iteirid& pendence, .the people.' Here toleration is extended .to every opinion, in theqUiet . cortaintY that truth neeis only a' fair field to secure the victory. Here the: i , human mind goes forth' unshackled in the pursuit'of science; to:collectatores of know 'edge and acquire an evcr.increasing mas tery over the forces of nature. Here the na tional domain is offered and held in millions of separate freeholds, so that our fellow citi zens, beyond the occupantS of any other part of the earth,(lßnstitute in reality a people.; . ...Here exists the democratic form of govern: merit;-and-that form of government, by the confession of European statesmen, "gives a power of which no other form is capable, be cause it incorporates every man with the State, and arouses everything that belongs to the soul." Where, in past history, does a parallel ex ist to the pub& happiness which is within the reach of the people of the United States? Where. in any part of the globe, can insti tutions be found sound so suited to their hab its or so entitled to their love as their own free Constitution ? Everypne of them, then, in whatever part of the land ho has his home, must wish its perpetuity. Who of them will not now acknowledge, in the words of Washington, that "every step by which the people of the United States have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of Providential agency ?" Who will not join with me in the prayer, that the in visible hand which has led us through the clouds that gloomed around our path, will so guide us onward to a perfect restoration of fraternal affection, that we of this day may be able to transmit our great inheri tance, of State Governments in all their rights, of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, to our posterity, and they to theirs through Countless gene rations? ANDREW JOHNSON. WASHINGTON December 4, 1866. PIANO-FORTES. BRIGGS' NE W PATENT. ARE the only Instruments constt ueted on a hilly scientific principle. They have gre t er stren g th. and wit remain longer In une th,n any other Piano. The construction Is simple and natural all the extraneous lumber in the body of the in.tru molt is dispensed with; the sound boards are mere y two arched planks M thin wood, like the front and back of a violin ; the strings m an attached to a stnmg Iron frame, which is separated and entirely independ eat of the case, thereby dispensing with the al.l harp firm of stringing, by substituting straight let Igen, preserving at the same time the Over Strung Pass, f which Mr. Driggs is the inventor, fly these Improve merits we gain much more vibratory power. at tin same time preserving all Its purity and richness of tone. They have received lhe highest testimonials from the Press, and all the principal artiAs in the country, among «hh•h am Barry Sanderson, Max Marelzek, Theodore tistlold, Herman tVo'leu haul,t, Franck 11. Brown, Wm. 11@nry Fry, Mr. SEG ESNIUND TII A LAMM. the gent pianist says:-1 have examined your new Plano-tortes. and I cordially approve of its S 3 Sletrl or construction. Its principle, by which great increase of v ibratot y power is obtained, being very..ximple and perfectly ph losophi cal. The tone in grand and noble; It has great cepa, ity for sustaining the sound or singing, and Its vol ume of tone or power I have never heard excelled in depth, purity, and syrup:allelic sWOUttlit, . M cu. HENRY Eh Y, late Musical critic of the N. 1• . says:-1 have exami ,, ed your newly invented Piano-Fortes. They merit all the praise given to them by Messrs Thalberg. Gottschalk, StracLosch, Mason and others. ,As regards stint tune, they ate original and philord !dike' ; in put ity, elltlilluit3 of tone; in vocial vorsinnlttude, that crowning ex,el. len. a which enables the pitthists to " sing" on the ill atrunient, your Pianos over deserve the highest rank Your invention, in my opinion, is destined to work a radical change in the manufactureor Pianos through oat the world. From the N. Y Herald. eptC? s.—Upon a careful ux aminatlon of PrigteP Plain-Forte, we find the results obtained are a very line singing tone, great 1 urity ntid brilliancy lb roughout the entire Instrumen not Oft.. !mind in Pianos cot StrUrted upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times. .lily 12 says:—We have now an inati lament without an equal It ran sing with a smooth delicacy, perle•tly unattainable on any other Instrument: an ordinary player obtains with no 000 t , a fullness of n Grand Plano• Forte, and they must speedily supersede the old II) les IiENTLEMEN Having thoroughly examined and tested the Plano- Fortes Inverted and totented by Mr . B. Briggs, I em I 1 the opinion that Illx lobo I , stilt from his Improvements, as exhibited In the In .moots under examination, In point of richn,s plh aid brilliancy. equals .bat of the best n i For tes. and excels them In pure, musical intim atiou and at teal vntc . p o wer thus approximating closer to what I considei perfection in the itit.trument than has yet burn aebierud by any other h 3 stem of ma unlacture. Yours respectfully. L. M. GoTTscHALK WM. HALL & SON, ta.3 Broadway, NEW YORK Before purchasing, send ler a d• f•%i iptivo eataloguo with price. • June iii, 18•16—s1y. THIRD GRAND ARRIVAL WINTER GOODS at W. C. Sawyer is• Co's. great Dry G oo d Emporium, east Main St., one door be low Martin's Hotel. Wl4; hUve just received from New York our immense stock of Whiter Goods. j.dr test importations of Prowh, English arid Gorman 0 - 00= Sy In silk and v 00l fabrics, Plain, Striped, Barred and Figured aryleg. sollii.g-very cheap • - - COATS ! COATS! COA TS latent Paris Mattlea, Coats, Chesterfields and Circulars at reduced priers. PUBS, FURS, FURS, from the importers and manufactories, an immense supply ofail kinds. Apes and mllions, Felling less than city retail prime. Shawls, Shawls, MOURNING GOODS of every variety. OVEItCO %TINOS. CLOTHS and CAS,ipl DREG.. We get up suits at short ..otlea and in the best styles. ALL KINDS Up NOTIONS. Drawers, Undershirts, Gloves tee. Domestic Goode in large quantities. CAR PETS, all grades 011 Cloths, Flannels, Linens &c. PleaSo call and esamino the largest and beat stock In the Valley. We are determined to keep up our old reputation of selling good goods at very low prices. . W. O. SAWYER, & CO. Highest cash prices paid for Carpet Hags. Nov. 24, 1865. MONEY : MONEY Money Saved is Honey Earned FARMERS, Mechanics and laboring men look to your Interests. If you wish to save mousy, buy your . BOOTS', SHOES, HATS AND:OAPS, at PLANK'S Cheap Store, South West corner of North Hanover St., and Locust Alley, midway between Thu. dltaa'a and Wager'. Hotels, Carlisle. where Roots, Shres, Hate and Capa can be bud from the comnone‘t article to the very best quality. Si. such prices that defy comPetb inn. Ho and see them. Homeml er the Stand, South West corner of North Hanover St. and Locust Alloy, midway between Thu dium'a end Wetzel's Hotels, Catcher o.lBo4—tf. JUAN 0 HERMAN, Wholesale Dealer in Tobacdo, Snuff, Pipes, • . te., and Manufacturer ofSegars. : • No. ,8 8. OE 9 11. G B STREET, .YOR:IE, PAi :T RECEIVE.. my Tobaccos diroot' &ran 1 the Factory; and fain ensure them good, tindelmag. • or AMU": Ceti be 'botight the' city. My. brands of OBLEWINO TOBACCO are as follows viz: Navy, Con gress' Spun-Roil, p lg , Twist, F(ounderm, Hard and Light Pressed Virginia. Wine Out 011BWING and SMOKING • !POBACCO at Factory Prices.- - • , Also, a largo assortment of PIPES. • • . • I have just received from Richmond some celebrated BIIIOIIING TOBACCO. • Merchants look to your Ird-errata. All orders prompt. ly attended to .„ - ,- MOveinher to, 1805.-p ma.. LL tho leading Pateht 111Odielooe 'of ~a6 t he,4arat Aisyqratioro Drug and goolt,..fkta,,26,11.7, t . • - - :GRANDTODENINEF'DAYr - "- Greenfield' :: Shearer's. have now. ready for in‘ripeolion' Mu most beautiful assortment of Dress (foods over 6xlabited In Caillslo. at prices within th-• reach of all. As we were so !cannot° as to be lu beli York during the late GREATJANIC Which lasted only two days, we bavir ti:ttenlood to givo out .custonters the advautagu 111 goods bought during the two days that goods wo lfaold at, the low est prices Stacks of DRESS GOODS 1 Poplins Plain In Colors. ,Vinid Poplins. .tripe_ do. Illocade Reps, 'Foulard Poplins I;mpre s Cloths, Wool PlahlS. French llerinoes, In all colors, Coburgo of every ;bade and color, Silk Plaid Crepes. Satin Orisal las, Plaid Poll do Cho v rec. Pohaloes. all now designs. . . - . In addition to 'the above J 11111,011103 Stnek or Dram Go In U reenfiold k !Mettler hal.° a full lino of at prices that dory competlon. We can sell MUSLIN S, CALICOES,. GINGHAMS, lower than other merchants pahrfOr the same Goods ton days ago. Tilol.l , who Jesiru a feast for their oyes should not fall to call and OX:lfilinnn our .`took. lioep In mind the place, South Eamt, orner Market Square, second door. • - Thankful for the past patronage we respeettully so Ilcit a contittillMq er the same October 6, 18115 Astounding RevelAtion! THE PEOPLE ASTONISHED I CARLISLE IN AN UPROAR! il , . ~.,,1,,A I t ' i I.?,11, of on with h L H s t t i Harrisburg s i b tci that h i ; t iti , in tat I ) shed a new MILLINER J .. S TORE In the brirout.h of Carlisle, next clt or to Dr. Dale's North ❑an ver street. and is prepared to offer large induomnents to the Ladles of t'arit , t:e sird r trinity. Being constantly in receipt 61 the lab eel stylus n• fashions. from the eitie,. sf•2+etv Verb. Philadelphia and Bal,timore. it•. Is prep bred to ,cend an Invltaithn to the Indies in gowns' to Visit him at his place at hu•iness. where they ju. , ge lot ,hemselves, as t, tiles iperim it y or hi. goads, the Style nod thsbion of the , at adlly p•• ciove that Carlisle Is up tool], largo. cities.til l tli t no longer the necessity exist of fill, 011111 E; 1.. our neighboring cities the purpose of obtallung fashirolahle tto. Mr Mayer, keeps ,nnstautly on hind • ' Ladies' Bonnets, In Craw, Silk, \ elver, tt Ith the 'ldlest Trimmings, latest st., les. Ladies and Mis;,:es Hats, ie straw, Poll. -itk ;tie! Vulva , trimmed with birds, feathers arid thn riehent arnanients. In nf~L•s 111,1 qUaliti, ton 11111110r - 1w to 11101,11 n,. Hair ' , et.: and Heti 0tt,5..., %Voter Fatty:mil linlr sok,. velvets, Ribbons, Bonnet Fr3lllo, .ill articles tndonglox to Lit, Iliillnery lino. CLOAKS, CLOVKS, such as Chy , telo , •i.l , ont, Loo POWIIIe certifies that lie hits sold hundreds of but ties o. the Phoenix Pectoral, and that all who used It boar testimony of Its wonderful effects In curing coughs. John Royer, editor of the "Indopenaent Plicenix." holing used it, hos no hesitation In pronouncing It a 0 , 111 plete roil ody fur cough, h. arsenesn and irritation In the throat. • The Went Chester "Jefiersonlan" says: "We have known Dr. Oberholtzer personally a number of years, and it gives 115 the greater pleasure to recommend his medicines inasmuch •as the public rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquieetnents and experience. Dr. Oherholtzer is. a member of the Alumni of the Ipdical Departm.nt, of the Universby of Pennsylva nia. at which Institution ho graduated lu 1854" The heading "Gazette" sacs:" This cough remedy Is made up by Dr.'. Ohm holtzor, of Plicenixville, Pa., and I. has acquired an unsurpuifsed reputation in cur ing coughs. it is carefully and skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Dark and Sericite' Snake Rot." 'Dr. G00. , 11. Wood, Professor of the Practice of Medi eine In the University of Pennsv voids, 'Physician to ho Pennsylvgnia Hospital, end one of the authors of the United States Disponsatory,'says of Beneka Simko Rent: " ate season is specialty directed to the lunge" TOO proprietor Cl this medicine has so much coon d ice to its curative powers. from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be wid,back to any purchaser who 15 , 1101 satisfied with its effects. It lase pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only Thirty-five cents—large b. , tties $l. - It is intended for only ono class of dbeases, namely, thole of the throat and lungs. Prepared only by . LB VI OBERHOLTUR. M. D. Phcon lxvillo, , Sold by all Drug!,lste and Storohoup. rs. - Pa. Johnston. Holloway & Cowden, No. 23 No. th'Slath Street, Phi ndelphla, Hormel Wholosalo Agents. • D. W:GroSi3 & Co., Wholokalo Agents Harrisburg. Ilaverstlcit's 'Drug Stars; agoney-I,r Carli lo N D.--.I f:your nearest. druggist or' storokeepor does not; keep this medicine do'not lot hith put.y...o off with some other medicine, boeiose ho mai; es tours money on It but solid at once to ono of •tho agonts for It. March 10, 1805 . .H;4y . Inf. HOOD. . ~ . . . ' :The:House Cleaners Friend. ' • A LLEN.'& , CO.;..havo a Bank savin gaitlclelor clearilhir'Flopra, Oil Chub, Window+, hat la worth an axatulibatb,,u by the public. Call • r. 1. U. LOOIIIS I Poniff nt'Sti uto few "," anbveiit • July 1, MA uU4Bii:4I.,;;OIi . V,ALLO, PLAIDS, DELA INES TICKINGS ,51731,11 ER HATS, and a gong 1;,112 tnv ut of DISSOLUTION , Olitatt ll , l _ ‘(... , 6AL. .t IN D 1. UM ISE 11 - Yitlii.b.:; '---- } The subscriber having leased the . yard fiamerly occupied by Ardistrong and Hoffer, and puiehased the stock A* COAL 41.,N D -L U M.B E R fo the yard, together with an 'lumens° now stock will havo constantly .on hand and furplsh to o dor all kinds and nu .11ty of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAINIU STUFF, Paling,' Plastering Lath, Shingling. Lath. worked, i•looring and Weatherboarding. Vosta and soils, and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard All kinds of Shingles, to wit: hiteph, hemlock and Oak. of different qualities Having ears of my own I can furnish bills to order of any . length and bite at the Olorteet notice hod on the most reasonable COMM ' My worked boards will lie kept under cover SO they erne be furnished dry at all times I have cumatantly on hand all kinds, of Family Coal under cover, which I will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: hvlteris VIIII4, Broheh, Egg, :Itovoand Nut, Luke Fiddlers Tleverton, Locust Mountain, Lohbery. which I pledge In ~ 4 1. SOD to itQll 'lt the lowest , privet, Best quality of Linieburarea and Bia chstaiell' Coal. always on hand whiidi I will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side or Orammar Maln Street AN %i IL BLAIR. Ml= FIRE IN SlUlt A Nth. r I .HE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu -Ithe! Hire inauradco, Company of Cumberland county, incorporated by an act of AssemLly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter extend ed to the year 1883, is now in active alai vigorous op eratlon, under the superintendence of the 'following board of Managers, viz: William It. Uorgao. Christif.n Stumm Jacob liberty D Bally. Alex. Cathcart, .1. 