or, •by assistants.: Pericina wishing. td suliL scribe for the work,.canalso do so, by &R -ing LTA or addressing him as above. It is sold exclusively by subscription, and can be obtained by persons in the territory named only through him gown an nig Daittrs OMISSION.—Last week we inadver tently omitted the name of J. B.'LEIDIt!, as on. of tho discolors in the First National Bank of Carlisle. We have inserted his mond in the column of local information on our first page. By the way tho changes whiuli are eihrt stantly occurring the officers and boards of our different corporations and associations should be promptly reported to us by the parties interested—there aro really some things which are not dreamt of in an Editor's philo-sophy. BURNING OF MOSCOIV.—Our readers will doubtless be gratified to learn that the favorite entertainment of the Diorama of the Burning of Moscow, Dioptic Painting and Ventriloquism, by the celebrated ho moril, Mr. Gallagher, will be given three evenings, Friday, Saturday and Monday.— We bespeak for it, as it had here before in Carlisle, full houses and gratified audiences. THE GREAT SUPPER.—The supper in Rheem's Hall, for the bem•fit of the first M. E. Church of this place, came off on Tuesday evening as advertised. We had tho 'lvrtor of attending this entertainment and can ful ly attest the fact that it was emphatically a llnand affair. Four tables extending the en tire length of the spacious were loaded down with the choicest via ds; and these ample boards were filled to their utmost Ca pacity three several times. It is certain that considerably more than five hundred de lighted guests partook of this generous feast and went away blessing the projectors, man agers, caterers, and the good old church in whose hehoof the enterprise was undertaken Con. Todd made a very happy,litHe speech and the Carlisle Brass Band furnished excel lent music. lii our next wo will give the pecuniary result of the supper and festival. , SALE BlLLS.—Bills for the following sales have been printed at this office. Sale of E. & S. Lee on the Walnut Bottom Road, 4 miles west of Carlisle, on Tuesday, Feb. Gth, of Horses, Mules, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Plows, Wagons, Horse-gears &c. Sale of Jacob Nickle, at Mount. Holly on on Tuesday, Feb. 15th of Horses, Carts, Spring Wagon, Harness, &c. Sale of Jacob Butz, two miles east of Carlisle, on Thursday Feb. Ist, of Horses, Cows, Young Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Reaper, Plows, Wagon, &c. Sale of Thomas Smith, in South Middle ton twp., near Springville, on Friday, Feb. 16th, of Horses, Cows, Hogs, Wagons, Corn, Plows, Meat, Lard, &c. Sale of Jacob Springer, near Boiling Springs, on Friday,Feb. Oth,of Irorses,Colts, lows, Young Cattle, 'logs, and a variety of farming implements. Sale of John L. Saddler, near Centreville, on March 2d, of llorse,s, Cows,Voung Cattle, liege, and general assortment of farming articles S:ile of John S. Hefflelinger near Logan 's School House, Frankford twp., on 'Wednes day Feb. 7th, of Houses, Cows, Young Cat tle, Sheep, Flogs, Wagons, &e. ANNUAL REPORT Of The _Rua of Managers of 171 e. Female Beller°lent Society qf Curlislc,lan. 18136. The Managers respectfully report to the Subscribers and friends .of the Society that they number fifty-one name.; on their list of Beneficiaries, ninny of whom include fami lies of several individuals. The majority have been visited and assist ed regularly every InenLh, during the year 805. Others only occasionally, as the Mana gers deemed necessary. mane° Iu tho Treasury Doc. 31st 064 108.72 CnDeed,. in tho North Went ward in 1565 Do. South nod South Went Non h hoot Do. in Lutheran Church Al," wood, coal and flow•, amounting to 11,60 St. John's Church :12,45 Ist Presbyterian Chnrvli 21,50 ' 2nd Presbyterian Church 17,20 Int. 011 Railroad Bond 38,00 Totul receipts in money Expondmil In tliti four nerds Leaving a deficit in the Treasury of 12,20 The winters of 1805, mid 1800, have been so unusually severe as to require extraordi nary demands on the Treasury, and but for the surplus of 1804 would have obliged the Managers to call upon the patrons of the Society for a special contribution. That however, enable them to reach the usual period for collecting, with but a small de ficit. The Managers have supplied many fami lies with food and fuel, who might other wise have perished, though their funds do not allow them to be us liberal as they wish. There are still some vagrant beggars, who will not, submit to the wholesome rule of the Society, and ought therefore to be discountenanced. ,spreial Notices SPECIAL NOTICE.--Save your money you can buy the best Family coal clean and dry from DELANCY k 45 SIMONE. Jan. 12, 1866-Iy. WHO WANTS QUEENswAitE.-7-Pleaso call and see the largest variety of fine wares offeredin Cumberland County at Wm. BLAIR & Sox's Store South End—Carlisle. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD.—Public Notice, is invited to this Article. Manu factured only by Ziegler & Smith, of Pliira. Reed their adver's in this issue. Retailers Please call at the Wholesale Grocery and Queensware Store of WM. BLAIR & Sox and learn prices. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPE MUNCIE OF AN INVALID. üblished for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at the some time TUE MEANS or SELF-MAE. By ono who has cured himself after under going considerable quackery. c By enclosing a postpaid addressed enveL: ope, single copies, free of charge, may bo had of the an, thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co , N. Y, Jan. 25, 1866--ly WY, call attention to the advertisement of Oscar G. Moses & Co., headed "LIFE—III:ALTO—STREW/TM" Jan. 12, 1866-Iy. SEE advertisement of Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female Pills. 4an.12,1802-Iy. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff, la a sure curo for that bothersome (Moose, Catarrh. Jan. 12, 1866-Iy.' BRYAN'S PDLOIONIO WAIIESS, the great Cough Romody an sold by all Druggist. See AdTertisemont. Jon. 12, 1806-Iy. WHISKERS 1. WHISKERS ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Gre cian Compound will force them to grow on the smooth oat face cr chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price $l,OO. Sent by mall , anywhere,' closely sealed, on receipt of price. .Address, WARNER & CO., BoxllB, Drooklin. N. Y. March 01 1006-Iy. , . , . .. . , - , -WA.INTEM. - . ' ... , ... man . w ho Ya young man.wha baii hadlonsider able 03:podium° in tholoisinoSe, ii etiolation /1 0 1,1 k r iti . a Dry . Goode or' Gummy Dtore,- 'A good roe• nm endatio&from Oesent employer. Address , • .` • INDUATirg, : ' ': Whit° pn!po f RA ! _.: .1- „ 1 , Jfin,123866-1t! "OltliA,T OAKS meg LITTLE ACORNS GROW." rrHE worst diseases known to the hu man race spring from causes so small as to almost defy detection. The volumes of scientific lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elaborate there facts.' Thou guard yourselves while you may. The small est pimple - on the skin is a tell.thle and indicator of disease. It may fade and die away from the surface of the body, but It will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. fasootra.'s Brum, llvapsevla and DIARRHEA nuts cure where all others fall. While for Burns, Scalds. Chilblains. Outs. and all abrasions of the shin, 11naort0s SALVE Ia In fallible. Bold by J. Almust., 43 Fulton street, Now York, and all Druggists at 25 cents per box. Jan, 19, 1866-Iy. REQUIRES INIDIEDIATE ATTENTION AND SHOULD DE CIIECKED. IF ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat Affection, or an Incurable Lung Disease HAYING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO THE PARTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Disease, TROCHES ARE USPID WITH ALWAYS GOOD SUC- SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when ta ken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat atter an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Phy sicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds thorn in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches aro uni versally pronounced better than other articles. OBTAIN only "BriowN's 13no3cnist. Tnocrira," rind do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offered. " Sold everywhere in the United States, and In For eign-I Countries, at 35 cents per box - : Oct. 27, 1805.