Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 13, 1866, Image 1

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For Mo• cautilo Advertisements,
Legal Notices
Profesqional (lards without paper,
Obituary No ti. os an Coin ninnies
tlon3 rol ring lo rnattin sof pri
vate interests :done, It) cents per
1013 PlLr:s,'"Cllil/.—Our Job Printing Office la the
r4eSt and most complete establishment in the
loon y. Four good Presses, slid a gonoral variety of
material suited for plain and Fancy work of every
%Ind, onsbles us to do Job Printing at the shortest
notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons
in rant. of Bills, Blanks, or anything in the Jobbing
will rind It to their interest to give us a call.
A , w
pherdston:WeA Virginia.
/.16-Prompt attention given to all hu,in”; r s jeffer.
t.” 11 County and the Count', zoljoining
.11nuary 111, 18611.-1 y.
T S A 1)1,1A; , A ttorney at,4 Law,
V • carnsioPn. OM, in Voluntner
Smith II .un er Street,.
L II mot AN, Attorney at Law,
Pa. Next dont. tho IlernlLl Ofllee.
July 11,1864-Iy.
TAmEs A. DUNBA R, Attorney at
imw, Carlisle, Pa. Office on the south ,ide of the
C, , urt House, adjoining the American Printing Naito."
I 14; PI I II'PNI R, .Ir., Attorney at
ty Law nthltlatriLyfir, Merhani,Jira. Pa. Utllrr , l/
Rail Rand Slrel•t Lwp 'floors earth of tin Bank.
Ly.llw.ine, ntLenll,l La.
July 1. 1411
I C UIIAH.A , fil I,efir,
ro. 01114, fi , rtnerly o..• 111.1,1 he .111,1 , ze
I rAllatn, rmiLL I lanorer st reet.
Hrptuwhi•r 8, 181;5
P. HIJMERICH, Attorney at Law
°Moo vein street, 1,. Marion three
the First Netionel Beek. It busluGre
entrusted to him will be promptly attended to.
July 1, PM!.
/ 1 E. 13E1,17H00A' ER, Attorney
at Law (Mike in Smith Hanover sti pot, opposito
do goon store Carlisle, l'a.
Septinnbi, 9, 1864.
. \ 1 LEY, Att oilley at Law,
Qi • m 14., ,)” Itttunver >li out. :I.ljoittitte' the
nlllre ef.luthte it :that, AII prrdete.ittnal
ti ipte d t has ttteil , l,l to.
AM E EL III; • HMI N, .Ir., Att irriwy
k_jelt L,iw. 1)111,, with 11,1) Ilephttrn, )litin
Oarlisle l'n,
I A\V ('..A RI). ---(11 AR LES E. A-
Att.irniiy at Lao', MTh, in I nboll'h
building, just npi.nsiii- the Market
July I.
Surgeun and ..Ircrattlimir
IFFICE at his residence, in Pitt
street, adjoining Mr Thdloali,t Chinch
- .ink' 1, 1864.
y (i Eoitu E S. SE A
, t • nu; irr. Deutist. froth tilt , Balti
urn Detttal urgi, y.
t.l)__llfliee at the r. side, e of Lim ue.tlier, Eau
lAuther street, tlil or
July 1,
GE( 1. Nl' N )1 1). D. S.-
1. to Denspustrator I , l,stative I , ,utistry oithe
Pal Limon, College of
li tel .. 4 uwsfy.
Of 11,••• at his ri.sitleueu
.`ll "''it" "“fir.llnll. We ., t Main st trot, eat Ibte,
.luly t,
Dr. I. U. LOOM
Mow South st
.Inly 1, 1864.
Z. BRETZ, M. I);
pi t 'DENT '
ST : D. D. re,p,twily ,ffelF
his profee,itnal set, ices to the i alum , ”I" Carlisle awl
its vicinity. Nike North Pitt ,treet.
Carlisle, January 5, •
Rev. 'l'. Daugherty, President
/•(1R B().1 R/1/.\7; .c /).1 3' s(7/()/,. Rs.
rrHIS Seminary which includes the
school lately node, luterinnrge of Miss. Mary lilt
leo , e 11 1 1.1 , 1 pon tinder tlo` dirert i oucif Roo. T. Daugll.
1 rty, ith a full roi pa ot aide lush iii • tors,
St. 34 to girl' It. at I Introit li ••.lucatiiiii in
and i ..lllltier lit the rl t ettell 311.1 Ul, -
1/1311 in hl 1 . 311J1111g. null "the, ,Ita-
F, arts 1,. -h. tl lainil3
01 Ow
A 1,1 ittlal, dcpartnwlll the younger .t•hl dal • still
1,0 had in g..ddleoti , dl eith the department
'rho SI,SiIIII 011
in the foul elegant M1.011'0,114
pow and attaiihnd tii
teirans ripply to tho P., 101,111
Pi, I stir,
M RS. R. A. 5101 ITIPS
Photographs , Ambrotypes, lvorytypes
Beautiful Albums ! Beautiful Frames !
Albums fir I a lies and (itmtloinen.
Albums fur Mlsgos, and for Children.
Pocket Album:. fur :,:oldlen , and CP:dial,'
Proltic , t l'hoapest
1 , 11,d1 and \eW lion. l'pric ,nd
k F you want satisfactory L'ictures and
polite attention call at Mrs. It. A. Smith's Photo
graphic Gallery, South East Corner of Hanover Street
and Market Square, opposite the Court Ilouse and Post
Oilier, Carlisle, Pa.
Mrs It. A. Smith Well known as Mts. it A. Reynolds,
end so well known as a haguerrean Artist, elves per
sonal attention to Ladies and Gentlemen isiting her
Gallery, and having the hest of Artists and polite at
tendants Call safely prosaice that in no other Gallery
can those who favor her with a call get pictures !Alpe
tMr to hers, not ..von in New York or Philadelphia, or
Meer with mare kind linil prompt attention.
. A tobrotypes inserted in Rings, Lockets, Breast Pins,
IC:e. Perfect eopies of Ihnmerrotypes and Ambrotypes
made of deceased friends. Where copies am defaced,
pleturestaray still he had, either for homes or
Mr cards. All mrgatives preserved ‘one year and orders
by mall or otherwisepromptly attended to,
December 2:1, 1861—tf
Porcelain Picture or
Tins beautiful Picture is now wade at
Lochman Gallery, In Dr. Neff's Building, oppo
site the First National Bank, with such perfection and
style, tone and finish that it cannot help but please
every one, The percelain imparts a most clear and
charming complexion to the picture.
All other styles of
of all sizes,
are made in the moot perfect manner. A large vane
ty of. Frames and Passapartouts, Citoea, Albums ar
on hand and will be sold cheap.
. .
Copying done in the best manner. The public IW-re
spectfully invited to examine specimens.
