Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 22, 1865, Image 2

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ClAil i.r.) _1 4 ' Ll.l
FRIPD.A.VD'ECE3IIB,EII.-22% -- 1.8 6 , .
1:6111. P . E7TENGIIds Jn 00.,
11VO. 37 Park Row, New York, and
- 3tatt St. BoSton, are our Agents for the Mani
n these allies, and are auttnulzed to take Advert's .
nuts .tad qunserlptions for us at our lowest rates.
After more•than four years retirement
from public life, JAMES BUCTIANAN appears
once more before his countrymen.. Ho pre
sents himself, not as Chief Executive, Cab
inet Minister, Foreign Embassador, Senator,
or as an aspirant for any of these positions,
bUt, in a capacity such as no other man of
respectability in the country could he per
stinded to assume, that of his own defender
'and apologist. He has written a book, en
titled "Mr. Buchanan's Administration on
the eve of the Rebellion," which is just now
given to the public by his publisherS. The
reason of the production and publication of
such a work is very obvious. The statesman
who has for fifty years served his country,
in the advancement of its interest ; who has
sacrificed his own personal ambition to pro
mote its welfare, and who, on every occasion,
has stood ready to defend its Government,
from foreign foes and domestic traitors, has
no need to spend the evening of his days in
recapitulating his own achievements, or de
fending hio comlu.t, no,=, the criticism of his
countrymen. Such was the case with the
founders of our Nation. The veteran states.
men who preceded Pennsylvania's favorite
son in the Presidential Chair, could safely
trust their record to the nnpartial pen of
their country's historian without a single
fear that any tine of them would be handed
down to raiisterity as the faithless defender of
her Constitution. Not so was the case of the
Sage of Wheatland. Called to preside over
the Nation under circumstances peculiarly
favorable, with an experience in political af
fairs such as few statesmen in the world have
enjoyed, it was hopedthat his administration
would be conspicuous for the wisdom of its
measures and the respect which its Chief
would inspire both at home and abroad.—
Bow sadly were the hopes of a great people
disappointed 1 In four years, the model
statesman saw the party that elevated him
to power, rent asunder with factions and dis
cord, and the nation which he ruled power
less to enforce obedience from its citizen , .
Without the tact to conciliate the discordant
elements in the country, or the courage to
maintain the authority of the Government,
James Buchanan retired from his high sta
tion amid the scorn of patriots and the con
tempt even of traitors. That such a roan
Should write his own vindication is not:
strange.--by him it must be written, if writ
ten at all.
Of course the responsibility o f hi s crin
nal dereliction of duty is shifted to other
shoulders. Abolitionists commenced agita
tion ; persisted in their interference with
Slavery: refused to compromise with men
who were daily plotting the cverthrow of
the Government; refused to vote supplies
that could be used . n the interest of traitors,
and were unn anageable generally by a Pres
ident who couldn't 'control his own political
household. These' charges are specious, but
unfortunately they are too old. '1 hey have
been in the mouth of every apologist for
treason since treason first began. The „en_
pienave, near(' !mem so frequently that
they turn from a repetition of them in dis
gust. They know that they confided to Mr.
Buchanan a Government that commanded
the respect of the world and receit ed it back
from him so weak and demoralized that it
was incapable of protecting its property from
seizure by unarmed mobs. They know that
with resources greater than those of hey na
tion on earth, he depreciated its credit so
that its own citizens feared to furnish it
money. They know that their Chief shrunk
back ufrighted from the menace of a few
traitor militia, and allowed a ship carrying
the national flag to be fired upon, without
moving a finger to resent the indignity thus
thrust on the Government. They know that
to the imbecility, if not treason, of the man
who now indites his own defense, is chargea
ble all the misery, suffering and bloodshed
of the war which has so recently terminated.
All this is known by all who will read James
Buchipm'a defense, and for all this will he
be remembered, if nut with scorn, with a
pitying contempt that few even cof the active
traitors of the Rebellion will receive.
In our last we inadvertently neglected to
notice an address delivered at Rheetn's Hall,
on Tuesday ev ning of last week by Wu,
Liam HOWARD DAY, /1 noted colored orator
of New York City. It was delivered under
the auspices of the "Hughes League" of Car
lisle, and in ad vkcacy of the principles of that
Association. The Hall was crowded, 'the
colored people of the tow,: turning out en
masse a and very many white persons being
also present. Rev. Dr. CLERC, of the Epis
copal church, having read the prayers of the
Church appropriatelo the , Jecasion, and Mr.
HUGHES, of Harrisburg, having stated the
object of the Association, 'the orator of the
evening was introduced.
He is somewhat lighter in complexion
thsn what is considered the standard color
of his race, but his hair and features proclaim
him unrnhAtilmbry,a_viegro— He-is unques- -
tionably a man of education and has the ap
pearance and manner of a gentleman. Ho
advocates an entire political equality far c his
race—contending that justice and good, pol
icy equally demand that the black man
should exercise the elective franchise, sit on
juries, and be eligible to office, and insisting
that merit and not color should be the stan
dard of .manhood. For,more than an hoUr
and a half did the orator speak on these
.topies, to an audienbe which had never be
fore heard arguments in their favor from the
rostrum., Eqry one listened;with the most
respectful attention, and at the close, a num
ler of gentlenien congratulated the speaker
.. _pn his effort. •
Without tiny reference to the doctrine; ad
vocated, by .tlie speaker, wo think, \ that every
one present will admit that his effort stamped
him an orator of much moio than usual
We; are : freif to say that wo have heard
few Uump, speeches with• which it would
compare Unhivorably, •
Wo are . plitnsed to see that the Volunter
• of Ok i week noticed the speech in what it
intends to be a complimentary tnanner.,: ,
This is an evidence that the course of events
haa touch to do in the shaping of even the
Utterances' of Democratic editors. Had any
negro undertaken publicly to plead,for Jus
tice, to his ; race r .,flve years ago, we venture
the asserOon that, both ()rider. and audience'
would - have-.tocci . yed a sotneivhat ilifihrent
. in tilitcecypectionocre must not hrget:to
Voni litie'O . lC die . s o
utilis" .
Minter ho so Nituently displays in his arti
cles. Speaking of the orator, he says
like sonic of hiS white brethern who advo
cate the same disgusting dogmas, heyas not
abusive of those who disagree with •him in
opinion,he cechews epithets, and for, this
he deserves credit." We read this sentence
several times before We concluded to treat it
as a joke, but at length were forced to do so.
That the paper which has ior four years per
sistently applied the ,foulest 'epithets to its . -
opponents merely because they were oppo
nents, should say that any one deserved
credit fur eschewing epithets would be very
contemptible if uttered in earnest. Do,
neighbor, please examine your fileq for a
single isine Since the- war began, in which
you havemot denounced the majorityof the
people of the loyal States as thieves, mur
derers, fanatics, .Jacobins, scoundrels, trai
tors, shoddyites, infidels, liars, cormorants,
pimps, and by many more designatbsns which
are too espeCially your own to be even 'bor
rowed for illustration. Indeed, we think in
this very issue you have used about half your
vocabulary, and yet you say a man deserves
credit for eschewing epithets. If you are
serious, we must say that by your own show
ing, an humble imitation of the negro who
is the subject of this article, would entitle
you to credit that your own inclination as
heretofore indulged in, lies made you un
worthy of. But as we presume you only in
tended a joke, we beg to compliment you on
its originality.
Items Prom the Reports
We learn from the report of the Secretary
of the Interior that only two survivors re
main of, the Revolutionary army. The act
Vl' Inst eUruary, which made an Anna .1 al
lowance of three huißlred dollars for life for
five of the old veterans, was extended to
only four. Two of there died since the ap
propriation:William Hut chings,of Penobscot,
Nlaine, aged one hundred and one year-, and
Samuel Cook, of Clarendon, New York,
aged ninety nine years, are the only persona
among the living, k town to the department
who participated 'in the heroic struggle
which achieved our National ludepend
The Secretary of the N vy recommends
the removal of the Naval A• adcmy from
Annapolis to some eligible location on the
Chesat cake Bay. The present academia
gr ,unds include only tw.nty ohe acres which
ate wholly insufficient for the school, At
lest tea thou , ..and acres are required. It is
pri posed to convert •he present site at An
!ninon.. into a home.for disabled sailors.
St.cretary Welles stated that the number
of vessels, nearly all British, c.pitrred and
sent to the courts for adjudiction during the
war, it blockade runners, teas no le-s than
one thousand one hundred andlitty onemnd
tin. number des rayed three hundred and
fifty five. The proceeds of the former, with
a [tomtit r o import .nt. eaves yet unsettled.
was nearly twenty two milions of dollars,
:and the value of the vi sae s destroyed nt
least st en million
'the War Department eomput. s the nu -
her of deaths in the Union ltrini , s, since the
c..mtnencement of the war, at 300,000, nd
of the Southern soldiers at 220,000. At
Getty-Lurg,, 23,000 of the Union ai my were
Ftl ed, wounded or taken prisoners—the
greatest loss during orte_bOle. Grist's
losses from the time he crossed the R.pidan
until Lee's surrender, w'elle 90,000. Great
Its these losses were, they ore less than those
:incurred in European wars, OW'llg o , to our
supericr medic .1 :Ind sanitary arrangements,
itnd the care of the Government fur its
From the statement of the Treasury offi
vials we learn that
hall on dept sited at the mint 111” d branches
(hiring 111 C late fi-cal year was $32,248,734,
ol"whichs3l,oos 349 was in gold andsl.lB3,-
455 in silt er. Deducting these deposits,
there remain the actual deposits, amoun ing,
to •-$27,892,84 1 4. - Thy cninrip - e for the rem'
was, iu gold coin, $25,107,Y17 ; gold bars,
$5,078.482 ; silver coic, $630,308 ; silver
hart, $313,910; cents, ineludi ig two and
three cent pieces $1.183,330. Total coin
age $33.819,248. Of the bullion deposited,
$5,570,371 w,is received at the assay office
in New York. Ot the g burs, $4 940,859
and of silver bars, $105,003, in value, were
stamped at the s•me office. At the branch
mint in San Francisco the gold deposits
were $18,808,318, and the silver deposits
nail purchases $540,299 in value. The value
of the gold coined wits 518,070.840; of silt er
coined, $320,800. and of silver bars $145,-
225. Total coinage, $19,144,875 Ai the
loanch mint in Denver the total deposits
were $548,003, of which $541,559 was in
gold and $7,050 was in silver.
FREEDMEN.—Gen. Fisk, of the Feeedmen's
Bureau, s , id in a speech in Brooklyn on
Tuesday evening,—
`•Yesterday I had a talk with Pt esident
john-on, who said to tile that be felt the
great respontibility committed to him—
People sac sometimes 1 was born Sot th.and
I will nut treat the negro as n freeman, but
I mean to carry out the views of the great
and good A b II il IL 11) Lincoln, and to see that
these people haven guaranty of, her freedom.t
I may not believe with you in their ultimate
attainments, but I mean they shall hive a
fair chance. [Cheers.] I wish the people
of the North knew a hat I have to stand;
'between. Daily I receive telegrams at d
letters from air parts of.the South of dread
ful import. It: they could but see the d
culties of my position, they would pity me,
and give I me their prayers. This he said
with tears in his eyes; and I asked. him if
_Ode Freedinea's_Bureau_was-to—be-diseentin--
ued,—my resignation being already in his
hands,—and he said to me, go back, go io
your work, and see justice done to both
white and black. The Freedmen's Bureau
will 001 l cease to exist when the Southern
States' are resolved to deal honestly and
justly by these freedmen. [Applause.] And
I came away from his presence with more
of faith and hope in Andrew . Johnson than
I ever had.
ENGLISII JUSTIOE.—There are two points
in the late news from England which will
attract special attention, as being an exhibi
tion of the bOasted even-budded justice which,
is dealt out in Great Britain. One is the
conviction of Thomas ClarkoLuby for a Law
posed crime, and his sentence to twenty
years penal servitude on a charge - which had
no foundation beyond the fears of what
might have been done in case Luby should
be permitted to enjoy his freedom. He had
committed no overt act, and was, therefore.
not amenable to any law based upemcivili
salon and justice.- The other was the trial
of 'Capt. Peter Suter Corbet, the man who
ran to sea the Shenandonh„for • the purpose
of delivering her.into the hands of the rebel
Waddell, and knowing that she was destined
'for 'a 'piratical cruise,- ' This man Corbett,
whose 'offence none but aji English court
could fail to' recognize,' was, after a 'patient'
hearing, pronouneed perfectly innocent, and
.permitted to go scot free, 'with- an endorse
-went from an English jury of having been,
engaged in legitimute'businesS and an honest
calling. What a difference it' makes whose
ox is gored?
:=-Riticride:it2jaiWirte:-Pkto '
Moigan, of New York, has introdue.;
ed into the Senate a bill to change radically'
the : inferior courts of the United States. it
proyides for the abrogatioin of the Circuit'
Courts tor cdhferring otitheDlitriettpourts
jurisdiction of suits andbrinies which 'l4;
exercised by theTortner ; Mr the estab-! - -
liShment iu each of the cireuits n 'court, to
be composed of the ,Ittstice of the Supreme
Court aVigned to tbe'circuit and the sever&
-41 strict Judges of the districts composing the
This nO'W court is to be a Circuit
Court of Appeuls,.... In this way the Judges
of the Supreme Court will be relieved of the
burden of holding courts fir the trial of jury
Ttuittecu., illation of business in the
Federal Courts makes relief in this form de
sirable in the facilition of trials.
GEN. Wuxi., in his report, spoke in con
temptuous terms of Gen. Butler. Heine,
the latter officer insisted on the acceptance
of his resignation, which was tendered
months ago, and has entered on the prepa
rdtion of his defense, lilt turns out not to
bo sharp, pungent and trenchant, it will be
because Butler has lost the qualities which
first made him celebrated Whether Butler
is u great General or,not, we are not com
petent to judge. Grant, who is competent,
insinuates that he is not. But Butler took
a firm stand lor the Union when his adhe
sion counted for thousands, and he has ex
hibited cast execntive abilities, incalculably
valuable to the nation4l cause.
Thomas H. Dudley, our Consul at Liver
pool, writes to the Department, under date
of the 30th ultimo, enclosing extracts from
newspapers in almost every part of England.
urn. the flianject of the "Rhode, pest," or cat
tle plague, which is now rfr aging England
and Scotland to an alarming extent. Mr.
Dudley states "that for a time the district
of Liverpool was exempt from the scourge,
and it was the general belief that' it would
not visit that section." Contrary to the ex
pectation of all, it has recently made its ap
pearance in that district, and is now as bad
there es in any part of the United Kingdom.
It was hoped that upon the appearance of
cold weather the disease would abate; hut the
contrary is the result, th- deaths in England
and Scotland going up from seven to twenty
five hundred per week.
ItoNIIOMAs Couwte of Ohio, died
in the city of Washington on last Monflay.
Throughout the entire Country this intelli
gence will be recci yen with profound regret
Pew men have had more of the elements of
popularity than the departed statesman.
One of the most eloquent orators the country
has produced, he has for almost half a cen
tury been prominently before the people in
the discussion of ail the national topics in his
time. Admitted to the Bar in Ohio in 1817.
he was chosen to the State Legislature in
1822; represented his district in Congress from
1831 until 18-1 I then Governor of Olfiff for
two years and defeated for re-election, he be
came U. S. Senator in 1815 and was called
from the Senate in 185 1 into tine Cabinet of
President FILLMORE as Secretary of the
Treasury. In 1858 he was ugaaiu chosen to
Cfhigress where he remained until appoint
ed Minister to Mexico by President LINCoLN,
from which mission he has but lately return
ed. POlitically he was a disciple of HENRY
CLAY in the days of the old \V big Palmy
and on the later issues be hits been a consist
eat Republican, with conservative tendon
cies. He is almost, if rub the very last o
the class of old statesmen whose genius an('
patriotism will [mike their Memories iufmor
, wojecteu tram
New Yu, k City to Osweg,., on Lake ()war o.
It is designed to traverse mainly the cuu try
hetween the New York Cewral road and the
Erie railway, though it must needs cross the
Central soinewnere in the tipper putt olthe
Mohawk valley. 1 will run through Os
wego, On:n(l,lga, Oneida, Madison, Chenan
go, Otsego, Scholiarie, -Delaware, Greene,
Ulster and Sullivan counties. The company
has been org,nieed fur this olject. We
think a good many t ears will aipse before
ears ni”he a through trip.
end reliable Republican paper has recently
been enlarged and otherwise improved, and
new presents a really beautiful appearance.
The Gazette i.sthe oldest, and has always
been the most influential journal in Western
Pennsylvania, as the immense Republican
majorities in Allegheny county folly attest.
An addition has been made to its carps of
editors, B. F. PENNIMAN, Esq., IRcorably
known as a writer of ability. having boon
added to its list. We are glad to Hid that our
old friend and former townsman, TimmAs
CO,,TAMAGNA, Esq., MN also been added to
its corps as business and financial manager.
and those who know him will I aye no liesi•
tatitin in saying that be is excelled by very
few as it financial and business man. Mr. C.
has been the architect of his own fortune,
and his success in life is attributable en Lively
to his own unaided efforts, his indomitable
energy and untiring industry. We wish :111 - .
.CosT.A.mnoNA rind the old Gazette abundant
success, politically and financially.
glail to learn that this sterling Republican
journal is in a most prosperous condition.
During the whole period of the war, when
treason was most rampant,' The Telegraph
was a faithful and fearless sentinel upon ftiu
watchtower of freedom, justifying and sus
taining the right, and rebuking treason and
disloyalty in no measured terms. Persons
in want of a reliable and loyal paper from
our State Capital should send for the Harris
burg Daily Telegraph. It gives the daily
proceedings of the Legislature when in ses
sion, besides the current news of the day, po
lities, &c. Terms—Daily. Telegraph,
in advare ; Weekly do., $2.00. GEORGE
BERGNER, Proprietor, Harrisburg, Pa.
—Some ,:•f the old Generals are thus sta
Burnside has gone into the railroad busi
ness at Reno and Pitholo. Curl Schurz is a
Washington correspondent. Sigel has be•
ceno,oditor of a'Bultinuor . 9..9orm , n paper. ,
Franklin is superintending the arind
ry at Hartford. • W.' S.' Smith, the fairioue
cavalry leader, has gone into the retail gro
cery trade at Chicago. Putt irk has returned
to the plough ; Ferrero' leading 'the arttof
dancing,. and
,Percy Wyndham is again ; a
fending master. Among the Rebel Generals',
Buckner, of Ky., is now associate editor Of
a Now Orleans paper; Gardiner, of Port
Hudson memory, is ii local .reporter ;•whilo
the General who drove off Franklin and his
fifteen 'thoilsand men 'at Sabine is a liar
keeper • at' Houston. Gini..`44.. F. Andertiori•
opened a butcher stall 'at A thinta, but has
becorne'un anetieneer at' Angustit: . Gen. B.'
M.. Thomas; a West Feint graduate ' is clerk
on a steamer plying between Mobile and
Montgomery. A' Galveston letter writer
speaks of seeing u Real °Meer' in the street,.
with his his lull uniform. op, stars and all,
driving a dray With u mule,. whose.' harness
wits made of_ropo." 'Arrest and Wheeler,
„the two must prominent cavalry leaders after
:iberdeatirof Stuart; are employed; the former
run - ding - a saw-mill in Tennessee, and the
latter doing a commission busir.ess
—The,Lokiisiana Senate has manifested it
loyalty by refining to &him the nationaillag
;:spipended over the President's deslo.
The totfil assessed vali r MtiMi of New Or-
kilns is $98,788,335—a decrease of four a'tid
El . half rriiilioiis•since last yepr..'
Two. Men, named "Williatris •and
son,' were assassinated and robbed in the
neighborhood of Selma, Alabama, on Satur
dCy night. They were said to have been a
gents or detectives in the service of Johri
Hardy, the United States • ,
- City Council of Atlanta have offer
ed $l,OOO reward' for the apprehension of the
murderer of James 8,. Cron, a candidate fur
Mayor of that city.
—A MONTGOMERY correspondent of the
Mobile Times says the nogroas are beginning
'to appreciate their condition, and are rapidly
making contracts for the coining year.
-ALLENTOWN, Lehigh county, has nearly
trebled its population since 18M, and now
boasts of 11,000 inhabitants. The Lehigh
Valley, of which Allentown is the geogra
phical centre, p-oduces ono tenth of all, the
iron of the United States.
—lt is reported that the resolution offer
ed in the House of the Kentucky Legislature,
,for the release of Davis, will scarcely pass
the two !Ranches of the Legislature, and if
it does, it is almost certain to receive a veto
at the hands of the Governor, who, has al
ready expressed himself in favor of the
trial of the prisoner.
—The Georgia House of Representatives
have instructed the Judiciary Committee to
report a bill securing to persons of color the
rights 9f property. the right to sue and be
sued and to testify in the c^urts.
—The Indiana Senate has defeated the
bill so amending the State Constitution as to
strike out the thirteenth rticle, prohibiting
negroes from entering the State.
—The House Committee on the District
of Columbia was purposely made up with
a majority of men known to favor equal
suffrage there. The Chairman, (Mr. Inger•
of Illinois,) is the successor of Owen
—The earnings of the Michigan Southern
Railroad for the month of November, were
5498.451 against 5414.535 for the same time
in 18(14; increase 553,899. From Mabch let
to November the 3 7th. $3773.498; .against
53.118.414 for the corresponding period - in
18;i-I increase $O5-1,994.
PERRY.—The New Bloomfield
( Perry cr ty) Advocate says: •We are in
formed that Mr. Samuel Leibey, near New
port in digging it well struck a v(ti of ex
cellent ,no,t,t twtoltV-11V(• feel'
The Vern is not very heavy, but may lend to
the discovery of coal in large quantities."
--nie pat-office at Pithole was broken
into nn Sunday evening and three bag,
cmaninin2; the mail fur New York, the eas
tern 'lnd northern States, tint' eastt , rn Penn
sylvania, taken. The sum of Sts6.ttno was
in the mail baits, the property of three men
alone, and the full amount lost was proba
bly bet ween,B7s,odo and $100,1.00,
—ln the Kentucky sm i te un tired 1 th in
stant Mr. Benton offered ri resolution direct
ing, the Committee un Revised Statutes to
inquire into the expediency of repealing all
law- in regard to slavery. Considerable dis
cussion was called up. during which Thomas
B Cochran, of Shelby county, denounced
Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson as
tra tors, as greet, if not grater, than Jell
Davis, fur overriding the Constitution.
The resolution was rejected.
—ln the Alabama House. Mr. Smith, of
leis introduced a bill
marriage, etc, between the white and black
raves. Intermarriage is Wade felony by the
hill, punishable by imprisonment for the
whib 7 s, and branding and whipping for the
negriies. Other disrep table connections
between the races-subject the whites to it
of SIO .0, and imprisonment in the
County Jail for twelve months. The other
parties: to the crime arc to receive " one
Imndred lashes on his or her bare back."
-- The United States consul at Oporto.
under date of Nov 18, informs the Depart
ment of State of the entire di-appearance
of the cholera from Prtugal, and bulletins.
issued by the General Council of Health in
Lisbon, a ut horitati yely announce the country
as entirely free from the epidemic. The
consul .estates that thmreport published in the
English papers, that tho "reinderpe4t." or
cattle plagu-, had broken out in Portugal,
is entirely without found akin in fact.
---The Legislature of Vermont 11:1, , trans
iuit•ed to the Kentucky L Igislaturu a res.).
lotion lately adopted by that body. the ob
ject of which is to "secure equal riivhts,
without respect to color, to all citizens re
siding in the seceded States, including the
ri,ght or the elective franchise." Gov.
Brilinietto opposed very strongly the adopt
lion of such a resolution, and urged the
Legislature to take immediate action.
—The number of males in the United
States is 13,682.854 against 13.004,372 fe
males, showing 681,462 excess of 'muss, ac
cording to the census of 186 ); so that there
is now more than a man to every wOman,
in spite of the loss by the war. In Europe,
exelbsive of Russia, Turkey, Prussia. Switz
erland and Austria, ;here are 51,550,796
males and 52346.918 females,. sho,wing.:an
excess of 996,122 females. The difference
in Europe is accounted for by the fact that
942,008 more.males than females lnive - emi
grated to America. That accounts for the
excess of males' in this country. Had. it,
not been for this. We should have near 800;-
090 — morm - fenraletr - than Had the
emigration of the .sexes boon equal, there
would be in Europe about 100,000 more
females than males ; so that this country
fur more favorable than Europe to the in
crease and preservaticin of females.'
phase of the swindle practiced in the matter
of buying soldiers' discharge papers has been
brought to light. 'The purchale of them is,
we believe,. no longer attempted, but various
impostors are travelling the country, claim
ing to be agents of the State for the, purpose
of collecting thorn, in order to nddi
tiouul veteran soldiers. In many
case's, soldiers have parted' with these inval
uable document 4, without even taking a
ceipt,,and they are therefore lost. It may ,
as well be said hero and now that no .such
agentei have been appointed, and all who, rep
resent themselves to be so aro swindleri.-7-
Again 'iVO - soldiers to keep their die-
Charge' 'papers - in their own hatidi. ' ,
'Worm von Corronnes.---1!Tow that Con- .
g ess is in session, its attention should be
directed to looking into the combinations
among - certain interests. That, those combi
nations, or conspiracies, - exist, is not to be
doubted, and that they are terrible oppres
ems of :the people is manifest ift.eyery-day,
blistery. That there are aro coinhiMitions of ibis
character ~an' orig manufacturers of cotton
g9t4sl;of :paper,. and; above all, -of coal .cipe
raters, -wo believe, not denied.
gross desires to do tilvork for the, pepple,,thip
thing 'cannot be corrected'' too 'soon. Who
Congress by moving - in the nnatter?—Leb
. anon Courier.
Pi.krzi:?.--The survey for a new railroad
.New Oxford to Wrightsville haOmeii
convicted by Mr. Joseph S. Gitt, civil en
gineer; It starts from a point on the, Get:' ,
tysburg Railread, near New Oiford, Adains•
county, and runs along north of the Pigeon
Hills, to Abbotstown, York and Gettysburg
turnpike, cr-ssing the Codorous near Chick
en Bridge, the Northerri
_Central Railroad
near the- Alnishlse, near York, and runs
north of the pike to Wrightsville. The route
is said to be a good one and, of light grade.
It is proposed to open a direct line of rail
road from New York, through Columbia,
York, New Oxford' and on to Gettysburg;
and from this point it is proposed to extend
it on still further—to Waynes oro', Cum
berland, to Tennessee, and on to New Or
—Alexander H. Stephens peremptorily
declines being nocandidate for the United
State: Semite.
—Gen. Sherman was at Memphis on the
4th inst., and was to leave the next day for
Little Rock, Ark., on a tour of inspection.
—Gen. Grant has issued an order for the
discharge from the army of all civilians ex
cept clerks, and to substitute for them, when
necessary, men detailed from the army.
-J. Hennesy, Maim. of the Fifth Penn
sylvania Cavalry, and Judge Advocate of
Norfolk District, has been appointed-Assis
tent United States Attorney at Richmond.
- Gen. Scott arrived at Key West on the
ith inst., and left there for New Orleans.—
He will spend the month of January at Rey
—C. J. Jenkins, the recently elected Gov
ernor of Georgia, sent a communication to
the Senate on the Bth inst. declining inau
guration at present, and appointing the sth
of January, 1866, for that purpose. He also
suggested a recess of the Senate till that time.
—Jacob Painter. jr., charged with the
murder of his wife and child, in Allegheny
township, estmoreland county, Pa., was
temporarily lodged in the jail of Kittanning,
Armstrong county, on I\londay.week. The
arrest was made in'Northern lowa.
Mayor Lincoln, of Boston, was re-clact
ed, recently, by 2 00 majority. On the same
day, James' B. Blacken was chosen Mayor
of Worcester by nearly the same majority.
Both gentlemen arc Republicans.
—Provisional Governor Johnson of Geor
gia issued a proclamation on do 6th inst..
Mrozr, L 3. Cuhuu, Utiok,
Buchanan, E. E. Cabaniss and 1. F. Wof
ford elected to Congress, and adds : " I dl
further dcc are that, as at present ad v
no certificates will be given them.".
lion..lnmes Guthrie, as President of the
Louisville and Nashville Railroad, is credit
ed with a szllart thing, whereby his road
mode two hundred thousand dollars out of
the war. The State of Tennessee had loaned,,
its bonds for S 5 0.0 0, to aid in the eon-
struction of the road, which Was to pay in
terest semi annually to the fiscal agent of the
State—the Bank of Tennessee. When the
bank ran off into Dixie, it wets, of course,
impos.sible to pay, and as holders got no di
vidends, the value of the bonds depreciated.
Mr. Guthrie quietly bough; them all up for
the road, and the State las just received
them at par, thereby cancelling the debt
—Senator Fessenden, of Maine ! appointed
on the Joint Committee Congress to pre
pare a toot. l‘tf romr;A. for tho memory
or rrosiclent Lincoln, served on a similar
committee appointed afto the death of Pres
ident Harrison. Senator Howard was also
of that committee in Hp, both gentlemen
being then members of ;he House.
—Horace Maynard wits standing in one of
the hotels at Wiwhington, the other day
when a tall Tennesseem approached him :
'• How do you do, Col. Maynard? lam de
lighted M'see you looqng so well, sir."
ought to recognize yo.l, sir; I presume; but
I don't." "Why, etnel, you ought to re
member me. You'sq mei me often enough
in Nashville, where :dive." Yes, sir," re
sponded Maynard, itbis coldest and snakiest
manner, "I lived ir!Nashville two years. I
was attached to the administration of Gov.
.Johnson. I passec about the street daily ;
but if I had been ft Jew, covered with the
most loathsome liprosy from the crown of
my head to the ple of my feet, I couldn't
have leen more Ltudiously avoided and ab
horred by you eitimtns of Nashville !" The
paedon-seeker didn't t ink it advisable to ask
Mr. Maynard totake charge of his case.
—Senator 11.1?)rgan is preparing a bill
grantit g the sttne pensions to sailors that
are now granqd to soldiers. As the law
stands, sailors vim have lost both arms or
both legs onlyireeekm $8 pee month, while
soldiers who hive lost two limbs receives 26
p,r month.
—Gen. Loqin has declined the Mexican
missi • n, saysti dispatch t? a Philadelphia
paper. His sons arettortnade public, but ;
it is said he jpes not like the policy which is
e bee pursntl by the Govrnment.
—After 'viewing every other theatre,
Pitalea's light B!oatniug across" is now
perfuming le late theatre orwar„Southern
orders roil ffcontinudusly There is a per
fect unionOf sent meet between the hie
sec ions rt.regards this peerless extract -4 11
Sold everAbere
GRAIN t'PECIIMATOIts.—The tailure o
sundry. grain Njeculaters in-ehicago-has-ex
Cited no symp thy for them anywhere, and
the public we; d not regret to see all of them
going about h burned fingers. They have,
during:the la si4 months, succeeded in keep
ing -wheat, t stk ( tff of life, far above its na
tural and Htirnate price, and have thus
made life h der and poverty severer to hun
dreds of tl , sands of people w.o could ill
bear such affliction. By holding bank for
higher pri s,they also prevented th:! outflow
I of, grain Europe, where there was a do
rriand forpt'at Nprice at which it could well
be afforded •, an kin this way they helped to
keep the balaneelf trade against this coun
try, and thus rillecl the price, of all other
UN IVE I? SA.L OM . 1 1 ' LETE.
"Proclaim Liberty roughout the
Land and Unto A e Inhabit
, ' ants there $p . . . ,
, WABUINCITON, .I r. • 18,186& , ,
WILLIAM H. SRWARD, Seem yof State'of
~the United States, to all to, tem these
presents may come, greeting: -
Know Yo, fil;at whereas the roes of
the United States, on the first of vruary
last, passed a resolution ~ hich is in t words •
following, namely :
"A resolution Submitti to 'the 'Algid' tires
of the several State a proposition a _
, mend theConstitutio of the ljnitedSt cs.
"Resolved by'the Sel a and House of
St It;
presenfativai of the Un' d ates of- Aincria
. iii„c ov , qss, assemble( • twort/d2:dB of ' oot h
Houses concurriqe, TI , . thefollowing arti•
,cle• bail - kkosed to t ;,Legililatures of the
several Stutmas tin it tidinerit to the Con
stitution of ,the Unite totes,,. which, wben,
ratified' by three-rolirtbe - of 'said Legislaturee,
shall be valid• to all intents and purposes
a part of the said constitution, namely
"Aurrcx xixf. Section 1. Neither sla
very. nor involuntary servitude,-except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall
have been 'duly convicted, shall exist within .
the United- States or any place subject:to
their jurisdiction;
"Sec. 2. - Congress shall have power to, en
force this article by appropriate legislation." ..
And whereas it apin.ars from official docu
ments on file in this department that the a
mendment to the Constitution of theolanited.
States, proposed as aforesaid, has been nal•
fled by the Legislatures of the States of
Rhode Island, Michigan, Maryland,
New York, West Virginia, Maine; Kansas.
Massdcl.usetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia. Ohio,
Missouri, Nevada, 'lndiana, Louisiana, Min
nesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Ar
kansas; Connecticut, 'and Georgia—in all 27
And whereas, The whole number of States
in the United States 41 thirty-six •
And whereas, The before specially-named'.
States, whose Legislatures have ratified the
said proposed amendment, constitute three
fourths of the whole number of States in the
United States;
Now, therefore, be it known that I, Wil
liam El. Seward, Secretary of State of the
United States, by virtue, and in pursuance
of the second section of the act of Congress
approved the twentieth day of April, 1818,
entitled "An act to provide for the publica
tion of the laws of the United States, and
for other purposes," do hereby certify that
the amendment aoresaid has become valid
to all intents and •purposes as a part of the
constitution of the United States.
• In testimony whereof I have hereunto se'
my hand, and caused the seal of the Depart
ment of State to be affixed.
Dolt° at the city of Waehington, this ],Bth
day of December, in the year of our Lord
18J5, and of the independence of the United
States of America the ninetieth.
WM. 11. SEWAR.D, Secretury of State*
The following resolutions were offered
and adopted unanimously at the late meet
ing of the " LOyal Pennsylvanians" in
Washington :
Resolved, That the just, fearless and law;
ful position assumed by Hon. I'dward
McPherson at the organization of the
Thirty-ninth Congress ot the United States,
in omitting from the roll of the House the
natnoi of those. who claimed to be repre
sentatives from the States so recently in
Rebellion, meets with the uaqualilled ap
probation of the loyal Pennsyivannois of
this city, and as a much esteem , d and honor
ed member ut our Association, we heartily
them: him for his action.
Resolved, That we are gratified to know
that he has been re-elected Cierk of tile
House of Representatives, a position the
duties of which he discharged with so
much ability and acceptance during the pie'
two years, as evinced by the wanner of his
re-election, and that we are proud of horn
SS the representative of the great State of
Pennsylvania in the organization of the
re.ero inottgres.,
It was heretofore announced that the De
partment of State had not received nuLlc.•
of the ratification of the Constitutional
Amendment prohibiting slavery by Indiana.
To-day, however, Speaker Colfax. tiled in
the Department official notice of its ratiticit
tion by that Stu 0, attested by Aciiiq,
Governor Baker and Seeretary of the State
Truster, of Indiana.
Inaugu ration of Gov. Jenkins
Governor Jenkins was inaugurated at noon
In his address to the Legislature he said,
there is no conflict between the Constitution
of the United States and the Constitution of
the State of Georgia, and the laws of - the
United States era supreme. He passed a
handsome tr.bute to the good conduct of the
negroes during the war ,
and says they must
to thoroughly protected in their persons and
property—have the right to enter the Courts,
and should be-encouraged to work, and will
then be the best working classes, and their
late owners the best employers in the world.
tie reviews the condition of the State insti
tutions, and says even light taxes will be
burdensome, but thinks the people will not
sutler and concludes with the words "God
help us all."
Provisional Governor Johnson then ten
dered the oath to Mr. Jenkins, who was then
declared by the President of the Senate to
be-Governor-of-GeorgiaThe sentiments expressed in the address
were cordially endorsed by the members of
the Legislature, which body will adjourn to
Lotter Froin Washington
DEAR HERALD.—In consequence of the
death of Senator CoHamer, of Vermont, Con
gress has adjourned until Monday, the 18th
inst. shortly after which the regular holiday
recess will be taken, lasting until the 9th
proximo. The work already done, however,
is significant, us showing the determined
aspect of the House in regard to the re
admission of the Southern Representatives
into the legislative hulls of that body. The
caucus resolution of Mr. Stevens, after be
ing slightly culled by the Senate, is substan
adoood ....diadicates without a doubt
the exclu s ion in toto of the late rebellious
states till the foul crimes of Mil lien nature
are burnt and purged away." Whether
this sweeping action will bring a speedy
repentance on the part of our " erring
sisters," and cause our immediate recogni
tion of the requirements involved in the
President's reconstruction policy, remains
to be seen—
Mr. Sum er's resolution in the Senate,
inquiring into the conduct of th , i Treasury
Department, and whether there are any
clerks there who have not taken the pre
scribed oath, might have. also embraced an
inquiry as to the number of honorably dis
charged Poldiers employed in that branch.
Notwithstanding the voice of public opin
ion on this subject, and the wist. of Con
gress as expressed in a former sitting, the
percentage of this class of persons—so fur us
my knoWdedge extends is comparatively in
significant., It is urged in defense of those
who have grown . ;gray in the service—to
accustomed monthly
Siiliiries—thavheY have the ." run" of the
business so thorougly, and are so accurately
conversant with the duties of the depart
ment, that their removal would be highly
prejudicial to the nterests of• the Govern
ment. Theoraically this is very pretty,
and evinces quite a commendable solicitude,
-as-to-the-properinanagement or Public - of
fairs ; but out of thousands of soldiers' ap
plications for clerkship there aro enough to
fill all the offices' satisfactorily and with
honor, and whose mental qualifications are•
sufficiently ample to justify an induction at
once into the official duties of tile depart
X have dwelt on this subject because it is
my earnest desire to so those men who
have done the State so much service in her
hour of need—a groat many of whom in
jured irremediably their legitimate business
prospects—receive those gifts of honor and
emolument which are at the hands of gov
ernment to bestow'. The present bead of the
deparimept and assistants are apparently
determined as far as practicable, to auopt
this poticy, and I am plowed to eeb'a grild
ual,diminution of the civilian clerical force,
to make room for those who are so justly
entilled,and who cannot be too'fully rewar
ded by a grateful contitrr
To one .wishing,to study human nature in
all its variable aspects, the cosmopolitan
eimiety of the capital offers peculiar advan
tages. People, of all hues,
morally, politically
and otherwise ; people whose s; ecialty is to
make money, and othera_to spend it; those
'with blighted hopes and "almost ••broken
hearts ; with immense expectations and
meagre realisation—in fact humanity with
all its happiness and suffering, is here c9n
gregated.fiom every part of the continent in
one etatogenoun mass; the contemfilattoli
of which as above remarked, would be a
_stitdy at open at uperidoul and comprehensive.
Aututiements are at high tide hero,—=the
regatar winter season having' columencvd.
James B...Alurdoch, haw just been succeeded
at Grov,ers theaiie by D. P. Bowers.-
-The former-drew- the- targest 'atidiences-that
waahington has ever, ki.own,,and . by his
, great eloectfobary poirrs elicited .those
.nlaudita , which his distinguished histrionic
genius so :eminently deserved. During' toe
last night of engageMent, while enacting
the the 'Stranger, in the play of that
nutailt".he suddenly sw,eourd away, and was
curried to his hotel so ill as to preclude a
rt'appentance. It was beresultof overtaxed
energies. From the playbills I obserrd that
we are to have* al se son of opera,during the
holidays. The Impressario Martezek with th
grad triple Italian Comp fly from the
Academy of Music, Y. rk." will be the
sensation and a season of unprecedented
brilliancy, may be expected. The subscrip-
tion sale of seats bite commenced and the
private boxes are already principally en
gaged by members of foreign legations. In
the repertoire of operas to -be _rendered I
notice .L'Africaine,Trovatore,Pra Diltvalo,
lone, etc. Er
gob3n anb ofountg Blotters
thence• to a custom which has obtained ever
since we knew anything or the newspaper
business, we suspend publication during the
ensuing week. This cus om was adopted
long time ago, when devil and editor alike
were reckoned as part of a common human
ity and with it entitled to share in the uni
versal holiday. We recognize fully the fact
that since that time their dark misdeeds have
ousted them from communi n with the em
bodied saints, but the hold they retain upon
this usage which gives them an equal share
with the rest of mankind during the week
of Santa Claus' reign, is not relaxed. Let
us all then, Priest and sinner together, enjoy
to the full King Christmas' jubilee week,
renewing our vigor for the work of 1860.
Gen. GEORGE L. GoucnEß (—pro
nounced Gu—shay—) wishes us to toll his
friends that ho will be making his regular
annual calls upon New Year Day, with an
address filled with sparkling gems of poesy
and sentiment. Be ready for him.
of the Evangelical Association, 41. Kingston.
will be dedicated on Sunday nest at 10
o'clock A. M. The public is respectfuly
nvited to attend
E. Maley, Commissary at Carlisle Barracks
advertises this week fur sealed propo:oils fu
furnishing the troops at that. Pu-t with goo(
fresh beef. Read the ad v. in another par
of to-day's Paper.
TILE Posii SEAS N —l4", r ~ ,, m e We
past, such of our citizens as are in the hale!
of raising their own hogs, have been bte=ily
engaged in the work of slaughter. and in
every part of the town might he heard the
murder squeals of the swine, Of late• ye a r:,
comparatively few hogs have horn raised
hereabouts, and cite f,".
porkers has considerably abated. Now ho g s
of a more moderate size seem to be preferred.
This is probably owing to the exorbitant
price of stock hogs, feed, Szc.,, ce nsomers
preferring rather to take their chance of the
market in the fall. Since the killing Wil
son" commenced, there has been a pru•cepti
ble decline in the price of pork.
Mrs. D. ljnddock of PlOholeliqqa, groaefu
acknowledges the receipt of the foltkiwinc
articles through Mrs Geo. W. Sheafer and
Mrs. J. W. Eby, of Carlisle, Pa. for the Sol
diers' and Sailors' Fair held Oct. 23d 18h5•
100 pounds of butter, 45 doz. eggs, 25 pairs
of chickens, 6 hams, 6 dried Tok goes, olb
dried,beef, 9 jars of English Pickles, I bottle
of table oil, 2 jars of Reading Sauce, English,
1 jar Wocester Sauce, 1,,j kr Pepper Sauce. 2
jars of Apple butter, a lot of dried fruit, 6ilb
stocking yarn and $82,00. The money and
articles were all contributed from Cuuber
laud County.
Eigi,tierth anniversary of the Belle' Leitres
Society of Dickinson College was celebrated
in Rheem's Hull on Tuesday evening. The
e:hibrtron—Wa :a—very--succcsrftrl - on e n - d
we sincerely regret our inability, because of
nn uru•ual press of matter,to give a length
ened account of the severalepeeches. They
were all very good and were very well re
ceived by the large audience. The Belles
Lettres have good reasons to he proud of
their Eightieth anniversary.
The following was the programme for the
Anniversary Address.—J. TODD, Philo. T'a.
The Age Progressive Through Doubt.—
W. WELLS, West Phi J,. Ps.
Influence of at , Press J McKELvir,
P.ttsburg, Pa
Crime s and Ovilaation. S. G. GROVE
Colombia, Pa.
The People and Their Faith.—Louis E
McComAs, Hager,town, Md.
BkloADlEttnENkFtm,Ktl.nuttN, ('hie
Commissary at Philadelphia, visited earns]
Barracks on Wedne• day last and express
ea himself as much gratified at the con
ditio' of affairs at that Post. He wa
especially pleased with the excellent orde
Which orevaded the department with whit.
he is specially connected.
n. Kilburn entered the service in
1842 as second lieutenant in Ringgold's cele
brated battery. At that time Sergett nt Ed ward
FUREY. who is now Commissary Sergeant
at Carlisle Barracks was Orderly Sergeant
of May's battallion of dragoons. The Gen
then lieutenant, rec.gnized the sergeant as
one of his old companions in arms though
the Mexican War.
On Fridity._Dec-29th delegates-from,vari
out; parts of the county will assemble in
Carlisle; to consider the subject of establish
ing a State Normal - School for this district.
This is a matter of no small moment to
the public.
The delegates are desirous that the friends
of common school advancement shall attend,
and thus give their approbation to the
GRO. SWARTZ, County Supt
Zptital Noticeo.
Retailers Please Notice
WM. 814111 & SON, Carlisle, offer a
- very - large assortment of bi;3t, Philadelphia
made candies at city prices without freight
call and soo for yourselves:
J. W. G. WiREMAN'S ChOICO Espinoln
SEGARS, at manufacturer's prices; just re
ceived by J. M. ALLEN & Co., and for sale,
wholesale and Mail.
have now ready the largest assortment of
Ptah; and Fancy Candies over offered fer sale,
in this county, - all . suitabre for the Hblidays,
and all of which we will•aell .lower than can
behougb t anywhere this side of Ph iladel ph a.'
Call %rid examine our stock (before you . buy)
at our old stand, opposite the ghat Natiohal
Bank, Carlisle, Pa..
Nice French & American Mixed Can
dies at Whs. 13 ' f•AIR & SON'S SOUt.h End,
HtirroN has just received asplendid nriety
of useful Fancy Goodi for the Hollidays,
and also a beautirul assortment of Cloaks,
Shawls and Woolen Knitted Goods, &e., and
all bought at reduced prices. He et&rs rare
inducements to buyers. Don't fail to give
him a call, one and all and you will save
money. Store two doors above Leonard's
corner, NOrtb Hanover street, Carlisle. j
could hardly perform ti greater service to
the public than to impress upon the mind of
persons who are about making presents, the
good taste of selecting a Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machine for that purpose. these
superb instruments are unrivalled in their
excellence, being preferable to all others in
use for family sewing of every description.
Over 200,00.) of these great machines have
already been sold. Agency at Rail Road
Office, Carlisle Pa.
Dec. 1, AlBO5-It.-
discovery which has been made, is . ' a new
planet which adds a new feature to the
many discoveries already made, but while
astikommers are observing everything ap
pertaining to their interest, the ladies of
Carlisle rind vicinity say that they have dis
covered the latest star and are not to be
outdone by anybody. They have visited
and are visiting daily the STAR STORE of
Mr. M. Mayer, in North Hanover Street,
formerly occupied, and known as Mr.
.Miller's bakery, one door North of Dr. Dale's
Carlisle, where they constantly find the best
and cheapest assortment of Millinery Goods,
such as Bonnets, in straw, silk and velvet,
richly trimmed. Ladies and Misses Hats, in
straw, felt, silk and velvet, trimmed With
birds, feathers &c., &c. A large assortment
o f Cloaks, such us the Chesterfield ('oats,
Loose Sacks, Circulars, Short or Walking
Sacks. Shawl;, Knitted and Woolen Goods,
Embroideries, Trimmings, &c.
By strict attention to his business. and by
constantly r eeiving fresh supplies from
New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore,
Mr. aye!. ()Iferzi rare inducements, and
respectioily requests the ladies of Carlisle
and Mein y t 4, giVt• liiin a call.
\\ - v , t
the l'hihnielphiu Daily l'itper,.—Otir pe.ple
visiting w• Nl II t.. the UJty, Wiffild
L. \N't II L(. 111,11‘e 1 ligoty t4' it ..-
't 11 iNG
It.ettted ttt the Ctn. ur
i'llll-10 . A., Ca
nuuarty lIS "t):11'. 11.1 t ,
, h ,.
01 , 1 . 11111g'
11,11,0, ill. OW Stltt, -.ll}ll`l . slylks4,
I.xce lent
pi loos, have titade Ilicir Iluti.,u (I ,, ziervedly ,
In their Cl'-T())! I/EPA ENT,
%Own , ologat,l 1,, OR
DER. nom , hot the aro 0111-
titi the line a, , ttrtittent ttr .11:aerials
lu select frotti en:titles tdiu to be well
Iluulilr- will he 11itil, and in,true-
Lion for ineltsurin , 4, v..lion.piritten for
Nov. 10, 1865-Bt.
11Theaton , s Ointment
Will cure the Itch in 48 Hours.
A LSO cures SILT 1111ELLNL" UL•
pmts. EnnithAt s, and all ERUPTIONS Or
nil.: iN. Price f, crate Fon ,etle h 3 all Druu. kts.
iiy crate t o pkyrrhlt Sole
%.ents, 170 Washington street, Boston, %lean.. It. will
he forwarded by omit, free of- postage, to any part of
tt.e United States
Sept 24. 1800-om.
A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat,
Irritation of the T ungs a Permanent
Throat Alfentizn - , -- oritti - InetTriibTe —
Lung Disease
Brown's Bronchial Troches
For Bronchitis, .% sthtna, Citurrh, Consump
tive and Throat Disease,
• 111 find Trorhef: Us tul 4i ele•riug the voieo h hen tu•
hero, Singing or Sp./11,110 nn d rellevin, the
throat abet an nu-nal exe;ll n 1,1 the voral ortrat.H.
• he Troches are rorummeu•,ed and prescribed by Pny
.ielnass, and ha ve had resrlorm tars fret ilui!nent men
t hroughout the Com; try. Botha an arilvle a rue
thertt aibt !Ito:jug ptoved their ettl. !fey by a test of
onail) yrars, each year finds them in new lenhitieu to
arfous palls of the nor d nod the Trorhe- am uul.
, 0101113 pr. 'now .1 d letter thar ottoru, te'et.
~ 111.kIN Old) ' Blet,WN'6 C 111,... and 110
of I td the N urthhos Iwilnlhoes !hat luny be
01 tea.
I.ld nvi,yl, here in the Unlit d Lane, and in ICON
uu' trio!, Rf nJ ,•viits
, et. 27,
\l,4.'S VEG VIT.\ lil.E h ILI \N
I II A It 1..6y vellas proved It It to he the
Pt perfect pri.parnOon for the hair ever otlered to
he public
It sa vegetal.. eoumnund and contains no hourl
us pr .pertiee what-, yr.
IT tt .LL IthSTUI(EII ,AY HAIR ro tTs oft :GINAL
: iLdlt.
It will keep the hair from fallind out.
it cteanse• the sealp and undies the hair soft, Ina ,
'roue and silken.
It ifra splendid hair dresalitir.
person. old or
Young:gloom fill to olio It.
tite•Ask for Hull's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer,
slid take no other.
N. P. II Lb & CO.
Naebea, N. 11, Proprietor*
For wile by all druoglste.
W 18 Ic E li,S IV tiI..SK.E rt !
DO you w.nt Whiskers or Moustaches ? Our Ore
dun Compound will force . ham to grow on the
,t' face ..r chin, or hair owbald bends, in Six Wret•s.
Price $l.OO Sent by mail Anywhere, closely sealed,
•m receipt of price. Address,
WARN Nit & CU., Box 138, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ma ch 31, 1805-Iy.
he Long . Looked For Has Come
UNDIAN Pain Killer.—Tor, the quick
L. Roller of Headache, Toothache. Rheumatism. Neu.
ralgis. Pain In the Stomach. Back or Sitio, Painter's
;hone, Cramp, Frosted Feet or kart, Burns, Fresh Cuts
Rpralno. Brumes, Diarrhea. Sore Throat, and all stud
an complaints. Toothache relieved In eight minutes.
.iarache relieved In ton minutes. Burns rtlieved from
omitting in fifteen minutes, Crampo s r Cholla cured in
ten minutes. Sprains relieved It, twenty minutes.—
Sore Thrmit relieved in thirty,minutes.
I have spent years in selecting the herbs from the
vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adapted
to stilt:diseases of the human family. and now I have
t.ctimplete. Every Bottle Warrautod. Try ti„ Try
Those Calks we prove on the spot, and before Your:
oyio , , only bring yore rases
Dr. COLLINS has also for sale his Syrup of Roots
rndlan Eye Wash and' Powhattan Eiuvn. This Syrup
.urns Coughs, Colds, Bore ThrcinV, Croup. Bronchitis,
letheaa. and al) similar complainta. also purineki the
Jona. The Naive heals Sores or Breaklm a' ut n in the
ktaee. draws fire from Burns; warranted, to Cure Heal. d
.r Sore Breasts. The Bye Wash corm Sore or Inflamed
eyes, &e.
Dr. Collins Valley Herb PHIS,
Nar•tho cur. of Hick or Nervotta Hell:Wale. Female Tr
regularities; Dropsy;'Llver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
utacuof the liktnoya Mover and Auum, ac.
br:I,OI.ILINS can hoi couaulteditt hla (Utica, on Mr
.IRI,OR of various kiude.
Theao ItlrcHeinen aro preparad end,Fpid by
- sAmuu COLLINS, Whin Medicine Man,
' 74 gurket street.
Aimo; for woo at IIAVEItoTIOK'S Drug and Wok
tore. Oarilslo.
All ordure obou'd bo addressed to Dr: B Collluy
lorrisburg. noLisO hludirldee are purely Vegetable..
, 4cuso .10; Mb.