El The •First Premium, FOR THE BEST PROTOGRAPREL "fit the late Cumberland County Fair, has been awarded to C.L. LOCKMAN. MR. Lochman has the pleasure to, an• nounce to the public. that ho has. ro-purchased tin room from Sir. 31 , 211111 an in Mrs. Neff's build ing, opposite the First National Bank, and guarantees that his PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITE, AMBROTY.PES, &c. Have no superior, and in tone, finish and clearness, surpass most pictures produced. He gives his person al attention to the room, and with the best and most improved instruments and appliances warrants the finest results. A large assortment of Gilt and Rose wood Frames, and splendid Albums, for sale verp cheap. Copies of Daguerreotypes made irathe most perfect manner. Oct. 21, 1805. GREAT EXHIBITION I ADMITTANCE FREE. Doors open every day, (Sundays excepted.)' New Boot, Shoe, Hat & Cap Store. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country, that ho has Just returned from the city, and has now on exhibition at his now stand south west corner of:North Hanover St. and Locust Alley, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, to which he would invito the attontlon of purchasers. His stock consists In part of Men's, Boys and Youths FINE CALF BOOTS, Rip and Water proof Boots. Calf and Glove Kid Gait ors, Calf and Kip Brogans, Slippers, ho. LADIES' WEAR. Fine Glove Kid, French and English lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Calf and Kid Boots, and Balmorals, together with a largo assortment of hoavy taco Boots and Bal. morals suited for country ware. ..11i.sse5 a7ul Children's Ware, of all description's, embracing fine Kid and Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Goat and Kid Boots and Balmorals, Calf and Kip lace Boots, Ako. Hats and Caps in great variety, for Men, Boys and Youths Wear, from lb° commonest to the very best quality, at low prices. Call and see them. UM motto Mattmll pronto and otick nnlee, tadharmit BO those principles he trusts ho shall give general sat isfaction to those who will favor him with their pat ronage. Remember the Stand, S. W. corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alley, midway between Thudium's and Wetzel's Hotels, Carlisle. October 6, 1865—tf. I E. WALRAVEN, -MASONIC HALL -719 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, has now open LACE CURTAINS, of his own Importation. BROCATELLE CURTAINS, DAMASK CURTAINS, WOOL REP CURTAINS. SATIN LAYNE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. MUSLIN CURTAINS, Cloth, Table and PIANO COVERS. Constantly receiving NOVELTIER In Cl/7? TA _TN MATER L 4 LS, embracing the Coltbrated SMYRNA CLOTH and MODE DRAPERIES I WINDOW SHADES In every Desirable Style Color or Price I WALRAVEN. No. 710 Chestnut SI., Philadelphia, November 3,1065-3 m 'CONSUMPTIVES, READ \MAT DR. SCHENCK IS DOING =3 REAR lint feel it a duty I own to you, and to all who are suffering under the diseases known as Con sumption and Liver Complaint, to let them know what great benefits I have received from your Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic in no short a time. By the blessing of God it has cured me thus far Dr. r 4 chenc't, I will now make my statement to you, us follows bout eighteen months ago I wak attack ed with a severe cough, and it settled on my lunge ; I could not retain anything I ate, and suffered with evening fevers and night sweets. I was very much reduced. The. whites of my eyes were very yellow; likewise in: skin ; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did oat; bowels sweaters, irregular and costive. I Wan very low spirited, and had such violent spells of coughingJwhen I laid down at night and when I arose in the morning that they would last one or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my loft side. I cannot describe my Wretched suffering as I WOOlll Wish to do. Every or gan in my body Was diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to" my bed front the last of February, 1802, to Junto, 1N63, not able to sit up. I bad the best Of medical attendance the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it racked um very much. lat this time raised a largo' quantity of thick, yells W, offensive matter'," sometimes W ith blood, and It was generally accompanied by nau sea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly 1 would have sharp, shoot ing pains is my loft side and heart, night sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; had much in ward fever, Pain in my hack and under my shoulder blades and in the small of my bark, and at times so se- Nero that it would throw ms lots spasms. Now my physician gave mo up to die. Others I had, and thu best of them but they could do nothing tor me, and I at that time was nothing but skin Hod bones "then Was is the western part of Missouri. In June lust We left there for the knot, and in August last we came to Ness York, and I was so reduced that I could only walk a little with my husband's help. Aftur f had been heron short time the salt water breeze mad. me feel much better for a time and then I had again to call a physician for aid. We had four of the best phy• «Icians of New York on the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They said I was past dire, and that my lungs were too far gone for any one to cure um. list at this 01111.1 1 was en my feet a bout thu house, not able to du much of anything. In November last I grew worse, stud the consumption diarrhea sot in and lasted about eight weeks. We had tried all and everything that I could grasp at like a dying person for my diseases—consumption and liver complaint—but of ice avail. In January. 1863, I was brought down again on my bed, and runs not expected to live the night tout. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all give um up to die. At this time every ono who saw the did not think I would ever leave my bed a living woman. Tho first night I was attacked with Spasund, and was deranged most of the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, cams to et e me the last of the week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it Was an accduut or a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. She read it to me, and it was so much like my disease (hat I netted my husband to go and see him for me. At this time I had given up all hopes of over getting well again, and made my peace with God, to be ready whenever ho called for me. On the 27th of January, 1803, my husband called on Dr. Schanck, 32 Bond street, Now York, and stated to him my case, with a request for him to call and sue me. which he did, and examined me with the respir °meter. When ho was about to go I asked him if he could cure me T Ills reply was ; "I cannot tell, both lungs are diseased, and the bronchial tubes are affect ed on both sides." And yet he seemed tolhink there were lungs enough loft to effect a cure lithe diarrhea could be stopped. He said morder to do Offs, he would have to give me Mandrake Pills In small doses at first, to carry off the morbid matter, and then, with astrin gents, he hoped to chock ft, which hotild, but the con stant cough , ng, night„sweats, and diarrhea had pros trated me so that he was afraid my vital powers were too much prostrated over to rally, mad yet he seemed to think If I could live to got onough-Puluonic Syrup through my system to cause expectoration there were lungs enough left for me to recover. Ile wished mo to try the Pulnconia Syrup and Seaweed Toile at once, saying it would do me no harm, if It did, me no good. The first week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up in bad and ate hearty for a sick woman ; but the l next weak I lost all hope and wished my husband hot to give MO any more medi cine. But the doctor bad warned him of this, and when the medicine was clearing out the system it made them feel somewhat restless, and to persevere ; and he Insisted on my taking It ; and now I feel the benefit of It. For after eight Mayo I began to gain my strength, and, With the exception of a cold that put me back some, I have been gaining strength of body, my cough Is going away, and all my pains are gone ; no soreness of the body,. any bowels are regular, and ray breath is sweet, and I thank God that I am now going about, and sow and road as well as over I could. I have taken elate= bottled of the medicine, eight of each.,l now have a good appetite and rest well at night; my cough does not trouble mein getting up or lying down. I would here say to the afflicted with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr, Schanck lane humbug.. You oan rely on what he says. Delay not ; It is dangerours to trine with these diseases. If you would be cured, go at once ; and any ono wishing to know the facto as heroin stated can call at my resi dence, 177 West Houston streati.New . York city. MRS. MARY F. FARLOW. • We, the - undersigned, residents of Now York, aro ac quainted withltirs.Farlow, and know her statement to botrue. - . rialep know that she used Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic•Sprup and, , Seaweed Tonic, and have reason to bolLivo that to Obi medicine she Owen her preserve- - Con from a premature grave. 