The First premium has boon awarded by late county
Fair to C. L. Lochmnn, for
The Best Photographs
Yoh. D, 1066
dersigned having made an excursion to the East
ern Cities, to lay in a stock of manufactured articles,
and material for the manufacture of all kinds of ware
kept in a first class Stove, Tin and Sheet-iron estab
lishment, aro prepared to prove to the citizens of Car
lisle and vicinity, that they are determined to sell
goods at prices which defy competition. Their stock of
is the hest that Philadelphia and Now York can pro
duce. Their stock of stoves consists in part of the fol
lowing named
Cook's Governor Penn,
Prairie Flower
and the Barley Sheaf,
witivall varieties of Parlor,'
Bedroom and Office Beeves,
of the neatest pattern, and best quality. The Gover
nor Penn, which they guarantee to give entire setts.
fiction In every respect, with capacity* to prepare the
cocked or baked fare of any family with less consump
tion of fuel than any other stove, they will warrant
for six months. They manufacture Zimmerman's
Steam Cook Kettle, in which all kinds of vegetables
can be Cooked at the same time, without the one fla
voring the other. Best of references given. They
have purchased for cash, and therefore have the prices
of their goods reduced to a very low figure, feeling
confident that "largo sales and small profits,' is the
beat policy. They call attention to their large stock of
Tin, Sheet-iron,and
momsting of Dockets, Bacons, Wash-boilers. Wash
" (HELIOS Lard Cane, ()Oat Scuttles, ac., &c., guaranteeing
to all who may purchase of them a saving of at least
out of every ton expended. Heaters; Kitchen Ranges
and Furnaces sot in on short notice. floating and
Spouting done in the best manner and on reasonable
torms. Old stoves taken in exchange for new onos.
(live us a call. North Hanover atreet, between Wet
sera and Thudluno's Hotels,
Thankfullor the patronage heretofore so liberally bo
atoweid upon them, they solicit as, continuance of the
rob. O, Hidd—.3m
-1;00R`!; Tans, Writing Desks, Balt
Ilvintnen Boards, Games of all deti&lptionitt
vre ioico Drug; rikA o 7 and Book BtOre•
81 00
25 00
VOL. 65.
A. K. P.HEEM, Publisher,
Itottt.r than grandeur, hotter than gold,
Than rank 1.111 titlen n thousand f“bi,
1, a lamitliy 111)111, a mind Ilt
And simple plen,urt, that alutrys
A ht1a1•1 that Call foul for another's nor
And that , ~ith n genial
IVith sympathies large enough to enfold
All 111011 as hrothers, is better Hun gold.
not ler than hold is a onsvionvi. r liar,
Though toiling for Iron! in on 11111111.1,.. , pher0
Doubly Hest Axillt t . . , 111,11 ttll , lll,llth,
Untriod hr tho lust of varva or wraith:
Lowly lining and lit V thought
Adorn and 4.11111,1.11• a poor man's rot,
Fol mind 1111 , t moral , . in nature', plan
Are 1110 ;rennin° 14,1 0I - n Ire ulh nia n.
on, .•,
S.lll , of toil MP, their
Brtl than gold ix tho poor 1111111'h HIPOII
Aral tho halm hurl drops on 11i4 slonthors drop
Itring hlooping draughts to the downy hod
lasury pillnon his arliing bond
siniplo ~piato Inlior dooms
A ' , holler road to tho land of droan,
110 Ina 11Ian p.nltl is a Illinlcing
Thal in tla , realm of an fin.]
A trimsilta , sni T a,ing Al,tralian ora,
A Int lime with Ilio g rant and ;m all of c al
The sa g a', Jai d rind pnr,i lay.
cnipira passed away.
Tina g rialt m ill Ilins
.k Id a pl , anairf• tl, than g,.1.1
13011,11. n , gOlll 1, 111n,1•1 1 11111,111, , ,
Thi• ~ 1 111111 11111111,1,11 tll
Ilall, , wra I,y Inollior 111.,,ister IQ 3, ill.,
111 n 1 r. 1111 Inunbll.'lhll Llnur 1.1,1 y lir,
Or ti jet] H, kip -t.11,,N. 1,3 1111,1 11, 11111,11
Th.. thal ne‘ct Wel, 1./MOOis
Anti taattrr (tern, ht . iii'l than gttltl
" l'aptain Ititson, allow tile to introduen
to you \I r. Pennant, pair now purser. Alt.
Pennant, pray take a chair, It -bile I liavea
little talk on business with Captain Hitson.' ,
- )lr.,,likizzard, of the firm of David and
Blizzard, 7'2 Limell,ll4l , Street, Liverpool,
continued:— -
"Captain Ititsom we 55;knt t make this
first trip of the Shooting Star an auspicious
trip; we want to have our vessel tho first
into Quebec this year. We save the dues;
for they alwnys return the dues to the first
vessel that arrives from England but it is
not so much for the sake of the value of the
dues as t h e, malt of the thing. Our trade
with Canada is large, and we want to get
our name up. We do not, of uoUrse, Want
you to run Imny danger. No, that is by no
means the wish of the firm : but we wish
pat b) the 'Co, rile in i'ii the very
fir-t (Iwning. I",n kill art (,fl . Labrador
jm-t in time the fil' e 't b, have thawed,
awl, with cart', flier() !load bo n.. risk
whatever "
Blizzard said all this leaning against
his railed desk and nestled in among the
files of invoices and Lill, of lading. Ilit
was a hearty, fresh-colored, portly Marl,
very neat in his dress, and remarkable fur a
white waiscoat, that seemed as hard and
stainless 115 erl/111101. lie played with his
watch-chain its he spoke, and i ty e d the (',p
lain, the purser, and the first mate, who sat
iii 1111 uncomfortable Half-circle. With his
well polished bouts planted on the 1111111tiva
-I,lc roc l: of a large capital, Mr. Blizzard
seemed to boldly seaward metaphori
cally, and consider wrecks and such casual
tie, a , mere \Yell -devised (lotions.
with a broad acreage of chest, Hear
gray e 3 es, and large, red hands.--a t,turdy,
honest, self-reliant, wan, without a fear in
the world. The mate, Mr. Cardew, by no
means so pleasant to look on, being a little,
spare, thin-legged, cadaverous person, with
yelh , wish oyes, sat in sullen subser‘dency tin
the very edge of his chair just behind the
captain. The purser, a brisk, cheery, stout
young fellow, sat deprecatingly (as if he
thought he ought, t' stand) a trifle farther
back still.
