GREAT EXHIBITION: AtomiTrAxer. FREE. Doors open every day, (Sundays excepted.) New Boot, She Hat & Cap Store. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country, that ho has just returned from the city, and has now on exhib Hon at hLs now stand south west corner of North Hanover St. and Locust Alley, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, svhich he would Blotto the attention of purchasers. Ms stork consists In via of Mons. Boys and Youths FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip and Water proof Bo to. Calf and Wove Kid Gait ers, Call and Kip Brogans, Slippers, Ite. LADIES' WEAR. Floe Glove Kid, French and English lasting Gaiters, MorOcCO. Calf and Kid Boots. and Balmorals, together with a large assortment of heavy taco Boots and Dal morals suited for country ware. Misses and Children's Ware, of all descriptions, embracing fine d and Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Goat and Kid Boots Ki and Balmorals, Call and Klp lace Boots, &c. Hats and Caps in great variety, fur Mon, Boys and Youths Wear, from the commonest to the very best quality, at low prices. Call at d see them. His motto is small profits and quick 521.108, adhermg so those principles he trusts he shall give general sat isfaction to those who will favor him with their pat rem ge. Remember the Stand, S. W. et' rider of North Hanover St , and Locust Alley, midway between Thudium's and Wetzel's Hotels, Carlisle October 6, 1865—tf. WANTED I WANTED 1! 1 1 VERYBODY to call at Wm. C. Saw J per's and get all kinds of Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. WINTER DRESS GOODS, WINTER CLOAKS, MANTLES and SHAWLS balance of our FURS at COST, Cloths easel tneres Mens' Wear, Selling very cheap. BL.ANKETS, BLANK ;TS, at reduced prices. We aro receiving every day trout N co• loth seasonable G nude, USLINS, CALICOES, SHEETINGS, all kinds of house furnishing Goods, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, kc., Persons going to house-keeping or changing resi dence will do u ell to examine our large and well se lected stuck. Pleas• call ono door below Martin's Ho tel, East Main Street W C. SAWYER & Co tin Highest cash price paid for carpet rags. Jan. 19, 1599. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, FOR LIVER COMPLAINT A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL If your bowels are costive,T THEM If you Las e worms, TRY TIIE3I If your hrenth Is toil. TRY THEM If )ou feel drowsy, TRY TIIMI I you aro low spi rite d , TR% THEM If pou base n sick licntlactie TRY TUEM tr you havo taken a drop too ripen, TAKE. A FULL DOSE They only c,st cents VI hoe. TRY TiLEI Blue Mass. and other preparations of Mercury, tually produce more suffering and death than the d eases vi bleb th e , Profess to cure. And yet this cor else mineral so denounced by-the allopathic doctors, prescribed by them almost universally in Liver Co, plaint, Consumption of Lungs, &e. THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and 11C rl).s.ohttlined from the great storehouse of Nature, and their salutary ef fects will appear as anon as the medicine is brought to the test of a fair experiment. SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach ; but when given for Dyspepsia, It may be proper to use them in connection with SCIII.NCK'S SEA WE ED TUNIC By this judicious treatment the digestive faculties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst casesof indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver is the largest inter nal organ of the body. that to it is assigned the impor tant -duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that whim it is diseased ur inactive the whole body suffers sympa thetically. it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operatiOLlS of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, sad effect ,nres which may appear to be alinost miraculous. Headache of long continuance. severe pains In the side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs. a feelinr of g.-aural weakness nod a retehrdne., end of heralarm lug an , dbtressing s) utptoros, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCIiENCK' S ICON DRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles. bitter or lour eructations, and that f tolescribible Penn.' st oppression, mental a axle. ty. languor, lethargy, at ' l depression of spirits which unfit a Man for the utatragentent of busitleSs and the enjoyment Id life, lire all relieved by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Dr. SCHENCK —Dear Sir I take pleasure in sending you a certificate in addition to many you have already received from suffering humanity. I can scarcely find language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and Sk:A WEED T“N11: have eflected In the en tire cure of one of the most stubborn cases of the affec tion e f the liver. Fur three years I suffered beyond de seriatim; all my trieuds, as welt as myself. cattle to the conc.ualon that air time in this life was short. Such was the terrible condition to which I was reduced that life to me had become a burthen ; my whole system wins in a state of intlannuation ; I could not eat, I could not sleep; my whole body was filled with pain; ewe' would arise in my wrists and ankles, render ing them totally useless. on several occasions I was attacked with a rush of blood to the head which would fell me to the ground, and I would be carried away for dead. I applied to several eminent physicians of our city. who administered ell the medicines that they thought would reach my case, but of no avail. One of them said he could do no more for me, and ad vised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing the horrid trash I declined to take It. Acci dent put your advertisement in my hands. I called on y, u ; ~,u examined me anti told me the nature of my disease. You then ordered rue the Pills arid Tonic with an observance of dirt, pledging your word that In one week I would find myself another man. I follow• ed your advice, arid, as you predicted, an astonishing cur,, was effected I continued your Pills and Tonic fur some time, nut now thank Hod fur his goodness, and your valuable medicine, I am once more restored to per feet health. I most earnestly recommend those who are suffering from affection of the liver to give your Pills and Tonic a fair trial, and a cure will be ef- Mete t. I have sent many persons to you. arid they base .111 been cured. Any Information my fellow chi zees may require will be freely gives by the subscri ber, at his residence, N 0.812 Federal street, between Btll street and Passy unk road. CHARLES JOHNSON, Sn., Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer. Du. SCHENCK will be protossionally at his principal office, No. 15 North Sixth street. corner of Commerce, Pill LADELPHIA, every Saturday, from 9a. m. until 4 p. m. No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesoay, from 7 to 3 ; No. 39 Summer street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, and every other Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. All advice free, but for a thorough examination of the lunge with his Re- . . . - s pirometr r the charge is throe dollars. Price of the Pulmouic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each $1.50 per boti le, or 57.50 per half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 26 rents 1 er box. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. Jan. 1, 185.5-Iy. THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty different styles. adapted to sacred and secu lar music, for 0) to $6OO each. FIFTY-ONE HOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other Lirse premiums award ed thorn. Illustrate , ' Catalogues free. Address, MA SOP! at lIAMLIN, Rosins, or MASON BROTHERS, NEM Tenn. Sept. 22, 1805—Iy. • New Grocery Store CHANGE OF FIRM I THE undersigned hereby announces to ma old patrons and customers, that he has dis posed of his entire stock of Goods with the good will of the establishment to Illessre. Puffer & Washmood, whom ho recommends to the citizens of Cumberland County, as active, energetic and reliable business men, who will spare no pains to maintain and improve the character of the old stand as a first class FAMILY GROCERY. With many thanks for the patronage ho has received he bespeaks for the now firm a continuance of the same JOHN UYER. . PEPPER & WASHMOOD will in ;few days receive the largest and best assorted stock of GROCERIES, CRINA'WARE, 1111QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WILLOW WARE, &c., ever brought to this place, and will constantly. keep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Alarkets afford. A full assortment of Lamps and 011 on hand. Call and see us at the old stand, South East corner of Market Square January 15,1666-Iy. Presents for all , at Haverstick's. RITING Desks, Papier, Maohie, V V Rosewood & 'Walnut., 1655. AT 11AVERSTICKS. GUM BELTING I Just received a largo, anortment of alt 4i21(18*. Own Belting, Gunk hose, hum Packing, &a., and for sale cheap at the hardware Store of SAXTON. jutte 25,1864 PHYSICIANS will find it to their ad vautazo to call and pr!rebase their Medleinas at RALBlilaN.'B. July. 1,164 VAIYIILY DYE COLORS, - AT xiumozra ": 11 3u1y1,1604.• • • • • . . . PIANO=FORTESI; DRIGGS I NE W PATENT.' ARE the only Instruthents constructed on a truly scientific principle. They have.great er strength, and will remain longer in Tuno than any other Piano. The construction is simple and natural all the extraneous lumber to the body of theinstru mon t IA dispensed with; the sound boards are merely two arched punks of thin Wood, like the front and bark of a 1 hdin ; the strings are attached to a strong Iron tram°, which 18 separated and entirely independ ent of the ease, thereby dispensing wile the old harp form of stringing, by substitutin straight bridges, preserving, at the same time he Over Strung Bass, of Winch Mr. Briggs is the inventor. By those Improve ments we gain much more vibratory ~ poWer, at the same time prose: vieg all Its purity "and richness of tone. They have received the highest testimonials from the Press, and all the principal artiste In the country, among which are : Harry Sanderson, L. AL Cottschalk, Max Maretzek, S. Thalhorg, Theodore Eisflohl, Wm. Mason, !Femme Wollenhaupt, A. Barili, Francis H. Brown, M. Stracicoach, Wm. Fleury Pry, Chas. Nrailel. Mr. Si•;QSSMUNU THAhB Elit7, the groat pianist, says :—I have examined your now Plano-fortes, end I cordially approve of Its system of construction. Its principle, by which great Increase of vibratory power is obtained, being very simple and perfectly plillosophb cal. Thu tone is grand and noble; It has great capac. Ity for sustaining the sound or singing, and Its vol. umo of tone or power I have never heard excelled IE depth, purity, and sympathetic sweetness. Win. HENRY FRY, into musical critic of the N. Y. Tribune says :—I have examlnedyour newly Invented Piano-Fortes. They merit all the praise given to them by Messrs Melberg, Gottschalk, Straeltoseb, Mason and others. As regards structure, they are original and philosophical; in purity, volume, and continuity of tone; In vocal versimilltude, that crowning excel lence which enables the planifts to "sing" on the In strument, your m. 0.0 over deserve the highest rank Your Invention, in my opinion, is destined to work a radical change in the manufacture of Pianos through , out the world. From the N. Y. Gerald, lept. 6.—Upon a careful ex amination of brigg's Piano-Forte, we find the tomtits obtained are a very fine singing tone, great purity and brilliancy throughout the entire instrument, not often found In Pianos constructed upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, July 12, says . ,—We have now an instrument without an equal. It can sing with a smooth delicacy, perfectly unattainable on any other instrument; an ordinary player obtains with no exer tion, the fullness of a Grand Plano-Forte, 'and they must speedily supersede the old styles. G ENTLEXIEN !laving thoroughly examined and tested the Mano-Fortes invented and patented by Mr R. Pt Igo, I am of the opinion that the tone result e front his improvements, as exhibited in the In ~aments under examination, In point of rtchnt•ss pth and brilliancy, equals that of the best Grand Matto Foi t 0,.. and excels them In pure, musical inton ation and actual Inns, power thus approximating closer to what I consider perfection in the instrument than has yet been achieved by any other system of man n fact tire 11. PLANK WM. HALL & SON; 503 Broadway, NEW YORK. Mere purchasinc, send for a descriptive cataloni with price. June 16, 18115— Iy. Iron, English Refined, 4:1 CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. Horse d everything else in proportion at HENRY SAXTON'S July 7,11560 L •hava aq) .lisoddo X 1.11.1 )13 'wog ;1•111 , 31t , 111VA VrID '14.LN11 1 1.1 ' , PUP[ ay a".P'ullt opeouwa pue 0,!o4og a! 521ariv5R HAT J - l Rut samm,dmis WINTER GOODS IV. C. San y, 4. Co's. yreat Dry Goo Empoi•innl, east Main St., on(' th a n• be low Martin's Hotel. WE have just received from New York our Immense stock of Winter Goods. La test importations of Vreneh, Englisb and German 1).-E SS GOODS, ilk and soot fabrics, Plain, Striped, Barred and Lived styles, selling ',cry • cheap. C ATS ! COATS ! A7W ! latest Paris Mau tleS, Costs, Cheglerflelds and Circulars at i dared prices. " FURS, FURS, FURS, from the importers and manufactories, an immense supply of all kinds, styles and qualities, selling less than city eel ail prices. Shawls, Shawls, MOURNING GOODS of evory variety OVEHCO \ TINOS, CLOTHS and CAS,IM JOIE& We gut up suits at fi hart Int h.° and in the best styles. A lA, it IN DS OS NOTIONS, Drawers, Undershirts, Gloves Se. Domestic Conde in lallo quantities. rill grad.. 011 Cloths, Flannbla, Linens &e. Please cull and examine the largest and boat stork In the :Valley. We are determined to keep up our old reputation of selling good goods at very low prhies. W. C. SAWYER SiCO. Highest • ash pikes paid for Carpet Raga. Nov 2-I, Ihlls. IMechanics and laboring I won took to your IntorostB, If you vbill to cave money, buy your „BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAI.s, at PLANK'S Cheap Store, South West corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alley, midway between Thu. dium's and Wetzel's Hotels, Carlisle. where Boots, Slices, Hats and Caps can be had from the commonest article to the very best quality, at such prices that duly competition. Os and see them. Remember the Stand, South Went corner of North Hanover St., andlocust Alley, midway between Thu dluin's and Wetzel's Hotels. Oct( bur 6. 1866-0. ESTEVS COTTAGE ORGANS, ARE not only. unexcelled, but they are absolutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument In the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by k 1 BRUCE, No.lB North SEVENTH Street, PIIILADELPIIIA. 405rAlso, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a complete as sortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. Sept. 22, 1806-Iy. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE il BEETEM & BROT HERS • having g . purchased of Snyder & Newcomer their anton -o go -Warehouse, alenderson'sold-stando head of-Ifigh• street, bog leave to Inform the public that they will continue the Forwarding and Commission business on a more entensive scale than heretofore. The highest market price will be paid for Flour Grain and l'r oducaof all kinds. Flour and Feed, Plaster Salt and Nay, kept coil stoutly on hand and for sale. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKENS VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAWBEERY, &c., &c. REITER & WABHMOOD Llmeburnors' and Rlacksmitbs' Coal, constantly Ahr sale, 'Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town.' Also, , kinds of LUMBER constantly on band. . will leavo their Warehouse every morning at 7 o'clock, arrive at Harrisburg at 11 o'clock,' and at Ilorrard & lisnchman's Warehouse , Nos. 808 and 810 hiarket street Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock in tlp J. eveningl lUETNsl of & samo dayO • . B Nov. 10, 1805. eNEW - GCIODS.- • ' • Every description and anal* Groceriea, a . :mummer, hardware, Plekele, Sauce, Fine Liquors, Tobacco, Bogue, Pipes, rued" Fruits and 'vegetables in Gan; (Vetoes de. Spicee„Wood r and Willow ware, ell kinds snit of ihet.baeCqualltp,tind• tali(' Bold hit the lowest prices for,essh ,hy, ; ;• ' • -•-• ,• Suly 1,11301. Yours respectfully, L. M. GOTTSCHALK SHOES, $7,26 `SIIHMOa 1114r1r111V THIRD GRAND ARRAN AL CAR PETS, MONEY : MONEY Money Saved is Money Earned. it s!! Cottage Orgarr: ~' FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT II Daily Freight Line PROCLAMATION ! tREAS, I, Wm. A, MILES, Car lisle, Pa. having just returnod from the Bac: ern cities with an extensive assortment of the most ashionable and brilliant colors of DRESS GOODS, Such as French Merinos Cold Wool IN;Lanes, American do., Figured do., Alpacas, Figured do, Therefore purchasers 'will find it to thoir advantage Ai give me A rail. Also, the handsomest assortment of PLAID DRESS GOODS. in Carlisle. Particular attention given to MouvuuNn GOODS. WM. A. MILES. Directly opposite the Mansion house, and ono door neat df the Post Mee. Sept. 21, Me NEW STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Dlain St, L. BERNHARD & SON, - INFORM the citizens of Carlisle and 1 vicinity that they have just opened 'nth() &boy° popular stand, an immense stock of First Class Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Their stock con sists in part of Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, made alter the latest pail erns, of Goods the quality of which cannot be questioned. Overcoats of all "varieties. Trunks. Carpet Bags and Valises, Neck Ties, Scarfs and Collars, Shirts, Drawers and Stockings Psi lity/ Gnarls Of fill dew' r(ptiorts. In fact a complete and entire assortment of Clothing nod Furnishing Goods. Don't forget the place, Eby'S Old Stand. "Marlon Hall," Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. L. BERNHARD & SON. December 23,1814, HARDWARE STORE. ripHE old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lyne, has passed into the hands of W. E. Miller & S. A. Bowers. who are now trannartinu business un der the name and style of MILLER & LOWERS The new firm have just returned from the city and are now prepared to furnish to the public at the lowest prices, all kinds at FO I! ERIN AND DOMESTIC hardware, Conch Priming, Paints. Oils, GLASS, VARNISH, &r. A lock Into their store will vonvinee all that they have enough of goods to fully supply the demand In this market. POrSOUS wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call. All orders personally and promptly attended to. July 7, Itins. GRAND (PEKING DAN Greenfield & Sheafer's. WE have now ready for inspection the most beautiful assortment of Dress (foods over exhibited In Carlisle, at privet within tho reaoh of all. As we were so fortunate as-to be in Now York during the late GREAT PANIC which lasted only two days, we have determined give out customers the advantage in all goods bong during the too dais, that goods wan e sold at the to est prices. Stacks of DRESS GOODS I ins Plain in Colors, !aid Poplins. Strips do. Brocade Reps, Foulard Poplins. Empre.-s Cloths, Stool Plaids, French Nlerlooes •• In all colors, Coburgs or every sh. rnlor, Silk Plaid Crapes, Satin (Iris:01os, Plaid de Chevron, De Lainos, all nose designs. In addition to the above immense stock of Li Goods tireentield k Shooter have a full line of DOMESTIC GOODS, at pricel that defy cumpetiou. We can eel l MUSLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS lower than other inerrhan to paid fie the same (loud ten days afpf. Those who desire a Soot for their eye. should not fail to cull and examine our Stock. Reel In mind the place, South East corner Market Square PFefeld door. Thankful for the past patrona,. sue respec . tt ully sr licit a continuance of the SOlllO GREEN VI ELD suiEA VER. Ilet(dam f, 1,;:a - \V. C. SAW Elt, NO. A. 1)t K 1 4 : 7 .1 NO BU ItK II OLD I.:R. NEW FIRM have taken into partnership, .Ino. linrichold .Ino. A. Duke (r10r1,4 in thy ,torel for the purra, ~ntinning thin IkeUunde Lanluecc under the tit W. C. S:lsv yor Co: Our Store is !Mil' (11,011 f“r busho , s whore a 101 l of ,VEA ,Sv OXA /1 LE DoODS may be found, tye, will he receiving NEW GOODS. every day and intend to keep up the reputation of the ore, for activity, liberality, and for always haying the best btork of goods In the Valley. Being very thankful ter the large patron'age given me by a generous pu bile, I respectfully ask a Math uattee of the saw,, to the New Firm We will endeav or to merit the Myer of those aho will give us a call. The books et the late owner are here for settlement and permms indebted are recto& Lod to wake sett], 'neut. East Maio. Strevt. ono dour below• Martin's Mae]. V,. C. SAWYE Sept- K , The First Premium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS tlb /We Olt 7111101 . 1(170 (Chitty hI S bre!t warilcri to •' C. L. LOCHMAN. yi R. Lochman has the pleasure to an• nou nee to the public. that ho has re-purchased his old room 'Com Mr. M'Alillan In Airs. Nelrn build ing, opposite the First National Bank, and guarantees that his PrIOTOG RAPHS, O.A RT ES DE VISITE, A M B 111/TYPES, &c. Ilavdno superior, and in tone, finish and clearness, surpass most pictures produced. Ile gives his person al atlontion to the room, and with the best and most Improved in , trumento and appliances warrants the finest results. A large assortment of Gilt and Rose wood Frames, and splendid Albums, for sale verp cheap. Copies of Daguerreotypes made In the most perfect wanner, 0ct.21, 1868, itnols Sit lint/ h'nr ,IPnlay Presents HENRY lIA HPER, MEM 520 ARCH STREET PIIILADIOLPIIIA. ,WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE and Superior Silver Plated Ware. Nov. 24, 1805-2 m. General Insurance Agency. THE undersigned is agent for the fol lowing Ufa and File Insurance Companies, vie., Mutual Life Insurance Coraitany ' New York. Home lire " " Arctic .. Manhattan " " " Enterprise " " Philadelphia. Particular attention given to Perpetual Insurance. Rates as low as consistent with security. Office with O. P. Hunirlch, Esq., in Marlon Hall Building, Main street, Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1865 .6m, AT COST. I have this day commenced selling off my entire stock of Winter goods at Cost and many less than Cost to reduce the Immo before spring opens. You will find a complete line of the following goods &Winch's, Red, White and Yellow Flannels, Shirting Flannels, French Merinoes, all colors, Caburgs," Alpacas and Delaines, Plain and ' Panay, The largest Stock of Balmoral 8103 In the County also a large assortment of Woolen oo ' , ds, such as Sontag% hoods, 'Scarfs, Wool and Merino Hose,. Ladles, Gents and Childs Gloves, in fact ovary article in the Dry Goods line ell of whielt will be sold at prices to satisfy all. T also have a full stock of MUSLI.NS, -PIUNTS, LINENS, GINGHAMS, • CE.ECKS, &c. Which 'will ha sold at the shortest, profits that they cdn be cut at. Also a full line of Gents. and BOOPS and SHOES, A Ladles, Misses and Ohlldrene, Shoes and Gaiters. A large lot fauns, Ladios and Childs GUM iniqcs, which ha ye also reduced in price., 'We Invite all to give us call boron purchashig as L am satisfied yo,u,can save money. MIAS. WIWI , . 2,1800. 11DE[YSICTANS:,willfind: it to their vantage to cult and ili.ral4aaO their Medicine at H . 0010.13 SEGtARS' TOBA.000; AT RALSTON'S NOW Stook of Ha : daps. , AT KELLga's OLD STAND,, - North Hanover &red. Aalesplendid assortment of all the new styles of Silk Moleskin, Slouch . Soft & Straw now open of clty and home Manafacture which will bo sold qt the lowest cash prices. Pc:Abate of aliqual. Hies frotmthe finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap. est Wool, and of all colom, unsurpassed by any this Bide Philadelphia. A. largo stock of SUMAIER HATS, Palm, Leghorn Draid,lndla Panama, and Strati , . Childrons fancy &o. Also a full assortment of Hens, Boys and childrons caps of every description and style, 'rho subscribor invites all to come and examine his stock. Doing a pritctlcal hatter, ho feels confident of giving satisfaction. Thankful for the liborat patron- age heretofore bestowed be solicits a continuance of the same. Boot f rget the stand, two doors above Shriner's Hotel and next to Corman'a shoo store. .fottre A.. icr.LLER, Agt. N. B. Hats of all kinds mado to order at short notice. French Cnasimornii. Black do , Plain Poplins, Rep. do., Plain Coburno, SAMUEL E. IrUMEIGII, Geol. Agent LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH GROCERIES—FISIT OF ALL EMS. Among which la a large lot of real genuine Raltl morn dry salt OFFRINO, in oak barrels, MACHAIIEL at prices that Is really astonishingly low. ['laicals o all kinds. SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good aorortment of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQUOI?S, 6. C.. at the lowest lutes for CASII or Country Produce. WM. BENTZ. July 1, 1854. GRAND CENTRAL MMCI2I_IIOOItI4COMIL, At the Rooms of J. C. LESIIER, JUG'S Building, south east corner Marltet,fiquare, of Wu Lilco platuren, consisting of PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, MELLANIOTYPES, CARTES DE VISTE, in all sty les a. d sizes, from Life size to the Miniature picture, for r ings breast pins, pictures aro warranted superior to any taken in tints county or elsewhere, his material is at the best, and his artists cannot be surpassed. Pm' ore cases and frames of all Qualities, from the richest sits and ....ewood, to the plainest .na cheapest. Ills prices are made to suit all classes and conditions of men. 'Thankful for past favors, and asks a continuation of ho same. • _ Oct. 13, 18135-6lnn NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS! GRAND opening of unrivalled goods J ust received from the Eastern sitios; consist ing of clioiro ono va,lod selections at A. W. Bents's stern, Seuth Hanover St., (he familiar and well known stand. Our list “fDrers comprigog BLACK SILKS, 4reat variety including tho best goods imported, Grains, Lyons Ta!Teta, Urns do Rhino, (hos d' nonnd figured. Lupin's, Morinons In all colors I. Plaid Morinnes and Poplins, /_::ALPREASS CL THN gured and Plain, Alpaccas all talados, Coburgs, Do mines of Elegant Designs. WHITE GOODS, 11 LI prico onets and Canibries, Plain and Plaid liamsooka LINE NS AN D COTTON GOODS, " NittrSHMV, Cl,llllter).lle% r Cry cheap. FLANNELS hy ory quality of white and coloroa flannels, Blank a lialumrat skirts Ac. A latgo stock of ClOths Cassimeres, Sattinet to Velvet Cord, Ilorne.made Joann &r. I have now a superior assortment of Millinery Goods, Bonnet Velvets and Eil kn, Bonnet and trimming Rib bons, Malines, English Crapes and bares. MOURNING GOODS. Single and Double width all wool DeLainos, Em press Cloths, Lupin's Bombazine. Cashmere, French Mt•rinoes, Velour Reps, Velour IN en, Alp/Wen, CllllO Cloth, queen Cloth, Striped Mohair. English Prints, Thibet Long Shawls, Crape Veils Collars, Handkerchief,. and Belting. NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Floor and Oil cloth, Window Shades, I.lm. brellas, and (loop Skirts. All ve.-y our, anti cons: - ally under the market prim-es Nov. 3, 1866 111 E LIGHT OF TILE WORLI. DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE hese Life giving remedies are now, for the first time, en nubile ly to the world. For over a quarter Or a Wry 01 pi i vale practice the ingredients In these Life giving Pills ! With the greatest success. Their rela tu is nut only to prevent disease, but to cute. They arch out illy various maladies by which the patient sulfuring, and re-invigorate the. failing system. To 0 aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable PILLS II prove to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Poi in every c.ate they add new life and vitality, and restore the waning sum gins t their pristine state. To the young sod middle-aged. they Avill_prove ,most invaluable, as a ready, specific, and sterling medicine. Here is s dream realized, that Ponce-de-Leon sought for till ee hundred years ago, and never found. He looked fora Muntain that would restore the old to vigor and make youth ever An Eternal Spring 1 It was loft for this day and hour to realize the dream, nod show, lu one glorious tact, the magic that made It These Famous Remedies Cannot stay the flight of years, but they can force back, and hold aloof, disease that might triumph over the aged and the young. Let none hesitate then, but seize the favorable opportunity that offers. When taken as prescribed— FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS Nothing can be more productive of cure than those Thrir almost magic Influence Is felt at once ; and (be usual concomitants of this most distressing disease are removed. ihese remedies aro made from the purest Vegetable Compounds They will not harm the moat delicate female, and in be given with cud 6ifect In prescribed deties to the obliges! babe. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin, the SALVE is most In valuable, It does not heal externally alone, but peso• trates with the most searching effects to the vary root of the evil ! DR. MAGGIMIS PILLS Invariably cure the following Die eases ; Atithms, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Most Disoasos, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Diarrhroa, Dropsy, Debility, Foyer and Aguo, Foinalo Complaints, Headache ' lndigostion, la/luvnvu, inflammation, Inward Weaknoos, Liver Complaint. Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, • Rheumatism, Salt lthouin, Scalds, Skin Diseases. /Kir Notice.—Noun genuine Arithout the engraved trademark around each pot or box, signed by DR. J. AIAGGIIEL, 43 Fulton st., Now York, to counterfeit which Is felony. iifir Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines throughout the United States and Canadas—at 26 cents per box or pot. Jun. 10 18613-Iy. FOURTH ARRIVAL ! jjaving taken the' advantage of the ixgroatdeolloe in all kinds of Dry Goode that has just occurred in the Eastern Markets, wo have Just made a large addition to our Winter Stock, and have 'marked every. thing docin to correspond with the present prices. Please call and ace the groat Bargain(' you turnOw got In all kinds of FANCY DRESS GOODS, . BILISMNS, SUIRTINGS; CANTON - FLANNELS, WOOL' FLANNELS, GINGHAM, 0 TIMINGS, CALICOES, Great Bargains in.Dianketa: Greatilargains l in Shawls, Great Bargains tivoLonts and OASSIMERESArand display of CriRTST➢IAS' GOODS Grand display of Ladlos, Mims nod Chlldron's Furs, Gratul display - ofo / 14all 41. full block •.o all IritUla , of : • „ *. • . . WOOLEN GOODS, such es Floods; Jackets, Shirts, and Prairere, Scoria, Tlos,lloso, Gloves, liontags, &c. .• onitrOrs, OARPET.S, r. , ;011,Clothe,Itugs, Matto, Window, Dodos, &a. i . Please' call !ludas° for .yourselves that wo 'aro fully prepared to give you the greatest Bargains , you have 'seen for a long time, and we .have determined not to be undersold, and always take great pleasure In axhib , iting our complete stock of Goods sultablo for the season. - - ' LErpiorr v DaILLOB. • Doc. 10, 1805. Wanitf.ed 'lmmediately. i.;l .N ,xperionceil Suktepplatt i shorouglg.kiaowlodgo ,pitkp DF,y clood , p4slngtok tte.ottuot 'no apply. ' • Luroion Oarlialo, Feb.l4, 1,81.10. ' - AGAINST ACIOIDENTS. / Travelers' Insurance Company. PROVIDENCE, R. I. CASH CAPITAL, INSURE AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE OR INJURY FROM .4131.4Q4CISODOMM.9Clig', OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DOLLARS secures a Policy for $l,OOO payable In cane of death from accident. 