Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 08, 1865, Image 1

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On'e tbrp , aru one insertion,
Forcach,u lusatairn,
Far Mu rautile Advt. tisautuutS,
1,0 lloorea
Proles , iu el ,lards without paper,
Obituary \ot an Oa
Wm rill tin; I, matt. mut pri
Vito inturosts al tic, 10 coats per
1071 N hL9U —Jur .lob ['Tinting °filen is tho
r 2:138t, most c qaplet • ,t,:lblislintent 11,
ca., y. Flur a•cul I'enian4, and a almond variety o
otc Jrta! uul tea for PI do and Fancy worts of ever)
--- 7
I, a I ,1 - Thr,oa to do Jot, 1'111101;g :It Ulu alio lest
:,t ea, t 1.1 .1 c LI - 1:;in - IF.1.„__rq 1....0u11e tend], Pe111.411
iu .c-ok auks. or anything in the Jolting
tt :o - ttrotri toroal to ~ ;Ive 1s a call
'We elir thte f t olluwing
Ske — tCf7( kJ. S. Sen
ate from the New York 11ral(1. It' our
space permit we will girt a skoteh of t.l.e
prominent members M the House in our
1%750h0l and polities of the,„Menilwrs r ! ,
the Thirig-ninth Congt.r ,, ..-- Who Po d
Ar , Irrit 7'lPy hire D m•• rrnrl If , ic
Toy Ilrrr 1?,th(1 —Thc (' „ nip/et
us the Ibut,cs 11 . 111 Siff nd C , in •
hpn 4, 181;5. 77,, , ,'N',l7ithern
Elect Errlit , ll‘l.—lnirortltnee Ql . 771,
F l11111 . 11 , (1 Srs.4loll, d'r. .
The Senate and House of Repro.
sentatives of the Thirty-ninth Con
Thirly ninth Congress promise
to be one of the most. inter sting :in(
important o'er convened since tlie faun
dation of' the overnment. The ! - :enatoi
and Hey reseutattve who have already nl -
tallied distinction will nildnulondly advo
cafe their peenli r view , of the gre. ,
Ttestiens et ' the day kith mere z-al than
ever hel l ore, while tho, , e who Ore cow
paratikely unknown will improve tlo ii
new opporltinitieS to acquire nritati..n
!knee the natural , le,ire on the part of
the multitun , to know all about theil
public servants in \\ a•hinL!ten ; and wt
havc tberefee obtained from the con,
piles of flee 01 CotW.H.,- .
the !-lll , Joine , l neeonnt of the net wh,
con-iiiitto the Senate and 11 , 0i,e (11 IL
re.vntatives tit iii Thirty ninth ClitiL:l,,
The inkn - w;tii.o I err suhrtotrcii is
front flit. fottik,tottu2 rovt , d tirttiott tt!
the \c.o.!: in 11.1. hoi
a I,ylt• I , • n pill,
I t p :It t:tti s t.-1 J ity Ali i tit
t t,;
r ,
do , ;'ll,l ,; • ;
O w IC I Th,
Vm.ancy oxkl in 11.H1 ,, I-
c:n r 1 i , s;III I ate- 11.0.1 a
Ii „
; :1,„1;,1 IL.• wri;i r)2: it
not I;r.own vdo, c!. c't , l t
111T -out HP.
(nn_ic , ,
In looki, !. ev•r the tlf twe
dyed and thirry tcvn nie ~ 1), pre , eht
Cu; gre,s we find Ih tt :dx , y nine tv , r(...
butt in \(.w E , lulund, and I , n • rcsec
in the titnte of ' N,w whilt•
the remolinirpi phice , , nativity art
eqwilly divided hi'iween the Mrd
die and Western Mire, of t' e Uni'm ex
cepting one horn in Conada, ot,c iu
Ilavaria, one, in Scotland, and tlvo in
I re k n d. lii th e !.:cota , of lorliri ., Sl ,, ll ,
the Inv (d11 . 111r . ; a Lire maj,tity while
printers. ;11111 itoW-riper m n • un,bor
less than fi keen ,•10,1112.11 to gi
good charac4vr lo tli. t body politic
`lll SEN TE
iie was limn to Coventiy,loale
land, Api I, 1815..1 (11..Iser ancestry
graduated at Brown Univer.i-ity in 18:1.;
and in 18:38 he assnini d the editorial
eharLie of the Providerice.bwra,il, which
he rutained uniil called to a seat in the
IT. S. Sonia.. Ile was eleeied (lorenor
of ishode Islan,l in IS-19, re•. leeted
1850 and declined a re election. 11.•
was elected a ticuahn• in Congr,,s
lthode Island fur the tern) eommenein , _•
in 155.) and eliding in 1865, se•ctn4r a
Ch,tirinan Tor In Corniniih•e,ni Printing
and lie wa, re-elected to the Svilate
the term ending in 1871, a , ain
at the head or the Printing Cunin ill.,
and as a member of the tee 111.
Born in Lexin g ton, Kentucky, 3.1a . \
28, 1326 . graduate•l at the Traus ) lvaiiiii
University in 1845. flout at Yule Colieizi
in 18-17; studied law in' Loui villa, and
settled at Sti'Louis,, Mn; was a moodier
of the Legislature of that State Irmo
1852 to 1858 ; assisted in establi-hing
the 3lis,ouri Democrat, anti edited that
journal front 1854 : to 1855 A speech
that he delivered in the Legislature in
1857 was the initial movement in behalf
of freedom in that State. When the
war broke out, in 1861, he volunteered.
and raised a regiment. which assisted in
the capture of Camp daslcson, and a hiel
ho commanded during its term of service.
He subsequently commanded a brigade
of militia during an invasion of the State.