" Right it is, Mister Blizzard, - said the
captain, buttoning his pilot-coat across his
chest as if preparing for an immediate gale,
and about to order everything to be but
toned down. "Eight it is, and a better
vessel than the Shooting Star I don't hope
to see. She's sound, Mr. Blizzard, 1 do
believe, from main truck to keel,—sound, if
1 may use the o)Cpression, as a pious nan's
conscience. The only thing that waxes me,
howsemever, is that, having boon sent for ,
to my native place, down Allonby way,
on very sad business" (hero the captain held
up sorrowfully an enormous hat covered
with black crepe,) " I couldn't see to the
I landing of this ere vessel as 1 generally
likes to do with vessels 1 am eal t ied upon
.to command."
taro Ritson," said Mr. Blizzard, pouring
out three glasses of sherry all in is row
from a decanter on au inky mantel-piece near
him. " I have been away at Manchester,
and my partner, Mr. David, has been very
ill with a touch of pleurisy, but our first
mate here, Mr. Cardow, has semi to it all."
The mate nodded assent.
" And the cargo is—? "
"Agricultural implements, machinery,
and cloth goods."
Mr. Blizzard referred to a ledger for this
information, as lie spoke, as if ho scarcely
know, in his multiplicity of business, wheth
er the Shooting Star might not be laden
with frankincense, pearls, golddust, and
poll-parrots,—but he would see.
Having ascertained the fact, 1111.. Blizzard
carefully replaced the ledger, and, turning
his backkm his company, poked the fire,
and con Med a large sheet almanac over
the mantle-piece, as a sign the interview
was over.
" We sail to-morrow morning, Sunday,"
said Captain Ritson, who was a Wesleyan,
to the parser, as they loft the office of Mum's.
David and. Blizzard ; " I likes to. hoar ; the.
blessed Sabbath bells calling to ono another as
I go out of the Mersey, and the men like it ;
and, what's more, it's lucky. It's RIM the
land taking leave of us, as I always say,
giving .a sort of blessing on the shipi at
least, I'm a, plain. num, and that's how I
' It's tbe-day -I nlways - starts Sun
:41ti'y is." ' „ .
Tho purser oxp res se d a ttis hope that he should
f3lAccetid in doing his - duty, and pleasitig
etiptain and all his omployers. •
} A : 4kirv/
r i L
Ci k\
rr-, '
C ''.---.__
s 3 JtJl il:+
Ititsiin was a big North-coiiiitry
"That is of ho consequenco at all, Cap-
uO, you'll do, younT man, I can see ;
don't you be afraid. Won't be, Mr. Car
dew? Clear, straightforward eyes, and all
Mr. Cardow thought ho would do, but ho
did not look on the purser at all. His mind
was running on very different things.
Joe," said the purser's wife, when Pen
nant returned to his little cottage at I3irken
head, and announced his new appointment,
" I don't know how it is, but I've got a
strong presentiment, and! wish you wouldn't
go in this ship. I never did like ships with
those sort of names. The best run you ever
had was in the .1 ano Parker, and the worst
one in the Morning Stnr. Stick to the
plain names. Ile.sides, it's too early in the
season. Now, do oblige me, ,Joe, and give it
up. Stay for a fortniv,ht later ; get an Aus
tralian ship. It's too early for Canada. It
is indeed. Mrs. Thompson says so."
Jenny, my love, you're a silly little
women. A pretty sailor's wife you make.
Come, pack up my kit, for I going, that
is the long and short of it. Nonsense about
sentiments. And whd is Mrs. Thompson,
should like to know ? Who wants her
poking her 1144 , s here? Why did she drive
her husband away with her nagging, and
temper, and botheration Tell her to mind
her own business. Pretty thing, indeed !
Come. dear, no nonsense; pack up my kit."
hint, loe dear, there was your photo
graph b4ll 441' the nail 4411 Tuesday, that
night 1 saw a shooting star fall, close to the
docks, and it wasn't sent for nothing, Don't
go, Joe; don't go."
" (io 1 must, .Jenny' dear, and go I shall,
so don't make it painful, there's a good
little woman. Come, I'll go up Nvith you
now , and kiss George and Lizzy. I won't
wake them; thou we'll go and look Out the
shirts and things fur the chest. Keep a
good heart ; you know I Shall soon be back.
I've got a mire oartain, and smart first mato."
-Why, Cartain Thoinpson, who ever
thougt to have found you here, and only
quartermaster '?” said the purser, as he stood
nt the gangway of the Shooting Star, watch
ing the rre-li provisions brought in. Well,
I bin sorry to seia you so reduced, sir, I em,
indeed. blow, was it?"
quartermaster drew him on one side
with a rueful look. Ile was a purple, jolly,
sottish-looking roan, with swollen features.
"It was the grog, Joe, as did it,—all the
i n fr r n a l ge , og, — lie ,said. "I lost my last
ship, the Red Star, and then everything
went wrong ; but I've struck oil' drinking
now, Joe; I N% asn't lit to have a ship, that's
about it,--lost myself, too, Joe and here
am with my hands in the tar-bucket aga n,
trying to do my dooty in that station of life,
the Catechism used to say."
“:1 tid lo,w (14, you lilac onr captain and
row, l'ennant said undeo his breat
-Captain's as good a man as ever trod in
shoe-'eather,--upripibt man, though he will
have the w,11% .10110, but the crow ain't 'ouch
het Zvi our-elvos. Pour of them first-class,
the rest loafers and skulkers, wanting, to
emigrate, picked up on the quays, half
thieves, half deserter., not worth their salt.
They 11 all run when they get to Quebec.—
Tlwn there's the first !mite, he's a nice nig
ger driver, he is, bound for a bad port, I
think. I would n't trust him with a ship,
that's all I c an say, unless it was a pirateship,
that he might get on with ; but he his smooth
enough before the captain --he takes care of
that, —cures him."
Just at that moment there- came a shrill
voice screaming curses from the shore.
'•Look alive you -kulkers, there," it cried
—it Wag , the mate's voice,—"or.d!Fl let you
know. We sha'n't be ready by Tuesday, if
you don't hurry. Nola drop of grog before
the work is done, mind that. I'll have no
infernal grumbling while I'm mate ;
and What are you doing there, quartermas
ter, idling ? Mr. Purser, see at once if the
stores are all in, and hand in the bills to me
to give to Captain Ritson."
The men, rigged, sullen fellows, worked
1 harder, but cursed in ar: underbreath.
moment the captain came on board, the
nude's Manner.entirely altered. He crouch
ed and whispered, and asked for orders, and
spoke to the mon with punctilious quietude.
Cardew had some strange hold over the
captain, its the purser soon discovered,—
some money matters,—some threat, which
he held over Ritson's head, about his fathers
farm in Cumberland,—some power that the
captain dreaded, though he tried to appear
cheerful, trusting, and indifferent. At first
tyrannical to the men, Cardew had now be
gun to conciliate them in every possible way
especially when captain Ritson was not on
The purser was in his cabin, the twentieth
day after the Shooting Star had started.—
llu head down at this accounts, and the
luminous green shade over the lamp throw
a golden light upon rows of figures and the
red lines that divided them. lie was work-
ing silently, honest, zealous fellow that ho
was, when a low tap came at the cabin-door.