5 DOLLARS secures a Policy for $l,OOO, payable in ease of death from accident, and also insure+ $6.00 per week compensation in case of accident not causing death, but disabling from pursuit of usual avocations. 25 DOLLARS a Policy for $5,000, pith $25 per week compensation. Other sums in like propor' lon. OCNERAL ACCIDNINTS include Scalds, Qua-shot wounds, Dislocations, Sprains, effects of lightning or explosions, Choking, Drowning, Warty accident result log from external causes. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. SIITIT PADIMFORD, Protet Nationnl Bank of North America. A. E BURNSIDE, Major General U. B. A. J. 5, PHETTEPLACE, Firm - of Photteploce & Seagrove ALLEN 0. PECK, Prost(loot Narragansett Ina. Co. HENRY H. ORMSBEE, Pres't MonuPre Mutual Fire - . . . . Ins. Co, JADEZ C. KNIGHT, Merchant. TIIOMAS G. TURNER, 1 3 ree't Equitable Ins. Co. ALEXANDER FAIiNtIM, Merchant. J.B. DARISE, See) , Atlantic Inouranco Co. FRANK MAURAN, American Steamboat Co L. 13. FRIEZE, With A. & W. Sprague ROYAL O. TAFT Firm of Taft Wooden & Co. J. 11. Ds WOLF, Neal- American Insurance Co BENJAMIN BUFFIJM„ American Wood Paper Co JOAN T. MATTRAN, Manufacturing Jeweller HENRY H. ORMSHEE. President. J. S. PARISH, Vice Presikent. 11. H. RAWSON, Secretary. HOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, STATE AGENTS, 0 Walnut St. Philadelphia. 11. M. DONEHOO, agent at Carlisle, Cumberland Co. Pa, who is also agent for Guardian Life Insurance Company, of New York. These companies stand deservedly In the front rank of insurance companies in this country. Policies issued without delay. Nov. 24, 1865-4 m. J. C. LEBLIER WINTER GOODS. Anew and extensive lot of Winter Goods is just being opened at Ogilby's. These goods have been purchased during the last week when goods were lower than they have been for some time. All in went of MUSLINS, CALICOES, OINGHA MS and Dehanes would do well to cell and examine before purehabing elsewhere. Also a fine tut of fancy al tides for • Christmas Presents, h will he sold cheapen than Call be bought 0 Po not thrget the old stand ou the Corner oppos the Post Office, lice. 15, 18n5 jrW. SMILEY, has just. received a large and elegant assortment of superfine and medium quality of FRENCH AND GERMAN CLOTHS, BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES AND V ESTINGS; a general assortment of Union CASSIMERES, SATI NEI S, JEANS, &e., all of whieh I will manufacture to order, in superior style, at moderate prices, or sell by the yard. I have secured the services of THOMPSON S. REIGHTER, one of our most fashionable and popu• lar Tailors, who will always be found in the store to cut and superintend the manufacturing department, on he hereby invites his old patrons and the public to give him a call. A large ahst,rtment of Ready Made Clothing of our own lunnufnetUro for nien and boys, at prices to suit the times, will always be found on our shelves. I will let no man undersell mc. A iso, BOOTS, SHOES' AND HATS My stock of prime Kip, Water Proof Calf and hoavy boots to., for loon and boys in very large and complete M!1=1 together with a full assortment of it omoriVand • dren's lino and every day wear, all of which you find selling at the very lowest prices possible. C see and bo satisfied. Trunks, Travelling-Bags &e at low prices. Do not bill to glee me a call, as I will always be glad to Roe you, and fool confident that I can supply you with as good, well mado and desirable Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Re., cc can ho found In the market, and I think at lower prices. North Hanover street, between Shreinor's hotel and 'Whorl's corner, September 8, 1865 3m Samaritan's Gift ! SAMARITAN'S GIFT TIIE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVEI USED. Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury Only Ten Pills to be Taken to F l llect a Cure. rrHEY are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not In any way Injure the stomach or bowels of the most ddlirate. Cures In from two to four days, and recent eases in "twenty-tour hours." Prepared by a graduate of the Unlversity of Pennsylvania, one of the most eminent Doctors and Chemists of the present day. NO EXPOSURE, NO TROUBLE, NO CHANGE iWHATEVEIt. WHATEVER. Let thy, who have despaired of getting cured, or who hare been gorged with lialsam Mercury, try the Scut by mall In a plain envelope. Price—Male package, $2. Female $3. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, 'PETTERS SCALES, BOILS, Olt VENEREAL DISEASES, &c. Is offered the public as it positive cure. THE SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES, IS the most potent, certain and effectual remedy ever prescribed—it reaches and eradicates every particle of the veueral poison, so that the cure Iv thorough and permanent, Take then of this purifying remedy and be healed; and do not transmit to your posterity that for which you may repent in after years. although you may be pronounced hymn 116, tho SAUAILI'I'AN'S ROOT ST, riEfill JUICES will remove every vegtige of Impurities from the sys tem, as well as all the bad °Meta of Mercury. FEMALES ! FEALA.LES I I In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the is most happily adapted, In Wham inixiaring down, Falling of tho Womb, Debility, and for all complainte Incident to the sax. Sent by oxproes Price sl,2s'per brittle. is used in conjunction with the Root and llerbJuices Full directions. Price 25 cents. The efficacy of these remedies, is alike acknowledged by physicians and patients: 'They are used in the United States Hospitals, thus restoring the 'health of many of our bravo soldiers. What the Surgeons say of the Sa - 41 .1 have great satisilmtion in stating that" I have used the Samaritan's Ilemedlen' for Venereal Disease. In its most customary forms; that - .I have-used them; with Judgment,- discretion, and properly, and have found thorn respond to my anticipations promptly and effectually. Knowing their composition, I have the fullest confidence in their efficacy, andaa far as my use of thorn extends, I recommend thnm strongly. "ALFRED nowtn§; "Aesistanturgeou,6th-Now-YotlcVcle tot it bu understand that these remedies are as roc• ommended, and will positively - core the ctleeasee 'for which they are offered. For solo at llaveratlek's Drug E3toro, Hanover 840ot Carlisle, Pa. DltinlONld` SOCO:Proprlotoriv., 014 Rao Bt., Philadelphia. ,July 21,1886,-Om pHYSICITANS will And itto oir-ad- M vantago to 'call and purcliaso tboinliledlolnos at •.. . ' RALSTON'S. '; July 1,1864 MUSIOA.L INST.I3P,M.PNTO;'`.2 Wino, #4ecuAcup,, pftujc.o, u tars Bud Tambourines. ,z • oe.l 0 ) 18135. _ - - $200,000 CIiAS. OCIII.IIY CLOTHING J. W. SMILEY "Yes, A Positive Cure." SAMARITAN'S GIFT, SAMARITAN'S R 0 0 T & HERB ..I 1; S DO NOT 1/ESPAIR I ROOT & lIERB JUICES, SAMARITAN'S WASH, Prtaft, tho Daltimoro Bond maritan's Remedies. "PoBT Ilospini, Foul. MArtenam, 1361116:t0re, Md., Fob• 29, 1864. The great Strengthening Tonle. (Not a Whisky Preparation.) ..HOOFLAND'S ERMAN BITTERS, WILL CURE DEBILITY ! 'DEBILITY ! 'resulting from any cause whatever RESTORATION OF THE SYSTEM, INDUCED BY Severe Hardships, Exposure. Diseases of Camp Life Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Adult or Youth, WILL FIND IN Tills BITTERS a pure Tonle, not dependent on bad liquors for their almost miraculous effects. ISYs~P, q PSIA, AND DISEASES RESIT ;TING FROM DISORDERS OF TIM LIVER AND Dm EsTIVE ORGANS. ARE CURED BY II.001" LAND'S GERMAN HITTERS, This Bitters has PERFORMED MORE CURES, GIVES BIArI"FER SATISFA( TION, ILAS MORE TESTIMONY, as more Respectable People to vouch for It, than any her article in the Market. We defy any one to enntradiet this assertion, and WILL PAY $lOOO to any one who will produce a certificate publish by no that la not genuine, ()FLAN IFS GEBAI AN 13 ITT E WILL. CURE EVERY CASE OR Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising front a disor dered Stomach. observe the following symptoms resulting nom di orders of the digestive organs: Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness of Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructa tions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit o f two Stomach. Swimming of the !lead. Hurried and difficult Breathing Fluttering at the heart, Choking or Suf locating SO118:010111; a bens in a lying Posture ' DiIIIM,SS Of V WOO, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Mad, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the side, Bark, Chest, Limbs, Ay., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant imagining of Evil, and great D'ornotiSon of Elptrlts. CD. REMEMBER, 7/I,d th /hors is nut CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS BUT IS THE REST TONIC IN 11 11111.1) Road who Says So. Erorn the Rev. Lett f 7. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North IMP tint' Church, Philadelphia, at- present Pastor of the Baptist Church, Cherter, hove known ILndie (lerman flitter,' favorably for a number of years, I have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects, that I was induced to recommend them to many oth ers, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus pub. lialy proclaiming this feet, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended, to those bitters, knowing from expert• euro that• my recommendation will he sustained I do this more cheerfully as Moll:old', (litters is intend ed to benefit tha afflicted, and Is -not a rum drink.' Yours, truly From lies'. N. D. Seigtried, of if wellth Bap. tilt Church, Phila. Gentlemen :—I have recently ' een laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a prostration of the nervous srstem. NI M 11,0115 rem edies were recommended by friends, and some of thorn tested, but without relief. Your leolland's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of these bitters induced mu to try them. I must confess, that I had an aversion to Patent Medicines Iron, the "thousand and one" quack "Bitters," whose only aims' seems to be to palm off sweVlened and drugged liquor upon the community in a sl* way, and the tendency of which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal prepara tion I took IL with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the stcmach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I have derived great great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Very respectfully yours, W. D. SLID FE I ED No. Pel Sharlutmaxon Stre From A. M Spangler, Editor of the Culturist, No 2C North Sixth Street. Bones eighteen months since I was a severe sufferer from Dyspepsia. I was not only unable to take plain food without suffering great distress, but hsd become so debilitated as to be almost unfitted for active busi ness of any kind. After trying a variety of ins-called remedies, all of which proved worthlo,s, 1 was Induced, at the sugges tion of a medical filenti, to give iloofland's dermas Bitters a trial. I accordingly purchased six bottles, .•. • . . which were taken in accordance with your directions. The result was complete removal of all distressing symptoms, after eating or drinking, anthe full restora tion of strength, so that I now eat all ordinary kinds of food with Impunity, and am able to attend to all the actives duties of a large and arduous business as well as at any period of my life, the good effects of the Bitters were manifested before I hatidtallen the first bottle. I have also used it in my family with the happiest results, and take great pleasure In adding my testl nosy to that of the many others who have been lione fitted by them. I find great benefit from the use of a bottle in the spring and fall. They not only create a vigorous appetite, but give a health tone to the stom ach, by strengthening its digestive powers. If the above testimony will be the means of induc ing any who suffer from dyspepsia to give your bitters a trial (when it, feel confident, will give them re had it is at your service. Yours, truly, From the lice. E. D. Font:tall, Assistant Editor Chris: Lbw Chronicle, Phila. I have derived decided benefit from the use of Hoof land'a German Bitters, and fool it my privilege to rec ommend them as a most valuable tonic, to all who are suffering from general debility or from diseases analog from derangement of the liver. Yours, truly. E. D. FENDALL. From Bev. D. Merrill°, Pastor of the Passyuntt Bap tist Church, Phila. From the many respectable recommendations given given to Dr, lloollaud's Outman Bitters, I was induced to give them a trial. After using worm! bottles I mend them to be a good remedy for debility, and a most excellent tonic for the stomach. From Rev. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor, of the Yincontowu and Millvillo (N. .1. ) Baptiat Churches, Having used In my family a number of bottles of your lloolland's German Bitters. I have to say that I regard them as an excellent medicine, specially adapt. -ed to remove the diseases they are recommended for. They strengthen and invigorate the system when de, bil hated, and are useful in disorders of the liver, loss of appetite, &c.. I have also recommended them to several of my friends, who have tried them, and found them ;,:reatly-beneficial in. the - restoration - of - health Yours, truly, WILLIAM Duo Itutehinson Street. : FronaJ. B.llertenn; ef the Glrutan Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berke County, Pm Respected Sir :—.I have been tumbled with Dyspep sia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did 1110 as much good as Hootland's tors. lam very much Improved in health, after hay. lug talon five,bottles. Yours, with respect, J. S. HERMAN. IHIWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ;Sao that tho signature of "O. IVI. JAUKSPN". la on the Wrapper of each tottlo, 811aslo nottlaOne bollar, or a Half Doz. for $5 Should your nonroat druggist not have tho article do not bo put off by any •of tho intoxicating prepara .tions that may_bo offered In-its place, but sond ta• - ue ,andlre will forworff;:securely packed by. _express.. - • PRINOf PAL -iairiacm -AND MANDFAOTODY - , • • No,,Q3l.Arch .Street, Philadiffphla, . • • JONDD &•):IVANS, • ISuotossoro to 0. M./Jackson & Co." Per sale by Driigglett) atid Poators ovory town In tlitUnlto 1, 180 d a 06- 4y .` : - • ON and after MONDAY, November 20, 1805, Passengor Tralns will run daily, as follows, (Sunday excepted): FOR CIIAMBERSBURO AND lIARRIA3URO. Leave Llngeystown, 7:10 A. 111., 2:45 P. M. " Greencastle, 7:45 " 3.35 " krr i at 8,17 ' 4:20 Obaulbers'g, - - Leave 8:25 " 1:15 " Leave Shippnusburg 8:55 " 1:48 " New Ville PAI7 " 2:21 " ` Carlisle 0:50 A.M 10:03 " 3.04 " " Mechanicsburg 7 :21" 111:30 " 3:37 " Arrive at Ilarrisburg 7:50" 11:10 " 4:10 " MN GIIAMBERPII WIG AND ileamtsTowil: Fevers Leave Harrisburg 8:40 A. 11., 1:10 P. m 433/ P.M " Mechanicsburg 0:18 " 2:20 " 6:05 " Carlisle 9:00 " 2153 .4 . 6:30 f• " Newville 10:34 " 3;20 '• " 18hippensburg 11:07 •• 4:00 • Obambers'g, Arr at 11:36 " 4:30 4 4 Ima we 11:10 4:40 •• Leave Greencastle 12:21 P. 11 1:30 •• Arrive at Hagerstown 1:00 6:19 • • making close connections at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Ph iladelphla, New York, Pittsburg, Balti more and, Washington. 44:4-I'he Train leaving Ilan isburg ut 4:30, P. M., runs only as tar as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Supt Superintendent's (Mire, Chain b'g. Nov. 24, 1865. J 4 . 40AL AND LUMBER YARD.- j The subscriber having lensed the yard formerly occupied by Armstrong and bluffer, and purf•hased the stork of GOAL AND LUMBER, fn thn ard, togathor with an imulonso new stoc will have constantly on hand and furnish to a der all kinds and quality of seasoned bltiM.l. STUFF Paling Plastering Lath, Shingling • Lath, worked Flooring and M e alit rboarding Pont,' and Balls, and, evil) , article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. %II kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitopine Hemlock and Oak 01 different qualities. lb v ing ''rare f my ow n I e o n furnish bills to order of any length and size nt the Muirtebt, notice :Il;d on the most reasonable terms )1) worked 1 "lids will be kept under cover an tin y c 111 be 11 rnisht d dry at all tunes I hIA i. .on t mtly on baud all Mods of Family Coal under rover, . Well I will deliver . h in to any part of Um borough. To wit : 1,3 ki um 1 Ole), Broken Ngg, ~...44, Stoveand Nut Luke 'Fiddlers 0 ~, .. g , 4" % 11 ( i orlon, Locust Mountain, (•Pre I t= I old. r) which I pled ,m iny -411 It= ~•I f to ..,Il nt tfd - 10. est Ili E Allen and 141ast pen nAuro' tual Fire II1S1111(11.1! Company of Cumberland County, incorporated by 1111 act of Assembly, in the year 15 , 13. and having recently had its charter extend ed to the year 1553, is 1101 V in active and vigorous op eration, under the httperintendence oi the tonsil ing boned of 3lattager,, (lovas. Chrinti..ti Sta . ) inan..laeni, Eberly D. Bully, Alex. Catheart, J. 11. Coover. John Eirbelber ger. Joseph 'Wickersham, Sand. Eberly, )11a-es Bricker, ndol ph Martin, Jacob Coos er, and 1. C. Dunlap. '''lll. rates of hist/ram, are as 101 e and favorable as any Company or the kind in the State. Perkona wish ing to bocorno nronthets are invited to make applica tion to the egenu i.f Vie Company, who are willing to wall, upon then, at any time. 51'31. It. Pregidelit, l'iberl3":. Mills, I'. O. N . .sT AI . NI A N, lire President, Msdiiihirsliurg, O. JOHN I' I>CN I.ll', Seery Nle.dianicsburg. I)A2s,' I El, lIA I IN, Dillsbut;:., Vold, Co. AU • ENTS. LEII G, BECK .1/111L1DELPIIIA, July 15, 186 A. M. SPANGLER PRICE, CUMBERLAND VALLEY • • ROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. BOARD'S, SCANTLINO, t luday I Limehui-iter's and litetelesmilli.s 0,11, 003, 00 hand vhirh I will nullat the lowest li Yard. west 01,10 /II Grammar exhool. Alain rl rept. ANI)1:1.:1V 11.111,A1 151371. tt FIRE INSURANCE. CL1111111.1 . 11111.1 Handy.-- .L.llll 1'1( . 4. . unity Zen; inv. :"Ilirellutusimvl; ; PerlYl, 1,101,i11,4011: 1I1 , 111) Ito, mai., (11 1,01 to, ; t;riflii h. South dl ithllet.oll; Samu.•l S:1111111'1 )il,ll/11111 . 11 1 / 1 111: V. Cc7ilin,Slivioherdstown 1). Culv e r, lipp, A Hon ; .1. 11. S., iron Sllery Spring: Joh., alou tine Feerna n. Now rumber land ; James 11.•Candlish, vino York rounty--W. l'irhing. Dover; Jain, (II iflith, Wallington; J. F. DvarSorfr, Washington; Richey Chtrh, 1). Rutter, Fairview ; John IVilliamh Cnrroll. Dauphin co ---,Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. )lenihers of Ow Company having policies about to oxpire, 1,011 have 010111 rerleWO•l by nicking application to any of the Agents. July 1.1861. LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Fiiters /The subsoriben+ inform the public that they still eon thlue the (lA:4 FITTING AND PLUM DINO In .fines at the Old Slancl in the hie.inneel of the Kirsi Methedisl Chureh. They all .0./1,111 pieroplly 1 ,, nil business in their line. Lead and Iron Pipes. Ily,hnuta. Het and mid /5//0 iFER. /IA 7'llS, W,tor ejilt-els, Fort, and Litt Pumps, \\'i 't' Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Mt sins, Hydraul r Mns. &c., and every description o. eics and fittings !in. gas, steam, watei, dc. Super Inc wiring range , , ii hors and gas fixtures put up in lurches. ,lures and do .lllngs, at shot t notice. in the ost Int,dern style. All mAterials and woric In our nl' at Inw rates (1.1 1131 (. ( . 3'l l .11. I:01_03111 try liorlc and j il,hiag n,mptly attended to .7uly 1.11161. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the World's Fair, London, 1862. T - ` 75 P41 I+, VC; SAO * 1 / eee ?TUE undersigned has just received, and intends W keep constantly on hand a full as. sortmont of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Steinway Si Sons of Now York. Each Instrument will be carefully selected In tho )1/LllMM:tory, and will be sold at the &ow York Cash Factory Prices, with the +l.ddition of Frorght to Catlin to. written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be al von by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are Invited to call and oxiunino thus., unrivaltod Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, door east of the Mansion U use, near tl e Railroad Depot Sl , ,COtill UANU PIANOS. rocuiTed. in e:triAange and Itup• 1 . 4 salo and 10 runt Carllxlu, May '22, 1803—ly A. B. EWING'S FURNITU'RE WARE-ROOM " ~,,Aliklrrry.3y-m West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (I'remium awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 1857,) The subscriber has just rocolved the most splendid assort meat of articles in his line, over brought to this place—which ho is determined to sell at prices that defy competition. Parlor.' Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE Kitchen and °Mee' Embracing every article used by House rind Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in Botts, reception and Camp Chairs, rilattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, &e., ,S.c. ImParticular attention given no usual to funeralo: 'orders from town and country, attended to prpmptly and'on moderato Orme. it. B. IL July 1, 1864. IFAINTS AND OILS:- .. 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons (1011. Just received with a large assortment of Varukehlis, -- -- Fire Proof-Paint,— Tutlientlne; Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, Lltharge, Ited Load 'Whitiug, Boiled Oil, _ Wife, . ' ',' Shellac; - Spann 011, ' Paint Brushes, Fish 011, ao., Color. ofnvery description dry, nud 0111 n, cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of . . .... JWyl,lBO4 Bryarui Pulmonic WAfers, AT RALSTON'S 1kw.11,1863 ONE good Photograph is; worth doz on poor °nog. Who will give a poor ploturo to Mend r , All PHOTOGRAPHS made at LOON MAN'S ROOMS, jirp . ,war;•aitad . ,to give suitsfactiou or they will bo, talcon. • Oct/20 ; 1805, - . :6pIPES, Tobacco, (smoking and chow lug) and Sogang,nt tlavorstick's and 800 tore - 4 , . • .7 TOTAMES.-600 pairs HameS 'oii band of ail kinds. Elizabothtriwn pattern, Loudon do., Coalman do., with and without patent fotenings 'oheaper than over at I. 6AXTOII , i3, East Blain at, !."-Juiyl,lBo4. READING RAIL ROAD ` ~Atif I~~.f „~µrylw WINTER ARRANGEMENT. CIREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE _A North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville,. Lebanon, Tamaqua, Ash land, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, inc., &c. Trains leave Harrisburg . for New York; as follows At 3.00, 7.25 and 9 05 A. M., .and 1.45 and 0.00 P. M., arriving at Now York at 5.40 and 10 00 A. M., and 3.40 and 10 36 P. 51., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road; Sleeping Care accompanying the 3.00 and 9.05 A. 111., Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minorsville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil adelphia, at 7.24 A. 51., and 1.45 and 900 P. M., stop ping at.l.llbanota and all Way Stations; the 9.00 P. hf., Train making no close connections for Pottsville nor, Philadelphia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill .Ifavon an. Auburn, via Schuylkill end Susquehanna Rail Road leave. Harrisburg at 4.00 P. M. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 A. N. 12.00 Noon and 8.00 P. M; Phlladeldhia at 8 GO A. M., and 3.001'. M., Pottsville at 8.30 A. AL, and 2.46 P. M., Ashland 0.00 and 11.46 A. AL, and 1.16 P. Ilfg•Tama qua at 7.35 A. M. and 1.40 P. H. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road. at 6.45 A. M. Reatilim Acconnambition Train : Leaves Reading at 0.30 A. AL,'returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 I'. M. Columbia Rail /toad Trains leave Reading at 6.10 A. 51 and 6.15 I', M. for Ephrata, Lit's, Lancaster, o°l=- bl:it, Ac. On Sundays : Leave New Yor at 8.00 P. M., Phila. del pith 3.15 Pt M., Pottsville 8.00 A. N. TanTaqua 8,00 A. M., Harrisburg 9.05 A H. and Reading at 1.00 A.M. for Harrisburg, and 10.52 A. AL for New York. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets to and from all points, at reduced Rates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds aliened each 0. A. NICOLLS, (leneral Superintendent. Reading, Pa. Dec. 8, 1865 Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- THE Cumberland Valley, Pennsylva nia and Northern Central Hall Road Companies have made an arrangements to do a Prrilbt and F'oricarding Business between the Cities ot.Philadelhia, Baltimore and New York. The Cumberland, Valley Bell Road Company will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the Is January 11,6 e tnr the receipt and shipment of all goods entrusted to thorn. Freight to be forwarded by this arrangement must be left at Pennsylvania Rall Road Company! Depot corner of loth and Market St., Philadelphia. North ern Central Rail Read Company's Depot Baltimore and. Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company's Depot at Carlisle. The public trill find It to thero interest to ship through tho Roll Mud Company's ]Freight Rouses and by Company Cars. d. Fr. D. Ituoi,PB, rrpight A aen t Ca lisle Due. 22, 4805. ,500,000 MORE MEN WANTED Spring a S u min e r Clothing of ISAAC LIVINGSTON, t 'l' his cheap Clothing Establishment .1 . 3„._0h North Hanover btreet,, Carlisle, from ono 01 the Ia rgeot and best storks of READY MADE CLOTHING. G 000DS, A ;CI; eve, hough tto this place. Having just returned fro the CaMpaign, he ackmowledges his gratitude to the tills, us of Carlisle and vicinity for the extensive pat ronage they have bestowed upon him, and takes the - preKent opportunity to respectfully solicit a contin 1111 re of the Sitllle. ills stock of ready made SPRING AN])SUIrI Elt CLOTIIING, Is not vorpassed In this place, either in quality or in extreme cheapness. Remember that he also makes clothing to order; having In hls employ an experi enced cutter From my extensive purchase In the ea•torn elti+•s, I fool confident that I cannot be under sold by any °Ulme entablinhinent, either East, West, North or Furth Livingst on has always been the first to ,apply )ou with clothing, twenty-five per cent. cheapeOnd ens hundred per rent. better than you can pui charm , chew horn Como end examine his stock 3ou want to purchase clothing. ISAAC LI V I NtISTON, North Ilanover Street. Aptii lat,s. MACHINE SHOP. rhe subscriber now manufacture:4 - and I,,ps vonstantly on hand, on North Street, oast of Theudinin's Hotel, a largo assnrttnont of A( 1(2 ILT URAL IMPLEMENTS such as Horse Powers, Threshing Machines with Sep odors attached, Clover Hullers Corn .-..1.101er5, Straw and Fodder Cutters, all at which are the latest and. the best improvements. TIME outam articular attention paid to Repair. ing of all kinds of Agricultural Implements at short notice and reasonable prices. Thankful tbr former favors I respectfully solicit share of public patronage. Al' the store of John Irvine, on th E. corner of the public square. is the place to pui chase Boots Shoes Hats and Caps, at prices that defy competition, Ile has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete Assortment of Boots, Shoes, Ilais & Caps that he has ever presented to this community, nod which be is determined to sell at the lowest pos sible prices. Ills stock embraces everything in his Ilse of bi , Sirit`sS, such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, diip IS,ots, Calf and Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Call and patent Leather Ciaitet F, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and It 1 p Brogans, Slippers, &c. LADIES' WEAR, l inc Crenrb and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Call and Kid Bruits, Fine Kid Slippers, Fanny Slippers, Moe recei., and Kid Buskins, For., :11IS ES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR of all &scrip Lions embracing tine Lasting Gaiters, lilorroeco and Lasting Button Boots, Morrocro Lace bows of all kinds fancy shoes of various styles slippers, &c. HATS & CAPS, Silk, Cassimere, Fur and Wool Hats of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of STRAW HATS. (loots a oil Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppomptly dems. Confident of his ability to please all Matins of customers. ho respectfully invites the public to give him a call. ta.itomember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. July 1, 1864 HAT 'AND CAP EMPORIUM. FrITE undersigned respectfully announ x cos to the public that ho still continues the hat• tang Ilusluesa at the old stand, in West High street, and with a renewed and effioient effort, produce arti cles of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall be strictly In keeping with the luiptcore moot of the Art, and fully up to the ago :which w• I have on hand a splendid afr assortment of • HATS AND CAPS, ... JOHN K. STAYMAN ofall descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest Fur and Silk Rats; nod at prices that must suit every one who has an eyo to getting the worth otitis money. Thu stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMEIIE, BEATER at BELT 'Lyra, of ovary style and color and unsurptuwed for Llghtnen Durtibilily and finish; by those' of any other establish meta In the country. Men'e, Boy's and Children's liat's and Caps, of every description constantly on hand. Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give him a call. ' CALLIO. July 1,1864. NNW AND FRESH , CA- 3L 6 ' 430 C 5 4E) 3L'' 31. 4E5 . HALBERT & BRO., J'AviNG just zeturned from the Eastern cities desire to in term their patrons that they bave, a large and varied stock,of Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. • Their assortment Is thorough and complete, contain , leg everything neeetlillitLY to ,constitute a First Class rocory. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, in greatest abundance, and at lowest. cash .figilratr— Syrups, Spices, Canned grulta„, And Crockery, Salt and Fish, hams,, Cheese, Crackers, Washes, Baskets and Willuw.:Ware.. Scgars and Taacco of the choicest brands. _Brgomai Buckets, and a corn plate assortMent of - FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot the old stand, South Bast ,corner of Ilanover streets. lIALBERTA 1111.0. Feb. 24, Mt • CUMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL. N. E. Cor. Main (ind Bedford Ste. CARLISLE, PA . .. JNO."G. HEISER; .A•qprictor. RESTAURANT in the basement, othich Is furnished with the very , bOst animate and edibles of all varieties. Juno 10, 143,61.1, lINNRY SAXTON I)HOTOGRAPH ALBUMS all shoe apd fitYiga Doc, 16, 1865. LAMES 'dOMPANIONS;' ice. n 1 , 1805 11sortsshallos and sizes. AT lIAVERSTICI[B IUtraItII.'BOXIS,; " °Ots; Port Po , y 0160, Tourlete 99nraptIontiry Alcupig, damns of all klnde. Doc.lo, 1. 3IJ _Corifeotioriary and -Fruits, at cARPEe • „ T Migs „ highest east', prises 7111 be paid byJ • b. 0,1860. LEIDIOLC*BaWat. pany. FREIGHT DEPOT, CARLISLE, N. LULL, Supt 1111= II 1 'I'S, A. J. KUTZ, Agent BOOTS AND SHOES. AT lIAVEItOTTOICEI AT 11AVSIISTIOIM 3 JOHN IRVINE