33. FARLOW., 117 West Houston st. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 076 Greenwich et. kilns. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich at. AUGUSTAUNDERHILi , 070 Greenwich at. A. F. - HARRIS, 117 West Houston st. EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Houston at. J. L. COLE, 88 Cottage pl. A.M. LEIGHTON. 483 Broadway. ,Map., BENJAMIN °LAPP, 19 Amity pl. I am well acquainted with Mrs. Mary P. Barlow, and • with her husband, Mr. B. Farlow, they having, for a few months past,attended at my church, and I am con. vlnced that any; statement which they Might Make may be relied otitis true. 'JOHN . DOWLING, , D.D., 4 • Pastor of. Bedford St. Baptist Chinch N. Y , Dr. Schenck - will be - profosoionally at his principal office No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every / Saturday,' from 9A. At.utitil 4 P. No. 32 Bond "street, Now York, overy. Tuesday, from; 9 0,8; No. 3S Summer street,'Boston, Mass., , every Wednesdy; from 9 to 8, and every other Friday at 108 Baltimore street: Baltimore,Md,_Alladvlce frog, but . for a thorouglilexaMination of,thb latigalifthlas Be'. spiroraoter, the charge is three dollars. Pike of the Piilmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each $1 boller battle, or tattpurltAfdozeu,Aluzulrelte.- eentiper bag. , - ~Feraale by all,Druggistil and . Dealers. 1aie.1048e6747,,, , ; VAMPLY DYE COLORS, ' 4104, iti r !I' 4.41AFPF4.4 PIANO-FORTES. DRIGGS' NE W PATENT. ARE the only Instruments constructed on a truly scientific principle. They have groat er strength, and will remain longer In Tune than any other Piano., Tim construction is.shnple and natural all the extraneous lumber in the body of the Instru ment Is dispensed with; the sound boards aro merely two arched planks of thin wood, like the front ',and back of a violin ; the strings aro attached to a strong Irou frame, which is separated and entirely independ ent of the nue, thereby dispensing with the old harp form of stringing, by substituting straight bridges, preserving at the same time the Over lttrung Base, at . which Mr. Briggs is the Inventor. By these improve. monte we gain much more . vibratory power, at the same time preserving all its purity and richness of tone. They have received the highest testimonials from the Press, and all the principal artists in the country, among which are: Harry Sanderson, L. U. Gottschalk, Max Maretzok, S. Thalborg, Theodore ESA°ld, Wm. 'Mason, Norman Wollenhaupt, A. Barill, Francis H. Brown, M. Strackosch, Wm. Henry Fry, Chas. Trade], Mr. SIiGESMUND TEIALIIIERG, the great pianist, says have examined your new Piano-fortes, end I cordially approve of its system of construction. Its principle, by which groat increase of vibratory power is obtained, being very simple and perfectly philosophi cal. The tone is grand and noble; it has great capac ity for sustaining the sound or singing, and its vol ume of tone or power I have never heard excelled in depth, purity, and sympathetic sweetness. HENRY FRY, Into musical critic of the N. Y. Triblit:e says have examined your newly invented Piano-Fortes. They merit all the praise given to them by Messrs Thalborg, Gottschalk, Strackosch, Mason and others. As regards structure', they are original and philosophical; in purity, volume, and continuity of tone; in vocal versimilitude, that crowning excel. tones which enables the pianists to " slur ma the in strument, your Pianos ever deserve the highest rank Your invention, in my opinion, to destined to work a radical change in the manufacture of Pianos through ont the world. From the N. Y. Herald, Enid, s.—Upon a careful OX am i nation of I/ rlyrir'a Piano-Fort., wo obtained are a very fine singing tone, great purity and brilliancy Ihroughout the entire instrument, not often found iu Pianos constructed upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, July Id, says:—We have now an ument without an equal. It can sing with a smooth delicacy, perfectly unattainable on any other instrument; an ordinary player obtains with no exer tion, the fullness of a Grand Piano-Forte, and they must speedily supersede the old styles. GENTLF.MEN :—llaving thoroughly examined and tested the Piano-Fortes invented and patented by Mr li. Nitro, I am of the opinion that the tone result from his Improvements, as exhibited in the 1n aments under examination, in point of richness Oh and brilliancy, equals that of the best Grand MEM I lane Fortes , m ild excels them in pure, musical inton ation and actual tone, power thus approximating closer to what I consider perfection to the instrument than has yet been achieved by any other system of maunliu•turc. WM. h ALL & SON, • 503- Broadway, •. NEW YORK. Before purchusfng, fiend fora descriptlio catalogue with price. June 111, Iron, English Refined. 4' CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. Holse SHOES, $7,25. and everything nice In proportion at HENRY SAXTON'S July 7, 1866 '9981 Slnf •Nnuti or:quilt° oto o4poddo Aploll 10A01113,11 AVON ‘SSWIO 'WIIO `SI.I , IIVd ` 9 Pul , l 11. J. DavmTuvlliT opsocuoa put: u.Up.tod . u! ,cINA 'I Nijt.f7 0 1 ..I"Th`9.-13117 'suarmoa 2s 113711111 GRAND ARRIVAL WINTER GOODS at TV. C. Sawyer Co's. great Dry Good Emporium, east Main St., one door be- ItA7 -14 : have just received from New York our immense stock of Winter Goods. La test Importations of French, English and German DRESS GOODS, ill silk and wool fabrics, Plain, Striped, Barred and Figured styles, selling very cheap. COATS.'COATS! COATS! lato.ht Paris Mantles, Coats, Chesterfields and Circulars at reduced prices. FURS, FURS, FURS, from the importers and manufactories, an immense supply of all kinds, styles and qualities, Felling less than city retail prices. Shawls, Shawls, .11OURNING GOODS of every variety. OVERCOATINGS, CLOTHS and CAKIDIERES. We get up suite at short notice and In the best styles. ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS, Drawers, DndorShirts, Moves &e. Domestic (Mode In large quantities. all grad. 011 Clothe, Flannels, Linens Please call and examine the largest and host stork In the Valley. We are determined to keep up nur old reputation of selling good goods at very low priors, W. C. SAWYER CO. Iliahoet verb pi lose paid for Carpet Rags. Nov. 24, 18115. MONEY I MONEY I Money Saved is Money Earned FARMERS, Mechanics and laboring men look to your Interests. If you wish to save rummy, buy your BOOTH, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, at PLANK'S Cheap Store, South West corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alloy, midway between Thu diutu's and Wotzel's Hotels, Carlisle. where Boots, Shoos, Hats and Caps can be had the commonest article to the very best quality, at such prices that defy competition. Go and sea them. Remember the Stand, South West corner of North Hanover St. and Locust Alley, midway between Thu dium's and Wetzel's Hotels. Oct• bar 6, 1805—tf ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, . . ,--- • • if Cpttago Orgwa. '‘)o ARE not only unexcelled, but thoy aro absolutely unequalled, by any other Rood Instrument in the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they aro found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by IC M. BRUCE, No. 18 North SEVENTH Street, PIIILADELIPIFIA. AN-Also BRADBURY'S PIANOS, ands complete er.. , 'sortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. I Sept. 22, 1865-Iy. FORWARDING AND 'COMMISSION HOUSE FLOUR & FEED, , COAL, PLASTER & SALT 4vBEETEM & BROTHERS having -. purchased of Snyder & Newcomer their auto:L -e e Warehouse, (Henderaon'aold atand,)head of-High atreet, bog leavuto inform the' publiethat they; - will continue the lierviarding and Commission business on a more entenalve scale than heretofore,' ' . . The highest marketprlco will be paid for Flour Grain and Psonnto of, all kinds. , Flour and Food, Plaster, Salt and Ilay, kbpt con• atantly on hand and for sale.• Coal of all Untie, embracing LyKENS VALLEY, • LOCUST - MOUNTAIN LAWBERRY, &0., &0.. , Ltmeburners' and,lllaoksmiths' Coal, constantly for rate; 'Kept under cover, and ddlivered dry to any part. of the town. Mott,. tinda of L'IMU3ER constantly an •' Freight line iylllllciivo their Warehouse ovary Morning ati O'clock, arrive atilarrisburg at n o'clock, and at Iloward , H}ncbman'sWarehouse,Nos.BoBandBloMarket street, Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock in the evening of same day I ' J. RE.E'L'HALIt 13R08. • Nov.;18'i•:1805. , • • • ' • • • . 4 lq . ' --ENVIAOOD, . ,----- • •: . ~- I Eyed deeirlpSion . and quality of Groceries, nee*warei hardware, Plekele, BAUCO; Fine Liquors; , obseeo, t ilogarib Pipes, Fresh Prune and vegetables in Catii;'OySterii dia Spices, 'Wood : and . Willow ware, •all, • idnde and of : tlailest, gi,sality and .to be• sold at the leyreetiptleite fct,etieh 14— ; ~,- . - , '• ' . Int. RENTZ. `, i r Yours respectfully, L. M. GOTTSCHALK low Martin's Hotel CAR PETS, B PLAN'S - PROCLAMATION ! WIIERE.A.B, 1,,W.m. A. Birr,§, ear flap. Pa. havitig,inst Vehirned from tho Eius• ern cities with an extensive Assortmont of the moat ashionable and brilliant colors of DRESS GOODS, Such as Pronela Merinos, Col'd Wool DoLanas, - Amorican do., Figured do., Alpacas, Figured do. Therefore purchasers will trod It to their advantage to give me a cull: • _ Also, the handsomest assortment - of PLAID DRESS GOODS. In Carlisle. Particular attention given to Dlounairm GOODS. WM. A. MILES. Directly . opposlto the Mansion House, and ono door west of the Post Office. Sept.. 21,11165 NEW STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Main St, L. BERNHARD & SON, INFORM the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity'that they have just opened in the above popular stand, an Inuhens° stock of First Class Clothing, and Gemtlemon's Furnishing Goode. Their stook con sists in part of Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier ' made after the latest patterns, of Goods the quality of which cannot be questioned. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, Neck Ties, Scarfs and Collars, Shirts, Drawers and Stockings Fancy Goods of all descriptions. In fact a complete and entire assortment of Clothing and Furnishing Goode. Don't forgot the place, Eby's Old Stand. "Marion IIall," Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. L. BERNHARD & SON. December 23, 1864. HARDWARE STORE. THE old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lyne, has passed into the hands of W. E. Miller A. Bowers, who aro now transacting business un. der the name and style of MILLER & BOWERS The new firm have just returned from the city and are now prepaiod to furnish to the public at the lowest FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC lard smro, Couch Trimlug, Paints, Oils, GLASS, VARNISH, A, Aho k Into their sfitre will cow:toenail that they have enough of goods to fully supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call. All orders personally and promptly attended to. July 7, 1865. GIIIAND OPENING DAY Greenfield & Shearer's. v7 -- .111 have now ready for inspection the most beautiful assortment of Dress floods over exhibited in Carlisle, at prices within thu roach of all. As we weio so iortunato as to be in Now York during the Into GREAT PANIC which lasted only two days, we have determined to Os, out elintomers the advantage In all goods bought during the two days, that goods wote sold at the low est prices. Stacks of DRESS GOODS ! Poplins Plain in Colors, Plaid Poplins, Stripe do. Brocade Reps, Foulard Poplins. Empress Cloths, Stool t'laids, French Morinoes, in all colors, Coburgs of every shade and color, Silk Plaid Crapes, Satin Grisallos, Plaid foil de Chevres, DeLaines, all now designs. In addition to tho abovo 11111a113111so stook of Dress Deeds Greenfield & Raeder ba7e a full line of DOMESTIC GOODS, at prices that defy competion. We can sell MIISLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAM, lower than other merchants paid for the same Goods ten days ago. Those who desire a feast for their eyes should not fail to call and OXIIIIIiIIO our Stock. Keep to mind the place, South East turner Market Square, Second door. Thankful for the past patronage we respectfully so licit, a continuance of tho same. I= W. C. SAWYER, .11. co. A. DuKr., .11“). 13URTCTIOT.DER NEW FIRM I have taken into partnership, Jno. B. Burkholder and Jno. A. Duke (clerks in my store) for the purpose of continuing the Pry Goods business under the title of W. C. Sawyer St Co. Our Store is now open for business where a ^ large stock of SE A AS' ONA BLE GOO AS' may be found, we will be receiving NEW GOODS. every day and intend to keep up the reputation of the Store, fur activity, liberality, and for always having the best stock of goods in the Valley. Being very thankful for the large patron ago given me by a generous public, 1 respectfully ask a contin uance of the same to the New Firm. We will endeav or to merit the favor of those who will give us a call. The books of the late owner are hero for settlemen. and persona Indebted are reque:ted to make settle men t. East Main Street ono door below Martin's Hotel. W. 0. SAW YFAi Sopt. 8,1865 W. C. Sawyer & Co. W. C. Sawyer, J. A. Duke, J. E. Burkholder. HAVE just received from Stewart's, Claffin and Mellen, Nov York, and the best fti[t - a; In Philadelphia, the largest and best stock of Fall and Winter Goods EV ER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET Please call and examine our immense sleek of Alpine and Rob Roy Plaids, Figured, Plain and Striped Em press Olathe, Plain and Figured French Merinos, Reps, Poplins, Alpaeas, and Estelle Cloths, Dress floods In ovary variety of styles and shades, Ladies Dloth and Mantles, of plain and bright Plaids SHAWLS, Black, Plaid, 'troche and Thibet, Linen and Lace Collars, Sleeves and Handkerchiefs. Our stock of Woolee floods comprises Blankets, home made, Shaker Ballard Vale, Red and Brown Flannels, Balmorala in all colors. Domestics in Quantities. DeLaines, brown and bleached Muslins, Cingbanis 'Pickings, Crashs, Shootings, Pillow Casings, &c. Gents' and Bolls' Weal Hull lino of Cloths, Caasimore, plain and fumy Scarfs Ties, Handkerchiefs and Shirts. HOSIERY & GLOVES. Cotton and Wool for Ladies, Gouts, Miss,ti and Oh dron. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds usually kept in first class Dry Goods Stores, studios Carpets, Oil Cloths Rugs, Mate, Looking Glasses, Shades, Draperies, Drug gots, &e. We pay special attention to • MOURNING GOODS, and will bo OM to fill all orders ,for Funerals; Cash mores, SM(3 , uding Flannels, Craps Collars, Black Flo. rill., Dam o Clothe, Empress, Rep, Poplin and Eugene Mourning's; all qualities of English and French propos, Ribbons, ac. All'orders 'carefully attended to. vig.. Fancy Dry Gooos, DOthostio do., Gonts Woar, lioniery and Gloves, Kid Gloves, 'white and black col ors and al l-sisearin- endloss-varleties at- -- - - W. 0. SAWYER & Co., Ono Door Delon , Martin's Hotel, East Main St., Carlisle, ,Pa. 9 opt. 29, 1965 BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM. , THE Subscriber having removed his Boot & Shoe etorp from North Hanover street to Wost Main street a few doors below the burnt corner, opposite Marion Ball, is prepared to accommodate the public with the very best assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, ROME MADE 'WORK of all kinds constantly on hand and made to order at the shortest notice. I use nothing but the best mato 'vial and employ rtoiie but the best hands. Especial attention given td the manufacture of French Calf: Boots,. • If you want'a neat fit that won't pinch give me a call. Fine Calf 800 from $7 to $13,00 • Coarse Bootefroncs2.6o to $8.60 Women's Shoos from $2,00 to $O.OO 'CHILDREN'S SHOES OF ALL KINDS. • I have alot of Boy's and Women's Shoes that I am oiling at cOtt . Call end examine befole purchasing eisawhere. P.O. FL.b.MING„' • . West September 8,1865-Iy. 5,,, SEA m lUlla co l lin }lT go ,'e o D fp ti e t n ifit ta , l ifr o o n at z t e h ry b 13( 1 1. 0 ice at , the, -reeldeace of hie mother Eau atteet t .three dooris balourßodfotd: July 1,1804. , • DORI' 'Folios, Writing'Desks, ,Baok ,jIL Gammon Boards, Gamma all docßciptlint at flay= Drug, Pansy and Book Store. • ;-• • CIHOIOE BEGA.RB T08A000,... AT RAIISTNip, = French bassimores, Black do Pl4lO Poplins, Rep. do., Coburns, GREENFIELD k SIIEAFER 'Stock ()UM* and. 040 AT KELLER'S OLD STAN!), North. Hanover Street. splendid- assortment of. all the new 'styles of Eldft & Straw to now opon of city and home manafacture which will be sold at the low,osp cash prices. Sunhats of allqual ities from the finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap:- est wool, and oD all colors, .nnsurpaseed by any this side Philadelphia. A large stook of SUMMER HATS, Palm, Leghoria. 'Druid, India Panama, and Straw._,Obildrons fancy. &a. ' Also a hill assortmeht of Mans, Boys . and children caps of ovary deacilptlon and style, The subscriber Invites all to come and examine his stock. Doing a practical hatter, he fools confident of giving satisfaction. .Thankful for the liberal patron- age heretofore bestowed he solicits a continuance of the same., Dont f, rget the stand, two doors above Bhriner'e Hotel and next to Corman's shoe store. JOHN A. KELLER, Agt. N. B. Rats of all kinds made to order at short nothe lARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH j GROCERIES—FISH OF ALL KINDS. Among which is a largo lot of real' genuine Balti more dry salt HERRING, in oak barrels, MAOHAREL at prices that is really astonishingly low. Flakela of all kinds. SAUCES. PRESERVES, and a good assn wont of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQUORS, J•C.. at tbo loweet rates for OASJI or Country Produce. WM. BENTZ July 1, 1864. GRAND CENTRAL' W511.11b01t1C)12.5 At the Booms. of J. C. LESIIER, 715 G'S Building, south east corner j Market Square, of Life Like pictures, consisting of PHOTOGRAPHS, A M O ROTYPES, MELLAIHOTYPES, CARTES DE VISTE, in all styles and sizes, from Life size to the Miniature pkture, for rings breast pins, &c. His pictures are warranted superior to soy taken in this county or elsewhere, his material is of the best, and his artists cannot be surpassed. Pic'ure cases nod frames of all qualities, from the richest gilt and carved rosewood, to the plainest and cheapest. Ills prices are made to suit all classes and conditions of men. Thankful for past favors, and asks a continuation of ho satno. Oct. 6,1865-6 mo NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS: GRAND openiqg of unrivalled goods just received from the Eastern IBMs ; consist ing of choice and varied selections at A. W. Bentz's atom, South Hanover St., I ho familiar and well known stsnd. Our list of Dross floods comprises. BLACK SILKS, In great variety Including the best goods imported, Groil Chains. Lyons Taffeta, Oros do Rhino, Gras d' Afrique and figured. Lupin's, Merinoeo In all color• prices. Plaid Merinoeo and Poplins, EMPRESS' CL 0 TI/S figured and Plain, Alpaccaa all shades, Coburgs, De Latnes of Elegant Designs. WHITE dooDs, Jaconets and Cambrics, Plain and Plaid liamsoolca LINENS AND COTTON GOODS, Mai seilles Counterpanes very cheap. FLANNELS Every quality of white and colored flannols, Blank Ms, Balmoral skirts &c. A largo stock of Cloths Cassimeres. Sattinette Velvet Cord, Home-made Jeans Jct.. I have non a superior assortment of Millinery Goods, Bennet Velvets and Silics, Bonnet and trimming Rib bons, Mallnos, English Crapes and Laces. MOURNING GOODS Single and Double width all wool DeLaines, Em prom Clothe, Lupin's Bombazine. Cashmere, French Merinoes, Velour Reps, Velour Ruse, Alpacca, Crape Cloth, Queen Cloth, Striped Mohair. English Prints, Thibet Long Shawls, Crape Veils Collars, ilandlcerchiefs and Belting. i\OTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Floor and Table Oil cloth, Window Shades, Erm. brellas, and lionp.Sklrts. All vo•y low, and consider. ably under the market prices Nov. 3, 1865 THE PHCENIX PECTORAL WILL CURE Your?. Coucal. Si w I.tF THE PLRENIX PECTORAL; Olt, COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND SEN-ERA SNAKE ROOT, Will cure the Diseases of the THROAT & LUNGS, Such as Colds, Coaghs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, &it. Its timely use will prevent I'l LJIUNARY Anti even where this fearful disease has taken hold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says "I was benolltted more by using the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberholtzer, of Lionville, Chester county, was cured of t cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of hail street, Phrenlxvillo, certifies that he was cured of a cough of two years' standing, when all other medicines had failed, by the Phoenix Pectoral. Jtcob Powers certifies that ho has sold hundreds of bottles 01 the Phoenix Pectoral, and that all who used it bear testimony of Its wonderful effects in curing coughs. John Royer, editor of the "Independent Phoenix," having used It. has no hesitation In pronouncing it a complete moody for cough, hoarseness and irritation In the throat. The West Chester "Jefiersonlan" says: "We have known Dr. Oberholtzer personally a number of years, and it gives us the greater pleasure to recommend his medicines. inasmuch as the public rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. Dr. Oberholtzer is a member of the. Alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylva nia, at which inetitution ho graduated in 1854." The Reading "Gazette" says : " This cough remedy lo made up by .Dr. L. Oberholtzer, of Plneniaville, Pa., and it has acquired an unsurpassed reputation in cur ing coughs. It is carefully and skillfully prepared from Wild ()berry Bark and Sonolut Snake Root." Dr. Geo. B. Wood, Professor of the Practice of Medi cine in the University of Pennsylvania, Physician to :he Penneylvgnia Hospital, and one of the authors of the United States Dispensatory, says of Smoke Snake (toot: "Its action is specially directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine has so much confi dence in its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It is FO pleasant to take that children cry for it. Tt costs only Thirty-five cants—large bottles $l. It is Intended for only one class of diseases, namely, thorn of the Throat and Lunge. Prepared only by LEVI ODERHOLTiER, M. D., Phcenisville, Pa. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers. IThhnston, Holloway & Cowden, No. 28 North Stith Street, Philadelphia, General Wholesale Agents. D. W. Gross & Co., Wholesale Agents. Harrisburg. Haveratick's Drug Store, agency for Carnal!), N. D.