WANTED! WANTED 1 FVERYBODY to call at Ww. C. Saw yor's and get all kinds of Winter Goods at Greatly 'Reduced Prices WINTER DRESS GOODS, WINTER CLOAKS, MANTLES and SHAW LS, Balance of our FURS at COST, Cloths, Cassimeres Mans' Wear, Soiling very cheep. BL.I NA r k,' TS, BLAAKICTS, at reduced prices. We aro receiving every day (ruin New York seasonable Goode, USLINS, CALICOES: SHEET] \(;, all kinds of house furnishing Goods, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., ,te persons going to house-keeping or changing root donee will do well to examine our large and well so leeted stock. Please call ono door below Martin's llo tel, Bost Paolo Stroot. W. C. SAWYER k Co II ghost cloth price paid for carpet rags. Jan. ID, 1866. ANOTHER GREAT CURE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Of a highly respectable citizen, well known to the Mercantile community, by DR. J. 11. SCHENCK, THE GREAT LUNG DOCTOR OF PHILADELPHIA OEYICE N. Y. AND GALENA LEAD Co„ No. 28 Nassau 81., New York, Juno 1, 1885. Ira- J. 11. SCHENCK—Dear Sir:—Nor over fifteen years I have been troubled with a severe cough, and usually two or three times a year with more or loss hemor rhage, which to. ether, fur the last few years, has kept me thin in flesh and too weak to do business of any kind w 'Grout guttering. In August last I had a very severe hemorrhage, and, according to the judgment of a good Now York physician, I was classed as beyond the reach of medicine, and was advised to be prepared so far as property matters were concerned, to leave this world at short notice. The physician (and my good friends) sal I that the first cold I took must prove fatal. Early In January I took a severe cold, and fortunately was occupying rooms at No. 3'2 BOND STREET, direct ly over your Olive I think about the 10th ofJanuary I procured a bottle of your Pulmodic Syrup and com menced taking it freely. My feet and limbs were very much swollen, and all the symptoms of a speedy death seemed to accompany my cold. I sent for my former physician, and staved to him that. I was taking your medicine, and niter showlug th • to 01.1, and hoeing taste) of them, ,te , he replied ; 'You ran take them If you like, they Will do you no harm." lie said"you know what I told you last, summer, and I say the same now, if you have any business to close up, do not put it off." Ile said to other friends that he -could sou no hope for me," and my friends and relations concluded my tints had coals. At this time I was taking freely of your insulUine, but had 110 t Seen you Thor-dean r called a Mw times, end Wand me (much to his sur price, he said,) improving, 0 ud he could not understand why. lily taith was Increasing in your medicines, and 1 had a wish to have you uNatillse my case, and see what you bad to bay. When you first canto to my room and made the uXilltiltlatiOn, you gave me but lit tle encouragement, but an the coutrtry, expressed sad doubts nt my ever being helped out of my then secur ing difficulties. Thu second time that you called, find. log sic still gaining, you gave use emomagement, say lug, "my symptoms were humor lug; the Pulmanic Syrup, Sea-weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills had acted like a charm.', My circulation, toy cough, my appetite, all began CO improve, nod 1 could walk about my ecuw 3 little. You visited UlO nearly every Tues day, and lound me humming, and told me nut to go out of my room until the Urn day of May. I took no cold while under your treatment, my appetite became first-rate. and you Told me to eat everything I wished of a nutritious nature, and to exercise about the room as much as possible. I followed your advice, and to the SUrpiu.“ of nay u.ld phy Metall and friends, I Seoul much better than I have been for several y care, and breathe better than t ever exported a person eutild With Otte lung, the left being completely mita up. I feel tors grateltil to you, and consider your advice and medicines invaluable. Yours, truly, T. S. SLI ELDON. DR. SCllPien — Dear die :—About two years ago I was taken with a very troublesome rough and a pain in my breast ; seven ur eight months panned ao ay with out my doing anything tor myself. Then I applied to a pli3 o hu atteinfed Me for about three mouths without rendering me any service. 1 ulsoubtaint.d the advice and treatment of a plosician in one of our hi s and also had the advice and treatment of two other ph3sieutris but all to no purpose. During this long space of time I was nearly dead; several times my iendt cane to see me arid Wittier,: wy exit into the spirit-world. I was unlined to my bed two months at one time. Aly breathing was exceedingly short. I gave rip several tinier. all hope or gelding hotter ; and as regarded getting well, that was entirely out of the question And to think this day lam well and heart)! was advised by stain, of my friends to try Dr.tieliksek's Medicines, I accoldingly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the ninth; then I found a decided change in ray rough for the hotter. I suffered severe ly from palpitation of the heart, and two weeks alter I isdninenced taking your medicine this difficulty ceased. 11 hen 1 lint a eat to Dr. Schenck's office it was with difficulty that I could got up Into his reception room, was su weak and as swelled ; my akin ass as sallow as though 1 had the jauudiee ielt dull. heavy and ■teeplese. Dr. Si bench, alter examini g me, said both my lungs were aliected, and gas's me but lit tie hope ; but his medicines, in about Iwo weelss, took right hold of silo ; it seemed 10 go right through „toy whole sys tem. Thn Politico& Sy rap, Sea-Weed Tonle and Man drake Mils, all took right hold in the right place. The Pills brought away g eat quantities of bile and slime; the Syrup Motioned the matter in my lungs, which came off very free ; the Sca-51 eed Took gave ole an ap. petite, and everything seemod to tinfte good To show what great ismer the medicine , have ha purlfj lug my s,),..teui, and to show how bad I was - dls.. estmd, b•nici all the bile that passed my Lowell, n od the great quantities a t phlegm and matter I espeelur nte-1, 1 Imooks 111 large boils, that vs meld ii.art inn, to gather and run tor about nix weeks, 113./ 1111ille tiled over Met:sty-tile Loi s. 1 have noth ing o f th e ki”all1011', and :eel like another person al together. I can safely say that I have not enjoy. d such hea.th for five yearn as 1 do now, and rnuuut praise you and your medicines enough. May U. MUM:told) , Mess and preserve you is the sincere de sire of One Who has been so wonderfully relieved through your agency ; and if any one desires to know with regal d to the tauthlulnei, of this report, if they will call upon :nay ot my n lends, or upuu me, No. -1 Inydeu Place, near Thompson street, below Cadwala der. Philadelphia, they will he perfectly satinlied with el the el., Yours, with much respect, MARY SCLINAIDT. 'f lie :Wove rase, as desel ibed, is perfectly correct. DI , W it to be true. Yours, T. Is, MILLER., Pastor of Hancock M E. Chung Dr. will be prefeeSiellelly at his princlpa office, No. lb NORTH SIXTH ZaHLET, cure.' MO MMERCE PeiLkDELPIIIk, every Saturday, front 9 A. )l , No. T Bond street, New befit, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 No. 3 t•iuminer street, Boston, Mass , every Wedues day, from 9 to 3, /toil every other Friday at lOtt (hall more street, Baltimore . , lid. All advice hive, but for thorough examination of 1..11,6 with his itespir °meter, the charge is three dollars. . . Price of the Pulmoule Syrup and Sea-Wood Tonle each $1 50 per bottle, 0rj,.7 (a) pet hall dozen. Mau drake Pills, 25 cents per Wlz. Fur bale by all Drugglht. and Dealerg, Jan. I, Ih6G—ly. l l Its I , 1 RS WHOLESALE A.ND RETAIL CHAULES OAKFOIID & SONS 00.RTI.N.ENTAI, tiOTELy Pill LADELPFI I A uve now open their large and eplen dla stock of ADIES' FUJI CAPES, COLLA RS, MUFFS, CUFFS, 0 LO V ES, Aleo the boost exeurtment of FANOY FUR ROBES, CAPS, MUFFLERS, sod OLOVES ever before offered by them, all of which aro warranted to be no repreuent- SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT Oct. 20, 1800-41.00. THE Meson & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty different styles. adapted to sacred and secu lar music, for SSO to IltnUO each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MED ILS, or other first premiums ttyrard ed them: Illustrated Catalogues free. • Address, AIA• SON A; HAMLIN, Dusrun, or MASON BROTHERS, New Tonic. Sept. 22, 1.865-Iy. New Grocery Store CHANGE OF FIRIII I THE undersigned hereby ikii.uounaes.to old-pstronfrand customers, that ho has dis posed of his maim stock of Goods with the good will of the establishment to Messrs. Puffer & Washinbod, whom ho recomMonds to tin citizens of Cumberland l'ounty,aa active, eneitetia'and reliable business inem who will spare no pains to maintain and Improve the character of the old stand as a first class FAMILY GROCERY. With many thanks for the patronage ho has received ho bespeaks for the now firm a continuance of the same JOIIN LIYE It. PEPVER WASHNOOD will in a, few days receive the largest and bent assorted stook of ,GROCERIES, - ' CHINA WARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, • WILLOW WARE, &c., tCter brought to this place, and will constantly keep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets_ - afford: A - fnitlnsrortmentuf'tahspeardl3ll - 6 - n — hind. Call and see us at the old stand, South East corner of Market Square January 5, ]BOO.-Iy, Presents for all at Haversack's. IV MIN(} Decks, Papier, Maohie 1 5 rtolcm) . od & walnut. oc.l AT lIIVERSTICKS. GUM BELTING &tat received a large aesortmont of all Alcoa— Goullelting, Gum Mae, elum Packing, &c, and for Bate cheap at the hardware Store of ILENILY SAXTON. `Juno 26,484 151-11(91:01 . A.gS will find it to their ad• vantage to call and purchase ttozir Medicines at RALSTOPPO. .161 Y. 1,1864 VANILY DYE COLORS, ; . lux,,sroy,a uly:11:18,84. twHz„.. PIANO-FORTES. DRIGGS' NE W PATENT. ARE the only Instruments conotruoted on a truly scientific principle. Thoy have groat or strength, and will remain longer In Tune than any other Plano. Tho construction is• simple and natural' all the extraneous lumber in the body of the !Warn merit is dispenadwith; the sound boards aro merely two arched planks of thin wood, like the front and back of a violin ; the strings are attached to a strong Iron which Is separated and entirely independ ent of the mso, thereby dispensing wit n the old harp form of stringing, by substitutin 4 straight bridges, preserving at the same time Inc Over Strung Bass, of which Mr. Briggs is the inventor. By these Improve ments we gain much more vibratory power, at the same time preservi n g all its purity and richness of They have received the highest testimonials from the Press, and all the principal artists In the country, among which are: Marry Sanderson, Max Maretzak, Theodore IMsfield, Herman Wollonliaupt, Francis IL Brown, Wm. floury Fry, Mr. SEGESMUND TUALBERG, the great pianist, nays have examined your new Piano-fortes, and I cordially approve of its system of construction. Its principle, by which great increase of vibratory power is obtained, being very simple and perfectly philosophi cal. The tone is grand and noble; It has great capac ity for sustaining the sound or singing, and its vol ume of tone or power I have never beard excelled in depth, purity, and sympathetic sweetness. R - m. lIENRY FRY, Into musical critic of the N. Y. Tribune says :—.I have examined your newly invented Piano-Fortes. They merit all the praise given to them by Messrs 'Melberg, Gottschalk, Stracicosch, Mason and others. As regards structure, they are original and philosophical; in purity, volume. end continuity of tone; in vocal versimilitude, that crowning excel. len, which enables the pianists to "sing" on the in strument, your Planes ever deserve the highest rank Voter invention, in my opinion, is destined to work a radlral Outage In the manufacture of Planes through- ont the world. From the N. V. Herald, Pept. s.—Upon a careful ex amination of Prigg's Piano-Forte, we hind the I esulta obtained are a very fine singing tone, groat purity and brilliancy throughout the entire instrument, not often found In Pianos constructed upon the old plan. The N. V. Times, July 12, says :.—We have now an Instrument without an equal. It ran sing with a smooth delicacy, perfectly unattainable en any other insfroment ; an ordinary player obtains with no exer tion, the fullness of a (lrand Piano-Forte, and they must speedily supersede the old styles. .—llnving thoroughly examined and tested the Piano-Fortes Invented and patented by )1r It. la i.cgi, I 11111 Of the opinion that the tone result, F form his improvements, as exhibited in the In nowt , under 07(811111111th.11, ill point of richness f I,th and le illifincy, equals that of the hest Grand lion,, For tat, and excels them In purr, musiral inton ation and itaual tone, power thus approximating closer co what I consider perfection in the Instrument than has yet been achieved by any other system of MN ti n favt err. NEW YORK. purchasin4, send for a descriptive cataingu June IG, IBfir,--.ly Iron, English Refined. 4' yENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. Horse and everything else in pruporthm at July . 1565 `!. Slur • )lu Oil 11[,[1.100 031.40111[0 £411:01.1 g AaAouvii 'OION "JV SHINIIsaIVA A SS V'ID S'l lO'6d.NIV.I •Hpuirt Jo 0211111 - .1014'T 09S01110(1 puu al suarivak_i_ WINTER GOODS a/ W. C. Sawyer great Dry iood Emp , wielm, east Jletin St., on, door be - Iwo Marti WE have just received from New York our immense stock of Wlnter Goode. La test Importations of Froneh, English and German H ;SS 0 - 00DS, In silk and svol fabrics, Plain, Striped. Barred ni Figured styles, selling very cheap. C0..1 TS! CO,l TS.' C 0.4 T.C! latest Paris Mantles, Coats, Chesterfields and Ci rcula at I educed prices. FURS, FURS, FURS, from the importers and manufnetorms, an immense supply of all kinds, styles and qualities, selling less than city retail - prices. Shawls, Shawls, 310 U RNING GOODS of every variety OVERWATIZNIGS, CLOTHS and CASSIMER ES. 1 , % e get up suits at short notice and in the lost styles. ALL IC INDS OF NOT Dlawers, Undershirts, Gloves Ac. Domestic Goods In largo quantities, all grades 011 Cloths, Flannels, Linens ,ke. Please call and examine the largest and best stock In the Valley. We are determined to keep up our old reputath n of selling good goods at very low prices. W. C. SAWYER & CU. Highest rash prices paid for Carpet nags. Nov. '2l, 1805. FU It') l A , AR M ERS, Mechanics and laboring mon book to your interestß. If you wlhh to save money, buy your BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAl's, at PLANK'S Cheap Store, South West corner of Nortl Hanover St , and Locust Alloy, midway between Thu Jinni's and Wetsel's Hotels, Carlisle. where Boots Sties, Hats and Caps can he had from the cornmones article to the vory best quality, at such prices thin, duty competition. Ho and sou them. Romombor tho Stand, South West corner of Nortl Hanover St., and Locust Alley, Midway between Thu diem's and NVettel's Hotels. AND HOODS ESTEY 7 SCOTTAG ORGANS, ABE not only unexcelled, but they aro absolutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument In the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to the parlor - tow - drawing POetrl. ree bal . ohly liy L. M. BRUCE, No.lB North SEVENTH Street, Puttanatruta. .Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, ands complete as sortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. Sept. '2'2, 1806-Iy . FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE y BEETEIVI & BROTHERS baying • purchased of Snyder & Newcomer their (inton e e Warehouse, alenderson's old stand,jbead of High be!. loavo to Inform the public that they will continue , e . warding and Commission business on a more entonslve Beale then heretofore. , „ . . The highest market pries will ho paid for Flour Grain and P, oduce of Flour and Food, ,Plaeter, Sultand, Jay, k MO con elantlyan_hand_andibr_salo,--- , • Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKENS VALLEY,- LOCUST MOUN FAIN, PEPPER k WAStIMOOD Limehurners' and Rlacksmithe Coal, constantly Ibr sale, Rept under cover, and delivered dry to ; any part of tke town. Also, all kinds of LIMBER constantly on hand. A Daily, Freight Line will leave their Warehouse every morning at 7O'dlock, arrive at liarrisburg.at 11 o'clock, and at,llow,ard, & llf nchman'a Warehouse, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock In the evening of Sallie day • d.IIEFITIAId BROS. N0v..10,1888. - EW GOODS.- Every' description and• quality of Groceries, ueonsware, Hardware, Plalcols,,Bauce, Flue Liquors, Tobacco, &gars, Pipes, Brash Fruits and vegetables in Cans, Oysters do. Spices, Wood and Willow ware; all kinds and of the beet quality and to bp sold at the lowest ;Widen for cash by , • ' • i ..WM.IOIIITZ. •Tiily 1806. L. M. Gottschalk, S. Tbalborg, Wm. Mason, _ A. It/trill, M. Stracicosch, Chris. Fradul. Sours 1..1)ov t full y, 1.. M. (KITT.SCII ALI( WM. HALL & SUN 5(1:i Fi volt(' way, ;All/ES, lIHNIAY SAXTON'S TA'.('/ "1 '.'"").O"N 'sllAnioa 1-IHTI.IIII '1'1111{1) (3 RAND ARRIVAL e A 1{ PETS, MONEY MONEY Moncy Saved is Money Earned ()etcher 6, 18115—tf. . Siii 'Oll v Cottage Organ. FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT LAWBERRY, &c., &c PROCLAMATION! NiTHEREAS, 1, Wm. A. Mira s, Car 1161P, Pa. having just roturned from the ERB ern cities with an extensive assortment of the most ashlonable and brilliant colors of DRESS GOODS, Such as French Merinos, Col'd Wool Dobanos, American do,, Figured do., Alpacas, Figured do. Therefore purchasers will find it to their advantage o give me a call. Also, the handsomest assortment of PLAID "DRESS GOODS. u Carlisle. Particular attention given to Alotnormo Goose. WIM. A. MILES. Directly opposite the Mansion House, and ono door cost of the Post Office. Sept. 21, 1805 • NEW STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Main St, L. BERNHARD & SON, INFORM the citizens of Carlisle and "vicinity that they have just opened In tho above popular stand, an Immense stock of First Class Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Their stock con slots In part of Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, made after the latest patterns, of Goods the quality of which cannot be questioned. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks, Carpot Bags and Valises, Neck Tics, Scarfs and Collars, Shirts, Drawers and Stockings Fancy Goad:: ‘f all ileNcriptions. In fart a complete and entire assortment of Clothing and Furnishing (loads, Do❑'t forget the place, Eby's Old Stand, "Marion TIall," Main Street, Carlisle, l'a. 1,. 13ERNIIARD & SON. December 23, 1864. HARDWARE STORE. r k E old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lynn, has puled into the hands of W, S. A. Bowers, who sir,, now transacting der the 111\1110 and style of 1.:1, 13 AV E HS. . The new firm have ju,t returned front the city and are now prepared to furnish to the public at the lowest prices, all kinds of FOR EIO N AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Coach 'Printing, Paints, Oils. GLASS, VARNISH, Rio. A In. k Into their store will ronvinee all that the have enough of goods to fully supply the demand i this market. Persons wanting goods in our line wl find it to their arlvantage to give us a call, All ordei personally and promptly attended to. July 7, Itias. GRAND OPENIN(; 1)A1 Greenfield & Shearer's. litivE have now ready for inspection the most. heeatirat :Igsfortment. of Dress ((nods ever exhibited in Carlisle, at prices within the roach 01 all. As we were, SO fortunate as to be, i4-4 , :ew York during the late GREAT PANIC which lasted only two days, we hays determined givo on 1 customers the sdvan tag° in all 00011 ismg during Iha two 1133 s. that goods won' sold at the lo est prier.. Starks DRESS GOODS ! Poplins Plain in Colors, Plaid l',,ptiva. t . ` tripe do. Ilrovade Iteps, Foulard Enipre,s Clot h,4, French in al I VOICIS, every -had and color. Silk Plaid crlpen, Satin Grisalles, Plaid Pei de Chevros, Delmines, all now designs. „ addition to the above immense stork of Ores Goods Greenfield k Shooter base a full line of DOMESTIC GOODS, t prices that d"fy mmpetion. We ea MIISLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, lower than oilier merchants paid for the same Goods ten days ago. Those who desire a feast for their eyes should not fail to call and exatnino our Stock. Keep In mind the place, South dint ,orner Market Square, Second door Thaukful fur the punt patl.wage we .espectfully kit a vontinuanvo of the same Octwbor G, IsG5 \V. C . sAwyEit, A. DuKE, ,Jso. NEW FIRM have taken into partnership, Jim. E. Iturkholtle and .410.4. Duke (clerks in my store) fur the purpos of can titiuing the Dry Uontls bush) et.t, under the till of W. C. Sawyer & Co. Our Store is now open 1 .,, r busine, where a larg stock of SE A AS' 0X A E 0 0 o,y may be biuml, Ivo will be reevic NEW GOODS. every day and intend to keep up the reputation of Sion', fur activity, liberality, and for always having hest stAak of goodn in the Valley. Bring very thankful for the large patron ago gi me by a '4,11,0118 public , I respiaitfullv tick a tot,' uanee of the saute 1,0 the New Finn. We trill end, or to merit the favor of those trim will give us a r The books of the late lie tier ma here for settletn ttinl peismis indebted lire [ - ague ted to make set mom. Eagt)fide Strut 0110 doer low rt in•s IV. C. A 11. Sept. 8, 1.865 The First Premium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS. At Iln• Irib• Ciemberh ml /u 'we'll fllntrileti C. L. LOCH MAN. Lochutan has the pleasure to an• non nee to the public, that he has re.purchased his old room from Mr. M'M Wan In Mrs. .71.11's build ing, oppositi• the Hist Natmnal think, and guarantees that hie norro GI RA NIS, CARTES DE V ISM' 'F., A M B ROTA' L'ES, &c. Have no superior, and in tone, finish and clearness, surpass most pictures produced, Ile gives his person al attention to the room, and with the best and most improved instruments and appliances warrants the finest resul la. A large assortment of (lilt and Rose. wood Frames, turn splendid A Ibums, for sale very cheap. Copies Id baguerreetypes made in the most perfect manner. Oct. 21, 1865. Gouda Suilithfr Fur Holiday Presents HEN ItY HAI{ PER, MEM! 520 ARCH STREET PIIILADELPIIIA. WATCI[ES Fii4E JEWELRY, SOLED SILVER WAI and Supericw. Silver Plated Ware. Nov. 24, 1805-3 m. , . General Insurance Agency. THE undersigned is agent for the fol. lowing Life and Five lusurancuCouipunics, viz. Mutual Life Insurance Company, Now York I= Arctic Manhattan '4 liuterprino ' Particular attention given to Perretual Insurance. Bates -11 R low ua consistent wit ty. - -Office with Ct P. Iluturion, Rsq., in Marion Milk Building, Main street, Carlisle. Due. 22, 1805--(3m AUCTION! AUCTION! AUCTION BEGINS TO-DAY HAVING sold my store-house, I will sell all my Jewelry Store and fixings at auction prices, as they must ho cleared out immediately. The stock consists of a large Salo, Five largo Silver .Show Cases, French plate glass, three upright Cases, ono large Ea gls sign, two large FRENCILI MIRRORS, and all tho watch makora tools and stock, a largo lot of Clocks of every description, Watches, Gold , Lfunting Cases English Lovers and Silver of every kind; Gold and Silver pens and pencils, Gold and Silver chains, Gold and Silver Rings of tbe. hest quality, also a largo lot of.Silver-and-Bllver-platod-ware, OIL PAINTINGS, Paintings on glass &c., which will bo sold without re gard to.prico, also n largo oil cloth, almost now, fifteen foot by forty foot, at tho sign of the Gold Eagle, Main streot, Garth;lo, . Dec. 1, 18115 JOHN C. HERMAN, Wholesale Dealer in Tobacco, Snuff, ,Pipes, and Manufaellird7' of &gars. 8 S. GROROR .STRKET, YORK, PA. 1 ige,yavr, ,1 Iv 3 f obaccos direct from • Lo w y o ct i nyvanthwill ousuro thorn good,-and cheap er than can be bought in the atty. My brands of cimwmo To.u.a.coo.aro ns follows. viz: Navy, Cbn, prat, Spun-Boil, Mg-Twist, Flounderkliard dna Light Pressed Virginia. Fine Cut 911.19V.1NG and SMOKING' TOBACCO at Factory Pric p t. Alacp,.a large assortment of PIPES. 'nave blot received from Bleb:non:I some celebrated SMOKING , TOBACCO... • ; ' Ikierottants look to your.littprrste. AU orders romp ly attoided to . • • • , •• , • N0i0n1b,01:..A16_013,=§_tutk......—.,......—..;-.4,;•:-•-•1 Frouch Cassiniores. •IDack Plain Poplins, Plain Coburns, GREENvIELD SHEAFEI 81 - RK II LI,EI " Philadelphia SAMUEL K. TIUMICICU, Gonl. Agont It. U. 131.1APLEY New Stick of,gats and Gaps AT North Hanover Street: splendid assortment of all the • new styles of Silk Moleskin, Slouch. Soft & Straw ate now open of city and home manufacture which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Bolt hats of all qual ities from the finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap. est wool, and of. all colors, unsurpassed by any this sido Philadelphia. A largo Stock of Palm, Loghorn Braid, India Panama, and Straw. Chlldrone fancy &c. •. SUMMER HATS, Also a full assortment of Mons, Boye and childrtne caps of every description and style, The subscriber Invites all to come and examine hjo stock. Being a practical batter, he feels confident of giving satisfaction. Thanktul for the Moral patron age heretofore bestowed ho solicits a continuance of the same. Dont ff rgot the Stand, two doors above Shrlner's Hotel and next to Carman's shoe store. J 01IN A. KELLAM., ABt. N. B. a of all kinds made to ordor at short notloo LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH 0 ROCERIES—FISII OF' ALL KINDS. Among which is a largo tat of real genulne more dry salt HERRIN°, in oak barrels, MACKAREL nt prices that is really astonlshingly low. Pickets of all kinds. SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good assortment of TOBAQGO .AND SEGARS, LIQUORS, 1 .3 . C.. at the lowest rates for CASH or Country Produce. Wm. MINTZ July I, 1804. GRAND CENTRAL At the Rooms of J. C. 11,ESIIER, r/UG'S Building, south east corner fj.Niarket Square, of Life Like pictures, consisting of PIIOTOO ILA NIS, AMBROTYPES, MELLAN 10TYP CARTES DE VISTI', in nil st 3 les and rl . Olll Life hi, to the Miniature pitture, for rings breast pins, ,tr. Ills pictures are warranted superior to any taken in this county or Lin material is of the best, and Ills artists 'Millet he surpassed. l'ios,ure eases and frames of all lon,from the richest:4oft and carved rosewood, to heplainest and cheapest. Ills prices are made to suit 11:1051, and condltinns of mon. Thankl mil for past favors, and asks In continuation of he Saline. (f v i r , , 1,6;,—(1tn0 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! (ARAN)) opening of unrivalled goods Ju4 rgceivod froin the Eastern Sties; consist ing 4,f ilinica and willed qelecl ions nt A. W. Bentz's st”re. S,,lth Hanover St., the familiar:mud well known ,tana. Our list of Ore, lloods rum prise BLACK SILKS, II ~ll. l lt. variety including the best goods imported Gn., Grains. Lyons Taffeta., Gros do ladnu, Gros 11 ivit , and figured. Lupin's, Nierlnous in all color. price.; Plaid leriinuss and Poplins, I;.III'RESS ('L(I7'IIS 011,1 and Alpaceas all shado ,, , 0,1,0rg,F, 1) of Elegant. Dosig;ls. WHITE GOODS, lavnnets and Cambries, Plain and Plaid itaith:amilte I ENS D COTT() S" (lOOD,S, Matt:eines l'oellterpenee very rheep. I LA NNELS I, cry qudlity of nhitu and colored !tunnels, 131 .fq, 13ollnorol skirts &o. A large stock of Cloths Cassinteres. ',llthwth. ord, Ilome-inade.leaus &v. 1 intve ~.‘v a superior tissortinent of Millinery Goods, 1t041,t, and bilks, Ito unit and ti limning It Cranes and Laois. MOURNING GOODS Single and Doulde width all wool DeLaines, Em press Cloths, Lupin's Bombazine. Cashmere, French Velour Reps, VtilAur Rune, Alpacra, Crap cliith.Quoim Cloth, i±iriped Alohair. English Prints, 'l'hibet Long Fdlawls, Crape Yells :'ollars, Handkerchiefs and Belting. NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION rh.ot. a.l T.,h143 fiil doth, Window Shades, U Prer.S. llolip Skirts. All very Ins and twist 1111 d, tit(' IllArket priers .3, 1h6:) TI I E PHOi:NIX PECTORAL WILL CURE YOUR Couoii. 1 TIIE 1'II(14.1NIX PECTORAL; ON, COMPOUND S 1 RUP OP` WILD CHERRY AND SENERA SNARE ROOT, Wi)l cure Iho Diseases of the THROAT & LUNGS, Such Ili COWS, Ccsghs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throe', lloarseness, Whooping Cough, Ae. Its timely use will prevent 1' ONAIe Y C' 0 N l'T I ON, And even where thin fearful disease lion taken hold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says: "I was benetitted more by using the Phenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Hulas Oberholtzer, of Lionville, Chester county, was cured of cough of many years' standing by using the Plventx Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hall street, Phcenlxville, certifies that he was cored of a cough of two years' standing, when all other medicines had hulled, by the Phenix Pectoral. Oleob Powers certifies that lie has sold hundreds of bottles of the Pectoral, and that all, who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing cough!, John !toyer, editor of the .1'1(1,31,071(2°ra Phamix, having used it, lets no hesitation In pronouncing It complete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritatio In the throat. The West Cheater " Jeflorsonian" says: "We have known Dr, Oberholtzer personally a number of years, and It gives us the greater pleasure to recommend his medicines. inastn uch as the public rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. De s Oberholtzer is a member of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylva nia. at which institution he graduated In 1854." The Reading 'Gazette" says: "This cough remedy is made up by Dr. L. Oberheitzer, of Phomixville, Pa., and it has acquired an unsurpassed reputation in cur ing coughs. It Is carefully and skillfully prepared trt.un Wild Cherry Bark and Sonrka Snake Root." Dr. 00,1.11. Wood, Professor of the Practice of Medi eine in the University of Pennsylvania, Physician to 'he Pounsylvgnia ilospital, and Ono of the authors of the United Stllteg Dispensatory, says of Seonka Snake Root: Its action is specially directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine has so much 1. mot in its eurativo powers, from the testimony of hundrods who have used IL, that the money will Ito paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its efforts. It Is so pleasant to take that children cry for It It costs only Thirty-live cents—largo bottles $l. It lo Intondod for only one class of dihellBoB, now Wove of ,tho Throat and Lungs. . . Prtiguroa only by LEVI OBERLIOLTZER, M. D, Phienlxville, I'a. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeopers. Johnston, Holloway & Cowden, No. 23 Not th Sixth Street, Phibidelphla, General Wholesale Agents. D. W. Gross & Co., Wholesale Agiints. Harrisburg. Haveratick's Drug Store, amino , for Carliole. N IL—lf:your nenrost druggist or etoroltoepor does not keep this medicine do not lot him put you off with some other medicine, because ho makes more money on it, but son d at once to one of the agents for It. March 10, 1805-1 y FOURTH ARRIVAL 1 Liraving taken . the advantage of the j_ g reat decline in all kinds of Dry Goode that has just occurred in the Eastern Markets, we have just made a large addition to our Winter Stock, and have marked every thing down to correspond with the present prices. Please cull and see the groat Bargains you can now-get in all kinds of FANCY DRESS GOODS, MUSLIN I, CANTON FLANNELS: WOOL FLANNELS, GINGILAMS, TICKING'S, CALICOES, Groat 13argnins in Blankets. Great Bargains In Shawls, Great Bargains in CLOTHS and CASSIMERES. Grand display of CHRISTMAS GOODS Grand display of Ladles, !Mesas and Chlldron's Burs. Grand display of CLOPIL CLOAKS. A full stock of all kinds of • WOOLEN GOODS, such as floods, Ist utast', Jackets, "Shirts, and Drawers Scarfs, Tics, 1.1080,010908, 8011tag14, AC. &o. CARPETS, CARPETS, 011 Moths, Rugs, lilatts, Window Shades, &e, Pleas.) call and aeo for yourselves that we• aro fully prepared in give you the gregegt__llargalne -you--havo zgen-tor-alobir finn, and we hayo determined not to bo undersold, 1112 d alwayeutake kroat pleasure in eshib- Ring our complete stock of Goods suitable for the 0000011. , . _ Doc. 16, 1865 CARLISLE FEMALE COL... LEGE • Rev. T. Daugherty, President. • FOR BOARDING f k DAY' SCHOLARS. THIS Seminary S Seinary• tvlitoh inelydes the sehool lately' under the charge of Idles. Mary Ilit ner, will be open under the direction of Rev. T. Daugh erty, as President, with a full corps, of able Instructors, so as to giro to the young thoiou.:ll education In English - and Cititjalcal studies In the French and Gor man languages, In Music, Painting, and other orna mental branches. ' iispechil care will bo given to boarders in the family of the President. • -•-- ' • Aviumry:dopartinpra tor tbn,younger ocholars 71 , bo had in connection tho'colleglato donartnient, Thesesstoti wili`cniennn Wodnesday,:eoptomber'Oth, in thelOur elegant School rbtarift designed feetliat,lnto: peso and attaehodlo'the Emory Church. For , tome atplY to tho President._ ..... - • - 18. 180: Travelers' Insurance Company PROVIDENCE, R. I. CASH CAPITAL, FROM AL 4143E130.1Orgrilitia9 Q DOLLARS secures a Policy for $l,OOO payable in CIVIC of death from accident. 5 DOLLARS secures a Policy for $l,OOO, payable in casa of death from accident, and also insure, $5.00 per week 'compensation in rase of accident not causing death, but disabling from pursuit•of usual avocations. 25 DOLLA RS a Policy for $5,000, with $25 per week compensation. Other sums in like proporlon. O.6ISIERAL ACOID/157 TS include Scalds, nn-shot wounds, Dislocalions, Sprains, effects of lightning o• explosions, Choking, Drowning, or nuy accident result ing front external causes. SETH PADELFCID, Pres't National Bank 'of North America. A. E. 11URNSIDE, Major General U. B. A. J. S. PHETTEPLAGE, Firm of Phottoplace & Seagrave ALLEN 0. PECK, President Narragansett Ins. CO. HENRY 11. ORMSBEE, Pres't Manurrs Mutnal Fire Ins. Co, JABEZ C. KNIC TIT, Merchant. THOMAS G. TURNER, Pres't Equitable Ins. Co. ALEXANDER FA RN UM, Merchant. J. S. PARISI!, Sec)! Atlantic Insurance Co. FRANK MAUItAN, American Steamboat Co. L. 13. FRIEZE, • .With A. AW. Sprague. ROYAL C. TAFT, Firm of Taft Wooden it Co. J. 11. De WOLF, Pros t - Atnerlean Insurance Co. BENJAMIN BUFFUM, American Wood Paper Co. .1011 N T. MACRAN, Manufacturing Jeweller HENRY H. ORMSBEN President. J. S. PARISH, Vice Presikent. N. M. RAWSON, Secretary. HOLLINSIIEAD & GRAVES, • STATE AGENTS, 230 Walnut St. Philadelphia. 11. M. DONEIIOO, agent at Carlisle, Cumberland Co, Pa, who is also a tent for 0 uardian Life Insurance Company, of New York. These companies stand deservedly In the front rank of insurance companies In this country. Policies Issued without delay. Nov. il, 1565-4mr. I= WINTER GOODS. new and extensive lot of 'Mute i,Just being opened at Ogjiby', These goods hive. been 11111,11:mA during the las week when goods Were loWlll' than they have been fo some time. All in want of M LI NS, CA TACO ES, nd Del. nos would do well to call and examine beforo urchasing elso,‘ bore. Aliio it nlle lit of lancy articles for Christmas Presents, •111,11 will be sold vheaper than eau 1111 bought el here. Do not for , .. , :et the old stand on the Corner oppos he Post ()nice. Dee. 15, "Din", W. SMILEY, has just received a large and elegant assortment 01 superfine and medium quality of FRENCH AND D ERMAN CLOTHS, BLACK AND FANCY CASsINIERES AND V hsTiNos ; a general tterortooint. of Union CASSIMERF.B . , SATb- N EIS, JEANS, , all of which I will manufacture to order, in suporir'r style, at moderate prices, nr sell by the yard. I have secured the services of TIMIPStiN S. It EiaturEn, one of nur most fashionable and popu• kr Tailors, who will always be !build in the , Itiee to eta and superintend the manufacturing department, and he hereby invites talc old patrons and the public to glee hum a call, A largo assortment of Ready Made Clothing. of our own inanuflieture for men and boys, at prices to suit the times, will always be found on our shelves. I will let no mamundersell me. Also, BO 0 TS, Si/OES' AND EATS. Nfy stock of prime Kip, Water Proof Gilf and heavy boots &r., for men and boys Is very large and complete together with n full assortment of women's and chil dren's fine and every day wear, all of which you - 1011 find !wiling at the very lowest prices possible. Come see nud be satisfied. EMI= Trunks, Travelling-Bags &c at low prices. Doon'ut fail tt/ give me a call, as I will alwais he glad to see you, ,and feel confidant that I ran gbpply you with as good, well made and desirable Clothing, h o ots, Shoes, lists, be., an can be found In the market, and think at lower prices, North Hanover street,between Shreiner's hotel and 'Halbert's form e r, Ca, Hole. Septomb, 5,1565-41ni SAMARITAN'S GIFT ! Till: MoSl' CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. Contains n(, )tineral, nor Bal,am, no Mere Only Ten Pills to he Tal,en fo E/fccl a Care. THEY are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not in any way injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to faux days, and recent eases "twenty-four bourn." Prepared by a graduate of t University of POll usylvania, one of the most endue Doctors and Chemists of the present day. Let those who have despaired of getting cured, o who hare been gorged with Balsam Mercury, try the Sent by mail in a plain envelope. Price—Male package, $2. Female $3. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD SU ROFULA, U WPM, SORES, SPOTS, TEPP EILS SCA LES, BOILS, OR VENEREAL DISEASES, & Is offered the public as a positive cure. TILE SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES, IS the most potent, certain and effectual remedy ever prescribed—it reaches end eradicates every particle of the venoml poison, so that the cure la thorough and permanent. Take then of this purifying remedy and be healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that for which you may repent In after yo'aril. DO NOT DESINATII-EL although you May be pronounced Incurable, the SAAIA.RITAN'S ROOT & IlEttn JUICES Nv 11 I remove every vestige of Impurities from the sys tem, as viol] as all the bad effects of Mercury. FEMALES ! In many alteetionai with : wLich numbore of: Females suffer, tho - Is most happily adapted, In Whites, In bearing down; el'alllng of the Womb, Debility, and for all complaints Incident tO the sox. Sent by express rthio $1,26 per I bottle. Is used In conjunction with. the Root and Herb.luices Full directions. Price 25 cents. The efficacy of these remedies le alike A'ckpo'ntledged by physicians and, patients. They are useCin `the' United States Hospitals, thus restoring, the health of many of our;brmre soldiers. • - [From the Baltimore Sim.] ' ~• . . What the Surgeotm, say of the Sa , marltatt's , Remedies, . "POST 110SPITAn, FUT IdAnSTIALL, have groat satisfaction 'stating' that I have need the Samarita'n's Remedios+ for Venereal , Disease in its most customary forms; that , I have used them with judgment, discretion; 'and properly, and have found them respond to my anticipations promptly and offectually. Knowing their, composition, I have the fullest confidence in theft efficacy, and as far as my use of them o:deeds, I recommend them strongly. "ALPILED 0. BOWERS, .‘AsAistant Surgeon sth Now York Tole." LEIDICII , MILLER. Lot it be understood that these remedies areas roc• ommended, and will poidtPeely cure the diseases for which they aro offered. Po'r sale at Efayinstiek's Drug Store, llanoy . or'Street Ciirlisie, Pa. July 21, 1805,:=13m".- PHYSICIANS will find it to their ad vantage to call and purchaac_ their ttodlclnoe at RALSTON'S. July; 1, 1864 I;sl3r,rit Flutes„,!fc.; Tykain,_A_c.ttooLoviwa v ogit uttar,ooo,-;zuAo t io.. 0. D.15 ; 1805.: AT HAV.EIIiBT/Olif3. AGAINST AOOIDiNTS - $200,000 INSURE AGAINST Loss Or LIFE OR INJURY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS I= CLOTHING. Samaritan's Gift ! "Yes, A Pu•ilive Cure." NO EXPOSURE, NO TROUBLE, NO CHANGE I= SAMARITAN'S GIFT, SAMARITAN'S ROOT & lIERB JUICES FEMALES ROOT & HERB JUICES, SAMARITAN'S WASH, DESAIOND 4. CO. Propirtnjory; 01:6 Race 43t IhtladOphia.: The great .Strengthening Tonic. (Not a Whisky Pl'oparation.) HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, DEBILITY ! DEBILITY ! resulting from any cause whatever RESTORATION OF` THE SYSTEM, Severe tiardships, Exposure. Diseases of Camp Life Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, - Adult or Youth. WILL FIND IN THIS HITTERS n pure Tonic, not dependent r n bad liquors for thoir almost miraculous effects. DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS. HOOFLAND'ES GERMAN {SITTERS, This Bitters has PERFORM ED ADM cuitEs, GIVES BETTE SATISFAC TI N, HAS MORE TESTIMONY, Ins more Itespostable Peonlo to vouch for It, than an ther ortislo In the Marl: et. We defy any ono Vomits:idle!: this assertion, and WILL PAY $lOOO any one whu will produce a certificate published by that is not genuine, CD) 100 F LAND'S GERMAN 13 I I"PE WILL CURE EV FRY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disor dered Stomach. Observe the following symptoms resulting from d 'tiers of the digestive orons: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullne , v of Blood the ilead, Acidity of tine Sbennob. Heartburn, Disgust for Pon I , Fullness or Weight in the ';tonnich, Sony F.ructa thins, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. :-winiming of the Read, Hurried af.tl diftieult Breathing Fluttering at the Heart. Choltifig or Suf feinting Sensation., NI hen in a lying Poeture, Dimncss of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in tho !lead, Deficiency of Petspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Loin in the side, Svetc, Chest, Limbs, &v.. Fltlshes of Heat, Iluruing in the Flesh, CoT,tant hilaglnlog of Evil, and great Deit,sion of Spirits REMEMBER, hat rs 4's ,od CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS 1; CT I' THE 1;I:ST TONIC' From the Rev. Levi O. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, Ni.,. formerly of the North Bap tist Church, Philadelphia, at present Pastor of the Baptist Church, Chester, Pa :6 4. , hove known Ilerthind's German Bitters favorably fora number of years. I have used them In my own family, and have been so pleac,sl with their effect., that I was induced to recommend them to moue Oth ore, and know that they have operated In a striiiinely beneheial manner. 1.1,4 a great pleaaure in thus pub licly t)roHtiltxitav, this }act, and callinir the attentom of those :ifilicted with the disraseß for n hirh thCt are recommended, to those Lit tern. Irnowing tram espm once t h e.. iny ri. , olllpleildatl o ll will be ,1 , 4:011 , 1. do this more cheertolly as 11,4)1111nd', hitters Is Intend. od to benefit the afflicted, and is "not a t urn drink.' J. IY. SMILEY From Bev. W. D. Seigfrivd, Paslur of Twolfth Bap. tilt Church, Phi la. Gentlemen :—I have recently 1 elm laboring under the distressing effects or a prostration of the nervon, srsteni. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friend:, and smite of them tested, hut without rebel. Your Ile.diand's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them. and into favorable mention of these bitters Induced me to try them. I 'oust confess that I had an eversion to Patent Medicines 'ioM the “thousand and 0111. - ttOrS," whose Only aims seen. to be to 'Milli Ofi sweetened and drugged liquor upon the conminnity In a sly tray, and the tendency of which. I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal prepara tion I took It with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the strinach, hut upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I Mite derived great great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. From A. %I Spangler, Editor of tho Culturist, N 25 North Sixth Street. Some eighteen mouth ti err I Wag a severe Muff from In,,pepsia. l woo not only unable to take p toil without Fut - tering great listreos, but so debilitated as to be almost unlittud Jut active bu uesh ally kind. Alder trying a I'm iety of so-rolled remedie,, all which Kt tad werthh_sp, 1 was induced, at the Rug! tion or a medical friend, to give lloollands (lore Bitters a trial. I accordingly purchased six dolt which were taken in accordance with your dir,tio Thu result was complete removal of all distressing symptoms, after eating or drinking, and a full restora tion of strength, as that I now eat all ,dinary kimls of food with impunity, and am able to attend to all the actives duties of a large and arduous buslinqs as well as at any period of my life, the good effects of the Bitters were manifested before I bad taken the first bottle. I have also used It In my family with the happiest results, anti take great pleasure In adding my testi nony to that of the many others who have been bone fitted by them. I find groat benefit from the use of a bottle In the spring and fitli. They not only create a vigorous appetite, but give a health tone to the stom ach, by strengthening. Its digestive powers. If the above testimony trill be the means of induc ing any who suffer from dyspepsia to give your bitters a trial (token it, I feel confident, will give them re nerd it is at your service. , Yours, truly, From the IteY Feudal!, Assistant Editor Chris thin Chronicle, I have derived decided benefit from the use of Hoof land's German Bitters, and feel it spy privilege to rec ommend them an a most valuable 'tonic, to all who are sulfuring from general debility or from dine:mos arising from derangement of 'the liver. Yours, truly. E. D. FENDALL. From Rev. D. lilorrlge, Pester of the Passyunli Bap tist church, Phila. From the many respectable recommendations given given to Dr. lleelland'siillei man Bitters, I was induced to give them a trial. Alter using several bottles I found them. to be a good remedy for debility, and a most excellent tonic for the stomach. From Rev. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of the VincOntown and MlByrne (N. J. ) Baptist Churches, Phila. Haying used in my family - a nuiabor of bottles of irOurilooiland's German Bitters. I have to say that I regard them as an excellent medicine, specially adapt ed td remove the diseases they are recommended for. They strengthen and invigorate the system when do :lmitated, and are useful in disorders 9f the liver, loss of appetite, de. I have alao , rbcoinnieuded them to several of my friends, who have tried them, and found them greatly benellelal in the restoration of health Yours, truly, WILLIAM SMITH, 906 link': dusnmStreeto--- From J. 8. Herman, of the German Reformed Church Kutztown,u Rorke County, Pa. Respeeied Sir kayo been troubled with Dyspep sia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me roi much good as Hoolland's Bit ters. I am very much Improved In health, alter hay ing taken Ave bottles. Yours, with respect, See that tho signature of "C. 111. JACKSON" is on tho wrapper ()Peach bottle. Sloglo Dottlo OaoDollar, or a Half Doz. for $5 Should your nearest druggist not have the article do nofbo pht off by any of the Intoxicating prepara tions that may bo offered In Its placo, but sand to us and wo will forward, securely packed by express. PRINCIPAL OPPIOR.AND MANUFACTORY, N0.'091 Arai Strcet, Philadelphia, Pa. JONES Br. RVANR, • tßuccessors to 0. SI. Jackson & Cod •• • • • PROPRIETORS:" -1 - Yoroi li.YD - inglAttilind boitiOiti oiory town In tboqlnitod Stntetn , , , . " # • AR O, 1806-17, ' - ' WILL CURE INDUCED DY, Fevers I=l 11 UK 1 1) Read who Says So Your,, truly, LEVI. (3. EEC 3E-71 Very respectfully yours, IV, D. 81i1CrIt1E1 =I P1111.11,E1.1.111 1, July 10, 1S A. AI. SPANGLE J. B. lIERDIAN BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. CUMBERLAND VALLEY 4,6.1 RAIL RQA.D. CHANGE OPIOURS. (IN and after Morn)Av, November 20, j 1.865, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sunday excepted): FOR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG, Loavo Hagerstown, 7:10 A. M., 2:46 P. 11, " Greencastle, 7:45 " 3,35 " Arr at. 8,17 4:20 " Chambora'g, Loavo Bllpponoburg Newville MT! Carlisle 6:50 AM 10:03 3.04 Meelaaniesburg 7:21" 10:36 ' 3:37 " Arrive at Harrisburg 7:50'• 11;10 " 4:10 " FOR CHAMI3EIIBIIIIRG AN I) , 11AG ERSTOWN : Leave Harrisburg 8:40 A. N., 1:40 P. )1 43:0 P.) " Mechanicsburg 0:18 " 2:20 " 5:05 " Carlisle " 2:53 " 6:30 " " New villa 10:34 •• 3;20 " Shippensburg 11;07 " 4:00 Chambers'g, 1 A rr nt 11:38 4 1 0 .4 0 0 1 Leave 11:40 Leave (Irer,castle 1'2:25 I'. Al 5:30 Arrive at Ilagurstown 1:00 5:10 " making close connections at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, Ness York, Pi( taburg, Balti more and Washington. triy- The Train leaving Hart isburg at 4:30, P. 31., runs only as far an Carpels. O. N. LULL, Sup't. Superintendent's 001 cc, Chamlfg. Nov. 21, f GOAL AND LUMBER YARD.--- The subscriber having leased the yard formerly occupied by Armstrong and Hoffer, and purchased the stock of COAL AND LUMBER, fn the yard, together with an immense now stock will have constantly on baud and furnish to O der all kinds and qu,dity of 6011h011e,1 ULM ll Ell, 1101 RD,, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF PlastUring Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked Flooring and Weatherboarding, PoFla and Ilalls, and, every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingle,, to wit: Whiteplne, Hemlock and Units, el different II UalitiON. liar hug rare of my own I mut furnish bills to order ninny length and sine at the shortest notice and an the most reasonable terms. My worked boards will no kept under cover au tiny can he furnished dry at all thong. I have constantly NI hand all Muds of Faintly Coal under cover, which I will deliver clean to any tof the borough. To wit: Lyle on s Itrolt en, Egg, Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddlers evorton, Locust Mountain, hobbery, which I pledge my- Fadl to s•:II at tho lowest NNNNN - ar " • r! 1/41111- prices. Best finality c.f Limeburner's and Blackvaall'3 Goal, always on hand which I will sell at the lowest Ilgu Yard wevt side 01 tirammAr .!elkool, Main street. ANDREW 11. BLAIR. tt E 1 INS URA NCI:. rrittE Allen and Eatpenw4boro' tool viry lnsnradre Company of CD1111 , 01 . 1:11111i COll ty. incorporated by an act of Asqetuldy, in the year DA3. and ha V ill 1 . ,' rel . oll l i had it.v charter extend ed to Ib , pea r 1,3, is 1111," ill active and vigorous op. ration, under tha Fliperint,idvm, of th e following board of Managers, viz: William It. ~orgas, Chri,t h.]) St.l3 man, Jacob Eberly D Daily, Al,. Cat hearL,.l. 11. Convey, John Eieholls, Joseph Wickersham, S:11111. I , . beely, Moses Bricker, Il udol ph Martin, Coover, and 1. C. Dunlap. ho rates orin , urance ale as low and favoralde as any Company of the kind In the State. Persons wish ing to ii1.1 ., 1 1 / 1 . 1111.111111,, I` inv ited to make applica tion to the egenrs the Company, trim are willing to wait upon them at icy time. WM, It ( ()It .AR. Proitttlent, P. cmusTi \N STA YM AN, Pico I'r~sidrn t, p. 0 jor D ; C. puNLA rs, $l•Cy Nleellanirsburg. DANIEL II A I IX, 1-1,11 lEEE Ctu,ll,l:l,l,olthty. J. , 1111 Shorricl , .. ih.liry Zl.Uri ,i1i1,111:111 , t.1 II to D4Ck111101l1; Ilenr) Bowman, rhiirchto,n ; Mode Grillith. South Nlichlleton; 51-110 uel Orahain, Westpennßhoro'; Samuel Coover, P. W. Cori:lin, :'llepher,lstown 1). c,,„v", rapper Allen; .1. IL Saxton. Silver Spring; liver. alentim• Ncw Cumber ; Jam's )IcCandlish, York enunty—lV. S. Picking. l)over; Jane's Griffith, NVarring,tou J. F. Deartinrif. Washington; Clark, U. Rutter. Fairview; John Williams Cart nil. DaUptill) 1.41—..1.•0)1 ii o ll,er. I iltrriFl , llrg. 1.110 ( , o)111i1:111 \ hacitt pulicivti 1111011 t ex piro. l,nn lum• 010211 rellel‘ed by waking nppiientiop to :ttly of tho Agentg.., .luly 1, 1`..e.f.- LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters 'rho. subscribers inform the public tha that son continue the GAS FL'il'lNO AND Pl.l'lltlNO busines nt Did Stand in the 14Fpnient of the Firs :51. , thodist Church. Tln , y Bill st G•ud promptly to nl imtheir Lend and Trot, l ips, , Hydrant, lint and ..Id 117,R TILS' Water Closets, Force and Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Hulloes, Wash BR sins, nydraul e Rams, and every description o. eoclts and fittings for gas, straw, Water, Suporinr ,oking range , , he•itena and VAS list art, put up in churches, otores and da.liing, at short notice, in the most modern style. All ,naterh t ls t r t id o t irk in o ur lino at I , +W ra toss u,l Irtirrlnl nv_Country mirk aul.t 1 Ai4lwg o•omptly attended te July 1, 1864. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the Worlds Fair, London, 1862. `tip :J~vlby ° yr~v;+iSJi7ur , . - .>"3.1 rii 14', undersigned has just received, and Intends to keep constantly on hand a full as. sortment al the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Stein,iy .1, Sons at New York. Each lubtrumont wilt be carefully selected In the Manuflmt,ry, and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices with the addition of Ereigh t to Carlisle. A written guarantee of en tiro satisfaction will be given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are invited to call and el/mil:in these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, al door east of the Mauniou House, near tt a Railroad Depot SECOND HAND PIANOS received in exchange and kept for solo ttnd to rent. earnslo, May 22, IS&3-1y A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOF - West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Hemium awarded -at the Cumberland County Agricultural Pair of 1857,) The subscriber has just recelvtd the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that defy competition. • Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE:. Kitchen and Office liftubriwlng °cm) , article used by flocs) and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design 'and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, &c., &c. 'a-Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderato terms. July 1,1861 PAINTS AND OILS.- . . . 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons'of Oil. Just received with a large assortment of ' Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, /.Itharge,-------Red - Leact - Whiting; Boiled 011, Gine, Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm Oil, Paint Braaten, Fish Oil, &c., Colore of every description dry, and 011 in cans and tubes at the hardware Store of 1, 1864. Bryarwe Fulmanie Wafers, AT RALSTON'S Doc. 11, 1803 • • , ONE good Photograph is worth a doz en poor ones. Who will glre a poor platuro#o_ a. friend 1 All PROTOCIRAMS mode at-- . LocgatAN'S ROOMS, aro warranted to giiiilttlafactiou or they will bo ra taken. Oct. 20, 1805. IPES, Tobacco, (smoking and chew ing) and Segaro, Ilaverst)ok'o Drug and Book toro. , . • ___..,.........; Dr:•I:0': - L00311S -•-, walla • ~.. ..... , Pomhet Street few doore .;„.. ',,. , . n o . , below s outh Hanover et '''' '. July 1,1884. IBM WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK. LINE PROM THE North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Tamaqua,. Ash land, Lebanon, Allentown, Ruston, dec., to. A. 145.4” and 1.45 and. 9.00 P. M., and 10 00 A. M., and 8.40 0 Trains leave Harrisburg for New York; as follows : a A r t ri 3 , .o l. o g , 7.26 a tN a e n o d 0 01 and 10 36 I'. M. connecting with similar Trainson the Pennsylvania Rail Road; Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 and 9.06 A. hr., Trains, without change. Leavo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minorsvillo, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil. adeiphia, at 7.25 A. M., and 1.45 and 900 P. AL, stele I ping at Lebanon and all Way Stations; the 9.00 P.M., Train making no close connections for Pottsville nor Philadolphia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn. via Schuylkill and Susquehnnna Rail Road, !car., Harrisburg at 4.00 I'. M. Returning Lent,' New York at 9.00 A. M., 12.00 Noon and 0.00 P. 111 ; Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M., and 3.30 I'. Al., Pottsville at 8.30 A. M., and 2.46 P. Ashland 0.00 and 11.45 A. NI., and 1.15 P. M; Teem qua at 7.36 A. M. and 1.40 P. M. heave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road. at 6.45 A. Id. Readinz Accommodation Train: Leaves Rending at 0.30 A. 51., returning from Philadelphia ,at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 0.10 A. M. and 0.15 P. hi. for Itphrata, Lltlz, Lancaster, Colum bia, Ace. 1:16 1:48 2:21 " 8.2 4 i 4, 8:05 O:Y7 On Sundays : Leave New Yor at 8.00 P. 31., Phila delphia 3.15 I. M., Pottsville 8.00 A. M. Tamaqua 8,00 A. 31 , Harrisburg 8.05 A Al. and Reading at 1.00 A. m: for Harrisburg, and 10.52 A.N. for New York. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets to and from all points, at reduced Rates. Baggage chocked through : 80 pounds &Hound each Passenger. O. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. lleading, Pa. Dee. 8, 1865 Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- Cumberland Valley, Penneylva nin and Northern Central flail Road Companion have made an arrangements to do a l'iniyht and Poervarding Basim.ss ladween the Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore and Nosy Cork. The Cuminerland, Valley Ball Road Company will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the Ist January IStiG to the receipt and shipment of all goods °wrested to then. Freight to 1.0 forwarded lip this arrangement must he left at Pennsylvania Road Companyi Depot corner of 15th and Market St., Philadelphia. North ern Central Rail Road Company's Depot Baltimore and Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company's Depot at Carlisle. The nubile will find it to there interest to ship h rough tho Rail Ruud Company's Freight Houses and Company Cars. Spring and Summer Clothing of ISAAC LIVINGSTON - , T his cheap Clothing Establishment un North Hanover street, Carlisle, from one of the largest and host storks of S1'111N( AN 1) ; ,, UADIER CLDTIIING, and surpassed iu title pliwo, either In quality or in extreme cheapne,. Remember that he also mattes clothing to order; having in his employ all experi enced sutler ' , tom to extensive purchase In the , tot.. ell irs, I (eel conlident that I eannot be under by any other establishment, either East, West!, North of South. Livingston has always been the first to supply you with clothing, twent3 -tire per cent. hedper, and one hundred per cent. better than you purrhaco rhea bete Conte and examine his stock when you want to nurchase rloth{ug. MACHINE SHOP. r The subscriber now manufactures and itecps constantly on hand, on North Street, east of Theudium's Ilotel, a large NM, rtmeut of ~-:d~= JOHN K. STAYMAN ME! ' fl EO. W. NEIDIM_ D. ix kj-1---trttrDiTaiiiist r ator of Operative "MiltlitrY of the ~-- . N4,4 0 / Baltimore College of .4114111k1` Dental L u igi Taldenee opposite 11.1krioix all, West Main street„Carlislo, Pa. July t, 1854. • ITENRY SAXTON jjillQßT Folios, Writing z Antjiniii Rtinli„ - ." Gammon Boards, Games of all doscrktlOn At 'au! eraclore Drug; r “noy and Bops f3toro. READING RAIL ROAD rlehl • .e. • As , .7 pany. FREPIIIT DEPOT, CARLISLE. Sz D Freight Agent Carlisle 500,000 MORE MEN WANTED Ti) RA;IIASE THEIR READY 111 A 1) E CLOTHING, - :EXTS" PTILVIsHING GOODS, ANL HAM, rer brought to this place. Having just returned fro ho Campaign, ho achßowledges his gratitude to the itiz , ns rf Carlisle and vicinity for the extensive pat °nags they have bestowed upon him, and takes the ,resent opportunity to respectfully solicit a continn nre the same. His -Cock of ready made ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street Aplil 2 , , Ist;,, A(iIIicULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, such II orso Powers, Threshing Machines with Sep - , ralors attached, Clover Hullers Corn Shelters, Straw and Fodder Cutters, all i• • ipifFL of which aro the latest and the best improvements. • 11 ' . 544 1 4', , Particular attention paid to itepnir iug et hind s of Agricultural Implements at short notice and ressonablo prices. Thankful for further favors I icepectfully Fault a share of public patronage BOOTS AND SHOES. A.,T the store of John Irvine, on th N. E. corear of the pnblir square, is the place to purchase Roots Shook Hats and Caps, at prices that defy eutoputitiou, Ila hasjusl returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment hoots, Shoes, farts & Caps that he has ever presented to this community", and which be is determined to sell at the lowest pos sible prices, this steel,: embraces everything in hie line of business, such as MEN'S BOYS' TINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, Calf and Patent. Leather Oxford Ties, Call and patent Leather Onitels, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Lip Brogans, Slippers, ke. LADIES' WEAR, Fine Fri ueb and English Lasting (lalters, Morocco Calf and Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers, Dior - rocco, and Kid Buskins, Sc., lS\ Si) CHILDREN'S WEAR of all dese r tp lions embracing fine Lasting (loiters, Idorrocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morrocco Lace boots of all kinds fancy shoes of various Rtylos slippers, &c. HATS & CAPS, Silk, Cassimere, Fur and Wool Hats of all qualities and styles. also a large assortment of STRAW RATS. hoots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppomptly down. Confident of his ability to please all slits-es of customers, he respectfully Invites the public to give him a call. trtLiteinem - ber the place, N. IL corner of the Public Square. July 1, lht 1 HAT AND tip EMPORIUM. 0 riIHE undersigned respectfully announ k cos to the public that ho still continues the Rat ting Business at the old stand, In West High street, and with a renewed And efficient effort, produce sal. cies of Head Dross of 447,very Variety, Style and Quality, that shall be strictly in keeping with the inlpito,e went of the Art, and fully up to tho ago which vie live. I have on hands splendid assortmont of ' l •=''. l HATS AND CAPS jar , - • ofall descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest Fur and Silk Eats; and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of hie money. Tho stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, or every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightnese Durability and finish; by th'else of any other establish meat in the oountry. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hat's and Caps, of every description constantly on hand. Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give him a call. J. G. CALLIO. July 1,1864 NEW AND FRESH ... • ir Jr C 3) Ce r le ES . HALBERT SI BRO ., AVING just returned from the Eastern clties - desirett7lhforin theirrPatrons that hey have laid In a large and varied stock of Now and Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. C H Their assortment Is thorough and complete, contain. ing everything necessnay to constitute a First Class Grocery. . ~ TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, ' In greatest abundance, and at lowest sash figures.-- Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENS': ARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, Hams, Cheese; Crackers, Brushes, 13askets , atud Willow Ware. . . • Segars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a com plete assortment of . . . FAMILY 'GROCERIES. Don't forget the Old stand, South East Corner of Hanover streets. HALBEET A BEG. Fcb. 24, 1854. . , CUMBERLAND 'VALLEY HOTEL: N. E. Cor..Main'and Bedford Sts. - CARLISLE, PA. JNO, Q. REISER, Proprietor. 71 . ) EST AUB,A N T in the - basement, jUnvhich ie furnished with the very best. opiquora t and edibles Of all varieties. Juno 10, 1865-Iy. ' -.....-7-1:: -. . TAR. GEORGE S. i SEA-: , IA - ..... • .... Aurttraur 'Dentist, from' Mei Baia: . b . `la Sail ie . more'Coltaglof Dental Burgeni.' .• tp - 41,.0iT1e0 at • the residence of his iin4tb,94_inst , Loutner stroot,lbree,doors below Dedtbedr • •• - July`], 1804. , • . i• . ••, ,',' U. N. LULL, Supt A. J. K uT z, Agent JOUN IRVINE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers