GREAT EXHIBITION! ADIViITTANCE , FREE. Doors open every- day, (Sundays excepted.) New Boot, Shoo, Hat & Cap Store. THETsubscriber t would respectfully A. Inform the citizens df Carlisle and surrounding country, that ho has just lieturnod from the city, and has now on sahib lion at hie new stand south wont corner of North Ilanovor St. and Locust Alloy, a large assortment of Boots, .S 1 es, Hats & Caps, to which he would invite the attention of purchasers. Ills stock conaists in part of MOtt . s. Buys and Youths FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip and Water proof Be .1.. Calf and Glove MA Galt era, Calf dud Kip Brogans, Slippers, &e. LADIES' WEAR Fine Glove Kid, French and English lasting Gaiters, Morocco. Calf and aid Bonus. and Bahnorals, together with a large assortment of heavy moo Boots and Bal moral!, suited fur country ware. llissrs und Chilli` A's Warr, of all descriptions, embracing fine Kid and Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Ooat and Rid Boots and Balmorals, Call and Rip lace Boots, Sic. Hats and Caps in great variety, for Men, Boys and Ybuths Wear, from the commonest to the very best quality, at low ,prices. Call nt d see them. ills motto is small profits and quick sales, adheong so those principles he trusts be shall give general sat isfaction to those who will favor him with their pat ronage. Remember the Stand, S. W. Cr rner of North Hanover Et , and I,rust Alley, midway between Thudium's and Wetzel's Hotels, Carlisle October 6, 1666 tr. WANTED! WANTED ! LIVERYBODY to call at Wm. C. Saw 114 yet's arid got all kinds of Winter Goods at Greatly I?eclurrtl Priers WINTER DRESS GOODS, WINTER CLOAKS, MANTLES and SHAW LS, Balance of our FURS ac COST. Cloths, Cassirneres bless' Wear, Selling eery cheep. BLANKETS, BL NK ET S, at reduced prires. We are receiving every day Irvin Now York seasonable Goods, MUSLINS, CALICOES, SHEETINOS, all kinds of house forniQhing Goods, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &e., &c. Persons going to house-keeping or changing resi dence will do well to examine our large and Bell se. lected stoek. Please call one door below Martin's lie. tel, East M.,in Street W C. SAWYER . & Co .e k- Highest mob price paid for rarpet rags. Jan. 19, 1,66. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR LINER )M P !NI A FußsTiatTE Full CA1.0)1E1 If your boxruis ure costive. TRI"PrIEM If you hare Worms MOMMUI If your breath Is had, MT= If you feel drowsy ElliMffl If you are low spirited E3MZI If you havo a sick Ilundache. IMEREEM If you bat° token n drop too much, TAK I. A FULL D 0 , 44 Thoy only coot 25 contg a box. TRY TIFENE Blue Mass. and other preparations of Mercury, ne. tinily produce more sultoi log and death than the dis eases which the% Profess to cure. And yet this corn,. sine mineral so denounced by the allopathic doctors. Is prescribed by them /11111.1 t unhersally In I.lwer Com plaint. Consumption of Lungs, Ac. THE A N DHAKA: PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herbs obtained from the great storehouse of Nature. and their salutary ef fects will appear as ssou as the 1111 4 (IiI 4 i110 Is brought to the test a fair experiment. SCIIENCK'z; MAN. DRAKE PILL: , do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach : but when given ft. 1414114( 4 pF4111, it may be proper to use them in connection with SCIld St AW EED TONIC By this judicious treatment the digestive faculties are speedily restored to their full vigor. and the worst Cayes igestion may he cured. ben We reflect that the liver in the largest Inter nal organ al the body. that to it Is assigned the impor tant duty of filtering the blood and pre paring the bile, that it is subj, t to many disorders, and t ha t when It is di=eased Inactive the whole body sutlers sympa thetically. It is hot sou prising, that a medlcitm which can re-tore the healthy operations of the I,l‘ et should produce ,onderful changes in the general health, and effect .1.11,4 S mdy appear to be almost, mharulous. Headache of long continuance 'every pains ill the side, breast and shoulders. at ping of the limbs. ri feelln • of general W 1 4414, 1 41 44 4 4 44 4t114A ou et,-hen urns. and other alarm ing an di.,tres•ieg ey mptoms. iuJieu cite of Imperfect or disordered action of the et, are speedily removed by the use of SCH I , .NCh•S NDRA E Coeiveness. piles bitter or rile erurtations, and that Ilit4-4aihable 1'4,11,4 4.1 tor•ntal Ikr,xle lv, hug nor, gy, and of spirits whloh unfit a man tor the 111111144,1114•11 t oI 141,1114,4 11414 i the enjoyment. 44t life. tr., allelieved by the use nl SCHENCK'S MANDIt E Dr. '-carver. —Dear Sir : I take pleasure lii sending you a certificate In addition to litany you have already revile l frimi suffering humanity. 1 an s. arcely find language sufficiently strong to express illy heartfelt Ken ificelion „r 1, a under( cures Our MA N I,lt All E PILLS and EA WEED .N li have I.llerted in the tin tire cure of etre of the most stubborn rases of the allec ton the liver. Fur OD ye years I suffered beyond 111.; de_ scription ; ill my friends. as well as myself, came to the the that nis 111111, ill this life was short. Such was the terrible condition to whivh I AVIIS reduced that life Li me had I 0 11110 a 11111t111.114 my whole syslem roan in a state of inflammation ; I could not eat, I could riot sleep; toy whole tardy was filled pain; awe:ling alietld arise In my wrists and ankles, render ing them totally useless. lb several l/CetISIOTIFI I Wes a' tacked with a rush of Llood to the head a hich would fell me to the ground, and I w ou ld h e carried nwny for dead I applied to seral eminent physicians of our sits. ho administere ve d all the medicines that they thought would reach my case, but of nn avail Ihrs of them said he could do lie more forme, and ad li.ed are, last resort, to drink rod liver oil. Not relishing the horrid trash I declined to take it. Acct. dent put your advertisement in my hands I called on ; ou examined Me and told me the nature of my disease You then ordered nil the fills and Tonic with an übservanse of ills t, pledging 3 our word that in our. week 1 11 1111111 111111 111) . StIlf 111111111..1. uuiu. 1 roller, rd your .1(1% it,. And, you predicted, /it, astonishing cure was. effei Led I couch need your Pills and Tonic fur some tithe, and now thank lied 1111 his goodness, and tr.. VIIIUIII.IO /10 , 11,110, 11au .100 111010 restored to pi 1 Girt health. I most earnestly rcronllnend those Trim are suffering from affection or the liver to give your Pills and Tellllo a fair trinl, end a , ore will l- of fecte I 1 have sent many persons to you and they have all hi 011 cured. Any information my 11.11 li chi tens may require will be freely given lip the nuhoerl ber. at his residence, No. 812 I tract:it street, between Bth street end Pass) unit road. CH A ItLES JOIINSON, Form.4ly Printors' Ink Nla nufact urer Do. SCHENCK will he In otessionally at his principal office, No. 15 North Sixth street. corner of Commerce, PHILADELPHIA. every Saturday. from 9 u. m. until 4 p. ni.; No. X.: Bond street, New York, every Tuesuay, Prow 7 to 3. No. s 8 Demmer street, Boston, 'lass., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, and every other Friday at 198 Baltimore street, Baltimore, MA, All advice free, but for a thorough examMation of the lungs with his Re spiromot, r the charge is three dollars. Price of the POllllOl/Ir Syrup and Seaweed Tonle, each $1 59 per bottle, or $7.59 per half .I..zen. Mandrake Pills, z 5 cents! er box. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. Jan. 1, 1895-Iy. qmiE Mason 8: Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty different styles• adapted to sacred and secu lar music, for SSO to SChal each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums award• ed them. Illustrate•l Catalogues true. Address, MA SON & HAMLIN, BOSTON, or MASON BROTHERS, New YORK. Sept. 22, 1.865-Iy. New Grocery Store ! CHANGE OF FIRM 1 THE undersigned hereby announces to his old patrons and customers, that ho bus din. posed.of his entire stock of Goods with the good will of the establishment to Messrs Puffer & Wasbmood, whom he recommends to the citizens of Cumberland County, as active, energetic and reliable business men, who will spare no pains to maintain and improve the character of the old stand as a Brat class FAMILY GROCERY. With many thanks for the patronage ho has received he bespeaks for the now firm a continuance of thasame JUIN HYBR. PEFFER. & WASHMOOb will In a few days receive the largest and boat assorted stock of GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WILLOW WARE, &c., ever brought to this place, and will constantly keep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets afford. A full assortment of Lamps and Oil on hand. Call and see us at the old stand, South East corner of Market Square January 5,1866-Iy. PEFFER & WABLIMOOD Presents for all at Haverstick's. 1J KITING Desks, Papier, Mashie, ®V Rosewood & Walnut. Doc. 15, 1855 GUM BELTING - I • Just received a largo assortment of all sizes— Onm Belting, Oum Hose, Gum °Packing, &e., and for gale cheap at tho Hardware Store of HENRY SAXTON. Juno 25,1864. HYSICIANS will find it to their ad vantago to call and purchaso their tatimil,ast Ju1y:1,1864 FAMILY DYE COLORS, BALSTONI4. July 1,1886. PIANO-FORTES. DRIGGS' NEW PATENT. A RE the only Instruments constructed Lion a truly scientific principle. They have great or strength, and wit' remain longer In Tune than any other Piano. Thu construction la simple and natural all the extraneous lumber iri the body of the Instru. went is dispensed with; the sound boards are merely twn arch,' I planks of thin wood, like the front and back.of a v Min ; the strings are attached to a strong Iron frame, which Is sepatated and entirely independ• ent of the wise. thereby dispensing w•itn the old harp form of stringing, by substitutin straight bridges, preserving at the same time 'lie Over Strung Bass, cf wbfch filr.Driggs is the Inventor. By those improve ments IVO gain much niece vibratory power, at the same time pre,,,:,,g all Its purity and richness of tone. They have received the highest testimonials from the Press, and all the principal artists In the country, among which arc: Harry Sanderson, L. M. Gottschalk, Max Maretzek, S. Melberg, Theodore Flsfield, Win. Mason, Herman Wollenhaupt, A. Darin, Francis 11. Brown, M. Strackooch, Won. Henry Fry, Ch.. ',redid. Mr. SEGESMUND TILALI3EILO, the great pianist, Rays :—I have exturtine4 your new Piano-fortes, end I cordially approve of Its system of construction. Its principle, by which great Increase of vibratory power Is obtained, being very simple and perfectly philosophi cal. The tone is grand and noble; it has great capac ity for•sustaining the sound or singing, and its vol ume of tone or power I have never heard excelled in depth, purity, and sympathetic sweetness. Wm. HENRY FRY, late musical critic of the N. Y. Tribune says have examined your newly invented Piano-I:0i ten. They merit all the praise given to them by Messrs Thalberg, Gottschalk, Strackosch, Mason and others. As regards structure, they are original and philosophical; In purity, volume, and continuity of tone; in vocal vorsimilitude, that erbwiling lance which enables the pianists to " sing" on the lu sir amen t, your Pianos over twee m Lim highest rank Your invention, in my opinion, Ia destined 10 work a radical change In the manufacture of Pianos through. on t the world. MECO From the N. V. Herald, Sept. b.—Upon a careful ex aminatiou of Drigg's Piano-Forte, we find the insults obtal net are a very fine singing tone, great purity and brilliancy throughout the entire instrument, not often found in Pianos constructed upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, .luly 12. says:—We have now an Instillment w ithout an equal. It can sing with a smooth delicacy, perleAly unattainable on any other lest, 11111011 : an or Hoary player obtains with no exer tion, the fullness of a (band Piano. Forte, and they must speedily supersede the old styles. GENTLEMEN RV Ing thoroughly examined and tested the Piano-Fortes Invented and patented by Mr `. It. Di iggs, I am of the oplilion that the tone result is from his improvements, as exhibited in the In I laments under examinathm, in feint of 'richness pth and brilliancy, equals that of the best Orand I lam, Forte , , and excels them In pure, musical Inton ation and a Auld 10110, power thus approximating clo,:er to what, I consider perfection iu the instrument Limn has yet been achieved by any other s 3 stem of man n tact u re \V I. HA 503 Broadway, NEW YORK. puridodud, scud for a dew ri pli we catalogue, with price. J une Iw, Oid:i Iy. Iron, English Refined. 4' (IEN'PS lb. Nails, $5,50. Horse and e% erythlog else In proportiou at ItY SAXTON'S WI) - 186 "c9kil Slnf amy l om.tuj,ltu owioddo Spwou ao.kouvil InJory .V R:4 'SSVIO •spllpt oaump rntl 09S31110(.1 put: Opaod. u! SIIHrIVR 3 x, { 7 14 N/.{{:!7 WINTER. GOODS Sawyer great Dry (;, , ,,e1 rrt,l Si., one be_ Whave , received i: ; , e lv d iut fro er (mi mods. New test Importations of Frenrh, English and 11,1amti LL EI :SS 0 - 003DS, in ‘ilk and, ,04,1 fabrics, Plain, ; Uipeal. Paned and Figured sit let, very cheap. 101,4 Paris Mantles, Coats, Chesterfields and Circulars at I.•ilared prices. FURS, FURS, FURS, friall the importers and man tifactiiries, nu illllllOl.O suppli aid' hinds, styles and selling less than rite rni all primes. Shawls, Shawls, MOURNING GOODS ul every variety MiI , :IWO TINUS, 1 . 1.01 . 118 anti CAS-IM Ell ES. Wo get up suite at shunt I "lieu and in the lust stiles. A 1.1. K INI, (11 , N )IIuNA, Drawer,, Inv, A . GOMIS in 1211 . ¢e goon ti tirx. C A It 1' ETA, trrados (111 Cloths, Flitnuols. Please call and eAamine the largest and host stork in the %alley. NS'in are determined to keep up our old reputati. a ,•r srl hug et very low wires. 1%. C. SAWYER & CO. rllNh pilot, paid 1 . .' l'arpot N,,r a, 181;5. \ E RS, 'AI echanies and laboring mmi look to your illtOrelittl. If you 0 Joh CO save motley, buy )our BOOTS, SID,Es, Al's AND ('Al's, at PLANK'S Chellp Store, South West vorner of North 110005 or St., and 1,,0 Alley, midway between Thu. dium's and Wetzel'. hotels, Carlisle. where Hoots, SI, es, Hats and Caps ran he had from tho eommonest article to the very best quality, al ouch prices that del) , Colll petit lon tie and see them. Iteinemner the Stand. South West corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alley, midway between Thu dium's and Wela.ers Hotels. I=l ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, ARE not only unexceiNd, but they are absolutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument In the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are dpund to be equally well adopted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by E. M: BRUCE, No. 18 North SEVENTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. .c} - -Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, ithd a complete as• sortmeut of the P,IIIIFECT MELODEON. Sept. 22, 16135—1 y. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE T BEETEM & BROTHERS having t i r • purchased of Snyder & Newcomer their enten. sive Warehouse, (Ilondorson's old stand,)ltead of ugh street, bug leave to inform the public that they will continuo the Forwarding and Commission bush:Mite on a more entensive Beale than heretofore, The price will be paid for Flour Grain and Produce of all Hilda. Flour and Feed, Plaster,Salt and ,flay, kopt con etantly on hand and for sa le. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKENS VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAWBERRY, &c., &c. Linieburners' and Blacksmiths' Coal, constantly. for sale, Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of LUMBER constantly on hand. AT lIAVVRSTIOKB will leave their Warehouse ovary morning at 7 o'clock, arrive at Harrisburg at 11 o'clock, and at Howard & Hinchman's Warehouse, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock In the evening of same day J. BEETEM & 111108. Nov. 10, 1865 NEW GOODS.- Every description and quality of Orocorles, Queenaware, Hardware, Micelle, Sauce, Fine Liquors, Tobacco, Segura, Pipes, Fresh Fruits and vegetables in Cane, Oysters do. Spices, Wood , and Willow ware, all kinds and of the boat quality and to bo • sold at tho lowest prices for cash by ~, . W?!. BENTZ. . . 4Uly 1.1884. Yours respectfully, L. M. 1101"I'SCII A LK SHUES, $7,23 SIKIMOfI ` , Y 1.1;4'1'111c NH RD GRAND A RRI VA L h,u i!(r, ii,, 1/u(r( MONEY MONEY .! mo,ry Sarni ix Money Earned FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT A Daily Freight Line PROCLAMATION ! HEREAM,,W.K. A. MILES, Car lisle. Pa. liavlng just returned *oaf the Has. orn cities with an ostensive assortment of the most ashionablo and brilliant colors of DRESS GOODS, Suet, as French Merinos French Cassimeros, Col'd Wool Pc:Lanes, Black do , American do., Plain Poplins, Figured do., Rep. do., Alpacas, Plain Coburns, Therefore 'purchasers will find it to their advantage to give me a call. Also, the handsomest assortment of PLAID DRESS GOODS. in Carlisle. Particular attention given to MOURNING Gomm. WM. A. MILES. Directly opposite the :Mansion House, and one door west of the Post Office. Sept. 21, 1805 NEW STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Main St, L. BERNHARD & SON, INFORM the citizens of Carlisle and vIcInItA. that thoy have just opened In tho above popular stand, an Immense stock of First Class Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Their stock con Mints In part or Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, made alter the latest patierns, of goods the quality of which cannot bo questioned. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks. Carpet tinge and Valises, Neck Ties, Scarfs and Collars, Shirts, Drawers and Stockings Fumy Goods of all descriptions. In fact a complete and entire assortment of Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Don't forgot the place, Eby's, Old Stand, "Marion Hall," Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. . L. BERNHARD St SON. December 23, 1864. HARDWARE STORE. ruLIE old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lyno, has parsed Into the hands of W. E. Miller Si S. A. Bowers, nits aro now transacting business un der the name and stole of MILLERS BOWERS Tho new firm havojust returned from the city and are now prepared to furnish to the publk at the lowest prices, all kinds .1,1 FO R PIC; N AND DOM ES 7' IC IlArtin ore, Coach Triming, Pahl ts, GLASS, VARNISH, &o. A look Into their store will vonvinee all that they have enough of goods to fully supply the demand in this market. Persons %VIM Mg goods In our lino will find It to their advantage to give us a call. All orders personally and promptly attended to. July 7, Pin:, (;RANI) OPENING DAS Greenfield & Sheafer's. • Wh: have now ready for inspection th e eeett, hesotiful as , ortment of Dress Goods ever exhibited In Carlisle, at prices within the reach of all. As we were so fortunate no to be in New York during the late GREAT PANIC which lasted only two clays, we have determined to gi ve onolortioro ho i.ilvantonii in nil goods lion OA during the two dais. that goods were scull at the low est prices. Stacks of DRESS (a)ODS ! Poplins Plain in Colors, • Phiid Poplins. Stripe di,. Ittorade Reps, Foulard Poplins. I: preys Wool Plaids, Freud) Merin., in all rvJnre, Coburgs of every shade and color, Silk Plaid Crapes, Satin ririsalle4, Plaid Poil de Cho, Del,aines, all 114.1{ . designs. -In addition to the ahote inintelleo etoak of lirr~n Goods tireenkold & Shearer 11470 a full line of DOMESTIC GOODS, at prices that 41..fy ei ern potion. we can sell MUSLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, lower than other merchants paid for the mo re G oo d s ten days ago. Those who desire a feast for their eyes should not fail lo call and examine our Stock. Keep In mind the place, South Last coiner Market Square. :`,Ollll door. Thankful for the past patlona,4o ve espeetlully licit a ennlinuanee of the same 11111 h:N PI phi) ik SHEA PER. 111=1 \V. C. SAWYER, .IN(). A. 1) K F NEW FIRM I have taken lute iiiiitnerkblik duo. Burkholder lied duo. A. Duke (clerks fir the purpose of r,•ntinuing the Illy Gooch.. /1.15111,05 the title of IV. C. Siii,yer k Co. Our Shire is 1101 V open for Itlr_le 81.01 . k ”f y,SI'.IS X. 4 B E l; 00 I) i' may bef..und, we will be receiving NEW GOODS. Peery day and Intend :e keel, Up the eel - dd.:aloft of the S ,ore, for acl Ivity, liberality, and having the hest stet k 01 VOOLIS 111 the Valley. Being very thankful for the large patron age given wn by a generous public, I respectfully ask a contin uance of the rain.. to the New Firm We will endeav or to merit the iIIVOr ht f hose 11 ho will give us a call. The books. of the late owner are here fir settlement and persons indebted are rev., led to make settle• meta. East Main St, vot vut• donor bvlow W. U. SAWYER Sept ISOS The First Premium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS II /hi ha, yttmlwilrynel 1111'01,1,d fu C. L. LOCHMAN. R lA:whin:i has the pleasure to nn• nuunr,• to tha public. that ha has re-purchased hin, roam ''raS Hr, \l'Millan in Alit, NMI'S build ing, npunsitn t h e Si, si Natl.Ml flank, guarantnes that his PHOTOG lIA I'll S, l'A RTES DE VISITE AOl I I ROT Y ESvikc. ih,vo tio superior, and In I,llln, finish and clearness, NU rpnes wont pint 111 es produced. Ile gives his person al attention to the room, and with the hest 1.3 d most Improved In't Unlent, and appliances warrants the finest results. A Loge assortment of (lilt and Rose wood Frames, and splendid Albums. for sale very clump. Copies of baguerrootypes made in the most perfect manner. Oct. 21, 18115. ( ;owls ildr• For //air/(I 'resclils HENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH STREITI B. PLAN IS WATcJ II ES, FINE JEWELRY, )LID SILVERWARE and SuporiQl. Silver Plated Ware Nov. 24, 1865-3 m. General Insurance Agency rI"E undersigned is agent for the fol lowing Life and Fite Insurance Companies, viz., Mutual Lilo Insurance Company, New York. • Home Fire Arctic " o " Manhattan " St a• . linterprlso " " " Philadelphia. Particular attention given to Purl - Muni Insurance. Rates as low as consistent with smmrity. Unice with C. P. Ilumrlell, Esq.. in Marion Hall Building, Main street, Carlisle. SAMUEL K. IIUSIItICII, Dec. 22, 1865-.6m• Geol. Agent AT COST. 11 have this day commenced selling off I my entire stock of Winter Goodsat Cost and many ,loss than Cost to reduce the same before spring opens. 'You will and a complete Bee of the following goods Sattinetts, Red, While and Yellow Flannels, Shirting Flannels, French Merinoos, all colors, Coburge, Altiaeas and Delaines, Plain and Fancy, • The largest Stock of Balmoral Skirts, in the County also a large assortment of Woolen - 440de, such as Sontags, Hoods, Scarfs, Wool and Morino Hose, Ladles, Gouts and Childs Gloves, In feet every article In the Dry Goods llntr all of which will be sold al, prices to satisfy all. I also have a full Block of MUSLINS, PRINTS,. LINENS, • GINGHAAIS, CHECKS, &c. Which will be sold at the shortest profits that they can bo cut at. Also a full line of Gents. and Iloye, BOOTS' and SHOES, . •„ Ladles, Misses and Childrens Shoes and Gaiters. A largo lot MeneeLadies and Childs Gum Shoes, which 1 have also reduced in price. s We invite all to give us a call before purchasing. as am satisfied you can save money. CHAS. OGILBY. Feb. 2,1.800. PHYSICIANS will find it to their ad vantage to call and purchace their Medicine at ' RALSTON'S. CHOICE SEGLARS & TOBACCO, AT I Igurod do Ri~~uuun.uia I= New Stock of Hats and Oaps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Hanover Street. A splendid assortment of all the now styles of Silk Moleskin, Slouch. Soft & Straw lint s now open ofclty and home manalacturo which will ho sold at the lowest cash prices. Solt bats of all qual• Mee front the finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap. eat wool, and of all colors, unsurpassed by any this side Philadelphia. A large stock of SUMMER HATS, Palm, Leghorn Braid, India Panama, and Straw. Chi)(lrons fancy &c. Also a full assortment of Mons, Boys and childrena caps of every description and Style, The subscriber invites all to come and examine his stock. Being a practical hatter,he feels confident of giving satisfaction. Thankful for the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed ho solicits a continuance of the game. Pont 1. rgot the stand, two doors above Shrlner's 11010 l and next to Corman's shoo store. JOHN A. HELLER, Agt. N. 11. Hats of all kinds mods to ordor at short notiso T,ARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH GROCERIES-FISH OF ALL KINDS. Among which ix a largo lot of real genuirMßalti more dry salt HERRING, In oak barrels, MACKA RIM 04 at 'es that is really astonishingly 11w. Pickols of al da, AUCES. PRESERVES, and a good assortment of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQUORS, 4- C.. at the lowest )ntes for CASH or Country Produce. AVIII. BENTZ. July 1, 1804. GRAND CENTRAL 3M2r..11.113 1 tICD. 33Lio At the Rooms of J. C. LESHER, 7UG'S Building, south east corner J Market Square, of Life Like pictures, consisting of PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, MELLANIOTYPES, CARTES Dli VISTE, In all sty les and sizes. from Life size to the Miniature picture, for rings breastpins, Ac. His pictures are warranted superior to soy taken in this county or elsewhere, his material is of the hest, and his artists Cannot be surpassed. Pie' use cases and frame:, of all qualities, from the richest gilt and carved rosewood, to the plainest and cheapest. Ulm prices are rondo to suit all 'tosses and con di tiling of men. Thankful or past favors, and asks a rontinuatlon.of the same. I= NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! GRAND opening of unrivalled goods just received from the Eastern cities; consist ing mf' ehoice and varied selections at A. W. lientz's store. South Hanover St.. !ha fiuniliar anti well known stand. Oul list f I)ress: (loods rum priwrF. BLACK SILKS, In great variety including the best goods imported, Gros (irains. Lyons Taffeta, tiros de Rhine, Otos d' A fri.ine and figured. Lupin's, Mutinous in all-colors prices. Plaid Merinoes and Poplins, EXPRESS CLOTHS figured and Plain, Alpareas all shades, Coburgs, De Laines of Elegant Designs. WHITE GOODS, Javonets an.l Cain brics, Plain and Plaid ItAinsoulu, I, 1 N'E NS I) COTTON GOODS, Mnr,eil C , ,unterpanes very rheap. FLANNELS Every quality of white aud colored flannels, Blank OK, Balmoral skirts &e. A largo libl( of Cloths Cassimerea, Sattinetts Velvet C urd, Homemade Jeans &e. I have one ,t superior assortment of Millinery Goods, Ituum.t 11.1vuts:tml Silks, Bonnet and trimming Rib bon:4.lln English Crapes and MOURNING GOODS Single and Double width all word DeLalneg, Em press Cloths, Lilpill'S Bombazine. Cashmere, French Nlerinoe4, Velour Reps, Velour hone, Alparca, Crape. Cloth. queen Cloth, Striped Mohair. English Prints, bong FLnwln , ernpe yolk Ilaudhorrhle•la and Belting. NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Nara. and Table Oil cloth, Window Shades, Um brellaq. and lloon Skirts. All vary low, and consider :kidy under the market prices. N'ov. 3, Isur, A. W. BUNT!... THE PIRENIX PECTORAL WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. • _ TOE PHO4INIX PECTORAL; OR, COMPOUND SN RUP tit , ' WILD CHERRY AND SIN ERA SNAKE ROOT, Will curb I Ito Diseases of the THROAT Si. LUNGS, Such as Colds, C , aghs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throa', llohrseness, Whooping Cough, ,to. Its timely use mill prevent r 1.1/ .V llti 1" CONS, MPTIOX, And even where this fearful disease has Laken hold will altord greater relief than any other medicine. Mks Kate \ anderslhe of Pottsville, says: "I w.t. benelittvd more by eel eg the l'htenbx Pectoral the. any other niedirine I ever used." Elias obeaoltzer, of Lionville, Chester county, was cured of cough of litany years' standing by using the PIM' nix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Ilall street, Phrettlxville, certifies that lie Was cured of a cough nt two years' standing, h e all other medicines had failed, by the Illuenix J tech lowers certifies that he has sold hundreds of but tiles of the ' , Mimi.< Pectoral, and that all who used It boar testimony of its wonderful effects in curing eoughs. John Royer, editor of the"lndependent Phtenix," having uned IL has no hesitation in pronouncing it a complete ren.mly for cough, Murseness and irritation in the throat. The Nest Chester ".101101,01lian" says: "We have known Dr. peromally n number of years, and it gives us the greater pleasure to recommend his medicines inasunhch as the public rarely have the benefit of family Inedirines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. 11,. Oberlmltzer Is a member of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylva fie. at wit kh institution he graduated in 1854." The Reading "Unzette" says: "Thin cough remedy Is made up by Dr. L. Oberholtzer, 01 1'1102111.1( Pa., end it has acquired an unsurpassed reputation in cue ing coughs. it Is carefully and skillfully prepared !rum WII.I Cherry Bark and Sellol,ll Sllnke Root." Dr. Geo. B. Wood. Professor of the Practice of Medi nine in the University of Pennsylvania, Physician to hu Penusylvgnia Hospital, and one of the authors of the United States Dispensatory, toys of Senelta Snake Boot " Its action is specially directed to the lungs" The proprietor of this medicine has so much omit nee in Its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be paid lock to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It to SO ploasant to Lebo :that children cry for it. It roots only Thirty-five cents—largo bottles $l. It is intended for only one rhino of diseases, namely, time° of the Throat and Lungs. Prepared only by LEVI onEitilourzEß, M. D., PMenixyllle, Pa. Sold by MI Druggists and Storekoemrs. Johnston, Holloway & Corydon, No. 23 Not th Sixth Street, Philadelphia, OeneralWhblesale Agents. D. W. Dross St Co., Wholosalo Agents. Harrisburg. Haverstick's Drug Store, agency for Carli,Je. N B.—l f 'youi. nearest druggist or storekeeper does not keep thrs medicine do not let him put you off with some other medicine, because he makes more money on It but send at once to one of the agents for It. March 10, 1065-1 y FOURTH ARRIVAL ! Having taken the advantage of the great decline in all kinds of Dry Goods that has Just occurred in the Eastorn Markets, we have just made o largo addition to our Winter Stock, and have marked every thing down to correspond with the present prices. Please call and see the great Bargains yciu can now get in all kinds of FANCY DRESS GOODS, 111USLINS, SHIRTING'S, CANTON FLANNELS, • WOOL FLANNELS, GINO HAMS, TICKING.% CALICOES, Great Bargains in Blankets. Great Bargains in Shawls, Great Bargains in CLOTHS and CASSIMERES. Grand display of CHRISTMAS GOODS Grand display of Ladies, Misses and Children's Furs. Grand display of CLOCK CLOAKS. A full stock of all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS, such as Hoods, Nublas, Jackets, Shirts, and Drawers Scarfs, Ties, Hose, Gloves, Soutags, &o. &o. CARPETS, CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Matta, Window Shades, Ice Please call and see for yourselves that wo aro fully prepared to give you the greatest Bargains you have soon for a long time, and we have determined not to be undersold, and always take great pleasure in exhib iting our complete stock' of Hoods suitable for the season. Doc. 16, 1801 CARLISLE FEMALE COL LEGE Rev. T. Daugherty, President. FOR BOARDING d• ;PA-Y SCHOLARS. THIS Seminary which includes the school lately under the charge of Miss. Mary !M -uer, will be open under the direction of Rev. T. Daugh orty, as President, with a full corps of able instructors, so es to give to the young at thorou7h education in English and Classical studies in the French and , O'er man languages, in Music, Painting, and other orna mental branches. Especial care will be given to boarders In the family of the President. A primary department for tho younger scholars will bo bad In connection with the collegiate department. The session will open or9Wednesday, September 6th. in the four elegant School rooms designed for that pur pose and attached to the Emory Church. For terms apply to the President: • ' An. 18,1806. Travelers' Insurance Company PROVIDENCE, R. I. CASH CAPITAL, - - - - $200,000 FROM .1-31.40C1-3003MINTIrrip.S;9 3 DOLLARS secures a Policy for $l,OOO payable In case of doath from accident. 