism, Neu ialgia, Pain In the Stomach. Back or Side, Painter's Cholle, CElllllll, Frosted Feet or Sart+, Burns, Fresh Cuts Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhea, Sore Throat, and all shit' lar complaints. Toothache relieved in eight minutes Eat aehe relieved in ten minutes. Burns relieved from smarting in Moen film Cramp or (Indic cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved In to rut). minutes.— Sore Throat religy,r,d,in'rldrty minutes. I have spent years in selecting tho herbs from Om vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adapted to cult diseases of the human family, and TIOW I have It complete. Every Bottle Warranted. 'Fry it! Try it Thonn thin g s tin prove on the spot, and before, your eyes, only bring your cases. Dr. COLLINS has also fin vale hit Syrup of Roots \M:B AND 'IEIII3S, 2000 2080 ^0 R 1 2000 201(0 1000 1000 Zptetal NCltiCe.c)" , 1. 11. 11t..\111' , , yltnl »1•: BUI:NFAIS ATFENTifiN.—Price x. 11. 111.,k1ic . ,, Coal Yard -Nu n.ure orders for Coal w DELANCY & SI11:011 =I %IL I I N. I, Special Notice I,RE.II' 11.1. KS Fi;om Au(iitNs (nzt,%% The Long Looked For Has Come DR. COLLINS' nine, 11)0 Wash sod I'o,hatialt 'iii e. This Syrup curer, UotoAlls, Colds, Sore 'lhroat, Croup, Monchitis, Asthma, :tint all similar eomplaints. Also purifies the blood, The Salve heals Sores or Ilrealtings Out in the Face, draws fire from Burns; warranted to cure Bealed or Sore Breasts, The Bye Wash cures Sore or Inflamed Eyes, &e. Dr. Collins Viaivy Ilerb For the cure of Sick or Nervous Headache, Female 1r regularities, Dropsy, liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Dix eases of the Kidneys, lover and Ague, Sze. Dr. COLLINS Call be consulted at his 01lice, on Dis 01ltiOS of various kinds. ' • • These Medicines nee prepared and sold by. SAMUIII. CQUANS, Indian Medicine Mau, 71 Market street, Harrisburg. Also, for sale at 11. AV ERSTICK'S Drug and Book Stun' Carlisle. Ail orders should be addressed to Dr. S Collins, Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. Juno lU, 11161 i. lIALL' , S II VEGETABLE IWIUI boo proved Itoulf to be the moat perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public. It Is a vegetable compound, anti contains no Injuri ous proportion whatever. IT WILL RESTORE RAY lIAI wro ITS ORIUINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleaners tho scaly told makes the hair soft, lus• irons and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. Ndperson,old or young, should fall to use it. IT IS , RECOMM ENDED AND USED BY THE NAST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. AQ-Ask for Hail's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and take no other. H. P. HALL fe CO. - Nashua, N. H. Proprietors For Salo by all drugglata Nov. 3, 1803-1301. hlssansm,'6. Catarrh lima, a surd cure for that bothersome disease, Catarrh. .1a13.12, 1866-Iy. WE call attention to the advertisement of Oscar 0 Mooed & Co., headed '`LIFE-11EALTFI-STRENGTIT.' Jan. 12, 1860-Iy. BRYAN'S PULISONIO WAMRS, the great aiugh Remedy an sold by all Druggist. See Advertisement: Jan. 12, .1800-Iy. .. .. SFr, advort!somo'nt of Sir Jil l .teii Olar4o's 00191)ratod 'Poufsla Pills. ' . •,- Jan. 12 , 1866 -1 y :. •: -•,...,, ~ • .• ~ Markets. CARLISLE PRI:a/UCH. MARKET Carlisle, April 12, 1806. . 6 50 7 50 ....... ...... ....3 75 2 35 ............. ........ 2 25 FLOUR tSuportino) do. (Extra.).... do RYE WHITE WHEAT.. RED do RY...... CORN OATS CLOT ERS EEC.. TIMOTII YS E ED UCE MARKET April 12, 1111111. GENERAL PRO y b Wm. Brntz (, , reefed Weehl. EIMIMEM BIPI"PHIt E4BIS, LA RD, T A 11,(1W, SOAP, BEESW A X, BACON II ANIS InEMMMM 15 l' All 1.1 D PEACHES, 25 11 UN PA It ED PEACHES 18 12 DR IED A PILES, 300 35 It AC'S, 5 20 ry.rrEits REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the I'ost. *lire at Carlisle. State of Pennsyl vania, lie 1:;tli day of April. 18;;. Published by official authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. I . lr-S . ),„To obtain any or these letters, the applicant must call for 1 aderrtieed letters," give the date or the 114 and pay two cents for advertising. If not called for within one month, they all be sent to the Dead Letter Oilier. GEO. ZINN, P.M. Anghor Elizabeth Murray “oorgo 1/111.1jr .111.111,S Mallon cad/ammo Itroomnl It K Snit wdo.n.,Al ray Brindle A Know Mar t l'Arter harry Shamhaug' eallie A Uleprer Sarah tiholly .Mary Da\ James :-ihouldizo Fillkinbinder Adam Simons Serg,t Jas GI., en Thi , lllaS Shoophert II Gallagher ,)carer-. (' Greet S C Shi , ,lor Philip G;Ltreal Ilenry Snyder Charles Hood 11• G Sherman Rob Ilehl Peter 'l'hompson Robert Hoover 1) 'fate Tilitha Haycock Sergi, NV Thoma, Diana Kenny Chas bks Walker Peter R lain (' Wagner - Mary Kincade Sally Wom , 1)r (4eo Limkev John Wrthins I) Lucas Swan \Va, , hain Henry :11ullin , Sergi .1 Ziegler do,:oph V 1 'l' E N (I'l' I E.- 4 t.•ls mtlhi e , tate nr I , , , ther lianon. late.t...uniit Ohio. li lito.n is by the itelzh.t, lo thv in l'onio.l.toottzli, op . hind All p.o %, ill Oese`lit 01 , 111,30 d those 1110 H t•.l ,+ill MAO 1 , 1111, t 11 til To the School Directors of Cumber- land County. : In pursuance of the t) ll,ird S..ctirin r 4t.h 3h,y, 5 notified to meet In c. oyention, at the. Con!! 11 .I,c, iut al iich•, on the lint Tuesday in tiny, A I/ 1111• first da) of the month, at 1. 0 'clot I: the Pa enoon. and i-e l ect„ i by II 11111- j IA V 1.1 Stoicnumber direr tics present, ono literary and ~ r iontilir• t inireinetits, tout of it0.11,pci0.i.... in the all ..1 teachin,i, as county intendent. toi the Hitt c tears; de nenuni: then c•uuL of mp 1,31.1011 the Sulfite : tit OW I stilt tic the St.ILL, Superintendent, at 11,11 by the thu ninth 111111 h •••. 11 • ,1111 .1 I. kili I I Nowville Stonowaro Works THE subscriber is now prepared to do lir •r INleratant, the largest assortment of It..okintthatu re. ,Cce.,ever offered in Cum I Ale} . Ills SLR, It consist, in part of ,\; 7 . X E Ir.l lt E , 1:11 Al I i'i „ L.. Spit hlch. Fruit 11( )CK [NG II AM. S. YELL()IV, . pill~~~•nn, Pie Plates, I . :I uit aski Patent Ft ult Jars. `'non• )\ at, Fountains Cll. \Vater II, • , I In nish,..l when oracr..d. I man untvt urin,, quality of wares and ..ald drli rompt•titi.,ti Price listB .1. IR\ INK, 1.;,, C. Gi eat Rush for Spring ,Goods. "r ("II" rp h: subscriber having taken the Store .".,pio,l by \V M. A. NI I I..Et t 0v‘t..1.,0r t 4. thl. loot tifiloo, lot lido Po . ron offer to tbo 1%0 lip' 0 Now .11,1 a te It , upply or la' I; (I n 1) S (% , 1 , •1 , 11i • hi I,lli IV =MEE it :,11 and will 1,..5,1E1 atikt .11 . fy til itishing Goods of all Silk, Linen and &c. Al.t. a Splendid A , s,rtment of ll I 1111.1 NS. LACE, A.r. oof , A bite (loads Om) be surpassed. nod Cu.tioners may rely upon always getting (MUD (D)tiDS at the prices. tiontlemen w ill find it to their advantage to call nod examine my stock of ItOT 116, ( 'A ES AND V EST IN( iS, I= of a u an I St) Ira. All the 11..0ds N. ill Le display cal to t h e iti/.ms of this place and vicinity on Satutday, Ain il 7th, and An ara cordially inVitod tb porch:is, as my nn.ts., sales and Small profits. April 13, 1566. The noted "Dry Good" Store in South Hanover St reel rilnE most attq.ctive place in Carlisle in It A. W. Bend's great, " MERCANTILE EMPORIUM" ro eau he pureha,ml the Leat, handsomest, and heapest goods In the Count, y. We have just replen -I,ln•d as able!: it WI a large ins oleo of tho uhoMest goods in the Mail:et, and Will retain.: to renew the supply . or appaa,sity require, It could he insfVes . ll.l.• entnnotale all (he as titles in one estellaiVe line of business, We Lave now a tine assortment of Ladies Spring Drv>s (rota. PoPLIN: 4 PLAIN AND PLAID, ('II A LLI l OE BEATIFUL PATTERNS ti'., pßivrt , . AND ALL KINDS DONI ESL IC GOODS. A variery tit (len tleman and Boys wear. Ali ,eXten- Situ stock of, TABLE, STAIR AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, OIL SHADES. Blind Mates iaL, and Carpet Chains. '• Hopkins" Superior Shirts all lengths and widths. We shall he happy to have all roll toil examine our " new stork," so we furl confident that our selection St ill please all tastes. .. • Carlisle, Aprll llth THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated, 1850, petual CASH ASSETS, $2,000,000 JAMES O.WALELEY, Prusidont. Policies Issued on all Popular Plans A_ FE PLW REASONS WHY PEO- E Insure in the Charter Oak. Ist. All hauling privileges are prohibited, the busi ness being confined exclusively to the insurance of lives. 2d.—lts Risks are selected with great care, thus In eurlng small losses, and emisen nest ly large dividends ace, no to Policy holders.— See Miles. Insurance Reports last six years. 3rd.—lto Ratio of Expenditures, including Death Claims and Working Expenses, to Receipts, are unpre cedentedly low.—Same Reports. dth.—All the profits are divided among Policy hold ers the original capital being limited by Charter to eight per cent dividends, no more than it earns for the Company at interest. declares and pays its Dividends annually in Coat, thus assisting the insured in the payelont of premiums. Oth.—lts busimiss is distributed over more than twenty Northern States, making It impossible tomuch reduce Its large surplus, sot apart for Contingencies, even In the event of a scourge of Cholera. Is prompt in the payment of losses, having paid to Widows and Orphans nearly ONE MILLION DOLLARS, and has near litigated a claim. Bth —Thu lean of wealth insures as an investment. Mb.— Men of small means insure to guard their fam ilies against want. 100.1.—The man of business insure to provide against, possible less in trade a life Policy, being a basin-for capital. hike-Persons In debt Insure that their earnings for years of toll may not be sacrificed at death from want of ready cash to cancel liabilities. 12tIL—All insure, as modoy thuillaid away by Mlles Is sure to come. buck largely -increased to their fami lies, death tieing main to occur. Dr. S. B, KIEFFER, al. D.; Medical Examiner. •J. D. ADAIR, Agent Oarlisle,Ta. E. 11. BLAIR, State Agent, for Eastern Pa. • xar- Wilco Dusbong's New Building o North Sixth Street, Reading, Pa. • Persons desirous of insurance will please apply to the agent. -For Information relative to agencies lad dress the State Agent. April 13, 1868• • rinolopi T08.A.00% . , AT RALSTON'S. 20 4 00 3 26 IS.l.\(' LA11:11...11, .Itlntini:trahor Il ritt; StI'AILTZ, t•fl'uutike, hind 1.0 MEM 1,A177;5. CA LICOES, IE3E= Charter Per-