Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 26, 1866, Image 1

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Nor htercantile Advertisements,
Legal Notices
Professional Cards without paper,
Obituary Nottoes an . Communion
tiona Sol Ling to matte' sof pri•
vote Interests alone, 10 cents per
101 l PRINTING.—Our Job Printing Offictris the
Nest and most complete establishment in the
.loun'y. Four good Presses, and a general variety of
notarial suited for plain and Fancy work of every
'chid, enables us to do Job Printing at the shortest
ootico, and on the most roasouable terms. Persons
in want of Bills, Blanks, or anything in tho Jobbing
line, will find it io their interest to give us a call.
6earrai- linformation.
Vic° President—L. S. FOSTER,
Secretary of State—Wm. ll.SswenD,
Secretary of Interior—JAß. HARLAN,
Secretary of Treasury—Noon McUnwed,
Secretary o fWar—EDWIN M. STANTON,
Post Master 0 oneral—Wm. DENNISON.
Chief Justice of the United States—SALMON D. CHASE
uoVernor—ANDßEW' (4. CURTIN,
Sntwotary of Stato—Est SLOPER,
Surveyor Goneral—J AMES Y. RARE,
Attorney Goneral—{Vet. M. MEREDITH.
A.J.jUtallt General—A L. RUSSELL,
State Treasurer—llENßY D. Moonie,•tle of the Supremo Court—Gto. W.Woon
President Judge—Hon. James 11. Graham.
Associate Judges—Hon. Michael Cocklin, lion.
Hugh Stuart.
District Attorney—Charles E. Maglaughlin.
Prothonotary—Samuel Shireman.
Clerk and Recorder—Ephraim Cornman,
Register—Cleo W. North.
High Sheriff—John Jacobs.
County Treasurer—Levi Zeigler.
Coroner—David Smith.
County Commissioners—Henry Karim, John Al
:oy, Alexander Mock.
Superintendent of Poor House—Henry Snyder.
Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Dale.
Physician to Poor House—Dr. W. W. Dale.
Chief Burgess—John Campbell,
Assistant Burgess—William Cameron,
Town Council—East Ward—J. W. U. Helen, An,
drew B. Zeigler, Geo. Wetzel, Chas. U. Hoffer, Barnet
Hoffman, West Ward—A. K. Rheem, John Hays, Eobt.
M. Black, S. L. Hillman,,Clerk, Jas. M. ',Loonhammer.
Borough Treasurer, build Cullman.
High Constable, Emanuel Swartz, Ward Constables,
East Ward, Andrew Martin, Wont Ward, James Wid•
Assoßsor—Willlum Nonkor
Auditor—A. K. Sheafer.
Tax Collector—Andrew K err, Ward Colleclora—East
Ward, Jacob Goodyear. West Ward, 11 it
Street Commissioner, Patrick Madden.
Justices of the Peace—A. L. Spengler, David Smith,
Abrm. Dahnli, Michael Holcomb.
Lamp 'Lighters—Alex. Meek, Levi Albert.
First Presbyterian Church, Northwest angle of Cen
ire Square. Roy. Conway P. Wing Poston—Services
every Sunday Morning at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7
o'clock P. M.
Second Presbyterian Church, corner of South Han
over and Pomfret streets. Rev. John C. Bliss, Pastor.
Services commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 . o'clock
P. M.
St. John's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle
of Centre'Square. Rev. f' J. Clerc, Ittactot. Services
at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock, P. M.
English Lutheran Church, Bedford, between Main
and Louther streets. Rev. Snell Spre.'ker, Pastof. Ser—
vices at 11 o'clock A. M., and 6). o'clock P. M.
German Reformed Church. Louther, between Ham
over and Pitt streets. Rev. Samuel Philips, Pastor.
.iervices at II o'clock A. 71., and 6 o'clock I'. M.
Methodist E. Church (first charge) corner of Main
and Pitt Streets. Rev. Thomas 11. Sherlock, Pastor.
Services at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock P. 111.
Methodist E. Church (second charge,) Rev. S. L
Bowman, Pastor. Services in Emory M. E. Church at 1
o'clock A. M., and :.1-‘, I'. M.
Church of God Chapel, South West cor. of West St.
and Chapel Alley. Itev. B. F. Beck, Pastor. Services
at 11 a, m., and p. m".
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near Eastst.
Rev Pastor. Services every other Sab
bath. at 10 o'clock. Vespers at 3 I'. M.
Gorman Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret and
Bedford streets. Rev C. Fritz.), Pastor. Services at
1 o'clock P. M.
ty,.When changes in the above are necessary the
roper porters are requested to notify us.
Ttev. . Heenan M. Johnson, D. D., President and Pro
fessor of Moral Science and Biblical Literature.
Samuel D. Hillman, A. M., Professor of Mathematics.
John K. Staymtn, Professor of the Latin and
French Languages.
Hon. •lames H. Graham, LL. D., Professor of Law.
Charles F. !limes, A. M., Professor of Natural Sd-.
!co an s Curator of the Museum.
Rev. James A. McCauley, A. It., Professor of the
creek and German Languages.
Rev. Bernard 11. Nadal!, D. D., Professor of Philoso
phy and English Language.
Rev. Henry C. Cheston, A. M.. Principal of the
Grammar School.
A. M. Trimmer, Principal of the Commercial Depart
C. Watson McKeehan, Assistant In Grammar School,
and Teacher of Penmanship.
CORPORATION: — The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen
of St. John's Church Carlisle.
The Rev. F. J. Clem, D. D., Rector and Treasurer.
Mrs. John It. Smead, Principal.
Miss U. E. Webster, Vice Principal.
Miss A. IL Donkersley, Instructor In Languages.
Miss L. L. Webster, Instructor in Mathematics and
Vocal Music.
Mrs. M. M. Ego, Teacher of Piano.
Miss E. 0 rah am, 'reacher of Drawing and Painting-
Rev. S. Philips, Lecturer on Elocution and Psychol
E. Hornman, President, James Hamilton, H. Saxton.
It. C. Woodward, Henry Nowsham, C. IP. Humerich.
Sact'y , 3. W. - Eby, Treasurer, John Sphar, Messenger,
Moot on the Ist Monday of each Month at 8 o'clock A.
M., at Education
CVELISLE DEPOSIT DANlC—Prosident, R. M. Gender
son; Cashier, J. P. Hassler, Tellers, L. A. Smith and W
A. Cos; Messenger, Jho. Underwood; Directors, R. M
Ilenderson, President, It. C. Woodward, John D. Gor,
gas, John Stuart, jr., Abm. Boller, Henry Saxton
Skiles Woodburn, J. J. Logan, Wm. B. Mullin.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK.—Preßidont, S. Hepburn;
Cashier, .1. C. Hofer; Clerks, It. C. Smead, J. O. Orr,
L. It. Brenneman ; S. Hepburn, Walker, J. S. Sterrett,
I. Brenneman, W. B. Mullin, .1. B. Leidig, W. F. Sad
ler, Direetors. Discount-day Tuesday.
Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Edward
M. Diddle: Superintendent, 0. N. Lull. Passenger
trains three times a day. Carlisle Accommodation,
Eastward, leaves Carlisle 5.65 A. 51., arriving at Car
lisle 5.20 P. M. Through trains East ward,lo.lo A, M.
and 2.42, P. M. Westwardkt 9.27, A. M., and 2.66 P.
CARLISLE OAS AND WAIST'. Cons en WY.—President, Lem
uel Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Sponr•lor ; Superintonden,
George Wleo : Directors, F. Watts, Wm. M. Deetemt
H. M. Diddle, henry Saxton, R. C. Woodward, J. W.
Patton, F. Gardner and D. 0, Croft.
Cumberland Star Lodge No. 107, A. Y. M. meets at
Marion Hall on the Sad and 4th Tuesdays of every
St. John's Lodge No. 260 A, Y. M. Moots 3d Thurs
day of each month, at Marion Hall. ... 4'
Carlisle Lodge No. 01 I. 0. of 0. F. • MetiP Monday,
evening, at Trout's building.
Letort.Lodge No. 63, 1. 0. of 0. T. Meets every
Thursday evening in Rheem's Hall, 3d story.
The Union Fire Company was organized in 1780.-
11°mo:do louther, between Pittand Hanover.
The Cumberland Fire Company was instituted Feb.
18, 1800. House in Bedford, between Main and Porn.
fret. .
The Good Will Fire Company• was instituted. in
March, 1855. Hones in Pomfret, near Hanover.
The Empire Hoolf. and Ladder Compeny was ins tn.
ted in /M. House in Pitt, near Main.
Postage on all letters of one half ounce weight or
tinder, Weonts pro paid.
Postage on the HERALD Within the County, free.
Within the State 13 cents par antfum. To any part
of the United States, 26 cents Postage on all tran•
Mont papers, 2 'cents per ounce. 'Advertised letters to
be charged with cost of advertising.
Photograptia , Ambrotypes, Ivorytyp ea
Beautiful Albums I Beautiful Frames I
Albums ter Ladles and'Oeutionien,
Albums for Misses, and for Children,
-..Pocket - Albums tor Soldiers and Civilians!
Choicest Albums! Prettiest Albums I Cheapest Albums!
Fresh and New from Now York and Philadelphia
' Markets:
IPf ; - yeu want satisfactory Pictures arid.
polite attention call at Mrs. It. A. Smith'Photo
graVhie Gallery, South Fast Corner of Hanover Strad
and illarkbt Square, opposite the Court House and Post'
Office, Carlisle, . Pa.
Mrs. B. A. Smith well known as Mrs. It.-A.lleynolds,
and' so well known as' a Daguerrean Artist, gives per
sonal attention to Ladles and Gentlemen visiting her
Gallery r andhavlng Hip best of Artists And, polite at:
fondants ,can, safely prdmiso that in no other Gallery
can those who fai , or her with a call get pietbres snpo
rior-to halo, not Amen in Now York or Philadelphia, or
moot WithAtere kind and prompt attention,
ArabrOtme tiMorted in Hingil; Lockets, Breast Pins,
ace. ,:Perfeet doptea of Daguerrotypes and Anibrotypes
made oldliceaVionas: Where copies are defaced,
life-like pictures my still be bad, either for frames or
for cards. , All negatives preskryod ono year and orders
by molter Othervrieepromptly attended to.— •
Decerape 2.3 /864--tf
itoiconor;4l'tficf'` . PHtSlClAN,
''SicrgOit find' ;.61:ccoucif Our
Ottigg r .
diighd M AW.'
41Si; t
26 00
4 00
7 00
VOL. 65.
A. K. RHEEM, Publisher
~~~1 n~~~llll~~~~~~.
From Washington.
Special Correspondence of the Carlisle HERALD
WASHINGTON, D. 0., Jan. 16, 1806
The attention of the House has been gen
erally confined to the consideration of negro
suffrage in the District, and it would appear,
in comparison, that other subjects of great
national importance occupy but secondary
importance. It is not surprising, the vast
interest centered upon this, the leading ques
tion of the day, when the momentous issues
involved are reflected upon, and the bearing
it will have, after being reduced to a practi
cal working shape, throughout the length
and breadth of the land. Tho opposition, well
knowing this, are using almost superhuman
efforts to stay the element in favor of the
bill, and in their' arguments against its pas
sage, speak of a certain repetition of St. Do
mingo horrors, the total overthrow of our
social system, and other contingencies, ter
rible only in contemplation. Rhetorical dis
play and sophistry, however, will be of no
avail against the sound reasoning and safe
judgment of such statesmen as Hon. Charles
Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens, who not only
believe in the declaration that "all men were
created with certain inalienable rights," but
will wield their immense influence, ultimate
ly with success, in developing the eligibility
of the colored man, in every sphere in the
country, to the elective franchise.
The proposition to equalize the bounties
of discharged soldiers, thus securing to those
who volunteered at the commencement of
the war through patriotism alone, a modi
cum at least of the largo premiums granted
by the Government to volunteers of 1863-
4, has received a damper, and I am afraid
" we" will have to rest content with the
" laurels" already won. In a report to tho
Military Commission of the House, the Pay
master General demonstrates the sum re
quired by the provisions of the scheme to be
of such startling magnitude, as to awaken
grave doubts of its - feasibility. It is safe,
therefore, to presume, that notwithstanding
the demands of justice and equity toward
that class of volunteers alluded tc, nothing
will be done this session in furtherance of
the object.
Everything must have an end, and so the
sale of articles at the Dead Letter Office. -
During the six weeks it has been pending,
more than six thousand articles were dis
posed of to parties for whom they were not
intended. Alas, for the uncertainty of every
thing perishable I Tokens of love from moth
er to son, from sweetheart to lover, and ob
jects of more practical purposes, Were as
ruthlessly knocked down as any ordinary
articles of exchange, and as if no associa
tions that once were dear, had ever clustered
around them. In these nightly sales human
affections were quite ignored, and man's
'proverbial inhumanity fully exemplified by
the ribald jest and unseemly remark attend
ing the transfer of souvenirs valuable only
as emblems of affection.
Maggio Mitchell is playing, an engage- .
ment at Grover's, and taking the hearts of
those whose sensitive natures aro rather sus
ceptible of being moved by her " matchless
creation" of Fanchon. In this role she is
inimitable ; con manding the sympathies of
her auditors at will, and who aro always
perfectly passive under the eloquence of her
touching simplicity. A greater sensation
than even " Blind Tom" produqd, is now
being created by Master Richard Coker,
leading soprano at Trinity Church, New
York, a child of 14 years. This wonderful
musical prodigy is giving vocal concerts
here, electrifying everybody with the sweet
ness and compass of his voice. The Milton
ian Tableaux are being exhibited at Odd
Fellow's Hall, and from the crowds nightly
striving for admission, I opine with success.
Snow began to fall about noon yesterday
and continued to descend until a late hour
in the night. Sleighs wore called into re
quisition, and the
-" tintinabulation of the bells,"
and the sweet voices of lovely ladies, blend
ing the zest of enjoyment with the harmony
of song, made the air redolent with melody.
Brom Chamber's Journal.
My husband and I were married at the ca
tbedral in Calcutta in the rn onth of May. Not,
long after, his health became delicate, and
he was compelled to apply for leave of ab
sence, so that the following February found
us in our native country, George laughing
ly said that he was much obliged to his
liver for giving him an opportunity of ex
hibiting his newly wedded wife before his
friends and relatives in the pride of her
youth. But I did not sit down to write
about myself, 'nor, indeed,- about George,
although, if I once begin to speak about him,
oniet leave off,- he is such a dear, good fel
low. My sister had the impudiMce to call
him plain, but they, don't understand the
expression that lights up his facewhen he
is animated. But enough of took
up my pen to tell you a story—a rather cu
rious affair that happened when I was staying
in London.
We were on a visit to my busbanks ma
ternal uncle, Sir Peter Peckovor,' the great
railway t director, 'who lives at No. 9 Turtle
AtardolyGormandy Square—that is to say,
I was on a visit there, for George 'very soon
got tired of the long wearisome dinner par
ties, and indeed I am sure they wore very
bad for his darling stomach ; so he wont
twenty miles into the country to sea an old'
schoolfellow, and loft me all alone with his
grand relations. -• I did no,t like it much; for
Sir Peter is very stiff and pompous'; - Lady
Peek Over over so kind, but rather fond of
kS'eping everybody in order; and 'as for
Julia, with whoni Geoige was so anxious'
that I should cultivate an intimaby—well, ,
we hairs not an idealn comnion, except 6n
the subject of Venetian point ; ace•whichTie'
both adore.
One reason why I don't like Julia,-18,)
that she has Such a dreadfully bad eipinion ,
of her fellow creatures. She thinks -deeep,
don is the, rule, and sincerity the eicePtcon,
and.refuses to- believe . anything eiCept on
what she calls the . evidence of hor 'Senses..
This,' however, aloes not prevent her' from be;
liovirig: in spirit-raPping.' - you :
otilriitance of hotantrodiaio j Jot st;potitii
~ ,
~ ~ .r
~s ~, ,
;; , , ~ ..
i ~`
trifling, but it leads naturally up. to the :story
whici I wish to tell.
One day Julia and I had been to the Lon
don Crystal Palace to buy some useless little
ornament or other, and were returning on
foot. Just as we entered Gormandy Square,
I cried out : . 0 Julia, there's a native of
India swooping a crossing I Poor man I I
should so like to speak Hindustani to him,
and give him a sixpence. How cold he must
be, this biting March day I"
"My dear child," returned Julia, with
an air of superior wisdom, " you were
brought up in the country, were you not,
before you went out to India ?"
" Entirely," I answered.
'.Well, then, take*the benefit of my me
tropolitan experience, and don't waste your
sixpences on so unworthy an object. If
your sixpence is burning in your pocket,
give it to mamma for her ' Laundresses'
Mutual Benefit Club."
"But it would be such fun talking Hin
dustani to a native in London," I pleaded.
" You would only be encouraging lazi
ness and vice„' said Julia sevoiely.—
" This man if really a native of India,
must be a Lascar, and ought to have re.-
turned home with his ship. But I don't be
lieve he is an Indian at all. He is proba-
bly an Irishman."
"An Irishman! my dear Julia ; look at
his dross and complexion."
"The effects of walnut-juice," replied
Miss Peckover sternly. "If you wore to
come behind him unti'wares, and run a pin
into him" (Julia said this with quite a rel
ish, as itshe would really like to do it,)
"the bad language which he would infalli-
bly make use of would be in the Irish
Julia had dragged me along while we
were talking, so that by the time she had
spoken this last sentence, wd had reachOd
Two gentlemen called that afternoon, one
Mr. Fishplate Gage, who is said to be a
very clever person, but I don't care the least
about him, for he talks of nothing but rail
way matters ; the other, Mr. Arthur Long
Bowman, a barrister in the Temple, who
never gets any briefs, but lives partly on
his father, and partly on his contributions
to the magazines. He is very amusing, and
we had a most agreeable conversation to
gether, while Julia and Mr. Gage were sol
emnly discui;ing the prospects of the bill
which the Great Extension Railway had
brought before parliament for a line between
Pedlington Parva and Stoke Pogis.
"Apropos.of a° number of foreign na
tionalities settled in London, Mr. Bowman,
I said, " d6 - yOti - balid - Vdthat there are any
Hindu crossing-sweepers? My cousin Julia
declares they are all Irishmen."
" Miss Peckover must be extra-sceptical,
then, even in this sceptical age, replied Mr.
Bowmen. " Why, there is an unmistakable
Hindu who sweeps a crossing within two
hundred yards of this house."
"The very man whom 1 noticed as my
cousin and 1 were coming home! In Gor
mandy Square, is he not ?"
" Yes. Now, lam not skilled in oriental
languages, but I have not tho least doubt ho
is a genuine native. Besides I have studied
the crossing-sweeper, as an interesting varie-
y of the human species, in all his phases
I have watched him slink homewards with
his broom under his arm ; I have seen him
having deposited that valuable tool in his
humble garden, re-emerge in a peajacket,
with an independent bearing, for the pur
pose of purchasing the tripe, or the sheep's
head, or the saveloy which forms his savory
evening meal. As for the Hindu in Lon
don, my dear Mrs. Miles, he is a wonderful
creature—wonderful for tho tenacity with
which ho clings to the customs of his fatherL•
land. I could take you., if it were a fit
for lady to visit, to an oriential• Colonil in
the far east of London, where bit fob
difference of buildings and climate, 'yob
might conceive yourself in Calcutta. No
11 in that street (I like to bo exact,) to out
ward appearance an ordinary house, is in
reality a heathen temple, chock-full of
idols, where, regardless of the clergyman
of the parish, the expatriated Hindu does
solemn poojah ; while in the back yard, aid
ed by the poles and lines of a conniving
washerwoman, the dread ceremonies of the
churruck are inaugurated. You know what
I mean 7"
" Of course ; swinging with hooks fasten
ed in their flesh."
" Precisely. Nay, I have heard, but
will not vouch for the fact," continued Mr.
Bowman gravely, "that on one cohesion, a
worn-out Blackwell omnibus was purchased
at Aldridge's Repository by a number of
Hindus.. Can you guess their object, Mrs,
Miles ?"
" I can," I answered with a shudder
for a Juggernaut-cart."
"Just so,"
massive figure-head of a condemned East
Indiaman served for the god;-- .. while.....the
_omnibus,--crammed - with - yelling devotees,
was driven up and down the confined space
of that back-yard. To depict such a scene,
with its combined elements of grotesquerie
, horror, would require the pencil of a
Compared with this exciting conversation
how tamo and prosaic sounded our neigh
bor's dialogue ?
The only real opposition ,proceeds from
Jackson,". I heard Mr. Gagesay,. Every
body else has' been bought off. We've' of-
Dired him a station close to his 'park gates,
if he litres it, but he won't listen to it."
" HIS ideal mnst bp, Very oid fashioned,"
observed Julia quietly:
I -forgot to saythat Mr. ago and Julia
wore lovers, and tbiswaft their way.Cf Court.:
014 of,my dear George, and
remomber.his romantic sentinients,
[aria enthusiasm, so aadordaiit with MY Own
ce i rMote . : l ?#'totio thcinhfni;thet4-but
I Williay,n9, more on,that pubject. .
• For wonderi•thero Wa!t •i iiii' dinner "'party
that it 4' 47 :4;"l'O' ih 4 a ; 7!.TY, PAea' 3 ,Ak.
d evening;-that ifs aay, , Mr; Peter
dqzed. comfortably in an. arm-chair . by the
enti-Macatistir'dv,'or his head ;'.
L4 4:Y e#Pl , lro:#:?ere#PAie. pile'
ofi iil4,:c6ypr 9 ,'.triulomnens3 boolts4. -Julia
.Pfnctised 'morqaux•frota lfirella on
'the planofortp anti:composed 'delight,=
‘ 4 1.N.11.9r-;dear ,George, in: exchange
fof his.ahabby epiatle•of ton lines, whicli•was
, altoetittPied'iktbilitideticilirtiOn'Pf a gigaii:
, ~,,,„,
~-said Mr. Bowman. " Tho
•, .\
,•,.,....,,,•,::.,,,,..,....:;.v.,.„. .r.
• , ::..
, :i V. 1" '
.. .
-- '.'l . . ; I; . ' '. •. ..'. ( • ‘.: )
• •••.....-.
Carlisle, Pa., Friday, January 26, 1866
tic pike which ho had captured. About
eleven o'clock we all went up stairs; but I
eat up till twelve brushing my hair, and
reading over a choice packet of George's
love-letters—models of manly devotion—but
I forbear.
My fire had begun to burn low, as a hint
that I had better go to bed ; and I had just
folded up the last of these beloved letters,
when suddenly I recollected that I had left
my work-box down stairs. I did not like to
leave it there till the morning, for it contain
ed a bracelet which was George's first pres
ent, and I could not have slept quietly if it
had not been in my own keeping. It was
very provoking, for at the Peckover's house
there is nothing but gni burned,— gas in the
kitchen, in the sitting-rooms, and in the bed
rooms. If there had been a wax-taper in the
room, I should have lighted it, of course ; and
if there had been a box of lucifers, I should
have taken them with me : but there was
no taper, and not a single match in the or
namental box placed on my dressing table.
I did not care to carry a lighted alumette in
my hand, for fear of setting fire to Sir Peter's
beautiful carpets ; so I determined to go
down in the dark. I remembered exactly
where I had left the work-box ; it was on
the left hand corner of the Louis-Quatorzc
table, in the breakfast porter; I felt that I
could lay my hand on it at once.
My heart beat a little quicker than usual
as I descended the stairs, everything seemed
so preternaturally quiet; but I reached the
breakfast parlor in safety, felt abOut for the
Louie-Quartorze table, discovered it, and
found my workbox. I was just about to
quit the room, when I heard a slight noise
outside, which startled me terribly : it was
as if somebody had dropped two or three
spoons and forks. I felt half inclined to
faint, and opened the door as noiselessly as
possible. My attention was immediately at
tracted by a light, which streamed out free.
under a closed door in the passage.
" Perhaps, after all," I said to myself, " I
have alarmed myself needlessly. I remem
ber now that this is the pantry-door ; and
no doubt Mr. Jeaks, the butler, has sat up
late to night gosssiping, and is now counting
his plate." The thought had scarcely pass
ed through my mind when the door opened
slowly, and a figure appeared, bearing in one
hand a kitchen candlestick, in the other a
plate basket full of silver. Was it the fig
ure of any person belonging to the house
If it had been my knees would not have
trembled under me, nor should I have sunk
down upon the floor in a semi-conscious
swoon. At length, by a strong mental ef
fort, I recovered sufficient to raise myself
up ; and nervously clutching my work-box,
I made my way slowly up stairs. As soon
as I entered my room, I locked and bolted
the door, and then sat down in a chair to re
flect. The fire had gone out, but the gas,
which I had turned up to its highest point,
made the room look bright and cheerful. I
looked at the clock—it was past one. I must
have lain for upwards of an hour in the half
fainting state. It was too late now to alarm
the house. The mischief was done ; and the
perpetrator of the deed had doubtless long
since departed with his spoils. Besides, to
tell the truth, I did not dare to venture out
into these long dark passages again; so I
crept into bed.
"This is a most extraordinary story, my
dear Isabella," said Lady Peckover to me,
as she slowly and majestically descended the
stairs on the following morning. "Neither
Sir Peter nor I heard anything, and I al
the very slightest of sleepers. Nor did Bu 4e
(this was the lad r y:s , prid)report anything
wrong win eaMcy l ll the hot water.
Krowever, here ie,',..1e#34; we will question
portly person, with a
tiald head, a reddish nose, and a most formal
style'lif . addreSs i ; •in fact, th'e: very beau ideal
"'" '•
" JeakeB;" t tPoleb` " wore
the doors all properly' rdstened this morn
ing ?"
" I've heard no complaint to the contrary,
my lady 7"
" None of the plate missing 7"
" Dear me; no, my lady," answered Mr.
Jenks, with almost an injured air. " I count
it every night, and again every morning reg
ular at eight o'clock."
" There, Isabella I" said Lady Peckover,
turning to me; "you see, my dear, you must
have been mistaken. It was most likely an
attack of nightmare."
" I assure you," I began. But Lady
Peckover gave rne a meaning glance, as much
As to say " Speak no more about it in the
presence of the servants."
When breakfast was over, and Sir Peter
had gone to the City, and the servants had
left the room, Julia said :—" Mother, what
is this mystery between you and Isabella?
heard, „you talking about it as I was coming
down stairs."
Marnly, ray - dear,. that your cousin'
dreamed she saw a thief last night stealing
the plate."
" Dreamed ! aunt?" I exclaimed.
"The proof that it was only a dream, my
dear Isabella," answered Lady Peckover,"
"fs,thnt thO plate is in perfect order. As
scion as I had heard your account, I felt it
would be satisfactory to Jeakes that he shou4
count over the spoons and forks in my pres
ence: He did so, and n-Ppe of them were
111113[4r 1g*:
" But What was your dream, Isabella ?"
wilted Julia.
" It was no dream at a_ll," I said, quite
" but a real' occurrence. went
down 'stairs about twerve o'clock to fetch
iny Work-box, and saw a man
,cotr♦p out of
the pantry with the plate-basket in his
•di The cuiious thing, Julia," interrupted
Lady. Feekover," is, that, Isabella persists 'in
Saying thatie l Witsa hlack . man with a tur
ban on his head."
••• 1"I can explain it all," exclaimed Julia,
triuniPharitly. "I:E! . e Was "liketite Frpsling-,
rivieelie . i. Oorntandy square, wasn't
I"7ires, vetylilic," I replied. : . , .
Id Mieellont - filpstration - of the , theory
ef i dreams!" "You were
king to me'abent the crossing..sweeper yester,,
day, and
, I, heard, that,silly, Mr. Bowrugn
to ling you a 'nunibit; Oi'apeoryPhai!anec
•,datei:o the' `same stihfect",; Yon ' possess a,
viiidittitiginatiOnitnidear. re aV6ll'-'i
waking thoughts form tho subject of your
" Really, cousin, you aro very provoking."
I said vehemently. suppose you won't
believe that I came down stairs at all last
"Of course I don't," she answered. "
believe your dream visited you when you
were snugly in bed."
At these words I rang the boll.
" Why aro you ringing, my dear ?" asked
Lady Peckover.
" Because I want Mrs. Bunco's evidence
to support mine.
I am particularly anxious not to make
a fuss about this," said Lady Peckover.
" We shall end in making all the woman
servants so nervous that they will be giving
me warning."
" But, my dear aunt,' I replied, " I want
to clear my character. I cannot bear to bo
looked upon as a silly school-girl, magnify
ing a mere dream into a real occurrence.
Now, Julia, you don't believe that I ever
went down stairs at all last night —I say I
did ; and as a proof of it, I could only find
one of my slippers when I got up this morn
ing. I then remembered that .when
swooned, one of them come off, and as I was
in too grant ex fright. on coming to my sen
ses to look for it, I hobbled up stairs with
out it. Oh I hero is Mrs. Bunce."
"Bunco," said Lady Peckover, did you find
one of Mrs. Miles's bedroom slipers this
morning ?
"The housemaid found it, my lady, the
first thing this morning in the breakfast
"Now Julia:: I exclaimed, "will you be
lieve that I went down stairs?" •
"I begin to think there is more in this
than a mere dream,"said my cousinithought
fully. "I am doubting whether it may not
be a case of spirtual manifestation."
"riddlesticks I" cried Lady Peckovor.
"Isabella," pursued my cousin,"possesses
just that susceptible sort of organizatson to
which the spirits love to render themselves
"Nonsense, Julia I" said Lady Peckover
sternly, "You are frightening Bunco ; she is
growing quite pale: What's the 'muter,
"Nothing my Lady," answered Mrs. Bunco
submissively; 'only I hope Mrs. Miles haven't
seen the ghost."
"The ghost I" exclaimed my 'aunt angrily.
"What nonesense is this Bunce?'.'
"The ghost of the Black Man, my Lady,"
said Bunce, rather unwillingly.
The lady's-maid's words took us all aback.
Nobody Wad disclDsed to any of the servnats
the nature of the appearance which I had
seen, yet Mrs. Bunco lied at once guessed it
Even Lady Peckover looked rather uneasy.
while Julia seemed pleased, as if she expec
ted some confirmation of her spiritual theo-
"What is this story, Bunce?" she askei.
"Well, Miss, I've never seen anything my
self, and Mr. .leakes and John Thomas the
footman told us' women-servants to say
nothing about it, for fear of frightening the
family; but as Mrs. Miles has seen something,
I don't mind mentioning, what Mr. Jeakes
told me, Ile says: "Mt s Bunee,” he says, '•I
should advise you as a friend, being a lady
of delicate nerves, not to go down to the
basement story, nor indeed on the ground
floor, after the family's abed," 'Why not,' I
say, 'Mr. Jeakes7"Because,' ho says. 'the
Black Man is reputed to walk.' And then he
told this story. The first tenant that occu
pied this house was a Col. Culpepper, a ter
rible passionate gentleman, as I've heard is
the case with most Indian gentlemen,always
excepting Major Miles, who is the sweetest
tempered or'-
"Never mind my husband, Mrs. Bunee,
said, 'go on with your story.'
"Well, Miss—ma'am I should say—the
colonel had a black servant whom he treated
very oruel indeed. Nothing come amiss to
throw at him, when the colonel was vexed.
Paper weights, dishcovers, books from the
circulating library, anything. One day he
threw the clothes brush at him. The poor
black man took to his bed and died. An in
quest was bold, Miss, as was only right and
propper ; but the colonel, who was rolling
in money, bribed the, parish beagle, and he
summonsed a packed jury, composed entirely
of retired civilians, who returned a verdict
of Sunstroke, caused by a peculiar effect of
the British sun in January on the Hindu
constitution. And now, as Mr. Jeakes says,
his spirit goes perambulating about demand
ing justice.' .
"What become of Col. Culpepporl" asked
Lady Peckovor. '
"Took ill dire'clly after, my Lady„" replied
Mrs. Bunco in an awful voice; 'and died in
ft state of raving Madness in the, Charing
Cross Hospital, W i t i,ll a strait-waislcoat on,
and two medical students holding a feather
bed underneath the window perpetually, for
fear be should leap out."
As soon as Mrs. Bunco had conoluded her
story, and retired to her own domain, Lady
Peckover said : It is extraordinary how su
perstitious uneducated people are I Bunco
evidently believes this absurd tale."
"I am inclined to believe it also, mother,"
observed Julia. 'These phenomena, singular
as they may seem, are in Strict accordance
with natural laws, if we could but ascertain
what thetie laws aro. lam only surprised
that the colonel's spirit does not manifest
itself as well as that of the Hindu."
"I should be very much surprised Julia,"
i commencedivietly, 'if it did; considering
that Col. Culpepper. is still iving.'t • ,
..: "Still living)," exclaimed my cousin. '
"Yes—at Cheltenham. He is an old-friend
of my mother's family, and though a little
impatient in, temper, one of. the
, rcindesVof.
men. I believe Aire Bunce's story to'
. lie'll'
cruel libel; and,' for, the sake of, col. qnlpop
per's, reputation ' t, ;f l tn: l determincd.ito. find.
out Abe trothof ithie , affair: 'yen .cannot
help allowineMy dear aunt," I said "with
'out.agreetni in , J:ulitt's,supernatural,, )441,F,
that Althro s . , something more in , it,,, than a
dream." t , ;:. :::t• , , , „t • : , .t. •.
' . "There iet" l anaWered Lady pecirdver,''and
_I-tttsSure.'yai ' f, :iny dear, it triakCs 'me fool
thartinghlY unc.onifortable'' •'-
' -
.;, "Tken I. shall insist," Lsaid Port George's'
Conan back to town iiv.Onoe, and assisting,
too ta ferietlt'otit: .: "; ".' ' .: 1 .
~ :. • .41,, :t., v. .I.„ it .::lt. ~..... ~,.t;
-o_ ~t 1,!,: 1 1,• . $
' litedrOe *was a Ittol6 ; iiiiir#4 t.o,l,Ravo lie •
I inke-fielling land hie clergyman [I conftee
r L o gii )ii
1./.,f 41 L L*
I felt rather jealous of that clergyman], but
he is such an excellent self-denying creature
that ho was as amiable as possible when he
returned, lie had been away for nearly
three weeks, and it was so pleasant to feel
my hand once more resting on his arm when
we went out sight seeing, instead of being
dependant on Julia, who really wears such
preposterous skirts (althugh I try - to im
press upon her .that the the fashion is chang
ing), that it is difficult to get within ayard
of her. George listened most patiently to
my account of the ghost story, and I could
perceive a clever sWof twinkle in his eyes
when I had finished it, as much rs to say:
'TrUst me for unravelling the matter."' Then
my dear husband spoke dim:
"Write a letter to Col. Culpepper, .lemi!-
ing the lady's story, and ask him for an in.-
mediate reply. Don't let the servant , 3 , 0
the letter, but drop it into the pilltr b•,x.
be street corner s
I did as my husband bade me ; and Diu
days afterwards received the followilla
brought by a commissionaire form the (~
ental Club
MY ' DEAR ISABELLA-`--1 certainly did not
expect that the first letter written to me by
you Shiro your trinrriugo VPollid contain an
accusation of 'agravated manslaughter,' but
so it is, and you will perhaps be suprised
to learn that I think the charge sufficiently
grave to require my presence in London for
the purpose of rebutting it; so I have come
up from Cheltenham ; and if your husband
(whose acquaintanr.e I wish to make—T knew
his father during the first Burmese war)will
give inc a call at the Club this evening, I
think our two wise heads may devise a
scheme which will effectually absolve me
from having to sign myself he conscience-.
smitten murderer."
`°"When George came home that night, ho
whispered to me: " Don't say a word to
uncle, aunt., or Julia, about Culpepper's ar
rival. And now, Belle, would you like to
see the ghost again?"
1 shuddered slightly, and answered :
" Dear George, I think I would rather
Because 1 have a notion,
" that it may walk to-night. Culpepper is
coming hero to try and gut sight of it. lam
to let him in quietly at the front door about
half-past eleven
" Do you know, George," I said, gravely,
Colonel Culpepper's conduct makes me feel
I cannot bear to think it of
very uneasy
such a nice old gentleman, and yet 1 can't
help fancying there is some foundation for
that dreadful story of Mrs. Bunce's."
George's reply to this was a burst of laugh-
er, which ho checked suddenly, and then
said in a hollow voice: "In good truth, there
is a very serious foundation for that story."
" 0, George,'' I exclaimed, " you make
me fuel as if you had put a cold key down m y
back I lam getting quite nervous."
" Then you had bettor not stop to see the
ghost, dear Bella. Go up stairs, and get ready
for bed. Wilt don't make yourself thoroughly
dishabille—l may have occasion to sumnn•n
you tind the rest of the family between t'
and morning."
After imploring George to be careful, I
crept unwillingly up stairs, waving my hand
over the bapisters at each successive lariding,
until the dear little fellow was no longer
visible. I then entered my bedroom, and
sitting down in the easy chair by the fire,
pretended to read a book. It was df no use;
could not read ; so, instead of reading,
set my door ajar and listened intently
The Peckovers are early people when they
tve no company, and by half-past eleven
the house was perfectly quiet. The French
clock on my mantel-piece had just chimed
the half hour, when I heard the front door
opened in a very stealthy manner. My fe
male curiosity edged resist no longer, and I
stole down stairs. hiding myself in an espe
cially dark angle near the drawing-room. I
heard Colonel Culpepper's well-remembered
voice; I also heard George whisper to him :
" Better thke off your boots, Colonel. Here
are a pair of list slippers."
From the smothered merriment which
proceeded from the two gentlemen, I judge
that the colonel had seated himself in one of
the hall chairs, and that my husband was
acting boot-jack in ordinary.
There was a long pause after this, during
which 1 had gradually descended still nearer
to the unconscious ghost-watchers. Present-
y George whispered: " Colonel, d' ye see
hat light over the kitchen stairs ? He's
At these terrifying words, I fled up stairs
three steps at a time, with a horrible dread
that BCVIIO skeleton form was clutching at my
skirts. I did not feel safe till I had put a
double-locked door between myself and the
supernatural world outside.
More than a quarter of an hour had elapS= .
ed, when a series 'of rapid foot falls wore
heard in the passage ; and something began
to twist the handle of my door ; my heart
died within me, and I had only strength to
murmur, " Who's there?" when my hus
band's voice said : " Why, Bella, are you
asleep ? Open: , --quick."
I believe I said: " Why didn't you knock,
ducky ?" and almost fainted on his shoulder.
" We've managed matters capitally down
below," said George ; " and now I've roused
up uncle and aunt, and Julia and Jeakes,
and Mrs. Bunco ; in fact, the whole house
hold. Put a shawl round your shotelders,
and come down to the breakfast parlor as
soon as you see Sir Peter and my aunt
march forth.- I've told everybody that they
needn't hurry—that it isn't fire, and that
they can make themselves look as elegant us
they please,"
At length, then, we were all assembled.
George;" said Sir Pater, rather surlily, as
he suppressed a yawn, "1 hope this is not
Intended for a practical joke?"
" 0 no, sir=nothing of the sort," replied
my 'husband. "Afiave invited you all down
stairs. in order :to , show youAhe celebrated
Black Man." '
ltilatieed 'reiiiid - thWikkrt nt theie:Wards,"
and observed with some surprise - that while
AIM countenances` of all others expressed
merely euriosity:or'estonishment, there was:
book of guilty apprehension in tii(iAteci of
..Mr,f,Joakes, the : butler, 'apd of his subordi.
pate,jnbn , Tho t inas, thelootman.
feßefore : Preceeding'flirther,''';centinued
n4St 11120(14,101 99u . )nuet alloy .me . : to call
'important witness court—Coronel
At these last pronounced in a
:thc'.-49.9K,F48,.Crqued, and (Mond
Culpepper entered, bowing gravely, ail.ver
TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year.
' he continued,
emoniously to Sir Peter and Lady Peckovor
" Sy Peter," said the colonel, " you must
Pardon my intrusion into your house at this
unseasonable hour ; but I wish to clear my
character from a stigma that has been cast
upon it. I have Veen accused by your but
ler yonder of having died in a state of in
sanity, after murdering my Bengalee man
servant, Ramchunder. The story of my
death is manifestly untrue. If you, Sir Pe
ter, will have the kindness to unlock the
pantry door, you will be able to decide on
the remainder of the allegations."
At these words, we all crowded into the
assnge, where George tad turned the gas
up brilliantly. Sir Peter unlocked the door,
and disclosed to view the trembling figure
of the crossing-sweeper of Gormandy Square.
" Now, ladies and gentlemen," said Col.
Culpepper, " that is Ramchunder, whom I
was forced to dismiss from my service, for
making too free with my spirit-closet, as well
as for other irregularities. Speak English,
Ramchunder, - and say if that be not true."'
" IsS, sahib," answered Ramschunder,
joining his hands together, after the implor
ing fashion of Asiatics.
" And now, uncle," interposed my hus
band, "1 will tell you what we found this
worthy colored gentleman doing ; we found
him doing the footman's work—cleaning the
plate and brushing your clothes."
" Ip this true ?” demanded Sir Peter, mag
" Iss, sahib," said Ramchunder. "Mas'r
Jeakes, he say he very much tire ; Mas'r
Thomas, he say he very much tire too. He
say: You nigger, I give you two shillings
a week to do my work. What could poor
Ramchunder do ? He very bad off now, since
leave good Colonel Sahib : sweeper's trade
bad now; plenty March wind. Gentlefolks
say : "No dirt now—no copper sweeper
" Well, Jeakes, what hare you to say to
his ?" asked the master of the house.
"I don't deny it, Sir Peter,
Jeakes, with dignified sauvity of manner:
" but I cannot 'elp asserting, sit Polar, that
you brought it on yourself by the non-pro.
viding of a boy in buttons. Me and Join
Thomas will not demean ourselves by vulgar
work, such„as plate-cleanings, knives, and
clothes; and we thought we was doing a
pact of charity by employing this pore be
nighted heathen for such hinferior oecupa-
It is not necessary for me to say who was
dismissed and who was not ; it is enough to
say that the house was never afterwards
haunted by the Black Man.
Women in Former Times
From the subversion of the Roman Empire
to the fourteenth or fifteenth century, women
spent most of their time alone, almost en-
tirely strangers to the joys of social life; they
seldom went abroad but to be spectators of
streli public diversions and amusements as
the fashions of the times vountenanced.—
Franeis I. was the first Who introduced wo-
men on public days to court; before his time
nothing was to be seen in any of the courts
of Europe but gray-bearded politicians, plot
ting the destruction of the rights and liber
ties of mankind, and warriors clad in com
plete armor, ready to put their plots into
execution. In the thirteenth and fourteenth
century, elegance had scarcely any existence,
and even cleanliness was hardiy considered
as laudable. The use of linen was not known,
and the most delicate of the fair sex wore
woolen shifts. In Paris they had meat only
three times a week; and ono hundred livres
(about $25,) was a large 'portion' for a lady.
The better sort of citizens used splinters of
wood and rags dipped in oil for candles,
which in those days were a rarity rarely to
be met with. Wine was only to be had at
the shops of the apothecaries, where it was
sold as a cordial; and to ride in a two-wheel
ed car along the dirty, ragged streets, was
reckoned a grandeur of so enviable a nature
that Philip the Fair.,prollibited the wives of
citizens from enjoying it. In the reign of
'Henry VIII. of England, the peers of the
realm carried their wives behind them on
horseback when they went to London ; and
in the same manner took them hack to their
country seats with houds of waxed linen over
their heads, and wrapped in mantles of cloth,
to secure them from the cold.
following is one of the most truly eloquent
passages ever spoken. It is from a speech
addressed by Andrew Johnson, in April,
1864, to a mass meeting of the people of
Knoxville and vicinity: " My countrymen!
my hearryearns towards you: and I am one
of you. I have climbed yonder mountains,
rock ribbed and glowing in sunshine, in
whose gorgesl.-in whose caverns—your sons,
hunted like beasts, have fallen to rise no
more. I do not speak of these things to
draw your tears. It is not the time for
tears; but for blows.' I speak of them that
I may fit your armes for unconquerable fight.
And I speak of them because the Moun
tains seem to talk to me. My house is among
the mountains, and though it is not far away,
I cannot go to it. It is the place where I
mot and loved her who is the nmther of my
children. Do I not love the mountains?
And if liberty is to expire, if freedom is to
be destroyed, if my country in all its. length
and breath is to tremble beneath the op
pressor's tread, lot the flag, the dear old flag,
the last flag, be planted on yon rocky heights;'.
•and upon it let there be this ' , inscription :
Here is the end of all that is dear to the
lioart and sacred to the memory of man I'?
Chinamen hnd their Weye
A California 'letter has the following:
Queer people these Chinamen are, end
queer customs they have. In one corner of
the room Chinese boy, reading a book
upside dow_n, and:: after the manner of his
country, grinning like a champanzeo over
liiproglyphies that look like banchesof black
raclisb9s...Ho naddistatidi, itTallitlCougli;and
probably finds that style . of literaturnyery
funny. Inttentled the Chinese dinner which
was given tO .Colfalc, ate.. with..chop' atickb,
swallowed afittle, of. each of the hundrei
and eighty nine .coursesAtat dcinstituted the.
repast. We sat down at six"- , sharp, and got
titrOugh,atAine prompt. Yes; tate broiled
bamboo and.steivedliv.halebone-whilih'per-'
haps, bf 3 'styled the, spring.vegtitables.ot
the,,.ohinesti-i—sharks! fins; birds' riests,'and
- 4:4lt4r.deliciacies , to. roaupoiaivo to mentiOlii
By way ,of xleaert ttviy havepiaklodoiYoQni
ber and meloh , eeede, and all manner of
sweet thingb. Taken as a whole,however,
I don't' think I should like a steady course
of Chinese diet, though - the tea which they
gave us was of a most wonderful flavor. It
was served up without sugar or milk, and
cost fifty dollars ti pound ; which is perhapo,
the reason why they did not ask us to take
a second cup.—You.would-haveheen amused
could you have seen each guest making
frantic attempts to get something into his
mouth with the chop sticks. Try to eat
wth knitting needles, and you will have
some idea of the difficulty of the feat. Ulf
were a boarding house keeper I think I'd
ring them in upon my borders to use instead
of knives and forks. A. little hash would go
a wonderful great way with them. I flanked
the difficulty by taking hold of anything
with them by sharpening mine off atthe end•
nod harpooning the meat and vegetables.
NO. 4.
A Remarkable Acrobat in London
The performances of a netir acrobat are
thus noted by the London Herald:
A most singular addition has just been
made to the already long list of popular en
tertainments at the Crystal Palace. Shortly
after four o'clock yesterday Signor Ethel-do
astonished the visitors of the building by a
gymnastic or acrobatic feat, which he is soid
to have performed some time since with groat
success at Florence before King Victor
Emanuel, and which must excite the surprise
of every person by whom it may be witness
ed. Some preparation was required for the
exhibition. A strong pole, some forty or
fifty feet high was erected in the frOnt por
tion of the Handel orchestra, and round
this was run n spirial columh, connected with
the ground beneath by a long sour having
RD incline of about thirty degrees. The spur
and the winding lino in which it terminated,
consisted simply of a stout boarding, perfect
ly flat, not more than twelve inches broad,
and fastened in its upper portion to the cen
tral mast or pole by slight iron girders. At
one side of the platform was lying a round
light colored globe, about two and a half feet
or three feet in diameter; Signor Ethardro
made his appearance at the appointed hour
in the spangled costume of the Sprite at a
pantomine, and, stepping on this ball, walk
ed or danced upon it the whole of the way
up the coluMn, and descended again the en
tire space in the same extraordinary fashion.
It was a most strange and bewildering ex
ploit. It is true that he was able on two or
three occasions to obtain a momentary rest
by leaning on the girders which bind togeth-
er the slender erection, but he never employed
this resource for the purpose of propulsion.
In his'descent he had to depend for a motive
power soely on the strength and agility of
his feet, which were, of course, at the same
time, most busily employed in maintaining
his shifting balance. In the descent the ball
was of necessity only too apt to rush down
wards, and it was only by the most wonderful
skill and care that its movement was check
ed and its direction was guided along the
narrow and winding line to which its course
was restricted. The singularity of the scene
was here increased by the circumstances that
the performer had to make his, way back
wards, the whole weight of his body being
thr•,,vn sAc fAr possible in the direction op
posed to that which his unsteady support
was tending . We believe that many people
have already run about, and even passed
along, slight elevations under the Caine dif
ficult conditions ; but Signor Ethardo is, as
far a- we are a ware, the first man who ever at
tempted to wind his way upon so perilous a
locomotive up and down a narrow and dizzy
eminence. His feat was certainly a most re
markable one, and seems to entitle him, in
his own line, to almost as exceptional a place
as that of Blondin himself in the acrobatic
-rid Ifr
Henry Winter Davis—Personal Re
•‘ Agate - writes from Washington to the
Cincinnati Ga:rtte concerning his personal
recollections of Henry Winter Davis. TIo!
following passages are interesting
•• The great characteristics of Mr. Davos
oratory were its lucidity, its condensed logic,
its elegant, epigrammatic style, and its ap
parently perfect spontaneity. Every on
tence rang clear, like cytti, on the counter;
every prk.position was: anninated till it
shone as by starlight. It is sometimes given
to men so to express themselves after careful
revisions in the closet—it was the crowning
glory of Mr. Davis as a speaker that his
ideas never reached his, lips in any other
shape. Many a man by placing himself on
a platform, in a position to suit himself,
with, all the accessories to his liking and
ample tin e for preparation, can make a stir
ring speech—to :fir. Davis all places were
alike. You never caught him unprepared.
Like as finely cut diamond• you could no;
turn him in a position or place him in a
light in which he would not sparkle.
Yet he was the closest of study ts. His
private library overflowed his study and
parlors, and filled all the house. He was
at once a fine classical scholar, and thorough
ly conversant with the whole range of the
best M o dern literatur..
" He ha- been spoken of ;is unsocial. Noth
ing could be inure false. Sensitively - ref n
cal, it was natural that he should avoid intoi
of the coarser figures that moved through
politics; but in his own house no man was
Mort' genial or more hospitable. Ile never
drank wine, yet his guest would rarely di , -
cover it. as le• pressed on them the ripe-t
products of the rarest vintage. He never
smoked a cigar, but the most delicately eln,:-
en and fragrant Havanas wet e always found
upon his dinner table after the cloth was re
moved. And brilliant as he was in debate,
they never knew the full extent and variety
of his resources, who had not listened for
hours to hi- fa,4einating conversation, in
private circles and on Inkeellatieous topics.
‘' His book, " The Wars of Abiman and
Ormuzd, (the oriental names for the divini
ties of good and evil), has been spoken of
since his death as something he had sought
in his mature years to conceal. Some have
even called it a suppresse/I bor,it: but this is
an error. Shortly after its pug lication in
Baltimore, in 1848, a lire broke out in a
printing office where it was stored, and most
of the edition was destroyed. The remain
ing volumes Mr. Davis preserved to give to
his friends. The book, which is eloquently
written; and if brought out by a noted pub
lisher would have made a great sensation,
is an argument as to what should be the
foreign polig of the , United States. There
are two typical nations, he says : the ono
honestly representing pure despotism, and
tending steadily, always in that direction :
the other in the slime way representing pure, •
untrammelled liberty. Between these two,
the argument mustultimately comeaconfliet
likely to absorb at once Etircipe and America.
The one is Russia—the other the United
States. And on this basis Ile proceeds to dis
cuss the later phases of European politics.
•° I think it highly probable that after
emancipation in Russia, and especially when
himself elevated to the responsible post of
Chairman of the Committee on Foreign
Relations, he modified many of his ideas on
this subject. I remember one evening a
year or two ago. late at night, the House
was in Committee of the Whole and Mr.
Fernando Wood was making a , speech to
k:utply benches—in" which, thinking to re
'venge himself on Davis for Some recent cut
ting allusion, .he made several extracts tVons .
this book., • A few moments after Mr. Davis
came inirdm his committee room, and as
ho passed,
_I mentioned to him what Wood
had been ' doing': Ho seemed — troubled — for '
an instant; then said he fancied Wood could
inake . very little out of it. : Next day, as 1
wits passilg his desk, Ito took out a • copy, o • :..
the volume,: - With's.ouni Very, kindly phrases •
on the fly-le4f, , and Said. l'. I Want toigive•
you this ; but it must be' on one condition=
that you never call up anything it. contains
against me. °.: _. ,•, , :,:''
"-.Thu neWspapers all Speak'at Xi. Davis
- ad Ateing!a:graduate Of Alempderc Sidney -
Chllege, in• Virginia. :Ho may. have - per
ed his - preparatoNy studies Altera Otut he •
grailliate4, - as,i. 4p.:0 Often,, heard him ,say,
at } KenyOn•
~, doll&ge"Ohin. ,P • '
• . .
al •'• '
. .
• ,liDn.ka me,'
,pnid. tgrs. - Pard.itigton. Ike ,
thit othir day„ as:she•Wns reriding,tiSiiiitifer, • •
"init :nieni:inting• dirgnM:stimee,, :Ropy,
dear,' Man.: it': Was wind on thi't,
eterhaehiaiii'i f t; bn qt." ''lkea
-Mien tieise&tl 4ipei, fotind'
•gillph, so alarmhigly headed, .refere4,t6 - k,
t • "
. 1 0 blelbas e e ne gen emn „on •.
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