He leaped off his sent and opened the door ;
it was old Thompson, the quartermaster,
who shut it Lifter him with a suspicious care.
"Well, Thompson," said the purser look
ing up with an overworked and troubled ex
pression, ' what is it ?'
The quartermaster sat down with a hand
on either knee. 'I tell you what it is, Mr.
Pennant, between you and me, there's mis
chief brewing.'
"Thompson you have been at the rum
again," said the amazed purser, in a re
proachful voice.
"No, Mr. Pennant, I hav n't ; no, I am
as sober as the day I was born. Never you
mind how I learned what I am going to tell
you. There was a time when no one dared
to accuse Jack Thompson of eaves dropping,
without gutting an answer straight betwen
the' oyes,' quidk too ; but'noW Prii'a poor'
rascal no one cares for; only fit to emend
old rope and patch sails, and I can stoop now
.to do things J. should-have boon nobtomil of
once, even if I had'done them, as I did this,
for good,"
There came at this moment a port rap at
the - door, and-Harrison, the ship's boy,thimst
in his
"Woll, what do you want?" said the pur
sar i in hia-sharp, honest-way.
"If you illease;' sir, there's an ieo-fog cam=
ing on;'and Mr. Carlow; says thd mon aro
to 4avq an . Oztra glass orgrog round, as thero
will Nyextra watchoo.? , • •
' , Did Captain Ritson himself givo the
ardor ?"
"No, sir; Mr. Cardew. Captain's been
up all night, and is gone to lie down."
"Tell Mr. Cardow, with my compliments,
that the captain told me yesterday never to
servo out rum without his special orders."
", sir." The boy left.
";slow,.Mr. Quartermaster, let us know
the ivorst. I think—l suspect—it something
about our first mate. This is going to be
an unluckey voyage, I can see. Let us hear
the worst quick, that wo may do something
to stop the leak."
The quartermaster, ft stolid man, of Dutch
temperament, and by no means to be hurried
proceeded as calmly as if ho were spinning a
yarn over the galley tiro. "What I heard
the first mate and the carpenter talk about
only two hours ago was this. The ice'-fag's
come on, and the men (t bad lot in any
weather, all but Davis and two or 'throe
more) are beginning to think, we're running
dangerously near the ice, and that we shall
get nipped• The mate when the captain is
away„ encourages them in this idea, and the
worst of them talk now of forcing the cap
tain to steer more southward, so as to keep
clean• of the ice-packs MT Labrador."
The purser started, and uttered en ex
clamation of surprise and indignation.
"Belay there, Mr. Pennant," said the
quartermaster, forcing his sou'is ester on his
head to express hatred for the mate ; 'that
was only the first entry in their log. Then
they went on to propose sinking the ship,
lashing down the captain and those who
would n't join them, destroying all evidence
and taking to the boats. as soon us there was
a sight of land."
"But what for ?"
"What for? Whv, for this. The first
mate, as ho lot out, hos had the lading of
the vessel. Well, what did he do, with the
help of some scoundrel friend of his, n ship
ping agent but remove two thirds of the
machinery from the cases, unknown to Mr.
Blizzard, and pile them up with old iron,
unknown to the captain ) who was awns• be
cause his father was dying. and now they
want to sink the vessel and then go home
and 9011 the plunder. That's about the size
of it."
"Conic this inoment and tell the captain
of this scoundi el," said the purser leaping
up and locking his desk resolutely.
" Now, avast heaving there, not just yet
Mr. Purser, by your leave: let the thing
ripen n little; let me pick up what 1 can in
the fo'ksal, they don't wind a paw old beast
like mu."
" - What's all this'?" cried a shrill, spiteful
voice, it: the door WIN thru , t violently open.
" Where is this purser fellow'! Who is it
dares to disobey my orders? What do you
mean, purser, by not serving out this rum
No ,kulking here. Th,,,, q ,:0n, g“ on deck,
see all made taut fur the night, and the fu4-
bell rigged, or wo shall be run down in this
cursed fog."
Thompson :dunk out of the cabin.
The pur,er did not llinch; he took his cap
ctly f ro m it s lag. " Mr. Cardew," he
id, " I only obeyed the enptinMs orders,
and I shall continue to do till you take
command of the ve , sel. Ilii : .oing on deck
for a smoke before I turn in. Good night
The unite', oyes became all it itnee blood
shot and pho,plioreseent with a cruel light
"I tell you what it is, Pennant," he said
„ it' 1 was your captain, I'd inaroon you on
an iceberg before you were five hours older,
and I'd let you know fir-d, witl a good bit
of pickled rope, what it was to di,obey our
superior ~tficer.
' thiod night, sir; tiiriiiitelied 'll,ll lice
long. .I.nd perhaps you will allow me to
look up my cabin? Thank you."
With this good-humored defiance the pur
ser ran, laughing and singing, up the cabin
It was Sunday morning, and th Ace-fog ,
had lifted. The vessel had met with mere
pancake ice, loose sheets as thin us tinsel, but
nothing more ; the wind blew intensely cold
as from ice-fields of enormous size, but no
bergs had been seen, aml the captain, judg
ing from the ship's reckoning, hoped still to
make a swift and successful voyage, and to
be the first to reach Quebec that season.
The men were mustered for prayers in the
state cabin. It was a pleasant sight to see
them file in, two and two, so trim, with their
blue shirts turned back from their big brown
necks, their jaunty-knotted black sill: neck
erchiefs and their snowy-white trousers ;
the petty placers in their blue jackets, and
all so decorous and disciplined, as they took
their prescribed seats.
Pleasant, too, it was to se, the hardy cap
tain in that wild and remote sea so calmly
and gravely reading the chapter from the
Bible relating to Paul's voyage, with an un
conscious commanding-officer air. If the
ship-boy dared to cough that stern, grey eye
nailed him to his seat; if the boatswain shuf
fled his feet, there was a reproving pause be
tween the verses; if even the spray broke
over the hatchway, the captain was down
upon it.
The purser was the last to leave the cabin
when the service was over. As he collected
the. Bibles, the captain touched him on the
4 4 I want a word with you, Mr. Pennant,"
ho said, sitting sorrowfully down at the ta
blo with his hand on his telescope, and his
large prayer-book still open before him.
" You aro an honest, faithful fellow, and I
want to ask you a simple question. Have
you seen or heard anything lately that makes
you think the first mate is playing double,
and exciting the men to mutiny? Yes or
no 7" n
"yes, captain."
The captain did not lift his eyes from the
table at this answer, but giving aslight half
disdainful sigh, poured out a glass of, water
and 'drank it, then rose, shook tile purser by
the hand, and.:loOked stead* face.
• " Come up with mb . , Parser, okdeek," he
and ; I:ve wiltsettle this matter at once,
Some ono has boon altering the
s vessel's
course, I feel sure, since the morning. If it
is the mate, I will put him in. irons. If it
cost memy right . arm, I'll keep him in irons.
I'm a fopl::not to have soon it all before: I
was warned about that man in
, Liverpool."
,When— the-captain:stood .upon the - - deck,
the chill; white dee-fog: wne 'Bearing
:down fait len the , phooting; Star.!: It was.
ibenving - down pith a spectratgloera that . van
approuing, sea .known to be . ; op half
Carlisle, Pa., Friday, April 13, 1866.:
blocked with ice peaks. A sabbnth calm
reigned over the vessel. Thn men were ly
ing down by the trim rope coils, some read
ing, some conversing ; not a plank but was
as clean as a pink ; not a bolt-head or brass
but shone as well as anything could shine in
that lurid light. The mate and carpenter
wore sitting near the wheel, looking at the
advancing fog; at the entrance to the fo'k
sal were some men stretched out half asleep.
The captain said not a word, but walked
straight up to the man at the wheel, and
looked at the compass.
" Why, you're steering south, - he said,
quietly, wand I told you nor'-nor'-west an
hour ago." ,
- t‘ I am steering as the first mate told me, —
said the fellow sullenly. ‘. I can't steer a ,
every one wants me. If it was my way, I'd
The first mate, as the man said this. came
up and took the wheel from him insolently,
as if in defiance of the captain.
"Jackson's steering right," be said.
"Right you call it," said the captain
storming. " Fin a plain man, and I like
plain dealing. Mr. Caracw,,l've had enough
of your lying tricks ; let go the wheel, sir,
and g o t o your cabin. Consider yourself
under arrest for mutinous conduct. Purser,
you are witness ; lake this man down."
Cardew still refused to lot go thu wheel.
With As quicknes- of thought the captain
felled him with a blow: in a moment the
k ,•a),al alive, with ,11 , atting and I..apin,4
Haut. Five sailor, threw thent4elve. on the
captain, three on the loner. Tho mutiny
had broken out at last. cruel yell rartg
from stein ,tern. All wpo favored the
captain were in a nwinent, with and
cruel threats, ~vor l owered ad bound t,) the
nat , t and rigging. •
N)w Captain I:its,m, - ti,l C'ar(l,\y, as
With a yellmv W,wn which tho
blood ,tretuned, and 11(IVIlliced to Nvltere the
captain stood ' , mind and pale jib rnge,
" p,ll see I Mil , tronger than you thought.
I t' 1 rho=q 1 could at Once let you owe , •hoard
Ivith a rope at d ,„ ,14.„ t h ; 1 c ,„,1,1
have you pelted with bottle- , , }pia effil
to you in .ffile other agreeable way : but I
blit)11 spare yint itoly, to pay you out better
f or 1-I n a bl ow untl route other indignitie:.
Last night
. you refused to . ppin ins , in Illy.
:,ell,ll/10 , elictlio for baffling the raseab. w
exiose to dangrr and then iunierpny
N,W 1 Will 10,t, neeept your partner ,hip.
you'ro n ra , ll, viulont 111:111, th , agli uu
0 SO ; Where', yollr
11 . 11Nli I
t the : 11 , • • 11 have n , i,ree to-night,
r to-!u“tr,,w 1,0 .11 , 11 , , re, tkild
perhaps starting again England. (',le,
get ont this Titan's brandy. \\ e'll hare it
night it. I t's z c(dd enough f r the so f'.l
- ain't it Ilut it'll anal,. th,lll uaruc
sti , dtig
That night, its the 'holm. \vent round, and
the s ,, ngs circulated among the mutineers
Om doleful accompaniment of the monot
onous and funeral fog-bell, the captain and
,even friends lying bound against the frneen
shrouds, the vapor lifted f , r a moment ~ : , t -ward
ward and disel ,, e(l an aurora b“realis that
lit up all the horiimn with a linijeNtic thin t .
rrimeun 1111 d 1.110S1d1 1 11_ , Sl•t•Ilt light that
upward its keen ra\s, 11l 1111 d
(011% i•l'i'd \Vit.!! 111111 ,, -4 •plenilor.
The electric lustre lit the pale face- of the
captain and his fcllnw-pri<uncrs.
••\VIly, here are the 1111'rry
the list mate, izonieNvlnit excited by
dritil:ing, as ha wall,c,l up t, the cal.tain,
and waved loud:nig hot gills.- of grog lie
fore his face. ‘• \VIly, be si if they
ii;n't the blessed angels Batwing for joy be
cause you and your brother saints will Su
soon join them. \Villa do you thin], of
Providence by this time, Ititson, eh
Tim mutineer, put their together,
nd laughod Miluomily at lid,
"Just as 1 always did. Go : watches u.• ut
sea as well as by land," was the captain's
calm reply. "I'd rather even now be bound
here, than change my conscience with Yours,
Carden'. I'm a plain man, and I mean it
when I — say that it's no worse dying here
than at Mune in a leather lied. It is less
hart: to part with the world hero."
"C), if you're satislied, 1 am. here, glass
rIMIId to drink to the Pious Captain All
his gang are here but that boy, that little
devil Harrison; search for him everywhere,
men ; lie must n't be left ; if ho is in tho hold,
smoke ham out with brimstone ; never mind
if he doesn't come out, he'll have his gruel
if you keep the hatches well down."
“Ay, ay, sir," was the reply, with a. bru
tal and disgusting laugh ; and away the men
went un their search, eager as boys for at rat
, hunt.
An hour after, all but the watch to toll the
fog-bell, the mutineers aboard the Shooting
Star were sunk into a drunken and wallow
ing sleep. That night, from time to time,
Captain Ritson kept his men's hearts up with
cheerful words ; the cold was hard to bear,
but they survived it. When day broke,
they all united in prayer that God would al
low them to die soon and together. They
had stink into a torpid - ,semi-sleep, when-the
sound of a gun through the fog, in the dis
tance, aroused them. At the sumo moment,
tholoud, taunting voice of the mate awoke
the bound men to-a sense of their misery and
"Good morning, Captain Basun," said
the mato. "Lord, lads, how chop-fallen that
smart fellow the purser is, and look at those
A. B. sailors, who used to sneer at you, and
Call you skulkors, loaferS' and Liverpool
dregs. How our fat friend the quartermas
ter must miss his grog ; hard, isn't it ? Cap
tain Kitson, it is my painful duty to inform
you (lower the two heats there, quick, men,
and stave the third) that we are about to
leave this ship, which will sink, as I am in
formed by my excellent friend the, carpenter
hero, almost exactly three hours after our de
parture. A more pliant, disposition and a
more graceful concession to those business
arrangements, :n which I solicited your co
operation, would•have-led to very'different
results ; gentlemen, that gun is from a ves
sel lying off the ice:field, which we are now
skirting ; that vessel' Will take us up. How
about thaVblow now'? Nite have money e
nough to,pay for our pasan'go. 'Farewell.
,Lower the boats there., Captain Bitson,
havoi the liedior of , wishing you
. 11 pleasant
Noyageto•henVen.! ,. • • •
Captain 'ltitadOnacle answer 1111 the
g.994"Wi1l wvcrige u. 4 ,
ifi 4 gomoth good#l. , hinty" the: only
1)1 , L I , )
malediction he uttered.—" Men I thank God
that I still trust in his mercy, and, worst
come to the worst, I am ready to die."
"so am 1," said the purs-r, "if I could
only first look up and see that yellow rascal
dangling at the yard-arm."
"I Cs all up with us," said the quartermas
ter. "I only wish the black villains had
given us one noggin round before they left."
An hour passed, the last sound of the re
ceding boats had died away. The sailors be
gan to groan and lament their fate.
"Have you any hope left, Captain nitwit],
now I'' said the purser, in a melancholy
g.O Jenny, Jenny, my dear wife, 1
shall never see you again."
'As for my wife," said the quartermaster,
"its no great loss - . I'm thinking more of
myself. 1)1i, those villains."
have no hope,' Paid the captain, brave
ly, "hut ready to die. I trust in the
mercy of God. Ito will do the best for us,
and he will guard my poor children.'
Just then, like a direct answer from Flea
,: en , the fog grew thinner, and thinner, and
the sun shone through with a eold yellow
lustre, showing the line of land for miles ;
alas ! it was nut land, but ire-pack, miles-of
it rising into mountainous bergs, green as
emerald, blue as sapphire, golden as cryq,-
litt•, and , tretelling away into snort•-plains
and valleys. The neare,st \Vt're
tr:mAtaront, mid gli!..tortetl with prismatic
r,dor-, but in ttio di , lance they mergod
oold clinging
NCR- :11.111. VV,)
Tho captain looked at his effinpanions, and
they at biro, but they did not speak, their
Harts Nvero sn full , for the water enuld be
now heard gurgling and bubbling upward
in On 1.,,1d.
\Ve have tNVI,IIOIII'S more ty live, and let
us spend it. - sail the captain, bravely, "in
proparing Art,r nil, it is better
than dyin2; and hunger, and it is on
th, death is -ailors have boon taught to
exi..•ct nt airy t.),ontoit. —
I sh.oildn't care if it was not f,o• Jra),,
Cl!, in,,thoi.," sail towof the sailors, t•but
imuc hav, , t,. go on the ravish. 1 1,
"I ' ll`, Mall, — said the captain, with his tin
rilionehable courage, '''have I not me chil
dr,n, and the purser his win.. AN'hat !mist
it like a man,"
At that moment a shrewd boyish lace
h crd it ell' round the corner of the cabin
and the meat moment. uli lcap.ed and
danct , d Ilarrit,on, the ship' , boy with a sharp
car ing knife in lii• Lund. Ile capered for
joy round the captain, :old WAY hailed with
tremendon- ,bout ul ,lchght and wolcon ,
a, 11, , relen , -, , ,1 the iilen one by one, begin-
flin g \VIII. inzister.
"They tlimight. I 'ca= in the 114,1(1, - lie
they' , but I wits biding under
eqpinin's ,Ja ,111 the !hue 1
lav till I t‘as 1.111.3' \yen...gum.. The \
tilling fast, Captain Ittts,m : there is It
time t t 1 t. Hurrah:
It i, T ait' trti,•," said the
r,ttirtit•.l Nl it 11 the titillate.—
"\\ nit Mitre, t. rig a rail
it, Tu . \ will) a wi l l. TIH‘
t.... rat. g , .no, 1101,
tii 111111.0 }.llllll, it
Th, men \Ver. , ,liaking hand , all round
intoxicat.4l with joy at their ,eajw
••(', , 111,., won. enough t.l thm. I ' lll 11
pllllll 111:111, :Mil \Villa I Slly 1 11101111 " Sllid
iho„Noai 111111,:e1r. .`NVe ' re not
out of the w. , 1 yet, Como,
to .it 111,, raft, :u,l get all the
awl junk tlio-e villain, have lert. I •11:111
1),1 the la-t 111:tn o.lelive the v0 ,, e1.
I,•ave lot at. all till she begin , to noltic dm‘ n.
l'urser, got tin tent;. (2unrter
inn,tor, you luck t,) the Rruh. Ilarri,m,
for the nip!, ; Ibtv
yoti : , oe the work i, •tr,,tig and tort,. It
is u't the Coll,t I ,11.1.11,1 to 11111(1 011;
tli any port in a Storm you know ; and
mr , or you gut I.WO or throe inuAket, ant
1,1110 -hut. 11111 y lutce ti
iVo on sott-hirdB h , r a tlny or two, till Got
oink a duliveranco, death, or a thn
a our altornativo. ('onn•, to work "
The raft WIC; 11111 , 10 in lb) time. But the
store. , proved Scanty. The scoundrel mate
hurl thrown overboard, spoiled„ or carried
olr an but tln•ee days' 1): ()vision of moat,
biscuit, and rum. 'rile eaptain had almost
to bit forced from the vessel. They had not
got hair IL mite away when the great ice
pack closed upon it, just as she was sinking.
As the Sluniting Star slowly settled do«•n,
Captain Ritson took oil his (.111) /111(1 stood
for it moment bareheaded.
" Thvre," said he, " goes fig good a vessel
as ever passed the Mersey lights ; as.long us
she flouted she'd have done Alpssrs. David
and Blizzard credit."
" Good by, old Shooting Star," said th
men. "If ever a man deserved the gailow..
it's that first mate of ours."
The raft reached the shore safely
" 1 take possession of this'ore floating
pack," said the captain, good : humoredly,
to keep up the men's spirits, as he leaped on
the ice, "in the name of her blessed Ma
jesty, and I beg to christen it Ritson's
Island, if it is an island ; but if it is joined
on to the mainland, we'll wait and see
what the mainland is. T wonder if there
are many bears, or buffins, or white foxes,
on it. And now let's rig the tents, and thon
we'll measure put the food." •
The next day brought no hope. The puck
proved to be of enormous size, and, a deep
ice-fog prevented its complete exploration.
The food was fast ..decreasing. The few
penguins on the pack would not come with
in sinit. Once, • they saw a white bear, but
it dived, and appeared no more. The men's
hearts began to sink ; half the spars had
been used up for the fires ; ono day more and
the fuel would be gone ; the rum gone; the
meat Ono. Frost and Starvation awaited
them. There were no murmurs. Once the
captain came on two of the sailros who was
crying like children ; another time he ob
served the men's fierce and lningry looks,
as they watched the quartermaster cower
ing under the tent, and he know too well
what those ,`Savages fires in their hollow
oyes indicated...
mist cbillo to UM casting, of lots fot
ono of us," heard them
Every hour,WO min pull'en zets us rbor°.
Tlio neit •dity the' purser shot two pen-'
gui oa t . and ate greedily of the eitus§ous flesh.
Tho fourth day: tho . provisions wore exhfinsi
ad Itt , thi3.fltat Meal:--Then Captain
TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year
stood up, his musket in his hand, for he had
all this time kept watch at night like the
other man, and shared every labor and
privation.—The quartermaster was lament
ing his fate.
"If this voyage had only turned out
well," he said, "1 might have got a ship
again ; for the firm promised me a ship again
if I only kept from drink and did my duty;
and this time I have done it by them, and I
should have saved the vessel if it hadn't been
for this mutiny."
Captain Ritson began,--'
Mr. Quartermaster, silence. This is no
time for crying over spilt milk.-1 don't
wish to hurt your feelings, fur you're all
honest initn, though you sometimes rather
overdid the grog. a plain man, and 1
nl'lll what I say, and what I say is this,—
here we are, and we don't know whothor it
is berg or mainland, and no food left,—not
a crumb. Now, what is to be done? We
hear the hear growl, and the fox - yelp: hut
if we can't shoot them, that won't help us
much. We must spend all to-clay in trying
for the mainland ; find the sea to the
eastward, we must then turn back, commit
ourselves to God, who directs all things in
tin heavens above and the earth ly.neath
al all liaard Ina read that, an Sunday, and
I netin't repeat it,) and talc° to the raft,
NN hut'\•rr hnl lu m. JIM then'' , one thing
I have to say, as a plain 'inan, and thatis,--
if any coward here dares even whisper the
word • 0111111 i ha I ISM I 'II Shoot him dead
with this gnn I hold in my hand, and nears
to hold day aril night. We are Christian
men, mind; and no misery sha:l make wild
beasts of us, while I am a live captain,--so
mind that::
Iho ,x l ,l,,rntion drctroyrd the men' , Inqt
tre. mile's painful mar•ih nubs , sere
pl ,, Ve that wide track. eel sea, full shat:
55, lay between thy' pack and ti n ' :blurt.
'I ',tie ,4 , ll)Hhing ahcad like et Mil beidy,
said the purscr • who loot volunteered 111
CHM} , 1111 eminence, rind rt-pert if titiy vc,cl
could Lc (li-corned. 'lt 1 , partly covcnd
and it 14" on tho o(a ch
hole in tho
The party in.stantly made for it Tlitrri
uo being lightuf foot, NVIIS the fir:4 to reach
t, and to stiiitt—
iio captain' captain ! come here I i 1
iiiiips, the carpenter, that went, away with
A ,o it wne. TI ey all reengnizea the
nil had face. An empty bottle lay by the
(al v.
Qee it. all," said the captain. —lie
lagg,•(.l behind and they lost him
the C, g. Som . () ve , ..sid has taken thprn
••I wish it had been the inate, sail the
As he sp,ke, a ling black head emerged
fm- n imonont fr,un the water, and all the
1,11 6,1, .ttltl rrlrtl lt 111.• Dt!V II
como for tliv earpont,r
Non-etise you floc.. of geps," maid thr
eartain ; it NVII, , , )nly a black , eal. 1 o a l ,
Ned.h he'd how again, and Nvp'd have a shot
at hill) ; rid I,e,p u , for two day,
that, pu.,h. on, for wo Inust get on tho raft
and Into the open cit before (11111:, until the
1,1,1 guide and help
Slotvly :ind silently thu melaneliolt hand
with only lit'' ,ound hearbal urea It . fl 11111..11g,
lie2lll, thu eaptuin and the purser, wwended
the la , t site hill leading to the hhore,where
the raft ;Ind the‘ tent, had lawn left six houre
before. The sun, a globe of erini,on tire,
Wain n•ddillg Lrinnd 'Wilk,i l'grßy and orni
1,11:i tni,l. T \\',/ id . Oh' unat \Vet , now frost
Futon In the cheeks, alai lay down ht,
\vith sii“w by thou- companions.
The Cllfltt , 111.,TrOtle hil*Will'd 111011 e 1./ the
up or the hill to rreouti itrr. lie was Sl,ll
by them all ,tri,ling f,•rward till lit , reached
the ,111111111 t, but slowly now, for that giant
of a titan was faint is ith hunger and I . :0.1,411e.
The men sat down waiting for him to return
and rubbing themselves with stiow. Ile re
turned slower that he had ascended, feeble
and silent. Ile did not look his companion,
straight in the face, but wrung hi; hands,
pulled hi, sou-we:stet. ov. r his eye, and sat
down by the tired men. Then hay rusegravely
with hi. old impregnable cot:140, and said.
Alen I bring you bad mtw,3l; but buar it
like l'hr'stians. 11, all sent the a good pur
pose. Our raft has been carried oil' by
tlow of drift ice. IVe have only a few hours
to live, I'm a plain man a n d 1110111 What I
say. Let us die with a good heart, and
without rvpining. It is not our fault its to
Two or tho into uttered yells of despair,
and threw themselves on the ground ; the
restseerfrd to actually grow smaller, nod
shrink together in their hopeless despair.—
The purser rocked to and fro, holdin4
head between his hands; The quartermaster
shook with the cold, and turned purple with
fear. The boy burst into an agony of tears.
-Come, men let us light a tire, - said
Captain Kitson. "We are nat women. Let
us collect any remaining wood, and having
preyed together and committed ourselves
into His hands(the captain took off his het
and looked upwards), let us sleep, and in
that sleep, if it is His will, death will take
But nothing could rouse them now. The
purser, and the purser only, had strength
enough left to collect the few pieces of
driftwood outside the tent. It was like dig..
ging one's grave, as the night. began to fell,
anti ttbut out the white cliffs and desolate
tracts of ice.
“Light it, Pennant,” said the captain,
"while we kneel round and comMit
selvos to Him who never leaves the helg,
though hapay seem to sometime when the
storm hides" Him."
The fire crackled and spluttered; then
rose in a thin wavoring flame.
"Before this is burnt out, messmates, we
shall have started on' another voyage; and
pray God we get safely to port. Now, then,
load all the muskets, and fire them at the
third signal I give. If there is any vessel
within two miles off the peek, they may
perhaps hear'us.—One, two, three."
Tho discharges of five guns broke the
ghastly stillness Wilh a crashing explosion,
which•seemed to rebound and, spread from
;Cliff to CHEF till it faded far' away in the
'nOrtlibAi sOlitu:des, where death only reign
and - amid eternal snow.,
"There goes onr'last hope," said the cap
r:arn thankful I tan still sag,
His will be done ;`.and I trust 'my •children
to lII'S liioici••" • • , .
./1115 , "*ifo'do'n't need inticii . l;'t`ayltik for,"
said the quartermaster. "She'll fight her
way, I bet."
Just then purser, who had been star
ing tattle horizon, trying to'pierce the gloom
to the right, leaped on his feet, shouted,
screamed, cried, embraced the captain, and
danced and flung up his hat.
Every one turned round and looked where
ho was looking. There they saw a light
sparkle, end then a red light blaze up, and
then a rocket mount in a long tall of fire
till it discharged a nosegay of colored stars.
It whs ship answering their light. Then
came the booming sound of a ski,p's gun.—
It pga vessel lying off the pack, and they
were saved.
NO. 15
An hour's walk (they were all strong e
nough now) brought the captain and his
men to the vessel's side. The ship was only
three miles off along the shore, but the fog
had hidden it from them when they had re
turned to lay down and die.
As honest rough hands pressed theirs and
helped them up the vessel's side, and honest
brown faces smiled welcome, and food was
held out, and thirty sailors at once broke
into a cheer that scared the wolves on the
opposite shore, Captain Ritson said,—
“Thatik God, friends, for this kindness.
l'am a plain man; and r mean what I say ;
but my heart's too full now to tell you all I
feel. Purser, I did loose hope just now,
when I saw the raft carried away.”
One autumn afternoon, four moncts later,
three men entered Mr. Blizzard's office and
inquired for that gentleman.
'•lte is engaged just now," said anew clerk
(the rest had left,) and pointing to inner
glass door that stood ajar. 'Engaged with
Captain Cardew, of the'Morning Star ; he
sails to-morrow for Belize. Take seats."
"The Muffled-up sailor-looking men took
seats near the half opened door, through
which camo low words of talk.
-Ritson was too reckless." said a dis
agreeable voice, ttand quite lost his bend in
uNo doubt," said another voice. "Take
another glass of sherry, captain, do you like
f I dry wine V
"The purser, too, was not very honest, I
fear and very careless about the stores. By
the by, did I ever tell you about the drunk
en quartermaster, Thompson, lossng thtit
ship of yours' the Red Star, of the Malabar
coast. He hail just returned from Quebec,
so Pennant told me, who sailed with him.
He had been setting at Quebec, and when
the vessel was ready to start, he said he
wouldn't go. They found Lim obstinately
drunk. Will you believe it, he remained
druirk the vhole voyage till they came and
dd him he was near Glasgow. Then he
leaped up, shaved h'unseltl. put on his best
coot and a white tie, and went on shore to
,oe our agents, old Falconer and Johnson,
fresh as paint. Ha! ha l"
The other voice laughed too It was Mr.
Bl:zzard, from 163 throne of large capital ;
he was probably about to replace a ledger,
and consult tr e almanac as be had d ue
that afternoon f ur months before
"You most ru,ke a better voyage with the
Morning Star than Capta n Kitson did with
his unfortunate vessel, - said Mr. Blizzard.
D,m't be afraid of the sherry.
But Curlew never drank that glass of
sherry, for the door jut then bursting open,
dashed the glass to pieces in his hand, and
Captuin Ilits)uamzed him by the throat.
"I'm a plain man, Mr. Blizzard, sir," be
gild, "and I mean what I say; but if ever
there wa: n mutinous, thieving, lying, false,
s6nrLherirtod scoundrel. it is this man who
ul; the Shooting Sint, ar.d left me, and
he punser, and six more of us, to die off
Labrador on the ice-pack. Purser, bring
in that policeman, nud we'll have justice
At the Ile t tt:;sizes. Carden , was sentenced
to nine mare, transportotion for frauds on
the house of David and Blizzard, and for
conspiring to sink the Shooting Star, and
part of her crew, off the coast of Labrador.
Livery ol parr. •1 law months ago, men
me•i that hasl.ranger of the same name
nd bran shot in an vnconnter with n:win-
ted police. As the name is tint a common
One, the hu , liranger and the !pate were
-nuio pers,ll
The firm tiled the quartermaster with
lothur vessol, snit lie Requited himself
II : ar.d Rs for Ritson, he is now the most
;11,1 ellpt their service
A jiihe is told of Horace Greeley, who oc
e plot of each ei the Bible House
building, in preparing the second volume
of ''llistury of the American Conflicto"-.
Coining out upon the street one afternoon
won abstracted and 61ovenly than usual
lie unconsciously fell in will 3 a crowd of va
grant: , who ‘vliory being taken from the
Tombs to lirickwi.ll . s Island, Noticing, at
length, the company he was keeping, he
endeakored to get out of the rough lot, but
a policeman t of having seen him join the
crowd, and thinking he was a vagrant try
ing to escape, seized him by the collar and
matched him to the boat, amid the eers of
tho tinfortunute wretches who believed him
to be one of them. Mr. Greeley protested
and tignin that had several edit()
rials to write for the Tribune, and must not
be detained; but this declaration caused the
policeman to declare that the '-old cove was
crazy," nud must go to the lunatic asylum.
The boat, full 'of malefactors, had already
steamed out into the river whets some one
on the vessel recognized H. G.—mad 39 a
hornet, and using some very strong exple
tives by this time---and released him from
his disagreeable predicament, greatly to the
delght of the perplexed e liter, and to the
trofound mortification of the over earnest,
LINA.—The Raleigh (N. C ) Standard of
a recent date has-the following.
"The town of Wilmington, in this State,
has recently passed by popular election from
the hands of loyal Union men into the hands
of original secessionist and latter day war
nr.n. T same is true as to :he county
court of New Hanover, under the appoint
ment of magistrates made by the L”.gls , a •
tore. It is considered disreputable in Wil
mington to be an outspoken, unconditioull
- Union man. General Robert Ransom, lately
of the Confederate service, has been chosen
Marshal of the town, with a salary-of $2,000.
General R. is we presume, still unpardoupd.
A S.I.N F[161:01%900 jury has acquitted the
mutineers of the sh ip White Swallow on
the ground that their acts were justifiable
in view of their inhuman treatment
by the officers of the ship. The mutiny
consisted in placing and keeping the cap•
tain and mates in irons until they agreed
to treat the men as human beings; after
which ,they wore released .atid the voyage
completed without any, further trouble.
THAT BURHAll.—Cranford- Armin/ under
stand Unit. some'of 4ho'aunterrifieds" . in that
region entertaltur.very curious Ideas, of the
freedmen's bureau bill. They believe the
ol,,yeeCto be to present every n'egro - with At
little bureau, while no provision ie Made for
fuynishing one to the 'while' •roan. If this
Vieur'of the hale is eorrent,' the' Prtiaideat
shouta bo luotaittod, hiivettk- , • f , t' •