His efforts in behalf of freedom were
continued during the progress of the
rebellion, and he was foremost in organiz
ing the movement which resulted in 'the
ordinance of freedom in 1864. Ile was
elected a Senator in Congress from' 3'is.
souria for the tern) commencing in 1863
and ending in 1867. serving on the Cu;iit
mitre° on 3111Pa:ill Attain, Pacific
Indian Affairs, Public,
tind grounds, and printing John Brown,
fortneily a senator from Kentucky, was
his grandfather.
FTc was, born in • Colutnhizt county,
Pennsylvania, I/comber 2 3 ;1 8 21 ;adopt
the profession of law, and was admitted
Lo practi:4 in 1843 ; was' prosecuting at
torney, for, his native country from 1845
to 1 8 17 . ; was a 'Su;nater in ttie State Leg
itilature in -1850-and-1853 -in-1851,11e
was a comissioner to exchange the
eatinatt O,AL_ treaty 'witb." Puragßay
01 00
25 OU
7 LO
VOL. 65„
RHE EM -& WE AXLE V Editoo-&-Proprietots:
Sen dorial Pre.lidential elector in 185(1;
in 1857 he wrs Chairman of the State
Democratic Committee; dorin.• the same
rear was re el•eted to the State Senate.
and also appointed a cnnitnissioner to re
vi,e the penal code or Pennsylvania; in
Ds` 3 he resigned the two latter positions.
a,,d was appointed -by President Buell
anal') Ite!"ident :%linister to Ecuador, re
turning home in 1831. In 1863 he was
e'oeted a Senator in Congress from Penn
sylvania, by a majority of one vote, for
the term endimr in 1869, serving on the
Commi , tees en Indian Affairq, Post Office,
P e nsions, Slavery, and Mines and Mining
Burn in BACord, New Ilanipshire.
I)eventher, , 1813 ; received an neade
mica] education ; was t ted a tiwrchant,
ainl settled in Detroit,' liehigan; was
of that. city in 1851 ; was defeat
rd lor I.;overilor of I\lichi ; 2.ari iii 1 8 52 ;
14;IM elected a i•-; tinter in Coneress from
iimitigan for tile term commencing in
i B 5 - 1 . and ettilinLi in 14i:3, serving as a
member of the Committee im the I)istriet
.d' Columbia mi d (inkman of the Com
mittee on Commerce lie wa, is elected
to the Senate in 1833 fur the term end
re!ur 18 id, i-erviii t z on the Committee r ii
and mr :dines arid
Ile wa, Ilui•Lii r 1
c ffinty. '..\;c‘v lh• olict 21
U I ,I r Nt Dal 11111 , 11111 CIIIHt
II I , , 1 , 1 , 11( . 11 ItIW 1111 d I 1111.• 11) 01 ,
) 1:1 1 8 ;/7 ; :1 nmu Lri of (I W
I • , 111 , 1111 l• I,giSl.ltlllo I Ilie )I . a! I i 3
P -4 5
i '-'
r.I . 11.1'
ii aili
tio. . bill 1•"!,
i~l~ii it ;!! 4
1.1 . C•.11J,11
11C \C;I , unn 113 Irchiml 111 I - .` l , bolt
v 3 ,1 7 ,.. 1,, lit! , c , . lpoly ‘01( n* ten )0,,r , a
he the clot
.4l.tmis ‘vh,re, I,eli• cao“ i II
.1:1.2.".1 1 ,, 11111 , 111 g awl Mere:1111110 ptir-illt,
I'. -5[ he VaS cl C11 ., ' It) 1114.
and wls rr elected two or 'hr. t.
Out:. In 18.7)9 he wd; t : lt•eted :I) the
State Senate, oral itt 11-t,t•: lut was
elet•t,tl u -eitartti• Ctliftrnitt fttr the
tern) tuilin iu I` - q39, rorcin uu ih, coal
tnit ice MI FillaliCl: awl the 'tail
r„ntl, ❑nd tc-; chnittittin the committee
WI )liries
lie lain 'X e-d morel:old county,
Soptember- 1 0 6'315. .Iftcr
Tending one p.a... :it Franklin colic, ,
he ; 2..1%4 , 111,0cl at that iii.tdittion iu
ls"dh while )et :1 mere buy lie wan tloown
ai his nwti re,otticeB fur a :-.11!-p art, and
until ISI2 fallomed various ttiploynoint.4
been a el II:, boat kidder.
scho danabter and a student of medicine.
le ,--tlh-a t i nctstly studird lag. and [trac
t ,-u-d the prof -,:dan until Is6l, when he
wus cho>cn a Senator in roto. l re,s fro
limns} ania for the .erin eildpig in 1867.
-erring on the committee-4 on Forel it
'oelations and Enrolled e. nit
, i an of the eationitten out Pal Olin and
he Patent Office. In 18;10 he was a
esid,•ntial elector.
lle wts horn in Wesirini Vermont Feb
retry 3. 18.21 sindied and adopted
he pry fe,sion; was a mcanheruf the New
lieeislature from IPS Ito 55
elected a Ilepre:enrativii from that
tare to the thi ty-fifth 17,,ineress,SCrVing
.) 11 the Ciimmitiee on Revolutionary
Maine:. In he was elected it =num in Conizress fr.iin New Hampshire for
rho term commencin , in 1'465 arid enPline
in 1871. serving on the Conincil tees on
Naval A ffairs, Territories and the Pacific
MIS born in Port Denoctito Cecil county,
Miryland, Nov IS. 1528; g raduated tit
Dickinson College, Penna. in 14-18; stud
;cid law. and conic to the bar of Maryland
in 1850 He was a member of the
Maryland (louse of Delegates in 1861
and 1862, front August, 1862 to Apr I
1863, he was an Assistant . Adjutant
floneral for MarOand, and was elected a .
Ilepresentntive front .that State to the
Thirty-eighth Congress, servita, an the
Conaniittees ora Commerce and Pensions
fie was also a delegate - to . the BaltiMore
Oonliention of 1861. In March 186511
he was chnsen a Senator in Congress for
the unexpired term of T. U. nicks de
ceased.' .
He was born at Mount Stirling, Ken
tucky, Sept. 10. 1c01; received. an En , :
alish and clasqi , id education; while yet n
boy he was employed as a writer in tha.
County and Cirm.tit Courts 9f his dis'triet;
studied law, and came to the bar in 1823.
In 1823 he was elected to the State Leg.'
lature, and wnsTtwice re-elected ; in
.1839 he was a member of the State COll
stitutional Convention; frotml.B39 to
1847 he. was ti Representative in ,Coa:-
gress from KentueltY r i and 'declined are-.,
election; -and-lhou9.l)..always, engaged-in
he.'deveted, Much attention to
;aviculture. in Itt6l. he was elected a
ZArliAlt IA 11 CH N llt
.11 . i a
n.,t ,•••••, •ii
tl , -id. lir
Senator in Congress, from Kentuckyfor
the term ending in 15 . 67. serving, on the
Committees on Foreiom Relations, Terri
tories and-Claims. From early manhood
until the death of Henry Clay he was
one of the most intimate personal end
political friends of that statesman. In
1861 he wa= appointed a regent of the
Smithsonian Institute to serve until De
cember, 1865.
was born in Enfield,Connecticut,in 1814;
graduated at Williams College, Massa.
chnqetts, ih 1834; adopted the profession
of law; was a member of the House in
the Legislature of Connecticut in 1837,
1838 and 1844. and of the State Senate
in IS l 9 and 1854; was a Representative
in Congress from Connecticut from 1845
to' 1841); was elected a Senator in Con
gress for six years from 1857: was re-el
ected in 1863 fur the term ending in 1861)
servitigOri the committee on Mtinufacture4
and various other committees, and as
chairman orthe Committee on contingent
Expenses of the Senate. and also of the
committee on the District of columbia.
.1. R. 1)11(11,.171,p
Ile was borne in Ilampt.6i), Washing
ton (man y New York, January 3,1815;
cradmited at Genev r college in 1834;
adopted the pr.dession of law and was admit
ted to the Supreme court of New York
in 1' 4 37. Ile was District Attorney for
ver 'I year, of Wyoming coon y New
,ein , .vel to IV'tscnn in in 1;-;,)1 and
w lge of the first Judicial
eircMt ot that -, iate resigned
u. 11 4 53 I,e eleettal a Senator its
ft mil I's; for the
I, cm (.11 , 11:1. , svrvi ,, a 4 chair
ni ii f.l it, v •nuntt rev (In
h . i• "I the c
I , tIo2 r rni in
ter of a •Itt•ei .1 ti ol ,i f itit,,
iL tri!e, he ‘i,itt .1 the Indian tri
11) ll•trih
I t e
1%, I lit.
v,,,s Boseowen, ;..:ew Hampshire,
(I,•r 16, ; graduared •tt Bowdoin
C011e..2.e in ; studied law and was
a !milled ro practice in Portland in IS'27;
..v•p, of the )laine
and r • eleered in 'lB4O ; was a
I r,senr.,tive in Congress from Haute
from 1811 ro Is-11 (declining further set
vie, ); i-o the Legislature inn
is 15 and 114 Hi, arid re elected in 1: - 51 and
Iz'ri 1 ; and he, was elected a Senator in
Goigre , s for the term commencing in
and ending in 1859, serving on the
committee on Finance ; and in 11 4 51 he
was re elected for six years, rcrving as
Chairman at tie Finance committee arid
also as a regent of the ini , hsonian
was a tneniher of the con
vention which nominated Henry Clay lor
Pre,i(k'it in 18 32., and al-o of the con
ventions whielt nominated t;unerals-Tay
br• and Scott. In 1858 the. &glee of L
Li). was emilared upn trim by liowd. in
Co IL_ , of which be was an overseer.—
le was also a member of the Peace am-
L:re,s f l.afit. In Ju.y, 1 8 6 I.he was ap
pointed by Presidcni Lincoln Sceretary
01 in Trea,ury,in the placed S P Chas r
re-Hed; al,n received in that year the
de g ree or LL.D f.ont Harvard University
and he was re elected to the Senate fur
11a tam a.,apneticiog ia 18115 and ending
in 1671, receiving his old pos!tion of
enainnan of/the coaonittee on Finance.
Ilia Tat in the Cabinet he ri signed
%Lire 4, 18C5.
was burn in Franklie, New London cone
dy, Conn., November 22 18 06 and is a
ti . t.ect descendent of Milcs Standish Lie
eraduated at Brown University, adopted
he proles-ion -of law, was a member of
the 11eneral Assembly of Conneetieut in
839 and 1810, in 1840, 1847, 1848, and
1854. ; Mayor of the city of Norwich for,
two years, and- was chosen a Senator -in
(~',neress for the term
. flonim'encing in
1855 and in 1861, serting, as a
member of the coninaittees on Public
Lands, Pensions and the Judiciary
~ f le
was re elected in 1860 for the term e'nding
in 1867, and during. the Thirty seventh
and Thiity eighth yungtess he was chair
inin of the . cotniai Oil on Pensions, and
ar ihe extra session of the Seniatein 1.865
ha was chosen Presidentpro lens. of Aliat
body, the death of Abraham Lincultil
th e e l eva tion of Andrew Johnson to the
esidency making him acting Vice
PriSident of the United States. During
the subsequent recess, as a member of a
"special committecof the §enute,he visited
some of the Indian_ tribes west of -the
•• •
- sbtomobt
was born- in---Carnwtill,Ai' dison county,
Vermont, November 19, 1802; graduated
at Aliddlobury Culleg,e; studdied and
• .
,adopted the profession of law;was a tuem
lcter of'tbe Vermont Rouse of Representa
tives in 1833, 1836, 18 37,1838 and 1 8 47 ;
was speaker of the Eloaso in 1837 183 8
and 1847 ; Moinber of the convention for
a!tering the State Coustittition in.1a86.;
States Attorney, fur Rutland county from
;1836 to 1842, was a Representative in
am.ress from Vermont f row 1813 to 1847'
and he was'eleoted a Senator in C.mgre'se
for the term commencing in 1851 nod end.
iag.iiilBsl,itierVing on the committees on
'Woreigo 2iffoirB and,tho-Pauifie Railroad,
And; ati Chaituiaci ofi.the , Counuittee .on
ILO tiu,ll r l'eVt'S•ti of
Carlisle,: Pa., Friday, December 8, 1865
Public -Buildin^s and Grounds. Re wa
re-elected to the Senate for the term end
ing in 1 863 ; and also for a third term,
ending in 1869, continuing at the head
of his old come ittee and serving on the
Committee on Foreign Relations and
Pensions. During a part of the Thirty
seventh and a part of the Thirty eighth
Congresses he was President pro tem. of
the Senate He was also a delegate to
the Baltimore convention of 1861.
was borne in Deering, Hillsborough Co.
New Hampshire, October 16, 1816; o. m•
menced his education at Hampton Acade
my, and graduated at Dartmouth College
in 1836. Soon after that time he end
grated to the West and in 1 838 was elec
ted to the first General Assembly of the
Territory of lowa, to which ho was fie
q iently re elected. Ile was Governor of
the State of lowa from 185 1 to 1858, and
in 1859 he was elected a Senator in on,
gress from that State for six years,serving,
as Chairman of the committee on the
District of Columbia, and also or that on
Naval Affairs /7e was also a delegate to
the Peace Congress of 1 8 61• Ile was re
elect. d to the Senate fir the term
!Dancing in 1 865 and ending in 1871; and
i n 1815 he received from the lowa Cul
lege the degree of LLD
JA Mt 0 uTun 1E
was born near Bardstown, Nelson Co .
Ky. in 1795; educated at the Bard-town
Academy ; when twenty years of age he
commenced trading with New ()deans as
the owner of flithoats; studiid law, and
In his twenty fifth year soled it Lout,
ville as a la Wyf.r. FOr a 111111. hu held
the ((Tien ()I' Proi , eciving ttorney fit
the county in which he li‘ed, and
many prnetis.d hi , f rt l . i n with
eitoneht. s.ieei.,s. During that peri. d
a' Lot by a p,lit cal opieineni. and iv.,
in (.01,4,r:twee cold:toed to he , l for ts.iret•
. years. ii' , eivod Dino sears in the Leg
1-lature of the State and u s )ears in the
State Senate; „was President or the State
L'onz.titutional Convetrion tt4sl; tool(
an active part in r ile liatikingbuione,ss of
Lnuisville, and after became
Plesident or the Nl,liville and
Railroad. In 1::53 lie went into Pre,d
dent t'ierce's Cabinet as Secretary id the
Tr. airy; was a delogate t t Ihe Chivagii
C. , nvention of 1861; and wits elected II
Set/1111)r in Congress from Kentucky in
1805.,1nr,th0 term ending in 1871,z-cm:kw
0.1 the committees on Finance, Agricul
Cure and Patents.
~ t , l ❑ARRIS
Ile was born in Charleston, Montgum
ery county, New York, May 31, 1802,
tracing leis lineage to the colony of Boger
William-4. When a boy he I-bored on a
farm in summer and attended soloed in
winter; in his seventeenth year he enter
ed Cortland Academy to prepare for col
lege, and gtadnated at. IJoidtt College it
1824; stud ed Isw and was admitted to tie"
bar in Albany, where he s.ettled. For
seventeen )ears he devoted h's Wholc at
tention to his profession, in which he
was eminently successful, avoidim , all
entaiwietnents. In 18 t 4 he was
elected to the State Legislatu . er-eleeted
in 1845 ; was a delegate in 18;9 to the
convention for revising the State consti
ration; bufore, the c oiventi en adj mrned
he was clewed to the State Senate. to
1847 he was elected J udge of the Superior
Court, and he held the posit on twelve
years and a hull: anti in 1861 he was el
(hired a Senator in Congress from New
rk for six years, serving as Chairman
of the committee on Private Lind Claims
and s a member of the c onmit tees on
the Judiciary and Foreign Relations.
rrnomAs r.. HENDRICKS
He was born in Muskingum co., Ohio,
Sept., 7, 1819; was educated, at South'
Hanover College, studio law, and cotn•
pl , tcd his legal studies at Chambersburg,
Penne , in 1813; settled in Indiana, and
practised his profession there; in 1848 he
was chosen to the State Legislature, arid
.11 re-election ; was an antivc
member of the State Constitutional (Am
vention of 1850. and was a Representa
tive in Con tress from Indiana. from 1851
t o 1855, He was appointed, in 1855, by
President Pierce, commissioner of the.
Genelnt Land Office, in which he was
contitilied,by President Buchanan until
1859, when he resigned. He was slibEre
quently elected a Senator io Congreas for
the - term commencing in 1863 and ending
in 1869, serving on the Committees on
Olniaid,on Public Buildings and Grounds,
on the itudiciary,Pnblio Lands and Naval
Affairs. • •
was born in Virginia, November 16, 1826
In 1836 removed With his !art n•s to Mis
souri, and spent a pa'rt of his boyhood oi.
a farm. While obtaining an academical
education he taught school for asupport;
studied law, and came to the bar in 1848,
and was soon afterwards elected to the'
State Legislature ; was-id-elected in'lBs6,
and during the same year was chosen a
Presidential Elector. lle, was a delegate
to the Charleston 'Convention of 1860 f,
and fir a time luld command of brigade
of militia. On the expulsion of Trustee
'Polk from the United States SeMite
was appOintecito fill tfie vac noy,'and in
1863 he Wili3 (dented fOr the full term end-,
'ling in 1869, serving on the Committees
on. Post r Officeand_Post Roads,_bistriet of
:Columbia, Finance and Eipense of the
Senate.' _
He was horn in Shaftahury, Vermont
July 10.1803 ; was educated at tlieacad•
envies of Bennington and Brattleboro, and
at Williams College, where he graduated
in H. 30 ; studied law and taught in au
academy in Massachusetts for a time; re
moved to Michigan in 1832, and came to
he bar of that Territory in 1)33 ; in 1838
he was a member of the Legislature of
the State; from 1841 to 1843 he was a
Representative in Congress from Michi
gnu ; in 1854 he was elected Attorney
Gener) , l of the State, twice re elected and
serving six years; and in 1862 be was
elected a Senator in Congress, in the place
of K. S: Bingham, deceased, for the term
ending in 1865, serving rut Chairman of
the Committee on the Pacific Railroad,
and as a member of the Committees on
Military Affairs, the Judiciary and Pri
vate Land Claims. Ho was re elected a
Senator in Congress fur the tern) con)
incncing in 1865 and ending in 1871,
serving on the Library Coln 11l ittee.
Ile was born in Livermore, Oxford
c iunty, Maine, February 7.1816 ; reeciv
ed an academical educ,ii ion at. the !lead
field Seminary; studied law and was ad
minted to the bar in 1839; se iled rr
Head field. and wirselfc , cll to the Lefli-la
tirre of Maine in 18-15 ; in the latter pr
of ihat year he removed to Green
Wisconsin ; wc , elected it C.. .Joa u ,
in that State iii 1 - 50 holding the
on' il 1855, whi ii lie re,igtted, and in 181.', I
he was el, toed a t-4enatiir jn Coogre-s Iron
f. .r lie term in 1 8 67
s •rvimir 1111
and 11,1 , 111,, and
he Cott,oirf (Mud lull.;.
RI VI 1110:
n iu A nt , .ipol nil. :dn . \ '2l
; eln, t I o. t St .L,I;
!ay; Av; , ll I•:
and. Locn adihitti ti to 111
b Kati iflLLelk•ed 111, , pr,des,ioi., wit hou
inlet wi,sioti to the pr. ,tent titre. Ilt
tbst appoinitm nt was that o: State .Mhos
nay ; in IS 7 lie removed to Bel to ore
where he has since resided; in 1890 h.
was appointed Chief Cottinii•sion r In
solvent Debtors. holding the office one
y ar, when he was elected to the Skil.
Senate, ser%ing two years;.was re eeeted
but restgried it. the B. — eond year of tha.
tern?; in 1 8 5 he. was chosen a Scour...
iliCongress fr,to )laryland. where he re
unlined until 1849, when he resigned foi
the position of Attorney General or •,
On his leav ng the Cabinet lie turned his
whole attention to his profession, praetis.
in, chiefly in the Supreme Court of' the
United States Ile also took en pok e
pill in the preparation of seven volumes
of "ti. ports of Iteeisi n in the Marylabil
Court of App. ale'' Ile was a delegate 11 ,
the l'eace tigress of 1861, and in 1862
was again elected a ;:enator in Con_ r'
for then, ertn ending in 1869, servine 01.
the Committees on the Library, the Judi
ciury and Foreign Relations.
Ile was burn in Indiana, and was a
Representative in Congrcss fro)] that
State from 1853 to 1F55; settled in lint
sea and took an active part in politics ;
and on the LAI/its:3ot) of the State i:,to tht
Union he was chosen a Senator in COll
gress for the b-rut ending in 18:5 serving
on t he Coniwittt es on Indian All is and
Agricul ate. Turing the eatl3. part id
the great rebellion he was commis•ioned
a In igarber general ,of volunteers. Ile
was also a delegate to the BAiniure Con
vention of 1 8 34, and was re•eleeted to the
Senate fir the term ending in 1871 serv.
ing as Chairman of the Committee on
Ag'icultute and as a member of that en
lle was born in Montgomery county,
Ky., February 24, 1811, his father, Amps
,Lane, having served in Cong ess froth
Indiana for six years. lle received a
good common school education, and, un
der a iutor, some knowledge of the class.
ics. fie studied law in Kentucky, but
removed to Indiana, and was admitt .d to
the hat- in that State. In 1887 he was elected
to the Indiana Legislature; was a llepresen•
tative in Congress frontindialia from 1841
to 1813 ;_er-ved — as a lieutenant colonel
of-velaeers undbr General Taylor in the
war with Mexico ;in 1859 he was elect
ed to the ;United States Senate, to con
test the seat of J. D Bright but was de
nied the seat; in 1861 he was _elected,:
Governor of Indiana; but two du s after'
his inauguration he was againAected . a
Senator in Congress for the tern ending
in 1867, serving on the Committees on
Military Aff irs, on Pensions, on patents,
and as Chairman of the Committee on
Enrolled Bills.
was.born in Bethlel , etn,- Albany county,
New Yorlc . , Niriember 19, 1817;
ed his education at the Albany Grammar
,School; assisted ii the survey of the first
railway, eVer built in this country—that
between Albany and Schenectady.; Atud
led law and adopted the pl'ofeesion ;
Moved to Pike county, .1 8 37;,
is 11812 he waS•elteted Attorney General
of , Illinois ; re•electe I in 1814; in 149
he originated and accompanied amexplor
ing.expedition to the Rio. del Norte, the
Gila and polortido; b‘ lhe afterwards -emi
grated to Caltfornialfid forowed 'h.s pro
TERMS:--$2,00 in Advaxiee, or s2,so,ithin the year
fession at San Francisco; in 1850 he we;
elected Attorney General or California
was a Representative in Congiess iron
California from 1853 t 01855, declining a
renomination, and in 1861 he was elected
a Senator in Congress for six years, sere
ing, on the Committees on Finance and
Naval Affairs, and as Chairman of HI(
Committee on the Pacific Railroad. He
was also a delegate to the Chicago Con,
vention of 1864.
Born in Washington Berkshire county
Itissachusetts, February 8, 1811; at th,
aim of seventeen he entered a wholesale
grueery house in Hartford, Cond., as a
clerk, and in three }ears became a part
tier; soon after attaining his majority hi
was chosen a member of the city council
of Hartford; in 1830 he settled in Nee
York city and was extensively engaged
mercantile pursuits ; in 1819 l ie w as oho
s-n an Alderman ul the city; diving th.
suite }ear he was elected to the Stan
Senate, arid sered two terms ; in IES) In
was appointed Continissinner of Eintgra
tnin, ntid field the office until 1958; wa,
Vice President of 11 e National %Tubb
can Convention held at Pi tsbuig in 1859
:ince then has been Chairman of ti e Na
tiomil Republican Uoinniitiee; in 185811.
was ell cted Ho7ernoi of New York and
re elected in 189 ; 1861 he ivas
l a,intej by Piesident Lincoln inajnr gen
. rod volunteer., and tinaigli he render
ed ut ,ch service dt elined all eninpen,a
1,11, 01 ( .11 1.111lb , ref tnap= sent b, die wal
Intin_ hi, adininis r.r.ut ;111,11011ring b.
- 1 0 ;iu L'N;•; he wie I•lel•ted I/
a. or In 111.111 W nk 141 r 11..
III• 18U9, s, tili
!, I ( If I h.
IL•1 1 .10 , “.1, -)ldlrNr‘ Nn,;
I I;} Hl.' 1 fhia brill;2 C11;1 I
S„ti Ul,l,
‘ , 11.11 , 1t 1111 11111. - elO 111 the 1 . /1,111
. 1 / 1 11e VI 11 11.111 14 1861 - 1111(1 d
(1, OW
lily I,lnet)iii ullcrru
11111 IL - .1. al . lll thei at , iuct , which lie lie
Ile was bion Kettneree
count), Maine, iu 181 3; entered Water
College in 18:34, but soon anal wards
emionei eed study tit law, and to 18.19
w adniiited to the bar moo,
bet. of the Maine Legislature to 1831 ; or
•tre Sate Bctiale tit 18 36,' and elected
President ; he was elected Lluvertior ul
18 0 8. n od adocted in 154!"‘ii •. .4
• 860 ; and in 1861 i.e was elected a Sena
°. in Coupe-s for the unexpired tertu of
Hannibal Ihntlin, chosen Vice President
of the United 8 toes lie served on the
Committees on Cow hid ee, District of
6,lu:tibia and Claims. Ile wasalsua mem
her of the Peace Congress of 1861. In
1 86:1 he was le-clewed to the Senate tot
the ierni ending/1n 1869, serving us Chair
ad the Cutnuiltiee on the Expenses
oh the ;senate.
J sNIES W. Nks:kirrit
waS boi ii 111 k\e.,lll,l,u,tun count %,
\laine,July '23 ; 18 0; when quite joun g
lie removed to New Hump:dote and in
1 38 emigrated to Ohio; :uhs. 9111111)
pent some tithe in .\lissouri. and 111 18 19
eliogiateil to Ore, , on. In 18.8 and 1833
lie commanded, us a epptain, two expeili
nom+ against the I.t.dian,; in the la; t.
l our he was i pp6inted United States Mar
-nal for ()re g al, whieli lie ra-igned
1355, and had command of a regiment ;
111 1837 he w s appointed Supernitendem
,it Indian Affairs tor the Terlitories ul
Oregon min 11 ashitigton , and iu 1861 ht .
was eletiied a t ouutur iu Congress from
Oregon for the term ending in 18 J7, scry
log on the Coninit.tees on Military At
fairs, Commerce, Revolutionary Claims
and Indian Affairs, and also on the spe
cial conitni tee a 1 pointed to visit the In
dian tribes or the West.
B ,rn in_ Mount Vernon, Knox county,
ohio, April 12: 182.02 z; was educated a l
Kenyon College ; served one year in the
war with ,Mexico, in the Second Ohio reg•
iment ; commenced the study of law in
1818 ut Mount, Vernon ; and in 1830 went
across the plains to California, spending
a part of that and the following year in
Nicaragua. Returtriirg . to Ohio he re
newed the study of law and came to The
a r in 184;,prT4Jiced his profession io
that State until 1 835, when he removed to
Minneatta; in 1857 he was elected to the
State Senate, decling a re-election in 1830,
hut was rs : electcd in 18 60, and also in
1803 and 186 t, having been a member of
the Ste a House• Of Representatives in
1802. In 1865 he took his seat as a Sen•
atcr in Congress from Minnesota for the
term ending in
He was born in Madison county, 'New
York, June 10, 181 5 ; adopted ihe profeF.
Bien of law ; in 1801 was appointed by
President Lincoln Governor of Nevada
Territory, in which position he continued
until the adoption of the State constitv-
Lion, when no was chosen 'a &outer - in
Congress from tho'new State for, the term
commencing in 1805 and coding in 1871.
Judge Luke' P. .I.'4.ilund was appointed
by _Governor, Dillingham, cf Veruiont, on
the 21st inst., to fill the vacancy in the
Smote occasioned by the death of Jacob
Cellatner. Judge , Poland is 'a native of
- the State he represents, - and haS for many
years resided at Morristown, in that State.
li e was elected en Associate Justice of
she Supreme Court of Vermont in 1849.
Ind held the position two years. In 1851
he was elected Judge of the Fourth Oh'
suit Court of hin State, his predecessor cs
Senator, Mr. o.,llanicr, then holding the
.atne office in • the Seecnd Circuit. Ile
held th s position until 185 8 , when Ire was
gain &cued an Associate Jtarg - gof the
Supreme Court, In 1861 he was appoint
d Chief Judge, and has retaine.d. the po
iti.3n up to the Frerient time..
was born in Southampton, NeW Hampshire,
.January 3, 18111; spent his boyhood on shis
l'ather's farm. After an academic education
he graduated at Amherst College in 1836;
spent four years in Ogdehsburg, New York;
retarned to his native town and held variou,
local offices; settled • n Massachusetts, and
was elected to the Legislature of that State
In 1864 he was engaged in organizing the
New England migi ant Society, and because
its influential agent; remomed to Kansas in
the same year and pa• t cipated in its affairs;
was a member of the Territorial C ommittee
of Defence, a delegate to the Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia Conventions of 1836, and also
to that of Chicago in 1860. During the fa
mine in Kansas; he was Chairman of the
Relief Committee; and in 1831 Le took 'hi,
seat in the United Slates Senate from KilaSas
for six years. serving on the Committee, on
Pen , ions. Claims, Territories. Public Lands
Manufactures, and as Chairman of the Cell -
'Mum on Revolutionary Claims. •
Hr whst)orn in Dauphin ed - niity,nnar
risburLf, P,nnAylvaniH, 5H.0.1111,,r 8, 1815:
wiis a th.ll: in Ow t.tUne cir the (.1
thai - county in 1828 wll:4Secretztry uP th.
(2i.11..L;(• P..nt) , ‘ IV/1111H in 1810:
n 1841 wits ele,t,ql< it (1...5t...h.
, 81:1
817 111. 1 8 8. c.
(2. , .11111I11“, 11M , / tlt.~nii lip
18E) 11, iv r illq)c.11 , I..(1 Teel,,.
''. L l
11. :!If unill I luritt u !, !
,t :ti :4ot rti, I t
11 le ol 11le .:7 , 10ux to di laud 01.
Lake Perin ; and in 1831 Ii 1ieg. , 1.1111,1
11.11.'111er treaty w:tli the pious hation hi
whildl the gox ern/nein ',unloved nil t laud
,ll Jlinnrnulti We..t id the .Nl.l , :ds , ippi rlNni.
and opined that. State to the large population
now settled their; and made ii trend
with the ChirpeWil Iniliaus On Red river.
which he followed up with another in 1833.
In 1855 he Ulan Mayor or the city of St Paul,
and was elided Governor of the Stit ffi
in 1838, continuing in that office
until 1882. In 18133 he was elected 11 Sena
tor in Congress from Minnesota for the tern
ending in 1859. serving On the Committee , .
on Naval Affairs, Po,,t and Post
proses in the ci,ntte, ind as Chnirman or the
Coin mitten on Revolutionary Pensions. -
He was born in Newcastle, Delaware,
in 1817 ; educated at Delaware College;
studied engineerhig, and was engaged
for years in locating and constructing
railroads and canals in P nnsylvania
Delaware. Maryland and Virginia, the
last of which was the great, work at ar
per's Ferry Afterward., he studied law,
was admitted to the bar in 1848, and was
appointed Deputy Attorney General fot
his native county, which position he hell
ontil 185 J, when he was elected a Rep
resentative from Delaware to the Thirty.
second Congress, and re elected to, the
Thirty third Cungr&s, serving on thLt
tAttntuittee on Roads and Cana s, and was
Chairman of the Com tuitti e on Engrav
ing, and also of a special committee un
the Perdvian guano question. In 1849
he was appointed by the Governor of the
state a Commissioner on the part of Del
aware to retrace the celebrated " tlason
and Dixon s line," the report of which
was printed by the Legislatures of Penn•
syl% auia, Delaware and Maryland in 1850.
tie was also a delegate to the several
Democratic National Con% entions of 1844
1848 and 1851 In 1864 he. was elected
a Senator in Congress from Di ware for
the term ending in 1869, serV;ing on the
'ununittees on the District of f -Columbia,
Manufacture's, Private Laud Claims and
was born in Kent county, Delaware, June
2, 18'_'0; was educated•at Delaware Col
lege and at Dickinson College l studied
law, and was admitted to th'e bar in 1845.
- 1850 - he was appOinted A ttornoy_Geti._
eral of Delaware, holding the office five
years, and in 1859 he was elected a Sen
ator in Congress •for the term ending in
1865„serving on the Committee on Pen
sions, Commerce and Patents and the
Patent Office. He was also a delegate
to the Chicago Convention in 1864, and
he was re elected t(4-thti Senate for ,the
tei'm commencing :in 1865 and ending
in 1871.
He was born at Lancaster, Ohio, May
10, 1823 ; received a good education ;
studied law and came to the ; bar in 1844
In 1848 and 1852 he was a delegate to
the Natiepal Whig conventions of those
years. In 1854 he was elected a...ltop
resentative from Ohio to the. Thirty .
fourth Congress; re-elected to the' Mir-,
ty;fiftli, and •on ,being_ returned to the
Thirty.sii.thiCorigress helms the Repub
lican candidate for Speaher; and after tin
unprecedented .pontest wanted only one
or two votes_ to secure his
,ele: , tiort ;; and
daring . that 'Congress be. was Chairman
:of the-Commit fee of Ways add, Means
IrtlB6o he- wtiS re-elooted' .to rhe Thirty
seventh Congress, bile-oqt thO.reSiieation
of S. P. Chase, in 1861, hewas.
NO, 49
a ..enutor in Congress , from Ohio for the
term expiring in 1867, serving as Chair
man of the Committee on Finance, and
also of that on Agriculture, and as a
member of those on the'Pacific Railroad
and the Judiciary.
Born in Wayne county, New York,
August 9, 1827; -removed with his father
to Ohio in 1835; left home in his thir
teenth year and preparedlimself for col
lege chiefly in New York ; entered Yale
College in 1848, where he remained for
eighteen months, and then leg -forethe
gold fields of California. He spent two
years in the mining business; in 1852
commenced reading law, and during that
year was appointed District Attorney for
the county of Nevada, and was subse
quently elected to the same office; in
1854, during the absence of the Attor
ney General of California, he was ap
pointed to perform the duties of that
office; ho next spent about eighteen
months practicing his profession in San
Francisco; after that he did the same
in Nevada City and Downieville ; in 1860
ho removed to the then Territory of Ut
ah (now Nevada) ; served in the Terri
torial Legislature in -1864; was also a
member of the ,Constitutioual Conven
tion held in 1863, and was elected a
senator in Congress from Nevada for
the term commencing in 1865 and end
ing, in 1869. In 1865 he received from
Yale College the degree of Master of Arts.
Born in Princeton, New Jersey, Au
gust 2, 1825, his father and grandfather
having both served in the United States
-enate, and his great grandfather having
been one of the signers of the Declara
tion of Independ nee. He graduated
at Princeton College in 18-13; studied
law, was licensed to practice in 1846,
:Ind came to the bar in 1849 He was
appointed by the Legislature of New
-Jersey to revise the laws of the State;
was for several years the reporter in
chancery. and published three volumes,
which bear his name; was appointed by
Ilre-itlent Buchanan in 1858 Minister
t i Nome. but on the election of
11- Lincoln a-die It, be recalle ; since
t'ino until clec•c I a Senator in
rroni New •lerey in 1863 the
ni (91 lili4 111 1871. 11,,t h batu .lev et-
I to los pr,di,s,lon
11 , : on, 11Imile
-.., Ttew h er I 1, nei•stor- hay
tor :-vveril gcnerativn; honorably
.I , socia led manufacturing inter
c,is of New 1.:11,41.111d. He was educated
chiefly at the Irving Institute, Tarry
town, New York, and subsequently spent
several years in the counting room of an
uncle, on the death of whom one of the
largest manufacturing interests in the
country c..tme into his posse,sion. Hav
ing a taste fir military affairs, he joined
an artillery company in Providence, and
became a colonel in his nineteenth year.
In 1859 he visited Europe, and was
friendly to the person and cause of Gar-
of Rhode Island, and on the breaking
out of the rebellion he took a great in
terest in th 2, national cause; was with
the Rhode Island troops at the first battle
of Bull Run, and in 1862 he was elected
a Senator iti'Congress from Rhode Is'and
for the term ending in 1869, serving as
Chairman of the Committee on Manufac
tures and us a member of the Committees
on Commerce and .Nlilitary Affairs He
is also President of several Banks, and
wit n at borne takei an active part as di-
rector in various insurance companies
Ills uncle, bearing the same mime, was
also a -enator in Congrese.
was born in 13,iston, Mass., January 6. 1811;
graduated at Harvard College in 1P30; spent
the three f •flowing years at the Cambridge
Law School ; had the editorial charge, for
three year , of the American Jurist ; was
admitte'd°•to the bra• in 1834. and settled in
Boston was subsequently reporter of the
United States
. Circuit Court, and published
three volumes, which now bear his name;
was-for three winters a teacher at the Cam
bridge Law School ; soon afterwards edited
•Dun lap's Treatise on Adruirality Practice,"
rod about this time ho declined a professor
,hip tendered him by his Alma Mater. In
1837 ho visited Europe, was received with
marked attention in England, and remained
abroad until 1840. During the years from
1844 to 1816 he produced an edition of "Ve
,sey's Reports," in twenty volumes; from
that dine onward he frequently appear. d in ..'various philanthropic
and literary subjects, and two volumes of his
orations were published in 185). In 1851
he was elected a Senator in Congress from
Massachusetts ; in 1836, for words uttered in
debate on the subject of Slayery, he was as
s iulted at his desk in the Senate Chamber
by Preston Brooks, a Representative in Con
gress from South Carolina, from the effects
of which his health suffered ; he again visit
-ed- Europe r havidg--beenjust-before - hhi — d&
parture, re-elected fora second term to the
Semite, In 1853 he published a work on
White. Slavery in the Barbary States,"
and in 1856 a volume of "Speeches and Ad
dresses." In 1863 he was re-elected to the
Senate for the third term, ending in 1869,
serving as Chairman of the Committee on
Foreign Affairs.
LYMAN TnyninuLL.
He was born in Colchester, Conn., in 1813;
adopted the profession of law ; removed to
Illinois, and became a member of the Legis
lature of that State in 1840; was Secretary .
of State in 1841 end 1842; Justice of the Su
preme Courtgallinoie. from 1848 to 1863;
was elected allt resentatiye from Illinois to
the Thirty-fourth Congress, and was elected
a Senator in Congress, for the term commenc
ing in 1855 and ending in 1861, derving ae
Chairman of the' Committee on the Judiciary,.
and as a member of the Committee on Pub-'
tic Buildings and Grounde; and wasre-elect
ed for the term, cUlpg 1867. beam
was appointed a Regent of the Smithsonian,
Institution, to servo until December, 1863,
lio mim,bhrn in the city of New Yolicr:
September 7;1808; removed to parkerOurg,
now Weal, Virginio,rin 1835; wakTAldefdiber
of the.Virginin Conziiitutiotiel go s 9Yei4n42
of 1853 ;; else'
.6f /.88.4-Andcif.the,conVapt..lop 7.1114,1014,5 aid.
[See Pourile.Page.,l