11 Coover. John Eichelber ger, Joseph II ickernham, Sand. hberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jac, b Coover. and I. C. Dun 10, be rates st i [lsmaili., are .40 low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persona wish ing to become memliersale invited to make applica. doll CO the agents of ;he Company, who are 0 filing to wait upon them at a y time WM. It UOIDI AS. President, Eherly's Mills, P. 0. STAYM AN. Vice President, Maciatolesburg, I'. 0. JOIIN C. DUN LlP,Sooty. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL BA I IN, MI Ifiburg. York Co, Afi ENTS. CumUnrinuJ eounty.—.l.,ll. ::horrlek. hoary &airing. Shireman stns,,; Lalayettr Coffer, Dleklnann; floor) Bowman, Churehtown; Mote orllll , ll. Bouth Middlnton; S utnuol Oraham. IVeßtimns oro'; Samuel Court' . lenhorg; J. W Coeklin,hopherdstown Co,v , r, Mien; J. 0 Saxton, Slice, Spring, John llyer. Carlicle; Volnntinn Foment,. Not, Cumber- Jamea sill,. York couuty—W. 8. l'kking. Done. ; lamas orllllth, Warrington; .1. F . It /Ole.) . Clark. I , lllshur.r; D. Rutter. I•alrview ; John Williams Carroll • Dauphfo co Mouser liar, isburg. 'iumbnrq nt th, enmpan, having 1.,011. 4 ., about to axplre. Ivan ha, them renewed by making applira Lion to at.y th.%gents. July LYNCH & FOOTE, Piumbers & Gas Fiiters. rirbe subscribers itiferui the public that th,y still ~,,„t i n up ,he (lAS FITTINO AND I'LUNI DING . At 111 • ~lii of thil Is ill A ttAitirl promptly hi .111 tiii•ir Hite 1,6, ( 11 L" , 1 1 1,:ou .S . // () II 'J'/ .13.47'11N 13,* tit,171" , ets Pm,. a . (1 Litt I'mors n m't. trt 1tt0. , 1 rupt•t. I rot. , 1 , 11,, rtlt liath Polk,. Wash litt , 01.,11 t'lr•ul rlt So. a:icl eve, 1,-criptiml u. r,Mtn :111.1111 u ,,, t.•.1111 ,‘”Lt•r. ~ u peru I .• , oi4i”4 ran,' 11 , 11 , 1 K tztiq 11‘1,11., put up .•Purvh, ore , . l U:it, short wake otwit tundrrn 11 , •,‘ and 101 . 14 in our ,iito Irk. iln I 11, 1 I "t , u..,1npt13 atim.,l,l I A NI Cl. A I; K CEI.I:I;NATED 1 0 E 1:1 LE Pi ',Ls Prop Ir. I •,•11111 i,.n of I I:1. 1) P, I.t ra..t . tllll:ll.y to tho u:edicine, is nu p 1,0 a , ur.• nod hale retilea) Lm b tanale h l/heleuelion, from any eause hate err ilia ail .1 , I t p me, lir y,I t, 1 . 0111.111 nothing hul I 111 to 1•11. • To '•I.111 I. II 1 I i,p1.4 . 1.1.1111 I It ICIII, in 5!.• , 1 t, tl.c 1,1,4 op 1110 11 , 1111113 period frith remit- Itirltv In all Nerrniia and Spin' it liffortions, Puin II ilia :k .111./ Litmus 110:11 . 1111,S. / .. 31,111.11t on alight F• af • 111 ,, 11. 1 . 3 , [11tat1, the II•-art. 4 rif Ilentlavlto. Whites. and all tint painful nod by a disiirdertnl system. these Pills will all,, t 21 .-tir.e when all othet means have failed. TL,•~o Pills have in Vet miss I,IIOWI/ to I II where the ditretiid, tI ei l pogo of pautphl, t are wi II gluier, d. For tur: r.:11 i elllll,, In't a 11111151110 free. nl I 1.:11 P tnntage stamp • eneltian 1 to and >lllOlO/ 14, 1 , 111SIIre 1 / 1 11.1./1.. C , flt:1111111g °VI" : . 1 1 1111/IS. 1. 11111 111.111. 1 I r - A !eta: 'ar'islo. , A. W. BENTZ SPECIAL NOTICE. Great Reduction in Dry Goods, IWING to the recent. lienvi full in priru ()old I hay.• determined to reduee e+e - ery Article In toy immence atom i f Dry (tends t. n.rrespondinr price wit h the precioua metal and intend lo make still further reductions front time to lime ss id recedes io mire. :11y exle,nsive stork boa heel, mainly purAms , .1 at low prices oral before tho event advance 10-goods 1 tat a this opportunity of calling the attention of the public to the both', as I can anti ill cell I .wor than any llouse toitUde tile Nastern Ditto . Cal' and Hymnine for out selves. lien,/ tuber the old stand . 4..otti flume, street I.cloe the Court It Or 7. I 'alo Arid to lout. JOHN N. STAYMAN. l'arliqle, May 22 1.803—1 y A. B. EWING'S U it N U It E IV A lt E-lt 0 0 r ;‘,.• if., 'I- West High Street, Carlisle, pa. (Premiunt awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 18570 Thu subscriber hoe just receivt d tho most aplandld assaiimoat on‘rtiolo, in Ids line, over brought to this place—which ho Ia determined to soil at prices that deli competition. Parlor. iChambor. - Dining-room, FUIPLIVITURE, Kitchen and Office Embreylug eVely article used by iiOUNO and Hotel iieepere, of the most approved and fitshioneble design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In Potts, reception and Camp (hairs, Mattresses, ant frames, pictures. &e.. ie. ,Particular attention given as usual to funeral.,; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. 1.4 H. E. July 1, 18C4 PAINTS AND OILS - ' 1 .10 TOll9 White Lead. 1000 Gallons of 011: Jun received wi, h a large assortment of Varnishes, • Fire Proof , Paint, ' Turpentine, ePlorence White; • Japan,, White Zinc Putty, Colored Zinc, • , - • Litharge,' ' ' Red Lead ' Whiling, , Boiled OIL Glue, Lard OIL ~ . Shellac, Sperm Oil, , Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c., Color, of every description dry, and Oil in cans and tubas at the Hardware Storomf ' July 1, 1864 Bryarq Pulmonic Waferp, AT RAL4TeiN'B: Dec. 11,188 3. O NE gi7)6l - 1 Photograph doz: k . yen poor 011011. Who will, I‘ o poor plOture to qt friend?' All PLIOP)(411 Apos thodil at • _ _ _ LOOIIMAN'S ROOMS,. . aro warranted to give ;:ati. fa:aioa or' they will la ret taken.. , Oct 21, , YSIIIIAN.B will lindlitje their , aci: vantage to call aria purchase tiLcir Medicines:id RALSTON'S, .Julj.l, • • ..„ , , „ • 600,00 J NI TO YUBCHdHS viiini" Spring a nyd S u m m e - r. Clothing of ' ' • ISAAC LIVINGS'I'ON, A ' his cheap Clothing Establishment on North flunover t•trret, Cordele, from one of the ittrzost end boat Agent of READY . 141 A 1) E CLOTHING,' GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ANA HATS, , ever brought to this place 'hiving just returned fro the Campargn...holacheowledges bin gratitude to the cilia ne efLarlisle and vlchtby for the extensive pat ronage they have bestowed upon hire, , and taken the present °ppm respectfully .ollelt -continu ance cd the same. Ills tuck Of ready made • SPRING- AND ST.J.MAIER OLOTHING, Is not surpassed In this place. of lterin quality or In extreme cheaptiete liemeutber that he also mattes elothing no order;-having in blip eritproy at experi enced cutter Prottl'iny "extensive purcrase In the ea thin cities, 1 reel ebnlident that I cannot he under sold by any other establishment. either Vast, 'West, North or :tout . Livitigst on has always been the first to supply you with clot leg. twenty-flue per teat. cheaper. aced one hut.drt d per cent, better than you can pureba•e e.bewhere Come and examine Manton AV il(111 yoll want to purchase clothing. ISAAC LIVINGSTO'V, North (hoover Street. April 1865. MACHINE SHOP. r The subscriber now manufactures and I keep con-tantly an hand. on Nora'. Street,- east of Itundlum's Hotel, a large ass rtment of - 11C RIEULTURA I. IMP LEM ENTS, such as Horse Powers, Threshing Machines with Sep razors attached, C,ovor 111111 e" Corn hollers, Straw and Fodder Cutters, all WM. of which are the latest and the befit iroPror en, tN. Tract • Particular attention paid to Reair- Ina t k cu of Agriltural Implements at short nctlee and reasonable prices. tankful for former favors I respectfully solicit a share of public pati conga BOOTS AND SHOES. T the store or John Irvine, on th _LIN. E. cornar of the public square. is the place to putehase Boots Shoes Bats and Cups, it pliers that defy competition, Ile has Just returned front the East with the Int eit otoAt rolll h 1.1., niowrtlneut or iSI.Ot 1101'n. 111 • & Caps that he as ever presented to this C1 , 131111u1,11), a lid which he In determined to sell at the lost est pos sible priees, Ills stock embt arm. ever) thing in hi, line of ln slnet.s. such an Its MEN'S BOYS', FINE CALF 'I.I4")OTS, Kip Boots. Calf and Patent Leather Oxlhrd Ties, On: anti patent Leather Grille, a, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Kip Brogans. Slippers, &c. LADIES' WEAR, Fine French and Engllall I.aatrlpgSjaiten...3l,.coero and Kitt 131a.t., Fine Kid rdlppergrFaney cm,. and Rid Rua &c.. )118 l' AsD CIIII,DItEIN'S \V} It of all desetip Lions embraeivg. title Lasting: (lalters. )!orroreo and I awing Ilut.lon Loots . Morrneen I are 1.00 a of nit Flo fn: r ut )' Fhr , v, of va How. ,1,) les allrra rs. de. II Al s A CAI'S. Sill., Casailnere. Fur and IVaol 'Hata of nil yuelitho- and kyles, alen a large asaotlxn, ut ei STRAW HA . mild.' to order at the Fhort, , Qt non,/ I, ei.irh 2 o Plu.tePul) C...fident I,t hIF tO 111.11S0 All (Oat, no of euotomero lie ?1, peel fu Ily JON (ten the 'Minn. 1,1111 n call. tr9_l.emuniher the place, N F. corm, of the l'ublic -luare. Jul, I, IAI4 sEI.J.ING OFF AT TWENTY FIVE I CL:\ T IS ELM% Crnt;Tl t , the sizn , P I the •• Gold Eagle," 3 hors ahove thn ornherla n d alle . t haw toi t,to dr ors lelow the %e ti .it's Church. on 11 tort Maio street, the largest and Lest seleeted steel, of 11' A l'( 'II ES AND JE IV 1.1.,RY h the , own, tt ill Lo ~.ew 30 per rent ion id Ilion at an; Hine in 'he - .ate The idol,. 1 . 01.111JF, it Jeri:ea-F.4dt. oie.i-t Gold /11.11 Cr.. hooting rner •' Ott - 1.1.1. I livers t.lkilit 7. Ai eliven %%alibi,. and ell other 1:11,d, arA , (201,11 AND SILVER ChALA'S. • -11 l'..ns l'envi.s..lvweirs of “Il k Inds. Awl •ilver. II ini.ed and dilver %%sue. MUSIC BOXES ACCOR DE?,/,lh, • gs a 1,1,11 V2llivt) of f* ,- .'> articleg, &v, The entire clock of U atchinak,„ e t 0 01,,, ear , l argo [ors, sod sn,c n ill ssholerado or retail on his terms. ila,ing selecied cla•s workman 01l kinds o repining will I. done as usual, at reduced prices. It. E. sa A I'Lka . 1 " , , I 4 HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. r E utider6igned respectfully ennoun• unp ros to tho public that he still continues we at• Itnlne•s at the old stand, in Vi est High a're ll et and eith it renewed and efficient effort, prod ate artl ries of heed Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that ,hell be etiletly iu keeping with the luiptuNe meta et the Art, and rutty up to the ago which xis . 4‘ I have on hand a splendid assortment of ... I ,'‘...; ',i HATS AND OAPS, ofall dosrns, from the ci it ndi i tol to the finest Fur and rp ilk lints; and at prices N the( must stilt every one who has on ex e to getting the worth of his monoy. The stock includes. ‘I II LESKIN, CASSIMERI:, BEAVER. & FELT iIATS, of every sty le and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabili” and finish; by those of any other establish 101'01 lu the noun try. Mr.'s, Boy's and Children's Ilat's and Cops. of every de,ription eonstantly on bat d. Ile 1 report fulls invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give him a call. J 0 CALLIO. July 1, 1814. IMPORTANT TO ALL SUFFERIVa ROM DEFECTIVE, ETE SIGHT. ROSEN DA LE, Oculist Optician, ix now permanently located at 211 North 2d St., Lhorisburg. Pp. .1. It respectfully FOlieit. Ladb , s and Gentlemen who ale., the habit, 01 wearing the Glasses now in common u , e (and which tee genet ally on injurmus to the sight ..wing to their attracting hear end drawing the eyes, or w ma) have had their sight impaired by the use or such Glx ores, v, ea kness. npneity o, any other de'ect 0,111111,0 a trial of the h it PROVED I'EnISCOPIC LENS These -:pectacles will enable awed persons to sit fox any length of time a t ,-, he minutest employment. either by day no candle light. and will not require the change 0 ,freater magelfy tug p, wren se frequently an the Wass, in, common nor They are manufactured by machinery on a 11/31s construction, peculiar to the In ventor Always on hand n large nosortineot of Microscopes, Telescopes, Opera and Held Masora Thermometers, 110.- rernotel s. :Magneto 01eale !Atoll-no Dlosolv lag Appn ratus, Eke , rice! \larhineo, Thareacope: and fine Views. Catalog uvo sew gratl, r ; .7„„u ne y 211, 12 , 115 ly NEW AND FRESH (0 , e3r eS; 11A LB ERT & B It° . .9 nrAVING just leturned from the Eastern cities desire to inform their patrr ns that tile) have lald in a host, and Varied stock of Now and ash Goods at the amest cash prlcea. '1 heir assertm •ut is thorough entfromplete. contalm l og vVery thing necessaity to con , otAteA . , First Class rocery. TEA.', COFFEES, UGARS, hi greatest abundance. and at lowest cash figures.— Syrups, Spices, tanned Fruits, QUEEESWAti E and Crockory, Salt and Elsh, llama, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. Segars and Tobacco, 71 of the choicest brands. Broome, Buckets, and a com plete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot the old stand, South East corner of Danover streets. Fvb. 24, 184. HALBERT & 11110. - nomm . Insurance Company Cash Capital '2,600.000,00 Agents July 21st 1865 0,714;069,06 CITA.. .f. MARTIN President. A. P. WILLMARTII, Vice Prost. JOHN WORE, Secretary. , Tho attention of forcipes andbitsincis TII generally- Is Invited to the superior advantaires afforded by the above responsibleiltocic Co. 'rue inkured alive no owes: is subject to ro otisc, , ssments; and the retell tire aseheap as in consistent wli h the la k. Fief compensation. Poll.' cies heated and losses pit uitably adjusted and promptly paid, by the undersigned who is appointed thipaothor. - Iced agent for Cumberland County.,' • Carlisle,L J. W. pouLE; - • Pa. Sepk.l, 1805. ; • • • Carpetlngs and Oil , Clotho - NOW rpoeiving at cogilky ti ' . B chew O eh Store, a lot of Ingrain, yoneo., Ile an d Stair. . , • .• . ' • ... .- C . A' R ;1" ETS. . • .. . Alai). Moor OIL 'OLOTtI'S all ,Nihlthe,„ whl9h , ivill:l e -old for the cash at aha !fewest rates,. .C3l;44l4.4olPY,.irtist;ea. 111Eirch 4, 1864 W sj.• W. •••NEI•DIOH,..D. - ..D..! •••reit. Dm ecingtiat§r brOpeintlvi DinAlseri of • ,• Paltlroorit . , = rplltig6*p f D.4n tn.] .0A rFiry 7 . • , 1 - 4 f ifain etreet, l7ul neje, Ya.. lIINRY SAXTON opposltu .Alarlon hail; 1854." ( I T ALTSERLAND VALLEY• HOI I EL. AY; EFec;;. d r S;8; • CAIILISLEy PA. _ JNO. G. BEISER,, Pro s prietdr.: D . 14 ; 1 1 EST 21:11R A , e ammen , biuh I fuililehe'dthe Vii!.i,Vo,4 4/4111°/111, andl'adlbleq 61'1111 yarlettaii. • • '1.111?°•153461144"4/P: r• A. J. KUTZ, AgEmt JOHN IHVINI OF NEW YORK. Office 135 Broadway.