—lf:your nearest druggist or storekeeper does not keep this medicine do not lot him put you off Ithn ~oniVother medicine, baronet' heeaak es more money on it, but send at once to ono of the agents for it. March 10, 1805—Iy FOURTH ARRIVAL I aving taken the advantage of the • great decline in all kinds of Dry Goods that has ; Ina occurred In -The-Itipatortr-blailkopi,acs- Lav,yirt made a large addition to our Winter Stock, and have marked every thing down to correspond with the present prices. Dean call and see the great Bargaine you can now got in an kinds of FANCY DRESS GOODS,, MUSLINS, SHIRTINGS, CAN TON , TLAN NELS, WOOL FLANNELS, GINGIIAMS, • • TIOIKINGS,• CALICOES, Great Bargains in Blankets. Groat Bargains In Shawls, Great Bargains in CLOTHS and CASSIMEBES. Grand display of ' • CHRISTMAS GOODS. Grand display of Ladles, Misses and 'Chlldron's Furs. Grand display of CLOTH CLOAKS,. A full stock of all kinds of . • WOOLEN GOODS, • such as !Ueda, Nublas, Jackets, Shirts aud Drawdrej Scarfs, Tlos, nose, Gloves, Sol:dugs, &e, to. OAERBTS, CARPETS, • 011 Clothe, !tugs, Matta, Window Shades, Bce. Please mill and coo for -yonreelvao that wo aro fully propttred to give you the. greatest :Bargains You have aeon fix a long time, and_we have determined not to bo undersold, and always take great . pleaenre in. exhib• aim; °hi , complete; "stook of goads' suitable' for the De . c. , 16, 1805 CARLISLE FEMALE COL' '8 0 ,,;.' T . • DiLugherLy 0 .E'r9gudent, FOR BO44DING ,j• DAY:BOEO4AM. E(IS - gO di in ary tire - L E school:1401i under the charge of Illiss.ldarigtvi nor, will be open under the direction of %nick. orty. dilErdeldept, with A full ce;pe,et able instructors,. se to gbie to' tilhyMing thoyouvhbducation. In ;Englieh and Olaosical iittelits In: ttei trench 'and ,Cier 'man languagee,_in Mdd, 'Painting, iiiid-other-orna :men4al branches. „ • Especial Care will be-given to boadera luithe2 (Lily ipf the President. $, • • ' ' A 'primary departeadnf 'for the , y ' Munger te,had connection ,with,the collegiate department, . The Buskin will open en WmAbeacley, September etle:' iii the lout Behool rooms designed for tbritpum pose and attached to:the Entory,churelt, , Per ,termitup_p4; t s , f4- 9 ,yreo li nt. 18 180 • • • • ••• CASH CAPITAL,. - INSURE A9AINST, _Loss:ear LIF OltslNaitkr .01.C1321301,1\21TW00, 3 DOLLARS sepures a Polioyfor.,sl,9 0 0 payable' In case of death from accident. El DOLLARS secures ei Polley far $l,OOO, payable in case of death from accident, and also insure. 45.00 per week compensation in case of accident not devising death, but disabling from pursuit of usual avocations. , , 25 DOLLARS a Policylbr $5,000, with $25 per week compensation. • Other sums In like propor:lon. GENERAL ACCIDENTS include Scalds, Guo-shot wounds, Dislocations, Sprains, effects of lightning or explosions, Choking, Drowning, or any accident result ing from external causes. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. SETH PADELFORD, Preal National Bank of North America. A. E. DURNSIDE, Major General U. B. A. J. S. PHETTEPLACE, Firm of Theßeplace A Seagrave ALLEN 0. PROB., President Narragansett Ina. Co. HENRY H. ORMSBEE, Pree't Manners Mutual Fire Ins. Co. JABEZ C. KNIGHT, Merchant. THOMAS G. TURNER, Pros't Equitable Ins. Co. ALEXANDER PARNUId, Merebant. J. S. PARISI!, ' Soc'y Atlantic Insurance Co. FRANK MACRAE', American Steamboat CO. L. B. FRIEZE, With A. A W. Sprague. ROYAL C...TAFT, Firm of Taft Wooden & Co. 3. H. Di WOLF, Pres't• American Insurance CO. BENJAMIN BITPFUM, American Wood Paper CO. JOHN T. MAUBAN, Manufacturing Jeweller HENRY H. tarMSEEE. President. agent at Carlisle, Cumberland Co. Pa, whaisalso agent for Guardian Life Insurance Company, of New York. These companies stand deservedly In the front rank of Insurance companies in this country. Policies issued without delay. Nov. 24, 1865-4 m. J. C. LESHER A new and extensive lot of Winter I — lLl:Mods Is just being opened at Ogilby's. Those goods have, been purchased during the last week when goods were lower than they have been for some time. All In want of MUSLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS and DeLamm would do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Also a fine lot of fancy articles for Christmas Presents, which will be sold cheaper than can be bought else where. Do not forget the old stand on the Corner opposite the Poet Office. Dec. 15, 1865. CHAS. OGILBY. JW. SMILEY, has just received a large and elegant assortment of superfine and medium quality of FRENCH AND GERMAN CLOTHS, BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES AND VESTINOS; a general assortment of Union CASSIMERES, SATI NETS, JEANS, &c., all of which I will manufacture to order, In superior style, at moderate prices, or sell by the yard. 1 have secured the services of TILOUPSON S. REUNITER, one of our most fashionable and popu lar Tailors, who will - always be found in the store to cut and superintend the manufacturing department, and be hereby invites his old patrons and the public to give him a call. A large assortment of Ready Made Clothing. of our own manufacture for men and boys, at prices to suit the times, will always be found on our shelves. My stock of prime Kip, Water Proof Calf and heavy boots &r., for Lupo and boys is very large and complete together with a full assortment of women's and chil dren's lino and every day wear, all of which you will find selling at the very lowest prices possible. Come see and be satisfied. A. VV. BENTZ at low prices; - ....._. Do not fall to give me a call, as I will always be glad to see you, and feel confidant that I can supply you with as good, well made and desirable Clothing, Boots, Shoes, flats, fin ' as can be found in the market, and I think at lower prices. North Hanover street, between Shrelner's hotel and halbert's corner, Carlisle. CO ArS / "MPTION Samaritan's Gift ! SAMARITAN'S GIFT ! THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury Only Ten Pills to be Taken to Effect a Cure. THEY are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not in any way Injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cumin from two to four days, and recent cases in "twenty-four hours." Prepared by a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the most eminent Bodoni and Chemists of the present day. NO EXPOSURE, NO TROUBLE, NO CHANGE WUATEVER. Lot those who have despaired of getting cured, or who have been gorged with Balsiin Mercury, try the SAMARITAN'S GIFT, Sent by mail in a plain envelope. Price—Male package, $2. Female $3. TRH SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES, IS the most potent, certain and effectual remedy ever prescribed—it reaches and eradicates every particle of the veneral poison, so that the cure is thorough and permanent. Take then of this purifying remedy and be healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that . for which you may repent in after years. DO NOT DESPAIR although you may be pronounced incurable, the SAMARITAN'S ROOT & 11*R11 JIIIORS will remove every vestige of impurilles from the sys tem, as well as all the bad effects of Mercury. FEMALES 'FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT it HERB JUICES, to most happily adapted, in Whites, in bearing down,' Falling of the. Womb, Debility, and for all complaints incident: ta tins sex. ..Bent by express 'Price $1,25 per .bottle. Is used In conJUnction with tha Root and Herb Juices Full directions. 'Price 26 mints, . , . The efficacy of .thefie remedies is alike acknowledged phySicians and: ,patients, „They are need in ,the United States hospitals, thpa restoring the. health of , many of our bravo soldiers. . . What the , Surgeons 'say of the Stk. marittin's Remedies. 'jibes° great satisffiationoin *dating that' I Rare used the Samaritan's Remedies' for. Venereal, plaeass dolts niost' enstonlary forms; that 'I have need Ahern withjudgment, discretion, and,,urpperlyrand 'have found them respond-to my anticilletlons prompt:fp:and effeetually. , l Knowing their Jcanincaition, T . bare the 'fullest confidence'in their efficacy; and-as UV' ad'iny use of them extends, I recommend them strongly; , ' ' '“KLYItED 11014RftS; „ "Assistant Surgeon Sib New York LEIVO! J mi.LLER Loh it be ,understood that these remedies - are an nee 'oulmendedi and will positively suns tho diseases 'for which than are offered-- For sato at HaveretWe Drirg . Stori4 inenover Street Carltele t Pa. • • ~ :i„.DEmoNti. 