41hq herald. • - • !s• • CARLISLE, PA. FRIDAY, MARCH 2,11366, 7 _ _ S. M. PETTENGILL A. 00., V - 0. 37 Park Igo Now York, and 6 State St. Boston, are ou loots for the Hamm, u those allies, and aro author take Advertise an 1 c and Subscriptions for us t lowest rates. FOR GOVERNOR, Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, (Subject to the action of the Union State Convention. Wo print on the first page to day the mes sage of President JOHNSON vetoing the Freedmen's Bureau bill and also the bill it self and commends'both to the careful peru sal of every friend of the Union in the County, While we appreciate the expressed regard of the President to guard against en croachments on the Constitution and in creased expenditure we regret that he found it necessary to oppose his veto to the action of Congress in this case. The bill had passed both branches of the National Legislature by a majority of nearly three fourths in each and reflected to an unusual extent the desires of the representatives of the people. It may be urged that the superior wisdom or patiot ism of the President is sufficient to give him a right to override Congress but it should be remembered that there are two sides to 'this question. Congress is composed of men who are or were until very lately regarded by all as the peers of Z‘.NDIi.ICIV JOHNSON. Many of them have served as long as ho in our National Councils and some of them much longer and more conspicuously : They stood as unfalteringly by the Government during its hour of peril as did he ; they have had the same sources of information concerning the wants of the Country, and are equally competent to judge of the Con stitutionality of the net as the President. With regard to honesty of purpose or pa triotism it is assuming rather bold grounds to assert that the resident is immaculately honest and patriotic and the one hundred and forty Senators and representatives are scoundrels and demagogues. We confess we are unable to arrive at such a conclusion with the rapidity which a few of our and all our opponents have shown in solving this question. We are not questioning the mo tives of the President for the veto nor de nouncing his course as ill advised or foolish hut we are not prepared, after a careful read ing of his veto and the bill to denounce the Union majority in Congress as fanatics or fools. The present Freedmen's Bureau has been productive of great benefits to the en tire Southern Country and to the Nation, and we hope to see a similar system pursued until the municipial affairs of the late Con- Aederacy are fully restored. In this connec tion we would ask attention to the synopsis of Senator Trumbell's speech which we pub lished also on our first page, only regretting that we have out room for the entire argu- =tent. In this apparent rupture between the Pres ident and Congress it behooves those who have the welfare of the great Union party at heart to actcalmly and rationally. Abuse of the President and denunciations of the " radicals" is alike unwise and unnecessary. There need be'no rupture in the party un less the President is determined to betray his trust and this we cannot yet - believe. ANDREW JOHNSON has received too much persecution at the hands of rebels and their friends to go over to them hastily. Their demonstrations of joy at . any of his actions only arise from their hopes of an estrange ment between him and the party and not from their admiration for him or for his course. When he declares himself with them or makes it manifest by his continued hostility to Congress that he has betrayed those who elevated him to the position he last held it will then be time to count him with our toes. The friends of Andrew Johnson, those who supported and admired him when he stood up against the traitors of the South and when the entire force of eopperhendisin Was engaged-in reviling and slandering hi in ; who gave him as a free will offering the second seat in the nation, have had their friendship severely tried on more than ono occasion since their last act •of honoring him. He has seen fit to refuse any cordial affiliation with them in their political con duct, and on several occasions to set up his will and policy -in opposition to the almost unanimous voice of their represent tives. This may have evinced wisdom and patriot ism and for the country's sake we sincerely hope that in these things the President was right. As long as there was a hope that his actions wore dictated by proper motives we were willing to indulge that hope. We can do so no longer. The - President has spoken words which shoW that he entertains no feeling of kindness for those who have made him;all that he proudly boasts of as his own. On last Thursday he saw fit to give to the country his viows at length on the 'policy which he has seen fit to adopt, and that it grieves us to say, appears to be friendship and sympathy for rebels and traitors and hatred and proscription for loyal men. We do not care to urge that his late speech at Washington was deliver d in presence of, and ,to please s c rabble that was organized and led to the White House by the worst typo of northern copperheads, or that from the Presidential mansion of the, nation he was guilty of low personal abuie of C;pii,- gressmon and private citizens to gratify the demands of that mob, as the cause which should make patriots hesitate to support him. There are other considerations that tell against the President with much more force. He knows the wickedness of Southern trea son and has denounced the traitors with more vehemence than any other man in the na-, tion. Until ho was made President he stood fully up with those who went farthest in every measure which he now deprecates.— His record abounds with threats of tho most dire 'v,pligeance on- those who participated in the lateTebellion. , Those who had any fears for him feared that he would rule the Aubied rebels with tee great severity. Yet the President seems to have forgotten, that .guilt attaches at all to those who were lately in . 'rebellion. He apprehends no danger now from ,entrusting them with n'volee in the, 4,Government, but is extremely,. this:country- be ruined fby those who have *bat' steadfastly opposed rebellion , end' sla: r t, : '.The, denunbiaticin of Meier& Stevens' and: Sumner Comes with an especial, bad , grace frob an Executive who bee 'lately:and Jiieei: dentally come to power bimeaiii4 of, the Par-; ,iiatiV ; Of. tim prty *Y. /lave been: •, r, 7, for Years the leaders.'- TWA dens Sta*Ms nfay be extreme in some of his measures, his ut terances with regard to thej'resident.May have been and douhtlesa 'Wore unwise; . l:out when ho is placed in the category . of traitors by a man wlio has been elevated to powerby the party of whom Mr. Stevenils tho' ac knowledged leader, it cannot but„he regard ed as a bid fo'r the admiration and applause of those who have been for years in arms to destroy the country. And this purpose seems to be apparent in almost every utter ance the President made. If our Govern ment passes from the hands of those who saved it into those of traitors and those who sympathize with them, the evil will be chargeable to the absurd and intemperate utterances of the President made for the pur pose of winning the applause of his former persecutors. Last week GEN. GRANT shut 13p the of fice of the Richmond Examiner on account of its treasonable course and issued an order requiring his department commanders to forward to him copies of all journals con taining seditious articles so that he might suppress them. Two or three years ago such an order would have raised a howl among the copperhead papers but now they have thought prudent to pursue another tack. They pretend to be much pleased with the order and kindly warn radical Abolition newspapers to bo careful as it is aimed at them. The impudence of those follows is perfectly astounding. Apologists for treason themselves they denounce as trai tors all who did not join them in their crusade against the Government and al though morally nearly as bad as the jour nals of the Into Confederacy they now claim that they are the only exponents of loyalty and insist that the Government is about shutting all who aro opposed to them. Of course our neighbor the Volunteer is con spicuous in impertinent suggestions of the kind, of which this is a specimen. General Grant has issued a circular to the department commanders directing them to furnish information in regard to disloyal newspapers with a view to the suppression of such. Lot Republican editors look-out, or Grant will put his foot upon most of them. By way of offset we will try now to show what journals Gen. GRANT referred to and that by an authority that they won't are about disputing. Pollard the editor of the Richmond Examiner has finally got per mission from the President to print again and in his first issue he tells the whole story. Ile isn't lying either because ho has had no abolition influences around him to give him the habit. Ilesays— knew nothing of General Grant's order for the rSlease of the officers until I read it in the papers. I saw that officer but once when he refused emphatically to revoke the order for the seizure of the office. It was evident that I had nothing to hope from him; for lie said to me expressly that, if he had the as thority, he would that day suppress the New- York News, the Cincinnatti Enquirer and the Chicago Times, adding the, the "copperhead papers of the North, "as Le designated them were doing quite as much harm as the pap •rs in (he South. Deriving no satisfaction from him, I was forced to appeal to the President, giving him the pledge contained in the letter above. It was written during my last inter view with the President, and in his own office To his kind and considerate hearing, and to. his sense of justice, I feel that I owe the res toration of my,paper. Gen. GRANT shows by this how complete ly he appreciates the labors of our copper_ head brethern and also evinces adesire to give them a punishment from which they too frequently escaped during the rebellion. We hope however that he may leave our Northern Cops entirely alone and only sup press even Southern sheets as a very last re sort. As long as the nation has its present Lieutenant General and its loyal press the fellows can be safely tolerated. They would be less ridiculous ..h.owevet;,_if they had less i mpudence. Heretofore when we charged the Volun teer and its party with being in the interest of the English manufacturers as against our own laboring classes, we have been unifor mely met with indignant denials. Time, however proves the truth or falsity of all statements, and if after reading the annexed editorial from this week's Volunteer, any body is deceived as to the position of that journal on the all important question of pro tection for American industry against the pauper competition of England, it will' be because ho refuses to see the truth. The Yankee cotton prints in the market, although enormously high in price, are often most worthless in quality. Doubtless thou sands of housekeepers can vouch for the truth of this statement. Notwithstanding this fact, and the enormous profits realized by the manufacturers, they want a tariff to raise prices still higher, and to keep out of the country much superior fabrics of ',En glish production.- Volunteer. It affords us much pleasure to inform the property holders of our County that the act repealing the State tax on real estate, which we published last week has been signed by the Governor and is now a law. Our tax burdened people will rejoice greatly over this action of our State Government. Tax on real estate has been always BALA'S bur densome and particularly so i by the agricul tural community. By the amended revenue / et the revenue of the State is kept up to its former amount even after the repeal of this tax—the tax on Bank stocks and gross re ceipts of Railroad companies making up for the loss of this item. The current expenses of the Government will therefore be paid and the State debt reduced still at the rate of about a million a year. We ask our people to bear in mind that although Pennsylva nia's burdens were increased almost incalcul- I ably by Democratic treason during the four last years, she has maintained her credit, re sponded to all the demands made upon her and yet relieved all her real property entirely from the heavy taxation imposed on it by Democratic misrule. All this may go to prove that Abolition rule is destructive to the interests of the State but we confess we are unable to see it in that light. DA.n . q... Voomitnizs, member of Con gress from Indiana 3vhose seat•was contested, was ousted last week and Col. Washburn, the contestant received'in his :place'. This gives us, another Union monitor and relieves us of a very ,persistent ; opponent of °Very thing that is not' in the interest of treason,' Voorhees has been conspienOtai for a number of - years. to first became prominent' as'. counsel for ono of John Brown's men while on trial for the Harper's Ferry insurrection. His speech on, that occasion gave great Oa light th 6 Se:o9,*.4 , i7 6l ?artlY after ward 'en-' acted treason somewhat more, magniflocintly . than BroWn's party did. :He besought 'the, Virginia Court:to acquit thelAilsoriOr affd in his steadto, arrest and.hang "the grpat „ ,Ne atok from w Yorks?' ,(.111Er. Seward 4, was off course the author'of all' thalrottble. • ' The Court didn't Just'act on his - ,'PilgOtion but the 'speech made' yporheetin;cOngresv man ShOrtly,nfterward, Since the rebellion commenced: he.has been advising the ernment and the people to do, any thing all to said the Country,' hurting.: rebels alone excepted.. , the people have finally tired.: og him add although ho insisted on serving' theni UtiifirtheY'didnieWentreOnii!eildliiied' with his farther attendance on their meet ings. Thus ono by ono the Demociatieleadt, ors are disappearing from the politiciksur-:; face.- PernandoYeecl, ,Pendleton; - -.Y417 , landigliana and'Butteet Box hnire redirect shine time since and now Voorhdes, has "followed What fo-niect'lole patiy . the Oops.-noy7 have-in Coniiess,' They:aro said to be a very orderly set of fellows arid:Weis likely, as there are too few there to-mako h noise. The Volunteer compliments Gov. CURTIIst in its usually elegant style, as follows : The Governor may be "the same genial, kind, good-hearted , man, with a pleasant smile for all," but to say that "his administra tion has been a great success and an honor to the State," is more than any man who haq respect for law, the Constitution or decency, can endorse. Of course this is a matter of opinion, but we beg leave to suggest that Governor Cur tin, has received the endorsement of a very largo majority of the people of the State after three years experience of his administration. These men who did so may have had no re spect for the law, constitution or decency, but we venture to suggest that they wore nut those who made speeches in favor of rebel lion and organized societies to resist the laws of the land. The men who showed their decency in this way have much the same opinion of the Governor as the Vol unteer. Those who insist the Country would have gone to destruction bad not the President vetoed the Freedman's Bureau bill are fond of saying that the U. S. Senate "sustained the veto." We think this is drawing it rath er Dne. The vote in the Senate was 18 in favor of the veto and 30 against it. This is a kind cf sustaining that we don't quite un derstand. It is true that there were not two thirds of the Senate opposed to the veto and therefore the bill failed to become a law, but as to the Senate sustaining the veto that is somewhat too strong. \'ALLANDIUILAM who attempted to save the Union by having it split into four pieces and who afterwards was banished as a trai tor from his country, had a hundred guns fired on receiving the news of the veto and displayed a flag from his windows. It must be very gratifying to the Union men of the Country to know that this most pestiferous of rebels so warmly endorses the President. Samuel A. Black, Esq We have omitted, heretofore, to refer to the appointment of Samuel A. Black, Esq., as Superintendent of the iddle Division of the Pennsylvania railroad, with no dis position to pass over, in silence, the presence in our midst, of one of the most experienced and indefatigable railroad n en in the coun try ; but first, rather, to let the gentleman himself exhibit his ability, and then ac knowledge the fact of his success. We now do this, frankly. In'a very few weeks, Mr. Black has made hosts of feiends, as the head of the Middle Division, in this city, and we can safely congratulate the company in con fiding the direction of its vast business here to a gentleman so amply qualified for all the responsibilities and labors of his position.— In a case like this, where real merit alone hat tended to the elevation of a man, the journalist enjoys a peculiar pleasure in re cording a brief history of the fact.—Harris burg Telegraph. Extracts from President Johnson's Speech, Delivered nl ifra.qhingion Fch. 22, 1806 The following are a few extracts from the Irate remarkable speech of the President and will chow the•gerieral tenor of this very ex traordinary effort. =I I fought traitors and treason in the South. I opposed the Davises, the Toombs, the Sh dells, and a long list of other:4, which you can readily fill up without my repeating the names. Now, when I turn round and at the other end of the line find men, I care not by what name you call them, who still stand opposed to the restoration of the Union Qf these States, I am free to say to you that I am still in the field. (Great applause.) I am still for the preservation of the Union. I am still in favor of this great Government of ours going on and on, and filling out of its destiny. (Great applause. Voices—(live us three names at the other end.) 'FILE NAMES ON THE OTHER END The President—l am called upon to name throe at the other end of the line. 1 am talking to my friends and fellow-citizens, who are intrusted with ins in this Government, and I presume T fun free to mention to you the names of those to whom 1 look uponols being opposed to the fundamental principles of this Government, and who are laboring to pervert and destroy it. (Voices. "Name them I" " Who are they '1") Tho Pres ident—You ask mo who they are. 1 say Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, is one; I say Mr. Sumner, of the Senate, is another, and Wendell Phillips is another.—(Long continued applause.) (Voices, "Give it to Forney 'l') The President—ln reply to tijat, I will simply say 1 do not waste my ammu nition upon dead ducks. (Great laughter and applause.) I stand for my country; I stand for the Constitution. There I have always placed my feet from my advent to public life. They may traduce, they may vituperate me, but let mo say to you, all this has no influence upon me. (Great applause.) Let me say further, that I do not intend to be overawed by real or pretended friends, nor do I mean to be.bulliod by.my enemies. (Tremendous applause). Honest conviction is my courage, the Constitution is my guide. I know, my countrymen, that it has been insinuated, no, not insinuated, it has boon said directly in high places, that if such a usurpation of power as I am charged with had been exercised some two hundred years ago in a particular reign, it would have cost an individual his head. (Great laughter). Of what usurpation has Andrew Johnson beep guilty? (None. None.) Is it a usurpation to stand between tho people and the encroachments of power. Because in a conversation with a fellow citizen who happened to boa Senator, I said that I thought amendments to the Consti tution ought not too frequently to bo made ; that if it was continually tinkered with it would lose all its prestige and dignity, and th'e 'old inStrument would be lost sight of altogether in a short time; and because, in, the same conversation I happoned'Ao - say, that if it were amended at all, such and an amendment ought to bo adopted, ibis to he charged that I was guilty of usurpation of power, that would have costa king his hdad, in a certain , of; Efiglish„ ? (Great latigiiter)'. From the same source the exclatnation .has gone forth that they were in tho midst of earthqualces; that they were trembling and co,uld not (Laugh ter 4 JUDGEMENT OF TUE PEOPLE Yes, fellow-citizons,there is an yarthquahe coming; there is'a ground-swelling of poP ular judgement and indignation.. (Great applause.) ~i T he ,American people will speak, and, by'their instinct if, not otheryvise,, they will Im'Ow whe aro their . frieride and who are their enemies. I hitlio endeavored to bo -true to:the people in all the positions which I have occupied, and there Is hardlY aposi tion in this Government which ,b, have not `at goixie, time"filled. suppose it will ,be said thdtthis is vanity:llaughter,)but ,nay :sayr:that I 'have been mall of. them: -'l.llave ;'been,i,n,both 'branches of the State liegisla-, Wm' Yotee Yoti compaenced a tail- • PA.TOg. T o' 'ire"qao 4 goat °panb mo says thatl 'bOgo 'a tailor. '"Yea s l"did. b - gin a tailor (applatioti)i , aiidifiat Uggootion ,dOor,„poKditiookotit tao,ll4,tholioast'; Or whoa I. was a4ailor ; T 4ad t„ho i ,roputatiork.of .boing wood,a "alad 'raWking,alOO t„. ter), anu x wag always punctuat to my CUB tomore, and did good work. (Applause.) Voices—We will patch up Mu Union yet. The President—No, - I doll et, want. -any patch work of I want th,4i original ar able restored. (Gt:eaVapplawia.)i But enough - of.this facetiousness. ; 'knov?,lt may be said,: il.Yoti are President; and you ' : must nOttedk. about these things ;" 'but, my fellow citizens; T, intend to talk-the' truth, and 'when.:prin-. eiple is involvedivllan the existence of `my: country is in peril, I hold 'it to be my duty to speak what fthink and what I feel, as I --have done on former occasions. (Great ap , plause.) I have said, ithas been declared elsewhere that I was guilty of usurpation'Whieh Would have cost a king his head, and in another place I have been denounced for whitewash ing. When and where did I ever white wash anything or anybody ? I have been an Alderman of n town; I have been in 'both branches of ,the Legislature of my State,- I have been in both Houses of the National Congress, I have been at the head of the Executive Department of my State, I have been Vice President of the United States, and I am now in the position which I occu prbefore you, and during all this career where is the man and what portion of the people is there who can say that Andrew Johnson over Made a pledge which he did not redeem, or that he over made a promise which he, violated! None. Now point me to the man who can say that Andrew John son ever acted with infidelity to the great mass of the people. (Great applause.) 13E11 }LADING Men may talk about beheading and about usurpation, but when I am beheaded I want the American people to bu the witnesses. I do not want it, by inuendoes and indirect remarks in high places, to bo suggested to men who have assassination brooding in their bosoms, that there is a lit subject. Others have exclaimed that the present ob stacle must begotten out of the way. - What is that, but to make use of a strong word, inciting to assassination? No doubt, I say, the intention was to incite assassination, so the obstacle the.people placed here could be got out of the way. Aro the Opponents of this Government not yet satisfied ; are those who want to destroy our institution and to change the character of the Government, not satiated with the quantity of blood that has been shed ? Are they not satisfied with one martyr in this place? Does not the blood of Lincoln appease their vengeance and is their thirst still unslacked ? Do they still want more blo. d Have they not honor and courage enough to seek to obtain the end otherwise than through and by the hand of an assassin. I am nut afraid of an assassin attacking me whqre one bravo and cour ageous man will attack another. I only dread him when in disguise, and whore his footstep is noiseless. If they want blood let them have the courage to strike like men. I know they are willing to wound, but afraid to strike. If any blood is to be shed, because I vindi cate the Union, and insist on the preservation of this Government in its original purity, let it' e shed ; but let an altar to the Union be first erected, and then, if necessary, take mo and lay me upon it. and Ole blood that now warms and animates nijxistenee shall be poured out as the last libation, as a tribute to the Union of these States. (Great ap plause.) But let the opponents of this gov ernment remember, when it is poured out, that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. This Union will grow, and it will continue to increase in strength and power, though it may be cemented and cleansed in blood. I have already spoken to you longer than I intended when I came out. (Go on.) —Like universal suffrage, Phalon's 'Night Blooming Cereus" is a National institution. To use it is as much a matter of custom as to vote. And because it has suprlanted, by the force of inherent excellence., all other perfumes, the American people are proud of it. Sold everywhere. NEWS ITEMS —The Chicago Journal says the last season has devolved the feasibility of raising cot ton and tobacco in Southern Illinois, and that large crops of both these products will be planted the coming season. —"Evening dress" is not requ; red at the White House receptions. Sack coats and calico dresses are no't bars to admission. Secretary Seward is to pronounce a eulogy upon the .life.of Eliphalett .Not.t, at. the next anniversary of Union College. —O'Brien uuuuty, lowa, has it population of thirty souls, polls ten votes, and has a dolt of fifty thousand dollars. A fast county. —Licutenat Cushi g, who blew up the Albemarle, has been thrown from a horse n Honolulu, breaking his collar bone. —Westminster Abbey was built by monlis eight hundred years ago. —The false hair business in Paris reaches $BOO,OOO a year. —Allen Stevenson, the English engineer is dead. —A thousand laborers have been engaged to rebuild Charleston, S. C. —Minnesota last year exported 8,015,564 bushels uf wheat. —ltyv. C. C. Hoffman, for many years an Episcopal missionary in Liberia, died on the ,25th of Nov. From Washington. Special Corretipoittlence of the Carlisle Herald WASH I,:`ICITON, Feb. 26, 1866 It is really funny to observe how jubilant the Copperheads have been in this city since the veto message of the President was made public. Their joy took shape immediately after its appearance, and their feelings, so long pent up, because,of the voice of the great Union party of the country which ef fectually drowned their hissings, finally cul minated in a convocation of the species in Grover's Theatre on the 22d, inst., where with maudlin sentiments of love for the Con stitution, Star Spangled Banner-&c., and general expressions of everlasting esteem for Andrew Johnson, they, on the principle of the polite spider, endeavored wheedle him into the ranks of their party, and away from the bold course of Constitutional right, which he has so manfully adopted. Never before have the secession circles of Washington en joyed so delicious a matin day as, on the 22d, of February, and never haVollniy so unre servedly unburdened their souls, and given such real expressions to their feelings. The issue, which is sincerely, to be lipped mill be short-lived, between the executive and Union majorities in Congress, has filled them 'with unbounded ecstasy because the most conspic uous and hitherto constant object of their , hatred, has, in their interpretation of ;the signs of the times, presented himself as tin, auxiliary and friend: . , The Union men, hero and: now, repudiate the charge that because President Johnson has seen fit to",disagree with Congress in? re : gard to the expddieneY of a measure, 'Which on mature and thoughtful consideration ihaa beeri.deemed of questionable propriety ; 4:tint,' therefore ,ho has repudiated his party, or turned his back upon the freodmen., Onithe. Contrary ha ' distinctlY says that'he . shares' with Congress the strongest desire to . Madre' the freedmen the full enjoyment of: their free dom and, property; and: their entire inderion donee and equality in making.contracts ifor their - labor; • but - that - , 2 in his' opinion; the hill - 'contains' provisions not r.ivarranted " -by :the Constitution, and. no :well..suited. to !at- , coMplish the end, in vow." It is appar'ent that however the pc?) Gies pursued ml ay'do: Vitite,* the results to - be' obtained ' identiear," and:it cannot:lie donbteid: that the present'in eumbent of presidential :chair; has any-other' motiye in view thaLt. that,of, the, welfare of his country and, the perpetuation of her .in stitiithiiis, throtigh the ['gentles of thOshinsaii=. ures . 'indieated by the Constitution: , - •-i) .1 . n • , -But that , i it is 'rather late, -and your readers havp more mterpsting matters to clams their .attention, I, would like to, givh you :a detail, ed - i adeoinit : of ' the' political - perferniiiiide: iii" rendered the'ether day at Grover's Theatre;' alluded , to;: :What with , the stage filled with. the oldest residents, of the,eity—f,the galleries -with the, youngest-and the auditorium, w' t,li a"lieterogeniouif drovicii including - a. large qi i nfiber i that attended • solelyalitotigh , 47‘. owiity,--4the :play ;rxiore litted,to Inspire; Om. with a just sense "of the. ludierous,ithaikgrat r ; alio for 'the ialimtion: r tho:unyt ho , ,i,, QII.Jr• ,i',:itt ii T ~ al.o ) t, Aii,i prOlogue was read by ono of the aforesaid old residents, and consisted of a defunct' set, of, resolutions painfully abounding with that' same stale nonsense with which at meetings of this hue" they, are always' chafacterized. The porfoimers, ander, the'gsneral man-i ageraent of the übiquitous braced the following talent, namely.; Sonatos, Hendricks;.-- CongresSmen - Itegera, _l3eyer; Stroith, Smith, Judge Morriek OfClhicagoi - and :numerous other' ; stars of =lessermagiii tude. HARRISBURG. Special Correspondence of the Carlisle Herald , HAitltistVitd,:March. .1, 186 G rinirposely delayed my letter until this morning in the hope that I might be able to give your readers the result of a meeting of a committee of members of the Legislature called for yesterday afternoon to make ar rangements for a public reception of Penn sylvania Battle-flags. But owing to tho pressure of buSiness upon both branches of the Legislature the committee was obliged to postpone its meeting until this evening. This reception, which will take piece in Philadelphia, Harrisburg or Pittsburg, as the committee may determine, promises to be a greater and more enthusiastic demon stration than has taken placirfor a long time in this good old Commonwealth, these war worn and battle stained standards will be returned to the Governor by some able, elo quent and distinguished son of Pennsylva nia whom the committee will select with an eye to the importance of the occasion and the Governor will doubtless reply. It has been proposed that a history of each of these flags be prepared and that these histories together with the addresses and ceremonies of presentation, shall form a State Book, which cannot fail to be of great interest.to cilizons generally, besides it must prove a work of historic value. Now York has just produced this beautiful and useful idea. It has been erroneously reported that the special committee appointed tor the purpose, has already selected an artist for the great work of placing on canvas a representation of the battle of Gettysburg, as authorized by the Legislature. The committee have not yet made their selection. When the work is Completed it will be hung in one of the Chambers of the Legislature or in the newl,ibrary room. The Atlantic an Great Western Railroad fight, that two months ago seemed to loom up in the distance like a rugged mountain, has now, after much labor and turmoil, I brought forth a very respectable sized mouse. I The Atlantic and Great Western is defeated all around ; their grand through line has in the full sense of the term, become an air lino and their improvements air castles—at least for a considerable time to come. Both Houses of the Legislature seem impressed with the duty of sustaining the interests of a bona tide Pennsylvania Corporations, and hence the rower House some three weeks ago passed an act authorizing the Philadelphia and Eric (the Pennsylvania central lessees) to build any number of colatteral roads they may deem it advisable to run through any of tho counties adjoining the Phila. and Erie. This bill came up in the Senate yes terday and was fought bitterly by such men as Lowav, Bionnm, and CLYMER who are very mtich iuterested in the Atlantic and Great Western ; They spoke against time and accordingly the discussion was pending at the hour of adjournment. The bill came up again yesterday and after the most bitter opposition passed finally. This will give the Pennsylvania central such a choice of routs as must make the Atlantic andiGroat Western but a secondary affair—at least in Western Pennsylvania; while at the Eascrn end the Supreme Court has decided that the lease of the Catawissa by the Atlantic and great western is illegal. Prof. H. D. Rogers, author of that stupen does work, the Geology of Pennsylvania, written from surveys under the authority of the State, and American professor of Geolo gy in the-University of Glascow, Scotland, by invitation of the Legislature, delivered a lecture last night in the House of Represen tatives, on the subject of Petroleum in Penn sylvania. In the course of his remarks, ho said that there was no other locality in the World that could compare favorably with Pennsylvania in the quality and quantity of and the facilities for obtaining petroleum. Ho asserts that no wells can yield any con siderable amount of oil for more than three years; indeed that seemed the usual life-time of an oil well—some could not produce for a longer period than two years. But in our oil regions there are too many wells. This is detrimental not only to a fair yield from all, but owing to the numerous vents in the earth the gas, which forces the oil to the surTuce,3s alTowed lo escape too freely and we thus waste the impelling power by which the petroleum is forced to the surface. Ile recommended that a scientific gentleman be appointed as a director or manager, with power on an inspection to close such holes as had ceased to be productive. If this plan were followed, he alleged that in the cour,,e of three or four years many of the wells that aro not now working would again become as productive as ever. All the petroleum is west or northwest of the Apalatchian range,' and comes from marine .deposits. Under the act appropriating $500,000 to the people of Chambersburg for their losses in the conflagration during the rebel raid of 18134, Judge Pearson has appointed, as com missioners to assess the damages, 11. N. McCollister, Esq., of Centro county, John H. Briggs, Esq., and Col. Thos. J. Jordan, of Harrisburg. These men are of undoubted competency, and are honest and conscientious gentlemen. The House yesterday passed finally the bill that is demanded by the citizens residing in the vicinity of the Susquehanna and its tri butaries, who desire the luxury of fresh slid. It received the votes of a very largo majority of the members, though the. Susquehanna and Tido Water Canal Company, owning the dam at Columbia which is the first and greatest obstacle to the passage of shad, fought the bill savagely. This bill provides for the proper alteration of all dams on the Susquehanna and its tributaries in such a way as will allow the free passage of fish up the stream. The Governor is authorized and required to appoint an inspector, whose duty it shall be to direct the alterations agreeably to the provisions of the bill, and report any neglect on the part of corporations or individuals owning dams to the proper district attorney, who shall enter suit for nuisance, which may be removed by the Sheriff and his, posse as all other .nuisances aro removed. This bill now goes to the Senate and will doubtless pass thatbody - and become a law. The Republican and Democratic members of the Legislature held party caucuses night before last ; but the result of their delibera tions has not been made public. It is said, horever, that the Democracy determined to spring upon the Rouse : at an early day. a resolution fully endorsing ANDOEW ,while the Union men have taken such measures as, will checkmate any such, dem onstration on • the part of the revilers of ABRAM/tilt 'LINCOLN. s A terrific boiler exploSiorrisccurred in the furnace of. 'J. iNs H. J. Meilly at' Middle- . town on ilionclay evening at about half past 'o seven 'clock; tin; consequences of which were most 'horrible. ' There' wore eight boilers in the furnace; ono ''of - which was raised up, through the building and carried P distance of five y hundred yards ; Oyer a brick; biiilding 4 and furnaeo and lodged in the Penneylvatin canal. ' 'All 'the other hoiler's wore , raised froth; their bedd and' throWn ift various directions, demolishing .houses; A portion of a boiler wasjuirled through, a roomf 'in "whiCh''two women were lying sielti;but missed therm ThPhitt t.lVer'the Unipn C/Pnal was carried away, nothing ,but ,the abutmonts,rernaining. , Tho cinder cart and, tile' horse attached, weiy standing near the buildin:e and were .carried a - distance of fifty:yards into' the UniOn Ciinal.;" Thirteen men,,were , in fhb turn ace-, Ot- the - tiiiie bf the explosion, and, of those the folio - wink, were killed ininfedintely :---darads Thomas, chief engineer ;• Benjamin 'toyer, a traveler , who had talcoo lodgings in the •hufiding'; Josiah Sleoper,,,facorge Washington BarAr 11 and , Aneq,; ( (eolored), employees. W-donded =Patrick 'Donneli, scalded; ,Noil 'scalded • and' "hruiled'i Richard. :Malone, slightly:: wounded ;.‘.- Henry ' SoPgkins mid Jelin, Xeyers, sligbtly'wounded.: ,'Eleazor. Randall was se, terribly scalded that'ho 'died on the followingday 7 -making , • siic - killed' and flyo seriously injured.. The' ~ coroner's jury in rendering voidictin fie-' ,cordappe . with the facts exonerate firm and its ,einploypes the loss to Isilley.&,(so is tifoopt $50,099.,, ..A!refrani'fraiii 'airspechlatioinP•ies;t6,oiih: . ernational nOnaiiiftti6na,;forthi !my next let:' for I ( 1xPe.4,49..• , Ai.ye , to ;yogr rolictergahopro...: ededings pf, pouveratiii,,itLajltei. .... ••• • publican State conventions and to record the triumphal nomination of General Joun W. GEAux •SiOne. Pri)in HO gout' Wins. CARD.—The Inajes of,;St..,John's Churoh, having ell'arge of the Festival and Fair recently held by them, hereby tender their warm thanks to those persons who kind ly contributed articles of value and their ser vices to promote the success of the enterprise. They feel particularly grateful to those of other Congregations who aided them, and appreciate the valuab4.assistance rendered by the gentlemen composing the committees of tlte Union, Empire and Cumberland Fire CoApanies. LARGE SALE OP GOVERNMENT PROP ERTY.—Major E. C. Reichonbach advertises in to day's paper that, ho will sell on the 9th instant a considerable amount of U. S. prop erty consisting of the wooden buildings composing the quarters at the late Camp Biddle (or what is better known as the •' drafted camp" adjoining Carlisle Bar racks) and the unfinished hospital building adjoining the guard house of the barracks. This is a rare opportunity for carpenters or persons contemplating building to purchase the very best of materials at auction figures. NEW HOSE.-1 4 ho Union fire compa ny, on Saturday last inspected and formally received from the manufacturer five hun dred feet of now hose. The lot consists of ten sections, every one of which was severely tested by the powerful engine belonging to that company, without a flaw or weak place being discovered. The manufacturer is Semi. Y. Gar.mt, of Philadelphia, and he may be justly proud of the success of hiS pro duction after such an oraeal. The couplings attached to this hose aro known as the Jones patent, and are certainly the simplest and most elfectiveconneetion ever devised. With them the operator can attach or detach the sections in a second of time so securely too, that not a drop of water will escape. During the exercise on Saturday the " Union" performed the unprecedented feat of throwing three streams clearly over the Spiro on the dome of the Court house. THE SPRING ELECTIONS.—TWO weeks from to-day the annual spring ciections take place and we deem this a fit time to urge upon our friends the importance of giv ing their early attention to the questions then to be decided. In our borough we have to aleet chief and assistant burgesses town council, school director, tax collectors, constables, election officers &c. Tho finan- ces of our town are not by any means in a flattering condition. A burdensome debt oppresses us with heavy taxes, our police de tment is in a shockingly inefficient con dition and ninny improvements in the streets are imperatively needed. To remedy these evils a general reorganization of our muui cipial affidrs must ho accomplished, and to do this thoroughly amendments to the exist ing charter will be necessary. If our citi zens desire the enlargement and general im provement of our beautiful town some means must be devised to get rid of the twrible ih eubus of municipial debt and taxation which at present almost entirely prevents strangers from purchasing or building' here. The Union men of the West ward will elect a - majority of the . Miw council this year, and to that majority our people will look hopefully for such legislation as will tend to build up and improve our town and at the same time provide for the ultimate extinc tion of the borough debt. We cannot speak too earnestly to our friends in townships and boroughs in regard to the election of judges and inspectors of elections. We have before us an important - andTexciting - ennipitign l n which wylinpe and expect to see the Union banner carried by that heniie soldier and valued fellow citizen of (our own county, Gen. JOHN W. EARY. In the event of his nomination it should be the pride of the County of his adoption to give him a majority over his copperhead op ponent and this we honestly believe can be done. Hut not without earnest continued labor, which, can only be properly cum : , menced by the election of conscientious and fearless elective oilicei.s. There are many other considerations which commend these early electiorks to the watchful attention of the friends oikgotid government and equal justice to all, Vbich we need not here dis cuss—they are patent to all. Let us then all—township and town alike—go to work at once and stop not until the business is finished. THE MAGAZINES.— for March contains : Passage from Hawthorne's Note Books ; An old Man's Idyl ; A Ramble through the Market; The Freed man's Story; Nan tuaet ; The Snow Walkers; To Mersa; An Amaz onian Picnic ; Doctor John's ; Communica tions with the Pacific ; In tho Sea; The Chimney Corner for 1836; Poor Chico ; Snow ; Griffith Gaunt or Jealousy; Re views and Literary Notices ; Ticknor Ss Fields, 124 Tremont St. Bos ton., Terms $4 iltr aimura or 85 cents sin gle number. OUR YOUNG FOLKS.-By the same pub lishers is an illustrated liagazine for Boys and girls, edited by J. T. Trowbridge, Gail Hamilton and Lucy Larcom. It is far ahead (;.tially publication of its class over at tempted in this country, and its great popu larity is a sure evidence of its morrit. Price 20 cents or $2 per annum. HAnrEn's lllnoAzxNE.—ls truly a power in the land. ThO March nuipbor is unusu ally rich and entertaining ; ttlo great length of the table of contents tprecludes our giving it hero. Tarim $4" per annum. harper & Brother Publishers; Franklin square, New York. • GODNY'S LADY'S BOOK.—The number boforo us contains a beautiful stool engraving "Knuckle down," a splendid colored spring fa'sition pitted, flower-potcovers, an excellent 'weed picture, through the lane,", with other minor -engravings. The literarST , Matter la - good; and the ladies cannel do Without-ilia fashion articles. LoUis A. Godey Publisher. Terms $8 per annum.-. `We will furnish the Herald and Godoy for $4,40. A.Frii.trus „ fIom.F.,4.6.ciAZIZ•TE.---For, March hash very good steel p_late !‘tiiArtist," wood engraving; t.tb a , Baby Brigade," seve ral fashfon plates and a kuraber of excellent literary articles, to flne piece of instrtimental music by C. Grebe. Alpine Horn,,Grand March, is in this . pumber., T. S. Arthur Walnut fit. khila„ 'l 4 erni's 192;50'iwr rinnutn.' ~HonitaNr HOME.---Is devoted to roligiOus and useful literature, is edited by',J.tYst' wend and utfaiber,s....,among.itgfContributOrti , some of, the 'best ininds in, the country., 'l 4 llo, *arOirp.uppor linso l l?oatitifulateolungraving. ,entitled, , ttliere, lop „it wave,",. illustrating P? 6 11T9 1 :.d5..9f - Aii 3 49l' . .o l .4riscgf, We, will tt o lc ‘ o2 P4'451. 1 . 1 .E. 1 Scrib,,l 4 :: 10 p,..1'14#4441' 8 •,441 , 1 51 rand.:5t..1N.1 PRMl 2 .l l ra4.4olEMbeth 6 . - THE GOOD WILL FAIR.—ALMOST Fxrtm--The fair of the Good Will Fire Com pany which commenced last Wednesday week, has been, progressing most favotably and Will yield a handsome return. It closes to-morrow night, soon after which a state •ment of the receipts and profits will be made public. On Monday evening, about 9 o'clock, one of the colored lanterns which hung from. the heavy festoons of spruce suspended from the ceiling, took fire ; in an instant the fire communicated to the spruce, and for a min ute or two the entire room•seemed to be a blaze.. The gallant firemen wont promptly to work and the flames were extinguished before any further damage was done than a through fright to the largo audience. LIST OF JURORS—ApriI Term, NAME. OCCUPA'N. RESIDENCE. Bowman, Christian Farmer, Frank ford, Brownawoll, Henry Laborer, Mechanicsburg. Draught, George Farmer, N. Middleton. Bootem, Joseph Carpenter, Carlisle. FOOlllall Adam Laborer, N. Cumb'd. Floyd, 3. B. Gardener, Upper Allen. Guodhart, Win. M. Laborer, Penn. Dyer, John Merchant, Carlisle. Hart, Daniel Farmer, Lower Allen. Ilolkos, George Farmer IV. Pennsborough. Hale, Simon T. Dealer, Southampton. Irvine, &unite' Merchant, Nowville. Kelley, IL J. Stone Cut., Carlisle, Linn, James Farmer, Pont,. Myers, James Farmer, Penn. McCoy, P. G. Carpenter, Newton. Orris, L. IL Farmer, Fraukford. Sonseman, John Farmer, Upper Allen. Soaright, George P. Fernier, B. Middleton. &aright, George S. Dentist, Carlisle. Smith, Theodore Machinist, Shippensburg Bor. Waggoner, Samuel Clerk, Nowville. Wherry, David Scrivener, Newburg. Young, Lewis Smith, N. Cumber land. TRAVERSE JURORS—First Week. Armstrong, Thomas Printer, Carlisle. Bradley, Abm. Farmer, S. Middleton. Mean, D. S. Farmer, Mifflin. Carothers, James Farmer, Penn. Duey, .Tolin NV. Farmer, Silver Spring. Daugherty, George Farmer, Southampton. Daugherty, Joseph Farmer do. Duncan, Benjamin' Cali'ma\ter, Shippensburg Bor. Dan, IL M. , „Laborer, Lower Anon. Brice's, F. 1..", Laborer. Hampden. Eckels, John C. Farmer, . Silver Spring. Eusminger, Philip Farmer, Carlisle. Fought, John Farmer Silver Spring. Graham, John D. Farmer,: Frankford. Green, Samuel Farmer, Penn. o.aulhart, Lewis Fanner, Penn. Grimes, John Carpenter, Newton. !Ferman, Christian Former, Monroe. Ileuwood, Daniel A. Farmer, Middlesex. Harris, Samuel Smith, Shippensbmg Bor Kohler, Adam Laborer, Upper Allen. Lou,,, Conrad Shoemak'r. Mechanicsburg. Longsdorf, H. A. Dealer, Silver Spring. Long, David Trimmer, Mechanicsburg. Mitten, David Shortinik'r Frankford. Mullen ' Howard Smith, E, Pennsbore. Myers, Samuel Farmer, Southampton. Mowrey, John Farmer, Mifflin. McKee, Thomas Gentleman. do. McMillan. .Jackson Mason, Carlisle. Mell, John Brick tiller, Carlisle. Nelson, Josiah Farmer, ;Upper Allen Ott, Simpson Farmer, jinn. Plank, Samuel Justice, Monroe. Quigley, N. D. Cali :miler. Carlisle. Ralston, David Druggist, Carlisle. Row, William Farmer, :Willie. Richwine, Andrew Farmer, Dickinson. Smith, Joseph Justice, Newton. Saxton, John O. Gentleman, SRN Cr Spring. Sherly, John Fanner, Lower Allen. Se Her, C. 11. Laborer, W. Pennsborough. Sloop, Stunnel Slcremak'r, Silver Spring. Worthington, Jeff. Painter, Carlisle. Wonderly, Jacob Farmer, Dichinnon. Williamson, Jas. Jr. Farmer, Silver Spring Waggoner, James ll. Cooper, Carlisle, Zinn, John Fernier, Penn. TRAVERSE JURORS—Seeond Week Bretz, Daniel Farmer, E Pennolioru. Burkhast, Joseph Farmer, Mifflin. Beaver, David Smith, Shlppe'g Bor. Bel telimver, John P.Farinor, IV. Pennsboro. Bomberger, Joseph Farmer, Monroe. Bowman, John Mothehan I, W. Pennshoro. Conierer, Puler Fanner, Snuthnmpt'n. Coover, ,lurch Merchant, N.•CumberVd. !tare, E. 0. Clark, E. Pennsborn. Dill man, George A. Shoomder, Carlisle. Ihdie, David Farmer, E. Pen.] /011, Dellinger, John Mason, Penn. Erford, John Shoemak'r, E. Pennsboro. Eckert, Jacob Jr. Farmer, Silver Spring. Fleming, Timothy Farmer, Middlesex. Franoischs, W. C. Printed, Carlisle. Grove, IL. 11. Artist, Csulisle. Garver, Samuel f I entlenum, Monroe. Ileiser, John Fanner, Frankton). Hoover, ELI Farmer, Hampden. Hood, Robert Saddler, W. Pennsboro. Ileberlh.r, Adam ' Farther, Hopewell. Ilefli(3llll,Ver, Win. D.Laborer, do. .Thoobs, George W. Farmer, • Middlesex. Killian, Alma. Coachmk'r, Newville. .—..,.._ For, David S. Fanner, W. Pennoboro. Koontz, Jacob Fanner, E. Pennoboro. Laird, liugh Smith, Meg hanicolo'g. Lininger, John Farmer, Hampden. L.., is, J. 'l', Merchant, Newton. Leonard, E. B. Jr. Merchant, Carlisle. Lantz, Jacob )!'ureter E. Pennsboro. McCullough, Wm. M.Fanner,, Penn. Miller, Peter Farmer, Upper Allen. Mt Lau ghl in, Win. Farmer, Diekinson. Hupp, Martin Farmer, Upper Allen. Paxton, Thomas Gentleman, Carlisle. Shenk,-Joh a • , Farmer,.... --Dir.kinfillll. - . Sharp, Wm. C. Butcher, Newburg. Spangler, Philip P. Farmer, Dickinson. Stouffer, William , Smith, Middlesex. Snowman, William Laborer, Silver Spring. Sol,givoi, Michalel Farmer, Dickimon. :".‘1•11S01111111. Adam Soulth. Silver Spring. Thompson, .1. C. Printer, Carlisle. Will ter., il tairge Teacher, Southampton. W Win Da a it. Robert Printer, Carlisle. Zeizler, A. B. Smith, Carlisle. SALE BILLS' —Bills for the following sale::,have been printed at this,office. Sale of John S. Hefflefinger, on March 13, in Frank ford Twp., of a Cow, Shoats, House and Kitchen Furniture. --:;11c of Geo. Louchtnan, at Waggoner'e Bridge, on March 2, of a Cow, Carriage, llouiehold and Kitchen Furniture. Sale of Jacob Otstott, iu Hogestown, 'March , of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sale of Mrs. C. A. & H. E. Augbinbaugh, in Carlisle, March 30, of a large variety of Hotel Furniture, and Household and Kitch en Flirniture. Also, BuggiaS, Trotting Wa gon, Carriage, Harness, &c. THE ATLANTIC Sale of David Butz, March 20th, two miles cast of Carlisle, of Mulch Cows, Beef Cattle, Young Cattle, Hogs, &c. Sale of Jacob A. Wetzel, March 13th, in Frankford twp., six miles north of Carlisle, Horses, Cows, Young Cattle, )Jogs, Sheep, Farming utensils, &c. Sale of Joseph Sollenberger, March 7th. in Dickinson twp., of Mulch Cows, Heifers, Sheep, Hogs, &c. Sale of Isaac Fisher, March 15th, on the Turnpike, 11 miles east of Carlisle, of a Horse, Cow, Hogs, Wagons, and a variety of articles. Sale of Jacob Springer, near Boiling Springs;on Fridny,March. 9,0 f Horses,Colts, Cows, Young Cattle, Hogs,'and a variety of farming ~implements. Sale of Daniel Oiler, on March 9th, 1 mile East of Carlisle, on the turnpike, of Rows, Cows, Young Cattle, flogs,-and all kinds of farming utensils. Soli; of George D. Craighead, March po in' South Middleton twp., of ITorsOs, J aolts Cows, Young Cat'tle, Sheep, Hog and al necessary farming implements. Salo 9f Chas. W. Shaeffer. March. Bth in South Middleton twp., near 11tt. 11911 i Bprings, of Korsos, Colts, ; Cows,, YO'uMg cat= tlo, all his farming utenailg. • Sale of floury Katz, near the Poor Hansa, op March 13. of .a Horse, Come, Hogs, House bald and Kitchen Furniture. Sale • Sale of &dip (Irove, inNOrth • laliddleton one'rnire west of Carlisle on Wednesdtiitho 7th of March, of Horses, Cattle, and 'Fat•na , . ing utensils. , , WHO'IS IT.=.-WR Were 'shown a llogB - of Quoonaware at tho store Of.Vm, BLAIR & Sox, Carlisle,- a few ;(lt yTs sold and packed for a newly married couple —Plenty loft, and more • S0I1IETIITN(31 Zlgw . rx.oA.n.razLE.-:-We' havo :Wholesalo Grocerrand Quonnsware store., that 4),roposesi-t0: , 5 , f1t 9'4 any- *IF , Store, with. all thoy nuty want in their:Brio nt Importere an& Alanufanturers pricos-r-Bel. Member you :will save; traveling,vitponses, boxing, ,porterago, , freight .&c., by buying from Wm.i, Blair & Son-!41 4 130uth lisle, .I+4. , 1; .t L;.l B. [Ali unsatitfactory-goodaf mayibe rOturnod and the7monoyatopinded,,:i 1.41 lyrob.itiTpt ~•;i. 31 IN fraQ.) 1866. GRAND JURORS. Opetial Notices. riisainAl4Tiliii iiitCl: l --i'rio of Coal reduced again. at • • A.ll. Bi:Ant's, • Coal Yard Feb. 16, 1866 Coal Sold lower than last month at A. H. BLAIR'S, yard Fob. 16, 1866 Notice.—No more orders for Coal will bo received at Delaney & Blair's officio, for Delaney & &rem. But at Monesmith & Baker's Grocery, at Kreamors jewollry, Hams Grocery, and Fellers Grocery stores, whore all orders left will be promptly attend ed to DELANOY & SHROM PILLS THAT ARE PERFECT. rrHERE are many good pills in the world, we hope, for the sake of humanity, but the phis that ere really "perfect," because they aro WI.: tient, tonic, laxative, stimulant, counter-irritant, sudorific, and alterative all at the saute time, are Rad way's Regulating Pills, sold everywhere, and for only 25 cents a box. With these rare pills in your house, you ran do without purging by means of other pills or powders. You can do without salts, seldlits, castor oil, citrate of rna:nesia, GOMM and manna, and so on. 'You want none of those. Radway's Regulating Pills are a substitute far the whole of them, and, what Is better, may bo taken with misty and comfort by the most delicate woman as well as the robust man. They are the only vegetable preparation existing which will answer in place of calomel, regulating the action of the liver, without making you a life long victim to the use of mercury or blue pill. They open the bowels in a pro- per and wholesome manner, being composed of the ex tracts of suitable medicaments. They do not purge violently, like the drastic pills of aloes, or Croton or Harlem oil, or elaterum, by irritating the coats of the intestines. They aro, wo repeat, the "perfect" pill of the age, sad, when taken, keep all the secretions in a heal thy 'condition, compel all the organs to do their duty with regularity, pm ify the blood, and occurs that inestimable blueing, sound health. There is nothing like Radway'o Regulating Pills for the cure of all die orders of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, and . blad der ; for nervous diseases, headache; Costiveiaess, indi gestion, bilious fever, piles, and all derangements of the internal viscera. For 25 coats a hex yeti have in those pills a panacea loran= of the moat painful and dangerous of all diseases. Sold by Druggists. N. R.—Dr. Midway's pills are elegantly coated with gum, are I roe from taste or smell, and peculiarly adapt ed for the use of all who are averse to taking pills. A child can swallow them with ease; they are mild, soothing, and healing in their operation, they purge Means() thoroughly from the system. Evely family should keep thoin in the house. Feb. 23, 1866-2 w. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPE RIENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at the same time Tim MEANS OP SELF-O(MP. By one who hoe cured himself after under going considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envel ope, single copies, free of charge, may bo had of the au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co , N. Y. Jan. 25, I§6ll-13, lIISKERS ! WHISKER! Doyou want Whiskers or Moustaches I Our Gre cian Compound will force them to grow on thesmooth est thee c robin, or hair on bald beads, in Six Weeks. Price $l,OO. Sent by mall anywhereverlosely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, . . . WARNER & CO., Box 138, Brooklyn, N. Y March 31, 1868-Iy. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER has proved Itself to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public. It Is a vegetable compound, LOU. contalmi no Injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY lIA IR TO ITSORIGINA L COLOR. It will keep the hair from Billing out. It cleanses - the. scalp and makes the hair soft, ills. trous and silken. It tea splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young, should faille use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. .0"-Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and take no other. 11. P. HALL & CO, Nashuty, N. 11. Proprietors For sale Ly all druggists. Nov. 3,1865-6 m, MAntomm.'s Catarrh Snuff, Is a sure cure for that bothersome disease, Catarrh. Jan. 12, 1866--Iy. WE call attontion to the advertisement of Oscar G. Moses & Co , headed "LIFE—HEALTH—STRENGTH." Jan. 12, 1860-Iy. BRYAN'S PULNION 10 WAFERS, the great Cough Remedy ea sold by all Druggist. Bee Advertisement_ Tan. 12, 1860—.1y. ScE advertisement of Sir James Clarkele Celebrated Female Pills. Jan. 12, 1866--ly., A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, Eql: I RES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION AN I) SHOULD BE CHECKED. IF ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of.the__Lungs. a. Permanent Throat Affection, or an Incurable Lung Disease IS OFTEN THE RESULT Brown's Bronchial Troches HAVING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO THE PARTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Disease, Titocims ARE USED WITH ALWAYS GOOD SUC OM SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when ta ,,ken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. Tito Troches are recommended and prescribed by Phy. slclans, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new localities in variclus parts of tho world, and the Troches are uni vorsfly pronounced better than other articles. OBTAIN only "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES," and do not take any of tho Worthless finitatlpne that play ho ME! Sold every whore In the United States, and in For eign Countries, at 36 cents per box. Oct. 27, 1866.-0 me. Special Notice. "GREAT OARS FROM LITTLE ACORNS GROW." THE worst diseases known to the hu man race spring from callus so small as to almost defy detection. The volunies a scientific lore that fill tho tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elaborate the is facts. . . Thou guard yourselves while you may. The small est pimple on the skin Is a toll-tale and indicator of disease. It may Lido and die away from the surface of the body,-but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. ,fileomet's BILIOUS, DYSPEPTIC and DIARRHEA PILLS cure where all others fall. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains. Cuts, and all abrailous of the skin, MACCHIO/3 SALVE Is in fallible. Sold by J. MACOIEL, 43 Fulton street, Now York, and all Druggists at 25 cents per box: - Jan. 10, 1866--ly. The Long Looked For Has Come DR. COLLINS' 011EiT NOUN REMEDIMSSI INDIAN Pain Killor.--For the:quiok J_Rellof of Headache, Toothache, Itlioninatlim Non. ralgia, Bain in the &Mach, Back or Side 'Painter's Cholic, Cramp, Frosted Foot or Ears' Burnell/Yeah Cuts Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhea, Sore Throat; and , All' simi lar complaints.. Toothache relieved in eight minutes. Earache relieved Inten minutes, ipurns relieved from eunarting intiftbbit mid atm • `Cratifp or Cholla cured in tan minutes. !Sprains relieved in twenty' minutes.— Sore Throat relieved In thlrtyminutes.,' I have spent years In selecting the. herbs Item the vegetable kingdom, tailed out the kinds beat adapted to suit diseases of the human family, and now 'I have It! it complete. Every Bottle Warranted. TrY Itl . Try These things we prove on the spot, and before your eyes, only bringleur cases, • Dr. COLLINS has also fol. safe' his Syrup of Roots • BARES 'AND HERBS;' Indian Eye Wash and Powhattan,Salve. This ;Syrup CUM Coughs,`Oolds, Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar complaints. Also purifies the blooil. The Salvo heals Sores or Breakings Out in the Fact', draws fire front Burns warmntod to cure Bested or Sore Breasts. The Eye Wash cures Sore or Inflamed Dr. Collins Valley Herb Pills, Nor the CUM of filok or liervoua lleadaehe.Yemale regularities, Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Dis eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague,. &o. Dr-COLLINS ban be consulted at hia' , olllce, on Dis. oases of various kinds. These Medicines aro prepared and sold by, SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Nan,- 74 Market street, Harrisburg. Also, for sale at iIAVERSTICK'S Drug and Book: Store, Carlisle. AU orders should bo addressed to Dr. a. Collins, Harrisburg. These Medicines are puiely_Namtable. aunt, 10,1806. - • an ti Bp ti n ta i t d n r o t!iv o li :.moot: Am : Avery, best makes lifortimooker marlcane, Spragues,&e. ' • Oarltiledieb.29,lB6B. Ulanir OiIitttIOLTZERrIVEAVEJI ,, Itov. B. -P. %libeller, W vor, both XJA ol'Aoloro.-'- ' ittE* — savas.'—