5 DOLLARS secures aVolicy for $l,OOO, payable In NMI of death from accident, and also insure , $6.00 per week compensation in case of accident not •causing death, but disabling from pursuit of usual avocations. 26 DOLLARS a Policy for $5,000, pith $25 per week compensation. Other sums In like propor lon. GENERAL ACCIDENTS include Scalds, 011 a-shot wounds, Dish:4llllone, Sprains, effects of lightning or explosions, Choking, Drowning, or any accident result lug from external muses. SETH PADELFORD, Frost National Bank of North America. A. N BURNSIDE, Major General U. S. A. J. S. PIIETTEPLACE, Firm of Phottoplace & Seagrove ALLEN 0. PECK, President Narragansett Ins. Co. HENRY 11. ORMSBEE, Pres't Manuf're Mutnal Fire Ins. Co. J ABEZ C. KNlGHT,Merchant. THOMAS G. TURNER, t'rea't Equitable Ins. Co. ALEXANDER FARNUM, Merchant. J. S. PARISI: Sec'y Atlantic Insurance Co. *RANK MAUIJAN, American Steamboat Co. 1,. B. FRIEZE With A. & W. Sprague. ROYAL C. TiCIFT, Firm of Taft Wooden & Co. J. D. DE WOLF, Prds'L American Insurance Co. BENJAMIN BMW:0, American Wood Paper Co. JOHN T. MAUIIAN, Manufacturing Jeweller. HENRY H. ORMSBEE. President. J. S. PARISH, Vice Presikent. H. M. RAWSON, Secretary. HOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, STATE AGENTS, 230 Walnut St. Philadelphia. H. M. DONEIIOO, agent at Carlisle, Cuniberland Co. Pa, who is also azent fur Guardian Life Insurance Company, of New York. These companies stand deservedly in the front rank of insurance companies in this country. Policies issued without delay. Nov. 24, 1813.54 m. 3. C. LESITER WINTER GOODS® Anew and extensive lot of Winter Cloods is just being opened at Ogilby's. These goods have been purchased during the lost week when goods were lower than they have been for some time. All In want of li USLINs, CALICOES,' G 1 NMIAMS and DeLanes would do well to roll and examine before purehaslng elsewhere. Also a flue lot of fancy arthles for which a ill be sold cheaper than can be bought else where. Do ,tiot forget the old stand on the Corner opposite the Post Office. Dee. 15, 1883. CHAS. 0011,1IY. JW. SMILEY, has just received a large and elegant assortment of superfine and medium quality of FRENCH AND OERM AN CLOTHS, BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES AND YESTINOS; a general assortment of Union CASSIMERES, SATI. NEIS, JEANS, ke., all of which I will manufacture to order, in superhr style, at moderate prices, or sell by the yard. I have secured the services of THOMPSON S. REID LITER, one of our most fashionable and popu• lar Tailors, who will always be found in the store to cut and superintend the manufacturing departnn•ut, and he hereby Invites his old patrons and the public to give him a call. A large assortment of Ready Made Clothing. of our own manufacture for men and boys, at prices to suit the times, a 111 always be found on our shelves. I ,v(Il let no man undersell :no. Also, My stork of prime Kip. Water Proof Calf and heavy boots &c., for men and boys Is very large and complete together with a full assortment of women's and chil dren's tine and every day wear, all of which you will find twilling at the very lowest prices 'possible. Come sec and be satisfied. Trunks, Travelling4lags &c =II Do not lull to give no a call, na I will always be glad to see you, and feel confident that qui supply you with ea good. well snide and desirable Clothing,lloote, Shoes, lists, , ,kOO Into be Grand in the market. and I think at lower prices. North Hanover street, between Shreiner's hotel and halberts ,brner, Carlisle. Septemlwr Samaritan's Gift ! SAMARITAN'S GIFT ! THE M 1' CERTAIN REMEDY EV El usEll. Contains no 'Mineral, no Balsam, no Mcrcur Only Ten Pills to be Taken In L:/feel a Care. THEY aro entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not In any way Injure the stomach or bowels of the most didleate. Cures Im from two to four days, and recent rays i "twenty-four hours." Prepared by a graduate of th University of Pennsylvania, one of the most °minor) Doctors and Chemists of tho present day. Lot these who havo despaired of getting cu rod. who hate been gorged with Balsam Meleury, try the SA MA RITA N'S GIFT, Sent by mall In a plain envelope. Price—Male package, $2. Female $3. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! SCROFULA, ULCERS, SOItES, SPOTS, TETTERS SCALES, ROILS, Olt VENEREAL DISEASES, dte. Is offered the public as n positive cure. THE sAmAltrrns's ROUT AND HERD JUICES, IS the most potont,- certain and effectual remedy - ever prescribed—it reaches and eradicates every particle nt the venom! poison, so that the cure is thorough and permanent. Take then of this purifying remedy and be healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that for which you may repent in after years. DO NOT DESPAIR I although you may be pronounced Incurable, the SA MA RICA N'S Roo•r & HERn icEs will remove every vestige of Impurities from the sys tem, as well as all the bad effects of Mercury. FEMALES ! ' In`many affections with which numbers of Females Nutter, the Is most happily adapted, In Whites, In bearing down, Balling of the Womb, Debility, and for all complaints incident to the sox. Bent by express Price $1,25 per bottle. is used in conjunction with the Root and Herb Juices Full directions. Price 26 cents. The efficacy of these remedies Is alike acknowledged by physicians and patients. They are wed in the United States Hospitals, thus restoring the health of many of our bravo soldiers. What the Surgeons say of the Sa "I have great satisfaction in stating that I have need the Samaritan's Remedies' for Venereal Disease in its most customary forms; that'l have used 'them with Judgment, discretion, and properly,. and have found them respond to my anticipations promptly and .effectually. Knowing their composition, I have the fullest confidence in their efficacy, and as far as my use of them extends, I recommend them strongly. "ALFRED 0. BOWERS, "Assistant Burgeon sth Now York Vale." LEIDIOLL MILLER Lot It bo understood that those remedies aro ns roe• otnmended, and will positively cure the diseases for which they are offered. For Rule aellavorstioles Drug Store, Hanevor Street Oarllele, Pa, . _ . IiIIOMOND .4 CO. Proprlutors; 015 Ithco St., Philadolp 21, 1805—Om. 1010HYSICIANS,;Ivill find it to their ad vantago to call and purchaee their Medlelnee at . RALSTON'S. July 1864. • M USIC AL INSTRUMENTS: Flutes, Vitas, Violins, Aeoordeons,.. Banjos . , tars and Tambourines. D 00.1611806. • AT lIANWSTIOES. AGAINST ACCIDENTS INSURE AGAINST Ise OF LIFE OR INJURY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Christmas Presents, CLOTHING BOOTS',WIOES AND EA A l'oitive Cure." NO EXPOSURE, NO TROUBLE, NO CHANOE WHATEVER. SAMARITAN'S ROOT <[• RERI3 JUICES FEMALES I 1 ROOT Sr, HERB JUICES, SAMARITAN'S WASH, [From the Balthnore Sun.] marital's Remedies. "POST HOSPITAL, FORT MARSHALL, 'Baltimore, Md., Feb. 29, 1864. f The great Strengthening Tonid. (Not ft Whisky Preparation.) HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, DEBILITY' DEBILITY ! resulting from . any cause whatever RESTORATION OF THE SYSTEM, Severe Hardships, Exposure Diseases of Camp Life Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, -..Adultnr.Youth. WILL FIND IN THIS BITTERS a pure Tonic, not dependent c n bad liquors for their almost miraculous effects. H • DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORO ANS. HOOELAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, This Bitters has PERFORMED MORE OURES, GIVES BETTER SATISFAC IC)N, HAS MORE TESTIMONY, Has more Respectable People to vouch for It, than any other article In the Marliot. We defy any ono to contradict this assertion, and WILL PAY $l9OO to any one who will produce a certificate published by us the t is not genuine, CD ) 1100 FLAN GERMAN 1 117 E RS, Chronic or Nervous Debility. Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disor dered Stomach. observe the following symptoms resulting from di orders of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of liloed •the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructa tions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, iMming of the Head, Hurried nod difficult Breathing Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suf foisting Sensations when in a lying Posture. Diml, ss of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull lain In the Head, Deficiency ,f Perspiration, Yellowuens of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in theside, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c.. Flu‘hes of Haat, purging in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, and great Depiession of Spirits CDO - REMEMBER, thi's Bill‘.r.s i.. 11‘,1 CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS BUT IS THE lIE.S'T TONIC IN TIN. From the Rev. Levi (I. Beck, Pastor of the Rapti. Church, Pemberton, N.J., formerly of the North Hai list Church, Philadelphia, at present Pastor of tt Baptist Church, Chester, Pa. I have known Ilooflaod's Berman !litters favorably 'tor a number of years. I have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects, that 1 was induced to recommend them to many eth ers, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus pub licly proclaiming this tact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended, to these hitters, knowing from expel i• once that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully ttoi llontland', Bitters is intend 6 ed to benefit the afflicted, and is "not a runt drink.' BM J. W. SMILEY, MI From Ptuv. W. 0. Seigfrivd, Past, of 'l'‘‘elfth 1;:t tut Church, (lentlemon haye recently een laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by prostrathon of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended 6y friends, nod some ot them tested, but without relief. Your ilcolland's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of these bitters Induced tne to try them. I must confess that I had an aversion to Patent Nedicines !role the "thousand and one" quack •'llitters," whose only aims seems to he to palm ill sweetened nod drugged liquor upon the community In a sly way. and the tendency ct which, I fear, Is to make many a MIL fi rm ed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal preps., tion I took it with happy nffect. Its action, not only upon the etc mach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I have derived groat great and perm:ln:La benefit from the use of a few bottles. From A. M Spangler, Editor of Thu Culturist, N 35 North Sixth Steer t. Some eighteen mon tbs oince T was a swore suffer from Dyspepsia. I was not only unable to take plai rood without suffering great distress, but lint tee,u so debilitated as to be almost unfitted for artiye bus Doss of any kind. After trying a variety of so-called remedies, all Di which pct red worthhss, I was induced, at the sugges tion of a medical friend, to give llooliand's German Bitters a trial. I accordingly purchased biX bottles, which were taken in aecord.tnee with your directions, rho result ionic complete removal of all distressing symptoms, after eating or drinking, and a full restora tion of strength, so that I now eat all ordinary kinds of loud with impunity, and tun able to :atom] to all the actives duties of a large and arduous businees as well as at any period of my life, the good effects elthe Bitters were manifested before I had taken the first bottle. I have also used It In my family with the happiest results, and take great pleasure in addling tiny testi mony to that of the many others who have been bone fitted by them. I find great benefit from the use of a bottle in the opring and fall. They not only create a vigorous appetite, but give a.hcalth lone to the stom ach, by t.retigtlibuld,r Its dbfestlve poNCeifs. If the above testimony will be the means of induc ing any who suffer front dyspepsia to give your bitters a trial (when it, I feel confident, will give them re liet,) it is at your service. Yours, truly, From the Rev. E. D. Fondnll, Assititunt Editor C111i9• Linn Chronicle, Phila. 1 have derived decided benefit from the use of lloof land's German Bitters, and fuel it my privilege to rec ommend them as a most valuable tonic, to all who aro buffering from general debility or from diseases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours, truly. E. D. FENDALL. From Bev. D. 31 orrige, Pastor of the Passyunk Bap tist Church, Phila. From the many respectable recommendations given given to Dr. lloolland's Getman Bitters, 1 was induced to give them .a trial. After using several bottles I tout] them to Ito a good remedy for debility, and a most excellent tonic for the Stomach. From Roy. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of the Vincentown and Mlllyille (N. J.) Baptist Churches, Phila. Having used in my family a number of bottles of your Liaolland's German Bitters.l have to my that I regard them as an excellent medlZlne, specially adapt ed to remove the diseases they are recommended for. They strengthen and invigorate the system when do. Whaled, and aro useful In disorders of the Hirer, loss of appetite, &o. I have also recommended them to several of my friends, who have tried them, and found them ; reatly beneficial In the restoration 'of health Yours, truly,, WILLIAM SMITH, Ott Hutelthisen Street' _ From J. S. Unman, of the Gilman Itelbrniod Church Kutztown, forks County, Pa. Respected Sir have boon troubled with Dyspep sia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Hoolland's Bit ters. I am very much Improved In health, alter hay lug taken 11'6) bottles. Yours, with respect, . J. S. HERMAN. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Soo that the signature of 'O. M. JACKSON" Is on the wrapper of each bottle, liJnglo Bottle Ono Dollar, or a Ilalf Doz. for $5 Should your nearest druggist not have tho article do not bo put off .by any of the Intoxicating prepara tions that may bo offered In its place, but send to ue and we will forward, securely packed by express. ' PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, • No. On Arch strcot, Philadelphia, Pa. . JONES & EVANS, Successors to 0. M. Jackson & Co.J RILOFILIBTORI3. For sale by Drmlata and peelers .in every town in the United States. Dee. 3, i865-Iy, WILL CURE =I Fevers, I T = WILL CURE 1C CASE 01. Read who Says So Vu u truly LEVI U. BECK Very reFpoetfully yours, W. D. SSki Fill ED, N0.2i,1 Shaokanutxon Street PIIILADELP/11 ~luly 15, 18118 A. M. SPANGLER PRICE, I= CUMBERLAND VALLEY "IA":1" • •PI HAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. IN and after MONDAY, November 20, 1865, Passunger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sunday excepted): FOR CLIAMBERSBURO AND HARM. BUNG. Loavo Hagerstown, " Greencastle, / Arr at Chambers'g, - - Leave 8:25 " 1:15 Leave Shippensburg 8:55 " 1:48 " Newville 9:27 " 2:21 " Carlisle 0:50 A.ll 10:03 " 3.04 " " Mechanicsburg 7:21" 10:30 " 3:37 " Arrive at Harrisburg 7:50" 11:10 " 4:10 " FOR CH AMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN : Lo lye Haindsburg 8:40 A. 11., 1:40 P. NI 43:0 P.M " Mechanicsburg 11:18 " 2:20 " 5:05 " t arilmle 9:58 " 2:53 " 5:30 " " Newville 10:34 " 7;29 " " Shippeusburg 11:07 " 4:00 ' Chambors'g, Arr at 11:35 " 4:30 " I Leave 11:-I0 " 4:40 " Leave Greencastle 12:25 I'. :11 6:110 " Arrive at Hagerstown LOU '' 0:10 " making close connections at Harrisburg with Trains .I.9.li_ndSrPliknillailelphia,nNew .York,..iii,ltsburgrßitHl more and Washington. 46- The Train leaving Hari 'Aura at 4:30, P. NI., runs only no far as Carlisle. O. N. LULL, Sup't Superintendent's Office, i Chemb'g. Nov. 24, 1805.1 COAT) AND MEMBER YARD.- The subscriber having leased the yard formerly occupied by Armstrong and !tidier, and purchased the stock of 7:10 A. M., 2:45 P. M 7:15 " 3 . 35 16 8,17,_ 4:20 " COAL AND LUAIRER fn the lard, together wilh new stock will have constantly on hand and furnish to O der all kinds and nullity of scahoned LUM Ii ER, BOA R DM, SCANTLIN(I,, FRAME STLIPF Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked Flooring and NVeatherboarding, Ports and nalls, and, every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, tooit : Whitepine Hemlock and Oak, of different tonalities. Having 'ire of my own I can furnish bills to order of .ny Im, g llt and size at the .hortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. My worked boards will be kept under rover no they can be furnished dry at all times. I have constantly on hand all kinds of Fatuity Coal under cover, which I will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: ~... Lytton fi Vllll ey , Itroken, Egg 0 ~, ~ • , ..4„, F . too e and Nut, Julio Fiddler e rr" • ..10! r.l . 1. I ( 1 , 1 ,, to:, , I.t.e. 001 Mountain ~4 01 - idOlt,. ,',;',':,rY,,.."„'''':,", I t.',':,:sag;,z,u,-, prices. Ilest quality of Limeburner's and 131 , tekNniah's Coal, 111W11), jai hand Whieh at the Imcc.aL 114. r Vara Ve,t cidr of Grammar Nrhnul , Main street. A NDIUM 11. 111;A III June 9, 186.). tf RE INSURANCE. r X 111; ..111en and East pennAoro' u tual Fire lin:tirade° Company of Cumberland County, fin•orporated I') an act of Asseinbly, in the year all.l having recently had its charter extend ed to the year le.s:3, in now in nett, t• and Niguroux np• 11111 i, the SIII , OI Inteildence of the following board of Manage', yin: William It. Dorgas, Chrh-ti,m Stryinan, Jacob Eberly 1 Bally, Ales. Ca theatt, .1 11. Coos or, John Eiehelber ger, Joseph 11 ickershatn, Saml. Eberly, !doses Brirker, Rudolph Martin, Jaoh Coorer. and 1. C. Dunlap. The rates (.111,11r:11,0 'IS I,ll' And fllVOrlible as any Company 1)1 the Lind in tha Slate I'erSollB wish ing to hewome tneinhe, am iuvi GW In Make applica tion to the D ,, mpany, who are willing to wait upon theta at y t w It rlr Htu AS. President, Eberly's Mills, Cll I,'l'l AN STA \ \IAN. Nit,' Pre,iolont. ' , l•whanic,burg, P. 0. .10IIN C. DUN `T., SI . . C\ ,/erha if,hiirg. RANI El. ILI', liillskur4. York Co. c”)))nt .. ) . :1), H. K. ; Zearing.. n: I.lolityvi IP)•O wi ., )))).kins))) ileun .. Bowman, 'Imr).11),.); ; (4111111 ) , s )) ,(,), Middleton: Sonluol Graham, NS estpent)))l.oro') :7 , ntninel Coinver, J. 11' l'ockllo,Sheplierdstowil I).t''pp, A ; .1. 1). Saxton, Silver Spring; JOllll flyer, l'alliSle; 1;11,11.11W F 1, 111:111, Nqtr Cllllll,er- Im‘d ; Ili•C:111illi,i); l'“rk roonfl(y 1 . j,•;,;;;;,. 11, ; James llrit1111; ;,; rie,.;t el; ; .1. P. 1;4,1,1,11. N‘askington ; India Clark, Dillebur,r ; 1). Rutter. Fairview; John Dauphin ixburg. lltimberx of the Ciiiiipatiy II:1{1111Z pulleh•q nlnut t expire, bap hat, then, by malting Applirittiiii tii iiny "r the Aitelitt. duly I, I'I'•I. LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers _& Gas Filters r e subscribers iufurni the public tha the still continue tho (I.‘S FirrlNll AND l'1,11: \I lIINU th.. tlld rlLanil in the hasinnent of the Viri, Methodist Chuich They Bill atlrinl promptly 1 , . al hu,in.s.4 in [twit lie.• I.c`lll 3101 film l'ipes, II) kit tint s. 11.4 ,111C1 ..1,1 X 471( 117;8nityws Water Che.els, Fon, 1111 d Litt Pumps. Wrol, Weld, Tubes, Iton: , lnks, Ilath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash It+ sins, Hydraul c Hams, sr, and everyrile,ription cocks and fittings thr gas, steals, Al titer, Sr. Superio cooking rantres, helter, and gas fixtures put up it ehurches, •lores and, (hw dings . at short notice. in th inoQt modern style. A nark iu icu Ilse at low rates .151 M r - • j no. , 1111.1.1) attondva t July I. I Stil STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prizo Medal at the Worlds Fair, London, 1862 '; , ...: 1 .,L - i . • . -.•'‘...,,.- .•,..:.,:' ' ,.••• •' :/" '. -"; . !•..:• ': ... , - . 5 '..LT:• '- q ----'" -7." *4" .° _., .--_:- -, .2-7, ~-.:!Tf:=•.- . )4 ..',... ~,,,'• - 0, - .41,ir. - ==-- r.'‘,Ftt - yf, v' T ... r . • .o 4. . 0 4 4,„ ~...-.s;_---------,'---- (..eZL ~ `71,..', . 2. \:. , , r undersigUed has just received, and Intends to keep constantly on band a full as sortnnull ~f the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Stein wcy k Suns of New York. Each instrunicul will lie carefully selected in tho Manufactory, and will ho sold at the New York Gash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Ca; lisle. A written guarantee of until!, satisfaction will be given by the t•ubscriber to each purchaser. 1 . 131 , 011 S desirous to purchase are invited to call and eaaiiiine these unrivalled Pianos, at Shapley's Jewelry Store, n Street, 3.1 door oust of the Nilo/Mon House, near 0 o Railroad Depot SECOND HAND PIANOS received in exchange and kep' for cal° and to runt. Carlislo, May 2'2,1863-1y A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-Rool‘ • " r^,--1 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded al the Cumberlam County Agricultural Fair cf 1857,) 'Thu subscriber has just reruns d the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, over brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that defy competition. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Mince Embracing OV)] y article used by flouso and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, &c., to. eze_Particuler attention given ns usual to funeral.; orders from town and country, attended to, promptly and on moderate terms. July 1,1864 PAINTS AND OILS 10. Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons 0(011. Jus rocolved with a largo assortment of Varnishes Firo Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, • Colored Zinc, • ' • , - Litharge, - Red Lead - Whiling, Dolled 011, Glue, Lard 011, Shellac, Sporm Oil, Point Brushes, Fish Oil, &e., Color., of every description dry, and 011 in cans and tubes at thellardware Store of July 1, 186.1 Bryarts Pulmonie Wafers, AT RALSTON'S, D0c.11, , 1863 ®NE good Photograph is worth a doz eny poor onoo . Whe will give a poor picture to a friend? All PIIOTOtIIt APLIS made at " LOCIIMAN'S ROOMS, are warranted to glv, caticfactiou or they will ha ro taken. Oct. 20, 180. PlPES,Tobacco, (smoking and chow- Ing) and Some, at liavoratlck's Drug and Book toro. • Dr. L O. LOOMIS Pomfret Street few doors .'l'''' 4 1"1110 /14 nk": . below South Honour et July 1, 1864; '7Z2Fr " OA;Via77" WINTER ARRANGEMENT. (211 E AT TRUNK LINE FROM TEE k m A North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Tamaqua, Ash land, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, sec., Sm. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York; as follows : At 3.00, 7.26 and 9 06 A. M., and 1.45 and 9.00 P. M., arriving at Now York at 5.40 and 10 ocr.A. M., and 3.40 and 10 36 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road; Sleeping Care accompanying the 3.00 and 9.06 A. M., Trains,'ivithout change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, blinorsville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil. adelphia, at 7.25 A. 51., and 1.46 and 900 P. M., stop ping at Lebanon and all Way Stations; the 9.00 P. 1f;, Train making no close connections for Pottsville nor, Philadelphia. For Pottsvillo, Schuylkill Haven an, Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road lea', Harrisburg at 4.00 I'. M. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 A. AL, 12.00 Noon and 8.00 P. 11 ; Philadeldhia at 8 00 A. M., and ':10 P. N., Pottsville at 8.30 A. 51., and 2.45 P. M., Ashland 6.00 and 11.45 A. 51., and 1.15 P. AI; Tama qua at 7.35 A. M. and 1.10 I'. M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road. at 6.45 A. 111. iteadi nu Accommodation Train Leaves Rending at (1.30 A. si. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains have Heading at 6.10 A. N and 6.15 I'. M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Colum bi.n, On - Sutrdays Leave New' Yor at 8.00-P, M,, Philo dillphia 3.15 P. M., Pottsville 8.00 A. M. Tamaqua 8,00 A. M., Ilarrishurg 9.05 A M. and Reading at 1 00 A. Al . for ❑arrishprg, and 10.52 A. AL for Now York. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur don Tickets to and from all points, at reduced Rates. Baggage chocked through : 80 pounds allon ed each 11 a,en ger. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. IZontling, Pa. Ihe. 8, 1860 Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- mini; Cumberland Valley, Penneylva " fin and Northern Central Rail Road Companies have made , an arrangements to do a loin, Pr, iqht mid Pi,ol.(tirlinii-13.1tsiness het veen the Citinn of Philadelphia, Baltimore and Now The Cumberland, Valley Bail Road Compan) wlll Open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the is January 1566 16r the receipt and shipment of all goods etil rusted to them. Freight to be forwarded by this arrangement must be left at Pennsylvania Rail Road Company! Depot corner of 15th and lklarket St., Philadelphia. North ern Central Rail Road Company's Depot Baltimore and Cumberland Volley Rail Road Company's Depot At Carlkle. The public will find It to there interest to ship through the nail Company's Freight Houses and by Company Cars. J. 3 1). Itiro.‘l,s, Freight, ikqent, Carlisle ne, 22, Spring and Summer Clothing of ISAAC LIVINGSTON, t'l' his cheap.Cllothing Establishment \urlh Ilanover street, Carlisle, from ono of the 13egost and boot !larks of READY IV A 1) E CLOTHING, G NISIII NG G OD.S; AX L 11:1 TS, ever hrou,:ht to this place Having just returned fro the Campaign, he acknowledges his gratitude to the eitizE no of (•iu lisle and vicinity for the extensive pat ronage they have bestowed upon him, and takes the present opportunity tin respectfully solicit n el the con, II inn stork of ready made SPRING AN SU.)1:1I lilt CLOTHING, i s not surpassed in this place, either in quality or in cheapness. itenternher that he also makes clothing In ordci : having in his employ nn experi. coved cutter From my extensive purchase in the ea , terip ritict, I feel confident that I cannot he under sold an ) other estahlishment, either at, West, North South. Livingston has always beeE s n the first to supply }nu with rhpthing, twenty-five per rent. “nd onto hundred per rent. better than you can !purchase el.-where Come and examine his stock tr hen you want to purchase clothi ng. ISAAC LIVINOSTON, North Hanover Street. April 2 , , 1,1;5 MACHINE SHOP. The subscriber now manufactures and keeps eon , dantly on hand, on North Street, east °I Theudlutn's llotel, n huge ass- rtment of AGERTLTURAL IMPLEMENTS such as Horse Powers, Threshing Machines with Sep inters attached, Clover Hullers Coft Shelters, Straw and Fodder Cutters, all lot which are the latest and the best improvements. " . Particular attention paid to Repair lug of all kinds of Agricultural Implement, at short notice and reasonable prices. Than h ful for former favors 1 r feTeet fully solicit a share of public pat romigo. 'l' the store of John Irvine, on di N. I.: corner of the public square, is he place to purchase Boots Shoes tints and Caps, at prices that defy 1,11/ petition , Ile lies just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps that he has ever presented to this community, and which he is determined to sell at the lowest pos sible pri ore. Ills stuck embraces everything in his line or ht,trivss. such es MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, Calf and Patent Leather Oxfnrd, Ties, Call and patent Leather (ialters, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Kip Brogans, Slippers, &c. LADIES' WEAR, Fin., French and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Cal I and Rid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers, Mor, rneer • and Kid Buskins, kr., MIS }S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR of all deed ip Lions embracing fine Lasting Hatters, Morroceo and Lasting Button Boots, Morroceo Lace boo's of all kinds L,ncy shops of various styles slippers, &c. HATS k CAI'S, Silt,, Cassimero, Fur and Wool Hats ,tall qualities and styles, also a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppotuptly done. Confident of his ability to please all elite •ec of customers, he respectfully invites the public to give him a call. tts).ltotnember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. July 1, ISE4 HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. 1 11 E undersigned re r speetfully announ ces to the publieThat ho still continues the flat ting Business at the old stand, In West High street, and with a renewed and eilkient effort, produce art' cies of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall be Aridly in keeping with the ImploN e meet of tho Art, and fully up to the ego which o live. --- I have on handa splendid T 2„ , 1 .4 v,4 ' assortment of i T ..;'; ', ......1t.,,, t HATS AND CAPS, ___. !,....:- ~ ..... . .. ... ~. =1 ofall descriptions, froni the cOll3lllOll Wool to the finest Fur and Silk Hats; and at prices that must suit every One who has an eye to getting the worth Of his money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabilisy and finish; by those of any other establish went in the country. Men's, Boy's and Children'silat's and Caps, of every description constantly on hand. Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give him a call. July 1,1804. J. G. CALLIO. NEW AND FRESH 4 7•• r C) Cerie SS . HALBERT & BRO., HAVING just returned from the Eastern cities desire to Inform their patrons that Boy have laid In a largo and varied stock of Now and Fresh Goode at the lowest cash prices. Their assorttnent is thorough and complete, contain. log everything necesanty to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, in greatest abundance, and at lowest cash flgures..-% Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits; QUEENSWARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, Hams, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets rind Willow Ware. Segars aid Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buokets, and a com plete assortmobt of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forget the old stand, South East corner of Hanover streets. Feb. 24, 16C4. HALBERT & BBC. IIEM! EO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S.- 1 Lath Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of the Daltimore College of k‘ l ",,, Dental Surgery. V Office at his residence opposite Marion Dali, West lifain street, Carlisle, Pa. July t, 1854; HENRY SAXTON CUMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL. N. E: Cor. Main and Bedford Sts. dAIiLISLE, PA. . JNO. G. HEISER, Proprietor. Ek'AURANT in tho tiasement, ALA / which is furnished with the very best of liquors and edibles of all varieties. June 16,1868-I,y. . MGEORGE S. SEA IT, Dentist, from the Delft. a ll jam di' a more ' Collage of Dental Surgery. Iss3,olllce at the residence. of his mother, Eas Louther street, thibe doors below Bedford. July 1, 1664. RORT, Folios, 'Writing D&ilth; Baca Gammog Boards, Games of all description atpltalr ors lok's Drug, Fancy and Book Rom . . READING RAIL ROAD pany. FREIDIIT DEPOT, CARLISLE U. N. LULL, Supt wtywil MORE MEN WANTED To PURCHASE I'HEIR A. J. KUTZ, Agent BOOTS AND SHOES. STRAW RATS JOHN