4 Co. PropitotOriii . ~, NO Race St, P.4lidel.p.bbl. ,:. Pat LOTANS wilt find it to their ad vantag94(l call and purchase their litAdlclnes at: July 1,0884. • , . of IgICAL INSTRUATENTS.: miiitoo .L .,,etui,,32ono;466rdoolu'i, Deeartea" .74trine ATll,43c6smpuha. A4 - A - nrqz AtiopEsiv,6 TravelmV: - insurance Company. - - - $200,000, OF EVERY Dzscuirnow J. S. PARISH, Vice Presikent. H. M. RAWSON, Secretary FIOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, STATE AGENTS, 230 Walnut Si. Philadelphia H. M. DONEHOO, WINTER GOODS. CLOTHING. I will let no man undersell m4S Also, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS Trunks, Travelling-Bags &c September 8,1866-3 m "Yes, A Positive Cure." BLOOD! iBLOOD! BLOOD ! SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TETTERS SCALES, DOHA OP,VENERBAJE, DISEASES, &c. SAMARITAN'S ROOT, & HERB JUICES Is offered the public as a positive cure SAMARITAN'S WASH; [FoT the Baltimoia Ban.] ICI "PoBT HOSPITAL, POUT BlAnanA4, - Daltimoro, Bid., Feb. 29, 1804: 3 113; . 21, 186510 m Y - Sti TheorOatStvaligthening (Not a Whisky Prepaiation.) ..nookLAND's GERMAN,BITTERS DEBILITY 1., DEBILITY resulting from any cause whatever MESTORATIOk OF - THE SYSTEM, Severe Hardships, Exposure. Diseases of Camp Life Soldiers, Citizens, • Male or Female, Adult or Youth WILL FIND IN BITTERS a pure Toulc, not depondont cn bad liquors for tbolr almost miraculous abets. 11 DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES RESULTING BROM DISORDERS OF.TIIE LIVER. AND 'DIG ESTI VD ORGANS. • 40,ORLAND'S , GERMAN BITTERS, This Bitters htui PERFORMED MORE CURES, GIVES BEWBR , SATISFAC HAS MORE TESTIMONY, Haw more Bospoctablo People to vouch for It, than any Other article lu•tho Market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and WILL PAY $lOOO to any ono who will produce a certificato published by us that is not genuine, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disor- Observe the folltlwing symptoms resulting trom dis orders of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructa tions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing Fluttering at the • Heart, Choking or Suf focating Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. ' That this Bitters is not Alcholie, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS, BUT IS THE BEST TONIC IN THE -WORLD. From the Nev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Bap tist Church, Philadelphia, at present Pastor of the Baptist Church, Chester, Pa. • s • a • s • • • I have known Hootland's German Bitters favorably for a number of years, I have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their effects, that I was induced to recommend thorn to many oth ers, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great plea,sure in thuspub- Holy proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended, to those bitters, knowing from eaperi• once that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as Hoofiand's Bitters is intend ed to benefit the afflicted, and is "not a rum drink' Yours, truly, J. W. BNILLEY, From R. W. D. BeMfried, Pastor of Twelfth Dap tlst Church, Phila. Gentlemen have recently eon laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied by a-prostration of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but without relief. Your Geoßand's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of these bitters Induced me to try them. I must confess that I had an aversion to Patent Medicines trom the "thousand and one" quack "Bitters," whose only aims seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community in a sly way, and the tendency of which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal prepara tion I took It with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the stcmach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I have derived great great and permanent benefit from the use of n few bottles. ..ta— From A. M. Spangler, Editor of the Oulturiet, No 25 North Sixth Street, Some eighteen months since I was a severe sufferer from Dyspepsia. I was not only unable to take plain fbod without suffering groat distress, but had become so debilitated as to be almost unfitted for active busi ness of any kind. After trying a variety of so-called remedies, all of which.prosed worthless, I was induced, at the sugges tion of a medical friend, to give Hoofland's German Bitters a trial. I accordingly purchased eta bottles, which were taken in accordance with your directions. The result was complete removal of all distressing symptoms, after eating or drinking, and a full restora tion of strength, so that I now eat all ordinary kinds of food with impunity, and am able to attend to all the actives duties of a large and arduous business as well as at any period of my life, the good effects of the Bitters were pal:gloated before I had taken the first bottle. I have also used& in my family with the happiest results, and take great pleasure In adding my testi• nony to that of the many others who have been bone- fitted by thorn. - I find great benefit from the use of a bottle in the spring and fall. They not only create a vigorous appetite, but give a health tone to the stom ach, by strengthening its digestive powers. If the aboye testimony will be the means of induc ing ahy who suffer from dyspepsia - to give your bitters a trlal(when it, I feel confident, will give them re. lief,) it Is at your service. Yours, truly, From the Rev. E. D. Pendell, Assistant Editor Chris tian Chronicle, Phila. I haie derived decided benefit from the woof Hoof laad's German Bitters, and feel It my privilege , to rea ommend them sea moat valuable tonic, to all who are suffering froMgerieral debility or from diseases arising from derangement of the liver. Yount; truly. ,E. D. FENDALL. From Itev. D. Merrill°, Pastor of tho Passynnk Dap tist Church, Phila. , From the many respectable' recommendations given given to Dr. Hoolland's Gorman Blttoro.l was Induced to give them. iv Atteil using several bottles I found them to be a good remedy for ,debility, and, a ',most excellent tonic for tho stomach. • From Bev. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor, of the Vlncenteern and Billlvllle (N. J.') baptist Churches Plllla.• ' . , , having need In my family a number of bottles of your Roofland's German Bittork. I have to sa)mthat I :regard them as an excellent medicine, specially adapt ed to remove the 'diseases they are recommended for. Tikey:stlengthon and Invigorate the system when do. 'ldlitated, and pre useful in disorders of the liver, loss of appetite, ltd. -.,bave, also, roccenroended: therd several ormy friends; who have tried them, and found them greatly beneficial in the restoration of health • • Yours, truly, W.l4fAhl 131111Tfl, , 960 llntcl;insort Street. • . • , prom J . 0. lbifermed Church . Futatown, Berko Cdunty, Respected Sir iy4liame been troubled with Byripop nLa nearly twenty years, and have' never need, any medicine that did spa mdth toed ai tors. lam very much improveddn health; after hay. lug taken Bye Bottles. Yonra, with respect, J. B. HERDLAN BilwAitn Or OOLINTRIII,EITii. , •' . . See that the, elgnattife.9/ PC; JAOIIBOIO Is on the wrapper clench bottle. , ' rizactu, Single Bottle One Doildr, or's \Mill .Dos: for $6. .Bbenild yogr. neasuet, :druggist not bave•the ankle do not be put off by any ‘ ot.tbo I:lto.*,kting prgparr4-1 tione tkult lw-bo offered. ld'ltfpite4e, but ~opd to ue ~ AniviiiiVerfeurel:y•paoked by , express:- PRINOIPADODNION AND trialkWßAOlDiti tlBl Arch Street, Philadelphia, P. JONES*I6VANS, ,, ,I Bd ig ei " ls r t # ' 9, ; : r . if t: J A °l .ir t !. ' k C° A ~. P40P4400101.4,t, 80r*tbr.ittuddItte and Dealers !n every town in 115Un." 4134400 . ,,,, tl.r•:(1 68. 3,3,8131-2 y: q 'WILL CURE LBMIIGED BY Fevers, ARE CURED BY dered Stomach. O REMEMBER, Read who Says So LEVI a BECK • s a Very respectfully yours, W. D. BEIGFRIED, No. 251 Shackamaxon S tree PIIILADELPLIZA, July 15, 1805 A. AL SPANGLER CUMBERLAND'VALLEY , ~„ MAIL ROAD. CHANGE ORHOURS. ON and after MONDAY, November 20 ) 1805, Doeenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sunday excepted): . VON OIIAMMENSBURG AND nAmittsauna. Leave Hagerstown, 7:10 A. M., 2:46 P. M, .., " Greencastle, 7:46 " 3.86- .: 4i 1 Arc at 8,17 ''4:2o . " Chanibers'g, Leave Leave Elhippensburg Netirville .. Carlisle 8:26 " 1:15 8:66 " 1:48 9:27 " 2:21 A.M 10:08 " 3.04 " " Mechanicsburg 7:21" 10:30 " 3:37 Arrive at Ilarrisburg 7:50" 11:10 " 411.0 " FOR OFIAMBERSBy,RCLAND HAGERSTOWN : Leave Harrisburg 8:40 A. M., 1:40 P. M 13:0 P.M " Mechanicsburg 0:18 " 2:20 " 6:05 " " Carlisle 9:68 " 2:63 " 5:30 " Nowvllle 10:34 " 3;29 " 8141lensburg 11:07" 4:00 Ghambere'-g, Leave 11 : 40 4.;3 : 2„ 7, Leave Greencastle 12:25 P. M. 5:30 " Arrive at Hagerstown 1:00 " 6:10 making close connections at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Pittsburg, Balti more and Washington. Ala?. Tho Train leaving Hardsburg at 4:30, P. M., rune only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, &Vt. Buperin tendont's oMce, Chamb'g. Nov. 24, 1865. E COAL AND LUMBER YARD.- The subscriber having leased the yard formerly occupied by Armstrong and Hoffer, and purchased the stock of COAL AND LUMBER, fa the yard, together, with an immense new stock will have constantly on hand and furnish to O der all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDB SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked Flooring and 'Weatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and every article that belongs ton Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitopine, Hemlock and Oak, of different qualities. Having cars of my own I can furnish billd to order of any length and adze at the shortest notice and etn the most reasonable terms. My worked boards will be kept under cover so they can be furnished dry at all times. I have constantly an. band all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which I will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: Lylcens Valley, Broken, Egg, ~..., t : Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddlers ...ar.lW .6,14:1,, Trevorton, Locust Mountain, 111 Il ear , " -- ,,,,iim i Lobbury, which I pledge my ..,.,111!,,..M..it c.... self to sail at the lowest 0 prices. Best quality of Limeburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which I will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Grammar school, Main street. ANDREW 11. BLAIR. June D 21865. tf. FIRE INSURANCE. ou:111.1111 Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu tual Fire looaradcu Company of Cumberland nty, Incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently had Its charter extend ed to the year 1883, is now In active and vigorous op. oration, under tho superintendence of the following board of Managers, viz: William R. Gorges, Chrlstit.o Stayman, Jacob Eberly D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, .1. 11. Coover, John Eichelber ger, Joseph Wickersham, Saml. Eberly, Mesas Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and 1. C. Dunlap. The rates ofinsurance pre as low and favorable as auy Company of the kind In the State. Persons wish ing to become members are invited to make applica lion to the agents of /be Company, who are willing to wait upon them at any thou. WM. R. GOROAS, President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0 CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vico President, slechatalceburg, P. 0 JOHN C.DUNLAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dilisburg, York Co. AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Sheri-Irk, Allen ; Henry Soaring, Shiremanstown; Lafayette l'effor, Dickinson; Henry Bowmen, Churcbtown ; Mode Griffith, Smith 'Middleton; Samuel Graham. Weetpenneborol; Samuel Coover . , lechaniceburg ; J. W. Conklin, Shepherdstown D. Coover, Upper Allen; .1. O. Saxton, Silver Spring; John flyer, Carlisle; Valentine Penman, New Cumber land ; James McCandlish, Newville. York county—W. S. Picking. Dover; James Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Washington; ltichey Clark, Dilleburg ; D. Mutter, Fairview; John 'Williams Carroll, Dauphin co.—Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Membora of the Company having pollclos about to expire, ban havo them renewed by making application to any of the Agonte. July 1, 1864. LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Fiiters. rilhe subscribers inform the public tha thoy still coutiattb tre GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING businos at the Old Stand in the basement of the P Methodist Church. They will attend promptly to business in their line. Lead and Iron I'ipea, Hydrants, Hot and cold SIIOWER BATHS, Water Closets, Sores and Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tube, • Bath Boilers, Wash Ba sins, Hydraulic Items, &c., and every description o. cocks and fittings for gas, steam, water, Sm. Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up In churches, stores and du etlings, at short itatico,lii the most modern style. All materials and work in our line at low rates anti warran'sd. • Country work and jAhllg n-qmptly attended to July 1, 1864. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the Worldle Fair London, 1862. „f ,• :04 , z. •.; t. • THE undersigned has just received, and intends to keep constantly on hand a full as- sortment of the unequalled Pianos manutactured by Steinway & Sons of New York. Each instrument wilt be carefully selected In the Manufactory, and will be gold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Cat Helm A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase aro invited to call and examine those unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shopley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door east of tho Mansion House, near the Railroad Depot, SECOND.IIAND PIANOS received in exchange and kept for sale and to rent. Carllalo, May 22, 1803—ly A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROO West High Street, Carlisle, Pa .(Preiniuni an; ardti at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 18.57,) The subscriber liasjust received the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, over brought to this nlace—which he is determined to soli at prices that defy competition. • Parlor. Chamber, Dining—room. JE' URN IT 1r1.11.14. Kitchen and • ofiloe • • Embracing every article used by Muse and note! s and of tha most approved and thshionabli, . design and finish. Including also Cottago furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, Mit frames, pictures, &0., &c. , .Particular attention given as usual to funerals; 'oilers from town and country, attended to promptly 'and on moderate terms i July 1,1804 I pl ' AINTs ANTY OILS.— lo Tons White Load. 1000 Gallone of OIL Just •Milved with' a largo aisortmont of .. *an:ashes' ' . 1 - Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine,, Florence White, ~.,,d Japan, White Zinc ' Putty, Colored Zinc, • Labarge, Rod Load Whiting, Rolled Oa, • Glue, • • , Lard 011, Obellao r ..' •Op ortn 011, Paint,BrushOO, Fish 011, &0., Color. of every description dry, and' Oil In cane and ulna at the IlardWare'Storo of : JUIY 1, 1804. , B;ya.ps Pulmonic Wafers, ••, AT RALSTON'S Dee.l.l,ll*: p. Ng goo&Phto t stiapli - is *mlt tv.iloz-• on poor prom Who will give poor *tura to a lend ? An PHOTOGRAPHS madg fit . : , ..• . • KIVI.4.Iq‘!S ROOM, ,- ~ are warrantrobt&glwriuitiolliotiou or they, will bo ro taken. , • , - i — Oot:2o, UM. IMII y)IPES, Tobsooo,. (smoking and chew , in g ) and Boor* at liavoildlak's Drug and Book tore. • l(i': , jf. I. C. LCCIifIR: " • ' StAat fow"dOo'gr. below Bout B44 bau7o.llt, 1 : 9:: 1. Cumberland - Valley Rail Road Com pany. • FREIGHT DEPOT, CARLISLE. T"Cumberland Talley, Penneylva- , nla and Northern Central Rail Road Companies have made an arrangements to do a 'Joint 15. eight and Forwarding Business between the Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. The Cumberland, Valley Rafl Road Company will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the Ist January 1866 forth° receipt and shipment of all goods entrusted to them. Freight, to bo forwarded by this arrangement must be loft at Pennsylvania Rail Road Company! Depot corner of 16th and Market - Bt., Philadelphia. North• ern Central Rail Road Company's Depot Baltimore and Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company's Depot at Carlisle. The public will find it to there Interest to ship through the Rail Road Company's'Froight Houses and by Company Cars. J. & D. RITOADB, Freight Agora Carlisle Doc. 22,1865. 500,000 MORE MEN WANTED. TO PURCHASE THEIR Spring and Su m m e r Clothing of ISAAC LIVINGSTON, A T his cheap Clothing ;Ritablishment IlLon North Hanover street, Carlisle, from one at tho largest and best stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ANL HATS, • over brought to this place. Having just returned fro the Campaign, ho ackveowledges his gratitude to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity for the extensive pat ronage they Have bestowed upon him, and takes the present opportunity to respectfully solicit a continu ance of the same. UM rtock of ready.mado SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, is not surpassed in this place, either in quality or in extreme cheapness. Remember that he also makes clothing to order; having in his employ err experi enced cutter Frourmy extensive purchase in the eastern cities, I feel confident that I cannot be under sold by any other establishment, either Gast, West, North or South. Livingston has always been the trot to supply you with clothing, twenty-tive Per cont. cheaper, and one hundred per rent. better than you can purchase elsewhere, Come auel'examine his stork when you want to purchase clothing. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Conover Street. April 28, 1865 MACHINE SHOP. The subscriber now manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, on North Street, east "hoodlum's Betel, a large ass' rtmont of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, such as Horse Powers, Threshing Machines with Sep , - _ rotors attached, straw Clove r and Fod d er Hullers Cutters, C,rd gi l lthilkAN of which are the latest and the beet tee; improvements. Particular attention paid to Repair ing of all kinds of Agricultural Implements at short notice and reasonable prices. Thankful for former favors I tespeolfully vollvit a •hare of public patronage A T the store of John Irvine, on 03 _L - I L N. E. sornar of the pnbile square, is the piece to purchase Boots Shoes lints uud Caps, at priers that defy romputition, Ile has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, noes, Hats Caps that he has ever promoted to this community. and which be is determined to sell at the lowest pos. siblo prices. Ills stock embraces everything in his line of bosiness, such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip 'Boots, Calf and Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Call and patent Leather Oaltegs, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Kip 'Brogans, Slippers, ,te, LADIES' WEAR, Fino French and lingilida Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Call and Kid Boots, Fine Kid Slippers, Faney Slippers, Mee roecc, and Kid Buskins, &c., MIS ES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR of all &scalp tions embracing fine Lasting Halters, Morrocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morrocco Lace boo's of all kinds fancy shoes of various styles slippers, Ac. HATS CAPS, Silk, Cassimere. Fur and Wool Hats of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of STRAW HATS. Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppomptly dean. Confident of his ability to please all clan es of customers, he respectfully invites the public to give him a call. Imitemember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. July 1, 186,1 HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. HE undersigned respectfully announ cop to the public that he still continues the Hat t ng Iltriness at the old stand, in West High street and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce irti cies of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall be strictly In keeping with the Imploue ment of the Art, and fully up to tho age which live. I have on hands splendid 10 , assortment of HATS AND c.Aps4. ofall descriptions, from the common Won! to the finest Fur and Silk Hats; and at prices that must suit every One who ha■ an aye to getttng the worth of his money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpluiSed for Lightness Durability and finish; by those of any other establish moist in the oeuntry. Men's, Iloy's and Children's Hat's and Caps. of every description constantly on hand. Ile t espectfully Invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give him a call July 1, 18C4 IMPORTANT TO ALL SUFFERING FROM DEFECTIVE EYE SIGHT. •T . ROSENDALE, Oculist Optician, is now permanently located at 29 North 22 St, Harrisburg, Pa. J. lt. respectfully solicits Ladies and Gentlemen who are In the habit of wearing the Glasses now in common use, (and which are generally so injurious to the eight owing to their attracting heat and drawing the eyes, or who may have had their sight impaired by the use of such Glasses, weakness opacity, or any other defect to make a trial of the nil ROVED PERISCOPIC! LENS. These Spectacles will enable aged persons to sit for any length of time at ..ho minutest employment, either by day or candle light, and will not require the change o greater magnifying powers so frequently as the Glasses in common use. They are manufactured by machinery on a new construction, peculiar to the in ventor. Always on hand a large assortment of Microscopes, Telescopes, Opera and Field Olassea, Thermometers, rorneters, Magnets, Magic Lanterns, , Llissolving Appa ratus, Electrical Machines, Therescopes, and One Views. Cataloguesseut grati January 20 11305—1 y JOHN K ST AYNIAN - ia c:t. io 4a ries. PAVING just ieturned from the Eastern cities desire to inform their patrons that have laid in a large and varied stock of New and Fresh Goode at the lowest mils prices. Their assortment Is thorough and complete, contain. lug everything ueeassaay to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, in greatest abundance, and at lawest cash flgures:= Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENSWARE and Crockery, Salt and k:lsh, llama, Choose , Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. Segars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a com plate assortment of FAMILY GROCE t RIES. Don't forgot the old stand, South East corner of Hanover streets. HALBERT Feb. 24, 1844 . Oarpetings and 011 Cloths. TOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash _Store, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, Rag, and Stair CARPET'S.- Also, Floor OIL CLOTH'S all widths, whleavlll be 'sold for the cash at the lowest rates. ' OGILBY, Trustee. March 4,1864 GEO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S.- , Late Domonstrator of Operative Dontistry °fan Baltimore College of - - Dental Surgery. Oillco at bis rosidoneo opposito Marlon Bali, West Main street, Oarlislo, Pa. Jnly t, 1854. A. 8.2 CUMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL. N. E. Cor. Main and Bedford Sts. j CARLISLE, PA. JNO. G. HEISER, Proprietor. RJESTAURANT in the basement, which le furnished with the very beet of liquors, nd edibles ofnll.varlotioe. June 16, 11305-Iy. , ',lV4oleiale Dealer in Tobacco s Snuff,. PiPoi 4:c.„and Afanufaelurer:of Segura; ~ No. 8 8. GEORGE STBEBT T RECEIVE_my. Tobnopos direct from tho Factory, and will ensuro thont good, and cheap. lqr than can; bo boughs in the' 'City. My brands of CHEWING TOBAcCaliro as rollema. Navy, Ma gmas, Snutf-Rott, Ihg-2hvist, Frotimiers; Milt and Light p resse d' yitamia. Fine Cnt PURI/V.1440 And SMOG TOB.IIO6Oat Factory Brim. • '. • ! Also; a largo assortment of PEP4B. 'L • ', • iliavo ,inst.rocolvocl from itieltruend soMo, cOlolirototi. agsIORINQ TOBACCO. ' 1 Morehants look.to your interrets. All ordom prompt. attended to • • • IJOvombor 10 1800.-3 DM 0. N. LULL, Supt A. J. ICUTI., Agent BOOTS AND SHOES. JOHN IRVINE NEW AND FRESH HALBERT & BRO., Jo - RN HERMAN, J• G. CA1.1.10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers