Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 08, 1865, Image 3
C Z *Mlle Sale ol"Valuable Real Es tate. On Friclay,_DFceiiiter . 15M, 1866 gni subscriber will offer at public sale 1 . on the preuilass sltuiated In West Pennshoro' and Dee , Inson lownBl.lps. so the Chembersburg turnpike, which "ru. s through the centre of the tai in. 53,i wiles Went Of Carbine, and iy, , miles mouth of thea,n, se - the libunberland alley hail Road, the following de scribed valuable real cslate, viz : A Limestone Farm costuming 6A Acres and h 4 Porches, et: ict measure meet. 'rho Imprevessmits uro a two sto.y 14 oather boarded HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed. Lora Cribs ; nog Penn ant other nec6sary out buildings. About o nem+ of the litho are r rre alto nulling Limb r, and balance uuder high state of culllva tlon boring , beet] recently thor• oughly timed. The pi operty Is all under good feu, o. A splendid , ORCII A R D , containing 150 trees of gr9fted frt,it, Well of Water at the door .Ith a good pump Any person wishing to .-.ssnroo the faun before the day of sale. can do on be calling on lteidati In .100 0 0. living on the farm, or on the subsrriber, residing near Newvl le. Nnie Lo cotnmenee at I o'clock I', on said day, when terms will be I nado known by hoe. b, 1865—1 t. 0 NO. O. DAVIDSON. IvA NFE D I E DIATEL 1' . A gond home for a colored girl (twelve years of ago) for her board and cloths. Enquire of Mrs. V' KEI E, Martin's Hotel, Carlisle, Va. November ;Al, 186 f. COAL AND LUMBER THE Senior partner of the fi rm of Delaney & Ilhdr , ntlll continues The Conl and ',nether bellows, at his old sin d near the Gas 'lnuit-. here hu “111 cont.tantly hes p m, hand, A large Stock of COAL AND LUMBER His al b.-I g kept cuns•autly tumor env r enable him to deliver Coal at ad times to any part of Carlble In a good condition Thankfu for past t tors , hi- Sttl solicits a continuance of the pu tnumge at hin fornt••r Customers and a Aare of that of th e publi c generally OLIVER I ELANCY. November. 31st, 1885 AUCTION! AUCTION! AUCTION BEGINS TO-DAY. lIAV►N I; sold my storehouse, I will .ell all ray Jewelry ,tore ni.ct fixlngn nt Ituctinv prien, as they :a et be claret rhe stock connints of n hire• Hie birea • • Silver Show Cases, Fre:rh plata glass Ow, uptight Case,, 1, „r rn gla ri,n, two lar,m • N M I RRO RS, end all ilto Ilia' cry 1.. In and ht/.. k n large I/ t of (loci, of etety deny/Thom. NV/Itches / uhl itootin t Canon, I.tmtll.ll L. vern aid -titer of every Ititmi, hold and :titer twilh unit p•neiis ~ //./I nod , Ilver eltllnn 11//1,1 and Silt r king, of the 1/e,t. quality, also Init of clan, r nod :11,/ r ware. OIL PAINTINGS, Paintings on glai, ,Vg which wil be 0,,1d w thnut rr gard to p r ice . nlsu H I:Lrge ml /11111014 111,T, tile, n feet by forty trot, at the sign of the tiold atroot, Car nide. DI. ) 18i", Lumber ! Lumber ! AT the Ilene:lnnen (Inlet) Lumber \H11.4 mile, of Stet telt's !hop nllll, west of I if:iv:ninon, 1 ml e Litho. Bridge. near Uri., point. Ioao,ooo It. Yellow Noe thawing, dry, 50,000 f.. ' , cant in, ....k,rod Pine, all slot, 40.11111, It 2 inn 11 1111,1 II 11111, 111 tti Ic et, dry 25 01 ft In Yellow Pine Boards, Dry. A large lot A large lot or link mini di, A I.lrge IN ..1 Idths A lar.4 • lot of Sean., Laths A lar,, lot • f White PIM' ,hingles. A lino lot at Chest Poplar llo.irdr, Plant, :itdi-.soothing Boar s l'.'raotllng and Plank. alt post at d fenelng ho or Chestuilt rang and nord wood, $1,50 per card. The above we hair always ant pr par .1 to sow alt kinds ul Lille to ota.r. such as •:m It w and C ar Lomb er, °g.l coal lire, lluihll g limber o w rat, saw 17 it. ill length and are ao fixed that w.. roll 11.1 oraers in the vin t.lootest, at do) time also so in - glared to deliver 1.1411111er ut any point 1.2, rat. and as '.y tealllB 1 . 111. give us n ,1111 bel.Pre parch:o4og elsewhere. we are salting at lOW prices, KOLTEIt, LATI \ I Eli =I! = Real Estate at Public Sale :31." virtue at a decree Dl' the Orphans' )Court et Cumbo Imuu Oatuty. the unde•shzneti gunrallaa of the minor you of or. A. E. Sharp. tato 1 , 1 the h..rough of lcwrilh•, wilt olior At puluiv outcry on Saturday, Deermber lit , ]RIIS A In' of ground situated on MA II str,et fu aid bor ough. bounded on the ~ %,•st. by tot of A Mil, Mrs, Joel nu the East, en the ;ion It by ohurrh alley and on the • nail by Main street containing u,• foot trout uno 180 feet in depth. ha k ing thereon erected Two Story Erick [louse. with hark building, In good repair. 'lime Is on ex,el lent stable on she prdlierty. tegel her with tin r out buildings to tiro the prop rt 1,, fore s he day of wile an do PO h, ealling uu r IV. Sharp near ]ewville. It the prope,ti n o t sadd nn the alloy, dai . it will be reit id, as p outvri on the af•re taloned time and place. to the highest I.ldd. r. sale to ennitn. 1., at I Well On P. , ur, saint day, when terms will 1W Made know, by W L CHA 111 , 1 A D. uarditto for the Heir IM2MME!II Valuable Real Esta r.e at Public Sale On Friday, .I)reembrr 8, 18(15. TII If. subscriber will offertt l uhlic a e Oil !he nbuce des , 011 tI premises situated I, Fia4l(l , rd top .fib it eight folk, Sl est..c (1u lln lc ;nod toliVpil., test of tin vi;t., 011 tine r , ad lea ring the I•torm ur , h. rdj• mai.ds Joho I o,tl, thr following described rent I pin penty viz : A orst clam, GRAVEL FA Containi fi a 205 Aerca, 11101, or lean, r•f %silk', about 21 acres aro riveted with Wald timber arid tilt lad, cc In a high ataic of cultivation. Th.. itoprucementa con slat of a good BRICK & FRAME House, Wash, 8a. , ,e and Wood 11. u,.,•5. a gond Batik Baru. Waaou Shod, arriage 11, use Con, 'ribs, Pous, and other ma,anary out buildie a. Four W e i, of Rater on the pr miens. he laud Is the very best quailty 4.1 t. ravel, having been thor ugh.) limed. un der aood fente. and easy of cull ivat.ion. A L.0..1 hear Ing Youug Orchaid. contaming Apples, Peaehes, Choi Hon, de, in abundance Salo to continence at 12 o'clock 31 , of 6 id day, it term , wi I he m:mo know., by Nov 31.1465.-11. _ REGISTER'S NOTICE - voTtuo, is herei•y given to all per il sons interested. that the follow', g accounts tove boot , tiled in this "Mee, by Ilia accountants therein seined for ezamittati n and will b. presented to ihe Orphan Court of Gutuberland 'entity for cohllraia. Um, and allowance, on ruesday, December 111, A. D. Ibos, viz : I First and final account of Duvid Deitz. fluardian of Elcertu Kline!for, daughter of John Erhard, I to aat East Pen nsb ton ah a r weishir deed First and final account of David and Isaac Lefever executors of Hon. JOhli Lefever, late -of Dunn town ship 'dec'd ' , 3. The first account of David W. Sterrett. ono of the , administrators of Davlittirrett, latu of Mifilita town shap dec'd. 4. rho first and flnal account of Itobart Moore, Mi. ministrator of the Estata of Benjamin Butler, lute el Doi ough of Carlisle, deed. 6. uount of Jacob A'. Laidig. Guardian of Andrew F. Brownaw 11, a ml .or child now deed., 01 John Brownawell, dee'd. 6. a Irsk end final account of Hiner Brenneman. nd. ukinistrator of Jacob Bronneman, deed., lute of Linn county. lowa. 7. First nod final account of Plter Y Itartnan, cc utor of the last Pll and restament of Jacob llortnan, Into of Silver Spo log, township doe'd 8. The first account of Thomas C. Scoull r, Iflce..utor of the last Will nod 'Testament of Samuel Bunton, lots of 3111111 n, township. deed. lios_24_l9ol—it Public Sale of Town Property. WILL be sold at the Court House at 10 o'clock on Monday December, llth The following property viz: 2 Two-Story Brick House_s. situated in N cot routh 'grout adjoining proportion of d. , Ittamberlain and dam; (tray. Each building con tains 22 Rd, front and 24u depth. and contains two Rooms and iiitehon down 'Pairs. also entries ; throe rooms up stairs. flack buildio a &c. attached., Also One Large Frame . Etouse, in Weld, Louther street. adjoining properties of G. L. Money and W. kleNlillau. This dwel lug has been lately rebuilt wiib ell the conveniences for comfort; a lame new back building has been attached containing dining room and K.tehen unwn stairs. and too rOOO suitable for .Charnbers up stairs. ~Tho'frant 'buildi g con aloe a large hall, and.two pitriprs down Attar:. and three-rooms up Maim Sold propbrty l.r 3/ test frdnt by 120 In depth. The yard Is will' pee. d. and a lly drant at the Kitchen dour. For further partfruhtra enquire of the undereigned, who.will tunic° tints huoivn nu day ol ralo Dec.l, DIM. 11EN ItY LIARK.NESS. . . GO& BELTING 1 . . Jant raealved.a.large aelilitmont or all dna -oum Belting, Gum hods, Gum Packing, atu, . mid , for side oheep at the hardware Store of ' . • ~ . ' GEN hit SAXTON. '.:.,- . ' .. ' Ju0e.25,1804.• ... . . . .... - • BOOTS 451 c 131101:115.- - . . ~.„.... - a nd .... V i bi•' - ,,. maprtinent of , a 3.0.1 isoys isvniii tu t - 8 , 1 . land h. e : i tti:o, wiles " Lik e illes and I l i ",..! W•tteN.-71,,oc,:e. of all " Ddn i . 08 and aI I 0 custom it, plifi‘e call and - .Cowl llonO iss, old ~, shoos.o4,,reot), Isearfi'op!ttle sots, an, 5 t,, ~It, beforo.,ll V a 49. °GAUT Tili I . the Dopot., , , _..„„./ , , •. a 00.. July 1.1864. „ ~.,.. The great Strengthening Tonic (Not a Whisky Preparation.) HO OFLAND'S GERM Mkl BITTERS, resulting from soy e use whatever RESTORATION OF 'ERE SYSTEM Severe Hardships, Exposure Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Adult or Youth, WILL FIND THIS DI IIEIIS pure Tonic not dependent (u had Ittlllol.l for their alums. miraculous effects. DYSPEPSIA, AND DISEASES RESI' LTI Na FRI IR DISORDERS or THE LIVER AND DID ESTI YE OROANS. ARE CUIt11) BY HOOFLAND'S GEIBIAN BITTERS, This BRBIts ER F01:111 , ,D NIOItE CUR }S, G IVES BE'I"I' SATI S C 'l' I ON, //AS' 11101? E 7'E.O T 1.11 0 N I', ILw 111,111• Itespeetalde Penn', 1.0 vouch Ca it th ;my ,th.r artle ain the \l' et. We ..efy any tela to nut! Het t ag,ertion. IV 1 Lg._ Y $ll.OOO to Illly oilt•a ho To 01 • a , ertilo.alo pu1.11,1,4 ux th,lt. 14 00l "o•ho,ow, 1100FLANDS OElt.ll.\N BIT TEE,;, Chronic or riert. oars Debility. Piseases of the Kidneys, and Dise•sses .ruling front a disur deo•ed t• re. 1,11) r ..a 0,• 1 for t 1.1,. -.1.111 .011 H.ur : 1 11.1.1 napr 1 lutivrit F tic of th.• 1..•,1n , 11 Il I 111111111,.! 01 C. 11,111 II nl rit•tl h t.. 1 hing 1.10 11,1 , ,, at, Ow 1,1. t I 111• CCCIII 1,, i i n 111,4 ./1 , lII' 1-Iglitt. 11.11. ti 0110 Hitt y .11 \ 1•11.. v, lln•.1 I .1.10.. 1., 1 1 nill.l 11,1 1. 11 , 11 I, 1 In. 1.1.,..11 11 nit ..t 1, ..11.1 11. 1 ;11 Ihy a•`, , tits, R. IL SHAPLEY Ibut th oF• :• 71,,/ .1 (' l, •/,', CONTAINS No Rl AI OR IVIIISK!'.1" AND CANT.OT LAKE BRUN K A!.DS BET IS THE TONIC 11 - • N . () 1.11. l'r,ll tin, Rev I rat ti ,5.11.-1 t.l h nut , h. l'hila.let.ithia. at i Ihiptint Chun h, r h Ct.,. I havc 1,11 nrn 11,, 11., d's , I - rnnin fora number i,l,3eark I 11.1 , .. 11 , 4,1 thnm 1 . Tis' v., isllllly. and h Iva tan, aa.,l wit a i r el`ia•t, that 1 was Induced t, recennotoel , 11,•m It , r , shod know t hal , hai operatea a .111 .1, 11 bent' chi! manner. I CAI , c 411 1 I/ I prile 00, aut. atid vi those afflicted is itli ,uhl o I t.C. , 1111111.11(i• it; to f.11 ,4 t. 611 INN , ant, lint 01) ret,,,,,inc, a "ion •iii. t11•do uuur ch. roil ) Inc Iffloil s li,t, r• 1 , - I 1 , , 1,1 ad Li, Latliellt. tho ulllietcd, to • koL u raw Brost I). Svigft.t.,l, of TwelP.ll List t Lurch. llentlemen :-1 have teen:lll3 nen Intnein 111 Or the elle( ts ..1 1 111., • 11011. :11•11 II IIZI I le thr N 01 the 11010. IN 1 , 01. HI nen 10. 111-011111$ 011111$ ne: e ree,..e.entle.l In n... 1 1111 . ..! t 1,1.111 t• r.t. NI. hut Nvittloul 1 , •l1t I. 1.111 II •II • •iir , Itl et- re. mime Piled • y ••••its tilt • them and w 110 Se 1110•.11:1 lu niimlimi I.t '•t••••• tinllived, till' Lai try I al rut I.aL it t 11. It es !loin Ile • Hlin epe'' quite s " 1,• Lu p SNI eaLaatal a'a 1/1 . 0,...-eL 11,t , i q opilt lin nwunm in I sly s‘.l. a• hie lei V.hdl I is L.• matte Ili) • l'lll Mei] 11 omit, 11.•• 1 P . m imb,: (hatt k ip s O .ur i•I) a 111,11( 1. at p it. - Li l en I LOW it • I it Lapps • (let ut , IN .11). , 1) lbw t•ti !Alt. sup., Ow t•IL aafi gilt Ittl I Ii•el lull I lal o Oil Art :It al w.:' aunt p 1,111.1.1 il, ten' 1,1 les. Front A. t 4 to , .tlet , Ettitot of the t 'ulterst , N. 'Ct Noah dixth :Trott. : 4 01111. light •:n 'lll.llll ^ I t I'lolo I)• Fr1011,,1. .0 , 11 WO 11 , 1 1 .011.. I• 1.0 1., nai WIT tlotit 0.-11 111 l 1 ,1,.1,01t 2 i1ed .•111.0 , E. 111 Itl It'd 01 . .0 . '1,0 11,1 Si. 11 0 1'S Of an klisil. Atter 11 , 1,1 a vittiety rpm edi t which pr v cl W. 11 1 ,0, • . Is 11,1111,-1 ft; 111 , :411:1,40S ot a 11.11_111 , : I ;wno 111 1 1e,.1 trial la, o,.111,1) purl. o•t LI six la•Ltlts. which were NO", isl it. 11.0 Ilt th your Shun 1.5 .101I' DoNER 1ht5.5.111t t oi.olot , ta• , ol.0%„1 of all tll , • a lull le-tort -11011 at, I oil• eat all of marl' kind, of troll not Oil.• to fittofid to all Llso m LlVes duuvn of it 1101 arduous a ell as at an 3 po/10d..1 the good i•llve I Vie Bitten: were lisituilehted f•io I hod thou Lilo first Ito tl.i I bate also us, 111 in toy ith the I, pplust results, and take great pleasur e u addlog as testi flout to that f the nainy others nip. have 1111.0 tame ed hr thtm,. I find great benefit Irmo Ito' mat of a bottle In the pring not tall v not only cruet, a ‘l,torous apoet ILI., but give a it tutu roue to the t.tun, auh, by sir. ogthenh, its .01...estIVe_putyurs. if the att..% e testimony trill bu means of induc ng any rr Ito sutler feat, d:, to at .0 your litttors a trial (it ben ii. I fuel confident it ih give Chem ru Ilet,) it is at your service. Yours, 411110, A. M. SPANiII.P.R. - From tin, 11 v E D. Fc adnll, Assittiint Editor Cluis thin t I bile 1 have ti Tired decided bonefit frv•m the use of ff•ut.. latun't t.ot tunu Bitters and tort it to 3 prlvilegn to rev °almond them tea mint Va i Wane ton Ir. Le nil tube ere 2. air,, log Iron] general nehi ity tr (runt dlncugee at ihing front ti..tanguthent of the lit or. Yours. tt city. I. U. FEND 11. f... Front D 11Ittrrigo, Pastor 1.1 Cho Passyunk Bap tist Church. Phila 0. W. NORTH, ----Regimen From the many respecnable recorinnendatiora t rrun given to lIC. linollantra bin man 11i,teix I w.t. Induced to giro them a tt lni. Alter ueluu several boll lee I [mud then, to be tt gooJ remedy tor ttobi lily, and a mot excellent tonic fr. the ntotilach From hov. Wm Smith. formerly P filmy of tho Vlneentown cud llfllvilix (N. J. ) hoptlet Having used in my tinnily a number of bottles of your ilootiand'a Merman Bitters. I have to say that I retard them aan excel', nt Fpeelall) adulat ed to remove the dL•eas.B they are recumm.nded for. They btroilethen and invigorate th,a system when cite bill ated. and are useful in of the liver. lose of appetite, dx. I have also ineeminended th e m to seveial of toy friends. who have tried them, and found them hreatly beneficial in the rust , OreitlOU 01 health Yours, truly, WILLIAM SMITH, • • NO ilukcitlnson Street. o. ICY • • From J 8 Hermon, ,ftbulilrinan Reformed church Kutzteirn, Bribe Count% , l'a. Iteepected Bfr :-1„:havo boon troubled with Dyspop-, Ella nearly Werth , ') , .111%. 41,11 — halli .110 , 0 r ford any medicine hat did too as mink µnod au- Ili, Mind's lilt. tors. I ittn very amen Im p roved In. Math, alter hap Ing taken five potties. Yom a, wig b See that the signature of "C. M..IAOKSON" is on the wrapper of ouch Lottle. ' Blpglo BOW° Ono Dollar. or a MIT Doz. for $6 Sluth! your nearest drupliff, riot have tlce article do not be put off by any of thu intuxbuttlng propera• thins that ma bo offer.d b. Its place, but send to tie and we will forward securely puotcu by usprese. PRINCIPAL ellelf]Uli AND TIANII AMISS,Y, No. 031 Arch Sircet, Pnikuloipbla. Po JONCS a EVA N§, ' I StioccfNors to C. M. JacksonA o.] PROPIt I ETOILT: , . . • 'i;FoLaa , bl by Di-Alkali-la and Dealers iu every .own Sn :Z oo " a 11421,4: ME WILL CURE DEBILITY ! DEBILITY I =9 Diseases of Camp Life 12[01=MEEEMMII QQ)' NEM L3IIITER Read who Says So 1 1, ti II) I=ll3 \ , ‘,l 1M=I! MI P1 , 11.k1,1M1111, nay iA. U.o. J. B. BERMAN BEWARE OF COUNTEItPEI I'S. Valuable Town Property at Private Sale. • rilflE s.ubsOriber offers - arprivde 'sale 1. the followinp, described valuable town pioperty situated on Last Alain street nearly opposite Gardner k Co , foundry in the borough of Caril•le. A Laige Twoestory Stone House ZOtii hack buildin g and Stone kitchen " le , coo tains sixty feat front by 240 feet In depth, The house contains nine large rooms, one of Which Is colleen ineily arranged as a store teem. Good cellar under ihe whole house. Thete L it largo varloty of choice fruit on the prom nee Noe terms and other partloulara apply to the subser bor. root Aug rat the premixes. • Dee 1. 1865-31, Valuab e Farm at Publio Sale. On Monday, December 11th, 1865. undersigned willnffer at public j_'Halt, on the p.OlOlOOO in Pritnitford owns4lp,Cum brrtand 011 the road leading, trots Cardslo to Datalug litip..sei en tulles west of Carlisle, an thrums allies east brunt Illosersville, 116 Acres and '4.7 Patches of Felors, GRAVEL LAND, ahout 40 ac le are c::v9reil with good tltwher, tkin,reelc doe Is In a high Oahe of cultivat.h.n. h: vitig been well limed and Is n'hde r good fence. The Improvements are a large two-stub: with bustinvint, Wink lOtrn, Wtig..22 Shod, Corn Crib. t'iood 110lIstl, :1111.he I.IOIISO, With 01 her out-buildings, till 111.11 ly 1113 w, nod a ntivor failing troll of %Val tir con ; Ilion oats r convoked 100112 eitaloin into ban. relent. A bio, Y 01'N G ORCHARD of 800 Apples and Peachan in bearing, with a variety 0111/111 I ult. Sale in commence at 12 o'clock M., on Flll 1 day, what. Lort,t,s will b 111:11.113 /11100'11 by Der. I, IMili J Ni). S. 1111FFLEFINONR. 11 E subscriber offers lor Rent fron ._ . i April Int. A. I). 18 fi, thv store-ro .nt told dwell j..g on the N tt. eol•Iler of thin Pubile t - quarti, n,ow oc ti v i, d ~ ,t hi. ~...3. hitter. t arlisle Dec, I, Inl,f, JOUN IRVINE. THIRD GRAND ARRIVAL W , -LATER GOODS at W. C .`'ringer i. Co's. great. Dry Good Emporium, east Atilt oue door lie ...llartin's !fold. AV I.; ha .(. jest, ruc,:ivud from New York in stook or %I ittterlhlds. La o ,tllll •rin:lolis 01 lan n. li. r.liAllsh 11.1,erulau IDI - 21.-EISS 0 - 00=S, , t.• n i cl I rod nod 1.1, ‘‘,3. COA CO,l 1:1 , t Par N Clienlurlicalband CireularB at it uced FURS, FURS, FURS, h.. .Ihr lin') I l.“ 1. a•.. 1 Inatdda• tom., 7111 1911110i1I-0 ,11,.1.1 01 h t..• a. d qualil es, telling loanthan 1.1 C) r.. all ;a1.., I,:11.s it Is, .ILOUIINING GOODS .1 , ariety • i LOTUS and CA - I Kit IS. k% e get tit, huits at shin t oLice and 11, the 1,. ii at let. 1.1, KIN.S .JV N , 111)NS. ih wo ITn lersffirts, mos 11., Js In (1111111titii.H. 001 l grad nil t I I Irk I arroo•lo. I . I 11 , 1. call oll.ti 1' 11116 ht. lao ore , ' slot best stork •. the t deter:unto dto keep rip our old I• putar ro n po , ol gourls at very low !olives. tort I li.ollest. nUt p iron paid thd Carpet longs. 1,. '2l, 11115 AGENTS IVANTED! SELL E - FELLS ONE VOL 1111.: REBELLION.. F `III iiely mirk. every page (if which 1,, prt l a,.•ll for the [Pro , t.lore tie rhos° pf Ito , .r. Thr p , puhirity of this work hos no p3r2lllel . rnu 171.11v1al %g 0,. ILr Lilt• wwtt Lel urns OVER 700 sub,rptionf. per da% a till , avor•lgit hromrb the week h.• 1,1 I 113, Lu jll , t hrgun ) We have Over 50,000 Subscribers At lie rate ire nt our 11ft it ill b 0 111.• tirct car. eo nit [Act ing the prospect. we order et paper I,' 47 000 - . boire aLo k WAS h"111111. It /fi th,; wrrl: ponplo wnnt lull, 1 ontplete. and Reliable only about hart . The trieo • f • tiler Illstories.,ln pro p 'don t, the ano•uht of rending (lur Agents rep •r• ver, Ft to rob ,10 , ire in the pohlir to oxchpogo the rwo Vol. work fir this. Illu , trations are numerous ottrl I paotitul. from, steel plaice. Thu work is now ready f,r d• Ilv •rv. Address lie I. at L. S Ilarth,td. Conn. JEW._TT PATENT LEG CO ! 'rims c tilpnny has i's alanufacturN., .I`+ , . O. 'AI, 01 btil t•tr,el.... U 11Chingt011, I) O , It tin 11 ntract. here ninny a brave. ,h. ha- 10-t his that, m a rs I,e, a 111 led b. 0 leg, m bleb so far' re,lll d,in r mare. 'tilt one who has tome one .or n pr. bid on e le.o an nails, ran hardly be selected ti pr nekruons prom, . '111e) have all the ore. anstlve /Ir ti pl.ri. VI dolomite of their orig inal limb Sold.ers oho have I .sr in 11111 b. C:lIl Inv fitted et ran Inm , en :kJ ph, at .I,i rant rtn their p . an t, The 4overnment benign; ph. ended (or the .11111, Nov. :4 - - - CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ry "II li, t'o-I'artucruhi l t heretofore exist- Inu the hollll. r.l Delaney A: Blair In this die t.nOved t,l 11111t11:11 cohseoh All persona ladebt d to ...1111 tom rerev ues:e I to tonte pa' 11101,1 tooberr Th.ore,m ribwhore tine 11.11 Of toe then have b 011 lot lon ,Ilection 01 IVER DELANCY, ANDltfint 11. 6L.4fit. S 1 , 65. (I' • .(( s Ide FOP PreSelltS. HENRY HARPER, 520 1 - "..E.T. si LADELPSIA._, , FINE JEWELRY, k•OLID SILVER WARE, and Superior Silver Plated Ware Nov 54, ISlA—gun i,UNIBERLAND VALLEY - . ROAD. , OHiINGE OF HOURS: LIN and after Mummy, November 20, l'assuogor Trains will run daily, us follows. ,r undo.) excepted): FON CILASBERSBUIIO AND ❑AHIII BURG. Leave I lagersto w 11, 7:10 A. M., 2:45 P. 51 ‘• Greoneartle, 7:45 " 3.35 " /Arr at 8,17 ' 4:20 " Chttinberieg, - Leave ' 8:25 " 1:15 Leave ShippolifibUrg 8:55 " 1:48 Newville 9: 7 " 2:21 " I Carlislu . 51riehaicsburg, 7:21 •N 18:36 3:37 Arrive at Harrisburg 7:50 11:10 " 4:10 FOIL Cil A N1111311911U KO ANL HAG URSTOIVN : Loll, Harris urg 8:40 A. 'l., 1:40 P. M 43:0 P.M ±l_Muchunicsburg 9:16 "2ao" 5:05 " :tribe° 0:08 " 2:53 " 5:30 " Newville 10:84 " 3:29 :Atippensburg 11:1:7 N. 3:04 Clunberß' g' A Le r i r iv ß e t 1 1 14 :1 0 ' 4 4 1, 10 Leave Greencastle 12:25 P. M 5:30 " Arrive at liagerstoivn 1:00 " 0:10 " making close con: entions at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, New York, Pittsburg, Balti more and Washington. • sal , The Train leaving Hartieburg at 4:30, P. M., runs only as far as Carlisle. O. N. LULL, Sup't. euperiniondent's ince, tlhamb'g. Nov. 24, 11065...1 ASHLAND CEMETERY. tc ( 117 t, '4V4t141(1.' Carlisle, October 23, 1868, Messrs Wm. .11: P.EN ' ROSE, A. U. EWING AND JADED M GENTLEMEN: Will you bo kind enough ,to Inform me II any Undertaker has exclusive privileges In the Ash land Cemetery or Is It• open for us all. Vemy respectfully, Mn. DAVID SIPE Dear Sir : in reply to your note wo .would say that each lot holder, b rye ilia let and owns t. we have [l6ol'lllg to do with the empliiyught of the undertaker. Thar rests with each Individual owner. You'inott all others In the business have Nue. rights to fallow y ur umplityritent and bury, or disinter when the lot owners tine Kuper to employ' you., IS e have a rexten and ~ verseer but ho has uu control over the employineht of the Undertaker. Very respeCtfully yours, , Wt. 'Y. PENROSE, . . . ' . A. li. ' • , • ALLEN. ~ ‘. • NOV. 24, 1801 i—rat. B. V. ATKINSON Frame Douse FOR RENT. R PETS, OVER 200,000 =ll=lll= 1= DAVID BIDE Carlisle, October 21,1885 • Uuquestionably the best smittulied work of the kind in the World. H A R PE R NEW ItIgN'EHLY WIG 4ZINE. Critical Notices of the Pre.s it la the !crouton Oluirialue iho uuy. The fire Ido never bud n wore tiod i r.tul comps:moo. nor the mil .lieu a more enterprlsboi blond, than !limpet's Mogu zlue.—usTuunwr PROTEBTANT (Ball inturo). The most Popular Monthly In the world —New YORK 01381:3WElt. nity.t rote, In terms of eulogy to the high tone and vat ud excellevicen of Ilitrpei's Mllagozino—ajour. nal with a monthly elreolatiuu of a out 170.10, widen —ln whose patois are to be round some Cl th, choicest light and general reading of the day. We kpevo, of this work as an evidence ol the AiiiiiTleau ['cop is; and the popular', it NON acquired Is warner. keen _ls umber contain,. fully 144 pkg., of roadino matter, •appropdato ly Illontnitod with good wcod.cuts: audit combines in the lacy monthly and toe mole phll,lB phical qukrterlv, blended with th•. bent fvotures of the ally juurna,. It has great power in the , 0 of a love of pure litera 111 o.—TUltZiEll'B (IMF: TO AMEILIOAN LITEItATURE Loudon, The vclatnes b ulna ceinstPuto of lhemselvesa libra ry of I.lllb,Coilsnoous readrug such an e4llll t be tound in the same compass in any other pw Ilcstlou than has come under our notice —QoSTON COURIER. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1866. - The Publishers have perfected a. system of matting by which they cau supply 't u Magazine and Weekly promptly tio.tiono who prefer to receive their porton call Weedily finin the office of Publication. The postage o Harper's sinatizine is 24 cents a year, width must he paid it the Out Bother's post office. TEEMS : HARPER'S MAO AZ,N E, ~nn year An F;xtra fit)i yof either the Magrzine or IWeeltly will be suppileu grails f . 's. every Club • f Five Suhserl bore at $4 ou each, In one ranlitaueo; or Six Copies tor $.O W. Back Number. can ho supplied at nay time: A Complete Nit, now comp, king Thirty-mie Volumes, in meet a oth hisAling, will he sent by express, freight t expense 0 purchaser, for $2 25 per volume. Single volumes, by m •11, postpaid, $3 mi. Cloth cases, Mr binding, b cents, by mail postpaid. Address Ilnici•Elt & linoTli EltS, Fnwkllu I , quarn,l\ usv York Nov. 10, 1805 "A Complete Pietoriiil History of the Tim( "The hest, cheapest, and most suecessfu Family Paper is the Uniun." 11ARPER'S WEEKLY, SI'LECUIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical Notices of the "The lie 4 Family Pap, publklual to tho United ERtvtos ' —Nllv '—NiLEEA DIEN Apr Tll5l-IK. • I'lol odtd N• a sirip, .1 our ..owttry—roinpleto in all the dluurt, le an Auerican Paper pet's Viet-1•1) 11.40 -arned fur to ilia II t IVII.IZ kTiiiN "—N. 1. I.l'oo 'No 1 1 01 , 1'. 110. I' , usuishes hop!, Illuqtra , ionii iitn fu Lure sins, , iank• tin eorlell thvinm•lr, a out of liar pf•r's IYlrit ly lit, C after wilier,. and pa and pub unhl,s 111r10•41 to 0104. FAA Yuith ~ NOl - I.IBT •A nevesalty to every bott,hold THAN sett PT. ••1I in al Huron lendluir petit! , al ltild tilslOriell 1111- nalkt of be. nation - • Ilse I.ost 01 Its class in A 01,14:A.—ROSTON TRAVF.L LEH. SIThSC I ; 11"FI O..NS. 1860. l'ho 1;0 - Dkrq ay pot levied a vyt.tem nt mnlllnp rah supply Cho t h•• Nia,aztho a tl , l tCvo • pr sh.ptb t. ~,,a,ho pro •r t • rev. ivy lb •ir pet i- IA bad,. ill o,lll'ln ta • 1••• • ••• ••1 pa bboa P•.at htul or , •••••1 a 11. r••• drn ps g••tt•p, hp • 111bs supphial b .1 11.tutt••••.•• poclurial Shut,-bill all In. iii•r's 11 F is runt , a roar whirr mart 'mil ni the s.•l ' l4 11. St. flLr '1'E1;11, II \1 01 11'14 11l.:1% g 1 ro Au ox of either the \l u h 4, o , q.44 44 z4 4,44 will t o 04. uvery 4 - 140. 441 Plvn 4 - 4 ben. at $4 0.1.444. h uoilthei two . .r 4 ix 4 oplor 14.44 $2O 41.4 414.4 k NO 4.11,44 rno I 0 444 opill I 4il all 3 'rho A 44 4 , 11.4 I V 441 14 in.. id' I inroto '44 4,14 ly in !toot 0.1,111 141 101 l 4 4 4 ., oil. 14, 444,1 I.y ox pens, Is 4i 7 . :tell - A 44.4111p10tt. roloprisiovl 12111 ,o 0 011 U. - VOllll 11 cO,ll 01 1.110 rah. 2O 14..14 01, ex• 1402110 of ptirehot...r. A ..141 4,44: ni'0"11E1IS Franklin t , nuare. Nen Y rk =OEM t ri - ,_ ~ • / -- (('7W(*i - / 0 1- ,colinutcrcia[ 1T [ tcir At Carlisle Pa _ . Highly hoporlant to Fim ,Ven ! YOTNCI MEN lint of - iqupliVment ; VOEN(i MEN about tingag,ing in 1 1 11SilleF'“ YOUNti JII N ,who lmsi• had limited, athiklita g t•R for eilnetition ; YOUNIi .MEN well versed it; other re.iiiicts, lin; dell diem in nny el the lir:m.llex taught in 11181 rimis lhtninrxx liege; • • • - YOUNII )lEN who would possess the best means fur • for ready and lucrative employment: YOUNG i)j,EN who would maid twing hnmlm~ed by going two and three hundred miles to Commercial Schools : at an expense of from Siioo to :S5OO, •ill do si•ell to the nu•t•its of this Institution t whirl, upon 1,01,1, illllll investigation ill lie romp' to presrut to lilies owl aeroinini.lations •coil to none in the country. NIT AI, BUSINESS In this ilepartnient legiliinate transact hin ef and Busine,is Poi ins, or, hails practiced by making actual purchases 111111 5111/ 1 5. ill theMlllllll Sloril. 1 1 01111, 11111 si ith ill(' : snpphrd wll 11 samples 111 Pry (10 0 ,1 s, Al so a regular Bank 01 Ileiaisit and Issue, sucking rnprtnl 411 1 5.110.0 O. lo Wlll , ll!ents fill ill torn , 114 , pn aitinu 0f 'osh ler, I'uyiug ;11111 Pere mug Teller, Discount and I heck Clerk, Ali, A,'., B 11 A NCII l'A T. Annlckrll l in l in a it,l r 0 1 .111,1 MO 11110 iCIIII.IIIB Fiiiiitts, c Ithireittitile Law • with rtic Protim:4j', in ever• ettyle of the art. l'ltortography Talegraphing Lr regular circuit of IVirt. Sul lostrontenttt For further itartittolars ;old/ t est; A. NI. NIM ER. Carlisle, Pa [SEND FOR CIRCULAR.] I= Always On Hand A I,llrue rind ‘'aiied stuok of Groceries Quoensware, CANNEO FR (777'5, Sn urns. Fist, k , • kc , w hid, I aln sod fig ,1 . 1 tho s ory I,—,ent. 'ash Prle..ut 11109,0 (1, hied to Um stil.wrlhor, ut.,l those In aorta for u lug Oh of !lint eill Lome forty trd !Vid y pity up, 85 I( r 0010) will not to. sub mit ted to I%ov. 3. 1865. W.ll lIENTz. STOVES) STOVES! THE beet Cook Stoves in the M rket call be had at Wm Fridley's Tinner Styli 1 , :a4 I.,uther St , Carllde a( Ow rids et the ed eulleo Put, also parler. mod pettily); stoves of all kind —tf.. C HERMAN, • Wholesale Dealer in Tobacco, Sill Pipes, - - 4-c., and Manufacturer of •Segars. No. 8 S. GEORGE STREET,. YORK, PA: R NOE IVE thy TobaocOs• direct the Factory, and will ensure them good; and cheap or than can bo bought in the city. My brands of CHEWING TOBACCO ore no follows viz:' Navy, can 'press, Spun-Roll, Figs-Twist, Flounders; Hard and Light. Pressed Virginia. Fine Cut ()HEAVING and SMOKING TOBACCO at Factory Prices. Also; a large assortment of PIPES. I have Just received from Richmond some celebrated SMOKING TOBACCO. 4 —Merchants look to your intones. All orders proMpt ly attended to . ' . . November 10,1805.-3 me. . iAMBS.----500 pairs Haines on - hand ,iot' fill hinds. Elizabothtown, pattorn, Loudon do., uoruntan do.. with and without outwit faivoniugs ohaanor than over at IL dAXTUNhi, East. 41alu at. July , Ultlell. -- -- .. . . . . . . FOR SAL • _. . . . IkValuable ? Limestone . Ftirm;. situate on tb,o TorunMo t within one mile of. arikle,and .cousnrlslng One Ilane&ad & Twenty-six Acres. eight of winch ore covered with good Timber. The hoprovementsuge n two-story STONE HOUSE, large Bank Barn, and other convenient nut buildings; a. good % oil of Water and a young OitOilAiiD. The situation la an eligible one and tho property aid be dispoinni of upon the most reasonable terms.— Apply to Nov. 24. 1806-4 t. -- • PUBLIC SALE. - 1"11 - E subscriber will offer at public sale. on too promises, In Monroe township, tin SSTIIRDA Y. December '2(l. 1805, the following Real Estate. lute the property of Elizabeth Garrett, doc'd., consisting of a LOT OF GROUND, containing 6 Acres nod, 90 parches, having thoreon a two story LOG 'l4 OUSE, Kitchen. Frau -table. a %tell. and a first rate • YOU IV C _ORCHARD. The ahov propotty is eltauted about half-a-mile west of Churchtewn. on the rompeading to ()mast°. anlmning property t f imuielo36l7d, ear, deo. Fisher and John Plank. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said 'day, when terms will be made known by GEORGE MORRETT, Agent for the heirs of E izebeth Morrett. Nov. 2-I, 1105-2t*. $s 00 VALUABLE PROPERTY. AT • I=Drivexte, ro , HE fine three story Brick Dwei -late the rexidence of Jams° Hoffer, dec,d., situate in West Pomfret street, adjoitfing property of Gen. Bow man. It has all the modern improvements, Gas and Water fixtures, Sce. Also, the two-story IVeatherboarded House in South Hanover Street. adjoining the office building of Judge Graham, flow occupied hp Mr. Whinier. Also for It ENT. one or two small Dwellings in Went Ward,— Ap ply to J. W. EBY, Executor. Nov. 17, 1865-3 t. HOTEL PROPERTY cp , in, le. subscriber having purchased tin ." un , On 11.40 in Cori oie olrrra :It private sale the li -Lob p,pet ty In Plainfield Cumb. Co, h er e h re•iotert 1t.., s Lwo st,ry BRICK HOUSE, "0 feet triad. ei h H 11 tiSh [louse, Cistern, btable, Oat den and a earlery of FRUIT ! Also. a lot of Or, nod Adj.tiolog the above, sultabb , fitr tlarleelog purposes. Th. ahoy, is an ex,llent eoun:ry stand, and will I r sold Eit /I , IVIIIILa 0 , 01/.1 t-tins Fur further pat ticulars, enquire of the undersigned residing nn t. e same 17.1565-4 t... • IT I , : v \ I.TT\ 1' AT PRIVATE SALE. FA LI! A :1 - 17 STEA .11 7'A .V.V El? r. SI(11.11,1 on the ('itictutiershurg and Bedford Tornictlie, (11 Fut' on l'onnly, Pa. '2lO At ILLS RED SI,,‘TP. LAN P, the larger part cleared, under good fence and in a high rt. to of i cAtiviction; well watc•rett, has a young hearing Orchard. largr good BRI R HOUSE and Bawl. Barn, with running water al enc•li. A variety of Fenn citicl Fleille trees sin round the dwelling Incinn, good and c onvenient out huildings. The Steani Tl.llllery, 1,10,11 as •dn,w Tannery,' ixut large c atitwity buildings and new. large double flue boiler, and rngit t e eccuitilc•te, burns we tart. till cinder roof and constructed In ...dent style. with all the lute improve :news: eicticeiclent to several r.iilroad points, and rise. nl the 1•••>t lir 'llion, the ichntrr. Also, in C01(11• eiion. are THREE GOLD ILOOO Acres of Mountain Land. easy of /,48, nod Neel) net ( hes11.11,0:11( 111,11411, 111111Pee.11•1 f desired the Tannery, At., tell) he sold alone. For lull teen., e., udhess It. AUSTIN-, Ilarrisonville I'. 0., Fulton CIL, Pa. Nov. 17, 1565. Valuable Town Residence at Pri- vate e. QITICATE on College Street. in the Itorotush offarll , le. 'the grounds ca.ntaln 25n lect in front and 22% in depth, upon which are elected a large d.mble two-story " BRICK HOUSE, "ra , STABLE S CARRIAGE HOUSE Lau together with other convenient out buildings Ihe grounds are 0 ell Ftudded with Fruit and ornamental Ines .1111 •Mrnblny. Ihe 'louse contains 12 mauls wit hot a , d cold wa teron tomb fl or Range and 'lath Room etc The house with tt sufficient amount of ground will he disposed Of at pa rite ft Lm the reeidOd. (which - could le. laid out Into 1.• vend flue building 1.0t5.) should the purchaser so (1..141, 11. For terms and further particulars enquire of A. L :-Pos SLIM, Nov .10, 1025—lit. Real Estate Agent. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY 3P 6 1.1-11140 On ,11 , 1).4 .1, December 11th, 1865 t; e above day will be wild at the I Court !louse. the rollowlog eserihod valuable eil Fatale, squinted on the corner of Hanover nod outh atreets, In the Borough of the properly A II Blair, and knoa n as 'Tani era I to. Li - It r.•,, talus 120 G-ot iont on llnnover it. by 4 feel b. tb•loth o. tnout h streoi, baying th,eon erect elvgnot BIZICK RESIDENCE, lar,, Fr ,ulo UN ELI. NO. a email Mono Itreldon•c uu ~ .uth I. and all the nee teeti y Buildings, Shod: Ln.thu• kowit ,of a I STEAD NNERY , ith a I she machinery r tinkite curry ton tnel'an I .g ouv , iess, or any other bueinuss i hal requirue UI/ to pe - ly will 1),, , drorrd entire. or divided into •ts t., colt pu,b-ors. Aon rot d•ntalt of Olio rop -ty e $u Lu,een anlleat on to Robot t Ito,,tn at 11( . 0 Snort epLe,lt Illu nal,road bop s. ~a Id 0-poneliy call the el letstioe of vapital,ts sal-. as it 0111.•,0 snit, ledie . eilleete for be u-tat. pn , ti Ohio 1•11 , 111ese &c., outdo knots u n day of .ala b• I= .AllOn FOR SALE tNE of the ry firest !Old 1110 St somul3 NI , tinted fare,. in tha Cum harland Val ley, flue Innen a nit ul Carlinlo urn the COLOR. alle3 Rail Road: euntalukg One dlandred and Eight Acres ore or Nes. Limestoze Soil smooth and easily till-d, improvements In the way of fences a 4 d hi, 1,1111, ti first eines _NH . excillent Tenement mouse. thereon, five er ten acres of Wood laud 10 inched If de hod by tin purchaser. good wells and rlotrrne on the prrmises Also, s coral Houses and lots of ground In same locality. for further inf.rmallon Inquire of JAMES A. DUN BAIL, Att'y. at Law. Once booth of Court house. October 20. SADLE It , Attorney at Law. Y • Carlisle Pa Men in Voluotoex Building, Send) lia.lover Street. C HIMMAN, Attorney at Law, .lisle. Va. Next door to the Herald OfDer. July 1. 1864-Iy. y A MRS' A. DUN BA B, Attorney at fp Law. Carllsls. N. Nice nu the south side of the Court House. ti.djolulog the - Amerlean-Prlutlng Office." July 1;1864.-1y. TOS KPH RITN RR, Jr., Attorney . at tp Law and Surveyor. Nivehantraburg, Pa. (Mee on Rail Road Street. two &OFF' nortifet the Bank. sa.lll - ifiliirißrpfailitly - littended to. July 11864. 'E. 13 LTZ [NOV E 11, Attorney .at Law Office In Southilanoior street, opposite floutz's dry good store Carllbie, Pa. September O. 1864. M. WEAKLII.;Y, Attorney at Law, J. Mace on - south 'Hanover street, adjoining the Mike of Judge °reborn. All professional buelneos en . trusted to him will be prcimptly attended to. July 1, 186,1-. QAMUIM fll BURN, Jr., Attorney kjat Law. oMco with Um Samuel ilopburn, Main St Carlisle Pa, July 1, 1864. AW CARD.-C[IARLES.E. MA- R FiLAIRHILII4, Attorney at Law, Office In Inkotre mll4llng,just opposltt the Market Romeo. July 1, 1864-Iy. TGRAIIAN , Attorney at Law, y Carlisle, Pa. Office formerly occupied by Judge Urahorn. Smith llanoror eiraot. Septambor S. 1805. - 1 P. fIUMERICII, Attorney at Law °Oleo on North Ilanovor atreot,. a fow doors north of 0111'e Ihitol.. All badness entruotod to him will ho promptly attended to. • July 1, 1864. VA LU A BLE Presents for allot Haver etirk'e Drug Cook and Fancy Store. • , •USTATE NOTICE. --;• • .r• Letters Testamontary on the Fstate of &leen: nab Garver late of Newton Town, , hip, Outnborland rounty, den!d., haring.heeti.oratited, by the Reginter rf said County to - the s ubscriber residing the Town ship a f .roold. All .persons knowing themselves in .lPht e arsirequested to make Immediate payment and those claims to prima them to Nov. 10,180b-ot. tiABIUBL ARVER. \xx vir• AC>. .Ir-a 120 SELDON & CO. • MANUFACTURING' - JEWELLERS, 27 COURTLANDT ST NEW YORK. 100,000 WATCHES,, ,- n- CJIAINS, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, Bte. &c. &c. &c. W 0 K T H $500,000 I TO BE SOLD ATONE DOLLAR EACH WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. AND NOT TO DE PAID UNTIL YOU KNOW WDAT YOU WILL RECEIVE'. Splendid List of Articles. All to be sold for ONE DOLLAR Each. A. L. SPONSLER, 11041 Estate Agent 3 41 Gent's Hold Hunting Case Watches, $6O to $l6O 800 Ladles' (told and Enameled Case Matches, 35 " 70 400 Gent's Hunting Case Other watches 35 .4 To 200 Diamond Rings,, 60 " 100 3,0 t. 0 [told %eat and Neat Caine, 16 " 30 3,000 " 4 " 0 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4 4, 8 4,000 Chased (told Bracelets, 5 " 10 2,060 Lhatalaine Challis and Guard Chains, 0 " 20 0,000 Solitaire and (told Grouch, s, 4 " lu 2.000 Lava and Florentine Brooches, 4 " 6 2,000 Coral, opal and Emerald Brooches, 4 " 8 2,000 Mosaic, Jot, Lava, and Florentine Ear Drops. 4 " 8 4,t,p0 aural, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops, 4 " 8 4.000 California Diamond Breast Pius, 250 " 10 3,010 Gold Fob and feet 11 etch Keys, 250 " 8 4,000 Fob nod Vent Ribbon Slides, 3 " lii 4,000 Sete sleeve Buttons, Si udii, etc. 3 " 8 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc. 4 " 7 ,6,000 Miniutuiu I. ick..ts, 5 4 1 8 4,000 Miniature Locteis—Magic Spring, 8 " '2O 1,1100 Oulu Toothpicks, Cruises, etc. 2 " 8 5.000 Plain Li id i.ings, 4 4' II 5,000 Chased Gold Rings, 4 " 11 7,000 Stone Sot and Signet Rings, 260 .' 10 •i,OOO California Diamond Rings, 2 " 10 7 605 Sets Ladies' Joe elry—Jet and Gold 5 " 16 O,IEO Site Lath. Fe Ji.weiry— bonen. Pearl, etc 4 " 15 5,0 0 (told Pens Silver Extension Holders, and Petuils 4 " 1,000 Oold Pens and Gold-41uunte'd Holders 3 " 8 60 0 Filrea Goblets and Drinking Cups -6 " le 1,000 Sliver ,Oas. ors, 16 " 51, 2,00 611ter N ,ud Cake Baelcots, 10 " 61 PER DOERR 1,000 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons, $lB to 620 1,000 '• Table epouns and forks 20 " 10k C RTIFICITEs intuitive ea..h article and Its Value aro placed in St i1,r.11 EN VI..L , PL.:I, which are wet mixed One ul these Fnvel,.pes, comas leg the certi ficate or Order for ammo article. (woi th at least 0110 dill lar at retail.) will be stmt. by mail to any address, with out regard to choice on ri cetrot 01.46 Cons Toe put rflaser ill nee what A 111.1 e t draws, nod its al no mityhe from VIM to One liumired t oilers, aot c u then send One Lollar and receive the Artie e hunted, or any other on the Hal 01 the men; value m o t ititer seeing the at tide, it it does out give perfect no tobac Con, we desire it to be Immediately returned Ind t amount pal I wail be refunded By this mode we give electi nil from a varied stock of Site goods, ot the best main anti latest style. 111141 of intrit, It worth, at a tics, tmtl price. vv bile all have chalice of securing articles of the N ery highest value In .t d cases we charge for forward!, g the Certifies!, postage end doing the . witness, t it sum of I wont - nye Ceti., Os Weil 511101. I.lllClOhed fu the order. F lye Certificate,. o 111 be sent for 4,s ; eleven tor $2; Mir ) for si, ; sixty 11. u tor It; One hundred f r Part ion oenling with us may depend ivit havlnk prompt returns WO the an km drawn sill be Inane Cutely sent to all) ad .rern by return mall or oxprese 1.. s ire satin:action t.uara teed in ail irises. i gents wanted. -end f , r drew,. IV rite your .‘ awe, Town, County and State Wain!). .and address. LEWIS ZI rzEit I= Wheeler & Wilson and 'Howe. LOCK STITCH SEWI.NO The Best AS'implest and Cheapest. IrlIE Wheeler & Wilson machines are I adapted to all t Into of family sewing. workloe equally well upon silk. Linen 1111(1 Cotton good.. a lib -lilt. Cotton and Linen threads, waking a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides iof the-article sewed. . friers of Wheeler Wilson machines: No. 3 machine plain, • $55 •• 2 ornamental bronze, $ll5 " 1 " Shyer plated, $75 The Howe Sewing Machine. 'I he attention of Tailors. Shoemakers. Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers le called to this—the best of Shut tle Seal, g Machines It is unanimously admitted to he the best machine for leather work or tailoring over given to the pub ie. Price of Howe machines: Letter A machine $6O a recommended for family sewing Tailoring, Shoe. Ninth... an I Ual•er fitting. Lettet B. 11111A11110 $7O Is one was larder then A machine suited to the siren work L-tter C. machine, $B5 la rec mimeo led for heavy Tailoring Be& and shoe work and t art Inge trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do One work 10.1.1 arid bus a much larger Shut tle tha• the smatter roach non. Call nod examine at Rail liond'Telegraph °Mee, Car Oct. '7. 181l5—tf 1 7 0 W.l RIB NG AND COMMISSION HOUSE FlA)uit & FEE 4), . COAL, PLASTER & SALT. 13 ET I.: & BB( Yr S Illsirly porenme•ti of Snyder /4 7iewromer their mite, sive t% arthon,.(ii endlo•en's stand.) head .it erreet. be. larva to Interns toe puldlc that they will et,n•inue the enti Wu:: and Columh.siou i11.11,0M. Olt II m unto ent enelve sealethan he et , ore. The highest market pole, will ha paid for Flour Grain and P. oduce of all Is !flour and Fred. Plaster. Salt and Gay, kept con stantly on hand rind for sale Coal of all kiwis embr clog ' q LYKENS VALLEY. LUi UST MOUNTAIN, LAW BERR Y, &c., &c. Llineburnors' anti Itlacksinllts' constantly for sale Hein under cover, and delivered dry to en) part 01 the town. Also, all kinds of LUMBER ctinstautly uu hand. A Daily Freight Llne • will leave their Warehouse every morning at 7 o'clock, arrive at Ilarrisbulg al II richntkottp,l at Hower II Inchntan's arehouFe, !soli 511 S and.Sll.llllan7Pt ft Philadelphia. at B o'clock lu the oven rig of h ams J. BEETEII..& BUGS. Nov 10, 1865. I= Bedding & Feather Warehouse• No. 44 , North lUth St., above Market, Philvt I)EDS, 11 FEATPERS, MATTRASSES, BLANKETS. • BED QUILTS, &c. Tucker's Palebratod spring Bed. Evely 4 artlcle In the Bedding line. at lowest Marl4t prices. AMOS lIILLBORN, • Sept 20. lona—smo. FURS. FURS. FURS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ,_, CHARLES OARIFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL BIOTELs PHILADELPHIA. Have now open their large and agen did stock of ADIES' FUR CAPES, . CULLA RS, MUFFS, CUFFS, . • GLOVES, ' AND IfirDS. Alpo ttie finest assortment of FANCY FUR ROBES. (SAPS, MUFFLERS and GLOVES ever before pffered by then:1;1111 of which are warranted to bu as represent ed. SHIPPING FURS. BOUGHT Oct. 20, 1805-4 mo. ripHE Miisiin'& Hamlin Cabinet Organs, i forty difier'ent styles adapted to Atterod and secu lar music. for $BO to 000 each. vinyl Y-FIVE GOLD or dILV LS, or other first premiums awarcP efthera. Illustrated Catalogues tree. Address. MA. PON A HAMLIN, • BOLITON, or MASON BROTHERS; NEW Walt. Appt. 22, 1888-Iy. IT,TRIT 'NG Paper of all descriptions, Itnveloneß, VI onto Cards, at 'lnvent lc k's Drug and Book Store. (10AL Oil Lamps; Shades and Chim neys at Ilaveratick's Drug and Hook Store... ALL the leading Patent Medicines of tbo day at Iluverstlak'l, Drug aid Dook•Storo. PI YES,. Tobaeci),' (smoking and (hew lug) and &gars; Ilemarailoles Drus "and •Dociit Store. I%IANNER OF 111ACRIBUTION : , ELDEN & CO. 27 Courtiandt Street. Mir, York 0 41 -, A 11 : 1 ;;;;;; W i ' \ L'°' 'l ' '* ' '-' -.--- ': I t: 74*: 2' . - 1 - 1.-: / t., , ! , ... , ,q, = ~ ..,-_,:- ,-4,1„,-!..,,,,,;, :.. ~,...: A . 0: 4i .;. _ :- : 4 - 04 4 t i :,..1:1 - 1,... ...‘,e4 --A .p. - 2,- , :;-= x , _ ,1=..7.01Yr1, V. . 4 .i=) --a.i. ..1.,--.....Prit:-- :A....,. .F. ci,,f1.0.3;:-. ,A 1 .."- '-' A -'-'-",:i'Z.:,,w GRAND JIREMAN'S PAIR. UNION! WE respectfully announce that we in tend of frig a (IRANI/ FAIAt In RHEEIFe HALL, commencing SATURDAY EVENING, DEO. 26111,1865. 'and closing TUESDAY, evening, January 2nd, 1866. It is now five yeas since t e UNION bets made an.) appeal. to tne citizens of Galindo fr assistance, and we the. efore feel fully justified in soliciting your kind aid in this enierpi The proceeds to be devoted to the liquidation of the qebt on our, house and the purchase of additional Hugs.. Respectfully, John U. Rheum, L. F. Lyne, Gleo:IL Shearer, A. It. Rheum, S. D Hampton, Robt. Shearer, It. D tame on, E. Swartz, W. B Spangler, Danl. A Both, 0. Delaney, A. B Ewing, J. B. tuiverstick, Low A. smith. Uhich, Eph.Wetz..l, Luther Line, J M. Masonheimer, li. hinehart, Hiram Baiter, J. F. Kuhns, John Martin, John Bubb, W F Ilendle, L. T tGREENFIItLD , Chairman of Comraittee. ENGINE FOR SALE. A T a meeting of the Food Will Hose Clonipan3 or Carlisle, a committee of five (5) was •ppnautod to dispose of the Hand Fire Engine, now owrp.d Ly them, and said committee are empow ered to purchase a new Elf. t 1 o therefre of or the PAW° fur Pole. Any communications relative to Ito purchase, or the capacity of the Efigino, may be Addressed to JOS. W. OOILBY, JNO. 0. HALBERT' J. D. ADAIR, C. REIMITER. Committee J. U. WUNDERLICH, Chairman of Committee. FOR SALE OR RENT Two story _Brick House and e I Back Building in rear of Dickinson College. Also, three !louses on the corner of Moist mid Last streets, JACOB Ii.IIBEM. Nov. 17, 1861-31 Aetna Insurance Co. CAPITAL $3,500,00J. "1 MIS celebrated Company I , aR long, ranked first ht this country. Ilas.paid more losses, an insures Inure property than any other in America. Rates reusuuuhlo. 11. M. DONEIIOO. Agent. Mansion House, Carlisle, Pa Nov. 17, 18135—Zirao. AGAINST ACCIDENTS Travelers' Insurance Company PROVIDENCE, R. I. CASH CAPITAL, - INSURE AGAINST Loss op LIFE OR INJURY FROM AL tC I 40.11Z)=V9r1/€;, I= 01,1,A.11S semi' e , a Polio fn $1 00( uay 1,. ease -t dcaih Hont /1,1,A e tlre,n I'M a I IRA. NI) 41 n 01 di alit 1.1,111 Hi clot, I nl,d its::. L stir t,b Id vet 0 eel. lee 11, ea -.• et ill view t ==l== Ulli lt• a OU. 18101 j 2:, ilt-r wee inhcr sows 111 like piper I. CI u,•.t 1 , 111 I Lldini hot 1.101 11 I , .ue Sva it-, n.l. etx i• 1 til . ex pi •itilln, 11..1,1 it_ lir.. iV 4 ,rim:. reSLI I. p, 110111 XL. riial n :0.1 RD OF DIRE TORS PADI•:I lit)!,1 , of Nor.l America. A. I; 111.1oN011)1:. M ,jor I;enera. U.. A 1. s l'• IEI 11,11. ACE, Finn of I'lleiteplae n 01.lgral, LLi.N . ~tta,et Ins. II EN 111 11. ORMOIiF.E, Pres% 311toil1',8 Jluteel }ire In- .'o. .1 A C KVIU fIT, Merchant r11.111.4,-, U. TV itN LB, Pres't Fquital.le Ins Co ALEXAND.Ot. FARNU.II, Merchant. .1 b I'AMS See)," ibm ti, I n.urat•ce Co ' , RANK 31 %I RAN, A thet Ica :Leo tobont 0 L. B Fill, Z 1.., ith A. & U . Sprague A L.O t A FT, Firm 01 131 t Wooden & J II De - WOl, F, A mei ken lup wan :0 CO BENJAMIN CFO U3l, American Wood Paper Co ,1011,\ 11, dnettl , lug .le.ellar. HENRY H. ORMSBEE. President. J. PAR.I.S.II, Vice Pre.ikent H. M. RAWSON, Secretafy. HOLLINVEAD & GRAVES, STATE AGENTS, 230 Walnut St. Philaeliqphia. 11. 31. DON EHOO, agent at Carlisle, Cumberlana Co. l'a, who Is also a out for Onardlan Life in.surinsurers Company, 01 New York. These companle. stand desm vediy iu the front rank of losumnee comp lulus id this sou. try. Policies i.sued ithout delay. Nov. 14 1803— 4.n EMI `W's HARR S Of Harrisburg, Penit'a. andfoionerly State Law Reporter.) t tornev-at Law and Claim Agent. LI neludi r;;2' lahks for arreals of pay, bounties and . pen Inn in the City nl It a,hirwton, U. C. Addr,t. t , flice 800 2 3„6. It ..hint“.“ll tlty. Itl F CK— on 'I had leas die, eus lion. Thom as Williams of the rein., ..r It. pre, ' ti l l lye, M., J. , seph Caney. ( hief 'ln. , ire on l'o.Art f Innis land .101dan Pennsyl,dnia ,tate akhingtott, Lk C. (ha, Frederick Watts, trot. 20. ilk 5. I. E. VIALRAVEN, -MASuNIi HALL 719 CHESTNUP STREET, PHILADELPHIA, n. , a 4.1,4 LACE CUATAINIS, ROCATELI R. CUItTA • NS, DA3I I 4KR. CURTAINS, WOOL REP CURTAINS. SATIN LAIN K. CURTAINS, NOTTI 111 km run PAINS, MUSLIN CUR , AIN'S, Cloth, Table and PIANO COVERS. Constantly rocoiving NovELTin' in CCI?TAIN 7ERIALS, embracing tbe SM Y RNA CLOTH and MODE DRAPERIESI WINDOW SHADES every Duslrable St) le Color or Price I IV A Llt A :1' It N. No. 710 Chestnut St., Phlladelphla, November 3 1005-3 m ' CARLISLE FEMALE C0L7.1 LEGE r Rev. T. Daugherty, President FOR BOARDING "SDAY SCHOLARS. rriEnS Seminary which includes the Rehm I lately under I be charge et Miss. Mary, II it now. will he t pen under the direct'. not Rev. T Daugh• erty, as President. with a full corm/ of aide Instructurs, so as to glee to the young at. thorou h education In English and Classical studies In the French and Ger man languages, in Musty, fainting, and other orna mental Manchu. h 4).10111 care wi!l be given to boarders Is the family of the Proldent. A primary department for the younger scholars will be had in connection with the collegiate department The_sesslen will open on t% ednesilay, September 6tll, in the four elegant School reams designeddfor thitpur. pose and .ttached to the Lmory Church. For terms apply to the President. Amg.l4. 1865. Strike While The hen Is Hot! NEW STORE, • NEW GOODS. HAVE just:received a lare aassort- L merit of. New Good% such as Calicoos. DeLaines, Challies, Lawns, Alpacas, Chainbreys. Flannels, Llnons Drown and Bleachud Showings, Brown - and 'Blanched ehlrtinas. Also, a full Ossortment of • Men's Goods, such as Cloths, Cassinunes. Sattinetta..lean., Cat en. odes, Denims: Stripes, Cheeks Inel udlng all quality and styles of Undershirts and Drawers. Orme Shirts. Shirt Collars, Neck Ties, Gloves, and all other goods pertaining to a Centime o's Wardrobe,. Altof which will be sold,,at lower priest' than they aro selling elsewhere In Carlisle. • W5l. A. MILES, • • Next door West of the Post Office, Carlisle. May 20, 1805. DR. HENRY ,LANGEHEINE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON! Having returned from Germany, my oirnee will hematter be at my residence, to -South uauov.-r street. In the house formerly occupied by Dr. llendvr. where 1 will always be, flaunt when not ab sent professionally. Nov. 10, 1865-3mo*. • . ' PIANO FOR SALE Anew and'. very: good Piano; in on no -rouni et iomoving from thb,, borough; °Mired for K.llO otiniciuunnablo terms; by DENBY it...IiUNTZ, Penn &roil Ceiribtle. , ~ I .1 l'‘, .' • .' NOV. 91,198 b. •' ~ - -. • . . • • The First 'Premium • POE THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS, • At the late Cumberland County Fair, has been awarded* C. L. LOCIIMAN., 1 1 .11 n R o n i e j e ° o h t al h the public. b h as l : h i!? p leasure he bon to ap his. Id roam 'ram Mr. 51'111111an In Mra. Nelr's bull e t log. opposite the First National Bank, and guarantees that his PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITE, AMBROTYPES, &c. Flare no superior, and in tone, finish and clearness, surpass most pictures produced. He gives his person. a: at , ention to the room, and with the best and most improved in-truments and appliances warrants the tinest results. A largo assortment of Gilt and' Rose. wood Frames, and splendid Albums, for sale verp cheap. Copies of baguerreotypes made In the most perfect man 'ker. Oct 21, 1865. BOOTS AND SEfOES I At Ogi/b 3 9s Cheap Elora. TO' opened and ready for sale, 50 Cases Men's and Boy'e Boots for Winter Wear, Ladies Bahnorals Boots and Gaiters. Boots with an d without [keels, Pegged and sewed. Ladles Sewed Bus. kins, Misses Ualmorals, Gaiters. Fancy Shoes, child' Shoes, an endless Variety from smallest to largest sites, all of Best Make, 1111116 es celebrated makeof shoes constantly receiving. 20 Cases Gum Shoes, 100 Pair Hon's CB= Over shoes and Sandals all sizes, lUO Palr Ladles Gum Over Shoes all sixes. 10u Pair Ladles Gum Sandals all sites, 100 Pear Ladies Gum Lined riu,kins ail sizes, 100 Pair Misses and Cbildrens Gum Over Shoes all sizes. Please call and examine the aboy e before purchasing, main street opposite the 111 ex hodist Church. °GABLES OGILBY, Trustee. Oct 0,1866 Pennsylvania Paint & Color Works I Liberty IVliite.Lead! Liberty White Lead! TRY IT I TRY IT I wkoirktvreo to cover more surface fo same weight, than any other. Buy the best, it is the cheapest! TRY IT I TRY IT Liberty Lend to WHITER then any other. liberty Leal COWttts BETThit than any other. Liner v Lead weArts toemert than any other. Liberty Lead in MORE ECONOMICAL than any other. Liberty Lead is more free teem imputities and Is Warranted to do more and better wurk, at a given cost, than auy other. Buy the BEST, it is the CHEAPEST 111ZEM Iron, k nglish Refined. 4/ CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. Horse - - - $200,000 SHOES, $7,25. and everything else In proportion at HENRY SAXTON'S July 7. IRO *.V981. L Sint quuti oisipto nq) oliaoddo Spain, ys JaSounij aiyaoN I ISI VA 13. V 'l t) 10 •tu , livci •.Popt apsacuqi put,: unpaud u! sualvaki_ CLOTHING. JW. S tIII,I ;V. has just rl exived a I rg rid •legalit noso•toent of superfine and d uw q 114114 I Fe I.Nt,ii AND Ur.lolAls. ULti Cll., at, it it t.O PAM:. CAS IN Eli ES AND V Si INDS; a geoeral as-,rtineut CASSI DEREs, SATI- Nr, 5, .1, \ A(' , all of which I all tonnt.facture to order. In SU purr r at moderate prices, Or sell by the yaid Iha u erufod the Hui •es el THU oPSON S. Itr.,u liTc.ll. one of our meet fit•hionable an popu lar, who will ale nye. lie found in the store to cut arid Kuperintend the umeufac.urieg department, nil he hereby is cites hie old patrops and the public to giv.. bon a call. A large ~s=“ortment of Ready Made Clothing. of our own manufhaure for men and boys, nt prices to suit ihe times, will always . e Emnd ou our shelve.. I will let uu man undersell My stork of prime Kip, 11 ater Proof Calf and heavy boots ric., fur men and boysievery large and coinplete togethir with a full assortment of women's and chil dren's tine and ovary day wear, all of which you will find selling at the very lowest prices possible. COMB sue and be satisfied. Trunks, Travelling-Bags &c = Do not fail to give mo a call, as I will always be glad to see you, and I el n nfident that 1 can supply you with as good. well made nod deshable Clothing. Boots, Shoes. lints, &c.. as call be found In the market, and I thins at tower prices. North lionocer street. between Shreiner's hotel and lialbert's corner, . . September S. 1865-9 m Samaritan's Gift ! SAME& I lAN'S GIFT ! THE MOS r CERTA I.lsl REMEDY EVER USED. Contains no Mineral ; no Balsam, no Mercury o,ly Ten Pills to be Taken to Effect a Cure. rl° HEY are entirely veuetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not in any us) , lojure the stoloaeh or bowels of the most d..lleate " of hie OW Li Imp, Lotion Cures in from two to four days, and recent cases in "t went • -four hours" Prepared by a graduate of the Itnls el say of Pennsylvania. one of the most eminent Doctors and Cbetnlsis of the present day. NO JEAPOSURE, NO TuotOILE, NO ORANGE WO/UNVEIL Let those who have deep tired of — getving cured, Or who hare been gorged with Balsam Ue,cury, try the Soot by mull In a plain envelope. Price—dale package, $2. Female $3. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! SCItOFUt A, ULCERS, SORES, , SPOTS, TETTERS, SCALES, BOILS, OR VENEREAL DISEASES, &e Is offered the public as a positive cure. TUE SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND DERR JUICES, IS the most potent, certain and effectu.l remedy ever preseribod—it reaches and eradicates every particle of the veneral poison, so that the cure is thorough and permanent Take thou of 'his purifying remedy and he healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that for which you may repent In after years. althouch you may be pronounced Incurable, the SAMARITAN'S ROOT aSL HERB JUICES will remove every vestige of Impurities from the eye; tern, as well as all tho bad effects of Mercury. FEMALES! I In many affections. with which numbers of Females suffer, the FEMALES ROOT & HERB JUICES, 18 most happily adapted. In Whites. in bearing, down, Falling . of the Womb, Debility, and 'tor all compile Into incident to the sex. Bent by , express Price VA per bottle. SAMARITAN'S WASH, IN used in conjunction with, the Hoot and lierb.litlese Full directions. Price 25 cents.. The efficacy of these remedies Is alike acknowledged by .physiclans and patients. They are ned In-the United States Hospitals, thus restoring the health of many of our brave soldiers. [From the Baltimore What the .surgeons say of the SA- "I have great satisfaction' In stating that I harm used the SaMI !tab's Remedies' for Venereal Disease In its most customary forms; that," have used" them with Judgment, discretion, •and Inoperly: and have Fulani them respond to my anticipations promptly and effectually. Knowing their composition." have the fullest confidence In their efficacy . and as fat as my use of them extends, I recommend them strongly. ' "ALFRED O. DOWERS, “Asslstant Surgedn sth New Vora Ws." Let It be under,tood that these remedies. are as rel. °emended, and_will positively ours the diseases for which Lbw/ are offered. For s.le at ilauerstiakis Drug Store; Li:Meyer Streit Carlisle, Pa'. DESMOND & CO. Pmpriefors,. '01,6 Race St, Philadelphia?, July 21.186576 m SICIA NS will find, it to thikirad vintage to call andpurchaaa their Medicines at . ; RALIITO'S. NI an ulactured and warranted by ZEIGLEI? & SMITH, WHOLESALE Drug, Paint, & Glass Dealers, 187 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 'I 11 S1.11:17 0 1 8-I(d.).'"S 521i1.\11)fl BOOTS, SIIOES AND RATS. "Yes, A Positive Cure." SAMARITAN'S GIFT, SAMARITAN'S 1?00i' l & HERB JUICES DO NOT DESPAIR I marituil's Remedies. "Poe? HOSPITAL, FORT 'PIARSITALL,} Baltimore, Rid, Feb. 29, 18C4.. J. W. SMILEY,