-6 me. F A LL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER has proved itsolf to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public. It Is a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE O IiAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young, should fail to ❑se it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIItST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. Ire- Ask for hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and take no other. For Salo liy all druggists Nov. 3, 18G5—Gm. The Long Looked For Has Come ! DR. COLLINS' 'C.BEL,II iI.E.-.1111111% INDIAN Pain Killen—For the quick Itellef of Headache, Tobthacho, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Pain in the Stomach, Back or Side, Painter's Chollc, Cramp, Frosted Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts Sprains. Bruises, Diarrhea, Soro Throat, and all siml her complaints. Toothache relieved in eight minutes. Earache relieved in ten minutes. Burns relievedirom smarting in fifteen minutes. Cramp or Cholic cur din ten minutes. Sprains relieved In twenty minuktis.— Sore Throat relieved in thirty minutes. I have spent year,s,in selecting the herbs from the vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adapted to suit diseases of the human family, and now I have it complete. Every Bottle Warranted. Try it I Try it I These things we prove on the spot, and before your yes, only bring you, eases. Dr. COLLINS has also for sale his Syrup of Roots BARKS AND HERBS, Indian Eye Wash and Powhattan Salvo. This Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar complaints. Also purifies the blood. The Salve heals Sores or Brookings Out In the Face, thaws fire from Burns: warranted to cure Boated or Sore Breasts. The Eye Wash cures Sore or Inflamed Eyes, &c. Dr. Collins Valley Herb Pills, For the cure of Sick or Nervous Headache, Female Ir regularities, Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Dis eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague, &c. Dr. COLLINS can be consulted at his Office, on Dis eases of various kinds. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, 74 Market street, Harrisburg. Also, for sale at lIAVEItSTICK'S Drug and Book Store, Carlisle. All orders should be addressed to Dr. S. Collins, Harrisburg. These Medicines ore purely Vegetable. June lti, 1865. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carlisle, Jan uury 25, 1966. 6 60 7 50 4 25 2 00 2 00 68'25 55,10 49,74 2.00 40,50 FLOUR(Suporfine) do. (Extra.).... do ItYF Witur E WHEAT... RED do CORN OATS, CLOY NRSITED.. TI moTit PS EED 3& 52 GENERAL PRO Corrected Week/ BUTTER 36 EGGS, 25 LARD, 15 TALLOW. H SPA P, 9-12 BEESWAX, 36 BACON II Ahl 22 I)URE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, will do more and hotter work at a gluon Coat, than any other I Try it ! Manufactured only by = MEG !AM & SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, No. 137 North Third Street, Phllad'a., Jan. 22,1866-Iy. WANTED, AGENTS, $l5O PER month to sell the improved Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. This Machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, cord, braid, bind, gather, guilt and em broider beautifully. Price only $2O. Every Machine is warranted three years. For terms address or call on C. ROWERS k CO. Reception rooms, No. 255 S. FIETII Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 20,1860-Im. LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle, State of.Perinsyl ynnia, the 25th day of January, 1866. Published lirofficial authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. nEA,.„To ~Obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for " advertised letters," give the date of the list and pay two cents for advertising. If not called for within 'one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. GEO. ZINN, P. M. Adams Kato Kunks Mary A Askinsh-Da niel Keene Virginia Arnold Philip Lay Frederick Aber, Chas (bks) Low Jeremiah Adams, John F. (bks)Linekuhl Henry Baker, Mary Lucas Elizabeth Baker, John McCoby John. Bricker Capt' Peter BMcCrean Chas Burkholder John Sr Mitchell Michael Bowers Michael Miner Thoo S Conoway Rev John Minich Lt Cross James H McDonald Sophane Cuddy John Minic Lucinda Coles Rosins Neidich Wm Dowling Sargt (bks) Nenman Samuel Dennin Cornelius Orris Sarah A Dronaberger Isabella Paul John Dighton Addle Platt Capt I; 0 84 P V Dunbar Catharine Rinehart Geo. , Elly W W Ronny Wm A .5 - Ebhard J 0 Richardson Annie Faulk Lucinda " Stevenson Geo Fought A G Straus() J Fisher Henry (bks) .Stauton Greenberry Fielder G A ,' Swartz Jacob.'' French Lt W W Stump John' Finkenbinder Jonath.Shuggart Matilda Glenwood Miss Eva Sh'eaffer Jno H Giver Sarah Thai:neon Elonor Gale Wesley Treaey Edward Xbks) Givler John '' Ulrich Susan Gaither Henry :i;Waggoner. John A Hannorf Elilabeth Warfield W Ilartiiian Elizabeth Walters Jacob , Hull John Wolf Geo Hamilton A 'Waste Francis M Hayman: Joseph S Walsh Capt J W Hartman Caroline Wise Mary • • Jacason Rose . Waggoner Hien Jones Henry Webster Geo James John D Williams Hotly Kramer John , DR,'W114,,.H: COOK , ~ ' 1 . HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, and' ' Accouchour • . i QFFICE — ni::,I4 iesidenoo, , in :Pitt, t stroot, adjoining the bleilibalat Oburoli.; , , 1 • uly 1, 1804. t : 1. , V ,-.1,,r, =I Special Notice. A Cough, Cold, or Sort Throat, I=2 Brown's Bronchial Troches lE= R. P. II A LL& CO. Nashua, N. 11. Proprietors Etathet,s. DUCE MARKET. January 26,1800 y by Win. Bentz. BACON SIPES, 18 WHITE BEANS, 1 60 PARED PEACHES, 33 UNPARED PEACHES 20 DRIED APPLES, 300 RAGS, 5 TAM PRIZE BY L: ' B. Baunba 'Hurrah II r the. skating pondM cried .13Illy Dates, "Come, huriT• up poet and-bring Out yotrnkates." - For the pond we both hurried, and soon we wore there, AndongthanefolnofellovralLond ladies PO fair. • NOW. Miro Ynning 14811 as sharp as a , IN/ro seemed to bo fond of theiraey Declared thecharme of iiwifo I will bring To the skater who does the most wonderful thing?" I've travelled the land and have sailed the wide ocean: I've seen many sights that Bay() caused a commotion ; But 1 pledge you my word that about In a tries There followed the biggest thing ever on ice. All the mon wore In glory, the ladles were high, - lia2ll tightened his skates while he lopsoned a sigh; When all, at didgh from this beautiful queen; • Did oddest and rarest things ever ITOTO seen. Ono-chap out an angel and put on the wings, Another cut elephants, camels and rings, One follow wont backward and drew a:bouquet, But a clown of repute made a greater display. Now here was excitement for all the gay folks— /Bust -tholassie have him who would thrive by his jokes ? So It seemed for a while; but a youth who was tall. Did a trick that soon faded the laurels of all. What think ,yOu he did 1 We will speedily show, Ile carved out the name of—Perry dtr. C 0.,. And to crown the performance—tho.groatest, by far— Ile cut at the end a most .beautifnistar. The people All shouted and openOd,their oyes, The lassie declared he had borne oil the prize ; And as a flonle - to what was so cute, The mon went to Perry & Co. for a suit. A large portion of our stook having boon_alightly. damaged by water on the night of the late destruetiVP fire ,au aro now selling off regardless of cost. STAR CLOTHING llouen, 609 CHESNUT Sr., above 6th, PIIILAD'A. P.EIUtY & Co. Jan. 26, 1866-It. 3E-00' 1 3E°T-T.PE,3O, BY REV. OTIS GIBSON, ON CHINA AND THE CHINESE. IN RHEEM!S HALL, Tuesday Evening, January 31st, 1866. Rev. Mr. Gibson is a graduate of Dickin son College, of the Class of 1854, and has just completed a ten years' sojourn in,China. He proposes, in his lecture, a detailed and interesting description of the Natural Scenery, Facilities for Travel, Trade, Social Customs, &c., Of the Chinese Empire. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture com mences at 7i. RHEEM'S HALL, CARLISLE, For Three Nights Only, Friday, Saturday, and Monday, January, 26th, 27th, & 29th, 1866. The magnificent moving Diorama of the BURNING OF MOSCOW! Now and beautiful Dlortrla Paintings and amusing scenes In Ventriloquial, by Mr. GALLAMTER, the world renowned humorist. A(11111SH1012 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commmence at 8. LURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, preferred by all practical Painters! Try it I & you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZEIGLEIt & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, No. 137 North Third Street, PHIL& D'A.; Jan. 22, 1563---ly. List of Sales of Personal Property and Real Estate. BY N. B. MOORE D Aut.loucer. A. Mansfield, E. & S. Lee, Personal Property, Ephriam Day, A. Moore, Real Estate, S. Wolf Airy. of John Wolf Real and Personal Property, John Ittitglilnson, " David Nikkie, J, L. Elliot t, • • " Isaac Newcomer, 4 ' Daniel Hollinger, " Jacob Shearer, Jas. IL Weakley, James Miller, Win. Keefauvor, Herman Rosier " J. P. lloltehoover, Thomas tihrover, " (leo. IC. Craighead, •• Jos. Sollenber'er, " Charles Shaer, " Win. feller, Alfred Moore, " l'eter Reiser, Matthew Moore, " David Martin, " Jacob ReLsecker, " " 20 & 21," March 22, 23, and 24 • " LIST OF SALES DY WILLIAM DRVINNEY, Auctioneer January 25, J, M. Stoke, Silver Spring, do 27, C. D. Nei:ll°y, Slly, r Spring. February 13, S. A. Pagne, Waslpennsboro,' do 14, William Ifeagy, Silver Spring. do 16, Thomaz Smith, ffouth Middleton. do IS, John Thomas, Mifflin. do 20, James Dulffly, South Middleton. do 23, J. W. Williams, Middlesex. do 26, Joshua Myers, Monroe. do 28, Chris. llartzler. Monroe. March 1, Goo. Bishop, South Middleton. do 2, T. N. Culbertson, Silver Spring. do 3. P. A. Diller, Monroe. do 5, Geo. Longdorf, Silver Spring. do 6, Jacob &rock, Monroe. do 7, Johathan Marry, Sliver Spring. do 8, John Hauck, Sliver Fpring. do 9, Jacob Springer, South Middleton. do 10, John Shaffer, South Middleton. do 12, Joseph S. Grove, York County. do 13, James A. Williamson; Silver Spring do 14, J. 51. Stoke, Silver Spring. do 16, Conrad McQuade, Silver Spring. do 20. M. C. Buitzhoovor, Monroe. So 21, W. M. Hastings, South Middleton. do 22, Joshua Myers, Monroe. do 28 & 29, Martin Shriner, Carlisle. do 80, Peter Wostheffer, Mechanicsburg. per RE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,— The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try It I Manufactured only by Ziegler & Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glees Dealers, N 0.137 North Third St., Philad'a., Jan. 26, 2866-Iy. STATE NOTICE.— Ira Loiters Testumentsay on tho estate of John Langenfield, deed., late of Rest Fairview, East Penne boro Twp., have been Issued to the subscriber residing In the same place, to whom all debts will be paid and all accounts presented for settlement, W. F. MARTIN, Executor. Jan. 19, 1569-0 t G. M. BELTZHOOVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW; Ciuq,isr.,. Pa. Office, South 'Hanover street. PartiCiihir attention glean to the collection' of soldiers' elating, back pay, bounty, pension, &c. • January 19, 1866.-1 y. NOTICE. r HE Agricultural Society of Cum borland county will moot in the Court 11.00tz..-- in the. Borough of Carlisle, on...Tuetto , er - t llo.6 th nay of Itsbbrizary, loaoynt 11 o'clock, A. M. A full turn out Is expected. By order of the President .! Janus) y 1805.-8 t DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, SAVES LABOR, . SAVES TIME, SAVES MONEY, SAVES CLOTHES, SAVES SOAP, and SAVES WOMEN.' . „ It's the Soap for .Every paxoily. „ . Bold by grocers and storekeepers throughout city and ,country. Manufactured only by J. B. DOBBINS & CO., 107 South Fifth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia. .-Jan. 10, 1806-10 E- WANTED! WANTED I IVERYBODY to call at Wm. C. Saw a , 'yor's arid' get all kinds of Winter (floods at Greatly Reduced Prices. WINTER DRESS GOODS, • • WINTER CLOAKS, 'MANTLES and'SHAVLS, Butane() of, our FURS at COST, Clotho, , . Cassimeres Mena'. Wear Selling very, cheap. BLANKE'T'S, BLANSEVS, at rodUced prlcos. We aro receiving every day 'from New York lmson'able Goods, ' MUSLINS; CA - LICOES,;SIiEETINGS,, an Wilda of li'Otio filth:whin G00de,..., „ oilltiMTl3, OIL OLOTEltr,'..to., dm. Persona going to house-keeping or changing real dance will p well to examine our large arid ile lected atop ' . Please call one 'door below Idattin's Hi> tel, Past lidaitr'Street.. W. 0: PA:WPM* Co.' , .10r=llighost cash price path for carpotiraisa:- ,, : , Jau.l9E/860. THE LIGHT' Olr THE' WORLD DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS `AND SALVE. nimiLlfa g ivin g remedies aro now, fortho first time, given publicly to the world. For over a quarter of a century of privatopractico,the ingredients in those Life giving Pills 1 Have boon need with the greatestauccess. Their mis sion is not only to prevent Wants, but to cure. They seereliouttbo_varions maladies bywhich tho patient Is angering, and re-invigorate the failing system. To the agedand Infirm a fow doses of these valuable PILLS will prcive to bo VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH For in every case they add now life and vitality, and restore the . waning energies to their pristine state. To the young and middle-aged, they will prove most invaluable as a ready, specific, and sterling medicine. Here is a dream realized, that Ponco-do-Loon sought for three hundred years ago, and never found. lio looked for a fountain that would restore the old to vigor and make youth 'dyer 4? An Eternal Spring I It was 101 l for this day and hour to realize the dream and show, In one glorious fact, the magic that made II fair. These Famous Remedies Cannot etay thetight of years, but they 6an lbrco back, and hold aloof, disease that might triumph over the aged and the young. Let none hesitate then, but seize the favorable opportunity that offers. When taken as prescribed— FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS Nothing can bo moro productive of cure than these Pills. Their almost magic influence is felt at once ; and the usual concomitants of this most distressing disease are removed. These remedies are made from the purest Vegetable Compounds They will not harm the most delicate female, an can be given with sod effect in prescribed doses told youngest babe. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin, the SALVE Is most in valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil I DR. MAIIGIEL'S PILLS Invariably cure the following Dis eases ; Asthma, Bowed,Complaints, • Cont as, Chest Diseases, Costiveness ' Dyspepsia, Diarrhion, Dropsy, Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, Headache, Indigestion, Influenza, Inflammation, inward Weakness, Llv,,r Complaint Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds, Skin Diseases. Notice,—None genuine without the engraved trade-mark around each pot or box, signed by DR. J. hula° LEL, 43 Fulton 81., New York, to counterfeit which is felony. 4i; Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines throughout the United States and Canathis—at 29 cents per box or pot. Jan. 19 1866-Iy. GREAT DISTRIBUTION American Jewelers' Association, Depots : 37 & 39 Nassau, & 54, 56, & 58 Liberty St ~ NEW YORK. CITY, Of Rosewood Pianos and Melodeons, Fine Gil Painting. Engravings, Silver Ware, Gold and Silver Watches, and Elegant Jewelry, consisting of Diamond Pius, Diamond Rings, Gold Bracelets, C,,r. al, Florentine, Mosaic, Jot, Lava, and Cameo Ladies' Sets, Geld Pens with , Gold and Silver Extension Holders, Sleeve Buttons, Sots of Studs, Vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Rings, Ac. &cc., valued at Jan. 27, 1866 Fab. 6, ,4 9, ". " 10, " 13, " 15, " 10, it 20 , ,g‘ 21, • 23, 4, 24, which they need not pay until it is known what Is drawn and Its value. • VIE AMERICAN JEWELLERS' lissom/vox calls yofir atlentionlo the fact of its being the largest and most popular Jewellery Association in the United States. The business Is and always has boon conduct ed in the most candid and honorable manner. Our rapidly increasing trade is a sure guarantee of the ap preciation of our patrons for this method of obtaining rich, elegant and costly goods. The sudden termina tion of the Into war has caused the failure of a large numbewof houses at Nassau, N. P., who were exten sively engaged in running steamers through the block aded ports, obliging them to soli their goods at a great sacrifice, in some instances lees than one-fourth the cost of manufacturing. We have lately purchased very largely of these Bankrupt Goods, nt such extreme. ly low prices that we ran afford to send away Finer Goods, and give better chances to draw the more val uable prizes than any other establishment doing a sim ilar business. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and we re spectfully solicit your patronage, an we are confident of giving the utmost satisfaction. During tho past year we have forwarded a number of the moot valuable prizes to all parts of the country. Those who patron ize us will receive the full value of their money, as no article on our list is worth less than One-Dollar, retail, and there are noßlanks. Parties dealing with us may- - depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will bo immediately sent to any address by ro. turn mail or express. MEI blur 1, n •I " 3 , 641 " 13 " " 8, " 10, " 13, " . 26 & 27 " The following parties have recently drawn valuable prizes from the American Jewelers' Association, and have kindly allowed the use of their names : Charles.l. Hunter, Esq., Treasury Department Wash ington, D. C., piano, value. $3OO ; Nies Anna G. Yates, 62 8t Mark's Place, N. Y., Sewing Machine, value #76; Brig.-Gen. L. L. Hanson, U. S. Vole., Nashville, Tenn., Silver Tea Set, value $l6O ; Silos Emma Hunter. 03 Front St , Harrisburg, Pa., Sewing Machine, value $00; Lieut.-Colonel Walter Chittunden, Quartermaster, Louisville, Ky., Gold Watch, value, $l6O ; Wm, 8. Haines, 247 King St., Charleston, 8. C., Silver Watch, value *6O ; Alexander Johnson, Esq., Editor Alaska tour Pioneer, Muskatuur, Mlnn., Ladies' Enameled Watch, value $l5O Rank Samuel Lee, Esq., President Col orado and Rod Dank mining Company, San Francisco ; Cal., Melodeon, value $2OO ; Aaron S. Long, Esq., Prin cipal Elkhart Collegiate institute, Elkhart, N. J ~ Dia mond Pin, value $2OO ; R. M. Longstreet, Monigomory, Ala., Music Box, value $76 ; Itev. Isaac Van Duz• r, Al bany, N. Y , Gold Lined Dining Set, value 53,0 ; Miss Clara Luunguer, Dayton, Ohio, Pianoforte value $4OO, and Diamond Pin, value $175 Many names. could be placed on the List, but see publish no names without permission. Our Vatrons are desired to send United Status Currency NV 1/1,11 .t is convenient LIST OF PARTIAL ARTICLES SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH, Without Regard to valuo, and not to be paid for until you know what you will receive: 15 Elcg.int Rosewood Pianos, worth fmm MO to 8450 15 Elegant Melodeons,Rosewood Cases 175 to 250 50'FIrst Class Seiiing Machines 40 to 300 15 Fine Oil Paintings 30 to 100 160 Fine Stool Engravings, framed 20 to 80 50 Music Boxes 26 to 40 160 Revolving Patent Castors, Silver 20 to 90 50 Silver yrust and Cake Baskets 20 to 36 400 Sets Of Tea and Table Spoons 20 to 50 160 Gold Hunting Case Watches, warranted 60 to 150 100 Diamonds Rings, cluster and single stone 75 to 250 175 Gold Watches 85 to 150 300 Ladles Watches 60 to 10Q 5 0 0 Silver Watches 20 to 76 Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drops, Ladies' Sets of Cold and Coral, Jet and Gold, Florentine, Mosaic, Lava, and Cameo; Sots °Muds, Vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Rings Cold Thimbles Lockets, New Style Belt Buckles, Gold Porto and Pencils, Fancy M _ork Mork]tozoo, ta ayes, ~m- -with acid - nod Sliver Exton. son folders, and a largo assortment of Fine Silver Ware and Jewelry of every description, of the best make and latest styles. .011 ,- A chance to obtain any of the above Articles for ONE DOLLAR by purehasing a sealed envelope for 26 ate. D. S. CROFT, Bacrotary pro- Five S aled Envelopes will b . e sent for $1 ; Eleven for $2 ; Thirty for $6; Sixty-five for $lO ; Ono hundred for $l5. Agentdwanted everywhere. Unequalled inducements offered to Ladles and Cents who will act as such. Our descriptive circulars will be sent on application. Distributions are made in the following manner : Certificates naming each' article and it its value, are placed in sealed envelopes, which are well mixed. Oslo atlas() envelopes containing , the Certificate of Order for same article, will be delivered at our Office, or sent by Mall to any address,'lvithoutLegard to choice,' on receipt of 26 cents. • On receiving the Certificate the purchaser will ace what article it draws and its value, and can then send Ono Dolitir, , and receive the article named, or Vanehobse any othei 'ono article on our - list of the same value. Purchasersof our Sealed Unvolopes m..y, in this manner, obtain an article worth from one to five hun dred dollars. Leng letters are unnecessary.• •Ifave the kindness to write plain deroctions, and in choosing different _arti cles from thbee drawn, mention the style desired. • We prefer letters to be addressed to, our Box, MD, Post Of tice;for greeter safety. , • • , ..* * *Orders for 84KLBD BM/CLIMB must In , ow9r.Y. casette accompanied with the Ceeby•with the name of the person sending, and Town, County and /tats plain ly written. LettoW should bo addressed to the Managers as fol lows : • ". . . '• • ' ' ' BIIBRMAN, WATSON dc Co., . . ._ . Box 681.0 Post,Offico, Now :York. Jan.l.o, 1800..-3 m. ,, „ .. , ~ : ' • .. ~ : DISSOLUTION.. 11, HE Partnership :.heretofore existing , - ?nada- ilia name of Jameson, Dillinger & Co., is t day dissolved by mutual consent. ' Jou. 1, 1800 . • REMOVAL. . - • . , yHE undorsigned will continue-. the business .99 iirtnarif, , at,No. 118 N9rth Third tract, W hore al l transmit one of tho late limn-will ho iottled. % -' ' - Yocire, lesp Bo o 3ll 3'. i MD.ll.lAMllikkl: . - O:A 18404 i. - MGM $1,000,000. FOR OWE DOLLAR, 13:111 B. R. JAMESON, ' ,01:1. A. DILLINGEE A 'Rare ChancO .for Capitalists. THE dubsoribors off . eif to men of capi , tal a rare chance to build a Waro House in the East and of Carlisle Pa., whore there is no competition, and good Rail Road •acilitles all ready on the ground. -There is no better chance fbr an energetic Man or Men. Address •• DELANCY & SIIROIII, Jan. 12,186G-Bm. Coal and Lumber Dealers. .NOTICE. CO - PARTNERSHIP. ryHEtyl Subscribers have this day:asso ciated themselves together under tho'name. and o of Dulaney k Shrom for the purpose of carrying on tho Coal and Lumber business in all Its branches. OLIVER , DELANCY, 0. MED. SIIROM. _Jan.l2,lBoo. COAL AND LUMBER . LEAVING as- V. FocMod with C•• A L ~. :, - .si Mr C. Fred. Shrom in * : i .i. il - .. ... • .t.t the Coal and Lumber - I' ...„,"\:„._ _ . , li .. business at the old Si 7 , Stand of Delaney and .;:1'„„.,,„' , .....1,, , ,,„ •-- Kam , Blair, whoro we will keep the best and CLEANEST -OCAL in the Market, and perfectly dry. Kept under cuver. Families will do well to try us ; as we are deter. mined to sell cleaner coal, and at as low prices as any other yard In the town. Try us and ho cnnvinced. We have also on hand ALL KINDS OF 7. UMBER usually kept In a first Class Lumber yard which we will sell as low, or lower than the lowest Jan. 12, 18611. DELANCY & :,11110111. LIFE-HEALTH-STRENFTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH -GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, Chief Physician to the Hos pital du Nord ou Lariboisiere of Paris. This invaluable medicine is no imposition, but Is unfailing in the cure of Sparmatorrhat or Smirks' Weakness. Every species of Genital or Urinary Irri tability. Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions from whatovi r cause produced, or how ever seem a will be speedily relieved and the organs restored to healthy action. Read Lhu Nl olog Qrinina.l of omlnant Vronch phy sicians "We have used the Specific rills prepared by Ger ancioro & Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, front the prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, in our private practice with uniform success, and we believe there is no other medicine so well calculated to cu,e all per sons suffering from Involuntary Emissions or ally other weakness of the Soy u 11 Organs, whether caused by a sedentary mode of living, excesses, or abuse. R. A. BEAUREPAIIIE ' M. D. O. D. DUJ ARID N, D. JEAN Lid lA:OCHRE, 11. D. Paris, May sth, 1888. BEWARE op COUNTERFEITS. Thu Uonuine Pills are sold by all the principal Drug gists Ihroughlut the Wm 1,1, price One Dollar per Box, or :-Ix.lioxef, for Piro Do'tars. BANCIERE $ DUPONT, Solo Propriebn s, No. 211 Rue Lombard, Palls Ono Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, ,vlll insure a box by return mail, nor uroly sealed from all ob.erxation. sic boxes for live dollars.. Sole tioneod Agnots for America, OSCAR U. MOSES & Co.. 27 Corti:ma St , N. B.—French, U erman,Spanish and lx Pamph lets, containing full particulars and direetions for use, soot free to any address. Sold in Carlisle by J. W. ELLIOTT, and at AvER STICK'S. Jan. 12, DR. MARSHALL'S CATARRH SN ITFF! Tubs Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to he the best article known for curing tha Cala: rh, Cold in the Head and Headache. It has been 'build an excellent remedy In many cases of Sore Eyes. Deafness has been removed dy it, and hearing has often been great ly improved by its use It in fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of thy head. The sodsations utter using it are delightful and in vigorating. It opens and purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. More Than Thirty Years' of Sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Ilead ache Snuff, has proved its great value for all the com mon diseases rot the Head, and at this moment it stands higher than ever bonae. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is used with greaLsuccess and :WEI:Lk:Lion every where. Read tile Certificate§ of - Wholesale Drug gists in 1864. The undersigned, having for ninny years been ac quainted with Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff, and sold it in our wholesale trade cheerfully state, that we believe it to to equal, In every respect, to the recommendations given of it tor the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that It Is decidedly the best arthilo we have ever known fur all common diseases of the Head. Burr & Perry, Boston,Barnes & Park, New York. Reed, Austin & Co. " A. B. &1) Sands, " Brown, Lamson &Co •' Stephen Paul & Co. " Rood, Cutler & Co. " Israel Minor A Co. '• Seth W. Fewle, " McKesson & Robbins,'• Wilson, Falrbank. & Co..' A. L. &evil & Co. '• Umashaw, Edmunds & Co.M. Ward, Close & Co IL 11. Hay. l'ortlaud, Mo. Bush & Cale, For Sale be all DI uggists. TItY IT. Jan. 12, ISCiti—ly. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES Bryan's Palmonie Wafers ! Otß_The original Medicine established in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of "PUL1111.)N111 WAYEItz," in this ot any other country; all othiir Pulmouic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine ran be known by the name BRYAN being tromped on each Wafer. These Wafers have boon before the public for nearly thirty years, and the immense sale ettalimd, not only In America but in foreign countries, full) atte,t their Intrinsic worth. The medical propeoties are superior to any other a. tido offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained in each box is nearly double that of the many worthless imitations advertised. Bryan's Pulmonio 'Wafers cure Coughs, iJ , ,lds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Pales in the Chest, Incipient Consumption and all diseases of the lungs. Not only affording tempor ary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure' and me warranted to give satisfaction in , ver instance. They do not nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medicinal properties are combined in a form HO a greeable and pleasant to the taste, that any child will readily lake them. Ono dose swill always afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To VOCALISTS and Politic ;iPESICErts, these Wafers are peculiarly valuable ; tLey will in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; and their regular use for a few days will, at all times, increase the pow er and flexibility of the voice, g,eatly improving its tune, compass and clearness, for which parposu they are regularly used by many professional vocalists. Tho very great celebrity of this invaluable remedy has induced unprincipled persons to prepare base imi tations, which disappoint the just expectations of the purchaser, and injure the diameter of the genuine medicine. See that the word, "BRYAN," is stamped ou each Wafer, and also observe the fac simile of the signature of the Proprietor "JOB MOSES" an each wrapper, to counterfeit which is forgery. Jrir-011ending parties will ho dealt with Co, the full extent et the law. BRYAN'tf PULMONIC WAFERS tkru for solo by all Drug• gists. JOB 310SES, Solo Droprlotur, 2i tb.rtlaudt St , N. Y Jan. 12, 1800-Iy. 'SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Cleric, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the queen. THIS well known medicine is no im position, but a sure and safe comedy for 'emalb DAcultles and Obstructions ; from any cause whatowfr and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladles it is peculiarly nutted. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regu larity. In all cases of Nervous Spinial affections, Pain lu the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight or Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a discrdered system, these Nis will effect a cure when all other means have Jailed. Those Pills have novel. been known to fall where the directions on the 2d 'page of pamphlet are well obseLY ed. For further particulars, got a pamphlet, free, or the agent. $1 and 0 postage stamps enclosed, to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, contaldimr over 50 pills:by return - mail: W. ll'...moTr; Jan. 12, 1800-Iy.' Agent, Carlisle. DR. C. H. BODdH, • OHRONO THERMAL PHI7TXCIAN & SURGEON.' , fiIIiTIPE in Boot Ones Row, in roar of A._..rthe First Presbyterian Church, whore ho In pro pared to cure or relieve all diseases Incldont to the Hu man , . • • Canaci:s curceedithout Vc' Consultation free of charge. Patients visited at all hours. Corns cured In five minutes. • • ' tfee2B, \186E,-'—am; '• • • ' - • . . G... Z-BRF i Tz, D, • • •• r. • D. D: S. respectfully offers hisprofeisitnal norviedalo tilt) °Rhona Of Carlisle and its vicinity. •'Opice ritt,etrebt,, , • ; Carlisle ..litnuery,b,dBBo--Sra*_ ' • , F'STATEE Letters testamentary pn theiffierch.inMite deed. late oloiver Allen 'township, have beopgranted by the Regleter of said ()minty to GI: W. prievrell; , Yoslo.p In East'Penrisboro 'township.ppr sonsindebted'ar reanOsted one Payment; and, those having els Ma to:presont tboid toe settlement to 0. W. onisiNELL tiomitor. • JUL 6, 18604 NOTICE I rift limited partnership of the'eub .acrib.ors, under the firm of Rompton Mullin, cap rod tide day by limitation, .all claims will be paid by them, and to whom all Indebted. will please make payment. SAML. KEMPTON, jr. I General CHAS. H. MULLIN, f Partnore SAML. GIVEN, ROUT. GIVEN, }Special AV E. B. MULLIN, Partnere. Mt. Holly Syringe, 1 Jan. 1, ISM f NOTICE• CO-PARTNERSHIP atyTHE subscribers have this day ass°- , 'Mated themselves together under the Elaine and of MT. HOLLY PAPER CO., for the purpose of manufacturing ovary abscription of Writing Paper, at Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Jan. 1,1866.-4 t Dissolution Notice OTICE is hereby given that the co -1 t partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned, in the Mercantile litisinesfr in Churchtown, under the firm of Geo. Brindle A, Son, has been dis solved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm and those having claims will please present them for station:lmb, the books are in the hands of Gee. Brie die. jr. at the old place of business. Jan. ti, 1866-3 t Eighth Quarterly Report of the First National Bank of Car lisle, Pa. January 1, 1865. RESOURC ( EB. Loans and Discounts, 8197.029 27 U. S. Bonds, 117,850 00 284,879 27 ----- Due from Banks & Bankers, 67,038 66 Legal Tender Notes, 72,836 00 Notes of other Banks, 0,388 00 Cash Items, 3,820 93 150,182 69 Real Estate & Insurance, Furniture & Fixtures, Current Expenses & Interest, LI A BI Llll ES. Capital, 150,000 00 Circulation, 45,000 00 Doposits, 331,003 36, Duo to Banks 7,004 77 DlReou rite, & 'Premi um., 1,0.11 00 Surplus Fund, 8,100 00 Dividonds unpaid, 1,000 00 445,800 00 J. C. ROEMER, Cashier Jan. 5, 1866-36 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned has boon this day die sol,d by mutual consent. The books and accounts remain in the hands of Geo. P. Myers, who earnest 4 requests all parties indebted to him to rail and settle their accounts at once. The Grocery business will be continued at the old stand by the senior member of the firm, Cleo, P. Myers, who calls particular attention to his largo and excellent stock of now and fresh ( GI - I . C)c eM s 1 4 eSil •on s Ist Ing partly of SYRUPS, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICES, Wooden and Willow Ware. and every variety of goods kept Inn first class Family Urorery. COLIN fltY PRODUCE taken in exchange f, goods, at the ~1.1 t.tand opposite Saxton's Hardware. Store. 11E0. P. MYERS. Jan. G, New Grocery Store ! CHANGE OF FIRM I E undersigned hereby announces to his old 'patrons and customers, that ho has dis posed of his entire stock of Goods with the good will of the establishment to Messrs Puffer R Wasbniood. Whom he recommends to the citizens of Cumberland l'ounty. as active, energetic and reliable business men, who trill spare no pains to maintain and improve the character of the old stand so a first class FAMILY GROCERY. With many ti auks for the patronage he has receive d ho bespeaks fur the new firm a continuance of the same PEFFER & WASHMOOD will In a few days receive the largest and beat assorted stock or GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, Q UE ENS WA RE, GLASSWARE, WILLOW WARE, &C., ever brought to this place, and will constantly keep on hand the choicest Ormeries the Easterli Markets afford. A full loolortmant of Lamps or d Oil on hand. Call and Foei us at the old stand, South East corner of Market Square PEFFER & WASHMOOD Jmuunry 6, Is(l6—ly VA LUA 13LE Ifl ESTATE JP I II.II_IIOOIIC, ! )17 virtue of .a deed of assignment, I 1)will expose to public sale on the premises, on Saturday, Fda•uary 10, 1866, the Mansion Farm of Alfred Moore, situated near Mt. Holly Springs, on the Baltimore pike, about 4 1 A11111eS South of Carlisle, Pa. This is one of the moat destra blo properties that has been put into Market, being a delightful country residence, and a highly improved farm with every convenience. The farm contains 115 ACRES, (more or lens) of excellent and productive land, In a high state of cultivation, close by Is one of the finest and purest streams In Cumberland County. The fencing Is in excellent order. The improvements con- Met of a large two and a half-story STONE DWELLING, well finished and on elevated ground, a largo Bank Barn, C rn rib, Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Wash House, Wood (louse, Sc. A portion of this farm has been devoted to Fruit vulture, and has supplied the Carlisle and Ilarrlsburg Markets for the last few years with some of the choicest STRAWBERRIES & PEACHES, they have received. At present there are five acres o the choicest varieties of Strawberries, reset last spring and which will ho in fine bearing order the coming spring ; 1805 choice Peach Tredii; , 109 Apple Trees, beet grafted fruit, 290 Dwatf Pear Trees, all in good bear ing order. There are also a great variety and number of GRAPE VINES in good order, and which have com menced bearing. The Grain ill the ground will be sold with the ta,m. Those who desire a good investment lu land, and a dolighi fill and healthy country residence In ono of the most beautiful and fertile parts of our Valley, should give this their immediate attention. At the same time and place. I will offer the Mountain Land of the said Alfred Moore, `BB3 ACRES, of which ere in Dickinson township, a few miles West of the II 'Manor° turnpike. Thin tr., ct has been divi ded into lots, and will be offered to suit purchasoi Farmers w ishing 'Climber lots should give this their at tention. , A treat y acre lot of Mountain Land, situa ted-in South Middleton township, bounded by lands of Mathew Moore, Peter Lauck and others, will also be hold. I will abet 801 l the two Tote in Paportown. ownod by said Moore, and 'calculated for building lots. Salo to commence al 11 o'clock A. 151- WM. H. MILLER, Assignee of Alfred Moore =I Mr. Alfred litonro who still 'resides on tho promises, will take pleasure in showing the property advortisod to nil who wish to soo it. . Headley's History of the Great Re- hellion. riIHE late Reballion stands out:poouliar and extraordinary In liuman events ; and the magnificent male upon mhich the war has boon con ducted, constitute It one of the GRANDEST AND MOST BRILLIANT CHAPTERS OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY. Mr. Headley, of all writers, is perhaps best qualified to portray the stupendous features of the mighty con test. Ills previous works on lees momentous themes have placed him In the first position, an a graphic and powo ful delineator ol 'war scenes and characters, and the magnitude and grandeur of the present subject, Impart to his pen the the and vigor of a yet more ex alted I nopl ration, a nd furnish maple scope for the high est exhibition of his peculiar genius for military de seriptlon. Under his powerfurpen the stirring scenes of the War pass In roview with the vividness and dis tinotness of a present and living reality ; while his great talent for condensation enables him to embody everything of importance in a compass just suited to the public want. From no other source cun.ro clear and comprehonsisman impression of the grand unsrch of events be obtained, so easily and agreeably, 40 from Ma. Headley's work. Other Histories have been issued before Grant's Re port and other Ofilcial Documents wore submitted to tlui Government, and are therefore unreliable. - Mr. Headlo, has delayed the completion of this till those DOCUMENTS so ESSENTIAL to AUTHENTICITY and .coitnnoTNESE. could be obtained. . • The Scion(' Volume. completing this Work, will be Issued in March, 1860. Agents )yantod to engage in Its sale In ovary town an* county iu tho United States. Llboral inducommits offered. For particulars apply to & addross, . • ABIERICAN'PWILiSIIING COMPANY, ' 148. Asylum Street, Dartford, Conn. SCRANTON k Pma, Agents. Jan. 6, 1866-Im. pooRESSING CASES, Ladies' and ontlomon'a. , 15, 1865. AT 11AVERBTIOIC8. 1:1T$, Corifeationary arid Fruits at flavprittlak's. • , NOTICE: • lII_ATING. purokisedLthq_entiro_iitopk-- and fixturoe 'of dallies Ai. Allen & Co., on North never etroot, Carlisle, I will in a short time rendne the eandi to ;tho Store ItOom of A. Serseman,,Esq., on West Main street,".where I will always keep on hand 'IL well aeloctod stock of Sue Groceries, Queenaware t Glass and:Willow ware, &o.;&e. • JOHN w. A.L.t.EN.— , Cattalo, January 100 18000.4 y. LUMBER.' . • 710 Railroad Companies, Bridge build. ors, House and Barn Builders, or any company of in ividuals that ink," want to contract for Bail 1114 Ties, Bridge Timber, or .Ft'amos for Buildings, to be de livered next Spring or B,:unmer will do well to lot their wants be known to the subsoriber, as be has a desirable lot of TIMBER lying , - .11 Alogutain Creek, near Laurel Forgo, which he will `flanufacture info Lumber of all descriptions as soon thee is a demand opon for it.. Address _ _ F. 13. 120..W 3 R 8 , Nrulrna, Now linmp.chire Dee. 8,1866-3rtio*. R. GI VIN, SAME,. KENIPTON,jr 011 AB. 11. BICILLIN. Wheeler & Wilson and Howe. LOCK STITCH OKWINO NEACHINES. The Best AS'implest and Cheapest. r HE Wheeler & Wilson machines are adapted to all kinds of family sewing, working equally well upon Silk, Linen and Cotton goods, with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sowed. Prices of Wheeler S Wilson machines: No. 3 machine plain, $55 " 2 Ornamental bronze, $65 " 1 " Silver plated, $75 The Howe Sewing Machine. The attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers is called to this—the best of Shut tle Sowing Machin.. It is unanimously admitted to be the beet machine for leather work 9r tailoring ever given to the public. Price of Howe machines: Letter A machine $OO Is recommended for family sowing Tailoring, Shoe binding Shd Gaiter fitting. Letter B. machine. $7O , 7. or,. .too J.g.gor thsn A machine. melted, to eh. same work. Letter C. muchine, $B5 Is recommended for heavy Tailoring. Boot and Shoe work and Carriage trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do fine work well, and has a much larger Shut tle than the smaller machines. Call and examine at Rail Road Telegraph Office, Car. lisle, Pa. Oct. 27, 1805—tf. GEO. BRINDLE, Er OEO. BRINDLE, jr, 8,627 55 944 53 1,216 14 445,8(0 08 CONFECTIONARY I REAM WORK, Stars, Tulips, Bon bons, A-lamode, Chocolates, Hands, Cocoanut arid CREAM Dec 15,1865 AT 11A THRSTICKS. OEO. P. MYERS THOMPSON MYERS PROPS.- • Mint, Chocolate, Cmun, I.nnlan,Orango, Vann ,se and Idneg. Doe. 15, 186(). AT 11AVE1tSTICKS. QTICKS. Mint, Teaberry, Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Bose, Nouga, Vanilla. Dee 15, 1565. AT lIA VP:I:STICKS. RUCK -CANDY, Secrets French and Common Dec. 15, 1565. AT IIA V VItSTIC AFine assortment, of Candy, Toys of it•mork,o., Frenell and German makes. De,. 15, 1565. AT 11.1VERVICIC,. T the Duneannon TJnion Lumber Mill, 4 miles north east of Sterrett's (lap, Jl ml es west of DuncannOn, 1 mile south of Billow Bridge, near Odor point. 100,u00 ft. Yellow.Pino flooring, dry. 50,000 ft. Aelin tt I both Oak and Pine, all Niles. 4(1,000 ft. 2 inch Barn flooring, Yellow Pine, 10 to Di et, dry 25,000 ft in Yellow l'ine Boards, Dry. A large lot of Watherhoarding. A large lot of Oak Boards.. A largo lot of Shingling laths. A large lot of Sealing Laths, A large lot of White Pine Shingles. A large lot of Chestnut Shingles. Poplar Boards, Plank and Scantling. Oak Boaros, Scantling and Plank. Sawed lair post and fencing hoards. MICE= Chestnut rolls and cord wood, $1,50 per cord. The above we have always on hand, and are prepared to saw all klutlp of bills to order, surh as Machine and Car Lumber, Wagon Maker Iminber, Building timber, We can saw 47 ft. In length, and are so fixed that we con fill orders In the very shortest notice, at any time also so prepared to deliver Lumber at any point by tall rood an by teams Please give Ivu call before purchasing elsewhere, we are selling lit low prices. KOLTEIt, LATIMER & lIOSHOUR. Dungannon, Perry Co. Pa. Doc. 1, 1855.-3m*. (_ ,:-_- , /r 4i/x/(7p/ 6 immit .ciLlr.oloi[rar At Carlisle, Pa. Highly Important to Young Men ! YOUNG MEN out al employment: YOUNG MEN about nugaging in lousiness; YOUNG MEN who have had limited advantages for an education ; YOUNG MEN wall Yarned In other respect ii, hut defl ctent In any of the branches taught in a that class Business College; YOUNG MEN W 110 WOllld imssesa tho best means for for ready and lucrative employment; YOUNti MEN who N 1 Mild avoid bring hunihnged by going two and three hundred miles to Commercial Srlloo6, ut all expense of front $3OO to $ 5OO , vill do well to consider the merits of this Institution d home, which upon pr oper inquiry and' investigation viii be 'band to present facilities and accommodations °coed to none In the country. n this department legitimate transaction cf Trade and liminess Forms, are daily practiced by making actual mrchases and sales, In the Model Store, connected with he College; mmplied with samples of Dry 611016. Also regular Bank of Deposit and Issue, with a working /maid of 5100,000, in which students 1111 in turn the po- Ilion of Cashier, Paying and Receiving 'feller, Discount nut Cheek Clerk, Sc., BRANCH ES TAUGHT. nookkeeping, in nil Its forms and applications. Calculatione, Connietendency, Forms, Sic Mercantile TAW, with regular recitations,. • - - Penmanship In every style of the art. Phonography ,Telegraphing by regular circuit of Wire and Instruments For further particulars address A. M. TRIMMER, Carlisle, Po. [SEND FOR CIRCULAR.) Nov. 10, 1005. Large and varied stook of G roceries, QUeonsware, CANNEI4 4 FRUIS, Seures, Fish. Sc. s4e , which I ato selling at tlio very lowost Cash Prices. Thom Indebted to the stilineribee, ned pu - rtlataharly thoen lu arreara'for a lonatb of time will come forward and promptly pay up, as longer delay will not be sub mitted to. Nov. 3, 1805. Wsl. BENTZ. THE best Cook Stoves in the Market can be bad at Win. Fridley's Tluner Shop East Louther St., Carlisle at the sign of the lied Coffee Pot, also parlor, and pealing stoves n! all kinds. -Nov. 3, 1865—tf. Losses paid in 46 years over 817,000,000. Net Assets Jon. 1, 1865. $3,677,362 71. , ' • FIRE AND 'INLAND RISKS. • Agencies in an Dm:principal .01tios and Towns in the United States. . ' Applleatkone for insurance promptlynttend• ed to IT '' • • IL M. DONEIIOO, Agent, Capt. DONEIIOO, is agent also for the Metropolitan Biro Ineuranco Company, Tho Guardian Life Insur ance Company, and the Travelers' Insurance Company, for all of which Bab advertisements in another coluien. N9v 1 .214.1805. • • . . - * Burni, Rose, Colfoo, Vanilla and Chocolate, I ea. 16, 1805. AT ue.vmunismis fino ore • • Room in "Marion. , • Hall" building, now noou p plod byL:Boinaritlt Sorn; r 1 1 . as a (Nothing • Storellar 'town, ,Is for font from tho first of April tiottv , The: Boom Is' 24 by 4 . 0 foot, wllh Conntors and flholvlng, tho lattor onnlosed with glass. ~ • •• • - Jim 15, 1600.4 P. J . ,' w ? lst _. Lumber ! Lumber ! ACT UA L BUSINESS Always On Miami I. STOVES ! STOVES! 1 STORE ROOM FOR :RENT ! READING RAIL ROAD .44-27.÷ 4:601.• • :: *AO 6 • WINTER ARRANGEMENT. fj_REA.T TRUNK LINE FROM ISE Nil North and .North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Tamaqua, Ash land, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Av., &a. Trains leave Harrisburg for NoW York; as follows At 3.00, 7 . .25 and 9 06 A. M., and 1.45 and 0.00 P. M., arriving at New York at 6.40 and 10 00 A. M., and 11.40 and 10 36 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road; Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 and 0.06 A. M.,. Trains, without 'change. Loavo Ilarrisburirfor Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minorsville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil. adelphia, at 7.26 A. M. and 1.46 and 900 P. 61., stop ping at hobanon.and all Way Stations; the 9.00 P. 61., Train making io closo connections for Pottsville nor Philadelphia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquelinnna Rail Road, leavo Harrisburg at 4.00 P. M. . . Returning: Leave Now York at 0.00 A. Al., 12.00 Noon and 8.00 P. 111; Philadoldhla at 8 00 A. M., and 3.30 P. M., Pottsville at 8.80 A. M.,' and 2.46 P. M., Ashland 6.00 and 11.45 A. M., and 1.16 P. M; Tama qua at 7.36.0. M., and 1,40 P. M. Loavu Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Bail Road, at 0.45 A. M. Reading Accommodation Trairi : Leaven Reading at 0.30 A. M., returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 0.10 A. M. and 0.15 P. hi. for Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster, Colum bia, &o. On Sundays Leave New Yor at 8.00 P. M., Phila delphia 0.15 P. M., Pottsville 8.00 A. M. Tamagni% 8,00 A. Si., Harrisburg 0.06 A M. and Reading at 1.00 A. id. for Harrisburg, and 10.52 A. Si. for New York. Commutation, Mileage, Beason, School and Excur sion Tickets to and from all points, at reduced Bates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds alloy; od each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, Beading, Pa. Dec. 8, 1886. General Superintendent. DR. HENRY LANGEHEINE, PILYSICIAN AND ASTRO-EON I T_T Living returned from Germany, my 11 office will hereafter be at my residence, in ffouth Hanover street, in the house formerly occupied by Dr. Bonder, wherel will always be found when not ab sent professionally. Nov. 10, 1805-3r00.. Goods Suitable For Holiday Presents HENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH STREET. PIIILADELPILIA. WATCHES, FIRE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, and Superior Silver Plated Ware. Nov. 24, 1865-3 m. General Insurance Agency. THE undersigned is agent for the fol lowing Life and Fire Insurance Companies, viz., Mutual Life Insurance Company, Now York. Home Fire Arctic • " Manhattan " It Enterprise'''." Philadelphia. Particular attention given to Peryotual Insurance. Bates as low as consistent with security. Office with C. P. Ilumrich, Esq., in Marlon Hall Building, Main street, Carlisle. SAAIUKI. K. HUMRICII, Gen•!. Agent Doe. 4, 1805—fm EX ECUTOR'S NOTICE. - Letters testamentary on the estate of Susan. mph mierlich, dee'd., late of , Carlisle, Pa, having be• n issued to the subscriber, residing at the same place Notice is hereby giving teal! persons indebted to said estate to make payment and those having claims to present them for settlement to WM. lIAIINITZ, Executor. Uwe. 22, 18(15 AUCTION! AUCTION! AUCTION BEGINS TO-DAY 11 - A V ING sold my store-house, I will Fell all my Jewelry Store and fixings at auction as they most he cleared out immediately. The Lock coneiate of a large :ate, Five large Silver Show Cases, plate glass, three upright Cases, ono large En pie alga, two large RENCI I MIRRORS, and all Ulu watch makers lonia And stock, a large lot of Clocks of every description, Watches, Gold Hunting Cafes, English Levers and Silver of every kind, Gold and Silver pens and pencils, Gold and Silver chain°, Gold and Silver flings of the hest quality, also a large lot of Silver and Silver plated ware, OIL PAINTINGS, Paintings on glass &c., which will he sold without re gard to price, alto a large oil cloth, almost new, fifteen feet bY forty feet, at the sign of the Gold Eagle, Main street, EINEM Presents for all at Haverstien. %7 BITING Desks, Papier, Machie, v R: Walnut. De,, IG, 14115 wF. SADLER, Attorney at Law, . Carnolo ()Moo In Volunteer Building, South Honorer Street. 1 C 'HERMAN, Attorney at Law, . Uarlhdo, l'a. Next door to the Herald °Nee. July 1,1864-Iy.. TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at 'JoI uv, Carlisle, Pa. Office ou the south aide of the Court house, adjoining the "American Printing Office." July 1, 1864-Iy. . TOSEPH RITNEH, Jr., Attorney at ti Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on Bail Road Street, two doors north of the Bank. tra.llitsineas promptly attended to. July 1, 1864. 1,1 E. BE IiTZ liOOVER, Attorney oat Law Office in South Hanover street, opposite ileuta's dry good store Carlisle, Pa. September 5,1864. M. WEAKLEY, Attorriqy at Law, er • office on south Hanover street, adjoining the Mike of.ludge graham. All professional business en trusted to him will be promptly attended to. • July 1, 18114. QAMUEL HE P BURN, Jr., Attorney ►l33nt Law. Office with Ilon. Samuel Hepburn, Main St. Carlini° I'a, July I, 1804. T AW cmth.—CEIARLES E. MA -4_4OLA UMILIN, Attorney at Law, Office In Inhoff's just opposite the Market Ilona°. July 1, 1804-Iy. NO. C _2lttorney at Law, Q l Carlisle, Offlitit thrnmly occupied by Judy.] lissover Sept.,, her i, I P 65. P. 14 UMERICH , Attorney at Law' vi e Office on North Hanover street, a (Mx doors north of Gill'H Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. July 1, 1864. (4 UM BELTING ! • Just received a large assortment of all sizes— Gum Belting, Gum Hose, Gum Packing, Sc., and for sale cheap at the Hardware Store of SAXTON. Juno 25, 1864. riJ RS FURS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIFIIMILES OARIFORD & SONS, OfiIIftENTAL HOTEL; PHILADELPHIA Have now ogen their large and aplen did stock of I ADIES' FUR CAPES, COLLARS, MUFFS, CUFFS, GLOVES, AND ROODS. Aloe tho finest assortment of FANCY FUR ROBES, OAPS, MUFFLERS, and GLOVES over before offored hrthem, all of whlch are warranted to be as represent .• SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT Oct. 20, 1806-4 mo. Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ,e ; .forty tillioront styles. arluptod to snored nod secu lar mush. for ;lit() to 800tesob. FIFTY-ONE or SI./.1 7 1.11: NINDALS, or other trot premiums award. ed doom Illustrated Catalogues iron. Address. MA SON & 11.A1111,1N, toms, or,MASON ' nROTlf 121 i H, Nsw YORK. =II= D I-1 YSICIANti. will find it to their ad vauta2o to cull and purchaso Moir Modloinott ut July. 1, 1564 ORK ,BOXES, Cabas, -Port Fo lios Tourists Desks, Confectionary Boxes, Games of di ' ' Deo; 16, 1,8135, •VEIOTOGRAPH ALBUMS all sizes and styles es.ls, 1806.. • f ADIES COMPANIONS,. • • all sorts shailas and slzes. • se. l6;1806, ' AT nAv4sTiqu's LollolcE. sE&Rs .&"TOBAcoo, .! AT RALSTON'S • • . . LA 111118,59.04 airs Htti4s '_on Al l an a of all ,kinda. , Elizabethtown 'pattern, Loudon do., Common do., With and Without - patebt illetenluge theaper than over at IL SAXTON'S,' East Jfaln at, i July 1,1864.. ',. '',' ); ;( c • , ,; 1 • •• -,,, tiIIYSIMANS will find it to their,act: . vintage to call and nurobige their Medicine SA R. E. SIIAPLEY AT HAVER:U[OIKB FiTRS AT HAVERSTIOMB AT HAVERST4OK9 RUSTON'S:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers