Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 16, 1866, Image 3
The LOg Looked For Has Come 1 ' 4 4 , DR. COLLINS' GREAT INDIAN REMEDIESA INDIAN Pain Killer.—For the quick Relief of Headache, Toothache, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Pain in the Stomach, Back or Side, Painter's Mello, Cramp, Frosted Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhea, Sore Throat, and all sipil lar complaints. Toothache relieved in eight minutes. Earache relieved in ten minutes. Burns relieved from smarting in fifteen minutes. Cramp or Cholic cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved In twenty minutes.— Sore Throat relieved in thirty minutes. I have spent years In selecting the herbs from the vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adapted to suit diseases of the human family, and now I have it complete. Every Bottle Warranted. Try It I Try It! These things we prove on the spot, and before your eyes, only bring your eases. Dr. COLLINS has also for sale his Syrup of Roots BARKS AND HERBS, Indian Eye Wash and Powhnttan Salve. This Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar complaints. Also purifies the blood. The Salvo heals Sores or lbetticing.s out in the Fare, draws fire from Burns; warranted to cure healed ur Sore Breasts. The Eye Wash cures Sore or Inflamed Eyes, 6;c. Dr. Collins Valley Herb Pills, Per the cure of Sick or Nervous headache, Female 1r regularities, Dropsy, Liver Cemplaint, Dyspepsia, Pis eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague, &c. Dr.UOLLINS can bo consulted at his Office, on Hs oases of various kinds. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, 74 Market street, Ilarrisburg. Also, for sale at HAVERSTICICS Drug and Book Store, Carlisle. All orders should he addressed to Dr. S Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. June lti, 1865. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS, the great Cough Remedy an sold by nil Druggist. See A drerthwment. Jun. PI, ISt adrortisement of Sir dames Clarke's Celebrated Felllloo PM, .1an.12,181111-Iy. A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, REQUIRES IMMEDIATE Ayr ENTIoN AND SHOULD BE CHECKED. ll' ALLOW ED TO MERE Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat Affection, or an Incurable Lung Disease I=l Brown's Bronchial Troches lIAVINO A DIRECr INFLIIENCI, TO THE GIVE IMM EDI ATE RELIEF For Bronchitis, Asthmn, l'atnrrh, l'onstonp- live at d,Throat Diseas( TROCHES ARE USED WITH A MAYA ,:oun SD( ME SINGERS AND PUBLIC EA K ERS will find Troches useful tivlearing the vo:oe ,lien ta ken before Singing or Oealting, and relieving the throat alter an unusual exertion of the vocal organs The Troches are revommended and presorildd l v Phy• melons, and hare 11:11 testier uiels flute eminent loon throughout the country. Being :in u tide of ;Imo merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test ot many years, each year finds them in 1101 - 10,dith, in various parts of the world, and the 'Troche- are uni versally pronounced better then ,ther articles. I InTVS on)y ' . BnowN':: !Into:1,1AI. TR , 111 I s," and .1. not take Any of the Worthie, Imitation , that in ly offered. Sold everywhere In the an I in For eign Countries, at :i5 cents p. r Oct. 27, 1865.-6 mu. ,IHarriages. =ISO 111th of Oct.iller, Ihns, 113 the Rev. S. I'. Sprecher, Janie. A. Eon-, lo liotiorro .1. Mar tin both of Carlislo ptaQz. MOORE.—At Mt. Holly Springs Feb 3rd. SALLY E. oldest daughter of Matthew and Emma Moore, In the Seventh year of her age. Her life is done and its conflict la past The land above she has gained at last And shouted for joy ae she entered in Farewell! farewell to the land of sin" athtts. CARLISLE PRODUCE 111ARAILT Felituary,ls 12143, 50 50 • 4 00 2 10 FLOUR(S lt uperld no) do. Extra.).... do Tr - - - WHITE WHEAT.. RED RYE. COR 0 k.T3, CLOVERSEF.D.. TIMOTHY SEED UCE MARKET. Februttryils, IKbi GENERAL PRO (l,,rreeted Weekly by Jr). Pent:. BUTTER 40 BACON SIDES, EGOS, WHITE BEANS, LIRD, It, PARED PEACHES, TALLOW, II UNPARED PEACHES U-12 DRIED A PI'I;ES 35 HAUS, 22 SOAP, BEESWAX, BACON HAMS WANTED by the First Presbyterian Church a good and Elikont sexton. Apply ===l Feb. 16, 186t:--.2t Wanted Immediately. N experienced Salesman, having a thorough knowledge of tbr Dry flood Buslnesa. one othet need apply. Carlislo, rob. 14, 1866 NO HUMBUG: M UAS TAGVIES oml IN 42 days—Do you Want Luxuriant Whiskers or Moustaches? My Orguont will lore° them to grow heavily in six weeks. (Upon the smooth est face) without stain (r injury to the skim Price TA cents. Sent my mail postage tree to any sit drone or receipt of an order. Address E. ERN ST, York Spring's, Adams Co., Pa. Feb. 18, 1866 Proclamation WHEREAS, the Hon. JAMES H. cinAeAm, President J udge et he several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of C mberland, Per ry, and Juniata, and Justice of the h ora I Courts of i N Oyer and Torlainer and Oeneral Jail De ry in said counties, and Michael Cocklie and ['ugh kit t, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail ) slivery for the trial of all capital and other o ff entles in the sold county of Cumberland, by their ptfLaccpts to me directed, dated the Btliday of January, 1866, haveor dered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be hoiden at Carlisle on the 2d Monday of April, 1866 (it being the Uth day,) to continue two weeks. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and'Constablos of the said county of Cum berland that they are by the said precept commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, and inquisitions (+sand natiot., and all other rem.dnbrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to he done, and all those that are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of said county, are be there to prosecute them as shall be Feb. 16, 1866. , gheriff. LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle, State of Pennsyl vania, thel6th day of Februs ry, 1866. Published by official authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. To obtain any of these letters, the anpliCant must call for " advertised letters," give the date of the list and pay two cents for advertising. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. GEO. ZINN, P. M. Arnold & Son Lucas Christian Adaps J G M'Bride Edward Beobel Edward Monroe Goo A Biltdorf Susan M'Canna Capt Martin Brown Eliza Mason John ' Bentz F Moore Maggie Bender Jacob R Neely Jefferson Cortranny- 7 -•-Dr Peffor Theo W Clarterlolut______i___Tendle Richard Cross Geo W Peffer Sumue Chase Pape Rinehart John Clouser Sarah Ripp Isaac Divin Rebecca Roseiter Eliza Duffy James A Senar Mau Dixon - Robt 0 Shively Tfile Ebersole John Smith' Sanil Fleming Beckie Sweigrrt Wm R Finkenbinder Anna MSmall Wm Fish Wm 14. Shearer Abraham Fahl Chas Swartz Jacob Flbrrence Harry'' '.Shea Jamos Goose 1 - 1 W • • Souders J.O Gale Wesley Thompson E cold - Grist Kate - Wood VE It GrubbAnnie Wetzel John FlayeirW R Waggoner Gporge : HairJacob,' Wolf Jessie Johnson,,A - Wetzel Lue J Kisiiingef Geo: Young hiannie Lechler A Wetzel Mary • ..Young B F ' • "CHARLES HARRIS." Athofough bred Horse the property of the Cumberland County Agricultural Sodety will be offered at Public Sale ati lie Court House In Cat, At 11 o'cl ta k, A. M. "Charles Harris" is ft Chesnut Horse dropped Bth, of April, lt'ntl. Ile was got by "Waguer" his dons ••Sporto-mistress" by American Dell')." his grand dam "Cub" by "Motion" his 0 Dam "Ann Merry" by "Sumpter" his 0 0 G Dam "Gre cian Princess" by '.lllarlthurns Whip" has G G Cl G Dam by Gen. Hampton's "Paragon" Ills G 0 0 G G Dam by "Figure Stamerpiu" by imported "Midair" imported "Cub" mare. This Horse was carefully holoetnd and purchesed by the Society from Captain Boauford of Kentucky, near Lexington In the Spring of 1060 and the evidence of his purity of blood Is in their possession and he is now sold only because his numerous progeny requires an other horse In this vicinity. if any further informa tion be required apply to JOHN W. ORAIGUEAD, kLIAS BRENNEMAN, 0 110RO E CLA It K , JAMES STEItItETT. Feb. Id, 1060. Wanted. 13000, for which a first judgement or Pj) mortgage, will be given On two farms worth 12,- Apo in thin county. Apply to the 1:,111cr. \ b. Fe 16, 1 ,016 THE SHENANDOAH CAPITAL, $lB,OOO. No. Shares, 300. Price per Share, $5O, r IRE Lands upon which this Company Intends operating, eonsist of two Tracts In Rock ingham and Augusta Counties, Vlr4inia, containing about 1,1,0. in Ares at a cost of ft ;in per acre. But by an ai raneenient with other parties It Is 11 ocessary fit the Comp:Loy to pay for only one fourth. of the Land (54,100) when they will r' 'rice an indisputable title to said one-thuvth, and have gearauteed 111/(0 them the working privilege on tic" whole 13 Oilu Ares. The Lands err covered with White and Yellow Pine, Poplar, Hemlock and Oak Thither of the very 1311410tal ity. ; Thikk2ytain large deposits of Coal, Iron, and Cop (hi them are situated the celebrated '•Chnlybeato and Sulphur Union Springs" of Virgibia. The de.-ign of the Company is tit erect, as soon as pea satle, It Steam Saw-Mill on that part of the Land which may drooled best and most calrvonllllll to market. The "'tarot Distrit•t" in the Shenandoah Valley, whet o all the Pains hat a been destroyed fir tulles du, ing the war, furnishes a market in hninediate proxi mity to the Land, where immber will le In demand for yearn. Mona, ens a nd ;:traKlturg Rail Road, which will be complot.ed 111,1 Sununw runs nitarl two and s hall miles of the, Lands. and m 111 afford a Melilla Of 1,,,,p,1.1-1131111 to 311111(s the ,tuntry. At liarrisoniturg, which p= less than ten miles di, Cant, there is a constant demand for iturnher, at prices ranging from $3O to s3:t pet thousand. The Iron. Coal and Copper Deposits ha,s recently at traoted the attention of large operAtors in the Citiet, mho plonount 1111.111 exceedingly N . :Cu:o.le. These Nlnteral Beds. in 31111111011 to the naiue 1-f the Timber Ishirli is the principal induoNnen• , render the Lands e. •11 ten limes (11. , m ice the ('”lnpany. 'I he `llalybente and Sulp'mr Uninn 14111 - 111V3 11 We, Itequented by many people nom all tteetions own) . slimmer previous to the war, and onl,Y 1111`1111111d dev111.1,131311.11/ MAI, 1111,1 .1111-1 m; the most, lalualde in tho voklntry. s Thus, the Company progonts to till• pultio all invest- ment of intrinsic and substantial tali,. tivery Stork ' hula, nir paiti siiaru of 911 l corns over (Al ty aria, of tlin, lands. and pnilrirtionate rhino ill till) anil apparatus of the Company. At the prico Lomb., 11011 1 , 1111111:111.k In all parts of the country, the roiniiiiits 11111 be 51111 hled tri 'my mon! d 1 1 blonds 111111 ,olillilt.ll,lllollt. of (Torii- Gins 'All, lit, elLn c, Inn,. an Ihter,t iu the FrOVILN sale ni the stock Spe, 'mews ef llw. fletw ['owe anwl all fir.- thee Inlermation desire!, may la. hail at the ellke , ~r Pre,i.lent—.lollN 11 1,1.:11)10. New Kiwgstow, I.IIF urer--.IOIIN .1 IThlll.F.ll,nne.tww Seeretary-- RINI; New I(ingston. I 6.1, la, I Still. OTICH is hereby given that, the cc , partnership heretofore iiiikting between L. Lew is and John Lewis was 011 the 25th day of January dis sotved by mutual consent. The business will be set tled by L. The business of Mail LI fmeturin,r, matches will be con tinued by the subscriber .it kilicrly's Mills, Uumb. Pis. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of the patronage of the trade. -Gt. A larg , Stock of fruit and ornamental truce, l',lsisting of every variety usually propagated, will be hold cheap the routing Spring, in order to close out the sloe), titular attention is calb•d to the large and Apple Trees and Evergroen and Whirl, a ill be sold to suit the pu,haser either by the tree, by tee hundred or Ly the ionc ill the ground or dug', all Iniending to plant the vowing Spring, are In vited to call at the Nursery and net leu gain, All orders promptly tilled. I= TIIE great .Igriculturist Strawberry plants Per sal• at 111, Cunil,vt land Nurs,v. II EN RIIPP, CEEIMEIMII t Large lot or splendid standard and Dwarf pr, Con - ord, DoIowa! 0, Diano, and Ma.satowllv . ) grape vines for sale I . lllllherialld Nursery . II EN NV S. Feb..), I.iiif—::m. 1)1illiSONS wishing to decorate their yards, or Cemetery lets., or the glare of a rah, us sl ould eall at the Cumberland Nursery, and pur (lia,el)rnalnental Shade and Esergreen trees, as they ‘,lll he sold very cheap the sousing spring. Natural Peach trees firr.lllo low :it the Ctnhurlal.l Nursery. Feb. li , 18(5-3m HENRY S. RUPP. LEWIS F. ISNE, or A. CATIICAIIT. rg A. ILIE subscriber ltas been appointed a gout for the hitlo of I= Mason & Hainlin's Cabinet Organs These Ius(l umen is are the cheapt,t and Lost lu the market and hare always glren enthe I , ntisliwtion The different 'micas, sizes and gnantilif, of tone can be learned by calling on him In perenu. Ito feels no hesi , atlon whatever in ~aylng that "THEY C.1,1".7' BE If EA 7", tiler for cheapness, quality, dopth or sweetness of For further particulars call at the Orocery ton the corner of Hanover and Lcuther streets, and he pledges himself to give complete satisfaction. A sample instru ment always baud, a full surply of shoot music no hand. WM. It. HALBERT, At Halbert & Brother's Family (I rovery. Jan. 9, 184.4-3tu. lI(.?USE FURNISHING, GOODS. Just revolving a full supply of all kinds of Ilnuoo urnlshing veods ) huituble for the presont. and coin ig seasoui l vousibang of all tirades and qualities of CARPETS ! CARPETS ! CARPET'S VI or Oil Cloths, fable OH Cloths, Window Shades, Ihigs, Matto, kr, kr. ALSO, 104 111 . 4 end Unbl'd Shootings, Pillow Case unli us, Tahlo Damasks, Towelling all tirades, Ticking Ac., kc Also a well selected stock of all kinds of Dothestic Goods, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices, for the present. - All persons in want of any of the above for the Spring SOIII3OII, will find it to their advantage to give us an early call, as we aro determined to keep up our repu tation, to sell goods . at the lowest possible market prides. Feb. 0, 1500. LEIDICII A MILLER. QTOVES, TINWARE, &o. The un- IJ having made an excursion to the East ern Cities, to.fily in a stock of manufactured articles, and materiallor the manufacture of all kinds of ware - kept In a first class Stove Tin and Shoot-iron estaly• lishment, are prepared to prove to the citizens of Car lisle and vicinity, that they are determined to sell goods at prises which defy competition. Their stock of S.TO VE AND ENAMELED 'PARE is the best that Philadelphia and Now York can pro duce. Their stock of stoves consists in part of the fol lowing named ; Cook's Governor Penn. _ . Prairie Flower, and the Barley Shraf, with all varieties of Parlor, Bedroom and Office Stoves, of the neatest pattern, and best quality. The Gover nor Penn, which they guarantee to give entire satis faction in over,y rebind, with capacity to. prepare the no, heir FiriailtbEfkre of any 13mily With - Tess consump tion of fuel than any other stove, they will warrant for six months. They manufacture Zitnnferman's Steam Cook Kettle, in NV hlcb all kinds of vegetables can be cooked at the mine time, without the ono fla voring the other. Best of references given. They have purchased for cash, and theroibre have the prices 'of their goods reduced to a very low figure, feeling confident that "largo salve and small profits,' Is the hest policy. They tall attention to their large stock of Tin, blheetir, and ENAMELED WARE, consisting of Buckets, Bosons, Wash-boilers. Waoh dishes Lard Cans, Coal Scuttles, &c., .ko., guaranteeing to all who may purchnso of Mein a saying of at host out of ovory ton'expended. Heaters, Ritchon Bongos and Furnaces sot in on short notice. Roofing and Spouting done in the boot mariner and on reasonable terms. • Qld stoves taken in oachange for now ones. Clive are a call. Northllanover street, between Wet. eel's and Thudlum'a 110010. Thankful for the patronage heretofore eo liberally bo stowod upon them, they solicit a ematinuancpmf. the . same. r . . Feb: 188ff-~8w• ' ' On Tuesday, March Bth, 1866 LUMBER AND MINING COMPANY. Dissolution Notice Cumberland Nurseries TA ree .1111 e s of Co rl st TY,tlllB curd A4lillilJS shade Trees, ll= CABINET ORGANS: TWO. DOLLARS A. L. SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Scrivener, conveyances Insurance nod Claim Agent. ,or lice Main Street Near Centro Square. OAIE Insurance Company.of New 'Javan, Connecticut, Statement of January let, Capital Stock ' $1500,000,00 Surplus 276,886,10 $776,866,10 LONFO 4 unadjusted $35,977,72 INSURANCES MADE PERPETUAL AND TEMPOR- The assotts of this CoMpany consist of United States Government Securities, stocks in National Banks, and let, Mortgages on heal Estate The Board of Directors have declared a Semi-Annual cash Dividend of Ten per cent free from Government Tax payable on and af ter lath, January, 1506. Also a scrip Dividend of Sixty per cent on the °tithed Premium of Policies entitled to pal ticipato in the Pro fits for the year ending Ist of January, 1806. And have voted to Increase the Capital Stock of the Corn. pony to One Million of Dollars. Apply to A. L. SPONBLER, Agent. For Sale or Rent, P . .. A Commodious Two-Story I s k ., ' . - 1 , , Brick House, ~. , .... •-,. and Lnrgo Lot of ground rontalning a ~ . -4._.......- ^ Z, eholeo variety of fruit, situate on West Lontller Street. Possession given on the Ist, of April next Apply to A. L. SI'ONSLEI(, Feb. it. ISfili. Real Estate Agent. ABond for $2300, secured by Mort gage on a First rate Plantation will be disposed of. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER. Q2OOO, Wanted on Mortgage of valua ble Impro% ed Real Eat ato. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, 1 highly linprorol Limestonr Farm CONTAINING 120 ACHES, .kNESOINIELY lueated within 2 L wiles of Carlisle The Buildings are nearly uew. Fotlem in good of der, and the land in a high State of Cultivation. Apply to I= TOWN PROPERTY on South Hano ver street, Carlisle, Comprising 120 tent in front and 240 feet In depth having thereon erected 3 Dwell ing Houses, Shops end other Buildings will be sold en tire or divided to suit purrhasers. Apply to A. b. SPONSI,F.R. Feb. 16, 1006. • A Valuable Lot of ground on South Street containing over Oil foot in front and 260 in depth. Also, a I,clt a the corner of Pitt and South Street', containing 60 feet in front and 110 feet in depth Apply to 1 1 STATE NOTICE.- 4 Notive is hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on the estate ofJohn McKinstry,late of Penn Twp , have this day been issued to the under silzned residine: in said Top. All persons Indebted to raid 0 , (36. trill piraeo make payment at once, and those 11051,m claims will present them for pettlemon JOHN 'l'. (IItEEN. Administrat or. F'ell. 1, A— (It. 1, 1 ST A T E _„4 Letters Ter.tamentaay tha estate of John tan , ,nnifield, bile of %Vest Fairview, East Penns -1,•ro Twp,, hat been 1, , 40,1 to the subscriber residing In the Fall.' plan's', tU whom all debts will be paid and all arrount.. presented FT settlement. IV. F. MAISTIN, 19= i tI,TATE NOTICE.- Letters of Adlolnistrati.m ruin testaments an neon, on the estate ol James Cameron, deed., late of the Borough of ('arlisle, hare been issued to the sub s, iliers r, siding hi the some plaro. All persons In debted to sold estate Will tont", payment and those having rlahns will present them to JOHN C. CAMERON, R.l). CAMERON, • Administrators cum testament., Annexo. Fel, 7, I =MEI STATEMENT Of thr 1:771(171(TS (V the CM1711.1/ bell( n (I, front Ist ‘lfiy January, tke 31st ,lay Dereniher, 1865, in elllSl.lC. 11. S. BITTER, Esti:, Treasurer, in Account with said county. RECEIPTS. DR. To amount of halanre in hands of Tromurer at last soitl,inent, Amoonl •,r County and Slate ,axes levied for the year 1803, 02070 60 •` " •••' 1571 50 Militia 100.tandirm, 111, 1, 41 1,04 M 4014,0411. 351111 95 loam in Bank, 1' , 744 51 1•A011, d tax,r nit Trmomrt r. 21 till Lurrut f 1.1.11/ Lc tax 1. 011,tur, 320 30 N.•f t front Slierttf. 00 00 paid by tax collm taro. 25 110 Il 11.-1 tom,, r..turnmi to Tremoir,r, 14 00 ( 0.1 r ximn.o,, returned, lit 02 17.00 for room 0000,11,,1 tommrl martial, 112 35 Pro, ••...1, of -tone In,dm at jail. 2 40 13' itapitirit pail Borough V 2104 13 Bridges and Roads By nm(nml paid for rood tlarnageri, •• •• erg, By 1111,1111 t paid for Opustab 1"..e.4 in Coin Commissioners' Office y amount punt to M. East, Esq., for 'terriers, t 34 00 ."• M. MrClullan, EN., " 684 00 John Mee,,y, Esq., " 434 00 •• " Henry Kano, 918 00 " • ' " " J. Arinstrong, Esq. clerk," 600 00 11. Newsham, Esq., " 100 00 .11w. Loudon. fur sttaionnry, 121 32 By amount paid to Grand Jurors, ISME=2I 'aid .1. W. D. (i ilielen, Esq., Diet. Aty., fees, 251 00 'aid Wm. (held, Court Crier, 70 50 'aid Shrizler and ,there, for boarding Jurors, 130 00 'aid witnessed in Commonwealth eases, 837 33 By amount paid to E. Commas, Esq., Clerk of Courts, fees, • 1439 OG uid C. E. !tlaglauglilin, Emi., for auditing offices, 18 00 'aid Jauu•s Loudon, fur Dockets, 40 00 Elections. By nmunnt, . paid for Genova mid Township Eliktiohd,' • " 1273 419 Inquests. 3y amount paid fur bolding inquests on dead bodies, Jail and E. S. Penitentiary. By amount paid for support of prin.:mere, Sher- $1b,0313 80 itl &e.,'a free, 0., Paid for fuel for Jail, 822 92 Paid for goods and clothing for prisoners, 343 28 Paid for fixture:l and-repaira, 705 02 Paid for water furnished by floe & Water Co., 62 60 Pahl salary of Keeper,249 09 Paid salary of Phyeiean, 50 00 Paid for support of prisonora In E. S. Pon'y., 677 04 Dy am`t, paid for Justices' fees in Corn. mutes, $521 81 Loans and Interest. By amount paid for County Bonds, $10,75000 Paid interest on same, . _a+: 'Botiff - lionds,lo,ooo 00 , Pistil interest on snore,. 970 50 Paid notes in Bank and interest, 19,016 67 By amount paid in full of estimate for 1865, $15,000 00 Paid to Visitofs for the year 1864, 30 00 Pall to Diroctore for salary, 25 00 By amount paid for aalary - of Hooper, Paid for ropaira and oleaulk, Public Printing. , By amount paid J. B. Bratton and others for printing, -- • • 1732 51 Soldier's Relief. FIE FOR SALE. A. I. SPONSLEIt FOR SALE. FOR SALE 1=1!IIZI!IIIEIE MIME 6160 46 =1 11 'l3 OH SO BY PA IMENIS Assessors. Ittimiring Britlgt, Constables Quarterly Returnel Courts County Offices Justices' Fees Poor House Public Buildings Miscellaneous Payments By amount paid for Illumination on surrender of Rebel armies, 807 48 Paid for mourning goods on death of President Lincoln, 21 'lO Paid State tax on County Bonds, 01 82 Paid appropriation to Fire Companies, . 60 00 Paid for Revenue stamps for Collector's Bonds, 26 00 Paid for gas and water for Court House, 80 76 Paid for fool for Court.llouse, 00 70 Paid carriage hire, car fare, &c., 115 50 Paid for shoveling snow, and other labor, 31 00 Paid for distributing Election and other papers, 20 00 Paid to Keeper of Town Clock, Paid for County Auditor's services, Paid for postage and tedegraphing, Erroneous, taxes refundrid, Bills of sundry articles to 11. Saxton, et al, Error in Treasr's, corn. on State tax for 1864, Total amount of Commissioner's orders, County Treasurer's commission on samo at 1% per cont., ; 1485 61 Com. allowed Cols. of County and State taxes, 4683 31 Exoneratione, 11 1311 72 Outstanding taxes In hands of Collectors, 4131 47 Militia Taxes By ain't. of expanses paid out of military fund, 1669 35 Treasurer's commission on same, at 1 por et., 6 69 Collector's commission, Exonerations, Outstanding taxes in hands of Collectors State Taxes By amount of State taxes paid to State Trea nurer for 1865, $35,692 13 Paid Treasurer's com'n. on same nt t per cent, 360 52 Total amount of credits, Balance in bands of Trapnrer Amount of dobiti3, Statement of Taxes Outstanding Ist January, 1866. 1860, John Emmlnger, Silver Spring, 1864. C. A. Smith, E. Ward, Carlisle, " John Zinn, Dickinson, " Les i Worst, Frankton!, .1. C. Reeser, Monroe, " D. 11. lleinderkneeht, Upper Allen, 139 50 1865. Javol, Goodyear, E. Ward, Carlisle, 190 56 " Jacob Rheum, Dep., W. Ward, Carlisle, 621 511 " J. C. Vanasdle, East Penn'hh., ' 318 30 " James Miller, Hopewell, 83 27 " John Quirkel, Mechanicsburg, 106 15 " Wm. M. Hamilton, Mifflin, 652 41 " William Diller, Monroe, 17 80 " 20h11 Waggoner, Newton, 70 61 . Peter Corklin, Upper Allen, 781 19 " D. I'. Van kirk, West Pennlfh., 306 82 County Debt and Assets on Ist of of January, 1860. Amount of balanre in tratwury, Jan. Dit, 1866, 8351 52 Outitanding eaxes, 4153 SO LIABILITIES Amount of prinripal of County builds outstand • ing Int January, 1665, Total liahilltlem, let .Tanuary, 1885, Deduct amount paid during the year Amount of namets over liabilities CUMBERLAND Co UNTY, We. the Commissioners of Cumberland enmity, In compliance to lan', du certify and submit thu foregoing no correct statenient4 of the nwelplN uud I , xpentlitort, of said county, from .I,tini.try Ist lu December 31st, 1865, inclusive, and ,if the oub.tanding taxed; and also of the debt and asset , ' of the said county, on the 1,1 day of January, 1866. „.. --„,, Witnesß oar hands and Real of face, the sicAT, 18th day of January, A. D., 1808. M. NIveI.ELLAN, JOHN IL•COY, HENRY KARNS, CallittliSßintlena of Cumberland (bunt}, = We, the Auditors of county, having been duly sworn and affirmed, met at the Commissioner's Of fice, in - Carlisle, on tlw Ist day of January. 1866, and proceeded to audit and adjust the accounts of IL S. Ritter, Esq., Treasurer of said county, from the lot day of January to the 31st day of December, 1865, and du certify that we find a Salutes of three hundred and fifty one dollars and fifty-two cents due by'said Treasurer to said county, as will appear by the foregoing statement of said account. We have also examined and compared the foregoing statement of .11.111 1111.1 assets of Said 1.11.1- 1.)." with the records, and do certify it to be a correct ex hibit of the same MI the Ist day of January, A. D. 1866. Witness our hands, the 17th day ofJanuary, A. D. 1866. D. It STEVICK, J. A. TIEIIERI,IO, Auditor's. CIIRISTN. DEITZ, ')URE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, preferred by all practical Painters! Try It ! you will hare no other. Manufactured only by ZEIGLER Wholesale Drug, Paint 8 Glass Dealers, No. 137 North Third Street, Jan. 22, „18613--ly. List of Sales of Personal Property and Real Estate. 111" N. It. MOORE, Autioneer. A. Manplleld, .Inn. 27, 1006 H. &S. Lee, Personal Property. Feb. 6, 44 Ephriato Day, " 9, " A. Moore, Real Estate, " 10, " S. Welt - Atry. ji r lelin Wolf Ito‘l ~ and Personal Property, " 13, '. Johki Ilut , hinson. .' David Nickle, " •• 16, " J. 1,. Elliott, '• " 20, " Isaac Newcomer, •• " 21, " Daniel Hollinger, • " 23, ,' Jacob Shearer, - 24, " Jas. 11. Weakley, " " 27, James Miller, " 24, " IN'tn. Keefauver, " Mar 1, " Herman Resler " J. I'. Beltshooyer, •• ~ 3, II Thomas Shrover, ' Otto. I>. Craighead, Jos. Sol len burger, ' Charles Sheaffor, " , Wm. Parer, " 10, Alfred Moore, " e 13, ~ l'eter Heiser, " 16, Matthew Moore, " "20 A 21," D.ivid Martin, .' March 22, 23, and 24 . " Jacob Redseeker, •• "26 tk 27" David Martz, - " 12 ‘. Daniel Whitnight,' f2ll 00 51 20 MOM UM LIST OE SALES BY WILLIAM DEYINNEY, Auctioneer. 2GO 00 161 72 January 25, J, M. Stoke, Silver Spring, C. B. Nolaley, SUN , r Spring. -oT7Ptiary 13, S. A. Pogue, ihrestpennsboro,' do I 14, T. 81. Dodgy, Silver Spring. ( 10, Thomas Smith, South Middleton. do 10, John Thomas, Mifflin. do 20, James Duffey, South Middleton do 23. J. W. Williams, Middlesex. do 20, Joshua Myers, Monroe. do 28, Chris. ilartaler. Monroe. March 1, Coo Bishop, South Middleton. do 2, T. N. Culbertson, Silver Spring. do 3. P. A. Diller, Monroe. do 6, Den. Longdort, Silver Spring. do 0, Jacob St rock, Monroe. do 7, Johathan !lenity, Silver Spring. do 8, John ilauck, Silver , pring. do 0, Jacob Springer, South Middleton. do 10, John Shaffer, South Middleton. do 12, Joseph S. Ornve, York County. do 13, James A. Williamson, Silver Spring do 14, J. 61. Stoke, Silver Spring. do 15, Conrad McQuade, Silver Spring. do 17, John Steiglemen. do 20. M. G. Beltshoover, Monroe. Jo 21, W.M. Hastings, SoutltMiddieton. do 22, Joshua Myers, Monroe. do 28 & 29, Marlin Shriller, Carlisle. do 80, Peter Westheffer, lffeeilaniesburg. MEE 12201 32 $5 - 0 32 271 E. 65 $4584 30 PURE LIBERTY W BITE LEAD,— The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it I Manufactured only by Ziegler & Smith, Wholesale Drug, l'aint A Glass Dealers. No. 137 North Third St., Philad'a., Jan. 20, 2.000-11„,„ CHOICE SEARS & TOBACCO, " AT RALSTON'S. Y 197 06 GREAT EXHIBITION: ADMITTANCE FREE. • Doors open every day, (Sundays excepted.) New Boot, Shoe, Hat & Cap Store. 11" subscriber would,, respectfully Inform the citizens of Carlisio and surrounding country, that ho has just returned from the city, and has now on exhib lion at his now stand south west corner of North Hanover Bt. and Locust Alloy, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats dr, Caps, $lB7 60 $13548 15 to which ho would Invite the attention of purchasers. His stock consists In part of Mon% Boys and Youths FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip and Water proof Milts. Calf and Glove Kid Gait ore, Cali and Kip Brogans, Blippqrs, he. -- Fine Glove Kid, French and English lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Calf and Kid Boots, and Balmorals, together with a large assortment of heavy lace Boots and Bal. morals suited for country ware. $41,666 98 Misses and Children's Ware, of all descriptions, embracing fine Kid and Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Goat and Kid 'lloote and lialmorals, Call and Rip lace Boots, &c. • ' Hato and Caps in great variety, for Mon, Boys and Youths Wear, from iho commonest to the very best quality, at tow prices. 'Call and see them. $10,055 00 Ills motto to small profits aid quick sales, adhering So those principles ho trusts ho shall glue general sat isfaction-to those who - will - favor him with their pat ronage. Uemember the Stand; 8. W. corner of North Hanover St.; and Locust Alloy, midway between Thuddum's and Wetzel's hotels, Carlisle. . 1400 00 808 74 8498 74 October 0, 1805—tf. RESSING CASES, Ladies' and t ec-Te n ot a ' l. l4TiLivniniwi9pl:_ - - p I. ~,1,,. ~ ~ ~ 20 00 139 00 15 04 15 01 01 05 3 60 RN 05 E 84,802 38 68 27 404 60 22 33 $lO6O 14 r 3605" OJ $133,667 24 $351 52 $133,918 80 $133,918 80 7178 46 359 9) 131 28 23 3- 266 46 X 1,151 Rol ASSETS. EERIE $1 4,999 00 10,000 00 B,llllty $24 FOOt 207:,0 00 $4,134 00 ERIE =II EMMIC! I'HE LIGHT OF "TILE WORLD DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE These Llfo•giving remedies are now, for the first time, given publicly to the world. For over a quarter of a century of private practice the frfgrodients lu (hese Life givitig Pills ! have been used with the greatest success. Their mis sion is not only to prevent disease, but to cure. They search out the various maladies by which the patient Is suffering, and re-invigorate the failing system. To the aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable PILLS Will prove to be A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, For in every case they add new life and vitality, and restore the waning energies to their pristine state. To the young and middle-aged, they will prove most invaluable, as a ready, specific, end sterling medicine. Here is a dream realized, that Ponce-de-Leon sought for three hundred years ago, and never found. Ho looked for a fountain that would restore the old to vigor and make youth ever An Eternal Spring 1 It was loft for this day and hoUr to realize the dream, and show. In one glorious fact, the magic that made it fair. These Famous Remedies Cannot stay the flight of years, but they can force hack, and hold aloof, disease that might triumph over the aged and the young. Lot none hesitate then, but seize the favorable opportunity that offers. When taken as prescribed— FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS Nothing can be more productive cure than these Pills. Their almost magic influence is felt at once ; and ihe usual concomitants of this most distressing disease are removed. These remedies are made from the purest Vegetable Compounds They will not harm the most doll rate female, and ran he given nod effect in preset fla] dos., to the youngest babe. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin, the Si LVI: is most In— valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searohlug effeete to the very root of the evil! DR. MAUGIEL'S PILLS Invariably cure the following Dis- eases ; Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, I.liust Diseases, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Diarrima, Dropsy. D«611 ity, Fever and Ague Fein:,le Complaints. lioadaeho, I igest I nil unnza, Inflammation, ward V eak a ono, My, r Complaint Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds, Skin Diseases. 41k - Notice.—None genuine without the engraved trade-mark around each pot or box, signed by DR. J. MACIIII EL, .13 Fulton Si., New York, to counterfeit which is felony. Ala- kid by ell respectable Dealers in Medicines throughout the United Status and Canadas—at 25 cents per boa on pot. Jan. 19 land—ly. GREAT DISTRIBUTION EEiEDE American Jewelers' Association, Depots : 37 & 39 Nassau, & 54, 56, & 5S Liberty St , NEWT YORK CITY, Of Rosewood Pians and )1 0 1,1, 0 ” e , Fi n , on p y i nt i ugs, Engravings, Silver V , are. liold and Sit ocr Watches, and Elegant Jewelry, consisting of Diamond Pins, Diamond Rings, Uold Bracelets, C. r. xl, Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Cam,. Lathes' Sets, Gold Pens with (told and Silver Extension Holders, Sleeve Buttons, Sets of Studs, Vest and Nash Chains, Plain and Chased It &e. Rc., cawed at $1,000,000. FOIL CIE DOLLAR, whleh they nood not pay until it Is known what ix drawn and Ito value. THE Ail I.:ItICAN JEWS:I,I,SIIS' A 5500 ATIoN calls your attention to the fact of its being the htrgpst. and most popular Jewellery Associatbdt 'in the •tnited States. Th. business is and always has been conduct ed in the most candid and honorable manner. Our ittphll,y Increasing trade is a aura guarantee of the tip predation of our patrons for this method of obtaining_ rich, elegant and costly goods. The sudden terminn tion of the Into war has caused the failure of a large number of houses at Nassau, N. P , who were exten sively engaged in running steamers through the block aded ports, obliging them to sell their goods at a great sacrifice, in route Instances less than one-fourth the ! cost of manufacturing. We have lately purchased very largely ut these Bankrupt bloods, at s' eh extreme ly low prices that we rail uihml to scrod away Finer Goods, and gfve better chances to draw the more val uable prizes than any other establishment doing a sin, liar business. OUR alit Id TO 1 . 1.5055. and we re spectfully solicit your patronage, as we are confident of giving the utmost satisfaction. Bluing the past year we have forwarded a Dumber of the most valuable prizes to all parts of the country. Those who patron ize us will receive the full value of their money an no article on our list is worth less than One Dollar, ketail, and there are Ito Blanks. Parties dialing wilt] lid may. depend Olt having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent In any address by rem bum mall or express. The following parties hnvo rerentlj drawn valuable prizes from the A Illerican Jev,elern' Association, and have kindly allowed the use of their nano s : - - . • . Charles J. Hunter, Esq , Treasury Department Wash ington, I). C., Piano, value. $300; Niss Anna (I. Yates, 52 St Mark's Place, N Y., Sewing Machine, slue $75 ; Brig.-Gen. L. L. Hanson, U. S. Vols., Nashville, Ten., Silver Ten Set, value $l5O ; Miss Emma Hunter 03 Front St , Harrisburg, l's.,Sewing Machine, value $6O; Lieut -Colonel Walter hittenden, Qum termaster, Louisville. Ky., Gold Watch, salmi, $l5O ; Haines, 247 King St., Charleston, S C., Silver Watch, value $5O; Alexander Johnson, Esq , Editor Muska , tour Pioneer, Muskrteur, \Jinn., Ladles' Enameled Watch, value $100; Samuel Lee, Esq , President Col orado and Ited f l ank Mining Company, San Francisco ; Cal., Memdoon, value $1:0) ; Aaron S. Long, Esq , Priu• cipal Elkhart Collegiate Institute, Elkhart, N. .1., Dia nn nd Pin, value $2110.-i li. M. Longstreet. Montgomery, Ala , Music Box, value $75; iiv. I sitar Van Duz r, Al bany, N. Y , Gold Lined Dining , et, value 4.3 0 ; Mls, Clara Luenguer, Dayton, Ohio, Plauoforte vain,, $4OO, and Diamond Pin, value $175 Many names could he placed on the List, hut we publish no names without permission. slur patrons are desired to send United States Currency when t is convonlent. LIST OF PARTIAL ARTICLES SENE3 SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH, Without Regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what you will receive: 15 Eleg int Rosewood Pianos, worth from $2OO to $460 15 Elegant Melo !eons,itosewood Cases 176 to 200 50 First Clads Sewing Machines 40 to 300 16 Fino Oil Paintings 80 to 100 150 Fine Steel Engravings, framed 20 to 30 50 Music Boxes 26 lo 40 150 Revolving Patent Castors, Sliver 20 to 40 50 Silver Fruit and Calm Baskets 20 to 35 400 Sets of Tea and Table Spoons 20 to 60 150 Gold liguting Case Watches, warranted 60 to 150 100 Diamonds Rings, cluster and single steno 75 to 260 175 Gold Watches . 415 to 150 900 Ladies Watcheh 00 to 100 500 Silver Watches 20 to 75 • Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drops, Ladles' Sag of Gold and Coral. Jet and Gold, Florentine, Mosaic, Lava, and Cameo •, - Sets of Studs. Yost and Nark Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Rings, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, New Style Belt Buckles, Gold Puns and Pencils, Fancy Work Boxes, G. Id Pons with Gold and Silver Exton alert lloittera, apd a large assortment of Fine Sliver Ware and Jewelry of ettirit — ilescriiilltin, of ilia Seat make and latest styles. °air- A chance to obtain any of the above Articles for ONE DOLLAR by purchasing a sealed envelope for 25 eta. O ~7- Five S , clod Envelopes will be sent for $1: Eleven for $2 ; 'l'l3lrty for $5; Sixty-five for $lO ; Ono hundred for $l5. Agents wanted everywhere Unequalled inducements offered to Ladies and Gents who will act as such. Our descriptive circulars will bo sent on application. Distributions are made in the following manner : Certificates naming each article and It its value, are placed in sealed envelopes, whitliate well mixed. One of these envelopes containing the Certificate or Order for some article, will be delivered at our office, or tout by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of 25 copts. On rocelvln the Certificate the purchaser will see what article it draws and its value, and can then send Ode Dollar, and receive the article named, or can choose any °the: one article on our list of the same value. kurchasors of our Sealed Envelopes nay, In this manner, obtain an article worth from one to five hun dred dollars. Long letters are unnecessary. Have the kindness to -writo-plaln - derectionwrand - tn - eltooslifirdilMtbnt . Glee from those drawn, mention the style desired. We prefer letters to he addressed to our Box, 6819, Post Of • tice, for greater safety. * * *Orders fo SEALED ENVELOPES must in every casaba accompanied with . the Cash, with the name of the person sondink, and Town, County and State plain ly written. Letters should be addressed to the Managers as fol lows STIERSIAN, WATSON & Co., pox OW Post. Offico, Now York Jan. 10, .PISSOLUTION THE Partnership heretofore existing tinder tho namo of Jameson, Dlllingor & Co, . is day dlesolved by mutticonsent. 0. A. DILLIBI.9 . Mt. ' 'Jan. 1, 1800. REMOVAL. , . ... )Llll in) deviigned will. continue the business as formerly, aiblo. 118 North Thlrel ti not; 'There all transactions of the late firm will bo tattled., ' ' =Yours, Neepuetfully. . . B. B. JA2413 . 0N. 1114411108- -- St. AN , ' A•liate 'chance for Capitalists. THE subscribers offer to men of capi- Ilittal a rare chance to build a Ware House in the t end of Carlisle Pa., where there is no competition, and good Rail Road , aelllties all ready on the ground. There Is no better chance for an energetic Man or Men. Address DEE.ANOY & SIIROM, Jan. 12, 1 Inln--3m. Coal and Lnmber Dealers. NOT 1 CE. CO-PARTNERSHIP Subscribers have this day asso ciated themselves together under the name and lyie of Delaney & Shrom for the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber business In all Its branches. OLIVER DELANCY, C. FRED. SIIROM. Jan. 12,1866. COAL AND LUMBER. - 11 -AVING as , ooelated with 'C. A L/11410. lib. a Fred. Shrom in r4:V: +v.° the Coal and Lumber business at the old at ma „, Stand of Delaney and Blair, where we will keep the best and CLEANEST CC AL In the Market, and perrectly dry. Kept under rover. Families will do well to try us ; as we are doter. reined to soil cleaner coal, and at as low prices as any ether yard in the town. 'I ry us and be convinced. We have also on hand ALL KINDS OF LUMBER usually kept in a first Class Lumber ynrd which we will sell 1111 low, or lower than the lowest Jan. Li, 1866. DELANCY Si LIFE-HEALTII-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTII LIFE-iIEALTII-STRENGTII THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, Preparedirton rt prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarrr, Chief Phy..acian to the Hos pital du Nord ou Lariboisiere of UISIE This invaluable medicine is no Imposition, but Is unfailing In the cure of Sparmatorrhie or Seminal 11 enknesg. Elery species of Uenital or Urinary irri tability. Involuntary or Nightly :lumina! Emissions frrin ulnae, r CllllBO produced, or how ever severe will he ,peeelly relieved and the organs restored to healthy action. Reed the following opinions of eminent French phy : “We hive used the Specific Pills prepared by Oar !melon, & Dupont, So. 211 Rue bombard, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, In our private practise with uulPoln success. and we believe th , re is no other medicine so well calculated to cute all per sons suffering train Involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of the See n .1 Organs, ,he. her caused bye so Jon tnry 111,1111 of living, excesses, or abuse. - It. A. BEAUREPARIE, M. D. O. D. DUJARDI N, M. D. JEAN LE LECCIIItE, M. D. Parib, May sth, 11.165. BEWARE oF COUNTERFEITS. The hermit' tills aro sold by all the principal Drug gists throughout the World, price One Dollar per Box, or flx Boxes for Five Dollars. ti ARANCIERE & DUPONT, Sole Proprietors, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Faris Ono Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will Insure a box by return mail, securely sealed from all ob-ersatlon, six boxes for live dollars. Solo Uonmal Agents for America, OSCAR O. MOSES & Co., 27 Cortlandt St , N. 11.--l.renrh,herman, Spanish and Ermll h Pamph lets, containing lull particulars and dirbstinns for use, ',nit free to any Sold in l'arindo by J. W. ELLIOTT, and at ❑APRII- S'l'lt'E S. Jan IS, DR. MARSHALL'S CATARRH 6N UFF! 'rids Snort has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Head and Headache, It has been found an excellent remedy" in ninny eases of Sore Eyes. Deafness has been removed by it, and Hearing has often been great ly improved by its uno It is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head. The sedsations after using it are delightful and In vigorating. It opens and purses out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the purls affected. More Than Thirty Years' of Sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Head ache Snuff, has proved'itt, great value for all the com mon diseases of the Ilead, cud at this moment it stands higher that, ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is used with great success and •atisfac,ion every where. Read the Certificates of - Wholesale Drug gists in 1864. Tho undersigned, having for ninny years been ac quainted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache ',null, and sold It In our wholesale trade cheerfully state, that we Inhere It to ho equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of It for the cure 01 Catarrhal Age, Coon. and that It is decidedly the best art.. le Nse bare ever known for all corn:non diseases of the Ilead. II rr ei Perry, noston,Barnes 1, Park, Now Turk. heed, All Lin A U.SD Sands, •' Ri OW 0, Lamson kCu Stephen Paul & Co. `• Reed, Cutler A, Co. '• Israel Minor A Co. Petit W. Towle, . McKesson do Robbins,'• Wil'ou, Valrbank A. Co. •` A. 1,. Seovil AL Co. " Ilensha , k, Edmunds A Co.M. Ward, clove h Co " 11. 11. flay. Portland, Me. Bush A Dale, For Sale by all Druggists. TRY IT. Jan - . 12, 11t0iti—ly. RELIEF IN TEN' MINUTES Bryan's Pulntonic Wafers ! 1311,-The original Medicine estahlinhed in 1537, and finnt article of the kind tON er inti minced Under the unme Oi "PUI [ANON IC M . AN' F. 11.-," in this or any other country ; all other Pulnionic Wafers are counter mita. The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being siamped ou each Wafer. ' fauna M niers have been before the public for nearly Ihh IV yea] 0, and the immense bale attained, not only In America but in foreign countries, fully atte.t their iiittinnic worth. The medical propentles are puma for t any oilier a tide offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained In each box le nearly double ihat 01 the many . worthless Imitations ear, mined. Bryan's Pulmonie Wafers core Cough!, C,lds, r-ore lloarsenalin, Asthma, entail!, urtinchltls, Difficult Breathing, :Titling of 810 d. Pains In the t.hust, 1. cipient Connutuptlon and all ot the 11:1101. Not only adording tempor ary rullet, but ellerLing a rapid and lasting cure and ale warranted Ilr gilt satiblaction Itt tsar instance. They do nut nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medicinal t roperties are combined In a form so a greeable and pleasant to the taste, that any child will reatl4 take Went. One dose will always afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES TO 1 0C.11.1,h and PUBLIC :irIZAKEIId, those Wafers are peculiarly ialuable . ttey will in Oils day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; and their regular use for a few days will, at all times, increase the pri;if: er and flexibility of the voice, greatly improving its tone, compass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by,many professional vocalists. The very great celebrity of this invaluable remedy h is induced unprincipled persons to prepare base imi tations, which disappoint the just expectations of the purchaser, and injure the character of the genuine medicine See that the word, ..BRYAN," is stamped ou each Wafer, and also observe the lac simile ut the signature of the Proprietor "JOB MOMS" on each wrapper, to counterfeit which is forgery. We-Offending parties will be dealt with to the full extent Grti e law. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WACCRB are for solo by all Drug• gists. JOB MOSES, Solo Proprietor, 27 Cortiandt'St., N. Y. Jan. 12, 11306-17. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a prescription et Sir . I , o Alkiik. AL fl , Physician Extraordinary to the queen. rrHIS well known medicine is no im position, but a sure and safe remedy for Female 111 cultion and Obstructions, from any cause whatever and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtlul to the constitution. To Married Ladles his peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regm !art ty. In all cases of Nervous Spinial Affections, Pain In the Hack and Limbs, heavlnetts, Fatigue on slight ex. ortion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will offectk cure when all other moans have fulled; These Pills have never boon known to fail where the directions on the 2d page of pamphlet e,re well obse.v. od. For further 'particulars, ggtm pamphlet, free, or the agent. $1 and 6 postage stiimps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 60 pills, - by return mall. W. ELLIOTT., Jan. 12, 1866-Iy. " Agent, Carlisle. NjDe Q. Z. BRETZ, M. D; ST D. D. S., reapoctfully °tiara hie profesoltnal sorvlcoe to the althorn; or Caolleleati; Itb — vialrfity — . - 01IThh — Ni — arth — Piffeitroet. Carlisle, January 5, 18611-3rno. • , a n of Geoige: STATE tterst ' . N tam O o T n e ry E ,. .— tho...t.t. a il nes, deo'd. lute ' of Lower i-Allen township, have * Vi boon granted by the Register of said County to . G. WI Criswell, residing In East Pennshoro township. Per Indebted era requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to , ' • . ' ' . G. W. ORISWELL,,Exgeutor. Jan 5, 1504 F4/STATE NOTICE. Lottere i Teotamentary on tho estate of Margaret Juno .Niekey, .Into of Plainfield. , Cumberlaild °entity, have boon leaned by the Register ef maid Countrto the undet'aigned 'melding In the same plate. All ',persona Saving clalroX wlll'present them, and - those indebted will make payment to . JOHN BAUMAN, Fob. 2.1666-6 t • , • Executor: • TEr's -PURL LIBEIrIY IVIII. 1411/All will do more • and 134t0r work at a givea 'Cost t an any other! Try It I alanbittetnied qnly by ':."!, Zllit.i LIM A 8111ITLI.` ''' • ' .. • ~• Wholesale Drug, Paint & Mass Dealers," No 187 North Third BtreetindlaWN, T - 1iin72.2,1860=-1y: • • BOOTS 8z 'L° Sdling at Cost. TIiRE subscriber has determined to sell his entire rtock of Boots and Shoos at Cost. r Stock consists of Homo-made Calf, Kip and Coarse Boots, Brogans, CHILDRENS' WEAR, . 4 , Ladies' Morocco Boots, Glove Aid Bal- morals, Gaiters and Slippers. Ala° a largo asnortmant of Eastern Work of all kinds Now is the time to get bargains, and to buy your Summer Shoos. an I am dotermmed to soli cheaper than any man in the county. Don't forgot the placo— West Main Street Opposite Marion !fall, next door to Conlyn's Jewelry Store. F. C. FLF7IIING. N. B.—l'oots and ;hoes made to order on reasonable terms and at short notico. Feb. 9, 18;6. F. C. FLEMING. rocerlesa! r LIE undersigned having purchased the entire Stock of 0 rocorien of J. M. ALLEN & CO., has removed the name to the Storo Room of Mr. A SENBBIIIAN, WEST MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE RILEY'S UNION 110 TEL, whore the publie will always find nu hand a well Co. lectod lot of Fine Family Groceries. QUE ENSWARE, TOBACCO & CIGARS, and a general variety of articles usually round In a first clues Grocery Store. Car Halo, Feb. 2, 1860. SOMETHING NEW. -Porcelain Picture or OPAL-TYPE. THIS beautiful Picture is new wade at Lachman Gallery, In Dr. NelDs Building, oppo site the Firt.t National Rana. with suchperfeclion and style, tone and finish that it cannot help hut please every one, The to rcelain Imp:tits a most clear and charming complexion to the picture. All other styles of OTOGRA S, of all slzen, CARD PICTURES and AMBROTYPES, aro made in the most perfect manner. A largo varie ty of Frames and Passel - nu-touts. Cases, Albums are on band and will ho sold cheap. Copying done In the host manner. The public Is tse opectfully Invited to examine specimens. The First Premium has been awarded by late county Fair to C. L. Lachman, for The Best Photographs Feb. 9, 1805. AT COST. I have this day commenced selling off 1 . my entire stock of Winter Goods nt Cost and many less than Cost to reduce the same hefore spring ope us. You will find a complete Hue of the following goods &liana's, Red, IPltite nwl Yellow Flannels, Shirting Flannels, French Merinnes, all colors, Cohurge, Alpacas and Delaines, Plain and Fancy, The argent Stock of Balmoral ,kirtg, in the County Al 130 a largo assortment of it colen Good., such ne Soutags, Hoods, Scarfs, Wool and Merino nose, Ladies, penis and Childs Woven, in fact every article In the Dry Goods line all of wk.ich will be sold at prices to satisfy All I also have in full stock of MUSLINS, PRINTS, LINENS, GINGHAMS, CIIECICS, &c. Which will he sold nt the short,t profits that they ran he rut at. Also a full lino of tients and Boys, B .SllO - ES, Ladies, Nfisses and Chlidrens. Shoes and Gaiters. A large lot Mons, Ladles and Childs Dunn Shoes, which have also reduced In price. We Invite all to give us a call before purchasing as I am satisfied you can save money. CIIA:4.IIGILBY. Fob 2,1886. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, SAVES LABOR, SAVES TIME, SAVES MONEY, SAVES CLOTHES, 4:11.7 • SAVES SOAP, and SAVES WOMEN. It's the Soap for Every Family. Sold by grocers and storekeepers throughout city and country. Manufactured only by J. it InatltlNS & 107 south Filth street, lot w Chestnut, Philadelphin. Jan. 10, Itit,6-10t. DISSO 'fON OF PA ['ITN RSHIP. THE partnership holetufure existing j between the undersigned has bin, this day ais solved by mutual consent. The hooks and ac,,untk. remain In the hands of (lee. I'. )l ye's. seli 0:1111e,t requeatx all parties Indebted to him to call and settle their accounts at once The Grocery business will be continued at the old stand by the senior member of the firm, (leo. P Myers, who calls particular attention to his large and excellent stork of new and fresh pnrtly of SYRUPS, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICES, WOl,lOll and Willow Ware. nod every vat lety of goods kept Son first elaS4 Family oo , oery 11,Y PRODUCE taken In esrh:ut t ;e f r go ode. at the old etaud opposite Saxton's !lardy, are Store. GEO. P. NIYEILS. Ja la. 5,18136-6 t G. M. BELTZHOOVER, AT()RNE'I' LA \V, CARLI,LE, P T Y 1 A. llfni,. South Hanover 4 . 1 . 01. t. ular attention ttll en to the •.t to.ittlerh' t•lttittat, typt, k p - rt) , lA, WF. SADLER, Attorney at Law, Carlisle Pa Ofßea in Volunteer Building, South Hanover Street. M L 1 ,1 1 u 143 1, 1 ,, t AlxA„Nt, t door t t o 7 h n o e o i lr er a , t l d L aw, o • July 1,1864-Iy. ARIES A. DUNI3AR, Attorney ❑t 9 P Law, Carl kle. Pn. Oftlre on the southside of the Court Roane, adjointzikThe "Aruarlenn Printing Office." . _ July 1,1864—iy. TOS EP II RITNER, Jr., Attorney at e Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office 011 Rail Road Street, two doom north of the Bank. miluslness promptly attended to. July 1, 1.864. T NO. C GRAHAM, Attorney at Law, 'Jr Carlisle, Pa. Office formerly occupied by Judge Graham, South Hanover street. September 8,186 b. P. HUMERICH., Attorney at Law j Office on Math Minot, in Marlon Mall, three - doorseasttd-the-First -National Bank All bush:was entrusted to him will Ms promptly attended to. July 1, 1804, I 1 E. BELTZHOOVE It, Attorney I sat Law 0111ce In South Hanover etreet, opposite Bentz's dry good store Carlisle, Pa. September 8, 1864. M. WEAKLI?,I7, Attorney at Law, 'I • M. on south Hanover street, adjoining the °Mee ofJudgo Graham. AA profoolOnal buidllo.,B en ttnsted td film will ho promptly attended to. July 1, . QAMUEL 1114; BURN, Jr:, Attorney at Law. Office with lien. Samuel Hepburn, Male St. Oar Hale Pa, Ally 1, Mg. LAW CARD..--CHARLES E. NIA ' GLAUGHLIN t Attorney at Law, °Lilco in Inboff's bullding,just opposite the Market House. July 1, 15134.--ly. I)HOTOGRAPH - ALBUMS all slung and styles cc. lb, 1865. AT LIAVERSTIOk.S. T ADIES COMPANIONS, ' • II 4all aorta shapes and Simi.: Dec. 10,1865 AT lIA VERSTIC.RB WORK BOXES, Oabas, Port Po• lios, Tourists Dosks, Confectionary Bozos, Games of all , Due. 15, 1805; r AT itiVEdBTIOICS. Oonfeotionary . and Fruits, pt Haveratickie: , r.11.-TA. NHIS.H-5.00 pains Flames on 'mad Ai - of 'all kinds. Milzabothtown pattern; Loudon do., tiornman do., with and without patent fastonings ohoaper than ovor at IL SAXTUNT, Eat . Main at. July 1, 18c4. 101111.YOICIAN$, - to their ad,- 0. pan ugy to god purciquiv, ItGlr ldedlciuv ! • • •: • •.! •TIA 1-?'1":i1V14. • CIIOIOB , SEGARS Sr; TOBACCQ, AT A9TUN'!T NOTICE! HAVING purchased. the entire stock and fixtures ofJanics M Allen & Co., on North Hanover street, Carlisle. I will in a short time remove the name to the Store Room of A. Senseman, Esq., on West Main street, where I will always keep on hand a well selected stock of fine Groceries, Queentiwaro, Glass and Willow ware, &c. &e. JOIIN W. ALLEN. Carlin , January 10, 1816.-1 y. --,-- tii 1 :::4;: 1 1 1 '.. i pc . ~/ 4„,..,,„1 , .-ki - A :,,, _ .., C A r i sr ~. 4 , ~.. 4 Ve_Vr.,o .1 1 , -„ '%., ...: - .'w ' .'lj- e • i . ; '., Wheeler & Wilson and Howe. LOCK STITCH SEVERG TißittiCES. The Best Simplest anti Cheapest. THE Wheeler & Wilson machined ere j . , adapted to all kinds of family sewing. working equally well upon Silk. Linen and Cotton good , . with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. Prices of Wheeler & Wilson machines: No. 3 machine plain, $155 2 .' Ornamental bronze, $66 ' 1 o Shyer plated, $76 The Howe Sewing Machine. 1 lie attention or Tailors. Shoemakers, Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers is called to this—the hest of Shut tle Sewing Machines It is unanimounly admitted to be the hest nmehine for leather work or tailoring over given to the publc. Price of Howe machines: Letter A machine $OO Is recommended for famil3 sowing Tailoring, shoe binding and (Jailer fitting. Letter B. machine $7O le one size larger than A machine, suited to the Rama w or k. L -tier C. machine, $B6 Is rec mime:Med for heavy Tailoring. Boot and shoe work and (. erring° trimming. It runs light sad rapid and will do tine work well and has a much larger Shut tle than the smaller machines. Call and examine at Rail Road Telegraph Office, Car. lisle, Pa. Oct. 27, 1805—tf. JNO. W. ALLEN CONFECTIONARY I C)REAM WORK, Stars, Tulips, Bon. bons, A-lamode, Choc-latun, Hands, Cocoanut and alnut. Dec 15, 18,35 DRO PS. Mint, Chocolate, Cream, Lemon, Orange. Vann. La, Rose anti Mora Dek.lft, !SOO Li min L‘Tenberry, Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Rose, Neuga, and Vanilla Dec 15,1865 1 - ) OCK-CANDY, Secrets French and 1 . )1,C , 4mu0n 1.0,.. 10, 1865 Fine assortment of Candy, Toys of Illerii.lll, Fn•n , h and Germ in makes. Ih4r. 15:186a. AT tin V ERSTICKS. T the Duncannon Union Lumber 4 miles north erst of Sterrett's Gap, 4%* miles wort of Puncannon, I wile south of Billow Bridge, near Grier point. 100,000 ft. Yellow Pine flooring,az ichl 50,000 ft. Scantling. both Oak , all sire*. 40,1100 ft. 2 inch Baru !loot in•i, Yellow e, 10 to IS et, dry 25,00:. ft 1 1 ,:i in Yellow Pine Boards, Dry. A large lot 4.1 W. atherboarding. A largo lot of Oak Boards. A lArgo lot of Shingling laths. A I.tr4e lot of Sealing Laths. A large lot of White Pine Shingles.. A large lot of Chest ant Shingles. Poplar Boards, Plaid: and Scantling. Oak s Scantling and Plank. Sawed t_ak pest and fencing hoards. Chestnut tails and Sro I wood, .j. 1,50 par cord. The :those we hoer al w n)s on hand, and aro prepar.d to saw :ill kinds. of 1.111 , to ordcr, sorb as Machin., and Car Low' er, Wagon )1al,,•1 Lumber, Bullillog timber, we can Haw 17' ft. in length. and are so fixed thAt we run 114 ot dors in the tery shorts it notion, at any time also no prepared to dent or Lumbar at any point by rail load as by teams, Pleas give no a call lagers purchasing ,olsewhore, we are selling at lots pri.•es, SOLI ElI, LATIN! fm k lIOSHOUR. Duncaunon, Parry Co. Pa. Dee. 1, 1865--3nA•. y • frltwo7/ (gamut ci alaTeig YOUNG MEN nut of employment; YOUNG :MEN nniogim: in iinziness GE°. Y 1,10 YOUNU MEN who horn liaalad advantegee far nn edurati., , YOUNG MEN well versed in Qiher respect , -, but defi cient in any of G 101,111 1 ,11,, taught In lira rl3,,l3nsilitss Colloo3 ; YOUNG MEN who tt.1111,1 pos,ssi the hest means for for ready and !Herat ive employment ; YOUNG MEN who IN anti] ttx fdd hoing Imml.nged by going twt. and three hundred miles to ~,,,, S 6 , ~19, at an expense of from $3OO to $5OO, will (Ik, well to r the trol its of this lorilltutiOct ttt borne, which 1111101 proper inquiry and investigation will be (owlet to pro+rort Lnllitium and aoconamodatiolui second to ieme In this department legitimate transaction of Trade and Forma, are daily practiced by making actual porgy ha•,•- and 4.t1e , . in tie M. 1,1 Store, ronnected with tin. , upplied tuth of Dry noods. Also a regular 11,,nk of Del.-It and Issue, with a working ,-npit.l ill .SlOO6 0, in which•mn fill in turn the pa siiion ,dr Caslner. and Receiving Teller, DLacoaat and Check BRA NCII ES TAU() lIT. pnnlilo,•piul in all its flatus and applications. Business ralcalation4, fun emlorpipurn. Forms, &s. Mercantile Law, IN ill, n•gulur recitations,. Penotan9hll. in ..v. ry style of the art. Plimtography .Telograpliing by regular circuit of Irk* and Inxtrument9 Fur further particular, address A. M. TRIMMER, Carliala. Pa (BEND FOR CIRCULAR.] Nov. 10, 1f65. Large and varied stook of Groooriue, Cl CANNED Flt sauces. Fish. ,te , which lAm AA - 6 at th• very lowest Cash Prle, Those indebted to the sultcrlbm, and particularly those hi arrears for a length or tlmo will rome tMward and promptly pay up, as , onger delay will not bn Hub mitt.] to Nov. 3. ISnr, THE best Cook Stoves in the Market can be had at Wui. Fridley's 'Pinner Shop Bast 12,11ther St , Carlisle of the sign of the'lled Coffee Potd also parlor. and pealing stoves of all !duds. Nov. a, 18133—tf. Losses paid in 16 years over $17,000,000 Net Assets Jan. 1, 1865. $3,677,302 71. FLEE AND INLAND RISICS. Agencies In all tho principal Cities and ToWns la the United Status. Applications for Insurance will be promptly attend. ad to by Capt. DON Elf 00, is Intent alpo for the Metropolltait Fire-Ininrav co company. The Guardian Life Insur ance Conipany. and the Travelers' Insurance Company, for all of whieh bee advertisemonts lit pnotiaor camp. Nov. 2-1, 1802. ALMONDS.- Burnt, Rose, Coffee, Vanilla and. Chocolat*. Dec. 15, 1855. AT IJAVERBTDOICB . . VIT A NTH 1), AGNNTa; $l5O P F I R --y ImpioVell Cereinnu ono Fatally . Sewing Machine. Thlo Machias will stitch, heel, fell, tuck, cord, breld,,blud, gather, quilt 'aro em. broldor beautlfdlly. Pride only $2O. livery riled - due la unlimited three yeors. For toms address or call on 0. PO. Reception robins, NO. 255 S. 51611.1 StrSet, Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 20, 1856--lia. . lAR! ET Rais wantedd - for which the ---bigbes64askt-yriaornill - kqpnitrby - ' --- t — r --- eb.9,1800. LELD/011 t &TILER. AT HAVERSTICKS AT ITAVERSTIOKS AT II AV I.:RSTICKS = Lumber ! Lumber ! At Carlisle, Pa Highly Important to Young Men 1 ACTUAL BUSINESS Always On Hand STOVES! STOVES! I M. M. DONEUOO, Agent BENTZ.